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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 16 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 30 02:56AM +0100  

    Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
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    Disa fjalë për motrën time muslimane
    Dije që je...
    Jul 30th 2014, 01:51
    Disa fjalë për motrën time muslimane


    Dije që je motër e mashkullit dhe gjysma e njerëzimit. Ti je nënë , grua , vajzë , motër , teze , mbesë apo gjyshe. Profeti Salallahu alejhi ve selem, ka thënë : " Femrat janë vërtet partnere të burrave" ( Ebu Davudi )
    Ti je pjesëtare e qytetërimit të madh Islam, popullit më të mirë të krijuar ndonjëherë nga njerëzimi. Asnjë popull në botë nuk ka më shumë njerëz të shquar, liderë dhe fitimitarë sesa ky. Është popull udhëzues dhe i besimit të drejtë, i cili drejton njerëzimin në të drejtën dhe të vërtetën. Transformon njerëzit nga adhuruesit e robërve ne adhurues të Zotit të robërve, nga shtypjet e jetës tek kënaqësitë e botës tjetër dhe nga padrejtësia e feve të tjera tek drejtësia e Islamit.
    Paraardhëset tuaja, gratë e shquara në Islam ishin një nga shkaqet kryesore për këtë popull që të arrij vendin më të lartë nga të gjithë tjerët. All-llahu i Cili zgjodhi Islamin për këtë popull, bëri një vend të lartë për gratë muslimane, dhe dekretoi që ato të kenë të përbashkët përgjegjësitë për të shijuar të vërtetën, ndalimin e të keqes dhe ngritjen e flamurit Islam. Ai ka thënë : " Besimtarët dhe besimtaret janë të dashur për njëri-tjetrin, urdhërojnë për të mirë, e ndalojnë nga e keqja, e falin namazin dhe japin zeqatin, respektojnë All-llahun dhe të dërguarin e Tij. Të tillët do t'i mëshirojë All-llahu. All-llahu është ngadhënjyes, i urtë." 9:71
    All-llahu iu ka dhënë femrave muslimane atë që ato mund të përballojnë nga urdhërat dhe detyrat. Ai është Zoti i cili njeh krijimin e Tij : "A nuk e di Ai që ka krijuar, kur dihet se Ai depërton në thellësi të sekreteve, i njeh hollësitë." 67:14
    E dashur motra ime muslimane, ti je e thirrur sot që me të vërtetë të bëhesh një pjesëtare aktive e kombit Musliman, përpiqu të krijosh fitore për fjalën e All-llahut, zbatoje Kur'anin dhe ndihmo për krijimin e gjeneratës së Imanit.
    Çfarë duan armiqtëe tu nga ti ?
    Ata janë që duan të të shkëpusin nga detyra jote. Duan të të ndalojnë nga plotësmi i detyrës sate madhështore, e cila është mbrojtja e fesë së All-llahut dhe ngritja e Fjalës së Tij sa më lartë.

    Këta armiq përdorin shumë metoda:

    E para : ata të shkëpusin ty nga shkaku që All-llahu na krijoi, nga kryerja e adhurimit, besimit dhe davves ( thirrjes në Islam ). Ata e përdorin jetën në këtë botë si mbajtës të tyre: dyqanet e gurëve të çmuar, modelet që vijnë nga vende jo-muslimane, modele të reja, dëshirat e tyre, uritje që kurrë nuk mund të shuhen, kënaqësi dhe konkurrencë për ta dhe rrugë të pafund për gëzim. All-llahu nuk na krijoi për këtë. Plotësimi i këtyre është zakonisht i lidhur me humbjen e kohës dhe parave dhe nxitë armiqësi dhe konkurrencë mes të pasurit dhe të varfërit.
    E dyta: ata nxisin armiqësi mes juve dhe meshkujve. Tek mëkatarët ti je një vajzë e ulur, nënë e poshtëruar, grua e shpërdorur , dhe motër e shtypur. Sipas tyre, meshkujt janë gjithmonë të padrejtë, hipokritë, diktatorë , shtypës dhe parandalues të lirisë. Është një luftë e fabrikuar ata të këqinjtë e fillojnë pa asnjë shkak tjetër vetëm që të bëjnë ty të rebelohesh kundër babait tuaj, të jesh arrogante me vëllain tënd dhe e padëgjuar ndaj burrit. Ata nuk thërrasin për drejtësi mëshirë dhe bashkim. Ata thërrasin në urrejtje, arogancë dhe shkatërrim.
    E treta : ata nuk ndalojnë së thirruri për rebelim kundër prindërve, vëllezërve dhe burrave gjithashtu komplotojnë kundër Islamit. Ata të therrasin ty për rebelim kundër orbligimeve të Islamit dhe në harramin apo humbjen e Zotit te Gjithëditur. Islami për ta, është i padrejtë dhe ligjet Islamike janë joperfekte dhe të kufizuara. Ata therrasin në ty, ditë e natë, që të rebelohesh dhe të këmbëngulësh në mosbindje në fe. Ata mundohen të të largojnë nga feja jote. Mundohen të të largojnë nga qetësia dhe siguria e familjes, martesës së lumtur dhe relacionet vëllazërore.
    Ata paraqesin devocionin dhe nderin si prangë të lirisë. Për ta Hixhabi nuk mbulon kokën por gjithashtu edhe trurin, namazi , agjërimi dhe zeqati janë kohë dhe përpjejke të humbura; dhe bindja ndaj bashkëshortit është sllavëri e prapambetur si ne kohën e gurit. Ata shtrembërojnë të gjitha faktet dhe ndryshojnë të gjitha të vërtetat, vetëm që të arrijnë qëllimet e tyre të këqija.
    E dashur motër!

    Qëllimet e armiqëve të tu dhe armiqëve të fesë tënde që ata kërkojnë të arrijnë janë shumë të njohura. Ata duan që ju të jeni në dispozicion të tyre për të përmbushur dëshirat e tyre të këqija. Ata duan që të jesh një femër e pander. Duan që ju të gjindeni gjithkund, në rrugë dhe në vendet e mëkatit, pa nder, fe apo sjellje. Ata kërkojnë që të bëni çfarë iu thonë ata. Bota e perëndimit ka shkuar gjatë gjithë kësaj. Femrat e perëndimit janë pjesë e shoqërisë që po përjetojnë padrejtësi dhe çnderim. Ata përpiqen t'ju bëjnë qëfin atyre burrave të cilët vazhdojnë të ndërrojnë femrat dhe të cilët kërkojnë kënaqësi por pa përgjegjësi dhe jokonsiderim të pasojave të këqija për shkak të veprimeve të tyre mëkatare.
    Oj motër muslimane, lexo dhe vëju në dijeni për ato femra të cilat kanë lënë turpin dhe nderin dhe ndjekin dëshirat e tyre, çfarë ishte rezultati i punëve të tyre? A ishte përfundimi i tyre i ndërgjegjshëm dhe i dëshiruar, apo i turshpëm e i urryer?
    Një këshillë për motren time në Islam

    Bëhu krenare për fenë tënde dhe fenë e parardhësve të tu. Bëhu një shembull i mirë për djemtë dhe vajzat e tua, dhe bëhu e sinqertë në pjesëmarrjen e këtij populli të madh. Dije që tradhëtia është çnderim tek të gjitha kombet, edhe pse këtë disa e quajnë liri. Dije që tradhëtia bëhet gjithashtu me sy. Duke parë, me veshë, duke dëgjuar, me gojë , duke puthur. Sikurse është përmendur në një hadith të transmetuar nga Imam Muslimi : "Lumturia jote është që të jesh një vajzë e dëgjuar dhe e besuar, një bashkëshorte besnike dhe bujare dhe një nënë e mëshirshme dhe e devotshme. Agjerimi i një dite për hir të All-llahut, bën që ti të jesh 70 vjet larg nga zjarri i xhehnemmit.
    Bamirësia është shkak kryesorë për të fituar falje dhe pranim pendimi. Ato femra të cilat ekspozojnë pjesë të trupit tek meshkujt, nuk do të futen ne Xhennet dhe nuk do të nuhasin erën e këndshme të saj, siç thuhet edhe në hadithin e transmetuar nga Imam Muslimi : "Hixhabi është nder dhe mbrojtje për ty. Ai duhet të jetë modest në ngjyra jo ezgotike, I gjërë dhe jo i trashë dhe jo i tejdukshem, të jetë ndryshe nga veshja e burrave dhe grave jo muslimane."
    Motra ime e dashur!

    Këto janë fjalë nga zemra. Këto janë fjalë nga një këshillë e mirë dhe e sinqertë. Kujdesu nga besnikët e shejtanit të cilët duan t'iu marrin me vete. Bëhu robëreshë e drejtë e All-llahut, dhe pasardhëse e femrave të drejta dhe dije rolin tënd për të ngritur këtë popull të madh. Përmbush detyrën tënde dhe mos u bë shkak për shkatërrim. Bëhu prodhuese e gjeneratës së drejtë që do ta drejtojnë njerëzimin tek ajo që është e drejtë dhe e duhur, tek feja e madhe e Islamit.

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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 30 02:33AM +0100  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam: the Caliphate debate - Interview with Reza Pankhurst
    Mahan Abedin - Reli...
    Jul 30th 2014, 00:30
    Islam: the Caliphate debate - Interview with Reza Pankhurst

    Mahan Abedin - Religioscope
    29 Jul 2014

    Following its lightening offensive in northern Iraq in early June, resulting in the capture of Iraq's second city Mosul, the group styling itself as the "Islamic State" declared the establishment of a Caliphate in areas it controls in Iraq and Syria. Despite the unpopularity of the group, and the near-universal dismissal of their declaration as empty and bogus, the nominal re-establishment of the Caliphate after a century-long hiatus has touched off a flurry of intense media interest on the subject.

    To gain an in-depth understanding on the circumstances surrounding the "Islamic State's" declaration of a Caliphate and the extent to which the declaration can be considered as valid and legitimate, Religioscope talks to Dr Reza Pankhurst, a leading scholar on the Caliphate and a well-known Islamic ideologue.

    Reza Pankhurst is an academic and author. His latest book, The Inevitable Caliphate? (2013), is published by Hurst and Oxford University Press. He is a member of the political party Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    Reza Pankhurst (© 2014 Hodan Yusuf).

    Mahan Abedin - The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham - now known simply as the Islamic State (IS) - has declared a Khilafa (Caliphate) on captured territory in Syria and Iraq. What is the main motivation behind this declaration?

    Reza Pankhurst - A reading of the declaration would suggest that the main motivations are two-fold, namely regional and international. Regionally, the statement can be read in relation to intra-group rivalry between IS and other armed groups present on the ground in Iraq and Syria, in particular groups who may broadly be identified as "salafi-jihadi" such as Jabhat al-Nusra, who were once part of the same grouping under al-Qaeda. In The Inevitable Caliphate? I discuss how al-Qaeda's use of the caliphate in their discourse shows that it was not considered a unique, practical and detailed political structure and programme but was instead used as a unifying symbol. Though IS differed with the al-Qaeda leadership on the priority of establishing a formal state, I believe that the same consideration can be applied to them.

    The statement is claiming leadership and legitimacy for IS, witnessed by the call within the statement for other leaderships to disband and unite under the newly established caliphate. In doing so the group is also providing itself with further religious justification to attack other factions under the claim that they are now the "Islamic state" and therefore any other faction refusing its authority could be considered "rebels".

    Internationally, it is clear that this challenges the legitimacy of the central al-Qaeda leadership, and in effect is trying to usurp ideological leadership through showing gains on the ground and practical results via their purported state-building project.

    At the same time, when analysing the actions of IS in the region, their declaration has to be read within the geopolitical context irrespective of individual intentions. There has been a long-standing plan to try to divide Iraq into separate regions (Kurdish, Sunni and Shia) which would allow for easier manipulation and control by international powers; the actions of IS have played into this agenda and we can see it progressing as we speak. With respect to Syria - despite words of support for the anti-Assad rebels, along with non-lethal aid - influential American voices are on record as stating that the best outcome for American interests in the conflict is stalemate (for example - Daniel Pipes two essays "Support Assad" and "Support the Syrian Rebels"). Again, the rising profile of IS and its engagement in Syria which has mainly been against other rebels is one of the factors that stalled the uprisings. Therefore, any analysis of the IS declaration has to take sufficient stock of the political context and the role that IS is playing in the region at this time, irrespective of the individual intentions of its members.

    Mahan Abedin - From a purely political standpoint, to what extent is this declaration credible and viable?

    Reza Pankhurst - Despite IS's gains, it has a tenuous hold on a large swathe of land stretching from Eastern Syria through to Iraq. It took Mosul with a small force as a result of the withdrawal of the Iraqi army. Though it has recently been involved in a few battles against Syrian forces, most of the land it controls in Syria was originally taken off other militant groups who had previously ejected the regime from the area.

    Therefore, from a security perspective, it is not a credible declaration given their forces number no more than 20,000 according to highest estimates. This force numbers less than the combined size of the Kuwaiti and Qatari militaries, without vital capability required for the defence of a modern state such as conventional air defence and force - and yet it is claimed that the group has established a state it is capable of defending which has a land mass greater than France.

    This is particularly the case when their declaration makes it clear that it was an act carried out independently and without reference or recourse to anyone external to IS, meaning that even other groupings in Iraq who were leading the protests against the Maliki government have not been involved and yet control land and other elements of this proclaimed state. While there is support for the removal of Maliki's authority in these areas after years of tension with the Sunni population there, the lack of a reaction against IS is connected to the lack of any final resolution in the conflict against the Maliki leadership rather than contentment or acceptance of IS leadership in its place.

    Many of the influential tribal leaders, such as Hatem al-Suleiman and Fayez al-Shwoush (head of the Tribal Military Council, as well as other influential groupings such as the Association of Muslim Scholars and the Islamic Army of Iraq (headed by Ahmad Dabbash) renounce IS's claims and believe that their current gains have been made on the back of a popular uprising in which they played a marginal role if any.

    Additionally, to announce the establishment of a state, obviously necessitates control of that state. As an example, reports from Mosul indicate that the Iraqi government has cut power, water and other vital utilities to the city. In other words, these areas remain war-zones, where authority can change on a regular basis as has been witnessed in Syria over the last few years.

    Mahan Abedin - To what extent can IS hope to convince like-minded groups in Syria and Iraq to fall behind this declaration?

    Reza Pankhurst - The week following the statement proved that any such hope would have been forlorn - all of the major figures in the region that could be connected to the declaration - whether other militant organisations, Islamic scholars or parties concerned with the re-establishment of the caliphate rejected the declaration as void for numerous reasons.

    I very much doubt that IS believed they would win over other leaderships through this declaration, and indeed their statement alludes to this fact. They recognised that this challenge would cause the rift between them and the other elements in Syria to be further widened. It is more likely that this was a calculated decision to strengthen internally, win over some like-minded individual elements from other groups and project legitimacy and leadership over and above other militant groupings.

    It is worth mentioning some related news - there was previously an organisation called Jama'at al-Muslimin (Society of Muslims) which emerged after the conflict in Afghanistan against the Russians who believed that it was obligatory to appoint a Khalifa even if he was not a leader of a state. In other words to appoint a Khalifa even if in reality there was no Khilafa. This is not the only group to believe in such ideas, another famous example being Hilafet Devlati and the so-called "caliph of Cologne".

    The person who was appointed the leader of this group - one Abu Easa Muhammad Ali al-Rifai al-Husaini - was a resident in the UK. One of the main religious authority of the group - Abu Umar al-Kuwaiti - moved to Syria during the uprisings where he formed a militia which was initially called "Jund al-Khilafa" (Army of Caliphate) before being re-entitled "Jama'at al-Muslimin" (in line with the group name). It was reported that Abu Umar travelled to Iraq to meet with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi last year, delivering a message from Abu Easa (referred to as Amir al-Muminin - the leader of the believers, addressing al-Baghdadi as Amir of the Islamic state of Iraq and Sham) to discuss their ideas and to unite their groups.

    Abu Easa - the Khalifa according to Jama'at al-Muslimin - passed away earlier this year in the UK, though in any case there were apparently schisms within the movement in the last year or two. After IS declared the establishment of their "caliphate," Abu Umar al-Kuwaiti pledged his allegiance to the IS caliph.

    Mahan Abedin - How do you assess/estimate the global appeal of IS's declaration?

    Reza Pankhurst - Today there is a popular appeal for the idea of caliphate - the concept of a united Muslim leadership which would lead by Islam - and you can find supporters of this across the Muslim world and beyond. This is highlighted by polls such as the world public opinion poll undertaken by University of Maryland in 2007 which found that majorities across four major Muslim-majority countries supported both the strict application of Sharia law as well as uniting Muslim nations into a single state, or caliphate. Observing the statements of influential Islamic leaders and thinkers after the uprisings in 2011, several in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and elsewhere talked about the desire to establish a caliphate. These were not restricted to any particular group, with even some of the leaders of the most liberal leaning groups such as an-Nahda in Tunisia making these statements.

    The idea is attractive from both the Islamic perspective, and holds additional attraction as an alternative to the current leaderships and manufactured states that the region has witnessed for the past century. As a result there is a ready audience for such a declaration.

    This is why that while there is no doubt that a few sincere individuals will be swayed by the announcement, particularly with their proclaimed victories on the ground and efforts to organise basic services in some of the areas they exercise nominal control. These people may remain convinced until IS suffers military set-backs which expose its claim to being a viable state-building project, as at the moment any credibility and support it has is largely based around the image it portrays as a viable military force. Alternatively, if it continues to progress militarily, winning further battles against Syrian regime forces as has been the case recently, its support will continue to grow and a more likely end to it would be if internal divisions flare up at some point. In view of the group's history, methodology and outlook, this scenario cannot be ruled out. Another scenario could be some form of reconciliation between IS and other groups operating against Assad, but this would require fundamental changes in IS's views and approach.

    Despite their gains on the ground however, the vast majority of people have not taken the declaration seriously, for two main reasons.

    One is that IS has a poor reputation - known for their especially virulent stances against other Muslims extending from the Shia to fellow salafi-jihadi groupings such as Jabhat al-Nusra. Additionally, it is recognised that the majority of IS gains in Syria have previously been the result of infighting against other rebel groups rather than against the regime, and so they are also blamed for undermining the Syrian uprising and dividing Muslims while energy ought to be focused on removing the Bashar al-Assad regime.

    The second reason is that even if this militia force's partial control over land in which it administers a semi-autonomous proto-state is accepted as a reality on the ground, nevertheless this is not comparable to the establishment of a state in the conventional meaning of the word.

    It is also very difficult to take a claim to a universal leadership over Muslims seriously when those making the declaration appear to declare anyone who is outside of their group or differs with them as either sinful, deviants or disbelievers. Such an approach is counterproductive to the concept of the caliphate, which is known as the general leadership to run the affairs of the Muslims collectively.

    Establishing a caliphate is a serious political undertaking, one which requires the uniting of the Muslims rather than the current divisiveness promoted and glorified by this group.

    Mahan Abedin - According to Islamic political theory and traditions, what conditions have to be fulfilled before the declaration of a state (Khilafa) can be considered both legitimate and viable?

    Reza Pankhurst - We can separate two issues, namely the conditions of the leader of the state (caliph / khalifa) and the conditions for establishing the state itself.

    With respect to the Islamic state, or Caliphate, or Imamate, or Sultanate - all of which are terms which can be used to refer to the same entity - the conditions for the establishment of an Islamic state are deduced from the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

    Specifically these are understood from when he approached various tribes in the Arabian Peninsula to lend him support to establish the first Islamic state which would have the Prophet as its leader. Viability would be assessed by applying those conditions to the extant geopolitical context, while the content of the state in terms of constitution, institutions and laws are analysed to assess its legitimacy.

    Viability is linked to the ability of the state to maintain its own internal and external security. This was understood by the statement of the Prophet, namely "the Deen (religion of God) is not established by those who cannot encompass it from all sides", which was a rejection of the offer of the tribe of Bani Shaiban to establish Islam and support him with the condition that they were unable to confront the Persian Empire at the time.

    The legitimacy of an Islamic state is connected to its foundations - that it applies Islam comprehensively as a system of ruling, as detailed in the various books of Islamic political theory. This goes beyond the application of a few punishments that attract intense media attention, and actually guides how the state is structured and operated, at the economic, social and foreign policy levels. As of yet, despite the provision of a few basic services and their attempts to project statehood, there is not enough evidence that IS is capable of doing this, or indeed has any clear project for its "state" other than the current series of land-grabs.

    Mahan Abedin - To what extent (if any) has IS deviated from these customs and traditions?

    Reza Pankhurst - As mentioned previously, as a militia group they are not a viable state.

    There are differing reports regarding the application of law in areas under their nominal control, with many fabricated stories appearing intent on discrediting the group. At the same time when considering their confirmed actions, it is an affront