
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 04:19PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
 looking thru my YGO cards.....and i just though a idea about making a casual deck since im only playing with my friends close by my house....( not those crazy stuff you guys been playing im old school) suddenly created a casual deck that mixes Tech Genius and D-Hero....... im quite surprise the deck with the right hand cards MEMANG MACAM YES~!!!
    Nov 20th 2013, 16:03
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:49AM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    Witam! Panowie musimy dać znać czy gramy w lidze halowej. Drużyna składać się może z 20 zawodników. Koszt wpisowego 200 zł. Proszę dawać mi znać kto jest chętny do gry!. Składy będą ustalać trenerzy Lesław i trener Roman tak żeby nie było między nami zgrzytów i żebyśmy nie zmieniali się sami. Czekam na info z Waszej strony pozdro!
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:48
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:46PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Salve Salve Irmãos e Irmãs, Então... Prologamos O Lançamento do Clip ''Kings T.D.S'' O Motivo é Pela Vitoria da Equipe Real Music de Ter Conseguido Novos Recursos Pra Um Clip Com Mais Qualidade e Mais Profissional. A Data de Lançamento Será Divulgada Junto Com O ''Teaser 2'' Obrigado A Todos Que Estão Acompanhado Nosso Trabalho PAZ.
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:40
    Salve Salve Irmãos e Irmãs, Então... Prologamos O Lançamento do Clip ''Kings T.D.S'' O Motivo é Pela Vitoria da Equipe Real Music de Ter Conseguido Novos Recursos Pra Um Clip Com Mais Qualidade e Mais Profissional. A Data de Lançamento Será Divulgada Junto Com O ''Teaser 2'' Obrigado A Todos Que Estão Acompanhado Nosso Trabalho PAZ.
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 takbir - Social Mention: for J.O.S.H (JOmblo Sampai Halal) DOA PARA AKHWAT yang sangat merindukan datangnya seorang pendamping.... Untuk Para Akhwat.... mari kita Aminkan Doa ini....... Untuk Para Ikhwan.... Dengarlah Doa Para Akhwat yang sangat merindukan datangnya seorang pendamping.... **************************** Tuhanku... Aku berdo'a untuk seorang pria yang akan menjadi bagian dari hidupku Seseorang yang sungguh mencintaiMu lebih dari segala sesuatu Seorang pria yang akan meletakkanku pada posisi kedua di hatinya setelah Engkau Seorang pria yang hidup bukan untuk dirinya sendiri tetapi untukMu Wajah tampan dan daya tarik fisik tidaklah penting Yang penting adalah sebuah hati yang sungguh mencintai dan dekat dengan Engkau dan berusaha menjadikan sifat-sifatMu ada pada dirinya Dan ia haruslah mengetahui bagi siapa dan untuk apa ia hidup sehingga hidupnya tidaklah sia-sia Seseorang yang memiliki hati yang bijak tidak hanya otak yang cerdas Seorang pria yang tidak hanya mencintaiku tapi juga menghormatiku Seorang pria yang tidak hanya memujaku tetapi juga dapat menasihatiku ketika aku berbuat salah Seseorang yang mencintaiku bukan karena kecantikanku tapi karena hatiku Seorang pria yang dapat menjadi sahabat terbaikku dalam setiap waktu dan situasi Seseorang yang dapat membuatku merasa sebagai seorang wanita ketika aku di sisinya Tuhanku... Aku tidak meminta seseorang yang sempurna namun aku meminta seseorang yang tidak sempurna, sehingga aku dapat membuatnya sempurna di mataMu Seorang pria yang membutuhkan dukunganku sebagai peneguhnya Seorang pria yang membutuhkan doaku untuk kehidupannya Seseorang yang membutuhkan senyumku untuk mengatasi kesedihannya Seseorang yang membutuhkan diriku untuk membuat hidupnya menjadi sempurna Tuhanku... Aku juga meminta, Buatlah aku menjadi wanita yang dapat membuatnya bangga Berikan aku hati yang sungguh mencintaiMu sehingga aku dapat mencintainya dengan sekedar cintaku Berikanlah sifat yang lembut sehingga kecantikanku datang dariMu Berikanlah aku tangan sehingga aku selalu mampu berdoa untuknya Berikanlah aku penglihatan sehingga aku dapat melihat banyak hal baik dan bukan hal buruk dalam dirinya Berikanlah aku lisan yang penuh dengan kata-kata bijaksana, mampu memberikan semangat serta mendukungnya setiap saat dan tersenyum untuk dirinya setiap pagi Dan bilamana akhirnya kami akan bertemu, aku berharap kami berdua dapat mengatakan: "Betapa Maha Besarnya Engkau karena telah memberikan kepadaku pasangan yang dapat membuat hidupku menjadi sempurna." Amin... ********* "Peringatan Rasulullah: "Bukan termasuk golonganku orang-orang yang merasa khawatir akan terkungkung hidupnya karena menikah kemudian ia tidak menikah." (HR. Thabrani). " Apa yang menghimpit saudara kita sehingga mereka sanggup meneteskan airmata. Awalnya adalah karena mereka : "MENUNDA APA YANG HARUS DISEGERAKAN, MEMPERSULIT APA YANG SEHARUSNYA DIMUDAHKAN" Padahal Rasululloh berpesan: "Wahai Ali, ada Tiga Perkara Jangan Ditunda-Tunda, Apabila Sholat Telah Tiba Waktunya, Jenazah Apabila Telah Siap Penguburannya, Dan Perempuan Apabila Telah Datang Laki-Laki Yang Sepadan Meminangnya." (HR Ahmad) "
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 02:31AM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    for J.O.S.H (JOmblo Sampai Halal) DOA PARA AKHWAT yang sangat merindukan datangnya seorang pendamping.... Untuk Para Akhwat.... mari kita Aminkan Doa ini....... Untuk Para Ikhwan.... Dengarlah Doa Para Akhwat yang sangat merindukan datangnya seorang pendamping.... **************************** Tuhanku... Aku berdo'a untuk seorang pria yang akan menjadi bagian dari hidupku Seseorang yang sungguh mencintaiMu lebih dari segala sesuatu Seorang pria yang akan meletakkanku pada posisi kedua di hatinya setelah Engkau Seorang pria yang hidup bukan untuk dirinya sendiri tetapi untukMu Wajah tampan dan daya tarik fisik tidaklah penting Yang penting adalah sebuah hati yang sungguh mencintai dan dekat dengan Engkau dan berusaha menjadikan sifat-sifatMu ada pada dirinya Dan ia haruslah mengetahui bagi siapa dan untuk apa ia hidup sehingga hidupnya tidaklah sia-sia Seseorang yang memiliki hati yang bijak tidak hanya otak yang cerdas Seorang pria yang tidak hanya mencintaiku tapi juga menghormatiku Seorang pria yang tidak hanya memujaku tetapi juga dapat menasihatiku ketika aku berbuat salah Seseorang yang mencintaiku bukan karena kecantikanku tapi karena hatiku Seorang pria yang dapat menjadi sahabat terbaikku dalam setiap waktu dan situasi Seseorang yang dapat membuatku merasa sebagai seorang wanita ketika aku di sisinya Tuhanku... Aku tidak meminta seseorang yang sempurna namun aku meminta seseorang yang tidak sempurna, sehingga aku dapat membuatnya sempurna di mataMu Seorang pria yang membutuhkan dukunganku sebagai peneguhnya Seorang pria yang membutuhkan doaku untuk kehidupannya Seseorang yang membutuhkan senyumku untuk mengatasi kesedihannya Seseorang yang membutuhkan diriku untuk membuat hidupnya menjadi sempurna Tuhanku... Aku juga meminta, Buatlah aku menjadi wanita yang dapat membuatnya bangga Berikan aku hati yang sungguh mencintaiMu sehingga aku dapat mencintainya dengan sekedar cintaku Berikanlah sifat yang lembut sehingga kecantikanku datang dariMu Berikanlah aku tangan sehingga aku selalu mampu berdoa untuknya Berikanlah aku penglihatan sehingga aku dapat melihat banyak hal baik dan bukan hal buruk dalam dirinya Berikanlah aku lisan yang penuh dengan kata-kata bijaksana, mampu memberikan semangat serta mendukungnya setiap saat dan tersenyum untuk dirinya setiap pagi Dan bilamana akhirnya kami akan bertemu, aku berharap kami berdua dapat mengatakan: "Betapa Maha Besarnya Engkau karena telah memberikan kepadaku pasangan yang dapat membuat hidupku menjadi sempurna." Amin... ********* "Peringatan Rasulullah: "Bukan termasuk golonganku orang-orang yang merasa khawatir akan terkungkung hidupnya karena menikah kemudian ia tidak menikah." (HR. Thabrani). " Apa yang menghimpit saudara kita sehingga mereka sanggup meneteskan airmata. Awalnya adalah karena mereka : "MENUNDA APA YANG HARUS DISEGERAKAN, MEMPERSULIT APA YANG SEHARUSNYA DIMUDAHKAN" Padahal Rasululloh berpesan: "Wahai Ali, ada Tiga Perkara Jangan Ditunda-Tunda, Apabila Sholat Telah Tiba Waktunya, Jenazah Apabila Telah Siap Penguburannya, Dan Perempuan Apabila Telah Datang Laki-Laki Yang Sepadan Meminangnya." (HR Ahmad) "
    Nov 20th 2013, 01:58
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:52PM  

    ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ist jetzt mit Obama, Bush, Clinton und 14 weiteren Terroristen befreundet.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sehr coole Aktion der Uni Rostock!
    Snowden soll Ehrendoktor der Uni Rostock we...
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:00
    Sehr coole Aktion der Uni Rostock!

    Snowden soll Ehrendoktor der Uni Rostock werden

    Edward Snowden brachte die NSA-Affäre ins Rollen. Dafür soll er eine Ehrendoktorwürde erhalten, findet die Universität Rostock. Schließlich gehöre ziviler Ungehorsam zu modernen Demokratien dazu.

    Der ehemalige Mitarbeiter des US-Geheimdienstes NSA, Edward Snowden, soll die Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Rostock erhalten. "Wir sind es Snowden, der seine ganze soziale Existenz für die Aufdeckung der Wahrheit aufgegeben hat, schuldig, dass wir ihn nicht in Moskau vergessen", sagte der Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät der Uni Rostock, Hans Jürgen von Wensierski, der "Berliner Zeitung".

    Bedenken gegen den Antrag des Fakultätsrats halte von Wensierski entgegen, dass ziviler Ungehorsam zu modernen Demokratien dazugehöre, heißt es. Er erinnere in diesem Zusammenhang "an Rosa Parks in den 1950er-Jahren, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela oder Mahatma Gandhi – alles Bürger, die gegen die Gesetze des Staates verstoßen haben im Dienst einer höheren Sache".

    Es gehe um Grundrechte in einer digital vernetzten Welt, das Verhältnis zwischen Bürgern und Staat, die Beziehungen zwischen demokratischen Staaten und den selbstverantwortlichen Umgang mit eigenen Daten, so der Wissenschaftler.

    Der Bundestag debattiert am Montag erstmals über die Abhöraktionen des US-Geheimdienstes NSA in Deutschland und die Auswirkungen auf die transatlantischen Beziehungen.

    Asylfrage kommt wieder hoch

    In der auf eineinhalb Stunden angesetzten Debatte dürfen die Abgeordneten auch auf die Frage eingehen, ob dem ehemaligen NSA-Mitarbeiter Edward Snowden in Deutschland Asyl angeboten werden sollte. Die Bundesregierung lehnt das ab, die Grünen sind dafür. Der IT-Experte Snowden hält sich zurzeit in Russland im befristeten Asyl auf.

    Die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den USA werden massiv von den Spionage-Vorwürfen gegen die US-Geheimdienste belastet, die auch das Mobiltelefon von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel abgehört haben sollen. Die Enthüllungen beruhen auf Informationen Snowdens, den die USA als Verräter verfolgen.

    Gegenüber dem Grünen-Abgeordneten Christian Ströbele hatte Snowden deutlich gemacht, dass er zu einer Aussage etwa vor einem Untersuchungsausschuss in Deutschland bereit ist, dafür aber sicheres Geleit und Asyl in Deutschland oder in einem anderen für ihn sicheren Land erwartet.

    Snowden soll Ehrendoktor der Uni Rostock werden
    Edward Snowden brachte die NSA-Affäre ins Rollen. Dafür soll er eine Ehrendoktorwürde erhalten, findet die Universität Rostock. Schließlich gehöre ziviler Ungehorsam zu modernen Demokratien dazu.
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 islam fatwa - Social Mention: jika syiah isma'eliyah yang melakukan kesalahan, maka jangan vonis sesat atas syiah imamiyah,, sebab ulama syiah,, tidak mengakui syiah isma'eliyah bagian dari syiah ali,,, itu karena perbuatan mereka yang xtrim/gulluw.. dan setiap pendapat mereka (syiah isma'eliyah) mendapat bantahan keras dari ulama syiah imamiyah... sebagaimana acara yang menyiksa diri di hari asyura atau yang lebih di kenal dengan istilah Qomeh Zani.. dalam syiah imamiyah acara seperti itu adalah haram dan imam khomeini mengatakan dalam kitabnya itu adalah perbuatan bathil,, lalu kalian datang berbekal akal kerdil dan pertanyaan konyol ketika sudah tidak ada jalan lagi untuk menyesatkan syiah dengan mengatakan: ".klo bener ulama kalian melarang dr perbuatan itu, sharusx acara itu tdk pernah dilakukan lagi. . .apa susahx bagi ulama kalian macam si khomeini melarang perbuatan itu klo memang mereka tdk mnyukaix. ." ini pertanyaa konyol yang di sajikan ketimun bungkuk seperti akun Nida Ukhti Fillah dan pertanyaan yang sama juga di lontarkan oleh akun Ibnu Prigrisa. disini saya ingin menegaskan lagi sebgaimana yang di katakan imam jakfar as- shadiq as. bahwa kebiasan orang bodoh adalah bedebat sebelum memahami permasalah,, sementara di satatus yang saya tulis adalah "perbuatan yang menyiksa diri di hari ayura di lakukan oleh syiah yang gulluw seperti syiah isma'eliyah dan tidak pernah di lakukan oleh syiah imamiyah... dan bahkan di haramkan sebagaimana fatwa imam khomeini yang dapat kita baca dalam kasyf al asrar-nya.." apakah tulisan ini masih kurang jelas di mata pendengki? sehingga masih asik menyalahkan orang lain dengan pertanyaan yang sama sekali tidak mencerminkan sikap seorang intelek... dan jika sekiranya mereka yang melontarkan pertanyaan tak berbobot tersebut sangat jettol menentang perbedaan, maka kenapa mereka tak vonis madzhab maliki adalah madzhab yang sesat,, sebab anjing di sisi maliki tidaklah najis,, atau kenapa pula mereka tak memvonis madzhab syafi'i adalah sesat, sebab dalam madzhab syafi'i seorang bapak tiri di bolehkan menikahi anak tirinya. saya menghargai perbedaan yang ada di antara ahlu sunnnah wal jama'ah, tapi saya tidak akan berhenti menyerang madzhab kalian jika sekiranya kalian tak mau menghargai perbedaan yang terjadi di antara kedua madzhab,,, lebih-lebih kalian memvonis sesat atas kami, sementara kami tidak pernah melakukan kesesatan yang kalian tuduhkan sebagaimana kalian menggambarkan bahwa syiah adalah mazhab yang di bangun di atas penyiksaan diri, walau sudah jelas bahwa syiah imamiyah tidak pernah melakukan hal tersebut, melaikan syiah isma'eliyah yang melakukan... terakhir,,, jika saya katakan bahwa saya akan berbalik menyerang madzhab kalian,, berarti saya faham madzhab kalian, karena saya adalah mantan dari madzhab kalian,, tapi jika kalian mengatakan, bahwa kalian ingin menyerang madzhab kami,, itu perkataan konyol dan perkataan orang yang tidak waras, sebab bagaimana kalian akan tahu madzhab kami, sementara kalian tak pernah memperlajarinya.. toh jika sekiranya kalian mengaku tahu, maka pengetahuan kalian akan madzhab kami tak lain adalah sebagaimana yang di gambarkan pak google. dimana di stiu bisa di manipulasi demi kepentingan perut orang yang tak bertanggung jawab.. bukankah demikitan faktanya wahai ketimun bungkuk...
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:55AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    jika syiah isma'eliyah yang melakukan kesalahan, maka jangan vonis sesat atas syiah imamiyah,, sebab ulama syiah,, tidak mengakui syiah isma'eliyah bagian dari syiah ali,,, itu karena perbuatan mereka yang xtrim/gulluw.. dan setiap pendapat mereka (syiah isma'eliyah) mendapat bantahan keras dari ulama syiah imamiyah... sebagaimana acara yang menyiksa diri di hari asyura atau yang lebih di kenal dengan istilah Qomeh Zani.. dalam syiah imamiyah acara seperti itu adalah haram dan imam khomeini mengatakan dalam kitabnya itu adalah perbuatan bathil,, lalu kalian datang berbekal akal kerdil dan pertanyaan konyol ketika sudah tidak ada jalan lagi untuk menyesatkan syiah dengan mengatakan: ".klo bener ulama kalian melarang dr perbuatan itu, sharusx acara itu tdk pernah dilakukan lagi. . .apa susahx bagi ulama kalian macam si khomeini melarang perbuatan itu klo memang mereka tdk mnyukaix. ." ini pertanyaa konyol yang di sajikan ketimun bungkuk seperti akun Nida Ukhti Fillah dan pertanyaan yang sama juga di lontarkan oleh akun Ibnu Prigrisa. disini saya ingin menegaskan lagi sebgaimana yang di katakan imam jakfar as- shadiq as. bahwa kebiasan orang bodoh adalah bedebat sebelum memahami permasalah,, sementara di satatus yang saya tulis adalah "perbuatan yang menyiksa diri di hari ayura di lakukan oleh syiah yang gulluw seperti syiah isma'eliyah dan tidak pernah di lakukan oleh syiah imamiyah... dan bahkan di haramkan sebagaimana fatwa imam khomeini yang dapat kita baca dalam kasyf al asrar-nya.." apakah tulisan ini masih kurang jelas di mata pendengki? sehingga masih asik menyalahkan orang lain dengan pertanyaan yang sama sekali tidak mencerminkan sikap seorang intelek... dan jika sekiranya mereka yang melontarkan pertanyaan tak berbobot tersebut sangat jettol menentang perbedaan, maka kenapa mereka tak vonis madzhab maliki adalah madzhab yang sesat,, sebab anjing di sisi maliki tidaklah najis,, atau kenapa pula mereka tak memvonis madzhab syafi'i adalah sesat, sebab dalam madzhab syafi'i seorang bapak tiri di bolehkan menikahi anak tirinya. saya menghargai perbedaan yang ada di antara ahlu sunnnah wal jama'ah, tapi saya tidak akan berhenti menyerang madzhab kalian jika sekiranya kalian tak mau menghargai perbedaan yang terjadi di antara kedua madzhab,,, lebih-lebih kalian memvonis sesat atas kami, sementara kami tidak pernah melakukan kesesatan yang kalian tuduhkan sebagaimana kalian menggambarkan bahwa syiah adalah mazhab yang di bangun di atas penyiksaan diri, walau sudah jelas bahwa syiah imamiyah tidak pernah melakukan hal tersebut, melaikan syiah isma'eliyah yang melakukan... terakhir,,, jika saya katakan bahwa saya akan berbalik menyerang madzhab kalian,, berarti saya faham madzhab kalian, karena saya adalah mantan dari madzhab kalian,, tapi jika kalian mengatakan, bahwa kalian ingin menyerang madzhab kami,, itu perkataan konyol dan perkataan orang yang tidak waras, sebab bagaimana kalian akan tahu madzhab kami, sementara kalian tak pernah memperlajarinya.. toh jika sekiranya kalian mengaku tahu, maka pengetahuan kalian akan madzhab kami tak lain adalah sebagaimana yang di gambarkan pak google. dimana di stiu bisa di manipulasi demi kepentingan perut orang yang tak bertanggung jawab.. bukankah demikitan faktanya wahai ketimun bungkuk...
    Nov 21st 2013, 00:14
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: Hz. Mevlana Rumi mesnevi skin first couplet 2600-700 Celaladdin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. 2,600. But where there is damage to friendly limp off. The water in the sour sour grapes, but when it comes to grapes sweeter, better. Then, once inside the cube pity, what a nice additive when it becomes haram ... Vinegar! Disciple, the Perfection of arrogance, if you do not worthy of VLI. Because the candy, but it does not waste the physician gives the patient wasted. Cold and snow does not touch the grapes have been, but it touches pillbox. Because the sour grapes, it has not Kemal, on his way, "Liyağfire lekellâhu tekaddeme min zenbike and ma teahhar mâ" has not become Wali, the poison will eat a fish, but eats aspire wastes mind goes blank. Solomon "Heble Lord," he said, so "me" to someone else making this reign. " 2,605. Or someone else from me this grace, this good-doers presence, "he continued supplication. This is a similar but Hasede. Read yenbağı nüktesini Lâ cordially. Do anyone know the secret of his reign after me nekesliğinden. Even then, hundreds of his reign saw the damage and danger. Jahan's reign, bristle hairs, throughout its life concern, the head consists of fear. Head of fear ... fear of life and religion than a test such as this can not be us. Require that one of the hundreds of thousands of Solomon Himmetli color, smell abandon. 2,610. Even with the breath of the power of the Force and the reign of Solomon tıkıyordu wave. This is due to grief on the dust, soil konunca Sultans hurt the whole world is. Intercession whether "you gave me this reign, those who own the place Kemal. This reign of whether Kerem gives to whom, and to whom he is Solomon forgive, it's me. Do not include the provision that anyone after me, with me. What do you mean even to me? That person's case, non-litigious me, "he said. 2,615. It is obligatory to explain. But we're going again karıkoca story. Arabs of the end of the story to his wife A Muhlis'in (Chalabi Hüsameddin'in) at heart, she wants the result of the story of husband and wife. Karıkoca story is a myth. But her mind like a know nefsinle. These men and women nefisle mind. Good people do the necessary, correct the bad person. These two dorms captive and mahpusturlar soil. Adventure battle of day and night. 2,620. Women's non-stop to the needs of the house, the honor of the house, so that I need home bread, glory and honor dealer stops. Yummy, like a woman to find a cure for her work laid the ground Gah, show humility, awe dealer Gah, Glorified. Aklınsa, these ideas do not already know. There is nothing special range of the idea of God. Making sense of the story, this one and the trap, nefisle adventure of the mind, but you listen to the entire outer surface. Had you are alone sufficient for its narrative universe of meaning people will remain completely incapacitated from work, would have broken statute of the world. 2,625. Love, thoughts and prayers, fasting, and you were just about sense, not the imaginary copies, there would be no. Your friends gift to present to each other, but apparently things of friendship and respect. However, it is this way of gifts, the testimony of love in the hearts hidden. Because, O great people, imaginary deeds of love secret witness. Witness the sometimes truthful, sometimes is a liar. Drunk, and sometimes wine, sometimes the buttermilk! 2,630. Drunk who can show itself in buttermilk. Is the noise, appears drunk. He Murai, the conversation itself sansınlar drunk he appears in fasting, prayers. Affairs of any cases occurring thing different. But what's the secret complacency omen. O Lord, accept our prayer, Give us in this appeal that the curve sign of a liar, Let's differentiate curve over. No, this is how the owner can appeal? Looks with the light of God, if he gets the time of this appeal. 2,635. Author unveils her cause if not. Reports, such as kinship ... kinship love. But the imam and the light of God muktedası person who is using what works, what reasons. Sevgi Gönül şûlelendikçe grows, we finally have love, his work is saved. There is no need to notify the love. Spread the light of love, because the whole universe. Search for this word, but you have to complete a highly tafsilât. 2,640. Though the meaning, but it is zhir suretten close cihetten meaning, meaning a ways away! With regard to prefigure copy any sense, as the tree with water. As a matter of far from each other, with all of their underlying nature. You can drop in their nature, in hasasları. Tell ahvalini karıkocanın looking for those two sustenance. O Arabs, meet his wife's wishes, "This inkıyatta there is a trick, what are you doing through the trial," he be sworn in Arab said: "Separation give up. Terms kinda take your ... sword, in order,. What I say to you are subject; warrant, whether you get better or worse ... take care of it. 2,645. Let me be sacrificed for the sake of you, because I love you. Love for blind people, deaf do. " Woman "Do you really love me, if you do not want to learn the secret to the trick?" He said. Men said: "The hidden secrets for the right to know and the God who created Adam Shafi'i (I love you). God gave Adam a length of three cubits souls though, if you showed up all Levhi. God, what you have and how much time all the way to it is to be pre-made and "Allemelesmâ" head over lectured, taught me. 2,650. In this way, the angels are amazed to teach him, crossed themselves. Fallen in the sanctity of his takdisiyle another. Adam because they fütuhata nail, not achieve even the heavens. Even if the seven heavens area relative to the pure spirit of Adam fezasına tight. Saying, "God, I, the Almighty, down the ground, the sky, even the Sigma skyrocketed. You, O saint, closely bil. 2,655. But it is no wonder that the believer can fit one's heart. Search for believing hearts said call me, "he said. God said: "O haram, trying to avoid anything suspicious! Enter one of the servants, to see me in this way that Eris heaven. " Research, even those nuriyle, with the width of Adam 'stood up seeing. There are an infinite size of the cubit, but that meaning is to copy? Each angel was saying: we had before that üfletimiz earth. 2,660. Ekiyorduk serve and worship the ground seed. The location of these meylimize, it also şaşmaktaydık alâkamıza. What is this involvement to earth from heaven, then cut out? We Nur, darkness ülfetimiz why? Nur zulmetlerle others? O Adam! That familiarity, you kokundanmış. Because the body in the earth specimen resected. The corpus and woven on earth, the earth, light of pak found here. 2,665. Now it finds the soul of our souls familiarity before that body in the earth shone commingle. But from Yeryüzündeydik gafildik, did not know the treasure is buried there. God is there to the heavens to us emredince to time, to change this country, has suffered. That's why I produced the evidence of God, "O God! Who's next for us? Tehlinin light of this prayer, and, rumor sell "we said. 2,670. The provision of God, have mercy on us yaygısını laid: "Obviously, you want to tell me. Feel free to say whatever comes to your mouth, as they say the children of single parents. Because these words, even yaraşmasa mercy, wrath stub. O angel! Salmaktayım heart's doubts to unveil it; Let me tell you, I darılmayayım, gazaplanmayayım. In this way, I can not open my mouth, who denied hilmimi. 2,675. Hilmimizden hundreds of hundreds of our main born father every breath, dive absence ruined. O fathers, then mothers hilmi, compassion, and affection to our Hili where the sea foam. Maintenance of sea foam, but he goes back and forth. " No, what I said? He opposed the pearl pearl foam, but foam foam. That's for the right to foam, then there is a test for the right to pure sea, not a talker. Love, faithfulness, have come forward without surrendering the neck twisted. I will be arriving for the right to the presence of God. 2,680. This inclination, do you think it is but check our testing the rests. I let it in secret, secret storage. My best, my strength had enough go ahead! S heart in hiding from me in my Gönlümdeki what should be revealed in this way can help in the're the same. But just let me, I've got the cure you? A Look at, what does it do that, dear? Sustenance of the woman to ask her husband to show the way, he or she agrees She said: "A sun was born, her whole world is enlightened. 2,685. O God, his deputy, Caliph of God. In Baghdad, it is because of the spring. He can get all the sultan're Sultan. Until then go to the fortune you own non-stop? Iqbal owners as chemistry friendship. Their nazarına where similar chemistry? Sıddıyk because it has been approved by touching the eyes of Ahmed Abu Bakr. " Her husband said, "I agree with how the presence of the sultan olunurum, How do I get an excuse to him? 2,690. This is a relationship, to an occasion. Occur no art without tools? I like Majnun, a piece of someone ill heard by her. Alas, he said, How excuses to go? If I do not, I'll become what I do not ask just being? I wish ... I wish I was a sad time Leyla physician Cossack, Cossack would go. God is to us, "O Muhammad, come and" ordered this invitation led to elimination of utanmamızın. 2,695. If the eyes and the ability of birds that fly by day, night swim, go dolaşırlardı "he said. Woman replied: "Kerem owner is in the sultan himself aletsizlik shows the tool itself, deprived of the opportunities being, it was the same occasion. Because the instrument, instrumental ... trial with that drop, a sign of wealth. The real trick aletsizliktedir, descending. " Arab "let me in without tools aletsizliği let me get how you shop? Have mercy on the evidence of the sultan Müflisliğime at me. 2,700. You show me a witness in another fraud that gleeful gossip and compassion come to the sultan. Promise and testify that this is bad because the judges judge which consists of fraud mecruhtur next. Witness the light of righteousness must be bankrupt, saying glitter (submit the form agreed state), "he said....
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:04AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    Hz. Mevlana Rumi mesnevi skin first couplet 2600-700 Celaladdin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. 2,600. But where there is damage to friendly limp off. The water in the sour sour grapes, but when it comes to grapes sweeter, better. Then, once inside the cube pity, what a nice additive when it becomes haram ... Vinegar! Disciple, the Perfection of arrogance, if you do not worthy of VLI. Because the candy, but it does not waste the physician gives the patient wasted. Cold and snow does not touch the grapes have been, but it touches pillbox. Because the sour grapes, it has not Kemal, on his way, "Liyağfire lekellâhu tekaddeme min zenbike and ma teahhar mâ" has not become Wali, the poison will eat a fish, but eats aspire wastes mind goes blank. Solomon "Heble Lord," he said, so "me" to someone else making this reign. " 2,605. Or someone else from me this grace, this good-doers presence, "he continued supplication. This is a similar but Hasede. Read yenbağı nüktesini Lâ cordially. Do anyone know the secret of his reign after me nekesliğinden. Even then, hundreds of his reign saw the damage and danger. Jahan's reign, bristle hairs, throughout its life concern, the head consists of fear. Head of fear ... fear of life and religion than a test such as this can not be us. Require that one of the hundreds of thousands of Solomon Himmetli color, smell abandon. 2,610. Even with the breath of the power of the Force and the reign of Solomon tıkıyordu wave. This is due to grief on the dust, soil konunca Sultans hurt the whole world is. Intercession whether "you gave me this reign, those who own the place Kemal. This reign of whether Kerem gives to whom, and to whom he is Solomon forgive, it's me. Do not include the provision that anyone after me, with me. What do you mean even to me? That person's case, non-litigious me, "he said. 2,615. It is obligatory to explain. But we're going again karıkoca story. Arabs of the end of the story to his wife A Muhlis'in (Chalabi Hüsameddin'in) at heart, she wants the result of the story of husband and wife. Karıkoca story is a myth. But her mind like a know nefsinle. These men and women nefisle mind. Good people do the necessary, correct the bad person. These two dorms captive and mahpusturlar soil. Adventure battle of day and night. 2,620. Women's non-stop to the needs of the house, the honor of the house, so that I need home bread, glory and honor dealer stops. Yummy, like a woman to find a cure for her work laid the ground Gah, show humility, awe dealer Gah, Glorified. Aklınsa, these ideas do not already know. There is nothing special range of the idea of God. Making sense of the story, this one and the trap, nefisle adventure of the mind, but you listen to the entire outer surface. Had you are alone sufficient for its narrative universe of meaning people will remain completely incapacitated from work, would have broken statute of the world. 2,625. Love, thoughts and prayers, fasting, and you were just about sense, not the imaginary copies, there would be no. Your friends gift to present to each other, but apparently things of friendship and respect. However, it is this way of gifts, the testimony of love in the hearts hidden. Because, O great people, imaginary deeds of love secret witness. Witness the sometimes truthful, sometimes is a liar. Drunk, and sometimes wine, sometimes the buttermilk! 2,630. Drunk who can show itself in buttermilk. Is the noise, appears drunk. He Murai, the conversation itself sansınlar drunk he appears in fasting, prayers. Affairs of any cases occurring thing different. But what's the secret complacency omen. O Lord, accept our prayer, Give us in this appeal that the curve sign of a liar, Let's differentiate curve over. No, this is how the owner can appeal? Looks with the light of God, if he gets the time of this appeal. 2,635. Author unveils her cause if not. Reports, such as kinship ... kinship love. But the imam and the light of God muktedası person who is using what works, what reasons. Sevgi Gönül şûlelendikçe grows, we finally have love, his work is saved. There is no need to notify the love. Spread the light of love, because the whole universe. Search for this word, but you have to complete a highly tafsilât. 2,640. Though the meaning, but it is zhir suretten close cihetten meaning, meaning a ways away! With regard to prefigure copy any sense, as the tree with water. As a matter of far from each other, with all of their underlying nature. You can drop in their nature, in hasasları. Tell ahvalini karıkocanın looking for those two sustenance. O Arabs, meet his wife's wishes, "This inkıyatta there is a trick, what are you doing through the trial," he be sworn in Arab said: "Separation give up. Terms kinda take your ... sword, in order,. What I say to you are subject; warrant, whether you get better or worse ... take care of it. 2,645. Let me be sacrificed for the sake of you, because I love you. Love for blind people, deaf do. " Woman "Do you really love me, if you do not want to learn the secret to the trick?" He said. Men said: "The hidden secrets for the right to know and the God who created Adam Shafi'i (I love you). God gave Adam a length of three cubits souls though, if you showed up all Levhi. God, what you have and how much time all the way to it is to be pre-made and "Allemelesmâ" head over lectured, taught me. 2,650. In this way, the angels are amazed to teach him, crossed themselves. Fallen in the sanctity of his takdisiyle another. Adam because they fütuhata nail, not achieve even the heavens. Even if the seven heavens area relative to the pure spirit of Adam fezasına tight. Saying, "God, I, the Almighty, down the ground, the sky, even the Sigma skyrocketed. You, O saint, closely bil. 2,655. But it is no wonder that the believer can fit one's heart. Search for believing hearts said call me, "he said. God said: "O haram, trying to avoid anything suspicious! Enter one of the servants, to see me in this way that Eris heaven. " Research, even those nuriyle, with the width of Adam 'stood up seeing. There are an infinite size of the cubit, but that meaning is to copy? Each angel was saying: we had before that üfletimiz earth. 2,660. Ekiyorduk serve and worship the ground seed. The location of these meylimize, it also şaşmaktaydık alâkamıza. What is this involvement to earth from heaven, then cut out? We Nur, darkness ülfetimiz why? Nur zulmetlerle others? O Adam! That familiarity, you kokundanmış. Because the body in the earth specimen resected. The corpus and woven on earth, the earth, light of pak found here. 2,665. Now it finds the soul of our souls familiarity before that body in the earth shone commingle. But from Yeryüzündeydik gafildik, did not know the treasure is buried there. God is there to the heavens to us emredince to time, to change this country, has suffered. That's why I produced the evidence of God, "O God! Who's next for us? Tehlinin light of this prayer, and, rumor sell "we said. 2,670. The provision of God, have mercy on us yaygısını laid: "Obviously, you want to tell me. Feel free to say whatever comes to your mouth, as they say the children of single parents. Because these words, even yaraşmasa mercy, wrath stub. O angel! Salmaktayım heart's doubts to unveil it; Let me tell you, I darılmayayım, gazaplanmayayım. In this way, I can not open my mouth, who denied hilmimi. 2,675. Hilmimizden hundreds of hundreds of our main born father every breath, dive absence ruined. O fathers, then mothers hilmi, compassion, and affection to our Hili where the sea foam. Maintenance of sea foam, but he goes back and forth. " No, what I said? He opposed the pearl pearl foam, but foam foam. That's for the right to foam, then there is a test for the right to pure sea, not a talker. Love, faithfulness, have come forward without surrendering the neck twisted. I will be arriving for the right to the presence of God. 2,680. This inclination, do you think it is but check our testing the rests. I let it in secret, secret storage. My best, my strength had enough go ahead! S heart in hiding from me in my Gönlümdeki what should be revealed in this way can help in the're the same. But just let me, I've got the cure you? A Look at, what does it do that, dear? Sustenance of the woman to ask her husband to show the way, he or she agrees She said: "A sun was born, her whole world is enlightened. 2,685. O God, his deputy, Caliph of God. In Baghdad, it is because of the spring. He can get all the sultan're Sultan. Until then go to the fortune you own non-stop? Iqbal owners as chemistry friendship. Their nazarına where similar chemistry? Sıddıyk because it has been approved by touching the eyes of Ahmed Abu Bakr. " Her husband said, "I agree with how the presence of the sultan olunurum, How do I get an excuse to him? 2,690. This is a relationship, to an occasion. Occur no art without tools? I like Majnun, a piece of someone ill heard by her. Alas, he said, How excuses to go? If I do not, I'll become what I do not ask just being? I wish ... I wish I was a sad time Leyla physician Cossack, Cossack would go. God is to us, "O Muhammad, come and" ordered this invitation led to elimination of utanmamızın. 2,695. If the eyes and the ability of birds that fly by day, night swim, go dolaşırlardı "he said. Woman replied: "Kerem owner is in the sultan himself aletsizlik shows the tool itself, deprived of the opportunities being, it was the same occasion. Because the instrument, instrumental ... trial with that drop, a sign of wealth. The real trick aletsizliktedir, descending. " Arab "let me in without tools aletsizliği let me get how you shop? Have mercy on the evidence of the sultan Müflisliğime at me. 2,700. You show me a witness in another fraud that gleeful gossip and compassion come to the sultan. Promise and testify that this is bad because the judges judge which consists of fraud mecruhtur next. Witness the light of righteousness must be bankrupt, saying glitter (submit the form agreed state), "he said....
    Nov 21st 2013, 08:56
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:52AM  

    dawah-news - Social Mention
    Amazing Dawah! "Unbelievable, MashaAllah" - Qur'an Project Promo Video 2013
    Sep 20th 2013, 16:57
    The Qur'an Project 2013 Fundraising Promotional Video 100% Donation Policy 2 Options - PRINTING [Pays towards cost of printing Qur'an Project - Sponsor 1 copy for £3 - Target: £500000...
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