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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:38PM  

    Islam kennt keine Nationalität - Elhamdulillah Moslems Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam kennt keine Nationalität - Elhamdulillah Moslems Facebook-Pinnwand
    Während des Unterrichts:
    Der Imam: Wie heißt du mein Kind?
    Schülerin: Ich heiß...
    Nov 21st 2013, 19:25
    Während des Unterrichts:

    Der Imam: Wie heißt du mein Kind?
    Schülerin: Ich heiße Kawsar
    Imam: Dann ließ uns bitte mal die Surah-Al Kawsar vor:
    *Nach dem Vortrag*
    Imam wie heißt du mein Sohn?
    Schüler: Fatih
    Imam: Dann ließ uns du doch die Surah-Al-Fatiha vor.
    *Nach dem Vortrag*
    Imam wie heißt du mein Sohn?
    Schüler antwortet nicht, der Lehrer fragt noch ein weiteres Mal und zuletzt antwortet der Schüler aufgeregt:
    Ich heiße Yassin aber jeder nennt mich Subhanaka

    Smile it's Sunnah :)
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 khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:32PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial.
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:28
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 islam fatwa - Social Mention: The President of the United States declared that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Already, the media and the left are in full denial, probably based on their general lack of understanding of theology. This would have been a gaffe had Mitt Romney said it. But with Barack Obama, he's just speaking bold truths. His bold truth declares that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Pay careful attention to what he says. The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit." Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support. Now, that's the full paragraph so no one can claim I took him out of context.But consider this. It is an orthodox Christian belief that Mohammed is not a prophet. Actual Christians, as opposed to many of the supposed Christians put up by the mainstream media, believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. Believing that is slandering Mohammed. That's just a fact. If you don't believe me, you go into the MIddle East and proclaim Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and see what happens to your life. Then Barack Obama went on to say "Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied." Note he says we cannot "slander the prophet of Islam" but it's only the image of Christ in the next sentence — not actually Christ himself desecrated. If this is so, why does Barack Obama's government continue funding the National Endowment for the Arts, which funded Christ in piss, the Virgin Mary painted in dung, etc.? Now, in point of fact, this is a major difference between Islam and Christianity. Christ came to this world as an enemy of the world and expected to be impugned. He also tells his followers that they should expect to be impugned. There is joy in being persecuted for following the Risen Lord. In Islam, if you impugn Mohammed, you get a fatwa on your butt. And then there is the first amendment. The President of the United States tried to have it both ways in his speech. I know there are some who ask why we don't just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views – even views that we disagree with. We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our Founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views, and practice their own faith, may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech – the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect. I know that not all countries in this body share this understanding of the protection of free speech. Yet in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond. And on this we must agree: there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. Just words, Mr. President? You say "there is no speech that justifies mindless violence," but all last week you condemned a ridiculous video trailer for a movie that does not exist. Your government ran advertisements in Pakistan denouncing the video. What of free speech, Mr. President? Last week you were saying the violence was understandable given the offensive film and this week you are trying to claim it was mindless. Oh wait, you did it again in the same speech where you said "there is no speech that justifies mindless violence":
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:48AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    The President of the United States declared that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Already, the media and the left are in full denial, probably based on their general lack of understanding of theology. This would have been a gaffe had Mitt Romney said it. But with Barack Obama, he's just speaking bold truths. His bold truth declares that the future does not belong to practicing Christians. Pay careful attention to what he says. The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit." Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support. Now, that's the full paragraph so no one can claim I took him out of context.But consider this. It is an orthodox Christian belief that Mohammed is not a prophet. Actual Christians, as opposed to many of the supposed Christians put up by the mainstream media, believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. Believing that is slandering Mohammed. That's just a fact. If you don't believe me, you go into the MIddle East and proclaim Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and see what happens to your life. Then Barack Obama went on to say "Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied." Note he says we cannot "slander the prophet of Islam" but it's only the image of Christ in the next sentence — not actually Christ himself desecrated. If this is so, why does Barack Obama's government continue funding the National Endowment for the Arts, which funded Christ in piss, the Virgin Mary painted in dung, etc.? Now, in point of fact, this is a major difference between Islam and Christianity. Christ came to this world as an enemy of the world and expected to be impugned. He also tells his followers that they should expect to be impugned. There is joy in being persecuted for following the Risen Lord. In Islam, if you impugn Mohammed, you get a fatwa on your butt. And then there is the first amendment. The President of the United States tried to have it both ways in his speech. I know there are some who ask why we don't just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views – even views that we disagree with. We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our Founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views, and practice their own faith, may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech – the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect. I know that not all countries in this body share this understanding of the protection of free speech. Yet in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond. And on this we must agree: there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. Just words, Mr. President? You say "there is no speech that justifies mindless violence," but all last week you condemned a ridiculous video trailer for a movie that does not exist. Your government ran advertisements in Pakistan denouncing the video. What of free speech, Mr. President? Last week you were saying the violence was understandable given the offensive film and this week you are trying to claim it was mindless. Oh wait, you did it again in the same speech where you said "there is no speech that justifies mindless violence":
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:21
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:52PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Abdullah Abu Abdullah wrote: An Igbo man mistakenly sent 2million Naira to a wrong phone number via Mobile Money. He realized that before the person wud withdraw the whole money, he had to think of what to do if he was to get his money back. To the person's phone number, he immediately sent a text: "Hello Dark and Worthy Initiate, I hope you are okay. I believe you've received the money I sent you for the initia...
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:52
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:37AM  

    Al-Rahma - Social Mention
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:27
    Namaku Thaibah AstariyaniBiasa dipanggil tari, thaibah, thabiah ....Sering dipanggil ChiBi sma yg namanya UyunkLahir tanggal 08 April 2001Aku ini Soniq, Comate, InsomNisa, Bismaniac, Smashblast, Sone, Yoonaddict.Dulu aku Twibi sekarang gk lagi, karena anisa sudah keluar dari ChiBi .... Tapi aku bukan Chiters kok ! Aku juga bukan TwibiAnak dari Puguh Darmadji dan RahmawatiSekarang sudah kelas 8 / 2 SMPTk nya TK Al-Hidayah, SD nya di SDN 4 Palangka, SMP nya di MTsN 1 ModelAku salah satu anak kelas VIII 4, kelas unggulan lohh,,, tapi, anak kelas VIII 4 pda gila semua + yadong #gknanyaWarna favoritku Ungu, Pink dan PutihAku sering nulis dibukuku " I Love Purple " #FanatikbangetSering jahilin temanku yang namanya IinAku termasuk orang yg cerewetPunya sahabat namanya Laila dan RiskianaAku biasa manggil Laila (Lalapo / Lapo) dan Riskiana (Riris / Rirista)Suka nyubitin / nyolek pipi orangDeket banget sma yg nma x Lalapo ( Laila )Nama persahabatanku dengan laila & riris itu " MerKuJo " tapi sekarang sudah ganti jdi " PoTaRis Sweet " sayangnya kemaren baru bubar, tapi aku tetap bersahabat dengan mereka berdua #oooohhhhPunya teman terbaik yang bisa dibilang sahabat, yaitu Ocha & IinPunya adik cewe namanya Amanda Rahma AzkiaPaling sebel sama orang yg namanya SK #NamaDisamarkan   Udah dulu y,, siaga 6 !!! Seee you byebye !!!
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 kuffar - Social Mention: MURDE SUNTE, DEKHTE, BOLTE AUR MEHSUS KARTE HAIN: HADEES KI ROSHNI ME: Hadees e Mustafa {ѕαℓαℓℓαн нυ αℓℓαyнι ωαѕαℓℓαм} : ●HADEE#1: Azwah bdar sharif me musalmano ne kuffar ki laashen jama karke ek kuwen me paat di, Huzur ki adat karima ti ki jab kisi muqam ko fateh karte to wahan 3 din qeyam farmate, yahan se tashrif le jate waqt is kuwen par tashrif laye, jisme kafiro ki lashen padi thi, aurunhe naam banaam awaz dekar farmaya, 'Humne to paa liya jo humse hamare Rab ne saccha waada(Nusrat ka) farmaya tha, kyun tumne bhi paya jo sacch wada(Naar ka) tumse tumhare Rab ne kiya tha.' Ameerul MomineenFaruq Azam r.a ne arz ki, Ya RASOOLALLAH, 'Ajsadun La Arwaha Feeha' tarjuma: Ya Rasoolallah Kya Huzur be-jaan jismo se kalaam farmate hain? Farmaya,'Ma Antum be asma'a Minhum.' Tarjuma: Tum kuch unse zyada nahi sunte, magar unhe taqat nahi ki mujhe laut kar jawab dein. ( Bukhari Sarif J2, S-566, Baab-Qatl Abi Jehel ) ╠► Is Hadees se pata chala ki Kafir bhi marne ke baad sunte hain, to fir Momin kyu na sune? Aur fir AULIYA Ki shan to raafe Aala hai. Beshak wo bahut behtar sunte hain. fir farmaya, ● HADEES#2: Rooh ek parind hai, aur Jism Pinjrah, Parind jis waqt tak pinjrah me rehta hai, iski parazi isi qadr hai, Jab Pinjrah se nikal jaye, is waqt iski quwwat-e-parwaz dekhiye. (Sharahus Sudur, S-210,Baab-Al Arwahe Mafhoomam) ╠►is Hadees se pata chala ki Jism se Rooh nikalne ke baad iski sunne aur dekhne aur tamam ikhtiyarat ki quwwt aur zyada badh jati hai.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:41AM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    MURDE SUNTE, DEKHTE, BOLTE AUR MEHSUS KARTE HAIN: HADEES KI ROSHNI ME: Hadees e Mustafa {ѕαℓαℓℓαн нυ αℓℓαyнι ωαѕαℓℓαм} : ●HADEE#1: Azwah bdar sharif me musalmano ne kuffar ki laashen jama karke ek kuwen me paat di, Huzur ki adat karima ti ki jab kisi muqam ko fateh karte to wahan 3 din qeyam farmate, yahan se tashrif le jate waqt is kuwen par tashrif laye, jisme kafiro ki lashen padi thi, aurunhe naam banaam awaz dekar farmaya, 'Humne to paa liya jo humse hamare Rab ne saccha waada(Nusrat ka) farmaya tha, kyun tumne bhi paya jo sacch wada(Naar ka) tumse tumhare Rab ne kiya tha.' Ameerul MomineenFaruq Azam r.a ne arz ki, Ya RASOOLALLAH, 'Ajsadun La Arwaha Feeha' tarjuma: Ya Rasoolallah Kya Huzur be-jaan jismo se kalaam farmate hain? Farmaya,'Ma Antum be asma'a Minhum.' Tarjuma: Tum kuch unse zyada nahi sunte, magar unhe taqat nahi ki mujhe laut kar jawab dein. ( Bukhari Sarif J2, S-566, Baab-Qatl Abi Jehel ) ╠► Is Hadees se pata chala ki Kafir bhi marne ke baad sunte hain, to fir Momin kyu na sune? Aur fir AULIYA Ki shan to raafe Aala hai. Beshak wo bahut behtar sunte hain. fir farmaya, ● HADEES#2: Rooh ek parind hai, aur Jism Pinjrah, Parind jis waqt tak pinjrah me rehta hai, iski parazi isi qadr hai, Jab Pinjrah se nikal jaye, is waqt iski quwwat-e-parwaz dekhiye. (Sharahus Sudur, S-210,Baab-Al Arwahe Mafhoomam) ╠►is Hadees se pata chala ki Jism se Rooh nikalne ke baad iski sunne aur dekhne aur tamam ikhtiyarat ki quwwt aur zyada badh jati hai.
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:29
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 takbir - Social Mention: syahid pada 1 muharam..syurga dan neraka dalam tangan Allah..Alhamdulillah.. ye betul cakap dia tu..jangan pedulikan org...kalau Allah redha aku peduli apa dgn pak guard, penghuni2 crystal yg cerewet, dll org jahat..hidup dan mati kerana Allah... dedicated utk lelaki atau wanita kalau ada yang otaknya tak betul, of course la hidup ini ada perasaan tapi tak perlu la moto hidup kau sampai memberi penekanan ibarat like this: lelaki : hidup dengan menggila angkat takbir "betina !!" perempuan : hidup dengan menggila angkat takbir "jantan !!" (terutama someone yg berusaha halau aku dr kristal - aku sgt detective, cepat je aku tangkap siapa dalangnya itu - dlm fb bnyk ceramah agama tapi apa yg dia buat semua effect of lelaki or wanita?? nampak alim tapi tak amanah dan gelabah..padam sahaja la segala ceramah copy paste kau itu dan segala perkataan menunjukkan kemuliaan..fake gila kaw taw tak??) kata2 aku memang agak kasar dan sentap tapi aku tak cakap bohong... islam itu bermaksud (sejahtera atau selamat) kalau kau buat kerja2 yang tak sejahtera dan tak selamat utk diri sendiri atau org lain, tak da makna segala imej islamic itu, islam itu bukan hanya pada pakaian luaran sahaja tetapi juga termasuk perbuatan yang sejahtera dan selamat...shame on you la !! sejati dan cabaran konon !!orang sejati yang sebenar tak peduli or effect pun apa org lain nak anggap atau cakap moto hidup, dan kalau angkat bendera hanya takbir "Allah hu Akbar !! " dalam hati cuma ada Allah tak kira sekuat mana dugaan pun.. so, kalau takdir hantar PM Najib or Rosmah nak bagi warning or dugaan kalau boleh sedikit pun jgn ada effect suddenly jadi kaki bodek atau menggeletar ketakutan seolah2 mereka itu tuhan pembawa rahmat... "PERKATAAN AHMAD AMMAR INI LAH YANG SEJATI DAN SEJIWA DENGAN DIRI AKU. SEPATUTNYA JODOH AKU IALAH DENGAN LELAKI YANG MACAM INI" dah lama aku tunggu kehadiran orang yang bermotokan kata-kata yang macam ini...tak sempat bertemu kejap je dia dan pergi??
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:27PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    syahid pada 1 muharam..syurga dan neraka dalam tangan Allah..Alhamdulillah.. ye betul cakap dia tu..jangan pedulikan org...kalau Allah redha aku peduli apa dgn pak guard, penghuni2 crystal yg cerewet, dll org jahat..hidup dan mati kerana Allah... dedicated utk lelaki atau wanita kalau ada yang otaknya tak betul, of course la hidup ini ada perasaan tapi tak perlu la moto hidup kau sampai memberi penekanan ibarat like this: lelaki : hidup dengan menggila angkat takbir "betina !!" perempuan : hidup dengan menggila angkat takbir "jantan !!" (terutama someone yg berusaha halau aku dr kristal - aku sgt detective, cepat je aku tangkap siapa dalangnya itu - dlm fb bnyk ceramah agama tapi apa yg dia buat semua effect of lelaki or wanita?? nampak alim tapi tak amanah dan gelabah..padam sahaja la segala ceramah copy paste kau itu dan segala perkataan menunjukkan kemuliaan..fake gila kaw taw tak??) kata2 aku memang agak kasar dan sentap tapi aku tak cakap bohong... islam itu bermaksud (sejahtera atau selamat) kalau kau buat kerja2 yang tak sejahtera dan tak selamat utk diri sendiri atau org lain, tak da makna segala imej islamic itu, islam itu bukan hanya pada pakaian luaran sahaja tetapi juga termasuk perbuatan yang sejahtera dan selamat...shame on you la !! sejati dan cabaran konon !!orang sejati yang sebenar tak peduli or effect pun apa org lain nak anggap atau cakap moto hidup, dan kalau angkat bendera hanya takbir "Allah hu Akbar !! " dalam hati cuma ada Allah tak kira sekuat mana dugaan pun.. so, kalau takdir hantar PM Najib or Rosmah nak bagi warning or dugaan kalau boleh sedikit pun jgn ada effect suddenly jadi kaki bodek atau menggeletar ketakutan seolah2 mereka itu tuhan pembawa rahmat... "PERKATAAN AHMAD AMMAR INI LAH YANG SEJATI DAN SEJIWA DENGAN DIRI AKU. SEPATUTNYA JODOH AKU IALAH DENGAN LELAKI YANG MACAM INI" dah lama aku tunggu kehadiran orang yang bermotokan kata-kata yang macam ini...tak sempat bertemu kejap je dia dan pergi??
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:22
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:18PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    TP, Panasonic seek to reinvent classroom learning
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:48
    Today Online - Found 30 minutes agoPhoto: Panasonic From foreground: Umar Mujahid, Mervyn Lim, Lim Zhong Ming poses with the KinderMusic Panaboard in Temasek Polytechnic. Panasonic to launch fewer digital cameras in fiscal 2014: Nikkei - Reuters via Yahoo! BRIEF-Panasonic to launch 5 new compact digital cameras next ... - Reuters Panasonic to launch fewer digital cameras in fiscal 2014: Nikkei - Reuters Canada Panasonic to launch fewer digital cameras in fiscal 2014: Nikkei - Reuters Explore All Reuters via Yahoo!
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 media crash news - Social Mention: ASUU NEC meeting not postponed indefinitely —ATBU chairman The Chairman of Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Dr Lawan Abubakar has described the media reports that the union had postponed its National Executive Committee meeting indefinitely as false and speculative. This was even as he dismissed the claim that the union had accepted the N1.3 trillion offered by the Federal Government, saying "what the union is agitating for is the full implementation of the 2009 agreement and nothing less." Abubakar said in an interview with Vanguard, yesterday, in Bauchi that the National Executive Committee of the union only adjourned its meeting for seven days to enable it mourn Prof Festus Iyayi who died in an auto crash involving the entourage of the Kogi State Governor, Capt. Idris Wada, adding that the members were awaiting further directives from its national leadership on a new date for the NEC meeting. -VANGUARD NEWS
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:07PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    ASUU NEC meeting not postponed indefinitely —ATBU chairman The Chairman of Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Dr Lawan Abubakar has described the media reports that the union had postponed its National Executive Committee meeting indefinitely as false and speculative. This was even as he dismissed the claim that the union had accepted the N1.3 trillion offered by the Federal Government, saying "what the union is agitating for is the full implementation of the 2009 agreement and nothing less." Abubakar said in an interview with Vanguard, yesterday, in Bauchi that the National Executive Committee of the union only adjourned its meeting for seven days to enable it mourn Prof Festus Iyayi who died in an auto crash involving the entourage of the Kogi State Governor, Capt. Idris Wada, adding that the members were awaiting further directives from its national leadership on a new date for the NEC meeting. -VANGUARD NEWS
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:52
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 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: 󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜 I S L A A M I M A L O O M A A T ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PART- ⚪ Qur'aan 23 SaaL Mei NaaziL Huwa. 󾓿 Ruhul Ma'aanee - 5/170. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Jannat Ke Daarogha ( Muhaafiz) Ka Naam Rizwaan Hei. 󾓿 Shu'abul Imaan-3695. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Jahannam Ke Darogha Ka naam Maalik hei. 󾓿 Shu'abul Imaan-3695. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Aap SaLLaLLahu ALayhi WasaLLam Ki Wafaat Hazrat Aaisha Siddiqah Rz.Anha Ke Makaan Me Huyi. 󾓿 Musnade Ahmad 3355 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Makkatul Mukarramah Hijrii San 8 Mei Fatah Huwa. 󾓿 Sunane Kubraa Baihaqee-14523. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Sab Se PehLe Azaan Hazrat Bilal Rz.Anhu Ne Di. 󾓿 Musnade Ahmad-22124 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Sab Se PehLe Ameer-ul- Mu'mineen Hazrat Omar Rz.Anhu Ko Kaha Gaya. 󾓿 Tabqaate ibne Saad-3/281. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ 4 Farishte Bahot Mash'hoor Aur Muqarrab Hei'n......Hazrat Jibra'eiL, Hazrat Meeka'eiL, Hazrat IsraafeeL, Hazrat Izraa'eiL Alayhim-us-saLaatu WassaLaam. 󾓿 UmdatuL Qaaree-22/458. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ 4 Mash'hoor Imaam....Hazrat Imaam Abu Haneefa, Hazrat Imaam Maalik, Hazrat Imaam Shaafee, Hazrat Imaam Ahmad R.A. 󾓿 Muqaddama AL-jame-us-sagheer-1/3. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ IsLaam Laane Se PehLe Hazrat AbuBakar Rz.Anhu Ka naam Abdul Kaaba Tha. 󾓿 Usdul Ghaabah-1/638. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 󾭤 Whatsapp IsLamic SMS- +25776393001 󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜 I S L A A M I M A L O O M A A T ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PART- ⚪ Qur'aan 23 SaaL Mei NaaziL Huwa. 󾓿 Ruhul Ma'aanee - 5/170. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Jannat Ke Daarogha ( Muhaafiz) Ka Naam Rizwaan Hei. 󾓿 Shu'abul Imaan-3695. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Jahannam Ke Darogha Ka naam Maalik hei. 󾓿 Shu'abul Imaan-3695. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Aap SaLLaLLahu ALayhi WasaLLam Ki Wafaat Hazrat Aaisha Siddiqah Rz.Anha Ke Makaan Me Huyi. 󾓿 Musnade Ahmad 3355 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Makkatul Mukarramah Hijrii San 8 Mei Fatah Huwa. 󾓿 Sunane Kubraa Baihaqee-14523. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Sab Se PehLe Azaan Hazrat Bilal Rz.Anhu Ne Di. 󾓿 Musnade Ahmad-22124 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ Sab Se PehLe Ameer-ul- Mu'mineen Hazrat Omar Rz.Anhu Ko Kaha Gaya. 󾓿 Tabqaate ibne Saad-3/281. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ 4 Farishte Bahot Mash'hoor Aur Muqarrab Hei'n......Hazrat Jibra'eiL, Hazrat Meeka'eiL, Hazrat IsraafeeL, Hazrat Izraa'eiL Alayhim-us-saLaatu WassaLaam. 󾓿 UmdatuL Qaaree-22/458. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ 4 Mash'hoor Imaam....Hazrat Imaam Abu Haneefa, Hazrat Imaam Maalik, Hazrat Imaam Shaafee, Hazrat Imaam Ahmad R.A. 󾓿 Muqaddama AL-jame-us-sagheer-1/3. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⚪ IsLaam Laane Se PehLe Hazrat AbuBakar Rz.Anhu Ka naam Abdul Kaaba Tha. 󾓿 Usdul Ghaabah-1/638. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 󾭤 Whatsapp IsLamic SMS- +25776393001 󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜󾭜
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:41
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