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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:25PM  

    News rund um die muslimische Welts Facebook-Pinnwand
    News rund um die muslimische Welts Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Ein riesiger Korruptionsskandal hat die Regierung Erdoğan erfasst, jetzt schläg...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 15:10
    "Ein riesiger Korruptionsskandal hat die Regierung Erdoğan erfasst, jetzt schlägt der Premier zurück. Für ihn ist der Machtkampf gefährlicher als der Protest im Sommer. VON LENZ JACOBSEN

    Die Kriegserklärung des Friedenspredigers kam am Samstagmorgen, per Videobotschaft. Fetullah Gülen, der für seine Demut bekannte türkische Volksprediger, schimpft auf diejenigen, "die den Dieb nicht sehen, aber jene verfolgen, die den Dieb fangen wollen. Die den Mörder nicht sehen, aber versuchen, andere zu entehren indem sie Unschuldige anklagen." Dann ruft er, mit Tränen in den Augen, seine Handkante zerhackt dabei die Luft: "Lass Gott Feuer zu ihren Häusern bringen, ihre Heime zerstören, ihre Einheit zerbrechen!" Gülen nennt keine Namen, aber es ist auch so klar, wen er meint: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, den übermächtigen Premierminister der Türkei. Über Jahre sein Partner, nun sein Feind.

    Ein gigantischer Korruptionsskandal hat seit Dienstag die obersten Regierungsränge der Türkei erfasst. Er allein ist schon groß genug, um dem eigentlich übermächtigen Premier Erdogan massiv zu schaden. Doch damit noch nicht genug, dahinter tobt ein Machtkampf, der für Erdoğan gefährlicher ist, als alle Gezi-Proteste im Sommer. Diesmal protestieren nicht Zehntausende auf den Straßen, keine Bilder von besetzten Parks und Wasserwerfern gehen um die Welt, keine Anti-Erdoğan-Slogans hallen durch die türkischen Straßen. Dieser Kampf findet in Hinterzimmern statt, in Gerichten, Polizeistationen und auf den Titelseiten der Zeitungen. Er ist viel verworrener als die Gezi-Proteste, und doch so viel gefährlicher für Erdoğan. Analysten sprechen gar von der "Mutter aller Schlachten".

    Schon die Details des Korruptionsskandals sind spektakulär: 500.000 Dollar in einer Schokoladenpackung, abgeliefert in der Privatwohnung des EU-Ministers. 4,5 Millionen Dollar in Schuhkartons, versteckt im Haus des Direktors einer staatlichen Bank. Neue Pässe für Kriminelle, eine Million Dollar pro Stück, zu zahlen direkt an den Innenminister. Unzählige verschobene Baugrundstücke, manipulierte Ausschreibungen. Wenn auch nur ein Teil davon stimmt, was einige türkische Medien gerade berichten, sind engste Vertraute von Premierminister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tief in einen riesigen Skandal verstrickt. Drei Söhne von Ministern sitzen in Untersuchungshaft, gegen den mächtigsten Bauunternehmer des Landes wird ebenso ermittelt wie gegen hochrangige Regierungsmitarbeiter und einen Istanbuler Bürgermeister. Insgesamt geht es um weit über 50 Personen.

    Erdoğan entlässt Ermittler und Polizisten

    Was aber macht Erdoğan? Er feuert nicht die Verdächtigen und hebt die Immunität der unter Verdacht stehenden Minister auf. Erdoğan antwortet noch nicht einmal direkt auf die Korruptionsvorwürfe, stattdessen entlässt er die Ermittler. Seit Dienstag wurden mehrere Dutzend (manche Medien schreiben von mehr als hundert) Polizisten und Ermittler aus Schlüsselpositionen geworfen, darunter der Polizeichef von Istanbul und die für Korruption zuständigen Kommissare. Das ist es, worauf Prediger Gülen in seiner Videobotschaft anspielt.

    Erdoğan wettert außerdem seit Tagen gegen "dunkle Kräfte im Inland und im Ausland", die versuchen würden, der Türkei zu schaden. Einerseits sind solche Verschwörungstheorien typisch für die türkische Politik und für Erdoğan, der schon im Sommer von einer "Zins-Lobby" und internationalen Kräften schwadronierte, die die Türkei kleinhalten wollten.

    Es ist aber auch ein Verweis auf eben jenen Fetullah Gülen und das weltweite Netzwerk seiner Anhänger, die sogenannte Hizmet-Bewegung. Er gilt als extrem einflussreich, seine Unterstützer besetzen wichtige Positionen im türkischen Sicherheitsapparat, in der Polizei und der Justiz."

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:25PM  

    Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Maykl adında bir xristian sizin qonşunuz olsa, Qurban bayramı namazında həmən Ma...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 14:51
    Maykl adında bir xristian sizin qonşunuz olsa, Qurban bayramı namazında həmən Maykılı məsciddə səfflərin birində görsəniz, sonra Makılın bir Qurbanlıq qoç alaraq kəsdiyini görsəniz, ətindən kasıblara və ehtiyacı olanlara payladığını görsəniz, və qonşunuz olaraq sizə də o ətdən verdiyini görsəniz :
    - Maykl Müsəlman olmuş - deyərsiniz.

    Elə isə, xristian qonşunuz Maykl sizi "Yeni il" gecəsində başınızda "santa claus" papağının olduğunu görsə, evinizdə şam ağacının bəzədildiyini görsə, "bayram" günü süfrənizdə yeyəcək və içəcək bir şeylər görsə, bir sözlə sizin xristianlar kimi "christmas" keçirdiyini görsə :
    - Mənim Müsəlman qonşum Xristian olmuş - deməzmi..?!

    Maykl bir yana..
    Ən önəmlisi..! Sizə İslam kimi bir dini, Müsəlmanlıq kimi bir şərəfi nəsib etmiş Allahın, sizi bu halda görməsindən həya etmirsinizmi..?!

    Axı Allah Rasulu (salləllahu aleyhi və səlləm) buyurduki :

    - Kim özünü bir qövmə bənzədərsə, o da onlardandır..!


    ❖ - [ Əbu Davud Libas, 4]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:25PM  

    dawah news - Social Mention
    Hope liberals fighting for Bhagat Singh memorial in Paksitan ...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 09:39
    Sify - Found 5 hours agoBut the hard-line extremist, including Hafiz Saeed of Jamaat-ud-Dawah, has condemned this move and a case has been filed in against this. (ANI) Hope liberals fighting for Bhagat Singh memorial in Paksitan ... - Malaysia Sun Hope liberals fighting for Bhagat Singh memorial in Paksitan ... - Big News Network Hope liberals fighting for Bhagat Singh memorial in Paksitan ... - Explore All
    Come out of US war for peace in the country: Sami
    Dec 22nd 2013, 09:04
    The News International - Found 6 hours ago... out of US war country would instantly get the peace, Geo News reported. ... Jamaat-ud- Dawah (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed addressing the Jirga said ... Pakistan tribesmen, religious leaders urge gov't to quit US-led ... - CHINAdaily DPC jirga urges halt in tribal areas military operation - Frontier Post Come out of US war for peace in the country: Sami - Frontier Post Country to have instant peace the day Pak comes out of US war: Sami - The News International Explore All The News International
    News From Street Dawah: All praise to Allah the all mighty 5 people have said their Shahada today at Bankstown Street Dawah.
    Dec 22nd 2013, 08:38
    Please Go ahead and read the complete Update about Muzafarnagar
    Dec 22nd 2013, 04:28
    Request: It's little long, but please do read, it's urgent" Assalamoalaikum Brothers & Sisters. Alhumdulillah a joint campaign has been launched by several Islamic Organizations and Trusts(mostly from Bangalore,Hyderabad,Chennai etc) to provide Aid to Muzzaffarnagar victims. For this drop/donations points have been assigned in different cities so that people can donate medicine,blankets,clothes etc. Presently in Bangalore and Hyderabad the drop points have been updated. More cities to follow In sha Allah. A MASSIVE WARM CLOTHES COLLECTION DRIVE organized by all major Islamic organizations.40 children already died due to extreme weather which is getting worse by the day, 250 pregnant sisters in the freezing camps.(Humble Request - Please do not share completely worn out stuff with broken zips etc) To help this cause volunteers are needed asap,those who can go along and help the team on site to distribute the relief. Also there is urgent need of doctors,dentists + legal support etc to volunteer for the cause. Forms for volunteering are on the FB page Another Initiative launched by Br Umar Shariff(DIET) in collaboration with many Islamic orgz & trusts: "Mission Possible* It aims to help the oppressed through legal process and social awareness. Alhumdulillah today it was announced that "Mission Possible" is sponsoring 50 Scholars to go along with the team to Muzzaffarnagar. Br Umar is calling upon all the Renowned scholars across India to volunteer and help for the cause. Coz its highly Important to have support and guidance from Scholars + lot of dawah needed @ relief camps.For scholars who wish to Volunteer call Ashraf @ 9035110091 .Registration open until next Thursday. Dec 26. The plan has multiple levels. To provide relief,medical aid + to manage to reinstate the refugees and develop their settlements + to legally prevent any such acts from taking place again In sha Allah. Its high time we get united,shed the differences and focus on the Urgent matter at hand In sha Allah. This is the 1st time various Islamic organizations have joined hands together and they need all the support they can get In sha Allah. Plz raise awareness about this,try to volunteer if possible,help in raising funds,collecting medicines,blankets etc. The details of bank account are given on the FB page+in the video shared in comments. Please remember the oppressed here and abroad in your sincere Duas, also the organizers,volunteers,team members. For details or those who wish to donate money, can contact them through FB page. Check 1st comment on their page for account details etc. ♥Finally Let us remember that we as an Ummah are 1 body. We have read it several times but its high time to take it seriously In sha Allah. A beautiful reminder for all of us: Nabi Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam said "He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection, and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Resurrection; he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother.[Sahih Muslim 35:6518] Jazak Allahu khair. Please Do check the next few posts for more details/videos/updates/donation points/news. And please Do share :) -------------- The Indian Express: Muzaffarnagar relief camp: 'We watch our children make it from one night to the next' --------------------- HYDERABAD Pickup/Donation points All Jamiat Ahle Hadith Masaajid and markaz Ashabus Sunnah welfare society Address : Moinbagh, Santosh Nager Contact : Rayees Tel: +91 88 01 667611 Tel: +91 81 79 200303 Abdul Wahab - 8341909998 PPC - Peace Propagation Center Address : opp Darussalam bank, Towlichoki, hyderabad Contact : 9985571980(adil) 9885390877(Brother Irshaad) ITEC - Islamic Truth Exploration Center Address : Chanchalguda, hyderabad Contact : 9985886225 Saifullah - 9052370649 Al-Asr Foundation Address : Paramount Colony, Towlichoki, hyderabad Contact : 914065555125 Brother Shams Bellara - 8977855176 -------------------------- BANGALORE Pickup/Donation points: SHIVAJINAGAR HQIC(Holy Quran Information Center) on OPH road, Nano plaza 2nd floor can be the collection point at Shivajinagar Br. Syed Umari 08892035352 RT NAGAR Islamic Information Centre, #141, 3rd Main, Kousar Nagar, R.T.Nagar Post, Bangalore - 560032 Cell: 9845289298 JAYANAGAR Discover Islam Education Trust, D-01, MM Brigade Complex, K.R. Road, Yediyur Post, Bangalore-82 Landmark: Near Yediyur lake, Jayanagar 6th Block. Ph: 9986682839, 9880246150 FRAZER TOWN No 12 Kumarswamy Naidu road Fraser town opp road of Frazer town mosque. UMAR- 9945068702 PILLANNA GARDEN #84, 5th cross Railway Layout, Near Bilal masjid, Pillana Garden 3rd stage, Bangalore - 45 Jibraan +919740098165 KORAMANGALA Hikmah Islamic Center, No.677, 3rd floor, 6th 'A' Cross, 3rd Block, above Anand lab, behind BDA Complex, Koramangala, Bangalore. COOKE TOWN CIS- 1St flr, North Road , Cooke TownB' lore 84 T:+91-80-25466926. Br ZUBAIR: +91 99451 44771 . KALYAN NAGAR GF OI.SIMS HERITAGE, 4TH G MAIN JANVI LAYOUT , 2ND BLOCK HRBR LAYOUT . KALYAN NAGAR .Imaad. T +91-80-25421901 ----------------- Also there is another team of brothers from Street Dawah Delhi & YES! for Islam who are providing relief/aid to the refugee camps. For details on their last trip: ---------------------------- Some of the updates from the brothers team that had visited the refugee camps: 1) Some numbers , there are about 18000 people living in 25 camps . They have been displaced from their homes , most of them are poor , uneducated and used to work for the Jhats in their farms or other businesses . 2) Visited about 8 camps with about 4500 people , but the toilets built by the government are 8 of which only 3 are usable , can you imagine 3 toilets for 4500 people . Of them sewage is overflowing on the nearby grounds near the toilet . Women use dupattas as make shift enclosures of toilets and they go to the toilet only after sunset else they go to the nearby sugarcane fields. 3) 40 children have recently died due to the cold , the govt is in denial but anyway . He said temperatures reach to 5 Degree C in the night and most of them do not have enough clothes to protect themselves , they live in makeshift shelters made of tarpaulin , there is nothing on the ground , they use their old clothes to spread on the floor and sleep on them . They do not have facility to clean their clothes , once they are extremely dirty they start burning the clothes and keep themselves warm . Children can't sleep in the night , most of them come out where there is a fire lit . Many are suffering because of the cold and lack of simple medical aid . 4) People are suffering from several medical problems , he implored all the doctors , dentists of the umma to go there and help these people . This is one of the foremost need now , these people do not have access to medical aid , no doctors . Even the one's sent by the govt with medicines are incompetent . He said as many doctors as possible should go there. 5) Other than the monetary aid we are sending , self mentioned that there is a need for volunteers who have to be there to help in the distribution of this aid . 6) Mentioned that another opportunity which we have is that most of these Muslims do not know who Allah id. Allah has given us an opportunity to do dawah by bringing these muslims together at one place , he said we should all go and tell them about Allah . 7) Little children are very vulnerable , he talked of incidents of 13 to 14 year old girls being molested in the camps but they are not aware of it. He said people don't have the fear of Allah there , most of the women are afraid to come out of the tents after 6 PM . 8)Long term solution for the muzzafarnagar problem can be arrived at only with help of the government . People who have connections should help in this regard 9) Media coverage is low , we need to spread awareness as much as we can .
    Dec 21st 2013, 22:34
    BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! Liebe Schwestern und Brüder, im Jahr 2005 haben wir in privater Initiative begonnen, die Da ́wa-Tätigkeiten in Deutschland in m...
    Dec 21st 2013, 05:57
    Dec 21st 2013, 05:08
    *Request: It's little long, but please do read, it's urgent" Assalamoalaikum Brothers & Sisters. ◆Alhumdulillah a joint campaign has been launched by several Islamic Organizations and Trusts(mostly from Bangalore,Hyderabad,Chennai etc) to provide Aid to Muzzaffarnagar victims. ◆For this drop points have been assigned in different cities so that people can donate medicine,blankets,clothes etc. Presently in Bangalore and Hyderabad the drop points have been updated. More cities to follow In sha Allah. ◆A MASSIVE WARM CLOTHES COLLECTION DRIVE organized by all major Islamic organizations.40 children already died due to extreme weather which is getting worse by the day, 250 pregnant sisters in the freezing camps.(Humble Request - Please do not share completely worn out stuff with broken zips etc) ◆To help this cause volunteers are needed asap,those who can go along and help the team on site to distribute the relief. Also there is urgent need of doctors,dentists + legal support etc to volunteer for the cause. Forms for volunteering are on the FB page ◆Another Initiative launched by Br Umar Shariff(DIET) in collaboration with many Islamic orgz & trusts: "Mission Possible* It aims to help the oppressed through legal process and social awareness. Alhumdulillah today it was announced that "Mission Possible" is sponsoring 50 Scholars to go along with the team to Muzzaffarnagar. ◆Br Umar is calling upon all the Renowned scholars across India to volunteer and help for the cause. Coz its highly Important to have support and guidance from Scholars + lot of dawah needed @ relief camps.For scholars who wish to Volunteer call Ashraf @ 9035110091 .Registration open until next Thursday. Dec 26. ◆The plan has multiple levels. To provide relief,medical aid + to manage to reinstate the refugees and develop their settlements + to legally prevent any such acts from taking place again In sha Allah. ◆Its high time we get united,shed the differences and focus on the Urgent matter at hand In sha Allah. This is the 1st time various Islamic organizations have joined hands together and they need all the support they can get In sha Allah. ◆For details can contact them through FB page. ◆Plz raise awareness about this,try to volunteer if possible,help in raising funds,collecting medicines,blankets etc. The details of bank account are given on the FB page+in the video shared in comments. ◆Please remember the oppressed here and abroad in your sincere Duas, also the organizers,volunteers,team members.
    Dec 21st 2013, 03:59
    ✦ I NEED YOU ALL CHECK THIS OUT AND SHARE ✦ *Request: It's little long, but please do read, it's urgent" Assalamoalaikum Brothers & Sisters. ◆Alhumdulillah a joint campaign has been launched by several Islamic Organizations and Trusts(mostly from Bangalore,Hyderabad,Chennai etc) to provide Aid to Muzzaffarnagar victims. ◆For this drop points have been assigned in different cities so that people can donate medicine,blankets,clothes etc. Presently in Bangalore and Hyderabad the drop points have been updated. More cities to follow In sha Allah. ◆A MASSIVE WARM CLOTHES COLLECTION DRIVE organized by all major Islamic organizations.40 children already died due to extreme weather which is getting worse by the day, 250 pregnant sisters in the freezing camps.(Humble Request - Please do not share completely worn out stuff with broken zips etc) ◆To help this cause volunteers are needed asap,those who can go along and help the team on site to distribute the relief. Also there is urgent need of doctors,dentists + legal support etc to volunteer for the cause. Forms for volunteering are on the FB page ◆Another Initiative launched by Br Umar Shariff(DIET) in collaboration with many Islamic orgz & trusts: "Mission Possible* It aims to help the oppressed through legal process and social awareness. Alhumdulillah today it was announced that "Mission Possible" is sponsoring 50 Scholars to go along with the team to Muzzaffarnagar. ◆Br Umar is calling upon all the Renowned scholars across India to volunteer and help for the cause. Coz its highly Important to have support and guidance from Scholars + lot of dawah needed @ relief camps.For scholars who wish to Volunteer call Ashraf @ 9035110091 .Registration open until next Thursday. Dec 26. ◆The plan has multiple levels. To provide relief,medical aid + to manage to reinstate the refugees and develop their settlements + to legally prevent any such acts from taking place again In sha Allah. ◆Its high time we get united,shed the differences and focus on the Urgent matter at hand In sha Allah. This is the 1st time various Islamic organizations have joined hands together and they need all the support they can get In sha Allah. ◆Plz raise awareness about this,try to volunteer if possible,help in raising funds,collecting medicines,blankets etc. The details of bank account are given


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:23PM  

    HAQ News Facebook-Pinnwand
    HAQ News Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn der Tod kommt...
    ■ Der Kafir (Ungläubiger) ersucht die Rückkehr zur Welt,...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 14:35
    Wenn der Tod kommt...

    ■ Der Kafir (Ungläubiger) ersucht die Rückkehr zur Welt, wenn der Tod kommt. Allah, möge Er gepriesen sein, sagt:

    {Wenn dann der Tod an einen von ihnen herantritt, sagt er: „Mein Herr, bringe mich zurück, auf das ich Gutes tue von dem, was ich unterlassen habe." Keineswegs, es ist nur ein Wort, das er ausspricht. Und hinter ihnen steht eine Schranke bis zu dem Tage, an dem sie auferweckt werden}

    (Surah Al Mu'minun Verse 99-100)


    ■ Die Benommenheit des Todes.

    Al Buchary überlieferte von A'ischa - Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihr - welche sagte:

    „Der Gesandte Allahs - Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm - sagte: „Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah. Wahrlich der Tod ist sakarat."

    (Leitet sich von dem Wortstamm „Sakar/Sukur" ab = trunken sein, sich betrinken, berauschen; Sakraan= trunken, berauscht. Das bedeutet also, das man sich im Zeitpunkt des Todes, in einen Zustand der Benommenheit befindet.)


    ■ Der (verinnerlichte) Glaube eines Kafirs wird zum Zeitpunkt des Todes nicht mehr akzeptiert.
    Von Ibn Abbas- radhiallahu anhuma - welcher sagte:

    „Der Gesandte Allahs - Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm - sagte: „Als Pharao ertrank sagte er: Ich glaube daran, dass es keinen Gott außer Ihm gibt, an Den auch die Kinder Israels glauben." Dschibril (Gabriel) erzählte mir: „Oh Muhammad, wenn du nur gesehen hättest, wie ich den schwarzen Schlamm aus dem Meer genommen habe und diesen ihm (Pharao) in den Mund gestopft habe, aus Angst, dass die Barmherzigkeit Allahs ihn erreicht."

    (Sahih - Berichtet von Ahmad in al Musnad; At Tirmidhi, Sahih Dschami, Nr. 5082)


    ■ Die Seele des Gläubigen kommt heraus während er Allah - den Gepriesenen und Erhabenen - lobpreist.
    Der Prophet - Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm - sagte:

    „Wahrlich die Seele des Gläubigen kommt aus seinem Inneren, während er Allah lobpreist"

    (Sahih - Überliefert bei Sahih Al Dschami 1927)


    ■ Wenn die Seele genommen wird, so wird sie von den Augen verfolgt, denn der Prophet - Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm - sagte:

    „Wenn die Seele entnommen wird, verfolgen sie die Augen."

    (Auszug des überlieferten Hadith von Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:19PM  

    Uploads by Salafi Dawah
    Sheihk Salih al-Maghamsi - Mein Chef unterdrückt mich
    Oct 29th 2013, 13:13
    Sheihk Salih al-Maghamsi - Mein Chef unterdrückt mich
    IN SHA ALLAH TEILEN & WEITERLEITEN!!! Sheihk Salih al-Maghamsi - Mein Chef unterdrückt mich.
    Salafi Dawah

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 03:18PM - Social Mention
    News of the Past Description: The stories told by Prophet Muhammad of the peoples of the past an evidence for his Prophethood. By One of the strongest evidences of Prophet Muhammad's truth is his knowledge of the Unseen world: his accurate knowledge of previous nations and future prophecies. No matter how intelligent, a man cannot authoritatively speak of the past based upon mere intelligence. The information has to be learned. Muhammad was a human being, who did not live in the midst of the nations he spoke of, did not inherit any knowledge of their civilization, or learn it from a teacher. God says: "That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad]. And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. Nor were you with them when they disputed." (Quran 3:44) "That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired." (Quran 12:102) Consider the verses: "And We gave Moses the Scripture, after We had destroyed the former generations, as enlightenment for the people and guidance and mercy that they might be reminded. And you, [O Muhammad], were not on the western side [of the mount] when We revealed to Moses the command, and you were not among the witnesses [to that] but We produced [many] generations [after Moses], and prolonged was their duration. And you were not a resident among the people of Madyan, reciting to them Our verses, but We were senders [of this message]. And you were not at the side of the mount when We called [Moses] but [were sent] as a mercy from your Lord to warn a people to whom no Warner had come before you that they might be reminded. And if not that a disaster should strike them for what their hands put forth [of sins] and they would say, 'Our Lord, why did You not send us a messenger so we could have followed Your verses and been among the believers?'" (Quran 28:43-47) These events in the story of Moses were related by Muhammad. Either he witnessed them and was present there, or learned it from those who knew. In either case, he would not be God's prophet. The only other possibility, rather an inescapable conclusion, is that Muhammad was taught by God Himself. A few facts must be considered to recognize the full strength of the argument. Muhammad did not learn from any religious scholar, there were no Jewish or Christian scholars in Mecca at the time, and he did not know any language other than Arabic. In addition to the previous,he could neither read nor write. No Meccan, Jew, or Christian ever claimed to be Muhammad's teacher. Had Muhammad learned from any source, his own companions who believed in him would have exposed him. "Say, 'If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you, for I had remained among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?'" (Quran 10:16) Despite their strong opposition, the unbelievers could not attribute his knowledge of the past and present to any source. The failure of his contemporaries is sufficient proof against all later skeptics. The Correction of Jewish and Christian Misunderstandings Below are two examples of the Quran correcting what had undergone change in Jewish and Christian beliefs: (1) The Jews claim Abraham to be a Jew, the father of the Jewish nation, whereas the Christians consider him to be their father as well, as the Roman Catholic Church calls Abraham "our father in Faith" in the Eucharistic prayer called Roman Canon recited during Mass. God responds to them in the Quran: "O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Then will you not reason?" (Quran 3:65) (2) The Quran forcefully denies the crucifixion of Jesus, an event of immense proportions to both religions: "And [We cursed them] for their breaking of the covenant and their disbelief in the signs of God and their killing of the prophets without right and their saying, 'Our hearts are wrapped' [i.e., sealed against reception]. Rather, God has sealed them because of their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few. And [We cursed them] for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander, And [for] their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain." (Quran 4:155-157) This Quranic denial raises some fundamental questions. First, if Islamic doctrine were borrowed from Judaism and Christianity, why did it deny crucifixion? After all, both religions agree it took place! For the Jews, it was Jesus the imposter who was crucified, but for Christians, it was the Son of God. The Prophet Muhammad could have easily agreed to the crucifixion of Jesus, this giving more credit to his message. If Islam were a false religion, an imitation of Judaism or Christianity, or if Muhammad was not true in his claim, Islam would not take an uncompromising stand on this issue and declare both religions to be outright wrong in this matter, as there is nothing as such to gain by its denial. Second, if Islam had borrowed the myth of crucifixion from these two religions, it would have eliminated a point of major contention with them, but Islam brought the truth and could not vindicate a myth just to appease them. It is quite possible the Jews were responsible for crucifying Jesus, for their historical transgressions against the prophets of God has been documented in the bible and the Quran alike. But in regards to Jesus, the Quran states forcefully: "And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him." How is it possible, then, to say that the Muhammad produced the Quran by information learnt from Jewish or Christian scholars when he brought ideologies uprooting their doctrine? Third, the denial of crucifixion by itself negates other Christian beliefs: (i) Jesus' atonement for sin's of man. (ii) Burden of original sin carried by all men. (iii) Deconstructs the myth of the cross and its veneration. (iv) The last supper and the Eucharist. Thus we see that the stories the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, told of nations of past were not mere folklore, nor were they learnt from Jewish or Christian learned men. Rather, they were revealed to him from above the seven heavens by the God of creation.
    Dec 22nd 2013, 07:30
    News of the Past Description: The stories told by Prophet Muhammad of the peoples of the past an evidence for his Prophethood. By One of the strongest evidences of Prophet Muhammad's truth is his knowledge of the Unseen world: his accurate knowledge of previous nations and future prophecies. No matter how intelligent, a man cannot authoritatively speak of the past based upon mere intelligence. The information has to be learned. Muhammad was a human being, who did not live in the midst of the nations he spoke of, did not inherit any knowledge of their civilization, or learn it from a teacher. God says: "That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad]. And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. Nor were you with them when they disputed." (Quran 3:44) "That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired." (Quran 12:102) Consider the verses: "And We gave Moses the Scripture, after We had destroyed the former generations, as enlightenment for the people and guidance and mercy that they might be reminded. And you, [O Muhammad], were not on the western side [of the mount] when We revealed to Moses the command, and you were not among the witnesses [to that] but We produced [many] generations [after Moses], and prolonged was their duration. And you were not a resident among the people of Madyan, reciting to them Our verses, but We were senders [of this message]. And you were not at the side of the mount when We called [Moses] but [were sent] as a mercy from your Lord to warn a people to whom no Warner had come before you that they might be reminded. And if not that a disaster should strike them for what their hands put forth [of sins] and they would say, 'Our Lord, why did You not send us a messenger so we could have followed Your verses and been among the believers?'" (Quran 28:43-47) These events in the story of Moses were related by Muhammad. Either he witnessed them and was present there, or learned it from those who knew. In either case, he would not be God's prophet. The only other possibility, rather an inescapable conclusion, is that Muhammad was taught by God Himself. A few facts must be considered to recognize the full strength of the argument. Muhammad did not learn from any religious scholar, there were no Jewish or Christian scholars in Mecca at the time, and he did not know any language other than Arabic. In addition to the previous, he could neither read nor write. No Meccan, Jew, or Christian ever claimed to be Muhammad's teacher. Had Muhammad learned from any source, his own companions who believed in him would have exposed him. "Say, 'If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you, for I had remained among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?'" (Quran 10:16) Despite their strong opposition, the unbelievers could not attribute his knowledge of the past and present to any source. The failure of his contemporaries is sufficient proof against all later skeptics. The Correction of Jewish and Christian Misunderstandings Below are two examples of the Quran correcting what had undergone change in Jewish and Christian beliefs: (1) The Jews claim Abraham to be a Jew, the father of the Jewish nation, whereas the Christians consider him to be their father as well, as the Roman Catholic Church calls Abraham "our father in Faith" in the Eucharistic prayer called Roman Canon recited during Mass. God responds to them in the Quran: "O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Then will you not reason?" (Quran 3:65) (2) The Quran forcefully denies the crucifixion of Jesus, an event of immense proportions to both religions: "And [We cursed them] for their breaking of the covenant and their disbelief in the signs of God and their killing of the prophets without right and their saying, 'Our hearts are wrapped' [i.e., sealed against reception]. Rather, God has sealed them because of their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few. And [We cursed them] for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander, And [for] their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain." (Quran 4:155-157) This Quranic denial raises some fundamental questions. First, if Islamic doctrine were borrowed from Judaism and Christianity, why did it deny crucifixion? After all, both religions agree it took place! For the Jews, it was Jesus the imposter who was crucified, but for Christians, it was the Son of God. The Prophet Muhammad could have easily agreed to the crucifixion of Jesus, this giving more credit to his message. If Islam were a false religion, an imitation of Judaism or Christianity, or if Muhammad was not true in his claim, Islam would not take an uncompromising stand on this issue and declare both religions to be outright wrong in this matter, as there is nothing as such to gain by its denial. Second, if Islam had borrowed the myth of crucifixion from these two religions, it would have eliminated a point of major contention with them, but Islam brought the truth and could not vindicate a myth just to appease them. It is quite possible the Jews were responsible for crucifying Jesus, for their historical transgressions against the prophets of God has been documented in the bible and the Quran alike. But in regards to Jesus, the Quran states forcefully: "And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him." How is it possible, then, to say that the Muhammad produced the Quran by information learnt from Jewish or Christian scholars when he brought ideologies uprooting their doctrine? Third, the denial of crucifixion by itself negates other Christian beliefs: (i) Jesus' atonement for sin's of man. (ii) Burden of original sin carried by all men. (iii) Deconstructs the myth of the cross and its veneration. (iv) The last supper and the Eucharist. Thus we see that the stories the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, told of nations of past were not mere folklore, nor were they learnt from Jewish or Christian learned men. Rather, they were revealed to him from above the seven heavens by the God of creation.
    Dec 21st 2013, 11:56
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