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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    projekt koran - Social Mention
    Refuge of Peace and Tranquility in Trabuco Canyon
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:00
    [gallery type="square" ids="358,357,356,355,354,353,352,351,350,349,348,347,346,345,344,343,342,341,340,339,338,337,336,335,334,333,332,331,330" orderby="rand"] The Ramakrishna Monastery Shrine Trail "Color and Light" Theme Song: Incubus Aqueous Transmission Location: 19961 Live Oak Canyon Road Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678 Phone: (949) 858-0342 From the North: From Interstate [&#8230;]
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 sharia - Social Mention: SHARIA LAW SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's The Lord Chief Justice's endorsement of Sharia law has already created huge controversyThe most senior judge in England yesterday gave his blessing to the use of sharia law to resolve disputes among Muslims.Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips said that Islamic legal principles could be employed to deal with family and marital arguments and to regulate finance.He declared: 'Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law.'In his speech at an East London mosque, Lord Phillips signalled approval of sharia principles as long as punishments - and divorce rulings - complied with the law of the land.But his remarks, which back the informal sharia courts operated by numerous mosques, provoked a barrage of criticism.Lawyers warned that family and marital disputes settled by sharia could disadvantage women or the vulnerable.Tories said that legal equality must be respected and that rulings incompatible with English law should never be enforceable.Lord Phillips spoke five months after Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams suggested Islamic law could govern marital law, financial transactions and arbitration in disputes.The Lord Chief Justice said yesterday of the Archbishop's views: 'It was not very radical to advocate embracing sharia law in the context of family disputes'.He added there is 'widespread misunderstanding as to ........ DailyMail
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    SHARIA LAW SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's The Lord Chief Justice's endorsement of Sharia law has already created huge controversyThe most senior judge in England yesterday gave his blessing to the use of sharia law to resolve disputes among Muslims.Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips said that Islamic legal principles could be employed to deal with family and marital arguments and to regulate finance.He declared: 'Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law.'In his speech at an East London mosque, Lord Phillips signalled approval of sharia principles as long as punishments - and divorce rulings - complied with the law of the land.But his remarks, which back the informal sharia courts operated by numerous mosques, provoked a barrage of criticism.Lawyers warned that family and marital disputes settled by sharia could disadvantage women or the vulnerable.Tories said that legal equality must be respected and that rulings incompatible with English law should never be enforceable.Lord Phillips spoke five months after Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams suggested Islamic law could govern marital law, financial transactions and arbitration in disputes.The Lord Chief Justice said yesterday of the Archbishop's views: 'It was not very radical to advocate embracing sharia law in the context of family disputes'.He added there is 'widespread misunderstanding as to ........ DailyMail
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:22
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Kila kitu kiuzwacho sokoni kuleni, bila kuuliza-uliza, kwa ajili ya dhamiri; maana Dunia ni mali ya Bwana na vyote viijazavyo. 1 Wakorintho 10.25-26 Mnamwona Paulo anavyobomoa sharia ya Taurati waliyoifwata Manabii wote, hata Yesu na wanafunzi wake thenashara, ya kuwa kuna vyakula vilivyo halali na kuna vingine ni najisi, haramu kuliwa, kama nguruwe, vya kunyongwa na damu?
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:24
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 sharia - Social Mention: Lettre du frère Rauger Garaudy rahimahoullah aux oulémas d'Arabie Lettre de R. GARAUDY aux oulémas de la Péninsule arabique, C'est ainsi que je crois remplir ma tâche de musulman fidèle à un Coran qui nous appelle sans cesse à servir Dieu « qui ne cesse de créer et de recréer le monde ». Être fidèle au foyer des ancêtres ce n'est pas en conserver les cendres mais en transmettre la flamme. Lettre aux oulémas de la Péninsule arabique, de GARAUDY, rahimahou Allah Le 19 mars, j'ai reçu une inculpation, avec menace d'une année de prison ferme, à la suite de la publication de mon dernier livre : Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne, dans lequel je démontre que ni les textes bibliques, ni les persécutions d'Hitler ne peuvent justifier le vol des terres des Palestiniens, leur expulsion et la répression sanglante exercée contre eux, pas plus qu'ils ne peuvent justifier le plan de désintégration de tous les États arabes, fondement de la politique israélienne exposée dans la revue sioniste : Kivounim, plan que je publie et dénonce dans mon livre. Quelques jours après, des frères palestiniens m'apportent deux journaux : El Majella et Okaz et d'autres journaux du Golfe, illustrés de plusieurs photos de moi. Je crus d'abord naïvement que ces journaux contenaient des articles pour me défendre. Au contraire, ils essayaient de me discréditer avec les prétextes les plus mensongers. L'opération des sionistes et des dirigeants saoudiens qui financent ces journaux était bien synchronisée par leurs maîtres communs : les dirigeants américains de la CIA. Les dirigeants saoudiens ne me pardonnent pas de les avoir dénoncés comme traîtres à l'Islam et à la paix mondiale lorsqu'ils ont appelé, dans le pays où ils se prétendaient « protecteurs des lieux saints », une armée américaine gigantesque et servant de base permanente pour les agressions américaines contre les autres pays musulmans détenteurs de pétrole. Cela commença avec la destruction de l'Irak. L'Irak n'avait jamais accepté la menace d'intervention anglaise de 1962, lorsque le général Kassem eut le courage d'écarter les pirates occidentaux des pétroles de son pays. Alors fut enlevée à l'Irak une région pétrolifère qui avait toujours fait partie de la province de Bassorah. Ainsi les Anglais, les Américains, et leurs complices occidentaux purent contrôler les prix du pétrole en créant le Koweit qui n'est une « nation » que sur le papier, aux Nations-Unies, où les Anglo-Américains l'ont imposé. Le Koweit est une compagnie pétrolifère dont les maîtres véritables sont en Amérique avec la complicité d'émirs corrompus dont le premier acte, après l'écrasement technique de l'Irak, fut d'expulser les Palestiniens et tous les opposants possibles au régime imposé, dans le sang du peuple irakien, par les Américains. Ce fut un crime impardonnable lorsque des dirigeants arabes acceptèrent, en échange de compensations financières, de servir au camouflage de cette nouvelle agression colonialiste en opération « internationale ». Il y eut pire : n'hésitant pas à discréditer notre religion en la mettant au service de la politique de ses pires ennemis, les colonialistes américains et occidentaux, le roi Fahd convoqua un rassemblement d' « oulémas » pour leur faire cautionner, au nom de l'Islam, cette opération. De divers pays, en particulier de l'Arabie Saoudite, du Golfe et de bien d'autres, des « oulémas » serviles vinrent sacraliser cette politique américaine visant à contrôler tous les pétroles du monde. J'ai alors dénoncé publiquement cette prostitution politique. Et ce sont les mêmes oulémas serviles qui, aujourd'hui, cherchent à se venger en me présentant comme un mauvais musulman au moment où, une fois de plus, j'affronte le sionisme. Ils me reprochent calomnieusement de « semer le doute » sur Abou Hanifa et Chafi, alors précisément que je donne en exemples, dans tous mes livres et articles, ces deux juristes de génie qui ont su créer, à partir des principes éternels de la « sharia », telle que la définit le Coran (Dieu seul possède, Dieu seul commande, Dieu seul sait ó message qu'Il a envoyé au monde par tous ses prophètes) un « fiqh » répondant aux besoins de leur pays et de leur temps, nous donnant ainsi l'exemple de cette « réflexion », à laquelle nous appelle sans cesse le Coran, pour créer, à partir de l'immuable « Sharia », un « fiqh » du XXe siècle. Alors que mes critiques veulent fossiliser l'Islam en prétendant imposer au XXe siècle un « fiqh » du Xe siècle. Ils me reprochent de rejeter la « Sunnah ». Autre mensonge : je leur reproche l'usage politique qu'ils en font : lorsque Sadate, brisant l'unité arabe, va à la « Knesset » sioniste, puis en Amérique, à Camp David, signer une paix séparée avec Israël, une « fatwa d'El Azhar » cautionne sa démarche. Lorsqu'à Charm el Cheikh les anciens colonialistes occidentaux et leur chef de file américain organisent, à grand spectacle, une assemblée de chefs d'État pour « combattre le terrorisme » en se solidarisant avec les pires terroristes : les dirigeants israéliens, et désigner la prochaine cible : l'Iran, en attendant que ce soit le tour de la Libye, les mêmes dirigeants arabes, avec leur chef de file saoudien, accourent à l'appel du maître américain et (à l'exception de 3 d'entre les chefs musulmans), vont, un à un, se prosterner à Tel-Aviv devant les dirigeants israéliens. Les « oulémas » qui m'accusent ont-ils protesté contre Charm el Cheikh ? Ont-ils convoqué une réunion internationale de solidarité avec les Palestiniens après le massacre terroriste par des Israéliens d'Hébron, de musulmans en prière ? Ils se sont tus. Ont-ils dénoncé le placement de milliards de dollars saoudiens dans les banques américaines comme une violation de l'interdiction du « riba » ? Non. Ils l'ont, à El Azhar, officiellement accepté ! Ont-ils dénoncé le crime permanent de l'embargo américain qui tue chaque année cent mille enfants irakiens ? Ont-ils dénoncé « l'Organisation mondiale du commerce » (ex GATT) et le « Fonds monétaire international » dont les diktats imposent au « Tiers-Monde » l'équivalent de morts de un Hiroshima tous les deux jours ? Non, car leurs maîtres américains et saoudiens ne le leur permettraient pas ! Leur principale préoccupation, la déformation des propos de Garaudy. Ma seule réponse est le livre dans lequel je résume l'histoire de l'Islam : Grandeur et décadences de l'Islam (1996) en rappelant ma foi en l'Islam et en combattant les dirigeants politiques qui le déshonorent. Ce qu'osent demander ces fossoyeurs de l'Islam, c'est que l'on crée un « Comité » pour juger quels sont les musulmans orthodoxes comme eux, ou hérétiques, ce qui transformerait la Ligue islamique mondiale en Tribunal d'Inquisition permettant, comme le Pape de Rome, d'excommunier ceux qui dénoncent leurs trahisons. Les pays arabes gouvernés par de tels dirigeants, ayant à leur service de tels « religieux », sont les fossoyeurs de l'Islam qui ne retrouvera sa grandeur et son rayonnement mondial que lorsque les peuples les auront chassés et auront renvoyé leurs protecteurs américains dans leur pays, emportant dans leurs bagages les dirigeants indignes et ceux des oulémas qui ont collaboré avec eux. Alors l'Islam retrouvera le dynamisme du premier siècle de l'Hégire et ses forces de renouvellement constant : celle de « la vivification des sciences religieuses » du Grand Al Ghazali, comme de la « reconstruction de la pensée religieuse de l'Islam » de Mohammed Iqbal, celle de mes maîtres vénérés : El Afghani, Mohammed Abdou, Rachid Ridda, Hassan El Bannah, Ibn Badis, Malek Bennabi, et mon frère fidèle jusqu'à la mort : Mahmoud Abou Saoud, dont j'essaye, en humble disciple, de continuer l'oeuvre, à la fois en Andalousie où j'ai créé, à Cordoue, capitale du Califat d'Occident, à la Tour Calahorra, le seul musée consacré, en Espagne, à évoquer le vrai visage de l'Islam d'Andalousie contre ses détracteurs, et qui est chaque année visité par 100 000 personnes, ou lutter, en France, aux États-Unis et dans tous les pays d'Occident, contre le « lobby » sioniste pour en dénoncer les crimes. C'est ainsi que je crois remplir ma tâche de musulman fidèle à un Coran qui nous appelle sans cesse à servir Dieu « qui ne cesse de créer et de recréer le monde ». Être fidèle au foyer des ancêtres ce n'est pas en conserver les cendres mais en transmettre la flamme.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Lettre du frère Rauger Garaudy rahimahoullah aux oulémas d'Arabie Lettre de R. GARAUDY aux oulémas de la Péninsule arabique, C'est ainsi que je crois remplir ma tâche de musulman fidèle à un Coran qui nous appelle sans cesse à servir Dieu « qui ne cesse de créer et de recréer le monde ». Être fidèle au foyer des ancêtres ce n'est pas en conserver les cendres mais en transmettre la flamme. Lettre aux oulémas de la Péninsule arabique, de GARAUDY, rahimahou Allah Le 19 mars, j'ai reçu une inculpation, avec menace d'une année de prison ferme, à la suite de la publication de mon dernier livre : Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne, dans lequel je démontre que ni les textes bibliques, ni les persécutions d'Hitler ne peuvent justifier le vol des terres des Palestiniens, leur expulsion et la répression sanglante exercée contre eux, pas plus qu'ils ne peuvent justifier le plan de désintégration de tous les États arabes, fondement de la politique israélienne exposée dans la revue sioniste : Kivounim, plan que je publie et dénonce dans mon livre. Quelques jours après, des frères palestiniens m'apportent deux journaux : El Majella et Okaz et d'autres journaux du Golfe, illustrés de plusieurs photos de moi. Je crus d'abord naïvement que ces journaux contenaient des articles pour me défendre. Au contraire, ils essayaient de me discréditer avec les prétextes les plus mensongers. L'opération des sionistes et des dirigeants saoudiens qui financent ces journaux était bien synchronisée par leurs maîtres communs : les dirigeants américains de la CIA. Les dirigeants saoudiens ne me pardonnent pas de les avoir dénoncés comme traîtres à l'Islam et à la paix mondiale lorsqu'ils ont appelé, dans le pays où ils se prétendaient « protecteurs des lieux saints », une armée américaine gigantesque et servant de base permanente pour les agressions américaines contre les autres pays musulmans détenteurs de pétrole. Cela commença avec la destruction de l'Irak. L'Irak n'avait jamais accepté la menace d'intervention anglaise de 1962, lorsque le général Kassem eut le courage d'écarter les pirates occidentaux des pétroles de son pays. Alors fut enlevée à l'Irak une région pétrolifère qui avait toujours fait partie de la province de Bassorah. Ainsi les Anglais, les Américains, et leurs complices occidentaux purent contrôler les prix du pétrole en créant le Koweit qui n'est une « nation » que sur le papier, aux Nations-Unies, où les Anglo-Américains l'ont imposé. Le Koweit est une compagnie pétrolifère dont les maîtres véritables sont en Amérique avec la complicité d'émirs corrompus dont le premier acte, après l'écrasement technique de l'Irak, fut d'expulser les Palestiniens et tous les opposants possibles au régime imposé, dans le sang du peuple irakien, par les Américains. Ce fut un crime impardonnable lorsque des dirigeants arabes acceptèrent, en échange de compensations financières, de servir au camouflage de cette nouvelle agression colonialiste en opération « internationale ». Il y eut pire : n'hésitant pas à discréditer notre religion en la mettant au service de la politique de ses pires ennemis, les colonialistes américains et occidentaux, le roi Fahd convoqua un rassemblement d' « oulémas » pour leur faire cautionner, au nom de l'Islam, cette opération. De divers pays, en particulier de l'Arabie Saoudite, du Golfe et de bien d'autres, des « oulémas » serviles vinrent sacraliser cette politique américaine visant à contrôler tous les pétroles du monde. J'ai alors dénoncé publiquement cette prostitution politique. Et ce sont les mêmes oulémas serviles qui, aujourd'hui, cherchent à se venger en me présentant comme un mauvais musulman au moment où, une fois de plus, j'affronte le sionisme. Ils me reprochent calomnieusement de « semer le doute » sur Abou Hanifa et Chafi, alors précisément que je donne en exemples, dans tous mes livres et articles, ces deux juristes de génie qui ont su créer, à partir des principes éternels de la « sharia », telle que la définit le Coran (Dieu seul possède, Dieu seul commande, Dieu seul sait ó message qu'Il a envoyé au monde par tous ses prophètes) un « fiqh » répondant aux besoins de leur pays et de leur temps, nous donnant ainsi l'exemple de cette « réflexion », à laquelle nous appelle sans cesse le Coran, pour créer, à partir de l'immuable « Sharia », un « fiqh » du XXe siècle. Alors que mes critiques veulent fossiliser l'Islam en prétendant imposer au XXe siècle un « fiqh » du Xe siècle. Ils me reprochent de rejeter la « Sunnah ». Autre mensonge : je leur reproche l'usage politique qu'ils en font : lorsque Sadate, brisant l'unité arabe, va à la « Knesset » sioniste, puis en Amérique, à Camp David, signer une paix séparée avec Israël, une « fatwa d'El Azhar » cautionne sa démarche. Lorsqu'à Charm el Cheikh les anciens colonialistes occidentaux et leur chef de file américain organisent, à grand spectacle, une assemblée de chefs d'État pour « combattre le terrorisme » en se solidarisant avec les pires terroristes : les dirigeants israéliens, et désigner la prochaine cible : l'Iran, en attendant que ce soit le tour de la Libye, les mêmes dirigeants arabes, avec leur chef de file saoudien, accourent à l'appel du maître américain et (à l'exception de 3 d'entre les chefs musulmans), vont, un à un, se prosterner à Tel-Aviv devant les dirigeants israéliens. Les « oulémas » qui m'accusent ont-ils protesté contre Charm el Cheikh ? Ont-ils convoqué une réunion internationale de solidarité avec les Palestiniens après le massacre terroriste par des Israéliens d'Hébron, de musulmans en prière ? Ils se sont tus. Ont-ils dénoncé le placement de milliards de dollars saoudiens dans les banques américaines comme une violation de l'interdiction du « riba » ? Non. Ils l'ont, à El Azhar, officiellement accepté ! Ont-ils dénoncé le crime permanent de l'embargo américain qui tue chaque année cent mille enfants irakiens ? Ont-ils dénoncé « l'Organisation mondiale du commerce » (ex GATT) et le « Fonds monétaire international » dont les diktats imposent au « Tiers-Monde » l'équivalent de morts de un Hiroshima tous les deux jours ? Non, car leurs maîtres américains et saoudiens ne le leur permettraient pas ! Leur principale préoccupation, la déformation des propos de Garaudy. Ma seule réponse est le livre dans lequel je résume l'histoire de l'Islam : Grandeur et décadences de l'Islam (1996) en rappelant ma foi en l'Islam et en combattant les dirigeants politiques qui le déshonorent. Ce qu'osent demander ces fossoyeurs de l'Islam, c'est que l'on crée un « Comité » pour juger quels sont les musulmans orthodoxes comme eux, ou hérétiques, ce qui transformerait la Ligue islamique mondiale en Tribunal d'Inquisition permettant, comme le Pape de Rome, d'excommunier ceux qui dénoncent leurs trahisons. Les pays arabes gouvernés par de tels dirigeants, ayant à leur service de tels « religieux », sont les fossoyeurs de l'Islam qui ne retrouvera sa grandeur et son rayonnement mondial que lorsque les peuples les auront chassés et auront renvoyé leurs protecteurs américains dans leur pays, emportant dans leurs bagages les dirigeants indignes et ceux des oulémas qui ont collaboré avec eux. Alors l'Islam retrouvera le dynamisme du premier siècle de l'Hégire et ses forces de renouvellement constant : celle de « la vivification des sciences religieuses » du Grand Al Ghazali, comme de la « reconstruction de la pensée religieuse de l'Islam » de Mohammed Iqbal, celle de mes maîtres vénérés : El Afghani, Mohammed Abdou, Rachid Ridda, Hassan El Bannah, Ibn Badis, Malek Bennabi, et mon frère fidèle jusqu'à la mort : Mahmoud Abou Saoud, dont j'essaye, en humble disciple, de continuer l'oeuvre, à la fois en Andalousie où j'ai créé, à Cordoue, capitale du Califat d'Occident, à la Tour Calahorra, le seul musée consacré, en Espagne, à évoquer le vrai visage de l'Islam d'Andalousie contre ses détracteurs, et qui est chaque année visité par 100 000 personnes, ou lutter, en France, aux États-Unis et dans tous les pays d'Occident, contre le « lobby » sioniste pour en dénoncer les crimes. C'est ainsi que je crois remplir ma tâche de musulman fidèle à un Coran qui nous appelle sans cesse à servir Dieu « qui ne cesse de créer et de recréer le monde ». Être fidèle au foyer des ancêtres ce n'est pas en conserver les cendres mais en transmettre la flamme.
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:34
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 sharia - Social Mention: The Dance of the Sacraments, is an original ballet presenting the Abrahamic= Sacraments, the central tenants of faith, of the three Abrahamic religions= - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism - in a common celebration of religionis= m. Basil Venitis,, has proven that Abraham never exist= ed! Nevertheless, the religulous tenets of the three Abrahamic religions, = Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are dangerous fairy tales and myths that = have incited barbarous purges and holy wars that are still being fought. A = talking snake? A man who lived inside a fish? A son of Roman rapist present= ed as the only son of God? Resurrections? Divine Revelations? Day of Judg= ment? Hell?=20 These are favorite religious images presenting God as grudge collector, des= erving ridicule. Allons enfants de la Patrie! But those who believe in the= end-of-days may be making a self-fulfilling prophecy of apocalyptic images= of stampeding armies and mushroom clouds in the ruins of Megiddo, the Isra= eli site from which the Book of Revelation says Armageddon will originate. Herman Van Rompuy, Fuehrer of Fourth Reich(EU), aka Haiku Herman, points out the Dance of the Sacraments inter-cultural and inter-religious b= allet has been conceived and is being created to counter escalating religio= us intolerance and extremism and to promote harmony, understanding and tole= rance by creating a forum and a context for intercultural dialogue in Europ= e, the Middle East and throughout the world. The "Dance of the Sacraments" = has as its central purpose teaching comparative religion through performanc= e art using the international language of music and ballet. Hail Herman! R= aise your right arm now! Jose Barroso, Goering of Fourth Reich, notes these professional and youth d= ancers will dance the ballet that evolves into monotheism and concludes wit= h the celebration of the similarities of the three great religions. In this= Dance Extravaganza the Sacraments of the three monotheistic religions pres= ent their individual identities while merging and converging and conversing= with those of their spiritual cousins. Catherine Ashton, Ribbentrop of Fourth Reich, claims the Dance of the Sacra= ments will advance individual enlightenment, regional harmony and construct= ive globalization by promoting diversity through inter- cultural dialogue le= ading to cultural, ethnic and religious understanding. The national perform= ances will attract audiences from the three faith communities, the arts and= literary communities and will have broad appeal to the general public.=20 Pierre De Boissieu, Hess of Fourth Reich, points out Dodecatheos of ancient= Greece was much better than the Tritheos of modern Greece. Venitis points= out that Tritheos destroyed Dodecatheos and the Graecoroman Civilization. = If Tritheos was not invented by Paul, we would have been on the Moon one m= illennium before! Jesus is a legend, born in Nazaret in April of 6 BC, whe= reas Christ is a myth, born in Bethlehem in December! Jesus never said he = was the only son of God, but we are all children of God. Jesus was the fou= nder of Nazarene Judaism, not Christianity. Charlatan Paul, Apostle Peter'= s boyfriend, is the founder of Christianity! Jacques Barrot, Himmler of Fourth Reich, claims the Dance of the Sacraments= will provide support for sustaining culture and the arts and will provide = opportunity and support for youth ballet dancers to interact while developi= ng professionally as they work together on this ecumenical project proposal= .=20 Venitis asserts that Apostle Magdalene, Jesus's wife, is the most important= person of Christianity. She was the smartest and best apostle. She was the= only apostle who could understand Jesus completely, and that's why all oth= er twelve apostles were jealous of her. Magdalene is the first bishop of Ch= ristianity, the first pope, and the first patriarch. Nevertheless, misogyn= ist gay bishops of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church defamed Magd= alene in order to restrict hierarchs to males, transforming church leadersh= ip to a gay charlatan club. In 2009, following Magdalene's paradigm, Germa= ny's Protestant Church elected Margot Kaessmann as its first female leader.= Many Christians consider Margot the reincarnation of Magdalene! Margot Wallstroem, Goebbels of Fourth Reich, points out the Dance of the Sa= craments is a project designed and created in order to promote diversity an= d inter-cultural dialogue. Through classical ballet and combining dance, mu= sic and fine arts the "Dance of the Sacraments" presents the birth, develop= ment and modern expression of the three monotheistic religions. The sacram= ents of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity dance and celebrate world spiritua= lity while promoting inter-cultural dialogue. It is a 75- minute long classi= cal ballet, created in collaboration with the religious leaders of Islam, C= hristianity, and Judaism and supported by national embassies in Greece.=20 George Papandreou, godfather of Siemens omerta, points out that in June 32= 6, Great Constantine had his eldest son Crispus, by Minervina, put to death= by cold poison. In July, Constantine had his wife, the Empress Fausta, kil= led at the behest of his mother, Helena. Fausta was left to die in an overh= eated bath. Nevertheless, Constantine and Helen, the most sinister apes of= planet Earth, are the most popular saints of the Church of Greece, the mos= t corrupt Church on Earth! This sinister Church is established by the stup= id constitution as the official religion of Greece! The clergy's salaries a= re being paid by the stupid government. All students in primary and seconda= ry schools in Greece are required to be brainwashed with religulous propaga= nda. Liaisons between the sinister church and stupid government are handled= by the stupid Ministry of Education. There is even a stupid Orthodox poli= tical party catered to the religulous rabble. Van Rompuy notes the Dance of the Sacraments features an original musical c= omposition and includes an intercultural core of professional dancers who w= ill be joined by youth dancers recruited from the Muslim, Christian, and Je= wish communities included on the tour. Following its debut in Athens the "= Dance of the Sacraments" will tour Europe, the Middle East, and North Afric= a.Greece. The production time of the "Dance of the Sacraments" is six month= s.=20 Barroso notes Mount Athos in Greek Macedonia is known as the Autonomous Mon= astic State of the Holy Mountain. This religulous World Heritage Site is ho= me to twenty Orthodox wealthy monasteries and forms a self-governed monasti= c State within the sovereignty of Greece. Venitis points out Mount Athos, = considered the foremost Academy of Homosexuality, got involved in myriad fi= nancial scandals in cahoots with the government of Greece, the most corrupt= government on Earth. The Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, built dur= ing the second half of the 10th century, is considered the richest and the = most corrupt monastery on Earth! Renown Arianna Huffington once sent her b= illionaire hubby to visit Mount Athos, and he came back an elightened gay! Ashton muses that all weeping icons of Greek Orthodox churches are hoaxes. = Collected samples of the pseudotears were forwarded for lab analysis, which= concluded that the substance of the pseudotears was little more than olive= oil! Millions of Christians visit these churches to witness the pseudomir= acles, donating many million euros in money and gifts. Charlatan priests of= these churches perpetrate the hoaxes and steal the money from church coffe= rs. Charlatan bishops get overrides on the loot! De Boissieu asserts that Catholic Padre Pio=92s infamous stigmata were a ho= ax. Pio and some of the other friars at San Giovanni Rotondo were administ= ering injections to boys who were ill with influenza. Alcohol not being ava= ilable, an exhausted doctor left carbolic acid to be used for sterilizing n= eedles and injection sites, while neglecteing to tell the friars it had to = be diluted. As a result, Pio and another friar were left with very red spot= s on their hands. Not only charlatan Padre Pio induced his stigmata with a= cid, he also misused funds and had sex with female parishioners in the conf= essional.=20 Barrot notes the founder of the Catholic university hospital in Rome brande= d Pio an ignorant and self-mutilating psychopath who exploited people=92s c= redulity. Pio was beatified in 1999. On June 16, 2002, this charlatan was c= anonized as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, but not before at least two statues o= f charlatan wept in anticipation. The bloody tears on one turned out to ha= ve been faked, a drug addict used a syringe to apply trickles of his own bl= ood, and a whitish film on one eye of the other was determined to have been= insect secretion! Wallstroem asserts the Shroud of Turin, believed by many to be the burial c= loth of Jesus, had been carbon dated not to the time of Christ but instead = to the 14th century, not coincidentally about the time when the first recor= d of the burial cloth appears. If the Turin Shroud really is the most impor= tant holy relic in history, it seems odd that no one knew of its existence = for 1,300 years. Luigi Garlaschelli, a professor of chemistry at the Univer= sity of Pavia, used linen identical to that on the famous shroud, made an i= mpression over a volunteer's face and body, and artificially aged the cloth= with heat. The result is a fabricated shroud identical to the Shroud of Tu= rin, made with materials and tools available at the time of the shroud's or= igin.=20 Papandreou muses that John, Paul, George, and Ringo of the Beatles reported= that fans would bring sick people to their concerts, in the belief that th= e band had a divine healing presence. John Lennon once said : Christianity = will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn=92t argue with that; I=92m righ= t and I will be proved right. We=92re more popular than Jesus now; I don=92= t know which will go first, rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all ri= ght, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It=92s them twisting it tha= t ruins it for me.=20=20 Venitis notes that diapered Rubenesques, the Islamic zombies, show the miso= gyny of Islam. Europeans cannot tolerate the burqa, an outer garment cover= ing a woman from head to toe, and the niqab, which veils the whole face exc= ept the eyes, as oppressive to women. The burqa confiscates a woman's exist= ence, and it's a sign of enslavement and debasement. Those who wear it are = victims, zombified by Islamofascists. EU favors banning this coffin for wo= men's basic liberties. The burqa is proof of the presence of Muslim fundam= entalists on EU soil and of the politicization of Islam. Van Rompuy points out Ninja, a woman wearing a burqa or a niqab, is in a st= ate of unbearable isolation, exclusion, and humiliation. Her very existence= is denied. The sight of these zombies is intolerable when it comes to us f= rom Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, or Arab countries. It is totally unacceptab= le on the soil of EU. Burqa is a question of freedom and of women's dignity= .=20 Barroso notes the number of ninjas is growing exponentially. Even if ninjas= are not jihadists, they hate the West, they spit on the kuffars, the infid= els, but they take advantage of all the EU social services instead of settl= ing in a Muslim land as dictated by their doctrine. Their duplicity bewilde= rs Europeans. Ashton points out Mutaween are religious-policing organizations with govern= ment recognition and support who enforce the Sharia Law. Mutaween consists = of myriad officers in addition to myriad volunteers. They have the power t= o arrest unrelated males and females caught socializing, anyone engaged in = homosexual behavior or prostitution, to enforce Islamic dress-codes, and st= ore closures during the prayer time. They enforce Muslim dietary laws, proh= ibit the consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages and pork, and seize ban= ned consumer products and media regarded as un-Islamic, such as CDs/DVDs of= various Western musical groups, television shows and film. Additionally, t= hey actively prevent the practice or proselytizing of other religions. Mutaween use flogging to punish violators, ban Valentines Day gifts, arrest= priests for saying Mass, and are staffed by ex-convicts whose only job qua= lification was that they had memorized the Quran in order to reduce their s= entences. They prevent women from escaping burning buildings, if the women= do not wear burqas, and not accompanied by a male guardian; many women die= d and were injured as a result. Women who converted to Christianity were b= urned to death after having their tongues cut out. ------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: Your email settings: Individual Email Traditional To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) To change settings via email: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    The Dance of the Sacraments, is an original ballet presenting the Abrahamic= Sacraments, the central tenants of faith, of the three Abrahamic religions= - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism - in a common celebration of religionis= m. Basil Venitis,, has proven that Abraham never exist= ed! Nevertheless, the religulous tenets of the three Abrahamic religions, = Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are dangerous fairy tales and myths that = have incited barbarous purges and holy wars that are still being fought. A = talking snake? A man who lived inside a fish? A son of Roman rapist present= ed as the only son of God? Resurrections? Divine Revelations? Day of Judg= ment? Hell?=20 These are favorite religious images presenting God as grudge collector, des= erving ridicule. Allons enfants de la Patrie! But those who believe in the= end-of-days may be making a self-fulfilling prophecy of apocalyptic images= of stampeding armies and mushroom clouds in the ruins of Megiddo, the Isra= eli site from which the Book of Revelation says Armageddon will originate. Herman Van Rompuy, Fuehrer of Fourth Reich(EU), aka Haiku Herman, points out the Dance of the Sacraments inter-cultural and inter-religious b= allet has been conceived and is being created to counter escalating religio= us intolerance and extremism and to promote harmony, understanding and tole= rance by creating a forum and a context for intercultural dialogue in Europ= e, the Middle East and throughout the world. The "Dance of the Sacraments" = has as its central purpose teaching comparative religion through performanc= e art using the international language of music and ballet. Hail Herman! R= aise your right arm now! Jose Barroso, Goering of Fourth Reich, notes these professional and youth d= ancers will dance the ballet that evolves into monotheism and concludes wit= h the celebration of the similarities of the three great religions. In this= Dance Extravaganza the Sacraments of the three monotheistic religions pres= ent their individual identities while merging and converging and conversing= with those of their spiritual cousins. Catherine Ashton, Ribbentrop of Fourth Reich, claims the Dance of the Sacra= ments will advance individual enlightenment, regional harmony and construct= ive globalization by promoting diversity through inter- cultural dialogue le= ading to cultural, ethnic and religious understanding. The national perform= ances will attract audiences from the three faith communities, the arts and= literary communities and will have broad appeal to the general public.=20 Pierre De Boissieu, Hess of Fourth Reich, points out Dodecatheos of ancient= Greece was much better than the Tritheos of modern Greece. Venitis points= out that Tritheos destroyed Dodecatheos and the Graecoroman Civilization. = If Tritheos was not invented by Paul, we would have been on the Moon one m= illennium before! Jesus is a legend, born in Nazaret in April of 6 BC, whe= reas Christ is a myth, born in Bethlehem in December! Jesus never said he = was the only son of God, but we are all children of God. Jesus was the fou= nder of Nazarene Judaism, not Christianity. Charlatan Paul, Apostle Peter'= s boyfriend, is the founder of Christianity! Jacques Barrot, Himmler of Fourth Reich, claims the Dance of the Sacraments= will provide support for sustaining culture and the arts and will provide = opportunity and support for youth ballet dancers to interact while developi= ng professionally as they work together on this ecumenical project proposal= .=20 Venitis asserts that Apostle Magdalene, Jesus's wife, is the most important= person of Christianity. She was the smartest and best apostle. She was the= only apostle who could understand Jesus completely, and that's why all oth= er twelve apostles were jealous of her. Magdalene is the first bishop of Ch= ristianity, the first pope, and the first patriarch. Nevertheless, misogyn= ist gay bishops of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church defamed Magd= alene in order to restrict hierarchs to males, transforming church leadersh= ip to a gay charlatan club. In 2009, following Magdalene's paradigm, Germa= ny's Protestant Church elected Margot Kaessmann as its first female leader.= Many Christians consider Margot the reincarnation of Magdalene! Margot Wallstroem, Goebbels of Fourth Reich, points out the Dance of the Sa= craments is a project designed and created in order to promote diversity an= d inter-cultural dialogue. Through classical ballet and combining dance, mu= sic and fine arts the "Dance of the Sacraments" presents the birth, develop= ment and modern expression of the three monotheistic religions. The sacram= ents of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity dance and celebrate world spiritua= lity while promoting inter-cultural dialogue. It is a 75- minute long classi= cal ballet, created in collaboration with the religious leaders of Islam, C= hristianity, and Judaism and supported by national embassies in Greece.=20 George Papandreou, godfather of Siemens omerta, points out that in June 32= 6, Great Constantine had his eldest son Crispus, by Minervina, put to death= by cold poison. In July, Constantine had his wife, the Empress Fausta, kil= led at the behest of his mother, Helena. Fausta was left to die in an overh= eated bath. Nevertheless, Constantine and Helen, the most sinister apes of= planet Earth, are the most popular saints of the Church of Greece, the mos= t corrupt Church on Earth! This sinister Church is established by the stup= id constitution as the official religion of Greece! The clergy's salaries a= re being paid by the stupid government. All students in primary and seconda= ry schools in Greece are required to be brainwashed with religulous propaga= nda. Liaisons between the sinister church and stupid government are handled= by the stupid Ministry of Education. There is even a stupid Orthodox poli= tical party catered to the religulous rabble. Van Rompuy notes the Dance of the Sacraments features an original musical c= omposition and includes an intercultural core of professional dancers who w= ill be joined by youth dancers recruited from the Muslim, Christian, and Je= wish communities included on the tour. Following its debut in Athens the "= Dance of the Sacraments" will tour Europe, the Middle East, and North Afric= a.Greece. The production time of the "Dance of the Sacraments" is six month= s.=20 Barroso notes Mount Athos in Greek Macedonia is known as the Autonomous Mon= astic State of the Holy Mountain. This religulous World Heritage Site is ho= me to twenty Orthodox wealthy monasteries and forms a self-governed monasti= c State within the sovereignty of Greece. Venitis points out Mount Athos, = considered the foremost Academy of Homosexuality, got involved in myriad fi= nancial scandals in cahoots with the government of Greece, the most corrupt= government on Earth. The Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, built dur= ing the second half of the 10th century, is considered the richest and the = most corrupt monastery on Earth! Renown Arianna Huffington once sent her b= illionaire hubby to visit Mount Athos, and he came back an elightened gay! Ashton muses that all weeping icons of Greek Orthodox churches are hoaxes. = Collected samples of the pseudotears were forwarded for lab analysis, which= concluded that the substance of the pseudotears was little more than olive= oil! Millions of Christians visit these churches to witness the pseudomir= acles, donating many million euros in money and gifts. Charlatan priests of= these churches perpetrate the hoaxes and steal the money from church coffe= rs. Charlatan bishops get overrides on the loot! De Boissieu asserts that Catholic Padre Pio=92s infamous stigmata were a ho= ax. Pio and some of the other friars at San Giovanni Rotondo were administ= ering injections to boys who were ill with influenza. Alcohol not being ava= ilable, an exhausted doctor left carbolic acid to be used for sterilizing n= eedles and injection sites, while neglecteing to tell the friars it had to = be diluted. As a result, Pio and another friar were left with very red spot= s on their hands. Not only charlatan Padre Pio induced his stigmata with a= cid, he also misused funds and had sex with female parishioners in the conf= essional.=20 Barrot notes the founder of the Catholic university hospital in Rome brande= d Pio an ignorant and self-mutilating psychopath who exploited people=92s c= redulity. Pio was beatified in 1999. On June 16, 2002, this charlatan was c= anonized as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, but not before at least two statues o= f charlatan wept in anticipation. The bloody tears on one turned out to ha= ve been faked, a drug addict used a syringe to apply trickles of his own bl= ood, and a whitish film on one eye of the other was determined to have been= insect secretion! Wallstroem asserts the Shroud of Turin, believed by many to be the burial c= loth of Jesus, had been carbon dated not to the time of Christ but instead = to the 14th century, not coincidentally about the time when the first recor= d of the burial cloth appears. If the Turin Shroud really is the most impor= tant holy relic in history, it seems odd that no one knew of its existence = for 1,300 years. Luigi Garlaschelli, a professor of chemistry at the Univer= sity of Pavia, used linen identical to that on the famous shroud, made an i= mpression over a volunteer's face and body, and artificially aged the cloth= with heat. The result is a fabricated shroud identical to the Shroud of Tu= rin, made with materials and tools available at the time of the shroud's or= igin.=20 Papandreou muses that John, Paul, George, and Ringo of the Beatles reported= that fans would bring sick people to their concerts, in the belief that th= e band had a divine healing presence. John Lennon once said : Christianity = will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn=92t argue with that; I=92m righ= t and I will be proved right. We=92re more popular than Jesus now; I don=92= t know which will go first, rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all ri= ght, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It=92s them twisting it tha= t ruins it for me.=20=20 Venitis notes that diapered Rubenesques, the Islamic zombies, show the miso= gyny of Islam. Europeans cannot tolerate the burqa, an outer garment cover= ing a woman from head to toe, and the niqab, which veils the whole face exc= ept the eyes, as oppressive to women. The burqa confiscates a woman's exist= ence, and it's a sign of enslavement and debasement. Those who wear it are = victims, zombified by Islamofascists. EU favors banning this coffin for wo= men's basic liberties. The burqa is proof of the presence of Muslim fundam= entalists on EU soil and of the politicization of Islam. Van Rompuy points out Ninja, a woman wearing a burqa or a niqab, is in a st= ate of unbearable isolation, exclusion, and humiliation. Her very existence= is denied. The sight of these zombies is intolerable when it comes to us f= rom Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, or Arab countries. It is totally unacceptab= le on the soil of EU. Burqa is a question of freedom and of women's dignity= .=20 Barroso notes the number of ninjas is growing exponentially. Even if ninjas= are not jihadists, they hate the West, they spit on the kuffars, the infid= els, but they take advantage of all the EU social services instead of settl= ing in a Muslim land as dictated by their doctrine. Their duplicity bewilde= rs Europeans. Ashton points out Mutaween are religious-policing organizations with govern= ment recognition and support who enforce the Sharia Law. Mutaween consists = of myriad officers in addition to myriad volunteers. They have the power t= o arrest unrelated males and females caught socializing, anyone engaged in = homosexual behavior or prostitution, to enforce Islamic dress-codes, and st= ore closures during the prayer time. They enforce Muslim dietary laws, proh= ibit the consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages and pork, and seize ban= ned consumer products and media regarded as un-Islamic, such as CDs/DVDs of= various Western musical groups, television shows and film. Additionally, t= hey actively prevent the practice or proselytizing of other religions. Mutaween use flogging to punish violators, ban Valentines Day gifts, arrest= priests for saying Mass, and are staffed by ex-convicts whose only job qua= lification was that they had memorized the Quran in order to reduce their s= entences. They prevent women from escaping burning buildings, if the women= do not wear burqas, and not accompanied by a male guardian; many women die= d and were injured as a result. Women who converted to Christianity were b= urned to death after having their tongues cut out. ------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: Your email settings: Individual Email Traditional To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) To change settings via email: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:44
    On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts a...
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 sharia - Social Mention: Look who's new in the white house! Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference(OIC) Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!! idiots The foxes are now officially living in the hen house... Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! If you're not CONCERNED, DELETE this. Go to bed tonight...sleep well!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:26PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Look who's new in the white house! Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference(OIC) Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!! idiots The foxes are now officially living in the hen house... Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! If you're not CONCERNED, DELETE this. Go to bed tonight...sleep well!
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:39
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