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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 25 Themen

"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 12:04PM

IVAD - Islamische Vorträge auf Deutschs Facebook-Pinnwand
IVAD - Islamische Vorträge auf Deutschs Facebook-Pinnwand
Nachdem Bruder Omar auf Twitter als Kafir bezeichnet wurde, weil er nicht expliz...
Apr 30th 2015, 12:00
Nachdem Bruder Omar auf Twitter als Kafir bezeichnet wurde, weil er nicht explizit sagen wollte, dass Martin Luther King Jr. ins Höllenfeuer kommt, antwortete er mit einem Hadith aus dem hervorgeht, dass wir Menschen zwar über das offenkundige im Diesseits im Allgemeinen urteilen können, jedoch nicht über das zukünftige Schicksal einzelner Personen im Jenseits, da nur Allah darüber Bescheid weiß was geschehen wird, ausser es gibt klare Hadithe oder eine namentliche Nennung im Qur'an über diese spezifische Person wie z.B. über Abu Lahab, oder Personen denen bereits zu Lebzeiten das Paradies versprochen wurde, denn wir können nicht in die Seelen der Menschen sehen und kennen nicht deren persönliche Gegebenheiten und Umstände. So ist Allah, der Allwissende, Allvergebende, der Barmherzige, aber auch der Gerechte. Wir dürfen uns nicht anmaßen, Allahs Gnade Grenzen zu setzen. Sehenswert dazu auch dieses englischsprachige Video von Ustadh Majed Mahmoud
Omar Suleiman
So after having someone call me a kaafir on twitter for refusing to say Martin Luther King Jr. is in hell, I thought I'd post this here.The ruling on saying about an individual that "he is in hellfire" from Ibn Taymiyya (ra):هذا باعتبار أحكام الدنيا أما أحكام الآخرة فتذكر على العموم لا على الخصوص ، ولهذا قال أهل السنة : لا نشهد لأحد بجنة ولا نار إلا من شهد له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم 0(مجموع فتاواه 2/125) We judge on whats apparent of a person in this world but we don't pass judgments about people's fate in the hereafter. We can only speak in the general sense but not in specific as only Allah knows whats become of them. This is unless Allah or the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) specifically mentioned a person in hellfire.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:59AM

Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 10:57
This is Assad regime consistent murder of children;over and over while politicians push for dialogue,normalization,reconciliation???
Image of a baby suffocating due to government aviation poisoned gas barrel bomb dropped on Saraqeb in Idlib, on April 29, 2015
صورة تظهر رضيع مصاب بحالة اختناق جراء إلقاء الطيران المروحي الحكومي قنبلة برميلية تحوي غازاً ساماً على مدينة سراقب بإدلب، في 29 نيسان 2015.
SNHR: 12 victims suffocating due to government aviation poisoned gas barrel bomb dropped on Sraqb in Idlib, on April 29
الشبكة السورية: إصابة 12 شخصاً بحالة اختناق، جراء إلقاء الطيران المروحي الحكومي قنبلة برميلية تحوي غازاً ساماً على مدينة سراقب بإدلب، في 29 نيسان.
#SNHR #Syria
#الشبكة_السورية_لحقوق_الإنسان #سوريا
#SNHR #Syria
#الشبكة_السورية_لحقوق_الإنسان #سوريا
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:57AM

Unsere Nation ist der ISLaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Unsere Nation ist der ISLaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Wer helfen möchte bitte Privat anschreiben
Apr 30th 2015, 11:17
Wer helfen möchte bitte Privat anschreiben
Salam Alaikum meine lieben akhawat 󾬑
Nur noch 38Tage dann bin ich Inschaallah in Marokko, ich weiß nicht ob ihr es mitbekommen habt, aber ich unterstütze da eine Familie und werde diesmal meine Spende persönlich abgeben, es sind mittlerweile 2 Familien, die eine lebt ohne Einkommen 󾌼und die zweite Familie da sind beide Eltern krank, die Mutter muss ihr lebenslang Medikamente nehmen, die sind die Familie nicht jeden Monat leisten kann, der Vater wird auch bald operiert und so muss die Familie auch ohne Einkommen leben müssen.
Somit wollte ich euch fragen ob ihr Spenden wollt inschaALLAH 󾬐
Spenden wehrt Schaden von Krankheit ab liebe akhawat, Allahs gesandter Sala Allahu alayhi wa Salam sagte: ... Heilt eure Kranken mit (Hilfe von) Almosen,... (Abu dawud)
Rafi ibn khadji radiya allahu anhu berichtete: Allahs Gesandter Sala allahu alayhi wasalam hat gesagt:
"Sadaqa verhindert siebzig Arten von Unglück"
Kontonummer bekommt ihr inschalallah Privat.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:56AM

Al Islamic-Events Facebook-Pinnwand
Al Islamic-Events Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 11:23
Bitte weiterleiten !!!! Teilen
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:56AM

Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 11:53
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:56AM

Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
جھوٹی حدیث پھلانے کا گناہ بہت زبردست وڈیو ضرور شئیر کریں
اور جو عالم لوگو کی اصل...
Apr 30th 2015, 11:37
‫جھوٹی حدیث پھلانے کا گناہ بہت زبردست وڈیو ضرور شئیر کریں
اور جو عالم لوگو کی اصلاح یا اپنی مشہوری کے لیے چھوٹی حدیث سنتا ہے اسکو اللہ سے ڈرنا چاہیے
Abu Zaid Zameer‬
‫جھوٹی حدیث پھلانے کا گناہ بہت زبردست وڈیو ضرور شئیر کریں‬
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:52AM

Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand
Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 11:20
Ab morgen ist das Team von Tauhid eV für 2 Tage zu Besuch bei der islamischen Gemeinschaft Hagen.
Wir freuen uns auf die Geschwister in Hagen und den umliegenden Städten.
Möge Allah swt die Gemeinschaft der Muslime in Deutschland stärken.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:50AM

Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
The Almighty provides for the smallest ant under the largest rock in the most se...
Apr 30th 2015, 11:50
The Almighty provides for the smallest ant under the largest rock in the most severe weather. What makes you think He won't provide for you?
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:35AM

Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
„Charlie"-Karikaturist: Abstand von Mohammed
Paris – Der bekannte „Charlie Hebd...
Apr 30th 2015, 11:05
„Charlie"-Karikaturist: Abstand von Mohammed

Paris – Der bekannte „Charlie Hebdo"-Zeichner Luz will künftig keine Karikaturen des Propheten Mohammed mehr anfertigen.
„Ich werde die Persönlichkeit Mohammed nicht mehr zeichnen, sie interessiert mich nicht mehr", sagte der Mitarbeiter der französischen Satirezeitung dem Magazin „Les Inrockuptibles". „Ich bin ihrer überdrüssig, wie bei (Ex-Staatschef Nicolas) Sarkozy. Ich werde sie nicht mein ganzes Leben lang zeichnen." Luz hatte unter anderem eine Woche nach dem islamistischen Anschlag auf die „Charlie Hebdo"-Redaktion mit zwölf Toten die Titelseite einer neuen Ausgabe der Satirezeitung gestaltet. Zu sehen war ein weinender Mohammed, der ein Schild mit der weltweit bekannten Solidaritätsbekundung „Je suis Charlie" („Ich bin Charlie") in den Händen hält. Die Überschrift der Ausgabe lautete „Alles ist vergeben".
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:35AM

Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Një nxënëse 15-vje...
Apr 30th 2015, 10:46

Një nxënëse 15-vjeçare myslimane është ndaluar nga pjesëmarrja në klasë në një shkollë në verilindje të Francës, pasi kishte veshur një fund të zi dhe shumë të gjatë dhe konsiderohej se ishte 'shumë e fetare',

Nxënësja është identifikuar vetëm si Sara, dhe u ndalua nga klasa në fillim të këtij muaji nga mësuesi, i cili tha se nxënësja kishte veshur një fund shumë të gjatë dhe që 'dukshëm' tregon përkatësinë fetare.

Shkolla argumenton se fundi i gjatë bie ndesh me ligjet strikte të laicitetit të Francës që drejtojnë shkollat shtetërore, e cila ndalon që nxënësit të veshin hixhab, apo kryqe të mëdha të krishtera
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:30AM

Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 10:47
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:22AM

Al-Ibaanahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Al-Ibaanahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 11:08
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󾔧 Die Rechte der Gefährten
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 11:15AM

Der Weg zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Der Weg zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 10:43
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 10:20AM

Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 30th 2015, 09:54
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 10:17AM

LEARN ISLAMs Facebook-Pinnwand
LEARN ISLAMs Facebook-Pinnwand
"NO EXCUSE TO ABUSE" - Dr.RimshanNousheen Siddiqui AIR'ing
Go on... AIR with LE...
Apr 30th 2015, 09:50
"NO EXCUSE TO ABUSE" - Dr.RimshanNousheen Siddiqui AIR'ing

Go on... AIR with LEARN ISLAM"
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> There might be certian things in some articles (not pointing at this particular one but talking in general) which we (LEARN ISLAM) might not agree to but that is also a view supported by the Scholars so will be sharing all of them.

"NO EXCUSE TO ABUSE" - Dr.RimshanNousheen Siddiqui AIR'ing

Scar left on heart is more damaging than that left on the body. Yes I am talking about abuse, not the physical one but rather the one which may not show you bruises but the damage is far beyond...

Verbal abuse is more dangerous because there is no "apparent" damage. Yet, it causes internal destruction, leaves invisible scars, wounded spirit and low self-esteem.
Alhamdulillah today Islam is the second largest religion to spread & we all are aware of the teachings of Islam. Yet there is still much more to learn.
Today even the learned people, the "So Called Muslims" are using Allah's deen their own way. I feel sad to say people are hurting others & causing Psychological Abuse - In the name of Islam..Subhan'Allah..

Today psychological abuse is getting common in almost every relationship;
Parent-child relationship,
Husband-wife relationship,
In-laws relationship, etc.
& the most effected & suffering ones are those between husband-wife & in-laws.

Let me explain you with some examples;

Nowadays parents are threatening their kids, if sometimes their children don't listen to them, then to get the things done the parents are ready with their words from Quran-
وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِإِحْسَانًا - Wa bilwalidainiihsana. (And be good to your parents.)

In some families where the new generation is alhamdulillah eager to learn Islam & teach their parents, then there are some parents who in turn using the tactics on their children even they are cursing their own children, as by saying we are your doorway to Jannah (as you my child are well aware of teachings of Islam) so better do this, listen everything of ours, be obedient to us & so on...Subhan'Allah.

Here I would advise to all such dear parents, please hold on & think is this your love towards them or you are using " Fear Tactics " to get your things done, all because of your insecurities..?

Well no doubt the children has to be obedient, respectful & polite to parents (unless it's not against the teachings of Islam ) but that does not mean to every time you have to be behind them, sometimes they (children) too need some time, some space some freedom of their own.
Please avoid these kind of fear tactics but rather than use good parenting skills & inculcate the teachings of Islam, the true love, respect & dignity in them so that they can carry out them in their lives in shaa Allah. And so will they fear Allah ta'la rather than the humans.

Husband-Wife & In-Laws Relationship.
Today the most common cause of Psychological Abuse is - Husband-Wife & In-Laws Relationship.
And no doubt the majority of the sufferers of this abuse is Women.

Alhamdulillah we all are aware of Quranic verse below;
"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah ta'la has given them ...'Qawwam' means one degree higher in responsibility.
But the sad part of the above statement is half understood or I should say it's been understood according to the convenience of our "So-called Muslim men."

Next to this, is again a half understood statement by our men is- wife should be obedient to husband & husbands need not to be obedient or listen to their wives.

This I can explain it as so, that if the hubby says his wife work at any of the time ....then she has to do it....irrespective of what her desire is... Subhan'Allah...

And the most powerful of all is that the men are given the right of talaq (divorce)

And this is the enough knowledge for our male dominating societies... Subhan'Allah.

These kind of men are always with the reminder to their wives... "I am Husband, it's your (wife's) duty to be obedient to me...if further the talk goes His reminder to Her is about the degree...& if the talk further enhances then....the word used is... Talaq. Astaghfirullah.
Can you believe,the husbands too curses their wife, as by saying their wife - if you don't listen mine( or my parents) then angels will curse you. As in a hadith it is been said, "Umm Salamahr.a. narrated that The Messenger of Allah said:
"Whichever woman dies while her husband is pleased with her, then she enters Paradise." & rest is continued by the husbands, so if you don't ever listen a single thing of me or of my parents then you'll dwell into hell. So be obedient & dutiful even to my parents or else angels will curse you & so our relationship will get effected & your akhirah will be in danger.

My dear brothers first I think before angels you need to stop cursing your wives. And regarding your effect on relationship actually it's already been affected & it's a kind of broken relationship, all because of you misusing deen. And one more thing if you truly care for the Akhirah of your wife, as most of the men are claiming nowadays, then you would not use such fear tactics.

Some husbands don't even care for their wives but always expecting her to take care of everyone. Well it's sad to say that most of the muslim men are always busy reminding their wives their duties & responsibilities, but they themselves show not either.

So my dear brothers in Islam, just think for a while & say, is not this kind of statements used by you is an abuse??

But still the answer is common from their side...The learned men today thinks I am not abusing my wife unless I raise my hands, as their knowledge is limited or I should say they do take knowledge but only according to their satisfaction & convenience but not that which satisfy Allah ta'la.
I know the words I am using right now might be painful for most of brothers to read, then just think what harm it might be causing on your spouse heart.

Words do hurt my dear brothers, it hurts very badly, so please be careful. Verbal abuse is more dangerous because there is no "apparent" damage. Yet, it causes internal destruction, leaves invisible scars, wounded spirit and low self-esteem.

No doubt my dear brothers the Ayah's & the Hadith you're using are real, the guidance is real but the way you're using is abusive.
Now for all such men who thinks they are not abusing their wives, here I too would like to guide you according to Quran & Hadith, Inshaa Allah.

Islam recognizes the evil of verbal abuse and perhaps that's why there is so much emphasis on guarding one's tongue and keeping others secured from its invisible harm.

The Messenger of Allah, ṣallallāhu 'alayhiwasallam, said,
"A true believer is not involved in taunting, or frequently cursing (others) or in indecency or abusing."' (al-Tirmidhi)
If this is the right of a regular Muslim, then how much more so a wife or husband is entitled to be safe from verbal abuse and taunting.
In another narration, the Prophet of Allāh said:
"…Cursing a believer is like murdering him." (Al-Bukhāri and Muslim)

SubḥānAllāh, how true are the words of the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhiwasallam who thoroughly acknowledge that, in fact, harsh tongue and cursing is as painful and harmful as murdering someone.

Hence, those husbands who are duped into thinking that they are free from being abusive because they have never raised their hands on their wives, yet, frequently curse or use abusive/foul language should take heed in the words of the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhiwasallam. And so should the wives who have been using harsh tongue against their husbands.

In-Laws Relationships;-

Now comes the role of the great "In-Laws"specially in the sub-continental countries, where the in-laws are always behind their Daughter in law with much complaints.

They always want their son & daughter in law to be under their control, always listen to what they say even if it might be of their personal life. Even most of them ill-treats her & oppress her.

They always complain about their daughter in law to their son & then the son is behind his wife & actually the real trouble starts.

And such family dramas are almost common in our societies.

They are always with reminder to the daughter in law about her duties & responsibilities towards them & even some treats her like a slave, most of them ill-treats her & oppress her.

Well here I would say, now where are the preaching of Islam? Here the husbands & in-laws forget about the teachings of Islam. The husbands listen to their parents don't even think weather its right or wrong & ill-treats his wife.

Please remember gone are those days when a daughter in law was equivalent to an unpaid house made! Shame upon those who look at her this way.
Now here they forget, that the wife is not obliged to listen to the in-laws except what benefits her & the in-laws have no right to tell her what to do, order her or interfere in her personal life.

But still she (daughter in law) does much for you all so as to please her husband, for which she will be rewarded & still no one appreciates but are full of complaints.

And she too is a women & so she too know her duties & responsibilities, as being a women its inbuilt in her, but that does not mean the in-laws treat her like a slave.

Please everyone needs to understand this, she is not your slave, Allahta'la blessed her with utmost respect, freedom & rights of her own.
She too deserves respect, honor & dignity.

Now if the wife has to say something to her husband about in-laws then most of the husbands don't want to listen as they can't even say that their parents can be wrong ever & mostly they are with the statement - My parents are my doorway to Jannah & for you (wife) husband is the doorway to Jannah, so you'll have to listen to everyone & keep them happy, irrespective of is she happy or not.

Well my dear brothers how long you are going to say this your parents are your doorway to Jannah,please hold on & remember sometimes your parents can even be your doorway to hell. So please atleast you care for them & try to make them understand the right things, the true teachings of Islam.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 4941 Narrated by Abu Umamah
A man said, "O Messenger of Allah (saws), what rights can parents demand from their children?" He (saws) replied, "They are (or your relation with them will determine) your Paradise or your Hell."

Again one pathetic statement made by husbands are, I don't have option for my parents but I have option for you & I can't divorce my parents but I can divorce you.. Subhan'Allah
How pathetic & insane is this thinking?
It might be bad, but one can divorce one's spouse but you can't divorce our parents. None of this means that any spouse should go along and be abusive towards the other or that any in-laws should make it a point to create trouble.

The statement "you can divorce your spouse but not your parents" is a very often misused statement. Sometimes, parents ask unrealistic things from their children and if they dont/cant obey, they come up with this line which is pathetic to say the least.

Another much abused event is quoting Hadhrat Umar (R.Anhu) advice to his son to divorce his wife. It's as if every other parent thinks they have the right to ask their child to divorce a spouse simply because of that incident.

My dear parents He was Hadhrat Umar (R.Anhu) & what are we just think.

And so here the in-laws are playing a great role of creating "Marital Discord" & next to them are the insane husbands who still obey their parents at least in this regard where they need to be polite & make their parents understand & somewhere he needs to draw a line.

But remember, to obey your parents doesn't mean to be unjust to your wives.

These were some of the evils I wrote but when the human mind fixes himself to the evils of this world then the list goes on...

Well I would like to end up my article by including the Conclusion & some kind suggestions as how to deal with such situation Inshaa Allah.

It's like a vicious circle which is going on...Aslike Parent- child, husband-wife, wife - in-laws & again to would be parents & so on...

So here we need to break the chain & stop this cycle somewhere.


Parents are using Islam to abuse their kids.
Husbands using Islam to threaten their wives.

The underlying cause is - the Insecurity, these people don't have a sense of soft words & they actually lack the purpose of their life, goes under depression & do anything so as to cling on to the people.

It's all "Fear Motivation" - Psychological instilling fear in a person.
People are using "Fear Tactics" in name of religion to get their work done.

It's really sad, people are misusing Islam as a way to control others & merely their near ones.

My Views & Kind Suggestions to those who abuse others;-

First of all, "There is no excuse to abuse of any kind."
If you have Love for a person actually you are motivated to do it lovingly & not of fear & remember if your actions are fear motivated then your relations will not be lasting & will somewhere going to create a negative association.

And I don't understand why you need to curse & why you people need to talk to your loved ones like this.
If loved ones has to use Religion to get others in line, then that itself means they are Misusing Religion.
Really it breaks my heart & I would say actually it is a "Great Indication"

That something is much deeper wrong in such relationships (especially that of husband-wife relationship) here things are need to be understood & stop somewhere. In Shaa Allah.


Especially my lovely sisters in Islam please nail it in your mind- No Excuse to Abuse.

You need to make distinguish between Guidelines of Islam & exceptional cases of abuse.

Hence we need to Stand Up, draw a line & stop it somewhere.

We need to take action, if not possible alone then try to involve your family or some relatives.

Please Step Up & Intervene.

If you're not in the wrong, then please don't hold any guilt inside.

Moreover try to forgive your loved ones.

Acceptance of Qadr, try to understand that certain things happen & still there is some wisdom behind everything.

Always ask yourself, what is good about situation.

Try to learn, I mean at least we can learn Volumes from such situations so as to break the cycle & to guide others, Inshaa Allah.

Don't fear try to deal with the Issues, get counselling done?

Be strong & have patience.

Repent a lot & make lots of duas for your own self & also for those who had hurt you.

...& always remember,

"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…" (Qur'an, 2:286).

My intention to
"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 10:15AM

Tarek Bärliners Facebook-Pinnwand
Tarek Bärliners Facebook-Pinnwand
Beobachtung aus dem Alltag: Wenn man wahhabitische und salafitische Ansichten kr...
Apr 30th 2015, 10:03
Beobachtung aus dem Alltag: Wenn man wahhabitische und salafitische Ansichten kritisiert, bekommt man stets Angriffe auf die Person zurück. Eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung gibt es nicht. Gerade lese ich "über dich hat man viel gelesen" - Ach so, macht mich das zum Bösen? Böse ist eher derjenige, der schlecht über andere Menschen redet oder schreibt. Und derjenige, der es liest? Hm. Inhaltliche Kritik mit persönlicher Diffamierung zu beantworten, zeugt immer von schlechtem Charakter.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 07:59AM

Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
"What the Rothschild Banking Cartels did to Russia will live FOREVER in infamy i...
Apr 30th 2015, 07:25
"What the Rothschild Banking Cartels did to Russia will live FOREVER in infamy in my mind. And the Us and all our "Allies" did NOTHING to stop the bloodshed, and destruction of the Russian people. "We" paid them to do the Bolshevik Revolution" The death and destruction that followed that "revolution" is something that I am appalled at. To this day. Shame !"
The Rothschilds vs the Romanovs....and now, Putin
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 07:53AM

Ansaar International e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Ansaar International e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
330 obdachlose Waisen warten auf ihr Heim, Helferinnen die sie vorübergehend bei...
Apr 30th 2015, 07:11
330 obdachlose Waisen warten auf ihr Heim, Helferinnen die sie vorübergehend bei sich schlafen lassen werden auch unterstützt (30.04.2015):

117 Bauprojekte verändern die Welt !
Der riesige Baukomplex "Home of Taqwa" in der Hauptstadt Ghana's braucht weiterhin spenden.
Es geht gut vorran: Das Waisenhaus inklusive Schule, Gebetsplatz und Ausbildungsstätte soll 330 bisher obdachlosen Waisen ein geborgenes Zuhause bieten. Weiterhin soll dort eine Zukunftsperspektive kreiert weden.
Das Dach der ersten Etage des 1700qm2 großen Bau ist fertig. Es kann mit der 2. Etage losgehen. Doch dafür muss weiter Geld fliessen:
2.220. über das Diesseits und das Jenseits. Und sie fragen dich nach den Waisen. Sag: Ihre Lage zu verbessern ist besser. Und wenn ihr euch mit ihnen zusammentut, so sind sie eure Brüder. Allah weiß den Unheilstifter vom Heilstifter (zu unterscheiden). Und wenn Allah gewollt hätte, hätte Er euch wahrlich in Bedrängnis gebracht. Allah ist Allmächtig und Allweise.

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Hilfsprojekte in Ghana - Obdachlose Waisen
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 07:52AM

PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
Warum fällt es uns schwer die Wahrheit zu sagen, dagegen jedoch gibt...
Apr 30th 2015, 07:46

Warum fällt es uns schwer die Wahrheit zu sagen, dagegen jedoch gibt es nichts einfacheres als die Lüge????

.....Warum fühlen wir uns müde während wir beten, doch sobald das Gebet zu Ende ist, fühlen wir uns wach und erfrischt????

Warum bleiben wir jede Nacht wach um Internet zu schauen oder um uns mit Freunden zu unterhalten und nicht, um den Quran zu lesen oder zu beten????

Warum stehen wir morgens früh auf, um zur Arbeit zu gehen, jedoch für das Fajr-Gebet nicht?

Warum haben wir Angst vor Menschen, die uns beobachten und nicht vor Allah, der uns stets beobachtet?

Warum geben wir soviel Geld aus für vergänglichen Genuss und teure Reisen, während wir geizig sind mit dem Spenden für die Armen, obwohl diese Taten ewig von Nutzen sind?

.....Warum fällt es uns schwer über ALLAH und die Religion zu reden...., während es uns leichter fällt, über andere Dinge zu reden?????

Warum sind wir ALLAH gegenüber ungehorsam, während wir sagen, bdass wir IHN lieben..??

Im gegenzug gehorchen wir dem teufel, wo wir doch sagen, dass wir ihn hassen. Es langweilt uns, wenn wir Texte lesen, die von der Religion handeln?

Jedoch sind wir sehr interessiert und gespannt wenn es um andere Sachen geht????

Warum löschen wir mails mit religiösen inhalten...und leiten massenhaft andere mails weiter???

Warum lieben wir es, ständig Musik im Auto zu hören...., ...und hassen es, den Quran zu hören????

Warum lieben wir nicht Denjenigen, der uns Ratschläge gibt und das Paradies für uns will und versuchen uns von ihm fern zuhalten, während wir Denjenigen lieben, der uns ins Verderben führt und sind darauf bedacht, ihm näher zu kommen, und wenn wir ihn vermissen, suchen wir nach ihm????...

Warum erwähnen wir immer die Fehler anderer Menschen, und vergessen dabei unsere eigenen?

Warum weinen wir bei Musikstücken und nicht wegen der Furcht vor Allah? Denke darüber nach.......!!!

Wirst du lange über das Gelesene nachdenken?? Wirst du versuchen, deinen Zustand zu verändern?? Oder bleibst du doch nur ein Mitläufer der ständig das sagt und tut, was Andere ihm vormachen und bist nicht in der lage jemanden zu führen; nicht mal dich selbst?

Und wirst du diese Nachricht deinen Freunden weiter leiten???? Oder wirst du sie einfach ignorieren, wie jede andere Nachricht mit religiösem inhalt???? Lass nur eine Sache in deinem Sinn, nämlich, dass Allah dich ständig beobachtet. Und dass du allein stirbst.

Dass du allein gefragt werden wirst. Dass du allein wieder erweckt werden wirst. Und dass du allein ins Paradies oder in die Hölle eingehen wirst. Was ist denn dann mit dir und den Menschen und dem was sie tun? Rette dich selbst!!! Und wenn du bis jetzt nur getan hast, was dein Selbst (nafs) begierte, dann sei dir sicher, dass, wenn dieses Selbst zu dir sprechen könnte, es sagen würde: Ich flehe dich an, wirf mich nicht in die Hölle!
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 07:43AM

Spektrum-Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Spektrum-Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Al-Qaida bzw. Al-CIAda
Der Name „al-Qaida" war zunächst der Name einer vom US-G...
Apr 30th 2015, 07:12
Al-Qaida bzw. Al-CIAda

Der Name „al-Qaida" war zunächst der Name einer vom US-Geheimdienst CIA geführten Datenbank, in der die Kämpfer geführt wurden, die zu Osama bin Ladens Kampf gegen die damalige Sowjetunion in Afghanistan in den 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts ins Land geschleust wurden. (Vgl. Gilles Kepel: Das Schwarzbuch des Dschihad. München-Zürich 2002. S. 376) In westlichen Medien tauchte der Begriff erst 1998 auf. Obwohl al-Qaida spätestens seit dem 11.9.2001 offiziell der Hauptfeind ist, bedienen sich die USA nach wie vor der von ihnen geschaffenen, ausgebildeten u. finanzierten Terrororganisation. Bis zum heutigen Tag kommt es immer wieder zur Kooperation, wie aktuell in Syrien und im Jemen.

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 07:35AM

Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Këto pyetje i janë parashtruar dijetarit Dr. Ab...
Apr 30th 2015, 07:32

Këto pyetje i janë parashtruar dijetarit Dr. Abdullah Mutllak, Allahu e ruajt, nëpërmjet telefonit në disa emisone të drejtpërdrejta:

- Dëgjuesi i parë:

Dëgjuesi: A lejohet të hy në tualet me celular ku në të gjendet i ruajtur Kurani?

Dijetari: Po, lejohet!

Dëgjuesi: O shejh, në të ka të ruajtur Kuran?!

Dijetari: Nuk është problem. A nuk është i ruajtur Kurani në kartelën e celularit?!

Dëgjuesi: Po, mirëpo ky është Kuran, o shejh?!

Dijetari filloi t'i humb nervat dhe i thotë: Ti a di diçka nga Kurani përmendësh?

Dëgjuesi: Po, i di katër xhuza!

Dijetari: Mirë, ti kur hyn në tualet, a e len trurin tënd jashtë tualetit!

- Dëgjuesi i dytë:

Dëgjuesi: Shejh, a lejohet ngrënia e pinguinit?!

Dijetari: Nëse e takon, haje!!

- Dëgjuesi i tretë:

Dëgjuesi: Nëse jam në një mal dhe përpara më del një luan .. a ta vazhdoj namazin apo ta ndërpres??

Dijetari: Nëse mundesh me mbajt abdesin, vazhdoje namazin !

- Dëgjuesi i katërt:

Dëgjuesi: Lajmërohet një grua dhe e pyet shejhun një pyetje, dhe pasi që shejhu i përgjigjet, motra i thotë:

O shejh, bën dua për mua që Allahu të ma mundëson të martohem me shejh Muhamed Arifin, Allahu e ruajt!!

Shejhu i përgjigjet me shpejtësi të madhe, ashtu siç edhe njihet shejhu, Allahu e ruajt: Ti a e pëlqen shejhun, për ka bukuria e tij apo për ka dituria e tij?!

Motra iu përgjigj: Për ka dituria e tij, shejh!

Shejhu iu përgjigj: Atëherë për ty më mirë kishte qenë të lutem që Allahu të marton me shejh Salih Sedlan, ky është më i ditur se sa Muhamed Arifi. (Shejh Salih Sedlan është i moshuar dhe i shtyrë në moshë dhe një ndër dijetarët e mëdhenj).

Udhëheqësi i emisionit nuk mundi ta mban veten nga të qeshurit.

Nga arabishtja: I.J
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 06:07AM

I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
There is a lot of expansion work going on in Makkah within the Holy Masjid at th...
Apr 30th 2015, 05:40
There is a lot of expansion work going on in Makkah within the Holy Masjid at the moment. A new beautiful building has now finished and here's how it looks. Masha'Allah! This was taken by one of our dear members called Muhammad who was visiting with his family and father. May Allah bless and accept his Umrah. Ameen!
There is a lot of expansion work going on in Makkah within the Holy Masjid at the moment. A new beautiful building has now finished and here's how it looks. Masha'Allah! This was taken by one of our dear members called Muhammad who was visiting with his family and father. May Allah bless and accept his Umrah. Ameen! — mit Mohammad Ali und 49 weiteren Personen.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 06:07AM

I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
masjid in Germany, ma'sha'Allah
Apr 30th 2015, 05:55
masjid in Germany, ma'sha'Allah
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 06:07AM

I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Here's how it looks on our phone! Let's see how it looks on your phone also smil...
Apr 30th 2015, 06:00
Here's how it looks on our phone! Let's see how it looks on your phone also smile emoticon Share below...
Here's how it looks on our phone! Let's see how it looks on your phone also :) Share below.... — mit Alhaja Omoanifowose Sule und 48 weiteren Personen.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 30 06:07AM

I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Worship Allah and work on the satisfaction of Allah in your life
Before you die
Apr 30th 2015, 05:45
Worship Allah and work on the satisfaction of Allah in your life

Before you die
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