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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    عيد ميلاد مجيد اعده الله عليكم جميعا بالخير و المحبه و التضامن و السلام و النصر...
    Dec 25th 2013, 01:43
    ‫عيد ميلاد مجيد اعده الله عليكم جميعا بالخير و المحبه و التضامن و السلام و النصر لاوطاننا
    ‫Fairouz - Arsala Allah - فيروز - ارسل الله‬
    ‫فيروز - ارسل الله ابنه يسوع‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Israeli Army Launches Airstrikes on Gaza Strip
    Local Editor
    Israeli warplanes...
    Dec 25th 2013, 02:00
    Israeli Army Launches Airstrikes on Gaza Strip
    Local Editor

    Israeli warplanes have carried out an airstrike on the Gaza Strip, killing two Palestinians, websites reported.Airstrike

    Hospital officials cited by Reuters said the 2-year-old girl was killed by shrapnel as she was standing with her family outside their home.

    Several other members of the Palestinian family were also reportedly injured.

    Al-Manar correspondent reported that the Israeli warplanes targeted different areas in Gaza and launched three rockets onto a resistance site in Khan Youness.

    The Israeli army claimed that the raid responds to the killing of an Israeli soldier by gunfire coming from Gaza.
    Israeli Army Launches Airstrikes on Gaza Strip
    Israeli Army Launches Airstrike on Gaza Strip
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Sayyed Nasrallah.. Go Ahead, The Entire Nation with You"
    Local Editor
    A group...
    Dec 25th 2013, 01:58
    "Sayyed Nasrallah.. Go Ahead, The Entire Nation with You"
    Local Editor

    A group of Jordanian figures has sent a letter to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, voicing support and solidarity with the resistance and its stances.

    "Sayyed Nasrallah… we take great pride in your patriot and cJordanian flagourage stances as well as your path and the blood of your martyrs who have been defending the nation in the sites of heroism in south Lebanon against the Zionist enemy, its sponsors of the internal Zionists, the Wahabi Takfiris in Lebanon and Syria and all those who back them of Arab regimes and local mercenary powers," the letter said.

    "It's not vane that the powers who had colluded with the Zionist entity in July war 2006, are those who have dared to lash out at your eminence," the letter, signed by several MPs, political figures and journalists, addedd.

    "…As Sunnis and Christians, we deem far above being a Zionist or a US tools used against the resistance, on its head Hezbollah, the only power which defeated the Zionist enemy," the figures pointed out, as they slammed the "suspicious channels" of seeking to ignite sectarian strife within the nation.

    They also voiced support to Hezbollah's stance regarding the ongoing crisis in Syria.

    "If the position regarding Syria… is a mask used by the powers of conspiracy in a bid to target your eminence or your party… then we express our support to your stance and your heroes who are fighting beside the Syrian Arab Army and defending nation's future and dignity."
    Sayyed Nasrallah… Go ahead, the entire nation is with you," the letter concluded.
    "Sayyed Nasrallah.. Go Ahead, The Entire Nation with You"
    "Sayyed Nasrallah.. Go Ahead, The Entire Nation with You"
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lavrov: West Starting to Realize They Are Aiding Terrorists in Syria
    Local Edit...
    Dec 25th 2013, 02:01
    Lavrov: West Starting to Realize They Are Aiding Terrorists in Syria
    Local Editor

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes Western politicians have started to realize that overthrowing Assad's government might lead to a worsening of the Syrian crisis.Lavrov

    This shift in the attitude is due to the rise of extremists in Syria and the threat of the country turning into a caliphate, he said in an interview with RT.

    "The attitudes are changing in Western countries, they are becoming more realistic in their approach towards settling the Syrian crisis," said Lavrov. "The threat of terrorism in Syria, the threat of extremists coming to power, the threat of creating a caliphate with extremist rules, the threat of violating the rights of minorities, or even depriving them of life, are the main problems." He also said "understanding that changing the regime is not the way to solve this problem" but a way to "facilitate the arrival of extremists to power."

    The ongoing operation for dismantling Syria's chemical weapons has been seen as this year's major victory of Russian diplomacy. Assad's government agreed to give up its chemical arsenals as part of the Moscow-initiated deal which prevented Washington from using military force against Syria.

    Lavrov was however modest about the Russian contribution, saying it was not yet time "to trumpet victory" as a lot still needs to be done to resolve the crisis, including finally making the Geneva peace talks on Syria a reality. The minister has expressed hopes that the US, which is co-brokering the negotiations set for January 22, will be able to bring the opposition to the talks and do it without any preliminary conditions.

    What worries Sergey Lavrov is that his "Western colleagues are trying to "flirt" with the so-called Islamic front", which has been struggling for influence with the Free Syrian Army. Lavrov believes the Islamic front could be ideologically close to such Al-Qaeda-linked extremists groups as Al-Nusra.

    Lavrov has doubts that the Syrian National coalition is in control of all of the rebel groups, currently fighting against Assad, and could represent them all at the Geneva-2 talks.

    The issue of the humanitarian crisis in Syria has been exploited, just as the issue of the chemical weapons before it, to lay all of the blame on Assad's government, Lavrov believes. The Foreign Minister has warned against taking sides in the Syrian conflict now as it can put the nearing peace negotiations under threat.

    Lavrov also said comments from some Western leaders that Assad doesn't represent anybody in his country were premature. " A large part of the population is for Assad for various reasons, not just because he enjoys the love of the people, but because big groups of people depend on him, and not only minorities, even the Sunni," said Lavrov, adding that many are afraid of being deprived of their business should there be a violent change of power.

    The minister believes a country is free to choose its own way of democratic development in line with its history and values and based on international law. Lavrov is strongly opposed to attempts by a group of countries to try and impose their own set of "ambiguous values" on others. This is not democracy, but democratizing, which leads to societies growing destabilized, he contended.

    "That happened when the Americans invaded Iraq; that happened when NATO, in violation of the UN Security Council mandate, bombed Libya; that is happening in some other countries of the region, where interference from abroad is taking place. The Syrian conflict is another example, where a huge number of fighters under the banner of so-called international terrorism from all over the globe, including Europe, the US and Russia have rushed to Syria to turn it into caliphate."

    An estimated one million Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Syria as a result of the civil war. As an example of what the religious community has to endure, Sergey Lavrov recalled a recent episode when nuns were abducted by Syrian rebels from a convent in the predominantly Christian town of Maaloula.

    "According to the information we get from the Christian communities in the region, they are deeply worried by what's going on, as their 2000-year domicile in the Middle East appears to be at stake."
    Lavrov: West Starting to Realize They Are Aiding Terrorists in Syria
    West Starting to Realize They Are Aiding Terrorists in Syria
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    "داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !
    محرر الموقع
    "داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !...
    Dec 25th 2013, 02:08
    ‫"داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !
    محرر الموقع

    "داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها ! نشرت مواقع تكفيرية ومنتديات تابعة للتنظيمات المتطرفة صورة لمواطنين سوريين تم جلدهم 70 جلدة لعدم قبولهم السجود لأمير ما يسمى بدولة الاسلام في الشام والعراق "داعش" ومبايعته حسب موقع الحدث نيوز. وكانت داعش قد اصدرت العديد من الفتاوى بعد سيطرتها على بعض المناطق في سوريا بضرورة السجود لامير دولتها.
    وأكدت مصادر خاصة وفاة اطفال تم جلدهم بحجة عدم السجود للأمير. ويخوض ما يسمى تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في الشام والعراق التكفيرية المعروف بداعش معارك ضد الحكومة في سوريا.

    المعارضة السورية تصدر بيانا: داعش أدخلت الفتن على سوريا:
    وفي السياق أصدرت العديد من الروابط العلمية والهيئات الاسلامية السورية التي تمثل ما يسمى المعارضة السورية بيانا حول تصرفات وانتهاكات ما يسمى تنظيم دولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام "داعش" ووصف البيان تصرفات التنظيم بأنها لا تخدم الواقع الحالي لسوريا وحمله المسؤولية بالجرائم التي يرتكبها عناصره داعية التنظيم الى تصحيح أخطائه وعدم إيذاء المسلمين والاهتداء إلى الحق وعدم تكفير أحد بدون أي سبب.
    وانتقد البيان الغلو في إطلاق أحكام التكفير، وامتحان الناس عليها، حتى أصبحت ألفاظ التكفير والتخوين مع التهديد والتوعد بالقتل شائعة لدى منسوبيهم دون إنكار.

    "داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !
    كما انتقد رمي من يخالفهم بالعمالة والخيانة ورفض التحاكم للمحاكم الشرعية عند التنازع أو الخلاف، إلا ما كان خاضعًا لها وتابعًا لقراراتها وتعمُّد التحرش والاصطدام بمختلف الفصائل، والتورط في سفك الدماء المعصومة، والاستهانة بذلك واعتقال الدعاة والإعلاميين والناشطين، والتحقيق معهم، وإعاقة الأعمال الإغاثية والدعوية، بزعم الشك في المنهج، أو الاتهام بالعمالة والخيانة.

    وفي وقت سابق قام اعضاء الهيئة الشرعية في ما يسمى "اتحاد القوى الثورية" في محافظة إدلب بتقديم استقالة جماعية، وقد ذكر رئيس الهيئة عمر الفاروق البكري أسباب الاستقالة منها: أن بعض اعضاء وقيادات اتحاد القوى الثورية ومنهم الضباط وقواد ألوية وكتائب يقومون بأعمال التهريب والتجارة لأنهم أصبحوا محميين بنفوذ الاتحاد بالإضافة للممارسات اللاأخلاقية وغير المنضبطة بضوابط الشرع منها أخذ أموال الناس بغير حق و مصادرة أموال الضعفاء.‬
    ‫"داعش" تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !‬
    ‫داعش تجلد من لا يسجد لأميرها !‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:30AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syria: Terrorists Confess to Receiving Money, Weapons from Qatar, SA
    A number...
    Dec 25th 2013, 02:03
    Syria: Terrorists Confess to Receiving Money, Weapons from Qatar, SA

    A number of terrorists have confessed to have killed a number of civilians and soldiers and to have received money and weapons from Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

    Syria terroristsAired on the Syrian TV, Barakeh said in his confessions that he worked on behalf of his father as Imam of the Great Mosque of al-Qadam, and with the beginning of events in the area he delivered a speech to provoke people to go in protests before he joined a group called "al-Baraa bin Malik" led by "Abu Hamza Zakaria".

    He added that his group attacked army checkpoints in al-Qadam area and other areas and they killed and slaughtered people.

    "Members of so-called "Liwa al-Sahaba" kidnapped three soldiers and he gave fatwa to shoot them to death except for one who was slaughtered by "Abu Abdullah al-Salafi" after saying "Allahu Akbar"," he indicated.

    Barakeh added that his group received instructions from outside the country to provoke the people against the state, pointing out that his group received SYP 5 million and arms from Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
    Syria: Terrorists Confess to Receiving Money, Weapons from Qatar, SA
    syria terrorist
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 02:15AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Pada tahun 2007, Medan kutub utara berganjak dari Kanada Utara kearah Siberia di...
    Dec 25th 2013, 01:57
    Pada tahun 2007, Medan kutub utara berganjak dari Kanada Utara kearah Siberia di Russia pada kadar 35 batu setahun. Ini bermakna arah kompas berganjak 35 batu menghampiri Russia dalam tahun tersebut.. Anjakan kutub bumi ini mengakibatkan jajaran kompas dan arah utara sebenar semakin ketara perbezaannya. Hingga menjadikan arah panduan beberapa landasan kapal terbang tidak lagi terpakai.

    Ia semakin memberi kesan terhadap kegiatan manusia hinggakan lapangan terbang antarabangsa Tampa di Florida terpaksa mengubahsuai tanda arah di landasan dengan kedudukan yang baru. Lapangan terbang tersebut terpaksa ditutup selama sebulan bagi kerja-kerja pengubahsuaian.

    Pergerakan kutub utara ke arah Siberia berlaku kerana cepatnya perubahan magnet pada kerak bumi. Perubahan terkini adalah paling dramatik. Ia bergerak semakin pantas.

    Kutub bergerak ke timur laut 9 batu setahun pada tahun 1904. Kelajuannya kira-kira 35 batu setahun pada tahun 2007. Ia bergerak sepantas 26 batu sebulan pada tahun 2013.

    Terkini kepantasannya 1 batu setiap hari!!

    Kelajuan pergerakan Kutub makin bertambah Dalam masa 2 tahun kutub ia akan sampai ke Siberia untuk berada di kedudukan 40 darjah.

    Pada titik ini ia akan meluru merentasi garis Khatulistiwa untuk berada pada kedudukan 40 darjah di selatan. Ini boleh berlaku dalam jangka waktu yang sangat pantas samada beberapa hari atau beberapa jam.

    Jika ini berlaku, seluruh geografi akan berubah. Ada tempat yang timbul. Ada tempat yang tenggelam. Air akan mencari tempatnya. Ada tempat mengalami banjir. Ada tempat berubah menjadi padang pasir.

    Amerika selatan khususnya Brazil akan menjadi Kutub Utara manakala India akan menjadi Kutub Selatan. Malaysia dijangka berada sebaris dengan India. Tidak tenggelam tapi membeku.

    Khatulistiwa berada di Antartika

    Peralihan kutub yang semakin pantas membuatkan saintis mengagak keseluruhan medan magnet bumi akan " flip" di mana kompas yang dahulunya menunjuk ke utara akan beralih arah ke selatan.

    Semasa pergerakan " flip" peralihan kutub dari 40 darjah utara ke 40 darjah selatan pergerakan besar air boleh mencetuskan mega tsunami yang menenggelamkan tempat-tempat sebagaimana yang berlaku kepada Atlantis.

    Antara negara yang dijangka tenggelam terus ialah India dan Australia Barat. Bandar-bandar ditepi laut akan ditenggelami air

    Peta dunia akan berubah dalam masa dua tahun selepas peralihan kutub berlaku. India akan tenggelam terus. Begitu juga Australia barat.

    Apabila berlaku "flip" pada kutub medan magnet bumi akan menjadi lemah. Medan magnet yang kuat melindungi bumi dari kerosakan oleh sinaran matahari. Kini bumi akan lebih terdedah kepada kesan dahsyat akibat gejolak api di matahari, angin solar, ribut surya dan "sun spot".

    Manakala "flip" juga bakal mengakibatkan berlaku gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi, banjir, tsunami dan taufan yang dahsyat yang belum pernah berlaku sedahsyat itu.

    Pergerakan kutub memang sedang berlaku. makin hari makin laju. Pergerakan kutub dapat dilihat dengan fenomena berbagai bencana alam yang kerap berlaku.

    Bilakah peralihan sepenuhnya kutub akan berlaku?

    Mengikut anggaran saintis ianya akan berlaku pada 2015. Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui kerana semuanya adalah perencanan Ilahi.

    Samada merujuk kepada Komet ISON atau kejadian langit yang lain yang belum muncul, berikut adalah sabdaan Rasulullah SAW dan kata-kata sahabat tentang fenomena bintang berekor yang bakal disaksikan di akhir zaman.

    Terdapat sabdaan Rasulullah s.a.w dan Saidina Ali tentang sejenis komet yang memberi indikasi sejarah. Samada hadis dan sabdaan tersebut merujuk kepada kehadiran Komet ISON, hanya Allah swt yang Maha Mengetahui.

    Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W "
    "..antara tanda muncul Imam Mahadi ialah munculnya bintang berekor dengan ekornya bercahaya menerangi langit dan menyebabkan tenggelamnya kawasan pantai"

    Kata Saidina Ali RA mengungkapkan dalam catatannya (Jufr Ahmar),

    "Kedatangan Al Mahdi akan di dahului oleh kemunculan bintang yang ekornya menakjubkan, bukan seperti bintang yang kamu lihat muncul setiap dua pertiga pada satu dekad (sepuluh tahun) dan bukan juga bintang yang muncul pada dua pertiga abad dan bukan juga bintang yang muncul setiap abad.

    Tetapi ia adalah bintang berabad-abad, yang diliputi api, salji, udara dan tanah. Ekornya memanjang, kelajuannya seperti kelajuan cahaya matahari ketika menyonsong fajar. Hujung depannya bertemu dengan hujung belakangnya seperti lingkaran raksasa memancarkan sinar terang dalam langit yang gelap seperti matahari yang terbit.

    Kemudian bintang itu akan kembali beredar pada orbitnya. Setelah itu akan datang banyak malapetaka dan kematian yang merupakan keuntungan bagi orang- orang yang baik, dan ia merupakan kerugian bagi orang -orang yang jahat".

    Antara fakta Komet ISON ialah:

    1. ISON digelar " Komet abad ini"
    2. ISON akan berada paling hampir dengan matahari pada 28 November 2013.
    3. ISON akan berada paling hampir dengan bumi pada 26 Disember 2013
    4. ISON dapat dilihat seperti matahari kedua di siang hari.
    5. ISON boleh dilihat diwaktu siang dan malam.
    6. ISON memiliki ekor sepanjang 57,000 Km.
    7. ISON adalah komet yang paling mudah dilihat oleh ramai orang.
    8. ISON akan dilihat 15 kali ganda kecerahan cahaya bulan.
    9. ISON akan menghasilkan ribut suria yang sempurna@perfect Solar Storm.
    10. Bumi akan merempuh debu2 komet ISON pada 14 Januari 2014.

    Artikel ini ditulis bukan untuk menggempar dan menakutkan. Apa yang bakal terjadi akan tetap terjadi.

    Semoga setelah membaca artikel ini, saudara- saudari serta anak-anak ku bertambah kesedaran dan keinsafan. Bertambah taat pada Allah.

    Bertambah akan amalan agama. Di waktu yang sama terus peka dengan perubahan-perubahan serta lebih rajin membaca dan mengkaji fenomena perubahan kutub ini.- Harakatul Muqawamatul Islamiyyah

    BDK -->
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 25 01:54AM  

    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Warum feiern die Muslime kein Weihnachten?
    Video anschauen, verstehen und teilen...
    Dec 25th 2013, 01:21
    Warum feiern die Muslime kein Weihnachten?
    Video anschauen, verstehen und teilen !

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    Warum feiern die Muslime kein Weihnachten?
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