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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:10AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:22
    The Emigration to Al-Madinah:When the Muslims received authorization from Muhammad (pbuh) to emigrate to Al-Madinah, they began to flee in droves under the cover of night for fear that they might be discovered by Quraish. Those who fled Makkah were from that day forward named "Al-Muhajireen" (The Emigrators). When they departed from Makkah they left behind all of their wealth, their livestock, and their homes. The people of Quraish wasted no time in claiming this property and their zeal in amassing their newfound wealth helped to occupy them from setting out in pursuit of the Muslims who had fled with only the clothes on their backs, enough provisions for their trip, and an undying love of God burning brightly in their hearts.Although the Muslims had forsaken all of their worldly possessions to the people of Quraish, still, this did not prevent many of them from being captured and tormented by Quraish.Hind the daughter of Abi-Umayya Huthaifah ibn Al-Mugeerah Al-Qurasiyya Al-Makhzoomiyya (more popularly known as Um-Salama) was one such victim. She was married at the time to Abdullah ibn Abdulasad, one of the first ten converts to Islam. They had a son named Salama. Upon receiving the authorization to emigrate to Al-Madinah, Abdullah collected some provisions, placed his wife and son on the back of their camel and set out for Al-Madinah.As they reached the outskirts of the city some of the men of the tribe of Makhzoom (the tribe of Um-Salama), saw them. They came running and said: "Although we may be powerless to stop you, still, you shall not be allowed to take our daughter and travel throughout the land with her," and they wrenched the reins of the camel from his hands.As this was going on, a group of men from the tribe of Um-Salama's husband Abdullah, the tribe of Abdulasad, became enraged by this display and shouted: "By God, if you take her you shall not take his son, the son of our tribe" and they wrenched the boy away. Both tribes then began to pull on the boy until they dislocated his arm. Finally, the tribe of Makhzoom took Um-Salama and the tribe of Abdulasad took her son Salama, and they both left Abdullah with no recourse but to flee to Yethrib alone.After that, Um-Salama would go out every day to the edge of the city and weep over the loss of her son and her husband until well into the night. This continued for about a year until the tribes finally had mercy upon her, returned her child to her and allowed them to catch up with her husband.Another example is that of Suhaib Al-Roomi of the Arab tribe of Numair. As a child he had been taken captive by the Romans in one of their raids on the city of Al-Thani in Iraq. After spending many years as a slave in the service of the Roman nobles he escaped and returned to Arabia. He came to Makkah as an emigrant barely remembering a single word of Arabic. Due to his heavy accent and his bright red hair he was given the nick-name of "Al-Roomi" (The Roman). Suhaib spent many years in Makkah bartering and trading, and eventually he managed to amass substantial wealth. During his stay in Rome, Suhaib had once heard a Christian priest commenting to a Roman noble that the time was near when a final prophet of God would be coming from the land of Arabia and would confirm the message of Jesus (see chapter 6). When Suhaib later heard of Muhammad's message he inquired after him and ultimately, he accepted Islam.When Muhammad (pbuh) authorized the emigration to Al-Madinah Suhaib collected his belongings, and set out for Al-Madinah. However, the nobles of Quraish had heard of his intentions and prevented him from leaving the city. They then set up a continuous guard to ensure that he would not leave the city, nevertheless, through his cunning he later managed to elude them and leave.It was not long after that Quraish learned that Suhaib had tricked them and escaped, so they sent out their best riders on their fastest horses in heated pursuit of him. Somewhere along the road to Al-Madinah they caught up with him. Upon seeing them Suhaib dismounted, pulled out his bow and arrows and called to them: "O people of Quraish. By Allah, you know that I am a very skilled archer. By Allah, you shall not reach me until I kill with each arrow in my quiver a man among you, and then I shall smite you with my sword until it falls from my hand."The detachment of Quraish replied: "You came to us as a lowly emigrant with no money. Now that you have prospered by way of us you wish to leave? By Allah, we shall not allow you to leave with your life and your wealth!" Whereupon Suhaib replied: "If I were to deliver my wealth to you, will you let me be?" They replied "Yes." So Suhaib revealed to them the location where his wealth was buried and they retrieved it and let him go.When Suhaib reached Quba (a city located two miles from Al-Madinah), Muhammad (pbuh) saw him and hastened to greet him saying: "You have indeed prospered in your trade O father of Yahya, you have indeed prospered in your trade."When Suhaib heard these words he replied: "By Allah, no one has beat me to you [with this news]. You have not been informed of it except by way of [the angel] Gabriel."All of the Muslims in Makkah emigrated in secret and under the cover of night out of fear of the persecution of Quraish. All, that is, except Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Umar was a powerful man and greatly respected by Quraish. He was ambidextrous and highly skilled in matters of war. When he resolved to emigrate he stood up in the middle of the holy mosque in Makkah in front of it's nobles and proclaimed: "I have resolved to emigrate. Let he who wishes his parents to lose their child or wishes to make his children orphans, let him meet me behind this hill," and he departed. Of course, no one followed him.After Muhammad (pbuh) authorized the Muslims to emigrate to Al-Madinah, all able bodied Muslims departed until there was no one left behind except himself, his close friend Abu-Bakr, his cousin Ali, and those who had been persecuted and imprisoned.When Quraish saw that Muhammad (pbuh) had found a strong ally and a tribe that would protect him and his followers from their persecution they began to fear that he might leave and join them. They decided that extreme measures were necessitated in order to prevent this from happening. It was time for Muhammad to die.The nobles of Quraish met in "Dar-Alnadwa" and plotted as to how they shall execute this deed. They decided that the best strategy was to choose a young and capable representative from each of their tribes and to dispatch these representatives to his home. They would all then strike Muhammad (pbuh) with their swords simultaneously such that his blood would be distributed between all of the tribes. In this manner, the children of AbdulManaf would not be able to take vengeance against all of the tribes of Quraish combined.Gabriel visited Muhammad (pbuh) and informed him of this plot, so Muhammad requested from his cousin Ali that he take his place in his bed and he informed him of this plot. He consoled him not to worry, no harm shall befall him.When the young men of Quraish collected outside Muhammad's home, Allah momentarily took away their sight. Muhammad (pbuh) then scooped up a handful of dust, sprinkled it upon their heads, and then departed. As he did this he read the first verses of Yaseen(36):"YaSeen. By the Qur'an full of Wisdom, Truly you [O Muhammad] are one of the messengers. On a straight path. [This is] a Revelation sent down by the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful, that you may warn a people that which their forefathers were warned, but they are heedless"until he reached the verse "And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and [thus] we have covered them so that they see not."A man then passed by them and said "what are you waiting for here?"They replied "For Muhammad" He responded "He has already departed and left dust on your heads." They then placed their hands upon their heads and found the dust. So they peered inside the house and saw Ali in the bed and thought he was Muhammad The next morning Ali got up out of the bed and they realized that Muhammad (pbuh) had indeed escaped just as that man had told them. They quickly set out in his pursuit.Muhammad (pbuh) set out with Abu-Bakr towards Yethrib. When the two reached the cave of Thor at the edge of Makkah, Abu Bakr said: "Wait O messenger of Allah while I inspect it [for dangerous creatures]."Once he had inspected it he asked Muhammad (pbuh) to enter. While they were inside the cave, the dispatchment of Quraish reached them. As they walked about all around the cave Abu Bakr became terrified and said: "O Messenger of Allah, if one of them were but to look beneath his feet he would see us." Muhammad (pbuh) turned to him and said:"O Abu Bakr, what shall you think of two [men] the third of whom is God? [through guidance and protection]"In this regard the following verses were later revealed:"If you help him not [it matters not], for Allah helped him when those who disbelieved drove him forth, the second of two; when they two were in the cave, when he said unto his comrade: Grieve not. Verily! Allah is with us. Then Allah caused His peace of reassurance to descend upon him and supported him with troops you did not see, and made the word of those who disbelieved the nethermost, while Allah's Word is the highest. For Allah is Exalted in Might, Wise."The noble Qur'an, Al-Tawba(9):40Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu-Bakr remained inside the cave for three days while Abdullah the son of Abu-Bakr brought them news of the plotting of Quraish. His daughter, Asma, would also bring them food every day. After three days, they took a guide by the name of Abdullah ibn Arqat and set out for Makkah. At times Abu-Bakr would walk behind Muhammad (pbuh) and at others he would walk in front of him. Finally, Muhammad (pbuh) asked him about that and Abu-Bakr explained that at times he would fear that an attack would come at Muhammad from behind, so he would walk behind Muhammad (pbuh) to protect him. At other times he would fear an attack from in front of them so he would walk in front of him for the same reason.When Quraish realized that Muhammad (pbuh) had eluded they announced a reward of one hundred camels for anyone who would capture him and return him to them. Suraqa ibn Malik ibn Ju'ushum heard of this reward and set out in pursuit of Muhammad (pbuh).Suraqa was a skilled tracker and Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr had spent three days in the cave before departing, eventually he caught up with them. However, as he began to close in on them his horse tripped and fell. He then got up and mounted his horse, and again it tripped and fell. When this happened a third time his horse began to sink into the ground and a strong wind began to blow. When Suraqa saw this he realized that he would not be allowed to capture them. So he called out to them: "I am Suraqa ibn Ju'ushum. Will you allow me to speak to you? By Allah, I promise not to harm you" They asked him what he wanted and he replied: "I want you to write a pact for me that shall be a sign between me and you." Muhammad (pbuh) commanded that this pack be written and Suraqa took it and left. As he departed, Muhammad said to him:"conceal our location" and they parted ways.Suraqa never spoke to anyone about what had happened until many years later, after the Muslims captured Makkah. At that point, Suraqa returned to Muhammad (pbuh) with the pact in his hand and embraced Islam.When Muhammad (pbuh) drew near Al-Madinah, he came upon the city of Quba (two miles away from Al-Madinah). Ever since the beginning of the emigration of the Muslims to Al-Madinah, the citizens of the city had been waiting with the utmost anticipation for his arrival. They had received word that he had left Makkah and was en route to them. Every day a party of them would go out to the outskirts of the city at daybreak and look for him, they would stay there waiting for him until the midday heat would force them indoors.Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr first arrived on Monday the 12th of Safar (the third lunar month). Muhammad was fifty three years old at the time. When they arrived the citizens had already returned home for the afternoon. The first person to see him called out at the top of his lungs announcing his arrival.Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr were men of similar age. Most of the citizens of Al-Madinah had never seen Muhammad (pbuh) in person, so they could not tell which one was him. When Abu Bakr realized this he stood over Muhammad (pbuh) and shaded him with his coat whereupon the people recognized Muhammad (pbuh).It is estimated that about five hundred people greeted them on that day and the people clamored on the roof tops trying to get a glimpse of him and crying: "Which one is him? Which one is him?" while the children and the slaves filled the streets shouting "God is great! God's messenger has come! God is great! Muhammad has arrived!"The people then joined together in singing: The full moon (Muhammad) has risen upon usFrom the direction of "Thaniyyat al-Wada'a"And all thanks [to Allah] is incumbent upon usSo long as a caller calls to AllahO you who were sent among usYou have come with a heeded commandYou have brought favor upon the cityWelcome, O best of callers Fig. 10 The Mosque of Quba. The first Mosque built in Islam. Here it has been expanded greatly since it's simple beginnings at the time of Muhammad (pbuh)Muhammad (pbuh) remained in Quba four days. During his stay he laid the foundations for the first masjid (mosque) to be built in Islam, the masjid of Quba. After these four days he departed on Friday and prayed the Friday (congregational) prayer in Bani Salim ibn Ouf.When Muhammad (pbuh) entered the city of Al-Madinah all of it's people vied for the honor of having him as their guest in their home and they would call to him: "stay with us and under our protection." Some of the people would also take hold of his camel's reins in order to guide it to their homes. However, each time Muhammad (pbuh) would respond to them with the words: "Leave it (my camel) be, for it has been commanded [where to go]"Muhammad (pbuh) released the reins of his camel and allowed it to roam freely. The people all followed the camel through the city hoping against hope that it might stop at their home. Each time it would come upon one of their homes it's owner's heart would soar; perhaps I shall be the one. And each time it passed by a home their hearts would plummet, for they had lost the honor of the best of guests, the messenger of God. Finally the camel of Muhammad (pbuh) came to a stop and sat down at a location in the city where the Masjid of the Prophet stands today.The nearest home to that location was the home of Khalid the son of Zaid Al-Najjari Al-Khuza'i, more popularly known as Abu-Ayyoob. Abu Ayyoob carried Muhammad's belongings into his home, cleared out the top (second) floor for him and left the bottom floor for himself and his wife. He did this out of respect for the messenger of Allah so that he would not reside above him. Muhammad (pbuh), however, objected and told him that he received many visitors each day and he feared that they would cause Abu-Ayyoob distress by passing back and forth to reach him. Abu-Ayyoob finally consented and took the top floor. However, a few nights later Abu-Ayyoob accidentally struck a jar of water during the night and spilled it all over the floor. He and his wife hastened to soak it up with their sheets fearing that it might leak through and drip on Muhammad (pbuh). In the morning Abu Ayyoob pleaded with Muhammad to allow him to take the lower floor and Muhammad (pbuh) consented.The land that Muhammad's camel had come to a stop upon was at that time owned by two orphans from Banu Al-Najjar


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:35AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Sarawak & Sabah's Christian Concern Raised In UK Parliament
    Nov 18th 2013, 16:13
    Charles will become 'Head' of the Anglican Church, but he doesn't write the sermons or run the government at the same time! This weekend the government religious department, Jakim, which operates out of the Prime Minister's own office, issued a sermon to be read in all mosques condemning "liberal forces" on the internet, which it alleged were plotting to undermine Islam.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:49PM  

    Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet salAllahu aleyhi wa sallam hat gesagt: "Kein Mißgeschick betrifft de...
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:45
    Der Prophet salAllahu aleyhi wa sallam hat gesagt: "Kein Mißgeschick betrifft den Muslim, keine Krankheit, kein Kummer, kein Schaden, kein Gram, nicht einmal ein Dorn sticht ihn, ohne daß Allah damit etwas von seinen Sünden auslöscht." (Abu Said, Abu Huraira; Buchari, Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:42PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Suicide blasts hit Iran embassy in Lebanon
    Nov 19th 2013, 17:21
    Newstalk ZB - Found 1 hour agoThe blasts were claimed by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, a jihadist ... were at school," said Farah, a woman in her 30s. Abu Ahmad, the owner of a WorldViews: Will Syria's civil war spread to Lebanon? The case for ... - Washington Post 23 dead in blast near Iran's Beirut embassy - CNN Blasts near Iran Embassy kills 23 - CNN Iranian Embassy Bombing Could Affect Syria Conflict - Time Explore All CNN
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:45AM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Subhanallah..Allahuakbar..menitis air mata menyaksikan video ini krn diri ini juga seorang ibu..satu kemuliaan utk ibumu ahmad ammar..sungguh..betapa untungnya ibumu yg dipilih Allah utk mengandung serta melahirkanmu..sungguh..mulianya kamu krn dipilih Allah utk syahid dan d semadikan d klgn para syuhada'..syurga buatmu..Al Fatihah utkmu Ahmad Ammar..
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:33
    Video ini telah ditayangkan dalam program "APABILA AMMAR BERTEMU BIDADARINYA : PERKONGSIAN & HARAPAN" pada 17 November 2013 di Masjid Asy-Syakirin KLCC. Vide...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:39PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Allah tdk membebani seseorg melainkan sesuai dgn kesanggupanx. Dia mendapat (pahala) dari (kebajikan) yg dikerjakanx dan dia mendapat (siksa) dari (kejahatan) yg diperbuatx. (Mereka berdoa), "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami melakukan kesalahan. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebani kami dgn beban yg berat sagaimana Engkan bebankan kpd org-org sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kpd kami apa yg tdk sanggup kami memikulx. Maafkanlah kami, ampunilah kami, dan rahmatilah kami. Engkau-lah pelindung kami, maka tolonglah kami menghadapi org-org kafir." (QS: Al-Baqarah 286)
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:34
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: Hadith of the Day: Question: Is cosmetic surgery allowed? Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Thank you for your question. Mutilation of one's body has been clearly prohibited in Islam. Allah Almighty mentions in Surah al-Nisa the words of Shaytan, when he said: "I will mislead them and I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) natural creation of Allah." (4: 119) To deface the fair nature created by Allah, both physically and spiritually is what Shaytan likes and orders to practise. Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud (Allah be pleased with him) said: "Allah's curse is on those women who practise tattooing and get themselves tattooed, and those who remove hair from their faces, and those who make space between their teeth artificially to beautify themselves. They are such that they change the nature and features created by Allah. Allah's Messenger also cursed such women." (Recorded by Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim in their respective Sahih collections) In view of the above, the jurists (fuqaha) have declared all types of mutilation to one's body to be unlawful (haram) unless when Shariah permits to do so, such as: circumcision, trimming the hair of the body, cutting the nails, etc… or that which is considered an adornment for the body, such as: piercing the ears or the nose, etc. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery for the purpose of beautifying oneself is also (in light of the above explanation) impermissible. The body given to us by our creator is a trust (amanah), thus it is unlawful to tamper with it in any way. If one does so, one will be committing the sin of "changing the nature created by Allah" (taghyir khalq Allah). However, if there is a genuine need, for example, a particular organ of the body is severely deformed, the nose is damaged or a child is born with six fingers, etc…, then to perform cosmetic surgery will become permissible. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Nasa'i and Imam Tirmidhi (Allah have mercy on them) relate in their respective Sunan collections, that a Companion (sahabi) by the name of Arfajah ibn Aswad (Allah be pleased with him) had his nose damaged in the battle of kulab. He replaced it first with silver, and then with a nose made of gold, with the order and consent of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya: "If one intends to cut off an extra finger, it will be permissible as long as there is no fear of perishing." (4/114) It should be also remarked here that, if cosmetic surgery was carried out due to a genuine reason, then the ablution (wudu) and obligatory bath (ghusl) will be valid by letting the water flow on the surgical area, even though the water does not reach the actual body. (See: Raddal-Muhtar, 1/104) In conclusion, cosmetic and plastic surgery for the purpose of beautifying and adornment is impermissible. However, if there is a genuine need due to something being abnormal or deformed, then there is a dispensation of permissibility. And Allah knows best. Answered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam SeekersGuidance Proudly brought to you by SeekersHub Global, more SeekersAnswer can be found at Earn Amazing Reward Join HOTD Love HOTD Meet the HOTD Imam Ask a Question Asalaam Alaykum! If you want to ask the HOTD Imam a question please click Ask a Question Categories All Discussions325 Angels & Prophets8 Business & Trade12 Death & Burial8 Divorce4 Family10 Female Issues13 Food & Drink7 General33 Islam for Children, Baby Names6 Marriage28 New Muslims2 Personal Grooming17 Prayer54 Quran, Hadith & Dua23 Ramadan & Fasting19 Sex Related Topics18 Society & Culture47 Umrah, & Charity.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:55AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    Hadith of the Day: Question: Is cosmetic surgery allowed? Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Thank you for your question. Mutilation of one's body has been clearly prohibited in Islam. Allah Almighty mentions in Surah al-Nisa the words of Shaytan, when he said: "I will mislead them and I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) natural creation of Allah." (4: 119) To deface the fair nature created by Allah, both physically and spiritually is what Shaytan likes and orders to practise. Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud (Allah be pleased with him) said: "Allah's curse is on those women who practise tattooing and get themselves tattooed, and those who remove hair from their faces, and those who make space between their teeth artificially to beautify themselves. They are such that they change the nature and features created by Allah. Allah's Messenger also cursed such women." (Recorded by Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim in their respective Sahih collections) In view of the above, the jurists (fuqaha) have declared all types of mutilation to one's body to be unlawful (haram) unless when Shariah permits to do so, such as: circumcision, trimming the hair of the body, cutting the nails, etc… or that which is considered an adornment for the body, such as: piercing the ears or the nose, etc. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery for the purpose of beautifying oneself is also (in light of the above explanation) impermissible. The body given to us by our creator is a trust (amanah), thus it is unlawful to tamper with it in any way. If one does so, one will be committing the sin of "changing the nature created by Allah" (taghyir khalq Allah). However, if there is a genuine need, for example, a particular organ of the body is severely deformed, the nose is damaged or a child is born with six fingers, etc…, then to perform cosmetic surgery will become permissible. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Nasa'i and Imam Tirmidhi (Allah have mercy on them) relate in their respective Sunan collections, that a Companion (sahabi) by the name of Arfajah ibn Aswad (Allah be pleased with him) had his nose damaged in the battle of kulab. He replaced it first with silver, and then with a nose made of gold, with the order and consent of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya: "If one intends to cut off an extra finger, it will be permissible as long as there is no fear of perishing." (4/114) It should be also remarked here that, if cosmetic surgery was carried out due to a genuine reason, then the ablution (wudu) and obligatory bath (ghusl) will be valid by letting the water flow on the surgical area, even though the water does not reach the actual body. (See: Raddal-Muhtar, 1/104) In conclusion, cosmetic and plastic surgery for the purpose of beautifying and adornment is impermissible. However, if there is a genuine need due to something being abnormal or deformed, then there is a dispensation of permissibility. And Allah knows best. Answered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam SeekersGuidance Proudly brought to you by SeekersHub Global, more SeekersAnswer can be found at Earn Amazing Reward Join HOTD Love HOTD Meet the HOTD Imam Ask a Question Asalaam Alaykum! If you want to ask the HOTD Imam a question please click Ask a Question Categories All Discussions325 Angels & Prophets8 Business & Trade12 Death & Burial8 Divorce4 Family10 Female Issues13 Food & Drink7 General33 Islam for Children, Baby Names6 Marriage28 New Muslims2 Personal Grooming17 Prayer54 Quran, Hadith & Dua23 Ramadan & Fasting19 Sex Related Topics18 Society & Culture47 Umrah, & Charity.
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:30
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 abu adam - Social Mention: NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al- umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:46AM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al- umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma.
    Nov 19th 2013, 06:04
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