- Search Facebook kufr: MISSING PRAYERS CLOSE TO INFIDELITY (KUFR)Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."[Tirmizi]Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) [5 Aktualisierungen]
- Search Facebook kufr: MISSING PRAYERS CLOSE TO INFIDELITY (KUFR) Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer." [Tirmizi] Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: MISSING PRAYERS CLOSE TO INFIDELITY (KUFR)Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."[Tirmizi] [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: Things you will never be told before converting to Islam: 1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows. 2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home. 3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife. 4. The punishment for having unmarried sex is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year. 5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to guarantee you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah. 6. Allah not just allows, but encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam. 7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig. 8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden. 9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan." 10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs. 11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her. 12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet. 13. You cannot wipe yourself in the toilet using tissue paper, you have to wash it with your left hand. 14. Wives and women are not allowed at the burial ground of their loved ones during funerals. 15. You can never abandon Islam once you convert and apostasy is punishable by death. Don't get yourself in the trap of Islam. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: کوئٹہ: دھماکے میں شہادتوں کی تعداد 40 ہوگئی جبکہ 70 سے زائد افراد زخمی ہیں جبکہ 15 کی حالت ناذک بتائی جارہی ہے۔ [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: tengo una duda es haram celebrar los cumpleaños???y por favor k los k no sepan del tema k no comenten xk me se de memoria los comentarios tipo: noo claro k no az lo k kieras k no pasa nada eres libre y bla bla bla [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: ispaniq ili braziliq ?? [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: i dont deny that you know the deen more than me but you are not sheikh i dont deny that u have memorised the knowledge of qur an and th ahadith but still u are not my sheikh when u told me to obey a ruller that obeys to the kufar that time was the time i refused you to be my sheikh [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Ufffff in was für eine Welt wir leben.... :(Ein unschuldiger Mann wird vor ca über 100 Menschen gefesselt auf den Boden geschubst und anschließend wird ihm die Kehle mit einem Messer aufgeschlitzt und alle schauen einfach zu und wollen sogar mitmachen...OMG was für gottlose Menschen gibt es nur?!... kein Herz, Kein Verstand und vorallem kein Gewissen :((( Ich wünsche mir nur diese Welt würde untergehen und alle schlechten Menschen sollen in der Hölle schmorren !!!!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Hi :D Bart wächst zu langsam :( [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Die Geschichte was in der Türkei anfing und Brazilien sich durchsetzte, geht nun seit einiger Zeit in Ägypten weiter... Möge Allah den Wahrhaftigen zur seite stehen und die Oberhand gegenüber dem Kuffar geben, amin![A2] [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Jeder hat angst vorm mann mit voll bart. Jeden tag werden schellen verteilt und knochen gebrochen . Ich gebe ein fick auf eure Straße. Immer der selbe scheiß komm nicht in Käfig rein therapier mich selbst . Plane sachen mit salafisten die deine familie vernichten anspritzen mit benzin tropfen die dein haus verbrennen und morgen bei dir klopfen . Warum ich so was schreibe bin der bote verteil noten Aufträge wird scharf geschossen mit sein leben abgeschlossen und luigi hat es genossen . [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Lauf alleine rumm dreh dich lieber immer um seh ich dich fettsack bring ich dich um . Sei leise du stinkst nach scheiße laberst nur scheiße wo sind deine eier geblieben oder muss ich dich ficken nein lieber nicht sonst tuhse dich verlieben pesevenk. Narben berichten plan c4 heißt dich hinrichten in gerichten beweise vernichten freun und Salafisten grüßen fisten laden bin geladen bald wird es knallen dan werden leute fallen ich steh mein mann egal merk dir eins Salafist zu sein ist nicht leicht heute kann es zuende gehn selbstmord mit bombenanschlag wie in Köln bonn kammen leute glücklich davon deswegen mein name luigi buffones pate ich warte fuck the world nur gott kann mich Richten und ich werde weiter für gott hinrichten [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook taghut: History of Osama Bin Laden (rahimahullah)Bin Laden's path to Jihad began as a teenager in the 1970s when he got caught up in the Sharia restoration movement then sweeping Saudi Arabia. He was a voracious reader of the Qur'an and the hadith and listened to weekly sermons in Mecca.Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of Al-Quds al-Arabi, London-based newspaper, spent 10 days with bin Laden in an Afghan cave in 1996. He said bin Laden "touched the root of the grievances of millions in the Muslim world" when he presented himself as the alternative to Muslim regimes that have been incapable of liberating Muslim land from Israeli occupation and restoring pride to their people. He said bin Laden and his followers never feared death. "Those guys spoke about death the way young men talk about going to the disco," Atwan said. "They envied those who fell in battle because they died as martyrs in God's cause."Osama's reedy voice seemed to belie the warrior image he cultivated, a man whose constant companion was a Kalashnikov rifle that he boasted he had taken from a Russian soldier he had killed. The world's most threatening mujahid, he was also known to submit to dressings down by his mother while he built his reputation on his combat experience against Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s.Osama bin Laden "built his own legend, modeling himself after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who in the seventh century led the Muslim people to rout the infidels, or nonbelievers, from North Africa and the Middle East. Just as Muhammad (pbuh) saw the quran revealed to him amid intense persecution and expulsion, Bin Laden regarded his expulsions from Saudi Arabia and then Sudan in the 1990s as signs that he was a chosen one. Islam draws boundaries on where and why jihad can be waged; Bin Laden declared the entire world as fair territory. In his vision, he would be instrumental in the restoration of the khalifa, a political empire extending from Afghanistan across the globe. "These countries belong to Islam," he once said, "not the rulers."Osama bin Laden's Jihadist Influenceswhen Osama was young, he was very close to his father, his father regarded him as special. he would tell people "there is something special about this son of mine."' he once told a close friend of his "His name is Osama, and he is 9 years old. Let me share with you something strange which happened a few days ago. My son woke me up few minutes before the morning prayer and told me, 'Dear father, I want to tell you about a dream that I had.' I thought he must have had a nightmare. I made ablution and took him along with me to Masjid."'"On the way, he told me, 'In the dream, I saw myself in a huge, flat area. I saw an army mounted on white horses moving towards me. All of them were wearing black turbans. One of the horsemen, who had shiny eyes, came up to me and asked me, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" I replied, "Yes." He then asked me again, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" I again replied, "Yes, that is me." He again asked, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" Then I said, "By Allah, I am Osama bin Laden." He moved a flag towards me and said, "Hand this flag over to Imam Mahdi Muhammad bin Abdullah at the gates of Al-Quds." I took the flag from him, and I saw that the army started marching behind me.'"'Muhammed bin Laden said, "I was surprised at that but, due to business at work, I forgot about the dream. The next morning, he woke me up just before the morning prayer and narrated the same dream. The same thing happened on the third morning also. Now, I began to worry for my son. I decided to take him with me to a knowledgeable person who can interpret dreams."'"Accordingly, I took Osama to a person of knowledge and informed him about the whole incident. He looked at us with surprise and asked, 'Is this your same son who had the dream?' I said, 'Yes." He kept staring at Osama for some time. My concern multiplied. He comforted me and said, 'I will ask you a few questions. I am sure that you will answer them truthfully.'"'"He asked Osama, 'Son, do you remember anything about that flag which that horseman gave you?' Osama replied, 'Yes, I remember it.'"'"He asked him, 'Can you describe it, how it was?'"'"Osama said, 'It was similar to the flag of Saudi Arabia, but its color was not green but black, and there was something written on it in white color.'"'"He then put the next question to Osama, 'Did you ever see yourself also fighting?'Osama replied, 'I commonly see such dreams.' He then asked Osama to go out of the room and do recitation of the Qur'an."'"Then that person of knowledge turned towards me and asked, 'Where is your ancestry from?'"'"I replied from Hadramawt in Yemen. Then, he asked me to tell him something about my tribe. I replied that we are related to the tribe of Shanwah which is a Qahtani tribe from Yemen. He then cried out the Takbir loudly and called in Osama and kissed him while crying. He also said that the signs of the hour are near."'"'O Muhammed bin Laden, this son of yours will prepare an army for Imam Mahdi and for the sake of protecting his religion, he will migrate to the region of Khurasan. O Osama ! Blessed is he who will do Jihad by your side and undone and disappointed be he who leaves you alone and fights against you.'"'"Osama bin Laden's early views were shaped by a high school gym teacher who involved him in an after-school Islamic study group in high school and Abdullah Azzam, a charismatic scholar who introduced the young Osama to "the concept of transnational jihad" at university.Osama bin Laden's experience at King Abdulaziz University in Jidda gave his Islamic views more of a militant tinge. He became involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, who believed that much of the Muslim world, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia, lived as infidels, in violation of the true meaning of the quran. And he fell under the influence of two Islamic scholars: Muhammad Quttub and Abdullah Azzam, whose ideas would underpin Al Qaeda. The Middle East was becoming unsettled in 1979, when Bin Laden was at the university. In Iran, Shiites mounted an Islamic revolution that overthrew the shah, Ayatollah Khomeini cast the United States as "The Great Satan.". Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty. And as the year ended, Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan.The year 1979, when [Osama bin Laden] was 21, marked a turning point for Osama and for Saudi Arabia. It was the year of the Iranian revolution, which ignited widespread Shia militancy. Mujahideen struck at royal power in a wild attack on the Holy Mosque in Mecca, and, though suppressed in bloody battle, the assault left the state badly shaken. The Sauds solicited help from the United States to preserve their status, and authorized construction of a major American base on Saudi soil. Osama made clear his disapproval of the infidel presence, generating tensions within the bin Laden family, which stood to profit handsomely from the project." When "the Soviets invaded Afghanistan the bin Ladens rallied to make major contributions to the Afghan resistance, preponderantly Islamic, and sent Osama to Pakistan to oversee the distribution of funds. His work, being anti-communist, pasted over the family rift and delayed his own break with the Sauds and their American allies.In 2005, bin Laden's former bodyguard, Abu Jandal, told the al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, ''Sheikh Osama gave me a pistol. The pistol had only two bullets, for me to kill Sheikh Osama with in case we were surrounded or he was about to fall into the enemy's hands so that he would not be caught alive.'' As bin Laden himself put it to Jandal, if he were killed, ''his blood would become a beacon that arouses the zeal and determination of his followers, the true mujahideen.'' The man who once enjoyed a quiet rural life in the mountains of Tora Bora aims in death to spark the jihad movement and make it greater. he wanted to be ''martyred'' by the ''the Crusaders.Rahimullah Yusufzai, a leading Pakistani journalists who interviewed bin Laden twice in the late 1990s, told Bergen: "Bin Laden sees himself as a man who would sacrifice his life for his beliefs. He would like to go down fighting; he would like to become a martyr. He won't surrender. I believe that he will be a much more popular man for many Muslims once he becomes a martyr, because Mr. bin Laden as a dead man would be even more potent than when he is alive.Abu Jandal told Bergen: In the case of his death, I think he will be a symbol for all those who follow him, especially in the case of his assassination. He will be an inspiration for all those who believe in his ideas, for them to follow in his footsteps. His death will be a great force for stirring up everybody's emotions and enthusiasm to follow him on the path of martyrdom." Khalid Khawaja, who fought with bin Laden in Afghanistan, said: "He will never be captured. He's not Saddam Hussein. He's Osama. Osama loves death."Osama bin Laden showed up in Pakistan in 1979 around the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He met Afghan refugees and opposition leaders and returned to Saudi Arabia to raise funds for the Afghan resistance. In the early 1980s, he used his family business connections to help funnel equipment and weapons to the mujahidin.Bin Laden arrived in Pakistan-Afghanistan border within two weeks of the occupation. He said later that he had been asked to go by Saudi officials, who were eager to support the resistance movement. In his book "Taliban," the Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid said that the Saudis had originally hoped that a member of the royal family might serve as an inspirational leader in Afghanistan, but that they settled on Bin Laden as the next closest thing when no princes volunteered.The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 was a profoundly shocking event for bin Laden, as it was for thousands of other devout young Muslims, who were drawn to the Afghan jihad during the 1980s. It was the first time since World War II that a non-Muslim power had invaded and occupied a Muslim nation. Indeed, for bin Laden it was the most transformative event of his life.Osama bin Laden later said "I was enraged, and went there at once." In 1997 he said: "The news was broadcast by radio stations that the Soviet Union invaded a Muslim country; this was a sufficient motivation for me to start to aid our brothers in Afghanistan. In spite of the Soviet power, God conferred favors on us so that we transported heavy equipment from the country of the Two Holy Places [Saudi Arabia] estimated at hundreds of tons altogether that included bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and equipment for digging trenches. When we saw the brutality of the Russians bombing the mujahideen positions, by the grace of God, we dug a good number of huge tunnels and built in them some storage places.SHEIKH 'ABDULLAH 'AZZAM SAID ABOUT USAMA BIN LADEN~"We ask Allah (SWT) to protect our brother , Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin; as for this man, my eyes have never ever seen a man like him in the entire World.""This man represents an entire nation.""By Allah, I bear witness that I could not find an equal to him in the whole of the Islamic World, so we ask Allah to protect his religion and his wealth, and to bless him in his life.""He lives in his house the life of the poor. I used to visit him at his house in Jeddah whenever I used to go for Hajj or Umrah and I never found a single table or chair in his house: all of his houses. He was married to four wives and in all four of his houses, 1 never did see a single table or chair. Any Jordani an or Egyptian labourer's house was better than the house of Usama. At the same time, if you asked him for a million riyals (US $275,000) or the Mujahideen, he would write you out a cheque for a million riyals on the spot.""The Afghans would see the Arab as a man who had left his commerce, employment and company behind in Saudi Arabia, or the Arabian Gulf or Jordan, and had come to live a life of stale bread and tea on the peaks of mountains. And they would see Usama Bin Ladin as a man who had left behind his business deal of expanding the Sac red Mosque of the Prophet (SAWS) in Madinah, to his brothers , thereby forfeiting his share of it – SR8million (US $2.5million) – and throwing himself into the thick of the battles.""Usama went to one of his sisters and presented to her the fatwa of Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah regarding the obligation of spending on the Jihad, so she took out her cheque book and wrote him a cheque of SR8million (US$2.5 million ) immediately. The people said to her, `Have you gone crazy? Eight million riyals in a single donation?' Many Muslim women tried to dissuade her; many Muslim men tried to discourage her husband and they said to her, 'You live in a rented flat: it will only cost you one million riyals (US$275,000) to build a house for yourself, so why not spend one million of this donation for your own house?' Therefore, she went to her brother, Usama, and consulted with him about spending one million riyals on building a house for herself so Usama said to her, 'By Allah, not even a single riyal ! You are living in a spacious flat whilst other s are dying , unable even to find a tent to live in.'""Whenever he sits with you, you feel that he is a servant from amongst the servants of the house, with his manners and manhood. By Allah, we have found him to be like that. I said to Sheikh Sayyaf once, 'Keep this man with you and forbid him from entering the battles,' whereas he, on the other hand, was always desperate to go and confront the enemy face-to-face.""Believe me, whenever he would come to my house in Peshawar and I would need to make a telephone call, he would go and get the telephone and place it in front of me, to avoid me having to move from my place. Manners, modesty, manhood: we ask Allah to protect him.""The first time he invited me to his house was in Ramadan. At the time of Maghrib, he brought in a plate full of rice containing a few bones with thin streaks of meat on them, and two or three kebabs.""Sayyid Diya', (an Afghan Commander of the Northern Alliance, a nephew of Sayyaf and one of those who fought against the Mujahideen in the US Crusade on Afghanistan that began in 2001), told a journalist from the French newspaper, Le Monde, 'We knew that Usama was wealthy, but he used to live amongst us a simple and meagre life. He was surrounded by the Russians on two occasions: one of these occasions was during a battle that lasted 24 days, and this is the longest battle that I have ever participated in, in my entire lif e. Usama was surrounded for seven day s, on the peak of a mountain, with 100 of his men.They were being subjected to extremely heavy, continuous shelling from the Russians, so Usama ordered the wide open plains to be mined in order to cut the supply route of the Russians, and then he attacked the Russians on the seventh day, being victorious in the battle. Usama and the Arabs were really brave, in truth – and since that battle I have never seen a battle of that ferocity. To be honest with you, we were very afraid of the continuous shelling upon us, and we were waiting inside our trenches for the Russians to approach us, so that we could open fire on them. The Arabs, on the other hand, were leaping up from the trenches and facing the enemy face- to-face: they were eager to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, whereas not a single Afghan was prepared to do that."[THE LOFTY MOUNTAIN By Shaheed Dr Sheikh ' Abdullah 'Azzam,First Edition Azzam Publications, Page 151-153]Bin Laden became a patron of the Afghan mujahedin, distributing money for shoes and weddings and visiting the wounded... When he arrived in Peshawar, Pakistan, the headquarters-in-exile of the Afghan resistance, he had a sizable purse to aid the cause.Basil Muhammad, a Syrian journalist and author of The Arab Volunteers in Afghanistan, in which he wrote that bin Laden had first ventured into Afghanistan in 1984. Bin Laden told Muhammad: "I feel so guilty for listening to my friends and those that I love to not come here [to Afghanistan] and stay home for reasons of safety, and I feel that this delay of four years requires [my own] martyrdom in the name of God."Jamal Ismail, who was an editor of Jihad magazine, said : "Coming to Peshawar on a visit in 1984, I met Mr. Osama bin Laden, one of the main financiers of the Services Office. I knew from the beginning that he was not willing to drink any soft drinks from American companies—Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, 7-Up. He is trying to boycott all American products because he believes that without the Americans Israel cannot exist."Jamal Khalifa, who joined his university friend bin Laden in Afghanistan said: When we decided to work in Afghanistan, early '85, Osama said "What if you marry my sister Shaikha?" I told him, we are going to war. We are going to die, and you're asking me about marriage?" So he insisted and I told him, "O.K., look. If I came back and did not die, I will do it." Despite the fact that he was married to bin Laden's sister, Jamal Khalifa was angry about what he regarded as his friend's foolhardy plan to set up his own military operation in Afghanistan.In 1986, bin Laden established a base next to a Soviet military post at Jaji, in eastern Afghanistan," "Khalifa knew that bin Laden had no military experience, and he was concerned that young Arabs under bin Laden's command were being sent on kamikaze missions against the Soviets. How much actual fighting he saw during the Soviet occupation is a matter of dispute, but his intense commitment was unquestioned."Khalifa said: " I decided to go myself [to Jaji] to see what's going on there. I stayed three days. I started to ask the people how it's going. They said every day, We have plenty of shaheeds [martyrs]—people dying. I said, "Why? They are not trained and they are very young. They don't have experience and they are facing the Soviets". Khalifa said: I sat down with Osama in his tent underground. I told him, "Everybody is against this idea. Why are you here? Don't you know that this is very dangerous?" He said, "We came to be in the front." I said, "No, we did not come to be in the front. We came to [act as supporters of the] Afghans." I told him, "Every drop of blood bleeds here in this place. God will ask you about it in the Hereafter. Everybody saying this is wrong, so Osama, please leave the place right now." Everybody was hearing our argument; our voices become hard. I was really very angry; this is our first time to be like this. I told him, "Look, you will leave the place or I will never see you again." He told me, "Do whatever you want." So I left.A key to Osama bin Laden's transformation into a committed jihadist, "was his encounter with the charismatic Palestinian cleric Abdullah Azzam. Azzam was the critical force both ideologically and organizationally for the recruitment of Muslims from around the world to engage in the Afghan struggle against the Soviets. In the mid-eighties, the dominant Arab in the war against the Soviets was Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian theologian who had a doctorate in Islamic law from Al-Azhar University. (He is not related to the Azzam family of Zawahiri's mother.) Azzam went on to teach at King Abdul Aziz University, in Jidda, where one of his students was Osama bin Laden. As soon as Azzam heard about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, he moved to Pakistan. He became the gatekeeper of jihad and its main fund-raiser. His formula for victory was "Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences, and no dialogues."Many of the qualities that people now attribute to bin Laden were seen earlier in Abdullah Azzam, who became his mentor. Azzam was the embodiment of the holy warrior, which, in the Muslim world, is as popular a heroic stereotype as the samurai in Japan. His long beard was vividly black in the middle and white on either side, and whenever he talked about the war his gaze seemed to focus on some glorious interior vision. "I reached Afghanistan and could not believe my eyes," Azzam says in a recruitment video, produced in 1988, as he holds an AK-47 rifle in his lap. "I travelled to acquaint people with jihad for years. We were trying to satisfy the thirst for martyrdom. We are still in love with this." Azzam was a frequent speaker at Muslim rallies, even in the United States, where he came to raise money, and he often appeared on Saudi television. Generous and elaborately polite, Azzam opened his home in Peshawar to many of the young men, mostly Arabs, who had heeded his fatwa for all Muslims to rally against the Soviet invader. When bin Laden first came to Peshawar, he stayed at Azzam's guesthouse. Together, they set up the Maktab al-Khadamat, or Services Bureau, to recruit and train resistance fighters.Azzam became bin Laden's mentor, and in 1984 they founded the Services Office, an organization dedicated to placing Arab volunteers either with relief organizations serving the Afghan refugees who had flooded into Pakistan, or with the Afghan factions fighting the Soviets. Hutaifa Azzam, the son of Abdullah Azzam,said: "Anyone who wanted to know anything about Afghanistan connects with my father. [He and Osama] met in the summer of 1984 in Jidda. Their relationship was very strong. I was very close to Osama. I still remember him driving a Land Cruiser, desert color; he took us to his farm, 40 kilometers from Jidda. We used to go there hunting. A vital project of Azzam and bin Laden's Services Office was Jihad magazine, which the organization started up in the fall of 1984. A bimonthly, it was effectively the house organ of the Services Office, which would morph, in part, into al-Qaeda.Abdullah Anas, one of the founders of the Services Office, told Begren: "The main aim of Azzam to build or to create the Jihad magazine is to inform the Arab world what is happening in Afghanistan; informing them, help funding, recruit people. [Eventually we printed] 70,000 copies an issue. And most of them go to the United States, because we had 52 centers in the United States. The main office was in Brooklyn, also Phoenix, Boston, Chicago, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, and Washington State. Every year Azzam used to go to United States. The wealthy of United States can help much more than Muslims who are living in poor countries or under dictatorship.Azzam believed that jihad was the responsibility of all Muslims until the lands once held by Islam were reclaimed. For Azzam, reportedly one of the founders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, there could be no compromise with the enemies of Islam: "Jihad and the rifle alone. No negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues. In 1984, Osama bin Laden set up a guest house in Peshawar, Pakistan to channel Arab volunteers to the mujahidin and was the chief financier and logistic man for Maktab al-Khidamat ("The Office of Services"), an organization that recruited Arab volunteers for the fight against the Soviets. Later he set up camps and helped build cave hideouts in Afghanistan and founded an Arabic-language information service for the mujahidin. More Arab volunteers came. In 1989 the guesthouse and the organization were given a name—Al-Qaida ("The Base").Osama bin Laden "traveled more like a visiting diplomat than soldier, meeting with leaders and observing refugees coming into Peshawar, Pakistan. As the family friend said, it "was an exploratory rather than an action trip." He returned twice a year for the next few years, in between finishing his degree and lobbying family members to support the Afghan mujahedeen. Bin Laden began traveling beyond the border into Afghanistan in 1982, bringing with him construction machinery and recruits. In 1984, he and Mr. Azzam began setting up guesthouses in Peshawar, which was the first stop for holy warriors on their way to Afghanistan. With the money they had raised in Saudi Arabia, they established the Office of Services, which branched out across the world to recruit young jihadists.The recruits were known as the Afghan Arabs, though they came from all over the world, and their numbers were estimated as high as 20,000. By 1986, Bin Laden had begun setting up training camps for them as well, and he was paying roughly $25,000 a month to subsidize them. To young would-be recruits across the Arab world, Bin Laden's was an attractive story: the rich young man who had become a warrior. His own descriptions of the battles he had seen, how he had lost the fear of death and slept in the face of artillery fire, were brushstrokes of an almost divine figure. Afghanistan also brought Bin Laden into contact with leaders of other militant Islamic groups, including Ayman al-Zawahri, the bespectacled doctor who would later appear at Bin Laden's side in televised messages from the caves of Afghanistan. Ultimately Dr. Zawahri's group, Egyptian Jihad, and others would merge with Al Qaeda, making it an umbrella for jihadi groups.In Afghanistan, Bin Laden's leadership skills and genius for organization became evident...With Azzam, Bin Laden founded the Mujahedin Services Bureau, an organization that sought to channel and strengthen the armed response of Muslims everywhere to the Afghans' plight. By the late 1980s, it reportedly had branches in 50 countries, including the United States. Bin Laden launched a recruiting drive that enrolled thousands of volunteers. He set up half a dozen camps to train them in guerrilla warfare. Bin Laden also brought in bulldozers, dump trucks and other assets of his family's company, and drew on his background in construction to build trenches, roads and tunnels to aid the resistance. Many times, it is said, he dug emplacements on the front lines himself and kept working under enemy fire. He spent tens of millions of dollars of his fortune in Afghanistan, yet led the same spartan life as an ordinary fighter, sleeping on the floor of his Peshawar office on a pallet bed.Word of the young Saudi's exploits spread through the Middle East, ensuring fresh fighters for the Afghan cause and a steady stream of contributions. According to one Western intelligence estimate, Bin Laden brought in about $50 million a year for the Afghan resistance. Bin Laden's military ambitions and personality evolved in tandem. He became more assertive, to the point that he ignored the advice of many old friends about the folly of setting up his own military force. That decision also precipitated an irrevocable (but carefully concealed) split with his onetime mentor, Abdullah Azzam. Hutaifa Azzam said: "You could say that bin Laden separated from my father in 1987. Bin Laden said that he wanted to make special camps for the Arabs only, where we can start our own jihad and we give the orders. We will gather all the Arabs in Afghanistan in one area in Jalalabad [in eastern Afghanistan]. My father was against that. He was shocked. So in 1987, Osama decided to separate and create special camps for the Arabs.It was not an accident that bin Laden's split from Abdullah Azzam began around the time of his first meeting with the Egyptian jihadist Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, in 1986. For bin Laden, the slightly older, cerebral Zawahiri (a surgeon by training) must have presented an intriguing figure. Zawahiri had first joined a jihadist group at 15 and had recently served three years in Egypt's notorious prisons for his jihadist activities. For Zawahiri, bin Laden was on his way to becoming a genuine war hero, and his deep pockets were well known. In 1987, Zawahiri set up his own jihad group, which was soon supported by bin Laden. Unlike the other leaders of the mujahideen, Zawahiri did not pledge himself to Sheikh Abdullah Azzam when he arrived in Afghanistan; from the start, he concentrated his efforts on getting close to bin Laden.Zawahiri must have recognized—perhaps even before bin Laden himself did—that the future of the Islamic movement lay with "this heaven-sent man," as Abdullah Azzam called bin Laden. Azzam soon felt the gravitational force of Zawahiri's influence over his protégé. "I don't know what some people are doing here in Peshawar," Azzam complained to his son-in-law Abdullah Anas. "They are talking against the mujahideen. They have only one point, to create fitna"—discord—"between me and these volunteers." He singled out Zawahiri as one of the troublemakers.Bin Laden's final break with Abdullah Azzam came in a dispute over the scope of jihad. Bin Laden envisioned an all-Arab legion, which eventually could be used to wage jihad in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Sheikh Abdullah strongly opposed making war against fellow-Muslims. Zawahiri undermined Azzam's position by spreading rumors that he was a spy. "Zawahiri said he believed that Abdullah Azzam was working for the Americans," Osama Rushdi told me. "Sheikh Abdullah was killed that same night." On November 24, 1989, Azzam and two of his sons were blown up by a car bomb as they were driving to al-Falah Mosque in Peshawar. Although no one claimed credit for the killings, many have been blamed, including Zawahiri himself, and even bin Laden." It was the second Azzam's life in a month.. At Azzam's funeral, Zawahiri delivered a eulogy.Osama bin Laden organized and led a group of volunteers, mostly Arabs, with a few Afghans, in the eastern mountains of Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghanistan war in the 1980s. He was respected by his family for his courage and devotion. In November 1989, Osama bin Laden became the head of the Arab fighters after Sheik Abdullah Azzam was killed. Bin Laden described his fight in Afghanistan this way: "There I received volunteers who came from the Saudi kingdom and from all over the Arab and Muslim countries. I set up my first camp where these volunteers were trained. Bin Laden was said to be very careful. He trusted no one and approached strangers or unknown packages with suspicion. Despite efforts by the Soviet to hunt him down and kill him he survived while many other fellow commanders died.Between 1984 and 1989, by some accounts, Osama bin Laden was in more in 40 bombing raids and fought in many battles, including the 1989 siege of Jalalabad, where he was wounded by shrapnel in an attack on the airport. He was wounded several times and hospitalized more than once. Osama bin Laden said that once a Soviet shell fell at his feet. In the seconds that transpired as he waited for it to explode he said he felt a sense of calmness. The shell never exploded. In 1987, Bin Laden was commanding a group of mujahedin that attacked Soviet and pro-Moscow Afghan units in the eastern province of Paktia. The fighting degenerated into hand-to-hand combat, and the attackers had to withdraw. But Bin Laden seized what became a prop central to his public persona — the Kalashnikov automatic rifle that was usually by his side in television interviews or photographs. He took it from a dead Soviet general.Khaled Batarfi, who remained in touch with bin Laden's mother during the Soviet-Afghan war, said that she became increasingly concerned about her son, especially after Osama supposedly suffered the effects of a Soviet gas attack: "The situation became worse when [Osama] went to jihad. In the beginning it wasn't for jihad, it was going there just to support, so that was starting to worry his mother, and then he decided to become a fighter, and his mother—oh, God, it went from bad to worse. And then she heard about the chemical gas Russians used against mujahideen, and her son was affected. Since then, she was [watching] TV, waiting for bad news.Stories sent back from the battle to Arab newspaper readers, and photographs of Bin Laden in combat gear, burnished his image. The flood of young men following him to Afghanistan prompted the founding of Al Qaeda. The genesis was essentially bureaucratic; Bin Laden wanted a way to track the men so he could tell their families what had happened to them. The documentation that Al Qaeda provided became a primitive database of young jihadists. From his base in Jaji, bin Laden fought a key military engagement with the Soviets during the spring of 1987. This was a critical turning point in his life, when he left behind his role as a donor and fund-raiser for the mujahideen and launched his career as a warrior. Bin Laden, demonstrating the zeal of a fanatic, told the Syrian journalist Basil Muhammad that he hoped his new base would draw heavy Soviet fire: God willing, we want the Lion's Den [in Jaji] to be the first thing that the enemy faces. Its place as the first camp visible to the enemy means that they will focus their bombardments on us in an extreme manner.Essam Deraz, an Egyptian writer and filmmaker who covered the battle of Jaji, said: "They picked the site at Jaji because it was on the front lines. In '87, it was a very important battle. The Arab group fought against Russian commandos. Not more than 50 or 60 young Arabs, 21, 22 [years old]. Most of them students at the universities. [Bin Laden] fought in this battle like a private. The Russian bombing went on for one week. It was clear now he'd be the leader. I was near him in the battle—many months—and he was really brave. That's why he got respect from Afghans and Arabs.Khalid Khawaja, a former Pakistani air-force officer who fought alongside bin Laden, said: "I participated in the Jaji battle. I was introduced to [bin Laden]. First of all he's not a genius. He was 30 when I met him. He prayed a lot, always smiling. As a personality I never thought he would make a place in history—he is not charismatic. He is not very intelligent, but he is the most dedicated and self-sacrificing person, to a degree that is unparalleled." How wrong he was.By the mid-'80s, bin Laden" was " supplying arms to the Afghan irregulars, the mujaheddin... Arms were now cheap. They bought them from China and Afghan warlords. Saudi Arabia also supplied the Mujahideen with weapons via pakistan. the myth the United States was flooding the market, chiefly with Stingers, the anti-aircraft missiles that assured the Russians' defeat is false. the stingers the mujahideen used, they bought from Pakistan, and they were not even the latest stingers. however it served to make the Russian jet fighters fly higher, making their bombings less accurate.Osama bin Laden's group never received any CIA funding and Osama bin Laden is believed to have had little or no contact with U.S. officials. He said in an interview in 1999, he "always hated the Americans because they are against Muslims...We didn't want U.S. support in Afghanistan... we just happened to be fighting the same enemy." Most of money for his activities is believed to have come from rich Saudis he knew. During the Soviet war in Afghanistan during the 1980s, the CIA had no dealings with "Afghan Arabs" such as bin Laden and had few direct dealings with any of the Afghan mujaheddin. Brigadier Mohammad Yousaf, the ISI officer who coordinated Pakistani efforts during the war, explained in "The Bear Trap," his 1992 book: "No Americans ever trained or had direct contact with the mujaheddin."Since 9/11, al-Qaeda insiders have responded in writing to assertions that they had some kind of relationship with the CIA. Bin Laden's top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in his autobiographical "Knights Under the Banner of the Prophet," wrote, "The truth that everyone should learn is that the United States did not give one penny in aid to the [Arab] mujaheddin." Similarly, Abu Musab al-Suri, long an associate of bin Laden's, explained in his history of the jihadist movement, "The Call to Global Islamic Resistance": "It is a big lie that the Afghan Arabs were formed with the backing of the CIA." There are very few things that al-Qaeda and the CIA agree upon — except that they have never had any relationship."In research for his book "The Bin Ladens" Steve Coll found no record of CIA meetings with bin Laden. The agency knew who he was but showed no special interest in him or awareness of the danger his militancy represented. Coll wrote in the "The Bin Ladens" that Osama bin Laden flew to London in 1986 to help negotiate the purchase of Russian-made surface-to-air missiles to be used by Arab fighters then battling the Soviet military in Afghanistan. Bin Laden and his half brother, Salem, met several times with the contacts at the luxury Dorchester hotel in London. "Don't do any jokes with my brother," Salem is said to have told the others. "He's very religious."The deal for Russian SA-7 missiles was arranged via "contacts" with the German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch, through an associate of Salem bin Laden, the book says. It suggests that payment for the weapons was made by the government of Saudi Arabia and that the weapons eventually were purchased in South America. At the time of the weapons shipments, the Saudi government was supporting Afghan and Arab forces resisting the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan. U.S. intelligence installed a listening device in a desk presented in the late 1970s to Saudi Prince Nayef when he became interior minister. Nayef's discovery of the bug, negatively colored his views of the United States and inhibited his cooperation with U.S. counterterrorism efforts following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.Osama bin Laden viewed the war against the Soviets not as nationalist war for Afghan freedom but as a jihad against the West and wanted to expand the jihad to the Middle East, Europe and Africa. He helped set up charities that helped Afghan veterans and oppressed Muslims in places like Bosnia, Chechnya, Somalia and the Philippines and took some Afghan fighter to Yemen to fight against Communists there.Bin Laden told a French journalist in 1995: "For us, the idea was not to get involved more than necessary in the fight against the Russians, which was the business of the Americans, but rather to show our solidarity with our Islamic brothers. I discovered that it was not enough to fight in Afghanistan, but that we had to fight on all fronts against Communism or Western oppression. The urgent thing was Communism, but the next target was America." Bin Laden told an another interviewer: "Most of what we benefited from was that the myth of the superpower was destroyed not only in my mind but also in the minds of all Muslims," "Slumber and fatigue vanished, and so was the terror which the U.S. would use in its media by attributing itself superpower status, or which the Soviet Union used by attributing itself as a superpower.In 1988, a number of the foreign fighters made a decision whose effects are still being felt today. The Soviets, it seemed clear, were on the run. The moment had come to turn the hammer of Islam against corrupt and pro-Western regimes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries. Among those involved was Omar Abdel Rahman, who would later be convicted of masterminding a plot to blow up New York City landmarks in the early 1990s. When the metamorphosis was complete, the organization created to fund and staff the anti-Soviet struggle had become Al Qaeda, a multinational network of Muslim Mujahids.After the war ended, the Afghan-Arabs, as the mostly non-Afghan volunteers who fought the Soviets came to be known, either returned to their countries of origin or joined conflicts in Somalia, the Balkans and Chechnya. This benefited Al Qaeda's global reach and later helped cultivate the second and third generations of Al Qaeda warriors. Following the first Gulf War, Al Qaeda shifted its focus to fighting the growing U.S. presence in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's most sacred shrines. Al Qaeda vociferously opposed the stationing of U.S. troops on what it considered the holiest of Islamic lands and waged an extended campaign of jihad against the Saudi rulers, whom bin Laden deemed to be false Muslims (taghut governments). The ultimate goal of this campaign was to depose the Saudi royal family and install an Islamic caliphate on muslim lands. The Saudi regime subsequently deported bin Laden in 1992 and revoked his citizenship in 1994.In 1991 bin Laden moved to Sudan, where he operated until 1996. During this period, Al Qaeda established connections with other jihadi organizations with the help of its Sudanese hosts. While in Sudan, Al Qaeda was involved in several attacks and guerrilla actions carried out by other organizations. In May 1996, following U.S. pressure on the Sudanese government, bin Laden moved to Afghanistan where he allied himself with the ruling Taliban.Between 1991 and 1996, Al Qaeda took part in several major attacks. Al Qaeda was involved in the bombing of two hotels in Aden, Yemen, which targeted American troops en route to Somalia. It also gave massive assistance to Somali militias, whose efforts brought the black hawk helicopters down, and also brought the eventual withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1994. Bin Laden was also involved in an assassination attempt against Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in Ethiopia in June 1995. Two major actions against the U.S. military in Saudi Arabia, a November 1995 attack in Riyadh and the June 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, also fit Al Qaeda's strategy at the time, but their connection to Al Qaeda is not entirely clear. There is little evidence to suggest a significant connection between bin Laden and the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993.After moving to Afghanistan, bin Laden escalated his anti-American rhetoric. In an interview with the Independent in July 1996, bin Laden praised the Riyadh and Dhahram attacks on U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, saying it marked "the beginning of war between Muslims and the United States." He did not take responsibility for the attacks, but said that "not long ago, I gave advice to the Americans to withdraw their troops from Saudi Arabia." On August 23, 1996, bin Laden issued Al Qaeda's first "declaration of war" against America, his "Message from Osama bin Laden to his Muslim brothers in the whole world and especially in the Arabian Peninsula: declaration of jihad against the Americans occupying the Land of the Two Holy Mosques (Saudi Arabia); expel the heretics from the Arabian Peninsula."In February 1998 bin Laden and several leading Muslim militants declared the formation of a coalition called the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders to fight the U.S. Member organizations included Al Qaeda, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian Islamic Group, and organizations engaged in Kashmir and Bangladesh. Bin Laden was appointed to head the Front's council (shura). The militants signed a fatwa (religious opinion) outlining the Front's ideology and goals. The fatwa was published in a London-based Arabic paper, Al Quds Al Arabi; it called on all Muslims to "kill the Americans and their allies - civilians and military," wherever they may be. in islam there is no such thing as military and civilian, there is only combatant and none combatant. whoever helps the enemies of islam through speech, wealth, expertise or advice is regarded as a com [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook taghut: N'oublions pas qu'Abdullah Azzam est parti de la palestine a cause du manque de fraternité [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook taghut: "Ya Akhi, wo ist dein Kufr bit Taghut??........Nein, du unterstützt ihn sogar, indem du deine Geschwister in Stich lässt! "-Abu Usama [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Search Facebook kafir: Adakah dikau tahu kenapa bacaan Ibnu Mas'ud R.A dicintai RasuluLLAAH SAAW, apakah karena 'sekedar' merdunya atau karena karakter ketika dia membacakannya dihadapan para kafir dan musyrik, sehingga setelah dia bacakan Ayat Al-Qur'an itu dihadapan mereka habislah mukanya babak belur dihajar... benarkah itu Polar Pain seperti adanya melky-way? [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: Ya ALLAH. Aku berlindung kepada Mu dari menjadi hamba yang pada pagi harinya beriman namun menjadi kafir di sore harinya. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: Zubair Ibnul Awwam - Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang Antara Thalhah dan Azzubair adalah dua serangkai. Bila yang seorang disebut maka yang kedua pun disebut. Mereka sama-sama beriman pada tahun yang sama dan wafat dalam tahun yang sama pula. Kedua-duanya tergolong kesepuluh orang yang "mubasyarin bil jannah". Awal Masuk Islam Azzubair masuk Islam dalam usia lima belas tahun dan ia hijrah dalam usia delapan belas tahun sesudah menderita penganiayaan dan siksaan bertubi-tubi karena mempertahankan keimanannya. Pamannya sendirilah yang menyiksanya. Azzubair digulung ke dalam tikar, lalu kakinya digantung diatas dan dibawah kepalanya ditaruh api yang membara. Pamannya berkata, "Kembali kamu kepada penyembahan berhala !" Tapi Azzubair menjawab, "Saya tidak akan kembali kafir lagi sama sekali." Peperangan pertama antara Syirik dan Iman Azzubair adalah prajurit dakwah yang menyandang senjata untuk melawan orang-orang yang menghendaki gugurnya dakwah Islamiah selagi dalam kandungan. Kepahlawanannya telah tampak pertama kali pada waktu perang Badar. Dalam peperangan itu, pasukan Quraisy menempatkan pendekarnya dibarisan terdepan yang dipimpin oleh Ubaidah bin Said Ibnul Aash. Dia dikenal sebagi seorang yang paling berani, paling pandai dalam menunggang kuda dan paling kejam terhadap lawan. Kaum Quraisy sengaja menempatkannya di barisan terdepan untuk menantang pahlawan-pahlawan berkuda kaum muslimin. Azzubair segera memandang kearah Ubaidah. Ternyata seluruh tubuhnya berbalut senjata (baju besi) sehingga sulit ditembus dengan senjata. Yang tampak dari Ubaidah hanya kedua matanya saja. Azzubair berpikir bagaimana caranya mengalahkan musuhnya yang berbaju besi itu dan ia menemukan cara yang jitu. Setelah siap, Azzubair terjun kemedan tempur dan terjadilah perang tanding yang seru sekali. Dalam dua kali putaran Azzubair mengarahkan lembingnya kemata Ubaidah dan berhasil menusuk kedua mata itu sampai kebelakang kepalanya. Ubaidah, pendekar Quraisy itu berteriak dan jatuh tersungkur tanpa gerak. Menyaksikan terbunuhnya Ubaidah yang tragis ini, barisan kaum musyrikin ketakutan. Lembing milik Azzubair kemudian diminta oleh Rasulullah SAW. Lembing itu kemudian berada ditangan Abubakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali dan Abdullah ibnu Azzubair meminta lembing itu untuk disimpannya. Terbunuhnya pendekar Quraisy Ubaidah menambah semangat juang Umat Islam dalam setiap peperangan dan mereka selalu dapat memenangkannya. Rasulullah SAW sangat mencintai Azzubair Rasulullah SAW merasa bangga terhadap Azzubair, dan ia bersabda : "Setiap nabi mempunyai pengikut pendamping yang setia(Hawari) dan hawariku adalah Azzubair ibnul Awwam." Kecintaan Rasulullah SAW kepada Azzubair bukan hanya disebabkan ia anak bibi Rasulullah SAW tetapi karena Azzubair memang seorang pemuda yang setia, ikhlas, jujur, kuat, berani,murah tangan dan telah menjual diri dan hartanya kepada ALLAH. Dia adalah seorang pengelola perdagangan yang berhasil dan hartawan, tapi hartanya selalu diinfakan untuk perjuangan Islam. Yang pertama Menyambut Panggilan Jihad Bila diserukan "Hayo berjihad fi Sabilillah", maka ia akan segera menjadi orang pertama yang datang menyambut seruan itu. Oleh karena itulah Azzubair selalu mengikuti seluruh peperangan bersama Rasulullah SAW. Selama hidupnya ia tidak pernah absen berjihad. Ketika kaum muslimin mengepung perbentengan bani Quraidah yang kokoh dan sulit dikuasai, Azzubair bersama Ali bin Abi Thalib menyerbu dengan memanjat benteng itu sehingga kaum muslimin dapat memasuki dan menguasai benteng tersebut. Begitu pula kesigapan Azzubair dalam menyambut seruan jihad pada perang Alahzaab dan peperangan lainnya sehingga bila Rasulullah SAW melihatnya, Beliau tersenyum ridho dan gembira, seraya bersabda : :Tiap nabi mempunyai kawan dan pembela setia(Hawari) dan di antara hawariku adalah Azzubair.". Azzubair tercatat dalam rombongan yang pernah hijrah ke negeri Habasyah sebelum hijrah ke Madinah. Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang Ketika Amru Ibnul Aash meminta bala bantuan tentara kepada Amirul Mukminin, Umar Ibnul Khattab untuk memperkuat pasukan memasuki negeri Mesir dan mengalahkan tentara Romawi yang kala itu menduduki Mesir, Umar Ra mengirim empat ribu prajurit yang dipimpin oleh empat orang komandan dan ia juga menulis surat yang isinya : Aku mengirim empat ribu prajurit bala bantuan yang dipimpin empat orang sahabat yang terkemuka dan masing-masing bernilai seribu orang. Tahukah anda siapa empat orang komandan itu ?, mereka adalah Azzubair Ibnul Awwam, Ubadah Ibnu Assamit, Almiqdaad Ibnul Aswad dan Maslamah bin Mukhallid." Ketika menghadapi benteng Babilion, kaum muslimin sukar membuka dan menguasainya. Azzubair Ra memanjati dinding benteng dengan tangga. Lalu ia berseru " Allahu Akbar" dan disambut dengan kalimat tahuid oleh pasukan yang berada diluar benteng. hal ini membuat pasukan musuh gentar, panik dan meninggalkan pos-pos pertahanan mereka sehingga Azzubair dan kawan-kawannya bergegas membuka pintu gerbang maka tercapailah kemenangan yang gilang gemilang pada kaum muslimin. Wafatnya Azzubair Ra Ketika terjadi pertempuran hari "Aljamal" antara pasukan yand dipimpin Siti Aisyah Ra dengan pasukan Ali Ra, Azzubair bertemu dengan Ali dan menyatakan dirinya tidak lagi memihak dan akan berusaha mendamaikan kedua pasukan itu. Setelah itu maka diapun pergi. Tetapi dia dibuntuti oelh beberapa orang yang menginginkan berlanjutnya fitnah dan perang. Azzubair ditikam ketika sedang menghadap Allah (dalam keadaan menunaikan shalat). [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:32
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:31
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:29
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:27
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:25
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
Jun 30th 2013, 23:31
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:39AM +0100
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Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
Jun 30th 2013, 23:31
Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
"The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:30AM +0100
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Things you will never be told before converting to Islam:
1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows.
2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home.
3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife.
4. The punishment for having unmarried sex is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year.
5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to guarantee you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah.
6. Allah not just allows, but encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam.
7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig.
8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden.
9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan."
10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs.
11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her.
12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet.
13. You cannot wipe yourself in the toilet using tissue paper, you have to wash it with your left hand.
14. Wives and women are not allowed at the burial ground of their loved ones during funerals.
15. You can never abandon Islam once you convert and apostasy is punishable by death.
Don't get yourself in the trap of Islam.
Jun 30th 2013, 18:07
Things you will never be told before converting to Islam:
1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows.
2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home.
3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife.
4. The punishment for having unmarried sex is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year.
5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to guarantee you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah.
6. Allah not just allows, but encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam.
7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig.
8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden.
9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan."
10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs.
11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her.
12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet.
13. You cannot wipe yourself in the toilet using tissue paper, you have to wash it with your left hand.
14. Wives and women are not allowed at the burial ground of their loved ones during funerals.
15. You can never abandon Islam once you convert and apostasy is punishable by death.
Don't get yourself in the trap of Islam.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:30AM +0100
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کوئٹہ: دھماکے میں شہادتوں کی تعداد 40 ہوگئی جبکہ 70 سے زائد افراد زخمی ہیں جبکہ 15 کی حالت ناذک بتائی جارہی ہے۔
Jun 30th 2013, 21:24
کوئٹہ: دھماکے میں شہادتوں کی تعداد 40 ہوگئی جبکہ 70 سے زائد افراد زخمی ہیں جبکہ 15 کی حالت ناذک بتائی جارہی ہے۔
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:30AM +0100
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tengo una duda es haram celebrar los cumpleaños???
y por favor k los k no sepan del tema k no comenten xk me se de memoria los comentarios tipo: noo claro k no az lo k kieras k no pasa nada eres libre y bla bla bla
Jun 30th 2013, 21:13
tengo una duda es haram celebrar los cumpleaños???
y por favor k los k no sepan del tema k no comenten xk me se de memoria los comentarios tipo: noo claro k no az lo k kieras k no pasa nada eres libre y bla bla bla
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:30AM +0100
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ispaniq ili braziliq ??
Jun 30th 2013, 21:52
ispaniq ili braziliq ??
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:30AM +0100
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i dont deny that you know the deen more than me but you are not sheikh
i dont deny that u have memorised the knowledge of qur an and th ahadith but still u are not my sheikh
when u told me to obey a ruller that obeys to the kufar that time was the time i refused you to be my sheikh
Jun 30th 2013, 21:58
i dont deny that you know the deen more than me but you are not sheikh
i dont deny that u have memorised the knowledge of qur an and th ahadith but still u are not my sheikh
when u told me to obey a ruller that obeys to the kufar that time was the time i refused you to be my sheikh
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:25AM +0100
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Ufffff in was für eine Welt wir leben.... :(
Ein unschuldiger Mann wird vor ca über 100 Menschen gefesselt auf den Boden geschubst und anschließend wird ihm die Kehle mit einem Messer aufgeschlitzt und alle schauen einfach zu und wollen sogar mitmachen...
OMG was für gottlose Menschen gibt es nur?!... kein Herz, Kein Verstand und vorallem kein Gewissen :((( Ich wünsche mir nur diese Welt würde untergehen und alle schlechten Menschen sollen in der Hölle schmorren !!!!!!!!
Jun 30th 2013, 21:16
Ufffff in was für eine Welt wir leben.... :(
Ein unschuldiger Mann wird vor ca über 100 Menschen gefesselt auf den Boden geschubst und anschließend wird ihm die Kehle mit einem Messer aufgeschlitzt und alle schauen einfach zu und wollen sogar mitmachen...
OMG was für gottlose Menschen gibt es nur?!... kein Herz, Kein Verstand und vorallem kein Gewissen :((( Ich wünsche mir nur diese Welt würde untergehen und alle schlechten Menschen sollen in der Hölle schmorren !!!!!!!!
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:25AM +0100
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Hi :D Bart wächst zu langsam :(
Jun 30th 2013, 18:16
Hi :D Bart wächst zu langsam :(
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:25AM +0100
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Die Geschichte was in der Türkei anfing und Brazilien sich durchsetzte, geht nun seit einiger Zeit in Ägypten weiter... Möge Allah den Wahrhaftigen zur seite stehen und die Oberhand gegenüber dem Kuffar geben, amin!
Jun 30th 2013, 21:30
© Independent Journalists Pierre Vogel geht davon aus, dass die Opposition versuchen wird die Muslimbrüder dazu zu provozieren sich gegen die Gewalt mit Gege...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:25AM +0100
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Jeder hat angst vorm mann mit voll bart. Jeden tag werden schellen verteilt und knochen gebrochen . Ich gebe ein fick auf eure Straße. Immer der selbe scheiß komm nicht in Käfig rein therapier mich selbst . Plane sachen mit salafisten die deine familie vernichten anspritzen mit benzin tropfen die dein haus verbrennen und morgen bei dir klopfen . Warum ich so was schreibe bin der bote verteil noten Aufträge wird scharf geschossen mit sein leben abgeschlossen und luigi hat es genossen .
Jun 30th 2013, 21:42
Jeder hat angst vorm mann mit voll bart. Jeden tag werden schellen verteilt und knochen gebrochen . Ich gebe ein fick auf eure Straße. Immer der selbe scheiß komm nicht in Käfig rein therapier mich selbst . Plane sachen mit salafisten die deine familie vernichten anspritzen mit benzin tropfen die dein haus verbrennen und morgen bei dir klopfen . Warum ich so was schreibe bin der bote verteil noten Aufträge wird scharf geschossen mit sein leben abgeschlossen und luigi hat es genossen .
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:25AM +0100
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Lauf alleine rumm dreh dich lieber immer um seh ich dich fettsack bring ich dich um . Sei leise du stinkst nach scheiße laberst nur scheiße wo sind deine eier geblieben oder muss ich dich ficken nein lieber nicht sonst tuhse dich verlieben pesevenk. Narben berichten plan c4 heißt dich hinrichten in gerichten beweise vernichten freun und Salafisten grüßen fisten laden bin geladen bald wird es knallen dan werden leute fallen ich steh mein mann egal merk dir eins Salafist zu sein ist nicht leicht heute kann es zuende gehn selbstmord mit bombenanschlag wie in Köln bonn kammen leute glücklich davon deswegen mein name luigi buffones pate ich warte fuck the world nur gott kann mich Richten und ich werde weiter für gott hinrichten
Jun 30th 2013, 21:58
Lauf alleine rumm dreh dich lieber immer um seh ich dich fettsack bring ich dich um . Sei leise du stinkst nach scheiße laberst nur scheiße wo sind deine eier geblieben oder muss ich dich ficken nein lieber nicht sonst tuhse dich verlieben pesevenk. Narben berichten plan c4 heißt dich hinrichten in gerichten beweise vernichten freun und Salafisten grüßen fisten laden bin geladen bald wird es knallen dan werden leute fallen ich steh mein mann egal merk dir eins Salafist zu sein ist nicht leicht heute kann es zuende gehn selbstmord mit bombenanschlag wie in Köln bonn kammen leute glücklich davon deswegen mein name luigi buffones pate ich warte fuck the world nur gott kann mich Richten und ich werde weiter für gott hinrichten
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:22AM +0100
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History of Osama Bin Laden (rahimahullah)
Bin Laden's path to Jihad began as a teenager in the 1970s when he got caught up in the Sharia restoration movement then sweeping Saudi Arabia. He was a voracious reader of the Qur'an and the hadith and listened to weekly sermons in Mecca.
Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of Al-Quds al-Arabi, London-based newspaper, spent 10 days with bin Laden in an Afghan cave in 1996. He said bin Laden "touched the root of the grievances of millions in the Muslim world" when he presented himself as the alternative to Muslim regimes that have been incapable of liberating Muslim land from Israeli occupation and restoring pride to their people. He said bin Laden and his followers never feared death. "Those guys spoke about death the way young men talk about going to the disco," Atwan said. "They envied those who fell in battle because they died as martyrs in God's cause."
Osama's reedy voice seemed to belie the warrior image he cultivated, a man whose constant companion was a Kalashnikov rifle that he boasted he had taken from a Russian soldier he had killed. The world's most threatening mujahid, he was also known to submit to dressings down by his mother while he built his reputation on his combat experience against Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Osama bin Laden "built his own legend, modeling himself after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who in the seventh century led the Muslim people to rout the infidels, or nonbelievers, from North Africa and the Middle East. Just as Muhammad (pbuh) saw the quran revealed to him amid intense persecution and expulsion, Bin Laden regarded his expulsions from Saudi Arabia and then Sudan in the 1990s as signs that he was a chosen one. Islam draws boundaries on where and why jihad can be waged; Bin Laden declared the entire world as fair territory. In his vision, he would be instrumental in the restoration of the khalifa, a political empire extending from Afghanistan across the globe. "These countries belong to Islam," he once said, "not the rulers."
Osama bin Laden's Jihadist Influences
when Osama was young, he was very close to his father, his father regarded him as special. he would tell people "there is something special about this son of mine."' he once told a close friend of his "His name is Osama, and he is 9 years old. Let me share with you something strange which happened a few days ago. My son woke me up few minutes before the morning prayer and told me, 'Dear father, I want to tell you about a dream that I had.' I thought he must have had a nightmare. I made ablution and took him along with me to Masjid.
"'"On the way, he told me, 'In the dream, I saw myself in a huge, flat area. I saw an army mounted on white horses moving towards me. All of them were wearing black turbans. One of the horsemen, who had shiny eyes, came up to me and asked me, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" I replied, "Yes." He then asked me again, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" I again replied, "Yes, that is me." He again asked, "Are you Osama bin Muhammed bin Laden?" Then I said, "By Allah, I am Osama bin Laden." He moved a flag towards me and said, "Hand this flag over to Imam Mahdi Muhammad bin Abdullah at the gates of Al-Quds." I took the flag from him, and I saw that the army started marching behind me.'
"'Muhammed bin Laden said, "I was surprised at that but, due to business at work, I forgot about the dream. The next morning, he woke me up just before the morning prayer and narrated the same dream. The same thing happened on the third morning also. Now, I began to worry for my son. I decided to take him with me to a knowledgeable person who can interpret dreams.
"'"Accordingly, I took Osama to a person of knowledge and informed him about the whole incident. He looked at us with surprise and asked, 'Is this your same son who had the dream?' I said, 'Yes." He kept staring at Osama for some time. My concern multiplied. He comforted me and said, 'I will ask you a few questions. I am sure that you will answer them truthfully.'
"'"He asked Osama, 'Son, do you remember anything about that flag which that horseman gave you?' Osama replied, 'Yes, I remember it.'
"'"He asked him, 'Can you describe it, how it was?'
"'"Osama said, 'It was similar to the flag of Saudi Arabia, but its color was not green but black, and there was something written on it in white color.'
"'"He then put the next question to Osama, 'Did you ever see yourself also fighting?'
Osama replied, 'I commonly see such dreams.' He then asked Osama to go out of the room and do recitation of the Qur'an.
"'"Then that person of knowledge turned towards me and asked, 'Where is your ancestry from?'
"'"I replied from Hadramawt in Yemen. Then, he asked me to tell him something about my tribe. I replied that we are related to the tribe of Shanwah which is a Qahtani tribe from Yemen. He then cried out the Takbir loudly and called in Osama and kissed him while crying. He also said that the signs of the hour are near.
"'"'O Muhammed bin Laden, this son of yours will prepare an army for Imam Mahdi and for the sake of protecting his religion, he will migrate to the region of Khurasan. O Osama ! Blessed is he who will do Jihad by your side and undone and disappointed be he who leaves you alone and fights against you.'"'"
Osama bin Laden's early views were shaped by a high school gym teacher who involved him in an after-school Islamic study group in high school and Abdullah Azzam, a charismatic scholar who introduced the young Osama to "the concept of transnational jihad" at university.
Osama bin Laden's experience at King Abdulaziz University in Jidda gave his Islamic views more of a militant tinge. He became involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, who believed that much of the Muslim world, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia, lived as infidels, in violation of the true meaning of the quran. And he fell under the influence of two Islamic scholars: Muhammad Quttub and Abdullah Azzam, whose ideas would underpin Al Qaeda. The Middle East was becoming unsettled in 1979, when Bin Laden was at the university. In Iran, Shiites mounted an Islamic revolution that overthrew the shah, Ayatollah Khomeini cast the United States as "The Great Satan.". Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty. And as the year ended, Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan.
The year 1979, when [Osama bin Laden] was 21, marked a turning point for Osama and for Saudi Arabia. It was the year of the Iranian revolution, which ignited widespread Shia militancy. Mujahideen struck at royal power in a wild attack on the Holy Mosque in Mecca, and, though suppressed in bloody battle, the assault left the state badly shaken. The Sauds solicited help from the United States to preserve their status, and authorized construction of a major American base on Saudi soil. Osama made clear his disapproval of the infidel presence, generating tensions within the bin Laden family, which stood to profit handsomely from the project." When "the Soviets invaded Afghanistan the bin Ladens rallied to make major contributions to the Afghan resistance, preponderantly Islamic, and sent Osama to Pakistan to oversee the distribution of funds. His work, being anti-communist, pasted over the family rift and delayed his own break with the Sauds and their American allies.
In 2005, bin Laden's former bodyguard, Abu Jandal, told the al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, ''Sheikh Osama gave me a pistol. The pistol had only two bullets, for me to kill Sheikh Osama with in case we were surrounded or he was about to fall into the enemy's hands so that he would not be caught alive.'' As bin Laden himself put it to Jandal, if he were killed, ''his blood would become a beacon that arouses the zeal and determination of his followers, the true mujahideen.'' The man who once enjoyed a quiet rural life in the mountains of Tora Bora aims in death to spark the jihad movement and make it greater. he wanted to be ''martyred'' by the ''the Crusaders.
Rahimullah Yusufzai, a leading Pakistani journalists who interviewed bin Laden twice in the late 1990s, told Bergen: "Bin Laden sees himself as a man who would sacrifice his life for his beliefs. He would like to go down fighting; he would like to become a martyr. He won't surrender. I believe that he will be a much more popular man for many Muslims once he becomes a martyr, because Mr. bin Laden as a dead man would be even more potent than when he is alive.
Abu Jandal told Bergen: In the case of his death, I think he will be a symbol for all those who follow him, especially in the case of his assassination. He will be an inspiration for all those who believe in his ideas, for them to follow in his footsteps. His death will be a great force for stirring up everybody's emotions and enthusiasm to follow him on the path of martyrdom." Khalid Khawaja, who fought with bin Laden in Afghanistan, said: "He will never be captured. He's not Saddam Hussein. He's Osama. Osama loves death."
Osama bin Laden showed up in Pakistan in 1979 around the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He met Afghan refugees and opposition leaders and returned to Saudi Arabia to raise funds for the Afghan resistance. In the early 1980s, he used his family business connections to help funnel equipment and weapons to the mujahidin.
Bin Laden arrived in Pakistan-Afghanistan border within two weeks of the occupation. He said later that he had been asked to go by Saudi officials, who were eager to support the resistance movement. In his book "Taliban," the Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid said that the Saudis had originally hoped that a member of the royal family might serve as an inspirational leader in Afghanistan, but that they settled on Bin Laden as the next closest thing when no princes volunteered.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 was a profoundly shocking event for bin Laden, as it was for thousands of other devout young Muslims, who were drawn to the Afghan jihad during the 1980s. It was the first time since World War II that a non-Muslim power had invaded and occupied a Muslim nation. Indeed, for bin Laden it was the most transformative event of his life.
Osama bin Laden later said "I was enraged, and went there at once." In 1997 he said: "The news was broadcast by radio stations that the Soviet Union invaded a Muslim country; this was a sufficient motivation for me to start to aid our brothers in Afghanistan. In spite of the Soviet power, God conferred favors on us so that we transported heavy equipment from the country of the Two Holy Places [Saudi Arabia] estimated at hundreds of tons altogether that included bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and equipment for digging trenches. When we saw the brutality of the Russians bombing the mujahideen positions, by the grace of God, we dug a good number of huge tunnels and built in them some storage places.
"We ask Allah (SWT) to protect our brother , Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin; as for this man, my eyes have never ever seen a man like him in the entire World."
"This man represents an entire nation."
"By Allah, I bear witness that I could not find an equal to him in the whole of the Islamic World, so we ask Allah to protect his religion and his wealth, and to bless him in his life."
"He lives in his house the life of the poor. I used to visit him at his house in Jeddah whenever I used to go for Hajj or Umrah and I never found a single table or chair in his house: all of his houses. He was married to four wives and in all four of his houses, 1 never did see a single table or chair. Any Jordani an or Egyptian labourer's house was better than the house of Usama. At the same time, if you asked him for a million riyals (US $275,000) or the Mujahideen, he would write you out a cheque for a million riyals on the spot."
"The Afghans would see the Arab as a man who had left his commerce, employment and company behind in Saudi Arabia, or the Arabian Gulf or Jordan, and had come to live a life of stale bread and tea on the peaks of mountains. And they would see Usama Bin Ladin as a man who had left behind his business deal of expanding the Sac red Mosque of the Prophet (SAWS) in Madinah, to his brothers , thereby forfeiting his share of it – SR8million (US $2.5million) – and throwing himself into the thick of the battles."
"Usama went to one of his sisters and presented to her the fatwa of Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah regarding the obligation of spending on the Jihad, so she took out her cheque book and wrote him a cheque of SR8million (US$2.5 million ) immediately. The people said to her, `Have you gone crazy? Eight million riyals in a single donation?' Many Muslim women tried to dissuade her; many Muslim men tried to discourage her husband and they said to her, 'You live in a rented flat: it will only cost you one million riyals (US$275,000) to build a house for yourself, so why not spend one million of this donation for your own house?' Therefore, she went to her brother, Usama, and consulted with him about spending one million riyals on building a house for herself so Usama said to her, 'By Allah, not even a single riyal ! You are living in a spacious flat whilst other s are dying , unable even to find a tent to live in.'"
"Whenever he sits with you, you feel that he is a servant from amongst the servants of the house, with his manners and manhood. By Allah, we have found him to be like that. I said to Sheikh Sayyaf once, 'Keep this man with you and forbid him from entering the battles,' whereas he, on the other hand, was always desperate to go and confront the enemy face-to-face."
"Believe me, whenever he would come to my house in Peshawar and I would need to make a telephone call, he would go and get the telephone and place it in front of me, to avoid me having to move from my place. Manners, modesty, manhood: we ask Allah to protect him."
"The first time he invited me to his house was in Ramadan. At the time of Maghrib, he brought in a plate full of rice containing a few bones with thin streaks of meat on them, and two or three kebabs."
"Sayyid Diya', (an Afghan Commander of the Northern Alliance, a nephew of Sayyaf and one of those who fought against the Mujahideen in the US Crusade on Afghanistan that began in 2001), told a journalist from the French newspaper, Le Monde, 'We knew that Usama was wealthy, but he used to live amongst us a simple and meagre life. He was surrounded by the Russians on two occasions: one of these occasions was during a battle that lasted 24 days, and this is the longest battle that I have ever participated in, in my entire lif e. Usama was surrounded for seven day s, on the peak of a mountain, with 100 of his men.
They were being subjected to extremely heavy, continuous shelling from the Russians, so Usama ordered the wide open plains to be mined in order to cut the supply route of the Russians, and then he attacked the Russians on the seventh day, being victorious in the battle. Usama and the Arabs were really brave, in truth – and since that battle I have never seen a battle of that ferocity. To be honest with you, we were very afraid of the continuous shelling upon us, and we were waiting inside our trenches for the Russians to approach us, so that we could open fire on them. The Arabs, on the other hand, were leaping up from the trenches and facing the enemy face- to-face: they were eager to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, whereas not a single Afghan was prepared to do that."
[THE LOFTY MOUNTAIN By Shaheed Dr Sheikh ' Abdullah 'Azzam,
First Edition Azzam Publications, Page 151-153]
Bin Laden became a
- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:22AM +0100
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N'oublions pas qu'Abdullah Azzam est parti de la palestine a cause du manque de fraternité
Jun 30th 2013, 21:46
N'oublions pas qu'Abdullah Azzam est parti de la palestine a cause du manque de fraternité
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:22AM +0100
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"Ya Akhi, wo ist dein Kufr bit Taghut??
Nein, du unterstützt ihn sogar, indem du deine Geschwister in Stich lässt! "
-Abu Usama
Jun 30th 2013, 22:08
"Ya Akhi, wo ist dein Kufr bit Taghut??
Nein, du unterstützt ihn sogar, indem du deine Geschwister in Stich lässt! "
-Abu Usama
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:19AM +0100
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Search Facebook salafismus
Jun 30th 2013, 20:32
Lustig , Lustig tra la la la la , hochleben die Taliban !!!-
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:12AM +0100
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İsrail'in Kanal 2 televizyonu: "Mısır'da İslamcı iktidar çöküşün eşiğinde... ABD Mursi'nin iktidarı bırakması için çağrıda bulunmalı..."
Mursi dik dur egilme muslumanlar seninle !
Jun 30th 2013, 22:23
İsrail'in Kanal 2 televizyonu: "Mısır'da İslamcı iktidar çöküşün eşiğinde... ABD Mursi'nin iktidarı bırakması için çağrıda bulunmalı..."
Mursi dik dur egilme muslumanlar seninle !
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:12AM +0100
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Adakah dikau tahu kenapa bacaan Ibnu Mas'ud R.A dicintai RasuluLLAAH SAAW, apakah karena 'sekedar' merdunya atau karena karakter ketika dia membacakannya dihadapan para kafir dan musyrik, sehingga setelah dia bacakan Ayat Al-Qur'an itu dihadapan mereka habislah mukanya babak belur dihajar... benarkah itu Polar Pain seperti adanya melky-way?
Jun 30th 2013, 22:23
Adakah dikau tahu kenapa bacaan Ibnu Mas'ud R.A dicintai RasuluLLAAH SAAW, apakah karena 'sekedar' merdunya atau karena karakter ketika dia membacakannya dihadapan para kafir dan musyrik, sehingga setelah dia bacakan Ayat Al-Qur'an itu dihadapan mereka habislah mukanya babak belur dihajar... benarkah itu Polar Pain seperti adanya melky-way?
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:12AM +0100
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Ya ALLAH. Aku berlindung kepada Mu dari menjadi hamba yang pada pagi harinya beriman namun menjadi kafir di sore harinya.
Jun 30th 2013, 22:24
Ya ALLAH. Aku berlindung kepada Mu dari menjadi hamba yang pada pagi harinya beriman namun menjadi kafir di sore harinya.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 12:12AM +0100
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Zubair Ibnul Awwam - Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang
Antara Thalhah dan Azzubair adalah dua serangkai. Bila yang seorang disebut maka yang kedua pun disebut. Mereka sama-sama beriman pada tahun yang sama dan wafat dalam tahun yang sama pula. Kedua-duanya tergolong kesepuluh orang yang "mubasyarin bil jannah".
Awal Masuk Islam
Azzubair masuk Islam dalam usia lima belas tahun dan ia hijrah dalam usia delapan belas tahun sesudah menderita penganiayaan dan siksaan bertubi-tubi karena mempertahankan keimanannya. Pamannya sendirilah yang menyiksanya. Azzubair digulung ke dalam tikar, lalu kakinya digantung diatas dan dibawah kepalanya ditaruh api yang membara. Pamannya berkata, "Kembali kamu kepada penyembahan berhala !" Tapi Azzubair menjawab, "Saya tidak akan kembali kafir lagi sama sekali."
Peperangan pertama antara Syirik dan Iman
Azzubair adalah prajurit dakwah yang menyandang senjata untuk melawan orang-orang yang menghendaki gugurnya dakwah Islamiah selagi dalam kandungan. Kepahlawanannya telah tampak pertama kali pada waktu perang Badar. Dalam peperangan itu, pasukan Quraisy menempatkan pendekarnya dibarisan terdepan yang dipimpin oleh Ubaidah bin Said Ibnul Aash. Dia dikenal sebagi seorang yang paling berani, paling pandai dalam menunggang kuda dan paling kejam terhadap lawan. Kaum Quraisy sengaja menempatkannya di barisan terdepan untuk menantang pahlawan-pahlawan berkuda kaum muslimin. Azzubair segera memandang kearah Ubaidah. Ternyata seluruh tubuhnya berbalut senjata (baju besi) sehingga sulit ditembus dengan senjata. Yang tampak dari Ubaidah hanya kedua matanya saja. Azzubair berpikir bagaimana caranya mengalahkan musuhnya yang berbaju besi itu dan ia menemukan cara yang jitu. Setelah siap, Azzubair terjun kemedan tempur dan terjadilah perang tanding yang seru sekali. Dalam dua kali putaran Azzubair mengarahkan lembingnya kemata Ubaidah dan berhasil menusuk kedua mata itu sampai kebelakang kepalanya. Ubaidah, pendekar Quraisy itu berteriak dan jatuh tersungkur tanpa gerak. Menyaksikan terbunuhnya Ubaidah yang tragis ini, barisan kaum musyrikin ketakutan. Lembing milik Azzubair kemudian diminta oleh Rasulullah SAW. Lembing itu kemudian berada ditangan Abubakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali dan Abdullah ibnu Azzubair meminta lembing itu untuk disimpannya. Terbunuhnya pendekar Quraisy Ubaidah menambah semangat juang Umat Islam dalam setiap peperangan dan mereka selalu dapat memenangkannya.
Rasulullah SAW sangat mencintai Azzubair
Rasulullah SAW merasa bangga terhadap Azzubair, dan ia bersabda : "Setiap nabi mempunyai pengikut pendamping yang setia(Hawari) dan hawariku adalah Azzubair ibnul Awwam." Kecintaan Rasulullah SAW kepada Azzubair bukan hanya disebabkan ia anak bibi Rasulullah SAW tetapi karena Azzubair memang seorang pemuda yang setia, ikhlas, jujur, kuat, berani,murah tangan dan telah menjual diri dan hartanya kepada ALLAH. Dia adalah seorang pengelola perdagangan yang berhasil dan hartawan, tapi hartanya selalu diinfakan untuk perjuangan Islam.
Yang pertama Menyambut Panggilan Jihad
Bila diserukan "Hayo berjihad fi Sabilillah", maka ia akan segera menjadi orang pertama yang datang menyambut seruan itu. Oleh karena itulah Azzubair selalu mengikuti seluruh peperangan bersama Rasulullah SAW. Selama hidupnya ia tidak pernah absen berjihad. Ketika kaum muslimin mengepung perbentengan bani Quraidah yang kokoh dan sulit dikuasai, Azzubair bersama Ali bin Abi Thalib menyerbu dengan memanjat benteng itu sehingga kaum muslimin dapat memasuki dan menguasai benteng tersebut. Begitu pula kesigapan Azzubair dalam menyambut seruan jihad pada perang Alahzaab dan peperangan lainnya sehingga bila Rasulullah SAW melihatnya, Beliau tersenyum ridho dan gembira, seraya bersabda : :Tiap nabi mempunyai kawan dan pembela setia(Hawari) dan di antara hawariku adalah Azzubair.". Azzubair tercatat dalam rombongan yang pernah hijrah ke negeri Habasyah sebelum hijrah ke Madinah.
Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang
Ketika Amru Ibnul Aash meminta bala bantuan tentara kepada Amirul Mukminin, Umar Ibnul Khattab untuk memperkuat pasukan memasuki negeri Mesir dan mengalahkan tentara Romawi yang kala itu menduduki Mesir, Umar Ra mengirim empat ribu prajurit yang dipimpin oleh empat orang komandan dan ia juga menulis surat yang isinya : Aku mengirim empat ribu prajurit bala bantuan yang dipimpin empat orang sahabat yang terkemuka dan masing-masing bernilai seribu orang. Tahukah anda siapa empat orang komandan itu ?, mereka adalah Azzubair Ibnul Awwam, Ubadah Ibnu Assamit, Almiqdaad Ibnul Aswad dan Maslamah bin Mukhallid." Ketika menghadapi benteng Babilion, kaum muslimin sukar membuka dan menguasainya. Azzubair Ra memanjati dinding benteng dengan tangga. Lalu ia berseru " Allahu Akbar" dan disambut dengan kalimat tahuid oleh pasukan yang berada diluar benteng. hal ini membuat pasukan musuh gentar, panik dan meninggalkan pos-pos pertahanan mereka sehingga Azzubair dan kawan-kawannya bergegas membuka pintu gerbang maka tercapailah kemenangan yang gilang gemilang pada kaum muslimin.
Wafatnya Azzubair Ra
Ketika terjadi pertempuran hari "Aljamal" antara pasukan yand dipimpin Siti Aisyah Ra dengan pasukan Ali Ra, Azzubair bertemu dengan Ali dan menyatakan dirinya tidak lagi memihak dan akan berusaha mendamaikan kedua pasukan itu. Setelah itu maka diapun pergi. Tetapi dia dibuntuti oelh beberapa orang yang menginginkan berlanjutnya fitnah dan perang. Azzubair ditikam ketika sedang menghadap Allah (dalam keadaan menunaikan shalat).
Jun 30th 2013, 22:25
Zubair Ibnul Awwam - Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang
Antara Thalhah dan Azzubair adalah dua serangkai. Bila yang seorang disebut maka yang kedua pun disebut. Mereka sama-sama beriman pada tahun yang sama dan wafat dalam tahun yang sama pula. Kedua-duanya tergolong kesepuluh orang yang "mubasyarin bil jannah".
Awal Masuk Islam
Azzubair masuk Islam dalam usia lima belas tahun dan ia hijrah dalam usia delapan belas tahun sesudah menderita penganiayaan dan siksaan bertubi-tubi karena mempertahankan keimanannya. Pamannya sendirilah yang menyiksanya. Azzubair digulung ke dalam tikar, lalu kakinya digantung diatas dan dibawah kepalanya ditaruh api yang membara. Pamannya berkata, "Kembali kamu kepada penyembahan berhala !" Tapi Azzubair menjawab, "Saya tidak akan kembali kafir lagi sama sekali."
Peperangan pertama antara Syirik dan Iman
Azzubair adalah prajurit dakwah yang menyandang senjata untuk melawan orang-orang yang menghendaki gugurnya dakwah Islamiah selagi dalam kandungan. Kepahlawanannya telah tampak pertama kali pada waktu perang Badar. Dalam peperangan itu, pasukan Quraisy menempatkan pendekarnya dibarisan terdepan yang dipimpin oleh Ubaidah bin Said Ibnul Aash. Dia dikenal sebagi seorang yang paling berani, paling pandai dalam menunggang kuda dan paling kejam terhadap lawan. Kaum Quraisy sengaja menempatkannya di barisan terdepan untuk menantang pahlawan-pahlawan berkuda kaum muslimin. Azzubair segera memandang kearah Ubaidah. Ternyata seluruh tubuhnya berbalut senjata (baju besi) sehingga sulit ditembus dengan senjata. Yang tampak dari Ubaidah hanya kedua matanya saja. Azzubair berpikir bagaimana caranya mengalahkan musuhnya yang berbaju besi itu dan ia menemukan cara yang jitu. Setelah siap, Azzubair terjun kemedan tempur dan terjadilah perang tanding yang seru sekali. Dalam dua kali putaran Azzubair mengarahkan lembingnya kemata Ubaidah dan berhasil menusuk kedua mata itu sampai kebelakang kepalanya. Ubaidah, pendekar Quraisy itu berteriak dan jatuh tersungkur tanpa gerak. Menyaksikan terbunuhnya Ubaidah yang tragis ini, barisan kaum musyrikin ketakutan. Lembing milik Azzubair kemudian diminta oleh Rasulullah SAW. Lembing itu kemudian berada ditangan Abubakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali dan Abdullah ibnu Azzubair meminta lembing itu untuk disimpannya. Terbunuhnya pendekar Quraisy Ubaidah menambah semangat juang Umat Islam dalam setiap peperangan dan mereka selalu dapat memenangkannya.
Rasulullah SAW sangat mencintai Azzubair
Rasulullah SAW merasa bangga terhadap Azzubair, dan ia bersabda : "Setiap nabi mempunyai pengikut pendamping yang setia(Hawari) dan hawariku adalah Azzubair ibnul Awwam." Kecintaan Rasulullah SAW kepada Azzubair bukan hanya disebabkan ia anak bibi Rasulullah SAW tetapi karena Azzubair memang seorang pemuda yang setia, ikhlas, jujur, kuat, berani,murah tangan dan telah menjual diri dan hartanya kepada ALLAH. Dia adalah seorang pengelola perdagangan yang berhasil dan hartawan, tapi hartanya selalu diinfakan untuk perjuangan Islam.
Yang pertama Menyambut Panggilan Jihad
Bila diserukan "Hayo berjihad fi Sabilillah", maka ia akan segera menjadi orang pertama yang datang menyambut seruan itu. Oleh karena itulah Azzubair selalu mengikuti seluruh peperangan bersama Rasulullah SAW. Selama hidupnya ia tidak pernah absen berjihad. Ketika kaum muslimin mengepung perbentengan bani Quraidah yang kokoh dan sulit dikuasai, Azzubair bersama Ali bin Abi Thalib menyerbu dengan memanjat benteng itu sehingga kaum muslimin dapat memasuki dan menguasai benteng tersebut. Begitu pula kesigapan Azzubair dalam menyambut seruan jihad pada perang Alahzaab dan peperangan lainnya sehingga bila Rasulullah SAW melihatnya, Beliau tersenyum ridho dan gembira, seraya bersabda : :Tiap nabi mempunyai kawan dan pembela setia(Hawari) dan di antara hawariku adalah Azzubair.". Azzubair tercatat dalam rombongan yang pernah hijrah ke negeri Habasyah sebelum hijrah ke Madinah.
Seorang Bernilai Seribu Orang
Ketika Amru Ibnul Aash meminta bala bantuan tentara kepada Amirul Mukminin, Umar Ibnul Khattab untuk memperkuat pasukan memasuki negeri Mesir dan mengalahkan tentara Romawi yang kala itu menduduki Mesir, Umar Ra mengirim empat ribu prajurit yang dipimpin oleh empat orang komandan dan ia juga menulis surat yang isinya : Aku mengirim empat ribu prajurit bala bantuan yang dipimpin empat orang sahabat yang terkemuka dan masing-masing bernilai seribu orang. Tahukah anda siapa empat orang komandan itu ?, mereka adalah Azzubair Ibnul Awwam, Ubadah Ibnu Assamit, Almiqdaad Ibnul Aswad dan Maslamah bin Mukhallid." Ketika menghadapi benteng Babilion, kaum muslimin sukar membuka dan menguasainya. Azzubair Ra memanjati dinding benteng dengan tangga. Lalu ia berseru " Allahu Akbar" dan disambut dengan kalimat tahuid oleh pasukan yang berada diluar benteng. hal ini membuat pasukan musuh gentar, panik dan meninggalkan pos-pos pertahanan mereka sehingga Azzubair dan kawan-kawannya bergegas membuka pintu gerbang maka tercapailah kemenangan yang gilang gemilang pada kaum muslimin.
Wafatnya Azzubair Ra
Ketika terjadi pertempuran hari "Aljamal" antara pasukan yand dipimpin Siti Aisyah Ra dengan pasukan Ali Ra, Azzubair bertemu dengan Ali dan menyatakan dirinya tidak lagi memihak dan akan berusaha mendamaikan kedua pasukan itu. Setelah itu maka diapun pergi. Tetapi dia dibuntuti oelh beberapa orang yang menginginkan berlanjutnya fitnah dan perang. Azzubair ditikam ketika sedang menghadap Allah (dalam keadaan menunaikan shalat).
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