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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 25 Themen

"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:37PM +0100

International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
please share this widely.
more translations are coming
This Statement is writ...
Apr 4th 2015, 19:34
please share this widely.
more translations are coming


Save Yarmouk ISIS has invaded Yarmouk refugee camp in cooperation with Al Nusra front after clashes that lasted for a few days. This happened after two years of continuous siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its collaborators. The camp is completely ignored and neglected by both official and non-official bodies, leaving the inhabitants of the camp and its defenders without any support. Residents of the Yarmouk camp are still showing a steadfastness as they have done during the years of the siege, but, as the camp is transferred into an open battle field, the risk for murder, expulsion and arrest is acute, especially after ISIS has demanded the residents of the camp to hand over their sons who have fought against ISIS, and after ISIS has initiated a kidnap campaign of tens of them. We are standing today, the Palestinian people and those in solidarity with the Palestinian cause all over the world united as one people in solidarity with Yarmouk, to take action to rescue whatever is left to rescue there, and to support the residents of Yarmouk in their battle right now to liberate the camp. We send our appeal to all media in general and the Palestinian media specifically to cover the news of Yarmouk, and we call everyone to start organise protests in all forms, to support Yarmouk refugee camp and call on the world's obligation to protect it.

Daesh ha invaso il campo di Yarmouk con la cooperazione di Jabhat Al Nusra, dopo scontri durati vari giorni, nel quadro di un assedio durato anni ed ancora in corso nell'indifferenza generale ed inazione delle parti statali e non statali, senza che nessuno abbia sostenuto la gente del campo ed i suoi combattenti. Gli abitanti di Yarmouk resistono ancora, come hanno resistito ad anni di assedio. Ma oggi, con la trasformazione di Yarmouk in un campo di guerra aperta, sono aumentati i rischi di uccisione, di essere sfollati o "arrestati", sopratutto dopo che Daesh ha chiesto agli abitanti di consegnare i combattenti figli del campo e dopo le grandi retate in cui sono state prese decine di loro. Oggi noi, figli della Palestina e sostenitori della sua causa in ogni parte del mondo, ci schieriamo come un sol popolo a sostegno della causa di Yarmouk e per salvare quel che resta di salvabile, a sostegno dei suoi figli che in questo momento stanno combattendo per riprendere il campo. Rivolgiamo queste parole ai media in generale ed in particolare a quelli palestinesi perchè seguano nei dettagli le notizie che arrivano da Yarmouk ed invitiamo tutti ad iniziare immediatamente una mobilitazione di protesta in tutte le forme e con tutti gli strumenti possibili per sostenere e proteggere il campo di Yarmouk.

ISIS har invaderat Yarmouk flyktingläger i samarbete med Al Nusra front efter några dagars hörda sammandrabbningar. Detta hände efter år av fortsatt belägring av regimen och dess samarbetspartners, och lägret har helt ignorerats och försummats av både officiella och inofficiella aktörer vilket lämnat invånarna i lägret och dess försvarare helt utan stöd och skydd. Invånare i Yarmuk håller fortfarande ställningarna som de har gjort under åren av belägring, men eftersom lägret har blivit ett öppet slagfält, är risken för mord, utvisning och arresteringar, särskilt akut efter ISIS har krävt de boende i lägret att lämna över sina söner som kämpat mot ISIS, och efter deras kidnappningskampanj där tiotals redan kidnappats. Vi står i dag, det palestinska folket och de i solidaritet med de palestinska rättigheter i hela världen, förenade som ett folk i solidaritet med Yarmouk och för att rädda vad som finns kvar att rädda och stödja befolkningen i Yarmouk i deras kamp för att befria lägret. Vi skickar vår uppmaning till alla medier i allmänhet och de palestinska medierna i synnerhet, att följa nyheterna i Yarmouk i detalj, och att skicka vår uppmaning till att börja organisera proteströrelser i alla dess former för att stödja Yarmouk flyktingläger och kräva att omvärlden lever upp till sin skyldighet att skydda det.

Nach tagelangen bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen dringen die Milizen des „Islamischen Staates" und der „An-Nussra Front" in das palästinensische Flüchtlingslager Yarmouk ein. Dieses wird seit Jahren u.a. von dem syrischen Regime und seinen Helfern belagert. Die Bewohner des Lagers und seine Verteidiger werden jedoch von allen offiziellen und nicht offiziellen Stellen bis jetzt im Stich gelassen. Die Bewohner des Flüchtlingslagers Yarmouk sind heute genauso standhaft wie sie während der Belagerung waren. Doch heute, wo das Lager zu einem offenen Kriegsschauplatz geworden ist, sind die Menschen zunehmend Mord, Vertreibung und Entführung ausgesetzt. Dies insbesondere nach dem der IS die Bewohner aufforderte, die Verteidigungskämpfer an den IS auszuliefern. Dutzende Lagerbewohner wurden inzwischen von dem IS entführt. Wir, das palästinensische Volk und unsere Unterstützer weltweit, stehen den Bewohnern von Yarmouk bei und fordern ihre Unterstützung. Die Bewohner des Lagers kämpfen im Moment um ihr Leben, um die Rückeroberung des Lagers und darum, das zu retten, was übriggeblieben ist. Sie verdienen unsere Solidarität und Unterstützung. Wir rufen alle Medien und insbesondere die palästinensischen Medien auf, die Lage in Yarmouk nachhaltig zu verfolgen und darüber zu berichten. Wir rufen alle auf, Protestaktionen jeglicher Art zu organisieren, um Yarmouk zu Unterstützen und zu Schützen.

организационный ДААШ "Daash"прокатилось лагерь беженцов Ярмок,в сотрудничестве с фронтальной победы после столкновения продолжались в течение нескольких дней и лет осады системы и что он продолжаем до настоящего момента,и центральные власти не игнорировать и пренебрежения формальной и не формальной,без поддержки народа лагиря и поддержки молодежных бойцов жители лагеря Ярмук еще тверды и выжить в течение этих лет,о сады,но с преобразованием Ярмук на полях сражений открытых повышенным риском убийства,депортации и содержания под стражей индикаторов,особенно после организация что студент Дааш родители врочать их детям бойцов,после похищений обширных компаний,что сказалось десятки из них. стенд севодня,полестины и сторонники ее случае во всех частях земли,поуза,все вместе чтобы выступать за дело Ярмук и сохранить то,что осталось,чтобы спасти его и поддерживать свойх детей,которые занимаются в боях для восстанвления в эти моменты. таким образом,мы называем это в средствах массовой информации в целом,и особенно следимь за полестинского новости Ярмук в деталях,чтобы начать немедленно организовать движение протеста во всех его формах и инструментов,чтобы поддержать и защитить лагерь Ярмук

L'organisation de Daech et avec l'aide de Jabhat al nos a envahi le camp du Yarmouk et après de forts affrontements qui ont duré des jours et après des années de siège établi par le système Syrien et leurs partisans jusqu'à jour. et suite à l'ignorance totale des agences officielles et non officielles sans aucun soutien aux familles du camp ni support à ces jeunes combattants. Les habitants du camp de d'Yarmouk résistent toujours comme ils ont résister à des années de siège, mais comme le camp est transformé en surface de combat ouvert,les indicateurs du risque remontent jusqu'à l'assassinat, les arrestations et les déplacements forcés surtout après la demande de l'organisation de Daech aux familles de livrer leurs jeunes combattants et après une large compagne d'enlèvement qui a touché des dizaines parmi eux. Nous enfants de Palestine et partisans de l'affaire palestinienne dans les pays du monde entier, peuple unit debout pour soutenir et supporter l'affaire du Yarmouk et sauver ce qui reste à sauver et à supporter ces jeunes qui mènent des combats à cet instant-là. Et sur ce, on lance un appel à tous les médias en général et Palestinien particulièrement pour suivre les détails des événements du Yarmouk et nous lançons un appel immédiat pour organiser des protestations de tous genres et avec tous les outils qu'il faut pour supporter et soutenir et protéger le camp du Yarmouk.

Frels Yarmouk Efter flere dages sammenstød har ISIS invaderet flygtningelejren Yarmouk i samarbejde med Al Nusra fronten. Dette er sket efter to års belejring af lejren pålagt af det Syriske regime og dets samarbejdere. Da flygtningelejren er ignoreret af både officielle og ikke-officelle instanser, er flygtningene og deres støttere efterladt uden nogen form for støtte. Beboerne i lejren udviser stadig samme udholdenhed, som de har gjort de mange år de har været under belejring. Lejren har det seneste stykke tid forvandlet sig til en åben slagsmark, hvor risikoen for eksplosioner er større end tidligere. ISIS forlanger lige nu at få udleveret alle der tidligere har kæmpet imod dem. Vi står i dag, det palæstinensiske folk og dem i solidaritet med den palæstinensiske sag, forenet i solidaritet med Yarmouk. Vi må handle nu for at redde hvad end der er tilbage at redde i Yarmouk. Vi må støtte flygtninge i deres kamp for at befrie flygtningelejren. Vi sender vores appel til så mange medier vi kan. Vi opfordrer alle til at påbegynde organisering af protester i alle former, for at støtte flygtningene bosat i Yarmouk. Verdenssamfundet er ansvarlig for Yarmouks beskyttelse.'
تنشر الصفحات الفلسطينيه تزامننا بذات الوقت هذا البيان الموحد ،
الرجاء التعميم و المشاركه على جميع الصفحات ، مع تغيير صور الشخصيه
اليرموك بحاجه لنا الآن
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:37PM +0100

International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
good bds stuff from norway
Apr 4th 2015, 19:35
good bds stuff from norway
You have 30 seconds to leave your house!! #Gaza #AmazingWorkFromNorway
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:37PM +0100

International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
from Manal Tamimi who was again shot in the leg - with life ammunition - at a pr...
Apr 4th 2015, 19:37
from Manal Tamimi who was again shot in the leg - with life ammunition - at a protest inside her village nabi saleh yesterday. 12 year old ahed was also injured by a rubber coated steel bullet and another young man was hit in the leg as well

"Minutes after the start of the march, I heard something break and I did not know that this sound is only the sound of breaking bone of my feet by the firing of a live bullet go through in it, took me several seconds to ingest infected and I thought just a random bullet fired at demonstrators and hit me
After about two hours there was a soldier asks the demonstrators: Where is Manal? Is she at the hospital?
I Did not pay too much attention, till i entered to my account on Twitter there fanatic Zionist Jew and he had sent me a threatening letter with death and where he says (I can think of a way to stop you) (i will spread your blood all over the place on the way of Bollywood movies)
this was not the first time that they send me threatening is on Twitter by Zionists or even soldiers during the march and every time they write a threat to me or something happens to one of my children or my husband or even my house
In this way they think they can make us afraid or terrified but they do not know that my faith and homeland cases stronger than tyranny and weapons they do not know that every Friday we carry in our souls on our shoulders and we welcome death with a smile"
Manal Tamimi
‫بعد دقائق من بدء المسيرة سمعت صوت شيء كسر ولم أكن أعلم أن هذا الصوت ما هو إلا صوت كسر عظم قدمي جراء إطلاق رصاصة حي اخترقتها ، استغرقني عدة ثواني لاستوعب اني مصابة واعتقدت أنهى مجرد رصاصة عشوائية أطلقت باتجاه متظاهرين واصابتني بعد حوالي ساعتين كان هناك جندي يسأل المتظاهرين بسخرية أين منال ؟ وهل هي بالمستشفى ؟ لم اهتم كثيرا إلا أن دخلت حسابي على تويتر وكان هناك صهيوني حاقد قد بعث لي برسالة يهددني فيها بالقتل ويقول فيها ( يمكنني أن أفكر فيها بطريقة لإيقافك ) ( أن تنتشر دمائك عند إصابتك في كل مكان على طريقة افلام بوليوود ) لم تكن هذه أول مره يتم إرسال تهديد لي على تويتر من قبل صهاينة أو حتى جنود في أثناء المسيرة وفي كل مره يتم إرسال تهديد يحدث شيء لي أو لأحد أبنائي أو زوجي أو حتى منزلي يعتقدون أنهم بهذه الطريقة يمكنهم أن يخيفوني أو يرهبوني ولكنهم لا يعلمون اني إيماني بوطني وقضيتي أقوى من جبروتهم واسلحتهم ولا يعلمون أننا في كل جمعه نحمل أرواحنا على اكتافنا ونستقبل الموت بابتسامة‬
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:37PM +0100

International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
please share widely
Apr 4th 2015, 19:29
please share widely
more translations are coming
Yarmouk ISIS has invaded Yarmouk refugee camp in cooperation with Al Nusra front after clashes that lasted for a few days. This happened after two years of continuous siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its collaborators. The camp is completely ignored and neglected by both official and non-official bodies, leaving the inhabitants of the camp and its defenders without any support. Residents of the Yarmouk camp are still showing a steadfastness as they have done during the years of the siege, but, as the camp is transferred into an open battle field, the risk for murder, expulsion and arrest is acute, especially after ISIS has demanded the residents of the camp to hand over their sons who have fought against ISIS, and after ISIS has initiated a kidnap campaign of tens of them. We are standing today, the Palestinian people and those in solidarity with the Palestinian cause all over the world united as one people in solidarity with Yarmouk, to take action to rescue whatever is left to rescue there, and to support the residents of Yarmouk in their battle right now to liberate the camp. We send our appeal to all media in general and the Palestinian media specifically to cover the news of Yarmouk, and we call everyone to start organise protests in all forms, to support Yarmouk refugee camp and call on the world's obligation to protect it.
Daesh ha invaso il campo di Yarmouk con la cooperazione di Jabhat Al Nusra, dopo scontri durati vari giorni, nel quadro di un assedio durato anni ed ancora in corso nell'indifferenza generale ed inazione delle parti statali e non statali, senza che nessuno abbia sostenuto la gente del campo ed i suoi combattenti. Gli abitanti di Yarmouk resistono ancora, come hanno resistito ad anni di assedio. Ma oggi, con la trasformazione di Yarmouk in un campo di guerra aperta, sono aumentati i rischi di uccisione, di essere sfollati o "arrestati", sopratutto dopo che Daesh ha chiesto agli abitanti di consegnare i combattenti figli del campo e dopo le grandi retate in cui sono state prese decine di loro. Oggi noi, figli della Palestina e sostenitori della sua causa in ogni parte del mondo, ci schieriamo come un sol popolo a sostegno della causa di Yarmouk e per salvare quel che resta di salvabile, a sostegno dei suoi figli che in questo momento stanno combattendo per riprendere il campo. Rivolgiamo queste parole ai media in generale ed in particolare a quelli palestinesi perchè seguano nei dettagli le notizie che arrivano da Yarmouk ed invitiamo tutti ad iniziare immediatamente una mobilitazione di protesta in tutte le forme e con tutti gli strumenti possibili per sostenere e proteggere il campo di Yarmouk.
ISIS har invaderat Yarmouk flyktingläger i samarbete med Al Nusra front efter några dagars hörda sammandrabbningar. Detta hände efter år av fortsatt belägring av regimen och dess samarbetspartners, och lägret har helt ignorerats och försummats av både officiella och inofficiella aktörer vilket lämnat invånarna i lägret och dess försvarare helt utan stöd och skydd. Invånare i Yarmuk håller fortfarande ställningarna som de har gjort under åren av belägring, men eftersom lägret har blivit ett öppet slagfält, är risken för mord, utvisning och arresteringar, särskilt akut efter ISIS har krävt de boende i lägret att lämna över sina söner som kämpat mot ISIS, och efter deras kidnappningskampanj där tiotals redan kidnappats. Vi står i dag, det palestinska folket och de i solidaritet med de palestinska rättigheter i hela världen, förenade som ett folk i solidaritet med Yarmouk och för att rädda vad som finns kvar att rädda och stödja befolkningen i Yarmouk i deras kamp för att befria lägret. Vi skickar vår uppmaning till alla medier i allmänhet och de palestinska medierna i synnerhet, att följa nyheterna i Yarmouk i detalj, och att skicka vår uppmaning till att börja organisera proteströrelser i alla dess former för att stödja Yarmouk flyktingläger och kräva att omvärlden lever upp till sin skyldighet att skydda det.
Nach tagelangen bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen dringen die Milizen des „Islamischen Staates" und der „An-Nussra Front" in das palästinensische Flüchtlingslager Yarmouk ein. Dieses wird seit Jahren u.a. von dem syrischen Regime und seinen Helfern belagert. Die Bewohner des Lagers und seine Verteidiger werden jedoch von allen offiziellen und nicht offiziellen Stellen bis jetzt im Stich gelassen. Die Bewohner des Flüchtlingslagers Yarmouk sind heute genauso standhaft wie sie während der Belagerung waren. Doch heute, wo das Lager zu einem offenen Kriegsschauplatz geworden ist, sind die Menschen zunehmend Mord, Vertreibung und Entführung ausgesetzt. Dies insbesondere nach dem der IS die Bewohner aufforderte, die Verteidigungskämpfer an den IS auszuliefern. Dutzende Lagerbewohner wurden inzwischen von dem IS entführt. Wir, das palästinensische Volk und unsere Unterstützer weltweit, stehen den Bewohnern von Yarmouk bei und fordern ihre Unterstützung. Die Bewohner des Lagers kämpfen im Moment um ihr Leben, um die Rückeroberung des Lagers und darum, das zu retten, was übriggeblieben ist. Sie verdienen unsere Solidarität und Unterstützung. Wir rufen alle Medien und insbesondere die palästinensischen Medien auf, die Lage in Yarmouk nachhaltig zu verfolgen und darüber zu berichten. Wir rufen alle auf, Protestaktionen jeglicher Art zu organisieren, um Yarmouk zu Unterstützen und zu Schützen.
организационный ДААШ "Daash"прокатилось лагерь беженцов Ярмок,в сотрудничестве с фронтальной победы после столкновения продолжались в течение нескольких дней и лет осады системы и что он продолжаем до настоящего момента,и центральные власти не игнорировать и пренебрежения формальной и не формальной,без поддержки народа лагиря и поддержки молодежных бойцов жители лагеря Ярмук еще тверды и выжить в течение этих лет,о сады,но с преобразованием Ярмук на полях сражений открытых повышенным риском убийства,депортации и содержания под стражей индикаторов,особенно после организация что студент Дааш родители врочать их детям бойцов,после похищений обширных компаний,что сказалось десятки из них. стенд севодня,полестины и сторонники ее случае во всех частях земли,поуза,все вместе чтобы выступать за дело Ярмук и сохранить то,что осталось,чтобы спасти его и поддерживать свойх детей,которые занимаются в боях для восстанвления в эти моменты. таким образом,мы называем это в средствах массовой информации в целом,и особенно следимь за полестинского новости Ярмук в деталях,чтобы начать немедленно организовать движение протеста во всех его формах и инструментов,чтобы поддержать и защитить лагерь Ярмук
L'organisation de Daech et avec l'aide de Jabhat al nos a envahi le camp du Yarmouk et après de forts affrontements qui ont duré des jours et après des années de siège établi par le système Syrien et leurs partisans jusqu'à jour. et suite à l'ignorance totale des agences officielles et non officielles sans aucun soutien aux familles du camp ni support à ces jeunes combattants. Les habitants du camp de d'Yarmouk résistent toujours comme ils ont résister à des années de siège, mais comme le camp est transformé en surface de combat ouvert,les indicateurs du risque remontent jusqu'à l'assassinat, les arrestations et les déplacements forcés surtout après la demande de l'organisation de Daech aux familles de livrer leurs jeunes combattants et après une large compagne d'enlèvement qui a touché des dizaines parmi eux. Nous enfants de Palestine et partisans de l'affaire palestinienne dans les pays du monde entier, peuple unit debout pour soutenir et supporter l'affaire du Yarmouk et sauver ce qui reste à sauver et à supporter ces jeunes qui mènent des combats à cet instant-là. Et sur ce, on lance un appel à tous les médias en général et Palestinien particulièrement pour suivre les détails des événements du Yarmouk et nous lançons un appel immédiat pour organiser des protestations de tous genres et avec tous les outils qu'il faut pour supporter et soutenir et protéger le camp du Yarmouk.
Frels Yarmouk Efter flere dages sammenstød har ISIS invaderet flygtningelejren Yarmouk i samarbejde med Al Nusra fronten. Dette er sket efter to års belejring af lejren pålagt af det Syriske regime og dets samarbejdere. Da flygtningelejren er ignoreret af både officielle og ikke-officelle instanser, er flygtningene og deres støttere efterladt uden nogen form for støtte. Beboerne i lejren udviser stadig samme udholdenhed, som de har gjort de mange år de har været under belejring. Lejren har det seneste stykke tid forvandlet sig til en åben slagsmark, hvor risikoen for eksplosioner er større end tidligere. ISIS forlanger lige nu at få udleveret alle der tidligere har kæmpet imod dem. Vi står i dag, det palæstinensiske folk og dem i solidaritet med den palæstinensiske sag, forenet i solidaritet med Yarmouk. Vi må handle nu for at redde hvad end der er tilbage at redde i Yarmouk. Vi må støtte flygtninge i deres kamp for at befrie flygtningelejren. Vi sender vores appel til så mange medier vi kan. Vi opfordrer alle til at påbegynde organisering af protester i alle former, for at støtte flygtningene bosat i Yarmouk. Verdenssamfundet er ansvarlig for Yarmouks beskyttelse.'
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36 mins ·
please share widely, more translations are coming
Mohammed Matter Anna Rocha Laura Schleifer Sara Swetzoff Sarah Levy Sarah Carr John Ioannou Ronnie Barkan Anne Paq
'ISIS has invaded Yarmouk refugee camp in cooperation with Al Nusra front after clashes that lasted for a few days. This happened after two years of continuous siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its collaborators. The camp is completely ignored and neglected by both official and non-official bodies, leaving the inhabitants of the camp and its defenders without any support. Residents of the Yarmouk camp are still showing a steadfastness as they have done during the years of the siege, but, as the camp is transferred into an open battle field, the risk for murder, expulsion and arrest is acute, especially after ISIS has demanded the residents of the camp to hand over their sons who have fought against ISIS, and after ISIS has initiated a kidnap campaign of tens of them. We are standing today, the Palestinian people and those in solidarity with the Palestinian cause all over the world united as one people in solidarity with Yarmouk, to take action to rescue whatever is left to rescue there, and to support the residents of Yarmouk in their battle right now to liberate the camp. We call everyone to start organise protests in all forms, to support Yarmouk refugee camp and call on the world's obligation to protect it.'
International Solidarity Movement
ISIS has invaded Yarmouk refugee camp in cooperation with Al Nusra front after clashes that lasted for a few days. This happened after two years of continuous s...
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Esti Na
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Esti Na shared Lema Nazeeh's photo.
56 mins · Edited ·
please share widely everyone
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Italian:...Continue Reading
'تنشر الصفحات الفلسطينيه تزامننا بذات الوقت هذا البيان الموحد ، الرجاء التعميم و المشاركه على جميع الصفحات ، مع تغيير صور الشخصيه اليرموك بحاجه لنا الآن'
Lema Nazeeh
تنشر الصفحات الفلسطينيه تزامننا بذات الوقت هذا البيان الموحد ،
الرجاء التعميم و المشاركه على جميع الصفحات ، مع تغيير صور الشخصيه
اليرموك بحاجه لنا الآن
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Esti Na
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Esti Na shared a link.
1 hr ·
The situation in Yarmouk is an affront to the humanity of all of us, a source of universal shame
Monitor: 'ISIS controls 90 percent of Palestinian refugee camp'|By The Palestine Project
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Esti Na
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i know, thats why i asked for other ways. its good that i have ur number now
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oh shit
u've been having a lot of hard stuff lately no?
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Esti Na
26 mins · Edited ·
more translations are coming
Save Yarmouk
ISIS has invaded Yarmouk refugee camp in cooperation with Al Nusra front after clashes that lasted for a few days. This happened after two years of continuous siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its collaborators. The camp is completely ignored and neglected by both official and non-official bodies, leaving the inhabitants of the camp and its
"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:37PM +0100

International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
International communities against Israel (2)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 19:34
The situation in Yarmouk is an affront to the humanity of all of us, a source of universal shame
Monitor: 'ISIS controls 90 percent of Palestinian refugee camp'
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:36PM +0100

Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
The 27th Call: #Prohibition of Taking Disbelievers as Allies instead of the #Bel...
Apr 4th 2015, 18:54
The 27th Call: #Prohibition of Taking Disbelievers as Allies instead of the #Believers

#Almighty #Allah says (what can be translated as): "O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?" (An-Nisa': 144)

Almighty Allah forbids His believing servants from taking disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. The believers should not befriend, advise, show affection to the believers or tell them the hidden circumstances of the Muslim. Allah tells them that if they do so then, they would be giving Him a clear proof and reason for their punishment. (The meaning here is supporting disbelievers with the say and deed which harm the Muslims).

Here is a return to calling those who believe. Belief is the character that distinguishes them and differentiates them from the rest. It is the character that distinguishes their method, conduct and reality. With this character, they respond and accept the call and obey the commands.

Here the call warns them from taking the path of hypocrites. It warns them from taking disbelievers as allies instead of the believers…

It is a call that was needed in the Muslim community back then. At that time, there were connections between some of the Muslims and the Jews in Medina. There were also connections between some Muslims and their relatives in the tribe of Qureish, even though these connections were only emotional. We say "some Muslims" because the rest of them cut all their relations with the Jahiliah society, even their relations with their parents and children. They made the belief of Islam the only core of gathering and the center of affinity and relationships as Allah taught them.

Those who still had relationships with the disbelievers needed the warning that this is the path of hypocrisy and hypocrites. Hypocrisy and hypocrites were portrayed in an obnoxious repelling way. So, the Muslims who might be taking the disbelievers as allies were warned against the discontent, wrath and punishment of Allah… This is why; it was expressed in the form of a question because the usage of a question is an enough warning in addressing the hearts of the believers.
O you who have believed!
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:35PM +0100

Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Muslims pray at London streets..
Apr 4th 2015, 18:41
Muslims pray at London streets..

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:33PM +0100

Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
Auf dieser Seite werden die Zitate vom ehrenwerten Mufti Menk aus seiner offizie...
Apr 4th 2015, 19:28
Auf dieser Seite werden die Zitate vom ehrenwerten Mufti Menk aus seiner offiziellen Seite ins deutsche übersetzt.
Mufti Ismail Menk Deutsch
Auf dieser Seite übersetzen wir die Zitate vom ehrenwerten Mufti Menk aus seiner offiziellen Seite ins Deutsche.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:31PM +0100

Like A Halids Facebook-Pinnwand
Like A Halids Facebook-Pinnwand
Shitt Junior Halid es war ein Fehler .... #Kindergeld
Apr 4th 2015, 18:51
Shitt Junior Halid es war ein Fehler .... #Kindergeld
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:28PM +0100

Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
19- Der Prophet (s) war von der Wahrhaftigkeit und Treue bekannt. Er pflegte...
Apr 4th 2015, 19:20
19- Der Prophet (s) war von der Wahrhaftigkeit und Treue bekannt. Er pflegte die Verwandtschaftsbanden und besaß jeden edlen Charakter.
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:27PM +0100

Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Dawah with the team in South Africa
Apr 4th 2015, 19:15
Dawah with the team in South Africa
Mission Dawah South Africa
Alhamdulilah another good day of dawah
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:27PM +0100

Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
People really liked our #AgainstRacism #AgainstHatred t-shirts
Apr 4th 2015, 18:48
People really liked our #AgainstRacism #AgainstHatred t-shirts
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:25PM +0100

Uploads by R2Imedia
Why I chose Islam || Brother Anaas
Apr 4th 2015, 18:00
Why I chose Islam || Brother Anaas
SUPPORT R2I MEDIA Like R2I on Facebook Follow r2imedia on Twitter Official...

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:12PM +0100

Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 18:15
500 Accepting Islam | Biggest Shahadah in Africa (Recorded) !
500 Accepting Islam | Biggest Shahadah in Africa (Recorded) !Allahu Akbar !! SHARE TO NON-MUSLIMS !!اَللّٰھُمَّ فَقِّھْنِیْ فِی الدِّیْنِاے اﷲ! مجھے دین کی سمجھ عطافرما (بخاری)Islam is the solution for humanityPlease "Like" and "share" This
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 08:04PM +0100

Apr 4th 2015, 19:04
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:55PM +0100

Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
"Söz ver"
Apr 4th 2015, 18:12
"Söz ver"

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:53PM +0100

Das Gebet ist der Schlüssel ins Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Das Gebet ist der Schlüssel ins Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Möge Allah subhana wa teala sie rechtleiten 󾀍
Apr 4th 2015, 18:20
Möge Allah subhana wa teala sie rechtleiten 󾀍
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:52PM +0100

Uploads by Sohn von Klaus
Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah (DEIN RUF)
Apr 4th 2015, 16:55
Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah (DEIN RUF)
Sohn von Klaus

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:52PM +0100

Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 17:55
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:51PM +0100

Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 18:23
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 07:51PM +0100

Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 18:18
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 06:04PM +0100

PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
"Selbst wenn einem Menschen die gesamte Welt gegeben werden würde, würde es sein...
Apr 4th 2015, 16:54
"Selbst wenn einem Menschen die gesamte Welt gegeben werden würde, würde es seine Leere nicht füllen."

Ibn al Qayyim (rahimahullah)
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 05:54PM +0100

Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 4th 2015, 16:31

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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 05:53PM +0100

Alifbe Radios Facebook-Pinnwand
Alifbe Radios Facebook-Pinnwand
Zain Bhikka - First we need the Love
Apr 4th 2015, 16:37
Zain Bhikka - First we need the Love
First We Need The Love - Zain Bhikha feat. Rashid Bhikha Official Video (Voice Only)
Official Video from South African Singer-Songwriter Zain Bhikha for the Fifa Football World Cup, taking place in his home country in June-July 2010. This son...
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"Blogtrottr" <>: Apr 04 05:53PM +0100

Uploads by Sohn von Klaus
Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah (CHARAKTERVORBILD)
Apr 4th 2015, 16:34
Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah (CHARAKTERVORBILD)
Sohn von Klaus

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