- dawah - Social Mention: Give dawah get prophets reward [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the t [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: News Briefing Regarding Events in West Kurdistan (Northern Syria) Head Lines • YPG CAMPAGIN • Another chapter of the international conspiracy • The day of Anti-violence against the woman • Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality • The Kurdish supreme council • Cultural & educational activities Details: YPG CAMPAGIN Efrin- the armed groups affiliated with ISIL attacked YPG check points around Qastal Gendo village .Due to the heavy clashes, which lasted for hours, three members of the Islamist were killed and four wounded. The Islamist groups withdrew their forces. Tirbespiye- YPG fighters have liberated a hostage from Harka village near Tirbespiye after he was kidnaped by mercenary groups. YPG have started a campaign to clean the area from these radical groups. The Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs are living together in Harka village, which is currently protected by YPG fighters. Another chapter of the international conspiracy ERBIL, Kurdistan Region –Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed that Turkey was behind Syria's 1998 expulsion of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan. The information came to light in Zebari's interview with the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper last week, in which he shared new details of the tensions between Turkey and then Syrian President Hafez Assad over Ocalan. Zebari recalled a conversation with former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak about the events of 1998, saying, "Mubarak told me that in 1998 he had delivered a letter about Turkey's threats to Hafez Assad about sheltering PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan and Assad agreed to expel Ocalan and not risk military confrontation with Turkey." This declaration is another proof about the international conspiracy against Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan. Worthwhile we want to remember Ocalan first states in the Turkish state when he mentioned that the conspiracy was participated by several western and Arabic countries. The day of Anti-violence against the woman Qamishlo, under the slogan ''Let us work together to end the male obsession'', Star union for woman called for everyone who ask for freedom to go to the main squares and oppose the violence in Syria and to stop the current war and to organize demonstration and seminars in the Anti-violence campaign against the woman day, which is in twenty fifth of November. Star union has issued a statement, which they condemn, all regimes and their mentalities that use violence as a main device to govern and show up their power. The statement also mentioned that both kind of men, power man and house man are assuming that the violence against the woman is legitimate. The statement also added: the most dangerous type of violence is the ideological violence which is exploited under the name of revolution and Jihad. For example young woman travels to Syria for " sexual jihad" in conviction that they will go to paradise. Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality The leader of Kurdistan Iraq territory has visited Amed city by invitation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan after he met up with him, he has visited the municipality as well, and he met up with Osman Baydemir, the mayor of the city. Osman Baydemir, Ahmad Turk (the co-chair president of Democratic Society Conference) and some parliaments of PDB party have welcomed him there. The role of the Kurdish leader Abdulla Ocalan, Rojava revolution and the Kurdish unity necessity were discussed during the meeting. The Kurdish supreme council Qamishlo, the supreme Kurdish council held its regular meeting in Qamishlo city with the presence of almost all members except Sinam Mohamad and Salih Muslim due to their activities abroad. The closed meeting lasted two hours, the latest developments in Syria and Rojava were discussed. Spokesman of the supreme Kurdish council declared a statement for the media assuring that the meeting dealt with important issues such as the Kurds role in Geneva II and the interim joint administration project. Mr. Suliman has indicated that all discussed subject will have relevant decisions on 14the of current month. Cultural & educational activities Alhasaka- Roslin band has presented a show named '' STOP, YOU ARE NAKED'' in the art center in Al-hassaka city for the Italian writer Dario Fyom. Dozens of people have attended the show, the event will be re-presented for three days. Contact Us: Facebook: PydInfo Twitter: PYD @pydinfo [1 Aktualisierung]
- Al-Rahma - Social Mention: mga bro i Really needed likes on this one Please click 1st the Photo before LIKE and share it to your friends , This Tribal attire is Brazilian it is the MAN with no Gender thats why i act like that Don't be shocked its a personality of A TRIBE THAT I REPRESENT (Y) LALAKI ako 1st posing ko to ng ganito but okay lang just for the sake of people who have been suffered calamities By: Rayan Laguindab [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Adam - Social Mention: 133. Abu Sa'id Al Khudriy r.a. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda: "Allah Ta'ala berfirman: "Wahai Adam, ". Nabi Adam 'Alaihissalam menjawab: "Labbaika, kemuliaan milik-Mu dan segala kebaikan berada di tangan-Mu". Kemudian Allah berfirman: "Keluarkanlah utusan neraka". Adam bertanya; "Apa yang dimaksud dengan utusan neraka? (berapa jumlahnya?) ". Allah berfirman: "Dari setiap seribu, sembilan ratus sembilan puluh Sembilan dijebloskan neraka!, Ketika perintah ini diputuskan, maka anak-anak belia menjadi beruban, dan setiap wanita hamil kandungannya berguguran dan kamu lihat manusia mabuk padahal mereka tidaklah mabuk akan tetapi (mereka melihat) siksa Allah yang sangat keras". (QS. Alhajj 2), Para shahabat bertanya; "Wahai Rasulullah, adakah diantara kami seseorang yang selamat?". Beliau bersabda: "Bergembiralah, karena setiap seribu yang dimasukkan neraka, dari kalian cuma satu, sedang Sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilannya dari Ya'juj dan ma'juj". Kemudian Beliau bersabda: "Dan demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara seperempat ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara sepertiga ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir lagi. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara setengah ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir sekali lagi. Lalu Beliau bersabda: "Tidaklah keberadan kalian di hadapan manusia melainkan bagaikan bulu hitam pada kulit sapi jantan putih atau bagaikan bulu putih yang ada pada kulit sapi jantan hitam". (Bukhari, Muslim). [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: *•.✿.。. Assalam-o-Alaikum..... GoOd MoRoNiNg FriEnds *•.✿.。. ▄▀▄▀▄▀☆♥ Mujahid Chaudhary ☆ ▄▀▄▀▄ [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Tahukah anda 10 para sahabat yang di janjikan syurga oleh Allah S.W.T 1. Abu Bakar Siddiq R.A 2. Umar bin Al Khattab R.A 3. Usman bin Affan R.A 4. Ali bin Abi Thalin R.A 5. Talhah bin Abdullah R.A 6. Zubair bin Awaam 7. Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas 8. Sa'id bin Zaid 9. Abdurrahman bin Auf 10. Abu Ubaidillah bin Jarrah Dibawakan khas oleh Bicara Muslimah Solehah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- media crash news - Social Mention: Refreshed 2014 Elantra Arrives At Los Angeles Auto [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: ich liebe das Lied *-* King Bushido Und Shindy *-* [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhan allah a1 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand: A1 [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawah - Social Mention: Call to Islam Free Dawah Leaflets [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Gundam Build Fighter Eps.07 I..I..Itu.. Itu.. KAM..KAM.. KAMPFER?? AMAZING!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: #Tanzania: The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth News: The... [1 Aktualisierung]
- salafisten - Social Mention: Ob Sunniten oder Schiiten Hamdullah wir sind alle Moslems also bitte ich euch solche Diskussionen nicht auf diese Art hier zu führen diese Respektlosigkeit in eurer Wortwahl was das Thema betrifft ist nicht angebracht und ich glaube in einer Sache sind wir uns alle einig Religion und Facebook ist nicht miteinander vereinbar und es ist absolut die falsche Plattform für solche Diskussionen und ein Tipp man kann eine Mannschaft mögen oder leidenschaftlich die spiele verfolgen aber wenn man anfängt einzelne Personen ANZUGÖTZEN dann ist alles zu spät Good Night !!! Danke [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: Onze soldats tués dans un attentat à la voiture piégée Onze soldats ont été tués et 34 blessés mercredi dans un attentat à la voiture piégée visant un convoi militaire dans le Sinaï égyptien. Les attaques contre les forces de l'ordre se sont multipliées depuis que l'armée a destitué en juillet le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi. L'explosion s'est produite sur une route près de la ville côtière d'El Arich au passage d'un convoi militaire qui se rendait au poste de Rafah, frontalier de la bande de Gaza, selon des responsables des services de sécurité. Certains des blessés sont grièvement atteints. Un peu plus tôt au Caire, quatre policiers ont été blessés quand des inconnus ont jeté une bombe sur un des innombrables postes de contrôle routier dans la capitale égyptienne. Les check-points ont été renforcés depuis mi-août, après que l'armée et la police y ont tué des centaines de manifestants pro-Morsi, début d'une implacable répression. Depuis, des dizaines de policiers et militaires ont été tués dans des attentats dans le Sinaï, en proie depuis longtemps à des insurrections de groupes armés jihadistes et de tribus de bédouins hostiles au pouvoir central. Liés à Al-Qaïda Le 19 août, une embuscade contre un convoi de policiers près de Rafah, le point de passage vers la bande de Gaza, avait fait 25 morts dans les rangs des policiers dans l'attaque la plus meurtrière depuis des années dans le Sinaï. Le 5 septembre au Caire, un kamikaze avait fait exploser prématurément sa voiture piégée au passage du convoi du ministre de l'Intérieur, accusé par les islamistes d'avoir orchestré le massacre du 14 août. Le ministre Mohamed Ibrahim est sorti indemne de cet attentat. La plupart des attaques récentes dans le Sinaï et au Caire ont été revendiquées par des groupes liés à Al-Qaïda, en représailles selon eux au "coup d'Etat" de l'armée et la répression sanglante qui s'est abattue sur les partisans de M. Morsi. Même si les attentats sont généralement revendiqués par des groupes jihadistes, le principal étant Ansar Beit al-Maqdess, qui a fait allégeance à Al-Qaïda, le gouvernement les attribue volontiers aux "terroristes" Frères musulmans. (ats / 20.11.2013 20h44) [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Touchdown Bahrain. Awesome weather. Great people. Playing tonight at mai tai and tomorrow at Bushido. Peace [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: Sebuah fakta sejarah yang sengaja disembunyikan... Agar generasi yang duduk di bangku sekolah tidak mengetahui bahwa leluhurnya adalah bagian dari penduduk Khilafah.. Agar generasi ini mudah disesatkan opininya dengan slogan "khilafah" hanya budaya bangsa Arab, bukan budaya jawa.. [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawah - Social Mention: Bangkit dr kterpurukan&duka, tdklah mudah........! Tp mnyesali&meratapi trs apa yg tlah trjadi, bukalah solusi...........!!!! Met pgi sobat,mg kalian sht sll....! [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: badal ne jab jab badle he tebar ay he tab tab meri juba par narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allahu akbar. [1 Aktualisierung]
- New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand: :) Das bekannteste Märchen über Syrien wäre wohl, dass Syrien eine Revolution er... [1 Aktualisierung]
- domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:41PM
dawah - Social Mention
Give dawah get prophets reward
Nov 20th 2013, 21:03
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:49AM
sharia - Social Mention
This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the t
Nov 21st 2013, 02:23
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:49PM
islamist - Social Mention
News Briefing Regarding Events in West Kurdistan (Northern Syria) Head Lines • YPG CAMPAGIN • Another chapter of the international conspiracy • The day of Anti-violence against the woman • Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality • The Kurdish supreme council • Cultural & educational activities Details: YPG CAMPAGIN Efrin- the armed groups affiliated with ISIL attacked YPG check points around Qastal Gendo village .Due to the heavy clashes, which lasted for hours, three members of the Islamist were killed and four wounded. The Islamist groups withdrew their forces. Tirbespiye- YPG fighters have liberated a hostage from Harka village near Tirbespiye after he was kidnaped by mercenary groups. YPG have started a campaign to clean the area from these radical groups. The Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs are living together in Harka village, which is currently protected by YPG fighters. Another chapter of the international conspiracy ERBIL, Kurdistan Region –Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed that Turkey was behind Syria's 1998 expulsion of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan. The information came to light in Zebari's interview with the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper last week, in which he shared new details of the tensions between Turkey and then Syrian President Hafez Assad over Ocalan. Zebari recalled a conversation with former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak about the events of 1998, saying, "Mubarak told me that in 1998 he had delivered a letter about Turkey's threats to Hafez Assad about sheltering PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan and Assad agreed to expel Ocalan and not risk military confrontation with Turkey." This declaration is another proof about the international conspiracy against Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocalan. Worthwhile we want to remember Ocalan first states in the Turkish state when he mentioned that the conspiracy was participated by several western and Arabic countries. The day of Anti-violence against the woman Qamishlo, under the slogan ''Let us work together to end the male obsession'', Star union for woman called for everyone who ask for freedom to go to the main squares and oppose the violence in Syria and to stop the current war and to organize demonstration and seminars in the Anti-violence campaign against the woman day, which is in twenty fifth of November. Star union has issued a statement, which they condemn, all regimes and their mentalities that use violence as a main device to govern and show up their power. The statement also mentioned that both kind of men, power man and house man are assuming that the violence against the woman is legitimate. The statement also added: the most dangerous type of violence is the ideological violence which is exploited under the name of revolution and Jihad. For example young woman travels to Syria for " sexual jihad" in conviction that they will go to paradise. Massoud Barzani visited Amad city municipality The leader of Kurdistan Iraq territory has visited Amed city by invitation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan after he met up with him, he has visited the municipality as well, and he met up with Osman Baydemir, the mayor of the city. Osman Baydemir, Ahmad Turk (the co-chair president of Democratic Society Conference) and some parliaments of PDB party have welcomed him there. The role of the Kurdish leader Abdulla Ocalan, Rojava revolution and the Kurdish unity necessity were discussed during the meeting. The Kurdish supreme council Qamishlo, the supreme Kurdish council held its regular meeting in Qamishlo city with the presence of almost all members except Sinam Mohamad and Salih Muslim due to their activities abroad. The closed meeting lasted two hours, the latest developments in Syria and Rojava were discussed. Spokesman of the supreme Kurdish council declared a statement for the media assuring that the meeting dealt with important issues such as the Kurds role in Geneva II and the interim joint administration project. Mr. Suliman has indicated that all discussed subject will have relevant decisions on 14the of current month. Cultural & educational activities Alhasaka- Roslin band has presented a show named '' STOP, YOU ARE NAKED'' in the art center in Al-hassaka city for the Italian writer Dario Fyom. Dozens of people have attended the show, the event will be re-presented for three days. Contact Us: Facebook: PydInfo Twitter: PYD @pydinfo
Nov 20th 2013, 21:03
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:41PM
Al-Rahma - Social Mention
mga bro i Really needed likes on this one Please click 1st the Photo before LIKE and share it to your friends , This Tribal attire is Brazilian it is the MAN with no Gender thats why i act like that Don't be shocked its a personality of A TRIBE THAT I REPRESENT (Y) LALAKI ako 1st posing ko to ng ganito but okay lang just for the sake of people who have been suffered calamities By: Rayan Laguindab
Nov 20th 2013, 22:17
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:01AM
Abu Adam - Social Mention
133. Abu Sa'id Al Khudriy r.a. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda: "Allah Ta'ala berfirman: "Wahai Adam, ". Nabi Adam 'Alaihissalam menjawab: "Labbaika, kemuliaan milik-Mu dan segala kebaikan berada di tangan-Mu". Kemudian Allah berfirman: "Keluarkanlah utusan neraka". Adam bertanya; "Apa yang dimaksud dengan utusan neraka? (berapa jumlahnya?) ". Allah berfirman: "Dari setiap seribu, sembilan ratus sembilan puluh Sembilan dijebloskan neraka!, Ketika perintah ini diputuskan, maka anak-anak belia menjadi beruban, dan setiap wanita hamil kandungannya berguguran dan kamu lihat manusia mabuk padahal mereka tidaklah mabuk akan tetapi (mereka melihat) siksa Allah yang sangat keras". (QS. Alhajj 2), Para shahabat bertanya; "Wahai Rasulullah, adakah diantara kami seseorang yang selamat?". Beliau bersabda: "Bergembiralah, karena setiap seribu yang dimasukkan neraka, dari kalian cuma satu, sedang Sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilannya dari Ya'juj dan ma'juj". Kemudian Beliau bersabda: "Dan demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara seperempat ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara sepertiga ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir lagi. Kemudian Beliau bersabda lagi: "Aku berharap kalian menjadi di antara setengah ahlu surga". Maka kami bertakbir sekali lagi. Lalu Beliau bersabda: "Tidaklah keberadan kalian di hadapan manusia melainkan bagaikan bulu hitam pada kulit sapi jantan putih atau bagaikan bulu putih yang ada pada kulit sapi jantan hitam". (Bukhari, Muslim).
Nov 21st 2013, 01:16
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:21AM
mujahid - Social Mention
*•.✿.。. Assalam-o-Alaikum..... GoOd MoRoNiNg FriEnds *•.✿.。. ▄▀▄▀▄▀☆♥ Mujahid Chaudhary ☆ ▄▀▄▀▄
Nov 21st 2013, 03:05
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:55AM
Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
Tahukah anda 10 para sahabat yang di janjikan syurga oleh Allah S.W.T 1. Abu Bakar Siddiq R.A 2. Umar bin Al Khattab R.A 3. Usman bin Affan R.A 4. Ali bin Abi Thalin R.A 5. Talhah bin Abdullah R.A 6. Zubair bin Awaam 7. Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas 8. Sa'id bin Zaid 9. Abdurrahman bin Auf 10. Abu Ubaidillah bin Jarrah Dibawakan khas oleh Bicara Muslimah Solehah
Nov 21st 2013, 02:50
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:51AM
Masallah - Social Mention
Nov 21st 2013, 01:55
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:11AM
media crash news - Social Mention
Refreshed 2014 Elantra Arrives At Los Angeles Auto
Nov 20th 2013, 13:15
Yahoo! Singapore - Found 56 minutes ago... and the holder of a NHTSA five-star overall crash safety rating, the ... please visit Please visit our media website ... Hyundai Motor America Launches 2014 Elantra GT At Los Angeles Auto ... - Sacramento Bee Refreshed 2014 Elantra Arrives At Los Angeles Auto Show With New GDI ... - Sacramento Bee Hyundai Motor America Launches 2014 Elantra GT At Los Angeles Auto ... - Reuters Hyundai Motor America Launches 2014 Elantra GT At Los - Yahoo! Singapore Explore All
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:22PM
bushido - Social Mention ich liebe das Lied *-* King Bushido Und Shindy *-*
Nov 21st 2013, 13:14
►Kanal bei YouTube abonnieren:◄ ►„NWA 2.0" CD bei Amazon:◄ ►„NWA 2.0" Album bei iTunes:◄ Bu...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:11PM
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Nov 23rd 2013, 18:58
Islam : An die Schwestern / Abu Ubeyda
Ihr Seid Die Perlen
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:11PM
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Nov 23rd 2013, 18:29
Gründe warum Allah Gott Bittgebete nicht akzeptiert Ahmad Abul Baraa
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:11PM
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Subhan allah a1
Nov 23rd 2013, 18:53
Subhan allah a1
Muslimas halb nackt !!!! Wacht endlich auf Brüder und Schwestern !! Ahmad Abul Baraa
Warum Kopftuch? Im Koran ist es vorgeschrieben, dass alle Stellen einer Frau bedeckt sein müssen, die ein Mann reizvoll findet! Zwei Suren sagen etwas über d...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:11PM
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
Nov 23rd 2013, 19:01
Verlasse die Disco ! - Abu Ubayda
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:44PM
dawah - Social Mention
Call to Islam Free Dawah Leaflets
Nov 20th 2013, 21:42
View Prayer Timetable This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 01582 724647
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:22PM
bushido - Social Mention
Gundam Build Fighter Eps.07 I..I..Itu.. Itu.. KAM..KAM.. KAMPFER?? AMAZING!!
Nov 21st 2013, 12:54
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:38PM
We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
#Tanzania: The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth
Nov 20th 2013, 21:25
#Tanzania: The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth
The Citizen Newspaper dated 9th November 2013 reported that:
Following misunderstanding on the issue of EAC, Uganda's government spokesman, Mr Ofwono Opondo accused the position of Tanzania in defending its land and jobs. Mr Opondo said Tanzania is playing domestic politics and is hesitant because of fears that Ugandans and Kenyans would come and grab its land and jobs. He stressed: "Tanzania should not use its internal weaknesses and failures and blame everything on Uganda and Kenya,"
In confusing young countries, colonial states use the style of forcing them by showing that one of the methods of solving their problems is initiating regional blocks to achieve economic and political cooperation among the states. However, on a broader view, the colonial states intend to reap more benefits and concentrate their objectives of plundering resources of these countries and promote their political influence.
The East African Community is not a new thing. The first organization died a shameful death through disagreements that have no comparison. This current organization even while incorporating more countries and having broad objectives, already there are disagreements, mistrust and conflicts even before attaining the stated objectives. This is without taking into account the wave of nationalism in each country.
As young countries are not independent and do not have an ideology, this causes any corporation to fail and die a shameful death. Today, Tanzania is hesitant on issues to do with employment and land. Kenya wants its landlocked neighbours to use its seaport. Other states look at this union through the angle of national benefits. Therefore, naturally, there is no union that will succeed.
The Ummah is not revived through unions rather through adopting a stable ideology which is Islam. Today, even those Western countries that implement the false ideology of Capitalism are not saved from nationalist and beneficial thoughts and mistrust among themselves. This leads to their unions like the European Union to be in a state of turmoil and disagreements that never end.
Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa
#Tanzania: The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth
The Citizen Newspaper dated 9th November 2013 reported that:
Following misunderstanding on the issue of EAC, Uganda's government spokesman, Mr Ofwono Opondo accused the position of Tanzania in defending its land and jobs. Mr Opondo said Tanzania is playing domestic politics and is hesitant because of fears that Ugandans and Kenyans would come and grab its land and jobs. He stressed: "Tanzania should not use its internal weaknesses and failures and blame everything on Uganda and Kenya,"
In confusing young countries, colonial states use the style of forcing them by showing that one of the methods of solving their problems is initiating regional blocks to achieve economic and political cooperation among the states. However, on a broader view, the colonial states intend to reap more benefits and concentrate their objectives of plundering resources of these countries and promote their political influence.
The East African Community is not a new thing. The first organization died a shameful death through disagreements that have no comparison. This current organization even while incorporating more countries and having broad objectives, already there are disagreements, mistrust and conflicts even before attaining the stated objectives. This is without taking into account the wave of nationalism in each country.
As young countries are not independent and do not have an ideology, this causes any corporation to fail and die a shameful death. Today, Tanzania is hesitant on issues to do with employment and land. Kenya wants its landlocked neighbours to use its seaport. Other states look at this union through the angle of national benefits. Therefore, naturally, there is no union that will succeed.
The Ummah is not revived through unions rather through adopting a stable ideology which is Islam. Today, even those Western countries that implement the false ideology of Capitalism are not saved from nationalist and beneficial thoughts and mistrust among themselves. This leads to their unions like the European Union to be in a state of turmoil and disagreements that never end.
Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:47PM
salafisten - Social Mention
Ob Sunniten oder Schiiten Hamdullah wir sind alle Moslems also bitte ich euch solche Diskussionen nicht auf diese Art hier zu führen diese Respektlosigkeit in eurer Wortwahl was das Thema betrifft ist nicht angebracht und ich glaube in einer Sache sind wir uns alle einig Religion und Facebook ist nicht miteinander vereinbar und es ist absolut die falsche Plattform für solche Diskussionen und ein Tipp man kann eine Mannschaft mögen oder leidenschaftlich die spiele verfolgen aber wenn man anfängt einzelne Personen ANZUGÖTZEN dann ist alles zu spät Good Night !!! Danke
Nov 20th 2013, 20:59
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:18PM
al-ansar - Social Mention
Onze soldats tués dans un attentat à la voiture piégée Onze soldats ont été tués et 34 blessés mercredi dans un attentat à la voiture piégée visant un convoi militaire dans le Sinaï égyptien. Les attaques contre les forces de l'ordre se sont multipliées depuis que l'armée a destitué en juillet le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi. L'explosion s'est produite sur une route près de la ville côtière d'El Arich au passage d'un convoi militaire qui se rendait au poste de Rafah, frontalier de la bande de Gaza, selon des responsables des services de sécurité. Certains des blessés sont grièvement atteints. Un peu plus tôt au Caire, quatre policiers ont été blessés quand des inconnus ont jeté une bombe sur un des innombrables postes de contrôle routier dans la capitale égyptienne. Les check-points ont été renforcés depuis mi-août, après que l'armée et la police y ont tué des centaines de manifestants pro-Morsi, début d'une implacable répression. Depuis, des dizaines de policiers et militaires ont été tués dans des attentats dans le Sinaï, en proie depuis longtemps à des insurrections de groupes armés jihadistes et de tribus de bédouins hostiles au pouvoir central. Liés à Al-Qaïda Le 19 août, une embuscade contre un convoi de policiers près de Rafah, le point de passage vers la bande de Gaza, avait fait 25 morts dans les rangs des policiers dans l'attaque la plus meurtrière depuis des années dans le Sinaï. Le 5 septembre au Caire, un kamikaze avait fait exploser prématurément sa voiture piégée au passage du convoi du ministre de l'Intérieur, accusé par les islamistes d'avoir orchestré le massacre du 14 août. Le ministre Mohamed Ibrahim est sorti indemne de cet attentat. La plupart des attaques récentes dans le Sinaï et au Caire ont été revendiquées par des groupes liés à Al-Qaïda, en représailles selon eux au "coup d'Etat" de l'armée et la répression sanglante qui s'est abattue sur les partisans de M. Morsi. Même si les attentats sont généralement revendiqués par des groupes jihadistes, le principal étant Ansar Beit al-Maqdess, qui a fait allégeance à Al-Qaïda, le gouvernement les attribue volontiers aux "terroristes" Frères musulmans. (ats / 20.11.2013 20h44)
Nov 20th 2013, 22:15
Onze soldats tués dans un attentat à la voiture piégée
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:25PM
bushido - Social Mention
Touchdown Bahrain. Awesome weather. Great people. Playing tonight at mai tai and tomorrow at Bushido. Peace
Nov 21st 2013, 16:20
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:51AM
khilafah - Social Mention
Sebuah fakta sejarah yang sengaja disembunyikan... Agar generasi yang duduk di bangku sekolah tidak mengetahui bahwa leluhurnya adalah bagian dari penduduk Khilafah.. Agar generasi ini mudah disesatkan opininya dengan slogan "khilafah" hanya budaya bangsa Arab, bukan budaya jawa..
Nov 21st 2013, 02:07
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:50AM
dawah - Social Mention
Bangkit dr kterpurukan&duka, tdklah mudah........! Tp mnyesali&meratapi trs apa yg tlah trjadi, bukalah solusi...........!!!! Met pgi sobat,mg kalian sht sll....!
Nov 21st 2013, 01:48
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:32AM
allahu akbar - Social Mention
badal ne jab jab badle he tebar ay he tab tab meri juba par narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allhuakbar narye takbir allahu akbar.
Nov 21st 2013, 02:28
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 07:08PM
New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
:) Das bekannteste Märchen über Syrien wäre wohl, dass Syrien eine Revolution er...
Nov 23rd 2013, 18:09
:) Das bekannteste Märchen über Syrien wäre wohl, dass Syrien eine Revolution erlebe. Aber lassen wir darauf eine Antwort von inteligenten Menschen gelten lassen.. Assad: "Eine Revolution wird normalerweise vom Volke gemacht, nicht durch aus dem Ausland importierte Leute, die gegen das Volk rebellieren."
Damit ist alles gesagt und wir versprechen, dass jede weitere auch noch so große Lüge ebenfalls aufgedeckt wird. Syrien wird leben, auch wenn es euch zuwider ist.
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:02PM
domeus - Neues von
Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14);jsessionid=525A275B810D38A8332FDDCFA3300861;dom61?gid=156714&mid=34802258
May 16th 2013, 08:33
news: Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) (16.05.2013 08:33 CEST)
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