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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:10AM
kuffar - Social Mention
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
Important Post plz Must Read.. ISLAAM KE BUNYADI AAQAYED Tauheed Aur Iski Qisme {1} Q :- Tuheed ke kya maane(matlab) hai? Ans :- Tuheed ke mane (matlab) hai "Ek" janna aur "Ek" kahna. {2} Q :- Tuheed baari-taala kise kahte hain? Ans :- Allah ko ek manne ko tuheed baari- taala kahte hain. {3} Q :- Tuheed ki kitni Qisme hain? Ans :- Tuheed ki 3 qisme hain (A) Tuheed-Rabubiyat (tuheed- feeh-zaat) (B) Tuheed-Aaluhiyat (tuheed- feeh-ibadat) (C) Tuheed-Sifaat (tuheed- feeh-sifaat) {4} Q :- Tuheed-Rabubiyat (tuheed-feeh-zaat) kise kahte hain? Ans :- Rabubiyat lafz "Rab" se bana hai, aur Rab, Khaliq,Maalik aur Parwardigar ko kahte hain- is kayenaat ka Khaliq aur Maalik sirf Allah ko mana jaye, sab ko rozi dene wala, Barish barsane wala aur kayenaat par hukumat karne wala tanha Allah ko taslim kiya jaye. {5} Q :- Tuheed-Aaluhiyat (tuheed-feeh-ibadat) kise kahte hain? Ans :- Aaluhiyat lafz "ilaa" (mabood) se bana hai' "ilaa"(mabood) wo zaat hai jiski ibadat ki jaye- Ibaadat ki har qisim ko sirf Allah- Taala ke liye khas karna aur ibaadat ka koi kaam kisi bhi Makhloq ke liye na karna "Tuheed- Aaluhiyat (tuheed-feeh-ibadat)" kahlata hai. {6 } Q :- Tuheed-Sifaat (tuheed-feeh-sifaat) kise kahte hain? Ans :- Sifaat lafz "Sifat" ki jama hai, jo khobi aur achchai ke mane me bola jata hai' Allah ke bahut se naam aur iski bahut si "Sifaat" hain' In naamo aur "sifaton" ko puri taur se manaa Jaye' kisi makhloq ko inke mushaba na qarar diya jaye aur na inki koi misaal biyaan ki jaye Balke jis tarah Allah apni jaat me "be-misil" hai issi tarah apne naamo aur "sifaaton" me bhi Iski koi misaal nahi hain' isko "Tuheed-Sifaat (tuheed-feeh-sifaat)" kahte hain. {7} Q :- Tuheed ke manne walon ko kya kahte hain? Ans :- Tuheed ke manne walon ko "Muheed-Muslim"kahte hain. {8} Q :- Agar koi insaan tuheed ki teeno Qismo ko ya kisi ek ko na mane to wo kya kahlaye ga? Ans :- Aisa insaan Kafir aur Mushrik kahlaye ga. {9} Q :- Kya sirf "Tuheed-Rabubiyat" ke manne se insaan Musalmaan ho sakta hai? Ans :- Nahi ! balke "tuheed-rabubiyat" ke sath sath "Tuheed-Aaluhiyat" ko manna zaruri hai' Makkah k log Allah ko to mante the lekin Allah ki ibadat me dusron ko sharik karte the-issi liye wo Kuffar aur mushrik Qarar diye gaye. (jaisa ke aaj k kuch musalmaan hai) {10} Q :- Tuheed k kya faide hain? Ans :- Tuheed se insaan sedhe raste par rahta hai' iske gunah maaf ho jate hain Aur marne k baad isse hamesha k liye Jannat me jagah milegi.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:51
Underground Tauhid–Tidak banyak umat Islam zaman sekarang ini yang menjadi orang-orang hebat. Kita lebih bisa dikenal sebagai umat 'pengekor' dimata umat yang lainnya. Bagaimana tidak, ketika di Indonesia umat Islam masih saja berdebat soal masalah perhitungan bulan (penentuan awal dan akhir Ramadhan), sedangkan orang Yahudi dan Nasrani sudah menginjakkan kaki di bulan. Kita telah lama menjadi bulan-bulanan dan bahan tertawaan kaum kuffar karena kebodohan kita. Kita dikatakan bodoh karena ketidak becusan diri kita memanfaatkan dan memaksimalkan potensi yang Allah berikan kepada kita. Betapa Allah berkali-kali berfirman dalam Al-Qur'an tentang kehebatan kita sebagai seorang muslim, sebagai umat Muhammad Saw. "…niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat…." (QS. Mujadillah: 11) "Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang makruf, dan mencegah dari yang mungkar, dan beriman kepada Allah…" (QS. Ali Imran: 110) Masih banyak lagi ayat dan hadits jelas menggambarkan potensi dahsyat sebagai seorang muslim. Kalo kita membaca lagi prestasi yang telah dilakukan Rasulullah Saw dan para sahabat, cukup bagi kita memposisikan mereka sebagai bukti 'the great of the muslim'. Rasulullah Saw itu sejak kecil sudah tidak punya ayah, nggak punya banyak modal, namun usia belasan tahun sudah berdagang hingga ke luar negeri. Bukan cuman sekali, tapi berkali-kali dia melakukan perjalanan dagang itu. Modalnya yang paling dahsyat hanya kejujuran beliau. Kehebatan itu disambung dengan menikahnya beliau dengan Khadijah dimana maharnya saja 100 ekor unta. Mungkin kalo dirupiahkan sekitar 1 Milyar rupiah. Dan tahukah anda di usia berapa itu beliau lakukan? 20 Tahun!!! Bukan hanya Rasulullah Saw saja, tapi para sahabat ketika itu banyak yang dalam usia masih sangat-sangat muda namun memiliki prestasi yang gemilang. Sebut saja Zaid bin Tsabit, Zubair bin Awwam, Mu'awwidz, Muadz, Ali bin Abi Thalib, dll. Lalu bagaimana potret prestasi kita ketika masih muda? Saat belasan tahun, malah pas lagi bandel-bandelnya, manja, suka nakal, tiap hari yang dipikirkan cuma main melulu. Kata teman-teman "mumpung masih muda!". Sejak kecil sudah suka nggak jujur. Udah gitu, ada juga saya temui, orang tua yang nyuruh anaknya nggak jujur! Misalnya, nyuruh anaknya nyontek kalo ujian, dan sebagainya. Pas, SMU, banyak yang jijik banget kalo denger kata "jualan". Entah takut dipikir 'sales' atau pekerjaan rendahan kali ye?! Kalo udah gitu, mending minta aja terus sama orangtua. Tiap butuh apa aja langsung dituruti oleh orang tua. Si orang tua sendiri juga nggak pernah merasa bersalah mendidik anak dengan standar-standar kayak gitu. Yang jadi masalah adalah standar-standar yang dipakai itu justru menjadikan anak lebih jauh dari prestasi. Udah mentalnya jadi 'mental kripik', lemah, rapuh, cengeng, dan gak mandiri. Umat Islam juga masih banyak tertinggal dengan umat lain soal wawasan keilmuan. Betapa banyak umat Islam yang merasa cukup hanya belajar agama saja dan anti terhadap disiplin-disiplin ilmu lainnya. Padahal jika kita ingin membentuk peradaban maka Islam ini harus menjadi problem solver untuk segala aspek kehidupan. Jika kita merasa cukup dengan belajar Islam saja, maka bersiaplah kita menerima sektor-sektor kedokteran, arsitektur, mesin, manajemen, perbankan, ilmu sosial, industri, dll yang dikuasai orang-orang kafir. Jika itu terjadi, akan semakin tertinggal diri kita dengan lainnya. Ilmu agama menjadi prioritas utama kita untuk dipelajari, namun untuk membangun peradaban yang perjalanannya berat dan panjang ini perlu juga kita masuki bidang-bidang keilmuan lainnya. Ilmu tentang syariat dapet, akidah manteb, ibadah sregep (rajin), akhlak juga sreg, sekaligus disiplin ilmu lainnya juga kita serep (serap). Siap sudah kita terjun ke lapangan menghadapi segala problematika umat ini. Lengkap! Didunia bisa berkarya sebanyak-banyaknya untuk kemaslahatan umat, akhirat udah menanti dapet catetan amalan yang melimpah. Tidak semua orang harus seperti ini, memang, umat Islam harus eksis dengan job desk masing-masing. Ada yang ada di garis depan medan jihad, ada yang menjadi ulama, ada yang berjuang lewat politik, ada yang berjuang mensyi'arkan tauhid dan memberantas kemusyrikan, dll. Nah, kita bisa memposiskan diri sebagai da'i-da'i yang tersebar di berbagai bidang di masyarakat. Mungkin bisa dengan bentuk fisik sebagai entrepreneur, bisa jadi dosen, bisa jadi ahli-ahli kedokteran, ekonomi, dll. Para pemuda kita, banyak juga diantara mereka yang merasa cukup belajar ilmu pengetahuan saja sedangkan ilmu agamanya sama sekali gak dilirik. Seperti yang terjadi di sebuah kampus di Surabaya, kalo udah ada kuliah agama Islam atau mentoring (semacam pembinaan Islam modelnya mirip halaqoh) langsung kumat virus malesnya. Mungkin ilmu agama bagi mereka nggak populer kali ya? Tapi cuman yang blo'on yang ngomong gitu! Emangnya ntar kalo di akhirat yang dihisab apa bukan keilmuan kita tentang agama dulu?!!Bisa-bisa yang gak tau agamanya sendiri bukan tersesat di dunia aja, tapi akhirat juga. Bukankah Einstein yang kafir aja bisa bilang kalo ilmu pengetahuan tanpa agama=pincang? Plis deh, gais! Elo aja kali yang nggak gaul!… Ok, kembali lagi, kesimpulannya, dulu ketika Islam itu pernah jaya luar biasa itu sangat jelas dikarenakan oleh pribadi-pribadi muslim ketika itu yang luar biasa pula. Artinya, kejayaan Islam ini tak akan mungkin terulang kembali sebelum umat Islam kembali memaksimalkan potensi dirinya seperti dulu. Bukti-bukti telah banyak kita temui jika kita mempelajari sejarah Islam. Figur-figur legendaris waktu itu sudah banyak pula dihimpun ceritanya dalam buku-buku. Kini tongkat estafet itu kita yang pegang, ini sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita semua sebagai umat Islam, jangan kita menuju finish hanya dengan berjalan kaki, tapi LAKUKAN YANG TERBAIK DARI DIRIMU! Berlarilah dengan seluruh potensi yang diberi Allah kepadamu! Ok?….Siap? ….tu, wa, ga, …FFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!! Cortesy Of
Nov 24th 2013, 01:18
Baitul muslim jgn smpai jadi baitul kuffar..
Nov 24th 2013, 01:14
Sewaktu belum mempunyai calon, sejadah memang menjadi hamparan, tazkirah setia menjadi teman, doa kepada Allah siang dan malam. Bila sudah mempunyai calon, semua itu sedikit demi sedikit jadi lakonan. Fokus beralih kepada si dia yang menjadi idaman. Yang dinasihat supaya berbincang tentang pernikahan, tapi yang dibuat adalah berhubungan siang dan malam. Hujung pangkal pernikahan belum nampak jalannya teman. Boleh jadi calon yang diberikan itu hanya sebagai ujian, bukan jodoh yang ditetapkan. Allah mahu melihat sejauh mana engkau punya keimanan. Adakah engkau akan jatuh dalam kealpaan, atau masih setia dengan niatmu di permulaan.
:: Nggak Harus Nama Arab :: Sebagian orang ada yang melakukan tadlis nama hanya gara-gara namanya nggak kearab-araban. Justru dengan demikian, ia menutup jati dirinya yang tercela di kalangan muhadditsin, pakar hadits. Memang mengganti nama yang buruk dengan nama yang baik adalah disyariatkan, namun tidak dengan tadlis. Ada yang memakai kunyah, Abu A atau Abu B. Ada yang mengembel-embeli di belakang nama dengan Al-Atsari atau As-Salafi. Yang penting Arab. Barangkali kita lupa, bahwa semua nama para nabi & rasul ialah ajam, non Arab, selain tiga nama : Muhammad, Shalih, dan Hud. Adapun mengembel-embeli seperti di atas, sebenarnya Syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan telah membahasnya. Kalau untuk berbangga dan sombong atau riya', haram bahkan menghapuskan amal. Jika untuk mensucikan diri, maka Allah berfirman, "Janganlah kamu mensucikan dirimu sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui siapa yang mendapat petunjuk." Lagi pula, sebatas nama saja tak berarti jika tak diiringi dengan bukti realita. Kenyataannya juga banyak ulama yang kita yakin seorang ulama salafi tulen, tak pernah mengembeli nama belakangnya dengan hal itu. Hanya segelintir saja. Bin Baz, Al-Albani, Ibnu Utsaimin, dan seterusnya. Apa berarti mereka bukan salafi?! Semua memang wajib bersalafi. Bahkan orang yang tak mau bersalafi, dan yang dimaksud adalah thariqah, ia telah kafir (faidah Ustadz Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Khathib) Ringkasnya, tidak haram bernama dengan nama Indonesia, Jawa, atau apapun bahasanya dengan syarat tidak mengandung nama buruk atau tasyabbuh dengan kaum kuffar atau musyrikun. Wallahua'lam. Bogor, 20 Muharram 1435 H Akhukum fillah.
Nov 24th 2013, 00:30
uns wird in der schule jahrelang beigebracht wie heftig die juden verfolgt wurden das paradoxe dabei ist, das den muslimen heute genau das selbe widerfährt aber es nicht einaml in der schule oder wo anders außer im internet erwähnt wird. warum wird das aktuelle thema totgeschwiegen und als eine verschwörung abgestempelt, und das was vor einem halben jahrundert passierte so intensiv behandelt? warum ist afg ein schlachtfeld und die anderen islam-länder und in deutschland oder dem rest vom westen darf man ja nicht aus der reihe tanzen und dankbar sein hier leben zu dürfen? die erde gehört Allah und niemand anderem, wer darauf unheil stiftet ist klar, die muslime haben noch nie aus macht und geld gründen kriege geführt es waren immer die kuffar! die bevölkerung der kuffar wären gegen die kriege die bisher passierten deshalb kann man sie dafür nicht zur rechenschaft ziehen das wird einzig und allein Allah tun, aber die ganzen politiker, offiziere präsidente und finanziers gehören alle gehängt!!!! so wie die soldaten die bei ihrer invasion in unsere länder den menschen unrecht taten, sie töteten oder folterten dieses video zeigt die wahren gesichter dieser usa hunde sie entehren unsere schwestern und töten sie anschliessend gehst du damit zum euro gericht wirst du höchstwahrscheinlich ins gebäude gezerrt und wegen irgend eines deliktes was sie einem anhängen werden lebenslang hinter gittern müssen ihre tage sind aber bereits gezählt
Nov 24th 2013, 00:26
You Will Cry When See This Video
55 DALIL KESESATAN WAHABIYYAH. 1. Golongan yang membawa Aqidah Yahudi (Allah duduk bersemayam). 2. Golongan yang beriman kepada sesetengah ayat dan kafir dengan sesetengah ayat Al- Quran. 3. Golongan yang menolak Takwil pada sesetengah ayat, dan membolehkan Takwil pada yang mengikut nafsu mereka. 4. Golongan yang menafikan Kenabian Nabi Adam A.S. 5. Golongan yang menyatakan bahawa Alam ini Qidam(Rujuk pandangan ibn Taimiyyah). 6. Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam Abu al- Hasan Al-Asa'rie dan seluruh Ummat Islam yang berpegang kepada method Aqidah yang telah disusuh oleh Imam tersebut. 7. Golongan yang mengkafirkan Sultan Sholahuddin Al-Ayyubi dan Sultan Muhammad Al- Fateh. 8. Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam An- Nawawi dan Seluruh Ulama' Islam yang mengikut (Asya'irah dan Maturidiyyah). 9. Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadi-hadis shohih dan mengshohihkan hadis-hadis dhoif (lihat penulisan Albani). 10. Golongan yang tidak mempelajari ilmu dari Guru atau Syeikh, hanya membaca. 11. Golongan yang mengharamkan bermusafir ke Madinah dengan niat ziarah Nabi Muhammad SAW. 12. Golongan yang membunuh Ummat Islam beramai-ramai di Mekah, Madinah, dan beberapa kawasan di tanah Hijaz (lihat tarikh an-najdi). 13. Golongan yang meminta bantuan Askar dan Senjata pihak Britain (yang bertapak di tempat; Kuwait pada ketika ini) ketika kalah dalam perang ketika mereka mahu menjajah Mekah dan Madinah. 14. Golongan yang menghancurkan turath (sejarah peninggalan) Ummat Islam di Mekah dan Madinah.(lihat kawasan perkuburan Jannatul Baqi', Bukit Uhud dan sebagainya) 15. Golongan yang membenci kaum ahlul bait. (kononnya bagi wahabi; semua ahlul bait syiah@ sesat) 16. Golongan yang bersalahan dengan Ijma' para Shohabah, Tabi'in, Salaf, khalaf dan seluruh Ulama' ASWJ. 17. Golongan yang mendakwa Aqal tidakboleh digunakan dalam dalil syarak, dengan menolok fungsi Aqal.(ayat-ayat Al-Quran menyarankan menggunakan Aqal) 18. Golongan yang mengejar syuhrah(pangkat, nama, promosi,kemasyhuran) dengan menggunakan fahaman salah mereka terhadap Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. (Malah Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah bebas daripada apa yang wahabi war-warkan) 19. Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadis solat terawikh 20 rakaat.(Albani) 20. Golongan yang mengharamkan menggunakan Tasbih.(Albani) 21. Golongan yang mengharamkan berpuasa pada hari sabtu walaupun hari Arafah jatuh pada hari tersebut.(Albani) 22. Golongan yang memperlecehkan Imam Abi Hanifah R.A.(Albani) 23. Golongan yang mendakwa Allah memenuhi alam ini dan menghina Allah dengan meletakkan anggota pada Allah SWT. 24. Golongan yang mendakwa Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:09AM
Al-Rahma - Social Mention
As'salamuailaikum.Sye Bukan Nk Membatak.Spe Yg Nk Menyalak Boley Remove Aku Jer .Tlg Suport Page Afiq Nie
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
coming soon
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
hndak mkan breng kalian blajar breng kalian jlan breng kalian.......... Anita Mariani. Laila Al-afiffah. Rahma Cliquer's. Hiymach ChaltieChaltie. Jannah Al-haura..
Nov 24th 2013, 01:39
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Nov 24th 2013, 01:13
mari berantas agama Islam.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:12
mohon maaf, saya tdak prnah kirim pesan untuk minta tolong, ada yg membajak fb saya, mohon jgn di respon pesan yg minta tolong itu, karena saya tidak kirim pesan untuk minta tolong, kepada: Ganiy Al Banjhariy, Ali Azhar Tahir, Sugiri Giri, Rahma AZha, Sarie Aja Dhe, Ismail Arizona, Chienouna Queen, Amirah Ar Rasyidah, Amin Al Qutbhy, Young Sumayyah, Ijumriyana Bhaweel, ToobYhatie MarocoChan, Imaingin Selau Di Cintai, Eko Prasetyo, Anwar Kharis, Siti Nikmha Alikmha, Rhofika Arika, Meyda Arum Tyas Part II, Ferdiansyah Al Majnun, Wahyu Yunie, Mindy Larasati, Indah Riany, saya benar-benar tidak pernah minta dikirimkan pulsa. sekali lagi mohonjgn di respon pesan2 tsb. terima kasih. (ahmad sodikin/ahmad dhiqin)
Nov 24th 2013, 01:01
Nov 24th 2013, 00:47
site de telechargement:
لايــــــك لصفحة الخال II ومشكورين ^_^ الي مايبيش انديرله تاق سامحني ازعجتك :p
Nov 24th 2013, 00:37
لـسـنـآ الوَحـِـيدُون ♥ ولكن اسلوبنَـآ متَميز ツ للتوآصل مع الادآرة :
Adam Al-batawie
Nov 24th 2013, 00:36
Telkomsel ketik swcaa kirim ke 1212 XL Ketik ketik swcaa kirim ke 1818 Indosat ketik MG(spasi)swcaa kirim ke 808 Sandiwara Cinta, single pertama Repvblik ber...
Wah......wis waktunya mengaduskan badan yg udh pliket....
Nov 24th 2013, 00:32
. buTuh refresing.....? , #duhdeK
Nov 24th 2013, 00:26
The Explanation of the Meanings of the Names of the Prophet: The names of the Prophet (salallahu 'alayhi wasallam) are of two types: Those names that are specific to him and none of the Messengers before him had these names, like Muhammad, Ahmad, al-Aaqib, al-Haashir, al-Muqaffee and Nabi al-Malhama. Those names and qualities that are not specific to him, and were shared by the Messengers before him, but are found in him in the most complete and perfect forms. Like: Messenger of Allaah, His Prophet, His Servant, Prophet of Mercy etc. What follows is an explanation of some of them. Muhammad: is a passive participle, whosoever is praised, possessing many praiseworthy qualities then he is muhammad. And Muhammad (SAW) is praised more than any other person, and this is why – and Allaah knows best – he was called by this name in the Torah, due to the many praiseworthy qualities which he, his religion, and his nation possess such that even Moses wished that he would be from them. Ahmad: Derived, as is Muhammad, from the noun hamd (praise). A group of scholars said that it is a passive participle, meaning: his praising of Allaah is more than any other person's praise of Him, and therefore he is the most deserving of being praised and the first. So in meaning Ahmad is similar to Muhammad except that the distinction is that he is Muhammad due to his possessing many praiseworthy qualities, and he is Ahmad due to his being praised in a more excellent way than the praise of any other. And this is the most complete meaning of this word, and the most extensive in commending him (SAW). Also these two names stem from his character and the praiseworthy qualities that are specific to him, and it is because of these that he is called Muhammad (SAW) and Ahmad. And he is the one who is praised by the People of the Heaven, the People of the earth, the People of the world and the People of the Hereafter. Al-Mutawakkil: (The One who puts his trust in Allaah). In the Saheeh of Bukhaaree from the hadeeth of Abdullaah bin Umru who said, "I read the description of the Prophet (SAW) in the Torah: Muhammad is Messenger of Allaah, My servant and Messenger, I have called him al-Mutawakkil. He is neither rude nor harsh and he does not shout in the markets, and he does not return an evil for an evil, rather he overlooks and forgives. And I will not make him to die until I make firm the nation through him, causing them to say: there is none worthy of worship except Allaah." Related by Bukhaaree in chapter dealing with the tafseer of Surah Fath He (salallahu 'alayhi wasallam) is the most deserving of this name, because the trust he put in Allaah to establish the religion was a trust unequalled by any other. Al-Maahee: (the destroyer/effacer). This has been explained in the hadeeth of Jubair bin Mut`am: "al-Maahee: the one through whom Allaah destroys and effaces unbelief." The full hadeeth is, "I am Muhammad, and I am Ahmad, and I am al-Maahee through whom Allaah effaces disbelief, and I am al-Haashir through who the people are gathered at my feet, and al-Aaqib after whom there is no Prophet." Related by Bukhaaree in the chapter dealing with the tafseer of Surah Saff Disbelief was not destroyed and removed by any single person as completely as was done by the Prophet (SAW). For indeed he was sent, and all of the inhabitants of the earth were in disbelief, except for some remnants of the People of the Book. They consisted of the worshippers of idols, the Jews who had the Anger of Allaah on them, the Christians who had been misguided, the atheist Saabi`een, the worshippers of the stars and the fire, and the philosophers who did not acknowledge the laws of the Prophets. And Allaah effaced them all through His Messenger until He established His religion and made it supreme over all others, and made it spread to the extent that the night and day spreads, and made his call as the rays of the sun in the various lands. Al-Haashir: (the Gatherer). He is the one who gathered and united the people at his feet, and therefore it was as if he had been sent for this purpose. Al-Aaqib: (The One who comes Last). He is the one who came at the end of the line of Prophets, and there is no prophet after him. Al-Muqaffee: (The Last). He is the one who was sent with the characteristics of the Messengers who had preceded him, and was their seal. Nabi at-Tawba: (the Prophet of Repentance). It was by him that Allaah opened the door of repentance for the inhabitants of the earth [by them accepting his message], and Allaah forgave them with a forgiveness that was not given to the people before him. For example, a person who enters Islaam shall have all his sins forgiven provided he does not persist in them while he is a Muslim. And the Prophet (SAW) was the one who sought forgiveness from Allaah the most, to the extent that he would say, "My Lord forgive me and turn toward me, You are The Oft-Forgiving, The Oft-Returning" [Related by at-Tirmidhee in the chapter of du`aa (no.3430) and it is saheeh], 100 times in a single sitting. And he used to say, "O people repent to Allaah, your Lord, for indeed I repent to Allaah 100 times in a day". [Related by Muslim in the chapter of Dhikr and Du`aa]. And likewise the repentance of his (SAW) nation is more complete than the repentance of all the other nations, the most quickest in being answered, and the easiest to be obtained. For the repentance of the previous nations was of the most difficult matters, to the extent that the repentance for the worshippers of the cow amongst the People of Israa`eel was to kill those worshippers. [See Qur`aan (2:54)]. But as for this nation, then from the Kindness of Allaah to it is that he has made repentance dependant upon sorrow and abstaining (from the sin in question). Nabi al-Malhama: (The Prophet of Slaughter). He was the one who was sent with Jihaad to the enemies of Allaah, and no prophet before him did Jihaad to the extent that the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) and his nation fought Jihaad. And the like of the large wars that took place between him and the disbelievers were not seen before him. For his nation fought the disbelievers in lands to the ends of the earth. Nabi ar-Rahma: (The Prophet of Mercy). He was the one whom Allaah sent as a Mercy for the universe. And Allaah was Merciful to all the people of the earth through him, both the believers and the disbelievers. Al-Faatih: (the opener/conqueror). It was through him that Allaah opened the door of guidance after it had been closed, and opened closed eyes, deaf ears and sealed hearts. And through him Allaah conquered the lands of the disbelievers, opened the doors of Paradise, and opened through him the ways of acquiring beneficial knowledge and righteous actions. And He opened through him both the doors of this world and the Hereafter. Al-Ameen: (the Trustworthy). He is the most deserving out of all creation for this name. For he is the trustee of Allaah of His revelation and religion. And he is the trusted one in the Heaven and in the earth. And this is why he was called al-Ameen before his Prophethood. Al-Basheer: (the Bearer of glad tidings). He is the bearer of glad tidings for the one who obeys him of reward, and he is the Warner (an-Nadheer) of the one who disobeys him of punishment. And Allaah called him his servant (Abd) in many places in His Book for example, 'Blessed be He who revealed the Furqaan to His servant'. [See Qur'aan 25:1] It is established that he (SAW) said, "I am the Master (Sayyid) of the children of Aadam [on the Day of Judgement] and I am not being arrogant."[ Related by at-Tirmidhee in the chapter 'Excellence of the Prophet' (no.3618) and it is saheeh.] And Allaah called him an Illuminating Lamp (Siraaj Muneer). And all praise is due to Allaah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Taken and Summarised from: 'Zaad al-Ma`aad' (1/88-97) by Ibn al-Qayyim
Nov 24th 2013, 00:23
Nov 24th 2013, 00:12
صحابي , صحباتي الي لقى سميتو هنا...اعرف باللي راه هنا دخل ل لاباج ويعفط جيييييييييم
Nov 24th 2013, 00:11
إذا كنت من هواة الحضية و تشترتلاحين فمرحبا بك في ضفحتنا على الفايسبوك
Menggenggam tangan ku menyentuh hati ku Mendekapku erat kau selalu ada disisi ku siang and malam Lewati semuanya kasih terjadilah yang mungkin terjadi............. Met happy weekend kawannnn...............
Nov 24th 2013, 00:08
Westlife - Unbreakable Including lyrics. Hope you enjoy it. Please comment and rate. More videos added soon! Bethan :) [Note: This video is fan made and no c...
"You must, O my brothers, be mindful of God in all your movements and times of stillness, at every moment, with every blink of the eye, with every thought, wish or any other state. Feel His nearness to you!" [Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad Alayhi Rahma]
Nov 24th 2013, 00:07
ANONYME : Salam alikoum , afin de prévenir certains frères qui s amusent a jouer des femmes sur Facebook je vous raconte mon histoire j essaye de faire vite et partagez au maximum svp : je m appelle Aziz j ai bientôt 35 ans il y a 2 ans avec des collègue nous avions créer un compte Facebook dans l espoir de nous foutres de la gueule des filles le but étaient d ajouter un max de fille les charmé bien sur elles ne savaient pas que mes collègue aussi voient ce qu elle me dise en privé je les mettais en confiance en les emboucanent jusque a leurs dire je vous aime une fois qu elle rentrés dans le piège je leurs propose de nous voir en came petites a petites je continue a les emboucanes et leurs propose de nous mettre a poile les filles naïves souvent se sont celle qui sont hnina qu accepte vite que Dieu me pardonne puis de file en aiguille nous avons créer un groupe de maghrébine et nous mettions les vidéos et les photos des filles je regrette érnement puis un jour je me connecte sur Facebook avec le compte et un profile m intrigue dune sœur qui avait mis une photo de profile d un rappel sur le bon comportement je me suis dis elle il faut que l affiche j ai parlé avec elle en utilisent l islam pour mieux l emboucané mskina une soeur macha'Allah qui me fesait des rappel puis petite a petite elle a commencé a m avoué ses sentiments et moi comme un loup je lui disé moi aussi je resent des sentiment pour toi biensur toute en rigolent deriere mon ecran la soeur elle vivèe au Maroc elle me racontée ses miser .... puis une nuit je lui es dit envoi moi des photos de toi je veux voir avec qui je parle elle n a pas voulu puis un soir moi qui ne dort jamais les nuit je me suis effondré de fatigue soubhan Allah mes collegue se sont connecté a ma place et il s ont fini par reusir es que la soeur envoi des photo dénuder biensur mes collegue se fesient passé pour moi mes collegue mon appeler toute la nuit pour m annoncé qu il avient reussi soubha Allah j ai pas entendus le telephone sonné puis mes collegue on fini par affiché les photos de la soeur sur le groupe en mentionnet une soeur du bled prete a
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:09AM - Social Mention
Al Rahmaِ.de - Eure Opfertiere für das Opferfest / Kurban 2013
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:09AM
takbir - Social Mention
Tadi mlm seru bngt TABLGH AKBAR nya...bulukuduk smpe meriding saat mngucpkn TAKBIR dngn serntak....CI BODAS BERGEMA''!?
Nov 24th 2013, 02:08
ht t-luka jiwa merana dikala saat dugaan melanda,ht t-seksa menanggung derita hanya allah pendengar setia,t-igt tika diri ini dilanda musibah namun tetap redha dgn apapun jua yg t-jadi,kaki melangkah tika takbir raya b-gema,airmata menitis disetiap langkah2 ku,punyai rumah namun pntu tak t-buka,saat subuh menyusul aku hanya t-duduk didpn pintu rumahku,saat itu hanya allah penguat semangatku,saat itu mgkn aku derita,tp aku tetap bgn semula..saat hr raya org b-gembira,aku?tidak tahu ingin kemana,itu lah namanya org gembira diatas tangisanku,tp skrg allah anugerahkan aku dgn kebhgiaan..amin..
Nov 24th 2013, 02:06
بریزیم تو خیابون؟
Nov 24th 2013, 02:04
Raymingtonef Sƌkƌ Al Huseyn « Mon fils, par Allah, si c'était autre chose que le Paradis, je te l'aurais laissé… ».un jour Abdoul-lah Ibn Hirâm a dit sa a son fils Jabh & aujourd'hui , nous devons dire ce même MOT aux Mécréants - Idolatre - etc etc , NON je ne te laisserait pas me volé le PARADIS en me rendent musulman(e) modéré - laïc etc etc ! dite Non , ou faites - vous Tuez au Sentier Du Chemin D'Allah - Takbir
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
Raymingtonef Sƌkƌ Al Huseyn « Mon fils, par Allah, si c'était autre chose que le Paradis, je te l'aurais laissé… ».un jour Abdoul-lah Ibn Hirâm a dit sa a son fils Jabh & aujourd'hui , nous devons dire ce même MOT aux Mécréants - Idolatre - etc etc , NON je ne te laisserait pas me volé le PARADIS en me rendent musulman(e) modéré - laïc etc etc ! dite Non , ou faites - vous Tuez au Sentier Du Chemin D'Allah - Takbir
Nov 24th 2013, 02:02
Sudah ketemu obat ngantuk ketika nyetir. Puter 'musik' SH MERAH SAGA :) Saat langit berwarna merah saga Dan kerikil perkasa berlarian Meluncur laksana puluhan peluru Terbang bersama teriakan takbir Semua menjadi saksi atas sabda keberanianmu Kita juga menjadi saksi atas keteguhanmu Ketika Yahudi-Yahudi membantaimu...
Nov 24th 2013, 02:01
10 AMALAN HARIAN PENYEGAR IMAN 1. ZIKIR PAGI PETANG .. "Dan sebutlah (nama) Rabb-mu dalam hatimu dengan merendahkan diri dan rasa takut dan dengan tidak mengeraskan suara diwaktu pagi dan petang dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang lalai."(Q.S. Al-A'raf : 205) 2. RUTIN SOLAT DHUHA .. "Pada pagi hari setiap persendian kalian diwajibkan sedekah, setiap ucapan tasbih itu bernilai satu sedekah, setiap kalimat tahmid itu bernilai satu sedekah, satu ucapan tahlil bernilai satu sedekah, satu ucapan takbir bernilai satu sedekah. memerintah yang ma'ruf satu sedekah, mencegah yang mungkar satu sedekah. Dan semua itu bisa diganti dengan dua raka'at shalat dhuha."(HR. Muslim) 3. SOLAT TEPAT WAKTU .. "Kalau saja manusia tahu pahala panggilan solat dan shaf awal, kemudian mereka tidak bisa mendapatkannya selain harus dengan mengundi, pasti mereka akan mengundi,"(H.R Muslim) 4. MENJAGA SOLAT RAWATIB .. "Tidaklah seorang hamba melakukan solat sunnah dengan ikhlas lillahi ta'ala setiap hari sebanyak 12 rakaat, melainkan pasti Allah akan membangunkan rumah di jannah."(H.R.Muslim) 5. MEMBACA AL QURAN .. "Bacalah al Qur'an karena sesungguhnya al qur'an akan datang sebagai pemberi syafaat bagi sahabatnya (orang yang rajin qira'ah qur'an)." (H.R. Muslim) 6. BERUSAHA SENTIASA DALAM BERWUDHUK .. "Sesiapa yang berwudhu' dan membaguskan wudhu'nya, kesalahan-kesalahannya akan keluar dari jasadnya, bahkan sampai keluar dari ujung-ujung kukunya." (H.R. Muslim) 7. SEDEKAH HARIAN .. "Seorang lelaki datang menemui Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam dan bertanya,"Wahairasulullah, sedekah apa yang paling utama?" Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam menjawab,"Bersedekahlah saat kau dalam kondisi sehat,kikir, takut miskin, dan sedang berharap menjadi kaya, tidak menunda sampai nyawa sampai di tenggorokan baru kau berkata,"Aku sedekahkan ini untuk si fulan segini," padahal itu sudah menjadi bagian si fulan(ahli warisnya) (H.R. Bukhari) 8. MEMBACA BUKU .. "Katakanlah(wahai Muhammad) adakah sama orang-orang yang mengetahui dengan orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui?"(Q.S. Az-Zummar) 9. ISTIGHFAR MINIMAL 100X .. "Demi Allah, aku selalu beristighfar dan bertaubat kepada-Nya lebih dari tujuh puluh kali dalam sehari."(H.R.Muslim) 10. WITIR SEBELUM TIDUR .. "Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu berkata,"Kekasihku (rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasalla) mewasiatkan padaku agar melaksanakan shaum tiga hari setiap bulan, dua rakaat dhuha dan shalat witir sebelum tidur."(muttafaq alaih) ~->
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
24/11/13 Apa sebenarnya Pas mahu? Zulkifli Noordin Apakah pakatan bersama pembangkang DAP-PKR membawa Pas kepada keredaan Allah? PAS mengadakan Muktamar Tahunan Ke-59, dengan pemilihan jawatan utama termasuk Timbalan Presiden, Naib Presiden dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat semalam, Jumaat 18 Muharram 1435 bersamaan 22 November 2013. Sekali lagi berlaku pertembungan antara kumpulan pro-agamawan dan pro-Anwarinas. Saya tidak berminat membuat spekulasi mengenai pemilihan semalam, kerana pada saya yang lebih penting ialah hala tuju, dasar dan landasan perjuangan Pas dalam senario politik masa kini sama ada di peringkat nasional mahupun antarabangsa. Setiap ahli akar umbi Pas, khususnya para muktamirin perwakilan tiap kawasan yang hadir dan mengundi dalam pemilihan kali ini harus bertanya dan boleh menjawab soalan-soalan berikut. Soalan utama yang perlu ditanya dan dijawab ialah; apa sebenarnya yang Pas mahu? Adakah Pas menyertai politik kepartian dan terlibat dalam pilihan raya umum untuk mendapatkan kuasa bagi melaksanakan syariat Islam dan mencari keredaan Allah? Atau; Adakah Pas menyertai politik kepartian dan terlibat dalam pilihan raya umum dengan menggunakan Islam demi mendapat kuasa dan bermahkota di Putrajaya? Dan untuk membantu menjawab soalan tersebut, saya bariskan di bawah beberapa fakta untuk direnung dan dimuhasabahkan oleh para muktamirin. 1. AKIDAH RASULULLAH SAW diutus untuk memperbetulkan akidah manusia yang sudah terpesong. Sebelum kedatangan Rasulullah SAW, manusia sudah pun menjadikan Allah sebagai Tuhan. Tetapi ada yang syirik mendakwa Allah ada anak (seperti Yahudi dan Kristian), Allah ada sekutu (seperti Musyrikin), atau terus kufur kepada Allah dengan menyembah matahari (seperti Majusi). Maka diutus Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan ketegasan bahawa Allah itu Satu, Allah tidak bergantung dengan sesiapa, Allah tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan, dan tiada sekutu yang setara dengan Allah! Jadi kalau Pas benar-benar mempunyai hala tuju, dasar dan perjuangan untuk melaksanakan Islam, mengapakah apabila Lim Guan Eng mendesak Kristian dibenarkan menggunakan kalimah Allah dalam bentuk syirik, Pas boleh bersetuju bersama dengan PKR dan DAP pada 08.01.2013 untuk Kristian mengguna pakai kalimah Allah walaupun tidak menepati syariat Islam? Dan mengapa apabila Majlis Syura memutuskan menolak tuntutan Kristian itu, ia tidak dihormati malah terus dipertikaikan dikalangan ahli Pas pun. 2. UKHWAH MENGAPA apabila umat Islam bersatu melalui NGO-NGO menentang cubaan Kristian menggunakan kalimah Allah, Pas mengambil sikap tidak mahu bersama? Malah umat Islam berjuang tanpa Pas apabila pihak Perwakilan Vatican menyokong Kristian menggunakan kalimah Allah. Langsung tidak kedengaran suara Pas, apatah lagi melihat kehadiran pimpinan Pas. Yang kedengaran suara-suara sumbang daripada Pas yang menyokong Kristian mengguna kalimah Allah walaupun bertentangan dengan ketetapan Majlis Syura; dan sehingga hari ini suara-suara sumbang ini tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan langsung! Malah apabila terbongkar kegiatan mendakyah dan cubaan memurtadkan umat Islam oleh Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC), dan Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor yang juga Exco Hal Ehwal Islam, Datuk Dr. Hasan Ali mengambil tindakan termasuk mengadakan Himpunan Sejuta Umat di Stadium Shah Alam, bukan sahaja beliau tidak disokong dan dibantu, malah Pas akhirnya memecat beliau tanpa diberi hak membela diri. Begitu juga nasib yang menimpa tokoh ulama muda dan bekas Timbalan Presiden Pas Ustaz Nasharuddin Mat Isa. Beliau dipecat daripada Majlis Syura hanya kerana dituduh terlampau mesra UMNO. Malah apabila gambar beliau bersama Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa bersama ulama Masjidil Haram, mahupun bersama pimpinan Hamas di Gaza terpampang di dada media, beliau menerima cemuhan dan kutukan. Pas sepatutnya berbangga dengan pemimpin mereka yang mampu membawa ukhwah dan kesatuan umat bukan sekadar peringkat negara, malah ke peringkat antarabangsa khususnya di dunia Islam. Tetapi sebaliknya yang berlaku. Pas menganggap tindakan Ustaz Nasharudin memperkukuh ukhwah Islamiyah antara pemerintah Malaysia dengan pimpinan dunia Islam termasuk Palestin sebagai satu liabiliti politik, na'uzubillah! 3. HUDUD SEPANJANG saya bersama Pas selama lebih 12 tahun termasuk duduk di kepimpinan, isu hudud selalu menjadi modal politik untuk menyemarakkan semangat ahli dan menyemai benih kebencian kepada UMNO. Kompang hudud sentiasa dipalu terutama menjelang pilihan raya umum (PRU) atau pilihan raya kecil (PRK) dan semasa pemilihan Pas Pusat. Baru-baru ini Ketua Hakim Syarie Kelantan telah menyatakan bahawa Mahkamah Syariah Kelantan sudah bersedia melaksanakan hudud. Bermakna dari segi kehakiman mereka sudah bersedia. Sepatutnya pengumuman itu disambut dengan takbir gemuruh memecah langit. Tetapi sebaliknya yang berlaku. Pas sendiri menyatakan belum bersedia walaupun sudah diberi amanah memerintah Kelantan selama lebih 20 tahun. Dan yang paling sedih, Pas menuding jari kepada UMNO seolah-olah UMNO menghalang dan melarang. Di mana logiknya fitnah dan tohmahan tersebut. Jelas dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan bahawa hal ehwal Islam termasuk perundangan syarie adalah di bawah bidang kuasa Sultan dan Kerajaan Negeri. Malah Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan sudah pun menggubal Enakmen Jenayah Syariah I & II termasuk hudud. Undang-undang itu telah diluluskan, dan Tuanku Sultan telah pun menandatanganinya. Bermakna Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan I & II sudah boleh dilaksanakan. Dan sekarang Ketua Hakim Syarie sudah menyatakan Mahkamah Syariah Kelantan sudah bersedia melaksanakannya. Jadi tidak timbul soal UMNO menghalang atau melarang. Soal sama ada Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Kelantan I & II itu bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan atau tidak, langsung tidak timbul kecuali jika sesiapa yang dituduh di bawah enakmen tersebut nanti mencabarnya di Mahkamah Persekutuan. Kalau Orang Kena Tuduh tersebut tidak mencabarnya, malah reda dan menyerah kepada bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah, tidak timbul langsung soal Perlembagaan. Sama macam undang-undang lain yang diluluskan di Parlimen atau DUN. Jadi bila Pas mula berdolak-dalik menuding jari kepada orang lain, ia menimbulkan persoalan serius; adakah Pas benar-benar mahu melaksanakan hudud atau ia sekadar menjadi bahan air liur politiking sahaja? 4. NEGARA ISLAM SEJAK dilahirkan semenjak tahun 1951 gendang Pas ialah mahu menubuhkan Negara Islam. Itulah retorik yang Pas kompangkan untuk membezakan Pas dengan UMNO. Tetapi sejak bersekongkol dengan DAP dan PKR, perjuangan tersebut telah diketepikan. Kemuncaknya dalam Muktamar Tahunan 2011, Presiden Pas sendiri menyebut dengan jelas "Negara Islam itu tidak disebut di dalam al-Quran, tetapi Negara Berkebajikan ada!" Dengan hanya senafas ayat, perjuangan Negara Islam hilang ghaibul-ghuyub daripada kamus perjuangan Pas! Jadi yang Nabi Muhammad SAW buat di Madinah itu apa? Bukan Daulah Islamiyah? Menyatakan Negara Islam tidak ada dalam al-Quran bermakna menafikan kewujudan Negara Islam Madinah! Dan bertambah mengelirukan apabila Memorandum Persefahaman Pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas dan Manifesto PRU-13 langsung tidak menyebut tentang penubuhan Negara Islam. Sebaliknya kepimpinan pakatan pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas berkali-kali menyebut bahawa penubuhan Negara Islam dan pelaksanaan syariat hudud-qisas-takzir tidak termasuk dalam agenda persefahaman mahupun manifesto, dan tidak akan dilaksanakan jika ditakdirkan pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas memenangi PRU! 5. DOMINAN KEPIMPINAN Pas ada yang menyebut bahawa konon Pas adalah parti dominan dalam pakatan pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas. Persoalannya adakah itu benar? Lihat sahaja di Pulau Pinang. Kenyataan terbaru Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas Pulau Pinang yang mendesak Pas diberi tempat dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang, membuktikan bahawa Pas bukan sahaja tidak dominan, malah tidak dihormati langsung oleh rakan sekongkol. Kenyataan Pengerusi DAP Karpal Singh bahawa Pas wajar dibatalkan pendaftaran kerana menjadikan Islam sebagai label nama kepartian sekadar membuktikan DAP langsung tidak menghormati dan menghargai sumbangan Pas! Dan apabila Majlis Syura Pas, badan paling tinggi dan utama dalam Pas membuat ketetapan pada 13.01.2013 bahawa kalimah Allah tidak boleh digunakan oleh Kristian kerana ini soal akidah, 'fatwa' itu langsung tidak dihormati. Pimpinan pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas memperlekehkan 'fatwa' tersebut dengan kenyataan seperti 'Majlis Syura hanya sayap sahaja dalam Pas', 'bahawa ketetapan Majlis Syura bukan wahyu yang wajib diikuti', malah dengan lantang dan tegas kepimpinan pembangkang DAP-PKR-Pas menyatakan akan tetap mengikut 'resolusi dan persefahaman 08.01.2013 yang membenarkan Kristian menggunakan kalimah Allah walaupun tidak menepati kehendak Islam! Jadi di mana yang kata Pas itu sebagai dominan? Sebaliknya DAP-PKR mengaut undi simpati orang Melayu yang terpedaya dengan kompang serban dan jubah yang sinonim dengan Pas! 6. AMAR MAKRUF NAHI MUNGKAR APABILA NGO-NGO propembangkang membawa satu agama baru dikenali sebagai HAM - Hak Asasi Manusia, termasuk di peringkat antarabangsa seperti dilakukan di UPR Geneva baru-baru ini, Pas langsung membisu tidak bersuara. Tidakkah Pas menyedari perjuangan petualang hak asasi tanpa batas ini bercanggah sama sekali dengan syariat Islam? Tuntutan supaya Artikel 18 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) yang membenarkan murtad, tuntutan Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) yang menghalalkan seks luar tabii dan gejala LGBT serta kahwin sesama jenis jantan-jantan dan betina-betina, tuntutan supaya Seksyen 377A Kanun Kesiksaan berkaitan liwat dihapuskan, tuntutan supaya peruntukkan Enakmen Syariah berkaitan khalwat, zina, arak dimansuhkan, tuntutan kalimah Allah dibenarkan Kristian menggunakannya, dan pelbagai lagi tuntutan yang akan membawa tamadun kemanusiaan ke lembah yang lebih hina daripada haiwan sepatutnya membangkitkan semangat jihad dan perjuangan dalam kalangan ahli Pas! Kalau subsidi petrol dikurangkan Pas sanggup berdemo tengah panas, kalau konsert K-POP Pas sampai sanggup protes, adakah wajar Pas membisu bila tuntutan luar tabii dan songsang yang bercanggah dengan syariat dibuat oleh NGO-NGO propembangkang? Adakah patut segelintir pimpinan Pas memberikan jawapan, 'kami hanya bersekutu dengan mereka dalam hal yang ada kepentingan Pas, tetapi dalam hal lain kami hanya membisu!' Di mana perjuangan amar makruf nahi mungkar yang sepatutnya menjadi teras perjuangan mana-mana haraki Islamiyah seperti yang Pas mengaku konon mereka termasuk di dalamnya? RUMUSAN SEMUA perkara yang saya sebut di atas akhirnya membawa kita kepada satu persoalan; iaitu ke mana hala
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:08AM
media crash news - Social Mention
Winston news overshadows Seminole win;_ylt=AwrTWVWwX5FSxVIAsRn_wgt.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- If only for a few hours Saturday, the focus for No. 2 Florida State was firmly on football. Smack dab in the middle of Saturday's 80-14 blowout of FBS independent Idaho, the Florida state attorney in Tallahassee, Willie Meggs, curiously issued a statement concerning the fate of the Seminoles' most important player, freshman quarterback Jameis Winston. Winston is currently ...
BREAKING NEWS: Car 5/Car 888 Protest Dismissed. MORE TO FOLLOW.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:34
Just going to dispel the whole "Aaron Rodgers Car Crash Death" story floating around.. Global Associated News creates these stories using a "generator" that allows people to send their friends fake news stories using per-formatted "death stories" and then sharing them via social media. There you go Packers fans, you still suck.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:23
BREAKING NEWS: Northwest Fire Crews heading to I-10 and Sunset along the Frontage Rd. after a cyclist was struck by a vehicle. We're told the cyclist is an El Tour rider has life threatening injuries. Stay with 9OYS, we'll have the latest on and tonight on 9OYS at 10.
Nov 24th 2013, 00:50
Durant enjoying all Grey Cup has to offer
Nov 24th 2013, 00:28
Experience has taught Darian Durant to embrace all that Grey Cup has to offer.
An unbelievable twist in the sad story of those children trapped in a submerged car in St. Louis Park - the mother of 2 of those kids confirms the shock sent her into premature labor. Her newborn's currently in neo-natal intensive drive. We'll have more tonight on Fox at 9 after college football.
Nov 24th 2013, 00:07
To settle any confusion Tom Baker was a far far future Doctor. As pointed by his line about 'revisiting old faces'
Nov 23rd 2013, 23:44
"Three women graduated from the Marines' enlisted infantry course on Thursday, the first females to complete the physically demanding course ..."
Nov 23rd 2013, 22:58
Three women graduated from the Marines' enlisted infantry course on Thursday, the first females to complete the physically demanding course, the Marine Corps said. The women volunteered to enter the course as
Willie Nelson's Band Members Hurt In Tour Bus Crash
Nov 23rd 2013, 22:33
SULPHUR SPRINGS, Texas (AP) — Singer Willie Nelson has suspended his tour after three members of his band were hurt when their bus plowed into a bridge pillar in East Texas during rainy conditions.
Seriously Seeing Red Right Now! She's Responsible For Killing Two Teens, But It's Her Tweets Beforehand That Will Enrage You
Nov 23rd 2013, 21:52
9 dicembre? bloccare l'Italia? senza nessuna analisi seria della politica monetaria e finanziaria? ? senza nessuna presa di coscienza del signoraggio, della geoingegneria clandestina, della sinarchia mondialista? caos senza finalità .... o la finalità del caos? "Ordo ab chaos", forse, ovvero il LORO ordine anche per mezzo di questo caos
Nov 23rd 2013, 21:47
If you or your loved ones are still consuming "Splenda" - listen up. The consequences are not pretty.
Nov 23rd 2013, 19:29
Linda Sharps discovers her favorite sweetener has a dark side.
Little girl dies in crash on icy N.M. highway.
Nov 23rd 2013, 18:48
The still-developing storm moving into New Mexico and blamed for at least three deaths farther west has claimed a life here, New Mexico State...
ABC News on Teresa Heinz Kerry while covering Asiana flight 214 SFO plane crash at Bayfront Park
Jul 8th 2013, 18:24
Photos of the plane on the runway #sfocrash #sfo #planecrash #media #bayfrontpark #media #airport #airplane #sanfrancisco #abcnews #laptop
'we remember the two young women who lost their lives in the crash' ABC News script covering Asiana flight 214 SFO plane crash at Bayfront Park
Jul 8th 2013, 18:16
Photos of the plane on the runway #sfocrash #sfo #planecrash #media #bayfrontpark #media #airport #airplane #sanfrancisco #abcnews
'we remember the two young women who lost their lives in the crash' ABC News script covering Asiana flight 214 SFO plane crash at Bayfront Park
Jul 8th 2013, 18:16
Photos of the plane on the runway #sfocrash #sfo #planecrash #media #bayfrontpark #media #airport #airplane #sanfrancisco #abcnews
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:08AM
kafir - Social Mention
Dari Jabir رضي الله عنه berkata, "Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم bersabda, 'Tidak ada penyakit menular, thiyarah (merasa sial), dan Ghul (hantu)." SHAHIH. Diriwayatkan Imam Muslim dalam Shahih-nya no. 2222, Ibnu Jarir ath-Thabari dalam Tahdzibul Atsar no. 25, Ali bin Ja'ad dalam Musnad-nya no. 2693, al-Baghawi dalam Syarhus Sunnah no. 3251, Ahmad dalam Musnad-nya 3/293, Ibnu Abi Ashirn dalam as-Sunnah no. 281, ath-Thahawi dalam Musykilul Atsar 1/340 seluruhnya dari jalur Abu Zubair dari Jabir. Dan riwayat Abu Zubair dari Jabir adalah lemah, sebab Abu Zubair adalah seorang mudallis (menyembunyikan cacat) dan dia meriwayatkan dengan lafazh 'an (dari). Namun, hadits iru shahih karena dalam jalur lain telah ditegaskan bahwa Abu Zubair mendengar langsung dari Jabir, sebagaimana dalam jalur Ibnu Juraij dalam riwayat Ibnu Jarir dalam Tahdzibul Atsar no. 26, ath-Thahawi dalam Musykilul Atsar 1/340, Ibnu Abi Ashim dalam as-Sunnah no. 268, Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahih-nya no. 6095. Hadits ini sangat jelas menunjukkan penafian (peniadaan) adanya Ghul. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Ghul? Berikut ini ungkapan beberapa ucapan ulama dan ahli bahasa tentangnya: · Ibnu Duraid berkata, "Ghul menurut orang Arab adalah tukang sihir dari kalangan setan dan jin. Inilah pendapat al-Ashma'i."1 · Ibnul Manzhur berkata, "Ghul adalah penyihir dari jin."2 · Ibnu Katsir berkata, "Ghul dalam bahasa Arab artinya jin yang tampak di malam hari."3 · Al-Jahidz berkata, "Ghul adalah ungkapan untuk jin yang mengganggu orang yang bepergian dan menjelma dalam beberapa bentuk, baik berjenis pria atau wanita."4 Dari sini dapat kita ketahui bahwa hantu (Ghul) bukanlah arwah gentayangan atau orang mati yang bisa hidup kembali arwahnya untuk balas dendam, karena semua itu adalah khurafat yang batil, sejenis dengan reinkarnasi yang merupakan aqidah orang-orang kafir yang dibatalkan oleh Islam.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:08
Ngalim anangeng ora gelem ngamalne ngelmune, mbesuk ning akhirot siksane luweh ndisek tinimbang wong kafir.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:08
Janganlah orang-orang yang beriman mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi teman rapat dengan meninggalkan orang-orang yang beriman. Dan sesiapa yang melakukan (larangan) yang demikian maka tiadalah ia (mendapat perlindungan) dari Allah dalam sesuatu apapun, kecuali kamu hendak menjaga diri daripada sesuatu bahaya yang ditakuti dari pihak mereka (yang kafir itu). Dan Allah perintahkan supaya kamu beringat-ingat terhadap kekuasaan diriNya (menyeksa kamu). Dan kepada Allah jualah tempat kembali. (Al-Imran: 28)
Nov 24th 2013, 02:08
As-Sunnah Pertanyaan: 1. Apabila seorang muslim ingin menikah, bagaimana syariat mengatur cara mengenal seorang muslimah sementara pacaran terlarang dalam Islam? 2. Bagaimana hukum berkunjung ke rumah akhwat (wanita) yang hendak dinikahi dengan tujuan untuk saling mengenal karakter dan sifat masing-masing? 3. Bagaimana hukum seorang ikhwan (lelaki) mengungkapkan perasaannya (sayang atau cinta) kepada akhwat (wanita) calon istrinya? Dijawab oleh Al-Ustadz Abu Abdillah Muhammad Al-Makassari: ُBenar sekali pernyataan anda bahwa pacaran adalah haram dalam Islam. Pacaran adalah budaya dan peradaban jahiliah yang dilestarikan oleh orang-orang kafir negeri Barat dan lainnya, kemudian diikuti oleh sebagian umat Islam (kecuali orang-orang yang dijaga oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), dengan dalih mengikuti perkembangan jaman dan sebagai cara untuk mencari dan memilih pasangan hidup. Syariat Islam yang agung ini datang dari Rabb semesta alam Yang Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Bijaksana, dengan tujuan untuk membimbing manusia meraih maslahat- maslahat kehidupan dan menjauhkan mereka dari mafsadah-mafsadah yang akan merusak dan menghancurkan kehidupan mereka sendiri. Ikhtilath (campur baur antara lelaki dan wanita yang bukan mahram), pergaulan bebas, dan pacaran adalah fitnah (cobaan) dan mafsadah bagi umat manusia secara umum, dan umat Islam secara khusus, maka perkara tersebut tidak bisa ditolerir. Bukankah kehancuran Bani Israil – bangsa yang terlaknat– berawal dari fitnah (godaan) wanita? Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman: َ" Telah terlaknat orang- orang kafir dari kalangan Bani Israil melalui lisan Nabi Dawud dan Nabi 'Isa bin Maryam. Hal itu dikarenakan mereka bermaksiat dan melampaui batas. Adalah mereka tidak saling melarang dari kemungkaran yang mereka lakukan. Sangatlah jelek apa yang mereka lakukan." (Al-Ma`idah: 79-78) Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: "Sesungguhnya dunia itu manis dan hijau (indah memesona), dan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menjadikan kalian sebagai khalifah (penghuni) di atasnya, kemudian Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala memerhatikan amalan kalian. Maka berhati- hatilah kalian terhadap dunia dan wanita, karena sesungguhnya awal fitnah (kehancuran) Bani Israil dari kaum wanita." (HR. Muslim, dari Abu Sa'id Al- Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu) Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam juga memperingatkan umatnya untuk berhati-hati dari fitnah wanita, dengan sabda beliau:"Tidaklah aku meninggalkan fitnah sepeninggalku yang lebih berbahaya terhadap kaum lelaki dari fitnah (godaan) wanita." (Muttafaqun 'alaih, dari Usamah bin Zaid radhiyallahu 'anhuma) Maka, pacaran berarti menjerumuskan diri dalam fitnah yang menghancurkan dan menghinakan, padahal semestinya setiap orang memelihara dan menjauhkan diri darinya. Hal itu karena dalam pacaran terdapat berbagai kemungkaran dan pelanggaran syariat sebagai berikut: 1. Ikhtilath, yaitu bercampur baur antara lelaki dan wanita yang bukan mahram. Padahal Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menjauhkan umatnya dari ikhtilath, sekalipun dalam pelaksanaan shalat. Kaum wanita yang hadir pada shalat berjamaah di Masjid Nabawi ditempatkan di bagian belakang masjid. Dan seusai shalat, Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam berdiam sejenak, tidak bergeser dari tempatnya agar kaum lelaki tetap di tempat dan tidak beranjak meninggalkan masjid, untuk memberi kesempatan jamaah wanita meninggalkan masjid terlebih dahulu sehingga tidak berpapasan dengan jamaah lelaki. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hadits Ummu Salamah radhiyallahu 'anha dalam Shahih Al-Bukhari. Begitu pula pada hari Ied, kaum wanita disunnahkan untuk keluar ke mushalla (tanah lapang) menghadiri shalat Ied, namun mereka ditempatkan di mushalla bagian belakang, jauh dari shaf kaum lelaki. Sehingga ketika Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam usai menyampaikan khutbah, beliau perlu mendatangi shaf mereka untuk memberikan khutbah khusus karena mereka tidak mendengar khutbah tersebut. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hadits Jabir radhiyallahu 'anhu dalam Shahih Muslim. Bahkan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda :َ "Sebaik-baik shaf lelaki adalah shaf terdepan dan sejelek-jeleknya adalah shaf terakhir. Dan sebaik- baik shaf wanita adalah shaf terakhir, dan sejelek- jeleknya adalah shaf terdepan." (HR. Muslim dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu) Asy-Syaikh Ibnu 'Utsaimin rahimahullah berkata: "Hal itu dikarenakan dekatnya shaf terdepan wanita dari shaf terakhir lelaki sehingga merupakan shaf terjelek, dan jauhnya shaf terakhir wanita dari shaf terdepan lelaki sehingga merupakan shaf terbaik. Apabila pada ibadah shalat yang disyariatkan secara berjamaah, maka bagaimana kiranya jika di luar ibadah? Kita mengetahui bersama, dalam keadaan dan suasana ibadah tentunya seseorang lebih jauh dari perkara-perkara yang berhubungan dengan syahwat. Maka bagaimana sekiranya ikhtilath itu terjadi di luar ibadah ? Sedangkan setan bergerak dalam tubuh Bani Adam begitu cepatnya mengikuti peredaran darah . Bukankah sangat ditakutkan terjadinya fitnah dan kerusakan besar karenanya ?" (Lihat Fatawa An-Nazhar wal Khalwah wal Ikhtilath, hal. 45) Subhanallah. Padahal wanita para shahabat keluar menghadiri shalat dalam keadaan berhijab syar'i dengan menutup seluruh tubuhnya –karena seluruh tubuh wanita adalah aurat– sesuai perintah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dalam surat Al- Ahzab ayat 59 dan An-Nur ayat 31, tanpa melakukan tabarruj karena Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala melarang mereka melakukan hal itu dalam surat Al-Ahzab ayat 33, juga tanpa memakai wewangian berdasarkan larangan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam hadits Abu Hurairah yang diriwayatkan Ahmad, Abu Dawud, dan yang lainnya :"Hendaklah mereka keluar tanpa memakai wewangian." Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam juga melarang siapa saja dari mereka yang berbau harum karena terkena bakhur untuk untuk hadir shalat berjamaah sebagaimana dalam Shahih Muslim dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman dalam surat Al- Ahzab ayat 53: "Dan jika kalian (para shahabat) meminta suatu hajat (kebutuhan) kepada mereka (istri-istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) maka mintalah dari balik hijab. Hal itu lebih bersih (suci) bagi kalbu kalian dan kalbu mereka." Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala memerintahkan mereka berinteraksi sesuai tuntutan hajat dari balik hijab dan tidak boleh masuk menemui mereka secara langsung. Asy- Syaikh Ibnu Baz rahimahullah berkata: "Maka tidak dibenarkan seseorang mengatakan bahwa lebih bersih dan lebih suci bagi para shahabat dan istri-istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, sedangkan bagi generasi- generasi setelahnya tidaklah demikian. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa generasi-generasi setelah shahabat justru lebih butuh terhadap hijab dibandingkan para shahabat, karena perbedaan yang sangat jauh antara mereka dalam hal kekuatan iman dan ilmu. Juga karena persaksian Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam terhadap para shahabat, baik lelaki maupun wanita, termasuk istri-istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam sendiri bahwa mereka adalah generasi terbaik setelah para nabi dan rasul, sebagaimana diriwayatkan dalam Shahih Al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim. Demikian pula, dalil-dalil Al-Qur`an dan As-Sunnah menunjukkan berlakunya suatu hukum secara umum meliputi seluruh umat dan tidak boleh mengkhususkannya untuk pihak tertentu saja tanpa dalil." (Lihat Fatawa An-Nazhar, hal. 11-10) Pada saat yang sama, ikhtilath itu sendiri menjadi sebab yang menjerumuskan mereka untuk berpacaran, sebagaimana fakta yang kita saksikan berupa akibat ikhtilath yang terjadi di sekolah, instansi-instansi pemerintah dan swasta, atau tempat-tempat yang lainnya. Wa ilallahil musytaka (Dan hanya kepada Allah kita mengadu) 2. Khalwat, yaitu berduaannya lelaki dan wanita tanpa mahram. Padahal Rasululllah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: َ "Hati-hatilah kalian dari masuk menemui wanita." Seorang lelaki dari kalangan Anshar berkata: "Bagaimana pendapatmu dengan kerabat suami? " Maka Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: "Mereka adalah kebinasaan." (Muttafaq 'alaih, dari 'Uqbah bin 'Amir radhiyallahu 'anhu) Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam juga bersabda: "Jangan sekali-kali salah seorang kalian berkhalwat dengan wanita, kecuali bersama mahram." (Muttafaq 'alaih, dari Ibnu 'Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma) Hal itu karena tidaklah terjadi khalwat kecuali setan bersama keduanya sebagai pihak ketiga, sebagaimana dalam hadits Jabir bin Abdillah radhiyallahu 'anhuma: "Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir maka jangan sekali- kali dia berkhalwat dengan seorang wanita tanpa disertai mahramnya, karena setan akan menyertai keduanya." (HR. Ahmad) 3. Berbagai bentuk perzinaan anggota tubuh yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam hadits Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu: َ" Telah ditulis bagi setiap Bani Adam bagiannya dari zina, pasti dia akan melakukannya, kedua mata zinanya adalah memandang, kedua telinga zinanya adalah mendengar, lidah(lisan) zinanya adalah berbicara, tangan zinanya adalah memegang, kaki zinanya adalah melangkah, sementara kalbu berkeinginan dan berangan-angan, maka kemaluan lah yang membenarkan atau mendustakan." Hadits ini menunjukkan bahwa memandang wanita yang tidak halal untuk dipandang meskipun tanpa syahwat adalah zina mata . Mendengar ucapan wanita (selain istri) dalam bentuk menikmati adalah zina telinga. Berbicara dengan wanita (selain istrinya) dalam bentuk menikmati atau menggoda dan merayunya adalah zina lisan. Menyentuh wanita yang tidak dihalalkan untuk disentuh baik dengan memegang atau yang lainnya adalah zina tangan. Mengayunkan langkah menuju wanita yang menarik hatinya atau menuju tempat perzinaan adalah zina kaki. Sementara kalbu berkeinginan dan mengangan-angankan wanita yang memikatnya, maka itulah zina kalbu. Kemudian boleh jadi kemaluannya mengikuti dengan melakukan perzinaan yang berarti kemaluannya telah membenarkan; atau dia selamat dari zina kemaluan yang berarti kemaluannya telah mendustakan. (Lihat Syarh Riyadhis Shalihin karya Asy-Syaikh Ibnu 'Utsaimin, pada syarah hadits no. 16 22) Padahal Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman: َ" Dan janganlah kalian mendekati perbuatan zina, sesungguhnya itu adalah perbuatan nista dan sejelek-jelek jalan." (Al- Isra`: 32) Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam juga bersabda: َ" Demi Allah, sungguh jika kepala salah seorang dari kalian ditusuk dengan jarum dari besi, maka itu lebih baik dari menyentuh wanita yang tidak halal baginya." (HR. Ath- Thabarani dan Al-Baihaqi dari Ma'qil bin Yasar radhiyallahu 'anhu, dan dishahihkan oleh Al-Albani dalam Ash-Shahihah no. 226) Meskipun sentuhan itu hanya sebatas berjabat tangan maka tetap tidak boleh. Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha berkata: َ" Tidak. Demi Allah, tidak pernah sama sekali tangan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menyentuh tangan wanita (selain mahramnya), melainkan beliau membai'at mereka dengan ucapan (tanpa jabat tangan)." (HR. Muslim) Demikian pula dengan pandangan, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah berfirman dalam surat An- Nur ayat 31-30: "Katakan (wahai Nabi) kepada kaum mukminin, hendaklah mereka menjaga pandangan serta kemaluan mereka (dari hal hal yang diharamkan) – hingga firman-Nya- Dan katakan pula kepada kaum mukminat, hendaklah mereka menjaga pandangan serta kemaluan mereka (dari hal-hal yang diharamkan)…." Dalam Shahih Muslim dari Jabir bin Abdillah radhiyallahu 'anhuma, dia berkata: ُ" Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tentang pandangan yang tiba-tiba (tanpa sengaja)? Maka beliau bersabda: 'Palingkan pandanganmu'." Adapun suara dan ucapan wanita, pada asalnya bukanlah aurat yang terlarang. Namun tidak boleh bagi seorang wanita bersuara dan berbicara lebih dari tuntutan hajat (kebutuhan), dan tidak boleh melembutkan suara. Demikian juga dengan isi pembicaraan, tidak boleh berupa perkara-perkara yang membangkitkan syahwat dan mengundang fitnah. Karena bila demikian maka suara dan ucapannya menjadi aurat dan fitnah yang terlarang. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman: َ" Maka janganlah kalian (para istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) berbicara dengan suara yang lembut, sehingga lelaki yang memiliki penyakit dalam kalbunya menjadi tergoda dan ucapkanlah perkataan yang ma'ruf (baik)." (Al- Ahzab: 32) Adalah para wanita datang menemui Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dan di sekitar beliau hadir para shahabatnya, lalu wanita itu berbicara kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menyampaikan kepentingannya dan para shahabat ikut mendengarkan. Tapi mereka tidak berbicara lebih dari tuntutan hajat dan tanpa melembutkan suara. Dengan demikian jelaslah bahwa pacaran bukanlah alternatif yang ditolerir dalam Islam untuk mencari dan memilih pasangan hidup. Menjadi jelas pula bahwa tidak boleh
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:08AM
jihad - Social Mention
Jihad pagi dlu...biar +pinter +ilmu. Sebagian isi kajian " Jika dirimu sndiri-Alloh yg kedua+jika dirimu berdua Alloh yg ketiga, jika dirimu ber3 Alloh yg ke4 dst..Maka berhati-hatilah stiap berucap+bertindak..
Nov 24th 2013, 02:05
Risalah Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab rohimahulloh Kepada Penduduk Qashim Tatkala Mereka Bertanya Tentang Aqidah Beliau بِسْــــــــــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم Saya mempersaksikan kepada Allah dan kepada siapa yang hadir bersamaku dari para malaikat, dan saya mempersaksikan kepada kalian bahwasanya saya meyakini apa yang diyakini oleh al-firqah an-najiah (kelompok yang selamat) yaitu ahlussunnah wal jamaah, berupa keimanan kepada Allah, para malaikat-Nya, kitab-kitabNya, para rasul-Nya, kebangkitan setelah kematian, dan beriman kepada apa yang ditakdirkan, yang baik maupun yang buruk. Termasuk bentuk beriman kepada Allah adalah mengimani semua yang Dia sifatkan diri-Nya dengannya dalam kitab-Nya melalui lisan Rasul-Nya, tanpa melakukan tahrif (pemalingan makna atau huruf) dan tidak pula ta'thil (mengingkari sifat). Bahkan saya meyakini bahwasanya tidak ada sesuatupun yang semisal dengan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dan Dia Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Maka saya tidak menafikan dari-Nya apa yang Dia sifatkan untuk diri-Nya dan saya tidak memalingkan kata-kata (sifat Allah) dari makna sebenarnya. Saya tidak melakukan penyimpangan dalam nama-nama dan ayat-ayatNya, saya tidak melakukan takyif (membagaimanakan sifat Allah), dan saya tidak memisalkan sifat-sifat Allah Ta'ala dengan sifat-sifat makhluk-Nya. Karena Allah Ta'ala, tidak ada yang setinggi dengannya, tidak ada yang setara dengannya, dan tidak boleh diqiyaskan dengan makhluk-Nya. Karena Allah Subhanah, paling mengetahui tentang diri-Nya dan selainnya, paling jujur ucapannya, dan paling baik perkataannya. Dia menyucikan diri-Nya dari apa yang disifatkan oleh para penentang dari kalangan pelaku takyif dan tamtsil (menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk). Dia berfirman : "Maha Suci Tuhanmu Yang mempunyai keperkasaan dari apa yang mereka katakan. Dan kesejahteraan dilimpahkan atas para rasul" (QS. Ash-Shaffat: 180-181) Al-firqah an-najiah berada di pertengahan -dalam masalah perbuatan Allah Ta'ala- antara Al-Qadariah dengan Al-Jabariah. Mereka berada di pertengahan -dalam masalah ancaman Allah- antara Al-Murjiah dan Al-Waidiah. Mereka berada di pertangahan -dalam masalah iman dan agama- antara Al-Haruriah (Khawarij) dan Mu'tazilah dengan Al-Murjiah dan Al-Jahmiah. Dan mereka berada di pertangahan -dalam masalah sahabat Rasulullah - antara Ar-Rafidhah (Syiah) dengan Al-Khawarij. Saya meyakini bahwa Al-Qur`an adalah kalam Allah yang diturunkan, bukan makhluk, dari-Nya berasal dan kepada-Nya akan kembali, dan bahwa Dia berfirman dengannya secara hakiki. Dia menurunkannya kepada hamba, Rasul-Nya, orang kepercayaan-Nya dalam wahyu-Nya, dan perantara antara Dia dengan hamba-hambaNya, yaitu Nabi kita Muhammad. Saya juga meyakini bahwa Allah Maha Berbuat apa yang Dia kehendaki, tidak ada sesuatupun yang akan terjadi kecuali dengan kehendak-Nya, tidak ada satupun yang keluar dari keinginannya. Tidak ada satupun dalam alam ini yang keluar dari penakdiran-Nya, tidak aka nada satupun yang lahir kecuali atas pengaturan-Nya, dan tidak ada jalan keluar bagi seorang pun dari takdir yang telah dibatasi dan tidak ada sesuatupun yang bisa melampaui apa yang ditetapkan untuknya dalam Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuzh. Aku meyakini keimanan kepada semua yang dikabarkan oleh Nabi berupa semua perkara yang terjadi setelah kematian. Maka saya mengimani adanya fitnah (ujian) dalam kubur dan kenikmatannya, dan dikembalikannya roh-roh kepada jasad-jasad, sehingga seluruh manusia akan berdiri untuk Rabb semesta alam dalam keadaan tidak beralas kaki, telanjang, lagi tidak berkhitan, sementara matahari mendekat kepada mereka. Mizan-mizan (timbangan amalan) ditancapkan, yang padanya semua amalan hamba akan ditimbang. Barangsiapa yang berat timbangan kebaikannya maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntuh, dan barangsiapa yang ringan timbangan kebaikannya maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang merugikan diri-diri mereka sendiri, kekal di dalam Jahannam. Buku-buku catatan amalan akan disebarkan, maka di antara manusia ada yang menerimanya dengan tangan kanannya dan ada juga yang menerimanya dengan tangan kirinya. Saya mengimani adanya telaga Nabi kita Muhammad di pelataran hari kiamat (padang Mahsyar). Airnya lebih putih daripada susu, lebih manis daripada madu, bejana-bejana sebanyak jumlah bintang-bintang langit, dan barangsiapa yang minum darinya sekali niscaya dia tidak akan merasakan haus setelahnya selama-lamanya. Saya juga mengimani adanya sirath (titian) yang akan dipasang di atas pinggir Jahannam, yang seluruh manusia akan melewatinya sesuai dengan kadar amalan-amalan mereka. Saya mengimani adanya syafaat Nabi dan bahwasanya beliau adalah pemberi syafaat pertama dan yang pertama kali diberikan syafaat. Tidak ada yang mengingkari adanya syafaat Nabi kecuali para penganut bid'ah dan kesesatan. Hanya saja syafaat beliau ini tidak akan terwujud kecuali setelah adanya izin dan keridhaan dari Allah. Sebagaimana pada firman Allah Ta'ala, "Dan mereka tiada memberi syafaat melainkan kepada orang yang diridhai Allah" (QS. Al-Anbiya`: 28) Allah Ta'ala berfirman ; "Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 255) Allah Ta'ala berfirman ; "Dan berapa banyaknya malaikat di langit, syafaat mereka sedikitpun tidak berguna, kecuali sesudah Allah mengijinkan bagi orang yang dikehendaki dan diridhai (Nya)" (QS. An-Najm: 26) Semetara Dia tidak meridhai kecuali tauhid dan tidak mengizinkan kecuali kepada pemiliknya. Adapun kaum musyrikin maka mereka tidak punya sedikit pun bagian dari syafat. Sebagaimana pada firman Allah Ta'ala, "Maka tidak berguna lagi bagi mereka syafa'at dari orang-orang yang memberikan syafa'at"(QS. Al-Muddatstsir: 48) Saya mengimani bahwa surga dan neraka adalah makhluk, keduanya sudah ada sekarang, dan keduanya tidak akan fana. Saya mengimani bahwa kaum mukminin akan melihat Rabb mereka dengan penglihatan mereka pada hari kiamat sebagaimana mereka melihat bulan pada malam purnama, mereka tidak akan kesulitan dalam melihat-Nya. Saya mengimani bahwa Nabi kita Muhammad adalah penutup para nabi dan rasul, dan tidak sah keimanan seorang hamba hingga dia beriman kepada risalah beliau dan mempersaksikan kenabian beliau. Saya mengimani bahwa manusia terutama dari umat beliau adalah Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, kemudian Umar Al-Faruq, kemudian Utsman Dzu An-Nurain, kemudian Ali Al-Murtadha, kemudian sisanya dari kesepuluh orang lainnya (1), kemudian mereka yang ikut perang Badr, kemudian mereka yang membaiat Nabi di bawah pohon, yang mengikuti baiat Ridhwan, kemudian sahabat lainnya. Saya berloyal kepada para sahabat Rasulullah, menyebutkan kebaikan-kebaikan mereka, mendoakan 'radhiallahu anhum' untuk mereka, dan meminta ampunkan untuk mereka, serta saya menahan diri dari menyebutkan kejelekan-kejelekan mereka dan diam pada perkara yang mereka berselisih padanya. Saya meyakini keutamaan mereka sebagai pengamalan dari firman Allah Ta'ala, "Dan orang-orang yang datang sesudah mereka (Muhajirin dan Anshor), mereka berdoa: "Ya Rabb kami, beri ampunlah kami dan saudara-saudara kami yang telah beriman lebih dulu dari kami, dan janganlah Engkau membiarkan kedengkian dalam hati kami terhadap orang-orang yang beriman; Ya Rabb kami, Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Penyayang" (QS. Al-Hasyr: 10) Saya mendoakan 'radhiallahu anhunna' kepada ibu-ibu kaum mukminin yang disucikan dari berbagai kejelekan. Saya mengakui karamah para wali dan mukasyafah yang terjadi pada mereka, hanya saja mereka tidak pantas mendapatkan sedikitpun apa yang menjadi hak Allah Ta'ala dan tidak boleh diminta dari mereka sesuatu yang tidak ada yang bisa memenuhinya kecuali Allah. Saya tidak memastikan untuk seorangpun dari kaum muslimin bahwa dia masuk surga dan tidak pula masuk neraka, kecuali orang yang telah dipastikan oleh Rasulullah. Hanya saja saya mengharapkan orang-orang yang berbuat baik bisa masuk surga dan mengkhawatirkan orang-orang yang berbuat jelek akan masuk neraka. Saya tidak mengkafirkan seorangpun dari kaum muslimin karena suatu dosa yang dia perbuat, dan saya tidak mengeluarkan dia dari lingkup Islam. Saya memandang jihad tetap berlaku bersama setiap penguasa, yang baik maupun yang fajir, dan shalat berjamaah di belakang mereka adalah boleh (sah). Jihad tetap berlaku semenjak Allah mengutus Muhammad hingga akhir umat ini memerangi Dajjal, jihad ini tidak dibatalkan oleh kejahatan pemimipin yang fajir dan tidak pula keadilannya pemimpin yang adil. Saya menilai wajibnya mendengar dan taat kepada para penguasa kaum muslimin, yang baik maupun yang fajir di antara mereka, selama mereka tidak memerintahkan untuk bermaksiat kepada Allah. Siapa saja yang memegang khilafah, manusia berkumpul di bawah kekuasaannya dan mereka ridha terhadapnya, ataukah orang itu menundukkan mereka dengan pedangnya hingga dia bisa menjadi khalifah (secara paksa) maka tetap wajib untuk taat kepadanya dan haram untuk keluar dari ketaatan kepadanya. Saya memandang disyariatkannya memboikot para penganut bid'ah dan menjauhi mereka hingga mereka bertaubat. Saya menghukumi mereka dengan agama (yang bersifat lahiriah) dan menyerahkan rahasia-rahasia mereka kepada Allah. Dan saya meyakini bahwa semua perkara yang dimunculkan (di ada-adakan) dalam Islam adalah bid'ah. Saya meyakini bahwa iman itu adalah ucapan dengan lisan, amalan dengan anggota tubuh, dan keyakinan dengan hati, dia bisa bertambah dengan ketaatan dan berkurang dengan kemaksiatan. Dia terdiri dari 73 sampai 79 cabang, dimana cabang tertingginya adalah syahadat 'laa ilaha illallah' dan yang terendahnya adalah menyingkirkan duri dari jalanan. Saya memandang wajibnya amar ma'ruf dan nahi mungkar sesuai dengan apa yang diwajibkan oleh syariat Muhammad yang suci. Ini adalah akidah ringkas yang saya tuliskan dalam keadaan pikiran saya sedang sibuk, agar kalian bisa mengetahui apa yang pada saya dan Allah yang menjadi wakil atas apa yang kami katakan. Kemudian tidak tersembunyi dari anda bahwa telah sampai kepadaku kabar bahwa risalah Sulaiman bin Suhaim (2) telah sampai kepada anda, dan bahwa risalah tersebut telah diterima dan dibenarkan oleh sebagian orang yang menisbatkan dirinya kepada ilmu di negeri anda. Dan Allah mengetahui bahwa orang ini (Ibnu Suhaim) telah membuat banyak perkara dusta atas nama saya yang tidak pernah saya ucapkan, dan kebanyakannya tidak pernah terbetik di dalam pikiranku. Di antara bentuk kedustaan tersebut adalah dia mengatakan bahwasanya saya tidak menggunakan kitab-kitab mazhab yang empat, dan bahwasanya saya mengatakan bahwa manusia tidak berada di atas akidah yang benar sejak 600 tahun yang lalu, dan bahwasanya saya mengklaim berijtihan (memunculkan mazhab baru), dan bahwasanya saya tidak mengikuti para ulama, dan bahwasanya saya mengatakan bahwa perbedaan pendapat di kalangan ulama itu adalah siksaan, dan bahwasanya saya mengkafirkan orang yang bertawassul melalui orang-orang saleh, dan bahwasanya saya mengkafirkan Al-Bushiri karena ucapannya, "Wahai makhluk yang paling mulia," dan bahwasanya saya mengatakan bahwa jika seandainya saya sanggup untuk merobohkan kubah (yang berada di atas kubur) Rasulullah niscaya saya akan merobohkannya dan seandainya saya yang berkuasa atas Ka'bah maka saya akan mengganti saluran airnya dengan saluran air yang terbuat dari kayu, dan bahwasanya saya mengharamkan ziarah ke kubur Nabi, dan bahwasanya saya mengingkari ziarah ke kubur kedua orang tua dan selain keduanya, dan bahwasanya saya mengkafirkan orang yang bersumpah dengan selain nama Allah, dan bahwasanya saya mengkafirkan Ibnu Al-Faridh dan Ibnu Arabi, dan bahwasanya saya membakar kitab Dala`il Al-Khairat dan Raudh Ar-Riyahin dan saya menamakannya Raudh Asy-Syayathin. Jawaban saya atas semua tuduhan di atas adalah, "Maha Suci Engkau ya Allah, itu sungguh merupakan kedustaan yang besar." Muhammad dahulu telah dituduh bahwa beliau mencela Isa bin Maryam dan bahwa beliau mencela orang-orang saleh. Maka hati-hati para penuduh ini mirip dengan mengarang kebohongan dan ucapan dusta. Allah Ta'ala berfirman, "Sesungguhnya yang mengada-adakan kebohongan, hanyalah orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada ayat-ayat Allah .. (hingga akhir ayat)"(QS. An-Nahl: 105) Mereka menuduh beliau dengan kedustaan bahwasanya beliau mengatakan bahwa para malaikat, Isa, dan Uzair berada dalam neraka. Maka Allah menurunkan ayat dalam masalah ini, "Bahwasanya orang-orang yang telah ada untuk mereka ketetapan yang baik dari Kami, mereka itu dijauhkan dari neraka" (QS. Al-Anbiya`: 101) Adapun masalah-masalah lain, yaitu bahwa saya mengatakan, "Islam seseorang tidak akan sempurna hingga dia mengetahui makna kalimat 'laa ilaha illallah'," bahwa saya menjelaskannya kepada siapa yang datang kepada saya dengan mengetahui maknanya, bahwa saya mengkafirkan orang yang bernazar jika dia menginginkan dengan nazarnya untuk bertaqarrub kepada selain Allah dan membuat nazar untuk itu, dan bahwa menyembelih untuk selain Allah adalah kekafiran dan sembelihannya haram dimakan. Maka masalah-masalah ini adalah benar dan saya berucap dengannya. Saya mempunyai dalil dari kalam Allah dan sabda Rasul-Nya yang menunjukkan apa yang saya katakan ini, dan juga dari perkataan para ulama panutan seperti Imam Empat. Jika Allah Ta'ala memudahkan maka saya akan memaparkan jawabannya secara panjang lebar dalam risalah tersendiri insya Allah. Kemudian pelajarilah dan ambillah pelajaran dari firman Allah Ta'ala, "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya ... (Sampai akhir ayat)" (QS. Al-Hujurat: 6) ( Risalah ini disebarkan pada bagian khusus dalam kitab Ar-Rasa`il Asy-Syakhshiah Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhab, yang dikarang oleh Dr. Muhammad Baltaji, Dr. Sayyid Hijab, dan Asy-Syaikh Abdul Aziz Ar-Rumi. Dia adalah risalah yang pertama, hal. 7-13. Selesai dinukil dari Ad-Durar As-Sunniah (1/28-31)) Ket : (1) Yakni kesepuluh orang sahabat yang dipastikan masuk surga dan tersebut dalam satu hadits. Empat di antaranya adalah khalifah yang empat, sehingga sisanya adalah enam yang lain yaitu: Thalhah bin Ubaidillah, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam, Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, Said bin Zaid, Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash (2) Salah seorang penduduk Riyadh yang mencela dan memusuhi dakwah. Dia menulis dan mengirimkan tulisannya ke berbagai negeri, yang di dalamnya dia mengarang banyak kedustaan yang tidak pernah diucapkan oleh Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab
Nov 24th 2013, 02:05
THE QURANIC CONCEPT OF JIHAD AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF JIHAD Jihad is to achieve the complete freedom for all people to accept Islam as a way of life. Therefore, the purpose of Jihad is two- fold. Negatively speaking, it is to eradicate the mischief of Taghut and positively, the purpose is to establish a state of affairs wherein all obedience is rendered to God alone [7]. "Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends and the way prescribed by Allah prevails." (Qur'an 2:193) "We sent aforetime our messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the book and the balance (of right and wrong), that men might stand forth in justice. And we sent down iron in which there is material for mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind that Allah may test who it is that will help unseen . . ." (Qur'an 57:25) Further, the aim
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:07AM
sharia - Social Mention
"Pedophiles Converting to Islam To Evade Prosecution- Abuses Protected by Sharia Law. Part of caving in the Philippines has been the recognition of certain Islamic laws, particularly, in the case of molesting children. The Philippines, a Christian nation, with strong Western ties and an ally of the U.S., actually allows for girls who have achieved puberty to be married off to men of any age. The Muslim Family Code of Philippines states, "Any Muslim male at least 15 years of age and any Muslim female of the age of puberty or upwards and not suffering from any impediment under the provisions of this Code may contract marriage. A female is presumed to have attained puberty upon reaching the age of fifteen." This allows an escape clause for pedophiles, and the golden parachute was taken this week by Filipino rock star, Freddie Aguilar. Aguilar is 60 years old, but has a penchant for underage girls. His recent fling is only 16 years old, and Aguilar admits to having been with the girl since she was 15, though rumors are circulating that he's been with her since she was only 14. (See story: 60 Year Old Legendary Rock Star Converts to Islam to Marry 16 Year Old Child Bride) With authorities hot on his tail, seeking prosecution for child molestation, Aguilar took legal counsel and converted to Islam. Again, since the Philippine Government recognizes men's rights to marry children under Sharia law, and now that Aguilar claims protection under Islam, he is untouchable. Aguilar is not the first pedophile to take advantage of Sharia laws being allowed in traditionally non-Muslim nations to avoid prosecution for molesting children. He is merely the first big named celebrity to do so. This is the danger of Sharia, coming to a democracy near you, that people are missing. It's not only Muslims who think it is okay to have sex with children that you'll have to worry about. It's the predators already having sex with children, like Aguilar, who will be provided protection from prosecution merely by a profession of faith in Allah.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:07
Many people in the West, especially in the U.S., have been clamoring about the dangers of bowing to the wishes of radical Islamic extremists, and respecting Muslim practices under Sharia Law. Many ...
The War on Terrorism, the gold standard, and sharia law... "The return to the payment of zakat in gold and silver is an essential part of the reestablishment of Islam." The World Islamic Mint
Nov 24th 2013, 02:04
Glenn Beck's dreams come true.
Wow, this is part of the execution practices under the "Sharia Law" and also mimics some of the practices under the Nazi system... in other words they are "twin brother systems" !
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
(by Lorri Anderson, FREEDOM OUTPOST) -- A faithful reader sent me a code and asked me to investigate how it ties into the larger scale of things. The specific code sent to me will make any American's hair stand up on the back of their neck. The code is ICD 9 E 978. After reading this code I decided…
Islam fundamentalist and Zionist Propaganda,..Muslims killing Christians....Right ?? Keep them fighting each other wile we take over the country... Sharia is good for you its what we all need..Right?.All puppets working for the same master...I say Abolish Religion with the truth and Peace will follow !!
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
Obama & The Rise of Islam in America 2013. Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the white house
IT IS LONG PAST time to bring the world's attention to a global scandal. Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, "protected people," are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring to restore everywhere in the Islamic world, and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race. If dhimmis complained about their inferior status, institutionalized humiliation, or poverty, their masters voided their contract and regarded them as enemies of Islam, fair game as objects of violence. Consequently, dhimmis were generally cowed into silence and worse. It was almost unheard-of to find dhimmis speaking out against their oppressors; to do so would have been suicide. For centuries dhimmi communities in the Islamic world learned to live in peace with their Muslim overlords by acquiescing to their subservience. Some even actively identified with the dominant class, and became strenuous advocates for it. Spearheaded by dhimmi academics and self-serving advocacy groups, that same attitude of chastened subservience has entered into Western academic study of Islam, and from there into journalism, school textbooks, and the popular discourse. One must not point out the depredations of jihad and dhimmitude; to do so would offend the multiculturalist ethos that prevails everywhere today. To do so would endanger chances for peace and rapprochement between civilizations all too ready to clash. But in this era of global terrorism it must be said: this silence, this distortion, has become deadly. Before 9/11 it was easy to ignore and whitewash dhimmitude, but the atrocities changed the situation forever. In jihads throughout history, untold millions have died. Tens of millions have been uprooted from their homes. Tens of millions have been stripped of their cultural identity. To continue to gloss over the destruction wrought by jihad ideology and its attendant evil of dhimmitude is today to play into the hands of jihadists, who have repeatedly vowed to dhimmify the West and destroy any recalcitrant elements. While jihadist groups, even with their global diffusion, are not strong enough to realize this goal by themselves, they have a potent and destructive ally, a genuine fifth column, in the dhimmi academics and dhimmi journalists they have recruited in the West. They have succeeded in confusing millions in the West into mistaking honesty and truthfulness for bigotry, and self-defense for oppression. Before it's too late for Western Europe and the United States, which gave birth to the traditions of freedom and equality of rights for all that shine today as lights in the entire world, this must be stopped. Therefore Dhimmi Watch seeks to bring public attention to: The plight of the dhimmis, an immense but almost completely ignored ongoing scandal that continues in Muslim countries today; The plight of women under Sharia provisions, similar to conditions imposed on dhimmis, in the denial of equal rights and dignity; Slavery in Islamic lands, which continues today, justified by Sharia-'s dhimmi codes; The integral role of jihad and dhimmitude ideology in global terrorism today; The license that academic and journalistic whitewashes of dhimmitude gives to radical jihadist enemies of human rights for all. We join Dhimmi Watch in the fight to ensure that deeds done in the darkness for so long will not continue to be done. The light of world attention is anathema to the proponents of jihad and dhimmitude: we have seen in recent years that women sentenced to stoning for adultery, often victims of rape unjustly accused thanks to Sharia laws disallowing rape victims' testimony, were freed following international outcry. Dhimmi Watch will seek to provoke similar, continuous and increasing outcry wherever and whenever the Sharia's institutionalized injustices threaten dhimmis and women. May the truth prevail.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
And THIS is why we do not want Sharia Law here in America. The ending line says it all. "I would have killed her..." all over a kiss.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
Two teens were arrested after a newspaper printed a Facebook photo of couple engaged in a kiss...
Yes - a long read but well worth it --- From a FB post: James Hovda My 2 Sense: WILL OBAMA'S DEMISE BRING OUR OWN DEMISE? If you have at all been paying any attention to the news, you are seeing President Obama's ratings tumbling like a Russian thistle across the Texas prairie during a dust storm. For once having ratings in the 70 percentile, his points are dropping at a percent or two every day. At last disclosure, it was falling below 35% in favor, which means that 65% are opposed. And for a man who is not only egotistical and a narcissist, but thinks HIS direction for America is the only viable solution for prosperity, this may become a very dangerous situation, not only for Democrats and their claim to governance, but to the American public as a whole. Many have claimed that President Obama is like another Adolph Hitler, in the sense that he's a genius at the same time he's a madman. Very credible psychologists have analyzed Obama to conclude he has a great deal of anxiety and hate bottled up inside, so much to the point of being dangerous. And for a man who sits inches away from the Red Button, that ain't good. In his book, 'The Roots of Obama's Rage' by Dinesh D'Souza, later turned into a film, '2016: Obama's America', D'Souza points out that being rejected by his mother, father, step-father, and siblings, Barry Sorento (original name) had a childhood rage which has stayed with him since his early boyhood. Being taught by his parents, grandparents, and mentors (Frank Marshall Davis & William Ayers) to hate America, Christianity, Jews, and capitalism, the rage has turned into an ideology where all these things must be destroyed and then rebuilt in his own ideology based upon communism and Islamic teachings of Sharia. Of course, these ideologies and principles of Obama were purposely kept from the American public. Had they been known at the time, Senator Obama would have never even received the nomination and we'd have President Hillary instead. Not any compromise, as SoS Hillary Clinton is a progressive globalist and hater of most of the same things Obama hates. But that's not how the cookies were baked, and Hillary is a fight for another day... a huge fight we need to prepare for. There is a lot of speculation of who Obama truly works for. There seems to be ties to globalists as well as Marxists and radical Muslims of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Records do show that the Saudis funded Obama's upper education, donated millions to his Senate and Presidential campaigns, explaining why he bows down to Saudi princes. There are also close ties to George Soros who is a globalist and anti-American philanthropist that contributes billions in America's destruction. William Ayers and his Chicago gang of thugs have very close ties to the Communist Party, and they are the ones who directed Obama into politics. Valarie Jarrett, Obama's chief adviser and close liaison to the Muslim Brotherhood, is an Iranian herself who has denounced Americanism many times, and has thrown rose pedals on Sharia on more than one occasion. So I guess one can claim that Obama is a form of "mutt" with a little Russian pit bull, a little fox terrier, and a little coyote all mixed together. A dangerous breed in a land of traditional people who view things opposite. President Obama's rating are now falling because we Americans are just now learning who this man truly is, and see that his directions for America are not working. A little late, but always welcomed. Obama's legacy of national health care reform seems to be his Archilles' heel, as the whole industry has been infected and turned upside down, as great promises have seem to have become boldfaced lies. Skeletons can be kept in a closet for only so long, and Obama's past, as well as his ties and intents, have been flushed from the wood works to be exposed enough for people to begin to put the missing pieces of the puzzle into their proper space. And the picture it creates is not one of pleasantry, nor of America's best interests. The ideology of Obama's "hope and change" transformation of America has now turned into his nightmare, and Obama plans to put us all on Elm street and assume the role of Freddie. When a wild animal is cornered, what does it do? Anything in order to survive, right? Obama is no different. His egotistical narcissism won't let him fall. He may stumble, but he plans to become the next figure on Mt Rushmore. And to do that, he must do something to America to make himself an idol. I know people hate when I compare Obama to Hitler, but please bear me out for a moment. Hitler was despised because he killed millions. He was also despised by the way he turned Germany into a fascist state, was a power hungry control freak, and bulldozed everyone and everything that stood in his way. Hitler was also a globalist, and worked directly with Muslim nations to help defeat his foes. Fascism and Communism run on close parallel lines, and Hitler used Communist as an excuse to blame the countries problems upon. Sounds familiar? My comparison of Obama to Hitler is not the parts that killed millions of innocent men, women, and children... though Obama still has three years left in his term and anything can happen in three years by him, as we all are very aware... but who Hitler truly was as a man, a man who carries very similar traits as Obama. Very parallel patterns of growing up, of education, and of hatred against specific groups, compares the two. His passion to lead, change, and reconnect everything in his ideology, fueled by hatred and retaliation, can be seen in both. And I don't think that the drive for "fundamental reform", as Hitler once called it, is not so far from the actions also of Obama to bring our nation upon the brink of war, and not with other nations, but within itself. Let's take some of the already known facts as pieces of a puzzle, and let's place them in to form a picture we can all see. We already know that Obama has taken the Department of Homeland Security and merged it with FEMA to create FEMACORP... a very powerful bureaucracy that has complete control over most of America's industries and resources in case of a national emergency. And, through the powers of Executive Orders, Obama has combined several past Executive Orders from both Bush and Clinton to merge everything through the directive of the Executive Branch should a national emergency every occurs, thus creating a distinguished central government. From food and water, to transportation and utilities, to communications and distribution, everything is directed through the President should a crisis become inevitable. Martial law can be more easily declared, and thus suspending the US Constitution, Congress, Presidential Cabinet, and the US military, leaving the President to become the Fuhrer of America. And if you don't like that term, then he'd be a dictator, or emperor... take your pick. Some of the other pieces are just as empowering. Have you noticed our police departments lately? They more look like guerrilla warriors than cops. They have equal resources as the military, and have become well trained now in civil unrest using combat tactics. There is a growing concern of a black ops military that Obama is constructing, which was buried in the 2700 pages of the ACA bill, in which Representative Gomez of Texas has
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM - Social Mention
Where are from Somali people
Nov 23rd 2013, 17:58
Somaliland people are Sunni Muslims with Arabic roots. The origin of major Somaliland tribes like Samaroon and Darood are from Yemen, while Isaaq tribe is from Iraq and […]
Ethiopia: Security Forces Crackdown on Ahlusuna Waljama' in Ogaden Region
Nov 23rd 2013, 15:52
There is a Somali legendary,the Sufis had been a blood-war with another sect from he Capital of Somalia, Muqdisho ,Commanded by a Scholar named,Shiekh Ibrahim.And Sufi Scholar,Sheikh Maqdashe,in […]
The Meaning of Sufism
Nov 23rd 2013, 02:15
The origin of the word and its derivation: There are many opinions regarding the origin of this word. They may be summarized as follows: 1) Some Sufis like to link […]
Die Lüge über die Pilgerfahrt bei den Schiiten!!!
May 20th 2013, 21:27
Die Schiiten sind eine der vielen irregegangen Sekten, die sich fälschlicherweise dem Islam zuschreiben. Der Islam ist jene Religion die auf dem reinen Tawhe...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM
Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
Liebe ist......
vor Deinem Schöpfer stehen zu dürfen<3
Nov 24th 2013, 01:33
Liebe ist......
vor Deinem Schöpfer stehen zu dürfen♥
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM
Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
Liebe ist......
vor Deinem Schöpfer stehen zu dürfen<3
Nov 24th 2013, 01:33
Liebe ist......
vor Deinem Schöpfer stehen zu dürfen♥
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM - Social Mention
Verfassungsschutz, BND & CO - Einfach lächerlich!
Nov 10th 2013, 21:26 h...
Pierre Vogel - Gibt es einen wahren Islam?
Nov 10th 2013, 19:40 h...
Ihr wollt Deutschland übernehmen!
Nov 3rd 2013, 19:53 h...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM
quranverteilung - Social Mention
Lies! Infostände in Köln-Bonn-Euskirchen am 22.09.2012
Dec 8th 2012, 19:34 http://HausdesQuran...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM
allahu akbar - Social Mention
di setiap langkah ku ingin ku sebut nma mu...!! Tpi rsa'y masih susah tuk slalu ngucap allahu akbar dlm setiap langkah ku...!! Mch belum biza....,
Nov 24th 2013, 02:06
Allahu akbar....
Nov 24th 2013, 02:06
Muktamar Thanawi DUPNK kali ke-42. Di Dewan Perdana Resort PCB KB, 26/10/2013
SO disan di sodi ko gf akun na ilaya niyo kon oba kano piyangatataed ah mga tao ah ipaar iyo so tao aya niyan pukabayaan mataan mambo ka mga gwapo gwapa kano mambo diniyo katawan so ipkarata ginawa oh pud iyo na paromaninyo ka mataan so dun so allah mataw rukata no diniyo katawan na oh sodiin iyo so tao na aya niyo pisodi so allah sana kano ah da mga kaya iyan ah mga tao ino kai mataed ipagambog ka kai mataed mas tomoon akun so ah ibaba iyan ah ginawa niyan oba so tao ah ipoporo iyan ah ginawa niyan .....sakun na paniwala ako sa pitaro oh allah ah so tao ah maka sodi ko pud eyan na na kikasoy ron bo so kataro iyan allahu akbar mas mabuti pa na tawbat kano badun ko allah amai kowan na mibabawata kano sa mga amo?
Nov 24th 2013, 02:06
TAbligh aKbArr Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:04
Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:04
இதை பார்த்ததில் இருந்து நானும் கீமா சாப்பிடுவதை நிறுத்தி விட்டேன் நீங்கள் எப்படி நண்பா ?? நண்பா ஒரு 30 சொக்கன் ஆனதன் பின்பு போடுவாங்க பாருங்க அப்போ புரியும் உங்களுக்கு
Guru darah tinggi vs murid agak-agak... Seorang murid disuruh nyanyi kedepan kelas oleh guru nya... Murid : (nyanyi dgn suara kecil) "cicak2 di dinding" Guru :"besarin dikit". Murid : "tokek2 di dinding". Guru : "kurang besar". Murid : "buaya2 di dinding". Guru :"yg dbesarin tu suara kamu bkan binatangnya!" Murid : "kalu suaranya yg dbesarin, saya Adzan saja pak" Guru : "ya sudah kmu Adzan" Murid : (dgn suara agak besar) "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar." Guru : "besarin lagi." Murid : "ga da yg lbih besar dri Allah pak. Allah Maha Besar." Guru : [kesal & marah] "ya sdah Allah Maha Besar, tp nilai kamu yg kecil." Murid : "besarin dikit donk pak." Guru : [berteriak] "NILAI KAMU KECIL." Murid : " yg dibesarin tu nilai saya pak, bukan suara bapak!" Guru : pLak, pLaak, pLaaak !!! *nampar murid* 'Mahfooz'
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
Allahu akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
allahu akbar.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
allahu akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
A christain was asked Whyy did he goes to church on sunday and he said "because God rested that day" And He ask me why did i go to mosque on friday? I smile and said to him"the qur'an said: ya ayyu hallazina aamanu izaa nudiya lissati miny yawmil juma'ati fas aw ilaa zikrillahi wa zarul bayh....O you who believe!when the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday(the day of assembly), hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah,and leave off business. And I ask him to prove me where God talk of sundays in the bible. Hmmm, no prove. May Allah make those who are not muslim understand and repent and come to islam.... ALLAHU AKBHAR
ALLAHU AKBAR,,,panasx pulang dr empang,,
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
Muslimin Wa Muslimat ayo kita bertakbir!!! Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
allahu akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:02
Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 02:02
Allaah says, "Do you then wonder at this recitation (the Qur'aan)? And you laugh at it and weep not, Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing)" Surah al-Najm 53: Ayah [59-61]
Allahu akbar . Gud glemmer ingen !
Nov 24th 2013, 02:01
Trykk Like Veien til Jannah - paradiset Følg Islamske Påminnelser Videoen blir stadig slettet av Facebook.,, se den før den blir slettet,,,, del den videre,,Måtte Allah swt beskytte Alle muslimer i Verden,,
ORANG-orang presentasi, saya mah facebookan :)
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
Slamat ibadah...
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
A day that starts with fajr prayer, is a day worth living - Allahu Akbar!
Nov 24th 2013, 01:58
Guru darah tinggi vs murid agak-agak... Seorang murid disuruh nyanyi kedepan kelas oleh guru nya... Murid : (nyanyi dgn suara kecil) "cicak2 di dinding" Guru :"besarin dikit". Murid : "tokek2 di dinding". Guru : "kurang besar". Murid : "buaya2 di dinding". Guru :"yg dbesarin tu suara kamu bkan binatangnya!" Murid : "kalu suaranya yg dbesarin, saya Adzan saja pak" Guru : "ya sudah kmu Adzan" Murid : (dgn suara agak besar) "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar." Guru : "besarin lagi." Murid : "ga da yg lbih besar dri Allah pak. Allah Maha Besar." Guru : [kesal & marah] "ya sdah Allah Maha Besar, tp nilai kamu yg kecil." Murid : "besarin dikit donk pak." Guru : [berteriak] "NILAI KAMU KECIL." Murid : " yg dibesarin tu nilai saya pak, bukan suara bapak!" Guru : pLak, pLaak, pLaaak !!! *nampar murid* 'Onta'
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
betapa senang dan terobatnya hati ini di kala kemaren sore seseorang yg sangat saya sayangi menyapa langsung bukan mencolek...ketika saya lagi mencari makanan kelinci..di halaman Masjid..Allahu akbar..
Nov 24th 2013, 01:56
allahu akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 01:56
Dari penjara Nusakambangan, Ustadz Ba'asyir menyampaikan wasiat tertulis kepada umat Islam agar mengamalkana Islam secara murni, kaffah dan dalam bingkai Khilafah Islamiyah.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:56
Assalammualaikum. Alhamdulilah, pagi ini terbaca satu artikel menarik kiriman rakan FB. Oleh kerana artikel itu menarik, selayaknyalah diabadikan dalam 'note's untuk renungan pada masa lapang. Rahsia Tersembunyi Di Sebalik Nama 'Muhammad'. Terkait rahsia di sebalik nama Muhammad, di mana banyak makna tersirat dalam kebesaran nama yang sederhana itu. Mungkinkah ini merupakan salah satu mukjizat atau sekadar kebetulan sahaja, bahawa ada fakta menarik di abjad/huruf-huruf yang tersusun dari nama itu: 1. Kata Muhammad, jika kita gabungkan dalam bentuk normal mim-kha-mim-kha-dal, maka akan menjadi sebuah sketsa seorang manusia. Anda tentu sudah maklum jika sebaik-baik makhluk yang pernah diciptakan oleh Tuhan di alam semesta ini adalah MANUSIA. Dengan segala kelebihan mereka, sementara mahluk lain hanyalah haiwan, tumbuhan dan planet-planet yang penuh rahsia. 2. Kata Ahmad, jika kita perhatikan satu-persatu hurufnya maka huruf-huruf itu akan menggambarkan sosok orang yang sedang melakukan solat, tahukah kalian bahawa SOLAT merupakan sebaik-baik doa dan ibadah yang pernah diperintahkanNya. 3. Kata Muhammad jika digabungkan huruf-hurufnya maka akan memaparkan bentuk seakan-akan manusia yang sedang sujud dalam solat. Gerakan SUJUD dalam Solat merupakan inti dari semua rukun-rukunnya, kerana pada saat sujud manusia menundukkan 8 bahagian tubuhnya di bumi bukti penyerahan secara menyeluruh kepada sang pencipta. Subhanallah, Allahu Akbar, betapa rahsia Allah sangat menggetarkan hati, dan yakinlah masih banyak tersirat rahsia-rahsia lain yang kita tidak ketahui. Wallahualam.
This is something that is very personal and important to me. I hope that you will learn and benefit from it. Let me begin by saying "Bismillah." When I first started University, I had met another Muslim brother. We had become good friends, but this friendship was not like any other ordinary friendship, I would have done anything for him, he was like my real brother. During our last year of University, this brother of mine announced that he was engaged and that he was to be married after he graduates this year and finds himself a job. I was glad for him and so was he. He talked non stop about getting married, I was sort of getting jealous of him, because the brother had it made for him, finishing school, getting married and especially coming from a wealthy family. One day this brother was to meet me at the coffee shop. He showed up, but astonishingly he wasn't smiling and wasn't talking about his fiancée. I asked him what was wrong, he asked if we could talk somewhere privately and we did. Finally I knew why he was upset. He had told me that he found out that he had a brain tumor which was malignant, which meant it had become cancerous. When he told me the news, his voice was quivering and tears were streaming down his cheeks. I had never seen him like this before. I tried keeping in my tears and I tried not to show that I was hurt also. I was burning up inside and things were racing through my mind. I kept thinking, how could this have happened? A man who had everything made and had everything perfect. I kept it inside because I did not want him to see me upset. I saw this brother slowly go down. He had to drop out of school at his last year because he began to lose his memory and he started to repeat himself over again. He did not have a chance at school without his memory. This brother was intelligent, but after, he became lost. He was told that his fianceés family and her parents did not want their daughter to marry him, because he had no job and basically no future. This was hard for him, I remember he would cry to me about her and how he cared for her and how hopeless he felt. Later, the brother had problems writing and his right eyesight was fading. The tumor was on the left side of his brain so it affected everything on his right. Because of his memory loss, the brother soon forgot suras and he even forgot how to pray. A year later, his right arm was paralyzed and his eyesight was taken away from him. It was the hardest thing for me to see. The brother I loved so much as going through so much. I began coming over everyday helping him recite suras. When I was recited sura Fatiha to him and he was slowly repeating after me, I looked at him and I thought, this was the same brother who was so intelligent and was to finish school. This was the same brother who came from such a wealthy family. This was the same brother who talked for days about getting married and raising a family. This was the same brother who had everything. But now he can barely remember what I said to him ten minutes ago, he can't get married, and now he is struggling to read Qur'an, he was not much of a practicing Muslim so it was harder for him to recite the Qur'an. This man was now turning towards Allah, he dropped EVERYTHING and turned towards Allah. Allah gave him everything, and he could take everything away just as easily. A month ago, I had received a call saying that the brother passed away and that his janaza is today. I washed his body with a couple of other brothers and I saw his lifeless body. He was buried and after that I returned home. The next day, I sat down wondering to myself about the power of Allah. My brother's death made me realize that we forget what our purpose of being here is for: To serve Allah. You could have everything, but do you have anything that is important? I spent six years knowing this brother, and caring for him. I never once shed a tear when he was alive and not even when he passed away. But the day after his death, I did cry because I thought about the power of Allah. I thought about my brother. We always say that we will return to Allah, but we never really believe it. If we did, then we would struggle to read the Qur'an and pray to Allah like my brother did. My brother had his eyesight taken away from him, his arm was paralyzed and his memory was lost, but he still got up every morning and he insisted and I repeat, insisted on reciting the Qur'an. But we are able, but we still do not struggle to read the Qur'an. We do not really believe that we will return to Allah, or else we would struggle for Allah. My brother had love for materialistic objects, but when death approached him, those things were no use to him because he knew those things were not going to lead him to Jannah without his Iman. Allah can give and take things easily whenever and wherever. I love my brother and I pray that Allah will accept him, and I humbly request that prayer be made for him. I do pray that you have a true belief of Allah and our return to Him because if you do have this fear, you will struggle for your Islam to the best of your ability before you can say it is too late. May we all be rightly guided. Ameen. ★ [ DON,T FORGET TO SHARE ] ★
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْرًا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience, and set firm our feet and make us victorious over the disbelieving people." Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah. Allahu Akbar
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
Nonton berita angelina sondah, ALLAHU AKBAR..penjara 12 tahun, denda 40 M, terpisah dgn anaknya, terpenjara, ngak bs bayangin! Terlepas dia benar/salah: lidahku kelu. Jika ada yg merasa masalahnya paling berat! Jika ada yg merasa paling menderita! Dan jika ada yg merasa dunia runtuh di atas kepalanya! Mari sedikit kita berkaca! Melihat ke atas untuk semangat, melihat ke bawah untuk bersyukur.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
Nov 24th 2013, 01:09
Trustworthiness creates flexibility and emotional reserve in relationships. Suspected Boko Haram Islamists have killed 12 people in a raid
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM
kufar - Social Mention
Jis k liy hum ny wafa k sipary hifz kiy.. Wo shaks hum pay kufar k fatwy laga gia
Nov 24th 2013, 02:03
AL QURAN : "Un Logon ki TAUBA QABUL nahe hoti jo musalsl bury kam krty rehty hain, Yahan tk k jb un me se kisi pr maut ka waqt aa jata hy to wo kehta hy k ab main TAUBA krta hon, Our na un Logon ki TAUBA qabul hoti hy jo halt e kufar me mr jaty hain, Aysy Logon k liye HAM ne dardnak Azab tayar kr rakha hy-" ( NISAA : 18 ) Ya ALLAH hame hr gunah se sachi Tauba krny ki taufeq atta farma
Nov 24th 2013, 00:47
AL QURAN : "Un Logon ki TAUBA QABUL nahe hoti jo musalsl bury kam krty rehty hain, Yahan tk k jb un me se kisi pr maut ka waqt aa jata hy to wo kehta hy k ab main TAUBA krta hon, Our na un Logon ki TAUBA qabul hoti hy jo halt e kufar me mr jaty hain, Aysy Logon k liye HAM ne dardnak Azab tayar kr rakha hy-" ( NISAA : 18 ) Ya ALLAH hame hr gunah se sachi Tauba krny ki taufeq atta farma
Nov 24th 2013, 00:46
AL QURAN : "Un Logon ki TAUBA QABUL nahe hoti jo musalsl bury kam krty rehty hain, Yahan tk k jb un me se kisi pr maut ka waqt aa jata hy to wo kehta hy k ab main TAUBA krta hon, Our na un Logon ki TAUBA qabul hoti hy jo halt e kufar me mr jaty hain, Aysy Logon k liye HAM ne dardnak Azab tayar kr rakha hy-" ( NISAA : 18 ) Ya ALLAH hame hr gunah se sachi Tauba krny ki taufeq atta farma
Nov 24th 2013, 00:46
AL QURAN : "Un Logon ki TAUBA QABUL nahe hoti jo musalsl bury kam krty rehty hain, Yahan tk k jb un me se kisi pr maut ka waqt aa jata hy to wo kehta hy k ab main TAUBA krta hon, Our na un Logon ki TAUBA qabul hoti hy jo halt e kufar me mr jaty hain, Aysy Logon k liye HAM ne dardnak Azab tayar kr rakha hy-" ( NISAA : 18 ) Ya ALLAH hame hr gunah se sachi Tauba krny ki taufeq atta farma
Nov 24th 2013, 00:45
Please ppl we need to make this VIDEO Viral!! please share it EVERYWHERE!! WE MUST EXPOSE THESE KUFAR SHIAS SONS OF MUTA!!
Nov 24th 2013, 00:20
Download Link In this clip Yasser al-Habib.admits getting paid by Britisher to abuse and insult prophet's honor. Yasser tel...
Please ppl we need to make this VIDEO Viral!! please share it EVERYWHERE!! WE MUST EXPOSE THESE KUFAR SHIAS SONS OF MUTA!!
Nov 24th 2013, 00:19
Download Link In this clip Yasser al-Habib.admits getting paid by Britisher to abuse and insult prophet's honor. Yasser tel...
against dusk..#3
Oct 2nd 2012, 12:59
mtb himalaya 2012 weekend run, shimla-ghada kufar-narkanda, himachal pradesh complete post at
into the trails...#2
Oct 2nd 2012, 12:59
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:06AM - Social Mention
Ibrahim Abou Nagie über Mouhanad Khorchide
Nov 21st 2013, 17:00 h...
Ibrahim Abou Nagie - Ein Vortrag in der Katholischen Kirchengemeinde Teil 1
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"Die Heuchler" - Wunderschöne Koran Rezitation! (+ Dt. Untertitel)
Jul 23rd 2011, 23:13
Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (Die Heuchler) Sura 63 http://As-Sirat...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:05AM
Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand
Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand
El habibi
Nov 24th 2013, 01:34
El habibi
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:04AM - Social Mention
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
Hi folks (rios vs pacquiao live) Manny Pacquiao vs Brandon Rios Live stream is truly worldwide (Pacquiao vs Rios live stream: Pacquiao Boxing HBO PPV) because not everyone […]
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:03AM
IHED - Social Mention
God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait. #Blissful - TBanks
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
DIVULGAI AOS QUATRO CANTOS A MINHA MENSAGEM DIZ O SENHOR 5-5-2011 WWW.TLIG.ORG AVISO DO SENHOR O SENHOR FALA A TODOS E A TODAS AS IGREJAS CRISTÃS IMPORTANTE JESUS Lembrai-vos de proclamar Minha Mensagem a todos ao redor pois, o cheiro de morte alcançou o céu e o castigo que aguarda esta geração virá sobre a terra devido à sua incredulidade e apostasia; os enviados que Eu vos envio não são ouvidos e o Meu Espírito é blasfemado; muitos estão indiferentemente ferindo Minha Igreja, apedrejando Meus profetas; muitos estão arruinando e agora sinais visíveis são dados na proporção e na medida de sua apostasia e de seus pecados;......continua....... ........................................................................... EU SOU AMOR 24.12.1988 - Vigília de Natal - Jesus? - Eu Sou, Minha bem-amada. - Hoje, celebra-se a vigília do Vosso Nascimento, Senhor! Estou muito contente, Meu Bem-Amado, Santo dos Santos! - Louvado seja Nosso Senhor! Oh! Meu Deus, dissolvei-me na Vossa Santidade e mostrai-me como viver santamente. Dissolvei-me, Eterno, na Vossa Pureza, purificando-me; Amadíssimo, santificai-nos a nós, Vossos filhos, e reuni-nos num só Rebanho, para Vos glorificarmos, a Vós e Vos louvarmos, à volta de um só Sacrário. Deixai que o Vosso Santo Espírito de Verdade desça sobre todos nós para mostrar-nos a Verdade. Que a Vossa Luz seja o nosso Guia, nesta escuridão; e nos conduza à Verdade, conduzindo-nos a todos, sob um só pastor até ao Vosso Regresso. Senhor, VINDE! - Ah! Alma bem-amada, Eu reunir-vos-ei a todos num só Rebanho e os Meus Braços serão o vosso recinto e o Meu Sagrado Coração será a vossa Morada. O Amor regressará como Amor. Sim, Meus bem-amados, rezai pelo Meu Regresso. Eu sou Amor, Eu sou a Fonte Suprema da Vida; vinde a Mim, vosso Salvador! Vinde!... - Sim, Senhor. O MEU ESPÍRITO SANTO VIRÁ EM TEU SOCORRO HAVERÁ UM SEGUNDO PENTECOSTES 10 de Dezembro de 1995 - A paz esteja contigo. O teu fim deve ser permanecer na Verdade e atrair todo o povo à Verdade e ao Meu Reino. Eu sou a Verdade e o Meu Reino, na terra, é a Minha Igreja e a Minha Igreja é o Meu Corpo, que enche toda a criação 1 . E a Vida da Minha Igreja é a Minha Santa Eucaristia, o Caminho para a vida eterna. Eu sou o Caminho, a Verdade e a Vida. Eu sou Amor. Amai-Me e vivereis. Através do amor, a vossa alma começará a procurar as coisas celestes. O mundo não pode oferecer-vos nada do que Me pertence. Agarrai-vos a Mim e ficareis enraizados em Mim; e, deste modo, ganhareis a vida eterna, que Eu Mesmo vos prometi. Eu chamei-te, Minha Vassula, e tomei-te para atraíres, através do Meu Apelo, muitos pecadores ao arrependimento. Na presença de muitas testemunhas, Eu falei por ti, aparecendo em teu lugar. Alguns viram-Me e acreditaram. Felizes daqueles que não viram e, ainda assim, acreditam. Eu encarreguei-te verdadeiramente desta Mensagem, porque sabia que tu irias tomar bem a peito os Meus Interesses. Disse: Eu encarreguei-te desta Mensagem; esta Mensagem não acrescenta nada de novo às Escrituras. Tudo o que Eu tenho dito nesta Mensagem está escrito nas Escrituras; mas, apesar disso, vós não tendes cumprido plenamente o que está escrito. Vós ouvistes-Me dizer: Enviar-vos-ei o Paráclito para estar convosco para sempre e, naqueles que Me amam, para vos ensinar. O Meu Espírito será o vosso Conselheiro e vosso Educador. Sem Ele, mesmo os Meus discípulos jamais Me compreenderam plenamente e tão pouco os Meus ensinamentos. Mas no dia em que Eu regressei ao Pai, Eu enviei-lhes o Paráclito, a fim de que lhes lembrasse tudo o que lhes disse, quando estava com eles. Agora, Eu estou mesmo prestes a vir a vós, mas vós nem sempre tendes compreendido como e de que modo. No entanto, eu não tenho falado em metáforas. Eu digo-vos solenemente: Irei enviar-vos o Meu Espírito Santo em plena força, a toda a humanidade; e, como sinal precursor, mostrar-vos-ei prodígios no céu, como nunca. Haverá um segundo Pentecostes, a fim de que o Meu Reino, na terra 2 , seja restaurado. Muitos de vós perguntais: "Quando? Quando é que todas essas coisas se irão realizar?" Não é dado a quem quer que seja conhecer os tempos ou as datas que o Pai decidiu, por Sua própria autoridade. No passado, os vossos antecessores mataram todos quantos predisseram a Minha Vinda e agora, nesta vossa geração, fazeis a mesma coisa. Por quanto tempo resistireis vós ainda ao Meu Espírito Santo de Graça? Arrependei-vos desta vossa maldade e pedi que nenhuma das coisas que tendes dito vos condene. Não duvideis por mais tempo. Depressa recebereis uma efusão do Meu Espírito Santo, a fim de que a vossa força vos seja restituida. E tu, Minha irmã, recebe a ternura d'Aquele que te formou. Onde quer que tu não tenhas conseguido, fui Eu Próprio a consegui-lo; onde quer que tu fosses desprovida, foi o Meu Espírito Santo que voltou a providenciar. A Minha simpatia por ti é imensa. Continua a pôr em acção as lições que aprendestes de Mim. Fica a saber que Eu acabarei a Minha Obra triunfante! Vassula, poderás ir Comigo justamente ainda mais uma milha? - Certamente, se eu tiver sempre os meus pés dispostos a caminhar Convosco. - O seu tratamento severo a teu respeito em nada te afectará. A Minha Mensagem foi revelada aos Meus santos e àqueles que têm um coração de criança. A Sabedoria exaspera-se com os sábios e eruditos, mas todos os que ergueram a espada contra ti perecerão à espada. As Minhas Palavras não encontraram morada neles, não, porque falta o amor... os doutores da lei nomeiam-se a eles mesmos... que lei? A Minha ou a deles? Guardassem eles a Minha Lei e teriam então compreendido a Minha linguagem 3 . Mas verdade é que não compreenderam o que Eu disse. Ah! Vassula, responde ao mal com o amor. Perdoa e guarda o Meu silêncio, a toda a blasfémia lançada contra ti. O homem tira das suas próprias reservas; por isso, honra-Me, pois vens de Mim. Vai onde Eu Mesmo te envio, vai como testemunha e proclama abertamente tudo o que o Pai e Eu te ensinámos. A hora de Satanás aí está; mas, em breve, São Miguel erguer-se-á e infelizes dos pecadores não arrependidos! Agora, o demónio vomita a sua raiva em cima de ti e de cada uma das Minhas intervenções para vossa salvação (o aguilhão da iniquidade), mas o Meu Espírito Santo virá em teu socorro e a Minha Mensagem será um cântico contínuo, aos ouvidos de quem o queira ouvir. Reza, Minha Vassula, porque as tuas orações deliciam-Me. Eu te abençoo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ef 1, 23 2 Jesus quer dizer com isso: a Igreja 3 Jesus quer dizer com isso: nas Escrituras ............................................................................................................... EU, O SENHOR, NÃO QUERO DIVISÃO ALGUMA NA MINHA IGREJA 19.3.1988 O MEU SANTO SUDÁRIO É AUTÊNTICO 2.10.1987 - Eu sou Jesus. Saiba-se que toda a imagem, Minha e de Minha Mãe, deve ser honrada, uma vez que Nos representa, como a Cruz Me representa. Saiba-se que o Meu Santo Sudário é autêntico. É aquele que Me cobriu. Abençoada por Mim, Vassula, entra no Meu Coração, deixa que te esconda e descansa; vem, vem a teu Pai. TODA A MENSAGEM DO SENHOR SE ENCONTRA NO SITE EM TODOS OS IDIOMAS DEUS ABENÇÕE AS FAMILIAS True Life .......................................................................................... IMPORTANTE JESUS WWW.TLIG.ORG ESCONDER A MINHA VOZ É UM PECADO MORTAL OS MEUS SERVIDORES SÃO FORMADOS PELAS MINHAS PALAVRAS 28 de Setembro de 2000 - Do Vosso Templo, Senhor, ouvi a minha voz e fazei-me ouvir a Vossa; que esta geração abra os seus ouvidos e ouça as Vossas palavras, que são mais doces do que o mel, mais doces que o puro mel dos favos; David disse: "Os Vossos servos são formados pelas Vossas Palavras..." (Sl 19,12). - E assim são eles, porque olha: Que tendes todos vós visto? Que tendes vós ouvido? Uma elite a caminhar entre a elite? Um filósofo ou um membro de alta categoria de uma academia teológica? Tendes visto alguém vestido de púrpura real, de riqueza, e à cata de conhecimento mundano? Não? Então, vós que viestes ouvir, quem ouvistes? Uma autoridade dada pelos homens? Oh! Não, porque os que se sentam em tronos e vos governam não estão ungidos com o óleo da profecia. Então, quem tendes vós ouvido, em todos estes anos?! Um coração? Sim! Foi o que vós viestes ver e ouvir. Um coração formado pelas Minhas palavras, que desafiam os poderes do mal e as dominações do Maligno, mas que exaltam o Meu Nome pelo louvor e glória, consolando os desencorajados e os aflitos, alimentando os esfomeados com as Minhas Palavras. Viestes ouvir um coração clemente formado por Mim e pelas Minhas Palavras. Sim, os Meus servidores são formados pelas Minhas Palavras e, neste dia, Eu sento-Me no Meu Trono, comandando esta cidade e convidando todos quantos passam: "Quem é que se decidiu a disciplinar a sua vida por Mim? Quem é que dispôs o seu espírito a ser corrigido e a vir habitar em Mim? Infelizes dos corações indecisos, ai dos corações indiferentes, ai dos corações orgulhosos e entontecidos: o peso do seu próprio pecado os atirará para o inferno! Hoje, venho uma vez mais a ti, geração, a fim de te formar pelas Minhas Palavras Salvadoras e te ungir para que faças o bem. Não fiques como uma árvore ressequida; vem a Mim, que Eu Mesmo te farei florescer, e o teu fruto será bom. Vem a Mim e, quando Eu te tocar nos lábios, os teus próprios lábios pronunciarão gentileza e serás liberta da morte ". - Javé, guia os nossos passos senão, como podereis vós, por vós mesmos,ver onde ides? O Trono de Javé não pode senão ser instalado na gentileza; a própria Escritura o diz. - E é assim mesmo... Por conseguinte, não digais: "com que autoridade nos veio ela 1 falar?". Eu sou a sua Autoridade e esta mesma Autoridade veio dizer aos trocistas 2 : "Eu Próprio vos expulsarei das vossas cátedras, mas exaltarei os humildes, a fim de os enviar a evangelizar um povo descristianizado; Eu respirei fundo, suspirando, enquanto passava por todos esses trocistas; o seu espírito está inteiramente invadido de urtigas. Enquanto olhava para a Vinha 3 que Meu Filho Jesus Cristo lhes 4 confiou, dei um novo e bem profundo suspiro. Que é feito do banquete de vinhos finos, de alimento rico e suculento, de vinhos finamente filtrados? Será esta a região em que se encontrava um milhar de vinhas?" Ah! Geração, como tenho piedade de vós. A pobreza está à tua esquina e, como um mendigo, está em verdadeira necessidade 5 . "Come mel 6 porque é bom; o mel que corre do favo tem uma doçura saborosa e salvar-vos-á!", digo Eu. Mas ninguém Me escuta verdadeiramente; só um pequeno resto se sente ávido em escutar. Uma casa foi construída pela Sabedoria, comprada pelo Precioso Sangue. De repente, ergueu-se a vingança de Satanás para A destruir: "quem terei eu de enviar para fazer esse trabalho de destruição? Pois bem, vou enviar a Besta e seus adeptos para demolir e dividir, para profanar e abolir aquilo que é o mais Santo..." Quando veio a adversidade, Eu vim socorrer, mas ninguém, entre os oficiais da Igreja, Me escutou verdadeiramente. "Isto não passa de uma revelação privada; não tendes necessidade de lhe prestar qualquer atenção", dizem eles. Ora, esconder a Minha Voz é um pecado mortal. Passar-Me pelo crivo, muitas e muitas vezes, e esquadrinhar-Me 7 é um pecado odioso a meus Olhos. A vossa própria incredulidade dirá um dia: "Mas, olhai, nós não sabíamos; não sabíamos que ofendíamos a Vossa Misericórdia". Com efeito, a verdade é que ofendestes a Minha Misericórdia. E não somente ofendestes a Minha Misericórdia, como também permitistes aos poderes do mal que ganhassem terreno e que pilhassem a Casa que Meu Filho comprou com o Seu Precioso Sangue, por causa da vossa incredulidade. E de que forma! Com que habilidade vós contornais as Minhas palavras, a fim de justificardes a vossa incredulidade! Acaso vos não destes conta de que vos apoderastes da Minha Sede? Não vos destes conta de que passastes a ser o inimigo de toda a raça humana? Uma vez que, obstruindo e diminuindo o valor das Minhas Palavras, que Eu vos transmito pelos Meus profetas, vós próprios os impedis de pronunciar a Minha Vontade a Meu povo e de se reunir e unir a Casa de Meu Filho? Acaso não ouvistes: "Sem a revelação, o povo dissipa-se; mas o que guarda a lei é feliz" 8 ? - Eu rezo por aquele que Vos exclamou: "Cheguei ao desespero, com todos os esforços que fiz à luz do dia". - E Eu digo-lhe: "não sofreste em vão. Eu não sinto prazer algum com essa divisão, que é um grave pecado, mas a união não está fora da tua própria expectativa". Muitas palavras deformadas virão de muitos corações; mas, entretanto, não estarei Eu em vias de fazer o apelo? Se te desencorajas, vira-te para Mim... "Os Meus servidores são formados pelas Minhas Palavras", disse o Meu Espírito a David. E tu os reconhecerás pelos seus discursos e por aquilo que dizem. Esta geração arruína-se. Por isso, não terei Eu de intervir, numa tal apostasia? O destruidor devasta as Nossas Vinhas, pilhando as Escrituras, e vós sabei-lo. Não terei Eu de intervir? Olhai, os Meus Abéis lamentam-se, no deserto. Os Meus embaixadores de paz choram amargamente a dureza do vosso coração como Meu Filho chorou amargamente a dureza de coração de Jerusalém, que perseguiu todos os profetas... - Até quando, Senhor? - Até que eles não aprendam a exclamar: "Bênção sobre aquele que vem em Nome do Senhor!" 9 . E quanto a ti, Vassula, Eu digo-te: sinto a Minha delícia em ti, quando observas e não esqueces as Minhas Palavras, que te têm formado e, através de ti, têm formado outros. Mantém-te de olhos bem abertos, para contemplares os Meus inestimáveis tesouros e as verdadeiras maravilhas de Minhas Palavras. Eu disse, Minha Vassula, que contemplar a luz da Minha Glória está acima de toda a teologia. Pois bem, haverá algo de maior no mundo que penetrar no teu Deus e rejubilares na Sua Presença? Que haverá de maior no mundo do que ver-Me a Mim, a Divindade? Aquele que está revestido de Majestade e de Poder fala-vos. Eu transcendo e reino nas alturas da glória; por isso, é para lá que os vossos olhos se devem erguer permanentemente e sereis salvos. É o que tu deves continuar a ensinar a esta geração. Vai recitar os Meus atos, a fim de que esta geração Me abra o seu coração e para que Eu, por Meu lado, lhe abra as portas da virtude. Exclama aos pastores que guardam a Igreja e pergunta-lhes: "Haverá por aí alguém que tenha saboreado a doçura e a bondade de Nosso Senhor? E haverá aqui alguém que seja o mais competente no Conhecimento de Deus?". Se dizeis "sim" à primeira pergunta e "não" à Minha segunda pergunta, então, porque Me perseguis? Eu implorei e vós condenastes. Eu visitei-vos, fazendo brilhar em vós a Minha benevolência, mas a arrogância e a hostilidade foram as ofertas que me fizestes. Bati à vossa porta, mas vós não Ma abristes e assegurastes-vos, pelo contrário, de que as vossas próprias janelas estavam devidamente aferrolhadas. Não tendes dado lugar algum a vosso Senhor. E terei então Eu de louvar agora o vosso discurso e essa vossa verdadeira onda de palavras que Me são dirigidas, nas Minhas Assembléias? Até porque todas essas palavras são vazias do próprio vazio? Afinal, para que servis vós? Humilhai-vos, antes que caiais doentes. Que as Minhas Palavras sejam o vosso educador, o vosso conselheiro e a vossa delícia, e vivereis.
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:02AM
khalifa - Social Mention
Wiz Khalifa + Snoop Dog = Musica Perfeita.
Nov 24th 2013, 02:01
Sem flúor, fio dental, dente amarelo eem wiz, sem khalifa, sem "black in yellow" ♪
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
French Montana Ft. Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne & T.I. - Ain't Worried About nothin (REMIX)
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
Nov 24th 2013, 02:00
Wiz Khalifa takes 1gram Amber Ice Bong hit
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Eu Amo o Funk
Nov 24th 2013, 01:59
Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow [Official Music Video]
Nov 24th 2013, 01:58
Watch the best videos on YouTube from Wiz Khalifa here: Wiz Khalifa's new ...
Wiz Khalifa is awful.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:58
Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Eu Amo o Funk
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "That which is lawful is clear, and that which is forbidden is clear, and between them are doubtful matters about which many of the people have no knowledge. So whoever avoids doubtful matters saves his religion and his honour, and whoever falls into doubtful matters falls into what is forbidden." [Bukhari] Once Omar ibn al-Khattab (radi Allahu anhu) hired a work horse for some business. On the way to his destination the cloth that was hanging on his shoulders fell off while he was occupied in reciting the Qur'an. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) did not notice this until someone drew his attention to it after he had moved ahead. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) dismounted the horse and asked the man to guard it. He returned on foot to that place and brought back his cloth. When he returned, the man who had brought the dropped cloth to Omar's attention asked him two questions. The first was why he had retraced his steps on foot instead of on his horse. Omar's reply was that because the horse was not his, and its lease contract did not include that he would return on it if something fell off on the way, he feared it would be dishonesty if he returned on the back of the mare. Then the man asked why he hadn't ordered him to bring it back for him while he remained where he was. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) replied, "Have I got any authority over you to order you to perform any of my personal business?" This is an example of the scrupulous honesty and sincerity with which Omar (radi Allahu anhu) handled the money and affairs of the Ummah he was made Khalifa over. This is the standard of piety set for a ruler by our pious predecessors. Omar ensured that the people he appointed to positions of leadership in his government did not benefit financially to even the slightest degree as a result of their post. A person's personal business was not allowed to advance during his tenure as a public servant. His governors were subject to intense scrutiny and accountability. As a consequence they considered their jobs as burdens to be dutifully discharged and nothing to benefit from in the world. He held himself to an equally rigorous standard of honesty.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
"Miley Cyrus no es una puta, Taylor no es fea, Demi no esta gorda y Justin Bieber no es gay, crece y deja de odiar." -Wiz Khalifa
Nov 24th 2013, 01:57
Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Eu Amo o Funk
Nov 24th 2013, 01:56
Wiz Khalifa tho
Nov 24th 2013, 01:56
BOYS!: Tandaan nyo 'to! Ang mga babae dapat minamahal, nirerespeto at inaalagaan. Hindi yan dapat sinasaktan. Never! Physically, Mentally at Emotionally. Mahalin mo siya sa attitude nya, hindi sa maganda nyang mukha, malaki nyang hinaharap, matambok na pwet o kung ano pa man. Sabi nga ni Wiz Khalifa, kung gusto mo ng breast, legs & thighs, pumunta ka ng KFC! Kasi ang mga babae ay hindi isang cheap na value meal. Para naman sa mga GIRLS: Hanapin niyo yung lalaki na hindi na kailangan tanggalin ang bra mo para makita ang puso mo or hindi na kailangan ibuka ang legs mo para makita ang pagkatao mo. Tandaan nyo, sa pagpili ng mamahalin, use your Heart and Mind. Not the sexual impulse of your hormones. :') #repost
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
Goodmorning #FionaKyot here. :"> Kalkal lang sa FB. Ni Baby! ^______^
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
R.I.P- My nigga wiz khalifa:(
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
Download - Feeling Myself (Feat. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & French Montana)
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54 - Free File Hosting
Nisam Wizz Khalifa! Ali nije ovo ni Amerika!
Nov 24th 2013, 01:53
420 Dancing with Fe Eliza Fainsan, Party here in our room.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:53
It's not the effort that makes the girl smile. It's the willingness of the guy to make those crazy efforts just to make her smile. -Wiz Khalifa
Nov 24th 2013, 01:52
Once Omar ibn al-Khattab (radi Allahu anhu) hired a work horse for some business. On the way to his destination the cloth that was hanging on his shoulders fell off while he was occupied in reciting the Qur'an. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) did not notice this until someone drew his attention to it after he had moved ahead. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) dismounted the horse and asked the man to guard it. He returned on foot to that place and brought back his cloth. When he returned, the man who had brought the dropped cloth to Omar's attention asked him two questions. The first was why he had retraced his steps on foot instead of on his horse. Omar's reply was that because the horse was not his, and its lease contract did not include that he would return on it if something fell off on the way, he feared it would be dishonesty if he returned on the back of the mare. Then the man asked why he hadn't ordered him to bring it back for him while he remained where he was. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) replied, "Have I got any authority over you to order you to perform any of my personal business?" This is an example of the scrupulous honesty and sincerity with which Omar (radi Allahu anhu) handled the money and affairs of the Ummah he was made Khalifa over. This is the standard of piety set for a ruler by our pious predecessors. Omar ensured that the people he appointed to positions of leadership in his government did not benefit financially to even the slightest degree as a result of their post. A person's personal business was not allowed to advance during his tenure as a public servant. His governors were subject to intense scrutiny and accountability. As a consequence they considered their jobs as burdens to be dutifully discharged and nothing to benefit from in the world. He held himself to an equally rigorous standard of honesty.
Nov 24th 2013, 01:52
hola me llamo lineth... mi color favorito son todos menos el verde..... cantante favoritos: drake, lil wayne, wiz khalifa, etc..... peliculas favorita : terror..... esto quisas no demuestre quien soy yo.... el caracter no demuestra quien tu eres.... lo que tu eres se demuestra de muchas formas pero no con tu caracter...
Nov 24th 2013, 01:52
Once Omar ibn al-Khattab (radi Allahu anhu) hired a work horse for some business. On the way to his destination the cloth that was hanging on his shoulders fell off while he was occupied in reciting the Qur'an. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) did not notice this until someone drew his attention to it after he had moved ahead. Omar (radi Allahu anhu) dismounted the horse and asked
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:01AM - Social Mention
Ibrahim Abou Nagie über Mouhanad Khorchide
Nov 21st 2013, 17:00 h...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:00AM - Social Mention
Ibrahim Abou Nagie über Mouhanad Khorchide
Nov 21st 2013, 17:00 h...
Oct 9th 2013, 16:55 h...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:00AM
nasheed - Social Mention
Apni Sason Ko Tuzise Udhar Liya Humne, Tadap Tadap K Hi Sahi Zindagi Ko Gujar Liya Humne, Malum Tha, Na Sunega, Jakhm-e-Dilki Sada Koi, Taklifon Ko Dil K Fir B Galese Laga Liya Humne, Tere Ishque Ki Aag Me Jo Jalake Khakh Tha Vajud Mera, Apani Dubati Kashti Ko Firase Sanwar Liya Humne, Sar Chadh K Bola Shabab-e-Husn Ka Nasha Tera, Tere Nashe Ko Maykhane K Nashe Se Utar Liya Humne...Viju!!!
Nov 24th 2013, 01:55
. Waledain se Barh kar Duniya mein koi Rishta nahi . . . . . . . So Jaldi Se shadi kar k waledain ban jayiee O:) :D (Rishta wohi soch nai ) :p r0xkSxtar 8)
Nov 24th 2013, 01:43
Hum Ne Mohbaton Ky Nashe Me Aa Kr Use Khuda Bana Dala, Hosh Tab Aaya Jab Us Ne Kaha Ky Khuda Kisi ek Ka Nahi Hota…
Nov 24th 2013, 01:27
adam tanha nashe netone befahme darde tanhai chiye ,,,albate manzoram az tanhai in nist ke adama tanhash bezaran,,, naaaa ,,, manzoram az tanhai AZ KHOD DOR SHODANE!!!!!!
Nov 24th 2013, 01:10
Kuch nasha teri baat ka hai, Kuch nasha dhimi barsaat ka hai..... Hum to kabse nashe me dub jaane ko tayyar hai, Intezar to sirf aapki mulakat ka hai............
Nov 24th 2013, 01:06
Nasha pilaa kar giraanaa tou sabko aata hae, Mazaa tou tab hae k girtay ko thaam ley Saaqi..
Nov 24th 2013, 01:02
Nov 24th 2013, 00:54
Main sofiyan da raja nashe ch meri rani rani Paani vi nahin paundi jadon drink si banaundi
Nov 24th 2013, 00:50
Saaki Se Mohabbat Hoti Hai Har Roz, Shikaayat Hoti Hai Peene Ko Mere Peena Na Kaho Yunhi Toh Ibaadat Hoti Hai Woh Sharaabi Kya Sharaabi, Jo Nashe Mein Na Rahe… (2) Woh Sharaabi Kya Sharaabi, Aise Jo Tauba Kare Woh Sharaabi Kya Sharaabi, Dil Mein Jiske Gham Na Ho Loot Gaya Samjho Sharaabi Paas Jiske Ham Na Ho ( Oh Saaki Saaki Re Saaki Saaki Aa Paas Aa, Rahe Na Jaaye Koyi Khwaahish Baaki )… (2) Woh Sharaabi Kya…Sharaabi Paas Jiske Ham Na Ho Oh Saaki… Na Jaaye Koyi Khwaahish Baaki Ishq Ki Galiyon Mein Na Jaana, Ishq Bada Badnaam Hai Ishq Toh Mera Khuda Hai, Aashiq Mera Naam Hai..Ho… Ho..I.Shq Ki Galiyon Mein Na Jaana, Ishq Bada Badnaam Hai Ishq Toh Mera Khuda Hai, Aashiq Mera Naam Hai Aashiqui Ke Har Qadam Pe, Husna Qatl-E-Aam Hai Eh Aashiqui Mein Jaan Lootaana Aashiqon Ke Kaam Hai ( Oh Saaki…Na Jaaye Koyi Khwaahish Baaki
Nov 24th 2013, 00:49
Kuchh amirzade apne shouk aur nashe mein ye bhool jate hain k unke kaarn koi keemti Jann jaa sakti hai aur wo Jann unke kissi Apne ki bhi ho sakti hai..........
Nov 24th 2013, 00:48
हर भक्ति की भक्ति के प्राण हो तुम हर वीर की शक्ति की शान हो तुम तुम ब्रह्माण्ड में एक हो हनुमंता वसुधा के लिए वरदान हो तुम दिन रात लगा रहे प्रभु का दरबार तुम्हारी आँखों में हे मारुति हे मारुति सारी राम कथा का सार तुम्हारी आँखों में दुनियाँ भर की भक्ति का हैं भंडार तुम्हारी आँखों में _/l\_ मारुति नंदन नमो नमः कष्ट भंजन नमो नमः असुर निकंदन नमो नमः श्रीरामदूतम नमो नमः _/l\_ Jai SiyaRam
Nov 24th 2013, 00:40
labarin wani bawan Allah da yake kan gargarar mutuwa, sai dangi suka kewaye shi suna kuka. Sai yace ku tashe ni zaune, sai suka zaunar da shi sai ya fuskance su ya dubi uban sa yace me yasa kake kukan rabuwa da ni? Yace ina jimamin rashin ka da yadda zan yi da kewar ka bayan ka rasu. Sai ya juya ga mahaifiyar sa yace umma me yasa kike kukan rasa ni? Tace saboda zan shiga kuncin rayuwar rasaka. Sai ya juya ga matar sa kefa me yasa ki kuka? Tace zan rasa dadin zaman da muka yi ga shi kuma ban san hannun wanda zan fada ba. Sai ya juya ga 'ya'yan sa kufa me yasa ku kuka? Suka ce saboda zamu zama marayu bamu san irin wahalar da zamu shiga ba bayan baka nan. Daga nan sai ya dube su ya fashe da kuka. Gaba daya suka dube shi kai kuma me yasa ka kuka? Yace naga kowa yana kukan rasa ni ne saboda bukatar kansa! Shin a cikin ku akwai wanda yake kuka saboda doguwar tafiyar dake gabana? Koko akwai wanda yake kuka saboda rashin isashshen guzuri na? Ko akwai wanda yai kuka don za'a turbuda ni a turbaya ko abin da zan tarar na mummunan hisabi? Ko ko akwai wanda yake kuka saboda tsayuwa ta a gaban rabbil izzati ban san me zan tarar ba? Daga nan sai yayanke jiki ya fadi, sai su kai kan sa suka juya shi sai suka ga ashe ya mutu. Allah yasa mucika da imani.
Nov 24th 2013, 00:35
meri soch nashe ch minu ni hosh mai cocaine kiti minu chadya wey josh honde nede oh jede ajnabi saray mere toh duur rehnde mere kar wale...
Nov 24th 2013, 00:22
guys pa like this page Ang Cute mo. SMILE ka din.:") Pls guys salamat Nashe Sarrate Aÿőkő Sä Mäkűlëth Dhemi Gonzales Jhaym Tan thank you !
Nov 24th 2013, 00:15
Sarpol alan(3 bamdad) baz ham larzid vase chandmin bar Dare faza tarsnaktar mishe daghighan mese to filma Aksare mardomam to in sarm biron khabidan Faghad jahate etela age khodaei nakarde etefaghi oftad komakhaye ensan dustane v anva dg faramosh nashe ha;-)
Nov 24th 2013, 00:10
Bromsgrove came together for Eid celebraion
Nov 24th 2013, 00:09
AROUND 400 residents came together at the Spadesbourne Suite in Bromsgrove on Saturday (November 16) for the district's annual Eid celebration.
وجدانن هر کی بیداره لایک کنه ببینیم کیا بیدارن من که دارم بی بی سی نگاه می کنم ببینم آخرش چی میشه
Nov 24th 2013, 00:04
بچــه ها : میگم زشــــت نباشه . . . مـــن تا حالا ریلــیــشین نزدم ؟! :/
Nov 23rd 2013, 23:40
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:00AM
al nur moschee - Social Mention
Resi POS Sabtu, 23 Nopember 2013
Nov 24th 2013, 01:54
ENDANG NUR DARYATI (PATI) : 13121764815 MBA ENI (MALANG): 13121764828 IBU AMBARWATI (YOGYAKARTA): 13121764831
Gracias al Recuerdo by Rengiflow (Music Video) #LatinHiphop @RengiFlow
Nov 24th 2013, 01:44
New World Next Week: Arafat Poisoned, India To Mars, Fukushima Cleanup. Subtitled and translated to spanish ( subtitulado y traducido al español )
Nov 24th 2013, 01:41
New World Next Week: Arafat Poisoned, India To Mars, Fukushima Cleanup. youtube external link Subtitled and translated to spanish ( subtitulado y traducido al español ) - by […]
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 02:00AM
Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
"I am a Muslim, because it's a religion that teaches you an eye for an eye and a...
Nov 24th 2013, 01:20
"I am a Muslim, because it's a religion that teaches you an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It teaches you to respect everybody, and treat everybody right. But it also teaches you if someone steps on your toe, chop off their foot. And I carry my religious axe with me all the time." [El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) Rahimahullah]
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