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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:05AM  

    killuminati - Social Mention
    Amazing rehearsal tonight!! This new Invasive song gives me the chills, can't wait till it's finished. We also had a meeting with film director"Christian Miller" to discuss the concept for our up-coming video "Killuminati" This is going to be Epic!!! We are also proud to announce we have our first show ever at the legendary "Carrs Corner" on dec 28th Details coming soon, stay tuned, and keep on sharing our reverb nation, we are very close to reaching Number 1 Invaders.......BE INVASIVE!! ~KANE~
    Nov 21st 2013, 06:29
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:34AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Allahu Akbar ...
    Nov 21st 2013, 05:31
    Cerita tentang Allahyarham Akhi Ahmad Ammar. Bismillah... Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Oleh krn rmai yg brtanya dan ingin mngenali lebih dekat siapa Al-Marhum Ahmad Ammar Bin Azam yg baru2 ini mnggemparkn ummah dgn pemergian beliau mnghadap Ilahi. Maka sy sbg sahabat spengajian beliau di Turki brasa brtanggungjwab utk mmperkenalkn serta mem 'promote' kn sgl kebaikan yg beliau prnah lakukn smasa hayatnya mudah2an ia dikira ilmu brmanfaat yg dtinggalkan beliau (yg mana pahalanya brterusan shingga kiamat). Harap kpd siapa yg baca, baca lah smp tamat. Maaf ia agak pnjang dan akan mngambil masa paling kurang 20 minit dgn bnyak ayat yg x trsusun. Beliau ntara student Msia trawal ( beliau batch ke 2, sy ke-4 walaupun smp skrg student msia d Turki x smp 35 org pun) yg mlawan arus perdana apabila mmilih Turki sbg destinasi pngajian setelah SPM. Sbb tu kami pggil beliau Abg Long. Agak aneh, seorang yg pernah dinobat sbg pelajar kedua trbaik SPM 2010 di RMC dgn pencapaian 9A1 1A2 mmilih utk smbung d Turki, Negara yg sering dlabel sbg Negara eropah yg 'sakit'. patutnya beliau ke tempat yg lebih brprestij. dah la amb Turki, ingatkn amb medic ke, atau engineering, tgk2 amb sejarah, bidang yg sering diamb oleh student gred C dan D, sjarah Uthmaniyyah plak tu. MashaAllah. Bila prtama kali sy tnya beliau knapa pilih Turki dan amb sejarah. Jawapan beliau "Turki ni dulu prnah jd pusat Dunia Islam 600 tahun, xde kuasa dunia yg lg lama drpd tu, Negara lain pun respect n tunduk dgn Turki, knapa kita x bngga, tu sjarah kita. kita boleh kmbalikn balik sjarah tu. lpstu kita ni da blaja tinggi2 last2 org yg blaja lebih2 kurang plak control kita. sbb tu ana amb sejarah". Cukup trsentak dgn jawpan tajam beliau. Beliau seorg yg sgt pndiam, tp skali beliau cakap, smua org nk dgr dan akan ingat ap yg beliau cakap. Beliau jg sgt susah nk gelak ketawa, tp skali beliau ketawa smua org ingat bila dan apa yg buat beliau ketawa. Beliau jgn haraplah nk brckp dgn perempuan, sgt kekok klu beliau dlm situasi trsebut. prnah skali beliau bwk student msia overseas yg dtg cuti d Turki dn kebetulannya perempuan, oleh krn beliau malu nk bg tahu kt perempuan trsebut, beliau call seorang sahabat kami yg amb master d Turki utk tlg bg tau perempuan tu apa yg dia nk bg tau. Padahal beliau ad dpan prempuan trsebut. MashaAllah begitu skali beliau mnjaga dirinya. Beliau seorang yg sgt rajin menolong, klu ad prgrm ap2 d rumah, beliau org yg pertama smp utk bantu bentang tikar, sapu2, kadang2 masak dan hidangkan makanan. beliau jgla yg last skali balik sbb nk bantu gulung tikar, sapu2 balik, basuh pinggan dn bungkuskn makanan. Sungguh luar biasa akhlak serta tingkah laku beliau. Beliau sgt sopan santun, sgt brjaga2 ketika brtanya dn sgt brdisiplin. sbb beliau prnah ckp "dulu mse kecik2 mmng kuat ah main2 tp lpas masuk RMC mmng kna train habis". Sy cukup rapat dgn beliau dan keluarga beliau malah sy mngenali bapa beliau Hj. Azam sudah 10 tahun. mana tidaknya msa first time sy ngaji dpan org umur 8 tahun, atas prmintaan bapa beliau lah yg ketika itu masih Presiden ABIM, sejak itu lg sy aktif dlm prgrm ABIM dan WADAH sehingga kini. Sejak sy smp d Turki, klu sabtu ahad, sy akan prgi ke rumah beliau dkt Fetih Mahallesi (hari2 lain sy d asrama Turki) ,mkan sma2, beliau masak, brsukan, brdiskusi smp tulis kt whiteboard dan akan tidur d biliknya. ntara cara beliau ialah sbelum tidur dan bangkit dr tidur, beliau akan tepuk tilam dan baca 3 surah Qul, pd masa tu sy ingat mungkin dr sek. menengah lg kot dia mcm ni. Beliau sering tidur lewat krn mmbaca buku (buku2 nya bnyak yg dah ghabak dan bnyak tulisan menunjukkan yg mmng beliau mmbacanya). Bulan lpas, sy dminta utk bentang mngenai sejarah Uthmaniyyah di laman Univ. Terbuka Anak Muda (UTAM), beliaulah yg sy jdkn rujukn utama. beliau pun bg la buku2 dan article2 sbg prsediaan utk sy. Beliau jg cadangkn supaya setiap minggu mesti ad student yg akan present mngenai apa2 ikut bidang masing2. Ketika Eid Adha yg lalu, kami (student Msia) brkump. brsama2 selama sminggu. dlm seminggu tu ad 1 hari full prgrm dr pg smp mlm. kami dibahagi2 ikut kump. Dtakdirkn Allah, kump sy dketuai oleh beliau. tp yg lawaknya nama kump sy yg beliau bg.oleh sbb beliau sgt suka Sultan Muhammed Al-Fatih, maka nama kump kami yg beliau bg ialah 'Fatih Var Mı?' yg brmaksud Fatih ade ke? sgt kelakar sbb nama kump kami soalan. Jd setiap kali nama kump kami dpanggil, smua akan ketawa trbahak2 trmasuk kami dn beliau sendiri. Tugasan kami adalah pg ke muzium Atatürk dn buat skit research. Dlm muzium itu, beliau seolah2 jd penceramah apabila sgl gambar2 yg ad dlm muzium trsebut beliau trangkn dgn detail lebih drpd petugas2 muzium trangkn pd kami. Ad skali tu time mkan mlm d rumahnya, beliau crita pngalaman beliau smasa mngikuti misi kmanusiaan d Syria. Beliau kt,"Ana ni bukannya reti Arab". smua org yg mnyertai misi ini tahu bhs arab dn bila tentera Syria tnya dr mna dtg, mrk jwb Syria (walaupun bukan sbnrnya). bla smp turn beliau dtnya, beliau jwb Maliziya, trus x dpt masuk. Alhamdulillah beliau brjaya jg cari jln belakang dn masuk pd waktu mlm scara smbunyi. Sbelum bliau pg, beliau prnh kt "ana klu tgk prempuan2 Turki ni msti rsa mcm nk kena kwen da ni, x tau sbb apa". ketika beliau brmalam d wad hospital Syria , beliau trdgr bunyi bom yg sgt kuat, trus beliau mengucap dn brsedia utk syahid (krn salah satu tujuan beliau ke Syria jg adlah utk syahid). kemudian x de apa2 brlaku beliau trus tidur. Dlm tidurnya beliau brmimpi brtemu bidadari. Ketika hari terakhir beliau d Syria, beliau ad brtanya dgn sorang pemandu di Syria (kbetulan driver tu boleh ckp inggeris skit2) "knapa pemuda2 kt sini brani betul dn nk syahid" driver tu jwb "pemuda kt sini da x pandang da harta bnda dan wanita2, diorg sume hnya tggu syurga dn bidadari syurga, sbb tu diorg nk syahid". Beliau pun ceritakan apa yg beliau mimpi, driver tu kt "awak ni boleh mati syahid ni". Sekembalinya beliau ke Istanbul dgn slamat, kami pun (psl baru habis baca buku 'Kemenangan yg Tertangguh oleh sdr Hasbie Muda) gelarkn beliau 'Syahid yg Trtangguh'. Bila beliau cerita pd kami yg beliau mimpi. kami smua gelak dan kata, "nta ni kuat sgt brgurau". Namun hari2 berikutnya beliau mmng brubah, setiap kali beliau pndang prempuan, tiada apa2 yg drasainya. 'Ajeeb!!! Prnah jg beliau minta pd sy, "nta tlg ngaji time ana kawen nnti ye" sy pun jwb smbil trsengheh "dah dkat ke? dgn org mna?" Beliau jwb "ana mintak ayah ana carikn, ayah nk cari org bosnia" ktanya smbil brseloroh. Beliau jg ckp "nnti klu kt ana meninggal kt sini pun nta tlg ngaji jg skit paling2 pun Qul huAllah pun ok la" sy pun jwb "x yah la ckp2 mcm tu". Bbrp hari sblum beliau pergi mngahadap Yang Maha Esa, kami brtemu dlm satu majlis makan malam di Çamlıca. turut dhadiri oleh menteri pelancongan, Dato' Seri Nazri Aziz. Kbetulan bbrp hari sbelum itu pula, sy brkesempatan brtemu dgn Menteri Luar Turki, Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu (nnti sy terangkn knapa sy selitkan nama Dr. Davut). Beliau tanya sy mcmna bleh jmp Dr. Davut sbb beliau nk sgt jmp dgnnya. Sy jwb Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yg bwk jmp msa dia dtg Beşiktaş hari tu. Beliau kt Dr. Davut seorang yg sgt bijak. Gandingan EGD (Erdoğan, Gül, Davutoğlu) shj dah boleh gerunkn musuh2 Turki. Pd mlm itu beliau brcakap bnyak lebih dr biasa. HasbunAllahu wani'mal wakeel, Wallahi x sy sangka2 itulah prtemuan perpisahan kami di ardhillah ini krn 2 hari slps itu, insan yg sudah sy anggap sprt abang dn murobbi tlh dpanggil mnghadap Tuhannya. Beliau prgi meninggalkn kami dan ummah buat slama2nya. Saat beliau ingin melintas d jln raya, kaki beliau trgelincir krn jln mmng agak licin, trus dlanggar sebuah ambulan kena bhg bahu bliau (faham2lah ambulan Turki laju mcmna). Kami trus ke hospital utk urusan forensik. Ibu bapa beliau tiba d airport pd besoknya dgn keadaan yg ckup tenang (sy x prnah melihat wajah setenang mrk yg baru shj kehilangan seorang prmata yg lebih awal dpanggil olehNya, malah beliau mrupkn satu2nya anak lelaki dlm kluarga). Sy masih x dpt trima hakikat ketika itu, ia sprt mimpi. Setelah jenazah dmandikn, kelihatan peluh msih ad pd wajah beliau. Sy knal muka beliau time tidur dn begitu lah wajah yg sama pd ketika itu, mmng rasa mcm nk kejutkn je. Namun Allah lebih mnyayangi beliau. Ketika jenazahnya d solatkn di Masjid Ayyub Al-Ansaari, ribuan yg hadir. Pd ketika itu, saya yakin beliau seorang yg tiada musuh. Rakan2nya sama2 ponteng klas pd hari itu sbb lecture2 pun x dtg univ. smata2 utk brsama solatkn jenazah beliau. Saat dkebumikn di prkuburan Eyyüp Sultan Camii, rmai yg x sangka beliau boleh dtempatkn d situ (krn prkuburan tresbut jg ad maqam sahabat Rasulullah S.A.W, Abu Ayyub Al-Ansaari serta para mukminin yg lain, jd agak luar biasa klu org yg tiada kaitan dgn krajaan tmbahan pula foreigner utk dtempatkn d situ) MasyaAllah. Ketika itu, kwan2 univ. beliau turut mmakai lencana gambar beliau pd pakaian masing2. Dlm video ini, sbnrnya bukan sy djemput utk bc surah Al-Ikhlas (x sprt yg trtera dlm video), tp sayalah yg minta utk baca. Sy ckap dkat Hoca bhw Al-Marhum prnah minta sy bc pd msa ini. Sy pun baca surah Al-Ikhlas sbnyak 3 kali (dlm video tu kali prtama), kali ke2 dan ke 3 sy sebak dan x dpt menahan air mata yg mengalir mengenangkn prmintaan beliau smasa hayatnya yg pd masa itu sy fikir beliau brgurau. setelah selesai urusan pengkebumian, bapa beliau jmp dn kata pd sy smbil senyum "nnti bc lama2 lg", sy trdiam, hati sy kata pkcik ni x rsa sedih ke, sy lebih emosi dr bapa beliau ketika itu. Pd keesokan harinya, bapa beliau mndpt pnggilan telepon dr Dr. Davut yg turut mngucapkan takziah. SubhanAllah, siapa sangka org yg teringin sgt beliau nk jmp smasa hidup tp x brkesempatan. Namun saat beliau pergi turut mndpt pengetahuan org itu. Bbrp hari yg lalu, fakulti beliau d Univ. Marmara tlh menanam sbuah pokok yg dberi nama smpena nama beliau. Papan utama d Marmara Univ tertera "AHMET AMMAR, BİZ ÇOK SEVİYORUZ" yg brmaksud " Kami amat merinduimu Ahmad Ammar". Bapa beliau tatkala melihat suasana trsebut kata pd sy smbil mnggeleng kepala "ini bukan anak yg pkcik didik ni, mesti ad org lain yg didik dia smp ke tahap ini." Last skali sblum beliau pergi, status terakhir beliau d FB surah Taubah ayat 111 yg mana Allah brfirman "Sesungguhnya Allah mmbeli org2 mukminin, diri mrk serta harta mrk dgn syurga" ckup mmberi kesan kpd sesiapa shj yg mmbcanya. Sy redha beliau tetap telah pergi. hnya ilmu, nasihat dan smangat yg beliau tggalkn pd sy. kalau dulu org sebut Fatih var mı? pasti akan ketawa trbahak2, namun kini kalau dsebut lg, hnya wajah beliau yg akan dkenang dan air mata akan mngalir. Rmai diantara kami ingat apa yg jd pd beliau akan mnjadi kerisauan ibu bapa d luar utk mnghantar anak2 mrk ke Turki. Namun kuasa Allah rupa2nya beliaulah pncetus dan pembuka mata kpd masyarakat utk mula mngenal apa itu Turki dsamping mnjalinkn hubungan yg erat ntara Msia dan Turki. Sungguh, beliau hebat,hebat, mmng hebat!!!. Moga dgn hnya menonton video ini rmai lg pemuda2 yg akan mengikut jejak wira uthmaniyyah ini. Sy pasti dan akan slama2nya mencemburui beliau. "Abg Long Ammar Ağabey.Seni çok seviyorum". Doakan beliau dtempatkn brsama para mukminin. Al-Faatihah. MUHAMMAD BiN AHMAD ZAHiD 20/11/2013 İSTANBUL,TÜRKİYE
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:46AM  

    koran verteilung - Social Mention
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:52
    Chronology of Key Events 1838-42 - British forces invade, install King Shah Shujah. He is assassinated in 1842. British and Indian troops are massacred during retreat from Kabul. 1878-80 - [&#8230;]
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 media crash news - Social Mention: NOTORIOUS: Governor Idris Wada And His Bag of Troubles This is certainly not the best of times for Governor Idris Wada of Kogi state. This is no doubt a season of one day, many troubles for the Dekina-born pilot-turned-politician. For him, it's a season of loads of challenges in gargantuan proportion. As he tries to wriggle his way out of one trouble, he stumbles into a bigger, hydra-headed and complex one. For many political observers in Kogi state, or, simply put, those sympathetic to the embattled governor's course, the problems confronting him are just too much for a political toddler of Governor Wada's ilk. Ill Fate? For Governor Wada, trouble is another name for his administration. While trouble trickle in for other state governors, it pours on Captain Wada torrentially like the August rain. At a time other state executives are busy romancing power, globe-trotting and cooling off with friends over bottles of Champagnes, Captain Wada is daily striving hard to defend weighty and massive political punches from members of the opposition parties as well as opposition elements within the local chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state. Since his emergence as governor of the Confluence State two years ago, Captain Wada has indeed recorded a plethora of challenges, with some posing serious dangers to his life. He has escaped death by the whiskers in two different road crashes since his entry into the Lugard House in Lokoja. In one of such accidents which occurred while Captain Wada was on his way from Anyigba, an ancient town in the eastern part of the state, his Aide Camp, Idris Mohammed, an Assistant Superintendent of Police, died on the spot. Other occupants of the SUV, including the governor sustained varying degrees of injuries. For many, Captain Wada is on the verge of winning the unenviable award of the state Governor with the highest number of road crashes since Nigeria's return to civil rule in 1999. Recent Misfortunes Recently, last week to be precise, Captain Wada was in the news again for the wrong reason. It was yet another car crash involving the governor's convoy and the car conveying former ASUU boss, Professor Festus Iyayi, which regrettably, claimed the erudite Professor's life. As usual, courtesy of Nigeria's bourgeoning, highflying and combative online and social media platforms, the incident went viral. Expectedly, the next day, the story featured prominently on the front pages of most local print media establishments, radio and television stations. For those in Wada's camp, hell was let loose. His aides, who obviously were irked by recurring crashes involving their principal, made frantic efforts to 'contain' the situation. But regrettably, their efforts made little or no difference as the world was already feasting, with reckless abandon, on the news of the accident. The late Professor Festus Iyayi who, according to media reports died on the spot when the accident occurred in Banda village, few kilometers away from Lokoja, was on his way to Kano for ASUU's National Executive Council (NEC) meeting as part of ongoing efforts to resolve the lingering face-off between the Federal Government and striking public university lecturers. Unfortunately, Professor Iyayi never made it to Kano. "Separate Facts From Chaffs" With no intention of holding brief for Governor Idris Wada, who of course is the number one culprit in the accident saga, and his team of reckless, callous, unprofessional and bloodthirsty drivers, I implore all concerned Nigerians to give sound reasoning a chance before laying Wada's throat on the slaughter slab. Facts should be separated from chaffs. Jaundiced opinions should be watered down. Careless scribbling of unsubstantiated claims should be left where they ultimately belong - the gutter. Undoubtedly, for obvious reasons, we cannot absolve Captain Wada of blame in Professor Iyayi's unfortunate death last Tuesday. Being the man in charge and control of all the cars in his fleet, he takes the knocks and jibes arising from the unpardonable recklessness and annoying overzealousness of his aides, including his drivers. Professor Iyayi's departure has no doubt depleted the rank of committed, patriotic and unblemished advocates of popular struggles in the country. That he died while on a commendable mission of redeeming the mess that is left of our once high-flying Ivory Tower, buttresses the fact he wanted the best for Nigeria and Nigerians. We are in pains. We have lost a fine academic, a scholar of local and international repute, a fearless, purposeful and vibrant labour man and strategist. It is very painful that Professor Iyayi went the way of all mortals at a time efforts are on to meaningfully revamp Nigeria's tertiary education. Governor Wada was still battling with a select team of elders in Kogi state, under the aegis of Kogi Elders Forum over the governor's move to secure a N20 billion bond from a select number of commercial banks in the country when a car in his convoy crashed into Professor Iyayi's car. The elders are not only against the bond issue, but are equally not pleased or satisfied with his government's poor governance records. According to the elders, the Captain Idris Wada-led administration has not justified how it has spent the billions of naira from federation account and funds from the Internally Generated Revenue. In their thinking, Wada and his team have reduced governance to a Kindergarten affair. The elders are indeed out for a serious business. All they want and seek for, is for Governor Wada to convincingly give account of his stewardship since he assumed office. In their summation, Kogi is not faring well under Wada's watch. And that Kogi and its people are fast becoming huge economic and social burdens to neighbouring states and the FCT. The allegations are much. But the questions that keep agitating the minds of concerned Kogites and other Nigerians are, who are these elders and what could simply be responsible for their resolve to engage 'their own' product in war of wits? Are these elders different from those on whose shoulders Governor Wada rode to the Lugard House in Lokoja? So many questions about this bunch of 'emergency elders' and what they are out to achieve. Prominent Names A cursory look at the names of those who constitute the group shows that most of them, if not all, contributed in no small measure to the mess Kogi state is presently enmeshed in. The list had one time Senator from Kogi East, Alex Kadiri, one time Acting Governor and Speaker, Clarence Olafemi, former state PDP chairman, John Odawn, Rtd AVM Salihu Atawodi and media guru, Dr Ojo Adinoyi Onukaba. Of the above listed names, with the exception of AVM Salihu Atawodi and Ojo Onukaba, others have held political offices within and outside Kogi state. These elders are only out to display what they are good at doing- seeking for relevance in the face of clear rejection or where none exist. These so called elders are largely responsible for the state's backwardness in all ramifications. With due sense of seriousness, most of these elders were responsible for the emergence of a barely literate Alhaji Ibrahim Idris as governor first in 2003 and 2007. Among them are high-profile election riggers and result fixers. For these elders to have risen against a man they conspiratorially brought to power at this time evidently shows that all is not well. Things have indeed fallen apart. The falconet no longer hears the falconer. In matching their words with action, these elders had last week issued a press statement where they made their positions known to the world. The statement which was jointly signed by Sen. Alex Kadir, Former Acting Governor Clarence Olafemi, Former PDP Chairman John Odawun, AVM Salihu Atawodi (Rtd) and Dr Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba, the elders said they are "worried that a government with a track record of profligacy, ineptitude and visionlessness, the N20 billion will go down the drain again without noticeable and meaningful development in the state." Undoubtedly, the issues raised by the elders are germane as well as critical. They truly want to know what the Captain Wada-led government has been doing with the state's resources since he assumed power. This is a challenge to the governor and members of his team. This is a unique opportunity for them to tell the world, and not just Kogites alone, how they have utilized the billions of Naira from Abuja and the funds generated from within. Unfortunately, this is simply a case of the right message delivered by the wrong messenger. Yes, these elders are not fighting for the common masses in Isanlu, Ogaminana, Aiyetoro-Gbede, Egbe, Ogugu, Okaba, Koton Karfe or Ogori Magongo. It is more of personal and group battle. This is why some of us are not too comfortable with the positions, intentions and motives behind these elders' actions. We don't have confidence in these elders. They are part and parcel of the plethora of problems that Kogi and Kogites are daily battling with. We cannot look for solutions to our problems in the hands of those responsible for our woes. Captain Idris Wada is a product of their machination. This is not the time to depart from a man they literarily hand-picked to govern the state. If these elders really want us to see sense in their actions and intentions, they should first and foremost retrace their steps towards Wada's predecessors, Ibrahim Idris, who allegedly frittered the state's resources with reckless abandon. Till date, no one, not even the EFCC has deemed it necessary to invite former Governor Ibrahim Idris for questioning. But I've sincerely lost the number of times this same EFCC has invited and interrogated former Governor, Prince Abubakar Audu over alleged corruption charges. We expect these same elders to beam their searchlight on former leaders of the state, across all levels, who were believed to have enriched themselves with tax payers' money.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:07PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    NOTORIOUS: Governor Idris Wada And His Bag of Troubles This is certainly not the best of times for Governor Idris Wada of Kogi state. This is no doubt a season of one day, many troubles for the Dekina-born pilot-turned-politician. For him, it's a season of loads of challenges in gargantuan proportion. As he tries to wriggle his way out of one trouble, he stumbles into a bigger, hydra-headed and complex one. For many political observers in Kogi state, or, simply put, those sympathetic to the embattled governor's course, the problems confronting him are just too much for a political toddler of Governor Wada's ilk. Ill Fate? For Governor Wada, trouble is another name for his administration. While trouble trickle in for other state governors, it pours on Captain Wada torrentially like the August rain. At a time other state executives are busy romancing power, globe-trotting and cooling off with friends over bottles of Champagnes, Captain Wada is daily striving hard to defend weighty and massive political punches from members of the opposition parties as well as opposition elements within the local chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state. Since his emergence as governor of the Confluence State two years ago, Captain Wada has indeed recorded a plethora of challenges, with some posing serious dangers to his life. He has escaped death by the whiskers in two different road crashes since his entry into the Lugard House in Lokoja. In one of such accidents which occurred while Captain Wada was on his way from Anyigba, an ancient town in the eastern part of the state, his Aide Camp, Idris Mohammed, an Assistant Superintendent of Police, died on the spot. Other occupants of the SUV, including the governor sustained varying degrees of injuries. For many, Captain Wada is on the verge of winning the unenviable award of the state Governor with the highest number of road crashes since Nigeria's return to civil rule in 1999. Recent Misfortunes Recently, last week to be precise, Captain Wada was in the news again for the wrong reason. It was yet another car crash involving the governor's convoy and the car conveying former ASUU boss, Professor Festus Iyayi, which regrettably, claimed the erudite Professor's life. As usual, courtesy of Nigeria's bourgeoning, highflying and combative online and social media platforms, the incident went viral. Expectedly, the next day, the story featured prominently on the front pages of most local print media establishments, radio and television stations. For those in Wada's camp, hell was let loose. His aides, who obviously were irked by recurring crashes involving their principal, made frantic efforts to 'contain' the situation. But regrettably, their efforts made little or no difference as the world was already feasting, with reckless abandon, on the news of the accident. The late Professor Festus Iyayi who, according to media reports died on the spot when the accident occurred in Banda village, few kilometers away from Lokoja, was on his way to Kano for ASUU's National Executive Council (NEC) meeting as part of ongoing efforts to resolve the lingering face-off between the Federal Government and striking public university lecturers. Unfortunately, Professor Iyayi never made it to Kano. "Separate Facts From Chaffs" With no intention of holding brief for Governor Idris Wada, who of course is the number one culprit in the accident saga, and his team of reckless, callous, unprofessional and bloodthirsty drivers, I implore all concerned Nigerians to give sound reasoning a chance before laying Wada's throat on the slaughter slab. Facts should be separated from chaffs. Jaundiced opinions should be watered down. Careless scribbling of unsubstantiated claims should be left where they ultimately belong - the gutter. Undoubtedly, for obvious reasons, we cannot absolve Captain Wada of blame in Professor Iyayi's unfortunate death last Tuesday. Being the man in charge and control of all the cars in his fleet, he takes the knocks and jibes arising from the unpardonable recklessness and annoying overzealousness of his aides, including his drivers. Professor Iyayi's departure has no doubt depleted the rank of committed, patriotic and unblemished advocates of popular struggles in the country. That he died while on a commendable mission of redeeming the mess that is left of our once high-flying Ivory Tower, buttresses the fact he wanted the best for Nigeria and Nigerians. We are in pains. We have lost a fine academic, a scholar of local and international repute, a fearless, purposeful and vibrant labour man and strategist. It is very painful that Professor Iyayi went the way of all mortals at a time efforts are on to meaningfully revamp Nigeria's tertiary education. Governor Wada was still battling with a select team of elders in Kogi state, under the aegis of Kogi Elders Forum over the governor's move to secure a N20 billion bond from a select number of commercial banks in the country when a car in his convoy crashed into Professor Iyayi's car. The elders are not only against the bond issue, but are equally not pleased or satisfied with his government's poor governance records. According to the elders, the Captain Idris Wada-led administration has not justified how it has spent the billions of naira from federation account and funds from the Internally Generated Revenue. In their thinking, Wada and his team have reduced governance to a Kindergarten affair. The elders are indeed out for a serious business. All they want and seek for, is for Governor Wada to convincingly give account of his stewardship since he assumed office. In their summation, Kogi is not faring well under Wada's watch. And that Kogi and its people are fast becoming huge economic and social burdens to neighbouring states and the FCT. The allegations are much. But the questions that keep agitating the minds of concerned Kogites and other Nigerians are, who are these elders and what could simply be responsible for their resolve to engage 'their own' product in war of wits? Are these elders different from those on whose shoulders Governor Wada rode to the Lugard House in Lokoja? So many questions about this bunch of 'emergency elders' and what they are out to achieve. Prominent Names A cursory look at the names of those who constitute the group shows that most of them, if not all, contributed in no small measure to the mess Kogi state is presently enmeshed in. The list had one time Senator from Kogi East, Alex Kadiri, one time Acting Governor and Speaker, Clarence Olafemi, former state PDP chairman, John Odawn, Rtd AVM Salihu Atawodi and media guru, Dr Ojo Adinoyi Onukaba. Of the above listed names, with the exception of AVM Salihu Atawodi and Ojo Onukaba, others have held political offices within and outside Kogi state. These elders are only out to display what they are good at doing- seeking for relevance in the face of clear rejection or where none exist. These so called elders are largely responsible for the state's backwardness in all ramifications. With due sense of seriousness, most of these elders were responsible for the emergence of a barely literate Alhaji Ibrahim Idris as governor first in 2003 and 2007. Among them are high-profile election riggers and result fixers. For these elders to have risen against a man they conspiratorially brought to power at this time evidently shows that all is not well. Things have indeed fallen apart. The falconet no longer hears the falconer. In matching their words with action, these elders had last week issued a press statement where they made their positions known to the world. The statement which was jointly signed by Sen. Alex Kadir, Former Acting Governor Clarence Olafemi, Former PDP Chairman John Odawun, AVM Salihu Atawodi (Rtd) and Dr Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba, the elders said they are "worried that a government with a track record of profligacy, ineptitude and visionlessness, the N20 billion will go down the drain again without noticeable and meaningful development in the state." Undoubtedly, the issues raised by the elders are germane as well as critical. They truly want to know what the Captain Wada-led government has been doing with the state's resources since he assumed power. This is a challenge to the governor and members of his team. This is a unique opportunity for them to tell the world, and not just Kogites alone, how they have utilized the billions of Naira from Abuja and the funds generated from within. Unfortunately, this is simply a case of the right message delivered by the wrong messenger. Yes, these elders are not fighting for the common masses in Isanlu, Ogaminana, Aiyetoro-Gbede, Egbe, Ogugu, Okaba, Koton Karfe or Ogori Magongo. It is more of personal and group battle. This is why some of us are not too comfortable with the positions, intentions and motives behind these elders' actions. We don't have confidence in these elders. They are part and parcel of the plethora of problems that Kogi and Kogites are daily battling with. We cannot look for solutions to our problems in the hands of those responsible for our woes. Captain Idris Wada is a product of their machination. This is not the time to depart from a man they literarily hand-picked to govern the state. If these elders really want us to see sense in their actions and intentions, they should first and foremost retrace their steps towards Wada's predecessors, Ibrahim Idris, who allegedly frittered the state's resources with reckless abandon. Till date, no one, not even the EFCC has deemed it necessary to invite former Governor Ibrahim Idris for questioning. But I've sincerely lost the number of times this same EFCC has invited and interrogated former Governor, Prince Abubakar Audu over alleged corruption charges. We expect these same elders to beam their searchlight on former leaders of the state, across all levels, who were believed to have enriched themselves with tax payers' money.
    Nov 20th 2013, 19:12
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 islamist - Social Mention: PROF WHO LOST HAND TO ISLAMISTS EXONERATED Thursday, 14 November 2013 PNS Kochi 1The The Chief Judicial Magistrate Court in Thodupuzha in Kerala's Idukki district on Wednesday exonerated Prof TJ Joseph, whose right hand was chopped off by Islamists in 2010, from the charge of preparing a question paper that allegedly promoted religious hatred. Islamists belonging to the Social Democratic Party of India, the political wing of the Popular Front of India, had chopped off the right hand of Joseph, then head of the Department of Malayalam at Church-managed Newman's College, Thodupuzha, in 2010 accusing him of blaspheming Prophet Muhammad through a test paper. Joseph submitted before the court that he had shown no disrespect for any religion through the test paper as it was based on a book written by pro-Left script-writer PT Kunhumuhammad. The court accepted this submission to grant discharge to Joseph from the case, observing that the charge against him was not maintainable. The court had heard the arguments on November 6. On March 25, 2010, Muslims had staged demonstrations in Thodupuzha in protest against a Malayalam question paper prepared by Joseph for the second-semester B Com students of the college for their internal examinations, alleging that a particular question featuring an imaginary dialogue had blasphemed Prophet Muhammad. The furious protests that continued for several days forced the college management to tender apology over the question paper but Joseph went into hiding after the police registered a case against him for trying to promote religious hatred. He was arrested from Painavu, headquarters of Idukki district, on April 1 that year. Joseph was released on bail later. In an early morning attack on July 4, 2010, a gang of SDPI activists chopped off his right hand and threw it into a nearby plot as he was returning home in his car with his mother and sister after attending Sunday Mass at a local church in his native town Muvattupuzha in Ernakulam district. Just when Joseph was undergoing treatment at a specialty hospital in Kochi where his chopped hand was joined back, the management suspended him from service. There were requests from all around, even from the then Education Minister and V-C of the MG University to which the college was affiliated, to take him back but the management refused to relent. The brutal attack on the professor had woken the Kerala Police to the reality of the existence of a vast Islamist network in the State and there was a massive hunt for those who were behind the crime. The NIA later took over the case from the Kerala Police and the trial in the case is presently going on at the Special NIA Court in Kochi.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:52AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    PROF WHO LOST HAND TO ISLAMISTS EXONERATED Thursday, 14 November 2013 PNS Kochi 1The The Chief Judicial Magistrate Court in Thodupuzha in Kerala's Idukki district on Wednesday exonerated Prof TJ Joseph, whose right hand was chopped off by Islamists in 2010, from the charge of preparing a question paper that allegedly promoted religious hatred. Islamists belonging to the Social Democratic Party of India, the political wing of the Popular Front of India, had chopped off the right hand of Joseph, then head of the Department of Malayalam at Church-managed Newman's College, Thodupuzha, in 2010 accusing him of blaspheming Prophet Muhammad through a test paper. Joseph submitted before the court that he had shown no disrespect for any religion through the test paper as it was based on a book written by pro-Left script-writer PT Kunhumuhammad. The court accepted this submission to grant discharge to Joseph from the case, observing that the charge against him was not maintainable. The court had heard the arguments on November 6. On March 25, 2010, Muslims had staged demonstrations in Thodupuzha in protest against a Malayalam question paper prepared by Joseph for the second-semester B Com students of the college for their internal examinations, alleging that a particular question featuring an imaginary dialogue had blasphemed Prophet Muhammad. The furious protests that continued for several days forced the college management to tender apology over the question paper but Joseph went into hiding after the police registered a case against him for trying to promote religious hatred. He was arrested from Painavu, headquarters of Idukki district, on April 1 that year. Joseph was released on bail later. In an early morning attack on July 4, 2010, a gang of SDPI activists chopped off his right hand and threw it into a nearby plot as he was returning home in his car with his mother and sister after attending Sunday Mass at a local church in his native town Muvattupuzha in Ernakulam district. Just when Joseph was undergoing treatment at a specialty hospital in Kochi where his chopped hand was joined back, the management suspended him from service. There were requests from all around, even from the then Education Minister and V-C of the MG University to which the college was affiliated, to take him back but the management refused to relent. The brutal attack on the professor had woken the Kerala Police to the reality of the existence of a vast Islamist network in the State and there was a massive hunt for those who were behind the crime. The NIA later took over the case from the Kerala Police and the trial in the case is presently going on at the Special NIA Court in Kochi.
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:25
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:37AM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Narrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina (Radi-Allahu 'anhu): Once Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) led us in prayer, and after finishing the first two Rakat, got up (instead of sitting for At-Tahiyyat) and then carried on with the prayer. When he had finished his prayer, the people were waiting for him to say Taslim, but before saying Tasiim, he said Takbir and prostrated; then he raised his head, and saying Takbir, he prostrated (SAHU) and then raised his head and finished his prayer with Taslim. Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 663
    Nov 21st 2013, 04:28
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: KISAH NYATA...!!! "ANAK YANG MENGERASKAN SUARANYA DI MASJID...!!!' ' Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim. Assalamu'alaiku m Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Seorang imam masjid mengisahkan : Ada seorang anak kecil yang umurnya belum genap 10 tahun nama anak itu Bilal Al Qadri bin Yufri A. putra dari pasangan bapak Yufri A. dan Ibu Artalita. dia tinggal di Sukabumi. sang Ibu sudah meninggal dunia semenjak Bilal berumur 5 tahun. dan Bilal hanya tinggal berdua bersama Ayahnya. Bilal selalu menjalankan shalat berjamaah di masjid dan dia selalu berusaha menempati shaf paling depan. Anak itu (Bilal) biasa mengeraskan suara saat shalat, terutama tatkala saya (imam masjid) selesai membaca al-fatihah, si anak (bilal) membaca "Aamiin" dengan suara sangat keras. Suatu kali saya (imam masjid) ingin menasihati anak ini (bilal) agar merubah kebiasaannya. Akan tetapi, setiap kali saya (imam masjid) selesai shalat dan berdzikir anak itu (bilal) telah pergi, saya tidak sempat berbicara dengannya. Hingga suatu hari setelah selesai shalat saya (imam masjid) langsung memegang tangan anak itu (bilal) sebelum ia pergi. Lalu saya bertanya; "Nak... Mengapa kamu sering berteriak keras sewaktu saya (imam masjid) selesai membaca al-fatihah...?? ?" (tanya saya *imam masjid* k-sang anak *bilal*) "Rumah saya dekat dengan masjid, tapi ayah saya tidak pernah ke masjid sama sekali. Saya mengeraskan suara saya agar ayah mendengar suara saya melalui loudspeaker masjid. Dengan begitu ayah tahu bahwa saya shalat di masjid dan Saya berharap ayah saya segera menyusul saya ke masjid setelah mendengar suara saya...!!!" (jawab bilal dengan nada lantang.) "Subhanakallahu mma wabihamdika asyhadu allaa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuubuilaiik... !!!" * (gengaman saya (imam masjid) terlepas dari bilal)* "Betapa merinding bulu kudukku ketika mendengar jawaban anak ini...!!!" *(lanjut imam masjid)* Maka saya bersepakat dengan sebagian jamaah untuk mengunjungi ayah dari anak tersebut untuk memberikan nasihat dan menceritakan apa yang dilakukan anaknya di masjid. Hingga akhirnya sang ayah bisa tertib menjalankan shalat jamaah di masjid. Subhanakallahum ma wabihamdika asyhadu allaa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuubuilaiik. ALLAHU AKBAR... ALLAHU AKBAR... ALLAHU AKBAR...!!! Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:29AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    KISAH NYATA...!!! "ANAK YANG MENGERASKAN SUARANYA DI MASJID...!!!' ' Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim. Assalamu'alaiku m Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Seorang imam masjid mengisahkan : Ada seorang anak kecil yang umurnya belum genap 10 tahun nama anak itu Bilal Al Qadri bin Yufri A. putra dari pasangan bapak Yufri A. dan Ibu Artalita. dia tinggal di Sukabumi. sang Ibu sudah meninggal dunia semenjak Bilal berumur 5 tahun. dan Bilal hanya tinggal berdua bersama Ayahnya. Bilal selalu menjalankan shalat berjamaah di masjid dan dia selalu berusaha menempati shaf paling depan. Anak itu (Bilal) biasa mengeraskan suara saat shalat, terutama tatkala saya (imam masjid) selesai membaca al-fatihah, si anak (bilal) membaca "Aamiin" dengan suara sangat keras. Suatu kali saya (imam masjid) ingin menasihati anak ini (bilal) agar merubah kebiasaannya. Akan tetapi, setiap kali saya (imam masjid) selesai shalat dan berdzikir anak itu (bilal) telah pergi, saya tidak sempat berbicara dengannya. Hingga suatu hari setelah selesai shalat saya (imam masjid) langsung memegang tangan anak itu (bilal) sebelum ia pergi. Lalu saya bertanya; "Nak... Mengapa kamu sering berteriak keras sewaktu saya (imam masjid) selesai membaca al-fatihah...?? ?" (tanya saya *imam masjid* k-sang anak *bilal*) "Rumah saya dekat dengan masjid, tapi ayah saya tidak pernah ke masjid sama sekali. Saya mengeraskan suara saya agar ayah mendengar suara saya melalui loudspeaker masjid. Dengan begitu ayah tahu bahwa saya shalat di masjid dan Saya berharap ayah saya segera menyusul saya ke masjid setelah mendengar suara saya...!!!" (jawab bilal dengan nada lantang.) "Subhanakallahu mma wabihamdika asyhadu allaa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuubuilaiik... !!!" * (gengaman saya (imam masjid) terlepas dari bilal)* "Betapa merinding bulu kudukku ketika mendengar jawaban anak ini...!!!" *(lanjut imam masjid)* Maka saya bersepakat dengan sebagian jamaah untuk mengunjungi ayah dari anak tersebut untuk memberikan nasihat dan menceritakan apa yang dilakukan anaknya di masjid. Hingga akhirnya sang ayah bisa tertib menjalankan shalat jamaah di masjid. Subhanakallahum ma wabihamdika asyhadu allaa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuubuilaiik. ALLAHU AKBAR... ALLAHU AKBAR... ALLAHU AKBAR...!!! Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:20
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 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Empati Pemimpin Menurut riwayat Baihaqi dan Ibnu Asakir, Khalifah Umar bin Khattab pernah berkata: "Di antara keturunanku, ada seseorang yang terdapat bekas luka di wajahnya. Dia adalah orang yang akan menegakkan keadilan di muka bumi." Siapakah yang diramalkan Umar itu? Dialah Umar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin Hakam bin Abi Ash. Lahir di keluarga ulama dan bangsawan, dia mewarisi jiwa kepemimpinan kakek buyutnya, Umar bin Khattab. Ibunya bernama Laila binti Ashim bin Umar bin Khattab. Umar bin Abdul Aziz diangkat sebagai gubernur Mekah dan Madinah pada masa Walid bin Abdul Malik, khalifah keenam Bani Umaiyah. Setelah mangkatnya Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, khalifah ketujuh Bani Umaiyah sekaligus sepupu dari jalur ayahnya, Umar bin Abdul Aziz kemudian diangkat sebagai khalifah kedelapan Bani Umaiyah. Kelak, sejarah mencatat nama Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan tinta emas. Sejak menjabat khalifah, dia langsung meninggalkan semua hartanya. Kesederhanaan adalah pilihan hidupnya. Ketika sedang berbincang dengan istrinya di ranjang kamar, tiba-tiba Umar bin Abdul Aziz teringat akhirat. Mukanya berubah pucat, seperti seekor burung yang berada di atas air. Dia lalu duduk, kemudian menangis. Melihat itu, istrinya yang bernama Fatimah binti Abdul Malik berkata: "Seandainya saja jarak antara kami dan tugas kekhalifahan dijauhkan seperti jauhnya jarak antara barat dan timur." Umar bin Abdul Aziz tidak merasa enak-enakan memegang tampuk kuasa. Dia mengumpulkan sejumlah ulama fikih di Madinah, seperti Urwah bin Zubair bin Awwam, Ubaidillah bin Atabah, Abu Bakar bin Abdurrahman, Sulaiman bin Yasar, Qasim bin Muhammad Salim bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Ibnu Amir, Kharijah bin Zaid, Abu Bakar bin Sulaiman, dan Abdullah bin Abdullah Ibnu Umar bin Khattab. Mereka semua diminta menulis setiap kezaliman yang mereka lihat. Padahal keadaan rakyat di bawah kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz sangat sejahtera. Kas negara melimpah. Tanah-tanah ditanami. Sumur-sumur air meruah. Jalan-jalan licin. Masjid-masjid banyak dan ramai. Hebatnya, tidak ada orang miskin yang mau menerima sedekah. Gaji pegawai juga mencapai 300 dinar. Tidak ditemukan kezaliman menimpa rakyat, karena keadilan sangat dijunjung tinggi. Bahkan, salah seorang pejabat negara bernama Jarah Al-Hukmi pernah dicopot gara-gara mengambil upeti dari orang-orang yang sudah masuk Islam. Padahal, Jarah Al-Hukmi melakukan itu karena paham bahwa orang-orang tersebut masuk Islam semata agar selamat dari kewajiban membayar upeti. Tetapi, ketegasan sang khalifah ternyata tidak tebang pilih. Tidak heran, para ulama sepakat bahwa Umar bin Abdul Aziz merupakan salah seorang Al-Khulafa Ar-Rasyidun. Seperti dikatakan Imam Syafi'i: "Al-Khulafa Ar-Rasyidun itu ada lima. Mereka adalah Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Usman bin Affan, Ali bin Abu Thalib, dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz." Sejarah Islam dipenuhi kisah-kisah heroik dan berpengaruh besar terhadap peradaban. Sekian lama manusia hidup di masa-masa kelam, kehadiran Islam jelas merupakan babak baru sejarah yang memancarkan cahaya benderang. Di balik sejarah gemilang tentu ada sosok-sosok cemerlang di belakangnya. Karena, sejarah terhormat pasti lahir dari aktor-aktor terhormat. Sebaliknya, sejarah menjadi kelam karena dikendalikan aktor-aktor pecundang. Hari ini, umat Islam di seluruh dunia dan Indonesia khususnya, sedang berada di roda bagian bawah sejarah. Kita menanti lahirnya pemimpin-pemimpin besar yang mampu melambungkan umat Islam ke mercusuar peradaban. Kita merindukan sosok pemimpin yang memiliki kecerdasan brilian dan empati besar semacam empat khalifah pengganti Rasulullah, Said bin Amir Al-Jumahi, Al-Ala Al-Hadhrami, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Walid bin Abdul Malik, Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur, Al-Mahdi, Harun Rasyid, Abdullah Abu Abbas Al-Makmun, dan pemimpin lain sekaliber mereka. Nabi dan Rasul itu berpikiran brilian, empati mereka besar. Misalnya, dengan kebijakannya yang cerdas, Nabi Yusuf mampu menyelamatkan rakyat Mesir dari bencana kelaparan. Persediaan makanan di gudang negara sangat cukup untuk menghidupi rakyat selama tujuh tahun Mesir dilanda kekeringan. Bahkan, stok kebutuhan pokok itu juga digunakan untuk menyuplai tetangga-tetangga Mesir yang sedang mengalami krisis pangan. Rombongan peminta bantuan berdatangan, termasuk rombongan saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf dari Palestina yang dulu sangat memusuhinya. Juga Nabi Musa yang siap pasang badan demi menyelamatkan rakyatnya dari kekejaman Firaun Minephtah. Hati Nabi Musa teriris-iris menyaksikan rakyat Bani Israil di Mesir menjadi bulan-bulanan raja super zalim itu. Sementara, tidak seorang pun berani menentang titah Firaun, termasuk kebijakannya untuk membunuh setiap jabang bayi laki-laki. Rumah-rumah penduduk dimasuki petugas Firaun untuk memeriksa setiap ibu yang baru melahirkan bayi. Kesewenang-wenangan itulah yang menggugah Nabi Musa. Sedari bayi hidup sebagai anak pungut Firaun ternyata tidak menghentikan tekad Nabi Musa untuk menumpas beragam kekejaman Firaun. Semuanya untuk rakyat Bani Israil. Pemimpin besar terbukti mampu memposisikan perasaan dan keadaan dirinya seperti perasaan atau keadaan rakyat yang dipimpinnya. Itulah pemimpin yang memiliki empati. Tentu empati tidak hanya didasarkan atas kekayaan, jabatan, keturunan, kepintaran, dan prestasi seseorang. Bagi pemimpin besar, simbol-simbol bersifat keduniaan itu sudah melebur dalam dirinya, berganti rasa kepedulian dan kasih sayang. Kepada siapa pun, termasuk kalangan jelata sekali pun, pemimpin besar tidak akan berlaku pilih kasih. Tidak kenal istilah pandang bulu. Pemimpin besar sangat mencintai sekaligus dicintai rakyatnya. Ada kisah mengharukan yang terjadi pada awal-awal Islam datang di Mekah. Selain Khadijah binti Khuwailid, Waraqah bin Naufal, Ali bin Abu Thalib, Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq, beberapa orang miskin, seperti Zaid bin Haritsah, Said bin Abu Waqqas, Ibnu Mas'ud, dan Bilal bin Rabah juga menyatakan keimanan kepada Rasulullah. Tetapi ketika mereka berkumpul bersama Rasulullah, para pembesar dari kalangan kafir Mekah datang dan berkata: "Usirlah mereka dari kami!" Tampaknya mereka merasa tidak level duduk satu majelis dengan orang-orang rendahan itu. Apa jawab Rasulullah? Beliau membacakan firman Allah yang seketika itu turun sebagai jawaban atas penghinaan kafir Mekah kepada orang-orang yang sebenarnya sangat mulia di sisi Allah itu. "Dan janganlah kamu mengusir orang-orang yang menyeru Tuhannya di pagi dan petang hari, sedang mereka menghendaki keridaan-Nya. Kamu tidak memikul tanggung jawab sedikit pun terhadap perbuatan mereka dan mereka pun tidak memikul tanggung jawab sedikit pun terhadap perbuatanmu, yang menyebabkan kamu (berhak) mengusir mereka, (sehingga kamu termasuk orang-orang yang zalim)." (QS Al-An'am : 52) Pemimpin sekarang harus menakar kebesarannya. Memimpin tidak cukup hanya bermodal uang, popularitas, citra, apalagi tampang. Selain kecerdasan, empati yang besar mutlak diperlukan dalam tugas kepemimpinan. Dengan demikian, tidak akan ada rakyat yang menjadikan pemimpin sebagai sasaran kebencian dan hinaan. Pejabat di bawahnya juga akan bekerja secara benar, jujur, dan ikhlas. Seluruh rakyat merasa senang dan bangga karena memiliki pemimpin yang sangat peduli dengan kehidupan dan kesejahteraan mereka.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:51AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    Empati Pemimpin Menurut riwayat Baihaqi dan Ibnu Asakir, Khalifah Umar bin Khattab pernah berkata: "Di antara keturunanku, ada seseorang yang terdapat bekas luka di wajahnya. Dia adalah orang yang akan menegakkan keadilan di muka bumi." Siapakah yang diramalkan Umar itu? Dialah Umar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin Hakam bin Abi Ash. Lahir di keluarga ulama dan bangsawan, dia mewarisi jiwa kepemimpinan kakek buyutnya, Umar bin Khattab. Ibunya bernama Laila binti Ashim bin Umar bin Khattab. Umar bin Abdul Aziz diangkat sebagai gubernur Mekah dan Madinah pada masa Walid bin Abdul Malik, khalifah keenam Bani Umaiyah. Setelah mangkatnya Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, khalifah ketujuh Bani Umaiyah sekaligus sepupu dari jalur ayahnya, Umar bin Abdul Aziz kemudian diangkat sebagai khalifah kedelapan Bani Umaiyah. Kelak, sejarah mencatat nama Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan tinta emas. Sejak menjabat khalifah, dia langsung meninggalkan semua hartanya. Kesederhanaan adalah pilihan hidupnya. Ketika sedang berbincang dengan istrinya di ranjang kamar, tiba-tiba Umar bin Abdul Aziz teringat akhirat. Mukanya berubah pucat, seperti seekor burung yang berada di atas air. Dia lalu duduk, kemudian menangis. Melihat itu, istrinya yang bernama Fatimah binti Abdul Malik berkata: "Seandainya saja jarak antara kami dan tugas kekhalifahan dijauhkan seperti jauhnya jarak antara barat dan timur." Umar bin Abdul Aziz tidak merasa enak-enakan memegang tampuk kuasa. Dia mengumpulkan sejumlah ulama fikih di Madinah, seperti Urwah bin Zubair bin Awwam, Ubaidillah bin Atabah, Abu Bakar bin Abdurrahman, Sulaiman bin Yasar, Qasim bin Muhammad Salim bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Ibnu Amir, Kharijah bin Zaid, Abu Bakar bin Sulaiman, dan Abdullah bin Abdullah Ibnu Umar bin Khattab. Mereka semua diminta menulis setiap kezaliman yang mereka lihat. Padahal keadaan rakyat di bawah kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz sangat sejahtera. Kas negara melimpah. Tanah-tanah ditanami. Sumur-sumur air meruah. Jalan-jalan licin. Masjid-masjid banyak dan ramai. Hebatnya, tidak ada orang miskin yang mau menerima sedekah. Gaji pegawai juga mencapai 300 dinar. Tidak ditemukan kezaliman menimpa rakyat, karena keadilan sangat dijunjung tinggi. Bahkan, salah seorang pejabat negara bernama Jarah Al-Hukmi pernah dicopot gara-gara mengambil upeti dari orang-orang yang sudah masuk Islam. Padahal, Jarah Al-Hukmi melakukan itu karena paham bahwa orang-orang tersebut masuk Islam semata agar selamat dari kewajiban membayar upeti. Tetapi, ketegasan sang khalifah ternyata tidak tebang pilih. Tidak heran, para ulama sepakat bahwa Umar bin Abdul Aziz merupakan salah seorang Al-Khulafa Ar-Rasyidun. Seperti dikatakan Imam Syafi'i: "Al-Khulafa Ar-Rasyidun itu ada lima. Mereka adalah Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Usman bin Affan, Ali bin Abu Thalib, dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz." Sejarah Islam dipenuhi kisah-kisah heroik dan berpengaruh besar terhadap peradaban. Sekian lama manusia hidup di masa-masa kelam, kehadiran Islam jelas merupakan babak baru sejarah yang memancarkan cahaya benderang. Di balik sejarah gemilang tentu ada sosok-sosok cemerlang di belakangnya. Karena, sejarah terhormat pasti lahir dari aktor-aktor terhormat. Sebaliknya, sejarah menjadi kelam karena dikendalikan aktor-aktor pecundang. Hari ini, umat Islam di seluruh dunia dan Indonesia khususnya, sedang berada di roda bagian bawah sejarah. Kita menanti lahirnya pemimpin-pemimpin besar yang mampu melambungkan umat Islam ke mercusuar peradaban. Kita merindukan sosok pemimpin yang memiliki kecerdasan brilian dan empati besar semacam empat khalifah pengganti Rasulullah, Said bin Amir Al-Jumahi, Al-Ala Al-Hadhrami, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Walid bin Abdul Malik, Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur, Al-Mahdi, Harun Rasyid, Abdullah Abu Abbas Al-Makmun, dan pemimpin lain sekaliber mereka. Nabi dan Rasul itu berpikiran brilian, empati mereka besar. Misalnya, dengan kebijakannya yang cerdas, Nabi Yusuf mampu menyelamatkan rakyat Mesir dari bencana kelaparan. Persediaan makanan di gudang negara sangat cukup untuk menghidupi rakyat selama tujuh tahun Mesir dilanda kekeringan. Bahkan, stok kebutuhan pokok itu juga digunakan untuk menyuplai tetangga-tetangga Mesir yang sedang mengalami krisis pangan. Rombongan peminta bantuan berdatangan, termasuk rombongan saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf dari Palestina yang dulu sangat memusuhinya. Juga Nabi Musa yang siap pasang badan demi menyelamatkan rakyatnya dari kekejaman Firaun Minephtah. Hati Nabi Musa teriris-iris menyaksikan rakyat Bani Israil di Mesir menjadi bulan-bulanan raja super zalim itu. Sementara, tidak seorang pun berani menentang titah Firaun, termasuk kebijakannya untuk membunuh setiap jabang bayi laki-laki. Rumah-rumah penduduk dimasuki petugas Firaun untuk memeriksa setiap ibu yang baru melahirkan bayi. Kesewenang-wenangan itulah yang menggugah Nabi Musa. Sedari bayi hidup sebagai anak pungut Firaun ternyata tidak menghentikan tekad Nabi Musa untuk menumpas beragam kekejaman Firaun. Semuanya untuk rakyat Bani Israil. Pemimpin besar terbukti mampu memposisikan perasaan dan keadaan dirinya seperti perasaan atau keadaan rakyat yang dipimpinnya. Itulah pemimpin yang memiliki empati. Tentu empati tidak hanya didasarkan atas kekayaan, jabatan, keturunan, kepintaran, dan prestasi seseorang. Bagi pemimpin besar, simbol-simbol bersifat keduniaan itu sudah melebur dalam dirinya, berganti rasa kepedulian dan kasih sayang. Kepada siapa pun, termasuk kalangan jelata sekali pun, pemimpin besar tidak akan berlaku pilih kasih. Tidak kenal istilah pandang bulu. Pemimpin besar sangat mencintai sekaligus dicintai rakyatnya. Ada kisah mengharukan yang terjadi pada awal-awal Islam datang di Mekah. Selain Khadijah binti Khuwailid, Waraqah bin Naufal, Ali bin Abu Thalib, Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq, beberapa orang miskin, seperti Zaid bin Haritsah, Said bin Abu Waqqas, Ibnu Mas'ud, dan Bilal bin Rabah juga menyatakan keimanan kepada Rasulullah. Tetapi ketika mereka berkumpul bersama Rasulullah, para pembesar dari kalangan kafir Mekah datang dan berkata: "Usirlah mereka dari kami!" Tampaknya mereka merasa tidak level duduk satu majelis dengan orang-orang rendahan itu. Apa jawab Rasulullah? Beliau membacakan firman Allah yang seketika itu turun sebagai jawaban atas penghinaan kafir Mekah kepada orang-orang yang sebenarnya sangat mulia di sisi Allah itu. "Dan janganlah kamu mengusir orang-orang yang menyeru Tuhannya di pagi dan petang hari, sedang mereka menghendaki keridaan-Nya. Kamu tidak memikul tanggung jawab sedikit pun terhadap perbuatan mereka dan mereka pun tidak memikul tanggung jawab sedikit pun terhadap perbuatanmu, yang menyebabkan kamu (berhak) mengusir mereka, (sehingga kamu termasuk orang-orang yang zalim)." (QS Al-An'am : 52) Pemimpin sekarang harus menakar kebesarannya. Memimpin tidak cukup hanya bermodal uang, popularitas, citra, apalagi tampang. Selain kecerdasan, empati yang besar mutlak diperlukan dalam tugas kepemimpinan. Dengan demikian, tidak akan ada rakyat yang menjadikan pemimpin sebagai sasaran kebencian dan hinaan. Pejabat di bawahnya juga akan bekerja secara benar, jujur, dan ikhlas. Seluruh rakyat merasa senang dan bangga karena memiliki pemimpin yang sangat peduli dengan kehidupan dan kesejahteraan mereka.
    Nov 21st 2013, 06:45
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 sharia - Social Mention: दोस्तो मेने मेरी नाजायज कोंग्रेसी औलादों को बेचने का फेसला किया हे अगर आप खरीदना चाहते हो तो OLX.COM पर खरीद सकते हे दो कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर एक मीडिया का दल्ला फ्री ओर चार कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर एक खुजलीवाला कुत्ता फ्री ओर 10 कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर दो हाथी ओर दो साइकल फ्री ये स्कीम सोमवार तक हे क्योकि मंगवार को मे फिर फेसबूक पर आऊँगा
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 06:49AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    दोस्तो मेने मेरी नाजायज कोंग्रेसी औलादों को बेचने का फेसला किया हे अगर आप खरीदना चाहते हो तो OLX.COM पर खरीद सकते हे दो कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर एक मीडिया का दल्ला फ्री ओर चार कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर एक खुजलीवाला कुत्ता फ्री ओर 10 कोंग्रेसी खरीदने पर दो हाथी ओर दो साइकल फ्री ये स्कीम सोमवार तक हे क्योकि मंगवार को मे फिर फेसबूक पर आऊँगा
    Nov 20th 2013, 05:55
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 02:54AM  

    dawah news - Social Mention
    ALSO, just a reminder to the many newcomers and those who maybe never saw the previous messages, my old page, "Nusaybah Al-Sooriyah II" was hacked. Last I saw the page has been removed, but many have come forward and said the page has "re-emerged" and is full of anti-Muslim propaganda. Please know that is coming from the hacker (and probably spy), not me!
    Nov 20th 2013, 00:58
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 al-ansar - Social Mention: Biography - men about the Prophet Prophet , Abu Ayyub al - Ansari In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah , and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad Sadiq promise Secretary , O Allah, we are not aware , but what taught us You are the Knower Hakim , God taught us what utilitarian , and Anfna including taught us, and we have increased the note , and show us the really right , and grant us to follow it, and show us falsehood , and grant us avoid it , and make us listen to those who say tracking Well , we have introduced the mercy on Thy righteous, got us out of the darkness of ignorance and illusion to the lights of knowledge and science , and about the desires to Jannat acts of worship . Here's a country that published Abu Ayyub al-Ansari , and with it the call of Islam : Dear Distinguished brotherhood , with the fourth lesson ten lessons from the conduct of the owners of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and God bless them all , and Sahabi day prophet Abu Ayyub al - Ansari , may Allah be pleased with him . The first thing I would like to put it in your hands in this lesson is that if you went to the pilgrimage , and I saw two hundred thousand of pilgrims Turks , all يبتهلون to God, and they shall call God , they are in the newspaper these noble Companions who came out of Mecca and Medina, to publish this religion in the horizons . Prophet , Abu Ayyub al -Ansari one of those companions who arrived to the ends of the north, and was buried when the walls of Constantinople , he is now buried in a suburb of Istanbul , when widened Istanbul included his grave may Allah be pleased with him and satisfied, , all human works in this life works are many, but the finest work of his when it publishes the right , however publish right there fighting for the sake of God. What lesson can we take from the study of the biography of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari ? This Sahaabi him the story of a very exciting with the Messenger of Allah , all safe is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him before he comes to town migrants , it is of the first generation who had acknowledged the Prophet in the allegiance of the second hurdle , but through this story, you will find the relationship among the companions of the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah a unique relationship , and , God willing , I'll stand and then pause , and at each point of the biography this Sahaabi . Facts Sasrdha by you possibly recounted before, or maybe Qrotamoha in a book, and in these lessons focus not on facts but on the analysis , the focus of these lessons not only for analysis , but to link these facts and analysis that our daily lives . You , O man , what your business this story ? Why use it ? Why are derived from them? What eloquent lessons that can be taken ? And even the finest of it , ask yourself after a while, what attitudes and stance following the example of this Sahaabi ? What does this أفادني for Sahaabi ? What taught me this Sahaabi ? Is Qldth ? Did you follow his footsteps ? . We bless God for the Messenger of Allah , if I said in talking about the Messenger of Allah : God bless them , this is not a prayer , but the report, and a big difference between prayer and report you if you mention Imam Abu Hanifa says: may Allah be pleased with him , this prayer , though said a man scientist, dignified , upright , a factor, says: may Allah be pleased with him , but this may Allah be pleased with him , other than those , this is propaganda , but if you mention the Messenger of Allah , God bless them says: may Allah be pleased with him a report , you are in this does not cascade on God , but says : What God said, Did not God Almighty: ) I bless God for the faithful as to thee under the tree ( ( Surat Open verse : 18 ) My brother, Karim , is arranged on the face of the earth is higher than that pleases you the creator of the universe ? That you feel satisfied , feel that he loves , it Ihfezk , that help you to do , he says: ) You eyes ( ( Al -Tur verse : 48 ) He also said God told the Prophet , peace be upon him , scientists have said some explanation: that every believer of this verse as share his faith and sincerity and integrity . Powerful Ruled necks of the people , but the prophets reigned the hearts of the people : The Prophet , peace be upon him , when he reached the city received hearts her family بأكرم the what the newcomer receives , their eyes looked him , Tbuthm longing lover to lover , and pause here . Brothers Distinguished , human has a template has a heart , by force have the template, if you are strong you can be subject to people societies to Thy will , you can make them say any word you want, you can hold them to any position , which you possess Qualbhm , possess their bodies, possess their necks , possess muscles , possess their tongues , possessed movements St. , possessed Sknathm , you force have template Vbatolh not to own necks of the people by force , but prophets championship they December of the weakest of God's creation , Did not the Prophet peace be upon him in Taif : ( (I complain to you twice the strength , and the lack of حيلتي , and Huane on people, O Lord, the vulnerable , to whom praises to a friend Etjhemena , or to the enemy queen warrants , if not your anger Ali not care about , and you threshold until you are satisfied , but عافيتك widest me) ) She wants the wisdom of God to be most prophets weak , like any normal person, but that his people have accused him of insanity and otherwise, and said : ) And said a magician or a madman ( ( AL Almariaat verse : 39 ) Infidel accuse wayward charm , accusing him as a priest , accusing him as a poet , who accuse him of sleeping in his mind soft , reassuring , how accuses the Prophet as a crazy , sleep fine at home mind? Because it is weak , if it was what you could be strong accuses him of the charge , and when he survived the punishment, if : the has quirk wisdom of God to be a prophet weak but His perfection king of hearts . Human heart and mold , the powerful have the template, but the prophets reigned hearts , this tournament, Tournament that people love true love , the tournament eager people 's hearts to you , the tournament can feel they Aatronk themselves , even if them خصاصة , championship that tends heart inclined real , here the Prophet peace be upon him loved companions love beyond imagination extent . Did not hear when asked Abu Sufyan Khubayb bin Adi, said to him before it hardens , before he was killed , said O Khubayb : ( ( Would you like to be Mohammed place , and you're safe and sound in your family? ) ) They say : that our Master Khbayba is flounce , and recoils slaughtered bird , ( ( He said : No , God , I do not like to be in my family and my son , and my well-being of the world and the pleasures , and get the Messenger of Allah a fork )) And what God was a liar , and God was honest , this love that misses Muslims today , culture exist, information, videos , books, magazines , and this love that shook the hearts of the Messenger of Allah , فجعلهم influence obedience to God Almighty for everything, this we hope we get to it , or that which we hope that we seek . The good that the right of Beit Abu Ayyub al-Ansari when the camel stood Messenger of God in front of his house : Those fans who believe the Prophet before they see , and when the Prophet came to them, expressing their love expression strange, expressed longing , expressed and loyalty , have expressed their devotion , opened his heart to replace them in the endosperm, Eshrawa his doors homes to come down the dearest house. Every Sahabi, but every Ansari, his dream was the greatest to descend the Prophet a guest with him, this is an honor beyond honor , this shrine beyond denominator , because the Prophet master of the prophets , the master of the Apostles, human full summit of human beings, come to him as a guest , and maintains he has a guest in his home honorable upping , this honor is not Adany . The Prophet peace be upon him to great wisdom known biographers stayed in Quba four days , and built the mosque is the first mosque built in Islam, the mosque founded on piety , sometimes find a mosque founded on piety, which was founded not seeks reputation , nor fame, nor glory, the gain , or anything like that, and who teaches it, and who preaches it, faithful to God Almighty , you should be the call to God pure face cream , and not mixed with this world, not impeccable, not to put religion in the mud, to keep religion in the sky , to stay away from debt interests, passions , all disputes, worldly gains , this is a religion. You , O believer represent this religion, Never Lie , Never betray , Never cheat people, beware that the failure of promise with them, of a factor people did not wrong them , and حدثهم did Akzbhm , and promised no successors is who complemented مروءته , featured fairness, and وجبت brothers , and denied his absence, you ambassador , every one of you ambassador of Islam, relatives , and neighbors, colleagues at work , the lights are all are on you , the smallest sin is doing his senior people, you are when it announced that you're Muslim , or when he followed the path of Islam , or when he knew people that you background religious , or when he headed an Islamic trend , you are now under surveillance , beware that offend your religion , you are opening a gap of Islam , not يؤتين by you. Having spent the Holy Prophet in Quba four days riding camel , and draws its Yathrib, between Yathrib and Quba, path means a quarter of an hour or nearly one-third of an hour . I am in the first Amra honored me by God I went to this mosque , front yard, in the middle of this square monument column , above the column ball of crystal labeled pollen Bader us , I heard this song Baham dozens , even hundreds , but what is approaching thousands of times, but I felt ecstatic, do not shake emotional only when I saw the place to stop the companions of the Prophet يستقبلونه peace be upon him , in this place stood and received him , and said: pollen Bader us from the folds of farewell , were supporters objected camel , camel of the Messenger of Allah in مسيرها , and they say : Stay We have O Messenger of Allah , I do we have in numbers and المنعة , we are strong , we are men of many, and we have enough weapons , and Nmnek of your enemy, this interesting offer . In fact, the leadership feat , it is not every man be the leader , the leader when it is biased to some parties, and neglects others , then located in a big problem, of the qualities of the Prophet peace be upon him , that no one of his companions , but is thought to be the people closest to him, If he chose O Allah, bless him beta of houses sensitivities arise , jealousy arise , but that the Prophet stop position very wise wisdom is one of the requirements of leadership, he said : ( ( Whenever this camel objected to the masters of the Ansar, and said : O Messenger of Allah , I do we have in number, and the number , المنعة , telling them : forsake her , she commanded , Let her alone , it is commanded ) ) Prophet Quran taught lottery , lottery what her problem , if you were a conflict between individuals and are one notch for you, love them all and fought on something, if you have the children, and you are invited to the evening , or invited to the wedding , best suited to take only one , and you choose one , and other neglected , a problem arises , Voqra them , Valqrah perfumed souls . The camel go to the purpose pursued by the eyes and Antiques by Hearts, says Sayers : Blessed are those who stand with him this camel , if approached from the house of joy his family , and still this camel intact, people spend in the wake of, and are eager longing to see Happy Lucky , until it reached the yard vacuity in front of the house of Abu Ayyub al - Ansari . Before standing camel , there narrator again in another book , who wrote history and biography , shows and shows that when the hair peace be upon him that there are extremely competitive , and there are very sensitive , and all supporters wish to languish in their view, was the lead camel , because if he was a catcher reins it may be driven under the guidance of the Messenger of Allah , even grabbed the reins , pulling the reins , and the severity Imnah or left, or prevent them to have arisen doubts, when he saw it this degree of sensitivity, launched the reins of the camel , and did not يثنها not Imnah or to the left , and did not يستوقف it down , and said: God Exodus me and choose me . So the verse read by believers and melt them , he says: ) And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you , and that ye love a thing which is bad for you , God knows , and you do not know ( ( Sura verse : 216 ) I mean young man God chose his wife, chose his job, or choose him a house , did not enter the word if , if I did as well as he would have as well , if you choose this was so, the word ( Lu) are prohibited in the dictionary of the insured because it opens the work of the devil, no less : if I did such and such , and say : God forbid, and willing to do , but the believer, says : O Exodus me and select me, man asks God to choose him, speeches and sermons and speeches , and finally share Jane is over, this is our share , it is reassuring , and the non-believer , he says: enters the maze , works budgets , her sister the best of them , God repairs mom if I chose her sister , her sister did not consider ? What you the right to see her sister Basically, this offense is legitimate. Consider God Exodus me and select me , in your job, in your marriage, to buy a house , in the education of your children , so we know the Prophet , peace be upon him , God is Knower , it is wise , is merciful , is the expert , leave it to him . But the Prophet peace be upon him did not come down it, the rule beyond the rule , not the case it is stopped and came down, or just to stand down , but until proven position camel , what it soon proved and started walking , and the Prophet peace be upon him مرخ have driven , then what soon returned to the inclusion and bracket in the first Mbarakaa . The status issue , and the site chosen by God Almighty, and what this site has now become a place of the Messenger of Allah ? The Prophet's Mosque built in which case the effect is very large, then flooded joy Fouad Abu Ayyub al -Ansari, and hastened to the Prophet, peace be upon him welcomes him, and carry luggage in his hands as if carrying treasures of the whole world , and went to his home, this man great a guest with him. You describe the house of Abu Ayyub al - Ansari , and what happened to him? Brothers, the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari , a modest house , consisting of a layer above attic , means a small room , but in the second layer , Vokhaly the attic of the luggage and belongings his family, to come down the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , except that the Prophet peace be upon him the mercy of his companions preferred by the lower layer , because the ground floor of the Companions easier when meeting and come to him, the door is an external land and home , and that's where the ease and clear , Abu Ayyub obeyed the command, and revealed where the command So find scientists يتنازعون sometimes , and compliance with the best of literature , if a dispute فالأدب is compliance , and compliance with the first , and when night comes , and shelter the Prophet peace be upon him to bed , climbed Abu Ayyub al-Ansari and his wife to the attic , and that shut them Babhma so I turned Abu Ayoub to his wife , and said : ( ( Woe why we created ourselves? Akon Prophet , peace be upon him down from us, we higher than ? Onmshee the above Messenger God ? Onasir between the Prophet and the revelation, I if Halkon ? )) What is this veneration ? Why God Almighty said : ) And maximizes the symbols of Allah but paradise ( ( Al-Hajj verse : 32 ) This is which maximizes the Messenger of God , maximizes the Koran , revered Kaaba , this is known as the right to his companions , there are people who despise these sanctuaries , while maximizing the these manual faith sanctuaries rights, and the origin meaning: ) And maximizes the symbols of Allah but paradise ( ( Al-Hajj verse : 32 ) And here we stand at the Note to be a statement: that the infidelity of three types : There Kafr say , and Kafr I think , and Kafr behavior . If the man grabbed the Koran , and speech and wanted to يهينه has disbelieved , this master Abu Ayyub says : What did you do today? Onmshee above the Messenger of Allah ? Akon Prophet us down ? أنكون between him and the revelation? The guilt hypocrite Kalzbabh , the guilt insured كالجبل the perched above chest , whenever Astsgrt the the Guilt guilt size , and whenever Astazmt guilt small . Did not live themselves some sleep only when the side as well as the attic , which is located above the Messenger of Allah, and Altazammah not Abrhanh only ماشيين the parties apart from the center , Nam is on the edge of the wall, and his wife on the other end , I mean Aptaada where sleeping prophet peace be upon him . When he became Abu Ayyub said to the Prophet , peace be upon him : ( ( O Messenger of Allah , God, what eyelid shut us this night, neither I nor Umm Ayyub ) ) I mean a man's happiness to be his wife on the pattern of the husband, sometimes find a wife objected to her husband, this Hikhk , descend always Sheikh , what then loyalty to her husband , and a good wife and loyalty Colae her husband means her loyalty to his religion , and the University , but sheikh , or Ayoub like just like him he said peace and blessings be upon him : ( ( It is so , O Abu Ayyub , he said : You mentioned that I on the back of the house you're underneath it, and I would be moved splattered you dust, Vamak , then I غدوت between you and the revelation, he said, peace be upon him : Hun you, O Abu Ayyub , that enclose us to be at the bottom, to the large of Agchana people )) Almighty God and put it into verse , he said : ) And I of المتكلفين ( (Surah Al- verse: 86 ) Abu Ayyub said : ( ( Vamtthelt to the command of the Prophet peace be upon him , that was a cold night Vanksrt us a jar in the attic , and signed a problem, spilled discharged in the attic , and was a very big problem , I got into the water I am a mother of Job, and we have only amaranth we take the quilt, and made us dry their fear of water up to the Prophet , peace be upon him ) ) All of this recorder , literature recorder , Registered love , and sacrifice registered, giving recorder, recorder spending . ( (When it was morning , غدوت on Prophet prayers upon , and I said to him : my father you and your mother I hate to be over you , and be down to me , then I told him the news of the jar , and so became us yesterday , and he answered me ) ) What I like to embarrass Abu Ayyub , what I like to overworked holds a position stood Lena. Established the Prophet peace be upon him in the house of Abu Ayyub order of seven months, until he was building his mosque in the ground toilet, which bracket the camel , go to cabins erected around the mosque for himself and his wives , tomorrow a neighbor of Abu Ayyub , meaning house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari next to the mosque Prophet Mohammad. Now, if you go to this place you find tomorrow of the finest buildings in the world , where the greatest air project in the world , the whole of respect for the Holy Prophet . Love and longing , which Gmrta Abu Ayyub al-Ansari , the direction of the Messenger of Allah , which saw of human perfection : Dear brothers , the establishment of the Prophet when the Prophet Abu Ayyub al- Ansari , bequeathed this love companion of the Prophet peerless , and the fact that human beings sometimes likes remote , if traveled with him shrink from it, They said: If a person saw him the first time , you know of its shape , well-dressed , the colors of his clothes , if spoke Forgot shape. Ahnaf bin Qais as you know, was a short stature , brown color , italic chin, narrow shoulders, protruding cheeks , sunken eyes, Ahnf man, is not something ugly scene , but it took him a share , and it was with that master of his people , if anger anger to غضبته hundred A sword does not ask him with anger , and if he learned that water spoil مروءته the drink . If عاملك forget his words, Vbatolh that the man not to like from a distance, but to love up close, to love and you're his partner, and you passengers with him, is a neighbor, is your guest , but from a distance, each man his home , its relations public , elegance and respect , and the words cute, apologies , and diplomats , and the kind words , but neighboring , or travel, or Mahakkh dirham and dinar , this is المحكة , some people have aura is very large, if entered into their own lives, have seen a huge difference between the words and the actions , so shrinking them. Vsadna Abu Ayyub lived with the Prophet in one house , and extreme close-up , what did it this close proximity ? Zadeh love, Zadeh attached , Zadeh veneration , Zadeh bow to perfection , insured love for near and remote , love without Tkhalth , and loving it if خالطته , love without travel with him , and loving it if I traveled with him, love him without being shared , and love that شاركته . I was very hurt when I see two brothers after to Charaka تخاصما , in spite of all this love, all this affection , what Dkhaltma in a single company, began discounts , envy, criticism , why? The weakness of one faith , or the weakness of the faith of both, intimate relations increasingly shine insured , as well as in travel , and with the neighborhood , to live with him in one house , the greater the love , and attachment to , and longing , even raised the cost . The Prophet , peace means the commander of Peerless , a close friend, a father Rauf , a pair successful , it was if the income Sahabi Idaabh this uncle showed me a maternal uncle like uncle, Prophet Karim lived in this house for seven months , as if this house his home , and raised the cost between them to no end . So my brothers , the most beautiful thing in life , brother you a believer, get rid him, and to save you, you love and loves you, Tatherh and prefers , sacrifice for it, and sacrifice for you, lend and lend , help him and to help you feel feelings , pain for pain , rejoice in the joys , this case believers , so the Prophet said : faithful to one another , some advised him Mtwadon to , even moved away from their homes , and some hypocrites to some Gchh Mthacdon , even approached their homes . Brother said to me was with a group of believers : God, what I am relieved with them , why? He told me: loving what I've seen two , each one criticizes other , فعلامة the people of faith they love each true love , with love lifting cost , however love to meet , however sacrificing love , With Love cooperation ,
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:43AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    Biography - men about the Prophet Prophet , Abu Ayyub al - Ansari In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah , and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad Sadiq promise Secretary , O Allah, we are not aware , but what taught us You are the Knower Hakim , God taught us what utilitarian , and Anfna including taught us, and we have increased the note , and show us the really right , and grant us to follow it, and show us falsehood , and grant us avoid it , and make us listen to those who say tracking Well , we have introduced the mercy on Thy righteous, got us out of the darkness of ignorance and illusion to the lights of knowledge and science , and about the desires to Jannat acts of worship . Here's a country that published Abu Ayyub al-Ansari , and with it the call of Islam : Dear Distinguished brotherhood , with the fourth lesson ten lessons from the conduct of the owners of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and God bless them all , and Sahabi day prophet Abu Ayyub al - Ansari , may Allah be pleased with him . The first thing I would like to put it in your hands in this lesson is that if you went to the pilgrimage , and I saw two hundred thousand of pilgrims Turks , all يبتهلون to God, and they shall call God , they are in the newspaper these noble Companions who came out of Mecca and Medina, to publish this religion in the horizons . Prophet , Abu Ayyub al -Ansari one of those companions who arrived to the ends of the north, and was buried when the walls of Constantinople , he is now buried in a suburb of Istanbul , when widened Istanbul included his grave may Allah be pleased with him and satisfied, , all human works in this life works are many, but the finest work of his when it publishes the right , however publish right there fighting for the sake of God. What lesson can we take from the study of the biography of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari ? This Sahaabi him the story of a very exciting with the Messenger of Allah , all safe is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him before he comes to town migrants , it is of the first generation who had acknowledged the Prophet in the allegiance of the second hurdle , but through this story, you will find the relationship among the companions of the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah a unique relationship , and , God willing , I'll stand and then pause , and at each point of the biography this Sahaabi . Facts Sasrdha by you possibly recounted before, or maybe Qrotamoha in a book, and in these lessons focus not on facts but on the analysis , the focus of these lessons not only for analysis , but to link these facts and analysis that our daily lives . You , O man , what your business this story ? Why use it ? Why are derived from them? What eloquent lessons that can be taken ? And even the finest of it , ask yourself after a while, what attitudes and stance following the example of this Sahaabi ? What does this أفادني for Sahaabi ? What taught me this Sahaabi ? Is Qldth ? Did you follow his footsteps ? . We bless God for the Messenger of Allah , if I said in talking about the Messenger of Allah : God bless them , this is not a prayer , but the report, and a big difference between prayer and report you if you mention Imam Abu Hanifa says: may Allah be pleased with him , this prayer , though said a man scientist, dignified , upright , a factor, says: may Allah be pleased with him , but this may Allah be pleased with him , other than those , this is propaganda , but if you mention the Messenger of Allah , God bless them says: may Allah be pleased with him a report , you are in this does not cascade on God , but says : What God said, Did not God Almighty: ) I bless God for the faithful as to thee under the tree ( ( Surat Open verse : 18 ) My brother, Karim , is arranged on the face of the earth is higher than that pleases you the creator of the universe ? That you feel satisfied , feel that he loves , it Ihfezk , that help you to do , he says: ) You eyes ( ( Al -Tur verse : 48 ) He also said God told the Prophet , peace be upon him , scientists have said some explanation: that every believer of this verse as share his faith and sincerity and integrity . Powerful Ruled necks of the people , but the prophets reigned the hearts of the people : The Prophet , peace be upon him , when he reached the city received hearts her family بأكرم the what the newcomer receives , their eyes looked him , Tbuthm longing lover to lover , and pause here . Brothers Distinguished , human has a template has a heart , by force have the template, if you are strong you can be subject to people societies to Thy will , you can make them say any word you want, you can hold them to any position , which you possess Qualbhm , possess their bodies, possess their necks , possess muscles , possess their tongues , possessed movements St. , possessed Sknathm , you force have template Vbatolh not to own necks of the people by force , but prophets championship they December of the weakest of God's creation , Did not the Prophet peace be upon him in Taif : ( (I complain to you twice the strength , and the lack of حيلتي , and Huane on people, O Lord, the vulnerable , to whom praises to a friend Etjhemena , or to the enemy queen warrants , if not your anger Ali not care about , and you threshold until you are satisfied , but عافيتك widest me) ) She wants the wisdom of God to be most prophets weak , like any normal person, but that his people have accused him of insanity and otherwise, and said : ) And said a magician or a madman ( ( AL Almariaat verse : 39 ) Infidel accuse wayward charm , accusing him as a priest , accusing him as a poet , who accuse him of sleeping in his mind soft , reassuring , how accuses the Prophet as a crazy , sleep fine at home mind? Because it is weak , if it was what you could be strong accuses him of the charge , and when he survived the punishment, if : the has quirk wisdom of God to be a prophet weak but His perfection king of hearts . Human heart and mold , the powerful have the template, but the prophets reigned hearts , this tournament, Tournament that people love true love , the tournament eager people 's hearts to you , the tournament can feel they Aatronk themselves , even if them خصاصة , championship that tends heart inclined real , here the Prophet peace be upon him loved companions love beyond imagination extent . Did not hear when asked Abu Sufyan Khubayb bin Adi, said to him before it hardens , before he was killed , said O Khubayb : ( ( Would you like to be Mohammed place , and you're safe and sound in your family? ) ) They say : that our Master Khbayba is flounce , and recoils slaughtered bird , ( ( He said : No , God , I do not like to be in my family and my son , and my well-being of the world and the pleasures , and get the Messenger of Allah a fork )) And what God was a liar , and God was honest , this love that misses Muslims today , culture exist, information, videos , books, magazines , and this love that shook the hearts of the Messenger of Allah , فجعلهم influence obedience to God Almighty for everything, this we hope we get to it , or that which we hope that we seek . The good that the right of Beit Abu Ayyub al-Ansari when the camel stood Messenger of God in front of his house : Those fans who believe the Prophet before they see , and when the Prophet came to them, expressing their love expression strange, expressed longing , expressed and loyalty , have expressed their devotion , opened his heart to replace them in the endosperm, Eshrawa his doors homes to come down the dearest house. Every Sahabi, but every Ansari, his dream was the greatest to descend the Prophet a guest with him, this is an honor beyond honor , this shrine beyond denominator , because the Prophet master of the prophets , the master of the Apostles, human full summit of human beings, come to him as a guest , and maintains he has a guest in his home honorable upping , this honor is not Adany . The Prophet peace be upon him to great wisdom known biographers stayed in Quba four days , and built the mosque is the first mosque built in Islam, the mosque founded on piety , sometimes find a mosque founded on piety, which was founded not seeks reputation , nor fame, nor glory, the gain , or anything like that, and who teaches it, and who preaches it, faithful to God Almighty , you should be the call to God pure face cream , and not mixed with this world, not impeccable, not to put religion in the mud, to keep religion in the sky , to stay away from debt interests, passions , all disputes, worldly gains , this is a religion. You , O believer represent this religion, Never Lie , Never betray , Never cheat people, beware that the failure of promise with them, of a factor people did not wrong them , and حدثهم did Akzbhm , and promised no successors is who complemented مروءته , featured fairness, and وجبت brothers , and denied his absence, you ambassador , every one of you ambassador of Islam, relatives , and neighbors, colleagues at work , the lights are all are on you , the smallest sin is doing his senior people, you are when it announced that you're Muslim , or when he followed the path of Islam , or when he knew people that you background religious , or when he headed an Islamic trend , you are now under surveillance , beware that offend your religion , you are opening a gap of Islam , not يؤتين by you. Having spent the Holy Prophet in Quba four days riding camel , and draws its Yathrib, between Yathrib and Quba, path means a quarter of an hour or nearly one-third of an hour . I am in the first Amra honored me by God I went to this mosque , front yard, in the middle of this square monument column , above the column ball of crystal labeled pollen Bader us , I heard this song Baham dozens , even hundreds , but what is approaching thousands of times, but I felt ecstatic, do not shake emotional only when I saw the place to stop the companions of the Prophet يستقبلونه peace be upon him , in this place stood and received him , and said: pollen Bader us from the folds of farewell , were supporters objected camel , camel of the Messenger of Allah in مسيرها , and they say : Stay We have O Messenger of Allah , I do we have in numbers and المنعة , we are strong , we are men of many, and we have enough weapons , and Nmnek of your enemy, this interesting offer . In fact, the leadership feat , it is not every man be the leader , the leader when it is biased to some parties, and neglects others , then located in a big problem, of the qualities of the Prophet peace be upon him , that no one of his companions , but is thought to be the people closest to him, If he chose O Allah, bless him beta of houses sensitivities arise , jealousy arise , but that the Prophet stop position very wise wisdom is one of the requirements of leadership, he said : ( ( Whenever this camel objected to the masters of the Ansar, and said : O Messenger of Allah , I do we have in number, and the number , المنعة , telling them : forsake her , she commanded , Let her alone , it is commanded ) ) Prophet Quran taught lottery , lottery what her problem , if you were a conflict between individuals and are one notch for you, love them all and fought on something, if you have the children, and you are invited to the evening , or invited to the wedding , best suited to take only one , and you choose one , and other neglected , a problem arises , Voqra them , Valqrah perfumed souls . The camel go to the purpose pursued by the eyes and Antiques by Hearts, says Sayers : Blessed are those who stand with him this camel , if approached from the house of joy his family , and still this camel intact, people spend in the wake of, and are eager longing to see Happy Lucky , until it reached the yard vacuity in front of the house of Abu Ayyub al - Ansari . Before standing camel , there narrator again in another book , who wrote history and biography , shows and shows that when the hair peace be upon him that there are extremely competitive , and there are very sensitive , and all supporters wish to languish in their view, was the lead camel , because if he was a catcher reins it may be driven under the guidance of the Messenger of Allah , even grabbed the reins , pulling the reins , and the severity Imnah or left, or prevent them to have arisen doubts, when he saw it this degree of sensitivity, launched the reins of the camel , and did not يثنها not Imnah or to the left , and did not يستوقف it down , and said: God Exodus me and choose me . So the verse read by believers and melt them , he says: ) And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you , and that ye love a thing which is bad for you , God knows , and you do not know ( ( Sura verse : 216 ) I mean young man God chose his wife, chose his job, or choose him a house , did not enter the word if , if I did as well as he would have as well , if you choose this was so, the word ( Lu) are prohibited in the dictionary of the insured because it opens the work of the devil, no less : if I did such and such , and say : God forbid, and willing to do , but the believer, says : O Exodus me and select me, man asks God to choose him, speeches and sermons and speeches , and finally share Jane is over, this is our share , it is reassuring , and the non-believer , he says: enters the maze , works budgets , her sister the best of them , God repairs mom if I chose her sister , her sister did not consider ? What you the right to see her sister Basically, this offense is legitimate. Consider God Exodus me and select me , in your job, in your marriage, to buy a house , in the education of your children , so we know the Prophet , peace be upon him , God is Knower , it is wise , is merciful , is the expert , leave it to him . But the Prophet peace be upon him did not come down it, the rule beyond the rule , not the case it is stopped and came down, or just to stand down , but until proven position camel , what it soon proved and started walking , and the Prophet peace be upon him مرخ have driven , then what soon returned to the inclusion and bracket in the first Mbarakaa . The status issue , and the site chosen by God Almighty, and what this site has now become a place of the Messenger of Allah ? The Prophet's Mosque built in which case the effect is very large, then flooded joy Fouad Abu Ayyub al -Ansari, and hastened to the Prophet, peace be upon him welcomes him, and carry luggage in his hands as if carrying treasures of the whole world , and went to his home, this man great a guest with him. You describe the house of Abu Ayyub al - Ansari , and what happened to him? Brothers, the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari , a modest house , consisting of a layer above attic , means a small room , but in the second layer , Vokhaly the attic of the luggage and belongings his family, to come down the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , except that the Prophet peace be upon him the mercy of his companions preferred by the lower layer , because the ground floor of the Companions easier when meeting and come to him, the door is an external land and home , and that's where the ease and clear , Abu Ayyub obeyed the command, and revealed where the command So find scientists يتنازعون sometimes , and compliance with the best of literature , if a dispute فالأدب is compliance , and compliance with the first , and when night comes , and shelter the Prophet peace be upon him to bed , climbed Abu Ayyub al-Ansari and his wife to the attic , and that shut them Babhma so I turned Abu Ayoub to his wife , and said : ( ( Woe why we created ourselves? Akon Prophet , peace be upon him down from us, we higher than ? Onmshee the above Messenger God ? Onasir between the Prophet and the revelation, I if Halkon ? )) What is this veneration ? Why God Almighty said :


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:06AM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    Teman2 yang baik hati.. minta sharenya yahhh.. kalo bisa sekalian testimoninyahhh.. hehehe Sirevopingi Gamispakis , Jaelani Al Jawlaniy , Adam Noor Syam , Keramaian Kota , Muhamad Fikri , Rahayu Abrianti , Bensaid Mohammed , Jendral Trigger , Aisy El Faridhah , Efin Supinah , Najwa Azzahra , Ibnu Aalam AlFaarisiy , Sayf Al-Fahmy , Fijtihad , Tri Bagus Febiansyah , Oki Kuswanda , Abu Haniyah , Toko Herbal dan Buku Islam Terpercaya , Muhammad Pizaro Novelan Tauhidi-Return , Yuliarni Nurlaela Lala , Mazaya terima kasihhh yaahhh.. ^_^ ..
    Nov 21st 2013, 06:50
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