- La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung]
- La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- { A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Mahkamah Agung India: Homoseksual Tetap Kriminal [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam für Kinder: Welcher Prophet ist es? [1 Aktualisierung]
- ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand: رسالة إلى رئيس أميركا---------------------------------خرت بفعل الظالمين بنوده... [1 Aktualisierung]
- ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand: ثورة عظيمة بعظمة أهدافها وطموحها وآفاقها وتطلعاتها يراد إختزالها في مؤتمر للتآمر... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand: Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "When Allah completed the creatio... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Mohammadzafar youtube channels Facebook-Pinnwand: A beautiful short nasheed which is more like a Dua YouTube link: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand: Alhamdulillah ya Allah. Recep [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: 'Israel' Worried about Electronic Attacks Amid the electronic threats that th... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Ersal Cleric Confesses Plan to Intensify Suicide Attacks in Dahiyeh Local Edito... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Uploads by mohammadzafar: 'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs) [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Pravilno Religijas Facebook-Pinnwand: Opasnost taro bidzandipa e Muslimanengoro 1/3 [1 Aktualisierung]
- No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: Let us remember the beautiful #verses from the holy #Quran, in surah #Maidah, Al... [1 Aktualisierung]
- No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: #Pakistan [1 Aktualisierung]
- Afrikabrunnen e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Glaubst du daran, dass das Fernsehen unsere Kinder von klein auf manipuliert und... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Uploads by Islamnfocus .: A Day When Eyes Will Stare ᴴᴰ ┇ Quran Recitation ┇ by Brother Wafiq Syed [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand: GIZA, MESIR-Seorang asisten menteri dalam negeri (mendagri) Mesir tewas ditembak... [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand: BUMI SYAM-Daulah Islam Di Iraq Dan Syam (ISIS) mengeluarkan penjelasan yakni per... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand: ,,Niemand ist größer als Allah, daher ist auch niemand größer (besser, lobenswer... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam leben & lernens Facebook-Pinnwand: Honig Der Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم pflegte Honig mit kaltem Wasser zu trink... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:06AM
La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 04:05
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:06AM
La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
La ilaha illa Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 04:05
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:04AM
{ A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN <'3s Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 04:34
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:05AM
{ A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN <'3s Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 04:34
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:02AM
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Mahkamah Agung India: Homoseksual Tetap Kriminal
Jan 29th 2014, 04:38
Mahkamah Agung India: Homoseksual Tetap Kriminal
Mahkamah Agung India: Homoseksual Tetap Kriminal
Underground Tauhid–Mahkamah Agung India hari Selasa (28/1/2014) menetapkan bahwa hubungan seksual sesama jenis tetap merupakan tindak kriminal, lansirEuronews. Pengadilan Tinggi Delhi tahun 2009 memutuskan untuk tidak lagi mengkriminalkan… [ 97 more words. ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:01AM
Islam für Kinder
Welcher Prophet ist es?
Jan 29th 2014, 04:46
Download als .doc: Welcher-Prophet
Download als .pdf: Welcher-Prophet
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:00AM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
رسالة إلى رئيس أميركا
خرت بفعل الظالمين بنوده...
Jan 29th 2014, 04:44
رسالة إلى رئيس أميركا
خرت بفعل الظالمين بنودها
وتناثرت فوق الرمال عقودها
مابين ملقٍ للزعيم ثيابه
ومهرج ضحكت عليه قرودها
حمر الليالي فتحت أبوابها
فتعانقت حول المواكب غيدها
ما بين فاجرة وكأس مترع
رقصت على نهر الدماء جنودها
وتحلقت حول المعلم ساسة ال
خزي اللئام فبالبنان يقودها
فسقاهمُ كأس المهانة مترعاً
ودنت عليه من ( الرياض ) ورودها
الله أكبر كيف يجزى مجرم
بالمكرمات وتستباح عهودها
خنقت أنامله الحياة بأرضها
وتمزقت في مخلبيه جلودها
بحر من الأحزان طم فراتها
وكروم دجلة قد ذوى عنقودها
ومياه أفغان طغت أوحالها
حتى تسمم شيخها ووليدها
والمسجد الأقصى الأسير ترنحت
أركانه وعدت عليه عبيدها
وديار ليلى والبتول تزلزلت
ساحاتها وتوسعت أخدودها
وشقت بجورك كل أرض جئتها
وتباعدت بعد الرحيل حدودها
ياأيها المختال فوق رفاتنا
قد ذاب من حمم الجوى جلمودها
أتظن أنك قد جنيت بفعلهم
ماقد جناه من القبيح جدودها
والله لولا ما جنته سراتهم
لعلمت ماذا قد يكون ردودها
فالأمر أكبر من خيانة غادر
خضعت له ساداتها ومسودها
يا أيها الباغي الأثيم ألا ترى
أن الخلافة روعتك رعودها
ونمى لسمعك زمجرات رجالها
وبدا بقولك نصرها ووعيدها
فغدا إذا ماهز عرشك رعدها
وتساقطت فوق الرؤوس برودها
سيخيب ظنك بالذين ملكتهم
ويخر من وقع القنا نمرودها
ابو الحسن الانصاري
الادمن الحموي
ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 05:00AM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة عظيمة بعظمة أهدافها وطموحها وآفاقها وتطلعاتها يراد إختزالها في مؤتمر للتآمر...
Jan 29th 2014, 04:56
ثورة عظيمة بعظمة أهدافها وطموحها وآفاقها وتطلعاتها يراد إختزالها في مؤتمر للتآمر يجمع الخائنين من الطرفين…
مؤتمر جنيف يمثل مؤامرة على الثورة كما كان مؤتمر مدريد من قبل الذي أريد له أن يصفي القضية الفلسطينية.
أجل . . . يراد له أن يسقط الثورة من عليائها لتتحول من ثورة عظيمة تهدف إلى تحرير البلاد والعباد من النفوذ الإستعماري وعملائه وتسعى لإعادة سلطان الأمة المغتصب وإعادة الحكم الإسلامي, إلى قضية إستجداء لنظام فاسد ومجرم ومفاوضات تجعل النظام الكافر طرف متساوي يحاور ويناور ويشترط.
فاليعلم الجميع أن تلك الأعمال السياسية التي يقررها المستعمر ويديرها من جنيف إلى مدريد وأخواتها ليست إلا جزءاً من صراعنا معه وهي لا تقل شراً عن وسائل قتله التدميرية من الصواريخ والطائرات والكيماوي بل هي العنُ وأخطر.
المستعمر هو رأس الشر والكفر والفساد, وما حكامنا إلا أدوات ووجوه يبدلها كلما إستُهلكت كما حصل في مصر وتونس واليمن وباكستان …..
الواجب أن نحزم أمرنا وننهض فنثب على أقدامنا وثبة أبا عبيدة وخالد وسعد والقعقاع وصلاح وقطز وبيبرس رضي الله عنهم, فنقطع يد المستعمر ونضرب عملائه ونقضي على أيّ أثرٍ لثقافته في مجتمعاتنا, ثم نرتقي من جديد إلى حيث يحب لنا رب السماوات والأرض, فنقيم فيها أعظم حضارة ونحمل أسمى رسالة لتخرج الناس من الظلمات إلى النور لنعود كما كنا خير أمة أخرجت للناس نأمر بالمعروف وننهى عن المنكر ونؤمن بالله.
منذر عبدالله
الادمن الحموي
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:54AM
Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said,
"When Allah completed the creatio...
Jan 29th 2014, 04:00
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said,
"When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, "My mercy overpowers My Anger."
(Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book #54, Hadith #416)
#Mercy #love #God #Allah #Islam
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:50AM
Mohammadzafar youtube channels Facebook-Pinnwand
Mohammadzafar youtube channels Facebook-Pinnwand
A beautiful short nasheed which is more like a Dua
YouTube link:
Jan 29th 2014, 04:25
A beautiful short nasheed which is more like a Dua
YouTube link:
'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:50AM
Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
Jan 29th 2014, 04:00
Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:48AM
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
'Israel' Worried about Electronic Attacks
Amid the electronic threats that th...
Jan 29th 2014, 04:04
'Israel' Worried about Electronic Attacks
Amid the electronic threats that the Zionist entity faces, data protection conference (Cyber 2014) was held with the participation of the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the bodies charged to face this threaNetanyahut as well as international competent companies.
Netanyahu doubted whether the Zionist entity can eliminate the electronic spy threat, yet "we can formulate the values needed to diminish it."
The Zionist media outlets pointed out that a number of pirates penetrated 15 of the computers of the Israeli security establishment and controlled the devices for several days.
The Israeli media outlets also mentioned that the pirates sent forged messages to either rob data or disrupt the performance of the Israeli security services.
'Israel' Worried about Electronic Attacks
'Israel' Worried about Electronic Attacks
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:48AM
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Ersal Cleric Confesses Plan to Intensify Suicide Attacks in Dahiyeh
Local Edito...
Jan 29th 2014, 04:00
Ersal Cleric Confesses Plan to Intensify Suicide Attacks in Dahiyeh
Local Editor
Investigations proceed with Sheikh Omar al-Atrash, who is under arrest for accusations related to recruiting suicide bombers and planning terrorist attacks which have recently rocked the southern suburb of Beirut and Hermel.Omar al-Atrash
According to Lebanese security sources, Atrash made grave confessions, including moving explosive-rigged cars to Beirut and his prior knowledge of a plan to widen the suicide attacks in the capital's southern suburb (Dahiyeh).
Al-Akhbar daily learned that the investigations with Atrash in the defense ministry face great difficulties in the first two days, before he confessed to serious information.
The cleric, from the town of Ersal, confessed to moving cars and people from the Bekaaist town to Beirut, the paper added.
It quoted well-informed security sources said that Atrash, who was arrested last week confessed he learned about a plan by Jihadists of Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian nationalities, to widen intensify the blasts in Dahiyeh and other areas.
According to these sources, Atrash confessed he had moved two 4x4 vehicles (Grand Cherokee and BM X5) to Beirut, adding that these cars were put in a depot which lies in the outskirts of Dahiyeh and owned by a man named Abu Sleiman.
Moreover, the arrested cleric said he knows some of whose names are circulated by security apparatus as engaged in terrorist acts.
He added that the Palestinian Ibrahim Abu Maaileq, known as Abu Jaafar, who was killed during a clash with the army in Chtaura last week, was responsible along with another Lebanese, for putting a plan for tripartite operation in the Dahiyeh.
Going into the details of this operation, Atrash said it would start when two suicide attackers bomb their selves after they carry shooting attack. The shooting attack then would be proceeded by a car bombing followed by a suicide bombing when the people would gather.
Ersal Cleric Confesses Plan to Intensify Suicide Attacks in Dahiyeh
Ersal Cleric Confesses Plan to Intensify Suicide Attacks in Dahiyeh
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:37AM
Uploads by mohammadzafar
'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs)
Jan 29th 2014, 04:22
'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs)
A beautiful short nasheed which is more like a Dua (supplication) Artist: عبد الرحمن الخزاعي (Abdur Rahman al Khazai) Nasheed: يا من اجبت دعاء نوح فانتصر (Oh...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:37AM
Uploads by mohammadzafar
'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs)
Jan 29th 2014, 04:22
'Oh You, Who answered Nuh's Dua' | Arabic Nasheed (Eng subs)
A beautiful short nasheed which is more like a Dua (supplication) Artist: عبد الرحمن الخزاعي (Abdur Rahman al Khazai) Nasheed: يا من اجبت دعاء نوح فانتصر (Oh...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:33AM
Pravilno Religijas Facebook-Pinnwand
Pravilno Religijas Facebook-Pinnwand
Opasnost taro bidzandipa e Muslimanengoro 1/3
Jan 29th 2014, 04:28
Opasnost taro bidzandipa e Muslimanengoro 1/3
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:10AM
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
Let us remember the beautiful #verses from the holy #Quran, in surah #Maidah, Al...
Jan 29th 2014, 03:11
Let us remember the beautiful #verses from the holy #Quran, in surah #Maidah, Allah (swt) says, "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion". Allah (swt) describes this religion as perfect and complete. What does this mean? Complete means that the religion is wholistic, it has an answer and solution for everything. Indeed if it did not then it would not be complete and perfect. So to believe in this ayah and then reject some parts of the book would be a complete contradiction. Also when Islam emerged as the deen for mankind, when the prophet entered Madinah, all rules and laws were implemented immediately. The question then is, will we see on par with the islamic banking system, the educational, social, political system also be islamic and be implemented simultaneously in society ?
Also the Islamic banking system is only one aspect of the Islamic economic system. Taking one aspect and ignoring the rest shows the lack of will, want and the need to implement Islamic solutions. So is this just another ploy to pacify and disillusion the masses?
Let us remember the beautiful #verses from the holy #Quran, in surah #Maidah, Allah (swt) says, "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion". Allah (swt) describes this religion as perfect and complete. What does this mean? Complete means that the religion is wholistic, it has an answer and solution for everything. Indeed if it did not then it would not be complete and perfect. So to believe in this ayah and then reject some parts of the book would be a complete contradiction. Also when Islam emerged as the deen for mankind, when the prophet entered Madinah, all rules and laws were implemented immediately. The question then is, will we see on par with the islamic banking system, the educational, social, political system also be islamic and be implemented simultaneously in society ?
Also the Islamic banking system is only one aspect of the Islamic economic system. Taking one aspect and ignoring the rest shows the lack of will, want and the need to implement Islamic solutions. So is this just another ploy to pacify and disillusion the masses?
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:10AM
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 03:14
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:09AM
Afrikabrunnen e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Afrikabrunnen e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Glaubst du daran, dass das Fernsehen unsere Kinder von klein auf manipuliert und...
Jan 29th 2014, 03:18
Glaubst du daran, dass das Fernsehen unsere Kinder von klein auf manipuliert und lenkt?
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 04:06AM
Uploads by Islamnfocus .
A Day When Eyes Will Stare ᴴᴰ ┇ Quran Recitation ┇ by Brother Wafiq Syed
Jan 29th 2014, 02:32
A Day When Eyes Will Stare ᴴᴰ ┇ Quran Recitation ┇ by Brother Wafiq Syed
A Day When Eyes Will Stare ᴴᴰ ┇ Quran Recitation ┇ by Brother Wafiq Syed.
Islamnfocus .
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 03:57AM
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
Jan 29th 2014, 03:02
subahanallah ,, ALLAHuakbar.. video ini dbuat oleh pemuda Islam Dan tlah mnarik sramai 37 org non muslim mmasuki Islam dlm hnye bberape mnit video ini disiar kn di youtube ttapi tlah didelete oleh phak youtube.. jom hayati bnar2 mesej yg igin dismpykn pemuda ini Dan nilai ianya Dari hati nurani yg pling dalm siapa pon anda muslim or non muslim... #nilaidgnsbenarpnilaian
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 03:57AM
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
GIZA, MESIR-Seorang asisten menteri dalam negeri (mendagri) Mesir tewas ditembak...
Jan 29th 2014, 03:09
GIZA, MESIR-Seorang asisten menteri dalam negeri (mendagri) Mesir tewas ditembak orang-orang tak dikenal di dekat rumahnya di Provinsi Giza. Insiden itu terjadi pada Selasa (28/01/2014). Informasi mengenai penembakan tersebut dirilis dari laman dan televisi Ahram. Allahu Akbar!
Sementara itu, penyelidikan menunjukkan kalau korban adalah seorang polisi bernama Mayor Jenderal Mohamed Saeed. Ia mengepalai bagian kementerian dalam negeri Mesir untuk kantor teknis.
Kejadian penembakan itu ada kaitannya dengan kebangkitan kembali kelompok Islam garis keras (Baca : Mujahidin) di Mesir. Pemicunya adalah dilengserkannya Presiden Mohamed Mursi pada Juli pada 2013.
Sementara itu, sebelumnya, Mendagri Mesir Mohamed Ibrahim luput dari kematian pada September silam karena serangan bersenjata. Selanjutnya pada November 2013, seorang aparat kepolisian dari Kepolisian Nasional Mesir Mohamed Mabruk juga tewas terbunuh. Mabruk bertugas mengurusi data-data ikhwal pergerakan Persaudaraan Muslim di Mesir.
Adalah Ansar Beit al-Maqdis (Mujahidin Ansar Baitul Maqdis) kelompok teroris (Baca : Mujahidin) terafiliasi Al Qaeda mengaku bertanggung jawab atas penembakan tersebut. Kelompok ini berbasis di Sinai.
Sebelumnya, melalui forum-forum jihad, Mujahidin Ansar Baitul Maqdis mengeluarkan rilis yang menyatakan bertanggung jawab atas pemboman pipa gas alam di Semenanjung Sinai baru-baru ini, yakni tanggal 17 Januari silam.
Dan alasan mengapa pipa gas alam yang menjadi target, karena pipa tersebut memasok gas alam ke pabrik semen yang terkait dengan tentara murtad Mesir. Menurut Mujahidin Ansar Baitul Maqdis, pabrik tersebut telah memberikan bantuan finansial (jutaan) kepada pemimpin militer Jenderal Abdul Fattah As Sisi dan jenderal-jenderal di bawahnya yang digunakan untuk membunuh kaum muslimin dan menangkap muslimah. Allahu Akbar!
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 29 03:57AM
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
khilafah the ways Facebook-Pinnwand
BUMI SYAM-Daulah Islam Di Iraq Dan Syam (ISIS) mengeluarkan penjelasan yakni per...
Jan 29th 2014, 03:09
BUMI SYAM-Daulah Islam Di Iraq Dan Syam (ISIS) mengeluarkan penjelasan yakni perspektif ISIS atas Usulan Perdamaian Syekh Muhammad Al-Muhaisiniy. ISIS menyatakan persetujuannya atas usulan tersebut apabila faksi-faksi yang memerangi Daulah berlepas diri dari sekulerisme dan aturan thogut. Berikut teks lengkap penjelasan ISIS, semoga bermanfaat!
Penjelasan Menurut Persepektif Daulah Islamiyah atas Usulan Perdamaian Syekh Al-Muhaisiniy.
Allah berfirman:
"..(yaitu) orang-orang yang menyapaikan risalah-risalah Allah, mereka takut kepada-Nya dan mereka tiada merasa takut kepada seorang (pun) selain kepada Allah. Dan cukuplah Allah sebagai Pembuat Perhitungan. (QS : Al-Ahzab : 39)
Penjelasan ISIS Atas Usulan Perdamaian Syekh Al-Muhaisiniy - | Masa Depan Islam
Tabi Dakwah Najd untuk Al-Mustaqbal Channel BUMI SYAM-Daulah Islam Di Iraq Dan Syam (ISIS) mengeluarkan penjelasan yakni perspektif ISIS atas Usulan Perdamaian Syekh Muhammad Al-Muhaisiniy. ISIS menyatakan persetujuannya atas usulan tersebut apabila faksi-faksi yang memerangi Daulah berlepas diri da...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 28 11:09AM
Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand
Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand
,,Niemand ist größer als Allah, daher ist auch niemand größer (besser, lobenswer...
Jan 28th 2014, 10:28
,,Niemand ist größer als Allah, daher ist auch niemand größer (besser, lobenswerter, ehrenwerter und schätzenswerter) als derjenige der zu Allah ruft.''
(Aussage der Gelehrten)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jan 28 11:08AM
Islam leben & lernens Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam leben & lernens Facebook-Pinnwand
Der Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم pflegte Honig mit kaltem Wasser zu trink...
Jan 28th 2014, 10:26
Der Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم pflegte Honig mit kaltem Wasser zu trinken, und dies ist eine besonders effektvolle Methode, um die Gesundheit zu erhalten, von der nur die besten Ärzte Wissen haben konnten. Das Trinken von Honig auf nüchternen Magen löst Schleim, reinigt die schützenden Schichten des Magens, löst ihre Klebrigkeit und Ausscheidungen durch milde Erhitzung. Honig hilft außerdem gegen Verstopfungen in Magen, Nieren, Leber und Prostata. Honig ist viel vorteilhafter für den Magen, als alle anderen Süßigkeiten.
(übersetzt von Maimuna Yvonne Bienas aus "Healing with the medicine of the Prophet" von Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah)
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