
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 11:55PM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    #Syria - Some of the many shia terrorists killed in Damascus in clashes with Jab...
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:01
    #Syria - Some of the many shia terrorists killed in Damascus in clashes with Jabhat Al-Nusrah, ISIS, Ahrar Al-Shaam and other brigades. Just check out how many bodies scattered everywhere
    ‫ننصح حسن نصراللات مشاهدت هذا الفيديو ليتعرف على فطائسه‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 11:54PM  

    Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abū Ḏarr sagte: „Der Gesandte Allāhs - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - sagte...
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:04
    Abū Ḏarr sagte: „Der Gesandte Allāhs - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - sagte:

    „Ich sehe, was ihr nicht seht, und ich höre, was ihr nicht hört. Der Himmel hat laut aufgestöhnt und es ist ihm gewährt zu stöhnen. Es gibt in ihm keine Fläche, die vier Finger breit ist, außer dass sich auf ihr ein Engel befindet, der sich niederwirft. Würdet ihr wissen, was ich weiß, würdet ihr wenig lachen und viel weinen, und würdet nicht die Frauen auf den Liegen genießen, sondern ihr würdet vielmehr hinaus ins Freie gehen und zu Allāh - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - inbrünstig flehen." Abu Ḏarr sagte weiter: „Bei Allāh, ich wünschte ich wäre ein Baum, der gefällt wird."

    [Ṣaḥīḥ: Musnad Aḥmad, Nr. 5/173; aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥa, Nr. 1722.]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 07:39PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Abdullah bin Zayed, Iraqi Foreign Minister inaugurate new Iraqi ...
    Dec 18th 2013, 19:28
    Emirates News Agency - Found 11 minutes agoWAM ABU DHABI, 18th December 2013 (WAM) -- H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, U.A.E. Foreign Minister, and Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar
    UAE-Bahrain Higher Joint Committee session concludes
    Dec 18th 2013, 19:27
    Gulf News - Found 12 minutes ago... in Bahrain in 2014 Abu Dhabi: The seventh session of the UAE-Bahrain Higher Joint Committee, chaired Wednesday by Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al...
    Trial over UK soldier killing closes
    Dec 18th 2013, 18:43
    CNN - Found 56 minutes ago... his client Adebolajo by his Islamic name Mujahid Abu Hamza, describing ... referring to his client by his Islamic name, Ismael Abdullah, asked ... Closing arguments heard at trial over British soldier's slaying - CNN Rigby accused 'wanted martyrdom' - BBC Conspiracy charge dropped against men charged with murdering British ... - Judge Urges Woolwich Jury to 'Use Common Sense' - Sky News Explore All Oxford Times
    Abdullah bin Zayed congratulates new German Foreign Minister...
    Dec 18th 2013, 18:13
    Emirates News Agency - Found 1 hour agoWAM ABU DHABI, 18th December 2013 (WAM) -- H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, U.A.E. Foreign Minister, has sent a congratulatory cable to HRH Premier receives more congratulatory cables on Asian Award ... - TMC Net Bahrain, Pakistan ties close and strong - Daily Times Dubai gears to be Islamic economic hub - CHINAdaily Muntajat Celebrates Qatar National Day [Qatar News Agency] - TMC Net Explore All Islamic Republic News Agency
    Rigby accused 'agree over killing'
    Dec 18th 2013, 18:02
    Witney Gazette - Found 1 hour agoAbu Hamza and Adebowale as Ismail Ibn Abdullah, Mr Lakha went on: "On behalf of the second defendant (Adebowale), I did not challenge Mr Abu...
    New Iraq embassy opened in Abu Dhabi
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:54
    Gulf News - Found 1 hour agoAbdullah and Zebari hoist Iraqi flag at the new premises and unveil plaque Abu Dhabi: Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister, and Iraqi embassy in Abu Dhabi opened officially - Aswat al Iraq Explore All
    Looming threats from Iran, Iraq focuses Gulf states on military ...
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:47
    World Tribune - Found 1 hour agoSpecial to ABU DHABI — The Gulf Cooperation Council, faced with threats from ... we face," Bahraini Defense Minister Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al ... Looming threats from Iran Iraq focuses Gulf states on military unity - Big News Network Explore All World Tribune
    Peace and human rights workers welcome Israeli ruling on partition ...
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:40
    Ekklesia - Found 1 hour agoOne of the Bilin protest organisers, Abdullah Abu Rahma, described the court decision as "wonderful" and called for it to be implemented...
    When to say Masha Allah & Barakallah Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen – When to say Masha Allah Tabarak Allah: Fatawaa noor 'ala adarb tape no321 Questioner: May Allah extend your life! This is the questioner, Abu Abdullah, he says in the first question, If a person sees what amazes him, does he say Maashaa Allah Tabaarak Allah (As Allah wills, blessed is Allah!), or Maashaa Allah Tabaarak Allah Laa Quwwata illah billah (As Allah wills, blessed is Allah, there is no strength except with Allah) and are they all correct? Answer: All praises are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and prayer and salutation upon our prophet, Muhammad, his family, his companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgement. If a person sees that which amazes (pleases) him, pertaining to his wealth, then he should say Maashaa Allah Laa Quwwata illa billah , just as in the story of the companion of the two gardens, when his companion said to him: It was better for you to say, when you entered your garden: That which Allah wills there is no power except with Allah. This is if he sees something amazing (pleasing) with his wealth. If he sees it in other than himself then he should say Barakallahu Alaihi (May Allah bless it for him) or a statement similar to it. And if he sees something that amazes (pleases) him from the matters of the Dunya (world) he should say: Labbaik, Innal Aish, Aishul Aakhirah , as the Prophet ( ) used to say. So he says Labbaik meaning an answer to you then he said verily the (real) life is the life of the hereafter. He makes it firm within himself at the same instance that the Dunya and whatever is within it does not remain and there is not any life in it but verily the real life is the life of the hereafter. Source:
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:20
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:17
    Al-Usool Ath-Thalatha (The Three Fundamental Principles) is the great work of Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab, discussing the three questions which the dead pers...
    Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah! Peace be on you, O son of the Apostle of Allah! Peace be on you, O son of the commander of the faithfuls, the forebear of the successors! Peace be on you, O son of Fatimah, the choicest among the women of the worlds! Peace be on you, O the select, surpassing, chosen in preference over all good of Allah, and son of Allah's (such) good. Peace be on you, who was martyred while fighting heroically in the cause of Allah, the son of Allah's fearless warrior, you were isolated and had been attacked with a vengeance! Peace be on you and on those souls who had gathered in your camp, and strided along with you, in your journey. I pray and invoke Allah to keep all of you tranquil and restful, for ever; so far I am alive, this is my prayer, and till nights and days follow each other. O Abu Abdullah! unbearable is the sorrow, nerve-racking is the agony, you put up with, for us and for all the (true) Muslims, crimes committed against you also shocked and unnerved the dwellers of the heavens, one and all. May Allah condemn and damn the people who laid the basis and set up the groundwork, to wander astray and turn aside from not only you and your family but to take liberties and bear hard upon you. May Allah condemn and damn the people who tried to obscure and deny your office and status, willfully neglected your rank and class Allah had made know in clear terms. May Allah condemn and damn the people who killed you. May Allah condemn and damn the abettors who instigated and had a part in your murder. I turn to you and Allah, away from them, their henchmen, their followers and their friends, O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I make peace with those who make their peace with you, I make war on those who go to war against you, till the Day of Judgment. May Allah condemn and damn the family of Ziyaad and the family of Marwaan; May Allah condemn and damn the group and the tribe of Umayyah, one and all, altogether; May Allah condemn and damn the son of Marjaanah; May Allah condemn and damn Umar son of Saad; May Allah condemn and damn Shimr; May Allah condemn and damn the people who bridled the horses and saddles for your martyrdom. I, my father and mother are at your disposal. Profound is my sorrow for you. I beg Allah, who honoured you above others, to be generous towards me on account of you, and give me the opportunity to be with the victorious Imam, the descendent of Mohammad (blessings and peace be on him and on his children from Allah) at the time of the final and decisive war against Allah's enemies. O my Allah make me attend to Your cause, sincerely, in every respect following in Husayn's footsteps, in this world and the hereafter. O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I come nearer and seek greater intimacy with Allah, with His Apostle, with Ameerul Moomineen, with Fatimah, with Hasan and with you, with the help of your love and patronage, cutting off every connection with those who took up arms against you and killed you. I disconnect all links with those who, in the beginning, took the first steps to take liberties with and bear hard upon you, I take refuge with Allah and His Apostle (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), free from the guilt of associating with those who laid the foundation for (your suffering), devised and carried out their corrupt plan of action, boldly gave currency to reign of terror and cruelty to oppress you and your friends and followers; I detach myself from them and present myself to Allah and to you, I (first) seek greater intimacy with Allah and then with you to win your love and patronage, and to make friends with your friends, cut off all links with your enemies, and with those who planted the seeds of hostility against you, and reject and discard their associates, their followers and their friends. I make peace with those who made their peace with you, I search out and confront those who waged war against you, I make friends with those who stood by you, I strive against those who came in conflict with you, therefore, I make a request to Allah to acquaint (me) with the awareness that perceives you and your friends, to set me free from the corrupting influence of your enemies, to make me keep company with you in this world and in the Hereafter, stand firm beside you and follow your footsteps closely in this world and in the next world. I beseech Him that he helps me to reach your highly praised station, given to you by Allah, (to meet you), that He provides me the opportunity to fight for justice and fairplay along with and under the leadership of the rightly guided guide (in your progeny) who surely will come and speak the truth. I beseech Allah in the name of your right and the purpose He assigned to you, that He overwhelms me with grief in memory of your sorrows, more than the personal grief that torments any one who is in great agony, sorrows which have no parallel and overshadow all calamities that took place in the history of Islam, for that matter, through out the whole universe. O my Allah, in my on the spot situation, treat me like him (or her) who obtains from You (Your) blessings, mercy and forgiveness. O my Allah, bring me to life again, after death, in the place Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) are dwelling, and make me depart from this world like Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) had left, O my Allah this day is a day of rejoicing for the "Bani Umayyah", the herd of hardened criminals, the eternally damned and accursed group, a fact that had been made public by You and by Your Prophet (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), who, in every place and at all occasions, drew attention of people to this truism. O my Allah condemn and damn Abu Sufyaan, Yazid son of Muwa'awiyah and let it be an everlasting curse upon tem from You. Today the descendants of Ziyaad and Marwan make merry, laugh and dance because on this day they killed Husayn (blessings of Allah be on him). O my Allah, therefore, double up the curse You bring upon them and also the punishment You decree for them. O my Allah, I seek nearness to You today in this frame of mind, cutting off all links with them for the rest of my life, denouncing them because of my love for Your Prophet and his children, peace be on him and them. Then again say 100 times: O my Allah condemn and damn the first tyrant who unjustly and wrongfully usurped that which rightly belonged to Mohammad and the children of Mohammad, and bring curse upon those who, after him, followed in his footsteps. O my Allah condemn and damn those conspirators who vexed and harassed Husayn, showed eagerness, agreed mutually, and joined hands to kill him. O my Allah bring curse upon all of them. (you may even recite only " O my Allah bring curse upon all of them". 100 times) Then again say 100 times: Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah, and on those souls who came to your camp to put themselves at your disposal. So far I am alive and the days and nights follow each other I invoke Allah to send blessings on you for ever and ever. May Allah not make my this pledge of close association, physical as well as spiritual, with you the last fulfillment. Peace be on Husayn, and on Ali son of Husayn, and on the children of Husayn, and on the friends of Husayn. You may even recite only " Peace be on Husayn, and on Ali son of Husayn, and on the children of Husayn, and on the friends of Husayn." 100 times) Then say: O my Allah, let the curse I call down on the head of the first tyrant stick like a leech; and stay put for ever on the first, then the second, the third and the fourth. O my Allah damn and call down evil on the fifth, Yazid son of Mua'awyah, and bring a curse upon Ubaydullah son of Ziyaad, ibna Marjanah, Umar son of Saad, and Shimr, and on the descendants of Abu Sufyaan, on the descendants of Ziyaad, on the descendants of Marwaan, till the Day of judgement. Then go in Sajdah(prostration) and say: O my Allah! (All) praise is for You (alone); praise of the "Ever-thankful to You", who glorify You whatever come to pass. (All) praise is for Allah for my deep-felt intense grief. O my Allah make available for me the recommendations of Husayn on the day I present myself before You, let me stand firm in safety before You on account of my sincere attachment with Husayn, along with him and his comrades, who sacrificed everything they had (heart, mind, soul and life) for Husayn, peace be on him.
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:16
    Dec 18th 2013, 17:01
    Pada tahun 560 H Syaikh Abdul Qodir berkata kepada Khidr al-Mausuli, "Khidr, aku pergi ke mosul dan mendapati engkau dg seorang anak laki-laki di punggungmu bernama Muhammad yg nanti akan belajar Al-Quran kepada seorang buta bernama Ali. Setelah 7 bulan hafalannya menjadi sempurna dan saat itu anakmu berumur 7 tahun. Engkau akan hidup 94 tahun, 1 bulan dan 7 hari dan akan meninggal di Arbal dan keadaan sehat wal afiat". Kemudian anaknya Abu Abdullah Muhammad bercerita, "Ayahku tinggal di mosul hingga aku lahir sebagai anak pertama pada bulan safar tahun 561 H. kemudian ayahku mengundang seorang buta yg menghafal Al-Quran dg baik untuk mengajariku Al-Quran. Ketika ayahku bertanya tentang nama dan asalnya, orang buta tersebut menyatakan bahwa namanya Ali dan berasal dari baghdad.


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 07:39PM  

    Das wahre Gesicht - vom Islam.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Das wahre Gesicht - vom Islam.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Umar (r) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Ein Muslim ist de...
    Dec 18th 2013, 19:33
    Ibn Umar (r) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Ein Muslim ist der Bruder jedes Muslims: Er soll ihn nicht unterdrücken und ihn nicht seinem Feind ausliefern. Wer seinem Bruder hilft, dem wird Allah helfen. Und wer einem Muslim bei der Beseitigung seiner Sorgen hilft, dem wird Allah bei seinen Sorgen am Tage des Gericht helfen. Ebenso wird Allah demjenigen, der die Schwächen eines anderen Muslims verdeckt, am Tag des Gerichts seine Fehler verbergen."

    (Al-Bukhari und Muslim)
    [Riyad us-Salihin Nr. 233]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 07:38PM  

    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn ein Mensch leise ist, heißt es nicht, das er Angst hat oder ahnungslos ist....
    Dec 18th 2013, 19:07
    Wenn ein Mensch leise ist, heißt es nicht, das er Angst hat oder ahnungslos ist. Er antwortet nur denjenigen, die es verstehen. ;)

    Susmak korkmak yada kabullenmek degildir, anlaya bilene cevaptir! ;)
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