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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:24AM  

    pierre vogel - Social Mention
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    Ian Meyer, Cole Emarine and Alejandro Roldan. This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    Sarah Rex stars as an elf. This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    Ensemble members from the Hip Hop Theatre. This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10
    Ensemble members from the Hip Hop Theatre. This musical revue is a talent-laden bouquet to family audiences. It offers some of the most popular holiday music from the past and present, much of it recast with cleverly altered lyrics to suit any given situation. And a wide variety of dancing styles, including gymnastics and a pulse-racing break-dance segment. The narrator is an elf played by Sarah Rex, alongside a deep ensemble made up of some big names in the local theater community including Lamb, Kenny Moten, Randy St. Pierre, Stephen Bertles, the very busy young Alejandro Roldan ("In the Heights" and "Next to Normal") and Starkey's founders, Chris Starkey and Ronni Gallup. The ensemble includes Rae Klapperich (who made the more than 100 costumes with her mother, Laurie Klapperich), Wyatt Baier, Hula-Hooper extraordinaire Ambrosia Brady, Olyvia Beyette, Cole Emerine, Erica Lloyd, Britni Girard, Jennifer Lynne Jorgensen, Anne Terze-Schwartz, Kristi Vogel and Tess Williams. In addition, there are special appearances by — I kid you not — members of the Denver Broncos Stampede Drumline, a competitive jump-roping team called the Jumping Eagles, and a dance company called Hip Hop Theatre. Not to mention 14 children and a live orchestra of six. Directed by Paul Dwyer, best known from his days as an actor at the now-closed Country Dinner Playhouse. The music director is Trent Hines; the Choreographers are Matthew D. Peters and John Gilette. Modifications have been made to make this show more accessible to individuals on the autism spectrum, who have learning disabilities or a variety of sensitivities. Remaining showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 19 and 22; 8 p.m. Dec 20 and 21; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 21 and 22 at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St. That's just west of Interstate 25 and Lincoln Avenue, 720-509-1000, or go to Lone Tree's home page. Photo by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Thanks: Heidi Echtenkamp. To see the official "Opening Nights" photo series to date (these ones are specifically the "Home for the Holidays" outtakes), click here:
    No. 149: Starkey Theatrix's 'Home for the Holidays 2013'
    Dec 18th 2013, 23:10


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:14AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    "In his first-ever televised interview, Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, the leader of J...
    Dec 19th 2013, 06:21
    "In his first-ever televised interview, Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, ruled out peace talks with President Bashar al-Assad and warned that Arab states should be cautious of the recent improvement of Iran-US ties.

    "The battle is almost over, we have covered about 70 percent of it, and what's left is small. We will achieve victory soon. We pray to God to culminate these efforts with victory. It's only a matter of days," he said in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera's Tayseer Allouni from an undisclosed location in Syria.

    Al-Joulani added that al-Nusra - designated by the UN, the US and other western countries as a terrorist organisation - would not accept the outcome of the upcoming international conference in Geneva scheduled for January."
    Al-Qaeda leader in Syria speaks to Al Jazeera
    In his first-ever media interview, Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, says conflict is nearing end.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:14AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    There has been an all mighty furore in the secular media, partly driven by muscu...
    Dec 19th 2013, 07:02
    There has been an all mighty furore in the secular media, partly driven by muscular liberalists and pressure groups, with contribution by David Cameron and other politicians against the segregation in seating of Muslim men and women in Islamic events organised by university Islamic societies. There has been sensationalism galore in the attack on the Islamic practice with emotive terms such as "Gender apartheid" being used to evoke notions of discrimination and denigration of women. Discussions in the Western media to date have been in the main extremely biased in favour of those secularists opposing Islamic gender segregation. Those Muslims supporting the practice have not been afforded the fair opportunity to counter the numerous accusations that are being made. This video, by Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, seeks to present the counter points in this debate that the Western media clearly do not want you to hear.
    What the Secular Media Do Not Want you to Hear in the Gender Segregation Debate
    There has been an all mighty furore in the secular media, partly driven by muscular liberalists and pressure groups, with contribution by David Cameron and o...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:04AM  

    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    *Info zum SpendenTaxi Projekt*
    In kürze werden die gesammelten Sachspenden nach...
    Dec 19th 2013, 06:24
    *Info zum SpendenTaxi Projekt*
    In kürze werden die gesammelten Sachspenden nach Syrien geschickt und dort von den Brüder verteilt werden, deshalb werden wir jetzt im Dezember wohl keine Große Spendentour mehr starten können.

    Ich möchte euch hiermit kurz erzählen wie es weitergehen wird, mit den SpendenTaxi Projekt:

    Wir werden zwar ggf. auch im Dezember vereinzelt SpendenTaxiTouren machen um Spenden einsammeln, aber ab Januar legen wir in sha Allah wieder richtig los und werden -mit Allahs Erlaubnis natürlich- immer wieder versuchen ein 3,5 t zur Organisieren, mit denen wir Größere Spendentouren, auch in etwas weitere Gebiete zur Organisieren auch wenn wir Anfang des Projekts nur vorhatten SpendenTaxiTouren im Ruhrgebiet zur fahren, haben wir uns aufgrund vermehrter Anfragen außerhalb des Ruhrgebiet dazu entschieden auch weite Strecken zur fahren, natürlich unter der Bedingung das sich die Fahrt lohnt, das bedeutet, das schon eine Menge an Spende zusammenkommen sollte damit wir wieder bis nach Frankfurt etc. fahren, soviel dass sich die Zeit und Spritkosten Investitionen lohnt. Ihr stimmt mir sicherlich zu das es unsinnig wäre 100 € Sprit +100 € Mietwagen kosten + 1 Tag Arbeit zur investieren, wenn am Ende nur Spenden im Wert von 60 € + Altkleider Spenden rauskommen, den so wäre es besser wenn wir direkt die 200 € nach Syrien Spenden.

    Hier eine kleine Liste von möglichen Sachspenden
    - Medikamente aller Art (Tabletten, Säfte etc.)
    - Medizinische Geräte aller Art (Gehhilfen, Rollstühle, Krücken etc.)
    - Babynahrung (Babymilch, Brei, Babywasser, Baby Tee, etc.)
    - Baby Pflege Artikel (Windeln, Feuchttücher, Schnuller, Schnuller ketten, Babybesteck/Geschirr, Babyflaschen etc.)
    - Haltbare und für den weiten Transport geeignete Lebensmittel (z.b. in Lebensmittel in Dosen)
    - Neue/ Neuwertige Schuhe (Abgenutzte, Dreckige oder gar löchrige Schuhe werden nicht angenommen, bzw. direkt entsorgt!)

    ***** WICHTIG *****
    Am wichtigsten und Effektivsten sind Bargeld Spenden. Den mit Geld können wir viele benötigte Sachen direkt selbst vor Ort vom Großhändler günstig kaufen (Meist günstiger als in Deutschland) + es entstehen dadurch dann auch keine Transportkosten bzw. Transportprobleme.

    Kurz noch was Wichtiges zur KleiderSpende:
    Bitte beachtet dass wir nicht mehr viele Kleider mit dem Spendentaxi abholen können. Erfahrungsgemäß werden leider zur oft Kleider gespendet die eigentlich in den Müll gehören, da total abgenutzt sind und/ oder für die Geschwister in Syrien unangemessen sind, wie z.B. Abendkleider/ Bikinis o.ä.
    Geschwister die gerne Größere Mengen an Altkleider Spenden wollen, können diese direkt zur folgende Adresse bringen bzw. per Post schicken:
    Masjid Quba
    Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Straße 2
    41466 Neuss
    Ansonsten noch was zur den Geschwistern die in Berlin, Oberbayern, Hamburg, Mannheim und Umgebung wohnen. Wir haben Alhamdulillah auch Teams in eurer nähe, solltet ihr etwas Spenden wollen, was abgeholt werden muss, so setzt euch bitte mit den entsprechenden Teams per Facebook in Verbindung (Mannheim nur Schwestern bitte!).

    Möge Allah unsere Arbeit und eure Spenden segnen und uns alle für unsere Bemühung belohnen in sha Allah.

    JazakAllahu Khair Liebe Geschwister, bitte verbreitet diese Nachricht damit wir noch mehr Spenden für unsere Geschwister in Syrien sammeln können.

    Helfen in Not – Team Ruhrgebiet
    Tel: 015772623947 (Whatsapp/ SMS/ Anruf) nur für Brüder
    Tel: 015257383232 (Whatsapp/ SMS/ Anruf) nur für Schwestern

    Bitte beachtet das die Brüder und Schwester auch ein Privat & Berufleben haben und nicht 24 Std. erreichbar sind. Wir werden uns aber bei verpassten Anrufen in sha Allah zurück melden.

    *Wer sich alles durchgelesen hat und sich noch ein paar Hasanat verdienen will, kann diesen Text in anderen Sprachen (Arabisch/ Kurdisch/ Türkisch/ Arabisch/ Bosnisch, English etc.) übersetzen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 06:56AM  

    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 19th 2013, 05:59
    مفاجأة من العيار الثقيل بتصريح أحد سفراء ما يدعى بمجلس الأمن البارحة بخصوص الإشتباكات في جنوب السودان بأن للأمم المتحدة صلاحيات التدخل لأجل حماية المدنيين . للأسف لا يوجد عندنا في سوريا مدنيين و لا حتى بين الأطفال
    Was für eine Überraschung !!! Ein Botschafter im sogenannten Weltsicherheitsrat hat gestern bezüglich Kämpfe im Süd-Sudan gesagt, dass die UNO die Befugnisse zum Einschreiten besitzt, um Zivilisten zu beschützen. Schade, dass wir keine Zivilisten in Syrien haben

    In a new report, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said regime forces are increasing using the barrel bombs, which are much cheaper than missiles but inflict equally massive destruction
    Barrel bombs are usually filled with explosive TNT, oil and metal shrapnel.
    The report described the improvised bombs as &quot;weapons that aim only at random killing
    It concluded that as many as 1,179 people have been killed in barrel attacks by regime aircraft
    Over 97 percent of the fatalities were civilians, including 240 children, the report found
    On December 15, regime helicopters dropped over ten barrel bombs on several areas of the northern city of Aleppo, killing over 100 civilians

    هذه البراميل هدايا من العالم المنافق المتفرج المشجع للسفاح الفاشي
    Kaum hat sich das Wetter am 15.12.2013 Bisschen verbessert schon kamen die Flugzeuge des Faschisten Terroristen Assad und haben mehrere Stadtvierteln in Aleppo über 25 Mal ( die Tage danach ging&#039;s weiter) mit Tonnenschwere TNT-Fässern bombardiert, statt Regen und Schnee kamen die Geschenke der zuschauenden Welt. Sehr viele Kindern unter den Opfern

    Proud! Yes we are very PROUD of men who put out barrel explosion fires with buckets of water
    Shame! Yes shame!! SHAME on those who are not sending them simple firefighting equipment

    Firefighters #firefighters #syria #aleppo #syrian_revolution #assad_murderer

    Ruf nach Freiheit München
    هتاف الحرية ميونخ
    ‫هتاف الحرية ميونخ Ruf nach Freiheit München ‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 06:41AM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Die ganze Religion dreht sich darum die Wahrheit zu wissen und dementsprechend...
    Dec 19th 2013, 05:58
    "Die ganze Religion dreht sich darum die Wahrheit zu wissen und dementsprechend zu handeln. Und das Handeln danach muss mit der Geduld begleitet werden."

    Shaykh-Ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimullah), Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 06:35AM  

    Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hadis, bedeutet was unser Prophet gesagt hat 8 er sagte mal :
    " Es gibt keinen...
    Dec 19th 2013, 06:30
    Hadis, bedeutet was unser Prophet gesagt hat 8 er sagte mal :
    " Es gibt keinen Muslim, dessen drei Kinder streben, die alle noch nicht die Zeit der Sünde (Pubertät) erreicht haben, ohne das Allah, ihn das Paradies betreten lässt."

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 06:35AM  

    Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hadis, bedeutet was unser Prophet gesagt hat 8 er sagte mal :
    " Es gibt keinen...
    Dec 19th 2013, 06:30
    Hadis, bedeutet was unser Prophet gesagt hat 8 er sagte mal :
    " Es gibt keinen Muslim, dessen drei Kinder streben, die alle noch nicht die Zeit der Sünde (Pubertät) erreicht haben, ohne das Allah, ihn das Paradies betreten lässt."

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