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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

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Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

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Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 islam fatwa - Social Mention: Once again the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh [RSS] has urged Hindus that morechildren should be produced, in order to check the demographic imbalance. Did anyone call it fatwa or a diktat? How many TV channels found RSS joint secretary Dattatreya Hosbale's comments as controversial? Has there been strong criticism on editorial pages in mainstream newspapers? This is not the first time that RSS leaders have said that Hindus need to produce more kids. For them, Hindus are the 'victim'.The bogey of 'Muslim population rise' or 'Ham Panch-Hamare Pachchis' are used by RSS to portray Muslims in bad light. Not only that the statement aims at driving wedge among religious communities, the fact is that it is truly regressive in nature.Shouldn't RSS turn itself into a forward looking organisation?The reason is that if RSS been a forward looking organisation, it would stop looking at things from the Hindu vs. Muslim. In that case it should have urgedmiddle-class Indians [mostly Hindus] to stop female foeticide [and infanticide] tocontrol the fascination for 'baby boy'.It is this gender imbalance that is really threatening Hinduism [and India]. There are vast regions where there are less than 800 girls for 1,000 boys. Even the upper class and middle-class want the 'baby boy'. If the first child is a girl, many go for second, in the hope to have a boy.This 'sickness' needs to be fought. Strangely, RSS leaders never tell their followers how Hinduism has been growing much faster over the last centuryin the world. While Islam has grown fast after 1900, overall population of Hindus in the world, has also gone up significantly, even as Christianity and other religions have now lost the pace.As far as rise in Muslim population in India is concerned, it is not a very unusual phenomenon. The minority [Muslim] rate of growth is quite close to Dalits. Clearly, economic reasons and social backwardness are the cause behind the high birthrate.Muslim growth rate in Kerala, Tamil Nadu much less than in UP, BiharIn states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Muslims have a growth rate of much lessthan 20% per decade, which is less than the growth rate of Hindu population in India in many other states of North India.UP and Bihar have overall bigger families. No wonder, fertility rates are higher among Muslims in these states.Secondly, there is no open opposition to family planning among Muslims, and they have adopted it widely. As Muslimsgo up on socio-economic indicators, theyalso tend to have smaller families, just like rest of the Indians.As per 2001 census, the overall population grew by 21.5% in India in theprevious decade. Muslim decadal population grew by a mere 13.7% in Tamil Nadu and 15.8% in Kerala [from 1991 to 2001]. These states have a higher Muslim literacy rate and here Muslims are financially better-off. In contrast, Hindu population increased by 28.7% in Punjab, 24.7% in Karnataka and 23.4% in Bihar.How do you explain that? Now there willbe critics who would say that if Muslimsgrew by 13.7% in Tamil Nadu in the decade, the decennial Hindu growth was just 11%.The problem is that when the Hindu growth rate is seen, they don't take into account the growth rate of backwards and Dalits, whose population growth is comparable to Muslims.For example, you can't expect to compare Iyers or Iyengars' decadal rise inpopulation with Dalits or even Vanniyars. If you have to at all compare then do it with the socially upward Muslims. Else, consider Muslims also asa social group and then look at them with their growth rate.The right comparison would be Muslim population rise vis-a-vis increase in population of social groups that have similar earning, living conditions and socio-economic backwardness. Statisticsclearly reveal that Muslim population rate is falling in India and would stabilise in a few decades.The difference of population growth rates is narrowing down fast. Far from becoming majority or even 25%, it will take centuries before they even reach the figure of 20% in India.In December 2005, the then RSS chief [sarsanghchalak] KS Sudharshan had also urged the majority community in a similar manner. He said that 3-4 childrenper couple would keep the 'changing religious demography' in control. Just imagine had any other religious community [like a Muslim cleric from Nadwatul Ulema or Deoband] made sucha statement, what would have happened?There would have been wide condemnation, politicians and activists gunning for him and effigies burnt. TV channels would have continued debates for days. But in the case of RSS, it was simply ignored even though the 'cultural organisation' has huge impact and has a cadre strength of tens of lakhs.If the RSS leaders take up real issues that affect the nation, they would be taken more seriously. It may also strike chord with the young generation. However, they remain stuck in regressiverhetoric.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:40AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    Once again the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh [RSS] has urged Hindus that morechildren should be produced, in order to check the demographic imbalance. Did anyone call it fatwa or a diktat? How many TV channels found RSS joint secretary Dattatreya Hosbale's comments as controversial? Has there been strong criticism on editorial pages in mainstream newspapers? This is not the first time that RSS leaders have said that Hindus need to produce more kids. For them, Hindus are the 'victim'.The bogey of 'Muslim population rise' or 'Ham Panch-Hamare Pachchis' are used by RSS to portray Muslims in bad light. Not only that the statement aims at driving wedge among religious communities, the fact is that it is truly regressive in nature.Shouldn't RSS turn itself into a forward looking organisation?The reason is that if RSS been a forward looking organisation, it would stop looking at things from the Hindu vs. Muslim. In that case it should have urgedmiddle-class Indians [mostly Hindus] to stop female foeticide [and infanticide] tocontrol the fascination for 'baby boy'.It is this gender imbalance that is really threatening Hinduism [and India]. There are vast regions where there are less than 800 girls for 1,000 boys. Even the upper class and middle-class want the 'baby boy'. If the first child is a girl, many go for second, in the hope to have a boy.This 'sickness' needs to be fought. Strangely, RSS leaders never tell their followers how Hinduism has been growing much faster over the last centuryin the world. While Islam has grown fast after 1900, overall population of Hindus in the world, has also gone up significantly, even as Christianity and other religions have now lost the pace.As far as rise in Muslim population in India is concerned, it is not a very unusual phenomenon. The minority [Muslim] rate of growth is quite close to Dalits. Clearly, economic reasons and social backwardness are the cause behind the high birthrate.Muslim growth rate in Kerala, Tamil Nadu much less than in UP, BiharIn states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Muslims have a growth rate of much lessthan 20% per decade, which is less than the growth rate of Hindu population in India in many other states of North India.UP and Bihar have overall bigger families. No wonder, fertility rates are higher among Muslims in these states.Secondly, there is no open opposition to family planning among Muslims, and they have adopted it widely. As Muslimsgo up on socio-economic indicators, theyalso tend to have smaller families, just like rest of the Indians.As per 2001 census, the overall population grew by 21.5% in India in theprevious decade. Muslim decadal population grew by a mere 13.7% in Tamil Nadu and 15.8% in Kerala [from 1991 to 2001]. These states have a higher Muslim literacy rate and here Muslims are financially better-off. In contrast, Hindu population increased by 28.7% in Punjab, 24.7% in Karnataka and 23.4% in Bihar.How do you explain that? Now there willbe critics who would say that if Muslimsgrew by 13.7% in Tamil Nadu in the decade, the decennial Hindu growth was just 11%.The problem is that when the Hindu growth rate is seen, they don't take into account the growth rate of backwards and Dalits, whose population growth is comparable to Muslims.For example, you can't expect to compare Iyers or Iyengars' decadal rise inpopulation with Dalits or even Vanniyars. If you have to at all compare then do it with the socially upward Muslims. Else, consider Muslims also asa social group and then look at them with their growth rate.The right comparison would be Muslim population rise vis-a-vis increase in population of social groups that have similar earning, living conditions and socio-economic backwardness. Statisticsclearly reveal that Muslim population rate is falling in India and would stabilise in a few decades.The difference of population growth rates is narrowing down fast. Far from becoming majority or even 25%, it will take centuries before they even reach the figure of 20% in India.In December 2005, the then RSS chief [sarsanghchalak] KS Sudharshan had also urged the majority community in a similar manner. He said that 3-4 childrenper couple would keep the 'changing religious demography' in control. Just imagine had any other religious community [like a Muslim cleric from Nadwatul Ulema or Deoband] made sucha statement, what would have happened?There would have been wide condemnation, politicians and activists gunning for him and effigies burnt. TV channels would have continued debates for days. But in the case of RSS, it was simply ignored even though the 'cultural organisation' has huge impact and has a cadre strength of tens of lakhs.If the RSS leaders take up real issues that affect the nation, they would be taken more seriously. It may also strike chord with the young generation. However, they remain stuck in regressiverhetoric.
    Nov 19th 2013, 08:52
    Once again the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh [RSS] has urged Hindus that more children should be produced, in order to check the demographic imbalance. Did anyone call it fatwa or a diktat? How many TV channels found RSS joint secretary Dattatreya Hosbale's comments as controversial? Has there been st...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:47AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    Basic Guide to Factions in the Syrian Civil War - Part II - Syrian National Coalition
    Sep 2nd 2013, 06:14
    For those who want a basic guide to who's who in the Syrian Civil War, here is a list of all factions in the civil war with a short description of their goals, size, and allegiance. For the second part, here is a list of all those affiliated with the Syrian National Coalition, the main faction of rebel fighters fighting Assad's regime. Free Syrian Army - Secularist army of Syrian military defectors whose only goal is to overthrow President Bashar Al-Assad. Has 80,000 active personnel. Syrian Martyrs' Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is one of the largest rebel factions in Idlib Governorate, holding 7,000-12,000 fighters. Ammar bin Yassir Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after one of the Prophet Muhammad's most loyal companions, the battalion based in Idlib Governorate is unknown in its size or if it has carried out any military action. Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Dedicated to the memory of the 13-year old boy brutally murdered by the Syrian military, the battalion's only known information is that it is based in Idlib City. Al-Furqan Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the 25th Sura of the Quran, the battalion's only known information is that it is located in Idlib Province. Harmoush Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the top Syrian officer that defected to join the FSA, there is no known information about the unit besides its location in Idlib Province. Martyrs Ma'arat Nu'man Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the soldiers who died capturing Maarat Al-Nu'man for the Syrian rebellion, nothing is known about the battalion besides it location in Idlib Province. Shield of Islam Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Nothing is known about this battalion other than its location in Idlib Province. Salahedinne Al-Ayoubi Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, the unit is based in Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib Province. Qashoush Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the anti-Syrian government singer who was violently murdered by the regime, the group is based in Hama City. Aboul Fidaa Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the Kurdish Ayyubid Dynasty prince for which a mosque and a crater on the moon is named for, the battalion is based in Hama Province. Saad bin Moaz Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is named for the noble companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the chief of the Banu Aus tribe in Medina. Al Nasser Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Its etymology is of unknown origin. Ziaab al-Ghab Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is named for the Al-Ghab Plain, a fertile depression in northwest Syria. Moawiyah bin Abi Sufian - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the establisher of the Umayyad Dynasty of the Caliphate, the group is based in Damascus. Houriyeh Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Aleppo. Ababeel Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Aleppo Province. Lions of Shahba Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the ancient Roman city in modern-day Syria, the unit is based in Aleppo Province. Saad Allah Al-Jabiri Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the two-time Prime Minister of Syria, the battalion is based in Aleppo Province. Omari Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the family that claims descent from Umar, the second Caliph of the Islamic Caliphate, the battalion is based in Daraa Province and the Hauran Plateau. Sultan Pasha Al-Atrash Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Commander General of the Syrian Revolution, the battalion is based in As-Suwayda Province. Qassam Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the term for the armed wing of an Islamic movement, the unit is based in Jableh City in Latakia Province. Suqur Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Latakia City. Samer Nunu Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Tartus Province. Mishaal Tammo Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the assassinated Syrian politician who championed Kurdish rights, the unit is based in Kurdish Rebel-held Qamishli. Odai Al-Tayi Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Hasakah. Omar ibn Al-Khattab Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for Umar, the second Caliph of the Islamic Caliphate, the unit is based in Deir ez-Zor City. Moaz Al-Raqad Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Osoud Al-Sunna Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Zi Qar Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Al Moata Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Allahu Akbar Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Takbir, the exclamation proclaiming god's excellence in Islam, the unit is based in Abu Kamal. Dawn of Freedom Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Ramy Al-Sayeed Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Syrian journalist killed during an attack on Homs City, the unit is based in Homs Province. Rijal Al-Umma Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Tel Kalakh Martyrs' Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the fallen of the Battle of Tal Kalakh, the unit is based in Homs Province. Shuhada Al-Badiya Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Al-Karama Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Arabic word for dignity, the unit is based in Homs Province. Ahmad Nayif Al-Sukhni Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Ar-Raqqah. Abu Obeidah bin Al-Jarrah Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for one of the Prophet Muhammad's companions and the designated successor to the Caliphate by Caliph Umar, the unit is based in Damascus Province. Souqour Dimashq Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Damascus. Osama bin Laden Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the infamous former leader of Al-Qaeda, the unit is based in Damascus. Liwaa Al-Umma - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is has upwards of 6,000 soldiers. Syrian Turkmen Brigades - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It has 10,000 soldiers, 3,000 of which are stationed in Aleppo. The unit claims to be fighting for the rights of Turkmens in Syria. Syria Martyrs' Brigade - Group of civilian rebel fighters from Idlib Governorate. Claims to have 18,000 soldiers. Ghuraba Al-Sham - Secularist rebel fighters fighting for the establishment of a secularist democracy in Syria. Has 100 fighters, although they used to have 2,000 before a clash with Islamic fundamentalists decimated the force. Syrian Islamic Liberation Front - Coalition of Islamic rebel brigades allied with the Free Syrian Army. Claims to have between 35,000 to 40,000 soldiers. Al-Tawhid Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Claims to have between 3,500 to 10,000 militants in their ranks. Kurdish Saleheddine Battalion - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Suqour Al-Sham Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. The unit claims to have 9,000 soldiers and is based in Idlib Province. Farouq Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It claims to have between 14,000 to 20,000 soldiers and is based in Homs Province. Liwa Al-Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It claims to have thousands of soldiers, but has never specified how many. It is based in Damascus and Rif Damashq. Deir ez-Zor Revolutionary Council - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is named for the sixth largest city in Syria. Tajamo Ansar Al-Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Amr Ibn Al-Aas Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is named for the commander of the Islamic Invasion of Egypt. Army of Muhammad - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hawks Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Qamishli Kurds - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Al-Naser Salaheddin - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Liwa Dawud - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hawks Sham Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Farouq Islamic Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Banner of Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Unification Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Council Rebels of Deir ez-Zor - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Furqan Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hamza Al-Ansar Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Ebad Idlib Ma'arrat of Rahman Al-Nu'man Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Open Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Aleppo. Brigade of Homs - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Homs. Mohammed bin Abdullah Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Homs. Return of the Martyr Ahmed Battalion - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. National Liberation Movement - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Household Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Hama. Brigades of God - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Lattakia. Izz ibn Abd Al-Salam Bridgades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Named for the "Sultan of the Scholars", the unit is based in Lattakia. Council of Banias - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Tartous. Tartous Military - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Tartous. Ahfad Al-Rasul Brigade - Syrian Islamist rebel group unaffiliated with the Free Syrian Army that is funded by the Qatari government. Allied with the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Has between 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Future Movement - Lebanese classical liberal political party. Lethal Military Support - Countries that ship weapons and men to the Syrian National Coalition. Turkey - Capitalist state. Ships firearms to the FSA. Saudi Arabia - Islamic Kingdom. Ships firearms to the FSA. Qatar - Islamic Kingdom. Ships firearms to the FSA and funding to the Ahfad Al-Rusal Brigade. Muslim Brotherhood of Syria - Islamic Democratic Organization. Ships firearms to the FSA. Non-Lethal Military Support - Countries that give logistical support, fuel, and other materials to assist the Syrian National Coalition. United States - Capitalist nuclear weapons state. Sends firearms and funding to the FSA. United Kingdom - Capitalist nuclear weapons state. Sends funding to the FSA. France - Capitalist/Socialist nuclear weapons state. Sends funding to the FSA. submitted by KingQajar to syriancivilwar [link] [19 comments]
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 islamisten - Social Mention: Also wenn man sich so die Nachrichten antut - kann man sich doch nur schämen für diese Menschheit und dass was auf diesem Planeten so los ist: -Die Iranische Botschaft bekommt nen Anschlag ab, -Islamisten metzeln einen Soldaten auf offener Straße in London nieder mit der Erklärung dass dieser in einem Fremden land ebenfalls getötet hat (okayyyy O.ô), -Fräulein Merkel ist empört dass sie angeblich von der NSA abgehört wurde seit Jahren und Mister Obama entschuldigt sich 'unwissend' und 'unschuldig' davon habe er keine Ahnung gehabt. - Umweltkatastrophen zerstören die Philippinen und ganz unerwartet (haha) auch den mittleren Westen der USA (als hätte man den scheiß nicht selbst zu verantworten..) - In Katar herrschen unmenschliche Arbeitsbedigungen für Gastarbeiter zwecks den Baustellen für die WM. Amnesty International (AI) hat öffentlich Kritik an den Arbeitsbedingungen dort geäußert. Im Laufe der Bauarbeiten sollen schätzungsweise schon 300 Menschen verreckt sein! Hoch lebe der Sport (TZ!) (Wer da noch WM gucken geht is doch das letzte..) ABER hey- in Deutschland wird die Frauenquote abgesegnet.... Fazit: Es is ne schande diese Menschheit!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:28PM  

    islamisten - Social Mention
    Also wenn man sich so die Nachrichten antut - kann man sich doch nur schämen für diese Menschheit und dass was auf diesem Planeten so los ist: -Die Iranische Botschaft bekommt nen Anschlag ab, -Islamisten metzeln einen Soldaten auf offener Straße in London nieder mit der Erklärung dass dieser in einem Fremden land ebenfalls getötet hat (okayyyy O.ô), -Fräulein Merkel ist empört dass sie angeblich von der NSA abgehört wurde seit Jahren und Mister Obama entschuldigt sich 'unwissend' und 'unschuldig' davon habe er keine Ahnung gehabt. - Umweltkatastrophen zerstören die Philippinen und ganz unerwartet (haha) auch den mittleren Westen der USA (als hätte man den scheiß nicht selbst zu verantworten..) - In Katar herrschen unmenschliche Arbeitsbedigungen für Gastarbeiter zwecks den Baustellen für die WM. Amnesty International (AI) hat öffentlich Kritik an den Arbeitsbedingungen dort geäußert. Im Laufe der Bauarbeiten sollen schätzungsweise schon 300 Menschen verreckt sein! Hoch lebe der Sport (TZ!) (Wer da noch WM gucken geht is doch das letzte..) ABER hey- in Deutschland wird die Frauenquote abgesegnet.... Fazit: Es is ne schande diese Menschheit!
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:56
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:29AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Every muslim men and women. Adult sense person should said allahu akbar
    Nov 19th 2013, 09:26
    Wallahi dazu muka gama musu da wata Christa 'yar wurin aikin mu, wai wallahi bazan iya samun comment 5000 akan comment na addinin musulunci ba. Harta nuna mun wani page NATA da comments sama da 10 000 akan Kowa ya rubuta Jesus is my lord. to don Allah mu bata kunya, kawai ka/ki yi comment da ALLAHU AKBAR. nidai Na fara da nawa ALLAHU AKBAR Muhsin
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 kalifa - Social Mention: 5-4-08 Agences Un scientifique japonais se convertie à l'islam en raison des miracles scientifiques dans le coran . Dr.Taha Ibrahim Kalifa ,professeur des plantes médicales et des drogues à l'université d'Al Azhar ,a annoncé qu'un grand chercheur japonais, spécialiste dans les sciences de l'agriculture s'était converti à l'islam après avoir découvert un grand miracle scientifique dans l'honorable coran à travers sa recherche sur le figuier et l'olivier. La "methalosionide" ,matière secrétée par le cerveau de l'homme et de l'animal en une petite quantité ,est constituée de protéine et de soufre .C'est pourquoi elle peut facilement s'unir aux zinc , au fer et au phosphore .Elle est très importante et vitale pour l'homme d'autant plus qu'elle diminue le taux du cholestérol ,aide le processus de photosynthèse ,fortifie le cur et régularise la respiration" ,a dit Taha. "La sécrétion de cette matière s'augmente graduellement ,dans le cerveau de l'homme ,à compter de 15 ans jusqu'à 35 ans ;puis se diminue jusqu' à 60 ans .Raison pour laquelle ,il n'était pas facile de l'obtenir à partir de l'homme ,alors qu'elle se trouve en une petite quantité chez les animaux ", a-t-il poursuivi, en disant qu'une équipe des scientifiques japonais avait cherché cette matière magique ,ayant un effet très efficace sur l'élimination des symptômes de la vieillesse ,et ne l'avaient trouvée que dans deux genres de plantes :le figuier et l'olivier. Le professeur a appelé à contempler le serment d'Allah le Plus Haut par le figuier et l'olivier et la relation de ceux-ci avec la création de l'homme dans la forme la plus parfaite puis avec ce dernier quand il est ramené à son niveau le plus bas . "Après l'extraction de cette matière séparément du figuier et de l'olivier ,il s'avère qu'elle ne peut avoir l'effet à viser pour la santé de l'homme qu'après le mélange entre la matière obtenue à partir du figuier avec celle extraite de l'olivier à travers un taux de 1 à 7 par ordre ",a signalé le professeur . Il a affirmé , pendant sa recherche dans l'honorable coran ,avoir trouvé que le figuier est mentionné une seule fois alors que l'olivier est cité explicitement 6 fois et une fois implicitement dans le verset 20 de la sourate "les croyants" :Allah Le Plus Haut dit" ainsi qu'un arbre (l'olivier) qui pousse au Mont Sinaï, en produisant l'huile servant à oindre et où les mangeurs trempent leur pain." Le professeur Taha Ibrahim Kalifa avait envoyé toutes les informations à cet égard qu'il avait rassemblées du saint coran à l'équipe des chercheurs japonais. Après qu'ils aient vérifié que le coran avait fait, de plus de 1427 ans, allusion à toutes les informations, auxquelles ils étaient parvenus, leur chef avait annoncé s'être converti à l'Islam. Certes ,Allah a dit la vérité: "1. Par le figuier et l'olivier ! 2. Et par le Mont Sinin ! 3. Et par cette Cité sûre ! 4. Nous avons certes créé l'homme dans la forme la plus parfaite. 5. Ensuite, Nous l'avons ramené au niveau le plus bas, 6. sauf ceux qui croient et accomplissent les bonnes oeuvres : ceux-là auront une récompense jamais interrompue. 7. Après cela, qu'est-ce qui te fait traiter la rétribution de mensonge ? 8. Dieu n'est-Il pas le plus sage des Juges ? " Sourate:Le Figuier (At-Tin).
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:42AM  

    kalifa - Social Mention
    5-4-08 Agences Un scientifique japonais se convertie à l'islam en raison des miracles scientifiques dans le coran . Dr.Taha Ibrahim Kalifa ,professeur des plantes médicales et des drogues à l'université d'Al Azhar ,a annoncé qu'un grand chercheur japonais, spécialiste dans les sciences de l'agriculture s'était converti à l'islam après avoir découvert un grand miracle scientifique dans l'honorable coran à travers sa recherche sur le figuier et l'olivier. La "methalosionide" ,matière secrétée par le cerveau de l'homme et de l'animal en une petite quantité ,est constituée de protéine et de soufre .C'est pourquoi elle peut facilement s'unir aux zinc , au fer et au phosphore .Elle est très importante et vitale pour l'homme d'autant plus qu'elle diminue le taux du cholestérol ,aide le processus de photosynthèse ,fortifie le cur et régularise la respiration" ,a dit Taha. "La sécrétion de cette matière s'augmente graduellement ,dans le cerveau de l'homme ,à compter de 15 ans jusqu'à 35 ans ;puis se diminue jusqu' à 60 ans .Raison pour laquelle ,il n'était pas facile de l'obtenir à partir de l'homme ,alors qu'elle se trouve en une petite quantité chez les animaux ", a-t-il poursuivi, en disant qu'une équipe des scientifiques japonais avait cherché cette matière magique ,ayant un effet très efficace sur l'élimination des symptômes de la vieillesse ,et ne l'avaient trouvée que dans deux genres de plantes :le figuier et l'olivier. Le professeur a appelé à contempler le serment d'Allah le Plus Haut par le figuier et l'olivier et la relation de ceux-ci avec la création de l'homme dans la forme la plus parfaite puis avec ce dernier quand il est ramené à son niveau le plus bas . "Après l'extraction de cette matière séparément du figuier et de l'olivier ,il s'avère qu'elle ne peut avoir l'effet à viser pour la santé de l'homme qu'après le mélange entre la matière obtenue à partir du figuier avec celle extraite de l'olivier à travers un taux de 1 à 7 par ordre ",a signalé le professeur . Il a affirmé , pendant sa recherche dans l'honorable coran ,avoir trouvé que le figuier est mentionné une seule fois alors que l'olivier est cité explicitement 6 fois et une fois implicitement dans le verset 20 de la sourate "les croyants" :Allah Le Plus Haut dit" ainsi qu'un arbre (l'olivier) qui pousse au Mont Sinaï, en produisant l'huile servant à oindre et où les mangeurs trempent leur pain." Le professeur Taha Ibrahim Kalifa avait envoyé toutes les informations à cet égard qu'il avait rassemblées du saint coran à l'équipe des chercheurs japonais. Après qu'ils aient vérifié que le coran avait fait, de plus de 1427 ans, allusion à toutes les informations, auxquelles ils étaient parvenus, leur chef avait annoncé s'être converti à l'Islam. Certes ,Allah a dit la vérité: "1. Par le figuier et l'olivier ! 2. Et par le Mont Sinin ! 3. Et par cette Cité sûre ! 4. Nous avons certes créé l'homme dans la forme la plus parfaite. 5. Ensuite, Nous l'avons ramené au niveau le plus bas, 6. sauf ceux qui croient et accomplissent les bonnes oeuvres : ceux-là auront une récompense jamais interrompue. 7. Après cela, qu'est-ce qui te fait traiter la rétribution de mensonge ? 8. Dieu n'est-Il pas le plus sage des Juges ? " Sourate:Le Figuier (At-Tin).
    Nov 19th 2013, 09:27
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 kafir - Social Mention: Beruntunglah si suami jika mendapat isteri-isteri yang solehah... Syurga Bagi Isteri Yang Mentaati Suaminya... Antara 9 Siti yang patut dicontohi Oleh Isteri-Isteri... 1) Siti Khadijah - Beliau merupakan isteri Rasulullah s.a.w yg melahirkan anak2 Rasulullah, setia dan menyokong Rasulullah walaupun ditentang hebat oleh org2 kafir dan musyrik, menghantarkan makanan kpd Baginda ketika Baginda beribadat di Gua Hira'. 2) Siti Fatimah - Anak Rasulullah yg tinggi budi pekertinya. Sangat kasih dan setia kpd suaminya Ali karamallahu wajhah walaupun Ali miskin. Tidur berkongsikan 1 bantal dan kdg2 berbantalkan lengan Ali. Rasulullah pernah b'kata aku takkan maafkan kamu wahai Fatimah sehinggalah Ali maafkan kamu. 3) Siti Aisyah - Beliau isteri Rasulullah yg paling romantik. Sanggup berkongsi bekas makanan dan minuman dgn Rasulullah. Di mana Nabi s.a.w minum di situ beliau akan minum menggunakan bekas yg sama. 4) Siti Hajar - Isteri Nabi Ibrahim yg patuh kpd suami dan suruhan Allah. Sanggup ditinggalkan oleh Nabi Ibrahim atas suruhan Allah demi kebaikan. Berjuang mencari air utk anaknya Nabi Ismail (Pengorbanan seorg ibu mithali). 5) Siti Mariam - Wanita suci yg mmg pandai menjaga kehormatan diri dan mempunyai maruah yg tinggi sehingga rahimnya dipilih oh Allah s.w.t utk mengandungkan Nabi Isa. 6) Siti Asiah - Isteri Firaun yg tinggi imannya dan tidak gentar dgn ujian yg dihadapinya drpd Firaun Laknatullah. 7) Siti Aminah - Wanita mulia yg menjadi ibu kandung Rasullullah. Mendidik baginda menjadi insan mulia. Siti Muti'ah - Isteri yg patut dicontohi dan dijanjikan Allah syurga untuknya kerana setianya kpd suami, menjaga makan minum, menyediakan tongkat utk dipukul oleh suaminya sekiranya layanannya tidak memuaskan hati, berhias dgn cantik utk tatapan suaminya sahaja. 9 ) Siti Zubaidah - Wanita kaya dermawan yg menjadi isteri Khalifah Harun Al-Rashid. Sanggup membelanjakan semua hartanya utk membina terusan utk kegunaan org ramai hanya niat kerana Allah s.w.t. Adakah kita tergolong antara Siti2 Impian ini? Tepuk dada tanya iman. Sama2 kita tingkatkan ilmu kita utk menjadi insan yg lebih baik di Bumi Allah ini, InsyaAllah...
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:32PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Beruntunglah si suami jika mendapat isteri-isteri yang solehah... Syurga Bagi Isteri Yang Mentaati Suaminya... Antara 9 Siti yang patut dicontohi Oleh Isteri-Isteri... 1) Siti Khadijah - Beliau merupakan isteri Rasulullah s.a.w yg melahirkan anak2 Rasulullah, setia dan menyokong Rasulullah walaupun ditentang hebat oleh org2 kafir dan musyrik, menghantarkan makanan kpd Baginda ketika Baginda beribadat di Gua Hira'. 2) Siti Fatimah - Anak Rasulullah yg tinggi budi pekertinya. Sangat kasih dan setia kpd suaminya Ali karamallahu wajhah walaupun Ali miskin. Tidur berkongsikan 1 bantal dan kdg2 berbantalkan lengan Ali. Rasulullah pernah b'kata aku takkan maafkan kamu wahai Fatimah sehinggalah Ali maafkan kamu. 3) Siti Aisyah - Beliau isteri Rasulullah yg paling romantik. Sanggup berkongsi bekas makanan dan minuman dgn Rasulullah. Di mana Nabi s.a.w minum di situ beliau akan minum menggunakan bekas yg sama. 4) Siti Hajar - Isteri Nabi Ibrahim yg patuh kpd suami dan suruhan Allah. Sanggup ditinggalkan oleh Nabi Ibrahim atas suruhan Allah demi kebaikan. Berjuang mencari air utk anaknya Nabi Ismail (Pengorbanan seorg ibu mithali). 5) Siti Mariam - Wanita suci yg mmg pandai menjaga kehormatan diri dan mempunyai maruah yg tinggi sehingga rahimnya dipilih oh Allah s.w.t utk mengandungkan Nabi Isa. 6) Siti Asiah - Isteri Firaun yg tinggi imannya dan tidak gentar dgn ujian yg dihadapinya drpd Firaun Laknatullah. 7) Siti Aminah - Wanita mulia yg menjadi ibu kandung Rasullullah. Mendidik baginda menjadi insan mulia. Siti Muti'ah - Isteri yg patut dicontohi dan dijanjikan Allah syurga untuknya kerana setianya kpd suami, menjaga makan minum, menyediakan tongkat utk dipukul oleh suaminya sekiranya layanannya tidak memuaskan hati, berhias dgn cantik utk tatapan suaminya sahaja. 9 ) Siti Zubaidah - Wanita kaya dermawan yg menjadi isteri Khalifah Harun Al-Rashid. Sanggup membelanjakan semua hartanya utk membina terusan utk kegunaan org ramai hanya niat kerana Allah s.w.t. Adakah kita tergolong antara Siti2 Impian ini? Tepuk dada tanya iman. Sama2 kita tingkatkan ilmu kita utk menjadi insan yg lebih baik di Bumi Allah ini, InsyaAllah...
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:27
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 IHED - Social Mention: Amaka Pacy: NGIGE IS AT IT AGAIN ! This man during his senatorial election saw dat DORA AKUNYILI wILL WIN him, went to a hotel and announced himself the winner. Inec later show up with the real result which Dora won him with 552 votes. when he saw wat Inec did, he filed a case dat some polling unit dis not cast vote. the election day was fixed and was conducted. all the places was in his area. He manipulated the vote by making the number of vote casted to be bigger THAN the number of accredited people. He did just to meet up with the 552 votes which Akunyili was topping him with. He won the election through manipulation. So now he did it again. he deprive his side the ability to cast vote so dat after calling the result, he will know the margin which he will meet up in other to become the winner. But his plan did not WORK! INEC INSIST ON CASTING THE REMAINING 65 POLLING UNIT IN HIS PLACE BEFORE CALLING OUT THE WINNER. HE NOW BECAME CONFUSED AND STARTED COMPLAINING FOR HE DID NOT KNOW THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF VOTES TO MANIPULATE BEFORE BECOMING THE WINNER! NOW HE WANTS TO DO IT LIKE BEFORE!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:41AM  

    IHED - Social Mention
    Amaka Pacy: NGIGE IS AT IT AGAIN ! This man during his senatorial election saw dat DORA AKUNYILI wILL WIN him, went to a hotel and announced himself the winner. Inec later show up with the real result which Dora won him with 552 votes. when he saw wat Inec did, he filed a case dat some polling unit dis not cast vote. the election day was fixed and was conducted. all the places was in his area. He manipulated the vote by making the number of vote casted to be bigger THAN the number of accredited people. He did just to meet up with the 552 votes which Akunyili was topping him with. He won the election through manipulation. So now he did it again. he deprive his side the ability to cast vote so dat after calling the result, he will know the margin which he will meet up in other to become the winner. But his plan did not WORK! INEC INSIST ON CASTING THE REMAINING 65 POLLING UNIT IN HIS PLACE BEFORE CALLING OUT THE WINNER. HE NOW BECAME CONFUSED AND STARTED COMPLAINING FOR HE DID NOT KNOW THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF VOTES TO MANIPULATE BEFORE BECOMING THE WINNER! NOW HE WANTS TO DO IT LIKE BEFORE!
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:17
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 Masallah - Social Mention: Lihat 8 komentar lain Agus Iwan Ayune,.. 2 menit yang lalu · Suka Chuelchi Sukaebikin Usiell Sippppp esss 2 menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Chuelchi Sukaebikin Usiell Agus Iwan wedokkk broewww sekitar satu menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Agus Iwan Ngono to sekitar satu menit yang lalu · Suka Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Hậu Phùng t.y ơi . nhớ t.y tóa . hế hế . sáng đạp xe nhanh nên là hông kịp nhìn t.y . hỳ ...thời gian nhanh phát . mai còn đk gặp t.y ý nhở . Suka · · Bagikan · 3 menit yang lalu · Trung Ảo menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Ayy jangan biarkan diriku jatuh cinta kpadanya ,bila it terjadi akan ada hti yg terluka . Tuhan tolong diriku #DErbiromero Suka · · Bagikan · 3 menit yang lalu · 4 orang menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy Hahahah Mallu ituh ketika saya NGOMPOL d.depan Orangtua , da nte k.Tahan Suka · · 4 menit yang lalu · Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy dan 21 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs keyboard nya eror Suka · · 8 menit yang lalu · Atiex Maniezz, Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs dan 3 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Dhagul Koentjoro Mau bikin statuz nyindir seseorang namun q urungkan karna kwatir mengenai temanku yg lain mending gk usah jaga privasi achhhh,,,,, Suka · · Bagikan · 8 menit yang lalu · Dhagul Koentjoro dan 6 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani SUcii ANdinii SeBeNer nha mah Udh lelLah nGehadepiN seMua MasalLah Nie tuCh... #TeTap seManGat Suka · · Bagikan · 8 menit yang lalu · SUcii ANdinii dan 6 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Wulan Anggraeny BUTUH DONOR PULSA-_- ANTI BELI'IN GW PULSA DONG @ PIPIT_VITRY Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu melalui iPhone · 8 orang menyukai ini. Pipit Vitry anti,a jga lg kritis cayoonk. 3 menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Wulan Anggraeny Ywdh kga Ppa asal nanti kalo pulang es krim sama coklat silverquen beberapa detik yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Chytty Dahllya Chyee .jangnt tr`lalu sibukk mencari yg sempurna jikka yg sedrha mampu membuat mou bhgiia8-),. Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · 23 orang menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs si dia ny baca status ku HHH Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs dan 7 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nenk Dewi Baturesingduehereuy di DI HATI YG LG GALAU Sedang Memikirkan Km d san a ? Hati qu galau tanpa dia d sisi ku, tiap hari kngn dia, tak ada kta bosan untk memikr kn dia, tdak ada kta cpe tuk mrindu kan dia., SAYANG sdang apha kah qm disana ...?? Suka · · Bagikan · 9 menit yang lalu di Tembalang, Jawa Tengah · I'ah Anggraeni, Nenk Dewi Baturesingduehereuy dan 5 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy Lah Kehell kamane teh Mun nte Karunya m moall da d.bere Nempo Tugas d.Notebook urng Tapii Callem wae da isti.m Bager Tapi nu d.nyaah na teh maraneh teh jiga budak Beloon Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy dan 15 orang lainnya menyukai ini.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:41PM  

    Masallah - Social Mention
    Lihat 8 komentar lain Agus Iwan Ayune,.. 2 menit yang lalu · Suka Chuelchi Sukaebikin Usiell Sippppp esss 2 menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Chuelchi Sukaebikin Usiell Agus Iwan wedokkk broewww sekitar satu menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Agus Iwan Ngono to sekitar satu menit yang lalu · Suka Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Hậu Phùng t.y ơi . nhớ t.y tóa . hế hế . sáng đạp xe nhanh nên là hông kịp nhìn t.y . hỳ ...thời gian nhanh phát . mai còn đk gặp t.y ý nhở . Suka · · Bagikan · 3 menit yang lalu · Trung Ảo menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Ayy jangan biarkan diriku jatuh cinta kpadanya ,bila it terjadi akan ada hti yg terluka . Tuhan tolong diriku #DErbiromero Suka · · Bagikan · 3 menit yang lalu · 4 orang menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy Hahahah Mallu ituh ketika saya NGOMPOL d.depan Orangtua , da nte k.Tahan Suka · · 4 menit yang lalu · Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy dan 21 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs keyboard nya eror Suka · · 8 menit yang lalu · Atiex Maniezz, Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs dan 3 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Dhagul Koentjoro Mau bikin statuz nyindir seseorang namun q urungkan karna kwatir mengenai temanku yg lain mending gk usah jaga privasi achhhh,,,,, Suka · · Bagikan · 8 menit yang lalu · Dhagul Koentjoro dan 6 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani SUcii ANdinii SeBeNer nha mah Udh lelLah nGehadepiN seMua MasalLah Nie tuCh... #TeTap seManGat Suka · · Bagikan · 8 menit yang lalu · SUcii ANdinii dan 6 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Wulan Anggraeny BUTUH DONOR PULSA-_- ANTI BELI'IN GW PULSA DONG @ PIPIT_VITRY Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu melalui iPhone · 8 orang menyukai ini. Pipit Vitry anti,a jga lg kritis cayoonk. 3 menit yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Wulan Anggraeny Ywdh kga Ppa asal nanti kalo pulang es krim sama coklat silverquen beberapa detik yang lalu melalui seluler · Suka Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Chytty Dahllya Chyee .jangnt tr`lalu sibukk mencari yg sempurna jikka yg sedrha mampu membuat mou bhgiia8-),. Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · 23 orang menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs si dia ny baca status ku HHH Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · Nurhasanah Hanna ShoujoJrs dan 7 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Nenk Dewi Baturesingduehereuy di DI HATI YG LG GALAU Sedang Memikirkan Km d san a ? Hati qu galau tanpa dia d sisi ku, tiap hari kngn dia, tak ada kta bosan untk memikr kn dia, tdak ada kta cpe tuk mrindu kan dia., SAYANG sdang apha kah qm disana ...?? Suka · · Bagikan · 9 menit yang lalu di Tembalang, Jawa Tengah · I'ah Anggraeni, Nenk Dewi Baturesingduehereuy dan 5 orang lainnya menyukai ini. Prophpesorsdokterandez Geopani Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy Lah Kehell kamane teh Mun nte Karunya m moall da d.bere Nempo Tugas d.Notebook urng Tapii Callem wae da isti.m Bager Tapi nu d.nyaah na teh maraneh teh jiga budak Beloon Suka · · 9 menit yang lalu · Isticsiigaddiez Imoutssayanqk IListaneverdy dan 15 orang lainnya menyukai ini.
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:24
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 kafir - Social Mention: kafir mene sual verdi ... insanlari ALLAH yaradibsa bes ALLAHI kim yaradib? onlara cavab muqeddesn QURANNAN ixlas suresi....................................................... İslam tarixində nəql olunmuş rəvayətə əsasən bir dəstə yəhudi alimi Məhəmməd peyğəmbərin (s) hüzuruna gəlib ondan İslam dininin "Allah" barəsində olan nəzərini söyləməsini xahiş etdilər. Peyğəmbər (s) bir neçə gün ilahi vəhyi gözləyib Allah-təalanın cavabı olan İxlas surəsini onlara oxudu: "Bağışlayan və mehriban Allahın adı ilə! (Ya Peyğəmbər! Allahın zatı və sifətləri haqqında səndən soruşan müşriklərə) de: "(Mənim Rəbbim olan) O Allah birdir (heç bir şəriki yoxdur). Allah (heç kəsə, heç nəyə) möhtac deyildir! (Hamı Ona möhtacdır; O, əzəlidir, əbədidir!). O, nə doğmuş, nə də doğulmuşdur! (Allah Özünə heç bir övlad götürməmişdir!). Onun heç bir tayı-bərabəri (bənzəri) də yoxdur!" İslam dini bu kainatı və onda yerləşən bütün şeylərin xaliqini yeganə bilir və ona şərik qoşmağı ən böyük günah sayır.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:32PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    kafir mene sual verdi ... insanlari ALLAH yaradibsa bes ALLAHI kim yaradib? onlara cavab muqeddesn QURANNAN ixlas suresi....................................................... İslam tarixində nəql olunmuş rəvayətə əsasən bir dəstə yəhudi alimi Məhəmməd peyğəmbərin (s) hüzuruna gəlib ondan İslam dininin "Allah" barəsində olan nəzərini söyləməsini xahiş etdilər. Peyğəmbər (s) bir neçə gün ilahi vəhyi gözləyib Allah-təalanın cavabı olan İxlas surəsini onlara oxudu: "Bağışlayan və mehriban Allahın adı ilə! (Ya Peyğəmbər! Allahın zatı və sifətləri haqqında səndən soruşan müşriklərə) de: "(Mənim Rəbbim olan) O Allah birdir (heç bir şəriki yoxdur). Allah (heç kəsə, heç nəyə) möhtac deyildir! (Hamı Ona möhtacdır; O, əzəlidir, əbədidir!). O, nə doğmuş, nə də doğulmuşdur! (Allah Özünə heç bir övlad götürməmişdir!). Onun heç bir tayı-bərabəri (bənzəri) də yoxdur!" İslam dini bu kainatı və onda yerləşən bütün şeylərin xaliqini yeganə bilir və ona şərik qoşmağı ən böyük günah sayır.
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:26
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:47AM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    vana baba,vana mai, vakomana ,vasikana, vanamukoma nevanin'ina.ndinotenda nekundirangarirawo nekubetserana neni kupembererera kuchengetedzwa kwangu naShe. Inyasha dzashe kuti ndikure kusvika zvandiri nokudaro nekudaro ndinoti ngatirambe tichipa mbiri kunaMwari.rambai makadaro.Thank you so much kune vose who celebrated with me on my birthday yesterday.Truly, it was a joyful day for me. May the Lord richly bless you.Thank you
    Nov 19th 2013, 09:43
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 khilafah - Social Mention: The treaty between Hazrat Hasan and Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anhuma When Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished his khilaafah in favour of Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho and gave him allegiance, he accepted him to be the unanimously accepted leader of all the muslims. In the process he saved the ummah from division and becoming involved in any conflict which could have lead to the loss of many lives and another civil war. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam had foretold of this treaty when he said, إنَّ ابني هذا سيدٌ ، و لعلَّ اللهَ أنْ يُصلِحَ به بين فئتينِ عظيمتينِ من المسلمين "Indeed my this son is a (true) leader. Perhaps with him Allah will unite two large groups of muslims." ( Bukhari) The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam expressed his pleasure and approval of this great sacrifice of Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho in relinquishing his khilafah for the sake of unity of muslims. Many shias regard this similar to the treaty of the prophet sallallaho alaihe with the kuffar of Makkah at Hudaibiyah as a no option treaty. In reality there are fundamental differences; 1. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was with Kaafirs and Ameer muaawiyah radhi Allaho anho and his followers were muslims as Hazrat Ali radhi Allaho anho is reported to have said in Nahjul balaaghah. ربنا واحد ونبينا واحد ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحدة Our Lord is the same , our prophet is the same and our call for Islam is the same. 2. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was a pure peace treaty and did not require the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam to relinquish his role as a leader of muslims whereas Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished all responsibilities of leadership. 3. The peace treaty gave the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam an opportunity to turn his attention to other nations and tribes in order to invite them to Islam. So upon his return to Madinah he sent out invitation to many other tribes and nations, calling them to Islam and carrying on as a head of state. Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho also returned to settle in Madinah but did not interfere in any political issue or affair or seek help from anyone in order to prepare a rebellion. 4. When the people of Makkah broke the treaty , the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam launched an offensive against them and captured Makkah. If Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho broke the conditions of treaty (as the shias claim) then why did Hazrat Hasan and/or Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anhuma did not raise a rebellion against him..... The answer is simple because Hazrat Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho did not break any condition of treaty and stood true to his word. The other point which still stands out is that, if Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho had no option but to make a peace treaty with Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho ( inspite of shias claiming his rule wasn't legitimate) in order to save ordinary muslims from bloodshed and he did make a peace treaty then why did Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anho did not make a similar treaty with his son Yazeed or Ubaidullah bin Ziyad in order to save himself and the descendents of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam from being massacred at Karbala. After all both are considered masoom imams by shias
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:32AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    The treaty between Hazrat Hasan and Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anhuma When Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished his khilaafah in favour of Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho and gave him allegiance, he accepted him to be the unanimously accepted leader of all the muslims. In the process he saved the ummah from division and becoming involved in any conflict which could have lead to the loss of many lives and another civil war. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam had foretold of this treaty when he said, إنَّ ابني هذا سيدٌ ، و لعلَّ اللهَ أنْ يُصلِحَ به بين فئتينِ عظيمتينِ من المسلمين "Indeed my this son is a (true) leader. Perhaps with him Allah will unite two large groups of muslims." ( Bukhari) The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam expressed his pleasure and approval of this great sacrifice of Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho in relinquishing his khilafah for the sake of unity of muslims. Many shias regard this similar to the treaty of the prophet sallallaho alaihe with the kuffar of Makkah at Hudaibiyah as a no option treaty. In reality there are fundamental differences; 1. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was with Kaafirs and Ameer muaawiyah radhi Allaho anho and his followers were muslims as Hazrat Ali radhi Allaho anho is reported to have said in Nahjul balaaghah. ربنا واحد ونبينا واحد ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحدة Our Lord is the same , our prophet is the same and our call for Islam is the same. 2. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was a pure peace treaty and did not require the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam to relinquish his role as a leader of muslims whereas Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished all responsibilities of leadership. 3. The peace treaty gave the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam an opportunity to turn his attention to other nations and tribes in order to invite them to Islam. So upon his return to Madinah he sent out invitation to many other tribes and nations, calling them to Islam and carrying on as a head of state. Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho also returned to settle in Madinah but did not interfere in any political issue or affair or seek help from anyone in order to prepare a rebellion. 4. When the people of Makkah broke the treaty , the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam launched an offensive against them and captured Makkah. If Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho broke the conditions of treaty (as the shias claim) then why did Hazrat Hasan and/or Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anhuma did not raise a rebellion against him..... The answer is simple because Hazrat Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho did not break any condition of treaty and stood true to his word. The other point which still stands out is that, if Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho had no option but to make a peace treaty with Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho ( inspite of shias claiming his rule wasn't legitimate) in order to save ordinary muslims from bloodshed and he did make a peace treaty then why did Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anho did not make a similar treaty with his son Yazeed or Ubaidullah bin Ziyad in order to save himself and the descendents of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam from being massacred at Karbala. After all both are considered masoom imams by shias
    Nov 19th 2013, 05:30
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