
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:26PM +0100  

    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ihr habt sicherlich bemerkt, dass wir über aktuelle Ereignisse in Syr...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:46
    Ihr habt sicherlich bemerkt, dass wir über aktuelle Ereignisse in Syrien oder Außerhalb berichten. Falls ihr immer auf den aktuellen Stand bleiben wollt, dann verfolgt uns inshaAllah weiter.
    Barak Allahu feek
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:24PM +0100  

    Bereit dir die Welt zu Füßen zulegen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bereit dir die Welt zu Füßen zulegen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Gesandte Allāhs, ṢallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam, sagte:
    "Die Sadaqa ist ein B...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:36
    Der Gesandte Allāhs, ṢallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam, sagte:

    "Die Sadaqa ist ein Beweis."

    [Überliefert bei Muslim.
    (Aus dem Buch "Was man über Sadaqa wissen muss.")]

    An-Nawāwi kommentierte diesen Ḥadīṯ wie folgt:

    "Er bedeuted, dass die Sadaqa ein Beleg für den Glauben desjenigen ist, der die Sadaqa gibt, denn der Heuchler vermeidet es, die Sadaqa zu geben, weil er an sie nicht glaubt.
    Wer also Sadaqa gibt, beweist damit zugleich die Aufrichtigkeit seines Glaubens an Allāh. Wa Allāhu A3lam."
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:24PM +0100  

    UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
    UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hier ist wieder ein Nasheed der "Grup Furkan": Der Nasheed mit dem Titel "Imperi...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:30
    Hier ist wieder ein Nasheed der "Grup Furkan": Der Nasheed mit dem Titel "Imperialistische Gräueltaten (tr. Emperyalist Vahset)" beschreibt die traurige Lage unserer Ummah in aller Welt:

    Unter diesem link ist der nasheed anzuhören und auch als Mp3 downloadbar:

    Alhamdulillah haben wir hier die Übersetzung dazu:

    Hier ist Syrien und Bosnien
    In tausend Teile werden Leibe zerstückelt
    Hier ist Kosovo und Turkmenistan
    Überall sind Gräueltaten und Gräber

    Unschuldige Leben zerstückelt
    Ihre Schreie reichen bis zum Himmel empor
    Ihre Ofen werden vernichtet
    Bevor sie sterben graben sie schonmal ihre Gräber

    Diese Fremden Unterdrückten sind Menschen
    Diese Verzweifelten sind Muslime
    Es sind Kinder, Frauen und Alte, es sind Menschen
    Diese Waisen sind Muslime

    Hier ist Palästina und Burma
    Der Fluß der fließt ist nicht aus Wasser sondern aus Blut
    Hier ist Kaschmir und Afghanistan
    Die Laken und Kleider sind voller Blut

    Ihre Organe werden herausgerissen
    Ihre Häuser über ihre Köpfe weggebombt
    Sie werden in Feuer geworfen und verbrannt
    Sie werden von einem Tod in den anderen geworfen

    Die, die auf dem Boden kriechen sind Menschen
    Die Hälser die abgetrennt werden sind die der Muslime
    Sie sind keine Leblosen Steine oder Erde, sie sind Menschen
    Sie sind Muslime, die Sinnbilder der Zivilisation
    Furkan Vakfı - Öncü Nesil - Emperyalist Vahşet
    Android İle Seyret iPhone İle Seyret Video İçeriğini Göster Ses Olarak İndir (MP3) Video Olarak İndir flowplayer("player", "components/...
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:24PM +0100  

    UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
    UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein mittlerweile verstorbener Gelehrter in der Türkei sagte mal:
    "Meine Vorfahr...
    Aug 28th 2013, 12:10
    Ein mittlerweile verstorbener Gelehrter in der Türkei sagte mal:

    "Meine Vorfahren herrschten mit dem Qur'an über drei Kontinente, die jetzige Generation schafft es ohne Qur'an nichtmals 3 Trottel zu kontrollieren"

    Möge Allah ihm erbarmen, und vergeben, amin, sehr weise Aussage!
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:23PM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Katze (arab. قطة) zählt zu den reinen Tieren im Islam. In der Sunna w...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:52
    Die Katze (arab. قطة) zählt zu den reinen Tieren im Islam. In der Sunna wurde überliefert, dass eine Frau wegen der schlechten Behandlung einer Katze ins Höllenfeuer ging. Hieran wird deutlich, dass der Muslim nicht nur zum guten Umgang mit seinen Mitmenschen, sondern auch zum guten Umgang mit Tieren, die ebenfalls Geschöpfe Allahs sind, aufgefordert wird.
    Abdullah Ibn 'Umar (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden) berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs (Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm) sagte:
    "Eine Frau wurde wegen einer Katze bestraft, weil sie sie solange einsperrte, bis sie verhungerte. Sie ging dafür ins Höllenfeuer. ... (Ihr wurde vorgehalten:) »Du hast ihr weder Nahrung noch etwas zu trinken gegeben, als du sie einsperrtest, noch ließest du sie laufen, damit sie sich von den Tierchen der Erde hätte ernähren können. «"(Hadith sahih bei Buchari, dtsch. Ausgabe, Nr. 2365)
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:20PM +0100  

    Leb nach Quraan und Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Leb nach Quraan und Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sie schmiedeten Ränke, und (auch) Allah schmiedete Ränke. Aber Allah ist der bes...
    Aug 28th 2013, 12:17
    Sie schmiedeten Ränke, und (auch) Allah schmiedete Ränke. Aber Allah ist der beste Ränkeschmied.
    (Qur'an, 8:30)
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:20PM +0100  

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    You can't change if you don't change your frends, it just doesn't work.
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:23
    You can't change if you don't change your frends, it just doesn't work.

    "Verily, Allah will not change the condition of the people, untill they change what's in themselves." [Ar-Ra'd 13:11]

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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:20PM +0100  

    Al-Adala - Denn die Gerechtigkeit ist die Grundlage von allems Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Adala - Denn die Gerechtigkeit ist die Grundlage von allems Facebook-Pinnwand
    Demnächst wird in schaa Allah ein K...
    Aug 28th 2013, 12:07

    Demnächst wird in schaa Allah ein Krankenwagen Hamburg Richtung Syrien verlassen. Dieser Krankenwagen soll noch mit diversen Sachspenden beladen werden. Gebraucht werden vor allem ...

    WINDELN (GRÖßE 1-4)

    An wen man sich für solche Spenden am besten wendet, werde ich in schaa Allah noch im Kommentarbereich posten.

    BarakAllahu fiekum
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:20PM +0100  

    Al-Adala - Denn die Gerechtigkeit ist die Grundlage von allems Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Adala - Denn die Gerechtigkeit ist die Grundlage von allems Facebook-Pinnwand
    +++ Wer zündete die Kirchen in Ägypten an? +++ Ein kopitischer Journalist klärt...
    Aug 28th 2013, 12:16
    +++ Wer zündete die Kirchen in Ägypten an? +++ Ein kopitischer Journalist klärt auf +++

    Der koptische Journalist und Denker Jamal As'ad zeigt in seinem Interview mit al-Jazeera Live auf, dass hinter den Angriffen und Brandanschläge auf Kirchen und christliche Einrichtungen in Ägypten nicht die Muslimbrüder und die islamischen Bewegungen stehen, sonder vielmehr die Schlägertrupps der Sicherheitsbehörden.

    Desweiteren führt er aus, dass die Muslimbrüder die Probleme, die es zwischen Christen und Muslimen in Ägypten gibt, viel eher gelöst hätten, als es die jetzige Regierung tut, da sie als islamische Bewegung den Respekt und die Toleranz gegenüber den Christen als ein Fundament ihres Glaubens ansehen und somit schützen.

    Leider wird in den deutschen Medien immer wieder genau das Gegenteil behauptet.
    ‫فيديو.. جمال أسعد يبرئ الإخوان من حرق الكنائس‬
    ‫اتهم المفكر القبطي جمال أسعد، البلطجية والطرف الثالث مسئولية حرق كنائس مصر عقب ثورة 30 يونيه, مبرئاً الإخوان من هذا العمل الإجرامي, مؤكداً أن الإخوان لا يتصور أن يسرقوا أو يحرقوا كنائس مصر.‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:17PM +0100  

    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Deutschland schafft sich ab, nicht durch ausländer auch nicht durch den Islam ,...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:44
    Deutschland schafft sich ab, nicht durch ausländer auch nicht durch den Islam , sondern durch sich selbst. AUDUBILLAHI MINASCH SHEYTANIR RADJIM. MAN wie eklig WIEDERLICH !!!!!!
    Wahlkampf: Soll Sex unter Geschwistern legal werden?
    Der Grünen-Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele will das Inzest-Verbot lockern. Tatsächlich hat das einstige Tabu seine soziale Funktion verloren.
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:17PM +0100  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Whether or not Western military intervention in #Syria?
    The US, UK, France, Ger...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:32
    Whether or not Western military intervention in #Syria?

    The US, UK, France, Germany, 'Israel' and their allies have ventilated their intentions not to avoid a possible military intervention in Syria. The reason for intervention which is given is the chemical attacks against civilian targets by the Syrian regime. The use of chemical weapons by Bashar is not new. The Syrian regime has already used it before against revolutionaries in order to suppress the resistant. However, its use was constantly muffled away, but suddenly it is recognized by the West, which now threatens the regime with a possible military intervention. The question however is, why do they now decide to speak out about a military intervention? What has changed in the meantime?

    First of all, it should be noticed that the revolutionaries in Syria prevail over Bashar and his army. Until now they have perfectly been able to resist against Bashar and his army, which forced the Syrian regime to ask for military and logistical support from foreign allies. And even then Bashar failed to get the upper hand over the revolutionaries. The victories which were achieved and the impending end of Bashar's regime, along with the fact that a vast majority of the revolutionaries post-Assad support the implementation of Sharia law, concerns the West. This is the threat posed to the West and the real reason behind a possible military intervention; and not the use of chemical attacks against civilians in Syria. Moreover, the Western powers do not care at all about civilian casualties. It is no wonder as they are the front-runners in killing innocent civilians. They are so proficient in this field that a special term is used to describe this art: collateral damage.

    A Western military intervention or any Western intervention is not in favor of the Muslims. Because the same Western powers brought nothing but carnage, death and corruption in the Islamic World through intervention only in the last two decades. Just think about Iraq, Afghanistan and the numerous drone attacks in Pakistan, Libya and Yemen which caused thousands of innocent civilians being killed. As well as many detainee camps such as Bagram, Abu Ghraib etc.

    We cannot be blind to the fact the these powers who are willing to 'assist' us now, helped tyrants like Bashar to gain power and supported him for years to consolidate his power. And still we expect Western military intervention to be a solution for the plight of the Muslims? Even more important; asking support from a Kaafir army is not only naive and foolish, but haram! It is absolutely forbidden in Islam to ask for support from non-Muslim armies and certainly when Muslim blood is still dripping from their hands.

    The issue of Syria is an internal conflict of the Muslim Ummah and we have to solve it by ourselves. The solution is neither by establishing hope in the West, nor by asking them for support. The solution lies in our hands through working to unite the Islamic Ummah in order to realize our unity and to join forces under one flag. As long as we fail to realize this, we will witness many cases like Syria. This is the real solution for Syria and all other Muslim countries; the return to Islam under the Khilafah. The Khalifah (the leader of the believers) will not watch apathetically from the sidelines and collaborate with the West to serve their agenda in the lands of the Muslims, like many Muslim leaders do today. But he will directly mobilize his army to support the Muslims.

    Okay Pala
    Whether or not Western military intervention in #Syria?

    The US, UK, France, Germany, 'Israel' and their allies have ventilated their intentions not to avoid a possible military intervention in Syria. The reason for intervention which is given is the chemical attacks against civilian targets by the Syrian regime. The use of chemical weapons by Bashar is not new. The Syrian regime has already used it before against revolutionaries in order to suppress the resistant. However, its use was constantly muffled away, but suddenly it is recognized by the West, which now threatens the regime with a possible military intervention. The question however is, why do they now decide to speak out about a military intervention? What has changed in the meantime?

    First of all, it should be noticed that the revolutionaries in Syria prevail over Bashar and his army. Until now they have perfectly been able to resist against Bashar and his army, which forced the Syrian regime to ask for military and logistical support from foreign allies. And even then Bashar failed to get the upper hand over the revolutionaries. The victories which were achieved and the impending end of Bashar's regime, along with the fact that a vast majority of the revolutionaries post-Assad support the implementation of Sharia law, concerns the West. This is the threat posed to the West and the real reason behind a possible military intervention; and not the use of chemical attacks against civilians in Syria. Moreover, the Western powers do not care at all about civilian casualties. It is no wonder as they are the front-runners in killing innocent civilians. They are so proficient in this field that a special term is used to describe this art: collateral damage.

    A Western military intervention or any Western intervention is not in favor of the Muslims. Because the same Western powers brought nothing but carnage, death and corruption in the Islamic World through intervention only in the last two decades. Just think about Iraq, Afghanistan and the numerous drone attacks in Pakistan, Libya and Yemen which caused thousands of innocent civilians being killed. As well as many detainee camps such as Bagram, Abu Ghraib etc.

    We cannot be blind to the fact the these powers who are willing to 'assist' us now, helped tyrants like Bashar to gain power and supported him for years to consolidate his power. And still we expect Western military intervention to be a solution for the plight of the Muslims? Even more important; asking support from a Kaafir army is not only naive and foolish, but haram! It is absolutely forbidden in Islam to ask for support from non-Muslim armies and certainly when Muslim blood is still dripping from their hands.

    The issue of Syria is an internal conflict of the Muslim Ummah and we have to solve it by ourselves. The solution is neither by establishing hope in the West, nor by asking them for support. The solution lies in our hands through working to unite the Islamic Ummah in order to realize our unity and to join forces under one flag. As long as we fail to realize this, we will witness many cases like Syria. This is the real solution for Syria and all other Muslim countries; the return to Islam under the Khilafah. The Khalifah (the leader of the believers) will not watch apathetically from the sidelines and collaborate with the West to serve their agenda in the lands of the Muslims, like many Muslim leaders do today. But he will directly mobilize his army to support the Muslims.

    Okay Pala
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:17PM +0100  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    #Turkey #Erdogan: While You Continue Watching the Events, the Monstrous Regime C...
    Aug 28th 2013, 12:07
    #Turkey #Erdogan: While You Continue Watching the Events, the Monstrous Regime Continues to Kill the Muslims of #Syria!

    The criminal Baath regime that has been killing hundreds of Muslims in Syria every day for the past two and a half years, has committed another crime when it struck western and eastern al-Ghouta with chemical weapons on the night of Tuesday, 20th of August 2013. These attacks that produced hundreds of victims, mostly children, in Damascus, come at a time when the committee missioned by the United Nations to investigate the issue of the use of chemical weapons or not.

    Concerning these massacres committed by the Baath regime using chemical weaponry, the Turkish Foreign Ministry issued the following official statement: "We have followed with great concern the news that talked about the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the areas of eastern and western Ghouta in Damascus by the forces of the Syrian regime last night (20th of August), using chemical weapons. The Commission of Inquiry of the United Nations, which was formed for the purpose of investigating the allegations of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime and which is currently located in Damascus, has to explore the validity of these allegations and reveal anything they find out in this regard. In case the allegations are verified, it is imperative on the international community to take the required attitude towards this unacceptable crime committed against humanity and show its reaction to it."

    We have now seen for the second time through this statement made by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, how the rulers of the Muslim countries are still pursuing these massacres "deeply concerned" while Muslims are being killed, as we have also heard for the second time through this statement how the rulers of the Muslim countries call for the United Nations to exercise its role while Muslims are being killed! Finally we have again seen how the Muslim countries' rulers denounced and condemned while the Muslims are being killed!

    We from the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Turkey address the rulers of the Republic of Turkey and we say to them: While the Syrian people, despite the weakness of its potential, faced all kinds of massacres alone during the past two and a half years, it did not request any help from the United Nations nor the Kafir West nor from the United States. However, the children of Syria in the near past and specifically two years ago sent a call of distress, asking for help saying: "Oh Mu'tassim, Oh Erdogan"! The people of Banias asked Erdogan to extend a helping hand to them as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, not the United Nations, and here they are today directing the same appeal saying: "We call upon you, oh Erdogan, and upon the armies of the Ummah, that the sons of the Ummah are being killed here just like their children are being killed."

    They are crying out for you to mobilize the armies! Are you going to go on expressing your deep concerns and keep on calling on the United Nations to exercise its function? Or did you not receive the further cries of distress that surpassed even the United States, Europe and Russia? Until when will you keep your ears locked up to the whining of the children and women being killed in Syria? Do you not crave for your history and inheritance left by your ancestors and the days of glory and fame that you have spent? Is it not time for you to tear apart the cloak of humiliation that has covered you? For how long will you keep watching the humiliation and the killing of the Muslim Ummah through the Kuffar? While the criminal continues to commit massacres, for how long will you stand aside observing the shedding of Muslim blood?

    The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah of Turkey

    Wednesday, 14th Shawwal 1434 AH 21/08/2013 CE

    N0: TR–BA–2013–MB–TR–021
    #Turkey #Erdogan: While You Continue Watching the Events, the Monstrous Regime Continues to Kill the Muslims of #Syria!

    The criminal Baath regime that has been killing hundreds of Muslims in Syria every day for the past two and a half years, has committed another crime when it struck western and eastern al-Ghouta with chemical weapons on the night of Tuesday, 20th of August 2013. These attacks that produced hundreds of victims, mostly children, in Damascus, come at a time when the committee missioned by the United Nations to investigate the issue of the use of chemical weapons or not.

    Concerning these massacres committed by the Baath regime using chemical weaponry, the Turkish Foreign Ministry issued the following official statement: "We have followed with great concern the news that talked about the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the areas of eastern and western Ghouta in Damascus by the forces of the Syrian regime last night (20th of August), using chemical weapons. The Commission of Inquiry of the United Nations, which was formed for the purpose of investigating the allegations of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime and which is currently located in Damascus, has to explore the validity of these allegations and reveal anything they find out in this regard. In case the allegations are verified, it is imperative on the international community to take the required attitude towards this unacceptable crime committed against humanity and show its reaction to it."

    We have now seen for the second time through this statement made by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, how the rulers of the Muslim countries are still pursuing these massacres "deeply concerned" while Muslims are being killed, as we have also heard for the second time through this statement how the rulers of the Muslim countries call for the United Nations to exercise its role while Muslims are being killed! Finally we have again seen how the Muslim countries' rulers denounced and condemned while the Muslims are being killed!

    We from the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Turkey address the rulers of the Republic of Turkey and we say to them: While the Syrian people, despite the weakness of its potential, faced all kinds of massacres alone during the past two and a half years, it did not request any help from the United Nations nor the Kafir West nor from the United States. However, the children of Syria in the near past and specifically two years ago sent a call of distress, asking for help saying: "Oh Mu'tassim, Oh Erdogan"! The people of Banias asked Erdogan to extend a helping hand to them as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, not the United Nations, and here they are today directing the same appeal saying: "We call upon you, oh Erdogan, and upon the armies of the Ummah, that the sons of the Ummah are being killed here just like their children are being killed."

    They are crying out for you to mobilize the armies! Are you going to go on expressing your deep concerns and keep on calling on the United Nations to exercise its function? Or did you not receive the further cries of distress that surpassed even the United States, Europe and Russia? Until when will you keep your ears locked up to the whining of the children and women being killed in Syria? Do you not crave for your history and inheritance left by your ancestors and the days of glory and fame that you have spent? Is it not time for you to tear apart the cloak of humiliation that has covered you? For how long will you keep watching the humiliation and the killing of the Muslim Ummah through the Kuffar? While the criminal continues to commit massacres, for how long will you stand aside observing the shedding of Muslim blood?

    The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah of Turkey

    Wednesday, 14th Shawwal 1434 AH 21/08/2013 CE

    N0: TR–BA–2013–MB–TR–021
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:12PM +0100  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah ist - mein Gott
    Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v) ist - Mein Prophet
    Der Koran - Mein B...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:26
    Allah ist - mein Gott
    Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v) ist - Mein Prophet
    Der Koran - Mein Buch
    Der Islam - Mein Glaube
    Moslem zu sein - Mein Stolz ♥

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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 28 01:07PM +0100  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Wenn du siehst, wie deine Geschwister, wo immer sie auch sein mögen, schikanier...
    Aug 28th 2013, 11:10
    "Wenn du siehst, wie deine Geschwister, wo immer sie auch sein mögen, schikaniert, verhaftet und misshandelt werden und du nichts dagegen tust, dann gib Acht und sieh ein, dass du der Nächste sein wirst!"
    [Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaqī]
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