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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:31PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Demi allah ini bnar2 terjdi pd ku..5 hr yg lwat..ktika aku sholt subuh..sndri..di smping blakang ku sprti ada org ikut sholt..saat ku salm ngk ads siapa2...semalam saat says sholt ..saat tahyat akhir aku mncium bau yg sangt wangi...pagi ini saat aku takbir awal aku mncium bau seperti ikan asin dn bau blacan yg sangt kuat..utk anda ktahui aku brada dtengh lautn ..di anjungn mnyk lpas pantai..dmna tdk dbnr kn ada kgiatn pnas..
    Nov 19th 2013, 21:56
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:55AM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Imam Al-Awza'i may Allah have mercy upon him, said: "It used to be said that there were five things that the companions of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم and those who followed them in goodness were upon: (1) Sticking to the Jama'ah (2) Following the Sunnah (3) Maintaining the masajid (4) Reciting the Quran (5) making Jihad in Allah's cause." [Hilyah, 8/142]
    Nov 20th 2013, 01:52
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 salafist - Social Mention: Folgend ein Text geehrte Geschwister für eine Petition bzgl. der Einforderung von gesetzlichen Feiertagen für Muslime in euren Bundesländern. Ihr könnt die online Petition waehlen auf der jeweiligen Homepage eurer Landesregierung. posted by Saifallah Wortlaut der Petition Drei gesetzlich festgelegte Feiertage für Muslime in NRW Begründung Ich wurde vom Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags darauf hingewiesen, dass das folgende Anliegen Ländersache sei. Die Religionsfreiheit ist in Deutschland ein durch das Grundgesetz garantiertes Grundrecht. Kraft europäischen Rechts ist die Religionsfreiheit in Deutschland durch die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union gewährleistet. Völkerrechtlich ist die Bundesrepublik u. a. aufgrund der Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention zum Schutz der Religionsfreiheit verpflichtet. . Das deutsche Grundgesetz (GG) sichert die Religionsfreiheit in Art. 4 Absatz 1, 2: „(1) Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich." „(2) Die ungestörte Religionsausübung wird gewährleistet." (Quelle Wikipedia) Es ist bekannt das es in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, außer in den Bundesländern Hamburg und Bremen,für Muslime keine gesetzlich festgelegten Feiertage gibt. Es ist jedoch für die ungestörte Religionsausübung der Muslime notwendig, an drei Tagen im Jahr den Muslimen Feiertage einzuräumen, da den muslimischen Arbeitnehmern nicht selten Probleme mit ihren Arbeitgebern im Wege stehen, wenn diese um einen freien Tag z..B zum Zuckerfest (nach dem Fastenmonat Ramadan) sowie dem Schlachtfest und Aschura bitten. Wenn Arbeitgeber dies verweigern, ist die ungestörte Religionsausübung für Muslime, welche die Bundesrepublik Deutschland u. a. aufgrund der Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention zum Schutz der Religionsfreiheit u.a. den Muslimen einräumen muss, nicht gegeben. Es wäre ein Zeichen der Toleranz und der Weltoffenheit der BRD bzw des Landes NRW, wenn die Landesregierung sich diesem Thema annehmen würde um ein Zeichen der Toleranz und Akzeptanz zu setzen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:34PM  

    salafist - Social Mention
    Folgend ein Text geehrte Geschwister für eine Petition bzgl. der Einforderung von gesetzlichen Feiertagen für Muslime in euren Bundesländern. Ihr könnt die online Petition waehlen auf der jeweiligen Homepage eurer Landesregierung. posted by Saifallah Wortlaut der Petition Drei gesetzlich festgelegte Feiertage für Muslime in NRW Begründung Ich wurde vom Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags darauf hingewiesen, dass das folgende Anliegen Ländersache sei. Die Religionsfreiheit ist in Deutschland ein durch das Grundgesetz garantiertes Grundrecht. Kraft europäischen Rechts ist die Religionsfreiheit in Deutschland durch die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union gewährleistet. Völkerrechtlich ist die Bundesrepublik u. a. aufgrund der Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention zum Schutz der Religionsfreiheit verpflichtet. . Das deutsche Grundgesetz (GG) sichert die Religionsfreiheit in Art. 4 Absatz 1, 2: „(1) Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich." „(2) Die ungestörte Religionsausübung wird gewährleistet." (Quelle Wikipedia) Es ist bekannt das es in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, außer in den Bundesländern Hamburg und Bremen,für Muslime keine gesetzlich festgelegten Feiertage gibt. Es ist jedoch für die ungestörte Religionsausübung der Muslime notwendig, an drei Tagen im Jahr den Muslimen Feiertage einzuräumen, da den muslimischen Arbeitnehmern nicht selten Probleme mit ihren Arbeitgebern im Wege stehen, wenn diese um einen freien Tag z..B zum Zuckerfest (nach dem Fastenmonat Ramadan) sowie dem Schlachtfest und Aschura bitten. Wenn Arbeitgeber dies verweigern, ist die ungestörte Religionsausübung für Muslime, welche die Bundesrepublik Deutschland u. a. aufgrund der Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention zum Schutz der Religionsfreiheit u.a. den Muslimen einräumen muss, nicht gegeben. Es wäre ein Zeichen der Toleranz und der Weltoffenheit der BRD bzw des Landes NRW, wenn die Landesregierung sich diesem Thema annehmen würde um ein Zeichen der Toleranz und Akzeptanz zu setzen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:11
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:30AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Some poor people came to the Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) and said, "The wealthy people will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment and they pray like us and fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform the Hajj, and 'Umra; fight and struggle in Allah's Cause and give in charity." The Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, "Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would overtake you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say "Sub-han-al-lah", "Alhamdu-lillah" and "Allahu Akbar" thirty three times each after every (compulsory) prayer." [Bukhari 0804]
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:25
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:31AM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    In today's upside down world saying the truth about Mohammed the "prophet" of Islam is considered insult and must be stopped, despite it's fact from the Islamic sacred texts itself, but pissing on Jesus and say Christians are Kuffar unbelievers is ok...saying the Jews are the sons of aps and pigs and worse than animals and blowing up Buddha status is very ok and very tolerated
    Nov 20th 2013, 01:20
    In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly today the President of the United States declared that the future does not belong to practicing Christians.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:36PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 19th 2013, 22:35
    TANDA-TANDA KEMATIAN Allah telah memberi tanda kematian seorang muslim sejak 100 hari, 40 hari, 7 hari, 3 hari dan 1 hari menjelang kematian. Tanda 100 hari menjelang ajal : Selepas waktu Ashar (Di waktu Ashar karena pergantian dari terang ke gelap), kita merasa dari ujung rambut sampai kaki menggigil, getaran yang sangat kuat, lain dari biasanya, Bagi yang menyadarinya akan terasa indah di hati, namun yang tidak menyadari, tidak ada pengaruh apa-apa. Tanda 40 hari menjelang kematian : Selepas Ashar, jantung berdenyut-denyut. Daun yang bertuliskan nama kita di lauh mahfudz akan gugur. Malaikat maut akan mengambil daun kita dan mulai mengikuti perjalanan kita sepanjang hari. Tanda 7 hari menjlang ajal : Akan diuji dengan sakit, Orang sakit biasanya tidak selera makan. Tapi dengan sakit ini tiba-tiba menjadi berselera meminta makanan ini dan itu. Tanda 3 hari menjelang ajal : Terasa denyutan ditengah dahi. Jika tanda ini dirasa, maka berpuasalah kita, agar perut kita tidak banyak najis dan memudahkan urusan orang yang memandikan kita nanti. Tanda 1 hari sebelum kematian : Di waktu Ashar, kita merasa 1 denyutan di ubun-ubun, menandakan kita tidak sempet menemui Ashar besok harinya. Bagi yang khusnul khotimah akan merasa sejuk di bagian pusar, kemudian ke pinggang lalu ketenggorokan, maka dalam kondisi ini hendaklah kita mengucapkan 2 kalimat syahadat. Sahabatku yang budiman, subhanAllah, Imam Al-Ghazali, mengetahui kematiannya. Beliau menyiapkan sendiri keperluannya, beliau sudah mandi dan wudhu, meng-kafani dirinya, kecuali bagian wajah yang belum ditutup. Beliau memanggil saudaranya Imam Ahmad untuk menutup wajahnya. SubhanAllah. Malaikat maut akan menampakkan diri pada orang-orang yang terpilih. Dan semoga kita menjadi hamba yang terpilih dan siap menerima kematian kapanpun dan di manapun kita berada. Aamiin. Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... Husnul khotimah... Aamiin.. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus untuk ibu dan juga doa yang lainnya,agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Silahkan Klik Like dan Bagikan di halamanmu agar kamu dan teman-temanmu senantiasa istiqomah dan bisa meningkatkan ketakwaannya kepada ALLAH SWT. Ya ALLAH... ✔ Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ✔ Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ✔ Lapangkanlah hatinya ✔ Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ✔ Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ✔ Mudahkan segala urusannya ✔ Kabulkan cita-citanya ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ✔ Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin ________________________ KISAH SELEMBAR BULU MATA : Baca yuk Selengkapnya di page ini --> Strawberry Insya Allah bermanfaat
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: SANARWA TA MUSAMMAN DAGA SHAFUKAN FACEBOOK KAMAR HAKA; MARKAZUS SALAFIYYAR SHAYKH AUWAL ADAM ALBANI ZARIA [HAFIZAHULLAH], DARUL HADITH EL- SALAFIYYAN SHAYKH AUWAL ADAM ALBANI ZARIA [HAFIZAHULLAH], SALAFIYYAH PROJECT NIGERIA DA SALAFIYYAH NETWORK NIGERIA. ZUWA GA 'DALIBAN IZALAR KADUNA DANA JOS! Ya 'yan uwa masu daraja Ahalus-Sunnah Wal Jama'a Izalar Jos da Kaduna. Don girman Allah ku yayyafama zukatanku ruwa ku daina irin wayannan zage-zagen da kuke ma juna a facebook. Kusani dukkanninku 'yan'uwar juna ne domin dukkanninku babu wanda ya tab'a cewa Allah biyu ne ko kuma guru da laya dadaine. Haba yan'uwa masu daraja Izalar Jos da Kaduna! Yanzu don girman Allah kuna ganin cewa ya dace kuta wulakanta junar ku kan matsala ta furu'u? Matsala ta aqeeda ce kadai matsalar da ake kai ruwa rana akanta bawai matsala ta furuu ba. Haba izalar jos da kaduna. Wallahi muna alfahari daku a matsayinku na 'yan uwanmu Ahalus-Sunnah, dan haka a gaskiyar magana bama jin dadin cecekucen da kuke yi akan Malamanmu. Saboda haka, daga yanzu duk wanda ya 'kara yin wani posting na zagin Sheikh Bala Lau ko Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir to agaskiyar magana baza mu sake post 'dinba. Ma'ana zamu cire post 'din da cire insha'Allahu. Idan baku san darajar Ash-Sheikh Sani Yahya Jingir da Sheikh Bala Lau ba to mu munsan darajar su kuma baza mu 'kara barin wani ya zagesu a wannan shafi ba insha'Allahu. Allah (SWT) muke ro'ko da ya 'kara hada kan Ahlus-Sunnan a duk inda suke a fa'din duniya. #Ummi Abdullahi Zaria. VIA ENGR ABU AMEENA ABDULLAHI HAMISU.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 08:57PM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    SANARWA TA MUSAMMAN DAGA SHAFUKAN FACEBOOK KAMAR HAKA; MARKAZUS SALAFIYYAR SHAYKH AUWAL ADAM ALBANI ZARIA [HAFIZAHULLAH], DARUL HADITH EL- SALAFIYYAN SHAYKH AUWAL ADAM ALBANI ZARIA [HAFIZAHULLAH], SALAFIYYAH PROJECT NIGERIA DA SALAFIYYAH NETWORK NIGERIA. ZUWA GA 'DALIBAN IZALAR KADUNA DANA JOS! Ya 'yan uwa masu daraja Ahalus-Sunnah Wal Jama'a Izalar Jos da Kaduna. Don girman Allah ku yayyafama zukatanku ruwa ku daina irin wayannan zage-zagen da kuke ma juna a facebook. Kusani dukkanninku 'yan'uwar juna ne domin dukkanninku babu wanda ya tab'a cewa Allah biyu ne ko kuma guru da laya dadaine. Haba yan'uwa masu daraja Izalar Jos da Kaduna! Yanzu don girman Allah kuna ganin cewa ya dace kuta wulakanta junar ku kan matsala ta furu'u? Matsala ta aqeeda ce kadai matsalar da ake kai ruwa rana akanta bawai matsala ta furuu ba. Haba izalar jos da kaduna. Wallahi muna alfahari daku a matsayinku na 'yan uwanmu Ahalus-Sunnah, dan haka a gaskiyar magana bama jin dadin cecekucen da kuke yi akan Malamanmu. Saboda haka, daga yanzu duk wanda ya 'kara yin wani posting na zagin Sheikh Bala Lau ko Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir to agaskiyar magana baza mu sake post 'dinba. Ma'ana zamu cire post 'din da cire insha'Allahu. Idan baku san darajar Ash-Sheikh Sani Yahya Jingir da Sheikh Bala Lau ba to mu munsan darajar su kuma baza mu 'kara barin wani ya zagesu a wannan shafi ba insha'Allahu. Allah (SWT) muke ro'ko da ya 'kara hada kan Ahlus-Sunnan a duk inda suke a fa'din duniya. #Ummi Abdullahi Zaria. VIA ENGR ABU AMEENA ABDULLAHI HAMISU.
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:41
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:01AM  

    killuminati - Social Mention
    Nov 19th 2013, 23:49
    Latsi'on Hip Hop Lima, OH
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:41PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Good morning fbf! Well, it's like the difference between day and night, the days when I wake up feeling rested and when I don't. Cause I woke up this morning full of gratitude and with no resentment about anything at all. And I didn't look over all the (posts on my page yet, but they all look really good, and interesting. And Happy Birthday to Sharia, my girlfriend Natasha Jackson's little girl.
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:12
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:31AM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Why does Allah require us to praise Him? What benefit does he get?
    Nov 19th 2013, 06:48

    Why does Allah require us to praise Him? What benefit does he get?


    1. Allahu Akbar doesn't make Allah Great:

    Allah (SWT) does not require our praises for His benefit. When we say 'Allahu Akbar' meaning Allah is the Greatest, He does not become greater. He is already the Greatest whether we say a million times Allahu Akbar or we don't say. It will make no difference in his greatness. He will yet remain the Greatest.

    2. We Praise Allah for our benefit:

    It is mentioned in the Qur'an in Surah Fatir chapter 35 verse 15

    "O ye men! It is ye that have need of Allah: but Allah is the One Free of all wants,

    worthy of all praise."

    [Al-Qur'an 35:15]

    Allah (SWT) is free of all wants. He does not require us to praise Him. It is we human beings who require Allah (SWT) and we praise Him for our own benefits.

    3. We praise Allah to convince ourselves that He is worthy to be obeyed and served.

    We normally follow the advice of a person who is great, famous and important. A person who is intelligent and wise. We will not follow the advice of a stranger who is unknown or a person who is not intelligent nor wise. That is the reason that we praise Allah (SWT) that He is the Greatest, The Most Wise, The All Knowing, etc., to first convince ourselves that He is worthy to be followed then we ask Him to guide us and help us.

    4. In Surah Fatihah we first recite praises of Allah then we seek His help:

    That is the reason why Surah Fatiha or the opening Chapter of the Holy Qur'an is always recited in every rakaat of the Salaah. In the first 4 or 5 verses of Surah Fatihah we initially praise Allah (SWT).

    "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds: Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgement. Thee do we worship, And Thine aid we seek."

    [Al-Qur'an 1:1-5]

    Then later we ask Him for help for our own benefit.

    "Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray."

    [Al-Qur'an 1:6-7]

    Thus we first praise Allah (SWT) in Surah Fatihah and agree that He is Most Gracious, Most Merciful, The Chrisher, The Sustainer, The Master, etc, and then we ask Him for guidance and help.

    5. Prefer treatment and advice from the best doctor:

    If you are sick and have a heart problem and the best available heart specialist gives you advice, you will follow His advice. But if a stranger who has no knowledge of medicine or a quack gives you advice, you will not follow it.

    6. If all the oceans were ink, it would not suffice to praise Allah:

    Thus we praise Allah (SWT) for our own benefit. However much we may praise Him it is insufficient because the Holy Qur'an says in

    Surah Kahf chapter 18 verse 109:

    "Say: 'If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if We added another ocean like it, for its aid.'"

    [Al-Qur'an 18:109]

    7. If trees were pens and oceans were ink they would not suffice to write words of Allah.

    A similar message is repeated in Surah Luqman chapter 31 verse 27

    "And if all the trees on earth were pens and the Ocean (were ink), with seven oceans behind it to add to its (supply), yet would not the words of Allah be exhausted (in the writing): for Allah is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom."

    [Al-Qur'an 31:27]

    8. We praise Allah to follow His commandments:

    Allah (SWT) does not require us to praise Him for His benefit but He requires us to praise Him for our benefit. In Salaah while reciting verses of the Qur'an, we agree that He is Supreme and Ultimate and commit that we will follow His advice and commandments so that we stay on the siratal mustaqeem (straight path).
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:52PM  

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    Islamfeind Nr. 1 Teil 56 - Jihad in Afghanistan 2/3 - Der Jihad ist zur Pflicht geworden
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:24
    Islamfeind Nr. 1 Teil 56 - Jihad in Afghanistan 2/3 - Der Jihad ist zur Pflicht geworden

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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: 󾁁KAABA󾁁 aisi Jagah hai JisKe upar se aaj tak Koi Parinda Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Duniya Ki Kisi bhi Airline Ka Jahaz aaj tak uske upar se Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Qudrati Taur Par UsKi Direction aisi hai K Chand or Suraj bhi uske upar khade nahi ho Sakte, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Quran aur Science Ne Prove Kia K Puri Duniya Ka Center wo Jagah Hai jaha Khana-e-Kaba Taamir Hai. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 SUBHANALLAH Agar Dil Ijazat De To Apne Dosto Ko Bhi is Khubsurat Info Se Agah Kare ? Pura padna.... Kabhi b Aap ko aisi information nahi mili ho gi, k kaun se Nabi kahan pe dafan hain! 1: Adam(A.S) Sri Lanka 2: Nooh(A.S) Jordan 3: Hood(A.S) Yamen 4: Sauleh(A.S) Lebanon 5: Looth(A.S) Iraq 6: Ibrahim(A.S) Israel 7: Isaq(A.S) Palestin 8: Yaqub(A.S) Palestin 9: Yusuf(A.S) Palestin 10: Ayub(A.S) Amman 11: Shoaib(A.S) Syria 12: Ismail (A.S) Or 13: Nabi-e-PAK (S.A.W) "Saudi Arabia" mein_ aye Allah is sms ko aage bhejne wale ki hr mushkilat dur kr De, Ameen!! BEST SMS IN MY LIFE, Zaroor parhna, &, forward karna, AAP S.A.W.W K piyare bete ki wafat per AAP S.A.W.W bohat ghamgeen thay, BIBI AYESHA R.A ne AAP S.A.W.W se arz kiya k ALLAH Pak ne hr Nabi ko ye darja atta kiya hai k woh apni zindagi me koi 1,dua mang sakte hain,jo foran qabool ki jayegi, to AAP apne bete ki dobara zindagi ki dua q nahi mang lete, ALLAH Pak qabool karne wala hai, AAP S.A.W.W ne farmaya k woh dua maine aakhrat me apni "UMMAT" keliye sanbhal rakhi hai, "SUBHANALLAH" Muje nahi lagta k is se acha sms ap k mobile me hoga, is liye, Send to all Muslims.. Agr yeh dua agey fwd na kro to wapis mujhey send ker dena "Aey merey parwardigar" apney Mehboob Salallahoalaihe wasallam k sadqey main poori duniya main jitne musalman beemar hain ya preshan hain Tu unko apne karam se maaf farma or un ki beemari or preshaniyon ko door farma,, Ameen..... Aye"mere parwardigar"apne pyare Mehboob k sadqe main jsne mujhe ye dua bheji hai us k tamam gunahon ko maaf farma or hr kaam mai kamiyabi ata farma or us k naseeb khol de.."Ameen" apne liye zaroor dua krwaye najane ks ki zuban se apki taqdeer sanwar jaye. Puri kainat me nahi koi aisa: Na koi Nabi Mohammed Jaisa, Na koi Kalam Quran Jaisa, Na koi Mazhab Islam Jaisa, Na koi tohfa Namaz jaisa, Na koi Saccha Abu Bakar Jaisa, Na koi Aadil Umer Jaisa, Na koi Sakhi Usman Gani Jaisa, Na koi Bahadur Ali Jaisa, Na koi shahid Imam Hussain Jaisa, Na koi Imam Abu Hanifa Jaisa, Na koi kalimmulla Musa jaisa, Na koi sabrwala Ayyub jaisa, Na koi khubsurat Yusuf jaisa, Na koi aabid Yunus jaisa, Na koi awaz Daud jaisa, Na koi Wali Gouse-e-Azam Jaisa, Na koi Jagha Madina Jaisa, Na koi mahina ramzan jaisa, Na koi din juma jaisa Na koi sms is sms jaisa, Forwad 2 all muslim... Na Gora rang Husn ki Alamat hai, na Kala rang Badsurti ki Nishani, Kafan Safeid hokar bhi Khouf ki Alamat hai, Aur Kaaba Kaley Gilaf me bhi Ankhon ki THANDAK hai. 󾍘󾍘󾍘 .Har **Namaz**Ke Baad Pehla Kalma Padho Aur Yeh Dua Mango Ke YA ALLAH Yeh Kalma Tere Paas Meri Amanat Hai Aur Marne Se 2 Minute Pehle Yeh Mujhe Lauta Dena. Be shaq ALLAH Kabhi Amanat May Khayant Nahi Karta Aur Ye Msg Bhi Apke Paas Ek Amanat Hai.. 4ward karo taki marte waqt sabi ko pehla kalma naseeb ho. Pls is msg. par Ghour karna. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 1. Wazoo kar k soney waley ki rooh "BAITULLAH" ka tawaf karti hai.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 2. Farishtey sari raat nekiyan likhtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 3. Jab karwat Badalta hai tou Frishtey Bakhshish k liye Dua kartey rehtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 80% lo0g is msg. ko forwad nahi kartey lekin agar koi joke ya dusre ki khilli ho to fauran karenge. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:56PM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    󾁁KAABA󾁁 aisi Jagah hai JisKe upar se aaj tak Koi Parinda Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Duniya Ki Kisi bhi Airline Ka Jahaz aaj tak uske upar se Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Qudrati Taur Par UsKi Direction aisi hai K Chand or Suraj bhi uske upar khade nahi ho Sakte, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Quran aur Science Ne Prove Kia K Puri Duniya Ka Center wo Jagah Hai jaha Khana-e-Kaba Taamir Hai. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 SUBHANALLAH Agar Dil Ijazat De To Apne Dosto Ko Bhi is Khubsurat Info Se Agah Kare ? Pura padna.... Kabhi b Aap ko aisi information nahi mili ho gi, k kaun se Nabi kahan pe dafan hain! 1: Adam(A.S) Sri Lanka 2: Nooh(A.S) Jordan 3: Hood(A.S) Yamen 4: Sauleh(A.S) Lebanon 5: Looth(A.S) Iraq 6: Ibrahim(A.S) Israel 7: Isaq(A.S) Palestin 8: Yaqub(A.S) Palestin 9: Yusuf(A.S) Palestin 10: Ayub(A.S) Amman 11: Shoaib(A.S) Syria 12: Ismail (A.S) Or 13: Nabi-e-PAK (S.A.W) "Saudi Arabia" mein_ aye Allah is sms ko aage bhejne wale ki hr mushkilat dur kr De, Ameen!! BEST SMS IN MY LIFE, Zaroor parhna, &, forward karna, AAP S.A.W.W K piyare bete ki wafat per AAP S.A.W.W bohat ghamgeen thay, BIBI AYESHA R.A ne AAP S.A.W.W se arz kiya k ALLAH Pak ne hr Nabi ko ye darja atta kiya hai k woh apni zindagi me koi 1,dua mang sakte hain,jo foran qabool ki jayegi, to AAP apne bete ki dobara zindagi ki dua q nahi mang lete, ALLAH Pak qabool karne wala hai, AAP S.A.W.W ne farmaya k woh dua maine aakhrat me apni "UMMAT" keliye sanbhal rakhi hai, "SUBHANALLAH" Muje nahi lagta k is se acha sms ap k mobile me hoga, is liye, Send to all Muslims.. Agr yeh dua agey fwd na kro to wapis mujhey send ker dena "Aey merey parwardigar" apney Mehboob Salallahoalaihe wasallam k sadqey main poori duniya main jitne musalman beemar hain ya preshan hain Tu unko apne karam se maaf farma or un ki beemari or preshaniyon ko door farma,, Ameen..... Aye"mere parwardigar"apne pyare Mehboob k sadqe main jsne mujhe ye dua bheji hai us k tamam gunahon ko maaf farma or hr kaam mai kamiyabi ata farma or us k naseeb khol de.."Ameen" apne liye zaroor dua krwaye najane ks ki zuban se apki taqdeer sanwar jaye. Puri kainat me nahi koi aisa: Na koi Nabi Mohammed Jaisa, Na koi Kalam Quran Jaisa, Na koi Mazhab Islam Jaisa, Na koi tohfa Namaz jaisa, Na koi Saccha Abu Bakar Jaisa, Na koi Aadil Umer Jaisa, Na koi Sakhi Usman Gani Jaisa, Na koi Bahadur Ali Jaisa, Na koi shahid Imam Hussain Jaisa, Na koi Imam Abu Hanifa Jaisa, Na koi kalimmulla Musa jaisa, Na koi sabrwala Ayyub jaisa, Na koi khubsurat Yusuf jaisa, Na koi aabid Yunus jaisa, Na koi awaz Daud jaisa, Na koi Wali Gouse-e-Azam Jaisa, Na koi Jagha Madina Jaisa, Na koi mahina ramzan jaisa, Na koi din juma jaisa Na koi sms is sms jaisa, Forwad 2 all muslim... Na Gora rang Husn ki Alamat hai, na Kala rang Badsurti ki Nishani, Kafan Safeid hokar bhi Khouf ki Alamat hai, Aur Kaaba Kaley Gilaf me bhi Ankhon ki THANDAK hai. 󾍘󾍘󾍘 .Har **Namaz**Ke Baad Pehla Kalma Padho Aur Yeh Dua Mango Ke YA ALLAH Yeh Kalma Tere Paas Meri Amanat Hai Aur Marne Se 2 Minute Pehle Yeh Mujhe Lauta Dena. Be shaq ALLAH Kabhi Amanat May Khayant Nahi Karta Aur Ye Msg Bhi Apke Paas Ek Amanat Hai.. 4ward karo taki marte waqt sabi ko pehla kalma naseeb ho. Pls is msg. par Ghour karna. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 1. Wazoo kar k soney waley ki rooh "BAITULLAH" ka tawaf karti hai.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 2. Farishtey sari raat nekiyan likhtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 3. Jab karwat Badalta hai tou Frishtey Bakhshish k liye Dua kartey rehtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 80% lo0g is msg. ko forwad nahi kartey lekin agar koi joke ya dusre ki khilli ho to fauran karenge. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:50
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 sharia - Social Mention: 4. The editors of the Economist have declared constitutionalists mentally ill. "Indeed, there is something infantile in the belief of the constitution- worshipers that the complex political arguments of today can be settled by simple fidelity to a document written in the 18th century," the editors wrote on September 23. "When history is turned into scripture and men into deities, truth is the victim." – Infowars 25 Sept. 2010 : The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family of England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front. The Constitution does not address the "hard questions thrown up by modern politics," namely should gays be allowed to marry? Soon after the Economist article appeared, the establishment publication Foreign Policy posted an article slamming the idea that we should follow the Constitution. Joshua Keating writes that he suspects "most Americans don't realize quite how old the Constitution is by world standards," that is to say globalist standards. In 2008, Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird to subvert the free press in the United States. The CFR wants "to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR, warned. In order to realize their one-world government scheme, the CFR and the ruling elite must undermine the sovereignty of the United States. Comments Here is a list of the most important owners of The Feeral Reserve as quoted from Representative Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency for 12 years as quoted from the Congressional Record ( He was murdered because of his outspokenness). See these names – and you will know who want to get rid of our constitutions, using other NGOs to undermine nation states. Subversive activity is the NWO way of creating "chaos out of order"! Their best tool is their "civil society" – a well paid body of vampire-bitten blind idealists who think they can save the world on the basis of lies (CO2–lies, multiculturalism etc.). Of course, some of them deliver fine analyses. But they are paid to deliver ideological answers to be used in the sense: "The people thinks". They replace both elections and independent opinion polls. And not only that: Vicious Rothschild agents call themselves "philanthropists", using NGOs as watchdogs to report on countries that will not open up to the globalists´ looting. Then the Illuminati turn their economic, perhaps. military thumbscrews until the "closed country" complies and opens up. Libya's and Iran's rulers are such obstinate (and unsympathetic) rulers in closed countries. Therefore, they are to be removed - at any costs! Thus the Illuminist ( explanatory statement , p. 29) world dictatorship is working - because we allow them to! In North Africa the CIA is now using civil society to stage "revolutions" – with no real changes at all. Now the NGOs have the possibility to become the bedding of a new dictatorial rule. However, this will not be possible beyond the limit set by the Muslim fundamentalists, cf. the Muslim Brotherhood and the military. For it is true: The choice in Muslim countries is secular military – or Muslim Sharia rule – in both cases dictatorship. The NGOs will have to seek support with one side or the other – are just puppets in this situation, too, also to be won by ancient Roman decadence methods.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 08:38AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    4. The editors of the Economist have declared constitutionalists mentally ill. "Indeed, there is something infantile in the belief of the constitution- worshipers that the complex political arguments of today can be settled by simple fidelity to a document written in the 18th century," the editors wrote on September 23. "When history is turned into scripture and men into deities, truth is the victim." – Infowars 25 Sept. 2010 : The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family of England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front. The Constitution does not address the "hard questions thrown up by modern politics," namely should gays be allowed to marry? Soon after the Economist article appeared, the establishment publication Foreign Policy posted an article slamming the idea that we should follow the Constitution. Joshua Keating writes that he suspects "most Americans don't realize quite how old the Constitution is by world standards," that is to say globalist standards. In 2008, Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird to subvert the free press in the United States. The CFR wants "to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR, warned. In order to realize their one-world government scheme, the CFR and the ruling elite must undermine the sovereignty of the United States. Comments Here is a list of the most important owners of The Feeral Reserve as quoted from Representative Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency for 12 years as quoted from the Congressional Record ( He was murdered because of his outspokenness). See these names – and you will know who want to get rid of our constitutions, using other NGOs to undermine nation states. Subversive activity is the NWO way of creating "chaos out of order"! Their best tool is their "civil society" – a well paid body of vampire-bitten blind idealists who think they can save the world on the basis of lies (CO2–lies, multiculturalism etc.). Of course, some of them deliver fine analyses. But they are paid to deliver ideological answers to be used in the sense: "The people thinks". They replace both elections and independent opinion polls. And not only that: Vicious Rothschild agents call themselves "philanthropists", using NGOs as watchdogs to report on countries that will not open up to the globalists´ looting. Then the Illuminati turn their economic, perhaps. military thumbscrews until the "closed country" complies and opens up. Libya's and Iran's rulers are such obstinate (and unsympathetic) rulers in closed countries. Therefore, they are to be removed - at any costs! Thus the Illuminist ( explanatory statement , p. 29) world dictatorship is working - because we allow them to! In North Africa the CIA is now using civil society to stage "revolutions" – with no real changes at all. Now the NGOs have the possibility to become the bedding of a new dictatorial rule. However, this will not be possible beyond the limit set by the Muslim fundamentalists, cf. the Muslim Brotherhood and the military. For it is true: The choice in Muslim countries is secular military – or Muslim Sharia rule – in both cases dictatorship. The NGOs will have to seek support with one side or the other – are just puppets in this situation, too, also to be won by ancient Roman decadence methods.
    Nov 19th 2013, 07:51
    LATEST.The Washington Post 4 March 2011: The Obama administration is preparing for the prospect that Islamist governments will take hold in North Africa and the Middle East, acknowledging that the popular revolutions there … could give way to more religious forces. Some within the U.S. intelligence…
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