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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


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Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 dawah - Social Mention: 55 Ways to Maintain a Happy Marriage~*~ Marriage is a highly recommended Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The purpose of marriage in Islam is to increase the Muslim community and not only to enjoy pleasure as Muhammad (saw) said; "Multiply your wives, multiply your children and I shall be proud of you on the Day of Judgement." Although marriage is encouraged in Islam, Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (saw) haven't left us to our rationality to discover what marriage entails and what things make a successful marriage. The following few pages highlight what makes a happy marriage based on the Qu'ran and Sunnah and how the husband and wife can gain each others heart. Hadith: [Collected in Bukhari, Muslim and Musnad Imam Ahmed]. Abdullah ibn Masud narrated: "We used to sit with the Prophet (saw) and we didn't have much money. He (saw) said 'Whoever can marry should marry, it will help him lower his gaze or he should fast." [Al-Qur'an 4:03] "And if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls then marry (other) women of your choice, two, three or four; but if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice." [Al-Qur'an 24:32] "And marry those among you that are single and (also marry) the Salihun (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people)." 1 Short separation (days) will strengthen the marriage but long separation can weaken the relationship. • As they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' 2 Understand each others fitrah (The fitrah is the natural disposition of a person e.g. Allah has created man and women with certain qualities that are innate in them). • The hadith of Muhammad (saw) states that "Every person is born on a state of fitrah, it is their parents that change them to a Jew, Christian or Fire worshipper." Both the husband and wife must realise not to challenge each others fitrah but can account each other by their fitrah. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said to his daughter Fatima; 'O Fatima , Allah has made Ali on a certain fitrah that you should know about." 3 Try and solve disputes on the same day. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Don't let disputes stay until the next day but solve it the same day." • Shaytan is always there to cause fitna for people especially between the husband and wife so its important not to let disputes last longer than a day otherwise small issues will seem very big. 4 Don't speak about your past! • Islam forbids speaking about your jahilliyah (days of before practising Islam). 5 Stay away from idealism and live your lives naturally. • Hadith: A couple came to Prophet (saw) and said 'we make mistakes' and He (saw) said 'you are not perfect'. • Always evaluate the problem and don't pretend or expect miracles. 6 Convey your love and warm feelings to each other. • Hadith: "You must express yourself to your partners" • The wife of Muhammad (saw) said: "The Prophet (saw) never let a day pass without showing his affection." 7 Fight against your own problems and don't share anger with your partner. 8 Do not be critical of each other. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Do not be critical". All type of criticism is forbidden in Islam. • Islam allows certain type of lying in order to maintain a good relationship e.g. complementing on the wife's cooking even if it doesn't taste nice! 9 When disputing with your partner don't expand the argument by adding all other previous disputes. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Dare any of you who sleeps with his wife in the night and then critises her in the morning." 10 Never doubt your partner, • Doubting each other can lead to the destruction of the marriage 11 Trust your partner and show you have full confidence in them. 12 Pick a suitable partner for yourself but also make sure that you are also compatible for your partner. • Hadith: A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) after seeing a woman for the purpose of marriage and said 'She is of good Deen but her father refuses' He (saw) replied 'did you look to yourself?' (This man never went for jihad or was see among the men of Medina ). The man replied 'Ya Rasuallah, verily you have spoken the truth". 13 The main pillar to maintain good relationship between the husband and wife is purity hence cleanliness of body and house etc is important. • Once a woman complained to the Prophet (saw) about her husband's bad odour. • Hadith: The Messenger Muhammed (saw) said "None of you who believe in Allah, spits and covers it." 14 You need to sacrifice to maintain relationship. • Hadith : The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Sacrifice is the best gift between the husband and wife." 15 ADVISE FROM A SAHABIYAT TO HER DAUGHTER; • "Care about your husband like you care about yourself and love for your partner what you love for yourself." • The Messenger Muhammad (saw) will never eat before his wives as mentioned in a hadith " The best amongst you is the one who raises the food and feeds his wife." 16 Give your partner gifts. • Exchanging gifts will cause more inclinations towards each other and strengthen the relationship. 17 Don't be selfish! • Give and take, don't always take. 18 Don't accuse your partner for problems e.g. by saying 'You did it' or 'it's your fault.' 19 Live for the day and don't worry about tomorrow. • Allah knows whether or not you are going to wake up in the morning! 20 Always remember that marriage is a divine bond, so think twice before doing something on the impulse which you will regret later. • Hadtih: The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Three things that are serious; marriage, divorce and freeing the slave." 21 Although love is an essential part of marriage, do not take it for granted and abuse each other thinking that your partner will always love you regardless of ill treatment. 22 Be an example to your partner and let your actions tell and convey your personality. • Hadith: Muhammad (saw) said; "To change your partner the way you wish, be the model for them." • Hadith: "Pray Qiyaam with your wife." • Hadith: Once Fatima (ra) the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked 'How can I be closer to Ali (ra)?' He (saw) replied 'Pray Qiyaam ul-Layl with him and whenever he wakes up, wake up with him.' 23 Do not let parents, relatives or neighbours interfere with your marriage. • Try to reconcile between yourselves as much as you can and if that's not possible than allow a trustworthy Muslim to arbitrate. 24 Don't rush into correcting differences which you perceive in your partner. There are some matters that can only be changed with time. 25 The couple must both accept the consequences and responsibilities that marriage brings and be satisfied. 26 Do not embarrass or humiliate your partner especially in the presence of other people. 27 Participate in collective activities together. • Co-operating with each other will bring a sense of family life e.g. Picnics, BBQ, dawah projects etc. • The Prophet Muhammad used to do collective things with his wives. 28 Do not look down to your partner or ridicule their capability rather let your partner express themselves. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw); "The good husband is the one when the speaks he listens and when she complains he is concerned." 29 The financial right (Naafaqah) of the wife is something serious and her husband must fulfil it. 30 Do not share your sadness and misery with your partner rather exchange jokes and laughter. 31 Do not allow your friends to interfere in your marriage. • Aisha (ra) the wife of Muhammad (saw) once said to the women of the Ansar "Watch out! Do not give room for your friends to interfere in your own privacy." • Part of a man's fitrah is that he has the right of authority in the family as the head of the household and also that no one should know about his affairs. 32 Let your husband feel that you are content with him and that you are proud of him. • Hadith : Muhammad (saw) "Do not compare your husband with another man and don not compare your wife with another woman." 33 During times of disputes remember the goodness of your partner. • Hadith: Muhammad (saw) said; "The good deed abolishes the bad deed" 34 Abu Bakr (ra) said: "In order to understand the character and goodness of your partner, and to fight defection, remember; • What you like about your partner? • What happy experience has passed you two? • What things you did together?" • Umar bin Khattab (ra) said: "The good man is the one who makes his partner like him and appreciate him." 35 Be careful not to use abusive words during times of disputes. 36 Have celebrations with the family. • The Prophet Muhammad used to encourage his daughter Fatima (ra) and Ali (ra) to celebrate with their children. 37 The intelligent wife is the one who asks her husband for things at the right time e.g. don't ask for a expensive dress if you know he can't afford it! 38 Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Three things that should not be used My dignity, My status, My pride." 39 Do not abolish the presence of your partner. Always have consult your partner, even if it's for small issues like grocery shopping. 40 Do not run away from home! • If you want to discipline the wife for doing something sinful then separate from the bed but don't leave home. • Hadith: The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Don't run away from home" 41 Do not anger your husband by asking too many unnecessary questions and vice versa. 42 Do not desert the husband at home. • Umar bin Khattab disciplined a woman for that and said to her; 'Are you a woman or a man?' 43 Do not exchange roles! • Allah (swt) has clearly defined the rights and responsibilities of the husband and wife hence it is not proper for us to swap them. A woman must remember even if she is working, her husband, children and home would always come first. 44 Respect the In-laws. 45 Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; "Honour your mother in-law and call her by the best names (according to the tradition)." 46 Don't let the neighbour interfere. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; "Look after your neighbours and participate with them in happiness and sadness and always command them to obey Allah." • Disclosing family secrets is not participating in sadness! 47 Be careful not to have disputes frequently, it will jeopardise the relationship. • Learn to sacrifice in issues of permissibility in order to maintain tranquillity. 48 Always establish quietness, calmness and tranquillity in the home. 49 Do not interfere with your partner when they are disciplining the children except in an emergency where your partner is violating the shari'ah. 50 Look after your children and maintain a high standard of upbringing e.g. clothing, feeding etc. 51 Listen to your husband and try not to forget to do things for which he has asked you to do. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Teach your wife the chapter of An-Nisa, Al-Maida, An-Nur (from the Qu'ran)." 52 Shari'ah must be the centre of your lives and obedience to your husband is one of the means to Jannah. 53 Remember that Allah will always test you and there will be times that you may have domestic problems but remember every problem doesn't mean the end! 54 Avoid arguing with each other especially in front of children. 55 The wife should not allow anyone to enter her home without the permission of her husband...... Shkirulah Ola
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:41PM  

    dawah - Social Mention
    55 Ways to Maintain a Happy Marriage~*~ Marriage is a highly recommended Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The purpose of marriage in Islam is to increase the Muslim community and not only to enjoy pleasure as Muhammad (saw) said; "Multiply your wives, multiply your children and I shall be proud of you on the Day of Judgement." Although marriage is encouraged in Islam, Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (saw) haven't left us to our rationality to discover what marriage entails and what things make a successful marriage. The following few pages highlight what makes a happy marriage based on the Qu'ran and Sunnah and how the husband and wife can gain each others heart. Hadith: [Collected in Bukhari, Muslim and Musnad Imam Ahmed]. Abdullah ibn Masud narrated: "We used to sit with the Prophet (saw) and we didn't have much money. He (saw) said 'Whoever can marry should marry, it will help him lower his gaze or he should fast." [Al-Qur'an 4:03] "And if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls then marry (other) women of your choice, two, three or four; but if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice." [Al-Qur'an 24:32] "And marry those among you that are single and (also marry) the Salihun (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people)." 1 Short separation (days) will strengthen the marriage but long separation can weaken the relationship. • As they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' 2 Understand each others fitrah (The fitrah is the natural disposition of a person e.g. Allah has created man and women with certain qualities that are innate in them). • The hadith of Muhammad (saw) states that "Every person is born on a state of fitrah, it is their parents that change them to a Jew, Christian or Fire worshipper." Both the husband and wife must realise not to challenge each others fitrah but can account each other by their fitrah. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said to his daughter Fatima; 'O Fatima , Allah has made Ali on a certain fitrah that you should know about." 3 Try and solve disputes on the same day. • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Don't let disputes stay until the next day but solve it the same day." • Shaytan is always there to cause fitna for people especially between the husband and wife so its important not to let disputes last longer than a day otherwise small issues will seem very big. 4 Don't speak about your past! • Islam forbids speaking about your jahilliyah (days of before practising Islam). 5 Stay away from idealism and live your lives naturally. • Hadith: A couple came to Prophet (saw) and said 'we make mistakes' and He (saw) said 'you are not perfect'. • Always evaluate the problem and don't pretend or expect miracles. 6 Convey your love and warm feelings to each other. • Hadith: "You must express yourself to your partners" • The wife of Muhammad (saw) said: "The Prophet (saw) never let a day pass without showing his affection." 7 Fight against your own problems and don't share anger with your partner. 8 Do not be critical of each other. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Do not be critical". All type of criticism is forbidden in Islam. • Islam allows certain type of lying in order to maintain a good relationship e.g. complementing on the wife's cooking even if it doesn't taste nice! 9 When disputing with your partner don't expand the argument by adding all other previous disputes. • Hadith: Prophet (saw) said "Dare any of you who sleeps with his wife in the night and then critises her in the morning." 10 Never doubt your partner, • Doubting each other can lead to the destruction of the marriage 11 Trust your partner and show you have full confidence in them. 12 Pick a suitable partner for yourself but also make sure that you are also compatible for your partner. • Hadith: A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) after seeing a woman for the purpose of marriage and said 'She is of good Deen but her father refuses' He (saw) replied 'did you look to yourself?' (This man never went for jihad or was see among the men of Medina ). The man replied 'Ya Rasuallah, verily you have spoken the truth". 13 The main pillar to maintain good relationship between the husband and wife is purity hence cleanliness of body and house etc is important. • Once a woman complained to the Prophet (saw) about her husband's bad odour. • Hadith: The Messenger Muhammed (saw) said "None of you who believe in Allah, spits and covers it." 14 You need to sacrifice to maintain relationship. • Hadith : The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Sacrifice is the best gift between the husband and wife." 15 ADVISE FROM A SAHABIYAT TO HER DAUGHTER; • "Care about your husband like you care about yourself and love for your partner what you love for yourself." • The Messenger Muhammad (saw) will never eat before his wives as mentioned in a hadith " The best amongst you is the one who raises the food and feeds his wife." 16 Give your partner gifts. • Exchanging gifts will cause more inclinations towards each other and strengthen the relationship. 17 Don't be selfish! • Give and take, don't always take. 18 Don't accuse your partner for problems e.g. by saying 'You did it' or 'it's your fault.' 19 Live for the day and don't worry about tomorrow. • Allah knows whether or not you are going to wake up in the morning! 20 Always remember that marriage is a divine bond, so think twice before doing something on the impulse which you will regret later. • Hadtih: The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Three things that are serious; marriage, divorce and freeing the slave." 21 Although love is an essential part of marriage, do not take it for granted and abuse each other thinking that your partner will always love you regardless of ill treatment. 22 Be an example to your partner and let your actions tell and convey your personality. • Hadith: Muhammad (saw) said; "To change your partner the way you wish, be the model for them." • Hadith: "Pray Qiyaam with your wife." • Hadith: Once Fatima (ra) the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked 'How can I be closer to Ali (ra)?' He (saw) replied 'Pray Qiyaam ul-Layl with him and whenever he wakes up, wake up with him.' 23 Do not let parents, relatives or neighbours interfere with your marriage. • Try to reconcile between yourselves as much as you can and if that's not possible than allow a trustworthy Muslim to arbitrate. 24 Don't rush into correcting differences which you perceive in your partner. There are some matters that can only be changed with time. 25 The couple must both accept the consequences and responsibilities that marriage brings and be satisfied. 26 Do not embarrass or humiliate your partner especially in the presence of other people. 27 Participate in collective activities together. • Co-operating with each other will bring a sense of family life e.g. Picnics, BBQ, dawah projects etc. • The Prophet Muhammad used to do collective things with his wives. 28 Do not look down to your partner or ridicule their capability rather let your partner express themselves. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw); "The good husband is the one when the speaks he listens and when she complains he is concerned." 29 The financial right (Naafaqah) of the wife is something serious and her husband must fulfil it. 30 Do not share your sadness and misery with your partner rather exchange jokes and laughter. 31 Do not allow your friends to interfere in your marriage. • Aisha (ra) the wife of Muhammad (saw) once said to the women of the Ansar "Watch out! Do not give room for your friends to interfere in your own privacy." • Part of a man's fitrah is that he has the right of authority in the family as the head of the household and also that no one should know about his affairs. 32 Let your husband feel that you are content with him and that you are proud of him. • Hadith : Muhammad (saw) "Do not compare your husband with another man and don not compare your wife with another woman." 33 During times of disputes remember the goodness of your partner. • Hadith: Muhammad (saw) said; "The good deed abolishes the bad deed" 34 Abu Bakr (ra) said: "In order to understand the character and goodness of your partner, and to fight defection, remember; • What you like about your partner? • What happy experience has passed you two? • What things you did together?" • Umar bin Khattab (ra) said: "The good man is the one who makes his partner like him and appreciate him." 35 Be careful not to use abusive words during times of disputes. 36 Have celebrations with the family. • The Prophet Muhammad used to encourage his daughter Fatima (ra) and Ali (ra) to celebrate with their children. 37 The intelligent wife is the one who asks her husband for things at the right time e.g. don't ask for a expensive dress if you know he can't afford it! 38 Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Three things that should not be used My dignity, My status, My pride." 39 Do not abolish the presence of your partner. Always have consult your partner, even if it's for small issues like grocery shopping. 40 Do not run away from home! • If you want to discipline the wife for doing something sinful then separate from the bed but don't leave home. • Hadith: The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said; "Don't run away from home" 41 Do not anger your husband by asking too many unnecessary questions and vice versa. 42 Do not desert the husband at home. • Umar bin Khattab disciplined a woman for that and said to her; 'Are you a woman or a man?' 43 Do not exchange roles! • Allah (swt) has clearly defined the rights and responsibilities of the husband and wife hence it is not proper for us to swap them. A woman must remember even if she is working, her husband, children and home would always come first. 44 Respect the In-laws. 45 Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; "Honour your mother in-law and call her by the best names (according to the tradition)." 46 Don't let the neighbour interfere. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; "Look after your neighbours and participate with them in happiness and sadness and always command them to obey Allah." • Disclosing family secrets is not participating in sadness! 47 Be careful not to have disputes frequently, it will jeopardise the relationship. • Learn to sacrifice in issues of permissibility in order to maintain tranquillity. 48 Always establish quietness, calmness and tranquillity in the home. 49 Do not interfere with your partner when they are disciplining the children except in an emergency where your partner is violating the shari'ah. 50 Look after your children and maintain a high standard of upbringing e.g. clothing, feeding etc. 51 Listen to your husband and try not to forget to do things for which he has asked you to do. • Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said ; "Teach your wife the chapter of An-Nisa, Al-Maida, An-Nur (from the Qu'ran)." 52 Shari'ah must be the centre of your lives and obedience to your husband is one of the means to Jannah. 53 Remember that Allah will always test you and there will be times that you may have domestic problems but remember every problem doesn't mean the end! 54 Avoid arguing with each other especially in front of children. 55 The wife should not allow anyone to enter her home without the permission of her husband...... Shkirulah Ola
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:41
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: "Kami menghantar anakanda kami ke bumi AlFateh bagi mempersiapkannya untuk umat. Rupa2nya Allah mempersiapkannya untukNYA." - Puan Nur Azlina (bonda Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar) "SubhanaLlah, AlhamduliLlah, ALlahu Akbar! Tiada ku duga pemergian Ahmad Ammar telah menghidupkan begitu banyak jiwa. Aku merasa begitu kerdil tika di tanyakan apa formula bagi mempersiapkan Ammar begitu rupa! Jujur aku katakan, sumbangan aku terlalu sedikit. Sekadar meletakkan visi dan misi yang aku impikan kepadanya. Rupanya, apabila ku nawaitukan anak ku ini untuk ALlah dan RasulNYA, perancangan ALlah berjalan dengan cara yang tiada mampu untuk aku membayangkannya. Apalagi untuk memahaminya. Pemergian Ammar mengajar aku banyak perkara mengenai KEBESARAN ALLAH ! Terima kasih Ya ALlah !" - Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam (ayahanda Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:31AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    "Kami menghantar anakanda kami ke bumi AlFateh bagi mempersiapkannya untuk umat. Rupa2nya Allah mempersiapkannya untukNYA." - Puan Nur Azlina (bonda Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar) "SubhanaLlah, AlhamduliLlah, ALlahu Akbar! Tiada ku duga pemergian Ahmad Ammar telah menghidupkan begitu banyak jiwa. Aku merasa begitu kerdil tika di tanyakan apa formula bagi mempersiapkan Ammar begitu rupa! Jujur aku katakan, sumbangan aku terlalu sedikit. Sekadar meletakkan visi dan misi yang aku impikan kepadanya. Rupanya, apabila ku nawaitukan anak ku ini untuk ALlah dan RasulNYA, perancangan ALlah berjalan dengan cara yang tiada mampu untuk aku membayangkannya. Apalagi untuk memahaminya. Pemergian Ammar mengajar aku banyak perkara mengenai KEBESARAN ALLAH ! Terima kasih Ya ALlah !" - Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam (ayahanda Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar)
    Nov 21st 2013, 01:18
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:49PM  

    Die Wahre Religion (Islam)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Wahre Religion (Islam)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kein zwang in der Religion. Jeder darf seine Religion frei wählen und ausleben....
    Nov 21st 2013, 22:31
    Kein zwang in der Religion. Jeder darf seine Religion frei wählen und ausleben. Ein Muslim muss immer andere Religionen respektieren und nie andere religiöse Gefühle verletzten.

    ,,Ihr habt eure Religion und ich habe meine Religion"
    ,,Laykum dinukum wa lya din''
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 kafir - Social Mention: TOKOH INDONESIA vs ULAMA' AHLUSSUNNAH TENTANG SYI'AH??? ============================ [A] PARA TOKOH INDONESIA : Prof. Dr. Umar Shihab (MUI Pusat) : "Syiah bukan ajaran sesat, baik Sunni maupun Syiah tetap diakui KonferensiUlama Islam International sebagai bagian dari Islam." []. KH. Said Agil Siradj (Ketua Umum PB NU) : "Ajaran Syiah tidak sesat dan termasuk Islam seperti halnya Sunni. Di universitas di dunia manapun tidak ada yang menganggap Syiahsesat." []. Prof Dr.Din Syamsuddin (Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah) : "Tidak ada beda Sunni dan Syiah. Dialog merupakan jalan yang paling baik dan tepat, guna mengatasi perbedaan aliran dalam keluarga besar sesama muslim." []. KH. Abdurahman Wahid (gus Dur) : "Syiah itu adalah NU plus imamah dan NU itu adalah Syiah minus imamah". Prof. Dr. Amin Rais (Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah/Ketua MPR RI ) : "Sunnah dan Syiah adalah mazhab-mazhab yang legitimate dan sah saja dalam Islam." []. Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) : "Syiah merupakan bagian dari sejarah Islam dalam perebutan kekuasaan, dari masa sahabat, karenanya akidahnya sama, Al qurannya, dan nabinya juga sama." []. Prof. Dr.Syafi'i Ma'arif (Cendikiawan Muslim, Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah) : "Kalau Syiah di kalangan mazhab, dianggap sebagai mazhabkelima." []. Marzuki Alie (Ketua DPR RI) : "Syiah itu mazhab yang diterima di negara manapun di seluruh dunia, dan tidak ada satupun negarayang menegaskan bahwa Islam Syiah adalah aliran sesat." []. KH Noer Iskandar SQ (Ketua Dewan Syuro PPP): "Kami sangat menghargai kaum Muslimin Syiah." []. KH. Alie Yafie (Mantan Ketua MUI, Ulama NU) : Dengan tergabungnya Iran yang mayoritas bermazhab Syiah sebagai negara Islam dalam wadah OKI, berarti Iran diakui sebagai bagian dari Islam. Itu sudah cukup. Yang jelas, kenyataannya seluruh dunia Islam, yang tergabung dalam 60 negara menerima Iran sebagai negaraIslam [tempointeraktif]. _________ [B]PARA ULAMA' AHLUSSUNNAH : 1) - Imam Syafi'i : - Dari Yunus bin Abdila'la, beliau berkata : "Saya telah mendengar asy-Syafi'i, apabila disebut nama Syi'ah Rafidhah, maka ia mencelanya dengan sangat keras, dan berkata: "Kelompok Terjelek!". [al Manâqib, karya al Baihaqiy 1/468]. - "Saya belum melihat seorang pun yang paling banyak bersaksi palsu dari Syi'ah Rafidhah". [Adâbus Syâfi'i, hlm. 187, al Manaqib karya al baihaqiy 1/468 dan Sunan al Kubrâ 10/208]. - Asy-Syafi'i berkata tentang seorang Syi'ah Rafidhah yang ikut berperang : "Tidak diberi sedikit pun dari harta rampasan perang, karena Allâh Ta'ala menyampaikan ayat fa'i (harta rampasan perang),kemudian menyatakan: Dan orang-orang yang datang sesudah mereka (Muhajirin dan Anshar), mereka berdoa: "Ya Rabb kami,beri ampunlah kami dan saudara-saudarakami yang telah beriman lebih dahulu dari kami, …". (Qs. al-Hasyr/59 : 10) maka barang siapa yang tidak menyatakan demikian, tentunya tidak berhak (mendapatkan bagian fa'i). [at Thabaqât 2/117]. 2) - Al-Imam 'Amir Asy-Sya'bi berkata : "Aku tidak pernah melihat kaum yang lebih dungu dari Syi'ah." (As-Sunnah, 2/549, karya Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad). 3) - Al-Imam Sufyan Ats-Tsauri ketika ditanya tentang seorang yang mencela Abu Bakr dan 'Umar, beliau berkata : "Ia telah kafir kepada Allah." Kemudian ditanya : "Apakah kita menshalatinya (bila meninggal dunia) ?" Beliau berkata : "Tidak, tiada kehormatan (baginya)…." (Siyar A'lamin Nubala, 7/253). 4) - Al-Imam Malik dan Al-Imam Asy-Syafi'i, telah disebut di atas.. 5) - Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal berkata : "Aku tidak melihat dia (orang yang mencela Abu Bakr, 'Umar, dan 'Aisyah) itu orang Islam." (As- Sunnah, 1/493, karya Al-Khallal). 6) - Al-Imam Al-Bukhari berkata : "Bagiku sama saja apakah akushalat di belakang Jahmi, dan Rafidhi atau di belakang Yahudi dan Nashara (yakni sama-sama tidak boleh -red). Mereka tidak boleh diberi salam, tidak dikunjungi ketika sakit, tidak dinikahkan, tidak dijadikan saksi, dan tidak dimakan sembelihan mereka." (Khalqu Af'alil 'Ibad, hal. 125). 7) Al-Imam Abu Zur'ah Ar-Razi berkata : "Jika engkau melihat orang yang mencela salah satu dari shahabat Rasulullah , maka ketahuilah bahwa ia seorang zindiq. Yang demikian itu karena Rasul bagi kita haq, dan Al Qur'an haq, dan sesungguhnya yang menyampaikan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah adalah para shahabat Rasulullah . Sungguh mereka mencela para saksi kita (para shahabat) dengan tujuan untuk meniadakan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah. Mereka (Rafidhah) lebih pantas untuk dicela dan merekaadalah zanadiqah." (Al-Kifayah, hal. 49, karya Al-Khathib Al-Baghdadi). Wallahul Muwaffiq.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:51AM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    TOKOH INDONESIA vs ULAMA' AHLUSSUNNAH TENTANG SYI'AH??? ============================ [A] PARA TOKOH INDONESIA : Prof. Dr. Umar Shihab (MUI Pusat) : "Syiah bukan ajaran sesat, baik Sunni maupun Syiah tetap diakui KonferensiUlama Islam International sebagai bagian dari Islam." []. KH. Said Agil Siradj (Ketua Umum PB NU) : "Ajaran Syiah tidak sesat dan termasuk Islam seperti halnya Sunni. Di universitas di dunia manapun tidak ada yang menganggap Syiahsesat." []. Prof Dr.Din Syamsuddin (Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah) : "Tidak ada beda Sunni dan Syiah. Dialog merupakan jalan yang paling baik dan tepat, guna mengatasi perbedaan aliran dalam keluarga besar sesama muslim." []. KH. Abdurahman Wahid (gus Dur) : "Syiah itu adalah NU plus imamah dan NU itu adalah Syiah minus imamah". Prof. Dr. Amin Rais (Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah/Ketua MPR RI ) : "Sunnah dan Syiah adalah mazhab-mazhab yang legitimate dan sah saja dalam Islam." []. Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) : "Syiah merupakan bagian dari sejarah Islam dalam perebutan kekuasaan, dari masa sahabat, karenanya akidahnya sama, Al qurannya, dan nabinya juga sama." []. Prof. Dr.Syafi'i Ma'arif (Cendikiawan Muslim, Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah) : "Kalau Syiah di kalangan mazhab, dianggap sebagai mazhabkelima." []. Marzuki Alie (Ketua DPR RI) : "Syiah itu mazhab yang diterima di negara manapun di seluruh dunia, dan tidak ada satupun negarayang menegaskan bahwa Islam Syiah adalah aliran sesat." []. KH Noer Iskandar SQ (Ketua Dewan Syuro PPP): "Kami sangat menghargai kaum Muslimin Syiah." []. KH. Alie Yafie (Mantan Ketua MUI, Ulama NU) : Dengan tergabungnya Iran yang mayoritas bermazhab Syiah sebagai negara Islam dalam wadah OKI, berarti Iran diakui sebagai bagian dari Islam. Itu sudah cukup. Yang jelas, kenyataannya seluruh dunia Islam, yang tergabung dalam 60 negara menerima Iran sebagai negaraIslam [tempointeraktif]. _________ [B]PARA ULAMA' AHLUSSUNNAH : 1) - Imam Syafi'i : - Dari Yunus bin Abdila'la, beliau berkata : "Saya telah mendengar asy-Syafi'i, apabila disebut nama Syi'ah Rafidhah, maka ia mencelanya dengan sangat keras, dan berkata: "Kelompok Terjelek!". [al Manâqib, karya al Baihaqiy 1/468]. - "Saya belum melihat seorang pun yang paling banyak bersaksi palsu dari Syi'ah Rafidhah". [Adâbus Syâfi'i, hlm. 187, al Manaqib karya al baihaqiy 1/468 dan Sunan al Kubrâ 10/208]. - Asy-Syafi'i berkata tentang seorang Syi'ah Rafidhah yang ikut berperang : "Tidak diberi sedikit pun dari harta rampasan perang, karena Allâh Ta'ala menyampaikan ayat fa'i (harta rampasan perang),kemudian menyatakan: Dan orang-orang yang datang sesudah mereka (Muhajirin dan Anshar), mereka berdoa: "Ya Rabb kami,beri ampunlah kami dan saudara-saudarakami yang telah beriman lebih dahulu dari kami, …". (Qs. al-Hasyr/59 : 10) maka barang siapa yang tidak menyatakan demikian, tentunya tidak berhak (mendapatkan bagian fa'i). [at Thabaqât 2/117]. 2) - Al-Imam 'Amir Asy-Sya'bi berkata : "Aku tidak pernah melihat kaum yang lebih dungu dari Syi'ah." (As-Sunnah, 2/549, karya Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad). 3) - Al-Imam Sufyan Ats-Tsauri ketika ditanya tentang seorang yang mencela Abu Bakr dan 'Umar, beliau berkata : "Ia telah kafir kepada Allah." Kemudian ditanya : "Apakah kita menshalatinya (bila meninggal dunia) ?" Beliau berkata : "Tidak, tiada kehormatan (baginya)…." (Siyar A'lamin Nubala, 7/253). 4) - Al-Imam Malik dan Al-Imam Asy-Syafi'i, telah disebut di atas.. 5) - Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal berkata : "Aku tidak melihat dia (orang yang mencela Abu Bakr, 'Umar, dan 'Aisyah) itu orang Islam." (As- Sunnah, 1/493, karya Al-Khallal). 6) - Al-Imam Al-Bukhari berkata : "Bagiku sama saja apakah akushalat di belakang Jahmi, dan Rafidhi atau di belakang Yahudi dan Nashara (yakni sama-sama tidak boleh -red). Mereka tidak boleh diberi salam, tidak dikunjungi ketika sakit, tidak dinikahkan, tidak dijadikan saksi, dan tidak dimakan sembelihan mereka." (Khalqu Af'alil 'Ibad, hal. 125). 7) Al-Imam Abu Zur'ah Ar-Razi berkata : "Jika engkau melihat orang yang mencela salah satu dari shahabat Rasulullah , maka ketahuilah bahwa ia seorang zindiq. Yang demikian itu karena Rasul bagi kita haq, dan Al Qur'an haq, dan sesungguhnya yang menyampaikan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah adalah para shahabat Rasulullah . Sungguh mereka mencela para saksi kita (para shahabat) dengan tujuan untuk meniadakan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah. Mereka (Rafidhah) lebih pantas untuk dicela dan merekaadalah zanadiqah." (Al-Kifayah, hal. 49, karya Al-Khathib Al-Baghdadi). Wallahul Muwaffiq.
    Nov 21st 2013, 05:47
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:02PM  

    Abu Walaa - Social Mention
    شاهى بلييز تنشورى سؤالى ازيكوا يا بنات كنت عايزة اسأل البنات اللى بتروح لسامح عزازى و وسام فخر و عايزة اسأل فى حد راح الاتنين و ارتاح لمين فيهم و مين اشطر الانى محتارة و مش عارفة اروح لمين و يا ريت تدونى رقم د.وسام شكرااااااااا
    Nov 20th 2013, 16:28
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 islamist - Social Mention: Recall Elections - However - Removal Should Be Priority I believe We Need this at the Federal Level, since Congress has a Blind eye to Barack Hussein Obama whom is the most incompetent in the area of leadership and the most competent in preplanned Fraud, Lies, Deception and Corruption, and assigning Islamist-Muslim Brotherhood operatives over U.S. policy and secrets.. He is guilty of so many lies, fraud and cover-ups and abuse of authority and Laws as — Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups, and giving aid to Islamist-Muslim-Terrorist, i.e. Islamic terrorist organization, Gama al-Islamiyya. Pointing Out Obama's Incompetence Is Not Racially Motivated - Incompetence is color-blind. Obama is a fraud. Period. Recall elections are an electoral device in American politics which allow citizens to remove an elected official from office before the end of that person's term in office. Like initiatives and referendum, recall elections are considered an extension of democracy in that they allow citizens to hold elected officials to account after they have been elected and during their term in office. Recalls do not require accusations of illegal acts – they can be used if an official is considered to be incompetent. Which America has an incompetent one in Our White House Today - Although, Recall elections do not apply to federal elections but both houses of Congress have the right to remove officials who do meet the standards required by Congress. Congress must follow the led of Egypt - Removal of Obama Should Be Priority ONE!! Egypt Files Criminal Complaint Against - Barack Hussein Obama cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 3/7/2013-8/18/2013, in the Arab Republic of Egypt." Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim sympathizer who enables terrorism, aiding our enemies, and thus, he is worthy to be charged with treason. Obama Islamist in the White House: Islamic terrorist met with top Obama administration at the White House. Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of the American Government - It has not been made official, because Mr. Obama himself knows that such an official declaration would let everyone know that he stands side by side with Islamic terrorists. Although the associations of his brother, Malik Obama, director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation are enough of a smoking gun already of just who America's so-called president really is. The treasonous acts by Obama start with him and his conspires hijacking the political process by registering as Democrats when, in fact, they make up a combination of socialists, progressives, communists, Marxists, anarchists, and UN-American detractors. Obama has orchestrated the leaking of classified information to hurt our country and help our terrorist enemies, making himself look good to retain power and forward the socialist Islamist agenda: knock down American to build up global government; destroy from within. Obama has circumvented our combined Congress by recruiting and moving his supporters underground to undercut the Constitution, and he has illegally and unconstitutionally organizied a lobbying force of monumental proportions from out of the White House in order to help him create his "shadow government," to bypass the legally constitutional legislative process. It is not fully known how many other violations Obama has committed. However one thing is for sure, Obama and his administration continue to dig into the core of America's fabric to pull loose every thread in leaving her totally naked and vulnerable before this nation and the world. STAND UP and FIGHT - DEMAND CONGRESS REMOVE Barack Hussein Obama
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:42PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Recall Elections - However - Removal Should Be Priority I believe We Need this at the Federal Level, since Congress has a Blind eye to Barack Hussein Obama whom is the most incompetent in the area of leadership and the most competent in preplanned Fraud, Lies, Deception and Corruption, and assigning Islamist-Muslim Brotherhood operatives over U.S. policy and secrets.. He is guilty of so many lies, fraud and cover-ups and abuse of authority and Laws as — Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups, and giving aid to Islamist-Muslim-Terrorist, i.e. Islamic terrorist organization, Gama al-Islamiyya. Pointing Out Obama's Incompetence Is Not Racially Motivated - Incompetence is color-blind. Obama is a fraud. Period. Recall elections are an electoral device in American politics which allow citizens to remove an elected official from office before the end of that person's term in office. Like initiatives and referendum, recall elections are considered an extension of democracy in that they allow citizens to hold elected officials to account after they have been elected and during their term in office. Recalls do not require accusations of illegal acts – they can be used if an official is considered to be incompetent. Which America has an incompetent one in Our White House Today - Although, Recall elections do not apply to federal elections but both houses of Congress have the right to remove officials who do meet the standards required by Congress. Congress must follow the led of Egypt - Removal of Obama Should Be Priority ONE!! Egypt Files Criminal Complaint Against - Barack Hussein Obama cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 3/7/2013-8/18/2013, in the Arab Republic of Egypt." Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim sympathizer who enables terrorism, aiding our enemies, and thus, he is worthy to be charged with treason. Obama Islamist in the White House: Islamic terrorist met with top Obama administration at the White House. Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of the American Government - It has not been made official, because Mr. Obama himself knows that such an official declaration would let everyone know that he stands side by side with Islamic terrorists. Although the associations of his brother, Malik Obama, director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation are enough of a smoking gun already of just who America's so-called president really is. The treasonous acts by Obama start with him and his conspires hijacking the political process by registering as Democrats when, in fact, they make up a combination of socialists, progressives, communists, Marxists, anarchists, and UN-American detractors. Obama has orchestrated the leaking of classified information to hurt our country and help our terrorist enemies, making himself look good to retain power and forward the socialist Islamist agenda: knock down American to build up global government; destroy from within. Obama has circumvented our combined Congress by recruiting and moving his supporters underground to undercut the Constitution, and he has illegally and unconstitutionally organizied a lobbying force of monumental proportions from out of the White House in order to help him create his "shadow government," to bypass the legally constitutional legislative process. It is not fully known how many other violations Obama has committed. However one thing is for sure, Obama and his administration continue to dig into the core of America's fabric to pull loose every thread in leaving her totally naked and vulnerable before this nation and the world. STAND UP and FIGHT - DEMAND CONGRESS REMOVE Barack Hussein Obama
    Nov 19th 2013, 19:10
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 nasheed - Social Mention: GUSL KIN CHEEZON SE FARZ HOTA HAI ? PART 2 :- Mas'ala :- agar sone se pahle shahwat thi aur zakar (penis) khada tha ab jaga aur ihtilaam ka asar paya aur mazee hone ka zyada guman hai aur ihtilaam ka yaad nhi to gusl wajib nhi jab tak uske manee hone ka yaqeen na ho jaye aur agar sone se pahle shahwat hi na thi ya thi magar sond se pahle dab chuki thi aur jo nikla use saaf kar chuka tha to manee ke yaqeen ki zaroorat nhi balki manee kd ihtimaal (shaq) se hi gusl wajib ho jayeh yeh mas'ala zyada waaqe hota hai aur log isse bekhabar hain is liye is cheez ka dhyan rakhna bahut zaroori hai, beemari wagairah se behoshi aai ya nashe me behosh hua aur hosh aane ke baad kapde ya badan par mazee mili to wuzoo wajib hoga gusl nhi aur sone ke baad aisa dekha to gusl wajib hai magar usi shart par ki sone se pahle shahwat na thi, kisi ko khawab hua aur manee bahar na nikla tha ki aankh khul gai aur aale (penis) ko pakad liya ki manee bahar na hui fir tezi jati rahi chhorh diya ab nikli to gusl wajib ho gaya, Mas'ala :- namaaz me shahwat thi aur manee utarti maloom hui magar abhi bahar na nikli thi ki namaaz puri ho gai ab nikli to gusl wajib hoga magar namaaz ho gai, Mas'ala : khade baithe ya chalte hue so gya jab aankh khuli to mazee paai aisi surat me gusl wajib hai, Mas'ala : raat ko ihtilaam hua jaga to koi asar na paya to wuzoo karke namaaz pad li ab uske baad manee nikli to gusl wajib ho gaya lekin namaaz ho gai, Mas'ala : aurat ko khawab hua to jab manee farj (farj mean aurat ke peshab ki jagah) ke andar se na nikle to gusl wajib nhi, Mas'ala : mard wa aurat ek chaarpaai par soye aur subah uthne ke baad bistar par manee paai gai aur unmd se har ek ihtilaam ka inkar karta hai to munasib yehi hai ki 2no gusl kar le aur yehi sahi hai, Mas'ala : agar ladka ihtilaam ke sath balig hua to us par gusl wajib hai. [BAHARE SHARI'AT] ALLAH haq farmane me hayaa nhi karta. ¤§¤ Like This Page ILM E DEEN mas'ala mashaail janne ke ke liye => Bahare shariat Bahare shariat
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:52AM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    GUSL KIN CHEEZON SE FARZ HOTA HAI ? PART 2 :- Mas'ala :- agar sone se pahle shahwat thi aur zakar (penis) khada tha ab jaga aur ihtilaam ka asar paya aur mazee hone ka zyada guman hai aur ihtilaam ka yaad nhi to gusl wajib nhi jab tak uske manee hone ka yaqeen na ho jaye aur agar sone se pahle shahwat hi na thi ya thi magar sond se pahle dab chuki thi aur jo nikla use saaf kar chuka tha to manee ke yaqeen ki zaroorat nhi balki manee kd ihtimaal (shaq) se hi gusl wajib ho jayeh yeh mas'ala zyada waaqe hota hai aur log isse bekhabar hain is liye is cheez ka dhyan rakhna bahut zaroori hai, beemari wagairah se behoshi aai ya nashe me behosh hua aur hosh aane ke baad kapde ya badan par mazee mili to wuzoo wajib hoga gusl nhi aur sone ke baad aisa dekha to gusl wajib hai magar usi shart par ki sone se pahle shahwat na thi, kisi ko khawab hua aur manee bahar na nikla tha ki aankh khul gai aur aale (penis) ko pakad liya ki manee bahar na hui fir tezi jati rahi chhorh diya ab nikli to gusl wajib ho gaya, Mas'ala :- namaaz me shahwat thi aur manee utarti maloom hui magar abhi bahar na nikli thi ki namaaz puri ho gai ab nikli to gusl wajib hoga magar namaaz ho gai, Mas'ala : khade baithe ya chalte hue so gya jab aankh khuli to mazee paai aisi surat me gusl wajib hai, Mas'ala : raat ko ihtilaam hua jaga to koi asar na paya to wuzoo karke namaaz pad li ab uske baad manee nikli to gusl wajib ho gaya lekin namaaz ho gai, Mas'ala : aurat ko khawab hua to jab manee farj (farj mean aurat ke peshab ki jagah) ke andar se na nikle to gusl wajib nhi, Mas'ala : mard wa aurat ek chaarpaai par soye aur subah uthne ke baad bistar par manee paai gai aur unmd se har ek ihtilaam ka inkar karta hai to munasib yehi hai ki 2no gusl kar le aur yehi sahi hai, Mas'ala : agar ladka ihtilaam ke sath balig hua to us par gusl wajib hai. [BAHARE SHARI'AT] ALLAH haq farmane me hayaa nhi karta. ¤§¤ Like This Page ILM E DEEN mas'ala mashaail janne ke ke liye => Bahare shariat Bahare shariat
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:44
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