
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 16 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:22AM  

    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:43

    Sahih Muslim
    Die Geschichte der 5 Brote Abu Omar kaufte bei seinem Bäcker jeden Tag fünf Brote. Der Bäcker, verwundert über den großen Bedarf, fragte ihn eines Tages, was er eigentlich mit all dem Brot mache. Abu Omar antwortete leise: "Ein Brot kaufe ich für mich, zwei gebe ich zurück und die beiden Übrigen leihe ich aus". Der Bäcker, der mit dieser Antwort nichts anzufangen wusste, fragte erstaunt: "Entschuldige, mein bester Abu Omar, wenn ALLAH (subhana wa ta'ala) meinen Verstand getrübt hat, doch ich begreife nicht Deiner Rede Sinn. Kannst du es mir nicht eingehender erklären?" Abu Omar erwiderte: "Das Brot, das ich für mich kaufe, verspeise ich selber, wie ich schon gesagt habe. Die zwei Brote, die ich zurückgebe, gebe ich meinen Eltern. Ich schulde sie ihnen, weil sie mich im Kindesalter ernährt haben. Die beiden Brote, die ich ausleihe, gebe ich meinen Kindern mit der Bitte, sie mir zurückzugeben, wenn ich alt bin und mein Brot nicht mehr selber verdienen kann."
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:19AM  

    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    No matter what noble status a believer reaches, he will always be in need of #Al...
    Dec 20th 2013, 01:07
    No matter what noble status a believer reaches, he will always be in need of #Allah and in need of worshiping Him.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:18AM  

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    حجۃ الوداع
    دعوت وتبلیغ کاکام پورا ہوگیا۔ اور اللہ کی الوہیت کے اثبات ، اس ک...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:28
    ‫حجۃ الوداع
    دعوت وتبلیغ کاکام پورا ہوگیا۔ اور اللہ کی الوہیت کے اثبات ، اس کے ماسوا کی الوہیت کی نفی اور محمد رسول اللہﷺ کی رسالت کی بنیاد پر ایک نئے معاشرے کی تعمیر وتشکیل عمل میں آگئی۔ اب گویا غیبی ہاتف آپ کے قلب وشعور کو یہ احساس دلارہا تھا کہ دنیا میں آپﷺ کے قیام کا زمانہ اختتام کے قریب ہے ، چنانچہ آپﷺ نے حضرت معاذ بن جبلؓ کو ۱۰ ھ میں یمن کا گورنر بنا کر روانہ فرمایا تو رخصت کرتے ہوئے منجملہ اور باتوں کے فرمایا : اے معاذ! غالباً تم مجھ سے میرے اس سال کے بعد نہ مل سکو گے۔ بلکہ غالباً میری اس مسجد اورمیری اس قبر کے پاس سے گذرو گے۔ اور حضرت معاذؓ یہ سن کر رسول اللہﷺ کی جدائی کے غم سے رونے لگے۔

    درحقیقت اللہ چاہتا تھا کہ اپنے پیغمبرﷺ کو اس دعوت کے ثمرات دکھلادے جس کی راہ میں آپﷺ نے بیس برس سے زیادہ عرصہ تک طرح طرح کی مشکلات اور مشقتیں برداشت کی تھیں۔ اور اس کی صورت یہ ہو کہ آپﷺ حج کے موقع پر اطرافِ مکہ میں قبائلِ عرب کے افراد و نمائندگان کے ساتھ جمع ہوں۔ پھر وہ آپﷺ سے دین کے احکام وشرائع حاصل کریں۔ اور آپﷺ ان سے یہ شہادت لیں کہ آپﷺ نے امانت ادا کردی۔ پیغام ِ رب کی تبلیغ فرمادی۔ اور امّت کی خیر خواہی کا حق ادا فرمادیا۔ اس مَشیّتِ ایزدی کے مطابق نبیﷺ نے جب اس تاریخی حجِ مبرور کے لیے اپنے ارادے کا اعلان فرمایا۔ تو مسلمانانِ عرب جوق درجوق پہنچنا شروع ہوگئے۔ ہر ایک کی آرزو تھی کہ وہ رسول اللہﷺ کے نقش ِ پاکو اپنے لیے نشان ِ راہ بنائے۔ اور آپﷺ کی اقتدا کرے۔1پھر سنیچر کے دن جبکہ ذی قعدہ میں چار د ن باقی تھے رسول اللہﷺ نے کوچ کی تیاری فرمائی۔2بالو ں میں کنگھی کی۔ تیل لگایا۔ تہبند پہنا ، چادر اوڑھی ، قربانی کے جانوروں کو قَلادَہ پہنایا۔ اور ظہر کے بعد کوچ فرمایا۔ اور عصر سے پہلے ذو الحلیفہ پہنچ گئے۔ وہاں عصر کی نماز دورکعت پڑھی۔ اور رات بھر خیمہ زن رہے۔ صبح ہوئی تو صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم سے فرمایا : رات میرے پروردگار کی طرف سے ایک آنے والے نے آکر کہا : اس مبارک وادی میں نماز پڑھو۔ اور کہو: حج میں عمرہ ہے۔3
    پھر ظہر کی نمازسے پہلے آپﷺ نے اِحْرام کے لیے غسل فرمایا۔ اس کے بعد حضرت عائشہ ؓ نے
    1 یہ بات صحیح مسلم میں حضرت جابرؓ سے مروی ہے۔ دیکھئے باب حجۃ النبیﷺ ۱/۳۹۴
    2 حافظ ابن حجرl نے اس کی بہت عمدہ تحقیق کی ہے۔ اور بعض روایات میں جو یہ آیا ہے کہ ذیقعدہ کے پانچ دن باقی تھے ، تب آپ روانہ ہوئے اس کی تصحیح بھی کی ہے۔ دیکھئے فتح الباری ۸/۱۰۴
    3 اسے بخاری نے حضرت عمرؓ سے روایت کیا ہے۔ ۱/۲۰۷

    آپﷺ کے جسمِ اطہر اور سرَ مبارک میں اپنے ہاتھ سے ذَرِیْرَہ اور مُشک آمیز خوشبو لگائی۔ خوشبو کی چمک آپﷺ کی مانگ اور داڑھی میں دکھائی پڑتی تھی۔ مگر آپﷺ نے یہ خوشبو دھوئی نہیں۔ بلکہ برقرار رکھی، پھر اپنا تہبند پہنا، چادر اوڑھی اور دورکعت ظہر کی نماز پڑھی۔ اس کے بعد مصلے ہی پر حج اور عمرہ دونوں کا ایک ساتھ احرام باندھتے ہوئے صدائے لَبَّیک بلند کی۔ پھر باہر تشریف لائے۔ قَصْوَاء اُونٹنی پر سوار ہوئے۔ اور دوبارہ صدائے لبیک بلند کی۔ اس کے بعد اُونٹنی پر سوار کھلے میدان میں تشریف لے گئے تو وہاں بھی لبَّیک پُکار ا۔
    اس کے بعد آپﷺ نے اپنا سفر جاری رکھا۔ ہفتہ بھر بعد جب آپﷺ سر شام مکہ کے قریب پہنچے تو ذی طویٰ میں ٹھہر گئے۔ وہیں رات گذاری اور فجر کی نماز پڑھ کر غسل فرمایا۔ پھر مکہ میں صبح دم داخل ہوئے۔ یہ اتوار ۴ /ذی الحجہ ۱۰ ھ کا دن تھا۔راستے میں آٹھ راتیں گذری تھیں - اوسط رفتار سے اس مسافت کا یہی حساب بھی ہے - مسجد حرام پہنچ کر آپﷺ نے پہلے خانہ کعبہ کا طواف کیا۔ پھر صفا مروہ کے درمیان سعی کی، مگر احرام نہیں کھولا۔ کیونکہ آپﷺ نے حج وعمرہ کا احرام ایک ساتھ باندھا تھا۔ اور اپنے ساتھ ہَدْی (قربانی کے جانور ) لائے تھے۔ طواف وسَعْی سے فارغ ہوکرآپﷺ نے بالائی مکہ میں حجون کے پاس قیام فرمایا لیکن دوبارہ طواف ِ حج کے سِوا کوئی اور طواف نہیں کیا۔
    آپﷺ کے جو صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اپنے ساتھ ہَدْی (قربانی کا جانور ) نہیں لائے تھے۔ آپﷺ نے انہیں حکم دیا کہ اپنا احرام عمرہ میں تبدیل کردیں۔ اور بیت اللہ کا طواف اور صفا مروہ کی سَعْی کر کے پُوری طرح حلال ہوجائیں لیکن چونکہ آپﷺ خود حلال نہیں ہورہے تھے، اس لیے صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم کو تردّد ہوا۔ آپﷺ نے فرمایا: اگر میں اپنے معاملے کی وہ بات پہلے جان گیا ہوتا جو بعد میں معلوم ہوئی تو میں ہَدْی نہ لاتا۔ اور اگر میرے ساتھ ہدی نہ ہوتی تو میں بھی حلال ہوجاتا۔ آپﷺ کا یہ ارشاد سن کر صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم نے سرِ اطاعت خَم کردیا اور جن کے پاس ہدی نہ تھی وہ حلال ہوگئے۔
    آٹھ ذی الحجہ - تَرویہ کے دن - آپ مِنی ٰتشریف لے گئے۔ اور وہاں ۹/ ذی الحجہ کی صبح تک قیام فرمایا۔ ظہر، عصر، مغرب ، عشاء اور فجر ( پانچ وقت ) کی نماز یں وہیں پڑھیں۔ پھر اتنی دیر توقف فرمایا کہ سورج طلوع ہوگیا۔ اس کے بعد عرفہ کوچل پڑے۔ وہاں پہنچے تو وادی نِمرَہ میں قبہ تیار تھا۔ اسی میں نزول فرمایا۔ جب سورج ڈھل گیا تو آپﷺ کے حکم سے قَصْواء پر کجاوہ کسا گیا۔ اور آپﷺ بطن وادی میں تشریف لے گئے۔ اس وقت آپﷺ کے گرد ایک لاکھ چوبیس ہزار یا ایک لاکھ چوالیس ہزار انسانوں کا سمندر ٹھاٹھیں مار رہا تھا۔ آپﷺ نے ان کے درمیان ایک جامع خطبہ ارشاد فرمایا ، آپﷺ نے فرمایا :
    لوگو! میری بات سن لو ، کیونکہ میں نہیں جانتا غالباً اپنے اس سال کے بعد اس مقام پر تم سے کبھی نہ مل سکوں گا۔1
    1 ابن ہشام ۲/۶۰۳

    تمہار ا خون اور تمہار ا مال ایک دوسرے پر اسی طرح حرام ہے ، جس طرح تمہارے آج کے دن کی ، رواں مہینے کی اور موجودہ شہر کی حرمت ہے۔ سن لو ! جاہلیت کی ہر چیز میرے پاؤں تلے رونددی گئی۔ جاہلیت کے خون بھی ختم کردیے گئے۔ اور ہمارے خون میں سے پہلا خون جسے میں ختم کررہا ہوں وہ ربیعہ بن حارث کے بیٹے کا خون ہے - یہ بچہ بنو سعد میں دودھ پی رہا تھا کہ انہی ایّام میں قبیلہ ہُذَیْل نے اسے قتل کردیا اور جاہلیت کا سود ختم کردیا گیا۔ اور ہمارے سود میں سے پہلا سود جسے میں ختم کررہا ہوں وہ عباس بن عبد المطلب کا سود ہے، اب یہ سارا کا سارا سود ختم ہے۔
    ہاں ! عورتوں کے بارے میں اللہ سے ڈرو کیونکہ تم نے انہیں اللہ کی امانت کے ساتھ لیا ہے۔ اور اللہ کے کلمے کے ذریعہ حلال کیا ہے۔ ان پر تمہارا حق یہ ہے کہ وہ تمہارے بستر پر کسی ایسے شخص کو نہ آنے دیں جو تمہیں گوارا نہیں۔ اگر وہ ایسا کریں تو تم انہیں مار سکتے ہو لیکن سخت مار نہ مار نا اور تم پر ان کا حق یہ ہے کہ تم انہیں معروف کے ساتھ کھلاؤ اور پہناؤ۔
    اور میں تم میں ایسی چیز چھوڑے جارہاہوں کہ اگر تم نے اسے مضبوطی سے پکڑ ے رکھا تو اس کے بعد ہرگز گمراہ نہ ہوگے اور وہ ہے اللہ کی کتاب۔1
    لوگو ! یاد رکھو ! میرے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں۔ اور تمہارے بعد کوئی امت نہیں۔ لہٰذا اپنے رب کی عبادت کرنا۔ پانچ وقت کی نماز پڑھنا۔ رمضان کے روزے رکھنا۔ خوشی خوشی اپنے مال کی زکوٰۃ دینا، اپنے پروردگار کے گھر کا حج کرنا اور اپنے حکمرانوں کی اطاعت کرنا۔ ایسا کرو گے تو اپنے پروردگار کی جنت میں داخل ہوگے۔2
    اور تم سے میرے متعلق پوچھا جانے والا ہے تو تم لوگ کیا کہو گے ؟ صحابہ نے کہا: ہم شہادت دیتے ہیں کہ آپﷺ نے تبلیغ کردی ، پیغام پہنچادیا۔ اور خیر خواہی کا حق ادا فرمادیا۔
    یہ سن کر آپﷺ نے انگشت شہادت کو آسمان کی طرف اٹھایا اور لوگوں کی طرف جھکاتے ہوئے تین بار فرمایا : اے اللہ گواہ رہ۔3
    آپﷺ کے ارشادات کو ربیعہ بن امیہ بن خلف اپنی بلند آواز سے لوگوں تک پہنچارہے تھے۔4جب آپﷺ خطبہ سے فارغ ہوچکے تو اللہ عزوجل نے یہ آیت نازل فرمائی :
    الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَ‌ضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا (۵: ۳)
    ''آج میں نے تمہارے لیے تمہارا دین مکمل کردیا۔ اورتم پر اپنی نعمت پوری کردی اور تمہارے لیے اسلام کو بحیثیت دین پسند کرلیا۔''
    1 صحیح مسلم باب حجۃ النبیﷺ ۱/۳۹۷
    2 معدن الاعمال حدیث نمبر ۱۱۰۸، ۱۱۰۹، ابن جریر ، ابن عساکر ، رحمۃ للعالمین ۱/۲۶۳
    3 صحیح مسلم ۱/ ۳۹۷ 4 ابن ہشام ۲/۶۰۵

    جب یہ آیت نازل ہوئی تو حضرت عمرؓ رونے لگے۔ نبیﷺ نے دریافت کیا :کیوں روتے ہو؟کہا کہ ہم لوگ اپنے دین کے تعلق سے زیادتی میں تھے لیکن اب جبکہ وہ مکمل ہوگیا ہے توجو چیز مکمل ہو جاتی ہے گھٹنے لگتی ہے۔ آپ نے فرمایا کہ تم نے سچ کہا۔1
    خطبہ کے بعد حضرت بلالؓ نے اذان اور پھر اقامت کہی۔ رسول اللہﷺ نے ظہر کی نماز پڑھائی۔ اس کے بعد حضرت بلالؓ نے پھر اقامت کہی اور آپﷺ نے عصر کی نماز پڑھائی اور ان دونوں نمازوں کے درمیان کوئی نماز نہیں پڑھی۔ اس کے بعد سوار ہو کر آپﷺ جائے وقوف پر تشریف لے گئے۔ اپنی اونٹنی قَصْواء کا شکم چٹانوں کی جانب کیا۔ اور حبل مشاۃ (پیدل چلنے والو ں کی راہ میں واقع ریتیلے تودے ) کو سامنے کیا۔ اور قبلہ رُ خ مسلسل ( اسی حالت میں) وقوف فرمایا۔ یہاں تک کہ سورج غروب ہونے لگا۔ تھوڑی زردی ختم ہوئی ، پھر سورج کی ٹکیہ غائب ہوگئی۔ اس کے بعد آپﷺ نے حضرت اسامہؓ کو پیچھے بٹھایا۔ اور وہاں سے روانہ ہوکر مُزْدَلْفہ تشریف لائے۔ مُزْدَلْفہ میں مغرب اور عشاء کی نمازیں ایک اذان اور دواقامت سے پڑھیں۔ درمیان میں کوئی نفل نماز نہیں پڑھی۔ اس کے بعد آپﷺ لیٹ گئے۔ اور طلوع فجر تک لیٹے رہے۔ البتہ صبح نمودار ہوتے ہی اذان واقامت کے ساتھ فجر کی نماز پڑھی۔ اس کے بعد قَصْواء پر سوار ہوکر مَشْعَر حَرَام تشریف لائے۔ اور قبلہ رخ ہوکر اللہ سے دعا کی۔ اور اس کی تکبیر وتہلیل اور توحید کے کلمات کہے۔ یہاں اتنی دیرتک ٹھہرے رہے کہ خوب اجالا ہوگیا۔ اس کے بعد سورج طلوع ہونے سے پہلے پہلے منیٰ کے لیے روانہ ہوگئے۔ اور اب کی بار حضرت فضل بن عباسؓ کو اپنے پیچھے سوار کیا۔ بَطنِ مُحسر میں پہنچے تو سواری کو ذرا تیزی سے دوڑایا۔ پھر جو درمیانی راستہ جمرۂ کبریٰ پر نکلتا تھا۔ اس سے چل کر جمرۂ کبریٰ پر پہنچے ... اس زمانے میں وہاں ایک درخت بھی تھا۔ اور جمرۂ کبریٰ اس درخت کی نسبت سے بھی معروف تھا۔ اس کے علاوہ جمرۂ کبریٰ کو جمرہ ٔ عقبہ اور جمرۂ اُ وْلیٰ بھی کہتے ہیں ... پھر آپﷺ نے جمرۂ کبریٰ کوسات کنکریاں ماریں۔ ہر کنکری کے ساتھ تکبیر کہتے جاتے تھے۔ کنکریاں چھوٹی چھوٹی تھیں۔ جنہیں چٹکی میں لے کر چلایا جاسکتا تھا۔ آپﷺ نے یہ کنکریاں بطن وادی میں کھڑے ہوکر ماری تھیں۔ اس کے بعد آپﷺ قربان گاہ تشریف لے گئے۔ اور اپنے دست


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:16AM  

    Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna - Alle Foren
    Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna -
    Seminar in Bremen: Neil BinRadhan
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:49

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu
    Geehrte Geschwister,
    Das wird eine Weiterleitung inshaAllah:
    Islamseminar in Bremen vom 20.12.2013 bis 22.12.2013 – Shaikh Neil Bin Radhan
    Assalamu Alaikum verehrte Geschwister im Islam,
    mit Freude und Wissensgier informieren wir Euch über das bevorstehende Islamseminar bei uns in Bremen. Das Islamseminar wird von Shaikh Neil Bin Radhan in deutscher Sprache gehalten.Das Seminar beginnt am Freitag, den 20.12.2013, nach dem Isha-Gebet und endet am Sonntag, den 22.12.2013 nach Isha-Gebet.Das Seminarthema ist aus dem Bereich Aqidah und lautet:Die Erläuterung der sechs Säulen des ImansUnterrichtsgrundlage des Seminars ist das Buch "Wegweiser für Ratlose zum wahren Glauben" von Scheich Fathy Eid, dem Vorstandsvorsitzen des Hohen Rates der Gelehrte und Imame in Deutschland. Ihr könnt das Buch in der Moschee vor Ort sehr günstig erwerben.  Es gibt Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Brüdern und Schwestern, bitte bringt Schlafsachen für Euch mit.Verpflegung (drei Mahlzeiten) wird von der Moschee zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Seminar ist gebührenfrei.Näheres zum Ablauf könnt Ihr aus dem Seminarplan unten entnehmen. Um die Verpflegung besser planen zu können, meldet bitte die Personenzahl, mit der ihr anreist, unter der
    Emailadresse:ikzbremenislam@yahoo.dean.Noch eine letzte Bitte, leitet die Nachricht an alle Geschwister weiter, selbst wenn Ihr daran nicht teilnehmen könnt, trotzdem bekommt Ihr die Belohnung, weil Ihr vielleicht der Grund für die Teilnahme anderer werdet. Baarakallahu Feekum!
    Adresse:Islamisches Kulturzentrum Bremen e.V.Breitenweg 5928195 BremenStadtmitte (Centrum)Email: Für den Seminarplan bitte auf "Weiterlesen" klicken.
    Seminarplan:(20.12.13 bis 22.12.13) Freitag (20.12.2013): -13:00 Uhr: Freitagspredigt auf Arabisch und Deutsch (Shaikh Neil)-Nach Isha-Gebet um 18:15 Uhr: Beginn des Seminars und 1. Unterrichtsblock-19:15 Uhr: Pause-19:30 Uhr: 2. Unterrichtsblock-20:30 Uhr: Pause-20:45 Uhr: Frage- & Antwort -Runde-21:45 Uhr: Abendessen-Nach 23:00 Uhr: Nachtruhe Samstag (21.12.2013): -07:00 Uhr: Subh-Gebet-Nach Subh-Gebet: Ruhepause-09:00 Uhr: Frühstück-10:00 Uhr: 3. Unterrichtsblock-11:00 Uhr: Pause-11:15 Uhr: 4. Unterrichtsblock-12:15 Uhr: Pause & Dhuhur-Gebet-13:00 Uhr: 5. Unterrichtsblock-14:00 Uhr: Pause & Asr-Gebet-14:30 Uhr: Frage & Antwort -Runde-15:30 Uhr: Pause & Mittagsessen-16:30 Uhr: Maghreb-Gebet-16:45 Uhr: 6. Unterrichtsblock-17:45 Uhr: Pause & Isha-Gebet-18:15 Uhr: 7. Unterrichtsblock-19:15 Uhr: Pause-19:30 Uhr: 8. Unterrichtsblock-20:30 Uhr: Pause-20:45 Uhr: Frage- & Antwort-Runde-21:45 Uhr: Pause und Abendessen-Nach 23:00 Uhr: Nachtruhe  Sonntag (22.12.2013): -07:00 Uhr: Subh-Gebet-Nach Subh-Gebet: Ruhepause-09:00 Uhr: Frühstück-10:00 Uhr: 9. Unterrichtsblock-11:00 Uhr: Pause-11:15 Uhr: 10. Unterrichtsblock-12:15 Uhr: Pause & Dhuhr-Gebet-13:00 Uhr: 11. Unterrichtsblock-14:00 Uhr: Pause & Asr-Gebet-14:30 Uhr: 12. Unterrichtsblock-15:30 Uhr: Pause & Mittagsessen-16:30 Uhr: Maghreb-Gebet-16:45 Uhr: Frage & Antwort -Runde-17:45 Uhr: Pause & Isha-Gebet-18:15 Uhr: Frage & Antwort -Runde-19:15 Uhr: Seminarabschluss & Abschied Quelle:

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:12AM  

    Muslima loves her Hidjabs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslima loves her Hidjabs Facebook-Pinnwand
    افعَل كُل شيء ولكن لا تُبكِي امرأة حَمَلَتكَ بـ أحشائها تسعة شهور وانتظرت قدومَك...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:37
    ‫افعَل كُل شيء ولكن لا تُبكِي امرأة حَمَلَتكَ بـ أحشائها تسعة شهور وانتظرت قدومَكَ بـ لهفَة ..

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:05AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    'Nobody can stop Assad from running for re-election'

    The Syrian government sa...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:29
    'Nobody can stop Assad from running for re-election'

    The Syrian government says nobody can prevent the country's President Bashar al-Assad from running for re-election next year.

    "Nobody has the right to interfere and say he must run or he should not run," Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad told AFP on Thursday.

    "President Assad in my opinion should be a candidate but he will decide when the time comes for him to decide," he said.

    "I shall ask the opposition: why a Syrian national does not have the right to be a candidate? Who can prevent him? Any Syrian national can be candidate," said Muqdad.

    "The ballot boxes will decide who will lead Syria... President Assad enjoys a big majority while (France's) President (Francois) Hollande has only 15 percent support of the French people," he argued.

    While the opposition insists on Assad's ouster, three years into an armed conflict that has cost more than 100,000 lives, the Syrian government has repeatedly said he would run in 2014 polls.

    Assad himself said in a television interview in October: "I don't see any reason why I shouldn't run in the next election."

    'Nobody can stop Assad from running for re-election'
    The Syrian government says nobody can prevent the country's President Bashar al-Assad from running for re-election next year.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:05AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Uncatalogued abuses' in ISIL Syrian jails shock rights group

    Extremist milita...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:28
    Uncatalogued abuses' in ISIL Syrian jails shock rights group

    Extremist militants are perpetrating "a shocking uncatalogued of abuses" in secret jails across northern Syria, including torture, flogging and killings after summary trials, Amnesty International says.

    It said in a Thursday report that the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), one of the most powerful terrorist groups to emerge from Syria's almost three-year-old conflict, is operating seven clandestine prisons in rebel-held areas.

    Detainees are held for reasons ranging from suspected theft to offenses against the ideology of the ISIL such as smoking. Others are seized simply for challenging ISIL authority or belonging to rival armed groups, it said.

    "Those abducted and detained by ISIL include children as young as eight who are held together with adults in the same cruel and inhuman conditions," said Philip Luther, Amnesty's Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

    It described individuals being seized by masked men, held for weeks on end in solitary confinement at unknown locations and tried by self-styled courts that mete out death or floggings with little if any due process.

    Former detainees described being beaten with rubber generator belts or cables, tortured with electric shocks and being forced into a painful stress position known as the "scorpion" in which the detainee's wrists are bound over one shoulder.

    Amnesty said some people are detained for common crimes like theft while others are jailed for smoking or because they challenged ISIL's rule or belong to other armed groups.

    In recent months, ISIL has kidnapped dozens of Syrian activists and news providers, as well as several foreign journalists.

    'Uncatalogued abuses' in ISIL jails in Syria shock rights group
    Extremist militants are perpetrating "a shocking uncatalogued of abuses" in secret jails across northern Syria, including torture, flogging and killings after summary trials, Amnesty International says.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:05AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Militants in Syria pose a great terrorist threat to Tunisia, Arab world

    Dec 20th 2013, 00:31
    Militants in Syria pose a great terrorist threat to Tunisia, Arab world

    Hayet Saadi says the trouble with her son Aymen began more than a year ago, when he was just 16. He began talking of war in Syria, and of going to the country to join the militants fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad. In March, he skipped his high school exams and left home.

    Finally, on Oct. 30, Ms. Saadi came home to find the police surrounding her house. A suicide bomber had blown himself up in Sousse, a seaside resort about an hour's drive south. Another was caught before he could detonate his payload. The police confiscated the family's computers and phones, and her husband spent the rest of the day at the police station. He called her later from there. "Yes, it is your child," he told her. Aymen is now in prison.

    In the weeks since the attack, Aymen's trajectory from promising student to potential suicide bomber has shaken Tunisia, where the Islamist government has recently shown moderation by striking a compromise with its secular opponents. Homegrown suicide attacks, previously unheard-of here, are the latest sign of spreading radicalization among young people in a country that has become fertile ground for terrorist groups recruiting militants for the conflicts convulsing the region.

    For now, extremist violence in Tunisia is on a low boil, with two political assassinations and 30 members of the security forces killed this year. But there is growing concern that hundreds of young volunteers have been recruited through a widening network of hardline Salafist centers and then trained to fight in Syria, with the potential to return home to cause more trouble, as Aymen and his companion did.

    "Even if just 200 come back, that could cause real problems," said Mehdi Taje, the director of Global Prospect Intelligence and a specialist on North Africa. And Syria is not the only place radicalized Tunisians have gone to fight. They have also been found with terrorist groups in Algeria, Iraq, Libya and Mali.

    There is a precedent next door. Algerians who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight Soviet forces returned to fuel an extremist movement and then a civil war at home that killed about 200,000 in the 1990s. Twenty years later Algeria is still dealing with insurgents, who have retreated into the desert.

    The Tunisian police and army officials have warned of signs that the insurgents may be laying the groundwork for an armed insurgency in their own country, which lies between Algeria and lawless Libya.

    Since Tunisia began the Arab Spring almost three years ago by ousting its longtime dictator, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had forcibly secularized the country, fundamentalist Salafist groups have sprouted in almost every town.

    They draw thousands of young men and women to their centers, where they recruit volunteers ostensibly for missionary work in Tunisia, but also for jihad.

    Some began vigilante attacks, including an assault in September 2012 on the United States Embassy in Tunis, days after the fatal attack on the American Mission in Benghazi, Libya. In the spring, armed groups also appeared in the hills bordering Algeria, apparently remnants of insurgents retreating from the French intervention in Mali.

    Tunisia's top general, Rachid Ammar, warned in a television interview in June that the militants lodged in the mountains on Tunisia's western border were training quasi-military units and were set on overthrowing the Tunisian state.

    "This is not terrorism, it's a rebellion," warned the general, who has since retired. "This is one of the stages of rebellion."

    The surge in youthful Salafist followers like Aymen was also evidence of a popular social movement. The Salafist centers provide open spaces for inquiring youth who are lured by charismatic preachers offering a stirring mix of camaraderie and talk of holy war and self-sacrifice in the name of God.

    Although most Salafists insist their activity is focused on educational and humanitarian causes, it is clear from dozens of interviews with families of the recruits, analysts and government officials that a growing number of young men are being drawn into militancy.

    In August, the government outlawed one Salafist group, Ansar al-Shariah, as a terrorist threat. Led by men who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan — many of them released from prison since the start of the Arab Spring — the group has recruited criminals and smugglers, and it has also drawn many young recruits into its ranks, security officials say.

    The police say that since May they have smashed several cells of the group, detained 300 people suspected of being members, and killed or arrested its main military leaders. In October, six friends who were members were killed in a clash with security forces south of Tunis.

    "We hit them very hard," Mohammed Ali Aroui, an Interior Ministry spokesman, said in an interview. "Ansar al-Shariah is in the past now, you don't see their signs or slogans or tents anywhere." The group's leader, Seifallah Ben Hassine, known as Abu Ayadh, is thought to have escaped to Libya, he said.

    Under pressure, Ansar al-Shariah members have retreated underground, but recruiting for war continues, by Ansar al-Shariah and other groups, through religious associations. The volunteers are organized by a network of facilitators who supply money, cars and safe houses in various towns.

    The recruits travel mostly through Libya, where they receive military training in camps in and around Benghazi. From there they fly to Turkey, which is the main access point for rebels entering Syria. The Tunisian police have set up border controls to stop anyone under 35 suspected of traveling for war. But Tunisia's borders remain porous, as fighters and weapons cross to and from Libya.

    Ms. Saadi says her son seems to have taken that route. Aymen, now 17, first tried to go to Syria in March when he left home, she said, but the police stopped him at one border check. In August, he took off again and was gone for over two months.

    Aymen's plan was always to go fight in Syria, but in Libya some insurgents ordered the two bombers to go back to Tunisia, his mother said. His mother learned of her son's account from one of his prison wardens.

    The Libyan insurgents, whose faces were masked, told the two youths that it was not the time to go to Syria. "The fight is in Tunisia right now, we want to create an emirate there," they said. When the two youths showed some reluctance, the masked men insisted, saying they had no one else for the job. Government officials confirmed the account.

    Aymen's parents, a teacher at a primary school and an agricultural engineer, had hoped he would follow his older brother to university. He was good at math.

    None of his school friends wanted to go to Syria, she added. She blamed other strangers, "older men and sheikhs with cars," for influencing her son.

    "It is a shame to call a young man a terrorist," she said of her son. "I see that he is a victim, and the real big terrorists are still roaming on the streets and young men like my son can be influenced."

    When militants in Syria pose a great terrorist threat to Tunisia
    Hayet Saadi says the trouble with her son Aymen began more than a year ago, when he was just 16. He began talking of war in Syria, and of going to the country to join the militants fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad. In March, he skipped his high school exams and left home.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 01:05AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude'

    Dec 20th 2013, 00:33
    Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude'

    "Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude" is a book written by former CIA officer Robert Baer of the relationship that exists between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

    Published in 2003, the book highlights the troubled relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia - mostly in the form of its relationship with the Saudi royal family.

    In the book, the former CIA operative also exposed how Washington politics drastically compromised the CIA's efforts to fight global terrorism.

    Now in his powerful book, Sleeping with the Devil, Baer turns his attention to Saudi Arabia, revealing how US government's cynical relationship with its Middle Eastern ally and America' s dependence on Saudi oil make it increasingly vulnerable to economic disaster and put Americans at risk for further acts of terrorism.

    For decades, the United States and Saudi Arabia have been locked in a "harmony of interests." America counted on the Saudis for cheap oil, political stability in the Middle East, and lucrative business relationships for the United States, while providing a voracious market for the kingdom' s vast oil reserves.

    With money and oil flowing freely between Washington and Riyadh, the United States has felt secure in its relationship with the Saudis and the ruling Al Saud family.

    But the rot at the core of its "friendship" with the Saudis was dramatically revealed when it became apparent that fifteen of the nineteen September 11 hijackers proved to be Saudi citizens.

    In Sleeping with the Devil, Baer documents with chilling clarity how US addiction to cheap oil and Saudi petrodollars caused Americans to turn a blind eye to the Al Saud's culture of bribery, its abysmal human rights record, and its financial support of fundamentalist groups that have been directly linked to international acts of terror, including those against the United States.

    Drawing on his experience as a field operative who was on the ground in the Middle East for much of his twenty years with the agency, as well as the large network of sources he has cultivated in the region and in the US intelligence community, Baer vividly portrays America's decades-old relationship with the increasingly dysfunctional and corrupt Al Saud family, the fierce anti-Western sentiment that is sweeping the kingdom, and the desperate link between the two.

    Baer not only reveals the outrageous excesses of a Saudi royal family completely out of touch with the people of its kingdom, he also takes readers on a highly personal search for the deeper roots of modern terrorism, a journey that returns time again and again to Saudi Arabia: to the Wahhabis, the powerful sect that rules the Saudi street; to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, the most active and effective terrorist groups in existence, which the Al Saud have sheltered and funded.

    The money and arms that we send to Saudi Arabia are, in effect, being used to cut our own throat, Baer writes, but America might have only itself to blame. So long as we continue to encourage the highly volatile Saudi state to bank our oil under its sand—and so long as we continue to grab at the Al Saud's money—we are laying the groundwork for a potential global economic catastrophe.

    "Saudi Arabia is more and more an irrational state—a place that spawns global terrorism even as it succumbs to an ancient and deeply seated isolationism, a kingdom led by a royal family that can't get out of the way of its own greed. Is this the fulcrum we want the global economy to balance on?" Baer said.

    'Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude'
    "Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude" is a book written by former CIA officer Robert Baer of the relationship that exists between the United States and Saudi Arabia.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 12:59AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wallahi i will be honest when i listened to the speech of The Conqueror Sheikh A...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:37
    Wallahi i will be honest when i listened to the speech of The Conqueror Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Julany it reminded me so much of Ameer Al-Mumineen Mullah Muhammad Umar, the man of historic stances, the man who sacrificed his whole kingdom and power because he had the guts to say ''NO'' to America and the West and unlike the arab tawagheet rulers he never bowed down to them and similarly Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Julany says it loud and clear for the world to hear that he rejects the Geneva and that they will fight on until the word of Allah is raised and made the highest on the land!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 12:59AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Mohamed al-Joulani || Interview with Tayseer Allouni || al-jazeera Arabic
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:43
    Abu Mohamed al-Joulani || Interview with Tayseer Allouni || al-jazeera Arabic
    broadcasted on December 19, 2013
    Translated Extracts

    al-Joulani: The more the West plots against the Syrian Jihad, the more they fall in the eyes of the populace and the more the Mujahideen gain popular support. This is a point that has already happened and we are past it now.

    al-Joulani: We were waiting impatiently for the moment when Hezbolla would be forced to declare its support for the Syrian regime. We were waiting for the opportunity to help Ahlu Sunnah in Lebanon from Hezbolla's tyranny. And effectively, Hezbolla did come to the support of the regime and, in our view, that was political madness on their part. Indeed, they opened the way for us to enter Lebanon and wake up the Sunni population there. Today, Sunnis in Lebanon of all ages are asking the Mujahideen to protect them from Hezbolla's oppression.

    al-Joulani: Hezbolla committed a political madness and the world, as a result, was divided into two camps. There is now a power defending the Muslims that is clear and in the open and has strength and a say. People have given us their ears and their hearts and trusted us. I'll give you a simple example. Jabhat al-Nusra had a small office in a little village in Syria. We just used it to sleep and didn't have any military presence there. When the regime bombed the village with TNT barrels, the Mujahideen decided to leave the village for people's safety. But now that people saw how the entire world let them down and only these young Mujahideen came to their defense, and all the projects of resistance and opposition proved to be a lie, people in that village refused to let the Mujahideen go. They said let them wipe us all out. People now understand the nature of this struggle. After the [Shi'ite] betrayals in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon, average Sunnis now realize the danger that they face. Average [Sunni] Muslims will not let go of the Mujahideen who defend them now. They are the sea in which we swim.

    Tayseer Alouni: What about Sunnis outside Lebanon? Do they give Syrians any support?

    al-Joulani: The reality we live today is acting like a magnet that's drawing anyone who has a grain of conscience, not just Sunnis. The struggle is now clear between haqq and batel [justice and oppression] - between:

    1. A treacherous International Order that gives flowers to the Sunnis from the front and stab them with daggers from the back

    2. A Safavid aggression determined to kill the children of Sunnis before their adults

    3. The Jews laying in wait exploiting this general atmosphere to expand their settlements, their schemes and their colonies.

    Tayseer Alouni: You are talking about Sunni populations. What about the regimes that are considered "Sunnis"?

    al-Joulani: These regimes have in general been complicit in helping the West fooling Sunnis and encircling them shackling them, but now that Iran's interests are coinciding with Western interests, these rulers are feeling their thrones shaking. These regimes that used to plot with the West against the Muslims and who now pretend that they stand by the Syrian Revolution have limited options in front of them. The International Order has turned its back on them and a huge door has been opened for aggression in front of the Safavid [Iranian] regime, and all these regimes are now endangered. If things are settled in Syria in the way that pleases the International Order, then the next division will affect the Arabian Peninsula, especially what is now known as Saudi Arabia. Most of the oil wealth in Saudi Arabia is in the Eastern part, in al-Hasa, al-Qateif and Dammam, and these regions could be torn away, if it pleases the International Order, and given to the new ally, the Safavid [Iranian] Regime. So these so-called Sunni regimes will face what has happened to others.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 12:55AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Acts of worship which are prescribed on Friday.
    1 – Salaat al-Jumu'ah (Friday p...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:00
    Acts of worship which are prescribed on Friday.

    1 – Salaat al-Jumu'ah (Friday prayer) [al-Jumu'ah 62:9]
    2 – Making a lot of du'aa'. [al-Bukhaari, 893; Muslim, 852]
    3 – Reading Soorat al-Kahf (Before sun sets on Friday). [Saheeh al-Targheeb, 836]
    4 – Sending a lot of blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). [Abu Dawood, 1047]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 12:47AM  

    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    If one woman is raped it's a tragedy. If a million women are...
    Dec 20th 2013, 00:18

    If one woman is raped it's a tragedy. If a million women are raped it's a statistic.

    2012 16th December another women became a victim of this heinous act.

    Many women have become mere statistics of Rape. It is claimed Democracy as system can provide the best protection to women. They lied. And the world knows it. Pick up any newspaper in a secular democratic county. Women sill rallying for some form of protection. It's the year of the electric shock bra. Yes – women in India invented to fend off would be attackers.

    Only Islam and the implementation of the Islamic Sharia are able to provide reassurance to the needs of women. Protection and the fulfilment of women's needs by the state have been widely proven throughout the history of Islamic government. Values, protecting the women, education about the values, the penal code ensure a strong signal is given to would be perpetrators.

    An example of this was during the Prophet Muhammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم time when a Muslim woman was in the market of Bani Qainuqa (Jewish tribe) when a Jew untied her clothes exposing her body while she was standing. Other Jews gathered around her laughing. The woman screamed. Then one of the Sahabah came to her help and immediately killed the culprit. As a result, the Jews killed him. When this news reached the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم he immediately gathered his army. The Prophet's صلى الله عليه وسلم troops besieged them for 15 days until Bani Qainuqa surrendered due to their fear.

    It is time to return the glory to human life through an earnest struggle for the Islamic Khilafah system so that all forms of criminality which damage people could soon be stopped.
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