
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 09:06AM  

    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 14 Themen
    Dec 4th 2013, 09:05
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen [8 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen [3 Aktualisierungen] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: kilicdaroglu amerikada fethullah gülenle görüstü.kemalin emekli vaize sordugu so... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 16 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand: BAB Bremer Akademikerbund e.V. Bremen Eyaleti ve Bremen dini cemaatleri arasında... [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: cariyeyi odalik yapmak erkegin hakkidir - ecdadperest misirlioglu [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: rabita sevaptir (ehli sünnet cübbeli)rabita shirktir (ehli sünnet faruk beser) [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: gülen evliliklere dahi karisirdi - nurettin veren [1 Aktualisierung] Salafismus in Youtube Deutschland und Europa Salafisten & Salafismus Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten in Deutschland und Europa: NEWS Übersicht für - 4 Nachrichten in 4 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:52AM

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen
    Dec 4th 2013, 00:44

    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand: Bevor du deine Ohren öffnest, öffne dein Herz ! [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Der Bock zum Gärtner [1 Aktualisierung] Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: White House warns against new Iran sanctions The White House warns that a fresh... [1 Aktualisierung] Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Bomb blast, gunfire hit Lebanon's Sidon, leave casualties A bomb blast and hea... [1 Aktualisierung] Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Terrorists target civilians in Damascus blast Four people have been killed and... [1 Aktualisierung] Sahaba Geschichtens Facebook-Pinnwand: KHALID IBN WALID radhiAllahu anh... [1 Aktualisierung] Sharia4Indonesias Facebook-Pinnwand: ..:: Hak Orang Tua Dari Anaknyadan Kisah Seorang Syaikh Berbakti kepada Ayahnya... [1 Aktualisierung] Kakerlaken dieser Welts Facebook-Pinnwand: Das hässlichste Auto der Welt : Fiat Multipla Gute Nacht Freunde ;) [1 Aktualisierung] Haus des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: In diesem Sinne eine gesegnete Nacht :) Admin1 [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: ..Ich wünsche,dass jeder auf den Geschmack deiner Liebe kommt! YA ALLAH ...<3B... [1 Aktualisierung] Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Prophet (Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm) sagte:«Ich wurde nahe der Stunde... [1 Aktualisierung] Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Wir Preisen ALLAH ta ala viel zu wenig. ♥ SubhanALLAH ♥ ♥ Alhamdulillah ♥♥... [1 Aktualisierung] Das Gebet ist der Schlüssel ins Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Für die Geschwister die Probleme bei dem Gebet haben , bzw Abfolge, etc https:... [1 Aktualisierung] Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Dajjal.TVs Facebook-Pinnwand: [8 Aktualisierungen] Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand: Bevor du deine Ohren öffnest, öffne dein Herz ! Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:42AM

    Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand

    Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand

    Bevor du deine Ohren öffnest, öffne dein Herz !
    Dec 3rd 2013, 23:49

    Bevor du deine Ohren öffnest, öffne dein Herz !

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    domeus - Neues von Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:42AM

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    Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen;jsessionid=55D9C7169CD10BF75774E74192B8BCB6;dom51?gid=156714&mid=34797628
    May 7th 2013, 09:53

    news: Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen (07.05.2013 09:53 CEST)

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    domeus - Neues von Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:42AM

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    Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung);jsessionid=55D9C7169CD10BF75774E74192B8BCB6;dom51?gid=156714&mid=34781628
    Apr 2nd 2013, 09:37

    news: Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) (02.04.2013 09:37 CEST)

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    domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:42AM

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    Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14);jsessionid=55D9C7169CD10BF75774E74192B8BCB6;dom51?gid=156714&mid=34802258
    May 16th 2013, 08:33

    news: Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) (16.05.2013 08:33 CEST)

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    domeus - Neues von Der Bock zum Gärtner Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:42AM

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    Der Bock zum Gärtner;jsessionid=55D9C7169CD10BF75774E74192B8BCB6;dom51?gid=156714&mid=34885885
    Nov 24th 2013, 09:39

    news: Der Bock zum Gärtner (24.11.2013 10:39 CET)

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    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: White House warns against new Iran sanctions The White House warns that a fresh... Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:41AM

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand

    White House warns against new Iran sanctions

    The White House warns that a fresh...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 23:53

    White House warns against new Iran sanctions

    The White House warns that a fresh effort by some US senators to impose new sanctions against Iran will send the signal that Washington negotiates in bad faith.

    "If we pass sanctions now, even with a deferred trigger which has been discussed, the Iranians, and likely our international partners, will see us as having negotiated in bad faith," White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Tuesday.

    Key members of the US Senate have indicated that they are ready to press forward with a new package of anti-Iran sanctions that can be imposed quickly if the recent interim deal between Tehran and the six world powers fails to lead to a long-term agreement.

    Obama administration officials have been urging lawmakers not to move ahead with the sanctions package, saying doing so would discredit the nuclear talks.

    Carney, however, maintained that if Tehran failed to abide by the terms of the deal, the White House would support the new sanctions.

    As part of the interim deal announced in Geneva on November 24, Iran agreed to limit some aspects of its nuclear energy program and the US and its allies made a commitment to refrain from imposing new sanctions for six months.

    The White House says a six-month window without new sanctions would allow negotiators to work on a comprehensive solution to the West's decade-old dispute with Iran. But many members of Congress remain unconvinced.

    Robert Menendez, (D-N.J.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urged the Senate leaders over the weekend to push for additional sanctions as an "insurance policy" over the next six months.

    "I hope the deal can be successful," Menendez said on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday. "But we need to be ready to move forward."

    Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), another strong advocate of anti-Iran sanctions, also said that he was "very discouraged" by the Geneva deal.

    "Not a single centrifuge being dismantled," he said Sunday. "As long as they can enrich [uranium], it seems to be that we are violating the very standards that we set in place," he added.

    Corker has introduced a bill that would limit the Obama administration's ability to ease sanctions against Iran.

    WH warns against new Iran sanctions
    The White House warns against a fresh effort by some US senators to impose new sanctions on Iran.

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    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Bomb blast, gunfire hit Lebanon's Sidon, leave casualties A bomb blast and hea... Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:41AM

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand

    Bomb blast, gunfire hit Lebanon's Sidon, leave casualties

    A bomb blast and hea...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 23:54

    Bomb blast, gunfire hit Lebanon's Sidon, leave casualties

    A bomb blast and heavy gunfire have hit the southern Lebanese city of Sidon, leaving several casualties Press TV reports.

    On Tuesday, the bomb went off during the funeral of a member of Palestinian Fatah movement at a cemetery near the Palestinian Refugee Camp of Ain al-Hilweh.

    No one has been killed from the Fattah movement in the attack, but several people including former Fattah chief in Lebanon were injured.

    According to the report, the person who planted the bomb has been killed.

    The explosion also damaged a car parked near the camp.

    According to Press TV's correspondent in the Lebanese capital Beirut, tensions remain high in the camp.

    The Palestinian Ain al-Hilweh camp has become a hub for terrorist groups such as al-Nusra Front and other al-Qaeda-linked groups.

    Moreover, heavy gunfire has been heard in three different areas in the city.

    Over the past weeks, the Lebanese capital has also been the scene of deadly terrorist attacks.

    On November 19, two blasts outside Iran Embassy in the southern neighborhood of Janah in Beirut left at least 25 people dead, including six Iranian nationals, and wounded over 150 others.

    The first explosion took place when a bomber blew his explosives near the gate of the embassy, and the second blast happened just meters away when a car bomb went off.

    An al-Qaeda-linked group, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, claimed responsibility for the twin bombings.

    Bomb blast, gunfire hit Lebanon's Sidon
    A bomb blast and heavy gunfire hit the Lebanese city of Sidon, leaving several casualties.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 09:06AM  

    Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    قناة الناس أدعية دعاء أبو عمار الحمد لله
    Dec 4th 2013, 09:01
    ‫قناة الناس أدعية دعاء أبو عمار الحمد لله‬
    ‫قناة الناس أدعية دعاء أبو عمار الحمد لله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:58AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    كلمات ولقاءات في مساجد مدينة #الرقة :: كلمة في مسجد الإمام حسين
    ألقى المهندس هش...
    Dec 4th 2013, 08:22
    ‫كلمات ولقاءات في مساجد مدينة #الرقة :: كلمة في مسجد الإمام حسين

    ألقى المهندس هشام البابا رئيس المكتب الإعلامي لحزب التحرير في ولاية سوريا كلمات مساجد وعقد لقاءات أخوة ومحبة مع الأهالي في مدينة الرقة، وذلك ضمن حملة الحزب لتوعية المسلمين لرص الصفوف والالتفاف حول راية رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام، راية العقاب، راية [لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله]، في مواجهة النظام البعثي المجرم عدو الله ورسوله والمؤمنين قاتل النساء والأطفال والشيوخ.

    محرم الحرام 1435هـ - تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2013م‬
    ‫كلمة عن أهمية الإعتصام بحبل الله‬
    ‫كلمة في مسجد الإمام الحسين بمدينة الرقة لرئيس المكتب الإعلامي لحزب التحرير/ ولاية سوريا المهندس هشام البابا وجمع من المسلمين ، يوم الثلاثاء 16 محرم الحرام 14...‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:55AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said,
    "He who is not merciful to others, will n...
    Dec 4th 2013, 08:00
    The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said,

    "He who is not merciful to others, will not be treated mercifully."

    [Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 42]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:53AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    Bjp and Congress in Delhi election mai Chala Brahmastra ban...Aaj news channels par kewal Bjp n Congress ke leaders ki Byte dikhai ja rahi hai Ji ki apni apni jeet ka dawa kar rahe hai ....en moke par iss trah media ka rookh confuse voter se Congrees ya Bjp ke liye indirect appil ha , AAP ko iss bat se sabak lena chahye...
    Dec 4th 2013, 07:35
    We are such a poor nation that it is a sin to to waste time wrangling and playing empty politics. Every second should be for our people. Good Morning friends.
    Dec 4th 2013, 06:57
    Dec 4th 2013, 05:59
    A couple has been admitted in critical condition after a scuffle ensued between them and they stabbed each other. This is because the man received a phone call from a woman at 2.00AM and he didn't disclose who was calling she went to the kitchen, took a knife and stabbed the man ...and they fought and he also stabbed her and now they're both in hospital. Really?? It's crazy but we've two questions: 1. For men - what are the ground rules if you have another woman? (Why are you letting her call you at 2:00AM?? Kwani there's no for giving each other space?) 2. For the other woman - now why do you want to cross boundaries? ...why call him at 2:00AM when you know where he is and who he is with? Why not stick in your lane? What are the ground rules? What should be done and what shouldn't be done? ----- Holler on twitter - @ItsMainaKageni
    Dec 4th 2013, 05:43
    Salam sob bakhair ba hamagi tan zaid maraiz astm dawa khb shawam.
    Dec 4th 2013, 05:27
    Whaat!! Ati van Persie wants to come back? Who will welcome him back?
    Dec 4th 2013, 05:08
    Chapter - 2 Sitting near the unconscious frame of her husband, Jodha let her mind wander. All the other ladies of the harem had left to offer Namaz at the fixed time and she was all alone in the Royal Bedchamber now. She knew that everyone was praying for the life of the Emperor. Even she wanted to go to her room but was helpless. Though unconscious, the Emperor was still holding an end of her dress in his death grip. She had no chance of moving. She knew her mother in law, Hamida Bano Begum would light the lamps before her Kanha and offer prayers. She wasn't worried on that account. But what worried her was the events of the forest. Even though so much time had elapsed, her mind was still stuck at that moment in the forest when the tiger had attacked the Emperor. Her mind replayed the incident over and over again, remembering the exact moment when the poisonous claws of the animal had connected with the flawless skin of the Monarch leaving bloody marks there. She could see each and every detail in her mind... When the tiger had clawed the Emperor on his face, then chest... She shuddered. She tried to forget the incident, tried to forget the way her husband had pushed her back and taken the animal head on. She was not sure why he had done so. Was it because he felt responsible for her, or because his pride would not have allowed him to accept defeat from a beast or because he actually followed the law of the jungle. Could it be as easy and as simple as that...?? She was not sure. But she was sure of one thing... She had collected enough fodder for some new nightmares. She just prayed that she wouldn't dream but knew in her heart that it was a fruitless thought. "Ye kya ho gaya Kanha...??? Kyun ho gaya aisa. Hum to kewal nirdosh pashuon ke prano ki raksha karna chahte the...parantu yahan to Shehenshaah ke praan sankat me pad gaye hain. Hum jab bhi kuch bhala karna chahte hin, bura kyun ho jata hai Kanha??" She prayed in her mind. A soft touch on her shoulder brought her out of her reverie. Even before turning she knew the identity of the person. "Ammi Jaan". The lady had always appeared as mild mannered and soft but Jodha had seen her take the Emperor head on in arguments. But it was now, at this juncture that she realized what a fearsome woman the Dowager Empress really was. She had single handedly looked after the entire gamut of activities of the sultanate delegating the required tasks appropriately and yet keeping the reins in her hand. "Jyada pareshan mat hoiye Jodha. Hakim sahab aate hi honge." Jodha felt like crying. Even in the midst of this pain and heartbreak, the lady was concerned about her. Should she confess about ner guilt now??? Would it break the trust of the Empress in her?? Would the news break her??? Come what may, Jodha knew she was willing to suffer the anger and a broken relationship with her Mother-in-Law rather than breaching the trust of this lady who had stood by her through thick and thin. "Ab bhi vishwaas bhang karna baki hai?? Kya Shehenshaah ke praan sankat me daal kar aapne unke vishwaas ka hanan nahi kiya hai??" Her mind taunted her mercilessly and she turned away from the sad gaze of the Empress in pain. "Ye kya ho gaya Kanha???" She thought to herself. "Hum to sirf nirdosh pashuon ke praano ki raksha karna chahte the... Parantu ye.. Iss avastha ki to humne swapna me bhi kalpana nahi ki thi. Hum to Shehenshaah ke haathon ek paap ko hone se rokna chahte the... Yahan to unhi ke praan sankat me pad gaye." Wiping away the tears which had clouded her beautiful, doe shaped eyes, she turned towards Hamida Bano, who was gazing sadly at the prone figure of her son. "Hume to ye samajh nahi aa raha ki Jalaal itne zakhmi kaise ho gaye. Wo bahut achha shikari hai... Shikaar uska shauk nahi, uski aadat hai. Aaj tak kabhi aisa kuch to nahi hua." As the words flowed out from the lips of Hamida Bano, Jodha felt a chill growing in her bones. She glanced at her mother in law with increasing panic. Had the lady somehow guessed her involment in all this?? A look at the Empress' features however dispelled her fears. Hamida Bano was not speaking to her... Instead she was talking to herself. She chided herself for her cowardly reaction. Here she had been looking for an opening to confess her part in the act, and when the oppurtunity had presented itself, she lost all her courage. It was not the behaviour which suited a Rajput Princess. "Aapko apni bhul ko sweekar karna chahiye... aur kahan aap swayam ko Ammi Jaan ke prem aur sneh ke piche chhipa rahi hai...!!!" She berated herself mentally. No...!!! Enough was enough..!!! She had lied enough.. she had hidden behind the facade of a caring wife for a long time. True...!!! She did care for the Emperor but not the way all of them were thinking. She needed to clear some misconceptions and she would do it now. Her mind made up, she turned towards the Empress with a renewed determination "Ammi Jaan... Hum aase kuch kehna chante hain." The Empress turned her hazel brown eyes towards her. "Haan Jodha Beti... Kahiye na. Kya baat hai." "Humari aatma par ek bojh hai. Hum aapse chhipana nahi chahte." "Aap Bahu Begum hai humari. Aapko humse kuch bhi chhupane ki zarurat hi nahi hai. Kaho Jodha, kya tufaan chal raha hai tumhare dil me?"The loving words of her Mother in Law gave her the much needed strength. "Shehenshaah ke iss avastha ke uttardaayi hum hain Ammi Jaan." She began. "Ye kaisi baaten kar rahin hain aap Jodha??" She could see the confusion on the Empress' face. " Hum satya keh rahe hain Ammi Jaan. Shehenshaah ki avastha isliye hui kyunki unhone hum par hone wale baagh ke akraman ko apne seene pe le liya." Surprising her, the Dowager Empress smiled lightly. "to isme apki kya galti Bahu Begum?? Jalaal ne jo kiya wo uska farz tha. Apni Begum ki jaan bachana, ye to har shauhar ka farz hai. Aur Jalaal ne kabhi bhi apne farz se muh nahi moda hai." She was stumped. Why was it that this lady never took her wrong? She shook her had vehemently and said; "Nahi Ammi Jaan... Humne unke..." Cutting through her confession, the maid came running into the Royal Bedchamber to inform about the Hakim's arrival. The Empress quickly got up to welcome the old Hakim. And as Jodha adjusted her veil over her head she mourned the one opening she had to confess about her part in this whole misadventure. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#* The arrival of the specialist Hakim from Gwalior spread like a wildfire in the Palace. Soon the Emperor's bedchamber was teeming with women. While the Empress Hamida Bano got up from her seat to make way for the Hakim, Begum Ruqqaiya Sultan, Begum Salima Sultan, Maham Anga, Gul Badan Begum, Jiji Anga and a few other women crowded at the foot of the bed. The other women of Harem were waiting outside for some sort of news. She looked down at the unconcious figure of her husband, lying there covered in green paste and bathed in a fine sheen of sweat. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see an old man approaching with Shamsuddin Adka ji. She pulled her veil a bit closer and looked up at the old man. As he stopped on the opposite side of the bed, Jodha gave a start of surprise. #*#*#*#*#*#*#*# The old man was in the process of sitting down on the bed when he heard a surprised gasp from the other end of the bed. He had noticed a woman sitting there, but had refrained from looking at a lady who appeared to be the khaas begum of the Emperor. Well, she had to be..considering that she was sitting besides the Emperor with his hand in her lap. And decorum forbade the venerable man to gaze at the Mallika of the Emperor. But now, he did look up and was extremely surprised..., for sitting on the opposite end of the bed was the immensly proud and fiery princess of Amer. "Shehzaadi Jodha. Aap???" He couldn't help but feel surprised. He had heard that the Mughal Emperor had married a Hindu, Rajput princess but had not paid much attention to it. Now as he gazed at the lovely woman sitting across him cloaked in a veil of misery and fear, he felt sorry for her. He had to give her credit... Even in the midst of such emotional upheavel, the Princess of Amer had neither lost hope nor her manners. Though she was apprehensive, he could see the determination burning in her eyes. And as she folded her hands and bowed reverentially from her position, he could see that even after being the Emperor's special wife, she had not forgotten her manners. "Pranaam Ustaad." Her voice was sweet as ever and her modesty pleased him. He blessed her from the very depth of his heart and sat down. The resident Hakim hurried forward to tell him all about the medication, about how the blood had stopped and yet the fever had escalated and he understood what had happened. He carefully examined the wounds, the paste which was applied on it and then the remaining paste in the bowl. A mile wide smile stretched on his face as he finished his examination and turned towards Begum Jodha. This girl was dear to him like a daughter and today she had done him proud. "Ye lep aapne banaya hai na Shehzaadi Jodha??" The Princess of Amer simply nodded her head and he smiled. He was a man of few words but had a talent of understanding the unsaid words of people around him. It was a skill he had accquired over the ages he had spent working as a Hakim, wandering across the length and breadth of this huge country. He could feel the undercurrents of tension in the room, the hostility which emanated from the people around him, the hostility which was directed towards Begum Jodha. He saw the way Mallika E Azam and another lady tore themselves away from the group and went and stood behind Begum Jodha. Smiling inwardly, he fixed his student with his piercing gaze. "Humare alawa agar koi hai jo ye lep bana sakta hai to wo aap hain Begum Jodha. Aaj aapne ye lep banakar Shehenshaah ki jaan bacha li hai. Hume aap par naaz hai Amer ki Shehzaadi." He could feel the surprise which went around him at such a pronouncement. However, A small hint of happiness which bloomed on the face of Jodha Begum was enough to dispel the gloominess which had shrouded her so far. He handed the bowl back to her and started checking the Emperor once again. The pulse was steady beneath the wrinkled but sensitive fingertips. The Emperor was out of danger and would regain conciousness any time. With a smile he turned towards the people assembled there and began talking. "Aap log chaunkiye mat... Jab Amer ke Raja Sa Bharmal ji ke bhatije Sujamal cheete ke humle se ghayal ho gaye the to unki isse bhi buri halat thi. Tab Sardar Chugtai Khan ji ne hume Amer bheja tha... Sujamal ke ilaaj ke liye. Tab wahan iss kaam me humari madad Shehzaadi Jodha ne ki thi. Na kewal madad ki thi balki sachhi lagan se inhone ye dawa banana bhi seekha tha. Aur aaj unhone wahi lep banakar Shehenshaah ki jaan bacha li. Humare alawa ye lep sirf wahi bana sakti hain." He turned back towards Jodha and said with pride. "Aaj aapne apne ustaad ki izzat rakh li Begum Jodha. Hume apne shaagird par naaz hai." The Begum in question gave a half smile and looked down. And then she gave a start of surprise. Looking down, he saw the reaon of her shock. The Emperor was gazing at his wife through half open eyes. *#*#*#*#*#*#* The pain... Ya Allah...!!! The pain was unbearable for any normal human being... But not for him. Not for him because he was used to tolerating the pains - both physical and mental. A ruler cannot show his pain, a warrior does not feel pain. It was a lesson he had learned early in his life. So much so that this lesson had been ingrained in the very essence of his being... It was no longer a lesson... It was the way he lived. But not feeling the pain didn't make its effects go away. He may have numbed his feelings, but the body reacts to excess pain. And it had done so.He found himself in total darkness... Held within the caliginous confinement of his own mind, he had no hopes of survival. This lack of hope...this helplessness...this despair...he didn't know what was wrong with him. He could hear faint sounds...but they were far away...very far away. He tried to listen to what they were saying... But the voices were too faint. He couldn't hear anything clearly. He tried to feel what was happening here...why was he shrouded in blackness... He knew there were people around him, but he could not see them. He tried to move his limbs, but he could not even summon the strength to raise them. He tried to stretch his leg but could not. He tried to see...something... Anything... But to no avail. The voices became a bit louder but the clarity was still missing. He gave up trying to move his limbs, and let his senses wander. If there was one thing he had learnt during the years of hardship, it was to always keep his senses sharp and working, flowing like an unhindered source of water. Now faced with physical handicap, he did the same. He started feeling around himself. The first thing which he felt was a smooth fabric under his fingers...he felt the shimmery, silky cloth piece with his sensitized fingers... Silk.. The type worn by the Begums of Mughal Empire.. So someone was with him. So good. He tried to open his eyes but was unsuccessful. He slowly strained his ears, trying to listen to the buzzing around him. At first, he could hardly make out the various voices, but after sometime he heard an unidentified voice, a male voice. The person in question was old, but not excessively so... There was a strength in the voice. Slowly, the words became sharper... Clearer... "Ye lep aapne banaya hai na Shehzaadi Jodha...???" Shehzaadi Jodha...??? Goodness... Begum Jodha?? In a flash, the incidents of the forest came rushing back to him like a wild wind...


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:51AM  

    Kommentare für DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten
    Eure Stimme gegen die Medien-Lüge, gegen die Hetze, gegen den Terror an den Muslimen!
    Kommentar zu CDU Münster "schwer erträglich"! von Anti-Islamverbieger-Gutachten fertig
    Dec 3rd 2013, 20:40
    Die muslimischen Verbände haben das Gutachten über die Irrlehren des Mouhanad Khorchide jetzt fertig (ist aber noch nicht veröffentlicht).
    Das Gutachten umfaßt rund 100 Seiten.
    Drei muslimische Theologen und ein Politologe (ja wirklich, ein politologe – wozu auch immer) sind sich einig:
    Sie kritisieren Khorchides Methodik. Es bestehe der Eindruck, dass er seine Thesen laienhaft herleitet.
    Die Gutachter sagen, daß er unreflektiert und willkürlich ableitet.
    Khorchide übersetzt laut Gutachten den Koran so frei ins Deutsche, dass er seine eigene Philosophie in die Übersetzung hineininterpretiert und fälschlicherweise als Islam ausgibt.
    Khorchides Schlussfolgerungen erscheinen spekulativ und wissenschaftsmethodisch schwer nachvollziehbar sagte einer der Gutachter.
    Ein weiterer Vorwurf gegenüber Khorchide ist, dass er sich vor 3 Jahren zu einer bekenntnisgebundenen Lehre und Forschung verpflichtete, aber diese Zusicherung gebrochen hat. Er ignorierte die Verbände vollständig.
    Das Mißtrauen gegenüber Khorchide ist jedenfalls groß.
    Kann es mit so einem Mann eine weitere Kooperation geben? Wohl kaum.
    Die Regierung kann sich nun die Hände reiben und die Fakultät für islamische Theologie schließen.
    Ihre Begründung wird dann sein: "Die Muslime wollens ja nicht anders."
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:51AM  

    Kommentare für DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten
    Eure Stimme gegen die Medien-Lüge, gegen die Hetze, gegen den Terror an den Muslimen!
    Kommentar zu Die unseriöse wissenschaftliche Herangehensweise von Mouhanad Khorchide von Heuchelgaukler
    Dec 3rd 2013, 21:52
    Was ist mit der unseriösen Herangehensweise des Regierungsvertreters Gauck?
    Seine Rede ist doch pure Heuchelei.
    Er will daraus nur Kapital schlagen für die Ziele seiner Politkumpels.

    Aber was will man schon von einem erwarten, der seit 13 Jahren mit seiner Geliebten zusammenlebt und zu feige ist, sie zu heiraten.
    Die Rede im Wortlaut:

    Er spricht von "immer mehr schönen innerstädtischen Moscheen".
    Ach ja?
    Ich kenne nur verweigerte Baugenehmigungen und Parkplatzstreitigkeiten.
    Die pluralistische Tradition des Islam soll weiterentwickelt werden, und zwar "ohne politischen oder fundamentalistischen Druck".
    Schön. Dann hört ja hoffentlich bald das Bespitzeln durch den Verfassungsschutz auf!
    Gauck: "Ja, wir wollen hier, in unserem Land, diejenigen ausbilden, die später an Schulen, Universitäten und in Moscheen den Islam lehren sollen."
    Na wenn der ISLAM gelehrt werden soll, muß als erstes Khorchide aus dem Amt enthoben werden.
    Gauck: "Wir wollen Musliminnen und Muslimen in unserem Land Orientierung geben für Glaubensfragen im Alltag."
    Nö, danke. Ist nett gemeint, aber Ihr braucht das wirklich nicht. Dafür haben wir Koran und Sunna.
    Gauck: "Und wir wollen zugleich Impulse in die islamische Welt aussenden, die durchaus gespannt zusieht, was hier in Deutschland entsteht."
    Lol. Auf d i e s e "Impulse" kann die islamische Welt gut verzichten.
    Herr Gauck jammert "Es gibt noch zu wenig Lehrmaterial, es gibt noch zu wenig ausgebildete Fachkräfte."
    Dabei können wir inschallah behilflich sein. Hätte Gauck doch nur was gesagt..!
    Es gibt doch seit über 1400 Jahren umfangreiche authentische Überlieferungen und auch hervorragende Gelehrte und Prediger.
    Viele von uns hätten die Regierung vor dem Mißgriff Khorchide bewahren können.
    Ich finde die Regierung hat sich mit Khorchide deutschlandweit (und international) in einzigartiger Weise blamiert
    Gauck meint: "Ich glaube, dass wir als Unterschiedliche gut zusammenleben können, wenn wir uns nicht von Ängsten oder von Ressentiments leiten lassen, sondern von Respekt, Toleranz und Neugier".
    Na also, geht doch!
    Weg mit dem Kopftuchverbot im öffentlichen Dienst!
    Wann gibt es denn mal ein islamisches Krankenhaus? Und im Fernsehen das Wort zum Freitag?

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:51AM  

    Kommentare für DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten
    Eure Stimme gegen die Medien-Lüge, gegen die Hetze, gegen den Terror an den Muslimen!
    Kommentar zu Die unseriöse wissenschaftliche Herangehensweise von Mouhanad Khorchide von Anti-Islamverbieger-Gutachten fertig
    Dec 3rd 2013, 21:09
    Der eigentliche Skandal ist nicht dieser unbedeutende Möchtegern-Muslim Khorchide, sondern unsere angeblich "neutrale" Regierung.
    Um den zwielichtigen Professor gibt es schon lange Ärger.
    Jeder halbwegs gebildete Muslim erkennt sofort welchen Unsinn Khorchide an der Uni Münster verzapft.
    Wiederholt gab es Versuche mit ihm ins Gespräch zu kommen. Vergebens. Wer den Khochidismus kritisiert, wird sofort vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet, und ist damit raus aus universitären Diskussionen.
    Obwohl die Kritik an Khorchide mehr als berechtigt ist, wird das Aufklären der Mißstände im Keim erstickt.
    Mehr noch: Der Bundespräsident Gauck (der ja geschworen hat "neutral" zu sein) ist parteiisch und stellt sich unverhohlen hinter Khorchide. schreibt, Khorchide erhielt durch Gauck "eine Anerkennung, die höher kaum sein konnte."
    Mit welchem Recht unterstützt der Bundespräsident eine unrechtmäßige Lehre?
    Was hat er (oder die Regierung) davon?
    Der Islam ist doch eine Angelegenheit der Muslime, und nicht eines alten evangelischen Pfarrers.
    In seiner Rede in Münster sagte er geheuchelt:
    "Wir geben der Religion Raum, so wie es echte Religionsfreiheit erfordert." Ha ha. Wo denn Herr Gauck?

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:48AM  

    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Regular worship is a primary requisite. It's not easy because, when things are d...
    Dec 4th 2013, 07:48
    Regular worship is a primary requisite. It's not easy because, when things are done regularly, it becomes a norm and the sincerity tends to be lost. What is the use of a regular prayer when the hearts are not in it? So we have to stop, reflect and regularly question ourselves and renew our intention.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 08:47AM  

    Dua Times Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dua Times Facebook-Pinnwand
    (47:14) Ist denn der, der sich auf einen klaren Beweis von seinem Herrn stützt,...
    Dec 4th 2013, 08:08
    (47:14) Ist denn der, der sich auf einen klaren Beweis von seinem Herrn stützt, denen gleich, denen das Übel ihres Tuns SCHÖN DARGESTELLT wurde und die ihren bösen Neigungen folgen? (Rasul)

    Ya Allah vergib uns unsere Sünden und schütze uns vor den Täuschungen dieser Dunja! Ameen
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