- Search Facebook kufr: Some Statements of Prominent Scholars on IsitghathahAs 'Allamah Zafar Ahmad al-'Uthmani said, the scholars forbade istighathah of the dead and the living in those things that are ordinarily out of their hands, even without believing they have independent power, because it resembles the outward behaviour of the idolaters, creates a suspicion of shirk and makes the ignorant laypeople susceptible to true shirk and corrupt beliefs. Below are some statements from accepted scholars supporting this central claim.1) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Tahir ibn 'Ali al-Fattani (913 – 986 H) said:لفظ الزيارة صار مشتركا بين ما شرع وما لم يشرع فإن منهم من قصد بزيارة قبور الأنبياء والصلحاء أن يصلي عند قبورهم ويدعو عندها ويسألهم الحوائج وهذا لا يجوز عند أحد من علماء المسلمين فإن العبادة وطلب الحوائج والإستعانة حق لله وحده"The word 'visit' (ziyarah) has become a common word for that which is established in the Shari'ah and that which is not established in the Shari'ah. For indeed, there are from them those who intend by visiting the graves of the prophets and the righteous to pray near their graves and supplicate near them, and ask them for needs, and this is not permissible according to any of the 'ulama' of the Muslims, for indeed worship and asking for needs (talab al-hawa'ij) and seeking help (isti'anah) is the right of Allah alone." (Majma' Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 73)2) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Pir 'Ali al-Birgivi (929 – 981 H) said: أما الزيارة البدعية فزيارة القبور لأجل الصلوة عندها والطواف بها وتقبيلها واستلامها وتعفير الخدود عليها وأخذ ترابها ودعاء أصحابها والاستغاثة بهم وسوالهم النصر والرزق والعافية والولد وقضاء الديون وتفريج الكربات وإغاثة اللهفان وغير ذلك من الحاجات التى كان عباد الأوثان يسألونها من أوثانهم فليس شيء من ذلك مشروعا باتفاق أئمة المسلمين إذ لم يفعله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا أحد من الصحابة والتابعين وسائر أئمة الدين بل أصل هذه الزيارة الشركية البدعية مأخوذة من عباد الأصنام"As for the innovated visit, it is to visit the graves with the purpose of praying near them and circumambulating them and kissing them and saluting them and getting dust on the cheeks from them and taking their dirt and calling their inhabitants and seeking their help and asking from them help, provision, good health, children, fulfilment of debts, relieving distress, aiding grief and other such needs which the idol worshippers would ask of their idols. None of this is established in the Shari'ah by consensus of the imams of the Muslims, since the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) did not do it, nor any of the Sahabah and Tabi'in and all the imams of religion. Rather, the basis of this idolatrous and innovated visit is derived from the idol worshippers." (Ziyarat al-Qubur, pp. 534-5)3) Shaykh Ahmad al-Rumi (d. 1043 H) said:المجلس السابع عشر في بيان عدم جواز الصلوة عند القبور والاستمداد من أهلها واتخاذ السروج والشموع عليها"Session Seventeen on Explaining the Impermissibility of Praying near Graves and Seeking Help (istimdad) from their Inhabitants and Placing Saddles and Candles thereon." (Majalis al-Abrar, p. 123)العبادات مبناها على الاستنان والاتباع لا على الهواء والابتداع فإن المسلمين أجمعوا على ما علموا من دين نبيهم أن الصلوة عند المقبرة منهي عنها لأن فتنة الشرك بالصلوة فيها ومشابهة عبادة الأصنام أعظم كثيرا من مفسدة الصلوة حين طلوع الشمس وحين غروبها وحين استوائها فإنه عليه السلام نهى عن تلك المفسدة سدا لذريعة التشبه التي لا تكاد تخطر ببال المصلي فكيف بهذه الذريعة التي كثيرا ما تدعو صاحبها إلى الشرك بدعاء الموتى وطلب الحوائج منهم واعتقاد أن الصلوة عند قبورهم أفضل من الصلوة فى المساجد وغير ذلك مما هو محادة ظاهرة لله ولرسوله"The basis of ritual worship is imitation and adherence, not passion and innovation, and indeed the Muslims have agreed on what they know from the religion of their Prophet that prayer at the graveyard is forbidden because the temptation of shirk by praying therein and resemblance of idol-worship is far greater than the corruptive act of praying at sunrise, sunset and zenith, for indeed he (upon him peace) forbade that corruptive act [of praying at sunrise, sunset and zenith] in order to block the means to that resemblance [i.e. of sun worship] which probably will not even cross the mind of the worshipper, so what about this means [i.e. praying near graves] which often invites its performer to shirk by supplicating to the dead and requesting needs from them and believing that prayer at their graves is better than prayer in mosques and other than this which is in clear opposition to Allah and His Messenger?" (ibid. pp. 124-5)4) 'Allamah Sun' Allah al-Halabi (d. 1120 H) said:قد ظهر الآن فيما بين المسلمين جماعات يدعون أن للأولياء تصرفات في حياتهم وبعد الممات ويستغاث بهم فى الشدائد والبليات وبهممهم تنكشف المهمات فيأتون قبورهم وينادونهم في قضاء الحاجات مستدلين على أن ذلك منهم كرامات وقررهم في ذلك من ادعى العلم بمسائل وأمدهم بفتاوى ورسائل…وهذا كما ترى كلام فيه تفريط وإفراط وغلو فى الدين بترك الاحتياط بل فيه الهلاك الأبدي والعذاب السرمدي لما فيه من روائح الشرك المحقق ومصادرة الكتاب العزيز المصدق ومخالفة لعقائد الأئمة وما اجتمعت عليه هذه الأمة"Nowadays, multitudes amongst the Muslims have emerged claiming that the saints (awliya') have discretions (tasarrufat) in their life and after death, and through them help is sought (yustaghathu bihim) in difficulties and calamities, and by their aspirations, matters of concern are resolved, so they come to their graves, call to them to fulfil their needs, adducing as evidence for [this practice] that these are miracles (karamat) from them. [Some] who claim knowledge of juristic issues reinforce this for them, and support them with fatwas and treatises…This, as you see, is speech containing negligence and excess, and extremism in the religion due to abandoning precaution (tark al-ihtiyat). Rather, therein is eternal damnation and infinite punishment, due to what it contains of the odours of actual shirk, and of contending with the authoritative Mighty Book and opposition to the beliefs of the Imams, and that which this ummah has agreed upon." (Sayf Allah 'ala man Kadhaba 'ala Awliya' Allah pp. 22-3) والاستغاثة تجوز فى الأسباب الظاهرة العادية من الأمور الحسية في قتال أو إدراك عدو أو سبع ونحوه كقولهم يا لزيد يا لقومي يا للمسلمين كما ذكروا ذلك في كتب النحو بحسب الأسباب الظاهرة بالفعل. أما الاستغاتة بالقوة والتأثير أو فى الأمور المعنوية من الشدائد…فمن خصائص الله"Seeking aid (istighathah) is permissible in ordinary outward means (al-asbab al-zahirat al-'adiyyah) from tangible matters, of fighting or catching an enemy or a predator and its like, like their statement: 'O Zayd!' 'O my people!' or 'O Muslims!' as they mentioned them in the books of Nahw in accordance with actual (bi l-fi'l) outward means. However, seeking aid by potential and effective [means] or in intangible matters of difficulties…these are exclusive to Allah." (ibid. p. 51)Sometimes "istighathah" was not used literally by the scholars but in the meaning of "taking an intermediary" (tawassul). 'Allamah al-Halabi asserts that those scholars who permitted "istighathah" meant tawassul, not asking for help.وما قيل من أنه يجوز الاستغاثة بالأنبياء والصالحين فإنما المراد به التبرك بذكرهم والتوسل بهم بلا إمداد منهم"And what has been said [by some scholars like al-Subki and Ibn Hajar al-Haythami] that istighathah through the prophets and pious is permissible, the intent is only taking blessing through their mention and tawassul through them, not [seeking direct] assistance from them." (ibid. pp. 49-51)5) Shah Wali Allah (1114 – 1176 H) said:ومنها أنهم كانوا يستغيثون بغير الله في حوائجهم من شفاء المريض وغناء الفقير وينذرون لهم يتوقعون إنجاح مقاصدهم بتلك النذور ويتلون أسماءهم رجاء بركتها فأوجب الله تعالى عليهم أن يقولوا في صلاتهم: "إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين" وقال تعالى "فلا تدعوا مع الله أحدا" وليس المراد من الدعاء العبادة كما قال المفسرون بل هو الاستغاثة"And from these [embodiments and forms of shirk] is that they would seek help from other than Allah for their needs, of healing the sick and enriching the poor, and they would vow to them expecting the fulfilment of their objectives through those vows, and they would recite their names hoping for their blessing. So Allah made it obligatory on them to say in their Salah: 'You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.' (Qur'an 1:5) And He, Exalted is He, said: 'And do not call on any besides Allah.' (Qur'an 72:18) The meaning of 'call' is not worship as the exegetes have said but is asking for help (istighathah)." (Hujjat Allah al-Balighah, 1:120-1)تفهيم – كل من ذهب إلى بلدة أجمير أو إلى قبر سالار مسعود أو ما ضاهاها لأجل حاجة يطلبها فإنه أثم إثما أكبر من القتل والزنا. ليس مثله إلا مثل من كان يعبد المصنوعات أو مثل من كان يدعو اللات والعزى إلا أنا لا نصرح بالتكفير لعدم النص من الشارع في هذا الأمر المخصوص. كل من عين حيوان الميت وطلب منه الحوائج فإنه آثم قلبه داخل في قوله تعالى ذلكم فسق"Instruction: Anyone who goes to the town of Ajmer [to the grave of Khawaja Mu'in al-Din Chishti] or to the grave of Salar Mas'ud, or to any such place, for a need he requests of them, indeed he has committed a sin more grievous than murder and adultery. His likeness is not but like those who worship the creation or like those who call on Lat and 'Uzza [for help]. However, we do state explicitly that he has disbelieved due to the absence of a text from the Lawgiver in this specific matter. Anyone who assigns life to the dead and requests his needs from them, 'his heart is surely sinful' (Qur'an, 2:283), and [this act] is included in His statement (Exalted is He), 'that is iniquity' (Qur'an, 5:3)." (al-Tafhimat al-Ilahiyyah, 2:45)6) Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Kurdi al-Shafi'i (d. 1194 H) said:وأما التوسل بالأنبياء والصالحين فهو أمر محبوب ثابت في الأحاديث الصحيحة وقد أطبقوا على طلبه، بل ثبت التوسل بالأعمال الصالحة وهي أعراض فبالذوات أولى، أما جعل الوسائط بين العبد وبين ربه، فإن كان يدعوهم كما يدعو الله تعالى في الأمور ويعتقد تأثيرهم في شيء من دون الله فهو كفر، وإن كان مراده التوسل بهم إلى الله تعالى في قضاء مهماته مع اعتقاده أن الله هو النافع الضارّ المؤثر في الأمور فالظاهر عدم كفره وإن كان فعله قبيحاً"Regarding tawassul through the Prophets and pious, it is a liked matter, established in authentic hadiths. Its desirability is agreed-upon. In fact, tawassul is established through good deeds, and they are a'rad (fleeting accidents); thus, with dhawat (substances) a fortiori. Regarding making intermediaries between the slave and His Lord:"If he asks them [i.e. the intermediaries] like he asks Allah in matters [i.e. directly], believing that they bring about effects in a matter and not Allah, then that is disbelief. And if the intention is tawassul through them to Allah, the Exalted, in the fulfilment of important matters, while believing that Allah is He who causes all benefit and harm in matters, and the one who brings about effects in matters, then apparently this is not disbelief, although his action is despicable." (Bughyat al-Mustarshidin, p. 308, 369)7) Qadi Thana Allah Panipati (d. 1225 H) said:"Ruling: It is not permissible to make supplications to the pious who have passed away or are living or to the noble prophets (upon them peace). The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that supplications are the core of worship, and then he recited this verse: 'Your Lord has said, 'Call Me, I will respond to you. Definitely those who show arrogance against worshipping Me shall enter Hell with disgrace.' (Qur'an, 40:60) And that which the ignorant say: 'O Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani! [Give me] something for the sake of Allah,' and: 'O Khawajah Shams al-Din Panipati! [Give me] something for the sake of Allah,' is not permissible. In fact, [for many of the common people] they are shirk and kufr. But if someone says: 'Oh my Lord! Through the intermediary of Khawajah Shams al-Din Panipati, fulfil this need of mine,' then there is no harm." (Irshad al-Talibin, p. 18, Mujtaba'i Press, Delhi, 1915; taken from Ikhtilaf e Ummat aur Sirat e Mustaqim, p. 55) 8) Shah 'Abd al-'Aziz (1159 – 1239 H) said:"Or isti'anah is with such a thing that the assumption (tawahhum) of independence will settle in the minds of the idolaters, like isti'anah of spirits (arwah) or an astronomical spirituality (ruhaniyyat falakiyya) or an elemental spirituality (ruhaniyyat 'unsuriyya) or of free souls (arwah sa'irah), like Bahwani, Shaykh Sadad and Zayd Khan, and the likes of these. This type [of isti'anah] is precisely shirk and contrary to the pure [monotheistic] faith." (Tafsir 'Azizi; taken from Sabil al-Sadad fi Mas'alat al-Istimdad, p. 40) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Esselamun alejkum do ia fillojme me lejen e Allahut nje seri qe te njihemi me dijetaret e umetit tone, do shkojme me renditje alfabetike dhe kenaquni qe te lexoni dhe te njiheni me keta burra te medhenje para muajit Ramazan.Abdul Aziz Er-RaxhihiQuhet Abdul Aziz ibën Abdull-llah ibën Abdur-Rahman dhe i takon fisit Er-Raxhihij që banojnë në krahinën e Kasimit gjegjësisht qyteza El Bukejrijje. Ka lindur në vitin 1360 H në qytezën e El Bukejrijjes ku edhe i ka ndjekur mësimet e para dijetarëve të saj dhe në të mësoi Kur'anin përmendsh. Mësimet që i ndoqi ishin të llojit tradicional para hoxhës. Ndikim të madh në formimin e tij si musliman ka patur edhe familja e tij e cila dallohej me devotshmëri. Pas kësaj periudhe transferohet në qytetin e Rijadit ku regjistrohet dhe ndjek mësimet në fakulltetin e sheriatit. Pas diplomimit punësohet si ligjerues në fakultetin e Bazave te fesë, katedra e besimit Islam dhe shkollave bashkëkohore të besimit. Në atë post mbeti deri sot. Ky dijetar pati fatin që të mëson para dijetarëve të mëdhenj të erës ton siç janë: Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdul Aziz ibën Baz, rahimehull-llah, në praninë e të cilit kaloi kohën deri në fund të jetës. Ndikimi i Ibën Bazit, rahimehull-llah, shihet qartë në sjelljen e tij dhe mënyrën e ligjërimit. Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdull-llah ibën Humejd, rahimehull-llah. Aktiviteti i shejhut është mjaftë i frytshëm në veprimtarinë shkencore. Ëshët autor i disa librave dhe është anëtar i komisionit për disertacionet praën Univerzitetit Imam Muhammed ibën Su'ud. Është aktiv edhe në ligjerimin në xhami ku ka ligjerata të rregullta në lëminë e akidës dhe komentimit të hadithëve. Para tij janë lëxuar dhe vazhdojnë të lexohen libra kapitale të cilat ai i komenton siç janë: Sahihët e Buhariut dhe Muslimit, Katër Sunenet, Muvetta e Imam Malikut, Rijadus-Salihi, Bulugul Merami si dhe Sahihu i Ibën Huzejmes. Në lëminë e akides ai komenton librat e dijetarëve të Nexhdit në krye me Muhammed ibën Abdul Veh-habit, All-llahu i mëshiroftë si dhe librat dhe traktatet e Shejhul Islamit Ibën Tejmijje, rahimehull-llah. Mbanë ligjerata edhe nga lëmitë e Fikhut dhe bazat e tij, si dhe në lëminë e gramatikës. Në lëminë e tefsirit: Tefsirin e Ibën Kethirit Librat që i ka botuar janë: • Exhvibe mufide ala esiletin adide • Esile ve exhvibe fil Iman vel Kufr • El Ilmam bi shejin min ahkam es-sijam • Feth Rabbil abid fi redd ala muhtesar sherh Tahavijje ve Kitabit-teuhid • Min adabil Haxhxh ve ahkamihi ve muxhibatil gusl ve kejfijetuhu • Sherh kitab Teuhid mi Sahih el Buhari • Sherh Lematil I'tikad • Sherh Keshfi shubuhat fi teuhid • Et Teklid vel ifta vel istifta • Sherh kitab Er-Redd ala Zenadika • El Idah vet-tebjiin li bad sifatil mu'minin • El Kaul el bejjin el edh-her fi daveti ila All-llahi vel emir bil ma'ruf ven-nehj anil munker All-llahun e lusim të ruan shejhin tonë dhe ta bën mësues i shumë gjeneratave. Amin [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Zaif Hadees Ki Hakikat...o- [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: cem evinden çıkıp insan katleden alevi gördünüzmü???yada hadi bugün perşembe hadi cem evine gidelim diyen alevi??bu olay cami de eğitim görenlerin işi..bizim işimiz olmaz(Deniz) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Spirit of Qurbani Wednesday, 02 November 2011 00:00 Shaikhul Hind Hazrat Moulana Mahmood Hasan Deobandi (rahmatullahi `alaih) would tend to his Qurbaani cow for the entire year. He would personally wash and feed the animal. The cow would also become very attached to Hazrat. When he would leave home to teach at Darul Uloom Deoband, it would follow him right to the madrasah gate where it would sit down. When Hazrat would return at noon after lessons, it would follow him back home. When the days of Qurbaani drew near, Hazrat would lessen its normal feed, which was grass and substitute it with bucketfuls of milk and jalebi (sweetmeat). He would also apply mehndi (henna) to it, place flowers on its back and beautify it because Allah Ta'ala commands that one's most beloved wealth should be spent in the path of Allah Ta'ala. Thus, he would begin to love the animal very deeply. After the Eidul Adha Salaah, he would sacrifice it and cry a little as well. Then he would immediately purchase another cow for the following Eid. (Maslak-e-Ulama-e-Deoband aur Hubbe Rasul (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Hazrat Thanwi (rahmatullahi `alaih) says: Hazrat once kept a cow which he fed the entire year. He would take it to the jungle after Asr and make it run in order to make it healthy. It became so healthy that he received offers of 80 rupees, whereas a healthy cow in those days cost approximately 10 to 15 rupees. But Hazrat did not accept any offer. (Khutubaate Hakimul Ummat, vol. 17, pg. 154). Since it was his habit to offer a few qurbani every year, he desired to do the same while he was imprisoned at Malta. Though prisoners are not allowed to slaughter, Hazrat nevertheless forwaded the request that an animal must be made available to him and that he should be allowed to slaughter it. Something which comes out from the heart definitely has its effect. Hence, they were affected and sold him a sheep for 7 genies which Hazrat paid very happily. On the 10th of Zul Hijjah, Hazrat offered the qurbani calling out the takbir in a loud voice in that darul kufr where the sunnat of Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) had not been carried out since the fall of the Islamic rule. (Hayaate Shaikhul Hind- Akaabire Deoband aur `ishke Rasul [sallallahu alaihi wa sallam], pg. 32). [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: — CLARIFICATION OF AN IMPORTANT ISSUE —THE CORRECT WAY OF WRITING IN SHA' ALLAHQUERY: What do the noble scholars state with regards to the following issue? Is writing in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) on the pattern of insha' Allah (انشاء الله) correct? Does the meaning change due to the difference of writing in these two patterns? Kindly explain the matter and gain reward. ʿAbdullah Qadiri, Karachi.REPLY: The phrase in sha' Allah is based upon three words and all the three words have their own individual positions in the science of nahw . 1. In is shartiyah .2. Sha' is fi'l madhi m'aruf 3. Allah is ismu jalalah and the doer of the action sha', according to grammatical analysis. These three words are written separately. The conditional word in was not written jointly along with the verb, anywhere in the Arab or Ajam. They have been written separately in the Qur'an, hadith and Arabic literature contained in the books of the past fourteen centuries. But nowadays, the error of writing the conditional in jointly with the verb sha' has become widespread in the Arab and non-Arab lands. This error, contained in certain Arabic websites and careless writing ways, is spreading rapidly in non-Arab lands, especially India and Pakistan. The correct way of writing it is in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) only. Writing it as insha' Allah (انشاء الله) is absolutely incorrect. It is necessary for every Muslim to abstain from writing in this manner because the meaning that occurs due to this way of writing is kufr . Qur'anic Verses:1. وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه لَمُہْتَدُونَ – al-Baqarah, 702. وَقَالَ ادْخُلُوا مِصْرَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ –Yusuf, 993. قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه صَابِرًا وَلَا أَعْصِی لَکَ أَمْرًا – al-Kahf, 694. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّالِحِینَ – al-QaSaS, 275. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّابِرِینَ – al-Safat, 1026. لَتَدْخُلُنَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ – al-Fath, 27It is evident from the above-mentioned Qur'anic verses that the conditional in has been written separately from the past tense verb sha'.The way in which in sha' Allah has been written in the Prophetic narrations:1. فَقَالَ لَه رَسُولُ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ سَأَفْعَلُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sahih Bukhari, #4072. لِکُلِّ نَبِیٍّ دَعْوَۃٌ یَدْعُوہَا فَأَنَا أُرِیدُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه أَنْ أَخْتَبِئَ دَعْوَتِی شَفَاعَۃً لِأُمَّتِی یَوْمَ الْقِیَامَۃِ – Sahih Muslim, #2953. إِنَّہَا لَرُؤْیَا حَقٌّ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sunan Abi Dawud, #4214. أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ مَنْ حَلَفَ عَلَی یَمِینٍ فَقَالَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه فَلَا حِنْثَ عَلَیْہِ – Tirmidhi, #14515. أنَّ رسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ خَرَجَ إِلَی الْمَقْبُرَۃِ فَقَالَ السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ دَارَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِینَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه بِکُمْ لَاحِقُونَ – Sunan Nasa'i, #1506. اجْتَمَعَ عِیدَانِ فِی یَوْمِکُمْ ہَذَا فَمَنْ شَاء َ أَجْزَأَه مِنْ الْجُمُعَۃِ وَإِنَّا مُجَمِّعُونَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه –Sunan Ibn Majah, #1301Clarification of the meaning of insha' Allah (انشاء الله):When in is written jointly with sha', it becomes insha' which is a root word in the category of actions and its meaning is 'to create', 'to invent'. Its past and present continuous tense forms are insha' (انشأ and yunshi' ینشیٔ) respectively. Its meaning is 'to create or invent something, the like of which never existed before'. Allah states:1. وَهوَ الَّذِی أَنْشَأَ لَکُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَۃَ قَلِیلًا مَا تَشْکُرُونَ – al-Mu'minun, 782. قُلْ سِیرُوا فِی الْأَرْضِ فَانْظُرُوا کَیْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ اللَّه یُنْشِئُ النَّشْأَۃَ الْآَخِرَۃَ إِنَّ اللَّہَ عَلَی کُلِّ شَیْء ٍ قَدِیرٌ – al-Ankabut, 203. إِنَّا أَنْشَأْنَاهنَّ إِنْشَاء ً – al-Waqi'ah, 35In the above-mentioned verses, insha' is the masdar belonging to the category of actions. Insha' is active past tense and yunshi' is present continuous tense form, the meaning of which is 'to create'. Now consider the third verse. The root word insha' is present in it. The forms of the root word insha' and the one written in insha' Allah are one and the same. When the conditional in is written jointly with the verb sha', its meaning will contain kufr. انشاء الله ای كاننا نقول اننا اوجدنا الله... العیاذ باللهMeaning, 'we created Allah' or 'we invented Allah'. We seek refuge in Allah from this (meaning)!The meaning of in sha' is 'the Divine Will', whereas, insha' means 'to create' or 'to invent'. Writing in jointly with sha' gives such extremely abominable meanings. Thus, it is necessary for all the Muslims to abstain from this way of writing. Wherever they see this written, they should rectify it immediately. It is our fair perception that not even the thought of the vile meanings ever crosses any Muslim's mind. But, while writing, in sha' should be written instead of insha', i.e., the way in which it is written in the Qur'an and hadith texts, so that every trace of thenefarious meaning is eliminated. We do not want to begin a nahwi explanation here, otherwise the discussion will become lengthy. A new discussion can be started to explain the relationship between the root word insha' as mudaf and the Lofty Name (Allah) as mudaf ilayh , but there is no scope for it here (to keep the discussion simple). Our aim is to explain to the common people. We request the scholars and students of knowledge that they make the laymen aware of this matter. Insha' as mudaf and the Lofty Name (Allah) as mudaf ilayh :It is mentioned in Tafsir Tabari:إن عجبتم من إنشاء الله إیاكمIn another place:إنّ فی إنشاء الله السحابIn these two statements, the word insha' is present and the meaning of the word in both these statements is, 'to create'. In the above statements, the root word insha' is the mudaf , and the doer, i.e., Lofty Name (Allah) is the mudaf ilayh . The meanings are, "Allah's creation of you" and "Allah's creation of the clouds". The purpose of mentioning this is, even if insha' is considered as mudaf , the purpose of saying in sha' Allah will be nullified. Because, when we say in sha' Allah,we hand over the results of our deeds to the Divine Will of Allah and seek help from Him. But, when we write insha' Allah in the form of mudaf and mudaf ilayh, the meaning becomes "creation by Allah", which is not our intended meaning. Whenever we make an intention for a good deed, we say in sha' Allah – this is from the Islamic etiquettes and a sunnah (tradition of the Prophet – may Allah bless and greet him). We hand over our intention to the Divine Will of Allah. Here, our purpose is not to mention Allah as the Creator and the Originator.Mufti Sayyid Shuja'at Ali Qadiri has authored a book by the name 'Insha-ul-Arabiyyah'. The meaning of the title is, 'building eloquence in the Arabic language'. If we write this word insha' (used here) with the Lofty Name (Allah), it will not fulfill our purpose. The meaning will drift from 'the Divine Will' (the intended meaning) to 'create' and 'invent'.It is mentioned in Qasidatul Burdah, الحمد لله المنشی الخلق من عدمIn this verse, the word al-munshi indicates the name of the doer, the meaning of which is 'to create'. The translation of the verse is: All praises are due to Allah, who brought forth the creation from nonexistence.munshi means 'creator', 'the One who brings forth from nonexistence'. The difference between writing nasha' and insha' is similar to that between writing in sha' Allah and insha' Allah. After all the above explanation, we presume that the Sunni masses have understood that the correct way of writing is in sha' Allah and that has to be followed from now on. Also bear in mind that one should abstain from words which have aberrations in them, especially when it pertains to the Divine Glory and the Prophetic Magnificence. Immense caution has to be exercised therein. Finally, I would advise that while sending messages through SMS or email, one should always write in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله). If it is being written in English, do not write insha Allah, inshaallah or inshaALLAH. Instead, write in sha Allah, in shaa Allah or in sha' Allah. — — —Written by: Abu al-Fadl Muhammad Nau'man Shiraz al-Qadiri al-'IraqiFriday, 21st of Dhu al-Hijjah, 1432H [Friday, November 18th, 2011]Translated into English by: Najibullah Qadiri [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: FASTING IS NOT ACCEPT IF ONE DOESN'T OFFER SALAH:Praise be to Allaah. No good deeds will be accepted from one who does not pray – no zakaah, no fasting, no Hajj or anything else. Al-Bukhaari (520) narrated that Buraydah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does not pray 'Asr, his good deeds will be annulled." What is meant by "his good deeds will be annulled" is that they will be rendered invalid and will be of no benefit to him. This hadeeth indicates that Allaah will not accept any good deed from one who does not pray, so the one who does not pray will not benefit at all from his good deeds and no good deed of his will be taken up to Allaah. It seems from the hadeeth that there are two types of those who do not pray: those who do not pray at all, which annuls all their good deeds, and those who do not offer a particular prayer on a particular day, which annuls the good deeds of that day. So annulment of all good deeds happens to those who forsake all the prayers, and annulment of the good deeds of a particular day happens to the one who omits a particular prayer. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen was asked in Fataawa al-Siyaam (p. 87) about the ruling on the fasting of one who does not pray.He replied: The fast of one who does not pray is not valid and is not accepted, because the one who does not pray is a kaafir and an apostate, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah) and give Zakaah, then they are your brethren in religion"[al-Tawbah 9:11] And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Between a man and shirk and kufr stands his giving up prayer." Narrated by Muslim, 82. And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The covenant that separates us from them is prayer; whoever gives up prayer is a kaafir." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2621;صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20] [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Biri şu öküze söyleyebilir mi faceyi tekrar açsın. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: drecke kufar siegt die ezan [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: ایسے لوگوں کے لئے پھانسی سے کم سزا نہیں ہونی چاہئیے- [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: Bismillahi rahmani rahimAllahumma shalli ala syaidinamuhammad....ya Allah ya tuhankutilek oleh Mu akan dirikusiang dan malam sepanjang waktu kuinilah pintaku ya tuhan ku.Ampun olehMu akan dosa kudemikian lagi dosa ibu bapa kusekelian muslimin dan gurukusekelian yang hadir daripadajemaah dan ahli ku.Ya Allah turunkan rahmatampunkan lah dosa umatmuhammadlelaki dan perempuan amanselamatmendapat syafaat masa kiamat.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahampunilah dosa mana mana yang salahkurnialah kami ilmu yang indahiman dan taat pula bertambah.Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahmantambahi negara ini selamat danamanmenuntut mengajar sepanjangzamanmatikan kami didalam iman.Ya Rabbi ya tuhanku maqbulkanpanjangkan umur kami didalam kebajikandidalam husnil khatimah mintamatikansiksa akhirat minta lepaskan.Ya Allah Azza wa Jalla Azza waJallasabarkan kami menanggung balamendapat nikmat syukurkan pulasekelian hukum Mu redhakansegala.Ya Allah tuhan yang Esakekalkan taat kami sentiasajauhkan daripada maksiat dan dosaselama hidup setiap masa.Ya Allah tuhan yang Bariilmu yang sebenar silalah berilepaskan kami sesat kafiridatangkan ibadat yang iklas setiap hari.Ya Rabbi yang sangat penyayangkuatkan ibadat kami siang danmalammenuntut ilmu - puasa -sembahyangkepada dunia janganlah sayang.Ya Allah ya Rabbal Izzatibaikkan perangai kami - terangkan hatimudahkan mendapat ilmu sejatifiqih tasawuf - terang mengerti.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya AllahTerangkan hati kami dan fasehkan lidahMembaca kalamMu kurniakanmudahSerta kuatkan berzikrullah danmujahadah.Ya Allah khaliqul alamil alamBerkat syafaat nabiMu alaihissalamKuatkan ibadah kami siang danmalamYakin iklas hati didalam.Jauhkan daripada ujub dan riyaTakabur dan hasad- kasihkan duniaSumaah pemarah - jauhkan bahayaZuhud dan wara inilah kurnia.Berkat syafaat syaidinamuhammadTambahi kami ilmu dan taatSiang dan malam kurnialah rahmatDunia akhirat dapat selamat.Berkat nabi yang dimuliakanBala fitnah minta jauhkanKami seikhwan minta diamankanPanjangkan umur kami dalamkebajikan.Ya Allah turunkan rahmatAtas penghulu kami NabiMuhammadKeluarga dan sahabat sekelianumatSekelian yang mengikut hinggakiamat.Nabi Muhammad saiyidul ambiyaKhatimun Nabi didalam duniaEmpat sahabat yang teramat muliaSekelian kasehkan tuhan yangmaha kaya.Empat sahabat yang sangatterbilangZuhud dan wara bukan kepalangIman memancar gilang gemilangBencikan dunia nikmat yang hilang.Ya Allah azizul ghaffarBerkat shiddiq syaidina Abu BakarLepaskan kami sesat dan kufarTunjukan kami jalan yang sebenar.Ya Allah rabbul i'badBerkat syaidina umar yang kedua sahabatKurniakan kami sempurna taubatTiada berbalik kepada jahat.Ya Allah ya rahmanBerkat kemuliaan syaidina utsmanTambahi kami taat dan imanSelama hidup sepanjang zaman.Ya Allah ya qadim azaliBerkat kemegahan syaiduna AliKuatkan ibadah kami jangan khaliBimbangkan dunia jauhkan sekali.Ya Allah yang sempurna sifatBerkat kemegahan sahabat yang empatIman-islam kurniakan cepatSerta kesempurnaan tauhidmakrifat.Berkat sahabat syaidina AnamJumlah sepuluh bertambah enamMasukan dihati kami tertanamTetapkan seperti gunung terbenam.Berkat syaidina Talhah sahabatkelimaKuatkan ibadah kami selamaselamaIbadah yang diredha yangterutamaSerta harap akan diterima.Ya Allah tuhan yang kayaBerkat Said sahabat yang muliaIman yang makbul harap dikurniaTerangkan dada kami dengan iman bercahaya.Berkat Said sahabat yang ketujuhKurniakan kami ibadah bersungguhJangan lalai jangan bertangguhKepada hadrat Mu kami tawajuh.Ya Allah ya RahmanBerkat kemegahan syaidina Abdul RahmanKurniakan kami sempurna berimanBukan hijab sepanjang zaman.Ya Rabbi ya AllahBerkat kemegahan syaidina Abu UbaidahKurniakan kami makrifatullahSentiasa memandang af'al Allah.Berkat Zubeir ibnu awwanBukakan dinding yang kelamMemandang kudrat Khaliqil alamSetiap masa siang dan malam.Berkat syaidina Hassan dan HuseinCucu nabi syaidina mursalinKurniakan kami nur 'asyiqinKepada zatMu Rabbil alamin.Berkat kemegahan siti fatimahPenghulu perempuan diakhiratjannahKuatkan iman kami jangan lemahHingga sampai Yaumal qiamah.Berkat Khadijah siti yang muliaBunda Fatimah siti cahayaLepaskan kami tipudaya duniaMakhluk nafsu syaitan perdaya.Berkat syahid syaidina HamzahMati berperang sabilillahKurniakan kami ilmu yang indahSerta kuat amal ibadah.Ya Allah Khaliqul bariBerkat syafaat nabi bistariKeluarga sahabat anak isteriTetapkan ibadah kami sehari hari.berkat syafie iman berbahagiamuhammad bin idris namanya diabangsanya qureisy itu muliailmunya memenuhi alam dunia.mujtahid muthlaq mazhab sendiridiredhoi Allah khaliqul baritermasyhur kelebihan segenapnegeriikutan ummat begini hari.Ya Allah tuhan ku Rabbiberkat karamah iman syafiefasehkan lidah terangkan hatimudahkan faham segala ilmi.Berkat karamah iman Abu hanifahulama yang masyhur dinegerikufahsegala alam ilmunya limpahmujtahid muthlaq mazhab gagah.Perangainya banyak sangatpemurahnyamembaca quran sepanjangmalamnyaantara isya dan subuh tiada batal wudhunyaempat puluh tahun demikianhalnya.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahberkat keistimewaan iman abuhanifahkurniakan kami ilmu yang indahserta kuat amal ibadah.Berkat malik iman yang indahulama yang masyhur dinegerimadinahserata alam ilmunya megahmujtahid muthlaq mazhab gagah.Umur tujuh belas tahun ilmudiajarkanhampir tujuh puluh tahun itulah dikerjakankepada ilmu sangat dimuliakantangan pemurah tiada terperikan.Ya Rabbi ya ilahi ya ilahirajin menuntut rajin mengajariberkat karamah iman ahmadhanbaliulama termasyhur dinegeribaghdadimujtahid muthlaq mazhab sendiriitulah sebesar besar sahabat iman syafie.Seribu ribu hadis hafaz kepadanyasekhatam semalam qurandibacanyasemata mata akhirat didalammajlisnyatakut dan malu kepada tuhannya.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahberkat hanbali iman yang megahkurniakan kami takutkan Allahserta sempurna makrifatullah.berkat karamah quthbur rabbanituan syiekh Abdul qader al jailanikaramah termasyhur didunia inipandangan terus kesana sini.Martabatnya tinggi bangsanyamuliaanak cucu Nabi syaiyidil anbiyatakut kepadanya syaitan danmanusiaialah penghulu segala aulia.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahberkat quthbur rabbani yang arif billahkurniakan kami tawakal alallahsegala redha kehendak Allah.Berkat karamah syaiyidi Ahmad al Badawiwali Allah yang termasyhursegenap negeridari kecilnya sudah hampirikepada Allah khaliqul bari.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahberkat syaiyidi Ahmad al badawi wali yang megahkurniakan kami makrifatullahkekal dalam musyahadahmuqabalah.Berkat syaiyidi Ibrahim dasukiwali yang besar quthub yang tinggikaramahnya besar tiada terperisuara binatang ia mengetahui.Terlalu besar karamahnya diakecil padanya ini duniaseperti cincin ditangannya diatiada tersembunyi jin dan manusia.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allahberkat syaiyidi Ibrahim Arif billahkurniakan kami kasehkan Allahkesempurnaan makrifah fanafillah.Berkat karamah quthubul Aliiaitu tuan syiekh Abu hasan asysyazaliasal peranakan dinegeri Maghribikaramah termasyhur disegenap negeri.Ilmunya banyak seperti lautanmaqamnya tinggi kepada tuhantiada tersembunyi laut daratanjin dan manusia semuanyaketakutan.Berkat quthub yang maha muliahambaMu ini segeralah kurniaberbekalan musyahadah tuhanyang kayabertambah terang pandang duniaBerkat Ghazali iman hujjatul islamUlama yang masyhur serata alamIlmunya yang munafaah sekelian islamSeumpama matahari menerangkan kelam.Beberapa kitab ia karangkanBarangsiapa membacanya dapat kebajikanRohnya hadir ada melihatkanKaramahnya besar tiadaterperikan.Ya Allah khaliqul alamBerkat iman hujjatul islamTerangkan hati kami hilangkankelamIlmu yang munafaah penuhkandidalam.Ya Allah tuhan yang kayaBerkat syafaat syaidul anbiyaKeluarga sahabat ulama auliyaMasukan kehati kami imanbercahaya.Masukan kehati kami cahaya imanPenuhkan kasih ke tuhan rahmanZuhudkan dunia sepanjang zamanSampai mati sentosa dan aman.Amin amin aminBerkat syafaat syaidul mursalinKeluarga dan sahabat sekeliantabiinSegala yang mengikut ila yaumiddin.Ya Allah ya tuhan ku ya tuhankuTilek oleh Mu akan dirikuSiang dan malam sepanjang waktu kuInilah pinta ku... Ya tuhanku.Ampuni oleh Mu akan dosa kuDemikian lagi dosa ibu bapa kuSekelian muslimin dan guru kuSekelian yang hadir dari jamaah ku.Jangan Engkau hampakan ya Allah akan pinta kuTiada siapa yang lain tempat pintakuDengan berkat hemah pertamaguru kuTuan haji abdul lateff mursyid ku.Ya Allah ya Rabbi ya RabbiBerkat syaiyidi muhammad binAhmad DandarawiBuka kan dinding hijab dihatiTerang memandang Rabbal izzati.Ya Allah ya Hadi ya HadiBerkat syaiyidi ibrahim rasyidiKurniakan yaqin bertambah jadiMahabbah dan tahkim sampaikemati.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya AllahBerkat quthub yang arifbillahSyaiyidi Ahmad bin Idris wali AllahKekalkan kami memandang Allah.Ya Syaiyidi Ahmad ya syaikhanaTolonglah kami dengan sempurnaKepada Allah diriku fanaBerkat mengadap tuhan Rabbana.Ya Allah khalaqal alamBerkat syaidina quthubul alamSyaidinal khidir alaihisalamTolonglah kami siang dan malam.Ya syaidinal khidir nabi AllahMartabat mu mulia kepada AllahTolong lah kami mengadap AllahMengamal tharekat Ahmadiahnasyahbandiah samaniahsekeliannya 13 lagi ilallah.Ya Allah tuhan ku yang kayaBerkat syafaat syaidul anbiyaKurniakan hamba syafaatnya diaBertambah iman yakin percaya.Ya Rasullullah ya HabibinaSyafaatkanlah kami sampaisempurnaSeumur hidup didunia fanaSampai keakhirat sana.Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya AllahBerkat Jibrail AminullahKurnia kami iman bertambahSampai kemati didalammusyahadah.Ya Jibrail malaikatul muqarrabinKepercayaan Allah Rabbil alaminTolong kami menyempurnakanmu'minMengikut Nabi syaidil Mursalin.Ya Allah Rabbil izzatiBerkat syafaat sekelian suratiTolonglah kami berbuat baktiSelama hidup sampai ke mati.Engkaulah Allah tuhan yang EsaRahmat Mu limpah kekal sentiasaHamba Mu sekelian didalamsentosaMenerima kurnia Mu setiap masa.Kurnia Mu banyak tidak terperiIman dan islam tuhanku memberiDilepaskan kami sesat kafiriMengerjakan suruhMu setiap hari.Beberapa rezki tuhanku kurniakanIlmu hikmah minum dan makanSeteru bahaya tuhanku lepaskanWajib bersyukur hambaMumenerimakan.Ya Allah tuhan yang satuSyukur itu pun kurnialah yatuhankuKurniakan hambaMu setiap waktuJanganlah lupa barang suatu.Ya Hayum ya Qayum ya AllahHidupkan hati kami denganzikrullahKurnialah kami sentiasamuqarabahSentiasa memandang perbuatan Allah.Ya Allah ya Rahman ya RahmanKekalkan muqarabah kamisepanjang zamanMakin bertambah taat dan nyamanDunia akhirat mendapat aman.Ya Allah Rabbul izzatiPenuhkan ma'rifah kami didalam hatiMemandang dzat Mu selaku matiSekelian alam hilang di lihati.Ya Allah ya tuhankuPenuhkan kasih didalam hatikuAsyiq dan rindu kepada tuhankuHingga kemati demikian laku.Ya Allah ya RabbunaKasihan oleh Mu hamba yang hinaSegerakan kurniaMu dengan segeraAsyiq dan rindu sudah mengena.Ya Allah Rabbul izzatiTerlalu rindu rasanya hatiHendak mengadap hadratMu pastiDalam musyahadah hambaMu mati.Ya Rabbi ya tuhankuKasihani olehMu air matakuRindu dan tengelam kepadatuhankuHendak mengadap menghampirkandiriku.Airmataku mengalir tuhankukasihankanMenghadap hadratMu sangat ku rindukanDinding yang kelam zulmah minta bukakanKepada tuhanku diriku hampirkan.Jinakkan hati ke tuhan semataJangan lupa sekejap mataMahabbah dan tahkim pula sertaKepada tuhanku berserah semata.Ya Allah inilah ku pohonkanSebelum Ramadhan Mu jangandimatikanSekelian kesalahanku tuhankuampunkanMa'rifah yang sempurna mintakurniakan.Berkat sekelian tharekah yang ku baiahBerkat sekelian mursyid kuarifbillahPerkenankanlah ya AllahDoa hambaMu yang menyerah.Amiin ya qadiyal hajatAmiin ya Allah********##%%%%%Hai sufi, ya, sufi ya hai...Merdu suara menyanyi,Dari bait puisi-puisi sufi,Merdu suara menyanyi,Dari bait puisi-puisi abadi,Sampaikanlah puisi sufi... ya ahli sufi.Kumimpi bulan, kemerahan darah mentari,Kumimpi mentari, tenggelamenggan menari,Kumimpi bintang, gugur segalatiada berseri,Hilanglah semua bagai hilang puisi-puisi sufi.Kulihat api, membakar semangat sipencari,Kulihat hati, menyingkap maksud seri baitilahi,Kulihat jiwa, meneroka dosamencari pahala,Hanyalah sesat dalam juangmencari cahaya.Puisi sufi dalam taman sucimenyampai hakiki,Diabaikan zaman bagai wangibunga seri pagi,Puisi sufi dalam taman syurgawitertinggalsepi,Bukanlah haruman kuidam dikala menyenja hari.Katakanlah sufi, dimana tertinggal indah katamu,Katakanlah sufi, nescaya kembali pengikut setiamu,Katakanlah sufi, biar terbimbing hati yangragu ini,Tiadalah gugur kalbu bagairepihan kelopak pagi.Kumimpi bulan, kembali terangrembulankan hati,Kumimpi mentari, kembali menari disubuhnya hari,Kumimpi bintang, kembali berseri memetakan langit,Hanyalah kerana kembali puisi sufi diserangkap bait.Puisi sufi dalam taman sucimenyampai hakiki,Bagaikan haruman pagi yangcukup diinginkan,Puisi sufi dalam taman syurgawi tertinggal sunyi,Bukanlah bisa haruman yang ingin kulupakan.Bacakanlah, bacakanlah satu puisi darimuhai sufi...Kulihat hujan, membasahkan resah pencarian,Kulihat hati, mendung dititiskan rahmat tuhan,Kulihat jiwa, meneroka pahaladibalik cahaya,Hanyalah kerana jalan sahayakembali nyata.Puisi sufi janganlah sembunyi dilaman hakiki,Bagaikan bunga tanpa pandangan duniawi,Puisi sufi janganlah tersimpan di keluan sufi,Bagaikan bunga tanpa bau untuk kucumbu...Merdu hai merdu hai..."Allahumma Ajzahu 'AnnaJaza An Hasanan KafiyanMuwaffiyan Li FaidhanihilFaidhi Fil Afaq"Terjemahan: "Wahai Allah,kurniakanlah kepada kamikurnia yang baik, cukup lagimencukupkan denganlimpahan faidhznya yangtersebar di Alam Maya." [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Search Facebook kafir: NU atau bisa disebut juga ANUS ( aliran NU SYIAH sesuai ucapan GUSDUR BAHWA NU = SYIAH - IMAMAH ),aliran ini telah mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat atau mengadakan hal2 baru dalam agama yg diambil dari kaum kafir seperti tahlilan orang meninggal diambil dari HINDU yg mengadakan peringatan kematian 3,5,7 hari dan sebagainya kemudian mengambil peringatan ulang tahun atau perayaan yg diambil dari SYIAH dan nasrani serta yahudi.mereka mengaku mengikuti imam syafei tapi sebenarnya mereka telah melenceng dari apa yg telah diajarkan imam syafei.Kami tdk berniat mengenyek tapi meluruskan aqidah dan wajib,bagi yg diam adalah muslim yg lemah.sekarang ini memang sudah kembali ke jaman jahiliah pada BAHLUL SOMBONG DAN KERAS KEPALA memang inilah akhir zaman.bagi yg mengaku muslim tapi mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat hal2 baru dalam agama serta mengikuti kaum kafir. apakah PENGKHIANAT RISALAH DAN PENGIKUT KAFIR masih pantas disebut umat nabi MUHAMMAD SAW....??? APAKAH JUGA MASIH PANTAS MENGHARAPKAN SYAFAATNYA DI YAUMIL AKHIR...???Dari Abu Hurairah, Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَأْخُذَ أُمَّتِى بِأَخْذِ الْقُرُونِ قَبْلَهَا ، شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ . فَقِيلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَفَارِسَ وَالرُّومِ . فَقَالَ وَمَنِ النَّاسُ إِلاَّ أُولَئِكَ"Kiamat tidak akan terjadi hingga umatku mengikuti jalan generasi sebelumnya sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta." Lalu ada yang menanyakan pada Rasulullah -shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam-, "Apakah mereka itu mengikuti seperti Persia dan Romawi?" Beliau menjawab, "Selain mereka, lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Bukhari no. 7319)Dari Abu Sa'id Al Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سَنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّى لَوْ دَخَلُوا فِى جُحْرِ ضَبٍّ لاَتَّبَعْتُمُوهُمْ , قُلْنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ آلْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى قَالَ : فَمَنْ"Sungguh kalian akan mengikuti jalan orang-orang sebelum kalian sejengkal demi sejengkal dan sehasta demi sehasta sampai jika orang-orang yang kalian ikuti itu masuk ke lubang dhob (yang sempit sekalipun, -pen), pasti kalian pun akan mengikutinya." Kami (para sahabat) berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang diikuti itu adalah Yahudi dan Nashrani?" Beliau menjawab, "Lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Muslim no. 2669). [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: Agama itu ada , Akal lah yang mengadakan bukan ketidaktahuan yang menghukumi agama itu ada. Islam datang dengan Argumen yang Kokoh bukan Pepesan Kosong yang tidak di mengerti oleh kaum kafir... Apa jadinya Jika tiba" Nabi Muhammad sawa mengatakan anda ( kaum kafir ) telah di rasuki oleh Jin sehingga apa yg anda yakini itu BathiL...Niscaya Islam tidak akan tembus pd tiap zaman...Bahkan telinga kita akan terdengar asing ketika mendengar kata ISLAM... Jika Syiah Mencintai Nabi Nya dan KeluargaNya Lantas Anda Mengatakan Kami ini kerasukan Jin....sepertinya Logika Miring Anda yang kerasukan JIN dan Perlu di Ruqyah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: "Bizi aldatan bizden değildir" (Ebu Davud, Sünen, hadis no 3952, Ahmet, Müsned, 2/242 hadis no 7290, Hakim, Müstedrek 2/10 hadis 2153)Müslüman olduğu halde kafir görünen, işine hile karıştıran, süte su kattığı gibi sözüne iki tarafı keskin kelimeler koyarak "ben öyle kastetmemiştim" diyen, içiyle dışını farklı gösteren, derviş kıyafetinde berduşluk yapan kişi aldatan kişidir. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: Download Video Kebiadaban Gerombolan Takfiriy Ekstrimis Takfiri membenci semua orang yang tidak menerima penafisran primitif dan salah dari mereka. Sikap mereka terhadap Sufi, Syiah, Sunni dan Muslim tradisional, dan tentu saja non-Muslim cukup sederhana dan brutal, "Penggal kepala mereka!". Dunia baru-baru ini sangat dikejutkan oleh video gerombolan Takfiri dukungan AS yang memenggal kepala dua warga Kristen, termasuk seorang pendeta di Homs dan satu warga biasa. Video menjijikkan itu difilmkan dan diposting oleh Takfiri sendiri; tampaknya mereka bangga terhadap tindakan mereka. Mungkin mereka kira itu sebagai bukti 'kejantanan', padahal akal sehat dan hati yang selamat pasti akan menilai bahwa tindakan itu jelas memperlihatkan kebangkrutan moral mereka. (Takfiriy= Yang mengkafir-kafirkan umat islam lain yang bukan dari gerombolannya. Takfiri percaya bahwa orang-orang selain dari gerombolannya adalah kafir dan darahnya halal untuk ditumpahkan buat persembahan keagungan tuhan mereka) Silahkan klik tautan berikut ini untuk mendownload videonya: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: :: QUIZ (10) :: Us kafir ka naam kya hai, jisne waqia-e-me'raj sunkar sbse pehle HUZUR SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM ka mazak udaya? Admin=> Imran Shaikh [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: bu kafir örtülüdende sapıklaştığına göre solcuların neden baş açık kadın kızları istediklerı nede güzel belli ediyorlar,bunlar öyle sapıkki elde edemediklerı kadın ve kızları hayalen sapıklaşiyorlar,bunların yaşam şekillerı sadece kadın ve kızlara göre kuruludur,başkada birşeye yaramazlar,şehvetten sonra içerler şarhoş olurlar ve bu vatanın her tarafını yakar yıkarlar,fitne fesat sokup bozgunculuk yaparlar [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:40PM +0100
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Some Statements of Prominent Scholars on Isitghathah
As 'Allamah Zafar Ahmad al-'Uthmani said, the scholars forbade istighathah of the dead and the living in those things that are ordinarily out of their hands, even without believing they have independent power, because it resembles the outward behaviour of the idolaters, creates a suspicion of shirk and makes the ignorant laypeople susceptible to true shirk and corrupt beliefs. Below are some statements from accepted scholars supporting this central claim.
1) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Tahir ibn 'Ali al-Fattani (913 – 986 H) said:لفظ الزيارة صار مشتركا بين ما شرع وما لم يشرع فإن منهم من قصد بزيارة قبور الأنبياء والصلحاء أن يصلي عند قبورهم ويدعو عندها ويسألهم الحوائج وهذا لا يجوز عند أحد من علماء المسلمين فإن العبادة وطلب الحوائج والإستعانة حق لله وحده
"The word 'visit' (ziyarah) has become a common word for that which is established in the Shari'ah and that which is not established in the Shari'ah. For indeed, there are from them those who intend by visiting the graves of the prophets and the righteous to pray near their graves and supplicate near them, and ask them for needs, and this is not permissible according to any of the 'ulama' of the Muslims, for indeed worship and asking for needs (talab al-hawa'ij) and seeking help (isti'anah) is the right of Allah alone." (Majma' Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 73)
2) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Pir 'Ali al-Birgivi (929 – 981 H) said: أما الزيارة البدعية فزيارة القبور لأجل الصلوة عندها والطواف بها وتقبيلها واستلامها وتعفير الخدود عليها وأخذ ترابها ودعاء أصحابها والاستغاثة بهم وسوالهم النصر والرزق والعافية والولد وقضاء الديون وتفريج الكربات وإغاثة اللهفان وغير ذلك من الحاجات التى كان عباد الأوثان يسألونها من أوثانهم فليس شيء من ذلك مشروعا باتفاق أئمة المسلمين إذ لم يفعله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا أحد من الصحابة والتابعين وسائر أئمة الدين بل أصل هذه الزيارة الشركية البدعية مأخوذة من عباد الأصنام
"As for the innovated visit, it is to visit the graves with the purpose of praying near them and circumambulating them and kissing them and saluting them and getting dust on the cheeks from them and taking their dirt and calling their inhabitants and seeking their help and asking from them help, provision, good health, children, fulfilment of debts, relieving distress, aiding grief and other such needs which the idol worshippers would ask of their idols. None of this is established in the Shari'ah by consensus of the imams of the Muslims, since the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) did not do it, nor any of the Sahabah and Tabi'in and all the imams of religion. Rather, the basis of this idolatrous and innovated visit is derived from the idol worshippers." (Ziyarat al-Qubur, pp. 534-5)
3) Shaykh Ahmad al-Rumi (d. 1043 H) said:المجلس السابع عشر في بيان عدم جواز الصلوة عند القبور والاستمداد من أهلها واتخاذ السروج والشموع عليها
"Session Seventeen on Explaining the Impermissibility of Praying near Graves and Seeking Help (istimdad) from their Inhabitants and Placing Saddles and Candles thereon." (Majalis al-Abrar, p. 123)
العبادات مبناها على الاستنان والاتباع لا على الهواء والابتداع فإن المسلمين أجمعوا على ما علموا من دين نبيهم أن الصلوة عند المقبرة منهي عنها لأن فتنة الشرك بالصلوة فيها ومشابهة عبادة الأصنام أعظم كثيرا من مفسدة الصلوة حين طلوع الشمس وحين غروبها وحين استوائها فإنه عليه السلام نهى عن تلك المفسدة سدا لذريعة التشبه التي لا تكاد تخطر ببال المصلي فكيف بهذه الذريعة التي كثيرا ما تدعو صاحبها إلى الشرك بدعاء الموتى وطلب الحوائج منهم واعتقاد أن الصلوة عند قبورهم أفضل من الصلوة فى المساجد وغير ذلك مما هو محادة ظاهرة لله ولرسوله
"The basis of ritual worship is imitation and adherence, not passion and innovation, and indeed the Muslims have agreed on what they know from the religion of their Prophet that prayer at the graveyard is forbidden because the temptation of shirk by praying therein and resemblance of idol-worship is far greater than the corruptive act of praying at sunrise, sunset and zenith, for indeed he (upon him peace) forbade that corruptive act [of praying at sunrise, sunset and zenith] in order to block the means to that resemblance [i.e. of sun worship] which probably will not even cross the mind of the worshipper, so what about this means [i.e. praying near graves] which often invites its performer to shirk by supplicating to the dead and requesting needs from them and believing that prayer at their graves is better than prayer in mosques and other than this which is in clear opposition to Allah and His Messenger?" (ibid. pp. 124-5)
4) 'Allamah Sun' Allah al-Halabi (d. 1120 H) said:قد ظهر الآن فيما بين المسلمين جماعات يدعون أن للأولياء تصرفات في حياتهم وبعد الممات ويستغاث بهم فى الشدائد والبليات وبهممهم تنكشف المهمات فيأتون قبورهم وينادونهم في قضاء الحاجات مستدلين على أن ذلك منهم كرامات وقررهم في ذلك من ادعى العلم بمسائل وأمدهم بفتاوى ورسائل…وهذا كما ترى كلام فيه تفريط وإفراط وغلو فى الدين بترك الاحتياط بل فيه الهلاك الأبدي والعذاب السرمدي لما فيه من روائح الشرك المحقق ومصادرة الكتاب العزيز المصدق ومخالفة لعقائد الأئمة وما اجتمعت عليه هذه الأمة
"Nowadays, multitudes amongst the Muslims have emerged claiming that the saints (awliya') have discretions (tasarrufat) in their life and after death, and through them help is sought (yustaghathu bihim) in difficulties and calamities, and by their aspirations, matters of concern are resolved, so they come to their graves, call to them to fulfil their needs, adducing as evidence for [this practice] that these are miracles (karamat) from them. [Some] who claim knowledge of juristic issues reinforce this for them, and support them with fatwas and treatises…This, as you see, is speech containing negligence and excess, and extremism in the religion due to abandoning precaution (tark al-ihtiyat).
Rather, therein is eternal damnation and infinite punishment, due to what it contains of the odours of actual shirk, and of contending with the authoritative Mighty Book and opposition to the beliefs of the Imams, and that which this ummah has agreed upon." (Sayf Allah 'ala man Kadhaba 'ala Awliya' Allah pp. 22-3)
والاستغاثة تجوز فى الأسباب الظاهرة العادية من الأمور الحسية في قتال أو إدراك عدو أو سبع ونحوه كقولهم يا لزيد يا لقومي يا للمسلمين كما ذكروا ذلك في كتب النحو بحسب الأسباب الظاهرة بالفعل. أما الاستغاتة بالقوة والتأثير أو فى الأمور المعنوية من الشدائد…فمن خصائص الله
"Seeking aid (istighathah) is permissible in ordinary outward means (al-asbab al-zahirat al-'adiyyah) from tangible matters, of fighting or catching an enemy or a predator and its like, like their statement: 'O Zayd!' 'O my people!' or 'O Muslims!' as they mentioned them in the books of Nahw in accordance with actual (bi l-fi'l) outward means. However, seeking aid by potential and effective [means] or in intangible matters of difficulties…these are exclusive to Allah." (ibid. p. 51)
Sometimes "istighathah" was not used literally by the scholars but in the meaning of "taking an intermediary" (tawassul).
'Allamah al-Halabi asserts that those scholars who permitted "istighathah" meant tawassul, not asking for help.وما قيل من أنه يجوز الاستغاثة بالأنبياء والصالحين فإنما المراد به التبرك بذكرهم والتوسل بهم بلا إمداد منهم
"And what has been said [by some scholars like al-Subki and Ibn Hajar al-Haythami] that istighathah through the prophets and pious is permissible, the intent is only taking blessing through their mention and tawassul through them, not [seeking direct] assistance from them." (ibid. pp. 49-51)
5) Shah Wali Allah (1114 – 1176 H) said:ومنها أنهم كانوا يستغيثون بغير الله في حوائجهم من شفاء المريض وغناء الفقير وينذرون لهم يتوقعون إنجاح مقاصدهم بتلك النذور ويتلون أسماءهم رجاء بركتها فأوجب الله تعالى عليهم أن يقولوا في صلاتهم: "إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين" وقال تعالى "فلا تدعوا مع الله أحدا" وليس المراد من الدعاء العبادة كما قال المفسرون بل هو الاستغاثة
"And from these [embodiments and forms of shirk] is that they would seek help from other than Allah for their needs, of healing the sick and enriching the poor, and they would vow to them expecting the fulfilment of their objectives through those vows, and they would recite their names hoping for their blessing. So Allah made it obligatory on them to say in their Salah: 'You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.' (Qur'an 1:5) And He, Exalted is He, said: 'And do not call on any besides Allah.' (Qur'an 72:18)
The meaning of 'call' is not worship as the exegetes have said but is asking for help (istighathah)." (Hujjat Allah al-Balighah, 1:120-1)تفهيم – كل من ذهب إلى بلدة أجمير أو إلى قبر سالار مسعود أو ما ضاهاها لأجل حاجة يطلبها فإنه أثم إثما أكبر من القتل والزنا. ليس مثله إلا مثل من كان يعبد المصنوعات أو مثل من كان يدعو اللات والعزى إلا أنا لا نصرح بالتكفير لعدم النص من الشارع في هذا الأمر المخصوص. كل من عين حيوان الميت وطلب منه الحوائج فإنه آثم قلبه داخل في قوله تعالى ذلكم فسق
"Instruction: Anyone who goes to the town of Ajmer [to the grave of Khawaja Mu'in al-Din Chishti] or to the grave of Salar Mas'ud, or to any such place, for a need he requests of them, indeed he has committed a sin more grievous than murder and adultery. His likeness is not but like those who worship the creation or like those who call on Lat and 'Uzza [for help]. However, we do state explicitly that he has disbelieved due to the absence of a text from the Lawgiver in this specific matter. Anyone who assigns life to the dead and requests his needs from them, 'his heart is surely sinful' (Qur'an, 2:283), and [this act] is included in His statement (Exalted is He), 'that is iniquity' (Qur'an, 5:3)." (al-Tafhimat al-Ilahiyyah, 2:45)
6) Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Kurdi al-Shafi'i (d. 1194 H) said:وأما التوسل بالأنبياء والصالحين فهو أمر محبوب ثابت في الأحاديث الصحيحة وقد أطبقوا على طلبه، بل ثبت التوسل بالأعمال الصالحة وهي أعراض فبالذوات أولى، أما جعل الوسائط بين العبد وبين ربه، فإن كان يدعوهم كما يدعو الله تعالى في الأمور ويعتقد تأثيرهم في شيء من دون الله فهو كفر، وإن كان مراده التوسل بهم إلى الله تعالى في قضاء مهماته مع اعتقاده أن الله هو النافع الضارّ المؤثر في الأمور فالظاهر عدم كفره وإن كان فعله قبيحاً
"Regarding tawassul through the Prophets and pious, it is a liked matter, established in authentic hadiths. Its desirability is agreed-upon. In fact, tawassul is established through good deeds, and they are a'rad (fleeting accidents); thus, with dhawat (substances) a fortiori. Regarding making intermediaries between the slave and His Lord:"If he asks them [i.e. the intermediaries] like he asks Allah in matters [i.e. directly], believing that they bring about effects in a matter and not Allah, then that is disbelief. And if the intention is tawassul through them to Allah, the Exalted, in the fulfilment of important matters, while believing that Allah is He who causes all benefit and harm in matters, and the one who brings about effects in matters, then apparently this is not disbelief, although his action is despicable." (Bughyat al-Mustarshidin, p. 308, 369)
7) Qadi Thana Allah Panipati (d. 1225 H) said:"Ruling: It is not permissible to make supplications to the pious who have passed away or are living or to the noble prophets (upon them peace). The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that supplications are the core of worship, and then he recited this verse: 'Your Lord has said, 'Call Me, I will respond to you. Definitely those who show arrogance against worshipping Me shall enter Hell with disgrace.' (Qur'an, 40:60) And that which the ignorant say: 'O Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani! [Give me] something for the sake of Allah,' and: 'O Khawajah Shams al-Din Panipati! [Give me] something for the sake of Allah,' is not permissible. In fact, [for many of the common people] they are shirk and kufr. But if someone says: 'Oh my Lord! Through the intermediary of Khawajah Shams al-Din Panipati, fulfil this need of mine,' then there is no harm." (Irshad al-Talibin, p. 18, Mujtaba'i Press, Delhi, 1915; taken from Ikhtilaf e Ummat aur Sirat e Mustaqim, p. 55)
8) Shah 'Abd al-'Aziz (1159 – 1239 H) said:"Or isti'anah is with such a thing that the assumption (tawahhum) of independence will settle in the minds of the idolaters, like isti'anah of spirits (arwah) or an astronomical spirituality (ruhaniyyat falakiyya) or an elemental spirituality (ruhaniyyat 'unsuriyya) or of free souls (arwah sa'irah), like Bahwani, Shaykh Sadad and Zayd Khan, and the likes of these.
This type [of isti'anah] is precisely shirk and contrary to the pure [monotheistic] faith." (Tafsir 'Azizi; taken from Sabil al-Sadad fi Mas'alat al-Istimdad, p. 40)
Jun 30th 2013, 20:02
Some Statements of Prominent Scholars on Isitghathah
As 'Allamah Zafar Ahmad al-'Uthmani said, the scholars forbade istighathah of the dead and the living in those things that are ordinarily out of their hands, even without believing they have independent power, because it resembles the outward behaviour of the idolaters, creates a suspicion of shirk and makes the ignorant laypeople
- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:40PM +0100
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Esselamun alejkum do ia fillojme me lejen e Allahut nje seri qe te njihemi me dijetaret e umetit tone, do shkojme me renditje alfabetike dhe kenaquni qe te lexoni dhe te njiheni me keta burra te medhenje para muajit Ramazan.
Abdul Aziz Er-Raxhihi
Quhet Abdul Aziz ibën Abdull-llah ibën Abdur-Rahman dhe i takon fisit Er-Raxhihij që banojnë në krahinën e Kasimit gjegjësisht qyteza El Bukejrijje.
Ka lindur në vitin 1360 H në qytezën e El Bukejrijjes ku edhe i ka ndjekur mësimet e para dijetarëve të saj dhe në të mësoi Kur'anin përmendsh. Mësimet që i ndoqi ishin të llojit tradicional para hoxhës. Ndikim të madh në formimin e tij si musliman ka patur edhe familja e tij e cila dallohej me devotshmëri. Pas kësaj periudhe transferohet në qytetin e Rijadit ku regjistrohet dhe ndjek mësimet në fakulltetin e sheriatit. Pas diplomimit punësohet si ligjerues në fakultetin e Bazave te fesë, katedra e besimit Islam dhe shkollave bashkëkohore të besimit. Në atë post mbeti deri sot.
Ky dijetar pati fatin që të mëson para dijetarëve të mëdhenj të erës ton siç janë:
Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdul Aziz ibën Baz, rahimehull-llah, në praninë e të cilit kaloi kohën deri në fund të jetës. Ndikimi i Ibën Bazit, rahimehull-llah, shihet qartë në sjelljen e tij dhe mënyrën e ligjërimit.
Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdull-llah ibën Humejd, rahimehull-llah.
Aktiviteti i shejhut është mjaftë i frytshëm në veprimtarinë shkencore. Ëshët autor i disa librave dhe është anëtar i komisionit për disertacionet praën Univerzitetit Imam Muhammed ibën Su'ud.
Është aktiv edhe në ligjerimin në xhami ku ka ligjerata të rregullta në lëminë e akidës dhe komentimit të hadithëve.
Para tij janë lëxuar dhe vazhdojnë të lexohen libra kapitale të cilat ai i komenton siç janë: Sahihët e Buhariut dhe Muslimit, Katër Sunenet, Muvetta e Imam Malikut, Rijadus-Salihi, Bulugul Merami si dhe Sahihu i Ibën Huzejmes.
Në lëminë e akides ai komenton librat e dijetarëve të Nexhdit në krye me Muhammed ibën Abdul Veh-habit, All-llahu i mëshiroftë si dhe librat dhe traktatet e Shejhul Islamit Ibën Tejmijje, rahimehull-llah.
Mbanë ligjerata edhe nga lëmitë e Fikhut dhe bazat e tij, si dhe në lëminë e gramatikës.
Në lëminë e tefsirit: Tefsirin e Ibën Kethirit
Librat që i ka botuar janë:
• Exhvibe mufide ala esiletin adide
• Esile ve exhvibe fil Iman vel Kufr
• El Ilmam bi shejin min ahkam es-sijam
• Feth Rabbil abid fi redd ala muhtesar sherh Tahavijje ve Kitabit-teuhid
• Min adabil Haxhxh ve ahkamihi ve muxhibatil gusl ve kejfijetuhu
• Sherh kitab Teuhid mi Sahih el Buhari
• Sherh Lematil I'tikad
• Sherh Keshfi shubuhat fi teuhid
• Et Teklid vel ifta vel istifta
• Sherh kitab Er-Redd ala Zenadika
• El Idah vet-tebjiin li bad sifatil mu'minin
• El Kaul el bejjin el edh-her fi daveti ila All-llahi vel emir bil ma'ruf ven-nehj anil munker
All-llahun e lusim të ruan shejhin tonë dhe ta bën mësues i shumë gjeneratave. Amin
Jun 30th 2013, 19:49
Esselamun alejkum do ia fillojme me lejen e Allahut nje seri qe te njihemi me dijetaret e umetit tone, do shkojme me renditje alfabetike dhe kenaquni qe te lexoni dhe te njiheni me keta burra te medhenje para muajit Ramazan.
Abdul Aziz Er-Raxhihi
Quhet Abdul Aziz ibën Abdull-llah ibën Abdur-Rahman dhe i takon fisit Er-Raxhihij që banojnë në krahinën e Kasimit gjegjësisht qyteza El Bukejrijje.
Ka lindur në vitin 1360 H në qytezën e El Bukejrijjes ku edhe i ka ndjekur mësimet e para dijetarëve të saj dhe në të mësoi Kur'anin përmendsh. Mësimet që i ndoqi ishin të llojit tradicional para hoxhës. Ndikim të madh në formimin e tij si musliman ka patur edhe familja e tij e cila dallohej me devotshmëri. Pas kësaj periudhe transferohet në qytetin e Rijadit ku regjistrohet dhe ndjek mësimet në fakulltetin e sheriatit. Pas diplomimit punësohet si ligjerues në fakultetin e Bazave te fesë, katedra e besimit Islam dhe shkollave bashkëkohore të besimit. Në atë post mbeti deri sot.
Ky dijetar pati fatin që të mëson para dijetarëve të mëdhenj të erës ton siç janë:
Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdul Aziz ibën Baz, rahimehull-llah, në praninë e të cilit kaloi kohën deri në fund të jetës. Ndikimi i Ibën Bazit, rahimehull-llah, shihet qartë në sjelljen e tij dhe mënyrën e ligjërimit.
Eminenca e tij: Shejh Abdull-llah ibën Humejd, rahimehull-llah.
Aktiviteti i shejhut është mjaftë i frytshëm në veprimtarinë shkencore. Ëshët autor i disa librave dhe është anëtar i komisionit për disertacionet praën Univerzitetit Imam Muhammed ibën Su'ud.
Është aktiv edhe në ligjerimin në xhami ku ka ligjerata të rregullta në lëminë e akidës dhe komentimit të hadithëve.
Para tij janë lëxuar dhe vazhdojnë të lexohen libra kapitale të cilat ai i komenton siç janë: Sahihët e Buhariut dhe Muslimit, Katër Sunenet, Muvetta e Imam Malikut, Rijadus-Salihi, Bulugul Merami si dhe Sahihu i Ibën Huzejmes.
Në lëminë e akides ai komenton librat e dijetarëve të Nexhdit në krye me Muhammed ibën Abdul Veh-habit, All-llahu i mëshiroftë si dhe librat dhe traktatet e Shejhul Islamit Ibën Tejmijje, rahimehull-llah.
Mbanë ligjerata edhe nga lëmitë e Fikhut dhe bazat e tij, si dhe në lëminë e gramatikës.
Në lëminë e tefsirit: Tefsirin e Ibën Kethirit
Librat që i ka botuar janë:
• Exhvibe mufide ala esiletin adide
• Esile ve exhvibe fil Iman vel Kufr
• El Ilmam bi shejin min ahkam es-sijam
• Feth Rabbil abid fi redd ala muhtesar sherh Tahavijje ve Kitabit-teuhid
• Min adabil Haxhxh ve ahkamihi ve muxhibatil gusl ve kejfijetuhu
• Sherh kitab Teuhid mi Sahih el Buhari
• Sherh Lematil I'tikad
• Sherh Keshfi shubuhat fi teuhid
• Et Teklid vel ifta vel istifta
• Sherh kitab Er-Redd ala Zenadika
• El Idah vet-tebjiin li bad sifatil mu'minin
• El Kaul el bejjin el edh-her fi daveti ila All-llahi vel emir bil ma'ruf ven-nehj anil munker
All-llahun e lusim të ruan shejhin tonë dhe ta bën mësues i shumë gjeneratave. Amin
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Zaif Hadees Ki Hakikat...o-
Jun 30th 2013, 19:52
~Zaieef hadis ki haqiqat~
Ek hadis jisko hanafi apni dalil banate hai.
Jisme raful yadain ka zikar dubara nahi hai.
Aaiye sabse pahle is hadis ko dekhte hai.
Hajrat bara bin aajib riwayat karte hai ke jab.
rasul s.a.w namaz shuru karte to apne dono hath kaano tak uthate.
dubara raful yadain nahi karte.
Abu daud 1/748
Aaiye ab is hadis ki sanad dekhte hai.
1) abu daud
2) muhammad bin sabbah bajjar
3) sharik
4) yajid bin abi jayad
5) abdur rahman bin abu laila
6) hajrat bara bin aajib r.z
Aaiye is hadis ka haal dekhte hai.
Is hadis me 4 number par ek Raawi Hai.
4) yajid bin abu jayad hai.
Jiske muta'alik imam abu daud ka bayan hai ke.
Aakhri umar me uski "Yaad dash" bigar gai thi.
Kabhi bolta ke raful yadain dubara karte the.
To kabhi kahta ke dubara raful yadain nahi karte.
Isliye yeh naa kabil e aitebaar rawi hai.
Dusra rawi
3)sharik hai.
Jiske muta'aliq imam bukhari farmate hai Yeh kasrat se galatiya karta tha.
Is hadis ko in muhaddisin ne zaieef kaha hai unke naam yeh hai.
1) ali bin madni
2) imam ahmed
3) imam dare kutni
4) imam bukhari
5) imam abu daud ne muttafiq tor pe zaieef kaha hai.
Aur farmaya yeh hadis had darza zaieef hai.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:40PM +0100
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cem evinden çıkıp insan katleden alevi gördünüzmü???yada hadi bugün perşembe hadi cem evine gidelim diyen alevi??bu olay cami de eğitim görenlerin işi..bizim işimiz olmaz(Deniz)
Jun 30th 2013, 19:58
cem evinden çıkıp insan katleden alevi gördünüzmü???yada hadi bugün perşembe hadi cem evine gidelim diyen alevi??bu olay cami de eğitim görenlerin işi..bizim işimiz olmaz(Deniz)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:40PM +0100
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Spirit of Qurbani Wednesday, 02 November
2011 00:00 Shaikhul Hind Hazrat Moulana
Mahmood Hasan Deobandi
(rahmatullahi `alaih) would
tend to his Qurbaani cow for
the entire year. He would
personally wash and feed the animal. The cow would also
become very attached to
Hazrat. When he would leave
home to teach at Darul Uloom
Deoband, it would follow him
right to the madrasah gate where it would sit down.
When Hazrat would return at
noon after lessons, it would
follow him back home. When
the days of Qurbaani drew
near, Hazrat would lessen its normal feed, which was grass
and substitute it with
bucketfuls of milk and jalebi
(sweetmeat). He would also
apply mehndi (henna) to it,
place flowers on its back and beautify it because Allah Ta'ala
commands that one's most
beloved wealth should be
spent in the path of Allah
Ta'ala. Thus, he would begin to
love the animal very deeply. After the Eidul Adha Salaah, he
would sacrifice it and cry a
little as well. Then he would
immediately purchase another
cow for the following Eid.
(Maslak-e-Ulama-e-Deoband aur Hubbe Rasul (sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam). Hazrat Thanwi (rahmatullahi
`alaih) says: Hazrat once kept a
cow which he fed the entire
year. He would take it to the
jungle after Asr and make it
run in order to make it healthy. It became so healthy that he
received offers of 80 rupees,
whereas a healthy cow in
those days cost approximately
10 to 15 rupees. But Hazrat did
not accept any offer. (Khutubaate Hakimul Ummat,
vol. 17, pg. 154). Since it was his habit to offer a
few qurbani every year, he
desired to do the same while
he was imprisoned at Malta.
Though prisoners are not
allowed to slaughter, Hazrat nevertheless forwaded the
request that an animal must be
made available to him and that
he should be allowed to
slaughter it. Something which
comes out from the heart definitely has its effect. Hence,
they were affected and sold
him a sheep for 7 genies which
Hazrat paid very happily. On
the 10th of Zul Hijjah, Hazrat
offered the qurbani calling out the takbir in a loud voice in
that darul kufr where the
sunnat of Ibrahim (alaihis
salaam) had not been carried
out since the fall of the Islamic
rule. (Hayaate Shaikhul Hind-
Akaabire Deoband aur `ishke
Rasul [sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam], pg. 32).
Jun 30th 2013, 20:04
Spirit of Qurbani Wednesday, 02 November
2011 00:00 Shaikhul Hind Hazrat Moulana
Mahmood Hasan Deobandi
(rahmatullahi `alaih) would
tend to his Qurbaani cow for
the entire year. He would
personally wash and feed the animal. The cow would also
become very attached to
Hazrat. When he would leave
home to teach at Darul Uloom
Deoband, it would follow him
right to the madrasah gate where it would sit down.
When Hazrat would return at
noon after lessons, it would
follow him back home. When
the days of Qurbaani drew
near, Hazrat would lessen its normal feed, which was grass
and substitute it with
bucketfuls of milk and jalebi
(sweetmeat). He would also
apply mehndi (henna) to it,
place flowers on its back and beautify it because Allah Ta'ala
commands that one's most
beloved wealth should be
spent in the path of Allah
Ta'ala. Thus, he would begin to
love the animal very deeply. After the Eidul Adha Salaah, he
would sacrifice it and cry a
little as well. Then he would
immediately purchase another
cow for the following Eid.
(Maslak-e-Ulama-e-Deoband aur Hubbe Rasul (sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam). Hazrat Thanwi (rahmatullahi
`alaih) says: Hazrat once kept a
cow which he fed the entire
year. He would take it to the
jungle after Asr and make it
run in order to make it healthy. It became so healthy that he
received offers of 80 rupees,
whereas a healthy cow in
those days cost approximately
10 to 15 rupees. But Hazrat did
not accept any offer. (Khutubaate Hakimul Ummat,
vol. 17, pg. 154). Since it was his habit to offer a
few qurbani every year, he
desired to do the same while
he was imprisoned at Malta.
Though prisoners are not
allowed to slaughter, Hazrat nevertheless forwaded the
request that an animal must be
made available to him and that
he should be allowed to
slaughter it. Something which
comes out from the heart definitely has its effect. Hence,
they were affected and sold
him a sheep for 7 genies which
Hazrat paid very happily. On
the 10th of Zul Hijjah, Hazrat
offered the qurbani calling out the takbir in a loud voice in
that darul kufr where the
sunnat of Ibrahim (alaihis
salaam) had not been carried
out since the fall of the Islamic
rule. (Hayaate Shaikhul Hind-
Akaabire Deoband aur `ishke
Rasul [sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam], pg. 32).
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QUERY: What do the noble scholars state with regards to the following issue? Is writing in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) on the pattern of insha' Allah (انشاء الله) correct? Does the meaning change due to the difference of writing in these two patterns? Kindly explain the matter and gain reward. ʿAbdullah Qadiri, Karachi.
REPLY: The phrase in sha' Allah is based upon three words and all the three words have their own individual positions in the science of nahw .
1. In is shartiyah .
2. Sha' is fi'l madhi m'aruf
3. Allah is ismu jalalah and the doer of the action sha', according to grammatical analysis.
These three words are written separately. The conditional word in was not written jointly along with the verb, anywhere in the Arab or Ajam. They have been written separately in the Qur'an, hadith and Arabic literature contained in the books of the past fourteen centuries. But nowadays, the error of writing the conditional in jointly with the verb sha' has become widespread in the Arab and non-Arab lands. This error, contained in certain Arabic websites and careless writing ways, is spreading rapidly in non-Arab lands, especially India and Pakistan. The correct way of writing it is in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) only. Writing it as insha' Allah (انشاء الله) is absolutely incorrect. It is necessary for every Muslim to abstain from writing in this manner because the meaning that occurs due to this way of writing is kufr .
Qur'anic Verses:
1. وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه لَمُہْتَدُونَ – al-Baqarah, 70
2. وَقَالَ ادْخُلُوا مِصْرَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ –Yusuf, 99
3. قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه صَابِرًا وَلَا أَعْصِی لَکَ أَمْرًا – al-Kahf, 69
4. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّالِحِینَ – al-QaSaS, 27
5. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّابِرِینَ – al-Safat, 102
6. لَتَدْخُلُنَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ – al-Fath, 27
It is evident from the above-mentioned Qur'anic verses that the conditional in has been written separately from the past tense verb sha'.
The way in which in sha' Allah has been written in the Prophetic narrations:
1. فَقَالَ لَه رَسُولُ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ سَأَفْعَلُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sahih Bukhari, #407
2. لِکُلِّ نَبِیٍّ دَعْوَۃٌ یَدْعُوہَا فَأَنَا أُرِیدُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه أَنْ أَخْتَبِئَ دَعْوَتِی شَفَاعَۃً لِأُمَّتِی یَوْمَ الْقِیَامَۃِ – Sahih Muslim, #295
3. إِنَّہَا لَرُؤْیَا حَقٌّ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sunan Abi Dawud, #421
4. أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ مَنْ حَلَفَ عَلَی یَمِینٍ فَقَالَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه فَلَا حِنْثَ عَلَیْہِ – Tirmidhi, #1451
5. أنَّ رسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ خَرَجَ إِلَی الْمَقْبُرَۃِ فَقَالَ السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ دَارَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِینَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه بِکُمْ لَاحِقُونَ – Sunan Nasa'i, #150
6. اجْتَمَعَ عِیدَانِ فِی یَوْمِکُمْ ہَذَا فَمَنْ شَاء َ أَجْزَأَه مِنْ الْجُمُعَۃِ وَإِنَّا مُجَمِّعُونَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه –Sunan Ibn Majah, #1301
Clarification of the meaning of insha' Allah (انشاء الله):
When in is written jointly with sha', it becomes insha' which is a root word in the category of actions and its meaning is 'to create', 'to invent'. Its past and present continuous tense forms are insha' (انشأ and yunshi' ینشیٔ) respectively. Its meaning is 'to create or invent something, the like of which never existed before'. Allah states:
1. وَهوَ الَّذِی أَنْشَأَ لَکُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَۃَ قَلِیلًا مَا تَشْکُرُونَ – al-Mu'minun, 78
2. قُلْ سِیرُوا فِی الْأَرْضِ فَانْظُرُوا کَیْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ اللَّه یُنْشِئُ النَّشْأَۃَ الْآَخِرَۃَ إِنَّ اللَّہَ عَلَی کُلِّ شَیْء ٍ قَدِیرٌ – al-Ankabut, 20
3. إِنَّا أَنْشَأْنَاهنَّ إِنْشَاء ً – al-Waqi'ah, 35
In the above-mentioned verses, insha' is the masdar belonging to the category of actions. Insha' is active past tense and yunshi' is present continuous tense form, the meaning of which is 'to create'. Now consider the third verse. The root word insha' is present in it. The forms of the root word insha' and the one written in insha' Allah are one and the same. When the conditional in is written jointly with the verb sha', its meaning will contain kufr.
انشاء الله ای كاننا نقول اننا اوجدنا الله... العیاذ بالله
Meaning, 'we created Allah' or 'we invented Allah'. We seek refuge in Allah from this (meaning)!
The meaning of in sha' is 'the Divine Will', whereas, insha' means 'to create' or 'to invent'. Writing in jointly with sha' gives such extremely abominable meanings. Thus, it is necessary for all the Muslims to abstain from this way of writing. Wherever they see this written, they should rectify it immediately. It is our fair perception that not even the thought of the vile meanings ever crosses any Muslim's mind. But, while writing, in sha' should be written instead of insha', i.e., the way in which it is written in the Qur'an and hadith texts, so that every trace of thenefarious meaning is eliminated. We do not want to begin a nahwi explanation here, otherwise the discussion will become lengthy. A new discussion can be started to explain the relationship between the root word insha' as mudaf and the Lofty Name (Allah) as mudaf ilayh , but there is no scope for it here (to keep the discussion simple). Our aim is to explain to the common people. We request the scholars and students of knowledge that they make the laymen aware of this matter.
Insha' as mudaf and the Lofty Name (Allah) as mudaf ilayh :
It is mentioned in Tafsir Tabari:
إن عجبتم من إنشاء الله إیاكم
In another place:
إنّ فی إنشاء الله السحاب
In these two statements, the word insha' is present and the meaning of the word in both these statements is, 'to create'. In the above statements, the root word insha' is the mudaf , and the doer, i.e., Lofty Name (Allah) is the mudaf ilayh . The meanings are, "Allah's creation of you" and "Allah's creation of the clouds". The purpose of mentioning this is, even if insha' is considered as mudaf , the purpose of saying in sha' Allah will be nullified. Because, when we say in sha' Allah,we hand over the results of our deeds to the Divine Will of Allah and seek help from Him. But, when we write insha' Allah in the form of mudaf and mudaf ilayh, the meaning becomes "creation by Allah", which is not our intended meaning. Whenever we make an intention for a good deed, we say in sha' Allah – this is from the Islamic etiquettes and a sunnah (tradition of the Prophet – may Allah bless and greet him). We hand over our intention to the Divine Will of Allah. Here, our purpose is not to mention Allah as the Creator and the Originator.
Mufti Sayyid Shuja'at Ali Qadiri has authored a book by the name 'Insha-ul-Arabiyyah'. The meaning of the title is, 'building eloquence in the Arabic language'. If we write this word insha' (used here) with the Lofty Name (Allah), it will not fulfill our purpose. The meaning will drift from 'the Divine Will' (the intended meaning) to 'create' and 'invent'.
It is mentioned in Qasidatul Burdah,
الحمد لله المنشی الخلق من عدم
In this verse, the word al-munshi indicates the name of the doer, the meaning of which is 'to create'. The translation of the verse is:
All praises are due to Allah, who brought forth the creation from nonexistence.
munshi means 'creator', 'the One who brings forth from nonexistence'. The difference between writing nasha' and insha' is similar to that between writing in sha' Allah and insha' Allah. After all the above explanation, we presume that the Sunni masses have understood that the correct way of writing is in sha' Allah and that has to be followed from now on. Also bear in mind that one should abstain from words which have aberrations in them, especially when it pertains to the Divine Glory and the Prophetic Magnificence. Immense caution has to be exercised therein. Finally, I would advise that while sending messages through SMS or email, one should always write in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله). If it is being written in English, do not write insha Allah, inshaallah or inshaALLAH. Instead, write in sha Allah, in shaa Allah or in sha' Allah.
— — —
Written by: Abu al-Fadl Muhammad Nau'man Shiraz al-Qadiri al-'Iraqi
Friday, 21st of Dhu al-Hijjah, 1432H [Friday, November 18th, 2011]
Translated into English by: Najibullah Qadiri
Jun 30th 2013, 20:08
QUERY: What do the noble scholars state with regards to the following issue? Is writing in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) on the pattern of insha' Allah (انشاء الله) correct? Does the meaning change due to the difference of writing in these two patterns? Kindly explain the matter and gain reward. ʿAbdullah Qadiri, Karachi.
REPLY: The phrase in sha' Allah is based upon three words and all the three words have their own individual positions in the science of nahw .
1. In is shartiyah .
2. Sha' is fi'l madhi m'aruf
3. Allah is ismu jalalah and the doer of the action sha', according to grammatical analysis.
These three words are written separately. The conditional word in was not written jointly along with the verb, anywhere in the Arab or Ajam. They have been written separately in the Qur'an, hadith and Arabic literature contained in the books of the past fourteen centuries. But nowadays, the error of writing the conditional in jointly with the verb sha' has become widespread in the Arab and non-Arab lands. This error, contained in certain Arabic websites and careless writing ways, is spreading rapidly in non-Arab lands, especially India and Pakistan. The correct way of writing it is in sha' Allah (ان شاء الله) only. Writing it as insha' Allah (انشاء الله) is absolutely incorrect. It is necessary for every Muslim to abstain from writing in this manner because the meaning that occurs due to this way of writing is kufr .
Qur'anic Verses:
1. وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه لَمُہْتَدُونَ – al-Baqarah, 70
2. وَقَالَ ادْخُلُوا مِصْرَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ –Yusuf, 99
3. قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه صَابِرًا وَلَا أَعْصِی لَکَ أَمْرًا – al-Kahf, 69
4. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّالِحِینَ – al-QaSaS, 27
5. سَتَجِدُنِی إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه مِنَ الصَّابِرِینَ – al-Safat, 102
6. لَتَدْخُلُنَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه آَمِنِینَ – al-Fath, 27
It is evident from the above-mentioned Qur'anic verses that the conditional in has been written separately from the past tense verb sha'.
The way in which in sha' Allah has been written in the Prophetic narrations:
1. فَقَالَ لَه رَسُولُ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ سَأَفْعَلُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sahih Bukhari, #407
2. لِکُلِّ نَبِیٍّ دَعْوَۃٌ یَدْعُوہَا فَأَنَا أُرِیدُ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه أَنْ أَخْتَبِئَ دَعْوَتِی شَفَاعَۃً لِأُمَّتِی یَوْمَ الْقِیَامَۃِ – Sahih Muslim, #295
3. إِنَّہَا لَرُؤْیَا حَقٌّ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه – Sunan Abi Dawud, #421
4. أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ مَنْ حَلَفَ عَلَی یَمِینٍ فَقَالَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه فَلَا حِنْثَ عَلَیْہِ – Tirmidhi, #1451
5. أنَّ رسُولَ اللَّہِ صَلَّی اللَّه عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ خَرَجَ إِلَی الْمَقْبُرَۃِ فَقَالَ السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ دَارَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِینَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه بِکُمْ لَاحِقُونَ – Sunan Nasa'i, #150
6. اجْتَمَعَ عِیدَانِ فِی یَوْمِکُمْ ہَذَا فَمَنْ شَاء َ أَجْزَأَه مِنْ الْجُمُعَۃِ وَإِنَّا مُجَمِّعُونَ إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه –Sunan Ibn Majah, #1301
Clarification of the meaning of insha' Allah (انشاء الله):
When in is written jointly with sha', it becomes insha' which is a root word in the category of actions and its meaning is 'to create', 'to invent'. Its past and present continuous tense forms are insha' (انشأ and yunshi' ینشیٔ) respectively. Its meaning is 'to create or invent something, the like of which never existed before'. Allah states:
1. وَهوَ الَّذِی أَنْشَأَ لَکُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَۃَ قَلِیلًا مَا تَشْکُرُونَ – al-Mu'minun, 78
2. قُلْ سِیرُوا فِی الْأَرْضِ فَانْظُرُوا کَیْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ اللَّه یُنْشِئُ النَّشْأَۃَ الْآَخِرَۃَ إِنَّ اللَّہَ عَلَی کُلِّ شَیْء ٍ قَدِیرٌ – al-Ankabut, 20
3. إِنَّا أَنْشَأْنَاهنَّ إِنْشَاء ً – al-Waqi'ah, 35
In the above-mentioned verses, insha' is the masdar belonging to the category of actions. Insha' is active past tense and yunshi' is present continuous tense form, the meaning of which is 'to create'. Now consider the third verse. The root word insha' is present in it. The forms of the root word insha' and the one written in insha' Allah are one and the same. When the conditional in is written jointly with the verb sha', its meaning will contain kufr.
انشاء الله ای كاننا نقول اننا اوجدنا الله... العیاذ بالله
Meaning, 'we created Allah' or 'we invented Allah'. We seek refuge in Allah from this (meaning)!
The meaning of in sha' is 'the Divine Will', whereas, insha' means 'to create' or 'to invent'. Writing in jointly with sha' gives such extremely abominable meanings. Thus, it is necessary for all the Muslims to abstain from this way of writing. Wherever they see this written, they
- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:40PM +0100
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Praise be to Allaah.
No good deeds will be accepted from one who does not pray – no zakaah, no fasting, no Hajj or anything else.
Al-Bukhaari (520) narrated that Buraydah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does not pray 'Asr, his good deeds will be annulled."
What is meant by "his good deeds will be annulled" is that they will be rendered invalid and will be of no benefit to him. This hadeeth indicates that Allaah will not accept any good deed from one who does not pray, so the one who does not pray will not benefit at all from his good deeds and no good deed of his will be taken up to Allaah.
It seems from the hadeeth that there are two types of those who do not pray: those who do not pray at all, which annuls all their good deeds, and those who do not offer a particular prayer on a particular day, which annuls the good deeds of that day. So annulment of all good deeds happens to those who forsake all the prayers, and annulment of the good deeds of a particular day happens to the one who omits a particular prayer.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen was asked in Fataawa al-Siyaam (p. 87) about the ruling on the fasting of one who does not pray.
He replied:
The fast of one who does not pray is not valid and is not accepted, because the one who does not pray is a kaafir and an apostate, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah) and give Zakaah, then they are your brethren in religion"
[al-Tawbah 9:11]
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Between a man and shirk and kufr stands his giving up prayer." Narrated by Muslim, 82.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The covenant that separates us from them is prayer; whoever gives up prayer is a kaafir." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2621;
صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
Jun 30th 2013, 20:14
Praise be to Allaah.
No good deeds will be accepted from one who does not pray – no zakaah, no fasting, no Hajj or anything else.
Al-Bukhaari (520) narrated that Buraydah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does not pray 'Asr, his good deeds will be annulled."
What is meant by "his good deeds will be annulled" is that they will be rendered invalid and will be of no benefit to him. This hadeeth indicates that Allaah will not accept any good deed from one who does not pray, so the one who does not pray will not benefit at all from his good deeds and no good deed of his will be taken up to Allaah.
It seems from the hadeeth that there are two types of those who do not pray: those who do not pray at all, which annuls all their good deeds, and those who do not offer a particular prayer on a particular day, which annuls the good deeds of that day. So annulment of all good deeds happens to those who forsake all the prayers, and annulment of the good deeds of a particular day happens to the one who omits a particular prayer.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen was asked in Fataawa al-Siyaam (p. 87) about the ruling on the fasting of one who does not pray.
He replied:
The fast of one who does not pray is not valid and is not accepted, because the one who does not pray is a kaafir and an apostate, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah) and give Zakaah, then they are your brethren in religion"
[al-Tawbah 9:11]
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Between a man and shirk and kufr stands his giving up prayer." Narrated by Muslim, 82.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The covenant that separates us from them is prayer; whoever gives up prayer is a kaafir." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2621;
صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
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Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:
„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.
{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]
{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.
Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.
{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):
Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.
{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]
Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.
{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]
{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]
Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.
{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]
{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]
{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"
[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20]
Jun 30th 2013, 20:19
Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:
„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.
{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]
{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.
Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.
{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):
Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.
{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]
Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.
{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]
{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]
Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.
{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]
{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]
{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"
[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20]
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Biri şu öküze söyleyebilir mi faceyi tekrar açsın.
Jun 30th 2013, 20:19
Biri şu öküze söyleyebilir mi faceyi tekrar açsın.
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Jun 30th 2013, 18:47
LUSIM ALLAHUN QE TA SHKATERROJ KET KAFIR Pop ylli serb, Jelena Karleusa, ka mbajtur një koncert më datë 15 qershor në Usce dhe ajo që vërehet në këngën "Dubo...
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ایسے لوگوں کے لئے پھانسی سے کم سزا نہیں ہونی چاہئیے-
Jun 30th 2013, 16:01
ایسے لوگوں کے لئے پھانسی سے کم سزا نہیں ہونی چاہئیے
انتہائی خبیث لوگ ہیں یہ کمینے
دیکھیں کس طرح اسلام کا مزاق اڑایا جا رہا ھے
کیا ایسے لوگ مسلمان کہلانے کے حقدار ہیں
مجھے یہ ویڈیو دیکھ کر اتنا غصہ آ رھا ھے کہ کیا بتاؤں
مزید خبروں، پوسٹس اور حقائق جاننے کے لئے یہ پیج جوائن کریں
اگر ھماری کوئی بھی پوسٹ آپ کو پسند نہ آئے تو آپ اپنی شکایات ھماری ھیلپ لائن پر درج کروا سکتے ھیں
ھماری اسکائپ آئی ڈی نوٹ فرما لیں zulmkiinteha5700
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Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Allahumma shalli ala syaidina
ya Allah ya tuhanku
tilek oleh Mu akan diriku
siang dan malam sepanjang waktu ku
inilah pintaku ya tuhan ku.
Ampun olehMu akan dosa ku
demikian lagi dosa ibu bapa ku
sekelian muslimin dan guruku
sekelian yang hadir daripada
jemaah dan ahli ku.
Ya Allah turunkan rahmat
ampunkan lah dosa umat
lelaki dan perempuan aman
mendapat syafaat masa kiamat.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
ampunilah dosa mana mana yang salah
kurnialah kami ilmu yang indah
iman dan taat pula bertambah.
Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahman
tambahi negara ini selamat dan
menuntut mengajar sepanjang
matikan kami didalam iman.
Ya Rabbi ya tuhanku maqbulkan
panjangkan umur kami didalam kebajikan
didalam husnil khatimah minta
siksa akhirat minta lepaskan.
Ya Allah Azza wa Jalla Azza wa
sabarkan kami menanggung bala
mendapat nikmat syukurkan pula
sekelian hukum Mu redhakan
Ya Allah tuhan yang Esa
kekalkan taat kami sentiasa
jauhkan daripada maksiat dan dosa
selama hidup setiap masa.
Ya Allah tuhan yang Bari
ilmu yang sebenar silalah beri
lepaskan kami sesat kafiri
datangkan ibadat yang iklas setiap hari.
Ya Rabbi yang sangat penyayang
kuatkan ibadat kami siang dan
menuntut ilmu - puasa -
kepada dunia janganlah sayang.
Ya Allah ya Rabbal Izzati
baikkan perangai kami - terangkan hati
mudahkan mendapat ilmu sejati
fiqih tasawuf - terang mengerti.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
Terangkan hati kami dan fasehkan lidah
Membaca kalamMu kurniakan
Serta kuatkan berzikrullah dan
Ya Allah khaliqul alamil alam
Berkat syafaat nabiMu alaihis
Kuatkan ibadah kami siang dan
Yakin iklas hati didalam.
Jauhkan daripada ujub dan riya
Takabur dan hasad- kasihkan dunia
Sumaah pemarah - jauhkan bahaya
Zuhud dan wara inilah kurnia.
Berkat syafaat syaidina
Tambahi kami ilmu dan taat
Siang dan malam kurnialah rahmat
Dunia akhirat dapat selamat.
Berkat nabi yang dimuliakan
Bala fitnah minta jauhkan
Kami seikhwan minta diamankan
Panjangkan umur kami dalam
Ya Allah turunkan rahmat
Atas penghulu kami Nabi
Keluarga dan sahabat sekelian
Sekelian yang mengikut hingga
Nabi Muhammad saiyidul ambiya
Khatimun Nabi didalam dunia
Empat sahabat yang teramat mulia
Sekelian kasehkan tuhan yang
maha kaya.
Empat sahabat yang sangat
Zuhud dan wara bukan kepalang
Iman memancar gilang gemilang
Bencikan dunia nikmat yang hilang.
Ya Allah azizul ghaffar
Berkat shiddiq syaidina Abu Bakar
Lepaskan kami sesat dan kufar
Tunjukan kami jalan yang sebenar.
Ya Allah rabbul i'bad
Berkat syaidina umar yang kedua sahabat
Kurniakan kami sempurna taubat
Tiada berbalik kepada jahat.
Ya Allah ya rahman
Berkat kemuliaan syaidina utsman
Tambahi kami taat dan iman
Selama hidup sepanjang zaman.
Ya Allah ya qadim azali
Berkat kemegahan syaiduna Ali
Kuatkan ibadah kami jangan khali
Bimbangkan dunia jauhkan sekali.
Ya Allah yang sempurna sifat
Berkat kemegahan sahabat yang empat
Iman-islam kurniakan cepat
Serta kesempurnaan tauhid
Berkat sahabat syaidina Anam
Jumlah sepuluh bertambah enam
Masukan dihati kami tertanam
Tetapkan seperti gunung terbenam.
Berkat syaidina Talhah sahabat
Kuatkan ibadah kami selama
Ibadah yang diredha yang
Serta harap akan diterima.
Ya Allah tuhan yang kaya
Berkat Said sahabat yang mulia
Iman yang makbul harap dikurnia
Terangkan dada kami dengan iman bercahaya.
Berkat Said sahabat yang ketujuh
Kurniakan kami ibadah bersungguh
Jangan lalai jangan bertangguh
Kepada hadrat Mu kami tawajuh.
Ya Allah ya Rahman
Berkat kemegahan syaidina Abdul Rahman
Kurniakan kami sempurna beriman
Bukan hijab sepanjang zaman.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah
Berkat kemegahan syaidina Abu Ubaidah
Kurniakan kami makrifatullah
Sentiasa memandang af'al Allah.
Berkat Zubeir ibnu awwan
Bukakan dinding yang kelam
Memandang kudrat Khaliqil alam
Setiap masa siang dan malam.
Berkat syaidina Hassan dan Husein
Cucu nabi syaidina mursalin
Kurniakan kami nur 'asyiqin
Kepada zatMu Rabbil alamin.
Berkat kemegahan siti fatimah
Penghulu perempuan diakhirat
Kuatkan iman kami jangan lemah
Hingga sampai Yaumal qiamah.
Berkat Khadijah siti yang mulia
Bunda Fatimah siti cahaya
Lepaskan kami tipudaya dunia
Makhluk nafsu syaitan perdaya.
Berkat syahid syaidina Hamzah
Mati berperang sabilillah
Kurniakan kami ilmu yang indah
Serta kuat amal ibadah.
Ya Allah Khaliqul bari
Berkat syafaat nabi bistari
Keluarga sahabat anak isteri
Tetapkan ibadah kami sehari hari.
berkat syafie iman berbahagia
muhammad bin idris namanya dia
bangsanya qureisy itu mulia
ilmunya memenuhi alam dunia.
mujtahid muthlaq mazhab sendiri
diredhoi Allah khaliqul bari
termasyhur kelebihan segenap
ikutan ummat begini hari.
Ya Allah tuhan ku Rabbi
berkat karamah iman syafie
fasehkan lidah terangkan hati
mudahkan faham segala ilmi.
Berkat karamah iman Abu hanifah
ulama yang masyhur dinegeri
segala alam ilmunya limpah
mujtahid muthlaq mazhab gagah.
Perangainya banyak sangat
membaca quran sepanjang
antara isya dan subuh tiada batal wudhunya
empat puluh tahun demikian
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
berkat keistimewaan iman abu
kurniakan kami ilmu yang indah
serta kuat amal ibadah.
Berkat malik iman yang indah
ulama yang masyhur dinegeri
serata alam ilmunya megah
mujtahid muthlaq mazhab gagah.
Umur tujuh belas tahun ilmu
hampir tujuh puluh tahun itulah dikerjakan
kepada ilmu sangat dimuliakan
tangan pemurah tiada terperikan.
Ya Rabbi ya ilahi ya ilahi
rajin menuntut rajin mengajari
berkat karamah iman ahmad
ulama termasyhur dinegeri
mujtahid muthlaq mazhab sendiri
itulah sebesar besar sahabat iman syafie.
Seribu ribu hadis hafaz kepadanya
sekhatam semalam quran
semata mata akhirat didalam
takut dan malu kepada tuhannya.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
berkat hanbali iman yang megah
kurniakan kami takutkan Allah
serta sempurna makrifatullah.
berkat karamah quthbur rabbani
tuan syiekh Abdul qader al jailani
karamah termasyhur didunia ini
pandangan terus kesana sini.
Martabatnya tinggi bangsanya
anak cucu Nabi syaiyidil anbiya
takut kepadanya syaitan dan
ialah penghulu segala aulia.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
berkat quthbur rabbani yang arif billah
kurniakan kami tawakal alallah
segala redha kehendak Allah.
Berkat karamah syaiyidi Ahmad al Badawi
wali Allah yang termasyhur
segenap negeri
dari kecilnya sudah hampiri
kepada Allah khaliqul bari.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
berkat syaiyidi Ahmad al badawi wali yang megah
kurniakan kami makrifatullah
kekal dalam musyahadah
Berkat syaiyidi Ibrahim dasuki
wali yang besar quthub yang tinggi
karamahnya besar tiada terperi
suara binatang ia mengetahui.
Terlalu besar karamahnya dia
kecil padanya ini dunia
seperti cincin ditangannya dia
tiada tersembunyi jin dan manusia.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
berkat syaiyidi Ibrahim Arif billah
kurniakan kami kasehkan Allah
kesempurnaan makrifah fanafillah.
Berkat karamah quthubul Ali
iaitu tuan syiekh Abu hasan asy
asal peranakan dinegeri Maghribi
karamah termasyhur disegenap negeri.
Ilmunya banyak seperti lautan
maqamnya tinggi kepada tuhan
tiada tersembunyi laut daratan
jin dan manusia semuanya
Berkat quthub yang maha mulia
hambaMu ini segeralah kurnia
berbekalan musyahadah tuhan
yang kaya
bertambah terang pandang dunia
Berkat Ghazali iman hujjatul islam
Ulama yang masyhur serata alam
Ilmunya yang munafaah sekelian islam
Seumpama matahari menerangkan kelam.
Beberapa kitab ia karangkan
Barangsiapa membacanya dapat kebajikan
Rohnya hadir ada melihatkan
Karamahnya besar tiada
Ya Allah khaliqul alam
Berkat iman hujjatul islam
Terangkan hati kami hilangkan
Ilmu yang munafaah penuhkan
Ya Allah tuhan yang kaya
Berkat syafaat syaidul anbiya
Keluarga sahabat ulama auliya
Masukan kehati kami iman
Masukan kehati kami cahaya iman
Penuhkan kasih ke tuhan rahman
Zuhudkan dunia sepanjang zaman
Sampai mati sentosa dan aman.
Amin amin amin
Berkat syafaat syaidul mursalin
Keluarga dan sahabat sekelian
Segala yang mengikut ila yaumiddin.
Ya Allah ya tuhan ku ya tuhanku
Tilek oleh Mu akan diriku
Siang dan malam sepanjang waktu ku
Inilah pinta ku... Ya tuhanku.
Ampuni oleh Mu akan dosa ku
Demikian lagi dosa ibu bapa ku
Sekelian muslimin dan guru ku
Sekelian yang hadir dari jamaah ku.
Jangan Engkau hampakan ya Allah akan pinta ku
Tiada siapa yang lain tempat pintaku
Dengan berkat hemah pertama
guru ku
Tuan haji abdul lateff mursyid ku.
Ya Allah ya Rabbi ya Rabbi
Berkat syaiyidi muhammad bin
Ahmad Dandarawi
Buka kan dinding hijab dihati
Terang memandang Rabbal izzati.
Ya Allah ya Hadi ya Hadi
Berkat syaiyidi ibrahim rasyidi
Kurniakan yaqin bertambah jadi
Mahabbah dan tahkim sampai
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
Berkat quthub yang arifbillah
Syaiyidi Ahmad bin Idris wali Allah
Kekalkan kami memandang Allah.
Ya Syaiyidi Ahmad ya syaikhana
Tolonglah kami dengan sempurna
Kepada Allah diriku fana
Berkat mengadap tuhan Rabbana.
Ya Allah khalaqal alam
Berkat syaidina quthubul alam
Syaidinal khidir alaihisalam
Tolonglah kami siang dan malam.
Ya syaidinal khidir nabi Allah
Martabat mu mulia kepada Allah
Tolong lah kami mengadap Allah
Mengamal tharekat Ahmadiah
nasyahbandiah samaniah
sekeliannya 13 lagi ilallah.
Ya Allah tuhan ku yang kaya
Berkat syafaat syaidul anbiya
Kurniakan hamba syafaatnya dia
Bertambah iman yakin percaya.
Ya Rasullullah ya Habibina
Syafaatkanlah kami sampai
Seumur hidup didunia fana
Sampai keakhirat sana.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
Berkat Jibrail Aminullah
Kurnia kami iman bertambah
Sampai kemati didalam
Ya Jibrail malaikatul muqarrabin
Kepercayaan Allah Rabbil alamin
Tolong kami menyempurnakan
Mengikut Nabi syaidil Mursalin.
Ya Allah Rabbil izzati
Berkat syafaat sekelian surati
Tolonglah kami berbuat bakti
Selama hidup sampai ke mati.
Engkaulah Allah tuhan yang Esa
Rahmat Mu limpah kekal sentiasa
Hamba Mu sekelian didalam
Menerima kurnia Mu setiap masa.
Kurnia Mu banyak tidak terperi
Iman dan islam tuhanku memberi
Dilepaskan kami sesat kafiri
Mengerjakan suruhMu setiap hari.
Beberapa rezki tuhanku kurniakan
Ilmu hikmah minum dan makan
Seteru bahaya tuhanku lepaskan
Wajib bersyukur hambaMu
Ya Allah tuhan yang satu
Syukur itu pun kurnialah ya
Kurniakan hambaMu setiap waktu
Janganlah lupa barang suatu.
Ya Hayum ya Qayum ya Allah
Hidupkan hati kami dengan
Kurnialah kami sentiasa
Sentiasa memandang perbuatan Allah.
Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahman
Kekalkan muqarabah kami
sepanjang zaman
Makin bertambah taat dan nyaman
Dunia akhirat mendapat aman.
Ya Allah Rabbul izzati
Penuhkan ma'rifah kami didalam hati
Memandang dzat Mu selaku mati
Sekelian alam hilang di lihati.
Ya Allah ya tuhanku
Penuhkan kasih didalam hatiku
Asyiq dan rindu kepada tuhanku
Hingga kemati demikian laku.
Ya Allah ya Rabbuna
Kasihan oleh Mu hamba yang hina
Segerakan kurniaMu dengan segera
Asyiq dan rindu sudah mengena.
Ya Allah Rabbul izzati
Terlalu rindu rasanya hati
Hendak mengadap hadratMu pasti
Dalam musyahadah hambaMu mati.
Ya Rabbi ya tuhanku
Kasihani olehMu air mataku
Rindu dan tengelam kepada
Hendak mengadap menghampirkan
Airmataku mengalir tuhanku
Menghadap hadratMu sangat ku rindukan
Dinding yang kelam zulmah minta bukakan
Kepada tuhanku diriku hampirkan.
Jinakkan hati ke tuhan semata
Jangan lupa sekejap mata
Mahabbah dan tahkim pula serta
Kepada tuhanku berserah semata.
Ya Allah inilah ku pohonkan
Sebelum Ramadhan Mu jangan
Sekelian kesalahanku tuhanku
Ma'rifah yang sempurna minta
Berkat sekelian tharekah yang ku baiah
Berkat sekelian mursyid ku
Perkenankanlah ya Allah
Doa hambaMu yang menyerah.
Amiin ya qadiyal hajat
Amiin ya Allah
Hai sufi, ya, sufi ya hai...
Merdu suara menyanyi,
Dari bait puisi-puisi sufi,
Merdu suara menyanyi,
Dari bait puisi-puisi abadi,
Sampaikanlah puisi sufi... ya ahli sufi.
Kumimpi bulan, kemerahan darah mentari,
Kumimpi mentari, tenggelam
enggan menari,
Kumimpi bintang, gugur segala
tiada berseri,
Hilanglah semua bagai hilang puisi-puisi sufi.
Kulihat api, membakar semangat sipencari,
Kulihat hati, menyingkap maksud seri bait
Kulihat jiwa, meneroka dosa
mencari pahala,
Hanyalah sesat dalam juang
mencari cahaya.
Puisi sufi dalam taman suci
menyampai hakiki,
Diabaikan zaman bagai wangi
bunga seri pagi,
Puisi sufi dalam taman syurgawi
Bukanlah haruman kuidam dikala menyenja hari.
Katakanlah sufi, dimana tertinggal indah katamu,
Katakanlah sufi, nescaya kembali pengikut setiamu,
Katakanlah sufi, biar terbimbing hati yang
ragu ini,
Tiadalah gugur kalbu bagai
repihan kelopak pagi.
Kumimpi bulan, kembali terang
rembulankan hati,
Kumimpi mentari, kembali menari disubuhnya hari,
Kumimpi bintang, kembali berseri memetakan langit,
Hanyalah kerana kembali puisi sufi diserangkap bait.
Puisi sufi dalam taman suci
menyampai hakiki,
Bagaikan haruman pagi yang
cukup diinginkan,
Puisi sufi dalam taman syurgawi tertinggal sunyi,
Bukanlah bisa haruman yang ingin kulupakan.
Bacakanlah, bacakanlah satu puisi darimu
hai sufi...
Kulihat hujan, membasahkan resah pencarian,
Kulihat hati, mendung dititiskan rahmat tuhan,
Kulihat jiwa, meneroka pahala
dibalik cahaya,
Hanyalah kerana jalan sahaya
kembali nyata.
Puisi sufi janganlah sembunyi dilaman hakiki,
Bagaikan bunga tanpa pandangan duniawi,
Puisi sufi janganlah tersimpan di keluan sufi,
Bagaikan bunga tanpa bau untuk kucumbu...
Merdu hai merdu hai...
"Allahumma Ajzahu 'Anna
Jaza An Hasanan Kafiyan
Muwaffiyan Li Faidhanihil
Faidhi Fil Afaq"
Terjemahan: "Wahai Allah,
kurniakanlah kepada kami
kurnia yang baik, cukup lagi
mencukupkan dengan
limpahan faidhznya yang
tersebar di Alam Maya."
Jun 30th 2013, 18:44
Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Allahumma shalli ala syaidina
ya Allah ya tuhanku
tilek oleh Mu akan diriku
siang dan malam sepanjang waktu ku
inilah pintaku ya tuhan ku.
Ampun olehMu akan dosa ku
demikian lagi dosa ibu bapa ku
sekelian muslimin dan guruku
sekelian yang hadir daripada
jemaah dan ahli ku.
Ya Allah turunkan rahmat
ampunkan lah dosa umat
lelaki dan perempuan aman
mendapat syafaat masa kiamat.
Ya Rabbi ya Allah ya Allah
ampunilah dosa mana mana yang salah
kurnialah kami ilmu yang indah
iman dan taat pula bertambah.
Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahman
tambahi negara ini selamat dan
menuntut mengajar sepanjang
matikan kami didalam iman.
Ya Rabbi ya tuhanku maqbulkan
panjangkan umur kami didalam kebajikan
didalam husnil khatimah minta
siksa akhirat minta lepaskan.
Ya Allah Azza wa Jalla Azza wa
sabarkan kami menanggung bala
mendapat nikmat syukurkan pula
sekelian hukum Mu redhakan
Ya Allah tuhan yang Esa
kekalkan taat kami sentiasa
jauhkan daripada maksiat dan dosa
selama hidup setiap masa.
Ya Allah tuhan yang Bari
ilmu yang sebenar silalah beri
lepaskan kami sesat kafiri
datangkan ibadat yang iklas setiap hari.
Ya Rabbi yang sangat penyayang
- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:30PM +0100
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Tum ny Shiyon ko Kufar se Tabeer kiya hay kafir har ik jaga humay tahreer kia hay Nafrat hay gar Shiyon se tu Kabaay ko chor do Isko bhi tu Shiyon ny hi Tameer kia hayTum ny Shiyon ko Kufar se Tabeer kiya hay kafir har ik
Jun 30th 2013, 18:36
Tum ny Shiyon ko Kufar se Tabeer kiya hay kafir har ik jaga humay tahreer kia hay Nafrat hay gar Shiyon se tu Kabaay ko chor do Isko bhi tu Shiyon ny hi Tameer kia hayTum ny Shiyon ko Kufar se Tabeer kiya hay kafir har ik
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:30PM +0100
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Irgendwie witzig, dass die einzigen radikalen Islamisten, die sich bei uns rumtreiben und ihre vergiftete Ideologie rum posaunen, immer nur Hizb ut-Tahrir-Anhänger sind...
Jun 30th 2013, 19:15
Irgendwie witzig, dass die einzigen radikalen Islamisten, die sich bei uns rumtreiben und ihre vergiftete Ideologie rum posaunen, immer nur Hizb ut-Tahrir-Anhänger sind...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:23PM +0100
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Die Amis zapfen 500.000 Telefonate/Monat in Deutschland ab
Jun 30th 2013, 18:35
Die Amis zapfen 500.000 Telefonate/Monat in Deutschland ab
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:23PM +0100
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Het is een duidelijk gegeven dat het democratische systeem een Taghout is. Het eindoordeel behoord daarin toe aan de mens die wetgeving genereerd naar gelang zijn eigen verlangen. Hiermee wordt een eigenschap van Allah valselijk aan de mens toegekend. Een ieder die een bijdrage levert aan het proces van wetgeving door zijn stem uit te brengen, heeft het bevel van Allah om afstand te doen van de Taghout niet ten uitvoer gebracht, noch heeft hij deze verworpen. Hiermee heeft hij niet voldaan aan de eerste voorwaarde van de Shahada en is zijn Islaam dus ongeldig.
"Heeft u diegenen (hypocrieten) niet gezien, die beweren te geloven in hetgeen u is
geopenbaard, en in wat voor u is geopenbaard, en zij wensen zich naar de Taghut te keren
(in hun geschillen), terwijl hen geboden is om hen te verwerpen? Maar de wensen van de Duivel hebben hen laten dwalen."
[Surrah An-Nisaa, 60]
Jun 30th 2013, 18:43
Het is een duidelijk gegeven dat het democratische systeem een Taghout is. Het eindoordeel behoord daarin toe aan de mens die wetgeving genereerd naar gelang zijn eigen verlangen. Hiermee wordt een eigenschap van Allah valselijk aan de mens toegekend. Een ieder die een bijdrage levert aan het proces van wetgeving door zijn stem uit te brengen, heeft het bevel van Allah om afstand te doen van de Taghout niet ten uitvoer gebracht, noch heeft hij deze verworpen. Hiermee heeft hij niet voldaan aan de eerste voorwaarde van de Shahada en is zijn Islaam dus ongeldig.
"Heeft u diegenen (hypocrieten) niet gezien, die beweren te geloven in hetgeen u is
geopenbaard, en in wat voor u is geopenbaard, en zij wensen zich naar de Taghut te keren
(in hun geschillen), terwijl hen geboden is om hen te verwerpen? Maar de wensen van de Duivel hebben hen laten dwalen."
[Surrah An-Nisaa, 60]
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:22PM +0100
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schreit ruhig allah u akbar in der Hölle, in der ihr schmoren werdet.....
Gott vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun...
(NICHTS FÜR SCHWACHE NERVEN & KINDER!! hier das video dazu )
Jun 30th 2013, 16:54
Eine grausame Bluttat, wie sie in moslemischen Ländern nicht selten vorkommt, wird nun in einem Video auf LiveLeaks gezeigt. Darin ist zu sehen wie syrische „Rebellen" zwei Christen, einer davon ist ein Priester, die Köpfe abschneiden. Eine blutberauschte Menge rundherum, darunter auch Kinder, schre...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:22PM +0100
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Bitte unbedingt Ansehen .... so schlimm ist es schon mit unserem Abendland bestellt :(
20.09.2010 - SPIEGEL-TV-Reporter sind es gewohnt, dass man sie nicht immer mit offenen Armen, sondern manchmal eben auch mit geballten Fäusten empfängt. Doch was unseren Autoren bei ihren Dreharbeiten mit den Salafisten in Mönchengladbach passiert ist, sprengt alle Regeln des demokratischen Miteinanders. Und genau das gibt uns auch die Befugnis, den Verein und sein mittelalterliches Weltbild ein zweites Mal zu thematisieren.
Jun 30th 2013, 18:48
SPIEGEL-TV-Reporter sind es gewohnt, dass man sie nicht immer mit offenen Armen, sondern manchmal eben auch mit geballten Fäusten empfängt. Doch was unseren Autoren bei ihren Dreharbeiten mit den Salafisten in Mönchengladbach passiert ist, sprengt alle Regeln des demokratischen Miteinanders. Und gen...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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Kdgkala kita trlalu cerewet dlm mmilih mkanan,
sntiasa mhu yg enak dan trbaik shj,
ttpi kite mgkn terlupa,atau hanya mminjam mata dgn
tdak mlihat mreka yg brjuang utk sesuap mkanan hnya utk trz hidup,
Brsyukurlah,dgn ape yg dikurniakan,rezeki kte msih blm pasti.
sbg contoh,jgnlah kte sllu mengeluh dgn mgatakan mgapa org2 kafir
lbh kaya,brjaya,mwah dan khidupan dan ksenangan mreka lbh baik dr kite.
hrus diingat,bahwa dunia n adalah smentara dan pnjaman bg diri kita sume,
bg mreka dunia ini adalah syurga utk mereka,di akhrat kelak mreka adalah trgolong
dkalangan org2 yg rugi...wallahu"alamm..
Jun 30th 2013, 19:20
Kdgkala kita trlalu cerewet dlm mmilih mkanan,
sntiasa mhu yg enak dan trbaik shj,
ttpi kite mgkn terlupa,atau hanya mminjam mata dgn
tdak mlihat mreka yg brjuang utk sesuap mkanan hnya utk trz hidup,
Brsyukurlah,dgn ape yg dikurniakan,rezeki kte msih blm pasti.
sbg contoh,jgnlah kte sllu mengeluh dgn mgatakan mgapa org2 kafir
lbh kaya,brjaya,mwah dan khidupan dan ksenangan mreka lbh baik dr kite.
hrus diingat,bahwa dunia n adalah smentara dan pnjaman bg diri kita sume,
bg mreka dunia ini adalah syurga utk mereka,di akhrat kelak mreka adalah trgolong
dkalangan org2 yg rugi...wallahu"alamm..
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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NU atau bisa disebut juga ANUS ( aliran NU SYIAH sesuai ucapan GUSDUR BAHWA NU = SYIAH - IMAMAH ),aliran ini telah mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat atau mengadakan hal2 baru dalam agama yg diambil dari kaum kafir seperti tahlilan orang meninggal diambil dari HINDU yg mengadakan peringatan kematian 3,5,7 hari dan sebagainya kemudian mengambil peringatan ulang tahun atau perayaan yg diambil dari SYIAH dan nasrani serta yahudi.mereka mengaku mengikuti imam syafei tapi sebenarnya mereka telah melenceng dari apa yg telah diajarkan imam syafei.
Kami tdk berniat mengenyek tapi meluruskan aqidah dan wajib,bagi yg diam adalah muslim yg lemah.sekarang ini memang sudah kembali ke jaman jahiliah pada BAHLUL SOMBONG DAN KERAS KEPALA memang inilah akhir zaman.bagi yg mengaku muslim tapi mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat hal2 baru dalam agama serta mengikuti kaum kafir. apakah PENGKHIANAT RISALAH DAN PENGIKUT KAFIR masih pantas disebut umat nabi MUHAMMAD SAW....??? APAKAH JUGA MASIH PANTAS MENGHARAPKAN SYAFAATNYA DI YAUMIL AKHIR...???
Dari Abu Hurairah, Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَأْخُذَ أُمَّتِى بِأَخْذِ الْقُرُونِ قَبْلَهَا ، شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ . فَقِيلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَفَارِسَ وَالرُّومِ . فَقَالَ وَمَنِ النَّاسُ إِلاَّ أُولَئِكَ
"Kiamat tidak akan terjadi hingga umatku mengikuti jalan generasi sebelumnya sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta." Lalu ada yang menanyakan pada Rasulullah -shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam-, "Apakah mereka itu mengikuti seperti Persia dan Romawi?" Beliau menjawab, "Selain mereka, lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Bukhari no. 7319)
Dari Abu Sa'id Al Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سَنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّى لَوْ دَخَلُوا فِى جُحْرِ ضَبٍّ لاَتَّبَعْتُمُوهُمْ , قُلْنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ آلْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى قَالَ : فَمَنْ
"Sungguh kalian akan mengikuti jalan orang-orang sebelum kalian sejengkal demi sejengkal dan sehasta demi sehasta sampai jika orang-orang yang kalian ikuti itu masuk ke lubang dhob (yang sempit sekalipun, -pen), pasti kalian pun akan mengikutinya." Kami (para sahabat) berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang diikuti itu adalah Yahudi dan Nashrani?" Beliau menjawab, "Lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Muslim no. 2669).
Jun 30th 2013, 19:20
NU atau bisa disebut juga ANUS ( aliran NU SYIAH sesuai ucapan GUSDUR BAHWA NU = SYIAH - IMAMAH ),aliran ini telah mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat atau mengadakan hal2 baru dalam agama yg diambil dari kaum kafir seperti tahlilan orang meninggal diambil dari HINDU yg mengadakan peringatan kematian 3,5,7 hari dan sebagainya kemudian mengambil peringatan ulang tahun atau perayaan yg diambil dari SYIAH dan nasrani serta yahudi.mereka mengaku mengikuti imam syafei tapi sebenarnya mereka telah melenceng dari apa yg telah diajarkan imam syafei.
Kami tdk berniat mengenyek tapi meluruskan aqidah dan wajib,bagi yg diam adalah muslim yg lemah.sekarang ini memang sudah kembali ke jaman jahiliah pada BAHLUL SOMBONG DAN KERAS KEPALA memang inilah akhir zaman.bagi yg mengaku muslim tapi mengkhinati nabi dengan membuat hal2 baru dalam agama serta mengikuti kaum kafir. apakah PENGKHIANAT RISALAH DAN PENGIKUT KAFIR masih pantas disebut umat nabi MUHAMMAD SAW....??? APAKAH JUGA MASIH PANTAS MENGHARAPKAN SYAFAATNYA DI YAUMIL AKHIR...???
Dari Abu Hurairah, Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَأْخُذَ أُمَّتِى بِأَخْذِ الْقُرُونِ قَبْلَهَا ، شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ . فَقِيلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَفَارِسَ وَالرُّومِ . فَقَالَ وَمَنِ النَّاسُ إِلاَّ أُولَئِكَ
"Kiamat tidak akan terjadi hingga umatku mengikuti jalan generasi sebelumnya sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta." Lalu ada yang menanyakan pada Rasulullah -shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam-, "Apakah mereka itu mengikuti seperti Persia dan Romawi?" Beliau menjawab, "Selain mereka, lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Bukhari no. 7319)
Dari Abu Sa'id Al Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سَنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّى لَوْ دَخَلُوا فِى جُحْرِ ضَبٍّ لاَتَّبَعْتُمُوهُمْ , قُلْنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ آلْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى قَالَ : فَمَنْ
"Sungguh kalian akan mengikuti jalan orang-orang sebelum kalian sejengkal demi sejengkal dan sehasta demi sehasta sampai jika orang-orang yang kalian ikuti itu masuk ke lubang dhob (yang sempit sekalipun, -pen), pasti kalian pun akan mengikutinya." Kami (para sahabat) berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang diikuti itu adalah Yahudi dan Nashrani?" Beliau menjawab, "Lantas siapa lagi?" (HR. Muslim no. 2669).
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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Agama itu ada , Akal lah yang mengadakan bukan ketidaktahuan yang menghukumi agama itu ada.
Islam datang dengan Argumen yang Kokoh bukan Pepesan Kosong yang tidak di mengerti oleh kaum kafir...
Apa jadinya Jika tiba" Nabi Muhammad sawa mengatakan anda ( kaum kafir ) telah di rasuki oleh Jin sehingga apa yg anda yakini itu BathiL...Niscaya Islam tidak akan tembus pd tiap zaman...Bahkan telinga kita akan terdengar asing ketika mendengar kata ISLAM...
Jika Syiah Mencintai Nabi Nya dan KeluargaNya Lantas Anda Mengatakan Kami ini kerasukan Jin....sepertinya Logika Miring Anda yang kerasukan JIN dan Perlu di Ruqyah
Jun 30th 2013, 19:21
Agama itu ada , Akal lah yang mengadakan bukan ketidaktahuan yang menghukumi agama itu ada.
Islam datang dengan Argumen yang Kokoh bukan Pepesan Kosong yang tidak di mengerti oleh kaum kafir...
Apa jadinya Jika tiba" Nabi Muhammad sawa mengatakan anda ( kaum kafir ) telah di rasuki oleh Jin sehingga apa yg anda yakini itu BathiL...Niscaya Islam tidak akan tembus pd tiap zaman...Bahkan telinga kita akan terdengar asing ketika mendengar kata ISLAM...
Jika Syiah Mencintai Nabi Nya dan KeluargaNya Lantas Anda Mengatakan Kami ini kerasukan Jin....sepertinya Logika Miring Anda yang kerasukan JIN dan Perlu di Ruqyah
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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"Bizi aldatan bizden değildir" (Ebu Davud, Sünen, hadis no 3952, Ahmet, Müsned, 2/242 hadis no 7290, Hakim, Müstedrek 2/10 hadis 2153)
Müslüman olduğu halde kafir görünen, işine hile karıştıran, süte su kattığı gibi sözüne iki tarafı keskin kelimeler koyarak "ben öyle kastetmemiştim" diyen, içiyle dışını farklı gösteren, derviş kıyafetinde berduşluk yapan kişi aldatan kişidir.
Jun 30th 2013, 19:21
"Bizi aldatan bizden değildir" (Ebu Davud, Sünen, hadis no 3952, Ahmet, Müsned, 2/242 hadis no 7290, Hakim, Müstedrek 2/10 hadis 2153)
Müslüman olduğu halde kafir görünen, işine hile karıştıran, süte su kattığı gibi sözüne iki tarafı keskin kelimeler koyarak "ben öyle kastetmemiştim" diyen, içiyle dışını farklı gösteren, derviş kıyafetinde berduşluk yapan kişi aldatan kişidir.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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Download Video Kebiadaban Gerombolan Takfiriy
Ekstrimis Takfiri membenci semua orang yang tidak menerima penafisran primitif dan salah dari mereka. Sikap mereka terhadap Sufi, Syiah, Sunni dan Muslim tradisional, dan tentu saja non-Muslim cukup sederhana dan brutal, "Penggal kepala mereka!".
Dunia baru-baru ini sangat dikejutkan oleh video gerombolan Takfiri dukungan AS yang memenggal kepala dua warga Kristen, termasuk seorang pendeta di Homs dan satu warga biasa. Video menjijikkan itu difilmkan dan diposting oleh Takfiri sendiri; tampaknya mereka bangga terhadap tindakan mereka. Mungkin mereka kira itu sebagai bukti 'kejantanan', padahal akal sehat dan hati yang selamat pasti akan menilai bahwa tindakan itu jelas memperlihatkan kebangkrutan moral mereka.
(Takfiriy= Yang mengkafir-kafirkan umat islam lain yang bukan dari gerombolannya. Takfiri percaya bahwa orang-orang selain dari gerombolannya adalah kafir dan darahnya halal untuk ditumpahkan buat persembahan keagungan tuhan mereka)
Silahkan klik tautan berikut ini untuk mendownload videonya:
Jun 30th 2013, 19:21
Download Video Kebiadaban Gerombolan Takfiriy
Ekstrimis Takfiri membenci semua orang yang tidak menerima penafisran primitif dan salah dari mereka. Sikap mereka terhadap Sufi, Syiah, Sunni dan Muslim tradisional, dan tentu saja non-Muslim cukup sederhana dan brutal, "Penggal kepala mereka!".
Dunia baru-baru ini sangat dikejutkan oleh video gerombolan Takfiri dukungan AS yang memenggal kepala dua warga Kristen, termasuk seorang pendeta di Homs dan satu warga biasa. Video menjijikkan itu difilmkan dan diposting oleh Takfiri sendiri; tampaknya mereka bangga terhadap tindakan mereka. Mungkin mereka kira itu sebagai bukti 'kejantanan', padahal akal sehat dan hati yang selamat pasti akan menilai bahwa tindakan itu jelas memperlihatkan kebangkrutan moral mereka.
(Takfiriy= Yang mengkafir-kafirkan umat islam lain yang bukan dari gerombolannya. Takfiri percaya bahwa orang-orang selain dari gerombolannya adalah kafir dan darahnya halal untuk ditumpahkan buat persembahan keagungan tuhan mereka)
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
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Us kafir ka naam kya hai, jisne waqia-e-me'raj sunkar sbse pehle HUZUR SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM ka mazak udaya?
Admin=> Imran Shaikh
Jun 30th 2013, 19:22
:: QUIZ (10) ::
Us kafir ka naam kya hai, jisne waqia-e-me'raj sunkar sbse pehle HUZUR SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM ka mazak udaya?
Admin=> Imran Shaikh
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 09:13PM +0100
Search Facebook kafir
Search Facebook kafir
bu kafir örtülüdende sapıklaştığına göre solcuların neden baş açık kadın kızları istediklerı nede güzel belli ediyorlar,bunlar öyle sapıkki elde edemediklerı kadın ve kızları hayalen sapıklaşiyorlar,bunların yaşam şekillerı sadece kadın ve kızlara göre kuruludur,başkada birşeye yaramazlar,şehvetten sonra içerler şarhoş olurlar ve bu vatanın her tarafını yakar yıkarlar,fitne fesat sokup bozgunculuk yaparlar
Jun 30th 2013, 19:22
Ahmet Can shared Türkiyem's photo.
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