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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

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Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
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 islamist - Social Mention: Rapping for al Qaeda in Syria A rebel fighter fires his weapon as he stands amidst rubble and debris during clashes with Syrian government forces in Deir Ezzor, Syria on November 11. More than 100,000 people have been killed, according to the United Nations, and millions uprooted from their homes and tens of thousands trapped by the relentless fighting since 2011. Click through to view the most compelling images taken since the start of the conflict. A rebel fighter prepares an improvised mortar shell in Aleppo, Syria, on November 9. Two injured men are transported on a cart in Aleppo, Syria, following shelling as fighting between pro-government forces and rebels continues on Saturday, October 26. Rebel fighters hold a position in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Thursday, October 24. More than 100,000 people have reportedly been killed in Syria since a popular uprising in 2011 spiraled into a civil war. An opposition fighter stands in the doorway of a building as he smokes a cigarette in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Tuesday, October 22. People use buckets as they try to extinguish a fire that ignited at a fuel station in Aleppo, Syria, on Sunday, October 20. A Syrian opposition fighter aims a catapult toward regime forces in Aleppo, Syria, on Thursday, October 17. An opposition fighter rests on the front lines in the northeastern Syria city of Deir Ezzor on Tuesday, October 15. Firefighters extinguish a burning vehicle after two mortar rounds struck the Abu Roumaneh area in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday, October 12. An opposition fighter aims as others run for cover while they hold a position behind burning tires in the Salaheddin district of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Wednesday, October 9. An opposition fighter smokes a cigarette as he takes a break following the injury of his friend in the Salaheddin neighborhood of Aleppo on October 9. An opposition fighter from the Al-Ikhlas brigade guards a post in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Wednesday, October 9. Smoke rises after a mortar shell hit a residential area during fighting between Syrian government forces and rebels in Maaret al-Numan, Syria, on October, 9. Rebel fighters cover a car in mud for camouflage at an undisclosed location in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib on Tuesday, October 8. Masked female rebel fighters walk alongside their trainer on a street in the Salaheddin district of Aleppo, Syria, on October 8. A rebel fighter prays moments before heading into battle in Maaret al-Numan, Syria, on Monday, October 7. A mother comforts her baby in an area where she and her family have taken shelter after fleeing their village turned battlefield in Syria's Idlib province on Sunday, September 22. A man checks an AK-47 at his gun shop in Aleppo, Syria, on Saturday, September 21. Free Syrian Army fighters take cover moments after firing a rocket toward government forces in the Idlib province of northern Syria on Friday, September 20. Free Syrian Army fighters take cover during clashes with government forces in Idlib province on September 20. Rebel fighters inspect a stairwell amid fighting against Syrian government forces on Thursday, September 19, in the Saif al-Dawla district of Aleppo, Syria. A Syrian child sits in a village in the Idlib province countryside on Septeptember 19. Opposition fighters react after returning from the battlefield in the Idlib province countryside on September 19. Smoke rises after a bomb was thrown from a helicopter, hitting a rebel position during heavy fighting between troops loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opposition fighters in the Idlib province on September 19. A Syrian opposition fighter watches as heavy fighting erupts in the neighboring village of Kafr Nabuda in the Idlib province on September 19. Rebel fighters aim their weapons during fighting against Syrian government forces on September 19 in the Saif al-Dawla district of Aleppo. Rebel fighters duck behind a barricade from firing in Aleppo on Wednesday, September 18. AFP reporter Sammy Ketz hits the ground as a Syrian soldier runs past during sniper fire in Maalula on September 18. Ketz and a photographer were reporting on the ancient Christian Syrian town northeast of Damascus. A Syrian opposition fighter takes a break on a mountain near a rebel camp in Idlib province on September 18. A Free Syrian Army fighter rests inside a cave at a rebel camp in Idlib province on Tuesday, September 17. Rebels gather on a square in Damascus' Shebaa district on September 17. Volunteers wear protective gear to show a class how to respond to a chemical attack in Aleppo, Syria, on September 15. For two months, Mohammad Zayed, an Aleppo University student, has been training a group of 26 civilians to respond to a chemical attack. Syria's pro-Assad militia rest near Maalula, Syria, on Friday, September 13. Pro-Assad soldiers leave a checkpoint that they control in Maalula, Syria, on September 13. Syrian soldiers take aim at rebel fighters positioned in the mountains of the Christian town of Maalula on September 13. Rebels parade at a former military academy north of Aleppo during a September 13 ceremony to mark an agreement to unite two rebel brigade forces. A fighter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command squats next to the covered body of an alleged foreign rebel fighter in the Yarmouk refugee camp in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Thursday, September 12. An opposition fighter runs in front of a sniper curtain in the industrial area of Deir Ezzor, Syria, during clashes with regime forces on September 12. A sheet hangs across an alley way to shield fighters from sniper fire as a fighter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command walks past destroyed buildings in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, Syria, on September 12. A Syrian pro-government soldier aims his rifle as he patrols the streets of the Christian town of Maalula on Wednesday, September 11. A Free Syrian Army fighter stands guard inside a damaged house in Aleppo's Qastal al-Harami neighborhood on September 11. Free Syrian Army fighters climb a flight of stairs to take positions near the Hanano barracks on September 11. A Syrian government tank is seen during clashes with Free Syrian Army fighters in Maaloula, Syria, on September 11. A funeral is held on September 11 for three Christian Syrians killed during battles with an al Qaeda-linked rebel group that took control of the historic Christian town of Maaloula from regime forces during the weekend. A man walks through a destroyed residential area of Saraqib, Syria, on Monday, September 9, following repeated airstrikes by government forces. A soldier wears a picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on his chest while at a market in old Damascus on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter prays in a trench in the Damascus suburbs on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes up a shooting position in Aleppo on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter runs for cover in Raqqa province on September 8. Buildings are heavily damaged in the Salah al-Din area of Aleppo on September 8. A boy named Issa, 10, carries a mortar shell in a weapons factory of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo on Saturday, September 7. The boy works with his father in the factory. Issa fixes a mortar launcher in the Aleppo weapons factory on September 7. A bedroom lies in ruins after clashes between government forces and rebels around Ariha on September 7. Rebels prepare explosive devices for fighting with government forces on September 7 in Deir Ezzor. Syrian forces are seen in the Syrian Christian town of Maaloula on September 7. A Syrian soldier prepares large-caliber bullets for a machine gun in Maaloula on September 7. A man stands inside a home damaged by heavy shelling in Arbeen, a suburb of Damascus, Syria, on September 7. Men gather on the remains of a destroyed building after reported airstrikes by Syrian government forces in the rebel-held northwestern Syrian province of Idlib on Thursday, September 5. Men observe the wreckage of a motorbike in the Syrian province of Idlib on September 5. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog said that Syrian war planes bombed rebel-held areas in Idlib, Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia. A Free Syrian Army fighter looks through a hole from behind sandbags, while a fellow fighter reads the Quran in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Tuesday, September 3. The United States and other Western nations blame the Assad regime for a chemical weapons attack that's believed to have killed more than 1,400 people. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes cover as he watches forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad near Hanano barracks in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter is seen through a hole in a wall of a building in Aleppo on September 3. Free Syrian Army fighters walk inside a damaged house in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter walks through a hole in a wall in Aleppo on September 3. Free Syrian Army fighters talk inside a burnt house in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter peeks through the curtains of a bedroom in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, on Monday, September 2. Free Syrian Army fighters take their positions behind piled sandbags, as one of them points his weapon, in Deir ez-Zor on September 2. A rebel fighter points his weapon at Syrian regime forces in Deir ez-Zor on September 2. Syrian firefighters try to extinguish a fire after a missile hit a residential building in Damascus, Syria, on September 2. A U.N. arms expert collects samples during an inspection of a suspected chemical weapons strike site in the Ghouta area outside Damascus on August 29. People search for belongings in rubble in Raqqa, Syria, on August 29. Free Syrian Army fighters launch a rocket toward forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Deir Ezzor on August 29. A Syrian Kurd uses hay to hide another woman in a training session organized by the Kurdish Women's Defense Units on Wednesday, August 28, in a northern Syrian border village. They're preparing if the area comes under attack. Free Syrian Army fighters escort U.N. vehicles with chemical weapons experts on August 28 through a site of a suspected chemical weapons attack outside Damascus. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes position behind sandbags in the old city of Aleppo, Syria, on Tuesday, August 27. A U.N. team leaves its Damascus, Syria, hotel in a convoy on Monday, August 26. The team was to investigate an alleged chemical attack that killed hundreds last week in a suburb of the Syrian capital. Sniper fire hit a vehicle used by the U.N. chemical weapons investigation team multiple times Monday, according to the United Nations. A Syrian soldier walks down a street in Damascus on Saturday, August 24. Pigeons lie dead on the ground on August 24 from after what activists say is the use of chemical weapons by government forces in the Damascus suburb of Arbeen. Columns of smoke rise in Barzeh after heavy shelling on Friday, August 23. A young Free Syrian Army fighter is reflected in a mirror as he takes position in a house in Aleppo on Thursday, August 22. Rebels move around a building in Aleppo on August 22. Syrian rebels claim pro-government forces used chemical weapons to kill citizens outside Damascus on Wednesday, August 21. People inspect bodies in this photo released by the Syrian opposition Shaam News Network. People search the rubble of a bombed building in Aleppo, Syria, on Friday, August 16. Men bury the bodies of six members of the same family killed in a bombing in Raqqa on Saturday, August 10. Syrian Army soldiers patrol a devastated street in Homs on Wednesday, July 31. Free Syrian Army fighters move through a hole in a wall in Khan al-Assal on Monday, July 22, after seizing the town. A rebel fighter walks past swings in a deserted playground in Deir al-Zor, Syria, on Sunday, July 21. A rebel fighter speaks with a fellow fighter through a hole in a wall in Deir al-Zor on July 21. A Free Syrian Army fighter casts a shadow on a wall as he carries his weapon in a shelter in Deir al-Zor on Thursday, July 18. Yahya Sweed, 13, is comforted by his father as he lies on a bed in Kfar Nubul on Tuesday, July 16. The boy was injured by shrapnel, resulting in the amputation of his right leg. A rebel fighter naps in a trench about 300 feet from the Syrian government forces' positions along the highway connecting Idlib with Latakia on Monday, July 15. A rebel fighter uses a hole in the wall of a destroyed school to aim at Syrian government forces in the Izaa district of Aleppo on Sunday, July 14. A Free Syrian Army fighter uses a mirror to scope out snipers loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo on Friday, July 12. A Free Syrian Army fighter stands over a boy who was injured during shelling in Al-Bara on Monday, July 8. Members of the Free Syrian Army fire a homemade rocket toward regime forces in Deir al-Zor on Sunday, June 16. Syrian rebels leave their position in the northwestern town of Maaret al-Numan on Thursday, June 13. The White House said that the Syrian government has crossed a "red line" with its use of chemical weapons and announced it would start arming the rebels. Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are seen near Qusayr on Thursday, May 30. Syrian rebels take position in a house during clashes with regime forces in the old city of Aleppo on May 22. Syrian army soldiers take control of the village of Western Dumayna north of the rebel-held city of Qusayr on Monday, May 13. Syrian troops captured three villages in Homs province, allowing them to cut supply lines to rebels inside Qusayr town, a military officer told AFP. Rebel fighters fire at government forces in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Sunday, May 12. Searchers use a flashlight as they look for survivors among the rubble created by what activists say was a missile attack from the Syrian regime, in Raqqa province, Syria, on April 25. A Kurdish fighter from the "Popular Protection Units" (YPG) takes position inside a building in the majority-Kurdish Sheikh Maqsood area of Aleppo, on Apri. 21. People walk past destroyed houses in the northern Syrian town of Azaz on Sunday, April 21. Free Syrian Army fighters take positions prior to an offensive against government forces in the Khan al-Assal area, near Aleppo on Saturday, April 20. Men inspect damage at a house destroyed in an airstrike in Aleppo on April 15. Syrian and Kurdish rebel fighters walk in the Sheikh Maqsud district of Aleppo on April 14. A female rebel monitors the movement of Syrian government forces in Aleppo's Sheikh Maqsud neighborhood on Thursday, April 11. A rebel runs to avoid sniper fire from Syrian government forces in Aleppo on April 11. Syrian rebels observe the movement of Syrian government forces around Al-Kendi hospital in Aleppo on Wednesday, April 10. Rescue teams and security forces check out the scene of a deadly car bomb explosion in Damascus on April 8. The fighting has taken a toll on buildings in Aleppo's Saladin district, seen here on April 8. A Syrian rebel runs for cover in Deir ez-Zor on April 2. A rebel checks for snipers across the street toward the Citadel in Aleppo, Syria, on Saturday, March 30, in this photo taken by iReporter Lee Harper. A Free Syrian fighter mourns the death of a friend in Aleppo on March 30, in this photo taken by iReporter Lee Harper. A Syrian opposition fighter runs for cover from Syrian army snipers in Aleppo on Wednesday, March 27. A Syrian girl covers her face to protect herself from fumes as a street covered with uncollected garbage is fumigated in Aleppo on Sunday, March 24. A Syrian man and his family drive past damaged buildings in Maarat al-Numan, on Wednesday, March 20. Syrians carry the body of a Syrian army soldier during a funeral ceremony in Idlib province on Tuesday, March 19. Syrian rebels take position in Aleppo, the largest city in the country, on March 11. Syrian men search for their relatives amongst the bodies of civilians executed and dumped in the Quweiq River on March 11. A Free Syrian Army fighter looks back as smoke rises during fighting between rebel fighters and forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad on the outskirts of Aleppo on Saturday, March 2. Residents read Shaam News newspapers published by the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo on March 2. A member of the Free Syrian Army reacts to the death of a comrade who was killed in fighting, at Bustan al Qasr cemetery in Aleppo on Friday, March 1. A rebel fighter throws a home-made grenade at Syrian government forces in Aleppo on February 16. A member of the Free Syrian Army stands with his weapon as he looks at a rainbow in Aleppo on February 16. A Syrian woman looks through a bus window in Aleppo on February 14. Free Syrian Army fighters walk through a dust-filled stairwell in Damascus on February 7. A Syrian rebel gestures at comrades from inside a broken armored personnel carrier in Al-Yaqubia on February 6. A rebel fighter throws a hand grenade inside a Syrian Army base in Damascus on February 3. People stand in the dust of a building destroyed in an airstrike in Aleppo, Syria on February 3. Free Syrian Army fighters run as they enter a Syrian Army base during heavy fighting in the Arabeen neighborhood of Damascus on February 3. An unexploded mortar shell fired by the Syrian Army sits lodged in the ground in Damascus on January 25. Fighters from Fateh al Sham unit of the Free Syrian Army fire on Syrian Army soldiers at a check point in Damascus on January 20. A Free Syrian Army fighter walks between buildings damaged during Syrian Air Force strikes in Damascus on January 19. A Syrian rebel fighter tries to locate a government jet fighter in Aleppo on January 18. Syrian rebels launch a missile near the Abu Baker brigade in Albab on January 16. A Syrian boy walks near rubbish next to tents at a refugee camp near the northern city of Azaz on the Syria-Turkey border, on January 8. Syrians look for survivors amid the rubble of a building targeted by a missile in Aleppo on January 7. A father reacts after hearing of a shelling by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo on January 3. A patient smokes a cigarette at Dar Al-Ajaza psychiatric hospital in Aleppo on December 18, 2012. The psychiatric ward, housing around 60 patients, has lacked the means to function properly since fighting broke out there in July. Syrians mourn a fallen rebel fighter at a rebel base in the al-Fardos area of Aleppo on December 8, 2012. Members of Liwa (Brigade) Salahadin, a Kurdish military unit fighting alongside rebel fighters, monitor the area in the besieged district of Karmel al-Jabl in Aleppo on December 6, 2012. A member of Liwa Salahadin aims at a regime fighter in the besieged district of Karmel al-Jabl in Aleppo on December 6, 2012. Two young boys sit underneath a washline in a refugee camp on the border between Syria and Turkey near Azaz on December 5, 2012. The bodies of three children, who were allegedly killed in a mortar shell attack that landed close to a bakery in Aleppo, on December 2, 2012, are laid out for identification by family members at a makeshift hospital at an undisclosed location of the city. Smoke rises in the Hanano and Bustan al-Basha districts in Aleppo on December 1, 2012 as fighting continues through the night. Damaged houses in Aleppo are seen after an airstrike on November 29, 2012. A Syrian rebel mourns the death of a comrade in Maraat al-Numan on November 20, 2012. Syrians protesters stand on Assad's portrait during an anti-regime demonstration in Aleppo on November 16, 2012. A Syrian rebel takes cover during fighting against Syrian government forces in Aleppo on November 15, 2012. Syrian opposition fighter Bazel Araj, 19, sleeps next to his pistol in Aleppo on November 11, 2012. A rebel fighter fires at a Syrian government position in Aleppo on November 6, 2012. A Syrian rebel leaps over debris left in the street while running across a "sniper alley" near the Salahudeen district in Aleppo on November 4, 2012. Rebels hold their position in the midst of a battle on November 3, 2012 in Aleppo. A man cries while being treated in a local hospital in a rebel-controlled area of Aleppo on October 31, 2012. A man is treated for wounds after a government jet attacked the Karm al-Aser neighborhood in eastern Aleppo on October 31, 2012. A Syrian rebel interrogates a handcuffed and blindfolded man suspected of being a pro-regime militiaman in Aleppo on October 26, 2012. Smoke rises from a fuel station following a mortar attack as Syrian women walk on a rainy day in the Arqub neighborhood of Aleppo on October 25, 2012. A Syrian rebel fires at an army position in the Karm al-Jabal district of Aleppo on October 22, 2012. A wounded Syrian boy sits on the back of a truck carrying victims and wounded people to a hospital following an attack by regime forces in Aleppo on October 21, 2012. A man lies on the ground after being shot by a sniper for a second time as he waits to be rescued by members of the Al-Baraa Bin Malek Battalion, part of the Free Syria Army's Al-Fatah brigade, in Aleppo on October 20, 2012. Syrian army soldiers run for cover during clashes with rebel fighters at Karam al-Jabal neighborhood of Aleppo on October 20, 2012. Smoke rises after a Syrian Air Force fighter jet fired missiles at the suburbs of the northern province of Idlib on October 16, 2012. A Syrian opposition fighter stands near a post in Aleppo on October 11, 2012. A Syrian man mourns the death of his father, who was killed during a government attack in Aleppo on October 10, 2012. A rebel fighter is carried by his friends and laid on a gurney to be treated for gunshot wounds sustained during heavy battles with government forces in Aleppo on October 1, 2012. Syrian rebels help a wounded comrade to an Aleppo hospital after he was injured in a Syrian army strike on September 18, 2012. Free Syria Army fighters are reflected in a mirror they use to see a Syrian Army post only 50 meters away in Aleppo on September 16, 2012. A Syrian man carrying grocery bags tries to dodge sniper fire as he runs through an alley near a checkpoint manned by the Free Syria Army in Aleppo on September 14, 2012. A woman walks past a destroyed building in Aleppo on September 13, 2012. Free Syrian Army fighters battle during street fighting against Syrian army soldiers in Aleppo on September 8, 2012. A Syrian man wounded by shelling sits on a chair outside a closed shop in Aleppo on September 4, 2012. A woman sits in her wheelchair next to her house, damaged by a Syrian air raid, near Homs on August 26, 2012. Members of the Free Syrian Army clash with Syrian army soliders in Aleppo's Saif al-Dawla district on August 22, 2012. A man mourns in front of a field hospital on August 21, 2012 in Aleppo. Wounded civilians wait in a field hospital after an air strike on August 21, 2012 in Aleppo. People pray during the funeral of a Free Syrian Army fighter, Amar Ali Amero, on August 21, 2012. A man cries near the graves of his two children killed during a recent Syrian airstrike in Azaz on August 20, 2012. A Syrian woman holds her dead baby as she screams upon seeing her husband's body being covered following an airstrike by regime forces on the town of Azaz on August 15, 2012. A Syrian rebel runs in a street of Selehattin during an attack on the municipal building on July 23, 2012. Syrian rebels hunt for snipers after attacking the municipality building in the city center of Selehattin on July 23, 2012. Members of the Free Syrian Army's Mugaweer (commandos) Brigade pay their respects in a cemetery on May 12, 2012 in Qusayr. Syrian rebels take position near Qusayr on May 10, 2012. A Free Syrian Army member takes cover in underground caves in Sarmin on April 9, 2012. Rebels prepare to engage government tanks that advanced into Saraquib on April 9, 2012. Men say prayers during a ceremony in Binnish on April 9, 2012. A young boy plays with a toy gun in Binnish on April 9, 2012. A Free Syrian Army rebel mounts his horse in the Al-Shatouria village near the Turkish border in northwestern Syria on March 16, 2012, a year after the uprising began. Syrian refugees walk across a field before crossing into Turkey on March 14, 2012. A rebel takes position in Al-Qsair on January 27, 2012. A protester in Homs throws a tear gas bomb back towards security forces, on December 27, 2011. A man stands under a giant Syrian flag outside the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus on December 24, 2011. A member of the Free Syrian Army looks out over a valley in the village of Ain al-Baida on December 15, 2011. Members of the Free Syrian Army stand in an valley near the village of Ain al-Baida, close to the Turkish border, on December 15, 2011. Displaced Syrian refugees walk through an orchard adjacent to Syria's northern border with Turkey on June 14, 2011, near Khirbet al-Jouz. A Syrian man holds up a portrait of President Bashar al-Assad during a rally to show support for the president in Damascus on April 30, 2011. Syrians rally to show their support for President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on April 30, 2011. A screen grab from YouTube shows thick smoke rising above as Syrian anti-government protesters demonstrate in Moaret Al-Noman on April 29, 2011. A screen grab from YouTube shows Syrian anti-government protesters run for cover from tear gas fired by security forces in Damascus on April 29, 2011, during the "Day of Rage" demonstrations called by activists to put pressure on al-Assad. A woman sits by the hospital bed of a man allegedly injured when an armed group seized rooftops in Latakia on March 27, 2011, and opened fire at passers-by, citizens and security forces personnel according to official sources. Syrians wave their national flag and hold portraits of al-Assad during a rally to show their support for their leader in Damascus on March 29, 2011. Syrian protesters chant slogans in support of al-Assad during a rally in Damascus on March 25, 2011. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Germany's Deso Dogg converted to Islam, taped propaganda for al Qaeda Peter Bergen: Jihadists have shifted focus from Afghanistan-Pakistan to Syria He says the influx of foreign fighters into Syria worries terrorism experts Bergen: It's feared they could learn terror techniques they will take home and use Editor's note: Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation and the author of "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden -- From 9/11 to Abbottabad." Tim Maurer is a policy analyst at New America. (CNN) -- In August, al Qaeda's propaganda arm released a video starring the German rapper Deso Dogg. Wearing combat fatigues and standing next to a waterfall in Syria, Deso Dogg raps in German calling on others to join the jihad and "to make an effort for Paradise." Deso Dogg, whose real name is Denis Cuspert, is one of several dozen German citizens who have fought in Syria. Their move to Syria marks an important shift in the focus of global jihadists. Videos by German militants training with groups associated with al Qaeda during 2009 and 2010 were invariably taped in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. That region now is largely shunned by foreign militants partly because of effective CIA drones strikes and partly because Syria is now the destination choice for jihadists from around the world. Deso Dogg is one of the many thousands of foreign fighters who have been drawn to the jihad in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad over the past three years. This group includes an estimated 800 to 900 from Europe, mostly from Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. A handful of Americans have also fought in Syria. The concern, of course, is that these militants will swap business cards and will acquire arms training and bomb-making skills and will return to Western countries and carry out acts of terrorism. This is what happened after the war in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Arab veterans of those wars formed the heart of al Qaeda and affiliated groups. Osama bin Laden fought in the Afghan War against the Soviets and then founded al Qaeda, which subsequently, of course, launched the 9/11 attacks. The failure to pay adequate attention to the so-called "Afghan Arabs" such as bin Laden proved an expensive one for the United Sates and her allies. Could Syria be a new Afghanistan? Maybe. Last month, for instance, British authorities arrested militants who were allegedly planning a terrorist attack. Two British officials who work on counterterrorism issues told us that that the militants had traveled to Syria. The rapper formerly known as Deso Dogg appears in a video posted on YouTube. The 37-year-old Deso Dogg was born in Berlin. His mother is German and his father from the West African nation of Ghana. As a teenager, he became politicized during the first Gulf War, joining anti-American demonstrations in Berlin. "We marched, shouted and burned the American flag," Cuspert recalled. Cuspert joined Berlin street gangs and became a popular artist in the German gangsta-rap scene, known by his nom de rap "Deso Dogg" and touring with other rappers such as DMX. After surviving a car accident, he started questioning his lifestyle and turned to Islam for answers. In 2010, he ended his career as a rapper. Deso Dogg changed his name again to "Abu Talha al-Almani" and his rap songs became nasheeds, Islamic devotional songs. Cuspert's nasheeds were posted on jihadist websites and became popular among al Qaeda supporters. The ex-rapper went on to become one of the key figures in the militant Millatu-Ibrahim group in Germany. The group was banned by the German government last year and several of its members, including Cuspert, moved to Egypt to avoid possible arrest by German authorities. Cuspert's whereabouts remained unclear for many months until the video was released in August showing him to be in Syria and rapping about the duty to "go into battle." Some 6,000 to 10,000 foreign fighters from more than 80 countries are believed to have traveled to Syria since the beginning of the conflict to join the rebels who aim to topple al-Assad's regime. Close to 800 of those foreigners are from Saudi Arabia. Tunisia and Libya are the next highest contributors, according to residents and analysts, but Chechnya, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates have also seen citizens join the rebel forces in Syria. Not all of these fighters have joined al-Qaeda linked groups in Syria, but it is likely that many of them have done so because they are generally Sunni militants who are drawn to the conflict for religious reasons. Canadian news reports estimate the number of Canadian citizens fighting in Syria range from a few dozen to as many as 100. An American filmmaker, Bilal Abdul Kareen, who lived with an Islamist group in Syria for a year said he met with 20 to 30 Canadians. Experts say the number of Americans fighting in Syria is likely less than 10. Eric Harroun, a former U.S. solider, was charged this year with conspiring to use a rocket-propelled grenade in Syria, and he admitted to fighting with the al Qaeda affiliate group, al-Nusra. Nicole Mansfield of Flint, Michigan, was killed in May by Syrian government forces who claimed she was fighting with an al Qaeda linked insurgent group. How to prevent the foreign fighters in Syria fomenting acts of terrorism around the world? The United States and its allies should make a careful effort to find out the identities of the foreign fighters who have joined the jihadist groups fighting in Syria. And the U.S. should make clear to countries such as Saudi Arabia, which is supplying hundreds of Saudi fighters in Syria, that encouraging this kind of militancy could create a "blowback" problem in the Middle East in the form of terrorism directed at Arab regimes. As for the former Deso Dogg, in September a jihadi forum released a statement saying that the German ex-rapper had been wounded by an air strike in Syria. Follow us on Twitter @CNNOpinion. Join us on Facebook/CNNOpinion.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Rapping for al Qaeda in Syria A rebel fighter fires his weapon as he stands amidst rubble and debris during clashes with Syrian government forces in Deir Ezzor, Syria on November 11. More than 100,000 people have been killed, according to the United Nations, and millions uprooted from their homes and tens of thousands trapped by the relentless fighting since 2011. Click through to view the most compelling images taken since the start of the conflict. A rebel fighter prepares an improvised mortar shell in Aleppo, Syria, on November 9. Two injured men are transported on a cart in Aleppo, Syria, following shelling as fighting between pro-government forces and rebels continues on Saturday, October 26. Rebel fighters hold a position in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Thursday, October 24. More than 100,000 people have reportedly been killed in Syria since a popular uprising in 2011 spiraled into a civil war. An opposition fighter stands in the doorway of a building as he smokes a cigarette in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Tuesday, October 22. People use buckets as they try to extinguish a fire that ignited at a fuel station in Aleppo, Syria, on Sunday, October 20. A Syrian opposition fighter aims a catapult toward regime forces in Aleppo, Syria, on Thursday, October 17. An opposition fighter rests on the front lines in the northeastern Syria city of Deir Ezzor on Tuesday, October 15. Firefighters extinguish a burning vehicle after two mortar rounds struck the Abu Roumaneh area in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday, October 12. An opposition fighter aims as others run for cover while they hold a position behind burning tires in the Salaheddin district of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Wednesday, October 9. An opposition fighter smokes a cigarette as he takes a break following the injury of his friend in the Salaheddin neighborhood of Aleppo on October 9. An opposition fighter from the Al-Ikhlas brigade guards a post in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Wednesday, October 9. Smoke rises after a mortar shell hit a residential area during fighting between Syrian government forces and rebels in Maaret al-Numan, Syria, on October, 9. Rebel fighters cover a car in mud for camouflage at an undisclosed location in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib on Tuesday, October 8. Masked female rebel fighters walk alongside their trainer on a street in the Salaheddin district of Aleppo, Syria, on October 8. A rebel fighter prays moments before heading into battle in Maaret al-Numan, Syria, on Monday, October 7. A mother comforts her baby in an area where she and her family have taken shelter after fleeing their village turned battlefield in Syria's Idlib province on Sunday, September 22. A man checks an AK-47 at his gun shop in Aleppo, Syria, on Saturday, September 21. Free Syrian Army fighters take cover moments after firing a rocket toward government forces in the Idlib province of northern Syria on Friday, September 20. Free Syrian Army fighters take cover during clashes with government forces in Idlib province on September 20. Rebel fighters inspect a stairwell amid fighting against Syrian government forces on Thursday, September 19, in the Saif al-Dawla district of Aleppo, Syria. A Syrian child sits in a village in the Idlib province countryside on Septeptember 19. Opposition fighters react after returning from the battlefield in the Idlib province countryside on September 19. Smoke rises after a bomb was thrown from a helicopter, hitting a rebel position during heavy fighting between troops loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opposition fighters in the Idlib province on September 19. A Syrian opposition fighter watches as heavy fighting erupts in the neighboring village of Kafr Nabuda in the Idlib province on September 19. Rebel fighters aim their weapons during fighting against Syrian government forces on September 19 in the Saif al-Dawla district of Aleppo. Rebel fighters duck behind a barricade from firing in Aleppo on Wednesday, September 18. AFP reporter Sammy Ketz hits the ground as a Syrian soldier runs past during sniper fire in Maalula on September 18. Ketz and a photographer were reporting on the ancient Christian Syrian town northeast of Damascus. A Syrian opposition fighter takes a break on a mountain near a rebel camp in Idlib province on September 18. A Free Syrian Army fighter rests inside a cave at a rebel camp in Idlib province on Tuesday, September 17. Rebels gather on a square in Damascus' Shebaa district on September 17. Volunteers wear protective gear to show a class how to respond to a chemical attack in Aleppo, Syria, on September 15. For two months, Mohammad Zayed, an Aleppo University student, has been training a group of 26 civilians to respond to a chemical attack. Syria's pro-Assad militia rest near Maalula, Syria, on Friday, September 13. Pro-Assad soldiers leave a checkpoint that they control in Maalula, Syria, on September 13. Syrian soldiers take aim at rebel fighters positioned in the mountains of the Christian town of Maalula on September 13. Rebels parade at a former military academy north of Aleppo during a September 13 ceremony to mark an agreement to unite two rebel brigade forces. A fighter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command squats next to the covered body of an alleged foreign rebel fighter in the Yarmouk refugee camp in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Thursday, September 12. An opposition fighter runs in front of a sniper curtain in the industrial area of Deir Ezzor, Syria, during clashes with regime forces on September 12. A sheet hangs across an alley way to shield fighters from sniper fire as a fighter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command walks past destroyed buildings in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, Syria, on September 12. A Syrian pro-government soldier aims his rifle as he patrols the streets of the Christian town of Maalula on Wednesday, September 11. A Free Syrian Army fighter stands guard inside a damaged house in Aleppo's Qastal al-Harami neighborhood on September 11. Free Syrian Army fighters climb a flight of stairs to take positions near the Hanano barracks on September 11. A Syrian government tank is seen during clashes with Free Syrian Army fighters in Maaloula, Syria, on September 11. A funeral is held on September 11 for three Christian Syrians killed during battles with an al Qaeda-linked rebel group that took control of the historic Christian town of Maaloula from regime forces during the weekend. A man walks through a destroyed residential area of Saraqib, Syria, on Monday, September 9, following repeated airstrikes by government forces. A soldier wears a picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on his chest while at a market in old Damascus on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter prays in a trench in the Damascus suburbs on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes up a shooting position in Aleppo on September 8. A Free Syrian Army fighter runs for cover in Raqqa province on September 8. Buildings are heavily damaged in the Salah al-Din area of Aleppo on September 8. A boy named Issa, 10, carries a mortar shell in a weapons factory of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo on Saturday, September 7. The boy works with his father in the factory. Issa fixes a mortar launcher in the Aleppo weapons factory on September 7. A bedroom lies in ruins after clashes between government forces and rebels around Ariha on September 7. Rebels prepare explosive devices for fighting with government forces on September 7 in Deir Ezzor. Syrian forces are seen in the Syrian Christian town of Maaloula on September 7. A Syrian soldier prepares large-caliber bullets for a machine gun in Maaloula on September 7. A man stands inside a home damaged by heavy shelling in Arbeen, a suburb of Damascus, Syria, on September 7. Men gather on the remains of a destroyed building after reported airstrikes by Syrian government forces in the rebel-held northwestern Syrian province of Idlib on Thursday, September 5. Men observe the wreckage of a motorbike in the Syrian province of Idlib on September 5. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog said that Syrian war planes bombed rebel-held areas in Idlib, Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia. A Free Syrian Army fighter looks through a hole from behind sandbags, while a fellow fighter reads the Quran in Deir Ezzor, Syria, on Tuesday, September 3. The United States and other Western nations blame the Assad regime for a chemical weapons attack that's believed to have killed more than 1,400 people. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes cover as he watches forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad near Hanano barracks in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter is seen through a hole in a wall of a building in Aleppo on September 3. Free Syrian Army fighters walk inside a damaged house in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter walks through a hole in a wall in Aleppo on September 3. Free Syrian Army fighters talk inside a burnt house in Aleppo on September 3. A Free Syrian Army fighter peeks through the curtains of a bedroom in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, on Monday, September 2. Free Syrian Army fighters take their positions behind piled sandbags, as one of them points his weapon, in Deir ez-Zor on September 2. A rebel fighter points his weapon at Syrian regime forces in Deir ez-Zor on September 2. Syrian firefighters try to extinguish a fire after a missile hit a residential building in Damascus, Syria, on September 2. A U.N. arms expert collects samples during an inspection of a suspected chemical weapons strike site in the Ghouta area outside Damascus on August 29. People search for belongings in rubble in Raqqa, Syria, on August 29. Free Syrian Army fighters launch a rocket toward forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Deir Ezzor on August 29. A Syrian Kurd uses hay to hide another woman in a training session organized by the Kurdish Women's Defense Units on Wednesday, August 28, in a northern Syrian border village. They're preparing if the area comes under attack. Free Syrian Army fighters escort U.N. vehicles with chemical weapons experts on August 28 through a site of a suspected chemical weapons attack outside Damascus. A Free Syrian Army fighter takes position behind sandbags in the old city of Aleppo, Syria, on Tuesday, August 27. A U.N. team leaves its Damascus, Syria, hotel in a convoy on Monday, August 26. The team was to investigate an alleged chemical attack that killed hundreds last week in a suburb of the Syrian capital. Sniper fire hit a vehicle used by the U.N. chemical weapons investigation team multiple times Monday, according to the United Nations. A Syrian soldier walks down a street in Damascus on Saturday, August 24. Pigeons lie dead on the ground on August 24 from after what activists say is the use of chemical weapons by government forces in the Damascus suburb of Arbeen. Columns of smoke rise in Barzeh after heavy shelling on Friday, August 23. A young Free Syrian Army fighter is reflected in a mirror as he takes position in a house in Aleppo on Thursday, August 22. Rebels move around a building in Aleppo on August 22. Syrian rebels claim pro-government forces used chemical weapons to kill citizens outside Damascus on Wednesday, August 21. People inspect bodies in this photo released by the Syrian opposition Shaam News Network. People search the rubble of a bombed building in Aleppo, Syria, on Friday, August 16. Men bury the bodies of six members of the same family killed in a bombing in Raqqa on Saturday, August 10. Syrian Army soldiers patrol a devastated street in Homs on Wednesday, July 31. Free Syrian Army fighters move through a hole in a wall in Khan al-Assal on Monday, July 22, after seizing the town. A rebel fighter walks past swings in a deserted playground in Deir al-Zor, Syria, on Sunday, July 21. A rebel fighter speaks with a fellow fighter through a hole in a wall in Deir al-Zor on July 21. A Free Syrian Army fighter casts a shadow on a wall as he carries his weapon in a shelter in Deir al-Zor on Thursday, July 18. Yahya Sweed, 13, is comforted by his father as he lies on a bed in Kfar Nubul on Tuesday, July 16. The boy was injured by shrapnel, resulting in the amputation of his right leg. A rebel fighter naps in a trench about 300 feet from the Syrian government forces' positions along the highway connecting Idlib with Latakia on Monday, July 15. A rebel fighter uses a hole in the wall of a destroyed school to aim at Syrian government forces in the Izaa district of Aleppo on Sunday, July 14. A Free Syrian Army fighter uses a mirror to scope out snipers loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo on Friday, July 12. A Free Syrian Army fighter stands over a boy who was injured during shelling in Al-Bara on Monday, July 8. Members of the Free Syrian Army fire a homemade rocket toward regime forces in Deir al-Zor on Sunday, June 16. Syrian rebels leave their position in the northwestern town of Maaret al-Numan on Thursday, June 13. The White House said that the Syrian government has crossed a "red line" with its use of chemical weapons and announced it would start arming the rebels. Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are seen near Qusayr on Thursday, May 30. Syrian rebels take position in a house during clashes with regime forces in the old city of Aleppo on May 22. Syrian army soldiers take control of the village of Western Dumayna north of the rebel-held city of Qusayr on Monday, May 13. Syrian troops captured three villages in Homs province, allowing them to cut supply lines to rebels inside Qusayr town, a military officer told AFP. Rebel fighters fire at government forces in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Sunday, May 12. Searchers use a flashlight as they look for survivors among the rubble created by what activists say was a missile attack from the Syrian regime, in Raqqa province, Syria, on April 25. A Kurdish fighter from the "Popular Protection Units" (YPG) takes position inside a building in the majority-Kurdish Sheikh Maqsood area of Aleppo, on Apri. 21. People walk past destroyed houses in the northern Syrian town of Azaz on Sunday, April 21. Free Syrian Army fighters take positions prior to an offensive against government forces in the Khan al-Assal area, near Aleppo on Saturday, April 20. Men inspect damage at a house destroyed in an airstrike in Aleppo on April 15. Syrian and Kurdish rebel fighters walk in the Sheikh Maqsud district of Aleppo on April 14. A female rebel monitors the movement of Syrian government forces in Aleppo's Sheikh Maqsud neighborhood on Thursday, April 11. A rebel runs to avoid sniper fire from Syrian government forces in Aleppo on April 11. Syrian rebels observe the movement of Syrian government forces around Al-Kendi hospital in Aleppo on Wednesday, April 10. Rescue teams and security forces check out the scene of a deadly car bomb explosion in Damascus on April 8. The fighting has taken a toll on buildings in Aleppo's Saladin district, seen here on April 8. A Syrian rebel runs for cover in Deir ez-Zor on April 2. A rebel checks for snipers across the street toward the Citadel in Aleppo, Syria, on Saturday, March 30, in this photo taken by iReporter Lee Harper. A Free Syrian fighter mourns the death of a friend in Aleppo on March 30, in this photo taken by iReporter Lee Harper. A Syrian opposition fighter runs for cover from Syrian army snipers in Aleppo on Wednesday, March 27. A Syrian girl covers her face to protect herself from fumes as a street covered with uncollected garbage is fumigated in Aleppo on Sunday, March 24. A Syrian man and his family drive past damaged buildings in Maarat al-Numan, on Wednesday, March 20. Syrians carry the body of a Syrian army soldier during a funeral ceremony in Idlib province on Tuesday, March 19. Syrian rebels take position in Aleppo, the largest city in the country,


 islamist - Social Mention: Leader of Large Syrian Rebel Brigade Killed Abdel Qader al-Saleh Founded the Tawheed Brigade, One of Syria's Most Potent Rebel Groups In this Aug. 13 citizen journalism image provided by the Tawheed Brigade and distributed through the Associated Press, Abdel Qader al-Saleh, left, speaks to his fighters ahead of an attack on government troops, in Aleppo, Syria. Associated Press The commander of the largest rebel brigade in northern Syria was killed Thursday, his group said Monday, in a setback for rebels increasingly struggling to maintain territory and make gains against the Syrian army and its allies. Abdel Qader al-Saleh was the leader and one of the founders of the Islamist Tawheed Brigade, which numbers an estimated 4,000 fighters and is considered among the most effective on the ground, according to analysts, rebels and activists. Mr. Saleh was hit in a government air attack on a Tawheed Brigade barracks north of Aleppo. He died in a hospital in Turkey, other commanders said.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Leader of Large Syrian Rebel Brigade Killed Abdel Qader al-Saleh Founded the Tawheed Brigade, One of Syria's Most Potent Rebel Groups In this Aug. 13 citizen journalism image provided by the Tawheed Brigade and distributed through the Associated Press, Abdel Qader al-Saleh, left, speaks to his fighters ahead of an attack on government troops, in Aleppo, Syria. Associated Press The commander of the largest rebel brigade in northern Syria was killed Thursday, his group said Monday, in a setback for rebels increasingly struggling to maintain territory and make gains against the Syrian army and its allies. Abdel Qader al-Saleh was the leader and one of the founders of the Islamist Tawheed Brigade, which numbers an estimated 4,000 fighters and is considered among the most effective on the ground, according to analysts, rebels and activists. Mr. Saleh was hit in a government air attack on a Tawheed Brigade barracks north of Aleppo. He died in a hospital in Turkey, other commanders said.
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:09
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 islamist - Social Mention: Syria rebel chieftain killed; Assad forces bomb besieged town BY KHALED YACOUB OWEIS AND DOMINIC EVANS AMMAN/ARSAL, Lebanon Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:19pm EST (Reuters) - President Bashar al-Assad's forces fired rocket and artillery barrages on a besieged mountain town near Lebanon on Monday in a push to capture the strategic area following advances against rebels in Damascus and in the north of Syria. In a separate setback for the fighters, a prominent rebel leader died overnight in a Turkish hospital of wounds suffered in an air raid on Aleppo. Abdelqader Saleh, head of the Qatar-backed Sunni Islamist al-Tawhid Brigades, had been working on regrouping fighters in Aleppo before he was killed. Heavy bombardments hit Qara, 80 km (50 miles) north of Damascus in the Qalamoun mountains, as rebels hid in the rocky terrain, refugees and opposition activists said. Located near the highway linking the capital to Aleppo, Syria's biggest city, the region has been used by rebels to cross from Lebanon.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Syria rebel chieftain killed; Assad forces bomb besieged town BY KHALED YACOUB OWEIS AND DOMINIC EVANS AMMAN/ARSAL, Lebanon Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:19pm EST (Reuters) - President Bashar al-Assad's forces fired rocket and artillery barrages on a besieged mountain town near Lebanon on Monday in a push to capture the strategic area following advances against rebels in Damascus and in the north of Syria. In a separate setback for the fighters, a prominent rebel leader died overnight in a Turkish hospital of wounds suffered in an air raid on Aleppo. Abdelqader Saleh, head of the Qatar-backed Sunni Islamist al-Tawhid Brigades, had been working on regrouping fighters in Aleppo before he was killed. Heavy bombardments hit Qara, 80 km (50 miles) north of Damascus in the Qalamoun mountains, as rebels hid in the rocky terrain, refugees and opposition activists said. Located near the highway linking the capital to Aleppo, Syria's biggest city, the region has been used by rebels to cross from Lebanon.
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:10
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 islamist - Social Mention: the Department of Defense has awarded a construction contract to an Afghan company with ties to Islamic terrorism. The Army Times reports: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko cited the contract with Zurmat Material Testing Laboratory in a Nov. 8 letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel as part of a larger pattern resulting in $150 million of Pentagon payments to various concerns with insurgent ties. "The idea that U.S. taxpayer dollars are flowing into the hands of terrorist groups bent on killing Americans is unthinkable and unacceptable," Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., a member of the Senate's Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, reportedly said in a statement on the matter. The U.S. Commerce Department noted the relationship between Zurmat and insurgents in early 2012 by citing the company having supplied bomb-making materials to enemy forces, according to Army Times. Then – and in September of 2012 – Marine Gen. James Mattis, who was at the time head of U.S. Central Command, reportedly requested the Pentagon ban the Zurmat Group, Zurmat Material Testing Laboratory's parent company, from doing work in the region under his auspices. Of course General Mattis is one of the senior officers who was forced into early retirement over the past year — perhaps this could have been an issue between him and the Obama administration? This news comes on the heels of the revelation, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon, that: The U.S. military is preparing to conduct military and special operations training for Libya's military and the training will risk including Islamist terrorists among the trainees, according to the commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command. During a panel discussion on the war on terrorism at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Admiral William McRaven disclosed that the Libyan military training would include both conventional forces training and special operations training and that there will be risks. "We are going to have to assume some risks," McRaven said. "Right now we have the authorities to do that training, and I think as a country we have to say there is probably some risk that some of the people we will be training with do not have the most clean records, but at the end of the day it is the best solution we can find to train them to deal with their own problems." The major risk is that the group responsible for the deaths of four Americans last year in Benghazi — Ansar al-Sharia, affiliated with Al Qaeda — operates openly in Libya and may be included in the training. I find it unbelievable that the lies of Benghazi have seemingly been so easily forgotten that we could now be training those associated with the deaths of US Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department IT Specialist Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Ty Woods and Glenn Doherty. Read more at
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    the Department of Defense has awarded a construction contract to an Afghan company with ties to Islamic terrorism. The Army Times reports: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko cited the contract with Zurmat Material Testing Laboratory in a Nov. 8 letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel as part of a larger pattern resulting in $150 million of Pentagon payments to various concerns with insurgent ties. "The idea that U.S. taxpayer dollars are flowing into the hands of terrorist groups bent on killing Americans is unthinkable and unacceptable," Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., a member of the Senate's Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, reportedly said in a statement on the matter. The U.S. Commerce Department noted the relationship between Zurmat and insurgents in early 2012 by citing the company having supplied bomb-making materials to enemy forces, according to Army Times. Then – and in September of 2012 – Marine Gen. James Mattis, who was at the time head of U.S. Central Command, reportedly requested the Pentagon ban the Zurmat Group, Zurmat Material Testing Laboratory's parent company, from doing work in the region under his auspices. Of course General Mattis is one of the senior officers who was forced into early retirement over the past year — perhaps this could have been an issue between him and the Obama administration? This news comes on the heels of the revelation, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon, that: The U.S. military is preparing to conduct military and special operations training for Libya's military and the training will risk including Islamist terrorists among the trainees, according to the commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command. During a panel discussion on the war on terrorism at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Admiral William McRaven disclosed that the Libyan military training would include both conventional forces training and special operations training and that there will be risks. "We are going to have to assume some risks," McRaven said. "Right now we have the authorities to do that training, and I think as a country we have to say there is probably some risk that some of the people we will be training with do not have the most clean records, but at the end of the day it is the best solution we can find to train them to deal with their own problems." The major risk is that the group responsible for the deaths of four Americans last year in Benghazi — Ansar al-Sharia, affiliated with Al Qaeda — operates openly in Libya and may be included in the training. I find it unbelievable that the lies of Benghazi have seemingly been so easily forgotten that we could now be training those associated with the deaths of US Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department IT Specialist Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Ty Woods and Glenn Doherty. Read more at
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:18
    People ask why I promote the impeachment, or at least the resignation of President Barack Obama. How about aiding and abetting the enemy?
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 islamist - Social Mention: SRBIN.INFO Serbian fast Internet newspaper Posted Nov 17,2013 Unprecedented act: Islamists burned Christians in Nigeria Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have continued with increased brutality. The terrifying attack Islamists 50 Christians burned alive. As communicated to the media, were killed over a hundred people in the attacks on 12 villages in Nigeria's Plateau State. Responsibility for the attacks resumed Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. As confirmed by several news agencies, 50 Christians, members of the Church of Christ, in the village after the attack MASEHE sought refuge in the house of their pastor, where they burned alive. "Fifty members of the church were killed in a church building, where they hid. They were killed along with the pastor's wife and children, "said Dakholom dating, minister and Vice President of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. "Nigeria is becoming a new scaffold Christians. Boko Haram have been brutally killed hundreds of Christians ukljčujući women and children, "said Jerry Dajkst, by an American aid organization persecuted Christians" Open Door "(Open Doors)," Their goal is to rule the entire Nigerian Sharia law ". Some Nigerian officials believe that members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, which inhabited the country Plato, helping Boko Haram-in in the persecution of Christians and establishing Islamic domination in the country. "I do not believe that Boko Haram, out of nowhere, they attack those villages. They could not do it without local support and assistance, "said the Nigerian judicial advisor Innocent Čukuvuma. The citizens of Nigeria have criticized the passivity of the government and called for more commitment in the fight against terrorist Boko Haram's. Ajo Pastor Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, has urged the Foreign Affairs Committee House of Representatives of the United States to officially declare Boko Haram terrorist organization against which we must fight in an international level. "In Nigeria, there are certain Muslim extremists who believe that Nigeria should be an Islamic state, Boko Haram is the body that led the group of people. Nigeria is divided into two majority religion, Christianity and Islam, it is not possible to Islamize Nigeria, "said the pastor. I used bing translator and didn't post the video of the actual act that was in this report.Astoria :(
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    SRBIN.INFO Serbian fast Internet newspaper Posted Nov 17,2013 Unprecedented act: Islamists burned Christians in Nigeria Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have continued with increased brutality. The terrifying attack Islamists 50 Christians burned alive. As communicated to the media, were killed over a hundred people in the attacks on 12 villages in Nigeria's Plateau State. Responsibility for the attacks resumed Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. As confirmed by several news agencies, 50 Christians, members of the Church of Christ, in the village after the attack MASEHE sought refuge in the house of their pastor, where they burned alive. "Fifty members of the church were killed in a church building, where they hid. They were killed along with the pastor's wife and children, "said Dakholom dating, minister and Vice President of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. "Nigeria is becoming a new scaffold Christians. Boko Haram have been brutally killed hundreds of Christians ukljčujući women and children, "said Jerry Dajkst, by an American aid organization persecuted Christians" Open Door "(Open Doors)," Their goal is to rule the entire Nigerian Sharia law ". Some Nigerian officials believe that members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, which inhabited the country Plato, helping Boko Haram-in in the persecution of Christians and establishing Islamic domination in the country. "I do not believe that Boko Haram, out of nowhere, they attack those villages. They could not do it without local support and assistance, "said the Nigerian judicial advisor Innocent Čukuvuma. The citizens of Nigeria have criticized the passivity of the government and called for more commitment in the fight against terrorist Boko Haram's. Ajo Pastor Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, has urged the Foreign Affairs Committee House of Representatives of the United States to officially declare Boko Haram terrorist organization against which we must fight in an international level. "In Nigeria, there are certain Muslim extremists who believe that Nigeria should be an Islamic state, Boko Haram is the body that led the group of people. Nigeria is divided into two majority religion, Christianity and Islam, it is not possible to Islamize Nigeria, "said the pastor. I used bing translator and didn't post the video of the actual act that was in this report.Astoria :(
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:18
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 islamist - Social Mention: Protesters rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square against security forces BY MAGGIE FICK AND OMAR FAHMY CAIRO Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:10pm EST (Reuters) - About 1,000 people marched in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Monday night to condemn the actions of Egyptian security forces and some voiced rare criticism of the army chief, raising tension on the eve of planned mass protests. Large numbers of demonstrators were expected to turn out on Tuesday, extending turmoil that has dogged Egypt since the army ousted elected Islamist President Mohamed Mursi and has wrecked investment and tourism in the major, U.S.-allied Arab state. Monday's rally began in the afternoon to commemorate people killed in clashes with security forces two years ago, then turned into chanting against General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, whose forces toppled Mursi in July.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Protesters rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square against security forces BY MAGGIE FICK AND OMAR FAHMY CAIRO Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:10pm EST (Reuters) - About 1,000 people marched in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Monday night to condemn the actions of Egyptian security forces and some voiced rare criticism of the army chief, raising tension on the eve of planned mass protests. Large numbers of demonstrators were expected to turn out on Tuesday, extending turmoil that has dogged Egypt since the army ousted elected Islamist President Mohamed Mursi and has wrecked investment and tourism in the major, U.S.-allied Arab state. Monday's rally began in the afternoon to commemorate people killed in clashes with security forces two years ago, then turned into chanting against General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, whose forces toppled Mursi in July.
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:15
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 islamist - Social Mention: The Obama administration's latest initiative is to curb sexual assault in the military. Though concern about the problem is shared by members of both parties, Democrats are pushing for accusations to be handled outside the normal chain of command. There is little evidence that such a change is necessary. It would, however, increase the administration's ability to monitor what goes on more generally in military units. The Obama administration is also clamping down on religious expression in the ranks. Earlier this year, Breitbart News' Ken Klukowski reported that the Pentagon, advised by an anti-religious consultant, could make certain kinds of evangelization punishable by court-martial. At the same time, the White House refused for years to acknowledge that the Fort Hood shootings of 2009 were an Islamist terror attack. It is bad for the military, and the country, if the armed forces are perceived as the unique province of white Christian conservative males, who might use the chain of command to coerce others to embrace their own beliefs. That perception already exists in many parts of the country, and arguably damages recruitment. Yet the answer is to strengthen the military's own code and its enforcement--not a campaign of repression.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
 The Obama administration's latest initiative is to curb sexual assault in the military. Though concern about the problem is shared by members of both parties, Democrats are pushing for accusations to be handled outside the normal chain of command. There is little evidence that such a change is necessary. It would, however, increase the administration's ability to monitor what goes on more generally in military units. The Obama administration is also clamping down on religious expression in the ranks. Earlier this year, Breitbart News' Ken Klukowski reported that the Pentagon, advised by an anti-religious consultant, could make certain kinds of evangelization punishable by court-martial. At the same time, the White House refused for years to acknowledge that the Fort Hood shootings of 2009 were an Islamist terror attack. It is bad for the military, and the country, if the armed forces are perceived as the unique province of white Christian conservative males, who might use the chain of command to coerce others to embrace their own beliefs. That perception already exists in many parts of the country, and arguably damages recruitment. Yet the answer is to strengthen the military's own code and its enforcement--not a campaign of repression.
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:20
    For weeks, rumors have flown about a "purge" of senior military officers by the Obama administration. The tone was set in 2010, when President Barack Obama fired General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, over insults about the president and vice-president attributed to...
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 islamist - Social Mention: زنجبار (أبين) من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة Disambig gray RTL.svg هذه المقالة عن مدينة زنجبار اليمنية؛ إن كنت تبحث عن «جزيرة زنجبار»، فانظر زنجبار. مدينة زنجبار تقسيم إداري البلد Flag of Yemen.svg اليمن مديرية مديرية زنجبار محافظة محافظة أبين خصائص جغرافية السكان التعداد السكاني 23278 نسمة (في سنة 2004) معلومات أخرى خط العرض 13.13 خط الطول 45.38 التوقيت توقيت اليمن (+3 غرينتش) مدينة زنجبار في اليمن مدينة زنجبار تعديل طالع توثيق القالب زنجبار، هي بلدة ساحلية في وسط جنوب اليمن، وهي عاصمة محافظة أبين. تقع على 13°7′42″N 45°22′49″E. وكانت زنجبار عاصمة السلطنة الفضلية. يبلغ تعداد سكانها 23278 نسمة حسب الإحصاء الذي أجري عام2004. محتويات [أخف] 1 الموقع 2 تاريخ المنطقة 3 اقتصاد المدينة 4 المواقع الأثرية 4.1 القريـات 4.2 القرو 5 تنظيم القاعدة 6 روابط خارجية 7 المراجع الموقع[عدل] بحاجة لمرجع هذا المقال أو المقطع ينقصه الاستشهاد بمصادر. الرجاء تحسين المقال بوضع مصادر مناسبة. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. بحاجة لمصدر تقع مدينة زنجبار إلى الشرق من عدن، على بعد نحو 60 كيلو متراً. مؤسس زنجبار هو السلطان حسين بن أحمد بن عبد الله، ولكن الذي سماها باسم زنجبار هو حفيده السلطان عبد القادر بن أحمد بن حسين في العشرينيات من القرن العشرين، وذلك أثناء زيارة قام بها سلطان جزيرة زنجبار العربي آنذاك، وهي تقع قبالة الساحل الشرقيلإفريقيا واليوم جزء من تنزانيا، وتم تآخي المدينة باسم الجزيرة وتسمية أحيائها باسم مدنها، فسميت المدينة بزنجبار نسبة للجزيرة وبعض أحيائها التي كانت قائمة أصلاً بمسميات المدن التي في الجزيرة مثل سواحل ودار السلام التي سميت فيما بعد بدار الأمير[بحاجة لمصدر] وزنجبار ظهرت بعد خراب العصلة الثاني في نفس الفترة، وانتعشت بسبب ظهور مشروع دلتا أبين، هي وجعار، التي كانت تسمى خنفر. وزنجبار هو اسم جديد أدخله السلطان صالح بن عبد الله الفضلي بعد ما كان اسمها أبين وسبب تغييره للاسم أنه نفي خارج البلاد، وبعد عودته أطلق عليها هذا الاسم. وقد أزاح الاسم الجديد الاسم القديم بمرور الزمن. وتقع هذه المدينة في دلتا أبين، وهي ليست دلتا نهر كما يخطر على البال وإنما هي دلتا تقع بين وادي بنا ووادي حسان. تاريخ المنطقة[عدل] ومدينة زنجبار كانت لأهميتها ميداناً للحروب والنزاعات القبلية الضارية، ويكفي أن نعرف أنها أحرقت تماماً عندما أغار عليها عبد النبي بن علي بن مهدي الرعيني في سنة (559 هجرية). ونقلاً عن الهمداني فيما إذا رجعنا إلى قبل تاريخ إحراق المدينة، فالهمداني ـ المتوفى في سنة 355 هـ ـ ذكر أن أبين هي إرم ذات العماد التي ورد ذكرها في القرآن الكريم حيث قال: " إن إرم ذات العماد كانت تقوم في تيه أبين " وإرم ذات العماد هي المدينة التي خرجت عن الفضيلة والاستقامة، ويقال إنها كانت تضم ثلاثمائة ألف قصر شيدت بالذهب والفضة والجواهر والياقوت … وكان أهل إرم يحاولون أن يصنعوا من مدينتهم جنة عوضاً عن الجنة التي وعد الله بها المؤمنيين، لذلك استقدموا / كما يقول ياقوت الحموي في كتابه معجم البلدان / أمهر الصناع وأبرعهم وجمعوا كل الثروات من أجل بناء هذه المدينة الأسطورية التي استغرق بناؤها (500 عام)، وقد بالغ المؤرخون والإخباريون في القصة مبالغة شديدة، وصوروا تلك المدينة الخيالية بشكل لا يمكن أن يكون، وذلك تعويضاً عن الفقر والشح والجدب الذي عرفت به أطراف أبين من قبل. اقتصاد المدينة[عدل] وتحيط بالمدينة مزارع واسعة يهتم أصحابها بزراعة الذرة والسمسم والبطيخ والشمام والخضراوات على اختلاف أنواعها، وجميع الفواكه والخضار تباع في عدن. وقد نجحت زراعة القطن في المزارع القريبة من زنجبار نجاحاً هائلاً وخاصة ذلك النوع المعروف (بطويل التيلة). وفي هذه المدينة متحف قيد الإنشاء. المواقع الأثرية[عدل] القريـات[عدل] يقع موقع القريات في الشمال الشرقي من مدينة زنجبار بحوالي ثلاثة أميال، ومساحته تبلغ تقريباً (650 متراً مربعاً) تقريباً، إلا أن أجزاء كبيرة منه قد غطيت أو طُمست بفعل النشاطات الزراعية التي شهدتها الأراضي المجاورة لهذا الموقع في مطلع الستينات من القرن العشرين. وهو عبارة عن موقع أثري مكشوف، ولا توجد فيه بقايا أساسات لمبانٍ، ولكنه يعتبر موقعاً متميزاً لسهولة الحصول على المياه بالنسبة للذين كانوا يستوطنون فيه، حيث يقع في غرب وادي حسان، الذي كان يحتوي على المياه، والتي كانت تستخدم غالباً في الزراعة، وهو الأمر الذي لا يتوفر في كثير جداً من المواقع القريبة من الوادي. يعود تاريخ هذا الموقع من خلال المعثورات الأثرية إلى فترات مختلفة، حيث تعود الدُمى الطينية إلى فترة ما قبل التاريخ فيما إذا قارناها مع تلك الدُمى المشابهة التي عُثر عليها مؤخراً في صبر لحج، كما وجدت فيه قطع فخارية عليها مونوجرام بحروف خط المسند ـ الخط اليمني القديم الذي كتبت به اللغة اليمنية القديمة ـ، ويعود تاريخه إلى فترة الدولة القتبانية تقريباً والتي كانت تسيطر على أراضي محافظة أبين، كما تشابه القطع الفخارية الأخرى تلك القطع التي عُثر عليها في وادي بيحان في شبوة والتي يعود تاريخها إلى فترة الدولة القتبانية. كما وجدت فيه قطع فخارية تعود إلى الفترة الإسلامية، أرخها السيد Doe B إلى القرن الخامس عشر الميلادي، بمعنى أن الاستيطان في ذلك الموقع لم ينقطع من عصور ما قبل التاريخ إلى الفترة الإسلامية ولكنه انتهى الآن بفعل النشاطات الزراعية، واستصلاح الأراضي التي دمرت الموقع في مطلع الستينات من القرن العشرين. القرو[عدل] يقع في الشمال الغربي من مدينة زنجبار ـ عاصمة المحافظة ـ، وطوله من الشمال إلى الجنوب(600 متر)، ويميزه أن منزل المستشار الحكومي الإنجليزي كان مقاماً بجانبه إبان الاحتلال الإنجليزي للشطر الجنوبي من اليمن (سابقاً). يعود تاريخ الموقع إلى الفترة الإسلامية، حيث عثر فيه على قطع فخارية تعود إلى الفترة الإسلامية، أهمها قطع من البورسلين الأزرق الذي كان يجلب من الصين عادة في الفترة الإسلامية، أما بالنسبة للقطع الأخرى فهي بقايا أوانٍ فخارية كانت تستخدم للطهي وغيره. لقد تعرض هذا الموقع للحريق في فترات متأخرة أثناء الحروب الأهلية والتي كانت عادة ما ينجم عنها إحراق القرى ـ فلم يتبق من الموقع الآن سوى تل محترق، حيث توجد أسفل الطبقة العليا طبقة محترقة سوداء، ورماد ـ إلى جانب بعض بقايا لأوانٍ زجاجية ذات لون أزرق (مائل للأخضرار)، يعود تاريخها إلى الفترة الإسلامية أيضاً.[1] تنظيم القاعدة[عدل] Crystal Clear app kdict.pngمقالة مفصلة: معركة زنجبار [أخف] ع ن ت الحرب على القاعدة في اليمن 1998-2009 الوضيع تفجير يو إس إس كول هروب السجناء 2006 سبتمبر 2006 مأرب 2007 كمين وادي دوعن تفجير شبام تفجير مسجد بن سلمان السفارة الأمريكية 2009-الان المعجلة شبوة (2009) لودر 1 الحوطة جعار والحصن زنجبار شقرة عزان الروضة حوطة دوفس لحج لودر 2 أبين 2012 صنعاء 2012 رداع المكلا طالع أيضاً : ثورة الشباب اليمنية . نزاع صعدة معركة زنجبار كانت المعركة خلال ثورة الشباب اليمنية بين القوات اليمنية الموالية للحكومة وبين جماعات مسلحة باسم جماعة أنصار الشريعة، للسيطرة على مدينة زنجبار وضواحيها كجزء من حركة التمرد التي تتبناها الجماعة لإقامة إمارات إسلامية في جنوب اليمن، في 27 مايو 2011، هاجم حوالي 300 من المسلحين مدينة زنجبار الساحلية وأستولوا عليها.[2][3] واشتبك الجيش مع المقاتلين خارج المدينة وقصف ضواحي المدينة. وفي وقت متأخر من يوم 29 مايو، سيطر المسلحون على المدينة بشكل كامل، واتهمت شخصيات المعارضة أن الرئيس صالح سمح بالاستيلاء على زنجبار ليقول للغرب ان البلد لن يكون قادراً على الاستقرار من دونه دونه.[4][5] روابط خارجية[عدل] World Gazetteer:Yemen الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء بالجمهورية اليمنية المركز الوطني للمعلومات باليمن المراجع[عدل] ^ منتدى أبين. [1]. تاريخ الولوج 16 تشرين الأول 2010. ^ al Qaeda militants seize Yemeni town ^ Eight dead in south Yemen violence: Security officials ^ leader accused of allowing Islamist takeover ^ Islamic militants fight Yemen troops for control of city, locals say [أظهر] ع ن ت محافظة أبين بوابة اليمن بوابة اليمن Flag-map of Yemen.png هذه بذرة مقالة عن موقع جغرافي في اليمن تحتاج للنمو والتحسين، فساهم في إثرائها بالمشاركة في تحريرها. تصنيفات: مدن ساحلية في اليمنمدن اليمنمدن محافظة أبين قائمة التصفح دخولإنشاء حسابنقاشمقالة ابحثاعرض التاريخعدلاقرأ الصفحة الرئيسية الأحداث الجارية أحدث التغييرات أحدث التغييرات الأساسية تصفح المواضيع أبجدي بوابات مقالة عشوائية المشاركة والمساعدة طباعة وتصدير الأدوات لغات مصرى Català Deutsch English Eesti Euskara Suomi Français Hrvatski Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Scots Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Tiếng Việt 中文 عدل الوصلات آخر تعديل لهذه الصفحة كان يوم 26 سبتمبر 2013 الساعة 11:00. النصو
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:29PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    زنجبار (أبين) من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة Disambig gray RTL.svg هذه المقالة عن مدينة زنجبار اليمنية؛ إن كنت تبحث عن «جزيرة زنجبار»، فانظر زنجبار. مدينة زنجبار تقسيم إداري البلد Flag of Yemen.svg اليمن مديرية مديرية زنجبار محافظة محافظة أبين خصائص جغرافية السكان التعداد السكاني 23278 نسمة (في سنة 2004) معلومات أخرى خط العرض 13.13 خط الطول 45.38 التوقيت توقيت اليمن (+3 غرينتش) مدينة زنجبار في اليمن مدينة زنجبار تعديل طالع توثيق القالب زنجبار، هي بلدة ساحلية في وسط جنوب اليمن، وهي عاصمة محافظة أبين. تقع على 13°7′42″N 45°22′49″E. وكانت زنجبار عاصمة السلطنة الفضلية. يبلغ تعداد سكانها 23278 نسمة حسب الإحصاء الذي أجري عام2004. محتويات [أخف] 1 الموقع 2 تاريخ المنطقة 3 اقتصاد المدينة 4 المواقع الأثرية 4.1 القريـات 4.2 القرو 5 تنظيم القاعدة 6 روابط خارجية 7 المراجع الموقع[عدل] بحاجة لمرجع هذا المقال أو المقطع ينقصه الاستشهاد بمصادر. الرجاء تحسين المقال بوضع مصادر مناسبة. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. بحاجة لمصدر تقع مدينة زنجبار إلى الشرق من عدن، على بعد نحو 60 كيلو متراً. مؤسس زنجبار هو السلطان حسين بن أحمد بن عبد الله، ولكن الذي سماها باسم زنجبار هو حفيده السلطان عبد القادر بن أحمد بن حسين في العشرينيات من القرن العشرين، وذلك أثناء زيارة قام بها سلطان جزيرة زنجبار العربي آنذاك، وهي تقع قبالة الساحل الشرقيلإفريقيا واليوم جزء من تنزانيا، وتم تآخي المدينة باسم الجزيرة وتسمية أحيائها باسم مدنها، فسميت المدينة بزنجبار نسبة للجزيرة وبعض أحيائها التي كانت قائمة أصلاً بمسميات المدن التي في الجزيرة مثل سواحل ودار السلام التي سميت فيما بعد بدار الأمير[بحاجة لمصدر] وزنجبار ظهرت بعد خراب العصلة الثاني في نفس الفترة، وانتعشت بسبب ظهور مشروع دلتا أبين، هي وجعار، التي كانت تسمى خنفر. وزنجبار هو اسم جديد أدخله السلطان صالح بن عبد الله الفضلي بعد ما كان اسمها أبين وسبب تغييره للاسم أنه نفي خارج البلاد، وبعد عودته أطلق عليها هذا الاسم. وقد أزاح الاسم الجديد الاسم القديم بمرور الزمن. وتقع هذه المدينة في دلتا أبين، وهي ليست دلتا نهر كما يخطر على البال وإنما هي دلتا تقع بين وادي بنا ووادي حسان. تاريخ المنطقة[عدل] ومدينة زنجبار كانت لأهميتها ميداناً للحروب والنزاعات القبلية الضارية، ويكفي أن نعرف أنها أحرقت تماماً عندما أغار عليها عبد النبي بن علي بن مهدي الرعيني في سنة (559 هجرية). ونقلاً عن الهمداني فيما إذا رجعنا إلى قبل تاريخ إحراق المدينة، فالهمداني ـ المتوفى في سنة 355 هـ ـ ذكر أن أبين هي إرم ذات العماد التي ورد ذكرها في القرآن الكريم حيث قال: " إن إرم ذات العماد كانت تقوم في تيه أبين " وإرم ذات العماد هي المدينة التي خرجت عن الفضيلة والاستقامة، ويقال إنها كانت تضم ثلاثمائة ألف قصر شيدت بالذهب والفضة والجواهر والياقوت … وكان أهل إرم يحاولون أن يصنعوا من مدينتهم جنة عوضاً عن الجنة التي وعد الله بها المؤمنيين، لذلك استقدموا / كما يقول ياقوت الحموي في كتابه معجم البلدان / أمهر الصناع وأبرعهم وجمعوا كل الثروات من أجل بناء هذه المدينة الأسطورية التي استغرق بناؤها (500 عام)، وقد بالغ المؤرخون والإخباريون في القصة مبالغة شديدة، وصوروا تلك المدينة الخيالية بشكل لا يمكن أن يكون، وذلك تعويضاً عن الفقر والشح والجدب الذي عرفت به أطراف أبين من قبل. اقتصاد المدينة[عدل] وتحيط بالمدينة مزارع واسعة يهتم أصحابها بزراعة الذرة والسمسم والبطيخ والشمام والخضراوات على اختلاف أنواعها، وجميع الفواكه والخضار تباع في عدن. وقد نجحت زراعة القطن في المزارع القريبة من زنجبار نجاحاً هائلاً وخاصة ذلك النوع المعروف (بطويل التيلة). وفي هذه المدينة متحف قيد الإنشاء. المواقع الأثرية[عدل] القريـات[عدل] يقع موقع القريات في الشمال الشرقي من مدينة زنجبار بحوالي ثلاثة أميال، ومساحته تبلغ تقريباً (650 متراً مربعاً) تقريباً، إلا أن أجزاء كبيرة منه قد غطيت أو طُمست بفعل النشاطات الزراعية التي شهدتها الأراضي المجاورة لهذا الموقع في مطلع الستينات من القرن العشرين. وهو عبارة عن موقع أثري مكشوف، ولا توجد فيه بقايا أساسات لمبانٍ، ولكنه يعتبر موقعاً متميزاً لسهولة الحصول على المياه بالنسبة للذين كانوا يستوطنون فيه، حيث يقع في غرب وادي حسان، الذي كان يحتوي على المياه، والتي كانت تستخدم غالباً في الزراعة، وهو الأمر الذي لا يتوفر في كثير جداً من المواقع القريبة من الوادي. يعود تاريخ هذا الموقع من خلال المعثورات الأثرية إلى فترات مختلفة، حيث تعود الدُمى الطينية إلى فترة ما قبل التاريخ فيما إذا قارناها مع تلك الدُمى المشابهة التي عُثر عليها مؤخراً في صبر لحج، كما وجدت فيه قطع فخارية عليها مونوجرام بحروف خط المسند ـ الخط اليمني القديم الذي كتبت به اللغة اليمنية القديمة ـ، ويعود تاريخه إلى فترة الدولة القتبانية تقريباً والتي كانت تسيطر على أراضي محافظة أبين، كما تشابه القطع الفخارية الأخرى تلك القطع التي عُثر عليها في وادي بيحان في شبوة والتي يعود تاريخها إلى فترة الدولة القتبانية. كما وجدت فيه قطع فخارية تعود إلى الفترة الإسلامية، أرخها السيد Doe B إلى القرن الخامس عشر الميلادي، بمعنى أن الاستيطان في ذلك الموقع لم ينقطع من عصور ما قبل التاريخ إلى الفترة الإسلامية ولكنه انتهى الآن بفعل النشاطات الزراعية، واستصلاح الأراضي التي دمرت الموقع في مطلع الستينات من القرن العشرين. القرو[عدل] يقع في الشمال الغربي من مدينة زنجبار ـ عاصمة المحافظة ـ، وطوله من الشمال إلى الجنوب(600 متر)، ويميزه أن منزل المستشار الحكومي الإنجليزي كان مقاماً بجانبه إبان الاحتلال الإنجليزي للشطر الجنوبي من اليمن (سابقاً). يعود تاريخ الموقع إلى الفترة الإسلامية، حيث عثر فيه على قطع فخارية تعود إلى الفترة الإسلامية، أهمها قطع من البورسلين الأزرق الذي كان يجلب من الصين عادة في الفترة الإسلامية، أما بالنسبة للقطع الأخرى فهي بقايا أوانٍ فخارية كانت تستخدم للطهي وغيره. لقد تعرض هذا الموقع للحريق في فترات متأخرة أثناء الحروب الأهلية والتي كانت عادة ما ينجم عنها إحراق القرى ـ فلم يتبق من الموقع الآن سوى تل محترق، حيث توجد أسفل الطبقة العليا طبقة محترقة سوداء، ورماد ـ إلى جانب بعض بقايا لأوانٍ زجاجية ذات لون أزرق (مائل للأخضرار)، يعود تاريخها إلى الفترة الإسلامية أيضاً.[1] تنظيم القاعدة[عدل] Crystal Clear app kdict.pngمقالة مفصلة: معركة زنجبار [أخف] ع ن ت الحرب على القاعدة في اليمن 1998-2009 الوضيع تفجير يو إس إس كول هروب السجناء 2006 سبتمبر 2006 مأرب 2007 كمين وادي دوعن تفجير شبام تفجير مسجد بن سلمان السفارة الأمريكية 2009-الان المعجلة شبوة (2009) لودر 1 الحوطة جعار والحصن زنجبار شقرة عزان الروضة حوطة دوفس لحج لودر 2 أبين 2012 صنعاء 2012 رداع المكلا طالع أيضاً : ثورة الشباب اليمنية . نزاع صعدة معركة زنجبار كانت المعركة خلال ثورة الشباب اليمنية بين القوات اليمنية الموالية للحكومة وبين جماعات مسلحة باسم جماعة أنصار الشريعة، للسيطرة على مدينة زنجبار وضواحيها كجزء من حركة التمرد التي تتبناها الجماعة لإقامة إمارات إسلامية في جنوب اليمن، في 27 مايو 2011، هاجم حوالي 300 من المسلحين مدينة زنجبار الساحلية وأستولوا عليها.[2][3] واشتبك الجيش مع المقاتلين خارج المدينة وقصف ضواحي المدينة. وفي وقت متأخر من يوم 29 مايو، سيطر المسلحون على المدينة بشكل كامل، واتهمت شخصيات المعارضة أن الرئيس صالح سمح بالاستيلاء على زنجبار ليقول للغرب ان البلد لن يكون قادراً على الاستقرار من دونه دونه.[4][5] روابط خارجية[عدل] World Gazetteer:Yemen الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء بالجمهورية اليمنية المركز الوطني للمعلومات باليمن المراجع[عدل] ^ منتدى أبين. [1]. تاريخ الولوج 16 تشرين الأول 2010. ^ al Qaeda militants seize Yemeni town ^ Eight dead in south Yemen violence: Security officials ^ leader accused of allowing Islamist takeover ^ Islamic militants fight Yemen troops for control of city, locals say [أظهر] ع ن ت محافظة أبين بوابة اليمن بوابة اليمن Flag-map of Yemen.png هذه بذرة مقالة عن موقع جغرافي في اليمن تحتاج للنمو والتحسين، فساهم في إثرائها بالمشاركة في تحريرها. تصنيفات: مدن ساحلية في اليمنمدن اليمنمدن محافظة أبين قائمة التصفح دخولإنشاء حسابنقاشمقالة ابحثاعرض التاريخعدلاقرأ الصفحة الرئيسية الأحداث الجارية أحدث التغييرات أحدث التغييرات الأساسية تصفح المواضيع أبجدي بوابات مقالة عشوائية المشاركة والمساعدة طباعة وتصدير الأدوات لغات مصرى Català Deutsch English Eesti Euskara Suomi Français Hrvatski Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Scots Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Tiếng Việt 中文 عدل الوصلات آخر تعديل لهذه الصفحة كان يوم 26 سبتمبر 2013 الساعة 11:00. النصو
    Nov 18th 2013, 22:20
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 10:30PM - Social Mention
    (((Beytullah kuzu)))Allah.The way to Allah.Tareq alnor,to find ways to allah,de por medio a Alá ,分秒不差! [分秒不差!] 对 [對]Allah
    Sep 10th 2008, 14:37
    Allah.The way to Allah.Tareq alnor,to find ways to allah,de por medio a Alá ,分秒不差! [分秒不差!] 对 [對]Allah The way to Allah.Islam The Holy book, the Qur´an, is th...
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