- People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand: Christliche und muslimische Rebellen sind für grausame Gräueltaten in Zentralafr... [1 Aktualisierung]
- People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand: Die Gezi-Demonstranten haben es immer gesagt: Bei Großbauten in Istanbul wird be... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Sufyan ibn 'Uyainah (radhiyallahu 'anhu) sagte: " Der erste Schritt zum Wissen i... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Dr. Bilal Philips Facebook-Pinnwand: #BeJust [1 Aktualisierung]
- El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Ich schließe alte Seiten & öffne eine neue mit ﷽ .<3 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: Atatürk'ün mütevazi serveti: ( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığ... [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: dümmster satz des jahres."nur allah urteilt, und das am jüngsten tag, bis dahi... [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: insanin kicina rahatlik batinca dersane bahanesiyle otoriteye isyan ettirecegi... [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand: Lesenswert!Die syrische Flüchtlingskrise sei die größte in Europa seit 20 Jahre... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand: [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Uploads by MusaAlmani: RAUS AUS DER ZOCKERHÖLLE !?! [1 Aktualisierung]
- ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand: No ball games! (AK) [1 Aktualisierung]
- PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand: Wir als Muslime haben Verantwortung und müssen uns Bewegen. Veränderungen kann m... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand: #2013YearInReview We witnessed a brutal rape and murder of a young Indian girl... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand: On Friday 28th December 2012, the 23 year old Indian medical student who was the... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Mufti Assads, der Ketzer Hassoun, mit dem Schlächter von Baida und Banias Mi... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Hier merken wir die jüdischen Wurzeln der Wahabiten!!!Möge Allah uns vor der W... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Did you know ? That Gaza has been hit by powerful flood recently, and has been o... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand: There is no compromise of deen. Regardless of who it is for or whatever reason y... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand: Habt ihr jemals einen Christen gesehen der muslimische Feste wie Bayram feiert?... [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:54PM
People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
Christliche und muslimische Rebellen sind für grausame Gräueltaten in Zentralafr...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:51
Christliche und muslimische Rebellen sind für grausame Gräueltaten in Zentralafrika verantwortlich, warnt Amnesty International. Muslimische Milizen hätten innerhalb von zwei Tagen fast tausend Erwachsene und Kinder ermordet. Die Organisation fordert: Uno-Truppen sollen Zivilisten schützen.
Tausend Tote: Amnesty prangert Kriegsverbrechen in Zentralafrika an - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Christliche und muslimische Rebellen sind für grausame Gräueltaten in Zentralafrika verantwortlich, warnt Amnesty International. Muslimische Milizen hätten innerhalb von zwei Tagen fast tausend Erwachsene und Kinder ermordet. Die Organisation fordert: Uno-Truppen sollen Zivilisten schützen.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:54PM
People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
Die Gezi-Demonstranten haben es immer gesagt: Bei Großbauten in Istanbul wird be...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:35
Die Gezi-Demonstranten haben es immer gesagt: Bei Großbauten in Istanbul wird bestochen und betrogen, Firmen mit den richtigen Beziehungen - zur AKP - machen den großen Reibach. Naturschutz und Denkmalschutz zählen nicht. All das sagen nun auch die Staatsanwälte.
Hier weiterlsen:
Machtkampf in der Türkei: Premier gegen Prediger
Machtkampf in der Türkei: Es nährt sich der Verdacht, dass es bei der Operation gegen die Ministersöhne nicht nur um Korruption geht.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:53PM
Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
Sufyan ibn 'Uyainah (radhiyallahu 'anhu) sagte: " Der erste Schritt zum Wissen i...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:32
Sufyan ibn 'Uyainah (radhiyallahu 'anhu) sagte: " Der erste Schritt zum Wissen ist das Zuhören, dann still und aufmerksam zu sein, es dann zu verinnerlichen, zu praktizieren und es schließlich zu verbreiten." [Abu Nu'ayam Hilya Al-Awliya Vol. 3, S.283]
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:53PM
Dr. Bilal Philips Facebook-Pinnwand
Dr. Bilal Philips Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 19th 2013, 17:40
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Ich schließe alte Seiten & öffne eine neue mit ﷽ .<3
Dec 19th 2013, 17:18
Ich schließe alte Seiten & öffne eine neue mit ﷽ .♥
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Atatürk'ün mütevazi serveti: ( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığ...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:00
Atatürk'ün mütevazi serveti: ( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığının Tarihi )
"1938 yılında sağlığı iyice bozulan Atatürk, 5 Eylül'de mutemedi ve Çankaya Köşkü Genel Sekreteri Hasan Rıza Soyak'ı yanına çağırtarak, mal varlığını tespit etmesini istedi. Soyak'ın hazırladığı liste oldukça uzundu:
1) 582 dönüm çeşitli meyve bahçeleri
2) Çeşitlerde 650 bin fidan.
3) 400 dönüm Amerikan Asma Fidanlığı. Burada 560 bin kök bağ çubuğu
4) 220 dönüm bağ. Burada 88 bin adet bağ çubuğu vardır.
5) 370 dönüm çeşitli sebze yetiştirmeye elverişli bahçe.
6) 220 dönüm 6 bin 600 ağaçlı zeytinlik
7) 27 dönüm 1.654(bin altı yüz elli dört) ağaçlı portakallık.
8)15 dönüm kuşkonmazlık
9) 100 dönüm park ve bahçe
10) 2 bin 650 dönüm çayır ve yoncalık
11) 1.450 (bin dört yüz elli) dönüm yeni tesis edilmiş orman.
12) 148 bin dönüm ziraata elverişli arazi ve meralar.
13) 45 adet büyük ve küçük idare binası ve ikametgâh, bütün mefruşat ve demirbaşları ile beraber.
14) 7 adet 15 bin baş koyunluk ağıl
15) 6 adet Aydos ve Toros yaylalarında tesis edilen mandıralar.
16) 8 adet at ve sığırlara mahsus ahır.
17) 7 adet umumi ambar
18) 4 adet hangar ve sundurma
19) 4 adet lokanta, gazino, ve eğlence yerleri, lunapark.
20) 2 adet çeşitli imalat yapan fırın.
21) 2 adet, çiçek ve süsleme nebatı yetiştirmeğe mahsus yer.
(Toplam Bina 51 adet)
(Yılda 7 bin hektolitre üretme kapasitesine sahip.)
24) BUZ FABRİKASI; (Günde dört bin ton buz üretme kapasitesine sahip)
(Günde 3 bin şişe soda ve gazoz üretebilecek kapasitede.)
Biri Ankara diğeri ise Yalova'da olan bu iki fabrika günde 30 bin litre süt ve bir ton tereyağı üretme kapasitesinde.
Yılda 80 bin litre şarap üretme kapasitesine sahip.
32) İstanbul'daki bir çelik fabrikasının yüzde kırk hissesi.
34) Biri Ankara'da, diğeri Yalova'da kurulu iki tavuk çiftliği
35) Yalova'da ki Çiftliklerde İKİ HUSUSİ İSKELE ve LİMAN TESİSATI
36) ÜÇÜ ANKARA'DA ve İKİSİ İstanbul'da ‚'BEŞ SATIŞ MAĞAZASI' nın bütün tesisat ve demirbaşları.
Hususi sulama tesisatı, kanalizasyon,Telefon tesisatı,elektrik tesisatı, küçük beton köprüler, hususi yollar, içme su tevziatı şebekesi.
Hususi Su tesisatı, telefon tesisatı, elektrik tesisatı, küçük beton köprüler ve yollar.
39) SİLİFKE TEKİR ÇİFLİĞİNDE; hususi sulama tesisatı, beton köprüler.
40)Orman Çiftliğinde kurulu ÇİFTLİK MÜZESİ ve ufak mikyasta HAYVANAT BAHÇESİ tesisatı. Bunların işletme levazımı ve bütün demirbaşları.
41) 13 BİN BAŞ KOYUN.Kıvırcık, Merinos,Karagül,Karaman ırklarıyla bunların melezleri.
42) 443 BAŞ SIĞIR,Simental, Hollanda, Kırım, Jersey, Görensey, Hale p yerli ırklarıyla bunların melezleri,yeni üretilen Orman ve Tekir cinsleri.
43) 69 BAŞ İngiliz, Arap, Macar, yerli ve bunların melezleri KOŞUM ve BİNEK ATLARI
44) 2 bin 450 BAŞ Tavuk, Legorn, Rodayland ve yerli ırklar.
45) 16 adet TRAKTÖR, 13 adet HARMAN ve BİÇER DÖVER MAKİNESİ ve bilcümle ziraat işlerini görmekte bulunan Ziraat işlerini görmekte bulunan ziraat alet ve edavatının Tamamı.
46) 35 Tonluk bir adet DENİZ MOTORU. Yalova çiftliğinde.
47) 5 adet, Çiftliklerin nakliye işlerinde çalıştırılan KAMYON ve KAMYONET.
48) 2 adet Çiftliklerin umumi servislerinde çalıştırılan BİNEK OTOMOBİLİ.
49) 19 adet, Çiftliklerin umumi servislerinde çalıştırılan, binek ve YÜK ARABASI.
( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığının Tarihi )
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Atatürk'ün mütevazi serveti: ( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığ...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:00
Atatürk'ün mütevazi serveti: ( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığının Tarihi )
"1938 yılında sağlığı iyice bozulan Atatürk, 5 Eylül'de mutemedi ve Çankaya Köşkü Genel Sekreteri Hasan Rıza Soyak'ı yanına çağırtarak, mal varlığını tespit etmesini istedi. Soyak'ın hazırladığı liste oldukça uzundu:
1) 582 dönüm çeşitli meyve bahçeleri
2) Çeşitlerde 650 bin fidan.
3) 400 dönüm Amerikan Asma Fidanlığı. Burada 560 bin kök bağ çubuğu
4) 220 dönüm bağ. Burada 88 bin adet bağ çubuğu vardır.
5) 370 dönüm çeşitli sebze yetiştirmeye elverişli bahçe.
6) 220 dönüm 6 bin 600 ağaçlı zeytinlik
7) 27 dönüm 1.654(bin altı yüz elli dört) ağaçlı portakallık.
8)15 dönüm kuşkonmazlık
9) 100 dönüm park ve bahçe
10) 2 bin 650 dönüm çayır ve yoncalık
11) 1.450 (bin dört yüz elli) dönüm yeni tesis edilmiş orman.
12) 148 bin dönüm ziraata elverişli arazi ve meralar.
13) 45 adet büyük ve küçük idare binası ve ikametgâh, bütün mefruşat ve demirbaşları ile beraber.
14) 7 adet 15 bin baş koyunluk ağıl
15) 6 adet Aydos ve Toros yaylalarında tesis edilen mandıralar.
16) 8 adet at ve sığırlara mahsus ahır.
17) 7 adet umumi ambar
18) 4 adet hangar ve sundurma
19) 4 adet lokanta, gazino, ve eğlence yerleri, lunapark.
20) 2 adet çeşitli imalat yapan fırın.
21) 2 adet, çiçek ve süsleme nebatı yetiştirmeğe mahsus yer.
(Toplam Bina 51 adet)
(Yılda 7 bin hektolitre üretme kapasitesine sahip.)
24) BUZ FABRİKASI; (Günde dört bin ton buz üretme kapasitesine sahip)
(Günde 3 bin şişe soda ve gazoz üretebilecek kapasitede.)
Biri Ankara diğeri ise Yalova'da olan bu iki fabrika günde 30 bin litre süt ve bir ton tereyağı üretme kapasitesinde.
Yılda 80 bin litre şarap üretme kapasitesine sahip.
32) İstanbul'daki bir çelik fabrikasının yüzde kırk hissesi.
34) Biri Ankara'da, diğeri Yalova'da kurulu iki tavuk çiftliği
35) Yalova'da ki Çiftliklerde İKİ HUSUSİ İSKELE ve LİMAN TESİSATI
36) ÜÇÜ ANKARA'DA ve İKİSİ İstanbul'da ‚'BEŞ SATIŞ MAĞAZASI' nın bütün tesisat ve demirbaşları.
Hususi sulama tesisatı, kanalizasyon,Telefon tesisatı,elektrik tesisatı, küçük beton köprüler, hususi yollar, içme su tevziatı şebekesi.
Hususi Su tesisatı, telefon tesisatı, elektrik tesisatı, küçük beton köprüler ve yollar.
39) SİLİFKE TEKİR ÇİFLİĞİNDE; hususi sulama tesisatı, beton köprüler.
40)Orman Çiftliğinde kurulu ÇİFTLİK MÜZESİ ve ufak mikyasta HAYVANAT BAHÇESİ tesisatı. Bunların işletme levazımı ve bütün demirbaşları.
41) 13 BİN BAŞ KOYUN.Kıvırcık, Merinos,Karagül,Karaman ırklarıyla bunların melezleri.
42) 443 BAŞ SIĞIR,Simental, Hollanda, Kırım, Jersey, Görensey, Hale p yerli ırklarıyla bunların melezleri,yeni üretilen Orman ve Tekir cinsleri.
43) 69 BAŞ İngiliz, Arap, Macar, yerli ve bunların melezleri KOŞUM ve BİNEK ATLARI
44) 2 bin 450 BAŞ Tavuk, Legorn, Rodayland ve yerli ırklar.
45) 16 adet TRAKTÖR, 13 adet HARMAN ve BİÇER DÖVER MAKİNESİ ve bilcümle ziraat işlerini görmekte bulunan Ziraat işlerini görmekte bulunan ziraat alet ve edavatının Tamamı.
46) 35 Tonluk bir adet DENİZ MOTORU. Yalova çiftliğinde.
47) 5 adet, Çiftliklerin nakliye işlerinde çalıştırılan KAMYON ve KAMYONET.
48) 2 adet Çiftliklerin umumi servislerinde çalıştırılan BİNEK OTOMOBİLİ.
49) 19 adet, Çiftliklerin umumi servislerinde çalıştırılan, binek ve YÜK ARABASI.
( Kaynakça; İsmail Cem / Türkiye'nin Geri Kalmışlığının Tarihi )
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
dümmster satz des jahres.
"nur allah urteilt, und das am jüngsten tag, bis dahi...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:37
dümmster satz des jahres.
"nur allah urteilt, und das am jüngsten tag, bis dahin ist nieeeeemand kafir"
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
dümmster satz des jahres.
"nur allah urteilt, und das am jüngsten tag, bis dahi...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:37
dümmster satz des jahres.
"nur allah urteilt, und das am jüngsten tag, bis dahin ist nieeeeemand kafir"
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
insanin kicina rahatlik batinca dersane bahanesiyle otoriteye isyan ettirecegi...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:05
insanin kicina rahatlik batinca dersane bahanesiyle otoriteye isyan ettirecegi ebced hesabiyla 2013 yilidir
(risale-i nur , 2. elemanlar )
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:51PM
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
insanin kicina rahatlik batinca dersane bahanesiyle otoriteye isyan ettirecegi...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:05
insanin kicina rahatlik batinca dersane bahanesiyle otoriteye isyan ettirecegi ebced hesabiyla 2013 yilidir
(risale-i nur , 2. elemanlar )
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:50PM
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Die syrische Flüchtlingskrise sei die größte in Europa seit 20 Jahre...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:12
Die syrische Flüchtlingskrise sei die größte in Europa seit 20 Jahren, doch sie würde dort komplett geleugnet. Die Hilfsmaßnahmen der Staaten seien unzureichend, kritisierte Nils Muižnieks, Menschenrechtskommissar des Europarates, in Berlin.
Syrische Flüchtlingskrise: Menschenrechtskommissar zieht beschämende Bilanz :: Pro Asyl
Nils Muižnieks, Menschenrechtskommissar des Europarates, fordert einen Schutzstatus in Europa für alle syrischen Flüchtlinge. Bild:
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:50PM
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 19th 2013, 17:20
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:50PM
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 19th 2013, 17:25
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:50PM
Uploads by MusaAlmani
Dec 19th 2013, 17:46
Eine Sucht jedoch ist vollkommen legitim... Die Sucht nach meinen Videos! Deswegen Abonnieren nicht vergessen ;)
More in
Nonprofits & Activism
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:48PM
ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand
ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand
No ball games!
Dec 19th 2013, 17:26
No ball games!
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:47PM
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
Wir als Muslime haben Verantwortung und müssen uns Bewegen. Veränderungen kann m...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:01
Wir als Muslime haben Verantwortung und müssen uns Bewegen. Veränderungen kann man nur erwarten, wenn man anfängt etwas zu verändern! Also fange noch heute an etwas in deinem Leben zu verändern!!!
Pierre Vogel - Wir haben Verantwortung!
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:47PM
Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
We witnessed a brutal rape and murder of a young Indian girl...
Dec 19th 2013, 16:45
We witnessed a brutal rape and murder of a young Indian girl which resulted in uproar and frenzy from the rest of the world. Questions arose, such as why is rape so endemic in India? Are issue of sexual abuse a problem in the western world too? What are the solutions to protect women from sexual violence?
Such attacks have soared in the country in recent years and are now its fastest growing crime. According to Al-Jazeera, a woman is raped every 20 minutes in India and the Times of India reported that rape has increased by a staggering 792% in the country over the past 40 years. Public outrage at these heinous attacks was again targeted at the police and politicians for their negligence and lack of gravity and priority towards addressing this problem.
In the UK, headlines regarding the sexual abuse of children and young girls by high-profile entertainment personalities, and in paedophile grooming rings in various cities across the country have also dominated the media over the past year. The child protection organisation, the NSPCC reports that almost a quarter of young adults in the UK have experienced sexual abuse in childhood, while according to UK Department of Health figures, a woman is raped or sexually assaulted every 10 minutes in the country. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1 in 5 women have experienced rape or attempted rape. All this demonstrates that sexual attacks are widespread and rampant across many secular liberal states.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:47PM
Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
On Friday 28th December 2012, the 23 year old Indian medical student who was the...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:13
On Friday 28th December 2012, the 23 year old Indian medical student who was the victim of a brutal assault and gang raped by six men on a bus in Delhi on the 16th of December 2012 died from her injuries.
Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Member of The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir commented, "While Western governments continue to export 'Democracy' to the Muslim world as the best system to secure women's dignity and rights, the world's largest democratic country has failed spectacularly to protect its women. The atrocious level of sexual crimes against women, the lax attitudes by police towards guarding their dignity, and the apathy of the Indian government in ensuring their security is the result of the routine, systematic devaluing of women by the liberal culture celebrated by the state and embodied in the Bollywood entertainment industry. This Bollywood culture, along with other entertainment, advertising, and pornography industries sanctioned by India's secular liberal democratic system have presented the woman as an object to play to the desires of men, sexualized society, encouraged individuals to pursue their selfish carnal desires, and promoted extra-marital relationships, nurturing a culture of promiscuity and cheapening the relationships between men and women.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:46PM
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Der Mufti Assads, der Ketzer Hassoun, mit dem Schlächter von Baida und Banias Mi...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:12
Der Mufti Assads, der Ketzer Hassoun, mit dem Schlächter von Baida und Banias Mihraç Ural, Assads türkischer Milizen-Chef. Er wird in der Türkei als Terrorist gesucht
مفتي بشار مع مرتكب مجزرة البيضا وبانياس
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:45PM
Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Hier merken wir die jüdischen Wurzeln der Wahabiten!!!
Möge Allah uns vor der W...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:36
Hier merken wir die jüdischen Wurzeln der Wahabiten!!!
Möge Allah uns vor der WAHABITEN-Fitna beschützen und jeden Menschen zum RICHTIGEN Islam rechtleiten, amin.!
Abdul Adhim und seine Jüdisch-Christliche Überzeugung der Wahhabiten MACH MIT: GIB DEN WAHHABITEN KEINE CHANCE!!! Gegen Den TERRORRISMUS = WAHHA...
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:45PM
Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Did you know ? That Gaza has been hit by powerful flood recently, and has been o...
Dec 19th 2013, 16:52
Did you know ? That Gaza has been hit by powerful flood recently, and has been on the News Channels.
Torrential rain has flooded northern and central parts of Gaza. Over 5,000 people have been affected and need urgent help.
More than 3,300 houses have been destroyed and nearly a thousand others have been damaged. Damaged homes still remain under the threat of collapse due to the poor infrastructure.
Hundreds of more houses in central Gaza were also flooded when dams were opened near the town of Wadi Salaqa.
A joint-blockade by Israelis and Egypt has condemned the Muslims of this densely-populated strip to poverty and suffering. The damages caused by the floods have been exacerbated due to this.
The blockade means fuel supplies, building material and basic aid cannot get through. Though a convoy of fuel supplies was recently allowed into the strip, the amounts are not sufficient, therefore we ask you to support GAZA !
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:45PM
Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
There is no compromise of deen. Regardless of who it is for or whatever reason y...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:25
There is no compromise of deen. Regardless of who it is for or whatever reason you may have, there is no space for compromise. Whether it's salaah or hijaab. When something is fardh, it is fardh for a reason. We must accept the qadr of Allaah and avoid questioning it. You only question something when you don't really feel inclined towards doing it. So how can we claim true love for Allaah when we question the things He has made compulsory upon us? It was their un-necessary questioning and objections which made life very difficult for Banu Israeel, let's refrain from that.
Avoid trying to take a bit of western culture and mixing it with Islam. Or even any other religion, as christmas approaches you will see a lot of Muslims engaging in 'festive activities.' Na'oodhubillaah some even have trees in their homes, this is unacceptable in Islam! We must differentiate from the kuffar, our religion is not like theirs so refrain from engaging in their festivals.
The mushrikeen of Makkah wanted to compromise the deen of Allaah, they wanted our prophet SalAllaahu alayhi wa Sallaam to worship their idols for a year and they said they would then worship Allaah for a year etc. hence Suratul Kaafiroon was revealed to distinguish between two religions/faiths, to make clear that there will never ever be any sort of compromise.
Ponder over that.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:42PM
Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
Habt ihr jemals einen Christen gesehen der muslimische Feste wie Bayram feiert?...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:08
Habt ihr jemals einen Christen gesehen der muslimische Feste wie Bayram feiert?
Aber wir haben Muslime gesehen die christliche Feste wie Silvester und Weihnachten feiern!!
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:42PM
Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam & Ichs Facebook-Pinnwand
Habt ihr jemals einen Christen gesehen der muslimische Feste wie Bayram feiert?...
Dec 19th 2013, 17:08
Habt ihr jemals einen Christen gesehen der muslimische Feste wie Bayram feiert?
Aber wir haben Muslime gesehen die christliche Feste wie Silvester und Weihnachten feiern!!
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