
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Es heißt für Allah lieben und hassen. Wer Allah zum Freund nimmt, kann Seine Fei...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:27
    Es heißt für Allah lieben und hassen. Wer Allah zum Freund nimmt, kann Seine Feinde (ungehorsame, abtrünnige Wesen) nicht zu Freunden nehmen- das Gute kommt von Allah, das Übel vom Satan- wie sollen im ein und demselben Herz die zwei gegensätzlichen Pole Ruhe finden? Es herrscht Krieg zwischen den Beiden, entscheide dich- ehe es zu spät wird.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    hz mevlana hocasi sems allah=kadin diyor
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:16
    hz mevlana hocasi sems allah=kadin diyor
    Fikret Hekims Fotos
    Size Allah dostu diye yutturulmaya çalışılan kişilere dikkat edin. Muhabbetiniz hakikatleri görmenize engel teşkil etmesin.

    Bu kişileri din büyüğü, alim, anlattıklarını da din sanmayın. En büyük yanılgınız bu olur. Böyle olmadığı müddetçe istediğiniz kişiden istediğiniz kadar istifade edin.

    Bazı Kur&#039;an mümini kardeşlerimiz bu kişilerin kitaplarını okumayın diyor ((Mevlâna gibi, Şems gibi, Muhittin ibni Arabi ve Gazali gibi))

    Oysaki bırakın okusunlarda bunların nasıl Kur&#039;an dışı bir itikada sahip olduklarını kendileri görsün. Selam ve dua ile.

    &#064;[100004773396507:2048:Rotterdam Kur&#039;an Evi]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    hz mevlana hocasi sems allah=kadin diyor
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:16
    hz mevlana hocasi sems allah=kadin diyor
    Fikret Hekims Fotos
    Size Allah dostu diye yutturulmaya çalışılan kişilere dikkat edin. Muhabbetiniz hakikatleri görmenize engel teşkil etmesin.

    Bu kişileri din büyüğü, alim, anlattıklarını da din sanmayın. En büyük yanılgınız bu olur. Böyle olmadığı müddetçe istediğiniz kişiden istediğiniz kadar istifade edin.

    Bazı Kur&#039;an mümini kardeşlerimiz bu kişilerin kitaplarını okumayın diyor ((Mevlâna gibi, Şems gibi, Muhittin ibni Arabi ve Gazali gibi))

    Oysaki bırakın okusunlarda bunların nasıl Kur&#039;an dışı bir itikada sahip olduklarını kendileri görsün. Selam ve dua ile.

    &#064;[100004773396507:2048:Rotterdam Kur&#039;an Evi]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    softporno als dawamittel beim sufi rumi mevlana
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:44
    softporno als dawamittel beim sufi rumi mevlana
    Skandale von Bukhari,Sufis,Selefis,Schiiten u.a. Gelehrten
    Hz Mevlana Rumi nutzte als Dawa-Methode kleine Sexgeschichtchen, weil er nicht den Adab eines Muslims hatte. Unter anderem folgende Passage aus seinem Mesnevi:

    1385. Der Esel hob sein Bein und führte sein Glied in sie hinein. Von dem Esels Glied schoss ein Feuer in die Frau hinein. Der Esel, der sich an seine Partnerin gewöhnt hatte drückte bis zu seinen Hoden, so dass beim Anschlag die Frau verreckte. Von der Wucht des Penis sind die Gedärme der Frau aufgeplatzt und abgeschnitten worden. Sie starb noch ohne einen Atemzug abgeben zu können. ..Der Stall war voller Blut…

    ((Quelle: &quot;Akte Sufismus&quot; ,Yunus Acun) Und wo steht das im Original? Im wichtigsten Buch von Rumi (megagrosser &quot;&quot;&quot;Islamgelehrte&quot;&quot;&quot; der Sufis)...türkische Mitbürger können es übrigens in der türkischen Ausgabe vom &quot;Türkischen Kultursministerium, von Prof.Abdulbaki Gölpinarli, Kapitel: Kabak HikayesiCilt 5 KABAK HIKAYESI (1335-1420. Beyitler 112-118.sf)&quot;, nachlesen))

    Wer gegen Mevlanas Methode ist,gefällt mir drücken...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    softporno als dawamittel beim sufi rumi mevlana
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:44
    softporno als dawamittel beim sufi rumi mevlana
    Skandale von Bukhari,Sufis,Selefis,Schiiten u.a. Gelehrten
    Hz Mevlana Rumi nutzte als Dawa-Methode kleine Sexgeschichtchen, weil er nicht den Adab eines Muslims hatte. Unter anderem folgende Passage aus seinem Mesnevi:

    1385. Der Esel hob sein Bein und führte sein Glied in sie hinein. Von dem Esels Glied schoss ein Feuer in die Frau hinein. Der Esel, der sich an seine Partnerin gewöhnt hatte drückte bis zu seinen Hoden, so dass beim Anschlag die Frau verreckte. Von der Wucht des Penis sind die Gedärme der Frau aufgeplatzt und abgeschnitten worden. Sie starb noch ohne einen Atemzug abgeben zu können. ..Der Stall war voller Blut…

    ((Quelle: &quot;Akte Sufismus&quot; ,Yunus Acun) Und wo steht das im Original? Im wichtigsten Buch von Rumi (megagrosser &quot;&quot;&quot;Islamgelehrte&quot;&quot;&quot; der Sufis)...türkische Mitbürger können es übrigens in der türkischen Ausgabe vom &quot;Türkischen Kultursministerium, von Prof.Abdulbaki Gölpinarli, Kapitel: Kabak HikayesiCilt 5 KABAK HIKAYESI (1335-1420. Beyitler 112-118.sf)&quot;, nachlesen))

    Wer gegen Mevlanas Methode ist,gefällt mir drücken...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    allah erscheint manchmal in gestalt einer frau,mit der wir dann liebe machen
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:40
    allah erscheint manchmal in gestalt einer frau,mit der wir dann liebe machen

    (schams tabrizi sinngemäss, lehrer vom sufi rumi mevlana )

    seht ihr wie zurechnungsfähig sufismus ist ?!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:51AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    allah erscheint manchmal in gestalt einer frau,mit der wir dann liebe machen
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:40
    allah erscheint manchmal in gestalt einer frau,mit der wir dann liebe machen

    (schams tabrizi sinngemäss, lehrer vom sufi rumi mevlana )

    seht ihr wie zurechnungsfähig sufismus ist ?!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 08:50AM  

    Jesus, Der Gesandte Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jesus, Der Gesandte Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei Allah, wunderschön! Deutsch Untertitel
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:55
    Bei Allah, wunderschön! Deutsch Untertitel
    Nasser Al Qatami - Sure Maryam (Maria) Deutsch 1
    Die Geburt Jesus Christus im Islam Geschichte von Maria Koran auf deutsch bestellen kostenlos auf
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 07:50AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    TUC the Lighter Side of Life with Mahira ~ Bushra Ansari ~ Review
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:33
    This week the multi-talented Bushra Ansari was Mahira Khan's guest on The Lighter Side of life. A mellower episode as compared to the one featuring Ali Zafar, this [&#8230;]
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:30
    Munazara, Urdu Debate between Padri Metheo Suleman VS Maulana Abu Abdullah Tariq. Topic is "Toheen e Anbiya According to Bible" Munazara between Muslims and Christianity Urdu Debate between Muslim and Christianity Scholars on "Toheen e Anbiya according to Bible"
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:17
    Iran to allow first foreign hotel chain since revolution
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:16
    Abu Dhabi-based Rotana may become the first foreign hotel chain to enter Iran since the 1979 revolution. The company has signed contracts to run three hotels in Iranian cities, [&#8230;]
    Dec 22nd 2013, 06:31
    R.I.P. By Abu Shaheer In the last few days, two distinguished personalities died. Both were famous and renowned; and had their fans and followers worldwide. The death of the "Fast [&#8230;]
    Eating food prepared for a Christian festival
    Dec 22nd 2013, 05:57
    What is the ruling on eating food prepared for a Christian festival? What is the ruling on accepting their invitation to their celebrations of the birth of the [&#8230;]
    10 Reasons why You should be Excited for F1 in 2014
    Dec 22nd 2013, 05:52
    With the festive period well underway and next season's winter testing looming large, its a good time to reflect on why the 2014 season is probably one of [&#8230;]
    Are you depressed ?
    Dec 22nd 2013, 05:37
    Are you depressed ?  No one should ever be depressed by his or her worldly situation as long as he or she is walking on the path leading to [&#8230;]
    Peace conference: 'Art cannot be separated from history'
    Dec 22nd 2013, 05:26
    LAHORE:  "It is very hard to write stories of love and peace in such difficult times," said writer Abdullah Hussain on Thursday. He was talking at the opening session on [&#8230;]
    [BEAT!] Wuzhen and beautiful dyed textiles
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:15
    As a last hurrah to the semester, the Alliance staff treated us to an amazing overnight trip to a nearby water village, called Wuzhen.  It wasn't just the [&#8230;]
    Week 1 in Indonesia
    Dec 22nd 2013, 03:47
    Ok... so this whole travel-blogging thing hasn't gone massively well! The original excuse of "I'm jetlagged" and "I'm so tired from learning how to teach!" have officially worn [&#8230;]
    Dec 22nd 2013, 01:53
    Generation Gap? Imam al-Qurtubi explained that in a Hadith narated by Imam al-Bukhari where the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] indicated that the best generation of Muslims are those who lived during his time, there is still hope for the later generations of Muslims if they strive to live by the teachings of Islam. Imam al Qurtubi wrote: "Muslims of the first generation have been praised for fighting in the cause of Allah in a society which was dominated by the forces of evil. In the same way, Muslims of succeeding generations who establish the religion and hold onto it, and persevere in obedience to Allah when evil is widespread are also praiseworthy and entitled to Allah's Grace. This is so because they are striving to purify their struggle, resist evil, and stick faithfully to the tenets of Islam, in the same manner that the first generation had done so in their time." [Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ahmad al-Qurtubi in Jami' Ahkam al-Qur'an, vol. iv, page 72]
    Mohamad pengurus pasukan bola sepak Negeri Sembilan
    Dec 22nd 2013, 01:24
    Mungkin Menteri Besar pertama menjadi pengurus bola sepak.
    Dec 21st 2013, 19:47
    -Dieu, Le Tout-Puissant et Majestueux, m'a demandé en la Nuit de l'Ascension : " ô Mohammed, qui as-tu désigné comme Ca-life pour ta Communauté sur Terre ? - Et IL le savait déjà. - ". - J'ai répondu : "ô mon Seigneur ! J'ai désigné mon Frère ! " - IL ajouta : " ô Moham...
    James Zogby: A Precarious Christmas
    Dec 21st 2013, 17:51
    Huffington Post - Found 1 hour agoKing Abdullah II has championed inter-faith dialogue and sponsored ... Last Christmas season, I was in Abu Dhabi teaching at NYU. Fate of Arab Christians in the region hangs in the balance - Big News Network A Precarious Christmas - Huffington Post Explore All Huffington Post
    Ditch the internet, get some exercise
    Dec 21st 2013, 16:45
    Gulf News - Found 3 hours ago... according to the latest statistics from Health Authority Abu Dhabi. ... The campaign follows Yousuf Al Gurg, 22, and Abdullah Al Muhairbi, 24 ...

    Dec 21st 2013, 11:06
    Kuwait- Girls harassed
    Dec 21st 2013, 10:15
    (MENAFN - Arab Times) An unknown person disguised as a businessman is said to be harassing girls on the social networking site Instagram. The businessman in question filed a ca...
    RINGKASAN SHAHIH BUKHARI : "Bab 11: Sabda Nabi, "Apabila kamu sudah melihat bulan sabit (1 Ramadhan), maka berpuasalah. Apabila kamu sudah melihat bulan sabit (1 Syawwal), maka berbukalah (jangan berpuasa)."" Shilah berkata dari Ammar, "Barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada hari yang meragukan, maka sesungguhnya dia telah melanggar ajaran Abul Qasim (Nabi)." 923. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. mengatakan bahwa Rasulullah pernah berbicara perihal Ramadhan. Beliau bersabda, "Sebulan itu dua puluh sembilan malam. (Dalam satu riwayat: 'Sebulan itu seperti ini dan ini', dan beliau menggenggam ibu jarinya pada kali yang ketiga. Dalam riwayat lain: 'Sebulan itu seperti ini dan seperti ini dan seperti ini', yakni tiga puluh hari. Kemudian beliau bersabda, 'Seperti ini dan seperti ini dan seperti ini", yakni dua puluh sembilan hari. Beliau bersabda sekali tiga puluh hari, dan sekali dua puluh sembilan hari. Maka, janganlah kamu berpuasa sehingga kamu melihat bulan sabit (tanggal 1 Ramadhan), dan janganlah kamu berbuka sehingga kamu melihatnya (tanggal 1 Syawal). Jika bulan itu tertutup atasmu, kira-kirakanlah bilangannya (buatlah perhitungan bagi harinya)." (Dan dalam satu riwayat: "Maka, sempurnakanlah hitungan bulan Sya'ban tiga puluh hari.") 924. Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata, "Nabi (Abul Qasim) bersabda, 'Berpuasalah bila kamu melihatnya (bulan sabit tanggal satu Ramadhan), dan berbukalah bila kamu melihatnya (bulan sabit tanggal 1 Syawal). Jika bulan itu tertutup atasmu, maka sempurnakanlah bilangan Syaban tiga puluh hari.'" Post By : Ustadz Ahmad Al-Habsyi
    Dec 20th 2013, 07:51
    Dec 20th 2013, 06:48
    Pada tahun 560 H Syaikh Abdul Qodir berkata kepada Khidr al-Mausuli, "Khidr, aku pergi ke mosul dan mendapati engkau dg seorang anak laki-laki di punggungmu bernama Muhammad yg nanti akan belajar Al-Quran kepada seorang buta bernama Ali. Setelah 7 bulan hafalannya menjadi sempurna dan saat itu anakmu berumur 7 tahun. Engkau akan hidup 94 tahun, 1 bulan dan 7 hari dan akan meninggal di Arbal dan keadaan sehat wal afiat". Kemudian anaknya Abu Abdullah Muhammad bercerita, "Ayahku tinggal di mosul hingga aku lahir sebagai anak pertama pada bulan safar tahun 561 H. kemudian ayahku mengundang seorang buta yg menghafal Al-Quran dg baik untuk mengajariku Al-Quran. Ketika ayahku bertanya tentang nama dan asalnya, orang buta tersebut menyatakan bahwa namanya Ali dan berasal dari baghdad. Saat itulah dia menceritakan pernyataan Syaikh Abdul Qodir. Beliau meninggal di Arbal 9 safar 625 H dalam usia 94 tahun 1 bulan 17 hari. Dan ALLAH berkenan menjaga kondisi fisiknya sampai beliau meninggal dunia. (Mahkota Para Aulia, 2005) ---------------------------------- Gabung yuk di Fp : Islamic Motivation untuk membaca kisah hikmah, motivasi, inspirasi, cinta, jodoh, istri sholeha, keluarga sakinah dll Insya Allah bisa bermanfa'at
    PENGUMUMAN PELANTIKAN AHLI JAWATANKUASA DPPM SESI 2013-2015 Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia (DPPM) telah berjaya membuat beberapa pelantikan baharu jawatankuasa DPPM bagi sesi 2013-2015. Hasil dari mesyuarat DPPM pada 11 Disember 2013, beberapa portfolio penting berjaya diisi. Saudara (Sdr) Mohd Nasaie bin Ismail dilantik sebagai Setiausaha DPPM, Ustaz Yussaine Yahya sebagai Bendahari, Ustaz Zaharuddin Mohamad sebagai Ketua Penerangan, manakala Pengarah Pilihanraya adalah Sdr Mohd Sany Hamzan. Jawatan Penolong-penolong Setiausaha DPPM serta pelantikan beberapa jawatankuasa tambahan dan pembentukan Lajnah serta Jabatan pula akan dilantik selepas Pelan Strategik DPPM. Berikut adalah senarai penuh Jawatankuasa DPPM bagi sesi 2013-2015:- Pengerusi Tetap : Ustaz Kamal Ashaari Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap : Dr Ustaz Riduan Mohd Nor Ketua Pemuda : Suhaizan Kaiat Timbalan Ketua Pemuda : Ustaz Mohd Khalil Abdul Hadi Naib Ketua Pemuda : Ir Hj Muhd Khairil Nizam Khiruddin Setiausaha : Mohd Nasaie Ismail Bendahari : Ustaz Yussaine Yahya Ketua Penerangan : Ustaz Zaharuddin Mohamad Pengarah Pilihanraya : Mohd Sany Hamzan Ahli jawatankuasa DPPM (dipilih dalam Muktamar DPPM) : Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir Al Joffre Mohd Fadli Ghani Ustaz Mohd Fadhli Shaari YB Ustaz Ahmad Yahya Mohd Shahir Che Sulaiman Mohd Faizul Salleh Ustaz Afnan Hamimi bin Taib Azzamudden YB Ustaz Mohd Zawawi Abu Hassan Nurul Islam Mohd Yusoff Abang Ahmad Kerdee Abang Masagus Ketua Pemuda PAS Negeri-Negeri :- Perlis : Ustaz Yussaine Yahya Kedah : Ustaz Mohd Nasir Zakaria Pulau Pinang : Ustaz Mohd Yusni Mat Piah Perak : Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar Al Hiss Selangor : Ustaz Syarhan Humaizi Abdul Halim Wilayah Persekutuan : Ir Hj Muhd Khairil Nizam Khiruddin Negeri Sembilan : Ustaz Nor Azman Mohamad Melaka : Jauhar Mohd Dawi Johor : Mohd Faizul Saleh Pahang : Ustaz Nazri Ahmad Terengganu : Ustaz Kamaruzaman Abdullah Kelantan : Ustaz Mohd Fadli Shaari Sabah : Lahirul Latigu Sarawak : Mohd Arifiriazul Paijo SUHAIZAN KAIAT Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia
    Dec 20th 2013, 01:17
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 07:49AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Mozambique plane crash 'intentional'
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:49
    Mozambique's civil aviation institute says a pilot deliberately crashed a passenger plane last month, killing all 33 people on board. Click Here To Read Complete Story
    Rihanna Videos - Car Crash Car Accident Compilation 2013
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:43
    Car Crash Car Accident Compilation 2013 Video uploaded by Caprion Yapper on December 22, 2013 at 03:25AM Alternative player: Car Crash Car Accident Compilation 2013
    Don Deireadh Seachtaine (sé)
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:37
    As has been observed previously, here in the Northern part of Ireland, a good fist has been made of making the Peace but not such a good job [&#8230;]
    Smug Mug
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:35
    Smug MugWell like I said I was going to do I just went through the sign up and I would have to say it was a surprisingly [&#8230;]
    Jen's Non-Jesse Story (crash bitcoin)
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:04
    The bitcoin bubble was still all the rage with the World of Warcraft stoners. As per usual whenever new crypto currencies sweep the markets it leaves an opening [&#8230;]
    Hanna, Or How The Constantine Movie Screwed The Pooch
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:01
    2005's Constantine was a big, big disappointment. The Hellblazer comic is a horror series, a particularly dark, brutal, and bloody series (at least for 1990, others have come [&#8230;]
    LinkedIn Tutorial: 4 LinkedIn Tools to Help Generate Sales
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:00
    By Ian ClearyBlog Posts LinkedIn is a rapidly growing platform and a goldmine of opportunity for businesses. In October this year LinkedIn had 259 million registered users and is on [&#8230;]
    Woman Killed In Multi-car Crash In Tarzana Is Identified
    Dec 22nd 2013, 06:46
    405 Freeway car fire, crash snarl Sepulveda Pass commute at the intersection of Ventura Boulevard and Vanalden Avenue. Coroner's officials [&#8230;]
    Bitcoin Price Crash On China News: Banks & Baidu REJECT Bitcoin
    Dec 22nd 2013, 06:39
    Bitcoin Price Crash On China News: Banks & Baidu REJECT Bitcoin Bitcoin has made a double top at $1250 and has crashed below $1000 on China warning banks about [&#8230;]
    Register names LA editor, Kushner again vows to be for 'free markets'
    Dec 22nd 2013, 06:33
    Kevin Roderick: Aaron Kushner's year-end cheerleading note to the staff in Orange County includes the news nugget that the newspaper will sell its Santa Ana home. The editor of the LA Register will be an LA Times and Register veteran.
    Is it Mar Roxas' fault there are no CCTV cameras at NAIA-3?
    Dec 22nd 2013, 06:28
    [caption id="attachment_480" align="aligncenter" width="700"] MESSY PROJECT. Legal, structural and operational issues hound NAIA Terminal 3[/caption] MANILA, Philippines – As Filipinos tried to digest the fact there are no CCTV [&#8230;]
    FBI raid of Haslam-owned Pilot voted top Tenn. story of 2013
    Dec 22nd 2013, 05:43
    NASHVILLE — When federal agents stormed the Knoxville headquarters of Pilot Flying J in April, it sent shockwaves through business, sports and political worlds.The investigation into a scheme to defraud customers at Pilot, a truck stop chain owned by the family of Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam and Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, has been voted the state's No. 1 news story of 2013 by reporters ...
    Strong storms roll through, few damage reports early
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:43
    Parts of the Louisville area have been hit hard with power outages, one fire at Ford Dealership on Preston Hwy.
    Man jumps from second floor to save self from Fern Creek house fire
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:43
    Neighbors suspect lightning struck this home in Fern Creek after 7 a.m. Saturday morning. The Fern Creek Fire Department did not confirm that, but neighbors reported seeing a flash before the house went up.
    Donovan Turnage, 11, killed after carjacker crashes into SUV on South Side
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:36
    Donovan Turnage, 11, was killed in a crash that police say began with a carjacking on Chicago's South Side.
    Local fraternity feeds families for Christmas
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:13
    Members of the Kappa Alpha Psi alumni chapter delivered food baskets to needy families today.
    Clutha Tragedy: Comedy Gig To Help Raise Cash
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:10
    A comedy show is the latest in a string of initiatives aimed at raising money for the bereaved families of last month's tragedy.
    Cop punched after high-speed chase
    Dec 22nd 2013, 03:20
    MICHIGAN CITY — A South Bend man has been admitted to the psychiatric unit at Franciscan St. Anthony Health after leading Indiana State Police on a high speed chase near Michigan City on Thursday and punching a Michigan City police officer in the face prior to being apprehended.
    Video: Berwyn Firefighters make quick work of car fire
    Dec 22nd 2013, 03:13
    Main Line Media News A one vehicle crash occurred at Old Eagle School Road and East Swedesford Road Saturday about 10:30 a.m. in Tredyffrin. After the crash the car caught fire. Berwyn Fire Company responded. Engine 2-2 arrived and quickly brought the fire under control. Fortunately no one was injured.
    Louisville cruises past Florida International University
    Dec 22nd 2013, 02:13
    Russ Smith scored 18 points, Wayne Blackshear added 13 and No. 6 Louisville won its sixth straight, 85-56.
    I broke out in the boom year of 1981, when Hank Williams Junior's song "All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down" topped the country charts. 4,500 rigs were makin' hole nationwide that year, with oil at $35 a barrel, up from $15 in 1978, thanks to the Iranian Oil Embargo. I spent eight years working on drilling rigs before a car crash ended my career and put this book of seven short stories together twenty-five years after my last tour. It's not about old school versus new school, roughnecks versus fluffnecks etc. It just tells it like it was back then with no punches pulled. Safety meetings were nothing more than a once a week, ten minute break to discuss pinch points, peruse drilling manuals, and gulp down some roughneck steak. If you made it a month without a lost time accident and remembered to sign the kill book, your reward was a dozen pairs of gloves. There were no applications to fill out, or background checks. Hell convicted felons were some of the best hands I worked with. The stories detail the dry holes, the wild wells, and the wilder nights, with a 13,000 word Glossary for "civilians" that break down every component and job on a drilling rig. Hank could have found plenty of rowdy friends in the oil patch then and I'd bet the house that he still could. We've come a long way in three decades but the one constant is the dangers of the trade. Roughnecks lay it all on the line, day in and day out to get heat to homes and gas to pumps and as you are reading this, one hand dies every five days and you don't hear shit about it in the mainstream media. But two rich guys die climbing Mount Everest and it's the lead story on the news. I dedicated this book to the hands, past and present who gave and are still sacrificing their lives to this industry. Oil Field Trash is a close knit fraternity that few men can ever claim to be a part of. One day you will leave the oil patch but trust me, it will never leave you. It's a book written by a roughneck for roughnecks to read and I hope you guys like it. A paperback is in the works, (honest) but won't be available until mid January I'm told. I've learned some hard and expensive lessons on who not to use and/or trust in the book publishing world. But it seems I've learned everything the hard way in my life… A few guys have mentioned that they were thinking about writing a book also. I can sure as hell tell you who NOT to use! Send me a message on fb and I'll fill you in. Anyway, Merry Christmas Righands! Greig Below is my book's Introduction. "These stories took place in the Michigan oil fields during the 1980s. They are written from the perspective of a roughneck, performing the duties of this unique profession. The rigs were land based, rotary drive, doubles and triples. Iron Roughnecks were an urban legend, spoken of mainstream media. But two rich guys die climbing Mount Everest and it's the lead story on the news. I dedicated this book to the hands, past and present who gave and are still sacrificing their lives to this industry. Oil Field Trash is a close knit fraternity that few men can ever claim to be a part of. One day you will leave the oil patch but trust me, it will never leave you. It's a book written by a roughneck for roughnecks to read and I hope you guys like it. A paperback is in the works, (honest) but won't be available until mid January I'm told. I've learned some hard and expensive lessons on who not to use and/or trust in the book publishing world. But it seems I've learned everything the hard way in my life… A few guys have mentioned that they were thinking about writing a book also. I can sure as hell tell you who NOT to use! Send me a message on fb and I'll fill you in. Anyway, Merry Christmas Righands! GreigBelow is my book's Introduction. "These stories took place in the Michigan oil fields during the 1980s. They are written from the perspective of a roughneck, performing the duties of this unique profession. The rigs were land based, rotary drive, doubles and triples. Iron Roughnecks were an urban legend, spoken of from time to time—like a big foot sighting—but we knew in our hearts that a machine could never replace flesh and blood. The radio was our only contact with the outside world back then. Cell phones weren't around yet; a smart phone was a pay phone that hadn't been vandalized. It was a hard living lifestyle and most likely still is. Some of the tales are true; others are fiction, while most are baldfaced lies. The accounts are written in roughneck: a little known dialect spoken by a subculture known as Oil Field Trash. There is a glossary in the back for civilians, but to understand this book thoroughly, the only school is located in worm's corner—you won't find it on Rosetta Stone. You will need to hire on at your neighborhood drilling rig to start your education. Leave your pride at home because you're now the worm. Jump over the snub line, latch on to the make up tongs, (I know that the chain-hand runs them on some rigs, but here in Michigan, the worm owned 'em) and hang on; it's time to pay your dues. If you're a quick study, you should be somewhat proficient after a few months. Be forewarned though, danger lurks everywhere on a drilling rig. Roughnecking has one of the highest accident rates of any profession. More fingers have been severed in the oil patch than by the governments of Singapore and Syria combined. You will be carried away, sooner than later without a profound respect of your environment as you exit the doghouse to begin your tour. Suspicious of every component: rotting cables, cracked welds, loose bolts, 440 volt electric lines, or human error. The list could go on for pages, any one of which could give you an extended vacation to a warm room, surrounded by women wearing white uniforms and rubber gloves. Or worse... The plot thickens if you drill into a pocket of gas. Ambush from below is now a real threat. Working around this danger, this industry, and this lifestyle, over time evolves into a source of pride—when you become part of the brotherhood of Oil Field Trash." Get your copy of my book "Oil Field Trash and Other Garbage" today for 1/2 price (only $7.99) HERE -->
    Dec 22nd 2013, 00:00
    Dogecoin Coinspiracy
    Dec 21st 2013, 22:56
    Hello fellow shibes. I have been keeping an eye on this subreddit for a while and started mining dogecoins a few days. For the past couple weeks I have been thoroughly researching dogecoin and it's ties with bitcoin. I know this may be shocking to a few but I believe to have discovered what would amount to the biggest conspiracy in bitcoin/dogecoin history. Let me explain. This goes far deeper than any of you could have imagined. 12/11/2013 media reports that China has fueled a surge in the bitcoin price as it approaches $4001 29/11/2013 Bitcoin is at an all time high of $1242 and blows up in the media.2 05/12/2013 China Central Bank bars financial institutions from handling bitcoin transactions. Bitcoins plunge by more than 20%3 06/12/2013 - Doge coin is introduced. Days after china's big decision. Now everyone knows that the difficulty of mining bitcoin, and the subsequent plunge in bitcoin value encouraged mining alternate cryptocurrencies such as dogecoin.. But here is where things get very very interesting. 06/12/2013 Same day dogecoin starts popping up, China's moon rover "Yutu" enters lunar orbit.4 14/12/2013 "Yutu" lands on the moon5 14-19/12/2013 dogecoin soars 900% while bitcoin keeps falling6 19/12/2013 dogecoin propaganda starts popping up, and people are pushing the idea that dogecoin will bring us to the moon. I am not the first to discover this conspiracy. And my last piece of compelling piece of evidence I found is this old photo I found in an archive dating back more than 50 years. I present you Mao ZeDoge, the forefather of cryptocurrency. Now that pretty much brings us up to the current date. There have been fluctuations but dogecoin has been soaring in popularity, and even our subreddit is the fastest growing sub on the entire site. So In case you didn't quite follow what I was insinuating TL;DR: I believe the chinese government undermined the bitcoin currency causing the market to crash. While that was happening they had a rover sent to the moon in order to mine dogecoin and create the first ever interplanetary currency. 1.


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