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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syrian Militants' Rockets Targeted Hermel, Hit Army Base
    Local Editor
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:42
    Syrian Militants' Rockets Targeted Hermel, Hit Army Base
    Local Editor

    Al-Manar reported asserted that a number of rockets,Hermel Rockets launched by Syrian militants, targeted the Lebanese town of Hermel in Bekaa.

    The reporter noted that one of the rockets fell on an army base in central Hermel.
    The National News Agency also mentioned that 5 rockets targeted residential places in Hermel.
    The Lebanese Army clarified, in a communiqué, that as of 4:30 pm, six rockets sourcing from the Syrian side had hit the city of Hermel, with one falling inside an army casern in Doura Street.

    Two soldiers were slightly injured and other material damages were reported.
    Army units rushed to inspect the scene and took the necessary field measures
    Syrian Militants' Rockets Targeted Hermel, Hit Army Base
    Syrian Militants' Rockets Targeted Hermel, Hit Army Base
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syrian Army Strikes Terrorist Groups in Several Provinces
    Local Editor
    The Syr...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:43
    Syrian Army Strikes Terrorist Groups in Several Provinces
    Local Editor

    The Syrian Armed Forces on Tuesday continued operations against the armed terrorist groups in a number of provinces, killing sores of them and obliterating their hideouts and weaponry.Syrian Army

    The army units killed scores of terrorists, many of them of non-Syrian nationalities, in a series of operations in many areas in Damascus Countryside.

    The Syrian army destroyed terrorists' hideouts and gatherings in the areas of Douma, Alya Farms, al-Rayhan and al-Shifonyeh, eliminating scores of terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammunition.

    A number of terrorists, some of them of non-Syrian nationalities, were killed in many areas in Jounar neighborhood, while the majority of terrorist group's members were killed in Zamalka.

    In Damascus northern countryside, the army killed 15 terrorists in the city of Yabroud and destroyed a number of vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition.

    The Syrian Army units killed members of an armed terrorist group who attempted to infiltrate into al-Barghouthiyeh and Arshouneh villages in al-Mukharram area in Homs Province, in addition to killing dozens of terrorists and injuring others in al-Dar al-Kabira and al-Ghanto villages, a military source said.

    The source added that an army unit destroyed cars loaded with weapons and ammunition near Mosallabet al-Ashtar roundabouts and eliminated an armed terrorist group in Stariko street in al-Rastan city.

    The army units clashed with terrorists in the neighborhoods of al-Sakhour, al-Shaar, al-Sukkari, al-Jazmati, al-Haydaryeh, al-Naqqarin, Hanano and al-Ansari in Aleppo city, and destroyed terrorists' hideouts in the areas of Karm al-Dada, al-Sakan al-Shababi, al-Sheikh Daher, al-Neirab and the industrial area.

    A military source told SANA that the army targeted and destroyed terrorists' vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition in the areas near Aleppo Central prison and al-Kindi Hospital and destroyed terrorists' gatherings in al-Bab, al-Shihabi farms, Kweires, Erbeed and Ka'kis.

    The Syrian army units clashed with armed terrorist groups in the area of al-Amryeh in Maarat al-Numan in Idleb and killed and injured scores of the terrorists, many of them of non-Syrian nationalities.

    Meanwhile, an army unit inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in the areas of al-Malnad, al-Arba'een Mount and Bazabour.
    Syrian Army Strikes Terrorist Groups in Several Provinces
    Syrian Army Strikes Terrorist Groups in Several Provinces
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    US Releases Two Saudis from Guantanamo Accused of Fighting for al-Qaeda
    Local E...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:44
    US Releases Two Saudis from Guantanamo Accused of Fighting for al-Qaeda
    Local Editor

    USA: Guantanamo military prison in CubaThe United States has sent two detainees from the Guantanamo detention facility back to their native Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

    The transfers of Saad Mohammad Hufsayn Qahtani and Hamood Abdulla Hamood lower the prisoner population to 160 and follow the repatriation of two prisoners to Algeria this month.

    The Saudi detainees had been held at Guantanamo since 2002. One of the Saudi detainees, Hamood, 48, was initially listed by the US military as a Yemeni national, though his late father lived in Saudi Arabia.

    Military documents said that he was an Al-Qaeda courier who fought on the front lines against US-led forces near Bagram, Afghanistan, and then fled to Pakistan. He was captured by Pakistani forces in a raid on a suspected Al-Qaeda safe house in February 2002.

    Qahtani, 35, told US investigators that he was a student who went to Afghanistan in April 2001 to fight on the side of the Taliban. Military documents said he was an Al-Qaeda member who volunteered to become a suicide bomber.

    He fought US forces near Kabul, then fled through the Tora Bora mountains into Pakistan, where he was captured in December 2001.
    The facility was set up to house foreigners suspected of acts of terrorism against the United States in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

    US President Barack Obama promised to shut down the Guantanamo facility during his 2008 presidential campaign, saying it had damaged the reputation of the United States around the world. But he has been unable to do so during nearly five years in office, in part because of resistance from Congress.
    US Releases Two Saudis from Guantanamo Accused of Fighting for al-Qaeda
    US Releases Two Saudis from Guantanamo Accused of Fighting for Qaeda
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Car Bomb Explodes in Baalbek: Casualties Reported
    Local Editor
    Al-Manar corresp...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:48
    Car Bomb Explodes in Baalbek: Casualties Reported
    Local Editor

    Al-Manar correspondent reported that a car bomb has exploded Tuesday in the outskirts of Sboba town, which lies to the west of the eastern city of Baalbek.

    Sources told al-Manar website that five Hezbollah cars were headiBaalbek blastng to a place where alternation of the party's members is carried out.

    The sources added that when the cars reached that point a Grand Sherokee Jeep was noticed, pointing out that the booby-trapped car was similar to cars used by Hezbollah.

    The Jeep exploded by a remote control shortly after Hezbollah cars reached the alternation point, the source said, adding that casualties were reported and ambulances rushed to the scene to evacuate the wounded from the place.

    The Lebanese army then cordoned off the area and the competent authorities started probing the attack.
    A security source told al-Manar that the booby-trapped car contains 60 kilograms of explosive materials.

    For its part, National news agency reported that at 3;00 am on Tuesday a 4x4 car exploded on the road between the town of Sboba and Wadi Abu Musa, which connects to Hrepetta in Baalbek.

    On the other hand, the Lebanese army said in a statement: "On Tuesday at 2:50 a.m., an explosion occurred on Sabouba- Nabi Moussa road at the vicinity of Makneh- Baalbek village; an Army patrol rushed to the place on the spot.

    "The explosion resulted from a booby- trapped 4 x 4 Cherokee Jeep causing damage to other cars."

    "A Military expert attended the place and military police started investigations into the incident under the supervision of the concerned judiciary authorities," the statement added.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Mustaqbal' Newspaper Retreats, yet Does Not Apologize
    Local Editor
    Two epis...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:46
    Al-Mustaqbal' Newspaper Retreats, yet Does Not Apologize
    Local Editor

    Two episodes of systematic lying and forgery were not enough to make 'Al-Mustaqbal' newspaper announce its apology for reporting an unknown website which claimed to post the names and photos of 1000 of Hezbollah martyrs in Syria.Al-Mustaaqbal Newspaper

    As the opposing Syrian Website Kollona Shorakaa posted the photos, 'Al-Mustaqbal' newspaper immediately adopted them in a context of gloating Hezbollah who always announces his pride of all the martyrs that sacrifice their souls to defend the country.

    In response Al-Manar website did a report that refutes all the newspaper's and the website's claims, yet 'Al-Mustaqbal' kept on its propaganda against Hezbollah and its martyrs.

    Ignoring Al-Manar website's report, 'Al-Mustaqbal' newspaper mentioned in today's edition that because the third episode, which was posted by Kollona Shorakaa website included several mistakes, the paper will halt posting the photos.

    'Al-Mustaqbal' newspaper, however, did not apologize for posting the first two episodes.
    'Al-Mustaqbal' Newspaper Retreats, yet Does Not Apologize
    'Al-Mustaqbal' Newspaper Retreats, yet Does Not Apologize
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:59PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Qaeda Trains Children at "Zarqawi's Cubs Camp"
    Al-Qaeda's influence has exte...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:50
    Al-Qaeda Trains Children at "Zarqawi's Cubs Camp"

    Al-Qaeda's influence has extended to reach young boys whom are undergoing instruction and military training at the "Zarqawi's Cubs Camp," a facility linked to the extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Washington Post reported.children soldiers

    "Building on earlier efforts to expand their influence in Syrian schools, radical Islamists appear to be stepping up efforts to indoctrinate and train children, some as young as 10, according to independent experts who have studied the phenomenon," the report said.

    "The establishment of the Zarqawi's Cubs camp — revealed in a video posted last month by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS — is viewed as particularly worrisome because of the similarities to Iraq's "Birds of Paradise." That brigade was created a decade ago by the same terrorist group, in its earlier incarnation as al-Qaeda in Iraq, to train children for military missions, including suicide bombings."

    The ISIS youth group was named in honor of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian who founded al-Qaeda in Iraq.

    The Washington Post added that the boys are shown being led by masked instructors through small-arms exercises and sitting in groups under the ISIS banner, some of them weighed down by bandoleers of machine-gun ammunition. "Other images show the boys undergoing instruction or, in one instance, talking happily over a lunch of flatbread. Beverages are distributed in colorful cups adorned with the cartoon "happy face."
    Al-Qaeda Trains Children at "Zarqawi's Cubs Camp"
    syria children qaeda
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:52PM  

    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Zum Fremdschämen!
    "Wie aus einem Amnesty International Briefing vom heutigen Tag...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:28
    Zum Fremdschämen!
    "Wie aus einem Amnesty International Briefing vom heutigen Tage hervorgeht, werden lediglich 12.000 Plätze für die schutzbedürftigsten syrischen Flüchtlinge zur Verfügung gestellt. Das sind nur 0,5 Prozent der insgesamt 2,3 Millionen Menschen, die aus Syrien geflohen sind. ... Mit der Zusage, 10.000 syrische Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen, ist Deutschland mit Abstand am großzügigsten. Die restlichen 27 EU Mitgliedsstaaten bieten bloß 2340 Syrern die Zuflucht an. Frankreich hat nur 500 Aufnahme-Plätze angeboten. Spanien stimmte der Aufnahme von lediglich 30 Flüchtlingen zu. 18 EU Mitgliedsstaaten, zu denen auch Italien und Großbritannien gehören, bieten keinen einzigen Platz an."
    Festung Europa trotz syrischer Flüchtlingskrise | Amnesty International Deutschland
    Die europäischen Regierungschefs sollten sich für die jämmerlich niedrige Anzahl von Plätzen für Resettlement oder Humanitäre Aufnahme für syrische Flüchtlinge schämen. Es werden lediglich 12.000 Plätze für die schutzbedürftigsten syrischen
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:52PM  

    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ya Allah, leite die Frau, zu einer tugendhaften Frau, recht und erniedrige den K...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:13
    Ya Allah, leite die Frau, zu einer tugendhaften Frau, recht und erniedrige den Kafir/Munafiq/Fasiq/Thalim Obama!!!
    American Women defending Muslims in front Obama and the Zionists
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:51PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    أخي "وإني برغم الحزن لستُ بيائسٍ .... فالفجر من رحم الظلام سي...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:00

    أخي "وإني برغم الحزن لستُ بيائسٍ .... فالفجر من رحم الظلام سيُولَدُ"
    عبد الرحمن عشماوي‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:50PM  

    Islambooks24s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islambooks24s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wird das Gebet von jemanden angenommen, der Alkohol trinkt?
    Wird das Gebet von...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:31
    Wird das Gebet von jemanden angenommen, der Alkohol trinkt?

    Wird das Gebet von jemanden angenommen,
    der Alkohol trinkt?


    Ist die Überlieferung des Gesandten Allahs Muhammad, Allahs Segen und Frieden auf ihm, wo es heißt, dass wer Alkohol trinkt, dessen Gebete werden 40 Tage nicht angenommen sahih?


    Alles Lob gebührt Allah.

    Ja, es gibt mehrere sahih Ahaadeeth bezüglich der Strafe für denjenigen der Alkohol trinkt, welche besagen, dass seine Gebete 40 Tage nicht angenommen werden. Dies wurde von Amr ibn Al'Aas, Ibn Abbaas, Ibn Umar und Ibn Amr überliefert. Siehe Al-Silsilah al-Saheehah 709, 2039, 2695, 1854

    Einer dieser Ahaadeeth wurde von Ibn Maajah berichtet von Abd'Allah ibn
    Amr der sagte: Der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Frieden auf ihn, sagte:

    „Derjenige der Alkohol trinkt und betrunken wird, sein Gebet wird 40 Tage nicht angenommen und wenn er stirbt wird er in die Hölle gehen. Bereut er aber, nimmt Allah seine Reue an. Wenn er wieder Alkohol trinkt und betrunken wird, von ihm wird das Gebet 40 Tage nicht angenommen und wenn er stirbt wird er in die Hölle gehen. Bereut er aber, nimmt Allah seine Reue an. Wenn er wieder Alkohol trinkt und betrunken wird, von ihm wird das Gebet 40 Tage nicht angenommen und wenn er stirbt wird er in die Hölle gehen. Bereut er aber, nimmt Allah seine Reue an. Wenn er es (diese Sünde) noch einmal begeht, verspricht Allah ihn, dass er dann den Mud von Khabaal am Tag der Auferstehung trinken wird." Dann fragten sie, „Oh Gesandter Allah, was ist das Mud vom Khabaal?" Er sagte, „Die Körperflüssigkeiten von den Leuten der Hölle."

    Von Al Albaani als Sahih eingestuft in Saheeh ibn Maajah.

    Die Tatsache, dass seine Gebete nicht angenommen werden bedeutet nicht, dass sie nicht gültig sind, oder dass er mit den Gebeten aufhören soll, vielmehr bedeutet es, dass er nicht dafür belohnt wird. So dass der Nutzen des Gebetes sein wird, dass er seine Aufgabe erfüllt hat und dass, man nicht dafür bestraft wird, dass man es nicht macht.

    Abu Abd-Allah ibn Mandah sagte:
    Die Worte „Seine Gebete werden nicht akzeptiert" bedeuten, dass er 40 Tage lang nicht für seine Gebete belohnt wird, als eine Strafe für das Alkohol trinken, sowie sie sagen, dass derjenige der spricht während der Imam die Khutbah hält Jumu'ah beten soll, aber es gibt keine Jumu'ah für ihn, dies bedeutet er wird nicht für Jumu'ah belohnt als eine Strafe für diese Sünde.

    Ta'zeem Qadr al- Salaah 2/587, 588. Siehe also die Frage Nr: 20037

    Al-Nawawi sagte:

    „Im Hinblick, dass das Gebet nicht akzeptiert wird, was bedeutet, dass er nicht dafür belohnt wird, obwohl es gültig ist, im Sinne dass er seine Aufgabe erledigt hat und es nicht nötig ist es zu wiederholen." Zitatende

    Kein Zweifel, derjenige der Alkohol trinkt soll seine Gebete zur rechten Zeit verrichten. Wenn er eines seiner Gebete hinauszögert, begeht er eine gravierende große Sünde, die schlimmer ist als die Sünde des Alkoholkonsums. Die Strafe des Alkoholkonsums trifft auf denjenigen zu der nicht bereut. Wenn er aber bei Allah bereut und sich ihm zuwendet, wird er (Allah) seine Reue annehmen und seine guten Taten akzeptieren, wie es in dem oben genannten Hadith lautet:

    „..."Bereut er aber, nimmt Allah seine Reue an."

    Und der Prophet, Allahs Segen und Frieden auf ihm, sagte:

    „Derjenige der eine Sünde bereut, ist so wie wenn er die Sünde nicht begangen hätte."

    Überliefert bei Ibn Majah 4250, eingestuft als Hasan von Al Albaani in Saheeh ibn Maajah.

    Und Allah weiß es am besten.

    aus Nr: 27143
    Islam Question and Answer
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:50PM  

    Einladung Zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Einladung Zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Es ist nicht ausreichend, Quran nur im Herzen zu rezitieren
    Ist es verpf...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:41
    Es ist nicht ausreichend, Quran nur im Herzen zu rezitieren

    Ist es verpflichtend während der Rezitation des Qur'an im Gebet die Zunge zu bewegen oder ist es ausreichend, im Herzen zu rezitieren?

    Während der Rezitation muss die Zunge bewegt werden. Wenn jemand während des Gebets nur im Herzen rezitiert, ist dies nicht ausreichend.

    Die selbe Regelung gilt für alle anderen Adhkar:
    es ist nicht ausreichend diese im Herzen zu sprechen, vielmehr ist es notwendig die Zunge und die Lippen dabei zu bewegen, weil es Worte sind, die gesprochen werden und dies kann man nur, wenn man dabei Zunge und Lippen bewegt.

    Scheikh ibn Uthaymin, rahimahullah

    Majmu' Fataawa Ibn 'Uthaymin, 13/156
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 17 10:48PM  

    Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    It's natural for us as humans to have the urge to discuss our problems with othe...
    Dec 17th 2013, 22:42
    It's natural for us as humans to have the urge to discuss our problems with others and seek comfort from them. But the truth is, no matter how much they advise us and no matter how much affection/care they show us, it could never measure up to Allaah's kindness and mercy. No matter how hard they try to console us, they will never be able to do so, not the way Allaah can.
    There is no harm in speaking to others, seeking their assistance, but truely we should only complain to Allaah rather than mankind. Because no one can lift the problem, no one can take it away. They can advise and help but they can't do that which you need/want to be done. Only Allaah can lift the affliction, only Allaah can lighten the burden.

    The heart will suffer and the eyes will cry. When the darkness of the night veils itself over the believer, what the heart whispers and what the eyes shed can only be heard by Allaah. He understands it amidst the silence.
    So Allaah is the only one who can truely be of avail to us and when the heart is lowered to the ground in prostration, the worries of the mind fall and the burdens of the heart find a way out. It is Allaah who consoles and it is Allaah who comforts. Through His guidance does one find relief.♥
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