
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:42AM  

    Masallah - Social Mention
    Tilawat Wa Taazeem-e-Quraan …. » Hadees : Hazrat Ibne Abbaas(Razi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) Riwayat Karte Hain Ke, Rasool'Allah ﷺ (Sallallahu Alaihay Wasallam) Ne Mujhe Farmaya,"Aye Ibne Abbaas ! Jab Tum Quraan Padho Toh Iss Ko Thehar Thehar Kar Aur Alfaaz Wa Huroof Ko Khub Wazeh Kar Ke Padha Karo, Iss Ko Raddi Khajoor Ke Bikherne Ki Tarha Na Bikher Diya Karo Aur Na Hi Ise Jaldi Se Sha'ar (Shairi Ke Andaz Me) Goee Ki Tarha Padha Karo, Iss Ke Ajaaibaat Par Tawaqquf Kiya Karo Aur Iss Ke Zarye Apne Dilon Ko Harkat Diya Karo Aur Tum Me Se Kisi Ka Bhi Irada Sirf Aakhri Surat Tak Pahonchne Ka Nahi Hona Chahiye (Ke Jald Poora Quraan Ho Jaae Bal Ke Iss Ko Gaur Wa Fikr Aur Tadbir Ke Saath Padha Karo:-) SK
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:30
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:40AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    disaat umat muslim dan MUI menyatakan syiah bukan bagian dari islam..HTI malah menganggap syiah itu bagian dari islam..hmm ketahuan skg belangnya....
    Nov 19th 2013, 09:23
    Salah satu upaya kaum kafir memecah-belah kesatuan dan persatuan umat Islam adalah mengadu domba kaum Muslim melalui isu perbedaan mazhab, aliran kalam, kelompok dan golongan.Melalui agen-agennya, kaum kafir terus menanamkan fanatisme dan sentimen mazhab, kelompok dan golongan agar kaum Muslim sibuk...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:31AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allahuakbar!! Bayi menyebut nama ALLAH
    Seorang bayi yang baru lahir di Bahrain t...
    Nov 19th 2013, 08:43
    Allahuakbar!! Bayi menyebut nama ALLAH
    Seorang bayi yang baru lahir di Bahrain telah menuturkan kalimah mulia iaitu Allah... Allah.. Allah.. berulang kali... Inilah kebesaran yang Allah telah kurniakan pada hamba-hamba-Nya yang mahu berfikir.


    Kepada Para Ibu Bapa sekalian, silakan ke ♥ Keharmoniaan Rumahtangga Dan Keluarga Muslim ♥ untuk perkongsian ilmu tentang mendidik anak-anak cemerlang dunia akhirat ♥ insyaallah :)
    Bayi Menyebut Nama ALLAH
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: 67 DALIL KESESATAN WAHABBI & CIRI-CIRI SEORANG WAHABBIAH YANG SESAT LAGI MENYESATKAN 1.Golongan yang membawa Aqidah Yahudi (Allah duduk bersemayam). 2.Golongan yang beriman kepada setengah ayat dan kafir dengan setengah ayat Al-Quran. 3.Golongan yang menolak Takwil pada sesetengah ayat, dan membolehkan Takwil pada yang mengikut nafsu mereka. 4.Golongan yang menafikan Kenabian Nabi Adam A.S. 5.Golongan yang menyatakan bahawa Alam ini Qidam(Rujuk pandangan ibn Taimiyyah). 6.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam Abu al-Hasan Al-Asa'rie dan seluruh Ummat Islam yang berpegang kepada method Aqidah yang telah disusuh oleh Imam tersebut. 7.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Sultan Sholahuddin Al-Ayyubi dan Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh. 8.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam An-Nawawi dan Seluruh Ulama' Islam yang mengikut (Asya'irah dan Maturidiyyah). 9.Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadi-hadis shohih dan mengshohihkan hadis-hadis dhoif (lihat penulisan Albani). 10.Golongan yang tidak mempelajari ilmu dari Guru atau Syeikh, hanya membaca. 11.Golongan yang mengharamkan bermusafir ke Madinah dengan niat ziarah Nabi Muhammad SAW. 12.Golongan yang membunuh Ummat Islam beramai-ramai di Mekah, Madinah, dan beberapa kawasan di tanah Hijaz (lihat tarikh an-najdi). 13.Golongan yang meminta bantuan Askar dan Senjata pihak Britain (yang bertapak di tempat; Kuwait pada ketika ini) ketika kalah dalam perang ketika mereka mahu menjajah Mekah dan Madinah. 14.Golongan yang menghancurkan turath (sejarah peninggalan) Ummat Islam di Mekah dan Madinah. (lihat kawasan perkuburan Jannatul Baqi', Bukit Uhud dan sebagainya) 15.Golongan yang membenci kaum ahlul bait. (kononnya bagi wahabi; semua ahlul bait syiah sesat) 16.Golongan yang bersalahan dengan Ijma' para Shohabah, Tabi'in, Salaf, khalaf dan seluruh Ulama' ASWAJA. 17.Golongan yang mendakwa Aqal tidak boleh digunakan dalam dalil syarak, dengan menolak fungsi Aqal. (ayat-ayat Al-Quran menyarankan menggunakan Aqal) dengan menggunakan fahaman salah mereka terhadap Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. (Malah Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah bebas daripada apa yang wahabi war-warkan) 18.Golongan yang mengejar syuhrah/pangkat, nama, promosi, kemasyhuran 19.Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadis solat terawikh 20 rakaat.(Albani) 20.Golongan yang mengharamkan menggunakan Tasbih.(Albani) 21.Golongan yang mengharamkan berpuasa pada hari sabtu walaupun hari Arafah jatuh pada hari tersebut.(Albani) 22.Golongan yang memperlecehkan Imam Abi Hanifah R.A.(Albani) 23.Golongan yang mendakwa Allah memenuhi alam ini dan menghina Allah dengan meletakkan anggota pada Allah SWT. 24.Golongan yang mendakwa Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak hayyan (hidup) di kubur Nabi Muhammad SAW. (Albani) 25.Golongan yang melarang membaca"Sayyidina" dan menganggap perbuatan itu bid'ah sesat. 26.Golongan yang mengingkari membaca Al-Quran ke atas si mati dan membaca Talqin 27.Golongan yang melarang membaca selawat selepas azan.(Albani) 28.Golongan yang mengatakan Syurga dan Neraka ini fana'(tidak akan kekal). (ibn Taimiyyah) 29.Golongan yang mengatakan lafaz talaq tiga tidak jatuh, jika "aku talaq kamu dengan talaq tiga ". (ibn Taimiyyah) 30.Golongan yang Mengisbatkan(menyatakan/menetapkan) tempat bagi Allah, mengatakanAllah turun seperti turunnya. (Ibn Taimiyyah) 31.Golongan yang menggunakan uang untuk menggerakkan ajaran sesat mereka, membuat tadlis (penipuan dan pengubahsuaian) didalam kitab-kitab ulama'yang tidak bersependapat dengan mereka. 32.Golongan yang mengkafirkan sesiapa orang Islam yang menetap di Palestine sekarang ini. (Albani) 33.Golongan yang mengbid'ahkan seluruh ummat Islam. 34.Golongan yang menghukumkan syirik terhadap amalan ummat Islam. 35.Golongan yang membawa ajaranTauhid 3 dan tidak pernah diajar oleh Nabi Muhamad SAW. (Ibn Taimiyyah) 36.Golongan yang mengatakan bahwa Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab juga mempunyai Tauhid, tidak pernah Nabi Muhammad SAW ajar begini atau pun para Shohabah R.A. (Muhamad abd Wahab) 37.Golongan yang membolehkan memakai lambang "salib" hanya semata-mata untuk mujamalah/urusan resmi kerajaan, lainnya tidak kufur. (Bin Baz) 38.Golongan yang membiyayai kewangan Askar Kaum Kuffar untuk membunuh Ummat Islam dan melindungi negara mereka. (kerajaan Wahabi Saudi) 39.Golongan yang memberi Syarikat-Syarikat Yahudi memasuki Tanah Haram.(Kerajaan Wahabi Saudi) 40.Golongan yang memecahbelahkan Ummat Islam dan institusi kekeluargaan. 41. Golongan yang mengharamkan Maulud dan bacaan-bacaan barzanji, marhaban. 42. Golongan yang menghalalkan meletupkan diri atas nama jihad walaupun orang awam kafir yang tidak bersenjata mati. (selain di Palastine) 43.Golongan menghalalkan Sunnah Jama'ah Asya'irah Maturidiyyah. Lihat di Lubnan, Chechnya, Algeria, dan beberapa negara yang lain. 44.Golongan yang menimbulkan fitnah terhadap Ummat Islam dan memburukkan nama baik & murni Islam. 45.Golongan yang membuat kekacauan di Fathani, Thailand. 46. Golongan yang sesat menyesatkan rakyat Malaysia. 47.Golongan yang meninggalkan ajaran dan ilmu-ilmu Ulama' ASWAJA yang muktabar. 48.Golongan yang meninggalkan methodologi ilmu ASWAJA. 49.Golongan yang Minoriti dalam dunia, malah baru setahun jagung. 50.Golongan yang menuduh orang lain dengan tujuan melarikan diri atau menyembunyikankesesatan mereka. 51.Golongan yang Jahil, tidak habis mempelajari ilmu-ilmu Agama, tetapi mahu buat fatwa sesuka hati. 52.Golongan yang melarang bertaqlid, tetapi mereka lebih bertaqlid kepadamazhab sesat mereka.(sehinggakan solat pun guna mazhab Albani shj) 53.Golongan yang tiada hujjah dalam ajaran mereka. 54.Golongan yang membawa jaran sesat Ibn Taimiyyah/Muhamad Ibn Abd Wahab, kedua-dua individu ini telah dicemuh, ditentang, dijawab dan dikafirkan oleh Jumhur Ulama' ASWAJA atas dasar Aqidah mereka yang Sesat 55.MERUNTUHKAN KUBAH di atas perkuburan Siti Khadijah di Mualla, makam Saidina Hamzah di Uhud dan lain-lain sahabat di Baqi pada tahun 1803-1924. 56.MERUNTUHKAN BANGGUNAN tempat maulud Nabi di Suqal-Lail di Mekah. Suqal Lail ialah tempat lahir Nabi. 57.MELARANG MENZIARAHI MAKAM Nabi dan berdoa dihadapan makamnya 58.MELARANG MERAIKAN BULAN KELAHIRAN RASULULLAH ( Maulidur Rasul dan Hari Israk Mikraj. ) 59.MELARANG BERQASIDAH ( melarang memuji rasulullah ). 60.DILARANG MEMBACA ZIKIR "La illa ha illallah" beramai-ramai 61.DILARANG MENGAMALKAN TARIQAT (majliz zikir) 62.DILARANG KERAS BERWIRID dan BERDOA, secara beramai-ramai selepas solat berjemaah. 63.DILARANG MEMAKAI SERBAN, JUBAH atau apa cara yg blh mengikuti cara berpakaian rasulullah 64.DILARANG MENYIMPAN GAMBAR2 peninggalan rasulullah seperti helaian rambut, sandal, serban dan pelbagai lagi 65.DILARANG MENYIMPAN JANGGUT 66.DILARANG MEMBACA YASIN/ Al-QURAN BERAMAI2 DI MASJID/DI SURAU (khamis mlm jumaat) 67.DILARANG MENGINGATI RASULLULLAH dgn apa bentuk cara sekalipun... Anda boleh mencari "senarai tokoh-TOKOH WAHABBI malaysia" di website.. "Bantulah dan jagalah kesucian agama islam dgn COPY n PASTE artikel ini, demi ALLAH dan RASULULLAH" (Sebarang pertanyaan keraguan agama dari Wahabbi yg anda inginkan jawapan, sila P.M kami segera) KERAJAAN PERLU BERTINDAK SEGERA MENANGKAP KETUA-KETUA WAHABBI MALAYSIA KERANA BLH MENJATUHKAN KERAJAAN !!! Jangan lupa sertai Ribuan Rakyat Malaysia di Majlis Perdana Ilmu Agama yang disampaikan oleh Al-Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Bin Abu Bakar Al-Hamid (Keturunan Rasulullah s.a.w) di Masjid Muadz Bin Jabal Setiawangsa setiap jumaat selepas isyak Jutaan Rakyat Malaysia Telah Hadir Ke Majlis Ilmu Agama ini, anda tunggu apa lagi? Ayuh kita menuntut ilmu....... utk maklumat lanjut sila layari :
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:43AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    67 DALIL KESESATAN WAHABBI & CIRI-CIRI SEORANG WAHABBIAH YANG SESAT LAGI MENYESATKAN 1.Golongan yang membawa Aqidah Yahudi (Allah duduk bersemayam). 2.Golongan yang beriman kepada setengah ayat dan kafir dengan setengah ayat Al-Quran. 3.Golongan yang menolak Takwil pada sesetengah ayat, dan membolehkan Takwil pada yang mengikut nafsu mereka. 4.Golongan yang menafikan Kenabian Nabi Adam A.S. 5.Golongan yang menyatakan bahawa Alam ini Qidam(Rujuk pandangan ibn Taimiyyah). 6.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam Abu al-Hasan Al-Asa'rie dan seluruh Ummat Islam yang berpegang kepada method Aqidah yang telah disusuh oleh Imam tersebut. 7.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Sultan Sholahuddin Al-Ayyubi dan Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh. 8.Golongan yang mengkafirkan Imam An-Nawawi dan Seluruh Ulama' Islam yang mengikut (Asya'irah dan Maturidiyyah). 9.Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadi-hadis shohih dan mengshohihkan hadis-hadis dhoif (lihat penulisan Albani). 10.Golongan yang tidak mempelajari ilmu dari Guru atau Syeikh, hanya membaca. 11.Golongan yang mengharamkan bermusafir ke Madinah dengan niat ziarah Nabi Muhammad SAW. 12.Golongan yang membunuh Ummat Islam beramai-ramai di Mekah, Madinah, dan beberapa kawasan di tanah Hijaz (lihat tarikh an-najdi). 13.Golongan yang meminta bantuan Askar dan Senjata pihak Britain (yang bertapak di tempat; Kuwait pada ketika ini) ketika kalah dalam perang ketika mereka mahu menjajah Mekah dan Madinah. 14.Golongan yang menghancurkan turath (sejarah peninggalan) Ummat Islam di Mekah dan Madinah. (lihat kawasan perkuburan Jannatul Baqi', Bukit Uhud dan sebagainya) 15.Golongan yang membenci kaum ahlul bait. (kononnya bagi wahabi; semua ahlul bait syiah sesat) 16.Golongan yang bersalahan dengan Ijma' para Shohabah, Tabi'in, Salaf, khalaf dan seluruh Ulama' ASWAJA. 17.Golongan yang mendakwa Aqal tidak boleh digunakan dalam dalil syarak, dengan menolak fungsi Aqal. (ayat-ayat Al-Quran menyarankan menggunakan Aqal) dengan menggunakan fahaman salah mereka terhadap Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. (Malah Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah bebas daripada apa yang wahabi war-warkan) 18.Golongan yang mengejar syuhrah/pangkat, nama, promosi, kemasyhuran 19.Golongan yang mengdhoifkan hadis solat terawikh 20 rakaat.(Albani) 20.Golongan yang mengharamkan menggunakan Tasbih.(Albani) 21.Golongan yang mengharamkan berpuasa pada hari sabtu walaupun hari Arafah jatuh pada hari tersebut.(Albani) 22.Golongan yang memperlecehkan Imam Abi Hanifah R.A.(Albani) 23.Golongan yang mendakwa Allah memenuhi alam ini dan menghina Allah dengan meletakkan anggota pada Allah SWT. 24.Golongan yang mendakwa Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak hayyan (hidup) di kubur Nabi Muhammad SAW. (Albani) 25.Golongan yang melarang membaca"Sayyidina" dan menganggap perbuatan itu bid'ah sesat. 26.Golongan yang mengingkari membaca Al-Quran ke atas si mati dan membaca Talqin 27.Golongan yang melarang membaca selawat selepas azan.(Albani) 28.Golongan yang mengatakan Syurga dan Neraka ini fana'(tidak akan kekal). (ibn Taimiyyah) 29.Golongan yang mengatakan lafaz talaq tiga tidak jatuh, jika "aku talaq kamu dengan talaq tiga ". (ibn Taimiyyah) 30.Golongan yang Mengisbatkan(menyatakan/menetapkan) tempat bagi Allah, mengatakanAllah turun seperti turunnya. (Ibn Taimiyyah) 31.Golongan yang menggunakan uang untuk menggerakkan ajaran sesat mereka, membuat tadlis (penipuan dan pengubahsuaian) didalam kitab-kitab ulama'yang tidak bersependapat dengan mereka. 32.Golongan yang mengkafirkan sesiapa orang Islam yang menetap di Palestine sekarang ini. (Albani) 33.Golongan yang mengbid'ahkan seluruh ummat Islam. 34.Golongan yang menghukumkan syirik terhadap amalan ummat Islam. 35.Golongan yang membawa ajaranTauhid 3 dan tidak pernah diajar oleh Nabi Muhamad SAW. (Ibn Taimiyyah) 36.Golongan yang mengatakan bahwa Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab juga mempunyai Tauhid, tidak pernah Nabi Muhammad SAW ajar begini atau pun para Shohabah R.A. (Muhamad abd Wahab) 37.Golongan yang membolehkan memakai lambang "salib" hanya semata-mata untuk mujamalah/urusan resmi kerajaan, lainnya tidak kufur. (Bin Baz) 38.Golongan yang membiyayai kewangan Askar Kaum Kuffar untuk membunuh Ummat Islam dan melindungi negara mereka. (kerajaan Wahabi Saudi) 39.Golongan yang memberi Syarikat-Syarikat Yahudi memasuki Tanah Haram.(Kerajaan Wahabi Saudi) 40.Golongan yang memecahbelahkan Ummat Islam dan institusi kekeluargaan. 41. Golongan yang mengharamkan Maulud dan bacaan-bacaan barzanji, marhaban. 42. Golongan yang menghalalkan meletupkan diri atas nama jihad walaupun orang awam kafir yang tidak bersenjata mati. (selain di Palastine) 43.Golongan menghalalkan Sunnah Jama'ah Asya'irah Maturidiyyah. Lihat di Lubnan, Chechnya, Algeria, dan beberapa negara yang lain. 44.Golongan yang menimbulkan fitnah terhadap Ummat Islam dan memburukkan nama baik & murni Islam. 45.Golongan yang membuat kekacauan di Fathani, Thailand. 46. Golongan yang sesat menyesatkan rakyat Malaysia. 47.Golongan yang meninggalkan ajaran dan ilmu-ilmu Ulama' ASWAJA yang muktabar. 48.Golongan yang meninggalkan methodologi ilmu ASWAJA. 49.Golongan yang Minoriti dalam dunia, malah baru setahun jagung. 50.Golongan yang menuduh orang lain dengan tujuan melarikan diri atau menyembunyikankesesatan mereka. 51.Golongan yang Jahil, tidak habis mempelajari ilmu-ilmu Agama, tetapi mahu buat fatwa sesuka hati. 52.Golongan yang melarang bertaqlid, tetapi mereka lebih bertaqlid kepadamazhab sesat mereka.(sehinggakan solat pun guna mazhab Albani shj) 53.Golongan yang tiada hujjah dalam ajaran mereka. 54.Golongan yang membawa jaran sesat Ibn Taimiyyah/Muhamad Ibn Abd Wahab, kedua-dua individu ini telah dicemuh, ditentang, dijawab dan dikafirkan oleh Jumhur Ulama' ASWAJA atas dasar Aqidah mereka yang Sesat 55.MERUNTUHKAN KUBAH di atas perkuburan Siti Khadijah di Mualla, makam Saidina Hamzah di Uhud dan lain-lain sahabat di Baqi pada tahun 1803-1924. 56.MERUNTUHKAN BANGGUNAN tempat maulud Nabi di Suqal-Lail di Mekah. Suqal Lail ialah tempat lahir Nabi. 57.MELARANG MENZIARAHI MAKAM Nabi dan berdoa dihadapan makamnya 58.MELARANG MERAIKAN BULAN KELAHIRAN RASULULLAH ( Maulidur Rasul dan Hari Israk Mikraj. ) 59.MELARANG BERQASIDAH ( melarang memuji rasulullah ). 60.DILARANG MEMBACA ZIKIR "La illa ha illallah" beramai-ramai 61.DILARANG MENGAMALKAN TARIQAT (majliz zikir) 62.DILARANG KERAS BERWIRID dan BERDOA, secara beramai-ramai selepas solat berjemaah. 63.DILARANG MEMAKAI SERBAN, JUBAH atau apa cara yg blh mengikuti cara berpakaian rasulullah 64.DILARANG MENYIMPAN GAMBAR2 peninggalan rasulullah seperti helaian rambut, sandal, serban dan pelbagai lagi 65.DILARANG MENYIMPAN JANGGUT 66.DILARANG MEMBACA YASIN/ Al-QURAN BERAMAI2 DI MASJID/DI SURAU (khamis mlm jumaat) 67.DILARANG MENGINGATI RASULLULLAH dgn apa bentuk cara sekalipun... Anda boleh mencari "senarai tokoh-TOKOH WAHABBI malaysia" di website.. "Bantulah dan jagalah kesucian agama islam dgn COPY n PASTE artikel ini, demi ALLAH dan RASULULLAH" (Sebarang pertanyaan keraguan agama dari Wahabbi yg anda inginkan jawapan, sila P.M kami segera) KERAJAAN PERLU BERTINDAK SEGERA MENANGKAP KETUA-KETUA WAHABBI MALAYSIA KERANA BLH MENJATUHKAN KERAJAAN !!! Jangan lupa sertai Ribuan Rakyat Malaysia di Majlis Perdana Ilmu Agama yang disampaikan oleh Al-Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Bin Abu Bakar Al-Hamid (Keturunan Rasulullah s.a.w) di Masjid Muadz Bin Jabal Setiawangsa setiap jumaat selepas isyak Jutaan Rakyat Malaysia Telah Hadir Ke Majlis Ilmu Agama ini, anda tunggu apa lagi? Ayuh kita menuntut ilmu....... utk maklumat lanjut sila layari :
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:37

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 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: org pertama cipta telefon ? alexander graham bell pertama tulis bismillah ? ????? anak kalau tanya mampus nak simpan nota nih.... 30 ORANG YANG PERTAMA DALAM ISLAM ----------------------------------------------- 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS). 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW. 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar As Siddiq RA. 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA. 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al-Hasan bin Ali RA. 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA. 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA. 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA. 14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA. 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA. 16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan adzan: Bilal bin Rabah RA. 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW : Tamim Ad-dary RA. 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA. 20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA. 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA. 22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH. 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam: Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA. 25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH. 26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA. 27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al-Qur'an selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA. 28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH. 29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al-Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA. 30. Orang yang pertama masuk ke dalam syurga : Nabi Muhammad SAW. ✔ Rugilah x SHARE sbab ianya 1 peluang dkwah yg MUDAH. . .jOm share !!! sebarkan. . .ni pOn ilmu jgk. . .
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:42PM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    org pertama cipta telefon ? alexander graham bell pertama tulis bismillah ? ????? anak kalau tanya mampus nak simpan nota nih.... 30 ORANG YANG PERTAMA DALAM ISLAM ----------------------------------------------- 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS). 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW. 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar As Siddiq RA. 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA. 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al-Hasan bin Ali RA. 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA. 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA. 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA. 14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA. 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA. 16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan adzan: Bilal bin Rabah RA. 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW : Tamim Ad-dary RA. 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA. 20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA. 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA. 22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH. 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam: Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA. 25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH. 26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA. 27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al-Qur'an selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA. 28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH. 29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al-Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA. 30. Orang yang pertama masuk ke dalam syurga : Nabi Muhammad SAW. ✔ Rugilah x SHARE sbab ianya 1 peluang dkwah yg MUDAH. . .jOm share !!! sebarkan. . .ni pOn ilmu jgk. . .
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:05
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: Recitation of the Quran During Menses and Post Natal Bleeding First of all, the Shariah deals with the sexually defiled and menstruating women in very different matters and ways. There are lots of differences between them: 1. The sexually defiled can at any time he wishes remove that state. He/she can make ghusl if there is no water then tayammum. 2. Menstruating woman can not do such, she is in that state for as long as Allah (SWT) wills, until her period comes to an end. Recitiation of the Quran by menstruating and post-partum bleeding women has been made permissible by the Malikis, Shafis, Hanbalis, Abu Hanifa and a number of other scholars. There proof being: 1. Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim concerning the Eid prayer. Narrated Umm 'Atiya (RA): "I heard Allah's Messenger (SAW) that the unmarried virgins and the mature girls and the menstruating women should come out and participate in the good deeds as well as invocations of faithful believers but the menstruating women should keep away from the Musalla - praying place [Salat (prayers)]. Someone asked (Umm 'Atiya) (surprisingly), "Do you say the menstruating women?" She replied, "Doesn't a menstruating woman attend 'Arafat (Hajj) and such and such (other deeds)?" Takbeer is a type of remembrance of Allah (SWT) and supplication is not any different from dhikr. 2. Hadith of Bukhari regarding Aisha (RA) when she got her menses on the way to Mecca. Narrated 'Aisha (RA): "We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (11 k.m. from Makka) I got my menses. Allah's Messenger (SAW) came to me while I was weeping. He said "What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses? I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a thing Allah (SWT) has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka'bah." 'Aisha (RA), added, "Allah's Messenger (SAW) sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives." Pilgrims make dhikr and read Quran. There was no objection from the Prophet (SAW) and he (SAW) actually "told" Aisha (RA) to do so. 3. Another reason being hardship. A woman might forget what she memorized. So therefore if there is no text forbidding such an act, one can not conclude that the act is not allowable. The burden of proof is on those who claim that such women can not recite the Quran, and they offer no clear or direct proof. There is no harm whatsoever in a menstruating woman or post-partum bleeding woman reciting the Quran from their memory without actually touching the Quran. Touching The Quran During Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding The most often quoted evidences, is an Ayat from the Quran: "…none can touch but those who are pure…" (Al-Waqi'a 56:79) A common mistake, is people taking verses and applying it to a particular Fiqh (point). Yet when you study the verse in more detail you will find, in fact, it is not related to the point whatsoever. "That (this) is indeed an honorable recital (the Noble Quran). In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz). Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels). A Revelation (this Quran) from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (Al-Waqi'a 56:77-80) Put into context this Ayat refers to "…a Book well-guarded," and this means a Book with Allah (SWT). It is not talking about the physical Quran we have in our presence here. Ibn Abbas (RA) and others, along with the early scholars, agree that this verse is not talking about the Quran that we have in our hands. A Book well-guarded refers to something that is hidden (Maknoon). It is not referring to the Quran we have in our presence. Early scholars all agree to this conclusion. "...In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz) ." (Al-Waqi'a 56:78) According to the Tafsir of Tabari and Kathir and also according to Jamal al-deen al-Qasami, this Ayat is not in reference to humans having to be free from impurities. "Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels)." (Al- Waqi'a 56:79) This verse in reference to the Angels and not mankind. In a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (SAW) states, "a believer never becomes impure." "The Prophet (SAW) came across me in one of the streets of Medina and at that time I was Janab. So I slipped away from him and went to take a bath. On my return the Prophet said, "O Abu Hurairah! Where have you been?" I replied, "I was Janab, so I disliked to sit in your company." The Prophet said, "Subhan Allah! A believer never becomes impure." (Sahih Bukhari) There are four possible meanings of Taher (pure) in this Hadith: 1. specifically it means "pure." 2. free from major impurity where it is necessary to make ghusl. 3. free from minor impurity where it is necessary to make wudu. 4. no impurities on physical body What does Taher mean in this Hadith? How we determine what it means is we look at other evidences that relate. Evidences 1. A letter sent to the Emperor of Rome by the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) had good reason to believe that the Emperor would touch it. Some will argue that a piece of paper is not Quran so this may not be such a strong argument. 2. In Sahih Muslim the Hadith about when Aisha (RA) was sent, by The Prophet (SAW), to go into the Masjid to get a mat. The Prophet (SAW) said to Aisha (RA), "Menstruation is not in your hands." A woman's touch can not be considered impure even while on menses. "The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to me: Get me the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: 'Your menstruation is not in your hands.'" (Sahih Muslim) 1. Hadith that states, "A believer does not become impure." A clear text by The Prophet (SAW). A believer is considered Taher under ALL circumstances. Therefore, believer in this Hadith means Taher. The only one who should touch the Quran is a believer (i.e. A Muslim). 2. Take the Ayat: "None can touch but those who are pure (Taher)." There is no record whatsoever of Prophet (SAW) telling believers not to touch Qu'ran. Therefore, Taher means believer (Muslim). There is NO evidence whatsoever that says that a woman who is on her period or a woman who is having post-natal bleeding that she can not touch the Quran. This is a minority opinion, however it is the strongest opinion. A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY RECITE THE QURAN AND A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY EVEN TOUCH THE QURAN AND READ IT DIRECTLY FROM A MUSAF (ARABIC). THIS IS A MINORITY OPINION YET IT IS THE STRONGEST OPINION. There is no evidence to the contrary and the burden of evidence is upon those who say that such women are not allowed to touch or recite the Quran. The scholars who say the Quran is forbidden to touch in the state of menses and post-partum bleeding, quote a weak Hadith which has in it's chain a person declared a liar by the scholars of Hadith. "Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Qu'ran." Information from "Fiqh Rulings on Women's Issues" a lecture by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo Reading the Quran During Menses There is no prohibition from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) prohibiting a woman from reading the Quran in the state of her menses. There is no prohibition. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not prohibit it. All we have is the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that he used to recite the Quran under all conditions except when he was in a state of Janaba that is after having sexual intercourse when it was necessary for him to take a bath. This is the basis, this is the foundation, from which all of these different opinions are derived. So, some scholars made a comparison between this state of Janaba with that of menses. But of course, they are not the same because the state of Janaba you can remove by merely washing yourself. Taking a bath your state is over. Now you can now read the Quran. Whereas in the state of menses, a woman can not just wash herself then go and read. She is still in that state of menses. If we are dealing now with the translation of the Quran, translations of the meanings of the Quran, then all this is of NO importance at all because translations of the Quran are not considered to be Quran. So no matter what state you are in, you can read it, you can pick it up, you can touch it, there is no problem at all because the Quran that we have, even if the Arabic text is there too, is still not considered Quran. The general position which is held in determining what is considered Quran and what is not, is that whenever the words of other than Allah (SWT), in a given text, is more than the words of Allah (SWT), that text is no longer considered Quran because Quran refers to a single verse if we take a verse of Quran by itself this is called Quran also. But if there comes along with this verse, other words, you have given an explanation of it which is more than what constitutes the verse, then this is no longer considered Quran. This is the juice from the fact, that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent messages to the kings of Bizantium and Persia, etc. which had verses of Quran in it. He (SAW) knew full well that these people were going to be in a state of Janaba, that they were kafr and that they would probably tear it up, maybe step on it or whatever. So we know that it is permissible that once the words of Allah (SWT) are drowned out by the words of other than Allah (SWT), which is the case of the translations of the Quran, then in such case this is not considered to be Quran and as such it is perfectly allowable for a woman to read it under any state. Information from "Duties of a Muslim Husband" a lecture by Shaikh Abu- Ameenah Bilal Phillips It is Permissible for a Menstruating Woman to Recite the Quran and Books of Supplications There is no harm in a menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman reading the books of supplications that are written for the rites of the pilgrimage. In fact, there in nothing wrong with her reciting the Quran according to the correct opinion. There in no authentic, clear text prohibiting a menstruating or post- partum bleeding woman from reciting the Quran. The thing that is narrated is concerned with the sexually defiled person only, as such should not recite the Quran while he is sexually defiled. This is based on the Hadith of Ali (RS). As for the menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman, there is the Hadith of Ibn Umar (RS) which states: "Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Quran." However, this is a weak Hadith. This is because it is from the narration's of Ismail ibn Iyyash on the authority of people from the Hijaz and he is weak when he narrated from them. However, she may recited from her memory without touching the Quran. As for the sexually defiled person, he/ she may not ever recite the Quran from memory or touch the mushaf until he/she makes ghusl. The difference between the two is that amount of time one is sexually defiled is very short as he may make ghusl as soon as he has done the act with his spouse. The amount of time is not long and he is in control of its length as he may make ghusl whenever he wishes. Even if he cannot find water, he can make tayammum and pray or recite the Quran. However, the menstruating or post- partum bleeding woman does not have control over their lengths, such control is in the hands of Allah (SWT) . Menstruation and post-partum bleeding take days. Therefore, it is allowed for them to recite the Quran so that they do not forget what they have memorized and so they will not lose merits of reciting it. It is also so they may learn the laws of the Shariah from the Book of Allah (SWT) . Therefore, it is even more so permissible for her to read the books of supplications that have verses and Hadith intermixed with them. This is the correct view and is the correct opinion of the scholars - may Allah (SWT) have mercy on them - on that point. - Shaikh ibn Baz (ra) Menstruation & Post-Partum Bleeding In Relation To The Musalla (Praying Place & Masjid) Getting Menses While in the Masjid If a woman is not able to depart the masjid by herself, then there is no harm in what she does. However, if a woman is able to leave by herself, it is obligatory upon her to exit as quickly as possible. This is because the menstruating woman, post-partum bleeding woman and sexually defiled person is not allowed to sit in the masjid. - Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo These fatawas are from Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women Compiled by Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad Translated by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo (Which none touches but the pure ones.) he said, "The Book that is in heaven.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas about: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) that `the pure ones' means: "The angels.'' Similar was said by Anas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ad-Dahhak, Abu Ash-Sha`tha' Jabir bin Zayd, Abu Nahik, As-Suddi, `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam and others. Ibn Jarir narrated that Ibn `Abdul-A`la said that Ibn Thawr said that Ma`mar said from Qatadah about: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) that he said, "None can touch it, with Allah, except the pure ones. However, in this life, the impure Zoroastrian and the filthy hypocrite touch it.'' And he said, "In the recitation of Ibn Mas`ud it is: (مَا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ) (It is not touched, except by the pure ones.) Abu Al-`Aliyah said: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) "It does not refer to you, because you are sinners!'' Ibn Zayd said, "The Quraysh disbelievers claimed that the devils brought down the Qur'an. Allah the Exalted stated that only the pure ones touch the Qur'an, as He said: ﴿وَمَا تَنَزَّلَتْ بِهِ الشَّيَـطِينُ - وَمَا يَنبَغِى لَهُمْ وَمَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ - إِنَّهُمْ عَنِ السَّمْعِ لَمَعْزُولُونَ ﴾ (And it is not the Shayatin who have brought it down. Neither would it suit them nor they can (produce it). Verily, they have been removed far from hearing it.)(26:210-212)'' This saying is a good saying, and does not contradict those before it. Allah said, ﴿تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَـلَمِينَ ﴾ GYAGENDA AFRICANAH ABDUSWAMAD
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:57PM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    Recitation of the Quran During Menses and Post Natal Bleeding First of all, the Shariah deals with the sexually defiled and menstruating women in very different matters and ways. There are lots of differences between them: 1. The sexually defiled can at any time he wishes remove that state. He/she can make ghusl if there is no water then tayammum. 2. Menstruating woman can not do such, she is in that state for as long as Allah (SWT) wills, until her period comes to an end. Recitiation of the Quran by menstruating and post-partum bleeding women has been made permissible by the Malikis, Shafis, Hanbalis, Abu Hanifa and a number of other scholars. There proof being: 1. Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim concerning the Eid prayer. Narrated Umm 'Atiya (RA): "I heard Allah's Messenger (SAW) that the unmarried virgins and the mature girls and the menstruating women should come out and participate in the good deeds as well as invocations of faithful believers but the menstruating women should keep away from the Musalla - praying place [Salat (prayers)]. Someone asked (Umm 'Atiya) (surprisingly), "Do you say the menstruating women?" She replied, "Doesn't a menstruating woman attend 'Arafat (Hajj) and such and such (other deeds)?" Takbeer is a type of remembrance of Allah (SWT) and supplication is not any different from dhikr. 2. Hadith of Bukhari regarding Aisha (RA) when she got her menses on the way to Mecca. Narrated 'Aisha (RA): "We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (11 k.m. from Makka) I got my menses. Allah's Messenger (SAW) came to me while I was weeping. He said "What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses? I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a thing Allah (SWT) has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka'bah." 'Aisha (RA), added, "Allah's Messenger (SAW) sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives." Pilgrims make dhikr and read Quran. There was no objection from the Prophet (SAW) and he (SAW) actually "told" Aisha (RA) to do so. 3. Another reason being hardship. A woman might forget what she memorized. So therefore if there is no text forbidding such an act, one can not conclude that the act is not allowable. The burden of proof is on those who claim that such women can not recite the Quran, and they offer no clear or direct proof. There is no harm whatsoever in a menstruating woman or post-partum bleeding woman reciting the Quran from their memory without actually touching the Quran. Touching The Quran During Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding The most often quoted evidences, is an Ayat from the Quran: "…none can touch but those who are pure…" (Al-Waqi'a 56:79) A common mistake, is people taking verses and applying it to a particular Fiqh (point). Yet when you study the verse in more detail you will find, in fact, it is not related to the point whatsoever. "That (this) is indeed an honorable recital (the Noble Quran). In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz). Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels). A Revelation (this Quran) from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (Al-Waqi'a 56:77-80) Put into context this Ayat refers to "…a Book well-guarded," and this means a Book with Allah (SWT). It is not talking about the physical Quran we have in our presence here. Ibn Abbas (RA) and others, along with the early scholars, agree that this verse is not talking about the Quran that we have in our hands. A Book well-guarded refers to something that is hidden (Maknoon). It is not referring to the Quran we have in our presence. Early scholars all agree to this conclusion. "...In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz) ." (Al-Waqi'a 56:78) According to the Tafsir of Tabari and Kathir and also according to Jamal al-deen al-Qasami, this Ayat is not in reference to humans having to be free from impurities. "Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels)." (Al- Waqi'a 56:79) This verse in reference to the Angels and not mankind. In a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (SAW) states, "a believer never becomes impure." "The Prophet (SAW) came across me in one of the streets of Medina and at that time I was Janab. So I slipped away from him and went to take a bath. On my return the Prophet said, "O Abu Hurairah! Where have you been?" I replied, "I was Janab, so I disliked to sit in your company." The Prophet said, "Subhan Allah! A believer never becomes impure." (Sahih Bukhari) There are four possible meanings of Taher (pure) in this Hadith: 1. specifically it means "pure." 2. free from major impurity where it is necessary to make ghusl. 3. free from minor impurity where it is necessary to make wudu. 4. no impurities on physical body What does Taher mean in this Hadith? How we determine what it means is we look at other evidences that relate. Evidences 1. A letter sent to the Emperor of Rome by the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) had good reason to believe that the Emperor would touch it. Some will argue that a piece of paper is not Quran so this may not be such a strong argument. 2. In Sahih Muslim the Hadith about when Aisha (RA) was sent, by The Prophet (SAW), to go into the Masjid to get a mat. The Prophet (SAW) said to Aisha (RA), "Menstruation is not in your hands." A woman's touch can not be considered impure even while on menses. "The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to me: Get me the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: 'Your menstruation is not in your hands.'" (Sahih Muslim) 1. Hadith that states, "A believer does not become impure." A clear text by The Prophet (SAW). A believer is considered Taher under ALL circumstances. Therefore, believer in this Hadith means Taher. The only one who should touch the Quran is a believer (i.e. A Muslim). 2. Take the Ayat: "None can touch but those who are pure (Taher)." There is no record whatsoever of Prophet (SAW) telling believers not to touch Qu'ran. Therefore, Taher means believer (Muslim). There is NO evidence whatsoever that says that a woman who is on her period or a woman who is having post-natal bleeding that she can not touch the Quran. This is a minority opinion, however it is the strongest opinion. A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY RECITE THE QURAN AND A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY EVEN TOUCH THE QURAN AND READ IT DIRECTLY FROM A MUSAF (ARABIC). THIS IS A MINORITY OPINION YET IT IS THE STRONGEST OPINION. There is no evidence to the contrary and the burden of evidence is upon those who say that such women are not allowed to touch or recite the Quran. The scholars who say the Quran is forbidden to touch in the state of menses and post-partum bleeding, quote a weak Hadith which has in it's chain a person declared a liar by the scholars of Hadith. "Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Qu'ran." Information from "Fiqh Rulings on Women's Issues" a lecture by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo Reading the Quran During Menses There is no prohibition from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) prohibiting a woman from reading the Quran in the state of her menses. There is no prohibition. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not prohibit it. All we have is the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that he used to recite the Quran under all conditions except when he was in a state of Janaba that is after having sexual intercourse when it was necessary for him to take a bath. This is the basis, this is the foundation, from which all of these different opinions are derived. So, some scholars made a comparison between this state of Janaba with that of menses. But of course, they are not the same because the state of Janaba you can remove by merely washing yourself. Taking a bath your state is over. Now you can now read the Quran. Whereas in the state of menses, a woman can not just wash herself then go and read. She is still in that state of menses. If we are dealing now with the translation of the Quran, translations of the meanings of the Quran, then all this is of NO importance at all because translations of the Quran are not considered to be Quran. So no matter what state you are in, you can read it, you can pick it up, you can touch it, there is no problem at all because the Quran that we have, even if the Arabic text is there too, is still not considered Quran. The general position which is held in determining what is considered Quran and what is not, is that whenever the words of other than Allah (SWT), in a given text, is more than the words of Allah (SWT), that text is no longer considered Quran because Quran refers to a single verse if we take a verse of Quran by itself this is called Quran also. But if there comes along with this verse, other words, you have given an explanation of it which is more than what constitutes the verse, then this is no longer considered Quran. This is the juice from the fact, that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent messages to the kings of Bizantium and Persia, etc. which had verses of Quran in it. He (SAW) knew full well that these people were going to be in a state of Janaba, that they were kafr and that they would probably tear it up, maybe step on it or whatever. So we know that it is permissible that once the words of Allah (SWT) are drowned out by the words of other than Allah (SWT), which is the case of the translations of the Quran, then in such case this is not considered to be Quran and as such it is perfectly allowable for a woman to read it under any state. Information from "Duties of a Muslim Husband" a lecture by Shaikh Abu- Ameenah Bilal Phillips It is Permissible for a Menstruating Woman to Recite the Quran and Books of Supplications There is no harm in a menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman reading the books of supplications that are written for the rites of the pilgrimage. In fact, there in nothing wrong with her reciting the Quran according to the correct opinion. There in no authentic, clear text prohibiting a menstruating or post- partum bleeding woman from reciting the Quran. The thing that is narrated is concerned with the sexually defiled person only, as such should not recite the Quran while he is sexually defiled. This is based on the Hadith of Ali (RS). As for the menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman, there is the Hadith of Ibn Umar (RS) which states: "Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Quran." However, this is a weak Hadith. This is because it is from the narration's of Ismail ibn Iyyash on the authority of people from the Hijaz and he is weak when he narrated from them. However, she may recited from her memory without touching the Quran. As for the sexually defiled person, he/ she may not ever recite the Quran from memory or touch the mushaf until he/she makes ghusl. The difference between the two is that amount of time one is sexually defiled is very short as he may make ghusl as soon as he has done the act with his spouse. The amount of time is not long and he is in control of its length as he may make ghusl whenever he wishes. Even if he cannot find water, he can make tayammum and pray or recite the Quran. However, the menstruating or post- partum bleeding woman does not have control over their lengths, such control is in the hands of Allah (SWT) . Menstruation and post-partum bleeding take days. Therefore, it is allowed for them to recite the Quran so that they do not forget what they have memorized and so they will not lose merits of reciting it. It is also so they may learn the laws of the Shariah from the Book of Allah (SWT) . Therefore, it is even more so permissible for her to read the books of supplications that have verses and Hadith intermixed with them. This is the correct view and is the correct opinion of the scholars - may Allah (SWT) have mercy on them - on that point. - Shaikh ibn Baz (ra) Menstruation & Post-Partum Bleeding In Relation To The Musalla (Praying Place & Masjid) Getting Menses While in the Masjid If a woman is not able to depart the masjid by herself, then there is no harm in what she does. However, if a woman is able to leave by herself, it is obligatory upon her to exit as quickly as possible. This is because the menstruating woman, post-partum bleeding woman and sexually defiled person is not allowed to sit in the masjid. - Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo These fatawas are from Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women Compiled by Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad Translated by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo (Which none touches but the pure ones.) he said, "The Book that is in heaven.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas about: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) that `the pure ones' means: "The angels.'' Similar was said by Anas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ad-Dahhak, Abu Ash-Sha`tha' Jabir bin Zayd, Abu Nahik, As-Suddi, `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam and others. Ibn Jarir narrated that Ibn `Abdul-A`la said that Ibn Thawr said that Ma`mar said from Qatadah about: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) that he said, "None can touch it, with Allah, except the pure ones. However, in this life, the impure Zoroastrian and the filthy hypocrite touch it.'' And he said, "In the recitation of Ibn Mas`ud it is: (مَا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ) (It is not touched, except by the pure ones.) Abu Al-`Aliyah said: ﴿لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ الْمُطَهَّرُونَ ﴾ (Which none touches but the pure ones.) "It does not refer to you, because you are sinners!'' Ibn Zayd said, "The Quraysh disbelievers claimed that the devils brought down the Qur'an. Allah the Exalted stated that only the pure ones touch the Qur'an, as He said: ﴿وَمَا تَنَزَّلَتْ بِهِ الشَّيَـطِينُ - وَمَا يَنبَغِى لَهُمْ وَمَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ - إِنَّهُمْ عَنِ السَّمْعِ لَمَعْزُولُونَ ﴾ (And it is not the Shayatin who have brought it down. Neither would it suit them nor they can (produce it). Verily, they have been removed far from hearing it.)(26:210-212)'' This saying is a good saying, and does not contradict those before it. Allah said, ﴿تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَـلَمِينَ ﴾ GYAGENDA AFRICANAH ABDUSWAMAD
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 sharia - Social Mention: Look who's new in the White House - Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!! The foxes are now officially living in the hen house... Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! If you're not CONCERNED, DELETE this. Go to bed tonight...sleep well! Otherwise, pass it on—get the word out! We've got to have some relief starting with the 2014 Elections! Help us , Dear LORD. Help us!!!!!!!!!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:35AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Look who's new in the White House - Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!! The foxes are now officially living in the hen house... Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! If you're not CONCERNED, DELETE this. Go to bed tonight...sleep well! Otherwise, pass it on—get the word out! We've got to have some relief starting with the 2014 Elections! Help us , Dear LORD. Help us!!!!!!!!!
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:28
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 jihad - Social Mention: Being a preacher who Interesting by Ahmadi (Phone 0274 6510131) abstraction Being a preacher is not the task of a particular person or group , but our collective duty as a Muslim . For everyone who has the obligation to convey Islam although only one paragraph as the words of the Prophet : " Convey from me even one verse ! " Therefore we should not simply impose Islamic preaching only to certain people . In addition, if we are to preach the capital will be our reward in the hereafter later . Most preachers still struggling to delivering messages verbally religion , meaning preachers simply deliver religious messages while he himself has not been able to be an example in the community in religious practice . Of course this can reduce the capacity as a preacher , because apparently people do not judge the quality of delivery of propaganda material presented just a preacher but also assess the extent to which the preachers practice what they delivered . If a preacher clever speech that was so interesting , impressive but the other side can not practice , then preachers like this more as an artist who provide entertainment in the community , but his message is not to give insight in the religious life of the community . Era of ever-changing society in general need of entertainment to relieve stress / life increasingly heavy burden and increasingly diverse . Therefore, people need to figure muballigh attract the public as well as to convey religious values that brighten people's lives, not just providing mere entertainment . Chapter I preliminary Being a preacher is not the task of a particular person or group , but our collective duty as a Muslim . For everyone who has the obligation to convey Islam although only one paragraph as the words of the Prophet : " Convey from me even one verse ! " Therefore we should not simply impose Islamic preaching only to certain people . In addition, if we are to preach the capital will be our reward in the hereafter later . In language preacher comes from the word bal - la - gha which means a lot delivered or delivered . Preacher is a form that has meaning fa'il actors or people who deliver . Preacher in the sense that term has meaning someone who convey the message of Islam and became an example for others in the practice of Islam . Most preachers still struggling to delivering messages verbally religion , meaning preachers simply deliver religious messages while he himself has not been able to be an example in the community in religious practice . Of course this can reduce the capacity as a preacher , because apparently people do not judge the quality of delivery of propaganda material presented just a preacher but also assess the extent to which the preachers practice what they delivered . If a preacher clever speech that was so interesting , impressive but the other side can not practice , it 's more like a preacher role as an artist who provide entertainment in the community , but his message was not to enlighten the religious life of the community . Era of ever-changing society in general need of entertainment to relieve stress / life increasingly heavy burden and increasingly diverse . Therefore, people need to figure muballigh attract the public as well as to convey religious values that brighten people's lives, not just providing mere entertainment . Chapter II Preaching principle Da'wah has some principles that should be handle any preacher or preachers of these are: A. Memandaikan people are stupid B. Notify the person who does not know C. People who lack sufficient D. Fixing poor or not good E. Treating the sick F. Multiply relatives / friends instead of enemies multiply . G. Entertaining people in distress H. Uniting the scattered or broken I. Forgive those who apologize or repent J. The interests of the congregation rather than personal K. Upholding truth With some of the principles in the mission will get success , preachers who can do all of the above will benefit a lot to the community . Therefore ideally a preacher is to have enough wealth if not exactly rich , because the wealth is very important . Generally we have more respect for the rich than everyone who likes to preach . Most of us are more likely to measure the material rather than moral . Most have more respect for people who can meet the physical requirements than those that assist the non-physical . So many people are interested in following the teachings of a person who provides material support or promising material . The person carrying out an activity usually have specific goals or want to get something out of these activities . Most of us carry something that provides benefits that are mundane . Therefore we preach to the difficulty of the hungry , sick , or poor . They require our mission but our mission will be accepted if we are also able to provide what they need . The sick need medicine , hungry people need to eat , people need entertainment and so hard . People who merely provides insights into religion but not with the help that is needed by the object merely propaganda usually heard but not until the religious message conveyed . How many people are " apostates " because people do not pay attention to the needs of his or her neighbors , was finally captured or " diopeni (Javanese ) " . There was a case in a village famous students to Islamization her , but were surprised by the news that there was a minister who runs a mission in space . The pastor confessed of " village students " is. Upon investigation it turns out the pastor was once a boy who left his parents dead and no one maintains , ultimately schooled education that teaches a particular religion that eventually he followed the religion and became a pastor . Why it might even happen ? Because people are less concerned about their surroundings and eventually missed . Chapter III Understanding Community Character A. Religiosity berthing Society General population according to the authors who rely more keberagamaannya life to a religious leader who is considered . Yet religion is in fact essentially the responsibility of each person to the Lord . Therefore on the one hand people have much to learn to be a lot of people who know a lot about religion . But there are many people who just rely keberagamaannya life to someone or often called " taqlid " . People perceive that the " teacher " whom most right so he does not need to learn elsewhere . With the situation described above, the common people groups they claim the name of religion and the right group . As a preacher should be the attitude of the above should be avoided , a preacher should give insight to the wider community , so that people are not stuck in a narrow understanding of religious issues and actually making the boxes in religious life . Do not let the special interests who beat worldly interests that are better ukhrowi . It should be a preacher giving an understanding and insight into the broader religious do not actually narrow or mendangkalkan understanding and practice of religious communities . B. More public Glad satisfied Society or most of us usually prefer to receive rather than giving . Beragamapun in life often happen like that . For example, a person is more than happy to be a congregation prayer leader for various reasons . Rarely pray or lazy to learn prayers , supplications represent more than happy to others deemed more righteous or considered closer to God often called " tabarukan " Though the command in the Qur'an surah Al - Baqarah verse 186 says " And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning Me , then surely I am near . I grant his supplication people who pray when he prays to Me . Let them meet ( command ) and I have faith in me that they obtain the truth . " Thus one should pray directly ask for prayers should not be more pleased . In fact, because there is a lack of motivation to death could only be AMIN ( extreme language ) . Though studying is mandatory . Principal worship is prayer , we should learn more prayer , because prayer is principally for the benefit of each of us respectively . Even odder happened commercialization prayer with the prayer services . It is not didactic but it fools the public . This is when a preacher was counter-productive in terms of religious communities . C. Characteristically community Inert Communities or individuals generally have inert nature , always trying to maintain what was already owned or applies and has been a tradition or custom made . Society seems to have made its own law that what has long been true in communities that are considered to be true . If it comes a new understanding , more likely to refuse . It is very natural for any animate or inanimate objects have properties to defend themselves . As a preacher should understand the character of such a society , because there will be clashes , then what is needed is a gentle demeanor and a good example , as well as dipahamkan that religion is bringing the goodness and happiness of man must be delivered gently . If the guardians of antiquity preaching " Keno iwake buthek banyune ora " means a preacher should be able to bring myself to take the good rather than worsen the situation that would occur in the public rejection . Chapter IV Understanding Religiosity Map Society Communities are generally divided into two major groups , namely Muslims and non-Muslims . On the principle message of Islam to all human beings both Muslims and non- Muslims . Nonetheless the message of Islam was not coercive but are conscious . Propagation is advisory only and invitation , especially to non-Muslims is just an introduction. As for Muslims is keberagamaannya quality improvement . In broad outline Muslims are divided into three groups: 1 . People who truly Islamic . 2 . People who happen to Islam 3 . People who are not really Islamic The third group of Muslims above all requires a good message of Islam which is really Islam , who happened to Islam or that Islam is not true . Islam should be preached constantly on an ongoing basis , because people will always change from one generation to the next . By nature human beings are not born clever directly or immediately understand what Islam even though a child is born in nature . Humans also have a property that is always attached to the often forgotten and done wrong , whoever he is wherever he is . Hence his need for advice and guidance for life . People who are truly Islamic preaching Islam requires in order to maintain his Islam as well in order to enrich the understanding of Islamic faith to be distributed to others . Who happened to be born or live in the neighborhood Muslims , Islam is usually understood to be the legacy that Islam is sometimes not as a consciousness but only a sort of tradition that sometimes experiencing saturation in the practice of Islam , people like this need of the message of Islam as a process of awareness creation religion . Next to people who are not really preaching Islam Islam is necessary for them , because people like these usually become a problem in the community or maker . Propaganda must be intensified to such classes in order to sensitize and if they can make the system to force the group to do good in a religious or customary law , so that they are forced to do good . They better do good rather than be forced to do a problem in society . Chapter IV Interesting lecture tips A. Attractive appearance Determine the appearance of a preacher in preaching , because people judge a preacher is not just how he lectured , but the appearance is also assessed , even very decisive . At the time of the Messenger of Allah to start preaching in Yathrib or Medina , he sent Mushab bin Umair . Mushab bin Umair was a young rich kid in Mecca . Mushab bin Umair was very famous for his good looks and loves to dress up . With his good looks and dapper appearance , as well as the message of Islam is to convince the people of Madina finally managed to be invited to Islam . In the subsequent period of Madinah became the center of propaganda Prophet Muhammad . Preacher was the center of attention congregation or community , if the look is not convincing , then the worshipers who follow a preacher preaching will also be doubted . Appearance of a preacher will be the image of the preacher , if looks good then the congregation shall judge the preacher is also good , but if the appearance of a preacher ugly / bad the congregation may also be considered that the preacher is not good . B. On Time A preacher is one who takes the lot . Therefore, it must be able to maintain discipline , especially time . If we are agreed that we should try to talk to on time . Do not let the congregation waited too long or not even be able to attend without notifying the organizers , because it will make all disappointed . Once we make the upset , then other times we do not get confidence again . If we are unable to attend or present late should inform much prior to the study or studies initiated sehingg not make kalangkabut committee . The presence of a preacher , should not tight implementation time study or studies . This allows a preacher organize and prepare materials be better. If a preacher can present early, then he can make observations or interviews to get a picture of the congregation recitals or mosque committees , so as to preach according to the circumstances and background of the congregation . This is particularly important with regard to things that must be taken not to offend the feelings and words that are not appropriate in the area of the congregation . C. Interesting language The real interesting language is not a skill , but skill means a person who is not able to speak any language experts who want to learn interesting origin and practice . Interesting language will be key to a lecture , which is less attractive because the language would affect the interest of a person to listen to a lecture if someone comes to a mosque committees recitals or simply attending an invitation or just " looking for reward " , so that the message delivered by preachers not to . Interesting language does not have to make people amazed by the style of the language , or the humor that makes people laugh . But the language of the people are interested to listen . Among the interesting language tips are: 1 . Delivering with varied language / not monotonous . 2 . Delivering the vocals are full so that all present could hear well . 3 . Set the tone of voice , meant that the congregation can distinguish what is important and what is not important . It can be seen serorang preacher intonation . 4 . Making humor or story that supports the theme of our lecture . Do not let us humor or origin stories make people laugh , it is avoided because it would make us not focus on the theme or will we deliver value to the congregation . 5 . Using language that invites people to think , or talk , given a question , or invite the congregation to imagine what we say or particular result if the congregation does not do what we say . It means that not only verbal propaganda , but was able to tickle the hearts and minds of the congregation . If this is done then the congregation will not hear a lecture sleepy . Lectures usually left the congregation because the congregation was not involved in the study or study activities . 6 . Enriching the language with poetry , rhyme or proverb . It is actually very interesting to listen to, but sometimes we do not have these skills . Therefore we should take notes and say over and over again either the poem or rhyme to hear the results of others or create your own . D. skill Be interesting muballigh require science , engineering , and exercise a lot . Determine the amount of a person speaking in a lecture . But if we observe is actually required is a workout , it means people are starting to pull origin berceramahpun want to practice before going up the pulpit . A preacher is a national caliber or internasionalpun will always prepare as well as possible before delivering his speech . A preacher can be performed by a professional if you are able to look good and meet the planned theme , then a preacher should also find a lot of references , either lecture or reference materials that convey with attractive as possible . Even in a world hiburanpun may look attractive because there is a creative team that does not present itself . Then needed is a good preparation materials or lectures delivered right way . Chapter V Build Character muballigh How is the character that should be possessed by a preacher ? Characters that should be possessed by a preacher there are three kinds , namely , : 1 . Should always raise levels of faith and devotion to God Almighty . 2 . Should always try to establish a good and harmonious relationship with the community , as well as peer relationships with fellow preachers . 3 . Must always be ready to fight jihad in the battlefield propaganda , no matter how that should be done . A. Akhlaq muballigh The morality of a preacher will always be noticed by the public . Therefore, a preacher should really be extra careful in doing something good when he delivered his message , and when outside formally proselytizing activities . Any cause movements of a preacher , also contain elements of propaganda and an example for the community . A preacher for istiqomah always in obedience to Allah , obedience and keistiqomahan that later can bring success proselytizing . He will be able to do that , if indeed based on the sincerity of high ... B. Importance of Da'wah Institute Furthermore a preacher can not work alone in preaching . He requires the participation of all parties , for the sake of propaganda . In addition, a preacher was a man full of limitations , so the good help thinking , suggestions , criticism and other types of assistance required of a preacher . Therefore in this case masyarakatpun should know will need a good preacher in terms of material / economic , preachers or the need for increased professionalism . Often times people are less concerned with the interests of a preacher as a man . Most communities require that a preacher must be an example in all things . Therefore, in the community of people who want to go into the world preaching very little, even many university graduates are reluctant Religious proselytizing activities . Because it may not be too promising material . In a society as if the preacher impressed as jobs for the unemployed . Moreover, as a chaplain TKA - TPA , mostly just to wait for the time to get a job , or waiting for marriage for cleric . Da'wah with so do not go smoothly , because the lack of respect for the profession itself . Here is important to have a missionary institution , where the general public can participate in the propagation dynamics . For aghniya ' ( the rich ) can donate part of his fortune , so the activist propaganda no matter overburdened transport , accommodation and other expenses . For many activists as perpetrators of preaching itself. Indeed, most people receive a mission and wants to stay free . Yet if we want to think for a moment that accept or doing something essentially nothing is free . Hence the institution has the task of coordinating propaganda and proselytizing activities memenej both in terms of activities and funding . In QS . Ash- Shaff verse 11 : " Be ye believe in Allah and His Messenger , and strive in the cause of Allah with their wealth and your soul . That is better for you if ye only knew . " C. Synergies and Cooperation Between Position and Institution In addition to financing require mission also requires cooperation in society , as in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW said : " If you look at kemungkaran , then adjust as with your hands ( your power ) , if it is not able then to lisanmu , and if your heart is not able to : ( HR . Bukhari ) So this is where the real work of preaching is not only a preacher , but the work of all parties in accordance with where he is at any position . Because in essence Islam is a proselytizing religion , so any self- Muslim he is a preacher . For those who have a hand or power , then he should take advantage of its power for the benefit of the Islamic da'wah . For those who have the eloquence can use verbal preaching . And those who do not have them , then with his heart . It means that he always prayed that propaganda can work well , and want to pray for those who commit wrongdoing , in order to return to the path of truth . D. Mental and Physical Readiness Mental and physical readiness is needed by a preacher . Because the mission field is not a field of light , which requires thinking , the soul of the patient , as well as physically strong . If it was not owned by the preacher , then propaganda can not run optimally . Mental readiness can be with reinforcing confidence , how to improve the insight , knowledge . Both religious and general knowledge . In addition, the mission is not a perfunctory job , so the preachers had to provide technical skills , whether it is about the management of propaganda , rhetoric , psychology , sciences and other supporters . Do not let the preacher have only a superficial knowledge , so that later mission objectives ( mad'u ) get bored and leave , or otherwise no longer has the power preaching fox society . Society no longer dynamically towards good , but static or actually fell degrees diversity. A lot of misunderstanding in the community about the religion , which raised the sects in society with each other and blaming each other enemies. This stems from the insight narrow preachers , so the view that he was the right and best . Then there exclusivism in society , they do not want to hang out like other community members . Umumpun knowledge has important significance , because it is actually propaganda should be able to enter all areas of life . It means that all professions should be guided by the morality of religion , so do not let the propaganda bidangpun regardless of range . Because the one and the other areas are interrelated . A preacher in addition to having adequate knowledge and insight , also needs to maintain her physical health . Because proselytizing body needs power and excellent durability . So it is necessary to maintain your diet , rest and exercise enough . Not funny if a preacher sickly . Jihad propaganda is that people need a strong mentally and physically . E. Commitment to Da'wah In a society which is too sophisticated and modern , life's challenges are not getting lighter . Likewise also the diverse challenges of mission and weight . Therefore the attitude of commitment to this mission must be owned by the protagonists preachers . Why is that ? Because many also occur someone who positioned himself as a preacher just for a stepping stone , or just for the sake of worldly . There is a preacher in part after achieving fame later made him to have a higher commercial value , with the pretext of professionalism . In other places there is also a preacher bidding for public office to capitalize on the name of a well-known , with the expectation would dukunganpun much . Whether a preacher or preacher should not have worldly position ? Course may , here it takes is a commitment to the struggle he Islamiyah propaganda . Why is that ? Because many of the preachers are turning or concurrent positions , most of them later occupied by his new position . Supposedly with the position that he had greater commitment to the proselytizing activities , if time is no longer possible , at least in the propagation environment and still run big names themselves can be utilized for the benefit of propaganda , or that she had had the funds can be allocated in part for the sake of propaganda . Thus preaching will be able to walk in all areas of life lines . F. With All circles are friends This should be possessed by a preacher . Because a preacher would not want to meet and connect with them . Being friends with them all is something that must be done . Because someone is not going to accept advice or proselytizing religion , if he's taking a stand as an enemy of religion . Although in certain cases there may be slight differences in the nature and lots of attitude . So a few things that should be the attitude and personality of a preacher . Hopefully we are including preachers or preachers who are able to bring the message of the religion of Islam as well and in truth . Chapter VI cover A. conclusion Preacher is a religious duty that must exist in the community . If no one wants to convey religious messages , of course people will be away from religion and religious life will perish if only a mere theory , there should be someone who had been patiently reminded of the goodness and keep society from destructive values . Therefore preachers requires adequate tools in order to attract the public invitation , religion must be packaged in such a way that the religion into something interesting , not something that is hard for people . For that preachers should : 1 . Coaching skills and always add insight preaching , preaching that do not get monotonous and boring , that would eventually shunned society . 2 . A preacher should always keep up appearances and is always committed to the values of Islam , because he becomes the focus of religious life of the community . B. Suggestions 1 . Being a preacher must always remain patient in a variety of circumstances . 2 . Take advantage of the opportunity and trust the people , not to people away from religion because our behavior as a poor preacher , as a preacher he rested his religious community. Reading List 1 . Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia , . Qur'an and Terjemahnya 2 . Abul A'la Al- Mawdudi , Instructions For Da'wah Savior , PT Al - Maarif , Bandung , 1982 3 . KHM Isa Anshary , Mujahid Da'wah , CV Diponegoro Bandung , 1995 4 . KH . Abdurrahman Arroisi , 30 Exemplary Stories , PT Teens Rosdakarya , London 1991. 5 . Kidh Hidayat , MB . Rahimsah , 30 Story Before Bed for Muslim Children , Partners Ummah , Surabaya ,
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:44AM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Being a preacher who Interesting by Ahmadi (Phone 0274 6510131) abstraction Being a preacher is not the task of a particular person or group , but our collective duty as a Muslim . For everyone who has the obligation to convey Islam although only one paragraph as the words of the Prophet : " Convey from me even one verse ! " Therefore we should not simply impose Islamic preaching only to certain people . In addition, if we are to preach the capital will be our reward in the hereafter later . Most preachers still struggling to delivering messages verbally religion , meaning preachers simply deliver religious messages while he himself has not been able to be an example in the community in religious practice . Of course this can reduce the capacity as a preacher , because apparently people do not judge the quality of delivery of propaganda material presented just a preacher but also assess the extent to which the preachers practice what they delivered . If a preacher clever speech that was so interesting , impressive but the other side can not practice , then preachers like this more as an artist who provide entertainment in the community , but his message is not to give insight in the religious life of the community . Era of ever-changing society in general need of entertainment to relieve stress / life increasingly heavy burden and increasingly diverse . Therefore, people need to figure muballigh attract the public as well as to convey religious values that brighten people's lives, not just providing mere entertainment . Chapter I preliminary Being a preacher is not the task of a particular person or group , but our collective duty as a Muslim . For everyone who has the obligation to convey Islam although only one paragraph as the words of the Prophet : " Convey from me even one verse ! " Therefore we should not simply impose Islamic preaching only to certain people . In addition, if we are to preach the capital will be our reward in the hereafter later . In language preacher comes from the word bal - la - gha which means a lot delivered or delivered . Preacher is a form that has meaning fa'il actors or people who deliver . Preacher in the sense that term has meaning someone who convey the message of Islam and became an example for others in the practice of Islam . Most preachers still struggling to delivering messages verbally religion , meaning preachers simply deliver religious messages while he himself has not been able to be an example in the community in religious practice . Of course this can reduce the capacity as a preacher , because apparently people do not judge the quality of delivery of propaganda material presented just a preacher but also assess the extent to which the preachers practice what they delivered . If a preacher clever speech that was so interesting , impressive but the other side can not practice , it 's more like a preacher role as an artist who provide entertainment in the community , but his message was not to enlighten the religious life of the community . Era of ever-changing society in general need of entertainment to relieve stress / life increasingly heavy burden and increasingly diverse . Therefore, people need to figure muballigh attract the public as well as to convey religious values that brighten people's lives, not just providing mere entertainment . Chapter II Preaching principle Da'wah has some principles that should be handle any preacher or preachers of these are: A. Memandaikan people are stupid B. Notify the person who does not know C. People who lack sufficient D. Fixing poor or not good E. Treating the sick F. Multiply relatives / friends instead of enemies multiply . G. Entertaining people in distress H. Uniting the scattered or broken I. Forgive those who apologize or repent J. The interests of the congregation rather than personal K. Upholding truth With some of the principles in the mission will get success , preachers who can do all of the above will benefit a lot to the community . Therefore ideally a preacher is to have enough wealth if not exactly rich , because the wealth is very important . Generally we have more respect for the rich than everyone who likes to preach . Most of us are more likely to measure the material rather than moral . Most have more respect for people who can meet the physical requirements than those that assist the non-physical . So many people are interested in following the teachings of a person who provides material support or promising material . The person carrying out an activity usually have specific goals or want to get something out of these activities . Most of us carry something that provides benefits that are mundane . Therefore we preach to the difficulty of the hungry , sick , or poor . They require our mission but our mission will be accepted if we are also able to provide what they need . The sick need medicine , hungry people need to eat , people need entertainment and so hard . People who merely provides insights into religion but not with the help that is needed by the object merely propaganda usually heard but not until the religious message conveyed . How many people are " apostates " because people do not pay attention to the needs of his or her neighbors , was finally captured or " diopeni (Javanese ) " . There was a case in a village famous students to Islamization her , but were surprised by the news that there was a minister who runs a mission in space . The pastor confessed of " village students " is. Upon investigation it turns out the pastor was once a boy who left his parents dead and no one maintains , ultimately schooled education that teaches a particular religion that eventually he followed the religion and became a pastor . Why it might even happen ? Because people are less concerned about their surroundings and eventually missed . Chapter III Understanding Community Character A. Religiosity berthing Society General population according to the authors who rely more keberagamaannya life to a religious leader who is considered . Yet religion is in fact essentially the responsibility of each person to the Lord . Therefore on the one hand people have much to learn to be a lot of people who know a lot about religion . But there are many people who just rely keberagamaannya life to someone or often called " taqlid " . People perceive that the " teacher " whom most right so he does not need to learn elsewhere . With the situation described above, the common people groups they claim the name of religion and the right group . As a preacher should be the attitude of the above should be avoided , a preacher should give insight to the wider community , so that people are not stuck in a narrow understanding of religious issues and actually making the boxes in religious life . Do not let the special interests who beat worldly interests that are better ukhrowi . It should be a preacher giving an understanding and insight into the broader religious do not actually narrow or mendangkalkan understanding and practice of religious communities . B. More public Glad satisfied Society or most of us usually prefer to receive rather than giving . Beragamapun in life often happen like that . For example, a person is more than happy to be a congregation prayer leader for various reasons . Rarely pray or lazy to learn prayers , supplications represent more than happy to others deemed more righteous or considered closer to God often called " tabarukan " Though the command in the Qur'an surah Al - Baqarah verse 186 says " And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning Me , then surely I am near . I grant his supplication people who pray when he prays to Me . Let them meet ( command ) and I have faith in me that they obtain the truth . " Thus one should pray directly ask for prayers should not be more pleased . In fact, because there is a lack of motivation to death could only be AMIN ( extreme language ) . Though studying is mandatory . Principal worship is prayer , we should learn more prayer , because prayer is principally for the benefit of each of us respectively . Even odder happened commercialization prayer with the prayer services . It is not didactic but it fools the public . This is when a preacher was counter-productive in terms of religious communities . C. Characteristically community Inert Communities or individuals generally have inert nature , always trying to maintain what was already owned or applies and has been a tradition or custom made . Society seems to have made its own law that what has long been true in communities that are considered to be true . If it comes a new understanding , more likely to refuse . It is very natural for any animate or inanimate objects have properties to defend themselves . As a preacher should understand the character of such a society , because there will be clashes , then what is needed is a gentle demeanor and a good example , as well as dipahamkan that religion is bringing the goodness and happiness of man must be delivered gently . If the guardians of antiquity preaching " Keno iwake buthek banyune ora " means a preacher should be able to bring myself to take the good rather than worsen the situation that would occur in the public rejection . Chapter IV Understanding Religiosity Map Society Communities are generally divided into two major groups , namely Muslims and non-Muslims . On the principle message of Islam to all human beings both Muslims and non- Muslims . Nonetheless the message of Islam was not coercive but are conscious . Propagation is advisory only and invitation , especially to non-Muslims is just an introduction. As for Muslims is keberagamaannya quality improvement . In broad outline Muslims are divided into three groups: 1 . People who truly Islamic . 2 . People who happen to Islam 3 . People who are not really Islamic The third group of Muslims above all requires a good message of Islam which is really Islam , who happened to Islam or that Islam is not true . Islam should be preached constantly on an ongoing basis , because people will always change from one generation to the next . By nature human beings are not born clever directly or immediately understand what Islam even though a child is born in nature . Humans also have a property that is always attached to the often forgotten and done wrong , whoever he is wherever he is . Hence his need for advice and guidance for life . People who are truly Islamic preaching Islam requires in order to maintain his Islam as well in order to enrich the understanding of Islamic faith to be distributed to others . Who happened to be born or live in the neighborhood Muslims , Islam is usually understood to be the legacy that Islam is sometimes not as a consciousness but only a sort of tradition that sometimes experiencing saturation in the practice of Islam , people like this need of the message of Islam as a process of awareness creation religion . Next to people who are not really preaching Islam Islam is necessary for them , because people like these usually become a problem in the community or maker . Propaganda must be intensified to such classes in order to sensitize and if they can make the system to force the group to do good in a religious or customary law , so that they are forced to do good . They better do good rather than be forced to do a problem in society . Chapter IV Interesting lecture tips A. Attractive appearance Determine the appearance of a preacher in preaching , because people judge a preacher is not just how he lectured , but the appearance is also assessed , even very decisive . At the time of the Messenger of Allah to start preaching in Yathrib or Medina , he sent Mushab bin Umair . Mushab bin Umair was a young rich kid in Mecca . Mushab bin Umair was very famous for his good looks and loves to dress up . With his good looks and dapper appearance , as well as the message of Islam is to convince the people of Madina finally managed to be invited to Islam . In the subsequent period of Madinah became the center of propaganda Prophet Muhammad . Preacher was the center of attention congregation or community , if the look is not convincing , then the worshipers who follow a preacher preaching will also be doubted . Appearance of a preacher will be the image of the preacher , if looks good then the congregation shall judge the preacher is also good , but if the appearance of a preacher ugly / bad the congregation may also be considered that the preacher is not good . B. On Time A preacher is one who takes the lot . Therefore, it must be able to maintain discipline , especially time . If we are agreed that we should try to talk to on time . Do not let the congregation waited too long or not even be able to attend without notifying the organizers , because it will make all disappointed . Once we make the upset , then other times we do not get confidence again . If we are unable to attend or present late should inform much prior to the study or studies initiated sehingg not make kalangkabut committee . The presence of a preacher , should not tight implementation time study or studies . This allows a preacher organize and prepare materials be better. If a preacher can present early, then he can make observations or interviews to get a picture of the congregation recitals or mosque committees , so as to preach according to the circumstances and background of the congregation . This is particularly important with regard to things that must be taken not to offend the feelings and words that are not appropriate in the area of the congregation . C. Interesting language The real interesting language is not a skill , but skill means a person who is not able to speak any language experts who want to learn interesting origin and practice . Interesting language will be key to a lecture , which is less attractive because the language would affect the interest of a person to listen to a lecture if someone comes to a mosque committees recitals or simply attending an invitation or just " looking for reward " , so that the message delivered by preachers not to . Interesting language does not have to make people amazed by the style of the language , or the humor that makes people laugh . But the language of the people are interested to listen . Among the interesting language tips are: 1 . Delivering with varied language / not monotonous . 2 . Delivering the vocals are full so that all present could hear well . 3 . Set the tone of voice , meant that the congregation can distinguish what is important and what is not important . It can be seen serorang preacher intonation . 4 . Making humor or story that supports the theme of our lecture . Do not let us humor or origin stories make people laugh , it is avoided because it would make us not focus on the theme or will we deliver value to the congregation . 5 . Using language that invites people to think , or talk , given a question , or invite the congregation to imagine what we say or particular result if the congregation does not do what we say . It means that not only verbal propaganda , but was able to tickle the hearts and minds of the congregation . If this is done then the congregation will not hear a lecture sleepy . Lectures usually left the congregation because the congregation was not involved in the study or study activities . 6 . Enriching the language with poetry , rhyme or proverb . It is actually very interesting to listen to, but sometimes we do not have these skills . Therefore we should take notes and say over and over again either the poem or rhyme to hear the results of others or create your own . D. skill Be interesting muballigh require science , engineering , and exercise a lot . Determine the amount of a person speaking in a lecture . But if we observe is actually required is a workout , it means people are starting to pull origin berceramahpun want to practice before going up the pulpit .


 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Atas perkiraan apa Abu Bakar jadi Pengerusi BSN? Harakah. 19/11/13 KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim enggan menjawab persoalan berhubung penamatan bekas Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah yang dibangkitkan Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Mahfuz di dalam sidang medianya hari ini tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan daripada Shahidan yang hanya memaklumkan penamatan Abu Bakar kerana kesalahan di bawah peraturan 49. Peraturan 49 menyebut seorang pegawai JPA boleh ditamatkan atas kepentingan awam. Jelas Mahfuz, Abu Bakar berada pada jurus dua iaitu kedudukan paling tinggi dan bakal dilantik menjadi Ketua Setiausaha Negara. "Bila dicaj bawah peraturan 49 ianya adalah satu kesalahan yang sangat besar," kata Mahfuz. Atas sebab itulah, Mahfuz mempersoalkan atas alasan apa kerajaan pula melantik Abu Bakar sebagai Pengerusi Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN). "Bagaimana kita bagi tanggungjawab kepada beliau untuk menjadi Pengerusi BSN yang juga milik awam. Yang ini Shahidan tidak jawab. "Kalau beliau dikenakan tindakan atas kepentingan awam, dia tidak layak jadi pengerusi BSN. Atas perkiraan apa Abu Bakar jadi Pengerusi BSN?" bidas Mahfuz. Abu Bakar yang berkhidmat selama 35 tahun menerima surat penamatan khidmatnya daripada JPA yang menyatakan bahawa khidmatnya berakhir pada 1 Julai 2012. Beliau dikatakan dilantik sebagai Pengerusi BSN pada awal tahun ini.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:37AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Atas perkiraan apa Abu Bakar jadi Pengerusi BSN? Harakah. 19/11/13 KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim enggan menjawab persoalan berhubung penamatan bekas Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah yang dibangkitkan Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Mahfuz di dalam sidang medianya hari ini tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan daripada Shahidan yang hanya memaklumkan penamatan Abu Bakar kerana kesalahan di bawah peraturan 49. Peraturan 49 menyebut seorang pegawai JPA boleh ditamatkan atas kepentingan awam. Jelas Mahfuz, Abu Bakar berada pada jurus dua iaitu kedudukan paling tinggi dan bakal dilantik menjadi Ketua Setiausaha Negara. "Bila dicaj bawah peraturan 49 ianya adalah satu kesalahan yang sangat besar," kata Mahfuz. Atas sebab itulah, Mahfuz mempersoalkan atas alasan apa kerajaan pula melantik Abu Bakar sebagai Pengerusi Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN). "Bagaimana kita bagi tanggungjawab kepada beliau untuk menjadi Pengerusi BSN yang juga milik awam. Yang ini Shahidan tidak jawab. "Kalau beliau dikenakan tindakan atas kepentingan awam, dia tidak layak jadi pengerusi BSN. Atas perkiraan apa Abu Bakar jadi Pengerusi BSN?" bidas Mahfuz. Abu Bakar yang berkhidmat selama 35 tahun menerima surat penamatan khidmatnya daripada JPA yang menyatakan bahawa khidmatnya berakhir pada 1 Julai 2012. Beliau dikatakan dilantik sebagai Pengerusi BSN pada awal tahun ini.
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:22
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:26PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    Iklan dalam tb tok bnyk menipu jak..mun sik menipu sik laku barang ya.. Dalam bisnes, Islam amat menitikberatkan kejujuran dlm muamalat..biar berkata jujur,lurus asalkan hasilnya berkat..berkat ya susah nak dapat bagi orang fasik n munafik,apatah gik kuffar..bagi orang beriman,mudah jak ya. Sebab Allah Maha Melihat lagi Maha Mengetahui, malaikat atid wa raqib sentiasa mencatat perbuatan kita.
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:18
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 kuffar - Social Mention: Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq The treaty between Hazrat Hasan and Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anhuma When Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished his khilaafah in favour of Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho and gave him allegiance, he accepted him to be the unanimously accepted leader of all the muslims. In the process he saved the ummah from division and becoming involved in any conflict which could have lead to the loss of many lives and another civil war. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam had foretold of this treaty when he said, إنَّ ابني هذا سيدٌ ، و لعلَّ اللهَ أنْ يُصلِحَ به بين فئتينِ عظيمتينِ من المسلمين "Indeed my this son is a (true) leader. Perhaps with him Allah will unite two large groups of muslims." ( Bukhari) The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam expressed his pleasure and approval of this great sacrifice of Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho in relinquishing his khilafah for the sake of unity of muslims. Many shias regard this similar to the treaty of the prophet sallallaho alaihe with the kuffar of Makkah at Hudaibiyah as a no option treaty. In reality there are fundamental differences; 1. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was with Kaafirs and Ameer muaawiyah radhi Allaho anho and his followers were muslims as Hazrat Ali radhi Allaho anho is reported to have said in Nahjul balaaghah. ربنا واحد ونبينا واحد ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحدة Our Lord is the same , our prophet is the same and our call for Islam is the same. 2. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was a pure peace treaty and did not require the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam to relinquish his role as a leader of muslims whereas Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished all responsibilities of leadership. 3. The peace treaty gave the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam an opportunity to turn his attention to other nations and tribes in order to invite them to Islam. So upon his return to Madinah he sent out invitation to many other tribes and nations, calling them to Islam and carrying on as a head of state. Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho also returned to settle in Madinah but did not interfere in any political issue or affair or seek help from anyone in order to prepare a rebellion. 4. When the people of Makkah broke the treaty , the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam launched an offensive against them and captured Makkah. If Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho broke the conditions of treaty (as the shias claim) then why did Hazrat Hasan and/or Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anhuma did not raise a rebellion against him..... The answer is simple because Hazrat Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho did not break any condition of treaty and stood true to his word. The other point which still stands out is that, if Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho had no option but to make a peace treaty with Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho ( inspite of shias claiming his rule wasn't legitimate) in order to save ordinary muslims from bloodshed and he did make a peace treaty then why did Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anho did not make a similar treaty with his son Yazeed or Ubaidullah bin Ziyad in order to save himself and the descendents of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam from being massacred at Karbala. After all both are considered masoom imams by shias
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:26PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq The treaty between Hazrat Hasan and Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anhuma When Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished his khilaafah in favour of Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho and gave him allegiance, he accepted him to be the unanimously accepted leader of all the muslims. In the process he saved the ummah from division and becoming involved in any conflict which could have lead to the loss of many lives and another civil war. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam had foretold of this treaty when he said, إنَّ ابني هذا سيدٌ ، و لعلَّ اللهَ أنْ يُصلِحَ به بين فئتينِ عظيمتينِ من المسلمين "Indeed my this son is a (true) leader. Perhaps with him Allah will unite two large groups of muslims." ( Bukhari) The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam expressed his pleasure and approval of this great sacrifice of Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho in relinquishing his khilafah for the sake of unity of muslims. Many shias regard this similar to the treaty of the prophet sallallaho alaihe with the kuffar of Makkah at Hudaibiyah as a no option treaty. In reality there are fundamental differences; 1. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was with Kaafirs and Ameer muaawiyah radhi Allaho anho and his followers were muslims as Hazrat Ali radhi Allaho anho is reported to have said in Nahjul balaaghah. ربنا واحد ونبينا واحد ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحدة Our Lord is the same , our prophet is the same and our call for Islam is the same. 2. The treaty at Hudaibiyah was a pure peace treaty and did not require the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam to relinquish his role as a leader of muslims whereas Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho relinquished all responsibilities of leadership. 3. The peace treaty gave the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam an opportunity to turn his attention to other nations and tribes in order to invite them to Islam. So upon his return to Madinah he sent out invitation to many other tribes and nations, calling them to Islam and carrying on as a head of state. Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho also returned to settle in Madinah but did not interfere in any political issue or affair or seek help from anyone in order to prepare a rebellion. 4. When the people of Makkah broke the treaty , the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam launched an offensive against them and captured Makkah. If Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho broke the conditions of treaty (as the shias claim) then why did Hazrat Hasan and/or Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anhuma did not raise a rebellion against him..... The answer is simple because Hazrat Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho did not break any condition of treaty and stood true to his word. The other point which still stands out is that, if Hazrat Hasan radhi Allaho anho had no option but to make a peace treaty with Ameer Muaawiyyah radhi Allaho anho ( inspite of shias claiming his rule wasn't legitimate) in order to save ordinary muslims from bloodshed and he did make a peace treaty then why did Hazrat Husain radhi Allaho anho did not make a similar treaty with his son Yazeed or Ubaidullah bin Ziyad in order to save himself and the descendents of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam from being massacred at Karbala. After all both are considered masoom imams by shias
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:36
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:24AM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    kaacha ma'muma wakisju akatoka polepole bla kuckika nayeyote kachukua via2 vyake,alipofika dirishani kasema ALlahuakbar kwa saut,ma'muma wakainuka kutoka kwenye sijda,imam kaingia hofu na wogo yote haya kachaguliwa aswalishe nani swala yake yakwanza,baada yakukosekana imam,ahfidh,kachaguliwa yeye kua alikua amevalia akapendeza mashaallah,ndo akapiswa.inshaallah mola ampe elim.
    Nov 19th 2013, 05:10
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 jihad - Social Mention: FESTIVAL SYI'IR NUSANTARA "Mari Cinta Indonesia Dengan Berkarya" Buktikan jika kita bangsa yang kaya akan budaya dan tunjukkan nilai-nilai Perjuangan Islam di Nusantara, dengan Merekam Syair-Syair (Syi'ir) yang biasa dilantunkan di Masjid serta Mushalla lingkungan anda. Untuk dapat mengikuti Festival Syi'ir ini caranya cukup mudah, yakni dengan mengirimkan copy rekaman Syi'ir yang sering diperdengarkan lima waktu sebelum atau setelah adzan di Masjid dan Mushalla di lingkungan anda, baik berupa lantunan pujian, doa maupun yang lainnya. Kirim copy rekaman (dalam format mp3) tersebut via email di dan Adapun batas akhir pengiriman copy rekaman tersebut, ada 2 (dua) gelombang yakni: 1. Gelombang Pertama mulai sekarang hingga tanggal 23 Nopember 2013 pukul 24.00 WIB. 2. Gelombang kedua dari tanggal 25 Nopember 2013 hingga tanggal 7 Desember 2013 Pukul 24.00 WIB. Tentunya dari syi'ir-syi'ir kiriman yang terpilih (melalui batas akhir pengiriman gelombang I), akan ditampilkan (Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku) di Festival Syi'ir Nusantara dalam rangkaian kegiatan Tapak Tilas Resolusi Jihad NU hari sabtu 23 Nopember mendatang di Surabaya. Nantinya, dari Rekaman Syi'ir yang tampil akan mendapatkan piagam penghargaan dan uang pembinaan sebagai wujud pelestarian terhadap nilai-nilai sastra budaya Islam Indonesia. Penghargaan bagi Syi'ir yang tampil di Festival Syi'ir Nusantara sangatlah beragam sesuai kategori yang ada yakni: 1. 3 (tiga) Kategori Syi'ir terbaik, secara berurutan akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan masing-masing senilai 250 ribu, 500 ribu dan 750 ribu. 2. 1 (satu) Kategori Syi'ir Populer akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan sebesar 750 ribu rupiah. 3. 1 (satu) Kategori Syi'ir yang mudah dihafal akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan sebesar 750 ribu rupiah. Jadi jangan lewatkan kesempatan baik ini, untuk dapat menunjukkan kontribusi anda dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai sastra dan budaya Islam Indonesia. Kirim segera dan Hadiri Festival Syi'ir Nusantara dalam rangkaian Tapak Tilas Resolusi Jihad NU, Minggu 24 Nopember 2013 Jam 19.00 WIB di halaman kantor PCNU Kota Surabaya, Jl. Bubutan Surabaya. Syarat dan Ketentuan dalam mengikuti Festival Syi'ir Museum Nahdlatul Ulama: 1. Peserta Boleh mengirimkan Karyanya lebih dari satu. 2. Peserta diharapkan memberikan Data Pribadi berupa Curikulum Vitae (CV), Copy KTP dan Nomor rekening, serta mengirimkan Karya Audio (Boleh Visual) sebagai karya asli (orisinil), bukan jiplakan atau saduran atau sejenisnya yang melanggar aturan hukum Hak Cipta. Jika nanti terjadi gugatan dari pihak-pihak lain, hal itu merupakan tanggung jawab Pengirim Karya (peserta). 3. Karya Sya'ir ini boleh diikuti berbagai daerah Anak bangsa yang ada di Indonesia, dan boleh menampilkan Syair-Syair ke-Daerah-an (bahasa daerah). 4. Karya Audio Syair ini boleh dilakukan sendiri atau dilakukan secara kelompok, dengan melampirkan sejarahnya serta data masjid, mushola atau Surau tempat syair itu dilantunkan serta melampirkan Arti dari Syair (Pujian-Pujian) kedalam bentuk Word (RTF) sebagai bank data Museum Nahdlatul Ulama. 5. Karya Sya'ir-Sya'ir dalam bentuk MP3 atau dalam bentuk audio lainnya, bisa dari Rekaman, Studio, HP, Recorder yang penting bisa di email dengan kapasitas maksimal 25 Mb. 6. Setiap Karya Syair peserta yang terkirim di email kami menjadi Hak Museum Nahdlatul Ulama untuk didokumentasikan dan dipublikasikan, kecuali dengan perjanjian tertentu yang terkait dengan komersialisasi. 7. Setiap Karya yang masuk akan diseleksi oleh Tim Panitia Festival Syi'ir dan keputusan Tim Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 8. Penentuan pemenang dalam lomba ini akan diumumkan di media sosial serta media nasional. 9. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dalam ketentuan ini, dapat ditanyakan langsung kepada panitia. (cp. a/n Anne Akhmadin 081358245934/ 085731872869 atau cp a/n Udy Hakim 081 938 04 5003). 10. Hadiah akan segera dikirim paling lambat 7 hari setelah pengumuman dan akan dilakukan konfirmasi melalui email pengirim dan Via Telepon.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:46PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    FESTIVAL SYI'IR NUSANTARA "Mari Cinta Indonesia Dengan Berkarya" Buktikan jika kita bangsa yang kaya akan budaya dan tunjukkan nilai-nilai Perjuangan Islam di Nusantara, dengan Merekam Syair-Syair (Syi'ir) yang biasa dilantunkan di Masjid serta Mushalla lingkungan anda. Untuk dapat mengikuti Festival Syi'ir ini caranya cukup mudah, yakni dengan mengirimkan copy rekaman Syi'ir yang sering diperdengarkan lima waktu sebelum atau setelah adzan di Masjid dan Mushalla di lingkungan anda, baik berupa lantunan pujian, doa maupun yang lainnya. Kirim copy rekaman (dalam format mp3) tersebut via email di dan Adapun batas akhir pengiriman copy rekaman tersebut, ada 2 (dua) gelombang yakni: 1. Gelombang Pertama mulai sekarang hingga tanggal 23 Nopember 2013 pukul 24.00 WIB. 2. Gelombang kedua dari tanggal 25 Nopember 2013 hingga tanggal 7 Desember 2013 Pukul 24.00 WIB. Tentunya dari syi'ir-syi'ir kiriman yang terpilih (melalui batas akhir pengiriman gelombang I), akan ditampilkan (Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku) di Festival Syi'ir Nusantara dalam rangkaian kegiatan Tapak Tilas Resolusi Jihad NU hari sabtu 23 Nopember mendatang di Surabaya. Nantinya, dari Rekaman Syi'ir yang tampil akan mendapatkan piagam penghargaan dan uang pembinaan sebagai wujud pelestarian terhadap nilai-nilai sastra budaya Islam Indonesia. Penghargaan bagi Syi'ir yang tampil di Festival Syi'ir Nusantara sangatlah beragam sesuai kategori yang ada yakni: 1. 3 (tiga) Kategori Syi'ir terbaik, secara berurutan akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan masing-masing senilai 250 ribu, 500 ribu dan 750 ribu. 2. 1 (satu) Kategori Syi'ir Populer akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan sebesar 750 ribu rupiah. 3. 1 (satu) Kategori Syi'ir yang mudah dihafal akan mendapatkan Piagam penghargaan dan Uang pembinaan sebesar 750 ribu rupiah. Jadi jangan lewatkan kesempatan baik ini, untuk dapat menunjukkan kontribusi anda dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai sastra dan budaya Islam Indonesia. Kirim segera dan Hadiri Festival Syi'ir Nusantara dalam rangkaian Tapak Tilas Resolusi Jihad NU, Minggu 24 Nopember 2013 Jam 19.00 WIB di halaman kantor PCNU Kota Surabaya, Jl. Bubutan Surabaya. Syarat dan Ketentuan dalam mengikuti Festival Syi'ir Museum Nahdlatul Ulama: 1. Peserta Boleh mengirimkan Karyanya lebih dari satu. 2. Peserta diharapkan memberikan Data Pribadi berupa Curikulum Vitae (CV), Copy KTP dan Nomor rekening, serta mengirimkan Karya Audio (Boleh Visual) sebagai karya asli (orisinil), bukan jiplakan atau saduran atau sejenisnya yang melanggar aturan hukum Hak Cipta. Jika nanti terjadi gugatan dari pihak-pihak lain, hal itu merupakan tanggung jawab Pengirim Karya (peserta). 3. Karya Sya'ir ini boleh diikuti berbagai daerah Anak bangsa yang ada di Indonesia, dan boleh menampilkan Syair-Syair ke-Daerah-an (bahasa daerah). 4. Karya Audio Syair ini boleh dilakukan sendiri atau dilakukan secara kelompok, dengan melampirkan sejarahnya serta data masjid, mushola atau Surau tempat syair itu dilantunkan serta melampirkan Arti dari Syair (Pujian-Pujian) kedalam bentuk Word (RTF) sebagai bank data Museum Nahdlatul Ulama. 5. Karya Sya'ir-Sya'ir dalam bentuk MP3 atau dalam bentuk audio lainnya, bisa dari Rekaman, Studio, HP, Recorder yang penting bisa di email dengan kapasitas maksimal 25 Mb. 6. Setiap Karya Syair peserta yang terkirim di email kami menjadi Hak Museum Nahdlatul Ulama untuk didokumentasikan dan dipublikasikan, kecuali dengan perjanjian tertentu yang terkait dengan komersialisasi. 7. Setiap Karya yang masuk akan diseleksi oleh Tim Panitia Festival Syi'ir dan keputusan Tim Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 8. Penentuan pemenang dalam lomba ini akan diumumkan di media sosial serta media nasional. 9. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dalam ketentuan ini, dapat ditanyakan langsung kepada panitia. (cp. a/n Anne Akhmadin 081358245934/ 085731872869 atau cp a/n Udy Hakim 081 938 04 5003). 10. Hadiah akan segera dikirim paling lambat 7 hari setelah pengumuman dan akan dilakukan konfirmasi melalui email pengirim dan Via Telepon.
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:42
    Silakan bagi kesemua teman-teman yang hendak dan mau mengcopypaste atau share atau tag kami haturkan jazaakumullah ahsanal jazaa'. Semua gambar atau artikel yang ada di fanspage ini HALAL untuk disebarluaskan atas nama fanspage ini atau atas nama pribadi kalian masing-masing. Demi tersebarnya dakwah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah di Bumi Pertiwi khususnya dan Dunia. Dan mohon saran, kritik dan usul dari teman-teman demi perbaikan di masa selanjutnya. Kami mewakili tim jajaran Admin fanspage ini mengemis doa dari kalian... tak ada yang bisa kuberikan sebagai imbalan kebaikan kalian terkecuali doa jua. Sekian dan terima kasih.... Allahumma sholli wasallim wabaarik 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa 'alaa Aalihii wa Shahbihii ajma'iin.
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