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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


 sharia - Social Mention: 'Our sentiments are hurt' 'Our sentiments are hurt by the works of others' seem to be the prevailing disease in India. Of late, some Indians have attacked others because their 'sentiments were hurt' by the work of the others. They have taken up arms to bash up the person, arsoned their homes, ransacked the proceedings and filed police cases. The Indian Government, instead of coming to the defense of the victims of such attacks, has instead colluded with them in certain cases. This country has consistently turned a blind eye to such attacks and in some cases has colluded with such attackers. And therefore, this state and its people have not set the right examples. Bad Examples A Muslim party (MIM) of Hyderabad attacked Taslima Nasreen, a Muslim author, for her works, which according to these attackers 'hurt the sentiments' of 20 Crore Muslims of India. They said they anger was so much that they would have killed her. The MIM party which spearheaded the attack on Taslima has gone ahead to file a case against her for 'promoting communal enmity'. Sikhs in Punjab protested against Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, for donning attire 'impersonating' one of their gurus, Guru Gobind Singh. The fuming Sikhs said that 'their sentiments were hurt' by these actions of Dera Chief. The Sikhs have rioted with the Deras and also filed a case against the Dera Chief. Few people were injured in the riots and the police firing. A Christian in Mumbai went on a hunger strike to force the government to ban 'Da Vinci Code'. The governments of AP, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Goa went ahead and banned this book citing the reasons that Christians' 'sentiments would be hurt' by this movie. Hindu protestors stormed an art gallery, filed a case and beat up some people when an art student showcased his art for 'internal' assessment in a university. In another case, Hindu protestors stormed an art gallery which showcased MF Husain's paintings, and filed a case alleging him for 'hurting the sentiments' of Hindus. This artist is now baited by police and the courts in India waiting him to come back from his self-imposed exile. Indian nationalists and regionalists protested against Narayana Murthy when he preferred the National Anthem to be played by music and NOT sung. This particular incident has 'hurt the sentiments' of many patriotic incidents who have gone onto register a case against Narayana Murthy under a silly act called Insult to National Honor Act. Such incidents are NOT symptomatic of just one religion or region. 'Our sentiments are hurt' is a disease that has caught with almost every religion and region in this subcontinent. We are making new rules and laws now. They are based on what we call as 'sensibilities'. We are affected by what you wrote, though we have never read it. We are affected by what you think, though we don't know what it is. We are affected by what you paint, though we have never seen it. Selected justifications Some Hindus are of the opinion that it is OK to vandalize and kick out MF Husain, but it is NOT OK to attack Taslima. Some Sikhs are of the opinion that it is OK to target Deras but not OK to ban the book detailing 1984 riots. Some Muslims are OK with attacking Taslima but not OK with Hindus running riot in Gujarat. These people who opinionate these so selectively are educated and uneducated, both men and women, are coming from rural and urban India. Such selected preferences of our sympathies and selected justifications of curbing of our rights has become symptom of this disease. When we sympathize with those who banned the book that detailed riots of 1984, and when we sympathize with those who ban Da Vinci Code, why can't we sympathize with attack on Taslima now? Some people justify the Hindu actions, such as those perpetrated against M F Husain or against the artist from Vadodara, as 'largely reactionary and politically motivated'. However, they reason that the cases coming out of Muslims to be entirely different from these actions of Hindus. This preferential treatment holds true for each religion and its supporters. They reason that their own fights are somehow justified and completely valid compared to those of other religions. Is a 'reactionary' movement slightly better one compared to other kinds of fanaticism? What if one were to prove that the present Islamic antagonism originates from Post-WWI events, and therefore is a 'reactionary movement'? Would that somehow legitimize the Islamic fundamentalism and the terrorism? Aren't MIM actions 'politically' motivated? Is a politically motivated action slightly better than other actions? While many Hindus have joined the protest against what happened to Taslima in Hyderabad, which everyone agrees is a despicable and shameful attack, they have NOT raised a protest when the book detailing riots of 1984 was banned by the Government of India. What outrages us the most? Is it the 'kind of action itself' or the 'blind irrationality' that motivates those actions? How come so many Hindus, even the educated and elite, actually supported and rationalized the vandalism against MF Husain's paintings terming it a 'natural outburst'? How come so many Hindus justify the Godra incident as a 'natural reaction' to the torching of train by alleged Muslim arsonists? Such selected justifications will only take us down a spiral path into middle ages. We need to condemn all such actions, whether it comes from a Sikh, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, with the same vigor. We don't seem to do that. We seem to sit back and rationalize some of them 'as reactionary', somehow making them look better! Educated people support such attacks A Muslim commenter wrote on a forum that his well-educated sisters support this attack on Taslima. He reasoned that these sisters are quite OK to apply Sharia in such minor doses and they actually welcome it. These little rationalizations of irrationalities spell the doom for all of us. If ever there is a little room for rationality in this country it is because of its diversity. If this nation were overwhelmingly Muslim, Sharia would have been implemented in much larger doses affecting (negatively) all of us. And if it was overwhelmingly Hindu, we would have sanctioned the plight of untouchables as verdict of God. When educated people condone certain irrational acts, under the name of any blind belief, we set precedents for much larger actions in the name of that belief. How will the same well-educated sisters react if they are excommunicated from all public places in the name of Islam as done under Taliban? When the educated and elite support these little incidents, they are giving power to such elements who would eventually impose radicalized versions onto these supporters. In one of the earlier articles 'India Curbs Freedom of Expression I', I urged each of us to oppose all such acts. I repeat myself here. I see dangerous trends coming from different parts of India. As a first step, only selected few will be targeted - those who criticize, enjoy artistic freedoms, call spade a spade, will be attacked for their liberal views, for their expressions of art, and for their individuality. But once that is done, they will come back for the rest of us. The goons and activists are entering the political body of India while their silent sympathizers provide the necessary support. These little demons that we are nurturing and abetting now will come back to haunt us as evil giants, who will take away all our enshrined freedoms which come so dear to us. When they do come back as grown up usurpers of freedoms, they will affect our mainstream life affecting each of us, including the silent sympathizers, not just that single artist who painted erotic art. How to vent one's anger In a country like India, where legal recourse is expensive and usually a long ordeal, how does a common man vent his anger and frustration at the system? What does he do when he believes that an author or painter has defiled his sacred objects - his gods, his prophets, or his nation? Should he take up arms and cudgels every time he gets angry with the system, or an author or a painter? I was talking to a wise Turk in his 50s. He said, 'In those days, in Turkey, if one disagreed with the other, the only way to deal with it was to kill the other. What we owe to the Englishman is that he taught us to say to each other, "We agree to disagree"'. We need to educate our people on how to vent their disapproval, disappointment, anger and anguish in a civil manner, which does not involve ransacking a gallery, vandalizing a house, hitting him, ambushing him, killing him/her, etc. If one believes that certain blatant lies are spread about one's religion, one can go about correcting them. If a book has spread those lies, you can also write another book to correct them. If indeed those lies can be combated in a court, you can take the author to the court. There are civil ways to deal with a disagreement. Ransacking and attacking the proceedings is not considered civil. We need to create an atmosphere of healthy debate in this country (not like the ones shown on TV these days), where we can agree to disagree, where we do not curtail other person's right to express something just because our 'sentiments are hurt'. Consequences of curbing of freedom of expression, even if that expression includes 'lies' and 'propaganda', are more disastrous than living with 'lies' and 'propaganda'. Voltaire supposedly said- I disapprove of what you say; but I will defend your right to say it.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:40AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    'Our sentiments are hurt' 'Our sentiments are hurt by the works of others' seem to be the prevailing disease in India. Of late, some Indians have attacked others because their 'sentiments were hurt' by the work of the others. They have taken up arms to bash up the person, arsoned their homes, ransacked the proceedings and filed police cases. The Indian Government, instead of coming to the defense of the victims of such attacks, has instead colluded with them in certain cases. This country has consistently turned a blind eye to such attacks and in some cases has colluded with such attackers. And therefore, this state and its people have not set the right examples. Bad Examples A Muslim party (MIM) of Hyderabad attacked Taslima Nasreen, a Muslim author, for her works, which according to these attackers 'hurt the sentiments' of 20 Crore Muslims of India. They said they anger was so much that they would have killed her. The MIM party which spearheaded the attack on Taslima has gone ahead to file a case against her for 'promoting communal enmity'. Sikhs in Punjab protested against Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, for donning attire 'impersonating' one of their gurus, Guru Gobind Singh. The fuming Sikhs said that 'their sentiments were hurt' by these actions of Dera Chief. The Sikhs have rioted with the Deras and also filed a case against the Dera Chief. Few people were injured in the riots and the police firing. A Christian in Mumbai went on a hunger strike to force the government to ban 'Da Vinci Code'. The governments of AP, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Goa went ahead and banned this book citing the reasons that Christians' 'sentiments would be hurt' by this movie. Hindu protestors stormed an art gallery, filed a case and beat up some people when an art student showcased his art for 'internal' assessment in a university. In another case, Hindu protestors stormed an art gallery which showcased MF Husain's paintings, and filed a case alleging him for 'hurting the sentiments' of Hindus. This artist is now baited by police and the courts in India waiting him to come back from his self-imposed exile. Indian nationalists and regionalists protested against Narayana Murthy when he preferred the National Anthem to be played by music and NOT sung. This particular incident has 'hurt the sentiments' of many patriotic incidents who have gone onto register a case against Narayana Murthy under a silly act called Insult to National Honor Act. Such incidents are NOT symptomatic of just one religion or region. 'Our sentiments are hurt' is a disease that has caught with almost every religion and region in this subcontinent. We are making new rules and laws now. They are based on what we call as 'sensibilities'. We are affected by what you wrote, though we have never read it. We are affected by what you think, though we don't know what it is. We are affected by what you paint, though we have never seen it. Selected justifications Some Hindus are of the opinion that it is OK to vandalize and kick out MF Husain, but it is NOT OK to attack Taslima. Some Sikhs are of the opinion that it is OK to target Deras but not OK to ban the book detailing 1984 riots. Some Muslims are OK with attacking Taslima but not OK with Hindus running riot in Gujarat. These people who opinionate these so selectively are educated and uneducated, both men and women, are coming from rural and urban India. Such selected preferences of our sympathies and selected justifications of curbing of our rights has become symptom of this disease. When we sympathize with those who banned the book that detailed riots of 1984, and when we sympathize with those who ban Da Vinci Code, why can't we sympathize with attack on Taslima now? Some people justify the Hindu actions, such as those perpetrated against M F Husain or against the artist from Vadodara, as 'largely reactionary and politically motivated'. However, they reason that the cases coming out of Muslims to be entirely different from these actions of Hindus. This preferential treatment holds true for each religion and its supporters. They reason that their own fights are somehow justified and completely valid compared to those of other religions. Is a 'reactionary' movement slightly better one compared to other kinds of fanaticism? What if one were to prove that the present Islamic antagonism originates from Post-WWI events, and therefore is a 'reactionary movement'? Would that somehow legitimize the Islamic fundamentalism and the terrorism? Aren't MIM actions 'politically' motivated? Is a politically motivated action slightly better than other actions? While many Hindus have joined the protest against what happened to Taslima in Hyderabad, which everyone agrees is a despicable and shameful attack, they have NOT raised a protest when the book detailing riots of 1984 was banned by the Government of India. What outrages us the most? Is it the 'kind of action itself' or the 'blind irrationality' that motivates those actions? How come so many Hindus, even the educated and elite, actually supported and rationalized the vandalism against MF Husain's paintings terming it a 'natural outburst'? How come so many Hindus justify the Godra incident as a 'natural reaction' to the torching of train by alleged Muslim arsonists? Such selected justifications will only take us down a spiral path into middle ages. We need to condemn all such actions, whether it comes from a Sikh, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, with the same vigor. We don't seem to do that. We seem to sit back and rationalize some of them 'as reactionary', somehow making them look better! Educated people support such attacks A Muslim commenter wrote on a forum that his well-educated sisters support this attack on Taslima. He reasoned that these sisters are quite OK to apply Sharia in such minor doses and they actually welcome it. These little rationalizations of irrationalities spell the doom for all of us. If ever there is a little room for rationality in this country it is because of its diversity. If this nation were overwhelmingly Muslim, Sharia would have been implemented in much larger doses affecting (negatively) all of us. And if it was overwhelmingly Hindu, we would have sanctioned the plight of untouchables as verdict of God. When educated people condone certain irrational acts, under the name of any blind belief, we set precedents for much larger actions in the name of that belief. How will the same well-educated sisters react if they are excommunicated from all public places in the name of Islam as done under Taliban? When the educated and elite support these little incidents, they are giving power to such elements who would eventually impose radicalized versions onto these supporters. In one of the earlier articles 'India Curbs Freedom of Expression I', I urged each of us to oppose all such acts. I repeat myself here. I see dangerous trends coming from different parts of India. As a first step, only selected few will be targeted - those who criticize, enjoy artistic freedoms, call spade a spade, will be attacked for their liberal views, for their expressions of art, and for their individuality. But once that is done, they will come back for the rest of us. The goons and activists are entering the political body of India while their silent sympathizers provide the necessary support. These little demons that we are nurturing and abetting now will come back to haunt us as evil giants, who will take away all our enshrined freedoms which come so dear to us. When they do come back as grown up usurpers of freedoms, they will affect our mainstream life affecting each of us, including the silent sympathizers, not just that single artist who painted erotic art. How to vent one's anger In a country like India, where legal recourse is expensive and usually a long ordeal, how does a common man vent his anger and frustration at the system? What does he do when he believes that an author or painter has defiled his sacred objects - his gods, his prophets, or his nation? Should he take up arms and cudgels every time he gets angry with the system, or an author or a painter? I was talking to a wise Turk in his 50s. He said, 'In those days, in Turkey, if one disagreed with the other, the only way to deal with it was to kill the other. What we owe to the Englishman is that he taught us to say to each other, "We agree to disagree"'. We need to educate our people on how to vent their disapproval, disappointment, anger and anguish in a civil manner, which does not involve ransacking a gallery, vandalizing a house, hitting him, ambushing him, killing him/her, etc. If one believes that certain blatant lies are spread about one's religion, one can go about correcting them. If a book has spread those lies, you can also write another book to correct them. If indeed those lies can be combated in a court, you can take the author to the court. There are civil ways to deal with a disagreement. Ransacking and attacking the proceedings is not considered civil. We need to create an atmosphere of healthy debate in this country (not like the ones shown on TV these days), where we can agree to disagree, where we do not curtail other person's right to express something just because our 'sentiments are hurt'. Consequences of curbing of freedom of expression, even if that expression includes 'lies' and 'propaganda', are more disastrous than living with 'lies' and 'propaganda'. Voltaire supposedly said- I disapprove of what you say; but I will defend your right to say it.
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:35
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:27AM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 19th 2013, 10:20
    Tanda-tanda Ajal Sudah Dekat MAUT itu urusan Allah SWT belaka. Medis tidak bisa mengungkapkannya. Namun, Islam, lewat Rasulullah SAW, memberikan banyak petunjuk lewat hadist-hadistnya. Sebagian para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan aba-aba atau peringatan kepada manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati-hati?" Malaikat itu menjawab, "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, pengliatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. "Apabila setelah datang aba-aba tadi tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya: "Bukankah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatana lainnya." (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata di wajahnya dan dua lagi di tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal di waktu yang sama, yang satu berada di ujung timur, yang satu berada di ujung barat, serta di tempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor binatang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata: "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku." (HR Abu Nu`aim). Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kalian betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah. "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah jadi mayat?" Rasulullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab," (HR Bukhari Muslim). Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... mudah2n dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah... Aamiin.. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus untuk ibu dan juga doa yang lainnya,agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Silahkan Klik Like dan Bagikan di halamanmu agar kamu dan teman-temanmu senantiasa istiqomah dan bisa meningkatkan ketakwaannya kepada ALLAH SWT. Ya ALLAH... ✔ Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ✔ Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ✔ Lapangkanlah hatinya ✔ Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ✔ Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ✔ Mudahkan segala urusannya ✔ Kabulkan cita-citanya ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ✔ Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:27AM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 19th 2013, 10:19
    Tanda-tanda Ajal Sudah Dekat MAUT itu urusan Allah SWT belaka. Medis tidak bisa mengungkapkannya. Namun, Islam, lewat Rasulullah SAW, memberikan banyak petunjuk lewat hadist-hadistnya. Sebagian para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan aba-aba atau peringatan kepada manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati-hati?" Malaikat itu menjawab, "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, pengliatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. "Apabila setelah datang aba-aba tadi tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya: "Bukankah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatana lainnya." (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata di wajahnya dan dua lagi di tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal di waktu yang sama, yang satu berada di ujung timur, yang satu berada di ujung barat, serta di tempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor binatang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata: "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku." (HR Abu Nu`aim). Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kalian betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah. "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah jadi mayat?" Rasulullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab," (HR Bukhari Muslim). Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... mudah2n dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah... Aamiin.. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus untuk ibu dan juga doa yang lainnya,agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Silahkan Klik Like dan Bagikan di halamanmu agar kamu dan teman-temanmu senantiasa istiqomah dan bisa meningkatkan ketakwaannya kepada ALLAH SWT. Ya ALLAH... ✔ Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ✔ Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ✔ Lapangkanlah hatinya ✔ Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ✔ Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ✔ Mudahkan segala urusannya ✔ Kabulkan cita-citanya ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ✔ Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: SHOLAT DHUHA, PERLU GAK SIH ? Siapa yang istiqomah melaksanakan Shalat DHUHA Insya Allah, Allah SWT akan menjamin baginya dengan jaminan istimewa di dunia dan akhirat. Shalat Dhuha, shalat sunat pada pagi hari kira2 pukul 7-11 Rakaatnya bisa 2 sampai 12 rakaat ... A. MENGAPA KITA DISUNNAHKAN SHALAT DHUHA ? .. 1.Wasiat Baginda Rasulullah SAW ... dari Abu Hurairah, "Kekasihku (Nabi Muhammad) mewasiatkan kepadaku untuk berpuasa tiga hari dalam tiap bulan, melakukan dua rakaat sholat Dhuha dan melakukan sholat witir sebelum tidur." (HR. Bukhari Muslim) Jadi Shalat ini merupakan kebiasaan Rasulullah yg patut kita ikuti 2.Sedekah untuk tiap ruas tulang kita ... Dari Abu Dzar radhiallahu 'anhu, Rasulullah bersabda, .. "Tiap pagi ada kewajiban sedekah bagi tiap ruas tulang kalian, Setiap tasbih adalah sedekah, Setiap tahmid adalah sedekah, Setiap takbir adalah sedekah, memerintahkan untuk melakukan kebaikan adalah sedekah, melarang dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah, dan semua itu dapat tercukupi dengan melakukan dua rakaat sholat Dhuha." (HR. Muslim) 3.Sholatnya orang-orang yang bertaubat (penghapus dosa) .. "Shalatnya orang-orang yang bertaubat adalah pada saat berdirinya anak unta karena teriknya matahari." (HR. Muslim) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak busa lautan." (H.R Turmudzi) B. KEUTAMAAN SHALAT DHUHA ... Mungkin kita sering menyepelekan shalat dhuha, padahal sangat disayangkan kalau kita melewatkan shalat ini setiap harinya … Dari Keutamaan2 dibawah ini semoga bisa mencerahkan bathin pikiran kita agar mau meluangkan waktu untuk shalat ini ... 1.Limpahan barokah sepanjang hari serta bathin yg damai .. "Hai anak Adam, tunaikanlah kewajibanmu untuk KU, yaitu shalat empat rakaat pada pagi hari, niscaya Aku akan mencukupi sepanjang harimu (Hadits Qudsi Riwayat Imam Ahmad, Abu Ya'la). Dari hadits qudsi ini, Allah akan melimpahkan barokah sepanjang hari dari shalat empat rakaat dhuha kita, yang menyebabkan bathin terasa damai walaupun banyak rintangan hidup. 2.Terbukanya pintu rezeki yang luas dan diberi keberkahan hidup di dunia&akhirat ... Coba kita cermati isi do'a yang dibaca setelah shalat dhuha ini : "Ya Allah, bahwasanya waktu dhuha itu waktu dhuha-Mu, kecantikan ialah kencantikan-Mu, keindahan itu keindahan-Mu, kekuatan itu kekuatan-Mu, kekuasaan itu kekuasaan-Mu, dan perlindungan itu perlindungan Mu". Ya Allah, jika rizqiku masih diatas langit, turunkanlah , dan jika ada di didalam bumi, keluarkanlah, jika sukar, mudahkanlah, jika haram sucikanlah, jika masih jauh dekatkanlah, berkat waktu dhuha, keagungan, keindahan, kekuatan dan kekuasaan Mu, limpahkanlah kepada kami segala yang telah Engkau limpahkan kepada hamba-hamba Mu yang shaleh". Dari doa tersebut kita banyak memohon agar pintu rizqi kita diluaskan, karena semakin kita banyak berdoa dan beramal sholeh (salah satunya shalat dhuha) maka permohonan dan doa kita akan lebih mudah dikabulkan oleh Allah. Di dunia kita diberi keberkahan hidup dan di akhirat kita InsyaAllah diberikan surga sperti pada hadits qudsi : ... "Sesungguhnya di dalam syurga, ada pintu yang dinamakan pintu DHUHA, maka ketika datang hari kiamat memanggillah (yang memanggil Allah), dimanakah orang yang selalu mengerjakan shalat atas Ku dengan shalat DHUHA? inilah pintu kamu, maka masuklah kamu ke dalam syurga dengan rahmat Allah". (Riwayat Thabrani dari Abu Huraerah). *** Nah gimana gimana?? sudah baca semua kan? Mari kita usahakan agar Shalat Dhuha ini bisa kita laksanakan secara istiqomah (terus menerus) .. "Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya." (Qs.Al-Zalzalah :7) Subhanallah.. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus untuk ibu dan juga doa yang lainnya,agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Silahkan Klik Like dan Bagikan di halamanmu agar kamu dan teman-temanmu senantiasa istiqomah dan bisa meningkatkan ketakwaannya kepada ALLAH SWT. Ya ALLAH... ? Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ? Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ? Lapangkanlah hatinya ? Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ? Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ? Mudahkan segala urusannya ? Kabulkan cita-citanya ? Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ? Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah ,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ? Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 02:59AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    SHOLAT DHUHA, PERLU GAK SIH ? Siapa yang istiqomah melaksanakan Shalat DHUHA Insya Allah, Allah SWT akan menjamin baginya dengan jaminan istimewa di dunia dan akhirat. Shalat Dhuha, shalat sunat pada pagi hari kira2 pukul 7-11 Rakaatnya bisa 2 sampai 12 rakaat ... A. MENGAPA KITA DISUNNAHKAN SHALAT DHUHA ? .. 1.Wasiat Baginda Rasulullah SAW ... dari Abu Hurairah, "Kekasihku (Nabi Muhammad) mewasiatkan kepadaku untuk berpuasa tiga hari dalam tiap bulan, melakukan dua rakaat sholat Dhuha dan melakukan sholat witir sebelum tidur." (HR. Bukhari Muslim) Jadi Shalat ini merupakan kebiasaan Rasulullah yg patut kita ikuti 2.Sedekah untuk tiap ruas tulang kita ... Dari Abu Dzar radhiallahu 'anhu, Rasulullah bersabda, .. "Tiap pagi ada kewajiban sedekah bagi tiap ruas tulang kalian, Setiap tasbih adalah sedekah, Setiap tahmid adalah sedekah, Setiap takbir adalah sedekah, memerintahkan untuk melakukan kebaikan adalah sedekah, melarang dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah, dan semua itu dapat tercukupi dengan melakukan dua rakaat sholat Dhuha." (HR. Muslim) 3.Sholatnya orang-orang yang bertaubat (penghapus dosa) .. "Shalatnya orang-orang yang bertaubat adalah pada saat berdirinya anak unta karena teriknya matahari." (HR. Muslim) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak busa lautan." (H.R Turmudzi) B. KEUTAMAAN SHALAT DHUHA ... Mungkin kita sering menyepelekan shalat dhuha, padahal sangat disayangkan kalau kita melewatkan shalat ini setiap harinya … Dari Keutamaan2 dibawah ini semoga bisa mencerahkan bathin pikiran kita agar mau meluangkan waktu untuk shalat ini ... 1.Limpahan barokah sepanjang hari serta bathin yg damai .. "Hai anak Adam, tunaikanlah kewajibanmu untuk KU, yaitu shalat empat rakaat pada pagi hari, niscaya Aku akan mencukupi sepanjang harimu (Hadits Qudsi Riwayat Imam Ahmad, Abu Ya'la). Dari hadits qudsi ini, Allah akan melimpahkan barokah sepanjang hari dari shalat empat rakaat dhuha kita, yang menyebabkan bathin terasa damai walaupun banyak rintangan hidup. 2.Terbukanya pintu rezeki yang luas dan diberi keberkahan hidup di dunia&akhirat ... Coba kita cermati isi do'a yang dibaca setelah shalat dhuha ini : "Ya Allah, bahwasanya waktu dhuha itu waktu dhuha-Mu, kecantikan ialah kencantikan-Mu, keindahan itu keindahan-Mu, kekuatan itu kekuatan-Mu, kekuasaan itu kekuasaan-Mu, dan perlindungan itu perlindungan Mu". Ya Allah, jika rizqiku masih diatas langit, turunkanlah , dan jika ada di didalam bumi, keluarkanlah, jika sukar, mudahkanlah, jika haram sucikanlah, jika masih jauh dekatkanlah, berkat waktu dhuha, keagungan, keindahan, kekuatan dan kekuasaan Mu, limpahkanlah kepada kami segala yang telah Engkau limpahkan kepada hamba-hamba Mu yang shaleh". Dari doa tersebut kita banyak memohon agar pintu rizqi kita diluaskan, karena semakin kita banyak berdoa dan beramal sholeh (salah satunya shalat dhuha) maka permohonan dan doa kita akan lebih mudah dikabulkan oleh Allah. Di dunia kita diberi keberkahan hidup dan di akhirat kita InsyaAllah diberikan surga sperti pada hadits qudsi : ... "Sesungguhnya di dalam syurga, ada pintu yang dinamakan pintu DHUHA, maka ketika datang hari kiamat memanggillah (yang memanggil Allah), dimanakah orang yang selalu mengerjakan shalat atas Ku dengan shalat DHUHA? inilah pintu kamu, maka masuklah kamu ke dalam syurga dengan rahmat Allah". (Riwayat Thabrani dari Abu Huraerah). *** Nah gimana gimana?? sudah baca semua kan? Mari kita usahakan agar Shalat Dhuha ini bisa kita laksanakan secara istiqomah (terus menerus) .. "Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya." (Qs.Al-Zalzalah :7) Subhanallah.. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus untuk ibu dan juga doa yang lainnya,agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Silahkan Klik Like dan Bagikan di halamanmu agar kamu dan teman-temanmu senantiasa istiqomah dan bisa meningkatkan ketakwaannya kepada ALLAH SWT. Ya ALLAH... ? Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ? Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ? Lapangkanlah hatinya ? Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ? Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ? Mudahkan segala urusannya ? Kabulkan cita-citanya ? Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ? Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah ,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ? Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
    Nov 20th 2013, 02:54
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 08:39AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Grilling filed on 'Ashura' sweep
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:06
    Arab Times - Found 33 minutes agoKUWAIT CITY, Nov 18: MPs Abdullah Al- Tamimi and Faisal Al-Duwaisan submitted ... the martyrdom of Imam Hussein — son of Ali Bin Abu Talib, may ... Shiite tweeter jailed for insulting Prophet – MPs file to grill ... - Kuwait Times Kuwait MPs to grill minister over tent row - Gulf News Kuwait minister gets himself into hot water over Shiite move - Big News Network Kuwaiti MPs plan to grill minister over Shiite move - Big News Network Explore All
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 khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:28AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Nov 19th 2013, 06:16
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 08:29AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Nov 19th 2013, 08:27
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 tauhid - Social Mention: Sahabat..,Jika kita mengalami Sakit, cobalah selalu ber khusnudzon dengan Apa yg kita alami, di bawah ini ada renungan ini buat kita semua, baik yang sedang sakit, ataupun yang sehat. 1. Sakit adalah bagian dari musibah yang telah Allah ukur kadarnya untuk dihadiahkan pada hamba-hamba terpilih yang mampu menanggungnya. 2. Sakit, sebagaimana tiap ujian, tidaklah menguji kemampuan sebab telah diukur tepat sesuai daya tahan. Ia menguji kemauan memberi makna. 3. Maka dia nan mampu memberi makna terbaik bagi Sakit, kemuliaannya akan diangkat untuk membuat malaikat yang selalu sehat itu tertakjub. 4. Sakit adalah jalan kenabian Ayyub yang menyejarah. Kesabarannya diabadikan jadi teladan semesta. Hari-hari ini kita bercermin padanya. 5. Sakit orang mulia bersebabkan kemuliaan; Asy Syafi'i wasir sebab banyak duduk menelaah ilmu, Malik lumpuh tangannya dizhalimi penguasa. 6. Nabi kitapun Sakit oleh racun paha kambing di Khaibar yang menyelusup di gigit pertama melalui celah gigi yang patah dalam perang Uhud. 7. Tetapi bahkan mereka yang penyebab Sakit-nya tak semenakjubkan para luhur itu, tetap punya peluang mulia dengan memaknai rasa sakitnya. 8. Sakit itu dzikruLlah. Mereka yang menderitanya hampir pasti lebih sering & syahdu menyebut asma Allah dibanding ketika dalam sehatnya. 9. Sakit itu istighfar. Mereka yang sedang disapanya lebih mudah untuk teringat dosa-dosa lama, mengakuinya, & bertaubat mohon ampun. 10. Sakit itu Tauhid. Mereka yang parah dicengkamnya pasti dituntun orang untuk ber-kalimat thayyibat, mengesakanNya dalam lisan & rasa. --------------------------------------- Via : Kesuburan
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:58PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Sahabat..,Jika kita mengalami Sakit, cobalah selalu ber khusnudzon dengan Apa yg kita alami, di bawah ini ada renungan ini buat kita semua, baik yang sedang sakit, ataupun yang sehat. 1. Sakit adalah bagian dari musibah yang telah Allah ukur kadarnya untuk dihadiahkan pada hamba-hamba terpilih yang mampu menanggungnya. 2. Sakit, sebagaimana tiap ujian, tidaklah menguji kemampuan sebab telah diukur tepat sesuai daya tahan. Ia menguji kemauan memberi makna. 3. Maka dia nan mampu memberi makna terbaik bagi Sakit, kemuliaannya akan diangkat untuk membuat malaikat yang selalu sehat itu tertakjub. 4. Sakit adalah jalan kenabian Ayyub yang menyejarah. Kesabarannya diabadikan jadi teladan semesta. Hari-hari ini kita bercermin padanya. 5. Sakit orang mulia bersebabkan kemuliaan; Asy Syafi'i wasir sebab banyak duduk menelaah ilmu, Malik lumpuh tangannya dizhalimi penguasa. 6. Nabi kitapun Sakit oleh racun paha kambing di Khaibar yang menyelusup di gigit pertama melalui celah gigi yang patah dalam perang Uhud. 7. Tetapi bahkan mereka yang penyebab Sakit-nya tak semenakjubkan para luhur itu, tetap punya peluang mulia dengan memaknai rasa sakitnya. 8. Sakit itu dzikruLlah. Mereka yang menderitanya hampir pasti lebih sering & syahdu menyebut asma Allah dibanding ketika dalam sehatnya. 9. Sakit itu istighfar. Mereka yang sedang disapanya lebih mudah untuk teringat dosa-dosa lama, mengakuinya, & bertaubat mohon ampun. 10. Sakit itu Tauhid. Mereka yang parah dicengkamnya pasti dituntun orang untuk ber-kalimat thayyibat, mengesakanNya dalam lisan & rasa. --------------------------------------- Via : Kesuburan
    Nov 19th 2013, 22:30
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:46AM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    ....Jibon akta moru vumi.... ak mutho shukher jonno Mon ta vashiye dei,. kintu tokhun iktuo vabi na,ai shukh r anondo shimito somoy er jonno. din'er shuk rat goreye sakal elei naw thakte pare. vebe dekho akbar,ja bolecile tumi,taha koro nai tumi. sei din gulor kotha,akhuno ami vebe jai bar bar. mony ki pore tomar sei kotha,. bolesile tumi,(je din tumi thako na amar pashe,ki jeno nei amar kase, bojhate pari na amar mon er vasha tomak.) mony ki pore sei din er kotha. ashe pashe takeye dekho,ase ki 'Adi' tomar kase,. nei,,ase shudhu nishongota pore.(jodio nishongota ki tumi bojho na) valo theko,shuke theko anner hat'ti dhore,,,,,,,,,,( )
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:18
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 dawa-news - Social Mention: आज के समाचार से साफ़ ज़ाहिर हो जाता है की बापू को ज़मानत नहीं दी जा रही,ऐसा कहा जा रहा है की उनके केस की सुनवाई रोज़ हो,अब ये समझ में नहीं आता ऐसा क्यों?बड़े बड़े आतंकवादियों के केस की सुनवाई रोज़ नहीं हुई,१५, २० साल तकचलती है ३०२ के अपराधियों का केस चलता हैसालों,, फांसी मिलने के बाद भी १०,१०, साल तक फांसी नहीं दी जाती. फिर श्री आसाराम के लिए ऐसा क्यों?वो न आतंकवादी हैं, न उन्हों ने किसी का खून किया है,इससे तो ऐसा ही लगता है की पूरी कोशिश यही हो रही है की किसी न किसी तरह जल्दी उन्हें सज़ा हो जाए और वो जेल ही में रहे,कोई है ,शक्तिशाली य्वाक्तित्व,जो इसके पीछे है पर .निश्चित रूप से कुछ भी कहना मुश्किल है.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 05:47AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    आज के समाचार से साफ़ ज़ाहिर हो जाता है की बापू को ज़मानत नहीं दी जा रही,ऐसा कहा जा रहा है की उनके केस की सुनवाई रोज़ हो,अब ये समझ में नहीं आता ऐसा क्यों?बड़े बड़े आतंकवादियों के केस की सुनवाई रोज़ नहीं हुई,१५, २० साल तकचलती है ३०२ के अपराधियों का केस चलता हैसालों,, फांसी मिलने के बाद भी १०,१०, साल तक फांसी नहीं दी जाती. फिर श्री आसाराम के लिए ऐसा क्यों?वो न आतंकवादी हैं, न उन्हों ने किसी का खून किया है,इससे तो ऐसा ही लगता है की पूरी कोशिश यही हो रही है की किसी न किसी तरह जल्दी उन्हें सज़ा हो जाए और वो जेल ही में रहे,कोई है ,शक्तिशाली य्वाक्तित्व,जो इसके पीछे है पर .निश्चित रूप से कुछ भी कहना मुश्किल है.
    Nov 20th 2013, 03:53
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 dawa-news - Social Mention: Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company 📵 APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish (Appeal) Hai Ki WHATSAPP Ke Jariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH) Ye msg jaldi jaldi send karna hai. ye msg wo send karega jo NABI PAK S.A.W.W se pyar karta hoga agar ye sms wapis aap tak ajae to samjho k pori Qoum ek hogae Why send n0w.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 05:47AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company 📵 APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish (Appeal) Hai Ki WHATSAPP Ke Jariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH) Ye msg jaldi jaldi send karna hai. ye msg wo send karega jo NABI PAK S.A.W.W se pyar karta hoga agar ye sms wapis aap tak ajae to samjho k pori Qoum ek hogae Why send n0w.
    Nov 20th 2013, 04:50
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:49AM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    Et tu Maldives?
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:32
    The elections prove one thing: the Maldives electorate is yet to mature. The outcome of the election was more or less decided on November 9th, when – despite [&#8230;]
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