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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:13PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:29
    Tauhid ( Monotheismus )
    Tauhid mengenal Allah.
    Dec 19th 2013, 14:00
    Dahsyatnya Syahadat 18 Desember 2013 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Oleh: Bahrus Surur-Iyunk Hampir bisa dipastikan, semua Muslim mengetahui atau setidaknya pernah mendengar kisah teladan seorang budak hitam, tapi terhormat di mata Rasulullah SAW. Dialah Bilal bin Rabah, seorang sahabat dari dataran Etiopia (Habsyi). Bilal pernah mengalami beratnya penyiksaan dan penindasan yang dilakukan Umayyah bin Khalaf, salah seorang pemuka kafir Quraisy. Fathi Fawzi Abd al-Mu'thi dalam Qashash Islamiyah fi Ashabiha Ayat Qur'aniyyah (2008) menceritakan, Bilal dipanggang di bawah terik matahari dengan tangan dan kaki terikat. Tak puas dengan kekejian itu, Umayyah bin Khalaf mengikat tubuh Bilal. Bilal kemudian dijemur di atas hamparan pasir panas dan dadanya ditindih batu besar. Dalam rasa sakit yang luar biasa itu, Bilal tetap kukuh mempertahankan keyakinan dan keimanannya. Ia menahan pedihnya siksaan itu dan lisannya terus melafalkan, "Ahad…. Ahad…." Penderitaan yang sama juga dialami Ammar bin Yasir beserta ayah dan ibunya, Samiyyah. Ketiganya harus merasakan siksa pedih dan berat dari keluarga Bani Makhzum yang kafir. Abu Jahal yang ikut menyiksa akhirnya memukul Samiyyah hingga meninggal dalam keadaan mempertahankan pengakuan keesaan Allah dan kerasulan Muhammad. Ayah Ammar juga ditikam belati oleh Abu Jahal karena tak mau mengingkari keimanannya kepada Allah. Ammar bin Yasir yang dikubur hidup-hidup di tengah padang pasir panas justru tidak pernah melepaskan kata, "Allah…. Allah…." Seakan, ia begitu terang memandang indah dan sejuknya surga. Tidak kalah berat adalah siksaan yang harus diterima Khabbab bin al-Urti. Ia didera siksaan oleh majikannya, Ummu Anmar. Majikan perempuan kafir Quraisy itu tega menyeterika tubuh Khabbab dengan besi panas hingga kulit dan daging di punggungnya mengelupas. Anmar menyuluti tubuh budaknya itu dengan api, sehingga banyak bagian tubuh Khabbab rontok. Namun, subhanallah, Khabbab tetap bersikukuh dalam keyakinannya kepada Allah. Lisannya tidak mau menghina dan mengingkari keesaan Allah dan kerasulan Muhammad. Belum lagi, Rasulullah SAW yang harus menerima berbagai macam siksaan dan cobaan demi tegaknya dua kalimat syahadat di atas bumi Allah ini. Mulai dari dilempari kotoran manusia, hingga harus menerima lemparan batu berdarah-darah. Mengucapkan syahadat atau dua kalimat syahadat merupakan syarat bagi orang yang hendak menjadi Muslim. Kalimat syahadat memang sangat sederhana. "Aku bersaksi tidak ada tuhan (ilah) selain Allah dan aku bersaksi bahwa Muhammad utusan Allah." Namun, kesahajaannya mampu menggoncang dan memecah belah fanatisme kesukuan masyarakat Arab saat itu. Para bangsawan Arab marah dan merasa dihinakan kehormatannya setelah Muhammad mendakwahkan kalimat syahadat ini. Sebaliknya, dengan syahadat itu, para budak dan orang-orang lemah-tertindas merasa memperoleh pencerahan hidup dan optimisme. Sebab, tauhid dan syahadat memancarkan nilai-nilai egalitarianisme dan humanisme sejati. Syahadat merupakan sebuah pembebasan dan jalan kemerdekaan yang mampu membangkitkan semangat hidup dan keputusan revolusioner orang-orang tertindas. Syahadat juga sebuah perjanjian dan kontrak hidup antara manusia dan Allah. Dengan mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat, berarti seseorang menyadari sepenuhnya hidup dan kehidupan ini adalah ciptaan dan milik Allah. Hidup dan matinya seorang Muslim hanya untuk memperoleh ridha Allah. Dengan demikian, kata Komaruddin Hidayat (2006), bersyahadat berarti keyakinan untuk memutuskan semua bentuk penghambaan selain Allah SWT. Mengingat begitu dahsyatnya syahadat, umat Islam pun diwajibkan melafazkannya setidaknya sembilan kali setiap hari semalam dalam shalatnya. Ini penting karena hati, pikiran, dan perilaku perlu pengarahan, pembaharuan, dan penyegaran komitmen. Di sinilah syahadat berfungsi sebagai penyangga seluruh bangunan di atasnya, seperti shalat, zakat, puasa, dan haji. Mengingat begitu dahsyatnya syahadat, bisa dimaklumi jika umat Islam tersinggung oleh mereka yang suka bermain-main dengan syahadat. Di antara mereka, ada yang mengucapkannya hanya untuk menikahi seorang perempuan lalu "meludahkannya" kembali. Seakan, hal ihwal keimanan adalah sebuah permainan yang tidak berpengaruh dalam kehidupan seorang Muslim. Semoga, Islam tetap menjadi agama ya'lu wala yu'la alaih. Amin. Wallahu a'alamu.
    Dec 19th 2013, 05:43
    Dec 18th 2013, 22:04
    Dec 18th 2013, 10:45
    Dec 17th 2013, 23:46
    TAUHID itu Satu ESA tiada berbagi semua berkumpul untuk saling berbagi saling mengasihi saling menyayangi saling mengisi demikian sesungguhnya rahasia kehidupan dan pendewasaan jiwa terletak dalam ketulusan dan keikhlasan dirimu untuk selalu silih asih silih asuh dan silih asah serta mulailah segala sesuatunya dalam cinta kasih sayang yang abadi.. Tersenyumlah dengan tulus ikhlas serta rangkulah dalam kasih sejati setiap mereka yang datang kepadamu bahkan mereka mereka yang diantarkan untuk menghina dan mencaci makimu bahkan menyakiti menipu serta membuat dirimu menderita sekalipun serta berterima kasihlah karena sesungguhnya mereka telah bersedia menjadi bahan bakar api neraka pemurnian dan penyucian jiwamu jika dirimu tetap tulus menerimanya serta merangkul mereka dalam kasih sejati.. Dibalik setiap deritamu ada kebahagiaan abadi.. SALAM KASIH SEMESTA..
    Dec 17th 2013, 10:29
    Dec 17th 2013, 10:16
    Oleh abatasa - Ilmu Tauhid ialah Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang ke-ESAan ALLAH SWT.
    Sheikh Abdellatif - Tauhid Einleitung Teil 3
    Dec 16th 2013, 18:47
    Tauhid (Einleitung) Teil 4 - Sheikh Abdellatif
    Dec 16th 2013, 18:09
    Tauhid ( Monotheismus )
    Tauhid Ahmed Barbhuiya
    Dec 16th 2013, 13:02
    gurindam Tauhid
    Dec 2nd 2013, 05:10
    Anak-Anak Berselawat As Siddiq di Puchong Prima.
    Bambang Noorsena-Tauhid Kristen-6/6
    Apr 21st 2013, 14:00
    Bagian terakhir Remember Only By Faith,......Hanya oleh iman kita di benarkan dan diselamatkan,iman itu penurutan kepada kehendak Bapa,kehendak Bapa adalah s...
    Bambang Noorsena-Tauhid Kristen-5/6
    Mar 22nd 2013, 11:01
    bagian 5 dari 6 Remember Only By Faith,......Hanya oleh iman kita di benarkan dan diselamatkan,iman itu penurutan kepada kehendak Bapa,kehendak Bapa adalah s...
    Eksklusif - Dr Wahbah Zuhaili & Tauhid Tiga
    Dec 25th 2009, 11:12
    TVSunnah Berjaya Menemuramah Dr Wahbah Zuhaili Tentang Permasaalahan Tauhid Tiga.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:11PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    Watch This Video Of Islamists In London Cheering Narcissistic ...
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:51
    Anorak - Found 20 minutes agoAdebolajo: "Do not be scared of the filthy kuffar [non-believers]. They are pigs." So. Why did he murder a British man?
    'We are dealing with extremist minority'
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:34
    CNN - Found 37 minutes ago... to the anti-Muslim demonstrators, while also encouraging his audience to "not be scared of the kuffar [unbelievers]." The Woolwich attackers... 'Fight extremism after Rigby murder' - CNN Jury goes out in Lee Rigby trial - BBC Lee Rigby murder: 2 men found guilty in UK soldier's slaying - CNN UK soldier murder: Two convicted - CNN Explore All
    KYA AAP JAANTE HAIN? . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke kitne Baazu hain? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke 600 bazu hain. (Ibn-e Kaseer,P-7, R-5) . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke Ghodhe ka kya Naam hai? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke ghodhe ka Naam "HIZOOM" hai. (Madrijun Nubuwwah,Jild-2Safa No-160) . * SAWAL : Sabse pahle kis Farishte ne Sajdah kiya? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat Israfeel Alaihissalam hai ke sabse pahle Sajdah kiya. (Al Bidaya, Jild - 1 , Safa No -46) . * SAWAL : Farishton ki "Masjid" ka kya Naam hai aur woh kaha hain? . >> JAWAB : Farishton ki Masjid ka Naam "Baitul Maamoor" hai,jo (7) sathve Aasman par hai... Aur (KAABA SHAREEF) ke BilMuqabil hai.... agar koi cheez Baitul Maamoor se Giarayee jaaye to woh theek KAAB SHAREEF par aakar giregi. (Al bidaya,Jild-1, Safa No-42,Kanzul Ammal, Jild-11,Safa No-498) . * SAWAL : Farishton ne kitne aur kin kin Logon ko" GUSL" diaya? . >> JAWAB : 3 Hazraat ko diya. (1) Hazrat Aadam Alaihissalam ko. (2) Hazrat Hanzala Bin Abi Amir RadiAllahu anh ko. (3) Hazrat Zakarya Alaihissalam ki Shahadat se Mutaalliq ek Riwayat hai ke Jab Kuffar ne Aap koCheer kar Beech se Do tukre kardiye to Allah pak ne Farishton ko Hukm diya,aur Farishton ne Gusl dekar Aap ki Namaaz-e Janza padhi. (Nuzhatul Majalis, Safa No-113) . * SAWAL : Us Farishte ka kiya Naam hai ke "SHAB-E-QADR" ko AAMAL ka Nuskha jiske Hawale kiya jaata hai ? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat iz'raeel Alaihissalam hain ke jinko Aamal ka nuskha diya jaata hai. (Ruhul Ma'ni,Jild -52, Safa No-113) *SAWAL : Woh kaunsa farishta hai jo jab se paidahuwa , bajuz ek bar ke na kabhi "HANSA" aur na kabhi hansega? . >> JAWAB : Who Hazrat "MALIK" Alaihissalam hain.. Shab-e Meraj ko Rasul-e Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ko dekh kar pahli baar hase the… us pahle na kabhi Hase the aur na kabhi Hasenge. (Maarijun Nubuwwah, Jild-1,Safa No-108) { Duniya ki 7 Jandar Jo Bagair.. Maa k paida Howay } 1. Hazrat ADAM (Alaisalaam). 2. Hazrat BIBI Hawwa (radiaallahu talah anhu). 3. Hazrat MOHMMAD (Sallahualaihi Wasallam) ko Mairaj per Lejanay wala Burraq(Horse). 4. Hazrat Saleh (radiallahhu talah anha) ki ountni. 5. Hazrat Younas (Alaisallam) ko paet me rakhnay wali Machli (Fish). 6. HAZRAT Mosa (Alaisalaam) k asa Mubarak se Bunne wala Azdaha. 7. HAZRAT Ismail (Alaisalaam) ki Qurbani k waqt Jannat se Aanay wala Dumba... Frwd to all. "Kisi Taraf Koi Kinara Na Hoga, Gairo Ka Kya Apno Ka Bi Sahara Na Hoga" "Kar Lo Mohabbat RASOOL (sallalaho alayhe wasallam) Se Q ki Aakhirat Me Unke Siwa Koi Hamara Na Hoga." ☆⌒ღN@££Mღ⌒☆
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:22
    KYA AAP JAANTE HAIN? . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke kitne Baazu hain? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke 600 bazu hain. (Ibn-e Kaseer,P-7, R-5) . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke Ghodhe ka kya Naam hai? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke ghodhe ka Naam "HIZOOM" hai. (Madrijun Nubuwwah,Jild-2Safa No-160) . * SAWAL : Sabse pahle kis Farishte ne Sajdah kiya? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat Israfeel Alaihissalam hai ke sabse pahle Sajdah kiya. (Al Bidaya, Jild - 1 , Safa No -46) . * SAWAL : Farishton ki "Masjid" ka kya Naam hai aur woh kaha hain? . >> JAWAB : Farishton ki Masjid ka Naam "Baitul Maamoor" hai,jo (7) sathve Aasman par hai... Aur (KAABA SHAREEF) ke BilMuqabil hai.... agar koi cheez Baitul Maamoor se Giarayee jaaye to woh theek KAAB SHAREEF par aakar giregi. (Al bidaya,Jild-1, Safa No-42,Kanzul Ammal, Jild-11,Safa No-498) . * SAWAL : Farishton ne kitne aur kin kin Logon ko" GUSL" diaya? . >> JAWAB : 3 Hazraat ko diya. (1) Hazrat Aadam Alaihissalam ko. (2) Hazrat Hanzala Bin Abi Amir RadiAllahu anh ko. (3) Hazrat Zakarya Alaihissalam ki Shahadat se Mutaalliq ek Riwayat hai ke Jab Kuffar ne Aap koCheer kar Beech se Do tukre kardiye to Allah pak ne Farishton ko Hukm diya,aur Farishton ne Gusl dekar Aap ki Namaaz-e Janza padhi. (Nuzhatul Majalis, Safa No-113) . * SAWAL : Us Farishte ka kiya Naam hai ke "SHAB-E-QADR" ko AAMAL ka Nuskha jiske Hawale kiya jaata hai ? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat iz'raeel Alaihissalam hain ke jinko Aamal ka nuskha diya jaata hai. (Ruhul Ma'ni,Jild -52, Safa No-113) *SAWAL : Woh kaunsa farishta hai jo jab se paidahuwa , bajuz ek bar ke na kabhi "HANSA" aur na kabhi hansega? . >> JAWAB : Who Hazrat "MALIK" Alaihissalam hain.. Shab-e Meraj ko Rasul-e Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ko dekh kar pahli baar hase the… us pahle na kabhi Hase the aur na kabhi Hasenge. (Maarijun Nubuwwah, Jild-1,Safa No-108) { Duniya ki 7 Jandar Jo Bagair.. Maa k paida Howay } 1. Hazrat ADAM (Alaisalaam). 2. Hazrat BIBI Hawwa (radiaallahu talah anhu). 3. Hazrat MOHMMAD (Sallahualaihi Wasallam) ko Mairaj per Lejanay wala Burraq(Horse). 4. Hazrat Saleh (radiallahhu talah anha) ki ountni. 5. Hazrat Younas (Alaisallam) ko paet me rakhnay wali Machli (Fish). 6. HAZRAT Mosa (Alaisalaam) k asa Mubarak se Bunne wala Azdaha. 7. HAZRAT Ismail (Alaisalaam) ki Qurbani k waqt Jannat se Aanay wala Dumba... Frwd to all. "Kisi Taraf Koi Kinara Na Hoga, Gairo Ka Kya Apno Ka Bi Sahara Na Hoga" "Kar Lo Mohabbat RASOOL (sallalaho alayhe wasallam) Se Q ki Aakhirat Me Unke Siwa Koi Hamara Na Hoga." ☆⌒ღN@££Mღ⌒☆
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:20
    KYA AAP JAANTE HAIN? . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke kitne Baazu hain? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke 600 bazu hain. (Ibn-e Kaseer,P-7, R-5) . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke Ghodhe ka kya Naam hai? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke ghodhe ka Naam "HIZOOM" hai. (Madrijun Nubuwwah,Jild-2Safa No-160) . * SAWAL : Sabse pahle kis Farishte ne Sajdah kiya? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat Israfeel Alaihissalam hai ke sabse pahle Sajdah kiya. (Al Bidaya, Jild - 1 , Safa No -46) . * SAWAL : Farishton ki "Masjid" ka kya Naam hai aur woh kaha hain? . >> JAWAB : Farishton ki Masjid ka Naam "Baitul Maamoor" hai,jo (7) sathve Aasman par hai... Aur (KAABA SHAREEF) ke BilMuqabil hai.... agar koi cheez Baitul Maamoor se Giarayee jaaye to woh theek KAAB SHAREEF par aakar giregi. (Al bidaya,Jild-1, Safa No-42,Kanzul Ammal, Jild-11,Safa No-498) . * SAWAL : Farishton ne kitne aur kin kin Logon ko" GUSL" diaya? . >> JAWAB : 3 Hazraat ko diya. (1) Hazrat Aadam Alaihissalam ko. (2) Hazrat Hanzala Bin Abi Amir RadiAllahu anh ko. (3) Hazrat Zakarya Alaihissalam ki Shahadat se Mutaalliq ek Riwayat hai ke Jab Kuffar ne Aap koCheer kar Beech se Do tukre kardiye to Allah pak ne Farishton ko Hukm diya,aur Farishton ne Gusl dekar Aap ki Namaaz-e Janza padhi. (Nuzhatul Majalis, Safa No-113) . * SAWAL : Us Farishte ka kiya Naam hai ke "SHAB-E-QADR" ko AAMAL ka Nuskha jiske Hawale kiya jaata hai ? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat iz'raeel Alaihissalam hain ke jinko Aamal ka nuskha diya jaata hai. (Ruhul Ma'ni,Jild -52, Safa No-113) *SAWAL : Woh kaunsa farishta hai jo jab se paidahuwa , bajuz ek bar ke na kabhi "HANSA" aur na kabhi hansega? . >> JAWAB : Who Hazrat "MALIK" Alaihissalam hain.. Shab-e Meraj ko Rasul-e Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ko dekh kar pahli baar hase the… us pahle na kabhi Hase the aur na kabhi Hasenge. (Maarijun Nubuwwah, Jild-1,Safa No-108) { Duniya ki 7 Jandar Jo Bagair.. Maa k paida Howay } 1. Hazrat ADAM (Alaisalaam). 2. Hazrat BIBI Hawwa (radiaallahu talah anhu). 3. Hazrat MOHMMAD (Sallahualaihi Wasallam) ko Mairaj per Lejanay wala Burraq(Horse). 4. Hazrat Saleh (radiallahhu talah anha) ki ountni. 5. Hazrat Younas (Alaisallam) ko paet me rakhnay wali Machli (Fish). 6. HAZRAT Mosa (Alaisalaam) k asa Mubarak se Bunne wala Azdaha. 7. HAZRAT Ismail (Alaisalaam) ki Qurbani k waqt Jannat se Aanay wala Dumba... Frwd to all. "Kisi Taraf Koi Kinara Na Hoga, Gairo Ka Kya Apno Ka Bi Sahara Na Hoga" "Kar Lo Mohabbat RASOOL (sallalaho alayhe wasallam) Se Q ki Aakhirat Me Unke Siwa Koi Hamara Na Hoga." ☆⌒ღN@££Mღ⌒☆
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:20
    KYA AAP JAANTE HAIN? . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke kitne Baazu hain? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke 600 bazu hain. (Ibn-e Kaseer,P-7, R-5) . * SAWAL : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke Ghodhe ka kya Naam hai? . >> JAWAB : Hazrat Jibreel Alaihissalam ke ghodhe ka Naam "HIZOOM" hai. (Madrijun Nubuwwah,Jild-2Safa No-160) . * SAWAL : Sabse pahle kis Farishte ne Sajdah kiya? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat Israfeel Alaihissalam hai ke sabse pahle Sajdah kiya. (Al Bidaya, Jild - 1 , Safa No -46) . * SAWAL : Farishton ki "Masjid" ka kya Naam hai aur woh kaha hain? . >> JAWAB : Farishton ki Masjid ka Naam "Baitul Maamoor" hai,jo (7) sathve Aasman par hai... Aur (KAABA SHAREEF) ke BilMuqabil hai.... agar koi cheez Baitul Maamoor se Giarayee jaaye to woh theek KAAB SHAREEF par aakar giregi. (Al bidaya,Jild-1, Safa No-42,Kanzul Ammal, Jild-11,Safa No-498) . * SAWAL : Farishton ne kitne aur kin kin Logon ko" GUSL" diaya? . >> JAWAB : 3 Hazraat ko diya. (1) Hazrat Aadam Alaihissalam ko. (2) Hazrat Hanzala Bin Abi Amir RadiAllahu anh ko. (3) Hazrat Zakarya Alaihissalam ki Shahadat se Mutaalliq ek Riwayat hai ke Jab Kuffar ne Aap koCheer kar Beech se Do tukre kardiye to Allah pak ne Farishton ko Hukm diya,aur Farishton ne Gusl dekar Aap ki Namaaz-e Janza padhi. (Nuzhatul Majalis, Safa No-113) . * SAWAL : Us Farishte ka kiya Naam hai ke "SHAB-E-QADR" ko AAMAL ka Nuskha jiske Hawale kiya jaata hai ? . >> JAWAB : Woh Hazrat iz'raeel Alaihissalam hain ke jinko Aamal ka nuskha diya jaata hai. (Ruhul Ma'ni,Jild -52, Safa No-113) *SAWAL : Woh kaunsa farishta hai jo jab se paidahuwa , bajuz ek bar ke na kabhi "HANSA" aur na kabhi hansega? . >> JAWAB : Who Hazrat "MALIK" Alaihissalam hain.. Shab-e Meraj ko Rasul-e Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ko dekh kar pahli baar hase the… us pahle na kabhi Hase the aur na kabhi Hasenge. (Maarijun Nubuwwah, Jild-1,Safa No-108) { Duniya ki 7 Jandar Jo Bagair.. Maa k paida Howay } 1. Hazrat ADAM (Alaisalaam). 2. Hazrat BIBI Hawwa (radiaallahu talah anhu). 3. Hazrat MOHMMAD (Sallahualaihi Wasallam) ko Mairaj per Lejanay wala Burraq(Horse). 4. Hazrat Saleh (radiallahhu talah anha) ki ountni. 5. Hazrat Younas (Alaisallam) ko paet me rakhnay wali Machli (Fish). 6. HAZRAT Mosa (Alaisalaam) k asa Mubarak se Bunne wala Azdaha. 7. HAZRAT Ismail (Alaisalaam) ki Qurbani k waqt Jannat se Aanay wala Dumba... Frwd to all. "Kisi Taraf Koi Kinara Na Hoga, Gairo Ka Kya Apno Ka Bi Sahara Na Hoga" "Kar Lo Mohabbat RASOOL (sallalaho alayhe wasallam) Se Q ki Aakhirat Me Unke Siwa Koi Hamara Na Hoga." ☆⌒ღN@££Mღ⌒☆
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:20
    Rigby murder should not curb freedoms
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:38
    CNN - Found 2 hours ago... to the anti-Muslim demonstrators, while also encouraging his audience to "not be scared of the kuffar [unbelievers]." The Woolwich attackers... Lee Rigby murder: Fight extremism without threatening freedom - CNN As it happened: Lee Rigby verdict - BBC Shocking brutality of Lee Rigby murder - CNN VIDEO: Witnesses on Rigby murder aftermath - BBC Explore All
    Dec 19th 2013, 11:18
    Die Feiertage der Kuffar Weihnachten & Silvester
    Every Successful Man Needs A Khadija, So The First Person To Embrace Islam Was A Women, The First Women To Die For Islam Was A Women; Sumayyah. The Greatest Scholar Of Islam Was A Women; Aa'ysha. The Person Who Loved The Prophet The Most Was A Women, Who Was That Women? It Was Faatimah. The Person Who Made The Biggest Sacrifice For Islam One Day Was A Women; Khansa. One Of The Greatest Fighters In Islamic History Was A Women, Kawlah Bint Al-Azwar, She Fought On Back Of Horses, Killed Many Kuffar And Sparred The Mujahideen On To Go On.
    Dec 19th 2013, 09:44
    Dec 19th 2013, 07:31
    The full hijabi Muslimah faces a lot of challenges in her daily life to practice her Deen and be a MUSLIMAH; sometimes she must challenge her evil Nafs (soul), she must win the fight against the different battles with Fitnah and temptations which are surrounding her in our time. She must challenge her environment and all its conditions which may limit her freedom : the freedom to be good servant for Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). This is the comment of a real Muslimah who faced some of these challenges but they didn't stop her from being a Muslimah, it's to human like her that we dedicate this account. This is her comment and it was like a message to you non Hijabi sisters in Islam: "Alhamdulilah! Despite all challenges I wore full Hijab! Wallahi dear sisters in Islam, the commitment to wearing The full Hijab is not as hard as you can imagine! The majority of you are living in Muslim countries, you are born in Muslim families so what would stop you from wearing the full Hijab! Imagine that you were in my place : I am from a non Muslim country, was raised in a non Muslim family and living among the Kuffar, I am the only one who reverted to Islam in my family… so what would you do if you were like me? How blessed you are sisters! How blessed you are! Allah blessed you with these conditions where you can practice your Deen freely and obey HIM by wearing full Hijab, yet you refuse to wear it! I am not saying that I am better than you, perfect or ideal …. But my purpose is to forward this message to describe my feelings after wearing the full Hijab and the peace of mind I feel while I am wearing it in the street. It's a peace which I've never felt before; I can't describe the respect I am feeling towards myself but most of all, my yaqeen (certainty) that I am pleasing my Lord ('Azza wa jall)…Indeed, there is no excuse to not wearing full Hijab" . . Dear stylish hijab. Remember! No one knows when death will come. You have seen this message, so no any excuse for you when meet Allah, trry to use full hijab so that you will be among those pious that Allah mention in 'suratul mumeen'. If you are using stylish hijab you wount have any reward on it because it wount cover your body then Angels will be causing you.


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:10PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Alhamdulillah,. Allahuakbar.
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:38
    penyokong BN janganlah lemah semangat... kalau yb BN tak boleh bantu kerajaan dalam situasi yang sukar ni... kita kan ada..? kita bantulah kerajaan walaupun kita sekadar wujud di skrin gajet... Allahuakbar..!
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:43
    Dilema. Nak maid ke babysitter ke jaga anak sendiri sambil kerja. Memang dari dulu cita-cita nak jadi surirumah. Allah dah bagi jalan ni untuk kerja sambil besarkan anak. Allahuakbar, permudahkan ya Allah.
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:51
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:38
    Allahuakbar wahre Worte von Saddam Hussein ❤️ Allah Yerhamu
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:26
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:03
    sapa yang TAK BACA tu , sesunguhnya iblis sudah pun berjaya hasut supaya jangan baca :) Nak rasa k e m a n i s a n di dalam solat pertama kena faham maksud Surah AL - FATIHA , faham apa maksud Allahuakbar (takbir) , maksud bacaan rukuk tu apa dia , maksud bacaan sujud tu apa dia , maksud bacaan duduk di antara 2 sujud tu apa dia , cukup lah dengan yang sedikit itu kamu akan merasai k e m a n i s a n di dalam solat . SIKIT kan ? hmmmm sikit pon susah nak ambil berat nak hafal , tapi musik 2 3 kali dengar dah boleh bermain di ingatan dan bibir....di sini wujudnya antara dunia dan ahkirat kalau kita renung balik . Ana nk bagi taw sesiapa yg tak faham maksud yg sedikit di atas tu , Inshaallah dia solat tak akan dapat RASA dia sedang berhubung dengan Allah , bila tak dapat rasa tu , dia tidak akan dapat RASA kemanisan yang ana bagi taw tadi..... (nyayi lagu dalam bahasa lain tapi x faham maksud maka lagu yg kita nyayi tadi x akan dapat feel , tapi jika iramanya sedap , boleh laa dapat sikit2 feel , mcm tu juga dengan bacaan , dah laa x paham maksud , baca pula x jaga bagi sedap berlagu , comfm x dapat feel apa-apa , cuba antum renung kenapa lagu2 hiburan dunia lirik panjang antum boleh hafal ? tapi ayat surah Al fatiha ada 7 sahaja antum x boleh hafal ? Sekali lagi ana nk remind , ini lah kewujudan antara kelalaian ahkirat dan keminatan akan DUNIA wahai sahabat ........ :'(
    Dec 19th 2013, 12:33
    Bila kita post "Allahuakbar" "Subhanallah" "Astaghfirullah" automatik ada orang baca. Senang bukan nak dapat pahala? Islam itu MUDAH
    Dec 19th 2013, 12:21
    Astaqfirullahalazim , Allahuakbar , SubhanAllah , Alhamdulillah . eh eh kamu sudah pun berzikir tanpa disuruh :D
    Dec 19th 2013, 12:11
    Allahuakbar allahuakbar
    Dec 19th 2013, 11:08
    allahuakbar, allah maha besar...
    Dec 19th 2013, 09:00
    Jalan-Jalan Syurga.... Pada setiap Jumaat, selepas selesai menunaikan solat Jumaat, seorang Imam dan anaknya yang berumur 7 tahun akan berjalan menyusuri jalan di kota itu dan menyebarkan risalah bertajuk "Jalan-jalan Syurga" dan beberapa karya Islamik yang lain. Pada satu Jumaat yang indah, pada ketika Imam dan anaknya itu hendak keluar seperti biasa menghulurkan risalah-risalah Islam itu, hari itu menjadi amat dingin dan hujan mulai turun. Anak kecil itu mula membetulkan jubahnya yang masih kering dan panas dan seraya berkata "Ayah! Saya dah bersedia" Ayahnya terkejut dan berkata "Bersedia untuk apa?". "Ayah bukankah ini masanya kita akan keluar menyampaikan risalah Allah" "Anakku! Bukankah sejuk keadaan di luar tu dan hujan juga agak lebat" "Ayah bukankah masih ada manusia yang akan masuk neraka walaupun ketika hujan turun" Ayahnya menambah "Ayah tidak bersedia hendak keluar dalam keadaan cuaca sebegini" Dengan merintih anaknya merayu "Benarkan saya pergi ayah?" Ayahnya berasa agak ragu-ragu namun menyerahkan risalah-risalah itu kepada anaknya "Pergilah nak dan berhati-hatilah. Allah bersama-sama kamu!" "Terima kasih Ayah" Dengan wajah bersinar-sinar anaknya itu pergi meredah hujan dan susuk tubuh kecil itu hilang dalam kelebatan hujan itu. Anak kecil itu pun menyerahkan risalah-risalah tersebut kepada sesiapa pun yang dijumpainya. Begitu juga dia akan mengetuk setiap rumah dan memberikan risalah itu kepada penghuninya. Setelah dua jam, hanya tinggal satu saja risalah "Jalan-jalan Syurga" ada pada tangannya. DIa berasakan tanggungjawabnya tidak akan selesai jika masih ada risalah di tangannya. Dia berpusing-pusing ke sana dan ke mari mencari siapa yang akan diserahkan risalah terakhirnya itu namun gagal. Akhirnya dia ternampak satu rumah yang agak terperosok di jalan itu dan mula mengatur langkah menghampiri rumah itu. Apabila sampai sahaja anak itu di rumah itu, lantas ditekannya loceng rumah itu sekali. Ditunggunya sebentar dan ditekan sekali lagi namun tiada jawapan. Diketuk pula pintu itu namun sekali lagi tiada jawapan. Ada sesuatu yang memegangnya daripada pergi, mungkin rumah inilah harapannya agar risalah ini diserahkan. Dia mengambil keputusan menekan loceng sekali lagi. Akhirnya pintu rumah itu dibuka. Berdiri di depan pintu adalah seorang perempuan dalam lingkungan 50an. Mukanya suram dan sedih. "Nak, apa yang makcik boleh bantu?" Wajahnya bersinar-sinar seolah-olah malaikat yang turun dari langit. "Makcik, maaf saya mengganggu, saya hanya ingin menyatakan yang ALLAH amat sayangkan makcik dan sentiasa memelihara makcik. Saya datang ini hanya hendak menyerahkan risalah akhir ini dan makcik adalah orang yang paling bertuah". Dia senyum dan tunduk hormat sebelum melangkah pergi. "Terima kasih nak dan Tuhan akan melindungi kamu" dalam nada yang lembut Minggu berikutnya sebelum waktu solat Jumaat bermula, seperti biasa Imam memberikan ceramahnya. Sebelum selesai dia bertanya "Ada sesiapa nak menyatakan sesuatu" Tiba-tiba sekujur tubuh bangun dengan perlahan dan berdiri. Dia adalah perempuan separuh umur itu. "Saya rasa tiada sesiapa dalam perhimpunan ini yang kenal saya. Saya tak pernah hadir ke majlis ini walaupun sekali. Untuk pengetahuan anda, sebelum Jumaat minggu lepas saya bukan seorang Muslim. Suami saya meninggal beberapa tahun lepas dan meninggalkan saya keseorangan dalam dunia ini" Air mata mulai bergenang di kelopak matanya. "Pada Jumaat minggu lepas saya mengambil keputusan untuk membunuh diri. Jadi saya ambil kerusi dan tali. Saya letakkan kerusi di atas tangga menghadap anak tangga menuruni. Saya ikat hujung tali di galang atas dan hujung satu lagi diketatkan di leher. Apabila tiba saat saya untuk terjun, tiba-tiba loceng rumah saya berbunyi. Saya tunggu sebentar, pada anggapan saya, siapa pun yang menekan itu akan pergi jika tidak dijawab. Kemudian ia berbunyi lagi. Kemudian saya mendengar ketukan dan loceng ditekan sekali lagi". "Saya bertanya sekali lagi. Belum pernah pun ada orang yang tekan loceng ini setelah sekian lama. Lantas saya melonggarkan tali di leher dan terus pergi ke pintu" "Seumur hidup saya belum pernah saya melihat anak yang comel itu. Senyumannya benar-benar ikhlas dan suaranya seperti malaikat". "Makcik, maaf saya mengganggu, saya hanya ingin menyatakan yang ALLAH amat sayangkan makcik dan sentiasa memelihara makcik" itulah kata-kata yang paling indah yang saya dengar". "Saya melihatnya pergi kembali menyusuri hujan. Saya kemudian menutup pintu dan terus baca risalah itu setiap muka surat. Akhirnya kerusi dan tali yang hampir-hampir menyentap nyawa saya diletakkan semula ditempat asal mereka. Aku tak perlukan itu lagi". "Lihatlah, sekarang saya sudah menjadi seorang yang bahagia, yang menjadi hamba kepada Tuhan yang satu ALLAH. Di belakang risalah terdapat alamat ini dan itulah sebabnya saya di sini hari ini. Jika tidak disebabkan malaikat kecil yang datang pada hari itu tentunya roh saya ini akan berada selama-lamanya di dalam neraka" Tiada satu pun anak mata di masjid itu yang masih kering. Ramai pula yang berteriak dan bertakbir ALLAHUAKBAR! Imam lantas turun dengan pantas dari mimbar lantas terus memeluk anaknya yang berada di kaki mimbar dan menangis sesungguh-sungguh hatinya. Jumaat ini dikira Jumaat yang paling indah dalam hidupnya. Tiada anugerah yang amat besar dari apa yang dia ada pada hari ini. Iaitu anugerah yang sekarang berada di dalam pelukannya. Seorang anak yang seumpama malaikat. Biarkanlah air mata itu menitis. Air mata itu anugerah ALLAH kepada makhlukNya yang penyayang. Via Hitam Putih - Trans 7
    Dec 19th 2013, 08:51
    Dec 19th 2013, 05:40
    ALLAHUAKBAR , dah lama dah ana tunggu !!! :'( semalam ana bermimpi duduk bersembang dengan Guru ana Al Fadhil Sheikh Zainul Asri....... Masa bermimpi sheikh mesra dengan ana , ana menyuruh dia doakan ana dengan 1 doa , lalu sheikh doakan ana , dan masa tu kami berdua sangat gembira , Allah Allah Allahh.......... tak sangka dapat bermimpi jumpa guru sendri di 1 taman :'(
    Dec 19th 2013, 03:43
    Dec 18th 2013, 14:30
    Dec 18th 2013, 05:52
    Dec 13th 2013, 16:43
    18+ not for shock! FSA Syrian rebel enters $$$-'Heaven'! Allahuakbar! !!!!!
    Apr 24th 2013, 20:40
    18+ WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - CONTAINS RAW FOOTAGE not for shock purposes, just for documenting FSA mercenaries war crimes in Syria against the Syrian peopl...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:08PM  

    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Some people have twisted logic. They justify Israel's brutality against Gaza by...
    Dec 19th 2013, 19:00
    Some people have twisted logic. They justify Israel's brutality against Gaza by its right to defend itself. When you invade a country, you don't describe your cowardly attacks of unarmed civilians as self defense. Israel is the aggressor and all the Americans and European countries are the accomplices. Palestine is not the land of the Jews. It is the land of the Muslims. If the Jews claim their right to the land, the Muslims should support the Red Indians to regain control over their land; the USA, which was taken by the white man! Muslims must unite physically, politically and financially to free their sacred lands from the grip if the Jews. If they don't, they are cursed by Allah for not doing a thing about it. Arab governments should do their duty by paying generously to support the freedom fighters in Palestine. The money is not theirs and they are only doing themselves a favor and not anyone else! Victory is from Allah and Allah is testing us. Yet, we believe that there is a dawn after the darkness of the night and Islam will prevail!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:08PM  

    Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Was ist die Liebe....?
    Viele Menschen beginnen Beziehungen aus falschen Gründen,...
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:51
    Was ist die Liebe....?
    Viele Menschen beginnen Beziehungen aus falschen Gründen, verwechseln Liebe mit Verliebtheit oder Schwärmereien.
    Wenn du einen Menschen toll findest aufgrund seines Aussehens, seines Jobs oder weil du vielleicht nicht mehr alleine sein willst, hat das alles nichts mit Liebe zu tun.
    Liebe bedeutet warten. Wenn du zu verkrampft danach suchst, wird sie nicht kommen. Liebe ist, wenn ein Mensch dich berührt. Ohne Worte. Nicht deinen Körper, sondern deine Seele und vor allem dein Herz. Wenn ein Mensch dich anschaut, du nichts sagen musst & die Person trotzdem weiss, was in dir vor geht, dann kannst du sicher sein, dass du verstanden wirst.
    Ein Blick reicht um die Mauer die du um dein Herz errichtet hast einzustürzen zu lassen. Küsse oder Berührungen werden ein Kribbeln in deinem Bauch & Gänsehaut auf deinem Körper auslösen. Egal wie viele Kilometer dieser Mensch manchmal entfernt sein wird, wirst du immer das Gefühl haben, dass er trotzdem bei dir ist. Und so ist es ja auch, denn du trägst ihn in deinem Herzen.
    Manchmal wird es schwere Zeiten geben, die das ganze auf eine Prüfung stellen wird aber letztendlich wirst du dadurch nur merken, dass deine Liebe stärker wird. Vermissen wird so weh tun, dass es dir Tränen in deine Augen treibt. Weil du weisst, dieser Mensch ist ein Teil von dir. Der Teil, der dich selbst komplett macht. Der dich nicht verändern will sondern so liebt wie du bist, selbst deine dunkelste Seite wird er akzeptieren. Es wird alles egal sein was in der Vergangenheit war, denn ihr habt nur einen Gedanken "eure gemeinsame Zukunft". Du wirst keine ständigen Liebesbeweise brauchen, denn du weisst auch so, dass du das Wichtigste für den Menschen bist. Selbst wenn du tausend andere haben könntest, wirst du immer nur diese eine Person wollen.
    Natürlich wird es auch Streit geben, aber auch das wird einen nur ein Stückchen weiter verbinden. Dieser Mensch wird die Dunkelheit aus deinem Leben vertreiben und dich zum Strahlen bringen. Ein Gedanke reicht & du lächelst. Kleine Momente haben manchmal mehr Bedeutung als die großen. Ein Wort kann mehr Gefühle in dir auslösen als vielleicht tausende es je könnten. Und ja auch dieser Mensch ist nicht perfekt, wird Fehler machen, nur er wird es Wert sein weiter zu kämpfen. Du wirst wissen was Himmel und Hölle bedeutet, denn wenn du diese Person verlierst wird dein Herz brechen. Es ist als würde die Welt zusammenstürzen und du fühlst dich als würde ein Teil von dir sterben. Und das tut es auch, deine Welt wird für einen Moment still stehen, einstürzen & du musst sie Stück für Stück neu aufbauen. Trotzdem wird immer etwas fehlen. Darum solltest du wenn du so jemand an deiner Seite hast dafür kämpfen, manchmal deinen eigenen Stolz überwinden und vielleicht auch warten müssen. Aber letztendlich wird es all das Wert sein. Liebe verletzt nicht, Liebe enttäuscht nicht. Und egal wie sehr du manchmal versuchst eiskalt zu bleiben, bei dieser einen Person wirst du damit scheitern weil es ist was es ist: Liebe ♡ ....
    ich habe es geklaut
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:07PM  

    Sikm4n | Islamic Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sikm4n | Islamic Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nowadays the problem is everyone wants to GET MARRIED but no one wants to STAY M...
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:58
    Nowadays the problem is everyone wants to GET MARRIED but no one wants to STAY MARRIED!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:06PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    BRITISH SOLDIER MURDER: MICHEAL ADEBOLAJO AND MICHEAL ADEBOWALE FOUND GUILTY Two men have been convicted of murdering a soldier in broad daylight near a military barracks in London, in the first al-Qaida-inspired attack to claim a life on British soil since 7 July 2005. Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, murdered Lee Rigby, 25, as he returned to the Woolwich barracks in south London, in May. They were convicted after a trial at the Old Bailey in Central London, which heard that the soldier was almost beheaded in the attack. The jury took just over 90 minutes to reach its verdicts. Both men were found not guilty of the attempted murder of a police officer. Relatives of Rigby cried as the verdicts were given. Rigby's stepfather, Ian, wiped away tears and put his arm around the soldier's mother, Lyn, who was sobbing. Mr Justice Sweeney, who ordered that the decisions be heard in silence, said he would pass sentence after a key appeal court ruling on the use of whole life terms in January. Adebolajo looked at the press and kissed his Qur'an as he was taken to the court cells. Adebolajo, from Romford, Essex, and Adebowale, from Greenwich, South London, claimed they were soldiers of Allah and their violence was a reprisal against western foreign policy, which had led to the deaths of Muslims. At the time of the attack, Rigby was attached to the regimental recruiting team and was on his way back to barracks in Woolwich from a shift working at the Tower of London. Previously he had served a tour of duty in Helmand, Afghanistan, fighting Islamist militants. His wife, Rebecca Rigby, said: "I would like to thank everyone who has helped us to finally get justice for Lee. "This has been the toughest time of our lives and no one should have to go through what we have been through as a family. These people have taken away my baby's dad, but Lee's memory lives on through our son and we will never forget him. "I now want to build a future for Jack and make him proud of his dad like we all are." Rigby's mother said: "We would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support. We are satisfied that justice has been served; but unfortunately no amount of justice will ever bring Lee back. We now ask that we are left alone to grieve for our loss." Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick, the head of the Met's specialist operations, welcomed the verdicts: "We are pleased that justice has been done. At this very difficult time, our thoughts are with Lee's family and all those who knew and loved him. This horrific attack, which took place in broad daylight on the streets of London, shocked the country and was intended to divide communities. It had largely the opposite effect and has, in fact, brought people together. "The court heard of extraordinary acts of courage and compassion from members of the public at the time of this terrifying and dreadful incident." The brother of one the killers said the attack was inevitable and the justification for Rigby's death was obvious. Speaking to al-Jazeera's Investigations Unit, Jeremiah Adebolajo, who like his brother Michael is a Muslim convert, predicted another Woolwich-style attack due to British foreign policy. In the interview, the 26-year-old, who was banned from attending the Old Bailey for some of his brother's trial for security reasons, said: "I suggest that it won't be the last [attack], simply because of the tactics of the British secret service and foreign policy. For every violent action is a violent reaction." David Cameron, speaking to reporters in Brussels, said: "The whole country was completely shocked by the murder of Lee Rigby, and the whole country united in condemnation of what happened, and I'm sure everyone will welcome these verdicts today. "I think it also shows that we have to redouble our efforts to confront the poisonous narrative of extremism and violence that lay behind this and make sure we do everything to beat it in our country." Farooq Murad, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "The murder of Drummer Lee Rigby was truly a barbaric act. Muslim communities then, as now, were united in their condemnation of this crime. This was a dishonourable act and no cause justifies cold-blooded murder."After Rigby was attacked in the street, Adebolajo was filmed on the mobile phones of passersby, justifying the murder as a strike against the west, in language echoing the propaganda of violent jihad. Brandishing a cleaver and a knife in his bloodied hands, and with the body of Rigby lying metres away, Adebolajo said: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. "We must fight them. I apologise that women had to witness this today. But in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don't care about you. "You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start bussin' our guns? You think politicians are going to die? No it's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so you can all live in peace." The pair hung around for several minutes before armed police arrived at the scene. The two men then rushed the officers, who shot the pair. They claimed they wanted to be shot dead so they would be martyrs. Adebolajo decided before one court hearing that he wished to be called after one of the most notorious Islamist extremists in British history. He asked to be addressed as Mujaahid Abu Hamza. His co-accused asked to be addressed as Ismail Ibn Abdullah during proceedings. The murder raised questions for the security services, who had had both men on their radar. They had been known to MI5 and the police for eight years but had been assessed as peripheral figures and thus not subjected to a full-scale investigation. Adebolajo, who was born into a church-going Nigerian family but converted to Islam, had complained of harassment by MI5 in the last three years after he came to the intelligence agency's attention. He was detained by Kenyans for suspected extremist activity in 2010 and later deported to Britain, the Foreign Office confirmed. Adebowale was also a convert to Islam. As a teenager, he witnessed a murder and was himself stabbed in a frenzied knife attack five years ago. He suffered from psychotic episodes caused by cannabis abuse and by the psychological effects of being caught up in the fatal stabbing incident in January 2008, when he was 16. Both attackers had attended events of the extremist group al-Muhajiroun and, after it was banned, of its successor groups. Adebolajo and Adebowale face sentences of life imprisonment, with the main issue for the judge being how long a minimum tariff they should serve before they can even be considered for release. Adebolajo showed no remorse for his actions during the trial, telling jurors that he was a "soldier of Allah" and that he had no choice but to obey the command of Allah. He described how he held the soldier's hair as he hacked at his neck in a motion described by one witness as like a "butcher attacking a joint of meat". Another horrified bystander said he "instantly believed that he was trying to cut the victim's head off" when he saw the man using a meat cleaver to mutilate Rigby's motionless body. A third witness said Adebolajo had a look of pure evil after attacking Rigby's head while his accomplice rammed knives into his chest like he was "trying to remove his organs from his torso".
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:54
    Saudi Arabia Pledges To Fund Jihad In Syria Alone If Necessary
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:47
    Perhaps the biggest state sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world, Saudi Arabai is very upset they can no longer pull the strings in Washington.
    Israel PM Trades CI For China Visit
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:39
    Big News Network - Found 27 minutes agoWASHINGTON [MENL] -- Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was said tohave abandoned an attempt to block Hamas and Islamic Jihad finances for
    Buy Them All Tickets: UK Jihadi Killed Fighting for al Qaeda in Syria
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:36
    At this rate of kill off maybe the best policy option is to buy them all tickets to Turkey, greet them at the airport, and then escort them to the Syrian border ? He was one of an estimated 350 British men to have taken up arms with Al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria - where they are known as British Kataa'ib, meaning British Brigade.
    'We are dealing with extremist minority'
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:34
    CNN - Found 32 minutes ago... world, and to publicize the cause of the global jihad far and wide. In order to maintain a presence in the West, the global jihad movement that... 'Fight extremism after Rigby murder' - CNN Jury goes out in Lee Rigby trial - BBC Lee Rigby murder: 2 men found guilty in UK soldier's slaying - CNN UK soldier murder: Two convicted - CNN Explore All
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:09
    Narrated'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa RadiAllahu anhu ALLAH's Apostle Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,"Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 52, No. 73:] Narrated Ibn'Abbas RadiAllahu anhu: On the day of the Conquest (of Mecca) the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,"There is no emigration after the Conquest but Jihad and intentions. When you are called (by the Muslim ruler) for fighting, go forth immediately." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 52, No. 79:]
    Untangling synergies: Israel's order of battle
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:07
    Ithaca College - Found 59 minutes agoFor the Palestinians, whether Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or Fatah (Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades), there will be irresistibly new opportunities to...
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:02
    via RSS Toko Buku Online
    US considers military tribunal for Russian detainee
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:55
    Stars and Stripes - Found 1 hour agoOfficials said Hamidullan remains committed to violent jihad and has sworn that he will return to the battlefield if he is released from... Military trial in U.S. eyed for Russian held in Afghanistan - Washington Post Military trial in U.S. being considered for Russian detained in ... - Washington Post U.S. considers military trial for Russian detainee - Japan Times US may try Russian held in Afghanistan - The News International Explore All
    Isolated Hamas buries the hatchet with Iran
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:55
    Jewish Chronicle - Found 1 hour agoThe Iranian regime transferred the bulk of its support to Hamas's rivals, Islamic Jihad. Hamas Rejoins Palestinian Authority United Government - Encountering peace A close neighbor - Big News Network Explore All
    Jihad Incorporated: Guide to Militant Islam in the US -
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:54
    Letters to the editor, Dec. 19, 2013
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:38
 - Found 1 hour agoTheir only recourse might be to join a jihad against us, much as we declared the "war on terror" after 9/11.   Technically we are not...
    Morsi linked to al-Qaeda?
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:31
    Pravda - Found 1 hour ago... made several promises which included avoiding the arrest of Jihadists and personal permission to open training camps for Jihad in the Sinai.
    May welcomes killers' convictions
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:24
    Petersfield Post - Found 1 hour ago... in broad daylight in the capital means they must have known they would feed into those 'counter-jihad' networks and organisations who paint a...
    ?Duck Dynasty? star suspended by A&E for his religious beliefs
    Dec 19th 2013, 17:02
    Human Events Online - Found 2 hours ago The point of the Robertson jihad is to intimidate other Christians and make them feel subdued, something that's not going to happen if...
    Jihad shitbags found guilty.
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:31
    A jury has convicted two British men who considered themselves soldiers of Allah of murdering a serviceman who was run down with a car and stabbed to death in a frenzied attack on a London street.

    Dec 19th 2013, 16:06
    add this on Delicious - saved by to islamics jihad tcot - more about this link
    RAHSIA FORMULA GENIUS MATEMATIK DIDEDAHKAN!! Matematik menjadi mudah... MENGIRA tanpa menggunakan kalkulator, tanpa perlu sempoa, tanpa menggunakan jari... DAN HANYA dalam 5 saat sahaja untuk pengiraan dan jawapan... ketahui RAHSIA dan TEKNIK MINDA GENIUS ini... DAN kita juga berpeluang untuk bersama2 menyertai REVOLUSI affiliate luarbiasa hebat ini. ANDA sebenarnya sedang menerima satu undangan JV PERNIAGAAN ONLINE luarbiasa hebat bersama Pengasas GENIUSMATHS, Dr. Sulaiman Daud P.H.D DAN INI BUKAN SATU PELUANG YANG BIASA2 seperti yang anda selalu jumpa di facebook wall setiap hari. Anda pasti teruja apabila anda telah ketahui keistimewaannya sebentar lagi! JIHAD ILMU, JIHAD REZEKI Alfagenius Affiliate disini.....
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:41
    Shakeel Begg and the East London Mosque
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:22
    The Young Muslim Organisation UK is a youth arm of the Islamic Forum of Europe. It has a record of promoting nasty extremists, including terrorists.
    SFSU Muslim student leader wants to decapitate "all who support the IDF" SFSU Muslim student leader wants to decapitate "all who support the IDF"
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:09
    SFSU Muslim student leader wants to decapitate "all who support the IDF" - #Jihad Watch #Islamists #IDF #bbcnews #fb Still no


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:05PM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nouveau !
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:11
    Nouveau !
    Somme nous des khawarijs ? - Shaykh Abû Sufyân As-Sulamî
    Biographie du cheikh abu sufyan as sulami :
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 07:01PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beim Parken ;

    Deutsche : Schatz noch ein stückchen..noch ein stückchen ok perf...
    Dec 19th 2013, 18:22
    Beim Parken ;

    Deutsche : Schatz noch ein stückchen..noch ein stückchen ok perfekt.


    hahahaha :D

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