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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 11:36AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Kay One sein Statement, dass er bei diesem "PR Beef" nicht mit machen will, ist absolut lächerlich und das er seinen Song innerhalb 1 Woche geschrieben und aufgenommen hat genauso, denn ich erinnere Mich an die ankündigungen von wegen "ich werde alles auspacken und dieses "auspacken" hat Monate lang gedauert .. Und was Prinz Markus von Schwanzhalt geschrieben hat, von wegen Bushido würde ohne Kay keinen Hit kriegen und wäre ein Nichts .. alter !? Der Mann war schon vor Kay durch Rap, Millionär ! Und 1,6 Millionen Klicks nach 16 Stunden sprechen für sich .. #omgsiehabenkennygetötet
    Nov 23rd 2013, 11:32
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 kafir - Social Mention: Al-A'la 1-19 (Yg Paling Tinggi) Sucikanlah nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi. yang menciptakan, dan menyempurnakan (penciptaan-Nya) dan yang menentukan kadar (masing-masing) dan memberi petunjuk dan yang menumbuhkan rumput-rumputan lalu dijadikan-Nya rumput-rumput itu kering kehitam-hitaman Kami akan membecakan (Al-Quran) kepadamu (Muhammad) maka kamu tidak akan lupa kecuali kalau Allah menghendaki. sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui yang terang dan yang tersembunyi dan Kami akan memberi kamu taufik ke jalan yang mudah oleh sebab itu berikanlah peringatan karena peringatan itu bermanfaat orang yang takut kepada Allah akan mendapat pelajaran dan orang yang celaka (kafir) akan menjauhinya yaitu orang yg akan memasuki api yg besar (neraka) kemudian dia tidak akan mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang membersihkan diri (dengan beriman) dan dia ingat nama Tuhannya, lalu dia sembahyang tetapi kamu memilih kehidupan duniawi sedang kehidupan akhirat adalah lebih baik dan lebih kekal sesungguhnya ini benar-benar terdapat dalam kitab-kitab yg dahulu yaitu kitab-kitab Ibrahim dan Musa
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:49AM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Al-A'la 1-19 (Yg Paling Tinggi) Sucikanlah nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi. yang menciptakan, dan menyempurnakan (penciptaan-Nya) dan yang menentukan kadar (masing-masing) dan memberi petunjuk dan yang menumbuhkan rumput-rumputan lalu dijadikan-Nya rumput-rumput itu kering kehitam-hitaman Kami akan membecakan (Al-Quran) kepadamu (Muhammad) maka kamu tidak akan lupa kecuali kalau Allah menghendaki. sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui yang terang dan yang tersembunyi dan Kami akan memberi kamu taufik ke jalan yang mudah oleh sebab itu berikanlah peringatan karena peringatan itu bermanfaat orang yang takut kepada Allah akan mendapat pelajaran dan orang yang celaka (kafir) akan menjauhinya yaitu orang yg akan memasuki api yg besar (neraka) kemudian dia tidak akan mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang membersihkan diri (dengan beriman) dan dia ingat nama Tuhannya, lalu dia sembahyang tetapi kamu memilih kehidupan duniawi sedang kehidupan akhirat adalah lebih baik dan lebih kekal sesungguhnya ini benar-benar terdapat dalam kitab-kitab yg dahulu yaitu kitab-kitab Ibrahim dan Musa
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:48
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 islamist - Social Mention: Al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility in Beirut bombings - 1 day ago BEIRUT -- An al Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings that struck outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut on ... Al-Qaeda Group in Lebanon Claims Responsibility for Iran Embassy Bombing TIME - 1 day ago Iran blames Israel for Beirut blasts as Al-Qaeda offshoot lays claim RT - 1 day ago Al-Qaida-linked group claims responsibility for deadly Beirut attack ... 1 day ago - An Al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings that struck outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut on Tuesday, killing 23 people, including an .... zulu zulu zulu - what are we going to do about you. Al Qaeda-linked suicide bombings kill 23 at Iranian Embassy in Beirut 1 day ago - A TERRORIST group linked with Al Qaeda claimed responsibility Tuesday for twin suicide bombings at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut that killed 23, including ... Beirut street is strewn with wreckage after Al Qaeda-linked suicide blasts ... Daily News Readers alert: Going forward, the Daily News will require ... BBC News - Lebanon suicide blasts hit Iran's embassy in Beirut 19 hours ago - The attack on the embassy has been claimed by a Lebanese group, but one fighting in Syria with the rebels. ... Beirut braces for reaction to bombing. The head of the al-Qaeda-linked group described the attack as a "double ... our hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable attack.". Iran Embassy Attack in Beirut Comes 30 Years After Deadly ... › News 1 day ago - Iran reflexively blamed Israel for the twin bombing of its embassy, but it was an al- Qaeda affiliate that claimed responsibility for the attack, the ... Armed group says it carried out Beirut blasts - Middle East - Al ... ► 2:10► 2:10 1 day ago A Lebanese group linked to al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for Tuesday's double suicide bombing ... Iran & Syria Accuse Israel in Beirut Suicide Bombings FrontPage ... 1 day ago - An al-Qaida-linked Sunni group known as the Abdullah Azzam ... finger at Israel as bearing the primary responsibility for the suicide bombings. ... The latest suicide bombings in Beirut were a continuation of this pattern, he claimed, with .... hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable ... Al Qaeda affiliate claims responsibility for Beirut bombings (01:47) 1 day ago - An al Qaeda linked group claims responsibility for deadly twin bomb blasts that rocked the Iranian embassy in Beirut. ... If you have trouble accessing our login form below, you can go to our login page. If you have trouble ... State of emergency in Sardinia after strike by Cyclone Cleopatra (Video Thumbnail). BEIRUT: Suicide bombings at Iran Embassy in Beirut kill 23 Nation ... 1 day ago - An al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide ... said "our hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable ... Beirut Blasts Kill 23 - 1 day ago - An al Qaeda-linked Islamist group claimed responsibility for the blasts, which ... BEIRUT—Twin suicide bombs blew up Tuesday outside the Iranian ... hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable attack ... Al Qaeda affiliate claims responsibility for Beirut bombings (01:47) 1 day ago - An al Qaeda linked group claims responsibility for deadly twin bomb blasts that rocked the Iranian embassy in Beirut. ... If you have trouble accessing our login form below, you can go to our login page. If you have trouble ... Selections. Dozens trapped after South Africa mall collapse (Video Thumbnail).
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:00AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility in Beirut bombings - 1 day ago BEIRUT -- An al Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings that struck outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut on ... Al-Qaeda Group in Lebanon Claims Responsibility for Iran Embassy Bombing TIME - 1 day ago Iran blames Israel for Beirut blasts as Al-Qaeda offshoot lays claim RT - 1 day ago Al-Qaida-linked group claims responsibility for deadly Beirut attack ... 1 day ago - An Al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings that struck outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut on Tuesday, killing 23 people, including an .... zulu zulu zulu - what are we going to do about you. Al Qaeda-linked suicide bombings kill 23 at Iranian Embassy in Beirut 1 day ago - A TERRORIST group linked with Al Qaeda claimed responsibility Tuesday for twin suicide bombings at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut that killed 23, including ... Beirut street is strewn with wreckage after Al Qaeda-linked suicide blasts ... Daily News Readers alert: Going forward, the Daily News will require ... BBC News - Lebanon suicide blasts hit Iran's embassy in Beirut 19 hours ago - The attack on the embassy has been claimed by a Lebanese group, but one fighting in Syria with the rebels. ... Beirut braces for reaction to bombing. The head of the al-Qaeda-linked group described the attack as a "double ... our hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable attack.". Iran Embassy Attack in Beirut Comes 30 Years After Deadly ... › News 1 day ago - Iran reflexively blamed Israel for the twin bombing of its embassy, but it was an al- Qaeda affiliate that claimed responsibility for the attack, the ... Armed group says it carried out Beirut blasts - Middle East - Al ... ► 2:10► 2:10 1 day ago A Lebanese group linked to al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for Tuesday's double suicide bombing ... Iran & Syria Accuse Israel in Beirut Suicide Bombings FrontPage ... 1 day ago - An al-Qaida-linked Sunni group known as the Abdullah Azzam ... finger at Israel as bearing the primary responsibility for the suicide bombings. ... The latest suicide bombings in Beirut were a continuation of this pattern, he claimed, with .... hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable ... Al Qaeda affiliate claims responsibility for Beirut bombings (01:47) 1 day ago - An al Qaeda linked group claims responsibility for deadly twin bomb blasts that rocked the Iranian embassy in Beirut. ... If you have trouble accessing our login form below, you can go to our login page. If you have trouble ... State of emergency in Sardinia after strike by Cyclone Cleopatra (Video Thumbnail). BEIRUT: Suicide bombings at Iran Embassy in Beirut kill 23 Nation ... 1 day ago - An al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for twin suicide ... said "our hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable ... Beirut Blasts Kill 23 - 1 day ago - An al Qaeda-linked Islamist group claimed responsibility for the blasts, which ... BEIRUT—Twin suicide bombs blew up Tuesday outside the Iranian ... hearts go out to the Iranian people after this violent and unjustifiable attack ... Al Qaeda affiliate claims responsibility for Beirut bombings (01:47) 1 day ago - An al Qaeda linked group claims responsibility for deadly twin bomb blasts that rocked the Iranian embassy in Beirut. ... If you have trouble accessing our login form below, you can go to our login page. If you have trouble ... Selections. Dozens trapped after South Africa mall collapse (Video Thumbnail).
    Nov 21st 2013, 05:51
    Lebanese officials say Ebrahim Ansari killed in explosions targeting Iranian embassy; at least 23 killed and 146 wounded.
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Dicari! Sumber Kepercayaan Umat...... BELUM lama ini Direktur Indonesia Research Centre Jakarta, Agus Sudibyo, dalam harian Kompas (25/09/2013), melaporkan bahwa hasil hitung cepat beberapa lembaga survei menunjukkan angka golongan putih (golput) dalam Pilkada Jawa Timur yang baru berakhir: 40 persen. Kenyataan ini kian menegaskan kegelisahan tentang rendahnya minat masyarakat terhadap suksesi kepemimpinan. Kasus di Jawa Timur tak sendirian. Pilkada Jawa Tengah beberapa bulan lalu menghasilkan golput 48 persen. Pilkada Jawa Barat Februari 2013 dimenangi pemilih golput dengan 36 persen. Yang paling fenomenal tentu saja Pilkada Sumatera Utara: golput 60 persen. Kenapa pemenangnya adalah golput? Kesimpulannya warga Jawa Timur memilih atau terpaksa menjadi golput bisa karena apatis terhadap politik atau karena alasan teknis dan alasan politis-rasional. Edelman Trust Barometer 2013, sebuah lembaga survei asing, pun tertarik mengupas fenomena hiruk pikuk jalannya proses demokrasi di negeri ini. Menurut CEO Edelman Indonesia, Stephen Lock, mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah meningkat dari 40 persen pada 2012 menjadi 47 persen pada 2013. Hasil surveinya menyimpulkan sebagian besar responden mempersepsikan pemimpin bisnis dan pemerintahan sebagai orang-orang yang kurang dapat dipercaya dan kurang mampu dalam memecahkan masalah sosial dan membuat keputusan dengan pertimbangan etika dan moral yang tepat. Meski ada peningkatan prosentase, namun kesimpulan hasil survei patut untuk dijadikan evaluasi dan instropeksi diri. Inilah potret dunia politik, sosial kemasyarakatan, dan kehidupan berbangsa bernegara di negeri kita tercinta, NKRI. Betapa tidak mudahnya menumbuhkan trust (kepercayaan) rakyat terhadap para pemimpin-pemimpinnya. Begitupun sebaliknya, para calon-calon pemimpin harus kerja ekstra-keras hanya sekedar berebut meraih trust rakyat agar mau memilihnya sebagai seorang pemimpin. Kerja ekstra-keras itu tidak hanya sekedar fisik tapi juga finansial. Sekedar untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin di desa saja, sudah harus menyiapkan uang puluhan juta. Apalagi ingin jadi pemimpin di tingkat lebih tinggi lagi. Sungguh, sumber trust (kepercayaan) di negeri ini sangat mahal harganya. Bila sebuah trust itupun terbeli, hasil akhirnya belum tentu juga membawa kemaslahatan bagi yang mempercayainya sebagai pemimpin. Adakah sumber trust yang lebih murah? Sumber Kepercayaan Umat Adalah Muhammad bin Ja'far pernah bercerita, suatu ketika datang rombongan Nasrani Najran menemui Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم . "Ya Abalqasim," kata utusan itu, "Datangkanlah utusanmu ke negeri kami untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang kami hadapi. Kami betul-betul ridha dan yakin terhadap kaum Muslimin." Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم menyanggupinya dan menjanjikan kepada mereka seraya berkata, "Esok hari aku akan mengutus bersama kalian seorang yang benar-benar terpercaya, benar-benar terpercaya, benar-benar terpercaya." Rasululah menyebut "amin" (terpercaya) sampai diulanginya tiga kali. Tak lama kemudian beritapun tersebar di tengah-tengah para sahabat ra. Masing-masing ingin ditunjuk oleh Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم menjadi utusan. Umar ra mengungkapkan, "Aku benar-benar mengharap agar aku ditunjuk Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم untuk menduduki jabatan itu. Aku sengaja mengangkat kepalaku agar beliau bisa melihatku dan mengutusku untuk menduduki jabatan yang diamanatkannya." Rasul صلى الله عليه و سلم masih tetap mencari seseorang, sehingga beliau melihat Abu Ubaidah dan berkata, "Wahai Abu Ubaidah, pergilah engkau bersama-sama dengan penduduk Najran. Jalankan hukum-hukum dengan penuh kebenaran terhadap segala apa yang mereka perselisihkan." Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم pernah bersabda yang maksudnya, "Setiap umat mempunyai sumber kepercayaan, sumber kepercayaan umat ini adalah Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah." Itulah penghargaan 'bintang mahaputra' yang diterima oleh Abu Ubaidah dari Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم. Penghargaan yang tidak diberikan Rasulullah kepada sahabat yang lainnya. Memang kalau dilihat dari kenyataan yang ada Abu Ubaidah layak mendapatkan gelar seperti itu. Sekalipun ia tidak mengharapkannya. Dari sosok tubuhnya yang tinggi, kurus tapi bersih, tampak disana tersimpan sifat-sifat mulia yang tidak dimiliki orang lain. Jujur, tawadhu', pemalu itulah di antara sifat yang paling menonjol dari Abu 'Ubaidah bin Jarrah r.a. Tapi ini bukan berarti, bahwa Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم tidak percaya kepada sahabat yang lainnya. Abdullah bin 'Umar pernah menjelaskan perwatakan Abu Ubaidah ini, "Tiga lelaki Quraish yang paling berseri wajahnya, paling baik akhlaknya, dan paling teguh sifat malunya; Jika mereka berkata kepadamu, mereka tidak berdusta. Jika kamu berkata kepada mereka, mereka tidak akan mendustakannya. Mereka adalah Abu Bakar, Utsman bin 'Affan dan Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah." Berendah Hati Begitulah potret nyata dunia 'perpolitikan' dan sosial kemasyarakatan yang luar biasa telah dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم dan para shahabatnya. Bukankah teladan dari seorang Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah sudah seharusnya menjadi blue print bagi para calon pemimpin dan bagi pemimpin untuk meraih trust rakyat yang dipimpinnya. Persyaratan utama yang dibutuhkan seorang pemimpin adalah jujur, tawadu' (rendah hati) dan pemalu. Jujur dalam mengemban amanah jabatan. Bila memberikan laporan pertanggungjawaban kepada rakyatnya tidak suka berdusta. Kemudian tawadhu' (rendah hati) kepada rakyat-rakyatnya, karena pada hakekatnya pemimpin adalah pelayan bagi rakyat. Bukan malah sebaliknya, pemimpin selalu ingin mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih istimewa. Lalu, malu bila sebagai pemimpin tidak bisa memenuhi janji-janjinya ketika berkampanye. Malu bila sebagai pemimpin tidak lagi amanah dalam kepemimpinannya. Semoga seluruh pemimpin dan calon pemimpin di negeri ini benar-benar mau berusaha memiliki akhlak mulia, seperti jujur, tawadhu', malu dan lain sebagainya. Niscaya, menjadi sumber kepercayaan tidak akan mahal, takkan mudah dibeli dan pasti dicari.* Penulis adalah Guru Madrasah Aliyah As Sholchah Warungdowo, Pasuruan Jawa Bintang Timur
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:54PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Dicari! Sumber Kepercayaan Umat...... BELUM lama ini Direktur Indonesia Research Centre Jakarta, Agus Sudibyo, dalam harian Kompas (25/09/2013), melaporkan bahwa hasil hitung cepat beberapa lembaga survei menunjukkan angka golongan putih (golput) dalam Pilkada Jawa Timur yang baru berakhir: 40 persen. Kenyataan ini kian menegaskan kegelisahan tentang rendahnya minat masyarakat terhadap suksesi kepemimpinan. Kasus di Jawa Timur tak sendirian. Pilkada Jawa Tengah beberapa bulan lalu menghasilkan golput 48 persen. Pilkada Jawa Barat Februari 2013 dimenangi pemilih golput dengan 36 persen. Yang paling fenomenal tentu saja Pilkada Sumatera Utara: golput 60 persen. Kenapa pemenangnya adalah golput? Kesimpulannya warga Jawa Timur memilih atau terpaksa menjadi golput bisa karena apatis terhadap politik atau karena alasan teknis dan alasan politis-rasional. Edelman Trust Barometer 2013, sebuah lembaga survei asing, pun tertarik mengupas fenomena hiruk pikuk jalannya proses demokrasi di negeri ini. Menurut CEO Edelman Indonesia, Stephen Lock, mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah meningkat dari 40 persen pada 2012 menjadi 47 persen pada 2013. Hasil surveinya menyimpulkan sebagian besar responden mempersepsikan pemimpin bisnis dan pemerintahan sebagai orang-orang yang kurang dapat dipercaya dan kurang mampu dalam memecahkan masalah sosial dan membuat keputusan dengan pertimbangan etika dan moral yang tepat. Meski ada peningkatan prosentase, namun kesimpulan hasil survei patut untuk dijadikan evaluasi dan instropeksi diri. Inilah potret dunia politik, sosial kemasyarakatan, dan kehidupan berbangsa bernegara di negeri kita tercinta, NKRI. Betapa tidak mudahnya menumbuhkan trust (kepercayaan) rakyat terhadap para pemimpin-pemimpinnya. Begitupun sebaliknya, para calon-calon pemimpin harus kerja ekstra-keras hanya sekedar berebut meraih trust rakyat agar mau memilihnya sebagai seorang pemimpin. Kerja ekstra-keras itu tidak hanya sekedar fisik tapi juga finansial. Sekedar untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin di desa saja, sudah harus menyiapkan uang puluhan juta. Apalagi ingin jadi pemimpin di tingkat lebih tinggi lagi. Sungguh, sumber trust (kepercayaan) di negeri ini sangat mahal harganya. Bila sebuah trust itupun terbeli, hasil akhirnya belum tentu juga membawa kemaslahatan bagi yang mempercayainya sebagai pemimpin. Adakah sumber trust yang lebih murah? Sumber Kepercayaan Umat Adalah Muhammad bin Ja'far pernah bercerita, suatu ketika datang rombongan Nasrani Najran menemui Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم . "Ya Abalqasim," kata utusan itu, "Datangkanlah utusanmu ke negeri kami untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang kami hadapi. Kami betul-betul ridha dan yakin terhadap kaum Muslimin." Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم menyanggupinya dan menjanjikan kepada mereka seraya berkata, "Esok hari aku akan mengutus bersama kalian seorang yang benar-benar terpercaya, benar-benar terpercaya, benar-benar terpercaya." Rasululah menyebut "amin" (terpercaya) sampai diulanginya tiga kali. Tak lama kemudian beritapun tersebar di tengah-tengah para sahabat ra. Masing-masing ingin ditunjuk oleh Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم menjadi utusan. Umar ra mengungkapkan, "Aku benar-benar mengharap agar aku ditunjuk Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم untuk menduduki jabatan itu. Aku sengaja mengangkat kepalaku agar beliau bisa melihatku dan mengutusku untuk menduduki jabatan yang diamanatkannya." Rasul صلى الله عليه و سلم masih tetap mencari seseorang, sehingga beliau melihat Abu Ubaidah dan berkata, "Wahai Abu Ubaidah, pergilah engkau bersama-sama dengan penduduk Najran. Jalankan hukum-hukum dengan penuh kebenaran terhadap segala apa yang mereka perselisihkan." Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم pernah bersabda yang maksudnya, "Setiap umat mempunyai sumber kepercayaan, sumber kepercayaan umat ini adalah Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah." Itulah penghargaan 'bintang mahaputra' yang diterima oleh Abu Ubaidah dari Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم. Penghargaan yang tidak diberikan Rasulullah kepada sahabat yang lainnya. Memang kalau dilihat dari kenyataan yang ada Abu Ubaidah layak mendapatkan gelar seperti itu. Sekalipun ia tidak mengharapkannya. Dari sosok tubuhnya yang tinggi, kurus tapi bersih, tampak disana tersimpan sifat-sifat mulia yang tidak dimiliki orang lain. Jujur, tawadhu', pemalu itulah di antara sifat yang paling menonjol dari Abu 'Ubaidah bin Jarrah r.a. Tapi ini bukan berarti, bahwa Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم tidak percaya kepada sahabat yang lainnya. Abdullah bin 'Umar pernah menjelaskan perwatakan Abu Ubaidah ini, "Tiga lelaki Quraish yang paling berseri wajahnya, paling baik akhlaknya, dan paling teguh sifat malunya; Jika mereka berkata kepadamu, mereka tidak berdusta. Jika kamu berkata kepada mereka, mereka tidak akan mendustakannya. Mereka adalah Abu Bakar, Utsman bin 'Affan dan Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah." Berendah Hati Begitulah potret nyata dunia 'perpolitikan' dan sosial kemasyarakatan yang luar biasa telah dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم dan para shahabatnya. Bukankah teladan dari seorang Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah sudah seharusnya menjadi blue print bagi para calon pemimpin dan bagi pemimpin untuk meraih trust rakyat yang dipimpinnya. Persyaratan utama yang dibutuhkan seorang pemimpin adalah jujur, tawadu' (rendah hati) dan pemalu. Jujur dalam mengemban amanah jabatan. Bila memberikan laporan pertanggungjawaban kepada rakyatnya tidak suka berdusta. Kemudian tawadhu' (rendah hati) kepada rakyat-rakyatnya, karena pada hakekatnya pemimpin adalah pelayan bagi rakyat. Bukan malah sebaliknya, pemimpin selalu ingin mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih istimewa. Lalu, malu bila sebagai pemimpin tidak bisa memenuhi janji-janjinya ketika berkampanye. Malu bila sebagai pemimpin tidak lagi amanah dalam kepemimpinannya. Semoga seluruh pemimpin dan calon pemimpin di negeri ini benar-benar mau berusaha memiliki akhlak mulia, seperti jujur, tawadhu', malu dan lain sebagainya. Niscaya, menjadi sumber kepercayaan tidak akan mahal, takkan mudah dibeli dan pasti dicari.* Penulis adalah Guru Madrasah Aliyah As Sholchah Warungdowo, Pasuruan Jawa Bintang Timur
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:52
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:13AM  

    MEDIA CRASH News Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASH News Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syrische Luftwaffe eliminiert Ex-Rapper Deso Do...
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:19

    Syrische Luftwaffe eliminiert Ex-Rapper Deso Dogg

    Der ursprüngliche aus Afrika stammende Deso Dog stirbt in Syrien durch einen Luftangriff der Regierungstruppen.

    Laut Medien soll er durch einen Luftangriff der Syrischen Arabischen Armee gestorben sein.

    Der vor kurzem konvertierte Jihadist gelangte in Hände von Extremisten. Er schloss sich einer Terrororganisation namens FSA an.

    Der Berliner Gangsta-Rapper Deso Dogg tauchte 2012 unter und drohte in Hassvideos mit Anschlägen auf deutsche Einrichtungen in der Türkei. Einen solchen Mann konnte die Freie Syrische Armee gut gebrauchen, als nützlichen Idioten.
    Syrische Luftwaffe eliminiert Ex-Rapper Deso Dogg - International Business Times
    Der ursprüngliche aus Afrika stammende Deso Dog stirbt in Syrien durch einen Luftangriff der Regierungstruppen.
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 islamist - Social Mention: REJECT THE TYRANNY OF DEMOCRACY ! Join Globalfirm a.k.a. Human Rights The New religion. Ethically correct: Globalfirm Globalfirm aims at reclaiming the human's inherent ethical (ethics=humanrights+ecology) responsibility, connection to nature and love, that has been hijacked over time by unethical management/tyranny. People that are not holistically satisfied with the goals & achievements of the ethical(humanistic/humanitarian&ecological) reform movement and believe it's inefficient & unecological: Join Globalfirm, the coherent solution. Organize to make globalfirm voteable. Globalfirm is a global public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. "What would be if you wouldnt have to pay for ecological electricity?" Globalfirm is the coherent solution to ethics Globalfirm is a global public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. ETHICAL(Ethics=humanrights&ecology) MANAGEMENT:Globalfirm Instead of initiatives for: •Water as human-right •Sustainable management of resources •Greenpeace-protests •freedom of political prisinors, against torture, sedition, persecution, for freedom of speech, for women's equality, against persecution of homosexuals, female genital mutilation, circumcision of children, forced marriage/ pedophilia, trafficking, forced prostitution, slave-work and child labor in sharia-dictatorships and other dictatorships •just payment/minimum wages/basic income •human rights •support of creativity •global identity/culture/, global thinking, acting globally •for ecology •against fracking •against weapon exports to dictatorships •balancing out of labor/ voluntary based labor •against planned obsolescence •against manipulation in the media •for ecological progress/improvement in technology •global security •against production of nuclear waste •for animal rights •more fairness in trade/ against capitalism •against coal plants •better service and interaction •more transparency •ecologically produced clothes etc. •against homelesness and poverty •against dogmas and uncooperating establishments •freedom •against racist, national and ideological sedition •for automization of work-processes •ethical use of mass-production •the protection of nature/ nature conservation •ethical management •quality of life •love/ promotion of love •free, healthy and ethical health-care •free healthy organic food/meals/restaurants, solutions for regular, vegetarian & vegan diet, no animal-rights-abusing 'ritual slaughters' •investigation/research into proof of hiv, downside of vaccines, chemtrails-investigation, downside of genetically modified food and so on •non smoker's rights/air-protection/global legalization of weed and alcohol •wind-energy •use of hemp in production (for efficiency & no pesticides needed) •suppport/protection of self-sufficiency projects •global travel/relocation (I recommend astromap (locational astrology on •improvement/cultivation of free, ecological, public-transport, with free support for bicycles, wheelchairs also on busses •freedom to abortion (free choice of partner: if you dont want abortions to happen, find a girl that is in approve of it) •recycling •cultivation of free, unforced, ethical, satisfactory educational ways/education model/ support of creativity •safe chemicals •free dating website •cultivation of ethical infrastructure for bicycles, (electronic) wheelchairs and similar •free electronic wheelchairs •english as official, global language •hygeine •against virginity-tests •fitness & wellness •free computer-virus protection •etc: Globalfirm. Converting to islam is NOT the only chance to survive! Join Globalfirm a.k.a. Human rights the new religion. Too long islamic tyranny has been tolerated for the cost of countless innocent lifes. It's time to say no to islam-tyranny since muhammad, here & anywhere. Instead of mosques: "MEMORIALS FOR THE DEATH- AND TORTURE-VICTIMS OF THE JIHAD-WAR AND SHARIA-TYRANNY SINCE MUHAMMAD" Mosques are a trojan horse for a sharia-tyranny and jihad-war, like nuclear plants are a trojan horse for the permanent destruction of our planet. Do we want a society of tolerance or of confidence, a society of human rights or of a sharia-tyranny with an unproven god? We need an ethical (ethics: humanrights, ecology and animal rights), dominant, mainstream, guiding culture: We need to establish Globalfirm, for a life-standard and support for creativity. Globalfirm is a flexible, global, public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. Help to make Globalfirm voteable and to establish it today. - People, go to the office dedicated to memorials near you and strive to bring about a: MEMORIAL FOR THE DEATH- AND TORTURE-VICTIMS BY THE JIHAD-WAR AND SHARIA-TYRANNY SINCE MUHAMMAD - The reformation of islam demands from people associated to islam to accuse their very own prophet of crimes against humanity and sedition for a sharia-tyranny and jihad-war. - People have to understand that to create an ethical system means a win-win attitude. Advance the cause of Globalfirm to make it happen today. - Globalfirm is a global public office, official body, ensuring the cultivation of free ecological, best quality basics and a free base for creatives. -Joke: "In america muslims live in ghettos: in the white/ wash house." Gastronomy: Non halal - certified food alternative protecting animal rights not more expensive, maybe cheaper, certified non-halal. The system is too inflexible to satisfy the citizen's needs. Globalfirm aims at bringing that flexibility in an ethical (humanitarian, humanistic, ecological) system. Flexibility in work, to travel, for self-realization. STOP THE BOYCOTT AGAINST ETHICAL (ETHICS=HUMAN RIGHTS+ECOLOGY+ANIMAL RIGHTS) MANAGEMENT!: STOP THE BOYCOTT AGAINST GLOBALFIRM !! WOMEN TAKE OF THE ISLAMIC HEADSCARFS/BURQUAS AS PROTEST AGAINST THE JIHAD-WAR SINCE MUHAMMAD AND AS SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE KILLED AND TORTURED BY THE JIHAD-WAR SINCE MUHAMMAD. When free speech is dedicated to implenting human rights globally like being directed against the sharia tyranny and exposing islamism's muhammad's crimes against humanity and his sedition for a global sharia-tyranny, its obviously not hate speech but an ethical and fundamental reformation of islamism. Halal is against animal rights Shariatyranny is against human rights! Boycott halal. Speak out about jihadwar and shariatyranny! Cameron twittered that he is sick of the terror attacks performed by islamist terrorist faction al-shabab in the kenya mall massacre 2013. Is he also sick of the massacres, terror and tortures performed by muhammad? If yes, why doesnt he pronounce it? If no, I'm calling him a hypocrite and his approach to the sharia-tyranny since muhammad and his intimidation on free speech concerning ethics and the sharia-tyranny an insult of my dignity as ethical freethinker. - Join Globalfirm! 'People in authority treating the sharia dictatorship with respect are criminally irresponsible and have to be taken out of office.' How the world created a sharia-dictatorship in northern parts of nigeria: The media looked away as thousands have been massacred, girls abducted and forced to be sex-slaves. The president of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan first claimed he wouldnt need security help, when he did no one came. I said lets protect the people, who listened? Is it over? Not for them, nor for me.. People in authority treating the sharia dictatorship with respect are criminally irresponsible and have to be taken out of office. STOP Obama-C.A.I.R. ! Google: obama foundation sharia education kenya . From what I understand Obama's brother runs the 'Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation' trying to establish a global sharia-dictatorship and educating youth in that matter in saudi arabia and elsewhere. Boko haram (nigeria/near cameroon...) the most massacring sharia terrorist faction in the world is not put on the terrorist list by the white wash house (now it is on the list) and needs to be stopped now. Nigeria's president Goodluck Jonathan requested security help but no government or Nato.. answered from what I know. _ If we dont want to have a global sharia dictatorship WE HAVE TO ACT NOW TO STOP 'BOKO HARAM' IN NIGERIA/CAMEROON! The earth is not a playground for unethical games. On this earth we have human rights. Ethics=humanrights+ecology The only way that would improve quality, also ecologically, physically and service-like is Globalfirm, not the betraying, private-firm-centric-sect-jungle of free trade capitalism. PLEASE LIKE MY PAGE GLOBALFIRM AND ALSO MOVEMENT FOR GLOBAL IDENTITY and the other Globalfirm-pages
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:57AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    REJECT THE TYRANNY OF DEMOCRACY ! Join Globalfirm a.k.a. Human Rights The New religion. Ethically correct: Globalfirm Globalfirm aims at reclaiming the human's inherent ethical (ethics=humanrights+ecology) responsibility, connection to nature and love, that has been hijacked over time by unethical management/tyranny. People that are not holistically satisfied with the goals & achievements of the ethical(humanistic/humanitarian&ecological) reform movement and believe it's inefficient & unecological: Join Globalfirm, the coherent solution. Organize to make globalfirm voteable. Globalfirm is a global public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. "What would be if you wouldnt have to pay for ecological electricity?" Globalfirm is the coherent solution to ethics Globalfirm is a global public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. ETHICAL(Ethics=humanrights&ecology) MANAGEMENT:Globalfirm Instead of initiatives for: •Water as human-right •Sustainable management of resources •Greenpeace-protests •freedom of political prisinors, against torture, sedition, persecution, for freedom of speech, for women's equality, against persecution of homosexuals, female genital mutilation, circumcision of children, forced marriage/ pedophilia, trafficking, forced prostitution, slave-work and child labor in sharia-dictatorships and other dictatorships •just payment/minimum wages/basic income •human rights •support of creativity •global identity/culture/, global thinking, acting globally •for ecology •against fracking •against weapon exports to dictatorships •balancing out of labor/ voluntary based labor •against planned obsolescence •against manipulation in the media •for ecological progress/improvement in technology •global security •against production of nuclear waste •for animal rights •more fairness in trade/ against capitalism •against coal plants •better service and interaction •more transparency •ecologically produced clothes etc. •against homelesness and poverty •against dogmas and uncooperating establishments •freedom •against racist, national and ideological sedition •for automization of work-processes •ethical use of mass-production •the protection of nature/ nature conservation •ethical management •quality of life •love/ promotion of love •free, healthy and ethical health-care •free healthy organic food/meals/restaurants, solutions for regular, vegetarian & vegan diet, no animal-rights-abusing 'ritual slaughters' •investigation/research into proof of hiv, downside of vaccines, chemtrails-investigation, downside of genetically modified food and so on •non smoker's rights/air-protection/global legalization of weed and alcohol •wind-energy •use of hemp in production (for efficiency & no pesticides needed) •suppport/protection of self-sufficiency projects •global travel/relocation (I recommend astromap (locational astrology on •improvement/cultivation of free, ecological, public-transport, with free support for bicycles, wheelchairs also on busses •freedom to abortion (free choice of partner: if you dont want abortions to happen, find a girl that is in approve of it) •recycling •cultivation of free, unforced, ethical, satisfactory educational ways/education model/ support of creativity •safe chemicals •free dating website •cultivation of ethical infrastructure for bicycles, (electronic) wheelchairs and similar •free electronic wheelchairs •english as official, global language •hygeine •against virginity-tests •fitness & wellness •free computer-virus protection •etc: Globalfirm. Converting to islam is NOT the only chance to survive! Join Globalfirm a.k.a. Human rights the new religion. Too long islamic tyranny has been tolerated for the cost of countless innocent lifes. It's time to say no to islam-tyranny since muhammad, here & anywhere. Instead of mosques: "MEMORIALS FOR THE DEATH- AND TORTURE-VICTIMS OF THE JIHAD-WAR AND SHARIA-TYRANNY SINCE MUHAMMAD" Mosques are a trojan horse for a sharia-tyranny and jihad-war, like nuclear plants are a trojan horse for the permanent destruction of our planet. Do we want a society of tolerance or of confidence, a society of human rights or of a sharia-tyranny with an unproven god? We need an ethical (ethics: humanrights, ecology and animal rights), dominant, mainstream, guiding culture: We need to establish Globalfirm, for a life-standard and support for creativity. Globalfirm is a flexible, global, public authority, official body ensuring the cultivation of free, ecological, best-quality basics and a free base for creatives. Help to make Globalfirm voteable and to establish it today. - People, go to the office dedicated to memorials near you and strive to bring about a: MEMORIAL FOR THE DEATH- AND TORTURE-VICTIMS BY THE JIHAD-WAR AND SHARIA-TYRANNY SINCE MUHAMMAD - The reformation of islam demands from people associated to islam to accuse their very own prophet of crimes against humanity and sedition for a sharia-tyranny and jihad-war. - People have to understand that to create an ethical system means a win-win attitude. Advance the cause of Globalfirm to make it happen today. - Globalfirm is a global public office, official body, ensuring the cultivation of free ecological, best quality basics and a free base for creatives. -Joke: "In america muslims live in ghettos: in the white/ wash house." Gastronomy: Non halal - certified food alternative protecting animal rights not more expensive, maybe cheaper, certified non-halal. The system is too inflexible to satisfy the citizen's needs. Globalfirm aims at bringing that flexibility in an ethical (humanitarian, humanistic, ecological) system. Flexibility in work, to travel, for self-realization. STOP THE BOYCOTT AGAINST ETHICAL (ETHICS=HUMAN RIGHTS+ECOLOGY+ANIMAL RIGHTS) MANAGEMENT!: STOP THE BOYCOTT AGAINST GLOBALFIRM !! WOMEN TAKE OF THE ISLAMIC HEADSCARFS/BURQUAS AS PROTEST AGAINST THE JIHAD-WAR SINCE MUHAMMAD AND AS SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE KILLED AND TORTURED BY THE JIHAD-WAR SINCE MUHAMMAD. When free speech is dedicated to implenting human rights globally like being directed against the sharia tyranny and exposing islamism's muhammad's crimes against humanity and his sedition for a global sharia-tyranny, its obviously not hate speech but an ethical and fundamental reformation of islamism. Halal is against animal rights Shariatyranny is against human rights! Boycott halal. Speak out about jihadwar and shariatyranny! Cameron twittered that he is sick of the terror attacks performed by islamist terrorist faction al-shabab in the kenya mall massacre 2013. Is he also sick of the massacres, terror and tortures performed by muhammad? If yes, why doesnt he pronounce it? If no, I'm calling him a hypocrite and his approach to the sharia-tyranny since muhammad and his intimidation on free speech concerning ethics and the sharia-tyranny an insult of my dignity as ethical freethinker. - Join Globalfirm! 'People in authority treating the sharia dictatorship with respect are criminally irresponsible and have to be taken out of office.' How the world created a sharia-dictatorship in northern parts of nigeria: The media looked away as thousands have been massacred, girls abducted and forced to be sex-slaves. The president of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan first claimed he wouldnt need security help, when he did no one came. I said lets protect the people, who listened? Is it over? Not for them, nor for me.. People in authority treating the sharia dictatorship with respect are criminally irresponsible and have to be taken out of office. STOP Obama-C.A.I.R. ! Google: obama foundation sharia education kenya . From what I understand Obama's brother runs the 'Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation' trying to establish a global sharia-dictatorship and educating youth in that matter in saudi arabia and elsewhere. Boko haram (nigeria/near cameroon...) the most massacring sharia terrorist faction in the world is not put on the terrorist list by the white wash house (now it is on the list) and needs to be stopped now. Nigeria's president Goodluck Jonathan requested security help but no government or Nato.. answered from what I know. _ If we dont want to have a global sharia dictatorship WE HAVE TO ACT NOW TO STOP 'BOKO HARAM' IN NIGERIA/CAMEROON! The earth is not a playground for unethical games. On this earth we have human rights. Ethics=humanrights+ecology The only way that would improve quality, also ecologically, physically and service-like is Globalfirm, not the betraying, private-firm-centric-sect-jungle of free trade capitalism. PLEASE LIKE MY PAGE GLOBALFIRM AND ALSO MOVEMENT FOR GLOBAL IDENTITY and the other Globalfirm-pages
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:26
    Join Globalfirm: Goal1: Giving globally everyone access to ecological best-quality basics and ensure authentic support for self-realization: Giving people the feel that they are important through best-quality basics. Goal2: Giving all people the feel, through automation, simplification and reduction...
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 Al-Rahma - Social Mention: koco SMA kangen koe kabeh, kangen bp.sumedi ,kangen soto ne mbok yadi, kangen crewet e Sakont Tetaph Vilatily's Al Limah Ulfah K Oktavia Vilatily's, kangen lucune Achmad Jr. , kangen ngrumpi bareng , kangen karo ibu" pengajian Annisa Rokhim and the genk.. kangen kecenggohane siti :D kangen contonan bareng Erlinda YuniKa Badriyah Mei Jayanti , kangen dicelug "camel cenggoh" kangen beb Lilik Anjar Setiawan karo beb Arifin Wicaksono Adhanandito :D kangen kepinterane Iwan Kurniawan Yulia Nur Atriksa, kangen para koreanan Aprilina Kusuma Dewi Ichiko Uchiha Finny Fikky Elfikky.. kangen kemayune Aisya Permadhani Lingg-Ling LingLungg, kegalaunane umi Ticka Alpio Alpio Vz ,kebaikane Rinta Dian Pratiwi, kangen dangdutan bareng Nur Ramadhani :D Nurul Khotimah Hera Cahyaning Putri Pratiwi Widowati kangen bu sawitri barang :* kangen nyanyi" lag galau bareng koe kabeh :* Hamzah Syaifullah Ahmad Bulan Ramadhan Dwi Fachrudin Nando Hulk Fauzan Ojan Sr. Uhti Intan Rahma Kusuma Shinta Dewi Ulant Pasti Bissaa Iendhah Setyarini sindi oktaviani @ririn
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:33PM  

    Al-Rahma - Social Mention
    koco SMA kangen koe kabeh, kangen bp.sumedi ,kangen soto ne mbok yadi, kangen crewet e Sakont Tetaph Vilatily's Al Limah Ulfah K Oktavia Vilatily's, kangen lucune Achmad Jr. , kangen ngrumpi bareng , kangen karo ibu" pengajian Annisa Rokhim and the genk.. kangen kecenggohane siti :D kangen contonan bareng Erlinda YuniKa Badriyah Mei Jayanti , kangen dicelug "camel cenggoh" kangen beb Lilik Anjar Setiawan karo beb Arifin Wicaksono Adhanandito :D kangen kepinterane Iwan Kurniawan Yulia Nur Atriksa, kangen para koreanan Aprilina Kusuma Dewi Ichiko Uchiha Finny Fikky Elfikky.. kangen kemayune Aisya Permadhani Lingg-Ling LingLungg, kegalaunane umi Ticka Alpio Alpio Vz ,kebaikane Rinta Dian Pratiwi, kangen dangdutan bareng Nur Ramadhani :D Nurul Khotimah Hera Cahyaning Putri Pratiwi Widowati kangen bu sawitri barang :* kangen nyanyi" lag galau bareng koe kabeh :* Hamzah Syaifullah Ahmad Bulan Ramadhan Dwi Fachrudin Nando Hulk Fauzan Ojan Sr. Uhti Intan Rahma Kusuma Shinta Dewi Ulant Pasti Bissaa Iendhah Setyarini sindi oktaviani @ririn
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:13
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 08:38AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Der AdoptivPrinz bedroht öffentlich Bushido. .. Na das wars dann, endlich fiel die aufgesetzt rojale Maske.
    Nov 23rd 2013, 08:25
    ASLO: Also jetzt mal Klartext : ich kenn Bushido und Kay One !!! Kay One hat früher die geilsten texte für Bushido geschrien und komponiert, und Bushido hatte Mega Erfolg ...... Kenneth durch sein Talent mega motiviert , wollteTeil am Erfolg haben....der wurde ihm nicht wurde mit Kleingeld abgespeist----zum leben zu wenig - zum sterben zu viel ! 14.000€ für ein komplettes Album mit Text und Musik ha ha ha ha ( was dann über 1 Mio einnimmt) Dicke Eier hatte Kenneth und trennte sich von der Truppe um sein eigenes Ding aufzubauen ,,,, mit Hilfe vom Stiefvater....ging's dann mehr recht als schlecht ... aber Kay One wurde ein Erfolg und füllte die Hallen ...... Erfolg gibt recht , Rapper- Krieg sorgt immer für Schlagzeilen..(TUPAC :::::::)..dies ist aber kein Rapperkrieg aus meiner Sicht , weil Bushido eine NULL ist mit der man sich nicht mal messen sollte , ein NIEMAND , ein NICHTS .... vergesst den Möchtegern Kriminellen Pseudo Bad Boy Rapper , der ohne Hilfe nicht mal einen klaren Satz raus bring . Kay One macht Musik mit LIEBE UND HERZ für seine Fans und Bushido ist einfach der , der jetzt weinen muss ; weil er ohne seinen Ex Partner KAY ONE _ PRINCE of BELVEDAIR einfach keinen Hit mehr landen kann , weil er es alleine eben nicht KANN !!!!! Weil er NIX kann ..... ( abwarten - kommt nix mehr mit Stil & Klasse ) oder ich mache doch mal -----wir warten... und : ein Rat von MIR PRINZ MARCUS VON ANHALT !!!! HÖR AUF MEINEN FREUND ZU BEDROHEN MIT DEINEN LIBANESISCHEN FREUNDEN ....... DAS ECHO WIRD FÜRCHTERLICH SEIN !!!! Kleiner Bushido der meint im kriminellen Milieu mit spielen zu können ..... du bist Kindergarten für mich ! Sollte noch mal eine böse Aktion stattfinden gegen meinen Freund Kenneth , dann werden wir uns dann doch mal treffen , ( PS: bring dann all deine "CLAN _ FREUNDE " mit ) sonst wird's ja langweilig ......
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:50PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Folgende Anfrage haben wir erhalten. Könnt ihr helfen? -- Vielleicht könnt Ihr ja helfen. Wir (Mama, Tochter) suchen wg. beruflichen Veränderungen dringend eine kleine Whg in der KTV, Stadt, Südstadt oder zur Not Gartenstadt und Reutershagen. Kaltmiete sollte nicht höher als 400€ sein. Eine 3 Raumwohnung wäre toll aber suchen derzeit eine 2 Raumwohnung da es preislich realistischer ist. Es ist dringend, am 30.11.2013 oder 01.12.2013 müssen wir aus der jetzigen Whg raus. -- Bitte PN an WOHNEN IN MV. Wir leiten den Kontakt dann weiter!
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:37
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