- Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand: 25.02.2015 - 1 Aktualisierung
- Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand: 26.02.2015 Aleppo: Scha`ar-Stadtviertel nach Abwurf zweier Assads Fassbomben... - 1 Aktualisierung
- Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand: 25.02.2015 United Against Assad and ISIS Rally Promo 2015 - 1 Aktualisierung
- Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand: 25.02.2015 Damaskus: Ethnische Säuberung :Baschar Assad betreibt einen dreisten... - 1 Aktualisierung
- Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand: Qamət Süleymanov - Valideyn saqqala görə narazıdırsa...https://www.youtube.com... - 1 Aktualisierung
- Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: دنيا كى سب سے ميٹهى چيز " غرض " هے . جس كيليۓ انسان هر زليل سے زليل كام كرنے كو... - 1 Aktualisierung
- Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: Mashallah was für eine Aussicht ❤️ - 1 Aktualisierung
- Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: Wer von euch Geschwister liebt Baklava? - 1 Aktualisierung
- Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: - 1 Aktualisierung
- Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Hahahah #IK_58 - 1 Aktualisierung
- Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Islam ehrt und schützt die Frauen !!! - 1 Aktualisierung
- Ahlu-Sunnah.coms Facebook-Pinnwand: Die Verbandsfunktionäre als Stellvertreter des Islam in den Augen von Malik as-S... - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: Salaah always First. - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: iPhone 5 + Coca-Cola = Awesomeness! - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: You will like this Unbelievable video , Just watch and you will say sobhan Allah - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: Once a person was reading a message andSuddenly he said "SUBHANALLAH"He look... - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: Ma'Sha'AllahHijab... Is... BeautifulPlz Share - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: +18 so Painful : look what happened for this boy while climbing the wall - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: +18 A horrible murder , not for weak hearts - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: So funny : you will like this :) - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: It's A New Day.You are Alive.You are Breathing.You are Living.You are Blesse... - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: Madinah <3 - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: +18 not for kids : permanently change your eye colour / bright ocular - 1 Aktualisierung
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: +18 you never believe this : a lion protect a small Buffalo :) - 1 Aktualisierung
- New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand: Die Hetze der Medien wäre ohne uns nicht möglich, so schmerzhaft das auch ist, d... - 1 Aktualisierung
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 11:00AM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand 25.02.2015 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1007844415895728 Feb 26th 2015, 10:47 25.02.2015 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 11:00AM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand 26.02.2015 Aleppo: Scha`ar-Stadtviertel nach Abwurf zweier Assads Fassbomben... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1007839729229530 Feb 26th 2015, 10:23 26.02.2015 Aleppo: Scha`ar-Stadtviertel nach Abwurf zweier Assads Fassbomben حلب الطيران المروحي يقصف حي الشعار ببرميلين متفجرين والاضرار مادية You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 11:00AM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand 25.02.2015 United Against Assad and ISIS Rally Promo 2015 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1007845575895612 Feb 26th 2015, 10:40 25.02.2015 United Against Assad and ISIS Rally Promo 2015 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 11:00AM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand 25.02.2015 Damaskus: Ethnische Säuberung :Baschar Assad betreibt einen dreisten... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1007835952563241 Feb 26th 2015, 10:11 25.02.2015 Damaskus: Ethnische Säuberung :Baschar Assad betreibt einen dreisten Plan. Er beschlagnahmt Häuser und verkauft diese an Iraner بالوثائق والصور نظام الأسد يبيع دمشق القديمة لشيعة إيران You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:54AM Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand Qamət Süleymanov - Valideyn saqqala görə narazıdırsa... https://www.youtube.com... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=831148896920334&id=281159535252609 Feb 26th 2015, 09:57 Qamət Süleymanov - Valideyn saqqala görə narazıdırsa... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNC64zFKIRw Qamət Süleymanov - Valideyn saqqala görə narazıdırsa... Qamət Süleymanov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpAq6BnSXbBARg7uPHew5VDOGVAtyZqsA You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/DGXdmj |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:48AM Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand دنيا كى سب سے ميٹهى چيز " غرض " هے . جس كيليۓ انسان هر زليل سے زليل كام كرنے كو... http://www.facebook.com/understandislaam/posts/877102199015204 Feb 26th 2015, 10:30 دنيا كى سب سے ميٹهى چيز " غرض " هے . جس كيليۓ انسان هر زليل سے زليل كام كرنے كو تيار هو جاتا هے. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/nWF8Wm |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:50AM Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Mashallah was für eine Aussicht ❤️ http://www.facebook.com/354167744643192/photos/a.355152214544745.82336.354167744643192/863790073680954/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 10:16 Mashallah was für eine Aussicht ❤️ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/dZcLTW |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:50AM Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Wer von euch Geschwister liebt Baklava? http://www.facebook.com/354167744643192/photos/a.496054013787897.1073741825.354167744643192/863793923680569/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 10:25 Wer von euch Geschwister liebt Baklava? You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/dZcLTW |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:49AM Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/WegzumIslam/photos/a.184470148257538.33367.184449611592925/835821673122379/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 10:24 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/2BtNx4 |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:48AM Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand Hahahah #IK_58 http://www.facebook.com/ScheissAufNyILoveIstanbul/photos/a.348042935314546.1073741825.244902312295276/725307224254780/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 10:34 Hahahah #IK_58 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/Gp5Vwl |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:37AM Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Der Islam ehrt und schützt die Frauen !!! http://www.facebook.com/LerndenIslam/photos/a.571321249591064.1073741831.494971987225991/887210131335506/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 09:39 Der Islam ehrt und schützt die Frauen !!! You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1tXXRR |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:33AM Ahlu-Sunnah.coms Facebook-Pinnwand Ahlu-Sunnah.coms Facebook-Pinnwand Die Verbandsfunktionäre als Stellvertreter des Islam in den Augen von Malik as-S... http://www.facebook.com/AhluSunnahCom/posts/834307733303222 Feb 26th 2015, 10:28 Die Verbandsfunktionäre als Stellvertreter des Islam in den Augen von Malik as-Shabazz alias Malcolm X. http://www.ahlu-sunnah.com/blog/?p=668 Die Onkel-Tom Mentalität der Verbände – Was wir von Malcolm X lernen können | Ahlu-Sunnah.com www.ahlu-sunnah.com Die Onkel-Tom Mentalität der Verbände – Was wir von Malcolm X lernen können 26. Februar 2015Mohammed Isa Kommentieren Die Verbandsfunktionäre als Stellvetreter des Islam in den Augen von Malik as-Shabazz alias Malcolm X. Vor ca. 50 Jahren wurde Malik as-Shabazz alias Malcolm X ermordet. Was können w… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/DWJM8p |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Salaah always First. http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949144933644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:46 Salaah always First. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand iPhone 5 + Coca-Cola = Awesomeness! http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949157118644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:58 iPhone 5 + Coca-Cola = Awesomeness! www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand You will like this Unbelievable video , Just watch and you will say sobhan Allah http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949165108644 Feb 26th 2015, 10:08 You will like this Unbelievable video , Just watch and you will say sobhan Allah www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Once a person was reading a message and Suddenly he said "SUBHANALLAH" He look... http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949118933644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:20 Once a person was reading a message and Suddenly he said "SUBHANALLAH" He looked below ? He Said "ALHAMDULILLAH" He Continued reading and said "LA ILAAHA ILALLAH" He felt so good so he said "ALLAH -O-AKBAR" He wanted to be Pure and clean so he asked Forgiveness from ALLAH "ASTAGHFIRULLAH" ASTAGHFIRULLAH" "ASTAGHFIRULLAH" And finally out of Love and Respect Of beloved Prophet, he said "SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA"ALIHI WASALLAM" By doing this he has already earned So much reward from ALLAH Do you know who that person was? It was you Well done!!!!!! Share This Lovely message to other,,, they will also follow this too !!! And you will also earn other rewards MA'Sha'ALLAH You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Ma'Sha'Allah Hijab... Is... Beautiful Plz Share http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949128313644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:31 Ma'Sha'Allah Hijab... Is... Beautiful Plz Share You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand +18 so Painful : look what happened for this boy while climbing the wall http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949136568644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:38 +18 so Painful : look what happened for this boy while climbing the wall www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand +18 A horrible murder , not for weak hearts http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949125403644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:28 +18 A horrible murder , not for weak hearts www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand So funny : you will like this :) http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949146603644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:48 So funny : you will like this :) www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 10:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand It's A New Day. You are Alive. You are Breathing. You are Living. You are Blesse... http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949158888644 Feb 26th 2015, 10:00 It's A New Day. You are Alive. You are Breathing. You are Living. You are Blessed. Say, Alhamdulillah for today and everyday. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 09:18AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Madinah <3 http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949089593644 Feb 26th 2015, 08:58 Madinah ♥ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 09:17AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand +18 not for kids : permanently change your eye colour / bright ocular http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949103768644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:07 +18 not for kids : permanently change your eye colour / bright ocular www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 09:17AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand +18 you never believe this : a lion protect a small Buffalo :) http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152949116698644 Feb 26th 2015, 09:17 +18 you never believe this : a lion protect a small Buffalo :) www.amvido.info You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
"Blogtrottr" <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Feb 26 09:17AM New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand Die Hetze der Medien wäre ohne uns nicht möglich, so schmerzhaft das auch ist, d... http://www.facebook.com/NewRevolutionX/photos/a.507135879359449.1073741825.445786272161077/833806903359010/?type=1 Feb 26th 2015, 08:35 Die Hetze der Medien wäre ohne uns nicht möglich, so schmerzhaft das auch ist, den Schuh müssen wir uns anziehen. Sie geben und dass, was wir wollen, so ist auch das Fernsehprogramm abgestimmt. Ich geb einen feuchten Kehricht auf likes, deshalb poste ich auch keine Videos in denen Menschen geschlachtet werden oder ähnliches. Ich würde auch keine super duper +++Eilmeldungen+++ posten, die den Blutdruck in die Höhe treiben. Andere machen es schon, denn Tatsache ist nun mal, dass dies wohl am interessanten ist aber schädlich zu gleich. Die Medien führen einen erbitternden Wettbewerb um die Zuschauer und mittlerweile auch um Likes auf Facebook, so auch andere Seiten, das führt dazu dass jede Meldung eine ++++ Eilmeldung ++++ ist und jede Überschrift so dramatisch klingt dass das Blut gefrieren lässt. Alles nur damit wir bleiben und sie verfolgen, so auch in der Fernsehewelt! Wir wollen Asoziale sehen die Würmer fressen, Menschen die rumhuren, Mörder die Babys schlachten und drogen Bosse die Millionen verdienen. So traurig es ist, wir sind nicht bessere als Täter, wir sind die Zuschauer dieser Show die auch gerne dafür zahlen. Eddy You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/BG7dhR |
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