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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 05:34AM  

    Arrows of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Arrows of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Shared by @Musa Cerantonio - Abu A'isha
    Considering that the recent post regard...
    Nov 16th 2013, 04:58
    Shared by @Musa Cerantonio - Abu A'isha

    Considering that the recent post regarding Khalid Yassin's comments on Syria was in the form of a poem and thus did not respond to the specific points raised in his talk but rather to the general message of what he said, I feel it would best best to respond to his comments in a more ordered and concise manner lest anybody misunderstand the reason for the objections to his comments.

    The following is an analysis of his comments and why I and others object to them. We hope that this will make it clearer for anyone who is confused about the matter or thinks that Khalid has been misquoted or misunderstood.

    Statement 1 - "Young Muslim brothers wanna pack their bags and go to Syria to fight - They didn't make Hajj yet but they wanna make Jee-had"

    This comment seems to suggest that Hajj is a prerequisite for Jihad which is not correct. In fact many great Mujahidin from the past did not perform Hajj because they responded to the call of Jihad. One of the most famous of those is Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi who never performed Hajj. To suggest that a Muslim is wrong in going to Syria to fight solely because he has not gone for Hajj is absolutely incorrect.

    Ibn 'Umar stated - "One journey in Jihad is better than 50 journeys to perform Hajj."

    Further to this it must be known that even the Messenger of Allah did not perform Hajj until the final year of his life, yet fought in Jihad for many years before it, meaning that even the Messenger of Allah fought in Jihad before going for Hajj! How then can anyone dare to claim that Hajj is better than Jihad or must be performed before going for Jihad?

    Statement 2 - Speaking about a Muslim who reads about the Jihad online and then decides to go for Jihad, "So the one that guided him was Shaykh Google, or Shaykh YouTube, or Shaykh Facebook"

    If a Muslim goes for Jihad then we say that Allah has guided him. Khalid Yassin instead prefers to belittle him and try to suggest that he was guided by other than Allah. The irony of course is that Khalid Yassin himself preaches on Facebook and YouTube yet tries to make it seem that anything found online is a misguidance. He proves at least that yes, some of what you find on YouTube is misguidance, specifically his video.

    As for the scholars of the Ummah, the vast majority have called for Jihad in Syria. So when they respond, they are not responding to 'Shaykh Google' but rather are responding to the commands of our great scholars. Do not belittle the Mujahidin and suggest that they were guided to Jihad by websites, this is belittling our scholars who are calling for the Ummah to rise and respond to the call in Syria.

    Statement 3 - "That's why people like Facebook because you don't really have to face the truth"

    This is a statement that again is true yet works against him. As mentioned, he has a Facebook page but for some reason whenever people ask about his crimes of theft against the Muslim community that have been proven many times over, the person asking about it is blocked and his comment deleted. Until now Khalid Yassin has refused to address the reality of his crimes and his many lies about his fake TV channels that he used to swindle money from organisation all over the world. Perhaps that is why he does like Facebook, because he can simply delete what he likes from his page and not have to face the truth!

    Statement 4 - "If you don't have somebody to control you, to advise you, to set the parameters for you, you not going to make no jihad, you just going somewhere to get killed or to kill somebody, and you don't even know who to kill"

    Khalid Yassin suggests that in the case of Syria, those who do not have an adviser will not know who to kill. I ask then, and who will be the adviser? Will it be him? Can he teach us who to kill in Syria or does he not know himself? And if he does not know then why is he pretending that he is able to tell us what to do in relation to Syria? The reality is that once a person gets into Syria he will be trained, he will join battalions of fighters, he will be able to identify who the enemy is. How did Khalid Yassin come to this conclusion that a person will not know who the enemy is, unless he went there himself and found out or one of the Mujahidin told him? The reality is that he is simply trying to cast doubts about matters which he has no knowledge of!

    Statement 5 - "Just you wanna go somewhere and kill somebody, you wanna feel what it is to have on a military uniform, you wanna feel what it is to have a gun in your hands.. You gonna take pictures of yourself send it back to your homeboys and say 'Check me out'"

    These accusations are slanderous, he seems to have a very negative image in his mind of those who unlike him are ready and willing to go for Jihad in Syria. Why he depicts those who want to respond to the call of the Ummah as being vain and attention seeking is beyond me. Out of the tens of thousands of Mujahidin in Syria right now who have traveled from abroad, most of whom are young men like Khalid Yassin is speaking about, how many has he seen doing these things which he describes? Or is it that he has simply invented this idea in his mind?

    I will tell you a real life story of a young brother who went to Syria. He was a friend that I knew from my home town, and I had heard that he had went to Egypt where I was working at the time. We spoke and I was happy to hear that I would soon see him in Cairo. However after some days I found that his phone was not connected and I could not reach him. Later I found out that he went to Syria to fight, and I swear that he is better than me and you as he beat us there. He went and told nobody, he did not send pictures to anybody, he did not boast to anybody, he went because of his love for Allah and the Ummah. He is now a martyr who died in the Path of Allah.

    Why does Khalid Yassin speak about imaginary stereotypes that he created in his mind, but does not tell us about the reality of these amazing Mujahidin and their selfless sacrifices? Does he even know or does he not care?

    Statement 6 - "But the same young brothers, most of them when they left they didn't have a job. When they left they didn't finish school."

    This is perhaps the lowest point of the speech where Khalid Yassin proves his ignorance about the Mujahidin in Syria.. How dare he claim that most of those who went to defend the Ummah were jobless? Out of those who I personally know who went ALL of them were hard-working people, one of whom was a bricklayer who would be out in the hot sun working one of the toughest jobs there is, yet Khalid Yassin prefers to make them out as lazy and jobless! O Khalid, these young men that you slander worked harder than you ever did, and they never lied and stole money from the Ummah unlike you! How dare you lie about them, yet refuse to face the Ummah and return the money that you stole from them?! Those young men are noble example whereas you are far from it! A slanderous thief who dares to mock those who are now putting their life on the line for the defence of Muslim blood!

    As our dear teacher Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril quoted - "If the flesh of the 'Ulama is poisonous to eat [by slandering], then the smell of a Mujahid's flesh is lethal, stay away from it!"

    Pay attention Khalid! You are lying about the Mujahidin and the Angels are recording your words and you will return to Allah to answer for these things!

    Statement 7 - "They left their mother, they left their sisters, they left their daughters and they left their wives, chasing something that they believe is a nostalgic dream called fighting in the way of Allah"

    Allah says in Surat At-Tawbah, "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and JIHAD in His cause, then wait until Allah executes His command" [9:24]

    These brothers are not chasing a dream O Khalid, rather you are the one chasing fantasies. They are responding to the call of Allah.

    Statement 8 - "The same brothers before they left, they was not able to get up for the Fajr prayer"

    Again more baseless slander. Where do you pull this from Khalid? You have not said a single good word about these brothers who are the best of people on the face of this Earth, but you continue to lie and mock them and accuse them of not praying Fajr?! I pray that you are able to repent before death reaches you because I fear for the one who mocks the Mujahidin like you do..

    Statement 9 - "If you sit in the club smoking that hubbly-bubbly you can't get up for the Fajr"

    Can it get any worse? Now claiming that they missed Fajr prayer because they stayed up all night smoking sheesha? Khalid, you have a lot of repentance to make and a lot of apologising to do.

    Statement 10 - Advising the young Muslims in Europe that instead of going for Jihad, ""They need to serve their neighbourhood, they need to serve the society, because of the society and its institutions gave to you the freedom, the liberty, the resources, the education and all the things that you have living in Europe. You have to be grateful"

    Considering that the audience was in Norway I will address Norway though many other European countries would be much the same. For those who do not know, Norway is an enemy of Islam and has troops in Afghanistan fighting the Muslims. It amazes me that at one point in his life Khalid Yassin was rightfully praising the Taliban, yet now here he is telling Muslims to be grateful to Norway! They are the enemies of Islam, they deserve nothing of our gratitude!

    As Ibn Hazm said - "If he was there )in the lands of the kuffar) in opposition to the Muslims, aiding the disbelievers with some service or conscription, then he is a disbeliever. If he was only there to achieve some worldly gain, and he becomes like a dhimmi to them [i.e. paying them taxes], while he is able to meet up with the Muslim majority and their land, then he is not far from disbelief and we do not see any excuse for him – and we ask Allah to mend him."

    Living in Norway and paying taxes which then go to the Norwegian Army who kill Muslims is something that is either kufr or almost kufr, and this depends on the intention of the person. If they are content living there and paying taxes to them then this is almost certainly kufr, if they do so but want to leave then we pray that they are excused and forgiven. But for some reason Khalid Yassin prefers to tell them to be grateful to these enemies of Islam.. We have nothing to be grateful to them for, rather we are free from them and every believing Muslim must leave the lands of the kuffar and return to the lands of Islam.

    Statement 11 - "The issue is not Fardh Al-'Ayn, that's not even the issue, If you didn't use a phone, and you didn't use the radio, or you didn't have a newspaper, or you didn't have a computer, or is you didn't use a television, you wouldn't even know what was going on in Syria, you'd be concerned about your own neighbourhoods"

    The issue is Fardh Al-'Ayn however the rest of what was said is very odd.. What is the point of saying this other than suggesting to us that we needn't worry about Syria? It suggests that the only reason why Syria is given prominence is because of increased communication, this of course is a lie. I first understood what was happening in Syria when I was told by a close friend that his uncle had been killed by Assad's forces. To suggest that Syria is only known to us because of the internet or TV is a lie, we as Muslims like throughout history respond to injustice wherever it may be. The Mamluks of Egypt marched out into Sham to fight the Mongols, they did not stay in Egypt looking after their own neighbourhood, rather they went out and defended the Ummah, because they knew if they did not stop that evil then the Mongols would kill Muslims and eventually reach Egypt to kill them too.

    We as Muslims are not just responding to remove Assad, rather we will not give up until we take all of Sham and plant the flag of Tawhid in Al-Quds. As for the communities that we left in Australia, Norway and elsewhere they mean nothing to us. We are obliged to leave them and go with our families to the lands of Islam, that is what we should be calling for, not to be grateful to the enemies of the Ummah and be content handing them our money to kill Muslims.

    Statement 12 - "We are not the champions of the world, and we are not the policeman of the world"

    In fact we are the champions of the world, we are the greatest of all people and yes we are commanded to act as the police who forbid evil to all of mankind, whether you are aware of it or not.

    Allah says - "You are the best nation raised for mankind. You command what is right and forbid what is evil and believe in Allah." [3:110]

    We are specifically commanded to be the policemen of the world and yes we say proudly that we are the champions of the world.

    Statement 13 - "We are responsible you see, for ourselves, and our families, and what is outside of ourselves and our families and the resources that we have, we make du'a and our du'a is as effective as anything else that we can do"

    Whoever claims that we are only responsible for our direct family but not for those outside of our family does not understand this religion. We as an Ummah are responsible for each other, regardless of blood relations. Me and you are directly responsible for Syria, and so much more considering that we appear on TV channels and are looked up to for advice, we are more responsible than the others! To claim that anyone outside of our family only gets a du'a is something that is saddening to hear.. What will happen when someone comes asking for help but is not from our family, should we turn them away and say "Sorry, you only get a du'a, I am not responsible for you"?

    Du'a is the *least* that you can do. And if any Muslim is ready to fight and die for their family but not for the Muslims in Syria because they believe that they are 'not responsible' for them, then this is shameful and I am free from that person. We are One Ummah and the blood of a Muslim is sacred wherever they may be or whoever they are. The Muslims of Syria are no exception, their blood is OUR blood and it hurts us as much as if it were our own sons and daughters when we see them suffer.

    From the words of one of the heroes of our time, Imam Anwar Al-Awlaqi - "Don't think that Allah will give you victory if you sit at home comfortable on your couch and just raise your hand and say; 'Oh Allah give the Muslim Ummah victory.' No, you have to stand up and do something!"

    Statement 14 - "There are many ways that we can address (Syria) that do not take us out of our own responsibility. We can get clothes, medicine, food, money, equipment, that's what we can do. Because the Prophet said "The person that supplies a Mujahid with a horse that they would get the same reward that the mujahid gets. So I think that we just need to think about the issue based upon priorities"

    SubhanAllah, is Syria not our number one priority?! Is it not the greatest issue that we face right now? What issue is it in a small Muslim family from Norway that is greater? I would love to know which single issue the Muslims of Norway are facing that surpasses that of Syria..!

    As for sending things to Syria this is a good start, I applaud you for at least telling people to send things like food


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 05:14AM  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Engel bitten Allah um Vergebung für jeden von euch, solange er sich in seine...
    Nov 16th 2013, 04:49
    Die Engel bitten Allah um Vergebung für jeden von euch, solange er sich in seinem Gebetsplatz aufhält...

    Die Engel sagen: O Allah, vergib ihm, o Allah erbarme Dich seiner

    - Hz. Muhammed s.a.v

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 04:58AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    We cannot blame everything on America, when Pakistani Government and Army are al...
    Nov 16th 2013, 04:44
    We cannot blame everything on America, when Pakistani Government and Army are also supporting drone attacks.

    A Pakistani liberal said to me "Drones a blessing in disguise". Why will their father, brothers and uncle not retaliate to our silence and support of oppression against them?

    It is a shameful situation that in a country, which was created in the name of Islam and for whose creation about half a million Muslims sacrificed their lives, sincere Muslims must suffer at the hands of its own government. It is a well known fact that Pakistani government agencies target sincere Muslims, and persecute them mercilessly for protesting against their treacheries. Pakistan Army General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani (the current Chief of Army Staff of the army), his gang and cohorts and have been either killing, arresting or abducting people and throwing them in their dungeons for years where they are kept in captivity, enduring physical and mental torture.

    On the instruction of their American masters, they act quickly and swiftly trying to seal the mouths and minds of sincere Muslims whether in the military or in the masses who want the implementation of Islamic Shariah and the establishment of Khilafah. The year long abduction of Naveed Butt, spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan, is just one example. He was abducted right in front of his children on 11th May 2012 and so far he has never been produced before a court of law nor has he been released from captivity. These feeble and cowardly acts illustrate the desperate attempts to weaken the call for the establishment of the Khilafah, for these criminal practices will only enhance the desire of the Ummah to establish the rule of Allah (subhanahu wa tala).

    Subhanallah is this not a terrible evil? Surely It is our duty to expose the Pakistani government and it's cowardly acts of treachery ! And if you say that we do not have a state to change things by the hands physically, but we do have tongues by which we can speak up and stand up for the truth! Is not speaking the word of truth the greatest jihad, as RasulAllah صلى الله عليه وسلم said when he was asked what is the best Jihad, 'كَلِمَةُ حَقٍّ عِنْدَ سُلْطَانٍ جَائِرٍ' "The word of truth before the unjust / tyrant rulers".

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 04:12AM  

    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Is LiFe JuSt A GaMe.. is starting in Hong Kong in sha Allah by street dawah team...
    Nov 16th 2013, 03:50
    Is LiFe JuSt A GaMe.. is starting in Hong Kong in sha Allah by street dawah team from Bahrain
    As Salam Alaykum Brothers... we will start our Street Dawah here in Hongkong. .. We will keep you updated our activities here... inshaa&#039;Allah. .Make dua for us to make it successful inshaa&#039;Allah. ..
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 04:01AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    "When someone shares with you his worries and personal life, he has great confid...
    Nov 16th 2013, 04:00
    "When someone shares with you his worries and personal life, he has great confidence in you. Do not betray this trust.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 16 03:53AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    مقتل وإصابة قادة بارزين في "لواء التوحيد" بغارة جوية

    ضربة موجعة تلقاها "لواء...
    Nov 16th 2013, 03:35
    ‫ مقتل وإصابة قادة بارزين في "لواء التوحيد" بغارة جوية

    ضربة موجعة تلقاها "لواء التوحيد" التابع لـ"الجيش الحرّ" بعد مقتل أحد قيادييه وجرح قياديين آخرين إثر غارة جوية نفذّها الجيش السوري على مكان اجتماعهم و"جبهة علماء حلب" تحرّم الانضمام إلى "داعش" وتعتبر أن من ينتسب إليها يعد مسؤولا شرعا عن جرائمه.

    قال نشطاء الجمعة إن قائداً عسكرياً في صفوف مقاتلي المعارضة السورية قتل واصيب اثنان آخران بجراح في غارة جوية شنتها قوات الجيش السوري على مدينة حلب، وذلك في نكسة للمقاتلين الذين يتحصنون في المدينة تحسّباً لهجوم قوات الجيش السوري.

    وتشهد حلب معارك ضارية منذ شنّ الجيش السوري هجوماً قبل أسبوعين لاستعادة أجزاء من المدينة يسيطر عليها المعارضون.

    وقام لواء التوحيد إثر ذلك باعتقال 30 شخصاً للاشتباه بقيامهم ب"التخابر" مع النظام، وبالتالي اعطائه معلومات عن اللواء. وقتل الخميس أيضاً قائدا كتيبتين مقاتلتين في معارك ضد الجيش السوري بالقرب من مطار حلب الدولي، بحسب المرصد.

    وقد استمرت هذه المعارك الجمعة. وقال مصدر امني في دمشق لوكالة فرانس برس "لا تزال توجد بعض البؤر الارهابية في المنطقة ويتم التعامل معها وفق تكتيك معين للقضاء عليها".

    وفي ريف حلب، قتل الخميس ضابط منشق برتبة عقيد كان قائداً للواء مقاتل ضد النظام في معارك مع الجيش السوري في جبل معارة الأرتيق.

    وقالت شبكة "حلب نيوز" التابعة للمعارضة في بيان إن الغارة استهدفت قاعدة للجيش كان مقاتلو المعارضة قد استولوا عليها فقتل يوسف العباس القيادي في "لواء التوحيد" التابع للجيش الحرّ الذي تسانده قطر وهو من أكبر مجموعات المعارضة المسلحة. وكان العبّاس معروفاً بكنيته "أبو الطيب".

    وقال البيان إنّ قيادة "لواء التوحيد" كانت تعقد اجتماعاً حينما وقعت الغارة.

    وأضاف أن عبدالقادر الصالح قائد "لواء التوحيد" أصيب بجراح ونقل إلى مستشفى في تركيا على بعد 45 كيلومترا إلى الشمال مع عبدالعزيز السلامة وهو أيضا من كبار القادة العسكريين للمعارضة. وقال البيان إن الرجلين في حالة طيبة.

    وكان "لواء التوحيد" قد أصدر بياناً في وقت سابق من الأسبوع الحالي الى جانب عدد من الجماعات الاسلامية من بينها "جبهة النصرة" المرتبطة بالقاعدة أعلنوا فيه الطوارئ واستدعاء كل المقاتلين حتى يتوجهوا الى الجبهة.

    وقال ناشطو المعارضة ان هذا الإعلان هو مؤشر على أن المعارضة المسلحة تشعر بمخاوف حقيقية من أن تتمكن قوات الجيش السوري النظامي من أن تستعيد حلب.

    على صعيد آخر، أصدرت "جبهة علماء حلب" فتوى تحرِّم الانضمام إلى تنظيمِ "دولة الإسلام في العراق والشام "ودعتِ المقاتلينَ إلى ترك التنظيم والإنتساب إلى الفصائل المجاهدة الاخرى.

    واعتبر "علماء حلب" أنَّ كل من ينتسب الى التنظيمِ "يعدّ مسؤولاً شرعاً عن جرائمه"، وتوجّهَ البيان إلى الفصيلِ المذكورِ بتخييره بينَ التوجّه إلى خطوط القتال ضد الجيش السوري أوالعودة إلى العراق ومواصلة عمله فيه.

    ‫مقتل وإصابة قادة بارزين في "لواء التوحيد" بغارة جوية‬
    ‫ضربة موجعة تلقاها "لواء التوحيد" التابع لـ"الجيش الحرّ" بعد مقتل أحد قيادييه وجرح قياديين آخرين إثر غارة جوية نفذّها الجيش السوري على مكان اجتماعهم و"جبهة علماء حلب" تحرّم الانضمام إلى "داعش" وتعتبر أن من ينتسب إليها يعد مسؤولا شرعا عن جرائمه.‬
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