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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


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Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 09:08AM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Question : about zeidi shia sect.. who are they.. and what is there aqee...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:47
    Question : about zeidi shia sect.. who are they.. and what is there aqeeda

    Answer : There are many Shia sects in history and the Shias have historically always splintered because of the very nature of their fundamental doctrine of Imamate (leadership). In this article we want to briefly, gain a broad overview of a general classification of the Shia.

    Diagrammatical Representation

    In order to help you see a birdseye view we presented the diagram above:

    Brief Details on the Sects

    First, we have the Kaysaaniyyah:

    They are ascribed to Kaysaan who is the mawlaa of Ali (radiallaahu anhu), and also the student of Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah (son of Ali). The core belief of this sect is that Ali (radiallaahu anhu) encompassed all the divine knowledge, and he knows all the secret hidden ta'weels (explanations, exegesis), and that he alone has the right to make interpretations of the Shariah texts, and obedience to this Imaam is the very essence of the religion (and which in turn invalidates the necessity of the legislated actions). Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah freed himself from these people openly, however when he died, they claimed he is still living and that he will be given the permission to return. To the Kaysaaniyyah, Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah is the awaited Mahdi. Note the diffrence between this sect and others in that they only said Ali (radiallaahu anhu) possessed the divine knowledge, but did not actually deify him.

    Second, we have the Zaydiyyah:

    And they ascribe to Zayd bin Ali bin al-Husayn bin Ali bin Abi Talib. Whilst they believe in the superiority of Ali (radiallaahu anhu), they also accept the principle that a person of lesser rank is able to take leadership despite the presence of the one with higher rank due to some considered beneficial interest which needed to be attained on account of the situation of presence of factors. This is how they view the rulership of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (radiallaahu anhum). When the Shias of Kufah heard of this position and that they do not free themselves of the two Shaykhs (Abu Bakr and Umar), they rejected them and so the Zaydiyyah labelled them "Raafidah." Zayd bin Ali bin al-Husayn studied with Wasil bin Ataa (founder of the Mu'tazilah), there were elements of i'tizaal (rationalism) as well as aspects of khurooj(revolt of the Kharijites), although he was not upon the actual core usool of the Mu'tazilah and Kharijites, and for this reason, traces of these influences are found in the Zaydee fiqh and manhaj. The Zaydiyyah are the least deviant faction of the Shi'a.

    Third, we have the Imaamiyyah Shias:

    These are of numerous sects as we shall see, but they carried the right of Imaamah (leadership) from Ali to his son Hasan, to his brother Husayn to his son Zayn al-Aabideen and then to his son Muhammad al-Baaqir, then to his son Ja'far al-Saadiq (may Allaah be pleased with them all). From here, they divided into two categories:

    The first are those who then gave the right of Imaam to the son of Ja'far, Ismaa'eel, and they became known as the Ismaa'eeliyyah. This group in turn split into many groups, but three of them remain today and they are: a)Ismaa'eeliyyah Musta'liyyah(Bohrahs), b)Ismaa'eeliyyah Nizaariyyah(Agha Khanis), c)Druze.The secondare those who gave the right of Imaamah to Musa al-Kadhim, and these are known as the Ithna Ashariyyah(the Twelvers), and they are also referred to as the Ja'fariyyah. They are the most important of the sects of the Shia and most of the Shia of today are from this group and they are found in Iran, Iraq, Arabia, Pakistan, Lebanon and elsewhere. It is from this group that the Nusayriyyah(a very extreme sect) splintered off from.

    It is this last group that is associated with the label of Shia today and they are referred to by many different names such as "Shiah" (those siding with Ali), or " Raafidah" (those rejecting the two Shaykhs, Abu Bakr and Umar) or "Ithna Ashariyyah" (those believing in the twelve Imaams) or "Imaamiyyah" (those believing in leadership being a pillar of Islam), and all these labels characterize a particular element of their belief.

    Fourth, we have the Nusayriyyah:

    They are an extreme splinter group from the Imaamiyyah,Ithna Ashariyyah sect of the Shia and they appeared in the third-century hijrah, named after Muhammad bin Nusayr al-Numayree. They claim Allaah indwelled in Ali (radiallaahu anhu), they also believe in the transmigration of souls (tanaasukh al-arwaah) and also believe in secret esoteric interpretations of the Qur'an. The entire set of beliefs they hold are an amalgamation of idol-worship, Magian paganism, and Jewish and Christian doctrines. They conceal their doctrines from those outside of their circles, and historically have killed those who dared to leak their secrets.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 09:08AM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in the shi'ite religion.
    Islam reveres women the prophet saws came to ele...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:49
    Women in the shi'ite religion.
    Islam reveres women the prophet saws came to elevate women not degrade women. The shia invent lies and attribute it to Ali ibn Abi talib Ra and other sahaba in their degradation of women.
    al-Amaali: Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi, the 37th council, narration No. 6, p.172
    (2) "Narrated few of our friends on the authority of Ahmad bin Abi Abdillah, from his father, from Wahab, from (Imam) Abu Abdullah [as] said: Amirul-Mu'mineen (Ali) [as] said:
    Men were created from Earth, and all they care for is the land. As for the woman, she was created from the man, and all she cares for is men, O Men, lock up your women".
    al-Kafi ( fil Furoo' ): al-Kulainy, Kitaab al-Nikah, Chapter What's Recommended for Women Who Reached pubery...; vol.5, p.337, narration 6.
    Another lie: Narrated Muhammad bin Ali Majilwaih: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yahya al-'Attaar saying: Narrated to us Sahl bin Ziyad al-Adami saying: Narrated to me Othman bin Issa from Khalid bin Nujaih from Abu Abdallah [as] saying:
    Bad luck was discussed in his presence, he [as] thus said: Bad luck are to be found in three things: in the woman, vehicle (horse, mule, camel, donkey, etc) and house. As for the bad luck in the woman, it is due to her high dowery and her disobedience to her husband, the vehicle is due to its attitude, and the house is due to its narrowness, its bad neighbor and its defects".
    Al-Amaali: Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi, 42nd Council, Narration No.7, p.199, and in his al-Khisaal, Chapter of the Three, narration 53,p. 100
    Ashorter version of this narration is also found in al-Kafi (fil Furoo'): al-Kulainy, Book of Nikaah, Chapter: Nawadir, vol.5, p. 567, narration 51.
    The prophet praised the birth of a girl and It is mentioned in a hadith that Nabi (sallalaahu alayhi wassallam) said, " When a female child is born, Allah Ta'ala sends His angels to that house. They come to the dwellers of the house and pray that peace may be upon them, The angels then cover the newly born girl in the shadow of their wings and caressing the head of the baby with their hands they say that, this is a weak and frail person, whoever will bear the responsibility of cherishing her will go on having the blessing of Allah Ta'ala as long as that person remains alive." ( Al-Mojam al – Saghir li Tabrani). While shia claim they are bad luck. They attribute lies to the prophet saws:

    (1) "Narrated to us Muhammad bin Musa bin al-Mutawakkil [ra] saying: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Ja'far al-Humairi, from al-Fadl bin 'Aamir, from Musa bin al-Qasim al-Bajaliy, from Thuraih al-Maharibiy, from Abu Abdullah [as] from his forefathers [as] saying: The Messenger of Allah [sawa] said:
    Three (types of people) if you don't wrong them, they will still wrong you: The low class, your wife and your servant".
    al-Khisaal: Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi, Chapter of the Three, narration 15, p.86
    (2) "Narrated to us my father [ra] saying: Narrated to us Sa'd bin Abdallah, from Ahmad bin al-Husain bin Sa'eed, from Abu al-Husain al-Hadramiy, from Musa bin al-Qasim al-Bajaliy, from Jameel bin Darraj, from Muhammad bin Sa'eed, from al-Muhariby, from Ja'far bin Muhammad,
    again lies attributed to Ali ibn abi taalib who they falsely claim they love:
    (1)"Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abi Abdillah al-Barqi: Narrated my father, from his grandfather Ahmad bin Abi Abdillah, from his father, from Muhammad bin Abi Omair, from more than one person from the Truthful Ja'far bin Muhammad from his father, from his forefathers, peace be on them, said:
    One of the companions of Amirul-mu'mineen (Ali) complained to him his women. He [as] thus stood to address the public saying:
    O people, Obey not the women in any case, nor trust them with money, nor let them be in charge of the children, for if they are left to do what pleases them, they will lead (you) to troubles and aggress the rights of the lords. We found them to be unhesitant when they are in need, impatient when their (sexual) lust at peak, wasteful spending is part of them even if they are old, and self admiring follows them even at their senior age. They don't appreciate the "much" when they are prevented the "little". They forget the good and recall the bad. They rush to falsehood, insist on arrogance and follow Satan. So deal with them at any how, address them well that their deeds be well (as a result).
    al-Amaali: Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi, the 37th council, narration No. 6, p.172
    (2) "Narrated few of our friends on the authority of Ahmad bin Abi Abdillah, from his father, from Wahab, from (Imam) Abu Abdullah [as] said: Amirul-Mu'mineen (Ali) [as] said:
    Men were created from Earth, and all they care for is the land. As for the woman, she was created from the man, and all she cares for is men, O Men, lock up your women".
    al-Kafi ( fil Furoo' ): al-Kulainy, Kitaab al-Nikah, Chapter What's Recommended for Women Who Reached pubery...; vol.5, p.337, narration 6.
    To be continued
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 09:08AM  

    Don't Worry, Be Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Don't Worry, Be Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der edle Koran 2:255
    Ayatul Kursi
    Allah - es gibt keinen Gott außer Ihm, dem Le...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:27
    Der edle Koran 2:255
    Ayatul Kursi

    Allah - es gibt keinen Gott außer Ihm, dem Lebendigen und Beständigen. Ihn überkommt weder Schlummer noch Schlaf. Ihm gehört (alles), was in den Himmeln und was auf der Erde ist. Wer ist es denn, der bei Ihm Fürsprache einlegen könnte - außer mit Seiner Erlaubnis? Er weiß, was vor ihnen und was hinter ihnen liegt, sie aber umfassen nichts von Seinem Wissen - außer, was Er will. Sein Thronschemel umfaßt die Himmel und die Erde, und ihre Behütung beschwert Ihn nicht. Er ist der Erhabene und Allgewaltige.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:56AM  

    NBS.ev - Shabat Dar Al Salams Facebook-Pinnwand
    NBS.ev - Shabat Dar Al Salams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alle Frauen ab 12 Jahre sind Herzlichwillkommen.
    Nur noch 5 Tage !!!!!!!!!
    Wir f...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:38
    Alle Frauen ab 12 Jahre sind Herzlichwillkommen.
    Nur noch 5 Tage !!!!!!!!!
    Wir freuen uns auf euch auf eure Schwestern und alle die daran interessiert sind!

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:55AM  

    QUOTES OF THE SALAFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    QUOTES OF THE SALAFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    It is reported that Imâm Al-Awzâ'î (d157H) wrote:
    (In his letter of warning agai...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:12
    It is reported that Imâm Al-Awzâ'î (d157H) wrote:
    (In his letter of warning against Bid'a and Heretics

    O Muslims, fear Allâh and obey Him, and accept the advice of the sincere advisers and the exhortation of the exhorters, and know that this knowledge is religion, so be careful about what you do [in it] and from whom you take [it] and who you follow and who you trust your religion to. For verily, the followers of Bid'ah are all falsifiers and liars, neither are they careful nor do they fear and protect [against wrongdoing], and nor are they to be trusted to not distort what you hear. They say what they know not when criticizing and decrying or when affirming their lies. But Allâh encompasses what they do. So be on guard against them, suspect them, reject them and distance yourselves from them, for this was what your earlier scholars and the righteous latter ones did and instructed others to do.

    Beware of rising against Allâh and becoming instruments in the destruction of His religion and undoing its handholds by respecting the innovators, for you know what has come down to us about respecting them. And what stronger respect and veneration can there be than taking your religion from them, following them, believing them, being close to them and helping them in alluring those they allure and attracting those they attract of the weak Muslims towards their ideas and the religion they practice? This is enough to be considered a partnership and contribution to what they do.

    Ibn 'Asâkir, Târîkh Dimishq 6:361, 362.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:55AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    #الغوطة_الشرقية | غارتين جويتين بالطيران الاسد استهدف منطقة المرج ، ادى الى دمار...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:21
    ‫#الغوطة_الشرقية | غارتين جويتين بالطيران الاسد استهدف منطقة المرج ، ادى الى دمار هائل في منازل المدنيين بالمنطقة و سقوط عدد من الجرحى

    اللهم سلم‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:55AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    معاناة ومأساة الاهالي في ظل الحصار الخانق الذي تفرضه قوات النظام الاسد على مدينة...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:30
    ‫معاناة ومأساة الاهالي في ظل الحصار الخانق الذي تفرضه قوات النظام الاسد على مدينة #نوى #درعا 19-12-2013

    إعداد | المكتب الاعلامي في مدينة نوى‬
    ‫مدينة نوى | معاناة الاهالي في ظل الحصار الذي تفرضه قوات النظام على المدينة19/12/2013‬
    ‫المكتب الاعلامي في مدينة نوى ‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:53AM  

    Islamische Designs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Designs Facebook-Pinnwand
    ++++++++++ HELFEN IN NOT ++++++++++
    Dec 19th 2013, 07:59
    ++++++++++ HELFEN IN NOT ++++++++++

    As- Salâmu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullâhi wa Barakâtuh meine geehrten Geschwister.
    Die Lage in Syrien ist ohne große Worte, einfach schrecklich. Das seit nun fast 3 Jahren.
    Dazu kommt nun mal wieder der Winter, der die ganze Lage auf eine andere Ebene der Geduld bringt für unsere kleinen, großen und alten Geschwister dort.
    Es gibt aktuell bei LIDL-online Winterstiefel für Kinder für gerade mal 10€!!!
    Daher hab ich beschlossen, eine große Sammelbestellung zu tätigen da unsere (HELFEN IN NOT) LKWs nächsten Dienstag rausgehen.

    hier unter folgendem Link könnt ihr die Stiefel sehen

    10€ um einem Kind warme Füße von Deutschland aus zu bescheren ist nicht viel meine lieben Geschwister.
    Wir sitzen hier in unserem warmen Heim, und machen einfach die Heizung auf, unsere Geschwister haben diese Möglichkeit jedoch nicht.
    Viele von Ihnen dort laufen barfuß oder mit Sandalen, bei eisigem Wetter und hohem Schnee rum. Lasst uns bitte helfen damit wir wenigsten ihre kleinen Füße bedecken.

    Denkt daran, dass keine Spende bei Allah vergessen wird und euren Lohn nicht mindert. Denn unser allmächtiger Schöpfer sagt doch

    "Und was immer ihr an Gutem spendet, wahrlich ALLAH weiß es wohl." [2:273]

    ""Und ihr gebt nichts als Spende hin, ohne dass Er es euch ersetzt…" [34:39]

    und weiterhin sagt ER, azza wa jal, auch

    "Was immer ihr an Gutem spendet, das ist für euch selbst, und ihr spendet nicht, es sei denn aus Verlangen nach dem Angesicht ALLAHs . Und was immer ihr an Gutem spendet, das soll euch voll zurückerstattet werden, und es soll euch kein Unrecht zugefügt werden." [2:272]

    Also Geschwister, was hält uns noch auf? Jeder der kann, soll sich bitte melden. Egal ob 1,2 oder 10 Paare!

    Da die Lieferung wohl 3 Tage dauert werden die Stiefel heute noch bestellt.
    Also teilt diese Nachricht bitte und MELDET EUCH SPÄTESTENS HEUTE 19.12.2013 BIS 17 UHR

    bei Facebook bei:
    oder :

    Weitere Infos gibts peer PN biidhinillah.

    Euer HELFEN IN NOT - Team Hamburg
    PEPPERTS® Kinder Mädchen Winterstiefel - Lidl Deutschland -
    Besonders robust
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:31AM  

    Islam; ein Anfang; ein Weg &' kein Endes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam; ein Anfang; ein Weg &' kein Endes Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Sprich: „Nur das, was uns Allah bestimmt hat, wird uns zustoßen. Er ist unser B...
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:21
    „Sprich: „Nur das, was uns Allah bestimmt hat, wird uns zustoßen. Er ist unser Beschützer." Und auf Allah sollten die Gläubigen vertrauen."
    „Und setze dein Vertrauen in den Allmächtigen, den Allbarmherzigen,"
    … Doch wenn du einen festen Entschluß gefaßt hast, dann vertraue auf Allah, wahrlich Allah liebt die, die auf Ihn vertrauen."

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:20AM  

    Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Einmal kam ein Sklave von Abu Dharr zu ihm, mit einem Schaf, dessen Bein gebroch...
    Dec 19th 2013, 07:26
    Einmal kam ein Sklave von Abu Dharr zu ihm, mit einem Schaf, dessen Bein gebrochen war. Als er danach gefragt wurde, wer dem Schaf das Bein gebrochen hatte, antwortete der Sklave: „Ich habe es absichtlich getan, um dich wütend zu machen, damit du mich schlägst und so eine Sünde begehst."
    „Ich sollte auf denjenigen wütend sein, der dich verleitet hat dies zu tun (d.h. Satan)", kommentierte Abu Dharr und ließ den Sklaven frei.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 08:20AM  

    Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Walaas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kommentar machen
    Gefällt mir · Vor 1 Stunde
    Abu Feras Adam
    von ein bruder : Ei...
    Dec 19th 2013, 07:27
    Kommentar machen

    Gefällt mir · Vor 1 Stunde

    Abu Feras Adam
    von ein bruder : Ein Mudschahid aus Syrien berichtet:

    Ich verbrachte etwas Zeit mit einem Raqi (,jemand der Ruqiya macht und schwarze Magie nach Sunnah heilt).
    Der Scheich sagte, er machte Ruqya vor einigen Jahren bei einer Person, die vom Dschinn besessen war.
    Während der Ruqiya begann der Dschinn zu sprechen und bedrohte dabei den Scheich wie folgt: "Ich werde dich und deine
    Familie heute Nacht kriegen!"

    Unbeeindruckt von der Drohung des Dschinn ging der Scheich nach Hause und gedenkte Allahs wie üblich, bevor er Schlafen ging.
    Er erzählte, dass er an dieser Nacht einer der schönsten und friedvollsten Träume seit langem hatte.

    Der Scheich kehrte am nächsten Tag zum Besessenen zurück, um die Ruqya fortzufahren.
    Er fragt den Dschinn: "Was ist letzte Nacht passiert? Du hattest mir doch gedroht, dass du mich kriegen würdest?!"

    Der Dschinn sprach zum Scheich: "Ich war schon da und wartete bereits auf dich, jedoch war dein Bett umzingelt von Engeln, weshalb
    ich mich dir nicht nähern konnte!"

    .... Abu Huraira (ra) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (swt) sagte: "Sobald du dich zum Schlafen hinlegst, rezitiere den Thronvers (Ayat al-Kursi),
    daraufhin wird Allah dir einen Beschützer schicken und kein Satan wird sich dir bis zum Morgen nähern.
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