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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 helfen in not - Social Mention: Ein Mann ruft bei der Polizei an und sagt: Kommt oder es knallt!" Minuten später wird er von einem Beamten in den Bauch geschossen und stirbt! Das war grad noch einmal Thema bei SternTV, berechtigte Fragen sind wohl: Warum suchten die Polizisten nicht erstmal den Dialog? Warum schießt man als ausgebildeter Schütze in den Bauch, und nicht auf nicht tödliche Punkte wie etwa die Beine? Warum wurde kein Saniwagen vorab hinzubestellt? Warum konnte man ihn nicht mit einer Elektroschockpistole ausser Gefecht setzen? Was garnicht geht, das von den 20 Polizisten keiner nach dem Schuss Erste Hilfe leistet!! Täter oder Opfer, Menschen sind sie alle!!! Dass man Menschen nach einem "Gefecht" auf offener Straße verbluten lässt wenn man die Möglichkeit hat zu helfen, kennt man aus Kriegsgebieten aber hier in Stuttgart sollte es das nicht geben!! Was sagt Ihr dazu??
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:53PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Ein Mann ruft bei der Polizei an und sagt: Kommt oder es knallt!" Minuten später wird er von einem Beamten in den Bauch geschossen und stirbt! Das war grad noch einmal Thema bei SternTV, berechtigte Fragen sind wohl: Warum suchten die Polizisten nicht erstmal den Dialog? Warum schießt man als ausgebildeter Schütze in den Bauch, und nicht auf nicht tödliche Punkte wie etwa die Beine? Warum wurde kein Saniwagen vorab hinzubestellt? Warum konnte man ihn nicht mit einer Elektroschockpistole ausser Gefecht setzen? Was garnicht geht, das von den 20 Polizisten keiner nach dem Schuss Erste Hilfe leistet!! Täter oder Opfer, Menschen sind sie alle!!! Dass man Menschen nach einem "Gefecht" auf offener Straße verbluten lässt wenn man die Möglichkeit hat zu helfen, kennt man aus Kriegsgebieten aber hier in Stuttgart sollte es das nicht geben!! Was sagt Ihr dazu??
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:05
    Der Mann, der in Stuttgart von einem Polizeibeamten erschossen wurde, hätte vielleicht noch gerettet werden können.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:18PM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson
    „Es gibt einige Aussagen im Koran, die sich Jahrhun...
    Nov 21st 2013, 17:49
    Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson
    „Es gibt einige Aussagen im Koran, die sich Jahrhunderte später als wahr herausgestellt haben, was unterstützt, dass das Wissen des Korans von Gott erhalten wurde."

    Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson: Professor und Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Geburtshilfe und Gynökologie, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: KISAH NYATA SHOLAT DHUHA YANG MENAKJUBKAN Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Salah satu dari 7 sunnah harian Rasulullah saw adalah shalat Dhuha. Dan inilah amalan yang saya lakukan semenjak saya masuk SMK (SMA). Berawal dari nasehat ibu yang mengatakan "san … mulai sekarang, rajinin shalat-shalat sunnah seperti dhuha, tahajud, hajat, istikharah, dll … kalo dari sekarang ihsan sudah males gimana nanti kalo sudah punya istri dan anak". Berangkat dari nasehat ibu, saya mulai melakukannya dari kelas 1 SMK. Setiap jam istirahat yang kebetulan sudah masuk waktu dhuha, saya shalat di mushalla sekolah, kadang makan dulu dikantin baru shalat, kadang sebaliknya. Karena tidak enak kalo shalat sendirian akhirnya saya mulai ngajak beberapa temen kelas untuk shalat dhuha, Alhamdulillah pada nolak. Akhirnya ada juga satu dua orang yang ikut. Karena kita semua masih dalam tahap belajar rutinin shalat dhuha, tidak jarang juga kami keasyikan jajan dan ngobrol akhirnya waktu istirahatnya selesai yang mengakibatkan kita tidak dhuhaan pada hari itu. Dan alhamdulilah mulai banyak temen yang shalat dhuha, tidak dari temen kelas, namun ada juga dari kelas lain. Apalagi kalo lagi ada ujian mata pelajaran tertentu, wudhu pun sampai ngantri. Ketika saya kelas 3 semester dua, saya mendapat info bahwa ada beasiswa dari Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta. Saya mengajukan bersama ketiga temen kelas saya, Alhamdulillah semua dokumen dan syarat yang diperlukan dapat saya dan teman-teman penuhi. Pengumuman pun tiba, tanpa disangka-sangka kami berempat menerima beasiswa tersebut, padahal kami mendapat kabar bahwa di kelas lain yang mengajukan beberapa orang namun hanya 1-2 orang yang dapat. Dan uang tunai senilai Rp 1.200.000,- kami terima per siswa. Dan inilah awal dari keberkahan shalat dhuha yang saya dapatkan. Alm. Ayah menginginkan saya untuk melanjutkan studi kejenjang perkuliahan, dan akhirnya setelah proses panjang, akhirnya saya kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta jurusan Asuransi Syariah. Belum genap sebulan saya kuliah, Ayah saya wafat. Alhamdulillah impiannya sudah tercapai yaitu melihat saya bisa kuliah. Dan semenjak Ayah wafat, ibulah yang membiayai kuliah saya dari hasil berdagang nasi uduk setiap pagi didepan rumah. Allah selalu punya rahasia yang sangat teristimewa bagi setiap hamba-Nya. Semingggu setelah Alm. Ayah wafat saya mendapatkan Bantuan Khusus Mahasiswa (BKM) dari universitas senilai Rp 5.000.000,-. Inilah "reward" pertama saya di kampus dari Allah karena Shalat Dhuha. beberapa atm dan buku rekening beasiswa yang saya dapatkan Tak berhenti disitu, Alhamdulillah hampir setiap semester saya mendapatkan beasiswa dari DIPA, BAZIS, Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta, dll. Kalau ditanya sudah berapa kali saya mendapat beasiswa, saya lupa karena saking bayaknya, tapi saya juga pernah ditolak sama Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta ketika saya mengajukan di semester 5, namun ketika semester 7 akhirnya dapat. Ada saja jalan dari-Nya sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda; "pada setiap manusia diciptakan 360 persendian dan seharusnya orang yang bersangkutan (pemilik sendi) bersedekah untuk setiap sendinya". Lalu para sahabat bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah saw siapa yang sanggup melakukannya?". Rasulullah saw menjelaskan "membersihkan kotoran yang ada di masjid atau menyingkirkan segala sesuatu (yang dapat merugikan orang lain) dari jalan raya, apabila ia tidak mampu maka shalat dhuha dua rakaat , dapat menggantinya". (HR. Ahmad bin Hambal dan Abu Daud). Penjelasan tentang hadits ini subhanallah ternyata memang benar adanya. Alhamdulillah setelah melakukan shalat dhuha badan terasa segar, seperti orang yang sering melakukan olahraga pagi setiap harinya. Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang melakukan olahraga pagi dikarenakan setiap paginya saya harus membantu ibu berdagang nasi uduk didepan rumah, jadi sebelum saya beraktifitas keluar rumah saya shalat dhuha minimal 2 rakaat jika sedang terburu-buru, dan 8-12 rakaat jika sempat. Jadi bagi orang-orang yang tidak sempat melakukan olahraga pagi, cukup shalat dhuha 2-12 rakaat setiap harinya. Dan saya juga pernah bertanya kepada seorang ulama sepuh yang mempunyai yayasan di desa tersebut ketika saya KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) didesa Cibitung, Bogor bulan Juni-Juli lalu .. "Pa … amalan apa yang membuat bapak walaupun sudah sepuh begini tapi pendengaran dan penglihatannya masih sangat bagus, bahkan bapak masih kuat mencangkul di sawah setiap hari?" Bapak ini menjawab "rajinin shalat malam dan dhuha". Lain lagi seorang nenek yang saya jumpai juga masih di desa tersebut, dan nenek ini pun pendengaran, penglihatannya bahkan ingatannya juga masih sangat bagus ketika menceritakan kisah hidupnya sampai beliau bisa tinggal di desa tersebut. "Nek … umur nenek berapa nek? Kok nenek masih inget semuanya (kisah hidup) dah?" nenek ini menjawab, "umur nenek sudah ratusan … sejak nenek masih muda nenek sering puasa sunnah (senin kamis) dan shalat dhuha." Dalam hadits qudsi, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Allah SWT berfirman "wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas melakukan shalat empat rakaat di pagi hari, yaitu shalat dhuha, niscaya nanti akan kucukupi kebutuhanmu hingga sore harinya." (HR. Al-Hakim dan At-Tabrani). Dan cerita bagaimana saya mendapatkan beasiswa sejak saya kelas 3 SMK sampai sekarang insyaAllah sudah bisa menjawab hadits ini. Dan ternyata shalat dhuha membawa pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan stress. Apabila shalat dhuha dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas, dapat memperbaiki emotional positif, yang dari sisi medis jika kita jalankan secara terus menerus, tepat gerakannya, khusyu, dan ikhlas dapat memelihara immunitas tubuh yang baik dapat membuat individu terhindar dari infeksi, resiko terkena berbagai penyakit. "Bagi yang sudah shalat dhuha namun belum mendapatkan "reward" dari Allah, sabar dulu … Allah aja sabar nunggu kita shalat dhuha. Kalo Anda memperhatikan saya mulai shalat dhuha dari kelas 1 SMK, Alhamdulillah berbagai macam "reward" baru saya dapatkan ketika saya kelas 3 SMK, berarti butuh 2 tahun. Yuk shalat dhuha dan rasakan "taste" nya yang menakjubkan" kata Muhamad Ihsan ... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ... Klik SHARE....... via Tutorial Hijab Modern
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:57AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    KISAH NYATA SHOLAT DHUHA YANG MENAKJUBKAN Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Salah satu dari 7 sunnah harian Rasulullah saw adalah shalat Dhuha. Dan inilah amalan yang saya lakukan semenjak saya masuk SMK (SMA). Berawal dari nasehat ibu yang mengatakan "san … mulai sekarang, rajinin shalat-shalat sunnah seperti dhuha, tahajud, hajat, istikharah, dll … kalo dari sekarang ihsan sudah males gimana nanti kalo sudah punya istri dan anak". Berangkat dari nasehat ibu, saya mulai melakukannya dari kelas 1 SMK. Setiap jam istirahat yang kebetulan sudah masuk waktu dhuha, saya shalat di mushalla sekolah, kadang makan dulu dikantin baru shalat, kadang sebaliknya. Karena tidak enak kalo shalat sendirian akhirnya saya mulai ngajak beberapa temen kelas untuk shalat dhuha, Alhamdulillah pada nolak. Akhirnya ada juga satu dua orang yang ikut. Karena kita semua masih dalam tahap belajar rutinin shalat dhuha, tidak jarang juga kami keasyikan jajan dan ngobrol akhirnya waktu istirahatnya selesai yang mengakibatkan kita tidak dhuhaan pada hari itu. Dan alhamdulilah mulai banyak temen yang shalat dhuha, tidak dari temen kelas, namun ada juga dari kelas lain. Apalagi kalo lagi ada ujian mata pelajaran tertentu, wudhu pun sampai ngantri. Ketika saya kelas 3 semester dua, saya mendapat info bahwa ada beasiswa dari Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta. Saya mengajukan bersama ketiga temen kelas saya, Alhamdulillah semua dokumen dan syarat yang diperlukan dapat saya dan teman-teman penuhi. Pengumuman pun tiba, tanpa disangka-sangka kami berempat menerima beasiswa tersebut, padahal kami mendapat kabar bahwa di kelas lain yang mengajukan beberapa orang namun hanya 1-2 orang yang dapat. Dan uang tunai senilai Rp 1.200.000,- kami terima per siswa. Dan inilah awal dari keberkahan shalat dhuha yang saya dapatkan. Alm. Ayah menginginkan saya untuk melanjutkan studi kejenjang perkuliahan, dan akhirnya setelah proses panjang, akhirnya saya kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta jurusan Asuransi Syariah. Belum genap sebulan saya kuliah, Ayah saya wafat. Alhamdulillah impiannya sudah tercapai yaitu melihat saya bisa kuliah. Dan semenjak Ayah wafat, ibulah yang membiayai kuliah saya dari hasil berdagang nasi uduk setiap pagi didepan rumah. Allah selalu punya rahasia yang sangat teristimewa bagi setiap hamba-Nya. Semingggu setelah Alm. Ayah wafat saya mendapatkan Bantuan Khusus Mahasiswa (BKM) dari universitas senilai Rp 5.000.000,-. Inilah "reward" pertama saya di kampus dari Allah karena Shalat Dhuha. beberapa atm dan buku rekening beasiswa yang saya dapatkan Tak berhenti disitu, Alhamdulillah hampir setiap semester saya mendapatkan beasiswa dari DIPA, BAZIS, Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta, dll. Kalau ditanya sudah berapa kali saya mendapat beasiswa, saya lupa karena saking bayaknya, tapi saya juga pernah ditolak sama Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta ketika saya mengajukan di semester 5, namun ketika semester 7 akhirnya dapat. Ada saja jalan dari-Nya sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda; "pada setiap manusia diciptakan 360 persendian dan seharusnya orang yang bersangkutan (pemilik sendi) bersedekah untuk setiap sendinya". Lalu para sahabat bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah saw siapa yang sanggup melakukannya?". Rasulullah saw menjelaskan "membersihkan kotoran yang ada di masjid atau menyingkirkan segala sesuatu (yang dapat merugikan orang lain) dari jalan raya, apabila ia tidak mampu maka shalat dhuha dua rakaat , dapat menggantinya". (HR. Ahmad bin Hambal dan Abu Daud). Penjelasan tentang hadits ini subhanallah ternyata memang benar adanya. Alhamdulillah setelah melakukan shalat dhuha badan terasa segar, seperti orang yang sering melakukan olahraga pagi setiap harinya. Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang melakukan olahraga pagi dikarenakan setiap paginya saya harus membantu ibu berdagang nasi uduk didepan rumah, jadi sebelum saya beraktifitas keluar rumah saya shalat dhuha minimal 2 rakaat jika sedang terburu-buru, dan 8-12 rakaat jika sempat. Jadi bagi orang-orang yang tidak sempat melakukan olahraga pagi, cukup shalat dhuha 2-12 rakaat setiap harinya. Dan saya juga pernah bertanya kepada seorang ulama sepuh yang mempunyai yayasan di desa tersebut ketika saya KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) didesa Cibitung, Bogor bulan Juni-Juli lalu .. "Pa … amalan apa yang membuat bapak walaupun sudah sepuh begini tapi pendengaran dan penglihatannya masih sangat bagus, bahkan bapak masih kuat mencangkul di sawah setiap hari?" Bapak ini menjawab "rajinin shalat malam dan dhuha". Lain lagi seorang nenek yang saya jumpai juga masih di desa tersebut, dan nenek ini pun pendengaran, penglihatannya bahkan ingatannya juga masih sangat bagus ketika menceritakan kisah hidupnya sampai beliau bisa tinggal di desa tersebut. "Nek … umur nenek berapa nek? Kok nenek masih inget semuanya (kisah hidup) dah?" nenek ini menjawab, "umur nenek sudah ratusan … sejak nenek masih muda nenek sering puasa sunnah (senin kamis) dan shalat dhuha." Dalam hadits qudsi, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Allah SWT berfirman "wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas melakukan shalat empat rakaat di pagi hari, yaitu shalat dhuha, niscaya nanti akan kucukupi kebutuhanmu hingga sore harinya." (HR. Al-Hakim dan At-Tabrani). Dan cerita bagaimana saya mendapatkan beasiswa sejak saya kelas 3 SMK sampai sekarang insyaAllah sudah bisa menjawab hadits ini. Dan ternyata shalat dhuha membawa pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan stress. Apabila shalat dhuha dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas, dapat memperbaiki emotional positif, yang dari sisi medis jika kita jalankan secara terus menerus, tepat gerakannya, khusyu, dan ikhlas dapat memelihara immunitas tubuh yang baik dapat membuat individu terhindar dari infeksi, resiko terkena berbagai penyakit. "Bagi yang sudah shalat dhuha namun belum mendapatkan "reward" dari Allah, sabar dulu … Allah aja sabar nunggu kita shalat dhuha. Kalo Anda memperhatikan saya mulai shalat dhuha dari kelas 1 SMK, Alhamdulillah berbagai macam "reward" baru saya dapatkan ketika saya kelas 3 SMK, berarti butuh 2 tahun. Yuk shalat dhuha dan rasakan "taste" nya yang menakjubkan" kata Muhamad Ihsan ... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ... Klik SHARE....... via Tutorial Hijab Modern
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:00
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 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: ﺃﺳﺒﺎﺏ ﻏﻴﺎﺏ ﺍﻻﺑﺘﺴﺎﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺏ : . . . . . . . . . ... -1 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻟﺷﺨﺺ ﻏﺮﻳﺐ ﻗﺎﻝ :ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻛﺘﻌﺮﻓﻨﻲ !!؟ 2 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺧﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻙ ﻻﺑﺎﺱ ﺷﻨﻮ ﻛﺎﻳﻦ ؟ -3 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺑﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻛﻤﺎ ﺩﺭﺗﻲ ﺷﻲ ﺯﺑﻠﺔ ﺍﻋﺘﺮﻑ ؟ -4 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﻣﻜـ ﻗﺎﻟﺖ : ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻣﺎﻋﻨﺪﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺍﺍﻝ ﻏﻴﻴﻴﺮ ﻫﻨﻲ ﺭﺍﺳﻚ -5 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ ﺍﻭ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ : ﺍﺧﺮﺝ ﻋﻠﻴﺎ ﺑﺮﺍ . ﻭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻻﺧﺮ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ ﻣﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﺩﻳﻤﺎ ﻣﻌﺒﺲ و نتوما لاش كتبتسمو كا ينا شي حاجة
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:50AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    ﺃﺳﺒﺎﺏ ﻏﻴﺎﺏ ﺍﻻﺑﺘﺴﺎﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺏ : . . . . . . . . . ... -1 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻟﺷﺨﺺ ﻏﺮﻳﺐ ﻗﺎﻝ :ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻛﺘﻌﺮﻓﻨﻲ !!؟ 2 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺧﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻙ ﻻﺑﺎﺱ ﺷﻨﻮ ﻛﺎﻳﻦ ؟ -3 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺑﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻛﻤﺎ ﺩﺭﺗﻲ ﺷﻲ ﺯﺑﻠﺔ ﺍﻋﺘﺮﻑ ؟ -4 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﻣﻜـ ﻗﺎﻟﺖ : ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻣﺎﻋﻨﺪﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺍﺍﻝ ﻏﻴﻴﻴﺮ ﻫﻨﻲ ﺭﺍﺳﻚ -5 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ ﺍﻭ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ : ﺍﺧﺮﺝ ﻋﻠﻴﺎ ﺑﺮﺍ . ﻭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻻﺧﺮ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ ﻣﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﺩﻳﻤﺎ ﻣﻌﺒﺲ و نتوما لاش كتبتسمو كا ينا شي حاجة
    Nov 20th 2013, 10:33
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 islamist - Social Mention: "Aswat Masriya" / Constitution / armée L'Assemblée constituante, chargée d'apporter des modifications à la Constitution de l'Egypte, a adopté un article accordant au Conseil suprême des Forces armées le droit de choisir le ministre de la Défense du pays au cours des huit prochaines années (deux mandats présidentiels). ***************** The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two presidential terms), sources said. The article grants the president the authority to remove the defense minister when he wishes though, as well as the right to appoint one with the permission of the SCAF. The constitution was written by an Islamist-led assembly last year, but was suspended following the army's ouster of President Mohamed Mursi in July. A 50-member assembly was formed after Mursi's ouster to amend the controversial constitution. Egyptians are expected to vote on the amendments within the next several weeks.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    "Aswat Masriya" / Constitution / armée L'Assemblée constituante, chargée d'apporter des modifications à la Constitution de l'Egypte, a adopté un article accordant au Conseil suprême des Forces armées le droit de choisir le ministre de la Défense du pays au cours des huit prochaines années (deux mandats présidentiels). ***************** The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two presidential terms), sources said. The article grants the president the authority to remove the defense minister when he wishes though, as well as the right to appoint one with the permission of the SCAF. The constitution was written by an Islamist-led assembly last year, but was suspended following the army's ouster of President Mohamed Mursi in July. A 50-member assembly was formed after Mursi's ouster to amend the controversial constitution. Egyptians are expected to vote on the amendments within the next several weeks.
    Nov 20th 2013, 19:28
    The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two terms), sources said. 
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:47AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Ahhh see how peaceful these islamic people are? The Palestinians, the shiites the sunnis, the Hamas, The fatah, the taliban etc.. they are all the same. we need to get all islamic people out of our countries that aren't under sharia law. They are not civilized and will only get worse as their population increases in countries. When they are a majority( if ever) we will lose our freedomss 100%. Send them back to Islamic countires, and do absolutely no business with those countries. Stop depending on oil. get solar panels, and use clean energy as much as possible.
    Nov 21st 2013, 04:44
    British teacher, 24, 'murdered in Qatar after leaving hotel nightclub with group of men' Lauren Patterson went missing after last seen at Doha hotel on Saturday Believed to have left five-st...
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 dawa news - Social Mention: Okupant wszystko ma pod kontrolą nawet Marsz Niepodległości bo swoich tam powtykał a Polacy co..? Nadal naiwnie myślą i dają się dalej ogłupiać ???!!! Zachłyśnięci Marszem może byście Szanowni Państwo łaskawie zauważyli, że okupant na Naród Polski nie musi już wysyłać ani wojska,ani policji bo ma przećwiczone żydowskie zastępy, młodzieży ( przybyłą z wielu krajów, głównie z USA) z sieci kolektywów i kibuców rozsianych po Polsce i będą przejmować w każdym mieście ,w każdej miejscowości tzw " przestrzeń" miejską i stosować terror w dodatku wspierani też z naszego budżetu państwa.... Konieczne rozglądajmy się wokół ... fb... BĄDŻMY CZUJNI ! Konieczne jest realizowanie wezwania T. Cichockiego do tworzenia Oddziałów Obrony Koniecznej.. więcej na stronie Tadeusz CICHOCKI Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:39PM  

    dawa news - Social Mention
    Okupant wszystko ma pod kontrolą nawet Marsz Niepodległości bo swoich tam powtykał a Polacy co..? Nadal naiwnie myślą i dają się dalej ogłupiać ???!!! Zachłyśnięci Marszem może byście Szanowni Państwo łaskawie zauważyli, że okupant na Naród Polski nie musi już wysyłać ani wojska,ani policji bo ma przećwiczone żydowskie zastępy, młodzieży ( przybyłą z wielu krajów, głównie z USA) z sieci kolektywów i kibuców rozsianych po Polsce i będą przejmować w każdym mieście ,w każdej miejscowości tzw " przestrzeń" miejską i stosować terror w dodatku wspierani też z naszego budżetu państwa.... Konieczne rozglądajmy się wokół ... fb... BĄDŻMY CZUJNI ! Konieczne jest realizowanie wezwania T. Cichockiego do tworzenia Oddziałów Obrony Koniecznej.. więcej na stronie Tadeusz CICHOCKI Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku.
    Nov 19th 2013, 22:36
    Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku.
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 islam fatwa - Social Mention: THE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF MERCY Holy Quran NISA : TIME 26 - God , you declare you do not know , you want to accept the repentance of previous ways and show you . God , everything is very well Knower, All-Wise. 27 - Allah wants to accept your repentance . However, those who follow their lust , if you want to sapmanızı with the correct way of declination large . 28 - Allah wants to relieve you of religion in respect of heavy vehicles . Because man was created weak in terms of patience and tolerance . 29 - O ye who believe ! Do not eat your goods between you and injustice . However, their consent is lawful to eat your trade . Kıymayın each other's ass . Allah is Most Merciful to you . 30 - Who commits these prohibitions by way of cruelty and rape , it soon will have the fire of hell . Throw it in the fire, so is easy to Allah . 31 - If you, the major sins are forbidden fear Allah, He covers other flaws , you put a good authority . 32 - And God bazınıza , other than the things that do not wish to . There are men, they deserve a share . There are women who share their earned . Ask God wishes fazlından and foresight . Allah is Knower of all things . 33 - mother, father and relatives have appointed an heir to everything left . Please share your oath kıldıklarınızın liability regarding the heir . Allah is Witness to all things . 34 - Men , women , and dominated on the executive . Because one of Allah ( jihad , the Imamate , heritage as well as jobs ) has created superior to the other . One the men's goods ( family members ) are spending . Good women are obedient, God's protection of the ordered ones and also maintaining their things in the absence of their husbands . When it comes to women who are afraid of evil and incompatibility : first admonish them , leave deposits . They beat it does not benefit . If they obey you not look for another excuse to hurt themselves . Allah is exalted , is immense. 35 - If you are in concern you husband and wife, between the opening of an arbitrator by the man , the woman's family, they send an umpire . This is indeed a mediator to reconcile the referees , Allâh gives livelihood instead of resentment between husband and wife . Allah is All- Knower, Aware of the fact that everything . 36 - Worship Allah and associate no partners with Him, do not run. Then the constitution , the father , kinsfolk, orphans , the poor , relatives, neighbors , close neighbors , located next to the friend on the road, for those who have, please kindness to slaves . Allah does not love kibirlenen and boasted . 37 - They are both jealous of that , they skimp , skimp on anyone advise both grace and God 's blessing to conceal them . We have prepared a humiliating punishment to unbelievers . 38 - They who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, goods , people spend to flaunt . No friend of the devil who , then what a bad companion ! 39 - They believe in Allah and the Last Day , and God had given in his sustenance harcasalardı unpretentious what harm would come to them ? Allah is All-Knowing their words and their job very well . 40 - Verily , Allah does not persecuted anyone iota . Even if you made an iota of kindness , his reward increases many times . And gives from Himself a great reward . 41 - Always bring a witness , and I dislike a witness over them when we do look at the state of the disbelievers will happen ! .. 42 - God , denying those who rebel against the Prophet , then they want to be razed to the Day of Resurrection . No word of God can not hide . 43 - O ye who believe ! So what you said bilinceye not approach prayer while intoxicated . While the prayer until Cünüb ablution except those who come near the passenger . If you become ill , or on a journey of sexual intercourse is found or there when it comes to break ablution Or the one of you , you can not find water , then make tayammum with a clean soil . Apply faith faces and your hands . Verily Allah is Pardoning , Oft-Forgiving . 44 - Nasib given them a book, do not you see what happened ? They sapmanızı perversion are buying and that you want out of the way . 45 - Allah knows your enemies well . And enough is Allah as a true friend . And enough is Allah for help . 46 - Some of the Jews , ( the book of Allah ) is based on the meaning of the words slide , language and religion, attacked by tilting , " Word heard , rebelled against orders , listen, listen , and Raina possible ( oversees us ), " they say. However, they say, " We hear and we obey , listen , and look at us " deselerdi it would be better for them and more accurate . But Allah has cursed them because of curses . Now they are very few , except you will not believe . 47 - O People of the Book ! Come in with you ( Torah) I believe in this book sent down to confirm . We also wipe out the faces of some people 's necks dialing or Saturday ( the Jews ) as lanetlediğimiz faith in them before the curse . Or instead of God's order will do . 48 - Indeed , Allah will never forgive him koşulmasını common . From someone else ( other sins ), the donations and forgiveness to those who wished commands . Whoever joins other gods really is not much larger ascribe partners to Allah is to devise a sin . 49 - Do not you see their souls bringing clear ? No ! But God , whom he absolves . Zulmedilmez them up to the hair . 50 - See how invent a lie against Allah . That's enough as a manifest sin . 51 - " From the book to them ( without reading ) Can not you see what happened in a given Nasib ! They believe in idols and the devil . And God, who do not know , " They are on the right track to the believers . "They say. 52 - They are the ones whom Allah's curse . If you can not find it anymore curse whom God will never help you . 53 - There Is Or share of their property within . If it were, people would not have even an iota of the core . 54 - Or do they envy the blessings of God for his bounty to people ? Surely we gave to Abraham in the book and wisdom . We have bestowed on them as well as a large property and sovereignty . 55 - Here are some of the Jews believed in him . Some of them turned away from him . Enough for those who do not believe that the flame of hell . 56 - Without a doubt we are disbelievers who deny Our revelations gonna get fired tomorrow . They hear the punishment he matures skins , skins give them another . Because God is really very strong, the All-Wise . 57 - believe and do righteous deeds işliyenleri the Gardens with rivers flowing under them put . There will be eternal . There they are pure companions . Them to keep it under the dark shadows . 58 - God has given you , and the people entrusted to you to judge between the People of the time to judge with justice . God , how beautiful it exhorts you . Allah is All- Hearer everything , Seer of . 59 - O ye who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and you'll also obey the orders at the owner . If you are in any dispute you anything , really believe in Allah and the Last Day , please supply it to Allah and His Messenger . This results in terms of better and more beautiful. 60 - You Can not you see ? Down to you and say that they believe that they sent down before you, even though the tağuta inanmamaları emrolunduğu them , in front of Tağut want muhakemeleşmek . Satan will not be able to so thoroughly perversion wants to reduce them . 61 - to them: " Allah hath revealed , and the Prophet come! " mention of the hypocrites I see moving away altogether . 62 - And how , because of their heads with their hands when it comes to a disaster , they came to you as well : "We just wanted to find favor and catch up . " I swear to God . 63 - They kalblerindekini God knows what , do not bother them , give them advice and tell great promise to affect them and to them ! 64 - We gönderdikse prophet , sent just to be obeyed by Allah's leave . When they persecute them if they come to you from God the forgiveness of their sins, forgiveness and Resul dileselerdi willed , surely Allah is forgiving , merciful, they would have found . 65 - No ! Verily I know the Lord is not like work , they make you a judge In all disputes between them , then gave judgment against you without any trouble in them , can not have faith in a submission eğmedikçe neck . 66 - If we are to them, " Kill yourself , or quit homes . " If we wrote , except for a few of them , they could not do it . But tutsalardı counsels given to them , of course, better than both the rights , as well as it would be more robust . 67 - And then of course we would have them from Ourselves a great reward . 68 - And of course, the right path iletirdik them . 69 - it is they who obeys Allah and His Messenger , Allah has blessed them prophets , saints , şehidlerle , associated with greats . What a beautiful fellowship ! 70 - This is grace from God. And enough is Allah as knowing . 71 - O ye who believe ! Take every precaution against the enemy defense . Against them , or in small units or total mobilization , make sure to move . 72 - There is no doubt that some of you , many severe acts . If you are a calamity happened : "God has been gracious to me with them, I have not . " der . 73 - And if you will be accessing the glory of God and is a blessing to you , as if there is no love between you and himself , no doubt this time will say: "Oh, what would be the largest Murada ereydim wish I was with them . " 74 - Then the temporary life of this world , the eternal life of the Hereafter for those who are going to sell , Let those fight in the cause of Allah . Whoever fights in the cause of Allah killed or gets victory , in both cases we will give a great reward to him that tomorrow . 75 - And what happens to you in the way of Allah : "O Lord, who oppressed us, it comes from the country , will be managed by a well with us and send us a savior in times that" non- poor and poor beg for men, women and children for the sake of rescue çıkmıyorsunuz war ? 76 - Those who believe , fight in the cause of Allah . Those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Tağut . Then you fight against the devil's supporters . The trick because it is weak. 77 - to them , " Take your hands the war , establish prayer , give charity, " Did not you see what it is told ? Some of them, the people of war is Great on them immediately , such as fear God , and even more afraid , and " Lord, why did you write us a war ? What would happen if you were to us a little bit more if we were recognized for a while ?" they say. Say: "The world is pleasure , nor less than the Hereafter , and to Allah is better for avoiding the hair so you will not be wronged . " 78 - It grows on you no matter where you death , not get rid of it could also be extremely robust in castles . Good befalls them, " This is from Allah ," they say , an evil uğrarlarsa , " This is due to you . " they say. O Muhammad ! Say: " All things are from Allah . " This is what happens to the community , to refuse to be there to understand ? 79 - ( O mankind ! ) That comes to you from Allah a favor , I kendindendir what evil touches . O Muhammad ! We have sent you as a messenger to all men . And enough is Allah as a witness to this . 80 - who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah . If anyone turns away , we have not sent you as a guard them . 81 - I "Well," they say, but by your side when they , birtakımı them at night ( during the day) said they establish that they are the opposite . He says they were designing the night . Do not mind them . Trust in God . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 82 - They still think and try to understand what the Qur'an is as it should ? If you do then downloaded by other than Allah they would have found many inconsistencies in it . 83 - They trust or fear when it comes to respect her right yayıverirler news . However, the prophet , and among them it götürselerdi authorized persons , those who can afford them, drawing conclusions , they'd know it . Without the grace and mercy of Allah on you , except that few of you , the devil warned . 84 - (O Muhammad) Fight in the cause of Allah ! You are responsible for what you did , but his own . Encourage the believers in the fighting . Hopefully, God breaks the power of the infidels . No doubt that God is much more powerful force and kudretçe , and is strict in punishment . 85 - Who here is a nice intermediary if it has a share of that business sevabından . If an intermediary who is not a bad thing , it also has a share of that evil . God gives you value for observing everything . 86 - You are greeted with a greeting , when you give it back to him , or a recompense in return the same greeting . Allah is the One Who proper account of all things . 87 - Self is not no god other than Allah , do you bring together the Day of Judgment . There is no doubt about that . Who could be truer than Allah ? 88 - Then , why you 're leaving in two groups of hypocrites ? He earned them upside down because of sin, then returnedto the road would distort God ? He whom Allah astray, you will not find a way out for him . 89 - They have committed blasphemy , as you have the desire to be a curse to process them . For him, until they emigrated to the path of Allah them for friends. Catch and kill them wherever you find if you turn away from it , what a friend of them , nor take them as a helper . 90 - However, do not touch it to those that are found refuge with a people who deal with them . Or what you , nor fight their hearts sığdıramayıp tribes came to you objectively . If Allah had so willed , would have made them haunt you , and they fought with you . If they stay away from you , you savaşmayıp if they offer you peace , Allah has not given you a way against them for . 91 - the other ones will also find a number of that, and make sure you both want to be sure to tribes . Olunuşlarında dive into it upside down every invitation to sedition . If you are çekinmezlerse , catch and kill them wherever you find . Here they have an edict against open to you . 92 - a believer out of error , kill another believer . And whoever kills a believer by mistake , to set free a believing slave , and the deceased's family ( heirs ) must provide a diet that will be delivered . But forgiveness is exempted from the family of the deceased . If you are killed , although a believer in a nation hostile to you , then you must set free a slave killed . If you are a people of the covenant between you killed , killed , the deceased's family , and a believing slave set free diet must provide . The acceptance by God, who can not afford them tevbesinin need to fast for two consecutive months . God , Alim ( Knower of all things ) , the All-Wise ( Wise ) . 93 - Who kills a believer intentionally , penalty will be eternally in hell. God said to him , and his wrath and curse had prepared a great punishment . 94 - O ye who believe ! Jihad in the path of Allah when you exit , to separate the believer thoroughly investigate the disbelievers . Anyone who salute you , taking into consideration the interests of the world 's life , " You 're not a believer say" . There are a lot of trophies in Allah's sight . You will like it when you were first entered Islam . Then God was gracious to you . Search for it thoroughly . Allah is Aware of what you do . 95 - believers who sit without apology to the path of Allah wealth and their lives can not be equal to those of jihad . God , wealth and their lives who fought , extremely As residents made outstanding . Allah has promised them all in heaven . However, the Mujahideen in Allah , has given a great reward on the residents . 96 - fold by degrees their ranks, forgiveness and mercy has given . Indeed, it is very forgiving , Most Merciful . 97 - angels , souls of people who persecuted them when they told them, " What were you here ?" they say. They said: " We kimselerdik weak in the face . " they say. They said: " Allah's earth was not large , or you should've migrated there ?" they say. Here is their refuge is Hell . What's he going bad place. 98 - But really helpless and weak , helpless, unable to find the way to migrate the remaining men , women and children ... except 99 - may be that Allah will forgive these people . Allah is Forgiving, merciful. 100 - If all who emigrated to the path of Allah , will find many places of the earth , finds wide . Whoever is the house of Allah and His Messenger in order to emigrate then death overtakes him , his reward Allah surely fall. Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 101 - Earth time would do a disservice to you when you fear the unbelievers there is no hardship you kısaltmanızda prayer . Surely the unbelievers are your open enemy . 102 - You are there among them some of them with you to pray , let them pray kıldırdığında . The weapons they take with them . They wait behind another part prostrate upon arrival . Then you come to the other part , which he never prayed together and prudent Let your flag, they take with them their weapons . Infidels are desirable , that even if an unwary silahlarınızdan and goods such they make a surprise attack you . If you like the rain or the patient reaches a grind you bırakmanızda weapons not a hardship . However, do not cautious . Surely the unbelievers Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment . 103 - He Is fearful disengaged also need prayer standing , both sides need to sit and chant Allah is always on . You get rid of the hair on his people prayer full of fear . Because prayer is obligatory for the believers in a particular evening as written . 104 - the enemy not show laxity in monitoring the community . If you suffer , of course, they also suffer as you hear your pain . However, what you hope to God they could not hope . Surely Allah is the Knower , the Wise. 105 - We have the Book to you ( the Qur'an ) sent down as a right that I , as indicated by the adjudicating among the people of God to you . Do not traitors to defend ! 106 - God bağışlanmanı language . Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful. 107 - treachery those defending themselves . Surely Allah does not love the treacherous sinners . 108 - These are the people ( mischief ) in conceal , disguise from Allah . However, he did not want the night everything is right next to them kurarlarken . God , they do ( the knowledge of ) encompasses . 109 - Let's you savunuverdiniz them in this world (let's say ) . So who will defend them in the presence of Allah on the Day of Judgment ? Them or who will be the proxy ? 110 - who works evil , or wrongs his own soul , forgiveness of Allah wills, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful finds . 111 - Who commits an evil , evil would have their own souls . Allah is All- Knowing, All-Wise. 112 - Who works as well as a fault or a sin and then throws it upon the innocent , surely devise will be installed and a flagrant sin . 113 - If God's grace and mercy you did not , you sapıtmaya a mob of them worked . However, they are, but their own souls astray , can not hurt you . God , I Kitab ( the Qur'an) , and I do not know what I downloaded and taught wisdom . Greater than the grace of God in you . 114 - Or the one to give alms to the people in favor or between each ordering (s) inki , except for the majority of their speeches, no no no secret between them . Who makes them just to earn the pleasure of Allah , will soon give a great reward to him . 115 - Who opposes the Messenger after it is obviously the right path , the path of the believers leave the road and returned it to someone else goes to hell puts remembered . That's what an evil destination. 116 - Allah will not forgive him koşulmasını common . Other than that forgives . Running with Allah , surely , has dropped a deep perversion . 117 - They also leave Him alone, worship females . Thus, worshiped the devil , but are stubborn . 118-119 - God damn it was the devil . And he said: "Of course I 'll take a certain share of your servants , mislead them , I'm gonna them false desires , and the ears of cattle yaracaklar order them , order them will change Allah's creation ," he said . Become friend of the devil , who , instead of Allah , no doubt he would have suffered an obvious losers . 120 - Satan is made to them and distracts them empty hopes . However, the promise of satan , is nothing but delusion . 121 - Their refuge is Hell . Will not find a cure to get rid of him . 122 - those who believe and do good works gonna have to get in the Gardens with rivers flowing under them , there's recompense . This is the true promise of God . Who could be truer than Allah ? 123 - ( Business ) , what are your kuruntunuza , nor according to kuruntusuna People of the Book . Who does evil , it shall be so . He is a friend to him what else God , nor can help . 124 - Male or female, who is a believer commits a nice deeds , that they will enter Heaven . Also be wronged in the least . 125 - Goodness itself by making a submission to God , and that anyone who follow the religion of Abraham as a straight , who may be better in terms of religion ? God had made Abraham friendly . 126 - in the heavens and on earth belongs to Allah. God kuşatıcıdır everything . 127 - fatwa about women you want . Say: Allah gives you the fatwa about them : the legacy of written law they do not want to give them nikahlanmayı orphan girls and orphans and poor children , and also about fairness Bible verses you are reading . All the good you do , Allah surely knows . 128 - If a woman 's husband geçimsizliğinden , concern or if the dial face him , among them a peace transact , there is no blame on them . Peace is better all the time . Already a delightfully ready to jealousy . If you get along well and clash fear Allah, He verily Allah is aware of what you do . 129 - wives how to behave in a fair matter of ritual every aspect of it could never . Do not completely caught up in one of the other, such as Bari suspended . If the gap is maintained fixes and injustice , Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful . 130 - If they are separated from each other as husband and wife , God 's grace in need of large leaves each of them . God's grace is spacious and great wisdom . 131 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . Those given the Book before you , and you have ordered that you fear God . If you disbelieve , know that whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. Allah is not in need of anything , worthy of praise and Sena Him . 132 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 133 - O my people! Brings the others to remove you if Allah wills . And Allah is Able to do it . 134 - Who 's blessing to the world wants, he know that the world and the Hereafter with Allah 's blessings . Allah is Seer of everything very well and very good hearing . 135 - O ye who believe ! That uphold justice , and by yourself , against your parents and close relatives , albeit ones who bear witness to God alone make . Because even if the rich , the poor , albeit both God ( you ) closer. Following the desire of your soul justice far. If ( when witness ) language , if you bükerseniz or çekinirseniz , Allah is Aware of what you do . 136 - O ye who believe ! Allah , His Messenger and the Book sent down to His Messenger , and before that hath faith in the book . Who is Allah , His angels , books , His messengers, the Last Day , and denies the koyusuna perversion would have fallen. 137 - who believe and then disbelieve , then believe and disbelieve again , which all go forward to unbelief after Allah forgive them , nor eriştirecektir the right path . 138 - Let me know when the hypocrites that for them there is a painful punishment . 139 - They leave the believers take for friends unbelievers ediniyorlar . Next to them are seeking gloryand honor ? However, all honor and glory belongs to God. 140 - God has given you the Book (the Qur'an ), said: " When you hear Allah's verses being rejected and mocked , have undergone other words , as long as he sit unbelievers . Otherwise, you would be like them ," he ruled down. Verily Allah will collect the hypocrites and the unbelievers all in hell . 141 - They stand and watch about you . If you grant a victory to you by Allah : " Were we not with you ?" they say. If you share in the victory of infidels : ( this time to them ) : " Do not protect believers you by providing you the upper hand ?" they say. Allah will judge between you on the day of Resurrection . Allah will not give the believers against the disbelievers any way . 142 - The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah . But Allah will their games themselves . They get up you lazy get up to pray . Showing off to people they do. Little commemorate God . 143 - Hypocrites bocalamaktadırlar of faith with blasphemy . What is it connected to the believers , nor these infidels . Astray whom Allah the right way , you will not find him anymore the way of salvation . 144 - O ye who believe ! Believers for friends unbelievers rather than leave . Would you give Allah a clear proof against youown ? 145 - Surely the hypocrites , tabakasındadırlar down most of the fire of hell . Also be a help to them find it. 146 - But those who repent , mend states , who adhere to Allah , and Allah except for connecting to the religion sincerely . These are the believers together. Allah will give the believers a great reward . 147 - If you believe in you and gives thanks to God torment you do? Allah is Knower of all things , and that reward those who give thanks . 148 - God , who suffered persecution , other than being told explicitly not like ugly word . Allah is the Hearer everything , Knower . 149 - describes a sake or conceal , or to forgive an evil , verily , Allah is the Oft-Forgiving , hath power over all things . 150 - They deny Allah and His messengers , the prophets of God and want to distinguish between . " We believe that to some , yet another would deny " they say. These two ( the ungodly by faith ) want to keep the way of . 151 - Here they are the real kâfirlerdir . We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment . 152 - those who believe in Allah and His messengers , and others who do not distinguish between them (God ) will give you the rewards soon . Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 153 - People of the Book , you , they want to drop your book from the sky . Moses wanted bigger than that, and said: " God, show us clearly " they said. Lightning struck them because of injustices . Although he came to them after the clear proofs calf (for worship ) had acquired. Therefore forgive them . And Moses a clear proof ( the authority ) have . 154 - The mountain tour to give them removed . I told them: " Enter through that door, prostrate ," we said . Yet to them, " chew the ban on Saturday said," and the sound of them have . 155 - Their promise to return , to deny the revelations of Allah , killing the prophets unjustly , and " Our hearts sheathed saying," Because ( the beginning you have any troubles ) . Surely, Allah sealed their hearts because of denials flying . Except for a few of them do not believe. 156 - ( Another reason mühürlenmesinin Kalblerinin Jesus ) and Mary a great slander to deny that they are provided . 157 - A " We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, Allah's prophet, saying," . However, what killed him , nor hanged . But nobody killed them, as Jesus demonstrated . Those who argue about him , since it fully in doubt . There is no information that an issue . Just conjecture sleeping. Certainly did not kill him . 158 - But God raised him in his own . God , the saints (always excellent ) is Mighty, Wise. 159 - People of the Book there is no one , in him before his death ( Jesus ) not have faith . The Day of Resurrection , he will bear witness to them . 160-161 - whomever Allah's way to persecute the Jews , and many detentions , and people take interest yasaklandıkları state property disclosures unfairly good things lawful for them to eat haram because we made earlier . Have prepared a painful doom them unbelievers . 162 - But those who believe in science and those deeper , down to you down before , and I do believe .
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:42PM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    THE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF MERCY Holy Quran NISA : TIME 26 - God , you declare you do not know , you want to accept the repentance of previous ways and show you . God , everything is very well Knower, All-Wise. 27 - Allah wants to accept your repentance . However, those who follow their lust , if you want to sapmanızı with the correct way of declination large . 28 - Allah wants to relieve you of religion in respect of heavy vehicles . Because man was created weak in terms of patience and tolerance . 29 - O ye who believe ! Do not eat your goods between you and injustice . However, their consent is lawful to eat your trade . Kıymayın each other's ass . Allah is Most Merciful to you . 30 - Who commits these prohibitions by way of cruelty and rape , it soon will have the fire of hell . Throw it in the fire, so is easy to Allah . 31 - If you, the major sins are forbidden fear Allah, He covers other flaws , you put a good authority . 32 - And God bazınıza , other than the things that do not wish to . There are men, they deserve a share . There are women who share their earned . Ask God wishes fazlından and foresight . Allah is Knower of all things . 33 - mother, father and relatives have appointed an heir to everything left . Please share your oath kıldıklarınızın liability regarding the heir . Allah is Witness to all things . 34 - Men , women , and dominated on the executive . Because one of Allah ( jihad , the Imamate , heritage as well as jobs ) has created superior to the other . One the men's goods ( family members ) are spending . Good women are obedient, God's protection of the ordered ones and also maintaining their things in the absence of their husbands . When it comes to women who are afraid of evil and incompatibility : first admonish them , leave deposits . They beat it does not benefit . If they obey you not look for another excuse to hurt themselves . Allah is exalted , is immense. 35 - If you are in concern you husband and wife, between the opening of an arbitrator by the man , the woman's family, they send an umpire . This is indeed a mediator to reconcile the referees , Allâh gives livelihood instead of resentment between husband and wife . Allah is All- Knower, Aware of the fact that everything . 36 - Worship Allah and associate no partners with Him, do not run. Then the constitution , the father , kinsfolk, orphans , the poor , relatives, neighbors , close neighbors , located next to the friend on the road, for those who have, please kindness to slaves . Allah does not love kibirlenen and boasted . 37 - They are both jealous of that , they skimp , skimp on anyone advise both grace and God 's blessing to conceal them . We have prepared a humiliating punishment to unbelievers . 38 - They who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, goods , people spend to flaunt . No friend of the devil who , then what a bad companion ! 39 - They believe in Allah and the Last Day , and God had given in his sustenance harcasalardı unpretentious what harm would come to them ? Allah is All-Knowing their words and their job very well . 40 - Verily , Allah does not persecuted anyone iota . Even if you made an iota of kindness , his reward increases many times . And gives from Himself a great reward . 41 - Always bring a witness , and I dislike a witness over them when we do look at the state of the disbelievers will happen ! .. 42 - God , denying those who rebel against the Prophet , then they want to be razed to the Day of Resurrection . No word of God can not hide . 43 - O ye who believe ! So what you said bilinceye not approach prayer while intoxicated . While the prayer until Cünüb ablution except those who come near the passenger . If you become ill , or on a journey of sexual intercourse is found or there when it comes to break ablution Or the one of you , you can not find water , then make tayammum with a clean soil . Apply faith faces and your hands . Verily Allah is Pardoning , Oft-Forgiving . 44 - Nasib given them a book, do not you see what happened ? They sapmanızı perversion are buying and that you want out of the way . 45 - Allah knows your enemies well . And enough is Allah as a true friend . And enough is Allah for help . 46 - Some of the Jews , ( the book of Allah ) is based on the meaning of the words slide , language and religion, attacked by tilting , " Word heard , rebelled against orders , listen, listen , and Raina possible ( oversees us ), " they say. However, they say, " We hear and we obey , listen , and look at us " deselerdi it would be better for them and more accurate . But Allah has cursed them because of curses . Now they are very few , except you will not believe . 47 - O People of the Book ! Come in with you ( Torah) I believe in this book sent down to confirm . We also wipe out the faces of some people 's necks dialing or Saturday ( the Jews ) as lanetlediğimiz faith in them before the curse . Or instead of God's order will do . 48 - Indeed , Allah will never forgive him koşulmasını common . From someone else ( other sins ), the donations and forgiveness to those who wished commands . Whoever joins other gods really is not much larger ascribe partners to Allah is to devise a sin . 49 - Do not you see their souls bringing clear ? No ! But God , whom he absolves . Zulmedilmez them up to the hair . 50 - See how invent a lie against Allah . That's enough as a manifest sin . 51 - " From the book to them ( without reading ) Can not you see what happened in a given Nasib ! They believe in idols and the devil . And God, who do not know , " They are on the right track to the believers . "They say. 52 - They are the ones whom Allah's curse . If you can not find it anymore curse whom God will never help you . 53 - There Is Or share of their property within . If it were, people would not have even an iota of the core . 54 - Or do they envy the blessings of God for his bounty to people ? Surely we gave to Abraham in the book and wisdom . We have bestowed on them as well as a large property and sovereignty . 55 - Here are some of the Jews believed in him . Some of them turned away from him . Enough for those who do not believe that the flame of hell . 56 - Without a doubt we are disbelievers who deny Our revelations gonna get fired tomorrow . They hear the punishment he matures skins , skins give them another . Because God is really very strong, the All-Wise . 57 - believe and do righteous deeds işliyenleri the Gardens with rivers flowing under them put . There will be eternal . There they are pure companions . Them to keep it under the dark shadows . 58 - God has given you , and the people entrusted to you to judge between the People of the time to judge with justice . God , how beautiful it exhorts you . Allah is All- Hearer everything , Seer of . 59 - O ye who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and you'll also obey the orders at the owner . If you are in any dispute you anything , really believe in Allah and the Last Day , please supply it to Allah and His Messenger . This results in terms of better and more beautiful. 60 - You Can not you see ? Down to you and say that they believe that they sent down before you, even though the tağuta inanmamaları emrolunduğu them , in front of Tağut want muhakemeleşmek . Satan will not be able to so thoroughly perversion wants to reduce them . 61 - to them: " Allah hath revealed , and the Prophet come! " mention of the hypocrites I see moving away altogether . 62 - And how , because of their heads with their hands when it comes to a disaster , they came to you as well : "We just wanted to find favor and catch up . " I swear to God . 63 - They kalblerindekini God knows what , do not bother them , give them advice and tell great promise to affect them and to them ! 64 - We gönderdikse prophet , sent just to be obeyed by Allah's leave . When they persecute them if they come to you from God the forgiveness of their sins, forgiveness and Resul dileselerdi willed , surely Allah is forgiving , merciful, they would have found . 65 - No ! Verily I know the Lord is not like work , they make you a judge In all disputes between them , then gave judgment against you without any trouble in them , can not have faith in a submission eğmedikçe neck . 66 - If we are to them, " Kill yourself , or quit homes . " If we wrote , except for a few of them , they could not do it . But tutsalardı counsels given to them , of course, better than both the rights , as well as it would be more robust . 67 - And then of course we would have them from Ourselves a great reward . 68 - And of course, the right path iletirdik them . 69 - it is they who obeys Allah and His Messenger , Allah has blessed them prophets , saints , şehidlerle , associated with greats . What a beautiful fellowship ! 70 - This is grace from God. And enough is Allah as knowing . 71 - O ye who believe ! Take every precaution against the enemy defense . Against them , or in small units or total mobilization , make sure to move . 72 - There is no doubt that some of you , many severe acts . If you are a calamity happened : "God has been gracious to me with them, I have not . " der . 73 - And if you will be accessing the glory of God and is a blessing to you , as if there is no love between you and himself , no doubt this time will say: "Oh, what would be the largest Murada ereydim wish I was with them . " 74 - Then the temporary life of this world , the eternal life of the Hereafter for those who are going to sell , Let those fight in the cause of Allah . Whoever fights in the cause of Allah killed or gets victory , in both cases we will give a great reward to him that tomorrow . 75 - And what happens to you in the way of Allah : "O Lord, who oppressed us, it comes from the country , will be managed by a well with us and send us a savior in times that" non- poor and poor beg for men, women and children for the sake of rescue çıkmıyorsunuz war ? 76 - Those who believe , fight in the cause of Allah . Those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Tağut . Then you fight against the devil's supporters . The trick because it is weak. 77 - to them , " Take your hands the war , establish prayer , give charity, " Did not you see what it is told ? Some of them, the people of war is Great on them immediately , such as fear God , and even more afraid , and " Lord, why did you write us a war ? What would happen if you were to us a little bit more if we were recognized for a while ?" they say. Say: "The world is pleasure , nor less than the Hereafter , and to Allah is better for avoiding the hair so you will not be wronged . " 78 - It grows on you no matter where you death , not get rid of it could also be extremely robust in castles . Good befalls them, " This is from Allah ," they say , an evil uğrarlarsa , " This is due to you . " they say. O Muhammad ! Say: " All things are from Allah . " This is what happens to the community , to refuse to be there to understand ? 79 - ( O mankind ! ) That comes to you from Allah a favor , I kendindendir what evil touches . O Muhammad ! We have sent you as a messenger to all men . And enough is Allah as a witness to this . 80 - who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah . If anyone turns away , we have not sent you as a guard them . 81 - I "Well," they say, but by your side when they , birtakımı them at night ( during the day) said they establish that they are the opposite . He says they were designing the night . Do not mind them . Trust in God . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 82 - They still think and try to understand what the Qur'an is as it should ? If you do then downloaded by other than Allah they would have found many inconsistencies in it . 83 - They trust or fear when it comes to respect her right yayıverirler news . However, the prophet , and among them it götürselerdi authorized persons , those who can afford them, drawing conclusions , they'd know it . Without the grace and mercy of Allah on you , except that few of you , the devil warned . 84 - (O Muhammad) Fight in the cause of Allah ! You are responsible for what you did , but his own . Encourage the believers in the fighting . Hopefully, God breaks the power of the infidels . No doubt that God is much more powerful force and kudretçe , and is strict in punishment . 85 - Who here is a nice intermediary if it has a share of that business sevabından . If an intermediary who is not a bad thing , it also has a share of that evil . God gives you value for observing everything . 86 - You are greeted with a greeting , when you give it back to him , or a recompense in return the same greeting . Allah is the One Who proper account of all things . 87 - Self is not no god other than Allah , do you bring together the Day of Judgment . There is no doubt about that . Who could be truer than Allah ? 88 - Then , why you 're leaving in two groups of hypocrites ? He earned them upside down because of sin, then returnedto the road would distort God ? He whom Allah astray, you will not find a way out for him . 89 - They have committed blasphemy , as you have the desire to be a curse to process them . For him, until they emigrated to the path of Allah them for friends. Catch and kill them wherever you find if you turn away from it , what a friend of them , nor take them as a helper . 90 - However, do not touch it to those that are found refuge with a people who deal with them . Or what you , nor fight their hearts sığdıramayıp tribes came to you objectively . If Allah had so willed , would have made them haunt you , and they fought with you . If they stay away from you , you savaşmayıp if they offer you peace , Allah has not given you a way against them for . 91 - the other ones will also find a number of that, and make sure you both want to be sure to tribes . Olunuşlarında dive into it upside down every invitation to sedition . If you are çekinmezlerse , catch and kill them wherever you find . Here they have an edict against open to you . 92 - a believer out of error , kill another believer . And whoever kills a believer by mistake , to set free a believing slave , and the deceased's family ( heirs ) must provide a diet that will be delivered . But forgiveness is exempted from the family of the deceased . If you are killed , although a believer in a nation hostile to you , then you must set free a slave killed . If you are a people of the covenant between you killed , killed , the deceased's family , and a believing slave set free diet must provide . The acceptance by God, who can not afford them tevbesinin need to fast for two consecutive months . God , Alim ( Knower of all things ) , the All-Wise ( Wise ) . 93 - Who kills a believer intentionally , penalty will be eternally in hell. God said to him , and his wrath and curse had prepared a great punishment . 94 - O ye who believe ! Jihad in the path of Allah when you exit , to separate the believer thoroughly investigate the disbelievers . Anyone who salute you , taking into consideration the interests of the world 's life , " You 're not a believer say" . There are a lot of trophies in Allah's sight . You will like it when you were first entered Islam . Then God was gracious to you . Search for it thoroughly . Allah is Aware of what you do . 95 - believers who sit without apology to the path of Allah wealth and their lives can not be equal to those of jihad . God , wealth and their lives who fought , extremely As residents made outstanding . Allah has promised them all in heaven . However, the Mujahideen in Allah , has given a great reward on the residents . 96 - fold by degrees their ranks, forgiveness and mercy has given . Indeed, it is very forgiving , Most Merciful . 97 - angels , souls of people who persecuted them when they told them, " What were you here ?" they say. They said: " We kimselerdik weak in the face . " they say. They said: " Allah's earth was not large


 islam fatwa - Social Mention: The third question of Fatwa no. 6901 Q 3: What is the ruling on studying man-made laws and trying to apply them while acknowledging that the Shari`ah is better and superior? What is the ruling on teaching man-made laws, philosophy, logic, and psychology? It should be noted that these sciences include a great deal of falsehood, such as their questioning the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Names, Lawfulness and unlawfulness. They also include the study of Communism, Existentialism and Liberalism. What is the ruling on those who teach and learn these subjects? Especially that these subjects are in the general curriculums all over the state and the teachers and students do not study religious knowledge. In fact they are ordinary Muslim people who if (Part No. 12; Page No. 135) exposed to doubts, may doubt religious tenets. If they are advised to leave all that, they would say: What can we do? We obtain our living from it, or we are simply seeking knowledge. A: It is not permissible to study man-made laws to apply them as long as they are against the Shari`ah. However, it is permissible to study them in order to expose that they are inappropriate and deviated from the Truth on one hand, and to manifest the aspects of justice, uprightness and righteousness in Islam and its appropriateness for the interests of mankind. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to study philosophy, man-made laws and the like if they are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong lest they should deviate from the Straight Path of Allah (Exalted be He). It is permissible for those who are able to study and digest these sciences, of course after studying the Qur'an and Sunnah, to study them with the intention of distinguishing between the right and wrong in them as long as this will not distract them from the more important purpose of the Shari`ah. Accordingly, it should be known that it is not permissible to make these sciences a general field of study in our schools and educational institutions. In fact, they should be studied by qualified specialized Muslims who take it as an Islamic duty to defend the Truth and refute falsehood. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:42PM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    The third question of Fatwa no. 6901 Q 3: What is the ruling on studying man-made laws and trying to apply them while acknowledging that the Shari`ah is better and superior? What is the ruling on teaching man-made laws, philosophy, logic, and psychology? It should be noted that these sciences include a great deal of falsehood, such as their questioning the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Names, Lawfulness and unlawfulness. They also include the study of Communism, Existentialism and Liberalism. What is the ruling on those who teach and learn these subjects? Especially that these subjects are in the general curriculums all over the state and the teachers and students do not study religious knowledge. In fact they are ordinary Muslim people who if (Part No. 12; Page No. 135) exposed to doubts, may doubt religious tenets. If they are advised to leave all that, they would say: What can we do? We obtain our living from it, or we are simply seeking knowledge. A: It is not permissible to study man-made laws to apply them as long as they are against the Shari`ah. However, it is permissible to study them in order to expose that they are inappropriate and deviated from the Truth on one hand, and to manifest the aspects of justice, uprightness and righteousness in Islam and its appropriateness for the interests of mankind. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to study philosophy, man-made laws and the like if they are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong lest they should deviate from the Straight Path of Allah (Exalted be He). It is permissible for those who are able to study and digest these sciences, of course after studying the Qur'an and Sunnah, to study them with the intention of distinguishing between the right and wrong in them as long as this will not distract them from the more important purpose of the Shari`ah. Accordingly, it should be known that it is not permissible to make these sciences a general field of study in our schools and educational institutions. In fact, they should be studied by qualified specialized Muslims who take it as an Islamic duty to defend the Truth and refute falsehood. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:26
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 takbir - Social Mention: JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:29PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:29
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:57PM  

    { A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN <'3s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eine Likerin fragt euch, was sie zum Hennaabend und zur Hochzeit ihrer älteren S...
    Nov 21st 2013, 14:29
    Eine Likerin fragt euch, was sie zum Hennaabend und zur Hochzeit ihrer älteren Schwester schenken kann. Sie möchte etwas grosses und einzigartiges. Aber ihr fällt nichts ein. Sie würde sich freuen wenn ihr inshaAllah Vorschläge habt und die in die kommentare schreibt.

    Worüber würdet ihr euch freuen?
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