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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:58AM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Whenever you want to make a statement/accusation against a Muslim at least under...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:35
    Whenever you want to make a statement/accusation against a Muslim at least understand the full reality before you speak, don't take the story from others who where not present or those who give bios opinions.

    Because maybe your negligence will cause others to think bad of your Muslim brother when they really shouldn't, plus you would be loosing your rewards.

    Always verify anything you hear, and even if your heart doesn't incline towards the clarification don't go around trying to refute the clarification made by the person who accused wrongly in the first place.

    If your heart doesn't allow you to accept, make excuse for your brother and make dua for him and then leave to Allah to deal with.

    And always judge a person by his current stance not something that was done along time ago.

    May Allah forgive us all and guide us to the haq and remove any forma of grudge we may have for one another.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Survivors unveil horrible details of Adra massacre in Syria

    Survivors of the...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:04
    Survivors unveil horrible details of Adra massacre in Syria

    Survivors of the horrible massacre in Syria's Adra, 20 kilometers north of Damascus, unveil new details of what they have been through when extremist militants attacked their hometown.

    More than 80 people have been killed in the attack that started last week, as al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front extremists attacked Adra and massacred people family by family.

    "The decapitators" is how the Adra residents, who managed to flee the violence there, call the extremist attackers who have the town under their control now, the Russia Today wrote in a report.

    Adra, a town with a population of 20,000, was captured by extremist militants from the Al-Nusra and the Liwa al-Islam last week, following fierce fighting with country's army forces. The town's seizure was accompanied by mass executions of civilians.

    RT Arabic has managed to speak to some of the eyewitnesses of the atrocities.

    Most of them have fled the town, leaving their relatives and friends behind, so they asked not to be identified in the report for security reasons.

    An Adra resident said he escaped from the town "under a storm of bullets." He later contacted his colleagues, who described how the executions of civilians were carried out by the militants.

    "They had lists of government employees on them," the man told RT. "This means they had planned for it beforehand and knew who works in the governmental agencies. They went to the addresses they had on their list, forced the people out and subjected them to the so-called "Sharia trials." I think that's what they call it. They sentenced them to death by beheading."

    A woman, hiding her face from the camera, told RT of the beheadings she had seen.

    "There was slaughter everywhere," she said. "The eldest was only 20 years old; he was slaughtered. They were all children. I saw them with my own eyes. They killed fourteen people with a machete. I don't know if these people were Alawites. I don't know why they were slaughtered. They grabbed them by their heads and slaughtered them like sheep."

    It's been reported that 80 civilians were killed in the massacre. The death toll could still grow, as currently the information coming from Adra is scarce. The town has been surrounded and isolated by the Syrian army that has been trying to force the extremists out.

    "Civilians told us that the workers of an Adra bakery were all executed and burned during the first hours of the attack. Whole families were massacred. We do not have an exact estimation of the number because we are unable to get into the town, but the number is high," Kinda Shimat, Syria's Social Affairs Minister, told RT.

    Details of the executions are trickling out of the town as eyewitnesses tell their stories.

    "They killed everyone at the Adra Ummalia police station," another fugitive from the town told RT.

    "And they killed everyone at the Adra Ummalia hospital where my sister works. She stayed alive only because she didn't show up for work that day. There are about 200 people at the police station. They are civilians. The militants are hiding among them, using them as a shield to prevent the Army from bombing the police."

    The events in Adra are a further example of the shift that has taken place within the Syrian rebel forces which has lately been dominated by extremists, according to Michel Chossudovsky, director of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

    The war in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.

    The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

    According to the United Nations, more than 120,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the turmoil that has gripped Syria for over two years.

    Survivors unveil horrible details of Adra massacre in Syria
    Survivors of the horrible massacre in Syria's Adra, 20 kilometers north of Damascus, unveil new details of what they have been through when extremist militants attacked their hometown.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Militants from 70 countries fight in Syria: Report

    A new report suggests that...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:05
    Militants from 70 countries fight in Syria: Report

    A new report suggests that number of foreign militants joining Syria war to topple the government may be up to 11,000 from 70 nations, most of them fighting for al-Qaeda.

    "We estimate that - from late 2011 to 10 December 2013 - between 3,300 and 11,000 individuals have gone to Syria to fight against the Assad government," said the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization (ICSR), a partnership of five universities based at King's College London.

    The ICSR said those sources indicated that most had fought for al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, two main branches of al-Qaeda in Syria.

    The study center said it used 1,500 sources, including media reports, government estimates, statements by the militants and social media to collect the data.

    The report showed that Arabs and Europeans made up the bulk of foreign fighters, with up to 80 per cent, but militants from southeast Asia, North America, Africa, the Balkans and countries of the former Soviet Union were also represented.

    Western Europeans, with the largest contingents from France and Britain, represent up to 18 per cent of the foreign fighters in Syria, it said. Up to 70 percent were from the Middle East.

    However the report contradicts with earlier reports conducted by American and European research centers and gives far less numbers.

    A report by the American Pentapolis Agency of statistics on September showed at least 130,000 non-Syrian militants were fighting in Syria.

    On November 5th, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad announced that according to their findings, Turkey has let militants from 83 countries to enter Syria to topple the government.

    The war in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.

    The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

    According to the United Nations, more than 120,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the turmoil that has gripped Syria for over two years.

    Militants from 70 countries fight in Syria: Report
    A new report suggests that number of foreign militants joining Syria war to topple the government may be up to 11,000 from 70 nations, most of them fighting for al-Qaeda.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syrian official: Turkey responsible for Adra massacre
    A Syrian information off...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:06
    Syrian official: Turkey responsible for Adra massacre

    A Syrian information official has blamed the US and its regional allies, especially Turkey, for massacre of people in Adra where militants conducted mass execution of civilians.

    Head of Syria's Information Ministry's center for studies and research, Maladh Maqdad, told Al Alam on Tuesday that Turkey is responsible for killing of Syrian people in Adra at the hands of militants who entered Syria's soil by support of Turkey and received weapons through Turkish borders.

    Al-Nusra Front militants, al-Qaeda's main branch in Syria war, attacked Adra in the Rif Dimashq governorate last week and started executing civilians, some of them family by family.

    It is not clear hown many people have been killed in the town since access has been limited but some media reports indicate more than 80 people have been killed while the number is feared to be much higher.

    Terrified survivors of the attack have been describing horrible atrocities carried out by the extremist in Adra.

    Since the start of the war in Syria, the United States has shown that it is the leader of a coalition which is fighting against Syria, by managing its allies in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and by the diplomatic and media coverage it has been giving in support of the war, Maqdad said.

    "It was the united states that established the 'free Syrian army' and provided logistic and military support for it, and prevented the rebels to cooperate with (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad when he proposed them to put down their arms and get amnesty and sit for talks," he added.

    The Syrian official said, Turkish government is acting under US supervision and is trying to overthrow the Syrian government and destroy Syria through sending arms for the militants with the help of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

    He further noted that Ankara is facing criticism for its policies toward the crisis in Syria from parliament and people.

    A new UN report said Turkey transferred more than 47 tons of arsenals to Syria militants.

    The war in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.

    The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

    According to the United Nations, more than 120,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the turmoil that has gripped Syria for over two years.

    Syrian official: Turkey responsible for Adra massacre
    A Syrian information official has blamed the US and its regional allies, especially Turkey, for massacre of people in Adra where militants conducted mass execution of civilians.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syria - Lest we forget, al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA

    As Western media c...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:08
    Syria - Lest we forget, al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA

    As Western media continue to relentlessly portray the Syrian regime as illegitimate and not of the people, hoping to drum up international and regional support while Takfiri militias massacre their way through local civilian populations, spinning lies after lies to shield the public from the bitter truth, too often have the people fallen into the pit of misinformation and propaganda.

    In a world such as ours, where realities have been altered to fit the world's agendas, and evil has been disguised as truth, one needs to keep one's feet firmly on the ground and remember that whenever Western powers speak of truth, more often than not, they are indeed professing deceit and spreading preposterous lies.

    For one, Syria' so-called 2011 revolution never actually was. While civilians might have at first expressed some desires to see implemented reforms in Syria, motivated by a need to see things evolve, it was foreign powers that sought to use the Islamic Awakening to covertly design Syria's invasion. Just as US President George W. Bush openly lied to the UN Security Council in 2003 by claiming that then President of Iraq Saddam Hussein had amassed weapons of mass destruction -WMDs - to justify his military operation and subsequent invasion of Iraq, the US and its allies have tried to portray President Assad as a vengeful, bloodthirsty tyrant who needs to be deposed.

    And if many remain too blind to the truth to realize that those who cloak themselves with righteousness are the very people we should be running from and distrust, many, especially in the Middle East, have come to their senses.

    From the outset, the West and its regional allies, namely Israel and Saudi Arabia, have worked together to destabilize Syria as a nation state, toward two goals: destroying the region's last military super-power and igniting sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Islam.

    Playing to the old saying, "A house divided cannot stand," this league of not-so-extraordinary gentlemen have plotted the region's demise to assert the rise of Israel and ensure that its will would suffer no opposition in the Levant, the greater region and ultimately the world.

    Western nations' weapon of choice - Al-Qaeda

    As per written by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, the founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and the editor of the website, in his latest analysis, "The US, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channeled most of their support to the al-Qaeda brigades, which are also integrated by Western Special Forces. British and French Special Forces have been actively training opposition rebels from a base in Turkey. Israel has provided a safe haven to al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels in the occupied Golan Heights. Western Special Forces have been training the rebels in the use of chemical weapons in Jordan."

    The West can claim deniability all it wants but the truth remains; al-Qaeda is a fabrication. It was the CIA that thought of enlisting Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to repel the Soviets and thus create a buffer against Moscow's ever growing influence in the region back in the late 1980s.

    Today, history repeats itself. NATO and the [P]GCC have been involved in recruiting, training and arming wannabe Jihadists; brainwashed Salafi militants, whose religious compass has been twisted so far beyond recognition that it has become difficult to label them as Muslims.

    It is such militias that have rained down terror on Syria; it is those Barbarians that the Syrian Armed Forces have had to oppose day in and day out for the past two years; and yet it is those who have opposed evil who have been called monsters.

    Sources in Turkey have confirmed that Ankara has enlisted thousands of fighters to the Salafi cause, regardless of the danger such militias represent to the region and to Islam. Blinded by their desire to annihilate President al-Assad and the Syria he ultimately stands for - one free from Western influence and defiant to Israel - those Zionist sold-outs have unleashed their hell-hounds on the land of Shaam.

    Professor Chossudovsky wrote, "The al-Qaeda fighters integrated by mercenaries, trained in Saudi Arabia and Qatar constitute the mainstay of so-called opposition forces, which have been involved in countless atrocities and terrorist acts directed against the civilian population from the outset in March 2011."

    The plot runs deeper

    So far, the public has been sold the idea that Takfiri militias are but an isolated phenomena, a necessary evil for the implementation of a greater good. This is the lie those New World Order fanatics would have you believe. Takfiris militants are the majority. Their numbers are many and their evil knows no bound. Murderers, rapists, thieves, those men have been responsible for the very horrors the media have tried to pin down on the regime. It is they who have bled Syria's from its children, men and women; it is they millions of refugees have desperately to escape from, not President Assad and his regime; not the armed forces that have acted as the last defence against heresy and pandemonium.

    Moreover, this fantasy Western powers have been keen to entertain the lies they have worked so hard to sell you; that their support only goes to those moderate elements within the opposition are again blatant falsities; fabrications aimed to reassure an already gullible public. There is no moderate opposition, only the Takfiris. And yes, the West has been directly channeling its aids to al-Qaeda leaders, the men they have allegedly been fighting across the Islamic World, the very men they have set out to pursue on the wake of 9/11.

    As per claimed by Global Research Canada, "The FSA and its Supreme Military Command essentially serve as a front organization. The SMC under the helm of General Salim Idriss has largely been used to channel support to the terrorists.
    In recent developments, fighting has broken out between the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels covertly supported by the West and the more moderate FSA brigades, officially supported by the West."

    Eager to distance itself from the recent bloodshed, Washington's new tactic is to portray the new Islamic Front as a moderate faction it will be able to publicly support, while denying any links to Salafi hardliners, the deep-state of Islamic fanaticism.

    "With the FSA Supreme Military Command in disarray, Washington's objective is to provide a semblance of legitimacy to the insurrection largely integrated by the Western military alliance's Al Qaeda foot soldiers," wrote Chossudovsky.

    But truth is undeniable, and history will remember. As the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) once said, "Fear the prayer of the oppressed."

    By Catherine Shakdam

    Source: Press TV

    Syria - Lest we forget, al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA
    As Western media continue to relentlessly portray the Syrian regime as illegitimate and not of the people, hoping to drum up international and regional support while Takfiri militias massacre their way through local civilian populations, spinning lies after lies to shield the public from the bitter…
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Root of Wahhabi terrorism traced in 'King of the Sands': Director Anzour

    Dec 18th 2013, 01:16
    Root of Wahhabi terrorism traced in 'King of the Sands': Director Anzour

    "King of the Sands", a film by Syrian director Najdat Anzour, is now being shown in Syrian movie theaters after high-level Saudi officials tried to prevent its showing.

    The film is a biopic of the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, and is considered as the first film to do so, as the subject has been considered a taboo for Saudis.

    The director states that the root cause of the phenomenon of Wahhabi terrorism that is spreading in the entire world can be traced back to the beginnings of the Saud dynasty.

    The director says the film is a useful piece of "history revision" that draws on what happened 100 years ago to comment on the "current chaos" in the Arab world.

    Root of Wahhabi terrorism traced in 'King of the Sands': Director Anzour
    "King of the Sands", a film by Syrian director Najdat Anzour, is now being shown in Syrian movie theaters after high-level Saudi officials tried to prevent its showing.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:56AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    التكفيريون يقطعون الرؤوس ويعلقونها بالشوارع في عدرا

    شنت الجماعات التكفيرية ال...
    Dec 18th 2013, 01:18
    ‫التكفيريون يقطعون الرؤوس ويعلقونها بالشوارع في عدرا

    شنت الجماعات التكفيرية المسلحة هجوما عنيفا على ضاحية "مساكن عدرا العمالية"، في ريف دمشق الشمالي الشرقي، فأقدمت على طرد سكانها من بيوتهم، بعد أن قتلت وذبحت العشرات منهم، فيما ترجح المعلومات أن يصل عدد ضحايا المجزرة إلى أكثر من مئة بعد انكشاف الأمر وإخراج المسلحين منها.

    وفي تقرير خاص لموقع الحقيقة، روى ناجون وفارون من المنطقة، وهي تجمع سكاني كبير للعمال والموظفين، أن ما يتراوح بين 1000 إلى 1500 من مسلحي "الجبهة الإسلامية" (لاسيما "جيش الإسلام" الذي يقوده زهران علوش) و"جبهة النصرة" ، فضلا عن مئات آخرين "مندسين" في المساكن باعتبارهم "نازحين ضيوفا من مناطق مجاورة"، شنوا فجر الاربعاء 11 ديسمبر، هجوما على المنطقة السكنية المذكورة ومرافقها، لاسيما المستوصف ومخفر الشرطة والمخبز الآلي، قبل أن يعملوا بنادقهم وحرابهم قتلا وذبحا وطعنا بالأهالي والموظفين في المرافق العامة، ويعلقوا رؤوس بعضهم ـ بعد جزها بالسكاكين ـ على الأعمدة في ساحة السوق التجاري!
    ووصف شهود عيان من هؤلاء ما جرى بأنه مذبحة حقيقية قد تكون الأكبر من نوعها حتى الآن.

    وقال أحدهم "استيقظنا على أصوات تكبيرات وإطلاق رصاص كثيف ورايات سوداء لجيش الإسلام (العمود الفقري للجبهة الإسلامية) وجبهة النصرة ، بينما كان البعض منهم ينشد أنشودة "بالذبح جيناكم يا نصيرية"( وهي الأنشودة التي أطلقتها "الثورة" في محافظة إدلب). وعندها هربنا ولجأنا في الأقبية، وبعض جيراننا استطاعوا الهرب خارج البلدة"، مضيفاً أنّ "عشرات المسلحين توجهوا إلى المستوصف، وقاموا بذبح الموظف المناوب، وتعليق رأسه في السوق التجاري".
    وقال آخر "إن العشرات جرى حجزهم في غرف صغيرة داخل الأبنية السكنية قبل أن يشرعوا في قتل العديد منهم بالرشاشات والقنابل اليدوية".
    وقال ثالث "سقط في مجزرة واحدة عند المخبز 11 قتيلا من النساء والرجال والفتيان الذين كانوا يشترون الخبز، فضلا عن سبعة من الرهائن الذين ذبحوا بالسكاكين وعلقت رؤوسهم لاحقا، أما عناصر الشرطة في المخفر فجرى قتلهم جميعا والتمثيل بجثثهم".
    وأكد ناج آخر أن "المسلحين عمدوا إلى حرق أحياء بكاملها لمجرد أن سكانها موظفون حكوميون، وبالتالي شبيحة وموالون للسلطة، في عرفهم"!!.
    وأكدت مصادر محلية لـ"الحقيقة" أن إجمالي المدافعين عن "مساكن عدرا العمالية" لا يتجاوز مئة عسكري يتوزعون على حاجزين، فضلا عن مخفر شرطة لا يزيد عديده عن عشرين شرطيا، الأمر الذي مكن المسلحين من استباحة الضاحية التي يبلغ حجمها حجم مدينة صغيرة بسهولة وخلال أقل من ساعة.
    وجاء في معلومات لاحقة أثناء النهار أن عملية الذبح الجماعي تواصلت حتى المساء، وأفيد بأن ما لايقل عن 47 مدنيا قد جرى ذبحهم لأسباب مذهبية وطائفية، فضلا عن عشرات الجرحى الآخرين، جميعهم من المدنيين ومعظمهم من موظفي الدوائر الخدمية والمرافق العامة، وما لايقل عن مئتي رهينة لم يعرف مصيرهم، علما بأن معلومات لاحقة لم تتأكد بعد أشارت إلى أنه جرى ذبح الرهائن جميعا بعد أن عمد المسلحون إلى فرزهم طائفيا ومذهبيا، حيث قتل العلويون والمسيحيون والدروز ومن فئات آخرى.

    ورجح مواطن آخر بأن تتكشف المذبحة غدا أو بعده لتكون "الأكبر من نوعها بحق المدنيين منذ بدء الأزمة" في سوريا عام 2011.
    وأكد ساكن آخر من أبناء الضاحية تمكن من الوصول إلى دمشق "إن عشرات النازحين من المناطق المجاورة، لاسيما من أهالي"دوما" و"حرستا"، عملوا دلالين ومرشدين لدى المسلحين الوهابيين المهاجمين على بيوت أهالي المساكن الذين يستضيفونهم من أبناء الطوائف والمذاهب الأخرى، والذين هم"موالون للسلطة" في عرفهم، فجرى سحبهم من غرف نومهم إلى الشوارع من قبل المهاجمين قبل إطلاق النار عليهم.
    وقد عمل سكان الضاحية من المسلمين السنة على إخفاء ما استطاعوا إخفاءه من جيرانهم العلويين كي لا يقعوا في أيدي الغزاة الوهابيين.
    بالتزامن مع ذلك، استمرت الجوامع التي استولى عليها المسلحون بالنداء عبر مكبرات الصوت مطالبة "العلويين بتسليم أنفسهم للثوار".
    وبحسب مصدر محلي، كانت الجوامع لا تزال تردد هذا النداء حتى ساعة متأخرة من هذا المساء، بينما يحاول المسلمون "السنة" من أهل الضاحية إخفاء من يمكنهم إخفاؤه منهم، لأنهم يعلمون أن الجوامع تنادي عليهم لتسليم أنفسهم من أجل الذبح.
    يشار إلى أن مساكن عدرا العمالية يقيم فيها موظفون وعمال يعملون في أكثر من 600 منشأة صناعية والعديد من صوامع الحبوب، وتقع على بعد حوالي 40 كم إلى الشمال الشرقي من دمشق، وعلى الطريق الدولي المتجه إلى حمص.
    وتستضيف المساكن، فضلا عن أهلها، قرابة مئة ألف نازح من مناطق ريف دمشق الأخرى، لاسيما المجاورة لها كـ"دوما" و"حرستا" و"عربين".

    من مجازر المسلحين: ‬
    ‫التكفيريون يقطعون الرؤوس ويعلقونها بالشوارع في عدرا‬
    ‫شنت الجماعات التكفيرية المسلحة هجوما عنيفا على ضاحية "مساكن عدرا العمالية"، في ريف دمشق الشمالي الشرقي، فأقدمت على طرد سكانها من بيوتهم، بعد أن قتلت وذبحت العشرات منهم، فيما ترجح المعلومات أن يصل عدد ضحايا المجزرة إلى أكثر من مئة بعد انكشاف الأمر وإخراج المسلحين منها.‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 18 01:51AM  

    Uploads by عبد الحق السلف
    17ألماني يدخلون الإسلام وأكثر من 1500 إنسان ينطق الشهادة
    Nov 12th 2013, 08:55
    17ألماني يدخلون الإسلام وأكثر من 1500 إنسان ينطق الشهادة
    17ألماني يدخلون الإسلام وأكثر من 1500 إنسان ينطق الشهادة.
    عبد الحق السلف

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:07PM  

    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Und gebt aus von dem, womit Wir euch versorgt haben, bevor zu einem von euch der...
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:19
    Und gebt aus von dem, womit Wir euch versorgt haben, bevor zu einem von euch der Tod kommt und er dann sagt: „Mein Herr, würdest Du mich doch auf eine kurze Frist zurückstellen! Dann würde ich Almosen geben und zu den Rechtschaffenen gehören."
    Allah wird aber keine Seele zurückstellen, wenn ihre Frist kommt. Und Allah ist Kundig dessen, was ihr tut. (63:10-11)

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:07PM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    The Kufar are not at War with the Muslims because of the: Terror Niqab Beard Salah on the Streets Al Qaida Planes Towers Shariah Polygamy But rather it is because, They had nothing against them, except that they believed in Allah, the All-Mighty, Worthy of all Praise! Who, to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth! And Allah is Witness over everything. Al-Baruj:8-9
    Dec 17th 2013, 09:51
    Dec 17th 2013, 08:40
    Dec 17th 2013, 03:10
    Kufar Ka Nizam Chal Sakta Hai Magar Zalmana Nizam Nahi By Ali Hussain ...
    From elsewhere: Here's another word that the backwards world of Islam has given us - Bridenapping.
    Dec 16th 2013, 17:02
    Wherever you look in the various societies created by the followers of Islam you can probably find some sort of atrocity or abuse, normally aimed at women. So it [&#8230;]
    Zahran Alloush: His Ideology and Beliefs
    Dec 16th 2013, 02:20
    [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"] Zahran Alloush[/caption] Zahran `Alloush: His Ideology and Beliefs By Joshua Landis December 15, 2013 Zahran Alloush is the military chief of the Islamic Front (‏الجبهة الإسلامية‎, al-Jabhat al-Islāmiyyah), [&#8230;]
    Convert Confessions
    Dec 12th 2013, 14:10
    I'm here to confess some things that not many converts to Islam would be willing to discuss openly. Ready? I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Sure, [&#8230;]
    Dec 9th 2013, 21:16
    28 Phrases of Kufr (Unbelief)
    Dec 9th 2013, 09:23
    This booklet was written by Shaikh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahle-Sunnat, the founder of DawateIslami  Hazrat Allama Maulana Abu Bilal MuhammadIlyas Qadri Razavi Ziaee. This Booklet includes the following topics: * Method of Nikkah * Caution * And Many more.. Click here [&#8230;]
    Al-Nusra: Thank you Erdogan!
    Dec 8th 2013, 09:21
    Praise Allah! Through the gracious support from our friend the Republic of Turkey, we will be able to blast all the infidels who deny the glory of Allah! [&#8230;]
    Al-Nusra is furious about the blackmailing of the the National Coalition
    Dec 7th 2013, 16:43
    Sheikh Abu Alhamudillah, spokesman of the Front, commented on the Peacetalks between Assad and the NC: "The infidels will burn in hell, this is an unbelievable betrayal of [&#8230;]
    Default Friends
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:54
    One of the unique things about living in Saudi Arabia (and being an expat anywhere I imagine), is that you meet and befriend numerous men or women from [&#8230;]
    Because they were muslim doesn't it mean its their right to keep kufars as slaves?
    Nov 24th 2013, 13:18

    Of Muslim superheroes, sirwals, cyber-jihadism, Imams 2.0, and a "modern Salafism"
    Nov 22nd 2013, 16:57
    Modeling their ways of life on those of the Prophet Muhammad and of the first generations of Muslims does not necessarily give recent online Salafist activists the reputation [&#8230;]
    1st partially: Reinterpreting Islam
    Nov 19th 2013, 14:22
    Ing Arabiya your Muslim journalism store features a sequence upon 'reinterpreting Islam'. Wonderful identify, sounds like those tranquil Muslims tend to be in the end making your way [&#8230;]
    'Jahannam Kufar, Jahannam Yahud'
    Sep 28th 2013, 14:08
    How reputable is And what refutation is there for its sperm between backbone and rib claims?
    Sep 10th 2013, 21:29
    Hi! So I'm currently in the process of leaving Islam. It's been a whirlwind! I've been a huge believer my entire life but started to consider everything about Islam. So I've been going around the net trying to look for things that the Quran just gets wrong. I was normally to scared to look at this stuff while I was religious because I thought I would get blinded by the Kufar etc. anyway, I came across the whole 'sperm is produced between the backbone and the rib' and wiki Islam ('an_and_Semen_Production_(Qur'an_86:7) ) had some really good stuff about it, all backed up with claims. But then I came across this Is this website reputable and any refutations for these claims?? submitted by Lonelylionheart1 to exmuslim [link] [5 comments]
    I just want to leave...
    Aug 4th 2013, 04:01
    In a month from now, I'm starting my last year of highschool. By now, I'm fed up for being an ex-muslim in a mostly muslim private school. Everyone has to take a mandatory Islamic class if you can speak Arabic or if you're from a country in the Middle-East. One of my friends came out as a full-out Atheist last year, and he was bullied ever since. Everyone in high school knew about that kid that is now an ex-muslim, and tried to convert him, and some took it upon themselves and tried to beat him up. My friends also suspect that I'm an ex-muslim because when people were trying to convert the dude, I would stand by his side to listen to the arguments and contradict them. This is what I heard so far: Why doesn't the Sun just fall down if there is no "god"? Why is the sky up if there is no "god"? Things like that. Other things have happened in Islamic class that were just completely bogus. The one that stands out is when a teacher just said that "Kufar have freckles because they eat pork!" At that point, I had just given up completely. This will be my last year of high school, and my brother managed to get a scholarship to U of Toronto, and he is also an ex-muslim that wants out. I plan on following him there, but my parents are thinking of going there too, just to make sure we're obedient and we don't sin. I can't take this anymore and I just want to leave! Does anyone have any tips as to how I should survive my last year here, now that the only person I can talk to about metaphysical beliefs, religions, and theories is leaving? submitted by ExMusToChange to exmuslim [link] [11 comments]
    The difference of Non-Muslims and Kufar - Hamza Yusuf
    Jul 17th 2013, 00:22
    submitted by RainDropD to islam [link] [5 comments]
    Did The Kufar Reach The Moon? A Funny Answer by Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan
    Apr 24th 2013, 19:42
    submitted by alsalah to salafiyyah [link] [comment]
    Did The Kufar Reach The Moon? A Funny Answer by Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan
    Apr 14th 2013, 00:18
    submitted by alsalah to islam [link] [3 comments]
    A call to my Sunni and Shia brothers, to open your hearts to one another.
    Sep 16th 2012, 05:15
    It has recently come to my attention that there's alot of anti-shia-ism on this /r. So much so that Shia voices are never heard, not because they have their own discussions relevant to their beliefs, but mostly because they feel they're completely mistreated here. This disturbs me. This "takfir", or the act of making out others to be Kufars and that we hold the only Truth is dangerous. Especially in these trying times, Muslims need to unite and accept the fact that we have differences in our ranks, not that much different from our own Sunni Madhabs. Why is it so hard for us to understand that we all worship Allah, and that Islam has always been multifaceted? Why are we trying to erase all signs of diversity and create this monolithic idea of what Islam is? We can never achieve that! We need to unify our ranks and find common ground, and agree to disagree respectfully and brotherly on the points we will never see eye to eye. Sibling rivalry is healthy. But hostility? Really? Enough...Seriously, enough. submitted by momentum77 to islam [link] [38 comments]
    Origins of the black stone
    Jul 5th 2012, 10:04
    Greetings fellow Kufars! I am seeking your enlightening torches of knowledge in order to get some answers about this mysterious black stone. I remember that a couple of years ago I posted a thread in the forum of about the nature of the black stone, and the reason of its holiness, this was way back when a couple of atheists were still hanging around the Islam sub-forum, and we went through all this discussion about how worshiping toward the direction of the black stone is not any different from worshiping to the direction of the 360 gods that existed all along the Kaaba, before Mo' went on his rampage, and the historical fact that the stone was once stolen during an attack against Mecca without it being protected by the infamous birds sent by god that once protected the holy place against the charging elephants. My renewed interest on the subject is due to a video that I viewed here a couple of days ago about the origins of Islam, I have being searching around for some secular reading materials about the historical origins of the black stone, its mineral composition, the presumed sent that it leaves on the hands of the people who are able to touch it, and its significance among the tribe of Quraich along with its relationship to Allah, and presumably Habul, the Quraich deity where Allah originated from. submitted by texan11moore to exmuslim [link] [35 comments]
    My mum is bringing a sheik to my house to try and cure "bad influences".
    Jan 27th 2012, 23:46
    Going to be interesting while I try to be calm, and not get angry. Update : This is how it went down. Sheikh is an iraqi. Looks like a simple minded person. asking about and dreams. are there dogs, snakes and other animals in the dreams asks us about numbness in the body, forgetfullness, sleeping properly. a do you yawn when praying ? asks mum and dad if they talk in their sleep. starts describing the evil eye. best way to overcome is to obey allah, read quran etc.. starts ranting about how people get jealous. don't show your wealth. says he can't decide anything now, till he reads the quran. mum listening to him with rapt attention. dont rush zikr, do it with meaning , know what you are saying. muslims are in a bad position in this world. evil eye again. evil eye on the muslims. wow we have a dream analyst. says to pray on time. pray in the masjid etc. insurance in islam is bad ( my dad's former profession). says good thing my dad doesn't work anymore. This guy is not up for an arugment, not a foaming in the mouth sheikh. i'm keeping quiet, listening. says very difficult to live in kufar country, (we are in London, UK) says stories about awliyahs are lies, don't belive them. (see the irony here ?) trolled him about learning and finding about islam and not blindly following parents and imams. he agress. (got an evil look from dad) after half an hour of him reciting verses loud, he claims there is nothing wrong. he was looking for reactions , such as numbness, pressure in the head, pins and needles in the legs. says children think differently to parents. says not to keep photos in my house ( i hang the photos i take around the house) doesn't like the calvin and hobbes panels i have. says some thing over a bottle of olive oil, and recommends olive oil to rub on bodies everyday. because olive oil is recommended in the quran. submitted by edmund_blackadder to exmuslim [link] [29 comments]
    Atheists, Come to Islam before it's too late
    Aug 18th 2011, 16:53
    God said in the holy Quran (And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto Our slave (Muhammad), then produce a surah of the like thereof, and call your witness other than Allah if ye are truthful.). The miraculous evidence is in challenging anyone who don't believe in Quran or doubting it to bring ( produce/ say or write) a book like Quran or even a short chapter like the shortest chapter in the Quran. God tell us in the Quran that no one will ever do this ( And if ye do it not - and ye can never do it - then guard yourselves against the Fire prepared for disbelievers, whose fuel is of men and stones). The challenge remains till these day, and no one could write a book like Quran for the past 1400 years. Why? because the miraculous Quran is the word of God. And you wont find this challenge in any book or religion, because no one dare to! Ibn taymeyya said ( The kufar ( The unbelievers) in Macca were very determined to prove that what the Quran say is wrong in every way they could. They went to the people of the book (the jews and the Christians ) to ask them about the stories of Joseph, the people of the cave ( ahl alkahf#اهل الكهف#) and tha alqrnen (ذا القرنين) to ask the prophet Mohhamad – pace be upon him- about them. Sometimes they would say that the prophet Mohhamad is insane,poet, monk or even a magician, although they knew he wasn't one of those things. And he challenged them to bring a book or a chapter like the Quran over and over again, but they didn't because the couldn't, because its obvious that the would stand for the challenge if they could) . Its not only in there inability to stand for the challenge although they wanted to attack Isalm so badly, and that is a stronge prove in it self, It's the in the clear veres where God say they will never do that, not them and not anyone. Would Mohhamad say that if he wasn't a prophet and risk his new religion? no, because he was indeed a prophet. submitted by kafer_converter to atheism [link] [4 comments]
    TIL 1971 genocide Bangladesh (Previously part of east Pakistan) was perpetuated by Pakistani Army against non-Muslims (AKA Kufars) in order to pacify the region, and prevent its independence.
    Jul 2nd 2011, 03:46
    submitted by texan11moore to todayilearned [link] [comment]
    How Muslims Transmitted Hindu Knowledge to


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:06PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:29
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:27
    Dec 17th 2013, 17:28
    Shia Ki Haqeeqat Ke Akhir Kafi Kyun Hai"
    Dec 17th 2013, 16:52
    Dec 17th 2013, 16:05
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:59
    "Kehidupan dunia dijadikan indah, dalam pandangan orang-orang kafir, Dan mereka pandang hina pada orang-orang beriman. Padahal orang-orang bertaqwa itu lebih mulia daripada mereka di hari kiamat. Dan Allah memberi rezeki kepada orang-orang dikehendakinya tanpa batas." - Al-Baqarah, ayat 212.
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:48
    HO HO HO ❄❄ITS X-MAS❄❄ TIME AGAIN So many muslims are celebriting christmas every year. Without knowing wot is the truth behind this. See the hidden facts..... 󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶 1) HAZRAT ISA alayhis salam (Jesus) was never born on DEC 25. Quran indicates around April May june time. 󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶 2) 13 pagan gods goddess were born on Dec 25th. 󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶 3) The most famous tree. ROMAN PAGANS ALWAYS WORSHIPED PLANTS N TREES.. PAGANS BELIEVE IS TREES N PLANTS ARE SYMBOLS OF FERTILITY... 4) Who is SANTA CLAUS Rearrange the words see wot u get.. Santa :sATAN Claus = LUCAS (Lucifer the devil) Lucas is a code name for high devil LUCIFER.... (u shud now tht) (Its called anagraming. A jewish invention) 󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶󾭶 5) Santa wears RED... red symbolizes FIRE. The pagan god THOR wod come down chimneys with red clothes.. ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ 6) Meaning of CHRISTMAS They are 2 different words CHRIST -- MAS CHRIST means the anointed one its a greek word. MAS stands for death sacrifice. so when you say MERRY CHRITMASS its means= MERRY DEATH OF CHRIST. ❄❄❄❄❄ 7) Happy new year... ❄❄❄❄❄ New year 1st JAN is celebrated in memory of the two faced pagan god JANUS.... ISLAMIC YEAR BEGINS IN MUHARRAM (which was las month now we in month called SAFR. Allah says in the Quran: THE JEWS AND CHRISTANS WILL NEVER BE PLEASED WITH YOU UNTIL YOU FOLLOW THEIR RELIGION (surah Baqarah) Hadith: WHO EVER IMITATES A NATION SHALL BE FROM THEM.. (abu dawood) ➖➖➖➖ YOU WILL FOLLOW THEM (christains n jews) SPAN BY SPAN INCHE BY INCHE. EVEN IF THEY WERE TO ENTER A LIZARDS HOLE (muslim) 󾭵󾭵󾭵󾭵󾭵 Do good needs before the dark FITNAS appear. A person will be muslim in morning & Kafir at night or Muslim at night & Kafir by morning, deen will be sold to gain the world. (Muslim) Just some simple facts 4 us to open our eyes and save ourselves and our families from such things... 󾭶󾭵󾭶󾭵󾭶 TOMOROW IS NEVER PROMISED TO ANYONE, BUT STANDING IN FRONT OF ALLAH ON THE DAY OF QIYAMAAT IS!!! 󾭶󾭵󾭶󾭵󾭶 YOUNG PARENTS NEED 2 ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH THERE CHILDREN. 󾭶󾭵󾭶󾭵󾭶 It us our responsibility to inform others so Plz frwrd on & spread this message 2 the whole UMH..
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:43
    Kafir və müşriklər haqq dini buraxıb batil dinə əslində şeytanın süsləyib cəlbedici göstərdiyi cəhənnəm yoluna tabe olurlar.Şeytanın cəlbediciliyi o qədər təsirlidir ki, buna inananlar doğru yolda olduqlarını zənn edərək yollarını azırlar. Şeytanın cəlbedici göstərdiyi bir dinin Hz.Süleyman dövründəki insanları necə təsir altına alması Quranda belə bildirilir: "Mən onun və tayfasının Allahı qoyub günəşə sitayiş etdikləringördüm. Şeytanəməllərini onlara gözəl göstərmiş,onları doğru yoldansapdırmışdır. Buna görədə haqqyolutapa bilmirlər" ("Nəml", 27/24).
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:40
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:36
    Dec 17th 2013, 15:22
    Dec 17th 2013, 14:42
    Orang kafir masuk Islam itu Mualaf. Orang Islam yang malas belajar Agama Itu 'Mu Malas' . -Ustaz Azhar Idrus" (y)
    Dec 17th 2013, 14:24
    Adakah Hj Hadi setaraf Zahid Hamidi? Buktikan atau mohon maaf! – Che'GuBard
    Dec 17th 2013, 13:24
    Firman Allah SWT dalam Surah Al-Baqarah ayat;217 yang bermaksud: "Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang berperang pada bulan Haram. Katakanlah: "Berperang dalam bulan itu adalah dosa besar; tetapi menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah, kafir kepada Allah, (menghalangi masuk) Masjidil Haram dan mengusir penduduknya dari sekitarnya, lebih besar...
    Pinjam masa korang 5 minit , tolong baca info penting ni Mesg diperolehi dr kenalan lawyer WAJIB BACA !!! Nauzubillah min zalik, ianya berlaku didalam negara kita sendiri, mungkin tidak jauh dari tempat anda tinggal. Kami ditayangkan dengan gambar-gambar kejadian rogol, bunuh dan buang oleh ramai mangsa yang anda tak akan dapat lihat didalam Metro atau KOSMO. Yang menyayat hati banyak mangsa-mangsa adalah kanak-kanak, ada yang besar2 anak saya sendiri. Tenunglah anak perempuan anda sekarang, bayangkan dada mereka ditoreh, pungung dikerjakan, disumbat mulut dengan kertas, beras, kemaluan disumbat dengan benda-benda. Ni bukan rekaan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan. Saya tengok gambar tu dengan mata saya sendiri. Yang lebih menyedihkan ada mereka yang ditangkap terlepas, kerana tidak cukup bukti untuk didakwa dan ditahan didalam penjara. Jadi awas tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, dikalangan kita ada perogol, pedophiles, pembunuh bersiri yang bebas mencari peluang utk bertindak. Dan mereka ni bukan orang kurang siuman. Semuanya bijak belaka. Mereka mengunakan kaedah seperti PHISING dan reverse phsycology utk mendapatkan maklumat peribadi kita. Jadi anda boleh membuat perbezaan. Saya nak sarankan beberapa perkara mudah di FB yang InsyaAllah boleh menyelamatkan nyawa anda dan keluarga anda. 1. REMOVE semua maklumat berkenaan suami, isteri, anak, ibu, bapa, pakcik yang kita publish di Facebook. Tak perlu unfriend mereka, hanya tukar relationship sahaja. 2.JANGAN post gambar anda, anak-anak, keluarga dan sahabat handai. Jika perlu tetapkan setting SECURITY pada kiriminan. Tentukan org-org yg hanya boleh melihat gambar tersebut. 3. Aktifkan option untuk review TAG. Ada didalam ruangan Setting. Pilihan ini akan meminta anda utk approve gambar, post yang anda telah di tag. Jadi ini akan memberikan anda ruang untuk menilai kiriman tersebut samanda ianya akan mengamcam keselamatan 4. JANGAN lah nak bersayang-sayang, aniversary di FB. Buat offline sahajalah.Tindakan seperti ini akan memberitahu siapa orang kesayangan anda dan boleh jadi target 5. HENTIKAN post yang boleh menunjukan anda bersendiri. Sperti "Boringnya, sorang-sorang kat rumah" atau "I nak tido kejap" 6. MATIKAN fungsi geo-location pada pengguna Android atau iPhone. Fungsi ini boleh mndedahkan lokasi anda. 7. Review friendlist anda dengan kerap. Ingat ada penjenayah ni masih terlepas. 8. REMOVE no telefon dari FB. Kerana penguna Android boleh nampak no telefon anda 9. Gamba profile letak lah yang sopan santun 10. REVIEW semula album FB anda. Mana gambar yg tak patutu delete sahaja ! ** Nampak paranoid, tapi kalau korang tgk sendiri baru korang tau. Jangan salahkan pihak berkuasa. Kita sendiri yg expose maklumat peribadi. WAJIB SEBARKAN ! SHARE / KONGSI ! *Buat semua yang punya FB. tolong block fb yang bernama "Rudy Yohanes Hutagalung" dan "Jasmine Always-Happy III (dajal)" . Wanita Iblis yang terkutuk telah menghina NABI MUHAMMAD SAW. dan mengatakan Nabi Muhammad adalah Nabi anjing ! Bagi yang punya hndfone tolong sebarkan teks ini ! Kalau yang tidak menyebarkan, sama saja membiarkan orang kafir menghina Nabi kita dan Agama kita ! Disebarkan..
    Dec 17th 2013, 12:49
    Dec 17th 2013, 12:36
    Syiah.. Kafir !!!
    Kejawen kafir, kejawen binatang, kejawen zina, kejawen dukun, kejawen nyembah pohon, kejawen iblis, kejawen PKI. Bbbbrrrrrrr
    Dec 17th 2013, 12:21
    Golongan yang Sentiasa Menang Dari Mughirah bin Syu'bah Ra. ia berkata: Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: "Sentiasa di kalangan umatku ada golongan yang selalu menang (dalam perjuangan mereka), sehingga sampailah pada suatu waktu yang dikehendaki Allah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Mereka sentiasa menang. (HR. Bukhari) Keterangan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah menjadikan Umat Islam ini umat yang terakhir sekali. Oleh sebab itu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berjanji akan memelihara kitab-Nya (Al-Qur'an) dan berjanji untuk melahirkan generasi demi generasi yang akan memikul tugas dakwah hingga tetap wujud golongan mukminin di permukaan bumi ini. Kalau kita teliti sejarah Umat Islam mulai zaman pennulaan pengembangannya hingga hari ini, kita akan mendapatkan Umat Islam telah teruji sepanjang sejarah dengan ujian yang berat-berat. Ujian itu dimulai dari golongan Musyrikin di Makkah, Munafiqin, Yahudi dan Nashrani di Madinah, seterusnya gerakan riddah, Majusi yang berselimutkan Islam, golongan Bathiniyah, pengaruh falsafah dan pemikiran Yunani, serangan bangsa Mongol dan bangsa Tartar yang menghancurkan peradaban Islam di Baghdad pada pertengahan abad keenam Hijriyah. Begitu pula halnya dengan pembunuhan terhadap kaum Muslimin ketika jatuhnya kerajaan Islam di Andalus (Spanyol) dan seterusnya disambung dengan pengaruh-pengaruh penjajahan Barat terhadap dunia Islam, gerakan Zionis Yahudi dan missionary Nashrani yang mempunyai peralatan dan kemudahan yang banyak dan seterusnya serangan di segi pemikiran dan kebudayaan. Walaupun ujian yang sangat dahsyat melanda Umat Islam di sepanjang sejarah, namun mereka masih wujud dan masih mempunyai identiti dan peranan yang hebat di dalam peta dunia hari ini. Walaupun dewasa ini ada di kalangan Umat Islam yang tidak menghiraukan Urusan agama, tetapi masih ada golongan yang bersungguh~sungguh untuk mempelajari agama dan memperjuangkannya. Walau pun banyak di kalangan Umat Islam yang telah rosak moral dan akhlaknya, tetapi masih ada golongan yang berakhlak tinggi dan berbudi luhur. Walaupun berbagai syiar Islam diejek-enjek di beberapa tempat, tetapi di tempat lain syiar Islam masih gagah dan teguh. Walaupun pejuang-pejuang Islam ditindas dan disiksa pada suatu tempat, tetapi di tempat lain mereka disanjung dan dihormati. Begitulah seterusnya Umat Islam tidak akan lenyap dari permukaan bumi ini, hingga sampai pada waktu yang dikehendaki oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Maka pada waktu itu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala akan mematikan semua orang Islam dengan tiupan angin yang mematikan setiap jiwa yang beriman. Dan yang tinggal setelah itu hanyalah orang-orang jahat atau orang kafir. Pada waktu itulah akan terjadi hari kiamat.
    Dec 17th 2013, 12:12
    Dec 17th 2013, 12:11
    Setiap org kafir selepas mati tiada lagi keamanan pada diri nya .. Jika masa hidup dia byk sumbangkan harta nya untuk tolong org maka Allah akan balas sebelum dia mati .. Tak boleh sebut RIP pada org kafir - UAI
    Dec 17th 2013, 11:43
    Beginilah Cara Kerja Malaikat Pencabut Nyawa Sebagian Para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut Nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan Aba-aba atau peringatan kepada Manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malaikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati-hati ?" Malaikat pencabut Nyawa menjawab... "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, penglihatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. Apabila setelah datang aba- aba tadi ia tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya "Bukan kah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakhir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatan lainnya " (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada Malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata diwajahnya dan dua lagi tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kau lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal diwaktu yang sama; yang satu berada di ujung timur yang satu berada diujung barat, serta ditempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor bintang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata : "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku" (HR abu Nu'aim) Ternyata Orang Mati Mendengar Tapi Tidak Bisa Menjawab. Rosullulloh SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kaliab betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rosulullah : "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah menjadi mayat?" Rosullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab" (HR Bukhari Muslim) Wallahu A'lam Semoga Bermanfaat Dan Dapat Di Ambil Hikmahnya .. Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Ada 2 pilihan untuk Anda: 1. Biarkan di dalam BBM, catatan atau pikiran Anda tanpa bermanfaat untuk orang lain. 2. Anda sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala.
    Dec 17th 2013, 11:21


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:06PM  

    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    22:73-76 Surat Al-Ĥaj
    O people, an example is presented, so listen t...
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:11
    22:73-76 Surat Al-Ĥaj


    O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create [as much as] a fly, even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should steal away from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him. Weak are the pursuer and pursued.

    They have not estimated Allah His Rightful Estimate; Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.

    Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer.

    He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. And to Allah return all matters (for decision).
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:00PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:20
    ‫صور التفجير الارهابي في دير الزور للانتحاري الذي ارداه الجيش قتيلا قبيل وصوله الى حاجز البانوراما‬
    ‫صفحة قناة الإخبارية السورية اتحاد القنوات السورية على اليوتيوب الصفحة الداعمة للسيد الرئيس بشار الأسد,شبكة منقول الإخبارية،شبكة اخبار طرطوس,شبكة شام المؤيدة,...‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:00PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    لتجريم قاطعي الرؤوس وداعميهم لاسيما الغربيين في سورية .. نرجوا منكم توقيع عريضتن...
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:50
    ‫لتجريم قاطعي الرؤوس وداعميهم لاسيما الغربيين في سورية .. نرجوا منكم توقيع عريضتنا ونشرها بين الاصدقاء لتوقيعها
    United Nations, White House: Make beheading a crime against humanity
    Beheading is a dehumanizing and barbaric act that has no purpose or justification. Beheaders should be punished to the maximum extent of the law....
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:00PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syria - Lest we forget, al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA
    Dec 17, 2013 | By C...
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:51
    Syria - Lest we forget, al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA

    Dec 17, 2013 | By Catherine Shakdam

    As Western media continue to relentlessly portray the Syrian regime as illegitimate and not of the people, hoping to drum up international and regional support while Takfiri militias massacre their way through local civilian populations, spinning lies after lies to shield the public from the bitter truth, too often have the people fallen into the pit of misinformation and propaganda.

    In a world such as ours, where realities have been altered to fit the world's agendas, and evil has been disguised as truth, one needs to keep one's feet firmly on the ground and remember that whenever Western powers speak of truth, more often than not, they are indeed professing deceit and spreading preposterous lies.

    For one, Syria' so-called 2011 revolution never actually was. While civilians might have at first expressed some desires to see implemented reforms in Syria, motivated by a need to see things evolve, it was foreign powers that sought to use the Islamic Awakening to covertly design Syria's invasion. Just as US President George W. Bush openly lied to the UN Security Council in 2003 by claiming that then President of Iraq Saddam Hussein had amassed weapons of mass destruction -WMDs - to justify his military operation and subsequent invasion of Iraq, the US and its allies have tried to portray President Assad as a vengeful, bloodthirsty tyrant who needs to be deposed.

    And if many remain too blind to the truth to realize that those who cloak themselves with righteousness are the very people we should be running from and distrust, many, especially in the Middle East, have come to their senses.

    From the outset, the West and its regional allies, namely Israel and Saudi Arabia, have worked together to destabilize Syria as a nation state, toward two goals: destroying the region's last military super-power and igniting sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Islam.

    Playing to the old saying, "A house divided cannot stand," this league of not-so-extraordinary gentlemen have plotted the region's demise to assert the rise of Israel and ensure that its will would suffer no opposition in the Levant, the greater region and ultimately the world.

    Western nations' weapon of choice - Al-Qaeda

    As per written by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, the founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and the editor of the website, in his latest analysis, "The US, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channeled most of their support to the al-Qaeda brigades, which are also integrated by Western Special Forces. British and French Special Forces have been actively training opposition rebels from a base in Turkey. Israel has provided a safe haven to al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels in the occupied Golan Heights. Western Special Forces have been training the rebels in the use of chemical weapons in Jordan."

    The West can claim deniability all it wants but the truth remains; al-Qaeda is a fabrication. It was the CIA that thought of enlisting Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to repel the Soviets and thus create a buffer against Moscow's ever growing influence in the region back in the late 1980s.

    Today, history repeats itself. NATO and the [P]GCC have been involved in recruiting, training and arming wannabe Jihadists; brainwashed Salafi militants, whose religious compass has been twisted so far beyond recognition that it has become difficult to label them as Muslims.

    It is such militias that have rained down terror on Syria; it is those Barbarians that the Syrian Armed Forces have had to oppose day in and day out for the past two years; and yet it is those who have opposed evil who have been called monsters.

    Sources in Turkey have confirmed that Ankara has enlisted thousands of fighters to the Salafi cause, regardless of the danger such militias represent to the region and to Islam. Blinded by their desire to annihilate President al-Assad and the Syria he ultimately stands for - one free from Western influence and defiant to Israel - those Zionist sold-outs have unleashed their hell-hounds on the land of Shaam.

    Professor Chossudovsky wrote, "The al-Qaeda fighters integrated by mercenaries, trained in Saudi Arabia and Qatar constitute the mainstay of so-called opposition forces, which have been involved in countless atrocities and terrorist acts directed against the civilian population from the outset in March 2011."

    The plot runs deeper

    So far, the public has been sold the idea that Takfiri militias are but an isolated phenomena, a necessary evil for the implementation of a greater good. This is the lie those New World Order fanatics would have you believe. Takfiris militants are the majority. Their numbers are many and their evil knows no bound. Murderers, rapists, thieves, those men have been responsible for the very horrors the media have tried to pin down on the regime. It is they who have bled Syria's from its children, men and women; it is they millions of refugees have desperately to escape from, not President Assad and his regime; not the armed forces that have acted as the last defence against heresy and pandemonium.

    Moreover, this fantasy Western powers have been keen to entertain the lies they have worked so hard to sell you; that their support only goes to those moderate elements within the opposition are again blatant falsities; fabrications aimed to reassure an already gullible public. There is no moderate opposition, only the Takfiris. And yes, the West has been directly channeling its aids to al-Qaeda leaders, the men they have allegedly been fighting across the Islamic World, the very men they have set out to pursue on the wake of 9/11.

    As per claimed by Global Research Canada, "The FSA and its Supreme Military Command essentially serve as a front organization. The SMC under the helm of General Salim Idriss has largely been used to channel support to the terrorists.
    In recent developments, fighting has broken out between the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels covertly supported by the West and the more moderate FSA brigades, officially supported by the West."

    Eager to distance itself from the recent bloodshed, Washington's new tactic is to portray the new Islamic Front as a moderate faction it will be able to publicly support, while denying any links to Salafi hardliners, the deep-state of Islamic fanaticism.

    "With the FSA Supreme Military Command in disarray, Washington's objective is to provide a semblance of legitimacy to the insurrection largely integrated by the Western military alliance's Al Qaeda foot soldiers," wrote Chossudovsky.

    But truth is undeniable, and history will remember. As the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) once said, "Fear the prayer of the oppressed."
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 07:00PM  

    Stop the War Coalitions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Stop the War Coalitions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 17th 2013, 18:56
    England v Afghanistan at Wembley is a crass stunt aimed at rebranding a war that Britain lost
    David Cameron's backing for a soccer match after 12 years of fighting is an attempt to put a moral gloss on the war says David Wearing. READ MORE...
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