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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:50PM  

    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lerne es, deine Frau zu ehren, denn Sie wird es sein die dir das größte Geschenk...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:39
    Lerne es, deine Frau zu ehren, denn Sie wird es sein die dir das größte Geschenk auf Erden macht. Nur Sie wird einem Menschen neues Leben schenken was aus deinem Fleisch && Blut besteht. Sie gibt dir die Chance eine weitere Generation deiner Gene in die Welt zu setzen. Also behandle Sie stets mit Würde, Respekt und Stolz, denn dies ist das mindeste was du Ihr schuldig sein wirst, da Sie es ist, die eines Tages dein Kind unter Ihrem Herzen trägt!
    El - Hamdulillah
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:50PM  

    Islamische Verständnisse & Videos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Verständnisse & Videos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Subhana'Allah liebe Geschwister sieht ihr das!!!
    Das ist das Resultat, dessen...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:21
    Subhana'Allah liebe Geschwister sieht ihr das!!!

    Das ist das Resultat, dessen wenn man unterlässt für Allah zu lieben und zu hassen, man fängt an die Sitten und Kufr/Shirk der Kufar langsam zu akzeptieren und dann sieht man eine Bindung dazu aufbauen, klingt seltsam, doch die Realität zeigt uns dies !

    Siehe die Muslime wie sie die Herrscher, die mit Kufr regieren, lieben und ehren, siehe die Muslime wie sie zu Demokratie aufrufen, siehe die Muslime wie sie die Flaggen ihrer Nationen in der Moscheen hängen und Angst haben die Shahadah Flagge in die Luft zu halten, wie Muslime Schwule(die es praktizieren), wie sie abgeneigt sind vom Halal und den Haram lieben, die Liste ist lang, meine edlen Geschwister, wir haben eine menge Arbeit vor uns und die Khilafah ist die Lösung für diese Probleme.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:50PM  

    Islamische Verständnisse & Videos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Verständnisse & Videos Facebook-Pinnwand
    Was ihr auf dem Bild sieht ist ein Mann, er ist der erste transsexuelle "Muslim"...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:34
    Was ihr auf dem Bild sieht ist ein Mann, er ist der erste transsexuelle "Muslim" und er ist verheiratet Subhana'Allah, bei Allah er ist verflucht.

    Diese Kufar schaffen es den Islam zu biegen wie sie wollen und warum !?

    Weil wir aufhören das Gute zu gebieten und Schlechte zu verbieten, wir verbringen soviel Zeit damit zu lernen und Vorträge zu schauen und setzen das gelernte nicht in die Tat um und Pranger diese Gesellschaft und ihre Ideen nur halbherzig an, wir müssen aktiver sein, um diese Ideen aus der Ummah zu schaffen, die einen dazu bringen die Werte des Islams zu verdrehen und den Gelüsten anzupassen, wahrlich das Kalifat hätte dieses Problem im Hand um drehen gelöst.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:49PM  

    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Hütet euch vor Verdächtigungen, denn Verdächtigung ist die größte aller Lügen;...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:19
    „Hütet euch vor Verdächtigungen, denn Verdächtigung ist die größte aller Lügen; sucht nicht mit Vorbedacht nach euren Fehlern und spioniert einander nicht nach. Seid einander nicht neidisch und missgünstig, wendet euch nicht voneinander ab und seid Allahs Diener, brüderlich zueinander."
    [Sahih Al-Bucharyy Nr. 6064]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:49PM  

    Uploads by The Daily Reminder
    He Lost His Religion ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Shaykh Sulaiman Moola ┇ The Daily Reminder ┇
    Dec 22nd 2013, 15:00
    He Lost His Religion ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Shaykh Sulaiman Moola ┇ The Daily Reminder ┇
    Video Created by : The Merciful Servant YT Channel Merciful Servant on YouTube : Support The Dawah - Click Here:
    The Daily Reminder

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:47PM  

    Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:35
    100% Polyester glatt und leichtes Gewebe. Rock ausgestelltem Trapezform und elastischen Bund mit Kordelzug für eine perfekte Passform. Passend für Schwestern mit einer Körpergröße von 1.56 m bis 1.70 m 27.90 €
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:46PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    @Volksrant: Response to the So-Called "Risk of Polarization" Among Muslims in th...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:24
    @Volksrant: Response to the So-Called "Risk of Polarization" Among Muslims in the #Netherlands

    The Dutch newspaper, "Volkskrant" interviewed a number of politicians, including a member of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) Party for the city of Eindhoven, the politician Ibrahim Wijbenga, and an Amsterdam Imam and a spokesman for (CMO) Foundation, Yassin Alforkani. These guests warned of what they called the risk of "polarization" of the Dutch-Muslim community" by some Muslims; polarization which leads to hatred and divisions. Wijbenga added, "The people's sympathy with the Syrian issue and their travelling to Syria to fight is a ticking time bomb". Alforkani said that he has been subjected to spitting and insults by some people and has been accused of apostasy, hypocrisy and betrayal because he opposed the travelling of some Muslims to Syria. Because he was subjected to a violent reaction by some Muslims as a result of his stance on the Syrian issue and travelling to Syria to join jihad, he said that it is difficult to organize a dialogue about Islam, democracy and conflict in Syria without providing protection for the interlocutors.

    Beginning, it must be remembered that these guests may have personal experiences with some members of the Muslim community in the Netherlands, and regardless of the number and impact of these individuals in the Muslim community; these individual personal experiences should not be used to generalize the Muslim community as a whole. However, this is exactly what happened, their personal experiences have become a base in judging others, and they worked on ripping the community by describing some as extremists and militants. Thus these politicians who warn of polarization and its consequences, they themselves have fallen in what they warn of.

    I can speak on behalf of Hizb ut Tahrir, and many of the Muslim community and say: The difference in opinion among Muslims should not go beyond the circle of debate and dialogue to the use of violence and swearing; as violence and insults is not the right way to deal with differences of opinion. This talk is addressed to both parties; and not to one alone. The guests, especially Mr. Wijbenga, who warns of radicalism and polarization, has commented in the mentioned interview, with phrases underrating and belittling some Muslims; he said: "How annoying is the stupidity and ignorance of these Islamic extremists". Therefore, the one who comments with such words should expect angry reactions and is not entitled after that to give warnings and to cry out. However, the most important thing is that, it seems that there was a leap over of the fact that the problem of polarization and spreading division and hatred among the Muslim community is not due to Muslim youth as they claim, but it is a direct result of the continuous policy of the Dutch government that is primarily based on the differentiation and classification of Muslims in the Muslim community into moderates, extremists, fundamentalists and Islamist militants.

    Numerous academic studies have been published on the subject of polarization and discrimination; some of these studies have also been adopted at the political level, so such topics are deep rooted in the minds of the Dutch. However, these interviews in "Volkskrant" have opened doors wide to long discussions which led the Minister of Social Affairs, Lodewijk Asscher, to call to debate and to discuss the issue of polarization within the Muslim community in the Netherlands. It also made the media to comment on this press interview, by saying: "The Member of Parliament Peter Hermann learned through Twitter about an interview conducted by the Volkskrant newspaper with two moderate Muslims".

    Whether this fact is realized or not, Mr. Wijbenga and Mr. Forkani both work to divide the Muslim community into sects just as the Dutch politicians do. In addition their use of the term "Dutch-Muslim communities" during the interview indicates that this term has been chosen carefully, to imply that there are many Muslim communities in the Netherlands and that Muslims are scattered, even though Muslims see themselves as part of one Islamic society with a difference of opinion among them. But when there is a positive thing for the Muslim community, these politicians appear as speakers on behalf of the Muslim community in the Netherlands.

    We in Hizb ut Tahrir, believe that the difference of opinion should be discussed in a manner that is controlled by the Islamic law, and we are also ready to discuss with anyone about the so-called "risk of polarization" or any issue related to Muslims.

    Okay Pala
    Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Netherlands

    Wednesday 15 Safar 1435 AH - 18/12/2013 CE
    N0: 01/1435 AH
    &#064;Volksrant: Response to the So-Called &quot;Risk of Polarization&quot; Among Muslims in the #Netherlands

    The Dutch newspaper, &quot;Volkskrant&quot; interviewed a number of politicians, including a member of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) Party for the city of Eindhoven, the politician Ibrahim Wijbenga, and an Amsterdam Imam and a spokesman for (CMO) Foundation, Yassin Alforkani. These guests warned of what they called the risk of &quot;polarization&quot; of the Dutch-Muslim community&quot; by some Muslims; polarization which leads to hatred and divisions. Wijbenga added, &quot;The people&#039;s sympathy with the Syrian issue and their travelling to Syria to fight is a ticking time bomb&quot;. Alforkani said that he has been subjected to spitting and insults by some people and has been accused of apostasy, hypocrisy and betrayal because he opposed the travelling of some Muslims to Syria. Because he was subjected to a violent reaction by some Muslims as a result of his stance on the Syrian issue and travelling to Syria to join jihad, he said that it is difficult to organize a dialogue about Islam, democracy and conflict in Syria without providing protection for the interlocutors.

    Beginning, it must be remembered that these guests may have personal experiences with some members of the Muslim community in the Netherlands, and regardless of the number and impact of these individuals in the Muslim community; these individual personal experiences should not be used to generalize the Muslim community as a whole. However, this is exactly what happened, their personal experiences have become a base in judging others, and they worked on ripping the community by describing some as extremists and militants. Thus these politicians who warn of polarization and its consequences, they themselves have fallen in what they warn of.

    I can speak on behalf of Hizb ut Tahrir, and many of the Muslim community and say: The difference in opinion among Muslims should not go beyond the circle of debate and dialogue to the use of violence and swearing; as violence and insults is not the right way to deal with differences of opinion. This talk is addressed to both parties; and not to one alone. The guests, especially Mr. Wijbenga, who warns of radicalism and polarization, has commented in the mentioned interview, with phrases underrating and belittling some Muslims; he said: &quot;How annoying is the stupidity and ignorance of these Islamic extremists&quot;. Therefore, the one who comments with such words should expect angry reactions and is not entitled after that to give warnings and to cry out. However, the most important thing is that, it seems that there was a leap over of the fact that the problem of polarization and spreading division and hatred among the Muslim community is not due to Muslim youth as they claim, but it is a direct result of the continuous policy of the Dutch government that is primarily based on the differentiation and classification of Muslims in the Muslim community into moderates, extremists, fundamentalists and Islamist militants.

    Numerous academic studies have been published on the subject of polarization and discrimination; some of these studies have also been adopted at the political level, so such topics are deep rooted in the minds of the Dutch. However, these interviews in &quot;Volkskrant&quot; have opened doors wide to long discussions which led the Minister of Social Affairs, Lodewijk Asscher, to call to debate and to discuss the issue of polarization within the Muslim community in the Netherlands. It also made the media to comment on this press interview, by saying: &quot;The Member of Parliament Peter Hermann learned through Twitter about an interview conducted by the Volkskrant newspaper with two moderate Muslims&quot;.

    Whether this fact is realized or not, Mr. Wijbenga and Mr. Forkani both work to divide the Muslim community into sects just as the Dutch politicians do. In addition their use of the term &quot;Dutch-Muslim communities&quot; during the interview indicates that this term has been chosen carefully, to imply that there are many Muslim communities in the Netherlands and that Muslims are scattered, even though Muslims see themselves as part of one Islamic society with a difference of opinion among them. But when there is a positive thing for the Muslim community, these politicians appear as speakers on behalf of the Muslim community in the Netherlands.

    We in Hizb ut Tahrir, believe that the difference of opinion should be discussed in a manner that is controlled by the Islamic law, and we are also ready to discuss with anyone about the so-called &quot;risk of polarization&quot; or any issue related to Muslims.

    Okay Pala
    Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Netherlands

    Wednesday 15 Safar 1435 AH - 18/12/2013 CE
    N0: 01/1435 AH — mit <a href="" data-ft="&#123;&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;;&quot;&#125;" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=660363900&amp;extragetparams=%7B%22directed_target_id%22%3Anull%2C%22viewer_id%22%3A0%7D">Mahmut Kar</a> und 6 weitere Personen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:45PM  

    New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21
    Namazi me xhemat përgjithësisht - Hoxhë Mustafë Memeti
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:14
    Namazi me xhemat përgjithësisht - Hoxhë Mustafë Memeti
    Ueb-faqja zyrtare (në gjuhën gjermane):
    Es-Selamu Alejkum
    Tema: Namazi me xhemat përgjithësisht
    Ligjëruesi: Hoxhë Mustafë Memeti
    Vendi inçizimit: Në xhaminë e Bernit
    Hanāfi wa Matūridi

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:38PM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels and the Book and the Messenger...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 15:47
    Believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers.
    Al-Qur'an 2:177
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:38PM  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn Allah jemandem etwas Gutes will schenkt er ihm einen rechtschaffenen Gefähr...
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:05
    Wenn Allah jemandem etwas Gutes will schenkt er ihm einen rechtschaffenen Gefährten (Freund) der ihn erinnert, wenn er vergisst, der ihm hilft, wenn dieser ihn darum bittet

    - Hz.Muhammed (s.a.v)

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 22 04:33PM  

    Muslimischer Blogspots Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslimischer Blogspots Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 22nd 2013, 16:23

    Die wahre Religion
    Subhan Allah ist es nicht der Traum von Millionen Deutschen,das die Muslime Deutschland verlassen? Jetzt machen sie sich sorgen um paar Muslime,die ihrem Wunsch entsprochen Haben.Kann ein Land wie Deutschland ihre Grenzen nicht sichern? Verfassungsschutz: Salafismus wird 2014 in Deutschland zunehmen 21.12.13 11:08 Die Zahl deutscher Dschihad-Kämpfer im syrischen Bürgerkrieg ist nach Erkenntnissen des Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz von Juni 2013 von 60 auf nunmehr über 240 Personen gestiegen. In einem Gespräch mit der 'Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung' sagte Verfassungsschutzpräsident Hans-Georg Maaßen, dass sich in den vergangenen Monaten auch die Todesmeldungen gehäuft hätten. Der Verfassungsschutz geht davon aus, dass sich die Zahl getöteter deutscher Dschihad-Kämpfer bereits in "einem unteren zweistelligen Bereich" bewegt. Maaßen nannte es sehr "Besorgnis erregend", dass die Salafisten die am schnellsten wachsende islamistische Gruppierung in Deutschland seien. "Im nächsten Verfassungsschutzbericht 2013 werden wir möglicherweise von 5500 Salafisten in Deutschland sprechen". Das wären 1000 mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der Salafismus wird nach seiner Einschätzung auch 2014 zunehmen. "Ich sehe unverändert eine abstrakt hohe Terrorgefahr für Deutschland. Wir haben keine konkreten Fälle, aber das muss man als eine realistische Gefahr sehen", sagte Maaßen auch vor dem Hintergrund möglicher Gefahren durch zurückkehrende Kämpfer aus Syrien.
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