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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 dawa - Social Mention: Main andheri raat ka musafir karoon roshni ka intezaar kia?? Tay ker loon musafatain raat main sulaghtay din ka etabar kia?? Mujhay rastay main nafratain mili or kuch phool bewafai k.. Main kia janoo kia hai muhabat kia samjhoon hai yeh pyar kia?? Main tanhaiyon main zinda hoon main per katta parinda hoon.. Koi aa k mujhay bata jaey hota hai wisaal-e-yaar kiaa?? Koh-e-toor per to pohanch gaey sang le ker kuch ahl-e-nazar.. Jis nazar ko taab-e-deedaar nahi woh nazar keray deedar kia?? Yeh rog ishq ka rog hai yeh saaz nahi yeh soz hai… Is rog ki koi dawa nahi phir dawa keray beemaar kia?? Us ne jaan meri maang li sadqay main apnay pyaar k… Yeh dum to usi humdum ka tha phir kerta main inkaar kia?? Main thak ker baitha tha ik shajar ki ghanni chaon main.. Jis ne tan man mera jala diya woh shajar tha sayadaar kia? yk
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:49PM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    Main andheri raat ka musafir karoon roshni ka intezaar kia?? Tay ker loon musafatain raat main sulaghtay din ka etabar kia?? Mujhay rastay main nafratain mili or kuch phool bewafai k.. Main kia janoo kia hai muhabat kia samjhoon hai yeh pyar kia?? Main tanhaiyon main zinda hoon main per katta parinda hoon.. Koi aa k mujhay bata jaey hota hai wisaal-e-yaar kiaa?? Koh-e-toor per to pohanch gaey sang le ker kuch ahl-e-nazar.. Jis nazar ko taab-e-deedaar nahi woh nazar keray deedar kia?? Yeh rog ishq ka rog hai yeh saaz nahi yeh soz hai… Is rog ki koi dawa nahi phir dawa keray beemaar kia?? Us ne jaan meri maang li sadqay main apnay pyaar k… Yeh dum to usi humdum ka tha phir kerta main inkaar kia?? Main thak ker baitha tha ik shajar ki ghanni chaon main.. Jis ne tan man mera jala diya woh shajar tha sayadaar kia? yk
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:46
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:05PM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    Şehit Abdulkadir Salih Türkmen Özgürlük yolunda hayatını mücadeleye adamış izzet sahibi, ihlas sahibi ve sadık olan kahraman ve mücahit Şehit kardeşimiz Abdulkadir Salih'in Allah katında Şehit kabul edilmesini niyaz ederiz. Suriye'de "Hacı Maree" lakabıyla tanınan şehit kahraman Abu Mahmud kardeşimiz 1979 yılında doğmuştur . Kend...
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:39
    Özgürlük yolunda hayatını mücadeleye adamış izzet sahibi, ihlas sahibi ve sadık olan kahraman ve mücahit Şehit kardeşimiz Abdulkadir Salih'in Allah katında Şehit kabul edilmesini niyaz ederiz. Suriye'de "Hacı Maree" lakabıyla tanınan şehit kahraman Abu Mahmud kardeşimiz 1979 yılında doğmuştur. Kend...
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 Taghut - Social Mention: Demokratie bedeutet nicht Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit,es bedeutet Volksherrschaft und hat somit nichts mit dem Islam zu tun!Demokratie sagt,dass das urteil und die Gesetzgebung das Volk obliegt,doch Allah sagt im Koran ,dass er der Gesetzgeber ist,und dass Urteil und die Gesetzgebung obliegt nur Allah.Allah fragt die Menschen im Koran:„Begehren sie etwa das Urteil der Jahiliyyah?" [Ayah 50], „…und wer ist ein besserer Richter als Allah für ein Volk, das fest im Glauben ist?" [Ayah 50] , „…und sei vor ihnen auf der Hut, damit sie dich nicht bedrängen und von einem Teil dessen, was Allah zu dir herabgesandt hat, wegtreiben…" [Ayah 49] „Und du sollst zwischen ihnen nach dem richten, was von Allah herabgesandt wurde…" [Ayah 49], Die Warnung davor nach etwas anderem zu richten als das, was Allah herabgesandt hat: „…und folge nicht ihren Neigungen…" [Ayah 49] neigungen=zumbeispiel,Kommunismus,marxismuskennst,die ganzen kufr systeme, „Siehst du nicht jene, die behaupten, an das zu glauben, was zu dir (als Offenbarung) herabgesandt worden ist, und was vor dir herabgesandt wurde, während sie sich in Entscheidungsfragen an falsche Götter (Taghut) wenden wollen, wo ihnen doch befohlen worden ist, es zu verleugnen'? Aber der Satan will sie weit in die Irre führen." [al-Nisa' 4:60], meine lieben Geschwister im Islam, die Gesetzgebung obliegt nur Allah! Ein Muslim muss nach Alllahs Gesetzen verlangen nicht nach kommunismus ,demo.. usw. das ist kein fundamentalistische Gedanke.Das ist der Islam! und wer das nicht akzeptiert ist kein Muslim.ich kann meine religion doch nicht wegen paar glaubensverweigerern verändern,VERFÄLSCHEN DAMIT PETER oder Hans mit mir zufrieden sind.Es gibt keine MEiNUNGSFREIHEIT in der Demokratie!Wacht auf!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:46PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Demokratie bedeutet nicht Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit,es bedeutet Volksherrschaft und hat somit nichts mit dem Islam zu tun!Demokratie sagt,dass das urteil und die Gesetzgebung das Volk obliegt,doch Allah sagt im Koran ,dass er der Gesetzgeber ist,und dass Urteil und die Gesetzgebung obliegt nur Allah.Allah fragt die Menschen im Koran:„Begehren sie etwa das Urteil der Jahiliyyah?" [Ayah 50], „…und wer ist ein besserer Richter als Allah für ein Volk, das fest im Glauben ist?" [Ayah 50] , „…und sei vor ihnen auf der Hut, damit sie dich nicht bedrängen und von einem Teil dessen, was Allah zu dir herabgesandt hat, wegtreiben…" [Ayah 49] „Und du sollst zwischen ihnen nach dem richten, was von Allah herabgesandt wurde…" [Ayah 49], Die Warnung davor nach etwas anderem zu richten als das, was Allah herabgesandt hat: „…und folge nicht ihren Neigungen…" [Ayah 49] neigungen=zumbeispiel,Kommunismus,marxismuskennst,die ganzen kufr systeme, „Siehst du nicht jene, die behaupten, an das zu glauben, was zu dir (als Offenbarung) herabgesandt worden ist, und was vor dir herabgesandt wurde, während sie sich in Entscheidungsfragen an falsche Götter (Taghut) wenden wollen, wo ihnen doch befohlen worden ist, es zu verleugnen'? Aber der Satan will sie weit in die Irre führen." [al-Nisa' 4:60], meine lieben Geschwister im Islam, die Gesetzgebung obliegt nur Allah! Ein Muslim muss nach Alllahs Gesetzen verlangen nicht nach kommunismus ,demo.. usw. das ist kein fundamentalistische Gedanke.Das ist der Islam! und wer das nicht akzeptiert ist kein Muslim.ich kann meine religion doch nicht wegen paar glaubensverweigerern verändern,VERFÄLSCHEN DAMIT PETER oder Hans mit mir zufrieden sind.Es gibt keine MEiNUNGSFREIHEIT in der Demokratie!Wacht auf!
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:36
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 helfen in not - Social Mention: **Aktion Helfende Hand** Ich suche Handwerker, oder handwerklich Begabte, die: 1.) eine Dusche, inkl. Trockenbau und Fliesenlegen, montieren können und 2.) Trockenbauer, oder jmd. der es gut kann, um Wände und Abkastungen zu erstellen. Der Haken an der Sache ist: Es soll kostenneutral gemacht werden. Material ist zum größten Teil schon vorhanden. Verpflegung ist sichergestellt. Es geht sich hierbei um eine gute Freundin von mir mit 2 Kindern, die unverschuldet in Not geraten ist. Arbeitsort wäre Dinslaken. Wenn einer von euch bereit ist, bzw. jemanden kennt, der bereit ist, zu helfen, meldet sich bitte per PN an mich. Bitte nur ernstgemeinte Angebote. Weitere Infos erfolgen bei fester Zusage. Leute, ich zähl auf euch. Helft mir, dass die Familie ein schönes Weihnachten feiern kann. LG Christian R.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:53PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    **Aktion Helfende Hand** Ich suche Handwerker, oder handwerklich Begabte, die: 1.) eine Dusche, inkl. Trockenbau und Fliesenlegen, montieren können und 2.) Trockenbauer, oder jmd. der es gut kann, um Wände und Abkastungen zu erstellen. Der Haken an der Sache ist: Es soll kostenneutral gemacht werden. Material ist zum größten Teil schon vorhanden. Verpflegung ist sichergestellt. Es geht sich hierbei um eine gute Freundin von mir mit 2 Kindern, die unverschuldet in Not geraten ist. Arbeitsort wäre Dinslaken. Wenn einer von euch bereit ist, bzw. jemanden kennt, der bereit ist, zu helfen, meldet sich bitte per PN an mich. Bitte nur ernstgemeinte Angebote. Weitere Infos erfolgen bei fester Zusage. Leute, ich zähl auf euch. Helft mir, dass die Familie ein schönes Weihnachten feiern kann. LG Christian R.
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:41
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 kafir - Social Mention: Siksa Neraka Yang Paling Ringan Mungkin sudah banyak beredar tentang siksa neraka paling ringan, tetapi penulis menjumpai tidak sampai lengkap ditulis/ diberitakan sehingga mungkin kebanyakan orang tidak 'tersentak' hatinya. Umumnya yang sering terdengar adalah hadits berikut: "Azab yang paling ringan di neraka pada hari kiamat ialah dua butir bara api di kedua telapak kakinya yang dapat merebus otak." (HR. Tirmidzi) Padahal, dalam hadits shahih riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim ada matan yang lebih lengkap. Berikut hadits yang amat mengerikan tersebut selengkapnya: Nabi saw. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya seringan-ringannya siksa ahli neraka, yaitu orang yang dikenakan pada dirinya sepasang sandal (batu) dari api. Maka OTAKNYA MENDIDIH sebab dari sepsang sandal (batu itu), seperti mendidihnya air dalam panci dan "semua tetangganya mendengarnya", GIGI GERAHAMNYA MENJADI BARA API dan KEDUA BIBIRNYA MENJADI BARA API, kobaran api keluar DARI DALAM PERUT dan KEDUA TELAPAK KAKINYA. Sedang dia benar-benar mengetahui (meyakini) bahwa DIRINYALAH YANG PALING PEDIH SIKSANYA diantara ahli neraka yang lain. PADAHAL itu adalah SERINGAN-RINGANNYA SIKSA bagi ahli neraka". Seperti itu adalah siksa yang PALING RINGAN! Kepedihannya sudah terlalu meyakitkan. Masih lagi ditambah bahwa ia berpikir itu siksa paling pedih! PADAHAL kenyataan justru sebaliknya! Sehingga tiap-tiap penghuni neraka sepertinya merasa sangat sangat sakit dan paling perih azabnya. Itu namanya SIKSA DI ATAS SIKSA! Dalam Q.S. An-Nahl ayat 88 disebut sebagai 'adzaaban fauqal 'adzaab (siksaan di atas siksaan). Murka Allah tidak sampai di situ saja! Sabda Rasul bahwa "Tiap-tiap penghuni neraka mempunyai 70 KULIT, dari kulit yang satu ke kulit yang lain terdapat 7 LAPIS dari api neraka". Dalam riwayat Muslim disebutkan bahwa "ketebalan kulitnya sejarak 3 hari perjalanan". Artinya, begitu lebar dan banyak lapisan kulitnya menjadikan siksa semakin terasa mematikan. Firman Allah dalam Q.S. Thaahaa: 74 dan juga sabda Rasul bahwa ia hilang akal, tidak mati (mereka ingin mati tapi tidak bisa), tidak pula hidup. Sangat pedih, murka Allah pun tidak sampai di situ saja. Setiap 70 KULIT itu luluh, akan diganti dengan 70 KULIT yang akan terus disiksa. "... Setiap kali kulit mereka hangus, KAMI GANTI kulit mereka dengan kulit yang lain, supaya mereka (benar-benar) merasakan AZAB ..." (Q.S. An-Nisaa': 56). Itu namanya 'siksa yang berlipat-lipat'. Hanya ada teriakan, rintihan, jeritan, dan tangisan sangat keras. Dan setiap kali meminta diringankan azab karena terlalu pedihnya, justru semakin DITAMBAHKAN LAGI siksa dan azabnya. "Karena itu rasakanlah! Dan Kami sekali-kali tidak akan MENAMBAH kepada kamu selain daripada azab." (Q.S. An Naba: 30) Syaikh Mahir Ahmad Ash Shuufiy dalam bukunya An-Naaru Ahwaaluhaa Wa 'Adzaabuhaa (buku terjemahan: 'Misteri Kedahsyatan Neraka') menyatakan bahwa firman Allah tersebut, maksudnya, bahwa siksa neraka senantiasa ditambahkan, tidak pernah berhenti dan tidak pernah dikurangi. Para ahli tafsir berkata, "Di dalam Al-Quran TIDAK ada bagi penduduk neraka, AYAT YANG LEBIH PEDIH dari ayat ini. Setiap meminta pertolongan dari satu jenis siksaan, mereka ditolong dengan siksaan lain yang lebih pedih dari sebelumnya." (Tafsir Al-Qurthubi) Selain siksa, nyala Jahannam pun ditambahkan lagi: "Tiap-tiap kali nyala api Jahanam itu akan padam Kami tambah lagi bagi mereka nyalanya."(Q.S. Al isra: 97) Sehingga berakhir pada suatu kesimpulan bahwa siksa Allah adalah SIKSA DI ATAS SIKSA; siksa yang berlipat-lipat! Yang masih DILIPATGANDAKAN 70 KALI, dan ini berlangsung terus-menerus (bisa berabad-abad sampai jutaan tahun) sampai seseorang 'diangkat' dan dimasukkan ke surga (jika ia orang 'beriman' TETAPI terlampau banyak dosanya; untuk melebur dosanya itu). Inilah SIKSA PALING RINGAN! Lalu bagaimana dengan siksa yang lebih berat? (dalam 1 tingkatan neraka), dan akan SEPARAH APA LAGI jika tingkatan nerakanya semakin bawah (untuk orang kafir)? Penggalan sebuah hadits dari Anas bin Malik: "Api neraka itu ada 7 pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan perempuan.' Nabi saw. bertanya: 'Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu-pintu rumah kami?' Jawab Malaikat Jibril: 'Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70.000 TAHUN, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 KALILIPAT.' (yang lebih bawah lebih panas) ...." "Sesungguhnya azab Tuhanmu adalah SANGAT DAHSYATNYA." (Al-Buruj 12) "… lalu Allah menyiksa mereka dengan SIKSAAN YANG SANGAT KERAS." (Al-Haqqah 10) "... dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah SANGAT KERAS SIKSAAN-NYA." (Al-Baqarah 196) Teteskan air mata Anda... Menangislah bila harus menangis....
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:49AM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Siksa Neraka Yang Paling Ringan Mungkin sudah banyak beredar tentang siksa neraka paling ringan, tetapi penulis menjumpai tidak sampai lengkap ditulis/ diberitakan sehingga mungkin kebanyakan orang tidak 'tersentak' hatinya. Umumnya yang sering terdengar adalah hadits berikut: "Azab yang paling ringan di neraka pada hari kiamat ialah dua butir bara api di kedua telapak kakinya yang dapat merebus otak." (HR. Tirmidzi) Padahal, dalam hadits shahih riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim ada matan yang lebih lengkap. Berikut hadits yang amat mengerikan tersebut selengkapnya: Nabi saw. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya seringan-ringannya siksa ahli neraka, yaitu orang yang dikenakan pada dirinya sepasang sandal (batu) dari api. Maka OTAKNYA MENDIDIH sebab dari sepsang sandal (batu itu), seperti mendidihnya air dalam panci dan "semua tetangganya mendengarnya", GIGI GERAHAMNYA MENJADI BARA API dan KEDUA BIBIRNYA MENJADI BARA API, kobaran api keluar DARI DALAM PERUT dan KEDUA TELAPAK KAKINYA. Sedang dia benar-benar mengetahui (meyakini) bahwa DIRINYALAH YANG PALING PEDIH SIKSANYA diantara ahli neraka yang lain. PADAHAL itu adalah SERINGAN-RINGANNYA SIKSA bagi ahli neraka". Seperti itu adalah siksa yang PALING RINGAN! Kepedihannya sudah terlalu meyakitkan. Masih lagi ditambah bahwa ia berpikir itu siksa paling pedih! PADAHAL kenyataan justru sebaliknya! Sehingga tiap-tiap penghuni neraka sepertinya merasa sangat sangat sakit dan paling perih azabnya. Itu namanya SIKSA DI ATAS SIKSA! Dalam Q.S. An-Nahl ayat 88 disebut sebagai 'adzaaban fauqal 'adzaab (siksaan di atas siksaan). Murka Allah tidak sampai di situ saja! Sabda Rasul bahwa "Tiap-tiap penghuni neraka mempunyai 70 KULIT, dari kulit yang satu ke kulit yang lain terdapat 7 LAPIS dari api neraka". Dalam riwayat Muslim disebutkan bahwa "ketebalan kulitnya sejarak 3 hari perjalanan". Artinya, begitu lebar dan banyak lapisan kulitnya menjadikan siksa semakin terasa mematikan. Firman Allah dalam Q.S. Thaahaa: 74 dan juga sabda Rasul bahwa ia hilang akal, tidak mati (mereka ingin mati tapi tidak bisa), tidak pula hidup. Sangat pedih, murka Allah pun tidak sampai di situ saja. Setiap 70 KULIT itu luluh, akan diganti dengan 70 KULIT yang akan terus disiksa. "... Setiap kali kulit mereka hangus, KAMI GANTI kulit mereka dengan kulit yang lain, supaya mereka (benar-benar) merasakan AZAB ..." (Q.S. An-Nisaa': 56). Itu namanya 'siksa yang berlipat-lipat'. Hanya ada teriakan, rintihan, jeritan, dan tangisan sangat keras. Dan setiap kali meminta diringankan azab karena terlalu pedihnya, justru semakin DITAMBAHKAN LAGI siksa dan azabnya. "Karena itu rasakanlah! Dan Kami sekali-kali tidak akan MENAMBAH kepada kamu selain daripada azab." (Q.S. An Naba: 30) Syaikh Mahir Ahmad Ash Shuufiy dalam bukunya An-Naaru Ahwaaluhaa Wa 'Adzaabuhaa (buku terjemahan: 'Misteri Kedahsyatan Neraka') menyatakan bahwa firman Allah tersebut, maksudnya, bahwa siksa neraka senantiasa ditambahkan, tidak pernah berhenti dan tidak pernah dikurangi. Para ahli tafsir berkata, "Di dalam Al-Quran TIDAK ada bagi penduduk neraka, AYAT YANG LEBIH PEDIH dari ayat ini. Setiap meminta pertolongan dari satu jenis siksaan, mereka ditolong dengan siksaan lain yang lebih pedih dari sebelumnya." (Tafsir Al-Qurthubi) Selain siksa, nyala Jahannam pun ditambahkan lagi: "Tiap-tiap kali nyala api Jahanam itu akan padam Kami tambah lagi bagi mereka nyalanya."(Q.S. Al isra: 97) Sehingga berakhir pada suatu kesimpulan bahwa siksa Allah adalah SIKSA DI ATAS SIKSA; siksa yang berlipat-lipat! Yang masih DILIPATGANDAKAN 70 KALI, dan ini berlangsung terus-menerus (bisa berabad-abad sampai jutaan tahun) sampai seseorang 'diangkat' dan dimasukkan ke surga (jika ia orang 'beriman' TETAPI terlampau banyak dosanya; untuk melebur dosanya itu). Inilah SIKSA PALING RINGAN! Lalu bagaimana dengan siksa yang lebih berat? (dalam 1 tingkatan neraka), dan akan SEPARAH APA LAGI jika tingkatan nerakanya semakin bawah (untuk orang kafir)? Penggalan sebuah hadits dari Anas bin Malik: "Api neraka itu ada 7 pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan perempuan.' Nabi saw. bertanya: 'Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu-pintu rumah kami?' Jawab Malaikat Jibril: 'Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70.000 TAHUN, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 KALILIPAT.' (yang lebih bawah lebih panas) ...." "Sesungguhnya azab Tuhanmu adalah SANGAT DAHSYATNYA." (Al-Buruj 12) "… lalu Allah menyiksa mereka dengan SIKSAAN YANG SANGAT KERAS." (Al-Haqqah 10) "... dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah SANGAT KERAS SIKSAAN-NYA." (Al-Baqarah 196) Teteskan air mata Anda... Menangislah bila harus menangis....
    Nov 21st 2013, 09:44
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:47PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Janji ALLAH SWT dan Perkataan Nabi Muhammad SAW Bahwa Islam Akan Kembali Memimpin Dunia itu Pasti Namun Kita Yang Akan Mewujudkannya Karena Bukti Nyatanya sudah 13Abad Sebelum Hancurnya Khilafah Islam Menguasai Dunia Ini Kalau Hanya Dengan Semangat Membara Tanpa Takut Mati aja Takkan Cukup Untuk Mengubah Dunia ini Terus Belajar dan Tuntut Ilmu Karena Orang2 Kafir bukan orang2 yang Bodoh dalam Pemikiran Mereka Juga Hebat dalam Mengkhafirkan Manusia Maka Kita Juga Harus Hebat Dari Mereka Untuk Berdakwah dan Jihad
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:27
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 islam fatwa - Social Mention: The Memali incident: Can the real truth go mainstream? – Khairil Nizam Khirudin NOVEMBER 13, 2013 An Open Letter To The Star Newspaper Dear Mr Editor-in-Chief, In relation to the murder of JAIP's enforcement chief Allahyarham Raffli Abdul Malek, your newspaper yesterday published an article listing major violent cases involving deviant groups in the country. Among those listed were Imam Mahdi, Al-Ma'unah and Tuhan Harun. Regrettably, you erroneously decided to include the late Ustaz Ibrahim Libya and his followers to that list. The 1985 Memali incident was indeed a sad tragedy for PAS supporters in particular and a definite black mark in the nation's history. It was an incompetency decision and act by the Prime Minister at that time in managing this issues that has resulted in the untimely death of as-syahid Ustaz Ibrahim and 14 other villagers. Even as the 28th year anniversary of the incident is fast approaching on 19 November, the martyred people of Memali are still relentlessly blamed by the government and their machinations (and that include The Star) with unfair, one-sided accusation of violence. To be certain, many of the events leading to the incident that would have brought justice to the story have been shielded from the public. For example, only the learned few knew that an order was sent on the night before the incident to the Sungai Petani army camp commandant to deploy troops to Baling for a planned attack on a purported communist camp only for the commandant to later realise that the real target was the house of the late Ustaz Ibrahim. Aware of the late Ustaz Ibrahim's stellar reputation as an influential and highly respected Islamic scholar, the commandant reckoned that the planned attack was surely unjustified. He brought his argument to a senior Bukit Aman official and even made a direct plea to Tun Musa Hitam (then Datuk Seri, Home Minister) to reconsider the plan. Despite the effort, an order to attack was still issued. The villagers were evacuated and at 8.15am the offensive began. The story above is just one of the many sides of the Memali incident that would have made any reasonable citizen to question the so-called truth presented by the government. Was there enough consideration made when advise from the military command on the ground was clearly ignored? Were the rules of engagement properly followed? More importantly, how can the late Ustaz Ibrahim and the villagers accused of violence when the attack was first started and provoked by the security forces? At the very least, has not the family and kin of those martyred that day truly deserve our condolence and sympathy? For I am sure, a newspaper of such stature as The Star would have noticed the discrepancies surrounding the Memali incident. Yet your paper yesterday decided not only to continue publishing all the fabricated lies accusing Ustaz Ibrahim Libya and his followers as violent, your paper has further up the ante by branding those martyred as deviant too. An unfounded, wild and outrageous accusations altogether! The Star in this case has committed at least three wrongs: 1. Accusing the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers as violent. The fact is that the Alor Star High Court, after a prolonged legal battle, decided that the government should pay compensation to the kin of those killed by the security. The compensation was miniscule compared to the ridicule and injustice that have been inflicted. Nevertheless, the verdict finally placed the burden of guilt onto the government for the violence and brutality that they have committed. So how then the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers can be blamed for violent conduct when it was the government who was asked to pay compensation? Until today, no mainstream media including The Star has taken the effort to correct the government's fabrication, what's more to take the government to task for this major debacle. So much expectation, so little hope for the moral power of the Fourth Estate. 2. Accusing the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers as deviant - an even more outrageous accusation with no locus standi whatsoever. There was never any deviant edict issued against the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers. Never. The only edict ever issued was by the Kedah Fatwa Council, which argued the "as-syahid" classification was inappropriate. The classification was first opined by the highly respected Tuan Guru Hj Omar Zuhdi of Sekolah Pondok Lanai, Kedah, and later validated by Tuan Guru Hj Yahya Junid and Ustaz Azahari Abdul Razak , both members of the Kedah Fatwa Council. The two were later unceremoniously bumped out from the council because of their vocal opinion on the issue. Despite the council's counter edict, the public generally accepted those killed that day by the security forces are syahids. So where is The Star's rationale for this deviated claim? We see your article as no less than furthering a sinister agenda to smear the name of the late Ustaz Ibrahim Libya, the people of Memali and PAS itself. 3. The current Yang di-Pertuan Agong during his reign as the Sultan of Kedah visited the late Ustaz Ibrahim's grave to pay his respect. To the public, it was a solemn recognition from the palace that the late Ustaz Ibrahim and the people of Memali killed that day had committed no crime and that the late Ustaz Ibrahim's credibility as an Islamic figure remained intact. And yet, The Star audaciously continues to brand those killed as violent, and deviant? Is The Star implying that the Sultan of Kedah, our current Yang di-Pertuan Agong, has erred in his action by visiting the grave of a so-called deviant terrorist? The article is certainly an affront to His Highness and the Kedah palace. I stand in agreement with the national PAS Youth Chief, YB Nasrudin Hassan and the Kedah state PAS Youth Chief, Mohd Nasir Zakaria that your paper should retract the article and apologise for the disrespect and dishonest presentation. I also stand in agreement with the PAS Youth stance that a legal remedy would be worth pursuing should your paper fail to retract the article and apologise for the inconveniences within these next three days. Dear Mr Editor-in-Chief, In Islam, there is no such thing as the truth being buried in the grave forever. There is always the "hereafter" where secrets will be unveiled and adjudged. But wouldn't it be bittersweet if some truths such as the Memali incident goes mainstream "here" instead of waiting for the "hereafter"? The Hillsborough tragedy of 1989 in the UK, which saw more than 96 Liverpool's supporters trampled to death, was one fine example of a truth going mainstream. For 21 years, one truth after another was exposed yet suppressed by the establishment. And when the government, the police and the mainstream media finally agreed to accept accountability instead of the usual blame game, it helps start the process of national healing and reconciliation from what is deemed as one of the darkest moments in modern English history. Perhaps there is a certain explanation somewhere to relate the Hillsborough tragedy finding closure to Liverpool FC rise to English soccer top flight - of course to much ire of our Prime Minister who once famously proclaimed that Liverpool FC belongs only to the History Channel. Surely, things like this can only be inspiring and empowering, radiating a positive energy that is perhaps driving The Reds right now. And like the Hillsborough tragedy, with the principle of truth being universal, understanding the Memali incident can also carry us far and beyond into our own process of national healing and reconciliation. Your paper, dear Mr Editor, is pivotal to helping the many hidden truths such as the Memali incident goes mainstream. And The Star can start the process with a heartfelt apology and a sincere retraction. And to the kin of those martyred and people of Memali who was cruelly wronged that day and continuously denied of the wholesome truth and justice till today, this is PAS commitment to all of you - that you'll never walk alone. - November 13, 2013. * The writer is the Federal Territory PAS Youth Chief
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:53PM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    The Memali incident: Can the real truth go mainstream? – Khairil Nizam Khirudin NOVEMBER 13, 2013 An Open Letter To The Star Newspaper Dear Mr Editor-in-Chief, In relation to the murder of JAIP's enforcement chief Allahyarham Raffli Abdul Malek, your newspaper yesterday published an article listing major violent cases involving deviant groups in the country. Among those listed were Imam Mahdi, Al-Ma'unah and Tuhan Harun. Regrettably, you erroneously decided to include the late Ustaz Ibrahim Libya and his followers to that list. The 1985 Memali incident was indeed a sad tragedy for PAS supporters in particular and a definite black mark in the nation's history. It was an incompetency decision and act by the Prime Minister at that time in managing this issues that has resulted in the untimely death of as-syahid Ustaz Ibrahim and 14 other villagers. Even as the 28th year anniversary of the incident is fast approaching on 19 November, the martyred people of Memali are still relentlessly blamed by the government and their machinations (and that include The Star) with unfair, one-sided accusation of violence. To be certain, many of the events leading to the incident that would have brought justice to the story have been shielded from the public. For example, only the learned few knew that an order was sent on the night before the incident to the Sungai Petani army camp commandant to deploy troops to Baling for a planned attack on a purported communist camp only for the commandant to later realise that the real target was the house of the late Ustaz Ibrahim. Aware of the late Ustaz Ibrahim's stellar reputation as an influential and highly respected Islamic scholar, the commandant reckoned that the planned attack was surely unjustified. He brought his argument to a senior Bukit Aman official and even made a direct plea to Tun Musa Hitam (then Datuk Seri, Home Minister) to reconsider the plan. Despite the effort, an order to attack was still issued. The villagers were evacuated and at 8.15am the offensive began. The story above is just one of the many sides of the Memali incident that would have made any reasonable citizen to question the so-called truth presented by the government. Was there enough consideration made when advise from the military command on the ground was clearly ignored? Were the rules of engagement properly followed? More importantly, how can the late Ustaz Ibrahim and the villagers accused of violence when the attack was first started and provoked by the security forces? At the very least, has not the family and kin of those martyred that day truly deserve our condolence and sympathy? For I am sure, a newspaper of such stature as The Star would have noticed the discrepancies surrounding the Memali incident. Yet your paper yesterday decided not only to continue publishing all the fabricated lies accusing Ustaz Ibrahim Libya and his followers as violent, your paper has further up the ante by branding those martyred as deviant too. An unfounded, wild and outrageous accusations altogether! The Star in this case has committed at least three wrongs: 1. Accusing the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers as violent. The fact is that the Alor Star High Court, after a prolonged legal battle, decided that the government should pay compensation to the kin of those killed by the security. The compensation was miniscule compared to the ridicule and injustice that have been inflicted. Nevertheless, the verdict finally placed the burden of guilt onto the government for the violence and brutality that they have committed. So how then the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers can be blamed for violent conduct when it was the government who was asked to pay compensation? Until today, no mainstream media including The Star has taken the effort to correct the government's fabrication, what's more to take the government to task for this major debacle. So much expectation, so little hope for the moral power of the Fourth Estate. 2. Accusing the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers as deviant - an even more outrageous accusation with no locus standi whatsoever. There was never any deviant edict issued against the late Ustaz Ibrahim and his followers. Never. The only edict ever issued was by the Kedah Fatwa Council, which argued the "as-syahid" classification was inappropriate. The classification was first opined by the highly respected Tuan Guru Hj Omar Zuhdi of Sekolah Pondok Lanai, Kedah, and later validated by Tuan Guru Hj Yahya Junid and Ustaz Azahari Abdul Razak , both members of the Kedah Fatwa Council. The two were later unceremoniously bumped out from the council because of their vocal opinion on the issue. Despite the council's counter edict, the public generally accepted those killed that day by the security forces are syahids. So where is The Star's rationale for this deviated claim? We see your article as no less than furthering a sinister agenda to smear the name of the late Ustaz Ibrahim Libya, the people of Memali and PAS itself. 3. The current Yang di-Pertuan Agong during his reign as the Sultan of Kedah visited the late Ustaz Ibrahim's grave to pay his respect. To the public, it was a solemn recognition from the palace that the late Ustaz Ibrahim and the people of Memali killed that day had committed no crime and that the late Ustaz Ibrahim's credibility as an Islamic figure remained intact. And yet, The Star audaciously continues to brand those killed as violent, and deviant? Is The Star implying that the Sultan of Kedah, our current Yang di-Pertuan Agong, has erred in his action by visiting the grave of a so-called deviant terrorist? The article is certainly an affront to His Highness and the Kedah palace. I stand in agreement with the national PAS Youth Chief, YB Nasrudin Hassan and the Kedah state PAS Youth Chief, Mohd Nasir Zakaria that your paper should retract the article and apologise for the disrespect and dishonest presentation. I also stand in agreement with the PAS Youth stance that a legal remedy would be worth pursuing should your paper fail to retract the article and apologise for the inconveniences within these next three days. Dear Mr Editor-in-Chief, In Islam, there is no such thing as the truth being buried in the grave forever. There is always the "hereafter" where secrets will be unveiled and adjudged. But wouldn't it be bittersweet if some truths such as the Memali incident goes mainstream "here" instead of waiting for the "hereafter"? The Hillsborough tragedy of 1989 in the UK, which saw more than 96 Liverpool's supporters trampled to death, was one fine example of a truth going mainstream. For 21 years, one truth after another was exposed yet suppressed by the establishment. And when the government, the police and the mainstream media finally agreed to accept accountability instead of the usual blame game, it helps start the process of national healing and reconciliation from what is deemed as one of the darkest moments in modern English history. Perhaps there is a certain explanation somewhere to relate the Hillsborough tragedy finding closure to Liverpool FC rise to English soccer top flight - of course to much ire of our Prime Minister who once famously proclaimed that Liverpool FC belongs only to the History Channel. Surely, things like this can only be inspiring and empowering, radiating a positive energy that is perhaps driving The Reds right now. And like the Hillsborough tragedy, with the principle of truth being universal, understanding the Memali incident can also carry us far and beyond into our own process of national healing and reconciliation. Your paper, dear Mr Editor, is pivotal to helping the many hidden truths such as the Memali incident goes mainstream. And The Star can start the process with a heartfelt apology and a sincere retraction. And to the kin of those martyred and people of Memali who was cruelly wronged that day and continuously denied of the wholesome truth and justice till today, this is PAS commitment to all of you - that you'll never walk alone. - November 13, 2013. * The writer is the Federal Territory PAS Youth Chief
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:29
    An Open Letter To The Star Newspaper  Dear Mr Editor-in-Chief, In relation to the murder of JAIP's enforcement chief Allahyarham Raffli Abdul Malek, your newspaper yesterday published an
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 Taghut - Social Mention: Islam Radikal Yang Suka MengKafirkan ikhwanul muslimin : Semua yg menentang IM berarti yahudi, zionis, syiah, murtad, kafir (Bahkan universitas al-Azhar [musuh besar IM] dianggap sbg institusi kafir) wahabi : semua yg menentang wahabi berarti ahlul bidah, musrik, syiah, kafir HTI : Semua yg menentang HTI berarti JIL, murtad, liberal, penyembah pancasila taghut, kafir Teroris : Semua yg menentang kami berarti murtad, kafir, penyembah pancasila taghut, halal darahnya ======================= Muhammadiyah : Bro, Emangnya di dunia ini cuma kelompok mereka saja ya yg islam, selain mereka kafir??? NU : Udah deh sob, jangan dengerin ucapan bocah bodoh, nanti kita ketularan jadi bodoh juga. mending kita tinggalin aja dan doakan supaya mendapat hidayah... --------------------------------------- Agar lebih jelas Download ebook "ILUSI NEGARA ISLAM" Download Link :
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:46PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Islam Radikal Yang Suka MengKafirkan ikhwanul muslimin : Semua yg menentang IM berarti yahudi, zionis, syiah, murtad, kafir (Bahkan universitas al-Azhar [musuh besar IM] dianggap sbg institusi kafir) wahabi : semua yg menentang wahabi berarti ahlul bidah, musrik, syiah, kafir HTI : Semua yg menentang HTI berarti JIL, murtad, liberal, penyembah pancasila taghut, kafir Teroris : Semua yg menentang kami berarti murtad, kafir, penyembah pancasila taghut, halal darahnya ======================= Muhammadiyah : Bro, Emangnya di dunia ini cuma kelompok mereka saja ya yg islam, selain mereka kafir??? NU : Udah deh sob, jangan dengerin ucapan bocah bodoh, nanti kita ketularan jadi bodoh juga. mending kita tinggalin aja dan doakan supaya mendapat hidayah... --------------------------------------- Agar lebih jelas Download ebook "ILUSI NEGARA ISLAM" Download Link :
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:05
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