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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Kisah Cinta Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Fathimah Az- Zahra Redaksi – Selasa, 15 Muharram 1435 H / 19 November 2013 10:18 WIB Ada rahasia terdalam di hati Ali yang tak dikisahkannya pada siapapun. Fathimah. Karib kecilnya, puteri tersayang dari Sang Nabi yang adalah sepupunya itu, sungguh memesonanya. Kesantunannya, ibadahnya, kecekatan kerjanya, parasnya. Lihatlah gadis itu pada suatu hari ketika ayahnya pulang dengan luka memercik darah dan kepala yang dilumur isi perut unta. Ia bersihkan hati-hati, ia seka dengan penuh cinta. Ia bakar perca, ia tempelkan ke luka untuk menghentikan darah ayahnya. Semuanya dilakukan dengan mata gerimis dan hati menangis. Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah Sang Tepercaya tak layak diperlakukan demikian oleh kaumnya! Maka gadis cilik itu bangkit. Gagah ia berjalan menuju Ka'bah. Di sana, para pemuka Quraisy yang semula saling tertawa membanggakan tindakannya pada Sang Nabi tiba-tiba dicekam diam. Fathimah menghardik mereka dan seolah waktu berhenti, tak memberi mulut-mulut jalang itu kesempatan untuk menimpali. Mengagumkan! Ali tak tahu apakah rasa itu bisa disebut cinta. Tapi, ia memang tersentak ketika suatu hari mendengar kabar yang mengejutkan. Fathimah dilamar seorang lelaki yang paling akrab dan paling dekat kedudukannya dengan Sang Nabi. Lelaki yang membela Islam dengan harta dan jiwa sejak awal- awal risalah. Lelaki yang iman dan akhlaqnya tak diragukan; Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq, Radhiyallaahu 'Anhu"Allah mengujiku rupanya", begitu batin 'Ali. Ia merasa diuji karena merasa apalah ia dibanding Abu Bakar. Kedudukan di sisi Nabi? Abu Bakar lebih utama, mungkin justru karena ia bukan kerabat dekat Nabi seperti 'Ali, namun keimanan dan pembelaannya pada Allah dan RasulNya tak tertandingi. Lihatlah bagaimana Abu Bakar menjadi kawan perjalanan Nabi dalam hijrah sementara 'Ali bertugas menggantikan beliau untuk menanti maut di ranjangnya. Lihatlah juga bagaimana Abu Bakr berda'wah. Lihatlah berapa banyak tokoh bangsawan dan saudagar Makkah yang masuk Islam karena sentuhan Abu Bakar; 'Utsman, 'Abdurrahman ibn 'Auf, Thalhah, Zubair, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqash, Mush'ab.. Ini yang tak mungkin dilakukan kanak-kanak kurang pergaulan seperti 'Ali. Lihatlah berapa banyak budak Muslim yang dibebaskan dan para faqir yang dibela Abu Bakar; Bilal, Khabbab, keluarga Yassir, 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud.. Dan siapa budak yang dibebaskan 'Ali? Dari sisi finansial, Abu Bakar sang saudagar, insya Allah lebih bisa membahagiakan Fathimah. 'Ali hanya pemuda miskin dari keluarga miskin. "Inilah persaudaraan dan cinta", gumam 'Ali. "Aku mengutamakan Abu Bakar atas diriku, aku mengutamakan kebahagiaan Fathimah atas cintaku." Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan atau mempersilakan. Ia adalah keberanian, atau pengorbanan Beberapa waktu berlalu, ternyata Allah menumbuhkan kembali tunas harap di hatinya yang sempat layu. Lamaran Abu Bakr ditolak. Dan 'Ali terus menjaga semangatnya untuk mempersiapkan diri. Ah, ujian itu rupanya belum berakhir. Setelah Abu Bakr mundur, datanglah melamar Fathimah seorang laki-laki lain yang gagah dan perkasa, seorang lelaki yang sejak masuk Islamnya membuat kaum Muslimin berani tegak mengangkat muka, seorang laki-laki yang membuat syaithan berlari takut dan musuh- musuh Allah bertekuk lutut. 'Umar ibn Al Khaththab. Ya, Al Faruq, sang pemisah kebenaran dan kebathilan itu juga datang melamar Fathimah. 'Umar memang masuk Islam belakangan, sekitar 3 tahun setelah 'Ali dan Abu Bakar. Tapi siapa yang menyangsikan ketulusannya? Siapa yang menyangsikan kecerdasannya untuk mengejar pemahaman? Siapa yang menyangsikan semua pembelaan dahsyat yang hanya 'Umar dan Hamzah yang mampu memberikannya pada kaum muslimin? Dan lebih dari itu, 'Ali mendengar sendiri betapa seringnya Nabi berkata, "Aku datang bersama Abu Bakar dan 'Umar, aku keluar bersama Abu Bakr dan 'Umar, aku masuk bersama Abu Bakr dan 'Umar.." Betapa tinggi kedudukannya di sisi Rasul, di sisi ayah Fathimah. Lalu coba bandingkan bagaimana dia berhijrah dan bagaimana 'Umar melakukannya. 'Ali menyusul sang Nabi dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, dalam kejaran musuh yang frustasi karena tak menemukan beliau Shallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Maka ia hanya berani berjalan di kelam malam. Selebihnya, di siang hari dia mencari bayang- bayang gundukan bukit pasir. Menanti dan bersembunyi. 'Umar telah berangkat sebelumnya. Ia thawaf tujuh kali, lalu naik ke atas Ka'bah. "Wahai Quraisy", katanya. "Hari ini putera Al Khaththab akan berhijrah. Barangsiapa yang ingin isterinya menjanda, anaknya menjadi yatim, atau ibunya berkabung tanpa henti, silakan hadang 'Umar di balik bukit ini!" 'Umar adalah lelaki pemberani. 'Ali, sekali lagi sadar. Dinilai dari semua segi dalam pandangan orang banyak, dia pemuda yang belum siap menikah. Apalagi menikahi Fathimah binti Rasulillah! Tidak. 'Umar jauh lebih layak. Dan 'Ali ridha. Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti Ia mengambil kesempatan Itulah keberanian Atau mempersilakan Yang ini pengorbanan Maka 'Ali bingung ketika kabar itu meruyak. Lamaran 'Umar juga ditolak. Menantu macam apa kiranya yang dikehendaki Nabi? Yang seperti 'Utsman sang miliarderkah yang telah menikahi Ruqayyah binti Rasulillah? Yang seperti Abul 'Ash ibn Rabi'kah, saudagar Quraisy itu, suami Zainab binti Rasulillah? Ah, dua menantu Rasulullah itu sungguh membuatnya hilang kepercayaan diri. Di antara Muhajirin hanya 'Abdurrahman ibn 'Auf yang setara dengan mereka. Atau justru Nabi ingin mengambil menantu dari Anshar untuk mengeratkan kekerabatan dengan mereka? Sa'd ibn Mu'adz kah, sang pemimpin Aus yang tampan dan elegan itu? Atau Sa'd ibn 'Ubaidah, pemimpin Khazraj yang lincah penuh semangat itu? "Mengapa bukan engkau yang mencoba kawan?", kalimat teman-teman Ansharnya itu membangunkan lamunan. "Mengapa engkau tak mencoba melamar Fathimah? Aku punya firasat, engkaulah yang ditunggu-tunggu Baginda Nabi.. " "Aku?", tanyanya tak yakin. "Ya. Engkau wahai saudaraku!" "Aku hanya pemuda miskin. Apa yang bisa kuandalkan?" "Kami di belakangmu, kawan! Semoga Allah menolongmu!" 'Ali pun menghadap Sang Nabi. Maka dengan memberanikan diri, disampaikannya keinginannya untuk menikahi Fathimah. Ya, menikahi. Ia tahu, secara ekonomi tak ada yang menjanjikan pada dirinya. Hanya ada satu set baju besi di sana ditambah persediaan tepung kasar untuk makannya. Tapi meminta waktu dua atau tiga tahun untuk bersiap- siap? Itu memalukan! Meminta Fathimah menantikannya di batas waktu hingga ia siap? Itu sangat kekanakan. Usianya telah berkepala dua sekarang. "Engkau pemuda sejati wahai 'Ali!", begitu nuraninya mengingatkan. Pemuda yang siap bertanggungjawab atas cintanya. Pemuda yang siap memikul resiko atas pilihan- pilihannya. Pemuda yang yakin bahwa Allah Maha Kaya. Lamarannya berjawab, "Ahlan wa sahlan!" Kata itu meluncur tenang bersama senyum Sang Nabi. Dan ia pun bingung. Apa maksudnya? Ucapan selamat datang itu sulit untuk bisa dikatakan sebagai isyarat penerimaan atau penolakan. Ah, mungkin Nabi pun bingung untuk menjawab. Mungkin tidak sekarang. Tapi ia siap ditolak. Itu resiko. Dan kejelasan jauh lebih ringan daripada menanggung beban tanya yang tak kunjung berjawab. Apalagi menyimpannya dalam hati sebagai bahtera tanpa pelabuhan. Ah, itu menyakitkan. "Bagaimana jawab Nabi kawan? Bagaimana lamaranmu?" "Entahlah.." "Apa maksudmu?" "Menurut kalian apakah 'Ahlan wa Sahlan' berarti sebuah jawaban!" "Dasar tolol! Tolol!", kata mereka, "Eh, maaf kawan.. Maksud kami satu saja sudah cukup dan kau mendapatkan dua! Ahlan saja sudah berarti ya. Sahlan juga. Dan kau mendapatkan Ahlan wa Sahlan kawan! Dua-duanya berarti ya !" Dan 'Ali pun menikahi Fathimah. Dengan menggadaikan baju besinya. Dengan rumah yang semula ingin disumbangkan ke kawan-kawannya tapi Nabi berkeras agar ia membayar cicilannya. Itu hutang. Dengan keberanian untuk mengorbankan cintanya bagi Abu Bakr, 'Umar, dan Fathimah. Dengan keberanian untuk menikah. Sekarang. Bukan janji-janji dan nanti-nanti. 'Ali adalah gentleman sejati. Tidak heran kalau pemuda Arab memiliki yel, "Laa fatan illa 'Aliyyan! Tak ada pemuda kecuali Ali!" Inilah jalan cinta para pejuang. Jalan yang mempertemukan cinta dan semua perasaan dengan tanggung jawab. Dan di sini, cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Seperti 'Ali. Ia mempersilakan. Atau mengambil kesempatan. Yang pertama adalah pengorbanan. Yang kedua adalah keberanian. Dan ternyata tak kurang juga yang dilakukan oleh Putri Sang Nabi, dalam suatu riwayat dikisahkan bahwa suatu hari (setelah mereka menikah) Fathimah berkata kepada 'Ali, "Maafkan aku, karena sebelum menikah denganmu. Aku pernah satu kali jatuh cinta pada seorang pemuda" 'Ali terkejut dan berkata, "kalau begitu mengapa engkau mau manikah denganku? dan Siapakah pemuda itu?" Sambil tersenyum Fathimah berkata, "Ya, karena pemuda itu adalah Dirimu" ini merupakan sisi ROMANTIS dari hubungan mereka berdua. Kemudian Nabi saw bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah Azza wa Jalla memerintahkan aku untuk menikahkan Fatimah puteri Khadijah dengan Ali bin Abi Thalib, maka saksikanlah sesungguhnya aku telah menikahkannya dengan maskawin empat ratus Fidhdhah (dalam nilai perak), dan Ali ridha (menerima) mahar tersebut." Kemudian Rasulullah saw. mendoakan keduanya: "Semoga Allah mengumpulkan kesempurnaan kalian berdua, membahagiakan kesungguhan kalian berdua, memberkahi kalian berdua, dan mengeluarkan dari kalian berdua kebajikan yang banyak." (kitab Ar- Riyadh An-Nadhrah 2:183, bab4)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:50AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    Kisah Cinta Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Fathimah Az- Zahra Redaksi – Selasa, 15 Muharram 1435 H / 19 November 2013 10:18 WIB Ada rahasia terdalam di hati Ali yang tak dikisahkannya pada siapapun. Fathimah. Karib kecilnya, puteri tersayang dari Sang Nabi yang adalah sepupunya itu, sungguh memesonanya. Kesantunannya, ibadahnya, kecekatan kerjanya, parasnya. Lihatlah gadis itu pada suatu hari ketika ayahnya pulang dengan luka memercik darah dan kepala yang dilumur isi perut unta. Ia bersihkan hati-hati, ia seka dengan penuh cinta. Ia bakar perca, ia tempelkan ke luka untuk menghentikan darah ayahnya. Semuanya dilakukan dengan mata gerimis dan hati menangis. Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah Sang Tepercaya tak layak diperlakukan demikian oleh kaumnya! Maka gadis cilik itu bangkit. Gagah ia berjalan menuju Ka'bah. Di sana, para pemuka Quraisy yang semula saling tertawa membanggakan tindakannya pada Sang Nabi tiba-tiba dicekam diam. Fathimah menghardik mereka dan seolah waktu berhenti, tak memberi mulut-mulut jalang itu kesempatan untuk menimpali. Mengagumkan! Ali tak tahu apakah rasa itu bisa disebut cinta. Tapi, ia memang tersentak ketika suatu hari mendengar kabar yang mengejutkan. Fathimah dilamar seorang lelaki yang paling akrab dan paling dekat kedudukannya dengan Sang Nabi. Lelaki yang membela Islam dengan harta dan jiwa sejak awal- awal risalah. Lelaki yang iman dan akhlaqnya tak diragukan; Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq, Radhiyallaahu 'Anhu"Allah mengujiku rupanya", begitu batin 'Ali. Ia merasa diuji karena merasa apalah ia dibanding Abu Bakar. Kedudukan di sisi Nabi? Abu Bakar lebih utama, mungkin justru karena ia bukan kerabat dekat Nabi seperti 'Ali, namun keimanan dan pembelaannya pada Allah dan RasulNya tak tertandingi. Lihatlah bagaimana Abu Bakar menjadi kawan perjalanan Nabi dalam hijrah sementara 'Ali bertugas menggantikan beliau untuk menanti maut di ranjangnya. Lihatlah juga bagaimana Abu Bakr berda'wah. Lihatlah berapa banyak tokoh bangsawan dan saudagar Makkah yang masuk Islam karena sentuhan Abu Bakar; 'Utsman, 'Abdurrahman ibn 'Auf, Thalhah, Zubair, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqash, Mush'ab.. Ini yang tak mungkin dilakukan kanak-kanak kurang pergaulan seperti 'Ali. Lihatlah berapa banyak budak Muslim yang dibebaskan dan para faqir yang dibela Abu Bakar; Bilal, Khabbab, keluarga Yassir, 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud.. Dan siapa budak yang dibebaskan 'Ali? Dari sisi finansial, Abu Bakar sang saudagar, insya Allah lebih bisa membahagiakan Fathimah. 'Ali hanya pemuda miskin dari keluarga miskin. "Inilah persaudaraan dan cinta", gumam 'Ali. "Aku mengutamakan Abu Bakar atas diriku, aku mengutamakan kebahagiaan Fathimah atas cintaku." Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan atau mempersilakan. Ia adalah keberanian, atau pengorbanan Beberapa waktu berlalu, ternyata Allah menumbuhkan kembali tunas harap di hatinya yang sempat layu. Lamaran Abu Bakr ditolak. Dan 'Ali terus menjaga semangatnya untuk mempersiapkan diri. Ah, ujian itu rupanya belum berakhir. Setelah Abu Bakr mundur, datanglah melamar Fathimah seorang laki-laki lain yang gagah dan perkasa, seorang lelaki yang sejak masuk Islamnya membuat kaum Muslimin berani tegak mengangkat muka, seorang laki-laki yang membuat syaithan berlari takut dan musuh- musuh Allah bertekuk lutut. 'Umar ibn Al Khaththab. Ya, Al Faruq, sang pemisah kebenaran dan kebathilan itu juga datang melamar Fathimah. 'Umar memang masuk Islam belakangan, sekitar 3 tahun setelah 'Ali dan Abu Bakar. Tapi siapa yang menyangsikan ketulusannya? Siapa yang menyangsikan kecerdasannya untuk mengejar pemahaman? Siapa yang menyangsikan semua pembelaan dahsyat yang hanya 'Umar dan Hamzah yang mampu memberikannya pada kaum muslimin? Dan lebih dari itu, 'Ali mendengar sendiri betapa seringnya Nabi berkata, "Aku datang bersama Abu Bakar dan 'Umar, aku keluar bersama Abu Bakr dan 'Umar, aku masuk bersama Abu Bakr dan 'Umar.." Betapa tinggi kedudukannya di sisi Rasul, di sisi ayah Fathimah. Lalu coba bandingkan bagaimana dia berhijrah dan bagaimana 'Umar melakukannya. 'Ali menyusul sang Nabi dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, dalam kejaran musuh yang frustasi karena tak menemukan beliau Shallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Maka ia hanya berani berjalan di kelam malam. Selebihnya, di siang hari dia mencari bayang- bayang gundukan bukit pasir. Menanti dan bersembunyi. 'Umar telah berangkat sebelumnya. Ia thawaf tujuh kali, lalu naik ke atas Ka'bah. "Wahai Quraisy", katanya. "Hari ini putera Al Khaththab akan berhijrah. Barangsiapa yang ingin isterinya menjanda, anaknya menjadi yatim, atau ibunya berkabung tanpa henti, silakan hadang 'Umar di balik bukit ini!" 'Umar adalah lelaki pemberani. 'Ali, sekali lagi sadar. Dinilai dari semua segi dalam pandangan orang banyak, dia pemuda yang belum siap menikah. Apalagi menikahi Fathimah binti Rasulillah! Tidak. 'Umar jauh lebih layak. Dan 'Ali ridha. Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti Ia mengambil kesempatan Itulah keberanian Atau mempersilakan Yang ini pengorbanan Maka 'Ali bingung ketika kabar itu meruyak. Lamaran 'Umar juga ditolak. Menantu macam apa kiranya yang dikehendaki Nabi? Yang seperti 'Utsman sang miliarderkah yang telah menikahi Ruqayyah binti Rasulillah? Yang seperti Abul 'Ash ibn Rabi'kah, saudagar Quraisy itu, suami Zainab binti Rasulillah? Ah, dua menantu Rasulullah itu sungguh membuatnya hilang kepercayaan diri. Di antara Muhajirin hanya 'Abdurrahman ibn 'Auf yang setara dengan mereka. Atau justru Nabi ingin mengambil menantu dari Anshar untuk mengeratkan kekerabatan dengan mereka? Sa'd ibn Mu'adz kah, sang pemimpin Aus yang tampan dan elegan itu? Atau Sa'd ibn 'Ubaidah, pemimpin Khazraj yang lincah penuh semangat itu? "Mengapa bukan engkau yang mencoba kawan?", kalimat teman-teman Ansharnya itu membangunkan lamunan. "Mengapa engkau tak mencoba melamar Fathimah? Aku punya firasat, engkaulah yang ditunggu-tunggu Baginda Nabi.. " "Aku?", tanyanya tak yakin. "Ya. Engkau wahai saudaraku!" "Aku hanya pemuda miskin. Apa yang bisa kuandalkan?" "Kami di belakangmu, kawan! Semoga Allah menolongmu!" 'Ali pun menghadap Sang Nabi. Maka dengan memberanikan diri, disampaikannya keinginannya untuk menikahi Fathimah. Ya, menikahi. Ia tahu, secara ekonomi tak ada yang menjanjikan pada dirinya. Hanya ada satu set baju besi di sana ditambah persediaan tepung kasar untuk makannya. Tapi meminta waktu dua atau tiga tahun untuk bersiap- siap? Itu memalukan! Meminta Fathimah menantikannya di batas waktu hingga ia siap? Itu sangat kekanakan. Usianya telah berkepala dua sekarang. "Engkau pemuda sejati wahai 'Ali!", begitu nuraninya mengingatkan. Pemuda yang siap bertanggungjawab atas cintanya. Pemuda yang siap memikul resiko atas pilihan- pilihannya. Pemuda yang yakin bahwa Allah Maha Kaya. Lamarannya berjawab, "Ahlan wa sahlan!" Kata itu meluncur tenang bersama senyum Sang Nabi. Dan ia pun bingung. Apa maksudnya? Ucapan selamat datang itu sulit untuk bisa dikatakan sebagai isyarat penerimaan atau penolakan. Ah, mungkin Nabi pun bingung untuk menjawab. Mungkin tidak sekarang. Tapi ia siap ditolak. Itu resiko. Dan kejelasan jauh lebih ringan daripada menanggung beban tanya yang tak kunjung berjawab. Apalagi menyimpannya dalam hati sebagai bahtera tanpa pelabuhan. Ah, itu menyakitkan. "Bagaimana jawab Nabi kawan? Bagaimana lamaranmu?" "Entahlah.." "Apa maksudmu?" "Menurut kalian apakah 'Ahlan wa Sahlan' berarti sebuah jawaban!" "Dasar tolol! Tolol!", kata mereka, "Eh, maaf kawan.. Maksud kami satu saja sudah cukup dan kau mendapatkan dua! Ahlan saja sudah berarti ya. Sahlan juga. Dan kau mendapatkan Ahlan wa Sahlan kawan! Dua-duanya berarti ya !" Dan 'Ali pun menikahi Fathimah. Dengan menggadaikan baju besinya. Dengan rumah yang semula ingin disumbangkan ke kawan-kawannya tapi Nabi berkeras agar ia membayar cicilannya. Itu hutang. Dengan keberanian untuk mengorbankan cintanya bagi Abu Bakr, 'Umar, dan Fathimah. Dengan keberanian untuk menikah. Sekarang. Bukan janji-janji dan nanti-nanti. 'Ali adalah gentleman sejati. Tidak heran kalau pemuda Arab memiliki yel, "Laa fatan illa 'Aliyyan! Tak ada pemuda kecuali Ali!" Inilah jalan cinta para pejuang. Jalan yang mempertemukan cinta dan semua perasaan dengan tanggung jawab. Dan di sini, cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Seperti 'Ali. Ia mempersilakan. Atau mengambil kesempatan. Yang pertama adalah pengorbanan. Yang kedua adalah keberanian. Dan ternyata tak kurang juga yang dilakukan oleh Putri Sang Nabi, dalam suatu riwayat dikisahkan bahwa suatu hari (setelah mereka menikah) Fathimah berkata kepada 'Ali, "Maafkan aku, karena sebelum menikah denganmu. Aku pernah satu kali jatuh cinta pada seorang pemuda" 'Ali terkejut dan berkata, "kalau begitu mengapa engkau mau manikah denganku? dan Siapakah pemuda itu?" Sambil tersenyum Fathimah berkata, "Ya, karena pemuda itu adalah Dirimu" ini merupakan sisi ROMANTIS dari hubungan mereka berdua. Kemudian Nabi saw bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah Azza wa Jalla memerintahkan aku untuk menikahkan Fatimah puteri Khadijah dengan Ali bin Abi Thalib, maka saksikanlah sesungguhnya aku telah menikahkannya dengan maskawin empat ratus Fidhdhah (dalam nilai perak), dan Ali ridha (menerima) mahar tersebut." Kemudian Rasulullah saw. mendoakan keduanya: "Semoga Allah mengumpulkan kesempurnaan kalian berdua, membahagiakan kesungguhan kalian berdua, memberkahi kalian berdua, dan mengeluarkan dari kalian berdua kebajikan yang banyak." (kitab Ar- Riyadh An-Nadhrah 2:183, bab4)
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:27
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 mujahid - Social Mention: Pangdam: Jika TNI Ingin Ditakuti Lawan, Ambillah Pelajaran dari Amrozi JAKARTA SELATAN ( – Dalam rangka memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya pelatihan militer dalam Islam (i'dad), maka Al Tsauroh Institute telah mengadakan Seminar Nasional pada hari Selasa (19/11/13) di Gedung Sucofindo Jl Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan, dengan tema "Pelahan Militer Dalam Perspektif Islam". Masih dengan penjelasan Ustadz Said Sungkar, da'i dan mujahid asal Pekalongan ini begitu antusias dalam memberikan masukan yang beliau ambil dari pengalamannya dalam hal jihad. Beliau mengutip perkataan seorang pangdam yang mengakui kehebatan mujahidin Indonesia, yaitu Amrozi. Dari mana lagi kekuatan itu kalau bukan dari keimanan seorang hamba kepada Rabb-Nya. Dengan membacakan ayat yang berkaitan dengan pertolongan Allah kepada mujahidin, Ustadz Sungkar berkata seraya mengutip perkataan pangdam tersebut, "Maka saya tidak bisa melupakakan ucapan bapak Joko Widodo ketika menjadi Pangap ataupun Pangdam ia berkata apabila ingin TNI ditakuti oleh lawan, ambillah pelajaran dari Amrozi. Amrozi dihukum mati dia senyum, dia sujud syukur. Tapi Kopassus dihukum 2 tahun sudah pingsan di Aceh. Ini membuktikan bahwa lawan pun mengakui kekuatan jihad tidak akan dapat untuk dikalahkan" tegas beliau.[usamah]
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:21AM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Pangdam: Jika TNI Ingin Ditakuti Lawan, Ambillah Pelajaran dari Amrozi JAKARTA SELATAN ( – Dalam rangka memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya pelatihan militer dalam Islam (i'dad), maka Al Tsauroh Institute telah mengadakan Seminar Nasional pada hari Selasa (19/11/13) di Gedung Sucofindo Jl Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan, dengan tema "Pelahan Militer Dalam Perspektif Islam". Masih dengan penjelasan Ustadz Said Sungkar, da'i dan mujahid asal Pekalongan ini begitu antusias dalam memberikan masukan yang beliau ambil dari pengalamannya dalam hal jihad. Beliau mengutip perkataan seorang pangdam yang mengakui kehebatan mujahidin Indonesia, yaitu Amrozi. Dari mana lagi kekuatan itu kalau bukan dari keimanan seorang hamba kepada Rabb-Nya. Dengan membacakan ayat yang berkaitan dengan pertolongan Allah kepada mujahidin, Ustadz Sungkar berkata seraya mengutip perkataan pangdam tersebut, "Maka saya tidak bisa melupakakan ucapan bapak Joko Widodo ketika menjadi Pangap ataupun Pangdam ia berkata apabila ingin TNI ditakuti oleh lawan, ambillah pelajaran dari Amrozi. Amrozi dihukum mati dia senyum, dia sujud syukur. Tapi Kopassus dihukum 2 tahun sudah pingsan di Aceh. Ini membuktikan bahwa lawan pun mengakui kekuatan jihad tidak akan dapat untuk dikalahkan" tegas beliau.[usamah]
    Nov 21st 2013, 05:13
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:48AM  

    dawah - Social Mention
    Nov 21st 2013, 00:08
    Be sure to tune in to the SFMCC Media Dawah Team presentations of the Our TV Comcast Cable telecast Channels 78 & 26 of the Islamic series of video presentations of selected lectures by Imam W. Deen Mohammed now airing in October, Sundays and Mondays from 11am - 12noon, Thursdays from 6pm - 7pm, & Fridays from 9am - 10am. For those unable to view the program in your area, you can view online at We also appreciate your financial support in helping us to keep the message of Al-Islam on the air. To make your donations on line using your credit card, go to: and scroll down to the paypal donation button. You can also send in your donations by money order, personal, or certified checks to: SFMCC Media Dawah Team C/O A. B. Madyun 1271 Washington Avenue Box 735 San Leandro, Ca. 94577
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 media crash news - Social Mention: Tagged: HealthNigeriaWest Africa EMAIL PRINT SHARE Nigeria: Ex-Corper Cries Out Over Hospital Bills BY JOHN CHUKS AZU, 9 MAY 2013 RELATED TOPICS Nigeria Nigeria: NBA, WNBA, Africare and Exxonmobil... Health Zimbabwe: Group Warns of Cholera Outbreak She exudes calm and joy despite her present condition. Others will be angry with the system that sent them on a trip that turned tragic leading to physical incapacitation. But Juliet Philip is ever grateful for her life and the opportunity she had to serve her fatherland. After surviving a road crash while returning to her state of primary assignment as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Anambra, Juliet still reminisces that, "I served in Community High School, Ogboji as a teacher. And I thoroughly enjoyed my service in Anambra; it was a wonderful experience." The 2010 University of Jos graduate of Biology Education was called up on March 8, 2011 in Batch A and posted to Ogboji in Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State. After the service period, Juliet, like other 'corpers' was given a long vacation. The Kaura Local Government of Kaduna State native then travelled to her state for a deserved rest. But while returning to her place of primary assignment on August 31, 2011, she was involved in an accident. The ill-fated bus with registration number XH433UN which she boarded in Abuja at Mararaba, Nasarawa State, somersaulted on the Abaji-Lokoja highway and veered off the road into the adjourning bush. Many passengers lay either injured or dead as at the time she was rushed to the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja by sympathisers and members of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). While at the medical centre, Juliet requested for referral to University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada after finding its services unsatisfactory. It was at the teaching hospital that she incurred a huge medical bill. The impact of the crash on her spine caused her neurological injuries and her limbs gradually became paralysed in the course of her treatment forcing her to move on wheelchair. Consultants had recommended physiotherapy in Austria to help her regain the use of her limbs, but she says she cannot afford the N8 million costs. She said the coordinator of the NYSC in Anambra had directed the assistant inspector to pay her a visit in the hospital and assist her with N30,000 and a pledge to foot the rest of the medical bills. Medical records showed she spent about N3,017, 088 initially beside other costs. Her letter of December 28, 2011 to the Director General of the NYSC to fulfil the promise of footing the hospital bill was not replied. Spokesperson of the NYSC, Mrs Abosede Aderibigbe, did not pick call to her phone nor did she respond to a text message. However the 30 year-old, who aspires to return to the classroom for lecturing after completing her PhD, is appealing to the NYSC to fulfil its pledge to pay her outstanding hospital bills as promised her when she was in hospital. She also pleads with fellow Nigerians to assist her with funds to foot her treatment overseas. Nigeria NBA, WNBA, Africare and Exxonmobil Launch New Initiative to Engage and Empower Nigeria's Youth Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon, former NBA player Obinna Ekezie and WNBA All-Star Swin Cash tip off "Power … see more » Copyright © 2013 Daily Trust. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media ( To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here. AllAfrica aggregates and indexes content from over 130 African news organizations, plus more than 200 other sources, who are responsible for their own reporting and views. Articles and commentaries that identify as the publisher are produced or commissioned by AllAfrica.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:09AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Tagged: HealthNigeriaWest Africa EMAIL PRINT SHARE Nigeria: Ex-Corper Cries Out Over Hospital Bills BY JOHN CHUKS AZU, 9 MAY 2013 RELATED TOPICS Nigeria Nigeria: NBA, WNBA, Africare and Exxonmobil... Health Zimbabwe: Group Warns of Cholera Outbreak She exudes calm and joy despite her present condition. Others will be angry with the system that sent them on a trip that turned tragic leading to physical incapacitation. But Juliet Philip is ever grateful for her life and the opportunity she had to serve her fatherland. After surviving a road crash while returning to her state of primary assignment as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Anambra, Juliet still reminisces that, "I served in Community High School, Ogboji as a teacher. And I thoroughly enjoyed my service in Anambra; it was a wonderful experience." The 2010 University of Jos graduate of Biology Education was called up on March 8, 2011 in Batch A and posted to Ogboji in Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State. After the service period, Juliet, like other 'corpers' was given a long vacation. The Kaura Local Government of Kaduna State native then travelled to her state for a deserved rest. But while returning to her place of primary assignment on August 31, 2011, she was involved in an accident. The ill-fated bus with registration number XH433UN which she boarded in Abuja at Mararaba, Nasarawa State, somersaulted on the Abaji-Lokoja highway and veered off the road into the adjourning bush. Many passengers lay either injured or dead as at the time she was rushed to the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja by sympathisers and members of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). While at the medical centre, Juliet requested for referral to University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada after finding its services unsatisfactory. It was at the teaching hospital that she incurred a huge medical bill. The impact of the crash on her spine caused her neurological injuries and her limbs gradually became paralysed in the course of her treatment forcing her to move on wheelchair. Consultants had recommended physiotherapy in Austria to help her regain the use of her limbs, but she says she cannot afford the N8 million costs. She said the coordinator of the NYSC in Anambra had directed the assistant inspector to pay her a visit in the hospital and assist her with N30,000 and a pledge to foot the rest of the medical bills. Medical records showed she spent about N3,017, 088 initially beside other costs. Her letter of December 28, 2011 to the Director General of the NYSC to fulfil the promise of footing the hospital bill was not replied. Spokesperson of the NYSC, Mrs Abosede Aderibigbe, did not pick call to her phone nor did she respond to a text message. However the 30 year-old, who aspires to return to the classroom for lecturing after completing her PhD, is appealing to the NYSC to fulfil its pledge to pay her outstanding hospital bills as promised her when she was in hospital. She also pleads with fellow Nigerians to assist her with funds to foot her treatment overseas. Nigeria NBA, WNBA, Africare and Exxonmobil Launch New Initiative to Engage and Empower Nigeria's Youth Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon, former NBA player Obinna Ekezie and WNBA All-Star Swin Cash tip off "Power … see more » Copyright © 2013 Daily Trust. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media ( To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here. AllAfrica aggregates and indexes content from over 130 African news organizations, plus more than 200 other sources, who are responsible for their own reporting and views. Articles and commentaries that identify as the publisher are produced or commissioned by AllAfrica.
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:46
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al- umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:45AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al- umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma.
    Nov 19th 2013, 06:04
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 sharia - Social Mention: I decided to go way back,dig a bit deep and see who is marginalizing who. Is the cry of the North genuine? Are Middle Belters Christians or Moslems regarded as equal by the North?.. Read on..z. Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Northern Muslims threat re-marginalization--2 Thursday April 14 2005 NEW AGE Online Northern Muslims tackle Obasanjo over marginalization TONY AKOWE in Kaduna writes that Northern Muslims' claim of marginalization under the current political dispensation has widened the rift between the core North and the Middle Belt. The composition of the National Political Reform Conference (NPRC) has attracted lots of criticisms from the Muslim community in the North. This situation has further thrown a spanner in the works of the age-long attempt to close the gap between the 'core North' and the Middle Belt zones. At the beginning of President Olusegun Obasanjo's regime in May 1999, the appointment of ministers and service chiefs gave rise to what is today referred to as the 'core North syndrome.' It was the late Special Duties Minister, Alhaji Wada Nas who first coined that phrase when he alleged that President Obasanjo discriminated against the core North in making those appointments. It is noteworthy that all the service chiefs at the inception of the Obasanjo administration as well as the Chief of Defence Staff were all from the North. But that was not satisfactory to the Muslim community who felt that since none of them was a Muslim, they claimed that the North had been sidelined. Many of them failed to appreciate that the then chief of defence staff was an Igala Muslim from Kogi State. That apparent ranking of tribe above religion gave rise to the renewed agitation for the Middle Belt identity. Immediately, the Northern Governors' Forum felt that the North was drifting apart under their leadership. They came up with the idea of the Northern Peace Summit, which was aimed at finding a way out of the problems facing the North, which they traced to ethnic conflicts. Although ethnic crises in the name of religious conflicts have ravaged some parts of the North, the leaders failed to realise that tolerance and understanding were needed to move the region forward. The peace conference has come and gone, but the problems of the region are rearing their ugly heads again. Otherwise how else can one describe a situation whereby the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), which co-hosted the Northern Peace Conference, has threatened to unleash violence in the country because of perceived marginalization of the Muslims in the composition of the national conference when it is supposed to speak for all northerners whether they are Muslims or Christians. In the same vein, Northern traditional rulers and religious leaders are threatening to unleash a jihad on the country, if their grievances are not addressed by President Obasanjo. They are also claiming that the North is marginalized in the appointments into Obasanjo's government. Of particular importance to them is the fact that most of the positions given to the north went to the Christians in the region. A germane question is whether these people are northerners or not. If the leaders of the north claim that the unity of the area is of paramount importance to them, will it not be out of place to regard non-Hausa/Fulanis in government as not northerners. It is on record that the nation's three service chiefs are from the North. Lt. General Martin Luther Agwai, chief of army staff, hails from Gidan Mana in Sabon Sarki district of Kaduna State. Jonah Wuyep, the chief of air staff and Samuel Afolayan, the chief of naval staff hail from Plateau and Kwara states respectively. In this era when the North has been broken into 19 states, can anybody claim that these people are not northerners? NewAge came across some documents circulated in Kaduna by some Muslim associations. One of them, a 10-page document, tried to draw people's attention to the fact that the present administration has more Christians than Muslims. Authors of other leaflets threatened a breach of the peace of the nation. For example, one of them claimed that out of Obasanjo's 41 ministers, only 17 are Christians. However, it failed to acknowledge that there are Yorubas who are Muslims in Obasanjo's cabinet. It also listed the Military High Command as comprising of purely Christians without taking note that there are lots of senior military officers who are Muslims, either from the North or South of the country holding command positions in the country. For instance, they failed to take note of the fact that the Provost Marshal of the Army is a Muslim from the core North, among others. They even failed to realise thatpeople like Brig. General Bomai, from Borno State, who is the current director general of the National Youth Service Corps is still serving in the Army. What is more, the same ignorance was extended to police and even ambassadorial posting. Interestingly, while not giving any chance that any of the Yoruba ambassadors could be a Muslim, they still alleged that the list of ambassadors is dominated by Christians when out of the 44 ambassadors from the north, 33 of them are Muslims, while the rest 11 are Christians. They also failed to come to terms with the fact that states with sizeable Christian population in the north like Borno, Bauchi, Niger, Gombe and Nasarawa do not have a single Christian as ambassador. Since they have concluded that every Yoruba man appointed by the president into public office is a Christian, one does not need to go into statistics about this, but to ask where these divisive arguments would lead us as a nation. Does appointing a Mohammed or a Joseph amount to religion? It is important to mention that the threat of a jihad does not amount to civilization at all because those calling for this jihad will be the first people to board the next available plane out of this country when the chips are down. One is at loss as to the reasoning of some Nigerians at this point in time when all hands should be on deck in trying to find solutions to the nation's problems. Imagine the argument that the former Inspector General of Police, Tafa Balogun was removed from office because he is a Muslim, only to be replaced by a Christian. Ironically, the Kaduna State government has not taken any step to address the issue of the inciting documents that are making the rounds in the state. Some of these documents, it was gathered, were prepared with the full knowledge of the Muslim leaders and were freely circulated at their meetings. But some well-meaning Muslims have expressed reservations over the utterances of some of those who claimed to be their leaders. One of such is the former Military Governor of old Kaduna State, Col. Abubakar Umar (retd) who argues that it is wrong for anybody who calls himself a true Muslim to threaten violence when peaceful avenues exist to deal with conflicts. Umar is even more worried that some people like the Zamfara State governor, Alhaji Ahmed Sani, who participated in the meeting and made contributions. He reminded the governor that his action of introducing the Sharia has caused the nation so dearly since it has fuelled the current suspicion in the North between the Muslims and the Christians. One thing that has been of concern to many is the fact that the same people who are today crying foul are the same people that have been canvassing for the unity of the North. They have always argued that the North left behind by the late Premier of Northern Region, Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, is drifting apart. Some Christian faithful are now wondering whether the same North left behind by the late premier is the same North they are residing in today. Even some honest Northern Muslims point out that in the days of Bello, he never discriminated against any Christian from any part of the North. "What the Sardauna wanted was to see people from the North occupy positions of authority. It did not bother him whether they were Christians or Muslims as long as they were northerners. But today, those of us from the so-called North who are Christians and occupying positions are not regarded as northerners any more and yet we talk about one North. It is better for them to let us go and have our own identity as Middle Belt", said one official of the Kaduna State government who pleaded anonymity. Against the background of the raging animosity, Nasarawa State governor, Alhaji Abdullahi Adamu apparently hit the nail on the head during the Northern Peace Summit when he argued that the problem of the North had to do with the fact that northern leaders had refused to come to terms with the fact that the Middle Belt exists or that it should be heard. Mordecai Ibrahim, President of the Southern Kaduna Youth Vanguard, believes that with their posture, Northern traditional rulers are sending a dangerous signal to those agitating for the Middle Belt that they are indeed not wanted in the North. "The mere fact that our sons in the North are in position means that we all should be happy because that was what the late Sardauna wanted. What they are telling us now is that people like Martin Luther Agwai, Wuyep and Afolayan who are the service chiefs are no longer northerners. Does it mean that all of us must be Muslims before they recognize us as northerners?" he asked. Ibrahim appealed to the National Assembly and the Federal Government to give them in the Middle Belt an identity so that the idea of referring to them as northerners would be laid to rest. There are many people who argue that the current happening is good for the political development of the region. In this connection Ibrahim throws a poser: "At least, with this type of thing, they will no longer rely on us for the presidency. They are saying that the presidency should come to the North in 2007. Let me ask: which North are they talking about? You will agree with me that there is no longer one North because there is the North for the Muslims and another for the Christians. So, which part of the North will take the presidency in 2007?" NewAge learnt that the Muslims are of the opinion that the highest ranking military officer from the North is a colonel. But information available to NewAge revealed that the Northern Muslims have one Major Gen. Nuhu Bamali who is currently serving in the United Nations intervention force. We also have General Lemu who is said to be the Provost Marshal of the Nigerian Army and Brigadier-General Bomai who heads the National Youth Service Corps among many others. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the North is of the opinion that the Muslim leaders in the North are being economical with the truth. CAN points out that out of the 44 ambassadors appointed from the North by the Obasanjo administration, only 11 of them are Christians with the Muslims taking the lion's share of 33. Col. Umar believes that while the president made attempt to address the issues raised by the Muslim delegation that visited him last month, northern governors have not made any attempt to address the imbalance in their states, and yet nobody is complaining. Unless they retrace their steps, the North is drifting into disunity with northern leaders at the driving seat of the destruction
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:47AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    I decided to go way back,dig a bit deep and see who is marginalizing who. Is the cry of the North genuine? Are Middle Belters Christians or Moslems regarded as equal by the North?.. Read on..z. Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Northern Muslims threat re-marginalization--2 Thursday April 14 2005 NEW AGE Online Northern Muslims tackle Obasanjo over marginalization TONY AKOWE in Kaduna writes that Northern Muslims' claim of marginalization under the current political dispensation has widened the rift between the core North and the Middle Belt. The composition of the National Political Reform Conference (NPRC) has attracted lots of criticisms from the Muslim community in the North. This situation has further thrown a spanner in the works of the age-long attempt to close the gap between the 'core North' and the Middle Belt zones. At the beginning of President Olusegun Obasanjo's regime in May 1999, the appointment of ministers and service chiefs gave rise to what is today referred to as the 'core North syndrome.' It was the late Special Duties Minister, Alhaji Wada Nas who first coined that phrase when he alleged that President Obasanjo discriminated against the core North in making those appointments. It is noteworthy that all the service chiefs at the inception of the Obasanjo administration as well as the Chief of Defence Staff were all from the North. But that was not satisfactory to the Muslim community who felt that since none of them was a Muslim, they claimed that the North had been sidelined. Many of them failed to appreciate that the then chief of defence staff was an Igala Muslim from Kogi State. That apparent ranking of tribe above religion gave rise to the renewed agitation for the Middle Belt identity. Immediately, the Northern Governors' Forum felt that the North was drifting apart under their leadership. They came up with the idea of the Northern Peace Summit, which was aimed at finding a way out of the problems facing the North, which they traced to ethnic conflicts. Although ethnic crises in the name of religious conflicts have ravaged some parts of the North, the leaders failed to realise that tolerance and understanding were needed to move the region forward. The peace conference has come and gone, but the problems of the region are rearing their ugly heads again. Otherwise how else can one describe a situation whereby the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), which co-hosted the Northern Peace Conference, has threatened to unleash violence in the country because of perceived marginalization of the Muslims in the composition of the national conference when it is supposed to speak for all northerners whether they are Muslims or Christians. In the same vein, Northern traditional rulers and religious leaders are threatening to unleash a jihad on the country, if their grievances are not addressed by President Obasanjo. They are also claiming that the North is marginalized in the appointments into Obasanjo's government. Of particular importance to them is the fact that most of the positions given to the north went to the Christians in the region. A germane question is whether these people are northerners or not. If the leaders of the north claim that the unity of the area is of paramount importance to them, will it not be out of place to regard non-Hausa/Fulanis in government as not northerners. It is on record that the nation's three service chiefs are from the North. Lt. General Martin Luther Agwai, chief of army staff, hails from Gidan Mana in Sabon Sarki district of Kaduna State. Jonah Wuyep, the chief of air staff and Samuel Afolayan, the chief of naval staff hail from Plateau and Kwara states respectively. In this era when the North has been broken into 19 states, can anybody claim that these people are not northerners? NewAge came across some documents circulated in Kaduna by some Muslim associations. One of them, a 10-page document, tried to draw people's attention to the fact that the present administration has more Christians than Muslims. Authors of other leaflets threatened a breach of the peace of the nation. For example, one of them claimed that out of Obasanjo's 41 ministers, only 17 are Christians. However, it failed to acknowledge that there are Yorubas who are Muslims in Obasanjo's cabinet. It also listed the Military High Command as comprising of purely Christians without taking note that there are lots of senior military officers who are Muslims, either from the North or South of the country holding command positions in the country. For instance, they failed to take note of the fact that the Provost Marshal of the Army is a Muslim from the core North, among others. They even failed to realise thatpeople like Brig. General Bomai, from Borno State, who is the current director general of the National Youth Service Corps is still serving in the Army. What is more, the same ignorance was extended to police and even ambassadorial posting. Interestingly, while not giving any chance that any of the Yoruba ambassadors could be a Muslim, they still alleged that the list of ambassadors is dominated by Christians when out of the 44 ambassadors from the north, 33 of them are Muslims, while the rest 11 are Christians. They also failed to come to terms with the fact that states with sizeable Christian population in the north like Borno, Bauchi, Niger, Gombe and Nasarawa do not have a single Christian as ambassador. Since they have concluded that every Yoruba man appointed by the president into public office is a Christian, one does not need to go into statistics about this, but to ask where these divisive arguments would lead us as a nation. Does appointing a Mohammed or a Joseph amount to religion? It is important to mention that the threat of a jihad does not amount to civilization at all because those calling for this jihad will be the first people to board the next available plane out of this country when the chips are down. One is at loss as to the reasoning of some Nigerians at this point in time when all hands should be on deck in trying to find solutions to the nation's problems. Imagine the argument that the former Inspector General of Police, Tafa Balogun was removed from office because he is a Muslim, only to be replaced by a Christian. Ironically, the Kaduna State government has not taken any step to address the issue of the inciting documents that are making the rounds in the state. Some of these documents, it was gathered, were prepared with the full knowledge of the Muslim leaders and were freely circulated at their meetings. But some well-meaning Muslims have expressed reservations over the utterances of some of those who claimed to be their leaders. One of such is the former Military Governor of old Kaduna State, Col. Abubakar Umar (retd) who argues that it is wrong for anybody who calls himself a true Muslim to threaten violence when peaceful avenues exist to deal with conflicts. Umar is even more worried that some people like the Zamfara State governor, Alhaji Ahmed Sani, who participated in the meeting and made contributions. He reminded the governor that his action of introducing the Sharia has caused the nation so dearly since it has fuelled the current suspicion in the North between the Muslims and the Christians. One thing that has been of concern to many is the fact that the same people who are today crying foul are the same people that have been canvassing for the unity of the North. They have always argued that the North left behind by the late Premier of Northern Region, Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, is drifting apart. Some Christian faithful are now wondering whether the same North left behind by the late premier is the same North they are residing in today. Even some honest Northern Muslims point out that in the days of Bello, he never discriminated against any Christian from any part of the North. "What the Sardauna wanted was to see people from the North occupy positions of authority. It did not bother him whether they were Christians or Muslims as long as they were northerners. But today, those of us from the so-called North who are Christians and occupying positions are not regarded as northerners any more and yet we talk about one North. It is better for them to let us go and have our own identity as Middle Belt", said one official of the Kaduna State government who pleaded anonymity. Against the background of the raging animosity, Nasarawa State governor, Alhaji Abdullahi Adamu apparently hit the nail on the head during the Northern Peace Summit when he argued that the problem of the North had to do with the fact that northern leaders had refused to come to terms with the fact that the Middle Belt exists or that it should be heard. Mordecai Ibrahim, President of the Southern Kaduna Youth Vanguard, believes that with their posture, Northern traditional rulers are sending a dangerous signal to those agitating for the Middle Belt that they are indeed not wanted in the North. "The mere fact that our sons in the North are in position means that we all should be happy because that was what the late Sardauna wanted. What they are telling us now is that people like Martin Luther Agwai, Wuyep and Afolayan who are the service chiefs are no longer northerners. Does it mean that all of us must be Muslims before they recognize us as northerners?" he asked. Ibrahim appealed to the National Assembly and the Federal Government to give them in the Middle Belt an identity so that the idea of referring to them as northerners would be laid to rest. There are many people who argue that the current happening is good for the political development of the region. In this connection Ibrahim throws a poser: "At least, with this type of thing, they will no longer rely on us for the presidency. They are saying that the presidency should come to the North in 2007. Let me ask: which North are they talking about? You will agree with me that there is no longer one North because there is the North for the Muslims and another for the Christians. So, which part of the North will take the presidency in 2007?" NewAge learnt that the Muslims are of the opinion that the highest ranking military officer from the North is a colonel. But information available to NewAge revealed that the Northern Muslims have one Major Gen. Nuhu Bamali who is currently serving in the United Nations intervention force. We also have General Lemu who is said to be the Provost Marshal of the Nigerian Army and Brigadier-General Bomai who heads the National Youth Service Corps among many others. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the North is of the opinion that the Muslim leaders in the North are being economical with the truth. CAN points out that out of the 44 ambassadors appointed from the North by the Obasanjo administration, only 11 of them are Christians with the Muslims taking the lion's share of 33. Col. Umar believes that while the president made attempt to address the issues raised by the Muslim delegation that visited him last month, northern governors have not made any attempt to address the imbalance in their states, and yet nobody is complaining. Unless they retrace their steps, the North is drifting into disunity with northern leaders at the driving seat of the destruction
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:04
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:27PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Sebusuk2 najib pun.... jahil mana pun sekali dia...... x leh lwn Tun M..... di akui..... ada bodoh dia..... beragama islam...... dia melayu..... x alim mana pun..... tp bina gak masjid.... dr laung islam takbir!!!!! Bina tokong merata2..... dan...... Satu masjid pun x di bina :) pas parti apa? Parti sex jer aku nampak Lagi pun buka mana2 pemimpin umno yg kata jgn sambut maulud Nabi..... buka mana2 pemimpin umno yg kata boleh terima pertolongan syaitan buka mana2 pemimpin umno yg kata kafir pd islam yg lain krn politik buka mana2 pemimpin umno yg panggil pengikutnya lakukan solat turun bala pd islam yg lain buka mana2 pemimpin umno yg kata Rasulullah mamat kg UMNO TAK LAUNGKAN ISLAM PUN.....TP UMNO LAH YG LAKSANAKAN ISLAM & JAGA KESUCIAN ISLAM....tak kecoh pun ;)
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:41
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 sharia - Social Mention: SSS Parades Varsity Lecturer, Four Others For Sheer Terror The State Security Service on Wednesday in Abuja paraded an assistant lecturer in Arabic and Islamic studies at the Kogi State University, Ayingba, Muhammad Yunus, for recruiting and coordinating a Boko Haram terror cell in Kogi State. The service said Yunus, who is the spiritual leader, runs a terror group which comprised Umar Musa, head of operations/ instructor; Mustapha Yusuf (aka Habib); armourer/chief courier, Ismaila Abdulazeez, a foot soldier; and Ibrahim Isah (a.k.a one in town), who is also a foot soldier. SSS Deputy Director, Media and Public Relations, Marilyn Ogar, while briefing newsmen, explained that the terror cell planned to launch attacks in Kogi State before they were apprehended. She explained that until his arrest, Yunus had held several preaching sessions every last Saturday and Sunday of the month at Ethnosho Secondary School, Ojiolo, Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State where he had about 80 adherents. Similarly, the suspect held another session every Friday at the Kogi State University mosque, Ayingba, where he had about 120 followers, whom he taught the virtues of Jihad and the sanctity of the Sharia law as an alternative form of governance and its entrenchment in the state and beyond. Ogar said the lecturer, said to be a very active member of the Academic Staff Union of Universities in KSU, maintained extensive links with Boko Haram cells in Borno State where he referred some of his followers to terrorist training. "In March 2013, he facilitated the trip of two of his adherents to Boko Haram's Sambisa Camp in Maiduguri, Bornu State where they received training in weapon handling. They are Mustapha Yusuf and Ismaila Abdulazeez who are now under arrest. They were able to escape and returned back to him in August 2013, following the military invasion of the camp," she said. The SSS spokesperson said Yunus holds a Masters degree from the University of Jos and a Ph.D in Arabic and Islamic Studies from KSU, in 2012. Yunus denied being a Boko Haram member when questioned by journalists, but his claim was punctured by Yusuf, Abdulazeez and Isah who insisted that he had been teaching them about Jihad and how to exploit it to instal Sharia in Kogi State. Yunus, who admitted knowing his accomplices, alleged that he was set up, adding that Islam which he preached, did not endorse blood-shedding. "I don't have any link with Boko Haram, in fact I preached against them, that is why they have set me up. You can go to Jos and ask for my tapes, I preached against them. Islam doesn't support blood-shedding and I don't support it too," he said. One of the suspects, Isah said he was in company with Umar and Abdulazeez on their way to Maiduguri, Bornu State for training when they were arrested at a mosque in Zuba, near Abuja. Abdulazeez said he was indoctrinated by Yusuf in Nyanya, Abuja and he subsequently travelled to Ayingba to see Yunus who directed him to go with Isah to Maiduguri, but their trip was aborted by their arrest. Meanwhile, arraignment of a suspected Boko Haram member, Abdulmanam Abidiki, could not hold on Wednesday due to the absence of his defence lawyer.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:50AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    SSS Parades Varsity Lecturer, Four Others For Sheer Terror The State Security Service on Wednesday in Abuja paraded an assistant lecturer in Arabic and Islamic studies at the Kogi State University, Ayingba, Muhammad Yunus, for recruiting and coordinating a Boko Haram terror cell in Kogi State. The service said Yunus, who is the spiritual leader, runs a terror group which comprised Umar Musa, head of operations/ instructor; Mustapha Yusuf (aka Habib); armourer/chief courier, Ismaila Abdulazeez, a foot soldier; and Ibrahim Isah (a.k.a one in town), who is also a foot soldier. SSS Deputy Director, Media and Public Relations, Marilyn Ogar, while briefing newsmen, explained that the terror cell planned to launch attacks in Kogi State before they were apprehended. She explained that until his arrest, Yunus had held several preaching sessions every last Saturday and Sunday of the month at Ethnosho Secondary School, Ojiolo, Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State where he had about 80 adherents. Similarly, the suspect held another session every Friday at the Kogi State University mosque, Ayingba, where he had about 120 followers, whom he taught the virtues of Jihad and the sanctity of the Sharia law as an alternative form of governance and its entrenchment in the state and beyond. Ogar said the lecturer, said to be a very active member of the Academic Staff Union of Universities in KSU, maintained extensive links with Boko Haram cells in Borno State where he referred some of his followers to terrorist training. "In March 2013, he facilitated the trip of two of his adherents to Boko Haram's Sambisa Camp in Maiduguri, Bornu State where they received training in weapon handling. They are Mustapha Yusuf and Ismaila Abdulazeez who are now under arrest. They were able to escape and returned back to him in August 2013, following the military invasion of the camp," she said. The SSS spokesperson said Yunus holds a Masters degree from the University of Jos and a Ph.D in Arabic and Islamic Studies from KSU, in 2012. Yunus denied being a Boko Haram member when questioned by journalists, but his claim was punctured by Yusuf, Abdulazeez and Isah who insisted that he had been teaching them about Jihad and how to exploit it to instal Sharia in Kogi State. Yunus, who admitted knowing his accomplices, alleged that he was set up, adding that Islam which he preached, did not endorse blood-shedding. "I don't have any link with Boko Haram, in fact I preached against them, that is why they have set me up. You can go to Jos and ask for my tapes, I preached against them. Islam doesn't support blood-shedding and I don't support it too," he said. One of the suspects, Isah said he was in company with Umar and Abdulazeez on their way to Maiduguri, Bornu State for training when they were arrested at a mosque in Zuba, near Abuja. Abdulazeez said he was indoctrinated by Yusuf in Nyanya, Abuja and he subsequently travelled to Ayingba to see Yunus who directed him to go with Isah to Maiduguri, but their trip was aborted by their arrest. Meanwhile, arraignment of a suspected Boko Haram member, Abdulmanam Abidiki, could not hold on Wednesday due to the absence of his defence lawyer.
    Nov 21st 2013, 07:21
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:30AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Some poor people came to the Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) and said, "The wealthy people will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment and they pray like us and fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform the Hajj, and 'Umra; fight and struggle in Allah's Cause and give in charity." The Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, "Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would overtake you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say "Sub-han-al-lah", "Alhamdu-lillah" and "Allahu Akbar" thirty three times each after every (compulsory) prayer." [Bukhari 0804]
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:27
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