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Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:39AM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Studie: Homosexualität ist heilbar

    New Y...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:48

    Studie: Homosexualität ist heilbar

    New York. In den USA hat eine Studie der Columbia Universität eine Debatte über die Veränderbarkeit von Homosexualität ausgelöst. Der Psychiater Robert Spitzer hatte 200 Homosexuelle befragt, die sich einer Therapie unterzogen hatten, über die ihre Neigung umgewandelt werden sollte. Viele von ihnen hatten unter dem Konflikt mit christlichen Werten gelitten. Spitzer kommt zum Ergebnis, dass Homosexualität in vielen Fällen heilbar sei.

    Fünf Jahre später waren die meisten verheiratet

    66 Prozent der Männer und 44 Prozent der Frauen sei es gelungen, zu einem «guten heterosexuellen Funktionieren» zu finden. Nach fünf Jahren waren drei Viertel der Männer und die Hälfte der Frauen verheiratet.

    Spitzer gestand auch seinen eigenen Irrtum ein. 1973 hatte er dazu beigetragen, dass Homosexualiät aus der Liste psychischer Störungen gestrichen wurde. «Wie die meisten Psychiater habe ich geglaubt, dass niemand seine homosexuelle Orientierung verändern kann. Ich habe nun erkannt, dass dies falsch ist. Hochmotivierte Homosexuelle können heterosexuell werden», so Spitzer. Kritiker der Studie bemängelten, dass die Teilnehmer nicht nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgewählt wurden. Doch es ging um die Frage, ob Veränderung überhaupt passieren kann. Spitzer räumte ein, dass die befragten Personen «ungewöhnlich religiös» und somit nicht unbedingt repräsentativ für die Schwulen und Lesben in den USA seien. Sie hätten jedoch nicht unter Druck gestanden und zudem ihre Wandlung als langwierigen und mühseligen Prozess beschrieben.

    "Homosexualität ein Identitätsproblem"

    Auf einer Tagung des «Deutschen Instituts für Jugend und Gesellschaft» der Offensive Junger Christen erklärte der Therapeut Joseph Nicolosi, Homosexualität sei kein sexuelles Problem, sondern ein Identitätsproblem. Homosexualität sei der vergebliche Versuch, die eigene Männlichkeit wiederherzustellen. Wenn aber ein Mann durch authentischen, nicht-sexuellen Kontakt mit anderen Männern Brüderlichkeit erfahre, brauche er diese Männlichkeit nicht mehr erotisch zu begehren. Nicolosi berät seit über 15 Jahren Männer, die einen Ausstieg aus der Homosexualität suchen.

    Die Studie ist vor dem Hintergrund der in verschiedenen Ländern ermöglichten «registrierten Partnerschaften» Gleichgeschlechtlicher besonders brisant.

    Quelle: factum Magazin
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:39AM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Umstrittene Thesen: Neuer Linzer Bischof hält Homosexualität für hei...
    Jul 4th 2013, 04:01

    Umstrittene Thesen: Neuer Linzer Bischof hält Homosexualität für heilbar

    Als Pfarrer hat Gerhard Maria Wagner mit seinen Äußerungen schon oft für Aufregung gesorgt, als frisch ernannter Weihbischof von Linz legt er nun nach. In einem Interview erklärt er, dass Homosexualität heilbar und Kritik ihm egal sei: Die Meinung der Welt und seine eigene würden "halt crashen".

    Wien - Der vom Vatikan neu ernannte Weihbischof von Linz hält Homosexualität für "heilbar". In einem Interview mit dem österreichischen Magazin "Profil" spricht sich Gerhard Maria Wagner dafür aus, Menschen mit einer gleichgeschlechtlichen Neigung zu behandeln. Auf die Frage ob Homosexualität geheilt werden könne, antwortete Wagner: "Dafür gibt es genügend Beispiele, nur davon spricht man nicht."
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:39AM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    In nur 60 Tagen!!!!
    Eine App soll Homosexuelle „heilen"
    Skurril, was sich in...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:56
    In nur 60 Tagen!!!!
    Eine App soll Homosexuelle „heilen"

    Skurril, was sich in den App-Stores von Apple und Android alles einfindet. Jetzt sorgt eine App, die Homosexuelle „heilen" soll, für Aufregung.

    Erfinder der absurden App „Setting Captives Free" ist Mike Cleveland – ein christlicher Fundamentalist. Er verspricht, Menschen „von Gewohnheitssünden zu befreien" - dazu zählt Cleveland Drogenmissbrauch, Glücksspiel, Rauchen – und eben Homosexualität. Er selbst habe sich von seiner Pornografie-Sucht befreien können, in dem er zu Gott fand.

    In dem enthaltenen kostenlosen 60-Tages-Kurs „Door of Hope" (Tür der Hoffnung) heißt es, man könne sich von der Knechtschaft der Homosexualität durch die Kraft von Jesus Christus und dem Kreuz befreien. Wenn man seinem Kurs folge, werde man in ein neues Leben gehen: „Frei von sexueller Unreinheit und Selbstbefriedigung".
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:39AM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    »Du sollst deine Tochter nicht entweihen, sie der Hurerei hinzugeben, dass das L...
    Jul 4th 2013, 04:25
    »Du sollst deine Tochter nicht entweihen, sie der Hurerei hinzugeben, dass das Land nicht Hurerei treibe und das Land voll Schandtaten werde« (3.Mose 19:29).
    Dies ist ein eindeutiges Verbot, seine Kinder jemandem auszuhändigen, der mit ihnen Hurerei treiben will, was auch in Bezug auf die geistliche Hurerei gilt (vgl. Jak. 4:4). Schon allein aus diesem Grund geben zunehmend mehr Christen ihre Kinder nicht mehr in eine staatliche Schule.

    (Thomas J. Schaum, Webseite 'neues und altes')
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:39AM +0100  

    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ist euch das auch schon AUFGEFALLEN???
    Jul 4th 2013, 04:35
    Ist euch das auch schon AUFGEFALLEN???

    Saban, der jüdische Medienzar will die Deutschen mit Pro7/Sat1 auf Israelkurs trillen
    Der jüdische Einfluß auf die Medien ist nach gängiger Meinung bereits omnipotent. Die meisten Medienverlage befinden sich in jüdischen Händen und der Jüdische Zentralrat wirkt den Rundfunkräten der BRD aktiv mit. Doch das reicht Israel und den jüdischen Organisationen noch nicht, da insbesondere die Stimmung unter LINKEN Journalisten in der letzten Zeit immer antiisraelischer wurde.

    Das größte private Fernseh-Imperium Europas, der Kirch-Fernsehkonzern ProSieben/Sat.1, wurde von der Deutschen Bank in den Ruin getrieben, um sie für einen neuen Besitzer übernahmefertig zu machen. Sechs Milliarden Mark betrugen die Schulden der Kirch-Medien-Gruppe. Es gab im Laufe des Konkursverfahrens einige zahlungskräftige deutsche Bieter, die den Medenkonzern übernehmen und die Schulden tilgen wollten.

    Doch dann mischte sich die Politik ein, allen voran der bayerische Ministerpräsident Edmunt Stoiber, und plötzlich zogen die Deutschen Bieter ihr Angebot zurück. Wer übrig blieb war der israelische Medien-Tycoon Haim Saban, er bekam die Kirch-Medien-Gruppe sozusagen zum Null-Tarif (als Morgengabe an die Holocaust-Industrie). Der deutsche Steuer- und Abgabenkuli übernimmt statt Saban die Schuldentilgung.

    Haim Saban wurde über die Möglichkeit, die Kirch-Gruppe übernehmen zu können, angeblich von der bayerischen Landesregierung während eines Rundgang im ehemaligen KZ-Dachau auf seinem Mobiltelefon überrascht. Saban prahlte in der New York Times, daß die deutsche Politik sehr hilfreich war, ihm dieses Fernsehmonopol zuzuschanzen. Saban wörtlich: "Die deutsche Regierung war sehr hilfreich. Es gab alle möglichen Theorien hinsichtlich der Tatsache, daß ich ein israelischer Amerikaner bin." (New York Times, 5.9.2004)

    Auf jeden Fall stehen für Saban bei der Übernahme der größten privaten Fernseh-Gruppe Europas in erster Linie keine finanziellen Interessen im Vordergrund. Peter Chernin, Präsident und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der amerikanischen News Corporation sagte dazu:. "Ich glaube, die Sache für Saban in Deutschland birgt das Potential für etwas größerers als nur einen gewinnträchtigen wirtschaftlichen Treffer zu landen." (New York Times, 5.9.2004) "Saban sei bewusst", so DLR-Kommentator Ludwig Watzal, "Europa werde in Zukunft immer wichtiger für Israel." (, Nr. 40, 24.9.2004) Welche Ziele Saban mit seinem Medienimperium verfolgt, beschreibt er so: "Ich kenne nur ein einziges Thema, das heißt Israel" (New York Times, 5.9.2004)

    Um was es Saban, Israel und den jüdischen Organisationen im Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme von Pro7/Sat1 geht, wurde im öffentlich-rechtlichen DeutschlandRadio Berlin (DLR) offen ausgesprochen. DLR-Kommentator Ludwig Watzal (ein bekannter, nach jüdischer Lesart antisemitischer Buchautor) sagte: "Israel hat heute mehr denn je und weltweit ein Imageproblem, klammert man die USA einmal aus. In der EU betrachten laut Umfragen 59 Prozent das Land als Gefahr für den Weltfrieden. Diesen fatalen Eindruck zu korrigieren, das dürfte ein Anliegen von Sabans Medienimperium sein." (, Nr. 40, 24.9.2004)

    "Der Kommentar schlägt Wellen. In einer der größten israelischen Tageszeitungen, 'Yedioth Aharonot', spricht der Berliner Korrespondent von einer 'scharfen antisemitischen Attacke'. Saban werde als Geschäftsmann 'ohne moralische Hemmungen' beschrieben, der die Shoa ausbeute, um seine Geschäfte zu fördern und zu versuchen, die deutschen Medien aus politisch-ideologischen Motiven zu beherrschen." (Die Welt, 30.9.2004, S. 31)
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:27AM +0100  

    DEINE Geschichte zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    DEINE Geschichte zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    24. Welche Dinge sind beim Fasten noch zu beachten?
    Der Prophet Muhammad (s) hat...
    Jul 4th 2013, 04:00
    24. Welche Dinge sind beim Fasten noch zu beachten?
    Der Prophet Muhammad (s) hat zum Fasten viele Empfehlungen gege- ben, wobei wir hier nur vier anführen wollen:
    „Das Fasten ist ein Schutz. So soll der (der fastet) keine unzüchtigen Reden führen und sich nicht töricht verhalten; und wenn jemand ihn bekämpft oder ihn beschimpft, soll er zweimal sagen: 'Ich faste.' Und bei Dein, in Dessen Hand meine Seele ist: Der Mundgeruch des Fastenden ist Allah an- genehmer als der Duft von Moschus, denn [Gott sagt:] er lässt ab vom Essen und Trinken und von seinen Begierden um Meinetwillen. Das Fasten ist für Mich, und Ich gewähre die Belohnung dafür. Und die gute Tat wird zehnfach belohnt." [5]
    „Für alles ist Zakat zu entrichten, und die Zakat für den Körper ist das Fasten." [6]
    „Wer im Ramadan in (festem) Glauben und in der Hoffnung auf Belohnung fastet, dem werden seine vergangenen Sünden vergeben; und wer im Ramadan (nachts im Gebet) steht in (festem) Glauben und in der Hoffnung auf Belohnung, dem werden seine vergangenen Sünden vergeben." [7]
    „Wenn sich jemand nicht der Falschheit in Wort und Tat enthält, dann liegt Allah nichts daran, dass er sich des Essens und Trinkens enthält." [8]
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 05:13AM +0100  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The #Egyptian security forced storms in to #Aljazeerah-...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:45

    The #Egyptian security forced storms in to #Aljazeerah-Live-Egypt's office and arrest the journalists and crew during live broadcast. The Army and security forces have shut down almost all Islamic broadcasting channels. This is an ironic seen of crowds joyfully celebrating Morsi's exit as the military imposed total censorship.
    ‫اقتحام استديو الجزيرة مباشر مصر على الهواء مباشرة!‬
    ‫اقتحام استديو الجزيرة مباشر مصر على الهواء مباشرة‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:59AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kufr
    Search Facebook kufr
    Kiski Toubah Kabool Aur Kiski Nahi :
    Khuda Ki Baargaah Me Toubah To Sirf
    Unhi Logon Ki Kabool Hoti Hai Jo
    Nadanista Buri Harkat Ker Baithe Aur
    Fir Jaldi Se Toubah Ker Le To Khuda
    Bhi Aise Logon Ki Toubah Kabool Ker
    Leta Hai Aur Khuda To Bada Jan'ne
    Wala Hakim Hai, Aur Toubah Unn
    Logon Ke Liye (Mufid) Nahi Hai Jo Umr
    Bhar To Bure Kaam Karte Rahe
    Yaha Tak Ki Jab Unme Se Kisi Ke Sir
    Par Mout Aa Khadi Hue To Kehne
    Lage Ab Maine Toubah Ki Aur (Isi
    Tarha) Unn Logon Ke Liye
    (Bhi Toubah) Mufid Nahi Hai Jo Kufr
    Ki Halat Mein Mar Gaye Aise Hi Logon
    Ke Waste Humne (Allah Ne) Dardnaak
    Azab Taiyar Ker Rakha Hai
    (An-Nisa, Ayar 17,18)
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:30
    Kiski Toubah Kabool Aur Kiski Nahi :
    Khuda Ki Baargaah Me Toubah To Sirf
    Unhi Logon Ki Kabool Hoti Hai Jo
    Nadanista Buri Harkat Ker Baithe Aur
    Fir Jaldi Se Toubah Ker Le To Khuda
    Bhi Aise Logon Ki Toubah Kabool Ker
    Leta Hai Aur Khuda To Bada Jan'ne
    Wala Hakim Hai, Aur Toubah Unn
    Logon Ke Liye (Mufid) Nahi Hai Jo Umr
    Bhar To Bure Kaam Karte Rahe
    Yaha Tak Ki Jab Unme Se Kisi Ke Sir
    Par Mout Aa Khadi Hue To Kehne
    Lage Ab Maine Toubah Ki Aur (Isi
    Tarha) Unn Logon Ke Liye
    (Bhi Toubah) Mufid Nahi Hai Jo Kufr
    Ki Halat Mein Mar Gaye Aise Hi Logon
    Ke Waste Humne (Allah Ne) Dardnaak
    Azab Taiyar Ker Rakha Hai
    (An-Nisa, Ayar 17,18)
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakatuhu
    From today I am starting Prophet's Salah by title:
    The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End As Though You See It
    By: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani
    Translated by: Usama ibn Suhaib Hasan
    In the Name of Allaah, the Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
    Praise be to Allah, who made Prayer compulsory on his slaves and ordered them to establish it and perform it well; who linked success and felicity to humility in Prayer; who made it the criterion to distinguish between Iman and Kufr ; and who made it a restrainer from shameful and unjust deeds.
    Prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, who was addressed in the Words of the
    "And We have sent down to you the Message, that you may explain clearly to the people what is sent for them", and who fully carried out this task. The Prayer was one of the most important things which he explained to the people, verbally and practically, even praying on the pulpit once -standing, bowing and prostrating, and then saying to them, I have done this so that you may follow me and learn my prayer. He obligated us to copy him in his prayer, saying, Pray as you have seen me praying. He also gave the good tidings to whoever prayed like him that such a person has a covenant with Allah that He will enter him into the Garden, saying, There are five prayers which Allah, Mighty and Sublime, has made compulsory: he who performs ablution well for them, prays them at their proper times, and is complete in their bowings, prostrations and humility, he has a guarantee from Allah that He will forgive him; but he who does not do so, has no guarantee from Allah: if He wishes, He will forgive him or if He wishes, He will punish him.
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:30
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakatuhu
    From today I am starting Prophet's Salah by title:
    The Prophet's Prayer From The beginning To The End As Though You See It
    By: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani
    Translated by: Usama ibn Suhaib Hasan
    In the Name of Allaah, the Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
    Praise be to Allah, who made Prayer compulsory on his slaves and ordered them to establish it and perform it well; who linked success and felicity to humility in Prayer; who made it the criterion to distinguish between Iman and Kufr ; and who made it a restrainer from shameful and unjust deeds.
    Prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, who was addressed in the Words of the
    "And We have sent down to you the Message, that you may explain clearly to the people what is sent for them", and who fully carried out this task. The Prayer was one of the most important things which he explained to the people, verbally and practically, even praying on the pulpit once -standing, bowing and prostrating, and then saying to them, I have done this so that you may follow me and learn my prayer. He obligated us to copy him in his prayer, saying, Pray as you have seen me praying. He also gave the good tidings to whoever prayed like him that such a person has a covenant with Allah that He will enter him into the Garden, saying, There are five prayers which Allah, Mighty and Sublime, has made compulsory: he who performs ablution well for them, prays them at their proper times, and is complete in their bowings, prostrations and humility, he has a guarantee from Allah that He will forgive him; but he who does not do so, has no guarantee from Allah: if He wishes, He will forgive him or if He wishes, He will punish him.
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:24
    Yahya Sheikho shared a photo.
    Tumko bhula raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye,
    me zeher kha raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye..
    imaan janiye ke ise kufr janiye,
    me sar jhuka raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye.
    kal raat chat pe meer taqi meer ki
    me gunguna raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye..
    by: Faizan Illahi
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:21
    Tumko bhula raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye,
    me zeher kha raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye..
    imaan janiye ke ise kufr janiye,
    me sar jhuka raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye.
    kal raat chat pe meer taqi meer ki
    me gunguna raha tha ke tum yaad
    aa gaye..
    by: Faizan Illahi
    ""with refrence to SURAT BAKRAH"" (ayat # 10)
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:11
    ""with refrence to SURAT BAKRAH"" (ayat # 10)
    Aa aa ke teri raah main hum aankhein bichaein
    Aa aa ke tujhe seenay se hum apney lagaaein
    tu aaye to hum tujh ko sir aankhon pe bithaaein
    jaan nazar main dein tujhe dil main basaaein
    aap aa ke Muhammad (saw) ki Imarat ko banaein
    hum kufr ke aasaar ko duniya se mitaaein
    hai maghrib o mashriq ke mashooq hazaaron
    bhaati hain magar aap ki he mujhe ko adaaein
    de hum ko ye taufeeq k hum jaan larra kar
    Islam ke sir per se karein door balaaein
    Rabwah ko tera markaz e tauheed bana kar
    ik nara e takbeer, falaq bos lagaaein
    Rabwah rahe Ka'ba ki barrai ka dua goh
    Rabwah ko pohnchati rahein Ka'ba ki duaein
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:04
    Aa aa ke teri raah main hum aankhein bichaein
    Aa aa ke tujhe seenay se hum apney lagaaein
    tu aaye to hum tujh ko sir aankhon pe bithaaein
    jaan nazar main dein tujhe dil main basaaein
    aap aa ke Muhammad (saw) ki Imarat ko banaein
    hum kufr ke aasaar ko duniya se mitaaein
    hai maghrib o mashriq ke mashooq hazaaron
    bhaati hain magar aap ki he mujhe ko adaaein
    de hum ko ye taufeeq k hum jaan larra kar
    Islam ke sir per se karein door balaaein
    Rabwah ko tera markaz e tauheed bana kar
    ik nara e takbeer, falaq bos lagaaein
    Rabwah rahe Ka'ba ki barrai ka dua goh
    Rabwah ko pohnchati rahein Ka'ba ki duaein
    Milé aerolinky LIAT,
    dovolte mi říci, jak je od vás ohleduplné, že svým pasažérům zařizujete tak důkladnou a detailní cestu Karibikem. Většina jiných aerolinek, se kterými jsem kdy cestoval, se mě pouze ve spěchu snažila dostat z bodu A do bodu B. Byl jsem překvapen, že nám bylo včera umožněno zastavit nejen na jednom či dvou letištích, ale hned na úžasných šesti letištích. A kdo by chtěl letět v jednom letadle celou cestu, že? Museli jsme měnit letadlo a dotankovávat na každé zastávce. Zejména jsem si pak užil ochutnávku bezpečnostních skenerů na úplně každém letišti. Považuji za směšné, že si někteří lidé myslí, že jsou všechny stejné. Co se týče osahávání velkou škálou místních, no, cítím se, jako bych byl objímán už většinou Karibiku. Přišlo mi také jedinečné, že bylo vše činěno „v ostrovním tempu", protože mám rád dostatek času na vstřebání atmosféry jednotlivých odletových hal. No a ohledně našeho příletu - kdo by po tom všem létání ještě chtěl usednout do lodi, že? Jsem rád, že naše loď už byla dlouho pryč poté, co jsme včera v noci dorazili do Tortoly. Navíc všechny ty hlučné bary a restaurace už byly aspoň uzavřené. Takže děkuji LIATe. Teď už rozumím, proč si říkáte „Karibské aerolinky".
    P.S.: Ten můj kufr si nechte, stejně se mi nelíbil.
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:55
    Milé aerolinky LIAT,
    dovolte mi říci, jak je od vás ohleduplné, že svým pasažérům zařizujete tak důkladnou a detailní cestu Karibikem. Většina jiných aerolinek, se kterými jsem kdy cestoval, se mě pouze ve spěchu snažila dostat z bodu A do bodu B. Byl jsem překvapen, že nám bylo včera umožněno zastavit nejen na jednom či dvou letištích, ale hned na úžasných šesti letištích. A kdo by chtěl letět v jednom letadle celou cestu, že? Museli jsme měnit letadlo a dotankovávat na každé zastávce. Zejména jsem si pak užil ochutnávku bezpečnostních skenerů na úplně každém letišti. Považuji za směšné, že si někteří lidé myslí, že jsou všechny stejné. Co se týče osahávání velkou škálou místních, no, cítím se, jako bych byl objímán už většinou Karibiku. Přišlo mi také jedinečné, že bylo vše činěno „v ostrovním tempu", protože mám rád dostatek času na vstřebání atmosféry jednotlivých odletových hal. No a ohledně našeho příletu - kdo by po tom všem létání ještě chtěl usednout do lodi, že? Jsem rád, že naše loď už byla dlouho pryč poté, co jsme včera v noci dorazili do Tortoly. Navíc všechny ty hlučné bary a restaurace už byly aspoň uzavřené. Takže děkuji LIATe. Teď už rozumím, proč si říkáte „Karibské aerolinky".
    P.S.: Ten můj kufr si nechte, stejně se mi nelíbil.
    Cannot Trust Anyone These Days..
    FAke IS Becoming The New Trend!
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:48
    Cannot Trust Anyone These Days..
    FAke IS Becoming The New Trend!
    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
    The question here is, are those that reject the Ahadith of our beloved Messenger s.a.w kafir's?
    The answer quite simply put is a big 'YES'.
    The answer is also quite simple. The sources through which we have received the Quran, the methods employed for it's preservation is the same as that for the Ahadith.
    In other words, if one rejects Ahadith, then that person has doubted the reliability of the sources through which the Quran has reached us. So in effect, these people have now doubted the authenticity of the Quran. Anyone who places doubt upon the Quran is guilty of kufr (disbelief). They are thus classified as disbelievers (kafiroon).
    Both the Quran and Ahadith, since they come through the same sources go hand in hand. It is purely illogical and irrational to accept one without accepting the other, or vice versa. Rejecting Ahadith is in effect the same as rejecting the Quran. Both Quran and Ahadith are inseperable.
    One cannot say, 'I accept the Quran as authentic but i do not consider the sources through which it was preserved as reliable.' This is completely nonesensical.
    So the people who reject Ahadith are now in a dilemma. They must now make a decision. Do they accept the Ahadith and along with it the Quran? Or do they reject the Ahadith and along with that, reject the Quran also?
    wa salaam.
    Last edited by imaan4success; 08-09-2006 at 12:36 PM.
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:46
    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
    The question here is, are those that reject the Ahadith of our beloved Messenger s.a.w kafir's?
    The answer quite simply put is a big 'YES'.
    The answer is also quite simple. The sources through which we have received the Quran, the methods employed for it's preservation is the same as that for the Ahadith.
    In other words, if one rejects Ahadith, then that person has doubted the reliability of the sources through which the Quran has reached us. So in effect, these people have now doubted the authenticity of the Quran. Anyone who places doubt upon the Quran is guilty of kufr (disbelief). They are thus classified as disbelievers (kafiroon).
    Both the Quran and Ahadith, since they come through the same sources go hand in hand. It is purely illogical and irrational to accept one without accepting the other, or vice versa. Rejecting Ahadith is in effect the same as rejecting the Quran. Both Quran and Ahadith are inseperable.
    One cannot say, 'I accept the Quran as authentic but i do not consider the sources through which it was preserved as reliable.' This is completely nonesensical.
    So the people who reject Ahadith are now in a dilemma. They must now make a decision. Do they accept the Ahadith and along with it the Quran? Or do they reject the Ahadith and along with that, reject the Quran also?
    wa salaam.
    Last edited by imaan4success; 08-09-2006 at 12:36 PM.
    There is a famous story about `Ali (RA) according to which he was fighting against a disbeliever and had the intention of killing him due to al bughd fi Allah (hatred for the sake of Allah). After `Ali (RA) subdued him and sat on his chest with the intention of killing him, the man spat on his face. `Ali (RA) at once let him go.
    The man was amazed and said, "You should have become even more angry due to my spitting at you and should have hastened in killing me. Why did you spare me?"
    Ali (RA) replied, "Due to this action of yours my nafs became involved and my intention did not remain purely for the sake of Allah."
    The light of sincerity had such a cleansing effect that it purged the impurities and kufr of the disbeliever's heart, and he recited the kalima (profession of faith) at once, and became Muslim.
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:38
    There is a famous story about `Ali (RA) according to which he was fighting against a disbeliever and had the intention of killing him due to al bughd fi Allah (hatred for the sake of Allah). After `Ali (RA) subdued him and sat on his chest with the intention of killing him, the man spat on his face. `Ali (RA) at once let him go.
    The man was amazed and said, "You should have become even more angry due to my spitting at you and should have hastened in killing me. Why did you spare me?"
    Ali (RA) replied, "Due to this action of yours my nafs became involved and my intention did not remain purely for the sake of Allah."
    The light of sincerity had such a cleansing effect that it purged the impurities and kufr of the disbeliever's heart, and he recited the kalima (profession of faith) at once, and became Muslim.
    Allah ta warak wa ta aalaa irshad farmate hai ki goya


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:58AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    Cezayir'de Fransa TV sini izliyorum. Mısırlı bir yazar konuştu sözlerini paylaşmayı arzu ederim.
    "Salafist kökenli Müslüman kardeşler bir halk için değil bir ümmet için arab baharının karmaşasından faydalanarak bütün arab ülkelerini tartışmalı seçimlerle ele geçiriyorlardı .
    Erdoğan teknik ve taktik olarak Tunus , Libya ve Mısır'a örnek oluyordu. Türkiye'de bir mucize oldu, Taksim'de Türk gençleri bu gidişe baş kaldırılacağını gösterdi ve Tahir meydanına büyük bir moral verdi.
    Şimdi Tunustaki gençlerde bu moral gücünü bulacaklar ve göreceksiniz orası da değişecek. Daha da ileri gideceğim Mursi ye beni örnek al diyen Erdoğan , Mursi örneğinden ders almak zorunda kalacaktır.
    Bence bu bağımsızlık meşalesini yakan ve Müslüman kardeşlere yaşam tarzıma karışma deme cesaretini gösteren Taksim'de ki Türk gençlerine arab dünyası adına teşekkür borçluyuz. "
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:31
    Cezayir'de Fransa TV sini izliyorum. Mısırlı bir yazar konuştu sözlerini paylaşmayı arzu ederim.
    "Salafist kökenli Müslüman kardeşler bir halk için değil bir ümmet için arab baharının karmaşasından faydalanarak bütün arab ülkelerini tartışmalı seçimlerle ele geçiriyorlardı .
    Erdoğan teknik ve taktik olarak Tunus , Libya ve Mısır'a örnek oluyordu. Türkiye'de bir mucize oldu, Taksim'de Türk gençleri bu gidişe baş kaldırılacağını gösterdi ve Tahir meydanına büyük bir moral verdi.
    Şimdi Tunustaki gençlerde bu moral gücünü bulacaklar ve göreceksiniz orası da değişecek. Daha da ileri gideceğim Mursi ye beni örnek al diyen Erdoğan , Mursi örneğinden ders almak zorunda kalacaktır.
    Bence bu bağımsızlık meşalesini yakan ve Müslüman kardeşlere yaşam tarzıma karışma deme cesaretini gösteren Taksim'de ki Türk gençlerine arab dünyası adına teşekkür borçluyuz. "
    Egyptian Salafist preacher Ahmad Mahmoud Abdullah said that women protesting in Tahrir Square "have no shame and want to be raped."
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:25
    A Dutch journalist was gang-raped in Tahrir Square. But, Nina Burleigh says, scores of Egyptian protesters are savagely raped, and the message is: Stay home.
    The Lebanese mood shifts on Syria's war
    There seems no doubt that Hezbollah played a suspect role in the removal of Sheikh Ahmad Assir in Abra. This has angered many Sunnis, understandably so. However, the sense of doom hovering over Lebanon before that showdown has subsided and many Lebanese backed the Army and do not regret Assir's defeat.
    In part this is a reflection of the changing attitude toward events in Syria. Whatever the barbarism of his men, President Bashar Assad has succeeded in redefining the debate over the conflict in his favor. From the outset his regime portrayed the uprising as one led by jihadists, and created the objective conditions ensuring that jihadists would join the fight. This granted Assad the means to pursue a war of eradication, similar to that of the Algerian generals during the 1990s, and rally to his side those fearing Sunni Islamists the most.
    Few were duped by Assad's tactics. They saw clearly that for months his men murdered and tortured unarmed protesters. But this provoked no response from supine Western governments and Assad pursued his policy of repression and radicalization, knowing that jihadists would soon fill the void left by Western unresponsiveness.
    This radicalization also had repercussions for the countries surrounding Syria. In Iraq, the government is facing car bomb attacks in Shiite areas on a daily basis, consolidating communal fears and giving Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki the justification he needs to support the Assad regime. In Jordan, fears that jihadist gains in Syria might harm Jordan has forced the regime to play a balancing game: assisting the rebels in line with the policies of the Gulf states, but also setting limits on that assistance, while looking for ways, if possible, to push the Syrian refugee crisis outside the kingdom's borders.
    In Lebanon, the mood is changing decisively against the Syrian uprising – not because of sympathy for Assad, but because there is a perception that the war next door may spread to Lebanon. Making matters worse, the Sunni community, outraged by the way the Army allowed itself to be manipulated by Hezbollah in Abra, is increasingly isolated, as its narrative of events there is in stark contradiction to that of other communities in the country – who believe a radical Salafist provoked the Army and paid a price for his recklessness.
    The involvement of Hezbollah in the Syria conflict, while a source of sectarian tensions in Lebanon, has become a fait accompli. The threats by the Syrian opposition to strike back against the party inside Lebanese territory are viewed with alarm by many Lebanese who refuse to be drawn into the fighting next door. Hezbollah benefits from this uneasiness, and some have speculated that the party, realizing this, was behind the recent rocket attack against Shiyah.
    Assir's championing of the armed uprising in Syria, combined with the alarming statements of Syrian rebels on Hezbollah and the fears that Lebanon may be heading toward a sectarian war, has damaged the Syrian opposition. Moreover, arms supplies across the Syrian-Lebanese border have been hindered by the takeover of Qusair and Tal Kalakh and Hezbollah's effort to break the geographic link between Lebanese Sunni areas and rebels inside Syria.
    We got a good sense of the thinking in Hezbollah when its secretary-general, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, recently invited the party's Lebanese adversaries to fight Hezbollah inside Syria, not in Lebanon. This was seen at the time as a provocation, a way of daring the Sunni community, who Nasrallah unwisely and insultingly associated with "takfiris." But in fact it was an accurate reflection of the party's desire to avert a debilitating civil war in Lebanon.
    Ironically, Hezbollah's inflammatory moves aside, Nasrallah's call to spare Lebanon is an approach that appeals to most Lebanese, even if Sunnis have interpreted it to mean that Sunni demands inside Lebanon would be sidelined to steer well clear of civil conflict. That is indeed the implicit message in Nasrallah's rhetoric, and the downside is that it may push Sunnis to follow the lead of their most extreme elements, even though a majority of Sunnis has no patience for the Salafists and Ahmad Assir was regarded as a nuisance by leading Sunni politicians.
    With this in mind, continued Sunni mistrust of the Army, albeit understated, may backfire, and will be used by Hezbollah and Syria's friends to their political advantage. But to Sunni representatives, they're damned if they do something, and damned if they don't. The latest indication is that the preference in the Future movement is not to vote for an extension of the mandate of Gen. Jean Kahwagi, the Army commander. If that happens, it could create a momentary alliance between Future and Michael Aoun. But the general reaction will be that Sunni leaders are punishing Kahwagi for the Abra attack, regardless of whether this leaves a vacuum in the Army's command. It would also discredit Saad Hariri's call for Kahwagi's extension, which some Future figures felt should not have been made without getting something in return.
    Hezbollah has ignored the decision of Lebanese leaders to stay out of the Syrian conflict. But unfortunately the party is not alone in doing so. As much as we wish good luck to Assad's foes, Lebanon cannot be drawn into a new war that will destroy the country. If reaching this conclusion helps Assad and isolates the rebels, then so be it, because war is a red line the Lebanese cannot afford to be ambiguous about.
    This will not alleviate Sunni anger. The community is paying for the absence of any credible leadership. But Hezbollah faces much uncertainty in its Syrian campaign, and could falter. Exploiting such openings must become Sunni communal priorities, but within the limits of avoiding a war and putting off the temptation to discredit the Army. No one gains from that except Hezbollah.

    Jul 4th 2013, 03:24
    There seems no doubt that Hezbollah played a suspect role in the removal of Sheikh Ahmad Assir in Abra.
    Salafist Nour Party says that they have taken part in setting the new transition roadmap which removed Morsi from the presidency.
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:15
    Salafist Nour Party says that they have taken part in setting the new transition roadmap which removed Morsi from the presidency.
    Salafists did it again.Backstabbing people for the sake of power and their own flawed ideology is their well known trait.They did this to the Ottoman Empire and they did the same to Mohammed Mursi.
    Al Nour party must be renamed as "Darkness party" as it can only bring darkness to the world thro' its evil machinations.All Salafists r the pawns of Saudi monarchs be it "Jabat Al Nusra" in Syria.They fight but only till the fight is not against their Saudi masters.
    Their brand of Islam is something based on Pan Arabism and the doctrine of Arab superiority in the same as is the Islam of the Shiites which has been ,I may call it, persianised by portraying all their abhorrent Persian practices as a part of Islam.
    Poor Morsi believed those who only excel in ditching people n making even Sunni muslims kill eachother and whose wretched scholars have only brought shame to the religion of Islam thro' their foul utterances and evil actions.
    Hardluck ,Morsi!
    Mark Adonis
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:13
    Salafists did it again.Backstabbing people for the sake of power and their own flawed ideology is their well known trait.They did this to the Ottoman Empire and they did the same to Mohammed Mursi.
    Al Nour party must be renamed as "Darkness party" as it can only bring darkness to the world thro' its evil machinations.All Salafists r the pawns of Saudi monarchs be it "Jabat Al Nusra" in Syria.They fight but only till the fight is not against their Saudi masters.
    Their brand of Islam is something based on Pan Arabism and the doctrine of Arab superiority in the same as is the Islam of the Shiites which has been ,I may call it, persianised by portraying all their abhorrent Persian practices as a part of Islam.
    Poor Morsi believed those who only excel in ditching people n making even Sunni muslims kill eachother and whose wretched scholars have only brought shame to the religion of Islam thro' their foul utterances and evil actions.
    Hardluck ,Morsi!
    Mark Adonis
    Egypt: Military Coup Bodes Ill for Future Stability
    Egyptian military chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced July 3 that the country's president, Mohammed Morsi, had been removed from office in the wake of popular unrest. In a short media statement, al-Sisi, who was flanked by the three armed services chiefs, opposition leaders, the sheikh of al-Azhar Mosque and the pope of the Coptic Church, announced that Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Constitutional Court, has replaced Morsi as interim president. He also announced that the constitution has been suspended. Mansour's appointment is notable in that one of the key demands of the Tamarod protest movement was that he become president. The provisional government will be holding fresh parliamentary and presidential elections.
    The arrangement was made without the involvement of Morsi, whose whereabouts remain unknown, or of anyone representing the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has effectively been thrown out of power, must now figure out how to respond. The group probably will not respond violently, but it will engage in civil unrest that will lead to violence. Though the Brotherhood is unlikely to abandon the path of democratic politics, Morsi's ouster will lead elements from more ultraconservative Salafist groups to abandon mainstream politics in favor of armed conflict.
    The overthrow of Egypt's moderate Islamist government undermines the international efforts to bring radical Islamists into the political mainstream in the wider Arab and Muslim world. Ultimately, within the context of Egypt, Morsi's ouster sets a precedent where future presidents can expect to be removed from office by the military in the event of pressure from the masses. In a way, this was set in motion by the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak, and it does not bode well for the future stability of Egypt.
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:11
    Egypt: Military Coup Bodes Ill for Future Stability
    Egyptian military chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced July 3 that the country's president, Mohammed Morsi, had been removed from office in the wake of popular unrest. In a short media statement, al-Sisi, who was flanked by the three armed services chiefs, opposition leaders, the sheikh of al-Azhar Mosque and the pope of the Coptic Church, announced that Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Constitutional Court, has replaced Morsi as interim president. He also announced that the constitution has been suspended. Mansour's appointment is notable in that one of the key demands of the Tamarod protest movement was that he become president. The provisional government will be holding fresh parliamentary and presidential elections.
    The arrangement was made without the involvement of Morsi, whose whereabouts remain unknown, or of anyone representing the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has effectively been thrown out of power, must now figure out how to respond. The group probably will not respond violently, but it will engage in civil unrest that will lead to violence. Though the Brotherhood is unlikely to abandon the path of democratic politics, Morsi's ouster will lead elements from more ultraconservative Salafist groups to abandon mainstream politics in favor of armed conflict.
    The overthrow of Egypt's moderate Islamist government undermines the international efforts to bring radical Islamists into the political mainstream in the wider Arab and Muslim world. Ultimately, within the context of Egypt, Morsi's ouster sets a precedent where future presidents can expect to be removed from office by the military in the event of pressure from the masses. In a way, this was set in motion by the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak, and it does not bode well for the future stability of Egypt.
    "(The groups) aim to change our society in an aggressive, belligerent way so that democracy would be replaced by a Salafist system, and the rule of law replaced by Sharia law."
    I hope it is not too little too late for that country like it is here.
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:43
    News, World News: Interior Ministry says Salafist groups 'aim to change our society so that rule of law is replaced by Sharia law'
    When considering events in Egypt, its helpful to remember some differences between that part of the world and ours. It sometimes happens that the military is the more educated and in some ways competent class. Remember Sadat was a product of the military and so far was the best governance that nation has had in contemporary times - a progressive by their metrics which are not concurrent with ours. The Muslim Brotherhood and its Salafist allies essentially


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:58AM +0100  

    Search Facebook taghut
    Search Facebook taghut
    Pengkianatan terbesar kpd Dr Morsi dan pejuangnya..mgharap nusrah dr Allah disamping jgn putus mendoakan saudara kita dimesir dan seluruh dunia bgkit lawan taghut..amiin..
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:25
    Pengkianatan terbesar kpd Dr Morsi dan pejuangnya..mgharap nusrah dr Allah disamping jgn putus mendoakan saudara kita dimesir dan seluruh dunia bgkit lawan taghut..amiin..
    tak ada masalah kalau kata rakyat mesir bersatu dgn tentera utk gulingkan morsi..mgkin dasar2 yg dibuat Ikhwan belum cukup baik..
    tp masalah besar bila mengatakan Ikhwanul Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) itu di biayai Amerika..keji sungguh kenyataan itu..sedang pemimpin Ikhwan dahulu mati dibunuh oleh tentera taghut..
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:15
    tak ada masalah kalau kata rakyat mesir bersatu dgn tentera utk gulingkan morsi..mgkin dasar2 yg dibuat Ikhwan belum cukup baik..
    tp masalah besar bila mengatakan Ikhwanul Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) itu di biayai Amerika..keji sungguh kenyataan itu..sedang pemimpin Ikhwan dahulu mati dibunuh oleh tentera taghut..
    Pupet, Stooge, Agent,
    Sell Out, Taghut, Zalim... The
    list goes on...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:12
    Pupet, Stooge, Agent,
    Sell Out, Taghut, Zalim... The
    list goes on...
    Let us listen to the statement of puppet of USA and Israhell;
    The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques zaleel King Abdullah has sent a cable of congratulation to Chancellor Adli Mansour, President of Egypt,for eradicating the Islamic rule of Mursi and declearing egypt again as a State as that of jahaliyah period. It's a big Shame on you Goat faced saudi king.
    On Wednesday evening, Egypt's army chief Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi ousted President Muhammed Mursi and declared the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court caretaker leader. In his message to Mansour, King Abdullah appeal to God to help him "shoulder the responsibility' given to him and to achieve the hopes of his people.
    Egypt's leading Muslim and Christian religious leaders backed an army-sponsored road map which suspended the constitutionand called for early presidential and parliamentary elections.
    Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and Pope Tawadros, the head of the Coptic Church, both made brief statements following the announcement by the head ofthe armed forces that deposed the elected president.
    Yesterday was a desasterious & Saddest day for the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) when the Rule of ikhwanul Muslimeen fall in Egypt..
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:00
    Let us listen to the statement of puppet of USA and Israhell;
    The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques zaleel King Abdullah has sent a cable of congratulation to Chancellor Adli Mansour, President of Egypt,for eradicating the Islamic rule of Mursi and declearing egypt again as a State as that of jahaliyah period. It's a big Shame on you Goat faced saudi king.
    On Wednesday evening, Egypt's army chief Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi ousted President Muhammed Mursi and declared the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court caretaker leader. In his message to Mansour, King Abdullah appeal to God to help him "shoulder the responsibility' given to him and to achieve the hopes of his people.
    Egypt's leading Muslim and Christian religious leaders backed an army-sponsored road map which suspended the constitutionand called for early presidential and parliamentary elections.
    Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and Pope Tawadros, the head of the Coptic Church, both made brief statements following the announcement by the head ofthe armed forces that deposed the elected president.
    Yesterday was a desasterious & Saddest day for the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) when the Rule of ikhwanul Muslimeen fall in Egypt..
    FIS algeria pernah mengalami nasib yang sama seperti ikhwan.kemenangan pilihan raya mereka dicabul oleh kuasa taghut..
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:56
    FIS algeria pernah mengalami nasib yang sama seperti ikhwan.kemenangan pilihan raya mereka dicabul oleh kuasa taghut..
    Ye, memang Presiden Morsi diktator. Diktator kepada golongan syiah, sekular dan taghut. Bagi Islam, Dr Morsi adalah pemimpin yg beriman.
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:56
    Ye, memang Presiden Morsi diktator. Diktator kepada golongan syiah, sekular dan taghut. Bagi Islam, Dr Morsi adalah pemimpin yg beriman.
    It took the West & Their Arab Murtaad Allies 2 hours to topple Mursi of Egypt, and they have done NOTHING to Topple Bashar al-Assad, they are NOT here to help you Oh Muslims they have their own agendas, seek help from Allah for He will grant victory to His believers.
    "Already there has been for you a sign in the two armies which met - one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. They saw them [to be] twice their [own] number by [their] eyesight. But Allah supports with His victory whom He wills. Verily in that is a lesson for those who understand. " (Surah Al Imraan: 13)
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:54
    It took the West & Their Arab Murtaad Allies 2 hours to topple Mursi of Egypt, and they have done NOTHING to Topple Bashar al-Assad, they are NOT here to help you Oh Muslims they have their own agendas, seek help from Allah for He will grant victory to His believers.
    "Already there has been for you a sign in the two armies which met - one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. They saw them [to be] twice their [own] number by [their] eyesight. But Allah supports with His victory whom He wills. Verily in that is a lesson for those who understand. " (Surah Al Imraan: 13)
    Tammarud Taghut Zionis Sekular
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:39
    Lam Lee Hawt shared Lie Gj Penang's photo.
    Agent, dog, taghut, sell out, enemy and the list goes on...
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:35
    Saudi King Abdullah on Wednesday sent a message of congratulations to Egypt's new caretaker president, saying his appointment comes at a "critical" time in the nation's history, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported. "On behalf of the...
    Oh here we go, the Saudi Kingdom, always committed to the people's wishes(!) Insha'Allah your time will come!
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:31
    Saudi King Abdullah on Wednesday sent a message of congratulations to Egypt's new caretaker president, saying his appointment comes at a "critical" time in the nation's history, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported. "On behalf of the...

    Jul 4th 2013, 02:27
    Mesir keluar waran tangkap kepada 300 pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin
    KAHERAH: Polis Mesir hari ini menerima arahan untuk menahan 300 pemimpin dan ahli Ikhwanul Muslimin selepas tentera menggulingkan Presiden Mohamed Morsi, lapor laman web akhbar Al-Ahram hari ini.
    Seorang pegawai kanan Kementerian Dalam Negeri mengesahkan bahawa waran tangkap sudah dikeluarkan untuk ahli pergerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin.
    Sementara itu, lokasi Morsi kini masih tidak dapat diketahui.
    Seorang pembantu presiden berkata, Morsi dipindahkan dari pejabat beliau di ibu pejabat Pengawal Republikan ke lokasi yang tidak didedahkan.
    Beberapa pembantu beliau berkata, mereka kini tidak dapat berhubung dengan Morsi dan tidak mengetahui status presiden itu. - AFP
    Bermulalah kembali kezaliman ke atas gerakan Islam Ikhwanul Muslimin. Semoga Allah menjaga saudara gerakan Islam kita di sana.
    I hate fasik govt of saudi
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:22
    I hate fasik govt of saudi
    Iman hanya dianggap sah apabila
    1)Menerima Allah sebagai Rabb
    beserta syariat dan hukum-
    hukumNya 2)Tolak semua jenis
    Taghut.Taghut ialah apa-apa
    entiti,organisa si,badan
    politik,raja,pe merintah,ulama,
    manusia,syaitan ,atau apa saja
    yang mengambil hak ketuhanan
    Allah atau hak kekuasaan
    Allah.Demokrasi adalah falsafah
    politik yang mengatakan bahawa
    manusia yang berkuasa,bukan
    Allah.Manusia yang boleh
    membuat undang-undang,b ukan
    Allah.Jadi secara
    asasnya,demokra si adalah sistem
    kufur dan syirik.Dalam zaman
    moden sekarang,parlim en,ahli
    parlimen(PAS dan UMNO dan lain-
    lain),Yang di pertuan agong
    adalah dikenal sebagai Taghut
    kerana mereka mengambil hak
    kekuasaan Allah untuk
    memerintah dan membuat
    undang-undang.J adi mereka
    semua adalah kafir dan
    syirik.Begitu juga dengan umat
    Islam yang redha terhadap
    Taghut ini juga adalah
    kafir.Maka,term asuklah semua
    pengundi di dalam sistem
    pilihanraya,ker ana mereka
    mengiktiraf dan membenarkan
    Taghut ini berkuasa selain
    Allah.DALIL:"Se sungguhnya hak
    memerintah/ membuat undang-
    undang/ peraturan/ legislation/
    the power to rule/the authority to
    govern HANYA milik Allah."(SURAH
    YUSUF 12:40)-True Justice
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:07
    Iman hanya dianggap sah apabila
    1)Menerima Allah sebagai Rabb
    beserta syariat dan hukum-
    hukumNya 2)Tolak semua jenis
    Taghut.Taghut ialah apa-apa
    entiti,organisa si,badan
    politik,raja,pe merintah,ulama,
    manusia,syaitan ,atau apa saja
    yang mengambil hak ketuhanan
    Allah atau hak kekuasaan
    Allah.Demokrasi adalah falsafah
    politik yang mengatakan bahawa
    manusia yang berkuasa,bukan
    Allah.Manusia yang boleh
    membuat undang-undang,b ukan
    Allah.Jadi secara
    asasnya,demokra si adalah sistem
    kufur dan syirik.Dalam zaman
    moden sekarang,parlim en,ahli
    parlimen(PAS dan UMNO dan lain-
    lain),Yang di pertuan agong
    adalah dikenal sebagai Taghut
    kerana mereka mengambil hak
    kekuasaan Allah untuk
    memerintah dan membuat
    undang-undang.J adi mereka
    semua adalah kafir dan
    syirik.Begitu juga dengan umat
    Islam yang redha terhadap
    Taghut ini juga adalah
    kafir.Maka,term asuklah semua
    pengundi di dalam sistem
    pilihanraya,ker ana mereka
    mengiktiraf dan membenarkan
    Taghut ini berkuasa selain
    Allah.DALIL:"Se sungguhnya hak
    memerintah/ membuat undang-
    undang/ peraturan/ legislation/
    the power to rule/the authority to
    govern HANYA milik Allah."(SURAH
    YUSUF 12:40)-True Justice
    Allah berfirman:
    Orang-orang yang beriman, berperang pada jalan Allah; dan orang-orang yang kafir pula berperang pada jalan Taghut (Syaitan). Oleh sebab itu, perangilah kamu akan pengikut-pengikut Syaitan itu, kerana sesungguhnya tipu daya Syaitan itu adalah lemah. ( An-Nisa 76 )
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:06
    Allah berfirman:
    Orang-orang yang beriman, berperang pada jalan Allah; dan orang-orang yang kafir pula berperang pada jalan Taghut (Syaitan). Oleh sebab itu, perangilah kamu akan pengikut-pengikut Syaitan itu, kerana sesungguhnya tipu daya Syaitan itu adalah lemah. ( An-Nisa 76 )
    Dr Morsi itu pemimpin Islam yang hebat..dia bukan Diktator..Golongan Kuffar, Taghut, Sekular cuba nak jatuhkan dia..Jangan putar belit fakta..ramai yang termakan dengan kata-kata media macam Dr Morsi ni jahat dan diktator...Media ni kalau tak tahu apa2..baik diam..Apa nak jadi..kalau bukan Islam sendiri yang bantu Islam siapa lagi.. sedih :(..lets prayforEgypt
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:03
    Dr Morsi itu pemimpin Islam yang hebat..dia bukan Diktator..Golongan Kuffar, Taghut, Sekular cuba nak jatuhkan dia..Jangan putar belit fakta..ramai yang termakan dengan kata-kata media macam Dr Morsi ni jahat dan diktator...Media ni kalau tak tahu apa2..baik diam..Apa nak jadi..kalau bukan Islam sendiri yang bantu Islam siapa lagi.. sedih :(..lets prayforEgypt
    Mesir: Kuasa Jahat Sekular Terbukti!
    Berita yang telah menyentak hati seluruh dunia umat islam dengan penentangan menggulingkan Presiden Mesir, Dr. Muhammad Mursi. Mereka menggelar diri mereka sebagai Barisan Penyelamat "Tamarrud" yang didalangi oleh puak sekular bereterusan melakukan penentangan sejak awal kemenangan Dr Muhammad Mursi dalam Pilihanraya Presiden selepas Revolusi kejatuhan regim Husni Mubarak. Kemuncaknya, Puak penentang yang didalangi oleh sekutu balaci Mubarak ini telah menganjurkan perhimpunan besar-besaran di Dataran Tahrir dan Ittihadiah pada 30 Jun yang lalu kononya rentetan daripada ucapan Presiden Dr Mursi pada 26 Jun 2013.
    Pada masa yang sama, perhimpunan penyokong Presiden Mesir juga berlangsung di seluruh muhafazah di Mesir terutamanya Rabiatul Adawiah dan Medan Nahdah Masr. Hampir semua wilayah di Mesir menyaksikan kebanjiran jutaan rakyat Mesir keluar ke dataran-dataran utama samada menyatakan sokongan padu kepada Presiden yang dipilih secara sah juga penentangan.Dilaporkan bahawa perhimpunan telah berlaku hampir di 20 dataran utama seluruh Mesir.
    Kemudiannya, keadaan digemparkan lagi dengan serangan ganas yang dibuat oleh kumpulan perusuh upahan tamarrud, berbekalkan senjata,mereka memecah masuk serta membakar pejabat Ikhwanul Muslimin,membelasah rakyat hanya kerana janggut, mengepung Istana pemerintah, dan yang mendukacitakan juga,Polis dan Tentera serta media sangat berperanan dalam melakukan pengkhianatan ini. Puak tamarrud dilayan seperti kerjaan yang sah sedangkan pemyokong Dr Mursi ditembak dengan gas pemedih mata dan dihalau dari medan himpunan.
    Halaman rasmi FJP yang membuat liputan kepada mangsa-mangsa yang cedera yang dirawat di Hospital Ummul Masriyyin di Giza yang menyaksikan suasana gawat selepas serangan kumpulan perusuh upahan ke atas penyokong Mursi melaporkan bahawa 20 orang telah terkorban dan lebih 500 yang lain cedera.
    Sebenarnya isu yang berlaku di Mesir didalangi oleh parti-parti pembangkang berhaluan sekular dan munafik yang mana majoriti daripada kalangan mereka ialah sekutu dan pro-Mubarak. Sebelum ini, Islam selalu dicemuh kerana menolak demokrasi. Barat memfitnah gerakan Islam sebagai ganas kerana berjuang mengangkat senjata. Namun, pada hari ini mereka pula meludah ke langit mengangkat senjata menjatuhkan Dr. Mursi yang memenangi pilihanraya sebagai presiden Mesir yang sah dan telus.
    Kini, dengan kononya tempoh 48 jam yang diberikan oleh Majlis Tentera sejak 1Julai lalu, Abdul Fatah Assisi telah mengumumkan secara langsung peralihan kuasa Pemerintahan kepada Adli Mansour yang juga Ketua Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Perlembagaan sebagai Presiden Baru Mesir. Inilah kejahatan rampasan kuasa secara Haram.
    Justeru itu, Kelab Al-Azhar Members (ALAM) Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor KUIS menyatakan pendirian sebagai salah satu persatuan mahasiswa Islam menegaskan bahawa kami bersama dengan rakyat Mesir mempertahankan kepimpinan Dr. Muhammad Mursi. Kami melihat gerakan penentangan (Tamarrud) tidak lain hanyalah gerakan taghut yang benci dan mahu menjatuhkan pemerintahan Islam di bumi Mesir. Bagaimana nasib umat Islam di negara lain khusunya Syria dan Gaza dengan rampasan kuasa jahat ini.
    Kami menyeru kepada seluruh warga KUIS khususnya serta rakyat Malaysia amnya, marilah kita bersama-sama teus munajat berdoa serta melaungkan qunut nazilah untuk keadilan dan keselamatan rakyat Mesir khusunya serta buat seluruh umat Islam yang dizalimi serata dunia. moga-moga Allah memberikan kekuatan kepada Ikhwan Muslimin serta barisan pimpinan Dr.Muhammad Mursi dalam menghadapi kemelut yang melanda. Kita tetap mengiktiraf Dr Muhammad Mursi sebagai Presiden Mesir yang sah bukan kerana bertuhankan demokrasi,tetapi kerana Kebenaran dan keadilan Islam yang mesti dipertahankan.
    - Akram Ikrami Bin Taib Azamudden, Presiden Kelab Al-Azhar Members (ALAM) KUIS -
    Jul 4th 2013, 02:02
    Mesir: Kuasa Jahat Sekular Terbukti!
    Berita yang telah menyentak hati seluruh


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:57AM +0100  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Egypt Shiekh Abu Hazem has made a Nation wide Call out for Protests Against the...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:46
    Egypt Shiekh Abu Hazem has made a Nation wide Call out for Protests Against the Military on Thursday 2pm against overthrowing Mursi
    اثبت مكانك

    ابو مصعب


    ابو اسماعيل يدعوا لمظاهرات حاشده في جميع انحاء مصر غداً الساعة الثانية ظهراً...............

    شيرووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووا يا شبااااااااااااااااااااب
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:57AM +0100  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic stations All Closed, Muslim Scholars and Members of the Brotherhood are...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:36
    Islamic stations All Closed, Muslim Scholars and Members of the Brotherhood are being Locked up , Interim Minister is a Christian..

    These are one of the Tweet messages going around
    Congratulations #Egypt I hope your country will take over 'leading' nations in #Alcohol Consumption #Bellydancing & o yeah, I hope now there would be night clubs and rock shows too! You're ' #free ' now...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 04 04:57AM +0100  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Iraq # Salahudeen these are the Flags that strike fear in the hearts of the shia...
    Jul 4th 2013, 03:48
    Iraq # Salahudeen these are the Flags that strike fear in the hearts of the shias kufar sons of Mutah , the Alawites, the Zionists, the Crusaders!!!
    May Allah swt unite the ummah under ONE FLAG, FLAG OF TAWHEED!
    الله أكبر والعزة لله ..
    ولاية صلاح الدين #العراق
    صورة ترهب أعداء الله الروافض الحاقدين والمرتدين أذنابهم . #الدولة_الإسلامية_في_العراق_والشام
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