
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Islam Koran Moschee

Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen


 Search Facebook kuffar: Dalam kesempatan kali ini akan kita bahas beberapa kerancuan tentang apa dan bagaimana SALAFI tersebut.1. Salafi Bukanlah Sekte, Aliran, Partai atau Organisasi MassaSebagian orang mengira Salafi adalah sebuah sekte, aliran sebagaimana Jama'ah Tabligh, Ahmadiyah, Naqsabandiyah, LDII, dll. Atau sebuah organisasi massa sebagaimana NU, Muhammadiyah, PERSIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, Hizbut Tahrir, dll. Ini adalah salah kaprah. Salafi bukanlah sekte, aliran, partai atau organisasi massa, namun salafi adalah manhaj (metode beragama), sehingga semua orang di seluruh pelosok dunia di manapun dan kapanpun adalah seorang salafi jika ia beragama Islam dengan manhaj salaf tanpa dibatasi keanggotaan.Sebagian orang juga mengira dakwah Salafiyyah adalah gerakan yang dicetuskan dan didirikan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. Ini pun kesalahan besar! Dijelaskan oleh Syaikh 'Ubaid yang ringkasnya, "Dakwah salafiyyah tidak didirikan oleh seorang manusia pun. Bukan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab bersama saudaranya Imam Muhammad Bin Su'ud, tidak juga oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan murid-muridnya, bukan pula oleh Imam Mazhab yang empat, bukan pula oleh salah seorang Tabi'in, bukan pula oleh sahabat, bukan pula oleh Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, dan bukan didirikan oleh seorang Nabi pun. Melainkan dakwah Salafiyah ini didirikan oleh Allah Ta'ala. Karena para Nabi dan orang sesudah mereka menyampaikan syariat yang berasal dari Allah Ta'ala. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada yang dapat dijadikan rujukan melainkan nash dan ijma" (Ushul Wa Qowaid Fii Manhajis Salaf)Oleh karena itu, dalam dakwah salafiyyah tidak ada ketua umum Salafi, Salafi Cabang , Salafi Daerah, Tata tertib Salafi, AD ART Salafi, Alur Kaderisasi Salafi, dan tidak ada muassis (tokoh pendiri) Salafi. Tidak ada pendiri Salafi melainkan Allah dan Rasul-Nya, tidak ada AD-ART Salafi melainkan Qur'an dan Sunnah dengan pemahaman para sahabat.2. Salafi Gemar Mengkafirkan dan Membid'ahkan?Musuh utama seorang muslim adalah kekufuran dan kesyirikan, karena tujuan Allah menciptakan makhluk-Nya agar makhluk-Nya hanya menyembah Allah semata. Allah Ta'ala berfirman, "Sungguh kesyirikan adalah kezaliman yang paling besar" [QS. Luqman: 13]. Setelah itu, musuh kedua terbesar seorang muslim adalah perkara baru dalam agama, disebut juga bid'ah. Karena jika orang dibiarkan membuat perkara baru dalam beragama, akan hancurlah Islam karena adanya peraturan, ketentuan, ritual baru yang dibuat oleh orang-orang belakangan. Padahal Islam telah sempurna tidak butuh penambahan dan pengurangan. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Setiap bid'ah adalah kesesatan" (HR. Muslim)Maka tentu tidak bisa disalahkan ketika ada da'i yang secara intens mendakwahkan tentang bahaya syirik dan bid'ah, mengenalkan bentuk-bentuk kesyirikan dan kebid'ahan agar umat terhindar darinya. Bahkan inilah bentuk sayang dan perhatian terhadap umat.Kemudian, para ulama melarang umat Islam untuk sembarang memvonis bid'ah, sesat apalagi kafir kepada individu tertentu. Karena vonis yang demikian bukanlah perkara remeh. Diperlukan timbangan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah serta memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ulama dalam hal ini. Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani berkata, "Dalil-dalil terkadang menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur, atau perkataan tertentu adalah perkataan kufur. Namun di sana terdapat faktor yang membuat kita tidak memberikan vonis kafir kepada individu tertentu (yang melakukannya). Faktornya banyak, misalnya karena ia tidak tahu, atau karena ia dikalahkan oleh orang kafir dalam perang." (Fitnah At Takfir, Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani)Dari sini jelaslah bahwa menjelaskan perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur bukan berarti memvonis semua pelakunya itu per individu pasti kafir. Begitu juga menjelaskan kepada masyarakat bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan bid'ah bukan berarti memvonis pelakunya pasti ahlul bid'ah. Syaikh Abdul Latif Alu Syaikh menjelaskan: "Ancaman (dalam dalil-dalil) yang diberikan terhadap perbuatan dosa besar terkadang tidak bisa menyebabkan pelakunya per individu terkena ancaman tersebut" (Ushul Wa Dhawabith Fi At Takfir, Syaikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman Alu Syaikh)3. Salafi Memecah-Belah Ummat?Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan ini, perlu pembaca ketahui tentang 3 hal pokok. Pertama, perpecahan umat adalah sesuatu yang tercela. Sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'ala yang artinya, "Berpegang teguhlah pada tali Allah dan jangan berpecah-belah" (QS. Al-Imran: 103). Kedua, perpecahan umat adalah suatu hal yang memang dipastikan terjadi dan bahkan sudah terjadi. Sebagaimana dikabarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Umatku akan berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh tiga golongan, semuanya akan masuk neraka kecuali satu. Maka kami-pun bertanya, siapakah yang satu itu ya Rasulullah? Beliau menjawab: yaitu orang-orang yang berada pada jalanku dan jalannya para sahabatku di hari ini" [HR. Tirmidzi]. Ketiga, persatuan Islam bukanlah semata-mata persatuan badan, kumpul bersama, dengan keadaan aqidah yang berbeda-beda. Mentoleransi segala bentuk penyimpangan, yang penting masih mengaku Islam. Bukan itu persatuan Islam yang diharapkan. Perhatikan baik-baik hadits tadi, saat umat Islam berpecah belah seolah-olah Rasulullah memerintahkan untuk bersatu pada satu jalan, yaitu jalan yang ditempuh oleh para sahabat, inilah manhaj salaf.Sehingga ketika ada seorang yang menjelaskan kesalahan-kesalahan dalam beragama yang dianut sebagian kelompok, aliran, partai atau ormas Islam, bukanlah upaya untuk memecah belah ummat. Melainkan sebuah upaya untuk mengajak ummat BERSATU di satu jalan yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tersebut. Bahkan adanya bermacam aliran, sekte, partai dan ormas Islam itulah yang menyebabkan perpecahan ummat. Karena mereka tentu akan loyal kepada tokoh-tokoh mereka masing-masing, loyal kepada peraturan mereka masing-masing, loyal kepada tradisi mereka masing-masing, bukan loyal kepada Islam!!Selain itu, jika ada saudara kita yang terjerumus dalam kesalahan, siapa lagi yang hendak mengoreksi kalau bukan kita sesama muslim? Tidak akan kita temukan orang kuffar yang melakukannya. Dan bukankah Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: "Agama adalah nasehat" (HR. Muslim). Dan jika koreksi itu benar, bukankah wajib menerimanya dan menghempas jauh kesombongan? Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Kesombongan itu adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan manusia" (HR. Muslim)4. Salafi Aliran Sesat?Orang yang menuduh dakwah salafiyyah sebagai aliran sesat, seperti dijelaskan oleh Syaikh Ubaid, bisa jadi ia memang orang awam yang belum mengenal apa itu salafi, atau bisa jadi ia orang benci kepada dakwah salafiyyah karena dakwah ini telah membuka tabir yang selama ini menutupi penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang dimilikinya.Anggapan ini sama sekali tidak benar karena dua hal. Pertama, dakwah salafiyyah bukan aliran atau sekte tertentu dalam Islam, sebagaimana telah dijelaskan. Kedua, sebagaimana telah diketahui bahwa sesuatu dikatakan tersesat jika ia telah tersasar dari jalan yang benar, dan menempuh jalan yang salah. Maka bagi yang menuduh hendaknya mendatangkan bukti bahwa dakwah salafiyyah menyimpang dari ajaran Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah yang benar. Niscaya mereka tidak akan bisa mendatangkan buktinya.Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan Majelis Ulama Indonesia Jakarta Utara dalam menanggapi kalimat-kalimat miring yang menuduh bahwa salafi adalah aliran sesat, dalam surat edaran MUI Jakarta Utara tanggal 8 April 2009 berjudul "Pandangan MUI Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara tentang Salaf/Salafi". Dalam surat edaran tersebut ditetapkan:a) Pertama, penjelasan tentang Salaf/Salafi:1. Salaf/Salafi tidak termasuk ke dalam 10 kriteria sesat yang telah ditetapkan oleh MUI. Sehingga Salaf/Salafi bukanlah merupakan sekte atau aliran sesat sebagaimana yang berkembang belakangan ini,2. Salaf/Salafi adalah nama yang diambil dari kata salaf yang secara bahasa berarti orang-orang terdahulu, dalam istilah adalah orang-orang terdahulu yang mendahului kaum muslimin dalam Iman, Islam dst. mereka adalah para sahabat dan orang-orang yang mengikuti mereka,3. Penamaan salafi ini bukanlah penamaan yang baru saja muncul, namun sejak dahulu ada,4. Dakwah salaf adalah ajakan untuk memurnikan agama Islam dengan kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dengan menggunakan pemahaman para sahabat Radhiallahu'anhum.b) Kedua, nasehat dan tausiah kepada masyarakat:1. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak mudah melontarkan kata sesat kepada suatu dakwah tanpa di klarifikasi terlebih dahulu,2. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak terprovokasi dengan pernyataan-pernyataan yang tidak bertanggung jawab,3. Kepada para da'i, ustadz, tokoh agama serta tokoh masyarakat hendaknya dapat menenangkan serta memberikan penjelasan yang objektif tentang masalah ini kepada masyarakat,4. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak bertindak anarkis dan main hakim sendiri, sebagaimana terjadi di beberapa daerah.(Surat edaran MUI, "Pandangan MUI Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara tentang Salaf/Salafi", 8 April 2009)Nasihat Untuk UmmatTerakhir, agama adalah nasehat. Maka penulis menasehati diri sendiri dan kaum muslimin sekalian untuk menjadi Salafi. Bagaimana caranya? Menjadi seorang Salafi adalah dengan menjalankan Islam sesuai dengan apa yang telah dituntunkan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dan dipahami oleh generasi Salafus Shalih. Dan wajib hukumnya bagi setiap muslim untuk ber-Islam dengan manhaj salaf. Ibnul Qayyim Al Jauziyyah berkata: "Para sahabat Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam semua diampuni oleh Allah. Wajib mengikuti metode beragama para sahabat, perkataan mereka dan aqidah mereka sebenar-benarnya" (I'lamul muwaqqi'in, (120/4), dinukil dari Kun Salafiyyan 'Alal Jaddah, Abdussalam Bin Salim As Suhaimi)Semoga Allah Ta'ala senantiasa menunjukkan kita kepada jalan yang lurus, yaitu jalan yang ditempuh oleh orang-orang yang diberikan ni'mat, bukan jalannya orang-orang yang dimurkai dan orang-orang tersesat.
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Dalam kesempatan kali ini akan kita bahas beberapa kerancuan tentang apa dan bagaimana SALAFI tersebut.
    1. Salafi Bukanlah Sekte, Aliran, Partai atau Organisasi Massa
    Sebagian orang mengira Salafi adalah sebuah sekte, aliran sebagaimana Jama'ah Tabligh, Ahmadiyah, Naqsabandiyah, LDII, dll. Atau sebuah organisasi massa sebagaimana NU, Muhammadiyah, PERSIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, Hizbut Tahrir, dll. Ini adalah salah kaprah. Salafi bukanlah sekte, aliran, partai atau organisasi massa, namun salafi adalah manhaj (metode beragama), sehingga semua orang di seluruh pelosok dunia di manapun dan kapanpun adalah seorang salafi jika ia beragama Islam dengan manhaj salaf tanpa dibatasi keanggotaan.
    Sebagian orang juga mengira dakwah Salafiyyah adalah gerakan yang dicetuskan dan didirikan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. Ini pun kesalahan besar! Dijelaskan oleh Syaikh 'Ubaid yang ringkasnya, "Dakwah salafiyyah tidak didirikan oleh seorang manusia pun. Bukan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab bersama saudaranya Imam Muhammad Bin Su'ud, tidak juga oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan murid-muridnya, bukan pula oleh Imam Mazhab yang empat, bukan pula oleh salah seorang Tabi'in, bukan pula oleh sahabat, bukan pula oleh Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, dan bukan didirikan oleh seorang Nabi pun. Melainkan dakwah Salafiyah ini didirikan oleh Allah Ta'ala. Karena para Nabi dan orang sesudah mereka menyampaikan syariat yang berasal dari Allah Ta'ala. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada yang dapat dijadikan rujukan melainkan nash dan ijma" (Ushul Wa Qowaid Fii Manhajis Salaf)
    Oleh karena itu, dalam dakwah salafiyyah tidak ada ketua umum Salafi, Salafi Cabang , Salafi Daerah, Tata tertib Salafi, AD ART Salafi, Alur Kaderisasi Salafi, dan tidak ada muassis (tokoh pendiri) Salafi. Tidak ada pendiri Salafi melainkan Allah dan Rasul-Nya, tidak ada AD-ART Salafi melainkan Qur'an dan Sunnah dengan pemahaman para sahabat.
    2. Salafi Gemar Mengkafirkan dan Membid'ahkan?
    Musuh utama seorang muslim adalah kekufuran dan kesyirikan, karena tujuan Allah menciptakan makhluk-Nya agar makhluk-Nya hanya menyembah Allah semata. Allah Ta'ala berfirman, "Sungguh kesyirikan adalah kezaliman yang paling besar" [QS. Luqman: 13]. Setelah itu, musuh kedua terbesar seorang muslim adalah perkara baru dalam agama, disebut juga bid'ah. Karena jika orang dibiarkan membuat perkara baru dalam beragama, akan hancurlah Islam karena adanya peraturan, ketentuan, ritual baru yang dibuat oleh orang-orang belakangan. Padahal Islam telah sempurna tidak butuh penambahan dan pengurangan. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Setiap bid'ah adalah kesesatan" (HR. Muslim)
    Maka tentu tidak bisa disalahkan ketika ada da'i yang secara intens mendakwahkan tentang bahaya syirik dan bid'ah, mengenalkan bentuk-bentuk kesyirikan dan kebid'ahan agar umat terhindar darinya. Bahkan inilah bentuk sayang dan perhatian terhadap umat.
    Kemudian, para ulama melarang umat Islam untuk sembarang memvonis bid'ah, sesat apalagi kafir kepada individu tertentu. Karena vonis yang demikian bukanlah perkara remeh. Diperlukan timbangan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah serta memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ulama dalam hal ini. Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani berkata, "Dalil-dalil terkadang menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur, atau perkataan tertentu adalah perkataan kufur. Namun di sana terdapat faktor yang membuat kita tidak memberikan vonis kafir kepada individu tertentu (yang melakukannya). Faktornya banyak, misalnya karena ia tidak tahu, atau karena ia dikalahkan oleh orang kafir dalam perang." (Fitnah At Takfir, Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani)
    Dari sini jelaslah bahwa menjelaskan perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur bukan berarti memvonis semua pelakunya itu per individu pasti kafir. Begitu juga menjelaskan kepada masyarakat bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan bid'ah bukan berarti memvonis pelakunya pasti ahlul bid'ah. Syaikh Abdul Latif Alu Syaikh menjelaskan: "Ancaman (dalam dalil-dalil) yang diberikan terhadap perbuatan dosa besar terkadang tidak bisa menyebabkan pelakunya per individu terkena ancaman tersebut" (Ushul Wa Dhawabith Fi At Takfir, Syaikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman Alu Syaikh)
    3. Salafi Memecah-Belah Ummat?
    Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan ini, perlu pembaca ketahui tentang 3 hal pokok. Pertama, perpecahan umat adalah sesuatu yang tercela. Sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'ala yang artinya, "Berpegang teguhlah pada tali Allah dan jangan berpecah-belah" (QS. Al-Imran: 103). Kedua, perpecahan umat adalah suatu hal yang memang dipastikan terjadi dan bahkan sudah terjadi. Sebagaimana dikabarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Umatku akan berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh tiga golongan, semuanya akan masuk neraka kecuali satu. Maka kami-pun bertanya, siapakah yang satu itu ya Rasulullah? Beliau menjawab: yaitu orang-orang yang berada pada jalanku dan jalannya para sahabatku di hari ini" [HR. Tirmidzi]. Ketiga, persatuan Islam bukanlah semata-mata persatuan badan, kumpul bersama, dengan keadaan aqidah yang berbeda-beda. Mentoleransi segala bentuk penyimpangan, yang penting masih mengaku Islam. Bukan itu persatuan Islam yang diharapkan. Perhatikan baik-baik hadits tadi, saat umat Islam berpecah belah seolah-olah Rasulullah memerintahkan untuk bersatu pada satu jalan, yaitu jalan yang ditempuh oleh para sahabat, inilah manhaj salaf.
    Sehingga ketika ada seorang yang menjelaskan kesalahan-kesalahan dalam beragama yang dianut sebagian kelompok, aliran, partai atau ormas Islam, bukanlah upaya untuk memecah belah ummat. Melainkan sebuah upaya untuk mengajak ummat BERSATU di satu jalan yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tersebut. Bahkan adanya bermacam aliran, sekte, partai dan ormas Islam itulah yang menyebabkan perpecahan ummat. Karena mereka tentu akan loyal kepada tokoh-tokoh mereka masing-masing, loyal kepada peraturan mereka masing-masing, loyal kepada tradisi mereka masing-masing, bukan loyal kepada Islam!!
    Selain itu, jika ada saudara kita yang terjerumus dalam kesalahan, siapa lagi yang hendak mengoreksi kalau bukan kita sesama muslim? Tidak akan kita temukan orang kuffar yang melakukannya. Dan bukankah Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: "Agama adalah nasehat" (HR. Muslim). Dan jika koreksi itu benar, bukankah wajib menerimanya dan menghempas jauh kesombongan? Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Kesombongan itu adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan manusia" (HR. Muslim)
    4. Salafi Aliran Sesat?
    Orang yang menuduh dakwah salafiyyah sebagai aliran sesat, seperti dijelaskan oleh Syaikh Ubaid, bisa jadi ia memang orang awam yang belum mengenal apa itu salafi, atau bisa jadi ia orang benci kepada dakwah salafiyyah karena dakwah ini telah membuka tabir yang selama ini menutupi penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang dimilikinya.
    Anggapan ini sama sekali tidak benar karena dua hal. Pertama, dakwah salafiyyah bukan aliran atau sekte tertentu dalam Islam, sebagaimana telah dijelaskan. Kedua, sebagaimana telah diketahui bahwa sesuatu dikatakan tersesat jika ia telah tersasar dari jalan yang benar, dan menempuh jalan yang salah. Maka bagi yang menuduh hendaknya mendatangkan bukti bahwa dakwah salafiyyah menyimpang dari ajaran Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah yang benar. Niscaya mereka tidak akan bisa mendatangkan buktinya.
    Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan Majelis Ulama Indonesia Jakarta Utara dalam menanggapi kalimat-kalimat miring yang menuduh bahwa salafi adalah aliran sesat, dalam surat edaran MUI Jakarta Utara tanggal 8 April 2009 berjudul "Pandangan MUI Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara tentang Salaf/Salafi". Dalam surat edaran tersebut ditetapkan:
    a) Pertama, penjelasan tentang Salaf/Salafi:
    1. Salaf/Salafi tidak termasuk ke dalam 10 kriteria sesat yang telah ditetapkan oleh MUI. Sehingga Salaf/Salafi bukanlah merupakan sekte atau aliran sesat sebagaimana yang berkembang belakangan ini,
    2. Salaf/Salafi adalah nama yang diambil dari kata salaf yang secara bahasa berarti orang-orang terdahulu, dalam istilah adalah orang-orang terdahulu yang mendahului kaum muslimin dalam Iman, Islam dst. mereka adalah para sahabat dan orang-orang yang mengikuti mereka,
    3. Penamaan salafi ini bukanlah penamaan yang baru saja muncul, namun sejak dahulu ada,
    4. Dakwah salaf adalah ajakan untuk memurnikan agama Islam dengan kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dengan menggunakan pemahaman para sahabat Radhiallahu'anhum.
    b) Kedua, nasehat dan tausiah kepada masyarakat:
    1. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak mudah melontarkan kata sesat kepada suatu dakwah tanpa di klarifikasi terlebih dahulu,
    2. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak terprovokasi dengan pernyataan-pernyataan yang tidak bertanggung jawab,
    3. Kepada para da'i, ustadz, tokoh agama serta tokoh masyarakat hendaknya dapat menenangkan serta memberikan penjelasan yang objektif tentang masalah ini kepada masyarakat,
    4. Hendaknya masyarakat tidak bertindak anarkis dan main hakim sendiri, sebagaimana terjadi di beberapa daerah.
    (Surat edaran MUI, "Pandangan MUI Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara tentang Salaf/Salafi", 8 April 2009)
    Nasihat Untuk Ummat
    Terakhir, agama adalah nasehat. Maka penulis menasehati diri sendiri dan kaum muslimin sekalian untuk menjadi Salafi. Bagaimana caranya? Menjadi seorang Salafi adalah dengan menjalankan Islam sesuai dengan apa yang telah dituntunkan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dan dipahami oleh generasi Salafus Shalih. Dan wajib hukumnya bagi setiap muslim untuk ber-Islam dengan manhaj salaf. Ibnul Qayyim Al Jauziyyah berkata: "Para sahabat Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam semua diampuni oleh Allah. Wajib mengikuti metode beragama para sahabat, perkataan mereka dan aqidah mereka sebenar-benarnya" (I'lamul muwaqqi'in, (120/4), dinukil dari Kun Salafiyyan 'Alal Jaddah, Abdussalam Bin Salim As Suhaimi)
    Semoga Allah Ta'ala senantiasa menunjukkan kita kepada jalan yang lurus, yaitu jalan yang ditempuh oleh orang-orang yang diberikan ni'mat, bukan jalannya orang-orang yang dimurkai dan orang-orang tersesat.
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:57
    Dalam kesempatan kali ini akan kita bahas beberapa kerancuan tentang apa dan bagaimana SALAFI tersebut.
    1. Salafi Bukanlah Sekte, Aliran, Partai atau Organisasi Massa
    Sebagian orang mengira Salafi adalah sebuah sekte, aliran sebagaimana Jama'ah Tabligh, Ahmadiyah, Naqsabandiyah, LDII, dll. Atau sebuah organisasi massa sebagaimana NU, Muhammadiyah, PERSIS, Ikhwanul Muslimin, Hizbut Tahrir, dll. Ini adalah salah kaprah. Salafi bukanlah sekte, aliran, partai atau organisasi massa, namun salafi adalah manhaj (metode beragama), sehingga semua orang di seluruh pelosok dunia di manapun dan kapanpun adalah seorang salafi jika ia beragama Islam dengan manhaj salaf tanpa dibatasi keanggotaan.
    Sebagian orang juga mengira dakwah Salafiyyah adalah gerakan yang dicetuskan dan didirikan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. Ini pun kesalahan besar! Dijelaskan oleh Syaikh 'Ubaid yang ringkasnya, "Dakwah salafiyyah tidak didirikan oleh seorang manusia pun. Bukan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab bersama saudaranya Imam Muhammad Bin Su'ud, tidak juga oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan murid-muridnya, bukan pula oleh Imam Mazhab yang empat, bukan pula oleh salah seorang Tabi'in, bukan pula oleh sahabat, bukan pula oleh Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, dan bukan didirikan oleh seorang Nabi pun. Melainkan dakwah Salafiyah ini didirikan oleh Allah Ta'ala. Karena para Nabi dan orang sesudah mereka menyampaikan syariat yang berasal dari Allah Ta'ala. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada yang dapat dijadikan rujukan melainkan nash dan ijma" (Ushul Wa Qowaid Fii Manhajis Salaf)
    Oleh karena itu, dalam dakwah salafiyyah tidak ada ketua umum Salafi, Salafi Cabang , Salafi Daerah, Tata tertib Salafi, AD ART Salafi, Alur Kaderisasi Salafi, dan tidak ada muassis (tokoh pendiri) Salafi. Tidak ada pendiri Salafi melainkan Allah dan Rasul-Nya, tidak ada AD-ART Salafi melainkan Qur'an dan Sunnah dengan pemahaman para sahabat.
    2. Salafi Gemar Mengkafirkan dan Membid'ahkan?
    Musuh utama seorang muslim adalah kekufuran dan kesyirikan, karena tujuan Allah menciptakan makhluk-Nya agar makhluk-Nya hanya menyembah Allah semata. Allah Ta'ala berfirman, "Sungguh kesyirikan adalah kezaliman yang paling besar" [QS. Luqman: 13]. Setelah itu, musuh kedua terbesar seorang muslim adalah perkara baru dalam agama, disebut juga bid'ah. Karena jika orang dibiarkan membuat perkara baru dalam beragama, akan hancurlah Islam karena adanya peraturan, ketentuan, ritual baru yang dibuat oleh orang-orang belakangan. Padahal Islam telah sempurna tidak butuh penambahan dan pengurangan. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Setiap bid'ah adalah kesesatan" (HR. Muslim)
    Maka tentu tidak bisa disalahkan ketika ada da'i yang secara intens mendakwahkan tentang bahaya syirik dan bid'ah, mengenalkan bentuk-bentuk kesyirikan dan kebid'ahan agar umat terhindar darinya. Bahkan inilah bentuk sayang dan perhatian terhadap umat.
    Kemudian, para ulama melarang umat Islam untuk sembarang memvonis bid'ah, sesat apalagi kafir kepada individu tertentu. Karena vonis yang demikian bukanlah perkara remeh. Diperlukan timbangan Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah serta memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ulama dalam hal ini. Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani berkata, "Dalil-dalil terkadang menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur, atau perkataan tertentu adalah perkataan kufur. Namun di sana terdapat faktor yang membuat kita tidak memberikan vonis kafir kepada individu tertentu (yang melakukannya). Faktornya banyak, misalnya karena ia tidak tahu, atau karena ia dikalahkan oleh orang kafir dalam perang." (Fitnah At Takfir, Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani)
    Dari sini jelaslah bahwa menjelaskan perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan kufur bukan berarti memvonis semua pelakunya itu per individu pasti kafir. Begitu juga menjelaskan kepada masyarakat bahwa perbuatan tertentu adalah perbuatan bid'ah bukan berarti memvonis pelakunya pasti ahlul bid'ah. Syaikh Abdul Latif Alu Syaikh menjelaskan: "Ancaman (dalam dalil-dalil) yang diberikan terhadap perbuatan dosa besar terkadang tidak bisa menyebabkan pelakunya per individu terkena ancaman tersebut" (Ushul Wa Dhawabith Fi At Takfir, Syaikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman Alu Syaikh)
    3. Salafi Memecah-Belah Ummat?
    Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan ini, perlu pembaca ketahui tentang 3 hal pokok. Pertama, perpecahan umat adalah sesuatu yang tercela. Sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'ala yang artinya, "Berpegang teguhlah pada tali Allah dan jangan berpecah-belah" (QS. Al-Imran: 103). Kedua, perpecahan umat adalah suatu hal yang memang dipastikan terjadi dan bahkan sudah terjadi. Sebagaimana dikabarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Umatku akan berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh tiga golongan, semuanya akan masuk neraka kecuali satu. Maka kami-pun bertanya, siapakah yang satu itu ya Rasulullah? Beliau menjawab: yaitu orang-orang yang berada pada jalanku dan jalannya para sahabatku di hari ini" [HR. Tirmidzi]. Ketiga, persatuan Islam bukanlah semata-mata persatuan badan, kumpul bersama, dengan keadaan aqidah yang berbeda-beda. Mentoleransi segala bentuk penyimpangan, yang penting masih mengaku Islam. Bukan itu persatuan Islam yang diharapkan. Perhatikan baik-baik hadits tadi, saat umat Islam berpecah belah seolah-olah Rasulullah memerintahkan untuk bersatu pada satu jalan, yaitu jalan yang ditempuh oleh para sahabat, inilah manhaj salaf.
    Sehingga ketika ada seorang yang menjelaskan kesalahan-kesalahan dalam beragama yang dianut sebagian kelompok, aliran, partai atau ormas


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Iss Qaum ko kab samajh lagy gi k ye hamary hukmaran nahein hein, balky ye NOON, PPPP, ANP, PMLQ, MQM apny mafadat ki khatir Kuffar ky mafadat ki hifazat kar rahu hein.... ?????????
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:00
    Daily Express News
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Islam me sab se pehle shahid hone wali khatun Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Hein.,jo Hazrat Amar r.a. K walidah aur Hazrat Yasir r.a. Ki biwi khandan wo h jisne shuru hi me Islam qubul kar liya tha.Banu Makhzum k logo ne gusse me aakar pura khandane Yasir par zulm krna shuru kar diya ,yahan tak k hazrat Yasir r.a. Ka inteqal ho gya.Sumayya r.a. Hazrat Huzefa ki bandi thi,un logo ne azad kar k hazrat Yasir s nikah kar diya tha, Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko unke shohar Yasir aur Bete Amar k sath saza di jati aur kuffar saza dene me koi kasar nhi rakhte the.jab Nabi s.a.w. Ka guzar is mazlum khandan par hota ,to huzur s.a.w. Inhe sabr krne ki talqin farmate aur Jannat ki basharat dete.ek martaba isi tarha in Teeno ko saza di ja rhi thi k Abu Jahal wahan se guzra usne Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko bhut buri gali di aur nezah mar kar unhe Shaheed kar dala ye Islam me shahadat pane wali pehli khatun h..!!
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kuffar
    Search Facebook kuffar
    Islam me sab se pehle shahid hone wali khatun Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Hein.,jo Hazrat Amar r.a. K walidah aur Hazrat Yasir r.a. Ki biwi khandan wo h jisne shuru hi me Islam qubul kar liya tha.Banu Makhzum k logo ne gusse me aakar pura khandane Yasir par zulm krna shuru kar diya ,yahan tak k hazrat Yasir r.a. Ka inteqal ho gya.Sumayya r.a. Hazrat Huzefa ki bandi thi,un logo ne azad kar k hazrat Yasir s nikah kar diya tha, Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko unke shohar Yasir aur Bete Amar k sath saza di jati aur kuffar saza dene me koi kasar nhi rakhte the.jab Nabi s.a.w. Ka guzar is mazlum khandan par hota ,to huzur s.a.w. Inhe sabr krne ki talqin farmate aur Jannat ki basharat dete.ek martaba isi tarha in Teeno ko saza di ja rhi thi k Abu Jahal wahan se guzra usne Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko bhut buri gali di aur nezah mar kar unhe Shaheed kar dala ye Islam me shahadat pane wali pehli khatun h..!!
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:12
    Islam me sab se pehle shahid hone wali khatun Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Hein.,jo Hazrat Amar r.a. K walidah aur Hazrat Yasir r.a. Ki biwi khandan wo h jisne shuru hi me Islam qubul kar liya tha.Banu Makhzum k logo ne gusse me aakar pura khandane Yasir par zulm krna shuru kar diya ,yahan tak k hazrat Yasir r.a. Ka inteqal ho gya.Sumayya r.a. Hazrat Huzefa ki bandi thi,un logo ne azad kar k hazrat Yasir s nikah kar diya tha, Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko unke shohar Yasir aur Bete Amar k sath saza di jati aur kuffar saza dene me koi kasar nhi rakhte the.jab Nabi s.a.w. Ka guzar is mazlum khandan par hota ,to huzur s.a.w. Inhe sabr krne ki talqin farmate aur Jannat ki basharat dete.ek martaba isi tarha in Teeno ko saza di ja rhi thi k Abu Jahal wahan se guzra usne Hazrat Sumayya r.a. Ko bhut buri gali di aur nezah mar kar unhe Shaheed kar dala ye Islam me shahadat pane wali pehli khatun h..!!
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Imagine this: Total Pakistan budget is around 5000 billion rupees which they cover from loans, taxes and other sources. There is NO income from Zakat, NO agriculture Usher, No mineral Usher. NO head for recovery of looted wealth. NO head for recovery of taxes from US/NATO. No head for wealth generation through Pakistan's own natural/mineral/oil/gas resources. No saving of wealth from cutting down on expenditures/corruption. Now imagine a budget based on Islamic economic values: 1. Zakat 3000 billion rupees per year. (it can be more as well). 2. 10 % of all agriculture produce goes to state, Usher. 1000 billion rupees. (it can be more. we are an agriculture based country) 3. Recovery of looted wealth through accountability of corrupt: 3000 billion rupees. Only one man Tauqir sadiq has ran away with 100 billion rupees. Imagine wealth owned by Zardari and his entire 900 MNA's, MPA's and cronies) 4. Taxes from US/NATO for land and air use for the last 12 years: 2000 billion rupees. 5. Income from own oil/gas/gold/copper/coal/minerals/gems around 2000 billion rupees. Just these heads can give us: 11,000 billion rupees in one year. All taxes in the country can be abolished. All fuel for the vehicles can be sold literally free. Government would have over 7000 billion rupees for development, education, health, defense in just one year. But these badnaseeb rulers are drowned in Riba, being humiliated for their begging and are destroying their own nation because they are slaves of the Kuffar !!!پاکستان کا پورا بجٹ پانچ ہزار ارب روپے ہے، جسے انھوں نے قرض، ٹیکس اور دیگر ذرائع سے پورا کیا ہے۔۔♦پاکستان کے پورے بجٹ میں زکوۃ اور عشر وغیرہ سے ایک پیسے تک کی آمدنی نہیں۔۔ لوٹے ہوئے پیسوں کو واپس لانے کا کوئی پروگرام نہیں۔ ٹیکسوں کا بوجھ کم کرنے جیسے کسی عزم کا بھی کوئی اظہار نہیں۔۔♦اب ذرا ایک نظر اسلامی معاشی نظام پر استوار کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر ڈالئے:۱۔ زکوۃ سے آمدنی 3000 ارب روپے سالانہ، یہ زیادہ بھی ہو سکتی ہے کیونکہ پاکستان میں 97% لوگ الحمداللہ اسلام کے ماننے والے ہیں۔۲۔ تمام زرعی پیداوار کا 10% حکومت کو ملتا ہے، جسے عشر کہا جاتا ہے، اور اس سے تقریباََ 1000 ارب روپے آمدنے ہوگی، یہ بھی بڑھ سکتی ہے کیونکہ ہم ایک زرعی ملک ہیں۔۔۳۔ لوٹے گئے پیسوں کی واپسی سے تقریباََ 3000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی، یاد کیجئے صرف توقیر صادق ہی 100 ارب روپے لے کر بھاگا تھا، تو اب زرداری کے 900 ایم این اے، مشیروں اور وزیروں کی لوٹی گئی رقم کا آپ خود حساب لگا لیں۔۴۔ امریکی اور نیٹو افواج سے بارہ سال اپنی سرزمین کو استعمال کرنے سے حاصل کی گئی رقم سے بھی تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی ہو سکتی ہے۔۵۔ تیل، گیس، سونے اور کوئلے کے ذخائر، جواہرات اور دوسرے معدنیات کے ذخائر کو استعمال میں لا کر بھی ہم تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے سالانہ کما سکتے ہیں۔۔♦اب ذرا غور کیجئے، صرف ان چند بڑے بڑے کاموں سے ہی ہم تقریباََ 11000 ارب روپے سالانہ (110$ billion dollars) جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔۔♦اسلامی نظام پر قائم کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر عمل کر کے ملک سے تمام ٹیکسوں کا خاتمہ ہو سکتا ہے، تمام گاڑیوں کو مفت میں پیٹرول کی فراہمی ممکن بنائی جا سکتی ہے، اور پھر بھی حکومت کے پاس ہر سال تقریباََ 7000 ارب (70$ billion dollars) روپے کی رقم ترقیاتی، تعلیمی، صحت، دفاع اور دوسرے شعبوں پر خرچ کرنے کے لئے بچ جاتی ہے۔۔♦لیکن۔۔۔۔۔یہ بدنصیب حکمران سود اور ربا کے سمندر میں غرق ہیں اور اپنا واحد مقصد بھیک مانگنے کو سمجھ کر ملک اور قوم کو تباہ کرنے پر تلے بیٹھے ہیں۔۔♦♦♦♦♦♦♦خدا نے آج تک اس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی،♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦نہ ہو جس کو خیال خود اپنی حالت بدلنے کا۔♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kuffar
    Search Facebook kuffar
    Imagine this:
    Total Pakistan budget is around 5000 billion rupees which they cover from loans, taxes and other sources.
    There is NO income from Zakat, NO agriculture Usher, No mineral Usher. NO head for recovery of looted wealth. NO head for recovery of taxes from US/NATO. No head for wealth generation through Pakistan's own natural/mineral/oil/gas resources. No saving of wealth from cutting down on expenditures/corruption.
    Now imagine a budget based on Islamic economic values:
    1. Zakat 3000 billion rupees per year. (it can be more as well).
    2. 10 % of all agriculture produce goes to state, Usher. 1000 billion rupees. (it can be more. we are an agriculture based country)
    3. Recovery of looted wealth through accountability of corrupt: 3000 billion rupees. Only one man Tauqir sadiq has ran away with 100 billion rupees. Imagine wealth owned by Zardari and his entire 900 MNA's, MPA's and cronies)
    4. Taxes from US/NATO for land and air use for the last 12 years: 2000 billion rupees.
    5. Income from own oil/gas/gold/copper/coal/minerals/gems around 2000 billion rupees.
    Just these heads can give us: 11,000 billion rupees in one year.
    All taxes in the country can be abolished. All fuel for the vehicles can be sold literally free. Government would have over 7000 billion rupees for development, education, health, defense in just one year.
    But these badnaseeb rulers are drowned in Riba, being humiliated for their begging and are destroying their own nation because they are slaves of the Kuffar !!!
    پاکستان کا پورا بجٹ پانچ ہزار ارب روپے ہے، جسے انھوں نے قرض، ٹیکس اور دیگر ذرائع سے پورا کیا ہے۔۔

    پاکستان کے پورے بجٹ میں زکوۃ اور عشر وغیرہ سے ایک پیسے تک کی آمدنی نہیں۔۔ لوٹے ہوئے پیسوں کو واپس لانے کا کوئی پروگرام نہیں۔ ٹیکسوں کا بوجھ کم کرنے جیسے کسی عزم کا بھی کوئی اظہار نہیں۔۔

    اب ذرا ایک نظر اسلامی معاشی نظام پر استوار کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر ڈالئے:
    ۱۔ زکوۃ سے آمدنی 3000 ارب روپے سالانہ، یہ زیادہ بھی ہو سکتی ہے کیونکہ پاکستان میں 97% لوگ الحمداللہ اسلام کے ماننے والے ہیں۔
    ۲۔ تمام زرعی پیداوار کا 10% حکومت کو ملتا ہے، جسے عشر کہا جاتا ہے، اور اس سے تقریباََ 1000 ارب روپے آمدنے ہوگی، یہ بھی بڑھ سکتی ہے کیونکہ ہم ایک زرعی ملک ہیں۔۔
    ۳۔ لوٹے گئے پیسوں کی واپسی سے تقریباََ 3000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی، یاد کیجئے صرف توقیر صادق ہی 100 ارب روپے لے کر بھاگا تھا، تو اب زرداری کے 900 ایم این اے، مشیروں اور وزیروں کی لوٹی گئی رقم کا آپ خود حساب لگا لیں۔
    ۴۔ امریکی اور نیٹو افواج سے بارہ سال اپنی سرزمین کو استعمال کرنے سے حاصل کی گئی رقم سے بھی تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی ہو سکتی ہے۔
    ۵۔ تیل، گیس، سونے اور کوئلے کے ذخائر، جواہرات اور دوسرے معدنیات کے ذخائر کو استعمال میں لا کر بھی ہم تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے سالانہ کما سکتے ہیں۔۔

    اب ذرا غور کیجئے، صرف ان چند بڑے بڑے کاموں سے ہی ہم تقریباََ 11000 ارب روپے سالانہ (110$ billion dollars) جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔۔

    اسلامی نظام پر قائم کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر عمل کر کے ملک سے تمام ٹیکسوں کا خاتمہ ہو سکتا ہے، تمام گاڑیوں کو مفت میں پیٹرول کی فراہمی ممکن بنائی جا سکتی ہے، اور پھر بھی حکومت کے پاس ہر سال تقریباََ 7000 ارب (70$ billion dollars) روپے کی رقم ترقیاتی، تعلیمی، صحت، دفاع اور دوسرے شعبوں پر خرچ کرنے کے لئے بچ جاتی ہے۔۔

    یہ بدنصیب حکمران سود اور ربا کے سمندر میں غرق ہیں اور اپنا واحد مقصد بھیک مانگنے کو سمجھ کر ملک اور قوم کو تباہ کرنے پر تلے بیٹھے ہیں۔۔
    ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦خدا نے آج تک اس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی،♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
    ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦نہ ہو جس کو خیال خود اپنی حالت بدلنے کا۔♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:15
    Imagine this:
    Total Pakistan budget is around 5000 billion rupees which they cover from loans, taxes and other sources.
    There is NO income from Zakat, NO agriculture Usher, No mineral Usher. NO head for recovery of looted wealth. NO head for recovery of taxes from US/NATO. No head for wealth generation through Pakistan's own natural/mineral/oil/gas resources. No saving of wealth from cutting down on expenditures/corruption.
    Now imagine a budget based on Islamic economic values:
    1. Zakat 3000 billion rupees per year. (it can be more as well).
    2. 10 % of all agriculture produce goes to state, Usher. 1000 billion rupees. (it can be more. we are an agriculture based country)
    3. Recovery of looted wealth through accountability of corrupt: 3000 billion rupees. Only one man Tauqir sadiq has ran away with 100 billion rupees. Imagine wealth owned by Zardari and his entire 900 MNA's, MPA's and cronies)
    4. Taxes from US/NATO for land and air use for the last 12 years: 2000 billion rupees.
    5. Income from own oil/gas/gold/copper/coal/minerals/gems around 2000 billion rupees.
    Just these heads can give us: 11,000 billion rupees in one year.
    All taxes in the country can be abolished. All fuel for the vehicles can be sold literally free. Government would have over 7000 billion rupees for development, education, health, defense in just one year.
    But these badnaseeb rulers are drowned in Riba, being humiliated for their begging and are destroying their own nation because they are slaves of the Kuffar !!!
    پاکستان کا پورا بجٹ پانچ ہزار ارب روپے ہے، جسے انھوں نے قرض، ٹیکس اور دیگر ذرائع سے پورا کیا ہے۔۔

    پاکستان کے پورے بجٹ میں زکوۃ اور عشر وغیرہ سے ایک پیسے تک کی آمدنی نہیں۔۔ لوٹے ہوئے پیسوں کو واپس لانے کا کوئی پروگرام نہیں۔ ٹیکسوں کا بوجھ کم کرنے جیسے کسی عزم کا بھی کوئی اظہار نہیں۔۔

    اب ذرا ایک نظر اسلامی معاشی نظام پر استوار کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر ڈالئے:
    ۱۔ زکوۃ سے آمدنی 3000 ارب روپے سالانہ، یہ زیادہ بھی ہو سکتی ہے کیونکہ پاکستان میں 97% لوگ الحمداللہ اسلام کے ماننے والے ہیں۔
    ۲۔ تمام زرعی پیداوار کا 10% حکومت کو ملتا ہے، جسے عشر کہا جاتا ہے، اور اس سے تقریباََ 1000 ارب روپے آمدنے ہوگی، یہ بھی بڑھ سکتی ہے کیونکہ ہم ایک زرعی ملک ہیں۔۔
    ۳۔ لوٹے گئے پیسوں کی واپسی سے تقریباََ 3000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی، یاد کیجئے صرف توقیر صادق ہی 100 ارب روپے لے کر بھاگا تھا، تو اب زرداری کے 900 ایم این اے، مشیروں اور وزیروں کی لوٹی گئی رقم کا آپ خود حساب لگا لیں۔
    ۴۔ امریکی اور نیٹو افواج سے بارہ سال اپنی سرزمین کو استعمال کرنے سے حاصل کی گئی رقم سے بھی تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے کی آمدنی ہو سکتی ہے۔
    ۵۔ تیل، گیس، سونے اور کوئلے کے ذخائر، جواہرات اور دوسرے معدنیات کے ذخائر کو استعمال میں لا کر بھی ہم تقریباََ 2000 ارب روپے سالانہ کما سکتے ہیں۔۔

    اب ذرا غور کیجئے، صرف ان چند بڑے بڑے کاموں سے ہی ہم تقریباََ 11000 ارب روپے سالانہ (110$ billion dollars) جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔۔

    اسلامی نظام پر قائم کئے گئے اس بجٹ پر عمل کر کے ملک سے تمام ٹیکسوں کا خاتمہ ہو سکتا ہے، تمام گاڑیوں کو مفت میں پیٹرول کی فراہمی ممکن بنائی جا سکتی ہے، اور پھر بھی حکومت کے پاس ہر سال تقریباََ 7000 ارب (70$ billion dollars) روپے کی رقم ترقیاتی، تعلیمی، صحت، دفاع اور دوسرے شعبوں پر خرچ کرنے کے لئے بچ جاتی ہے۔۔

    یہ بدنصیب حکمران سود اور ربا کے سمندر میں غرق ہیں اور اپنا واحد مقصد بھیک مانگنے کو سمجھ کر ملک اور قوم کو تباہ کرنے پر تلے بیٹھے ہیں۔۔
    ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦خدا نے آج تک اس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی،♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
    ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦نہ ہو جس کو خیال خود اپنی حالت بدلنے کا۔♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kuffar
    Search Facebook kuffar
    Organisationen sein !!! Keine staatliche Moschee ist unabhängig. Die Imame solcher staatlichen Moscheen können niemals Al-Haqq aussprechen, wenn sie den Interessen ihrer Geldgeber widerspricht. Man diktiert ihnen was sie zu sagen haben und sie sprechen blind nach. Somit leben sie für Al-Batil und predigen Kufr, haben eine falsche Aqida, rufen zum Kufr auf rufen zur Demokratie auf Audhubillah sie verraten ihren Deen. schmeicheln den Kuffar.. Heucheln.. statts Al-Haqq zu sprechen. Fürchtet Allah und passt auf, den Shaitan will euch in die Irre führen !!! Kufr bi Taghut
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:14
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that Allaah blesses His servants.We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves, for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the majority of the year.To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance of Allaah.To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten hard, some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit whatsoever. Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see a good as a Munkar, (as an evil), and they see an evil as a good. These are not as they should be.We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala is not correct.We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.We need a Ramadhaan because our Qura'an has dust and is sitting o n a shelf.We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books of Sunnah.We need a Ramadhaan because we don't fast, and if we fast physically without food or drink, we don't fast with our eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering and our tongue by not lying and back-biting. We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts about o ne another.We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to o ne another.We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting, there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable, because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are diseases of the heart)We need a Ramadhaan because we don't believe in the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala, or if we do, we do not implement it.We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to change and become something better then we are now.We need a Ramadhaan because that is the o nly thing that is going to get us together…We need a Ramadhaan because we don't have unity, there's no brotherhoodWe need a Ramadhaan because there's no respect for eldersWe need a Ramadhaan because there's no real love between usWe need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinic or a hospital, trying to solve our illnesses, trying to come out of there without the disease we came with, trying to be better than we went in with.We need a Ramadhaan. Look around you, look to your right, look to your left, look in front of you and look behind you and you'll say, "We need a Ramadhaan".The sisters aren't covering properly, we need a Ramadhaan. Brothers and sisters are mixing. We need a Ramadhaan. Talking o n phones and o n the internet, we need a Ramadhaan. This is a mess, we are in a fix, we are in a bind, and this is a problem… We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves together.We need a Ramadhaan, that we come in the Masjid and we face the Qiblah and we say "Allaahu Akbar" and we stand in qiyaamah a long time until those diseases, that filth, that sickness, that hardness the heart goes away.We need a Ramadhaan that reminds us of the Hell-fire. We need a Ramadhaan that tells us that we haven't been given a certificate that we are people of Jannah.We need a Ramadhaan that lets us known that we are servants of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.And if we were to spend our whole life, from the time we were born until Yawm al Qiyaamah in Sajdaah, it would not be enough to thank Allaah for His Mercy, His Grace and His Blessings.We need a Ramadhaan and it is clear. If there is any fear of Allaah left in the hearts of ours and if there is any hope of Jannaah left in us, and if there is any desire to change and to be better and to be righteous and to come to the level of Ihsaan, to come to the level of a Mumim, to have taqwa, to fear Allaah … we need a Ramadhaan.We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Tawbaah.We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Maghfira.We need a Ramadhaan to correct our behaviour, to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy / jealousies in our relationship between o­ne another.We need a Ramadhaan to understand that we have been committing injustice to o ne another. And as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said : 'Az-Zulm (injustice) – "Zulumaat yawmal Qiyaamah" –we'll be changed physically into darkness o n the Day of Judgement.'We need a Ramadhaan to understand the Hadith : to fear the duaa of the o­ne to whom we have done injustice. For there is not between Allaah and the person making the invocation, the person making that supplication of the person to whom injustice has been done, there is no veil between that person and Allaah. That duaa is immediately accepted.The oppressor is the o ne for whom things are not going right; He is tripping into this and falling into that; He is Slipping there and sliding here. Why I can't get ahead? Why I can't progress in my Deen? Why I can't memorize this ayah? Why I can't understand this hadeeth? We may be living under the invocation, the answer for invocation for someone whom we abused or stepped over. You know you need a Ramadhaan. I know I need a Ramadhaan. We know we need a Ramadhaan. We need to get ourselves together. We've been running around in filth, we have been having our hearts around the low matters; We need our hearts to be around the thrones of Allaah; We need to think about the high matters, high goals; We need to think about Jannah; We need a hope for al-Jannah. You're planning for marriage, you're planning for education, you're planning for a job, but we need to plan for the Jannah. We need to prepare for the Jannah during the month of Ramadhaan."'Nahnu be haajathin Ma'aasa fir Ramadhaan."We are in severe need for Ramadhaan, so that we come into Ramdhaan with repentance, we come into it with regret, we come into it realizing that we are weak, that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to correct us, realizing that we are wrong and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to place upon us that which is right, realizing that we are weak and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to grant us strength. We need a Ramadhaan. Oh Yes !! We need a Ramadhaan. We needs nights of Qiyaam, we need dua and sujood, we need nights of Ramadhaan to do thilawaah of Qura'an. We need to listen to Husri, or Sudays or Shurain, or Hudhaifi. We need a Ramadhaan to listen to the Qura'an. When was the last time that we listened to the Qura'an?? When was the last time we recited Qura'an? We need a Ramadhaan to study Qura'an, to implement the Qura'an, and this Ramadhaan may be our final Ramadhaan. As o ne brother spoke, I believe it is Abu Thasleem Hafidahullaah, where is the guarantee that this is not our final Ramadhaan? What is the guarantee that it is not our final Ramadhaan? We have to come into it seriously. And we want to come out of it much better than we came into it. We want to come out of Ramadhaan with Taqwa, because that was the main reason that it was legislated."O you who believe fasting has been written upon you as it was written for those before you, so that you may gain Taqwa."Taqwa is fear of Allaah. If we had taqwa, our condition will be better than it is now. If we had taqwa our relationships would be smoother, if we had taqwa …father to son who is a Muslim, sister to brother who is Muslim, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew who is Muslim, husband and wife who are Muslims.. the relationships would be better if they are based upon Taqwa. And we can achieve Taqwa during the month of Ramadhaan. I don't believe that our hearts are that hard, I don't believe that we can't change, I don't believe that some of us who hold hatred for the last 10 years cannot learn to love, and because we have been taught deceit and deception now we can't learn to trust.I don't believe that those brothers who have left circumstances physically but have the teachings and the behaviours that they had while they were up there, that they can't change. The sisters who remove their bodies from the fitnah and physically remove their bodies from a mistake, physically remove their bodies from foolishness but their hearts have to follow. Be iznillaahi tha'aalah ! Their hearts have to follow. We need a Ramadhaan to be as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was. That he was the most generous, he was generous in general and he was most generous in Ramadhaan. Like a wind … spending, giving to his right, giving to his left, giving in front of him, giving behind him, giving to anyone who came. He gave without them asking. We need a Ramadhaan to inculcate these qualities. We need to control our desires. We need to control our tongue. We need to control our limbs. We need to learn self-discipline. We need to control our anger. We must do things in Ramadhaan not out of habit, something that is just tradition., that we are more despicable when we went in. We have to change our condition. We have to change our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. For how light is the view of Allaah when they disobey Him. This is what was said by o ne of the sahabas when he had the crown of the Persian King in his hand. And the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, 'that he had been sent before the hour. And my provision has been provided for me under the shade of my spear and humiliation has been written against anyone who goes against my orders. Humiliation has been written upon anyone who goes against my orders. If we want to continue in the position of humiliation that we are in, then do not take the grand opportunity act like it doesn't exist, neglect and forget and be hard headed, be obstinate, follow your desires like you have been doing for the last 11 months and don't benefit from Ramadhaan. And when our circumstances doesn't change, when the Kuffar don't remove their spears from our necks, when our women are consistently raped and they are now these days in many parts of the world, when all of that happens, don't say "Why?" You know why. For we need a Ramadhaan and we have to correct ourselves in this Ramadhaan. And that you are a part of this Ummah and if you have an illness, and if you are a member of this ummah with a sickness, with filth, with crime, this affects the rest of the Ummah. It is like your body when you have an illness. It is like when you have hurt your finger or your toe, it affects the rest of the body. And it doesn't have to be said to you that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "the believers are like o ne body". If we want to correct the position of the Ummah, then we must first start by correcting ourselves. Don't worry about Ubyaid, Hassan and Musa, but worry about yourself. Be selfish this Ramadhaan. Not regarding giving sadaqa but where you are going to focus your rectification or how to rectify yourself. Your focus is going to be o n yourself. Not worrying about this person and that person's manhaj. Are you o n the correct Manhaj?? Not worrying about whether a particular brother is o n the bidah or the Sunnah. Are you upon the Sunnah? Have those brothers stopped committing their sins --- have you stopped committing that sin? Has the brother made tawbah ---- Have you made tawbah?? Has the brother corrected a situation ----- have you corrected your situation? Worry about yourself. Worry about yourself this Ramadhaan. Any other Ramadhaan do what you will. But my sincere advice to you is, this Ramadhaan worry about yourself. Am I backbiting? Am I slandering? Am I committing fahishah? Am I committing gheebah? Am I committing Nameemah (tale-carrying)? Do I have 'hasad'? Do I have pride (Kibr) ? Am I arrogant? Am I too harsh? Am I unkind? Am I not gentle enough? Am I gentle enough? Question yourself. Was my intention when I said what I said or did what I did for the pleasure of Allaah or to be noticed? When I spoke what I spoke was it for the pleasure of Allaah or to be seen or heard? Was I doing it "Haarisa min Qalbi'--- sincerely from my heart or I did it to be known? 'Khutbath Duroor' --- Loving to be known breaks it. Be Mukhlis. Be sincere. Be like that servant of Allaah like the Hadith that has been related in the Kitaab al tawheed of the soldier whose head is disheveled, who is bare-footed and dirty.. but he is sincere to Allaah. If he was placed at the rear of the army, he is pleased with that. And if he is placed in the front of the army he is displeased with that. His goal is Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. Not where I sit. Not us and them, Not you and I but his brothers and sisters ..its the servants of Allaah, it is the believers, it is the Muslim, the salafiyoon, it is Ahlul –athar, it is Ahlus-Sunnah, it is Ahlul-Hadith. No o ne' bigger and no o ne is smaller . No o ne wants to step o n anyone nor desire that. All of us should be working for the pleasure of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. And if we don't we have an illness which is Riyaah --- doing things to be seen or Sum'aah --- doing things to be heard and we need a Ramadhaan to correct that behaviour. If we find that we talk to the sisters or brothers too much, we need a Ramadhaan to learn to stop talking to those who are not halaal for us to talk to. And if we find that we are mixing too much, we need a Ramadhaan to start mixing with those whom you are not supposed to mix with. We find that we have jealousy in our hearts, vengeance in our hearts, distrust in our hearts for other Muslims based upon nothing but Shaitaan whispers to us, we need a Ramadhaan. We get all the good in front of us when we have the Book of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala and the Sunnaah of the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the fahmas Salafus Saalih and the connection to the inheritors of the Prophet alaihissalaam – the Ulamaa – we got all the good in front of us but we are like that individual who has a disease and he has the prescription for the medicine in front of him but he refuses to open the package – let alone read it ----- let alone take it. We need a Ramadhaan, Our condition won't change. We'll continue to complain.We need a Ramadhaan or we'll forever be in pain. We need a Ramadhaan or we'll go insane. We need a Ramadhaan, you and I. Why can't we lift up, roll up our sleeves? Why do we have to beat the hands of o ne another? Why do we have to step o n somebody to get somewhere? Why do we have to step o n our brother – he wants to go to the same place where you want to go? The Jannah. Why can't we do it together? Why can't we be side by side? You roll up your sleeves and I'll roll up my sleeves, we'll get busy and we'll get help and support o ne another. Why can't we make excuses? Why can't we forgive? Why can't we forget? Why can't we let things go? Upon clarity, upon Haqq, knowing the Sunnah, knowing the Deen, connected to the scholars, not preceding them in any statement or action and if they make a statement, we make their statement (not add our own), This is important. We need a Ramadhaan. This blessed month where you can go in as the most despicable devil and come out like an angel. That blessed month when you can go in as a miser and come out as the generous … that blessed month where you can be o ne of those hard-hearted brothers – (everybody usually gives you a smile but you don't give anybody a smile) – and if you do it right, you'll come out of Ramadhaan giving smiles to those brothers , not in the faces of the sisters but the faces of your brothers.. We need a Ramadhaan to correct our condition : we are slow, we are lazy, we don't have any incentive towards the deen and the Aakhiraah, the Hereafter . Our incentives are towards the Dunya and if the opposite of this was true most of the neighbourhood around here would be Muslims. Many would enter Islaam in folds, as Sheikh Ubaid Madkhali Hafidaallaah says in his explanation of 'Usool as thalaathah', that Islaam is a Mahaasin – the beauty of it is explained. Islaam he said is a Mu'jizaa minal Mu'jizaath' -- Islaam is a miracle of the Mircales. Ayah minal Ayaahs. It is that, when it is presented to the hearts, when it is presented to the people, and it is done in the right way, what happens? They enter Islaam 'Afwaajan' – in the multitudes. He said that if o ne of them has a business and we want to advertise, very few who wouldn't advertise at all would say that "I have a business but I am going to be silent." Business won't be successful and no o ne will benefit, he will loose. Generally a good business person gets a good advertisement – he may use the print media, he may use the radio, the audio media, to get his advertisement --- his dawa'ah , he'll call out so that people will come and he mixes in the most beautiful way and has the most beautiful response. This is what he does. The Sheikh said, 'if we were to do that with Islaam, show its beauty, explain its Mahasin –its beauty, it is the natural fitrah of the person (unless his fitrah has been polluted) that he wants to know Islaam. He wants to know why he walks upon the earth. He wants to know his prayer. He wants to have his connection with his Creator. He wants to know the purpose of his existence. But who will explain it to him or her? Who will tell them? Who will open up those hearts? It is supposed to be 'us'. Those of us who cannot express ourselves, what about our actions? If the person sees you are truthful , why you are truthful? Because Islaam teaches you truthfulness and you must be truthful and there is high martaba being truthful and minas-Siddeeqi is the o nly martaba -- level after the Prophets… It is the first level after the Prophets, rather. Closest to the prophet's stations are those who are Siddiqeen, the most truthful. So you be truthful because of that. You keep your word because of that. You are gentle, you are nice, you have good behaviour, you have good etiquette, you have good deportment, so when it comes to Islaam it is Afwaajan. So if you don't see them doing it, we are doing what we are not supposed to be doing. If we were doing what we are supposed to be doing, we would probably have to have this type of fundraising at o ne of the football stadiums. If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, people will be hearing Islaam from the radio, they will see articles written in the papers regularly, they would see good behaviour, they would see kindness and gentleness, patience and forbearance. They would see the qualities and characteristics of Mustapha sallallahu alaihi wassallam. i.e if we were doing our job. But we are not. Not the male or the female. Not father or mother or child. We are not upon what we should be upon, we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. We need a Ramadhaan to clarify our situation. We need a Ramadhaan to put us in position. We need a Ramadhaan to give this Ummah a rebirth, air .. we have to understand that we are global. Whoever follows the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the Manhaj of the Salafus Saalih, then they are our closest brothers. And those who are upon ignorance, innovation, not mukaffarah, they are still brothers from a distant but from within this Ummah. So it affects all of us. And we are connected in that way. If you sit there saying, 'I don't care what they do to the Muslims in India doesn't concern me; I don't care if they bomb Afghanistan up the planet… I don't care.... it has nothing to do with me …then you are a racist, a nationalist, you are not a Salafi. Because a Salafi concerns himself about this Ummah. Salafi at night thinks about this Ummah. Salafi cries in his salaah about the condition of this Ummah, he cries about all locally, he cries about their condition internationally. We need a Ramadhaan so that we can realize the Islaamic brotherhood again. We need a Ramadhaan because some of them never practiced brotherhood ever in their lives and may have been Muslims 50 years. We need a Ramadhaan so that the sisters learn sisterhood, We need a Ramadhaan so that we can focus o n the Aakhirah -- Hereafter and we give Naseehah and advice to o ne another that is of benefit and that our talking and our mixing is just not about the Dunya, and what you want to do in the Dunya and how you are gonna be in this Dunya.We need a Ramadhaan so that people learn to inculcate in their children to be like Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Sa'ad abi Ibn Waqqas and like this. We need a Ramadhaan so that they can study knowledge. This Ummah needs another Bin Baaz, this Ummah needs another Al-Albani, this Ummah needs another Muqbil, this Ummah needs another Ibn Taimiyyah, this Ummah needs all of these and more. You are gonna tell me that none of them can come or no o ne like them can from our families? None of them can come from us? Not everyone who comes from us have to be Goofi. Can't our children speak the Arabic language at a young age? Can't we put in the hands of our children books that will benefit the Ummah.. the same love the Kaafir have for Harry Potter and their imaginary books? Our hope is low. Our desire is low. We are supposed to be having high goals. We should be looking at our kids Abdullaah and Abdurrahman and saying : You might be Sheikh Naasir for this Ummah. We should be saying when listening to Sudaisi and Shuraim that it could be you leading the salaah in haram. We are supposed to be having high goals. But until we brush off the dust, the foolishness of the jaahiliyyah , the hastiness of the youth, the bad characteristics that we have, we have to get rid of them , we have to change our condition, we need aRamadhaan. We need our Qiyaam at night, we need recitation of Qura'an, we need to sit together and talk together o nly about the deen, not about the Dunya, we need to worry about our status in the Aakhirah, in the Hereafter. We need to wake up from our sleep. Wake up Oh Sleepy o ne. !! our slumber has been too long. You got to wake up, take wudoo, get within the caravan of Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Ibn Taimiyyah – you have to get with it. How long are we going to stay sick? How long are we going to be unsettled? How long are we going to have our problems? We need a Ramadhaan. And let this Ramadhaan be the o­ne where you come out of it better, come out of it committed, come out of it devoted, you come out of it with your head held high. You are from the Ummah of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and don't you forget it!!Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kuffar
    Search Facebook kuffar
    Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.
    Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.
    Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.
    Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that Allaah blesses His servants.
    We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves, for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the majority of the year.
    To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.
    To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance of Allaah.
    To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten hard, some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit whatsoever. Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see a good as a Munkar, (as an evil), and they see an evil as a good. These are not as they should be.
    We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala is not correct.
    We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.
    We need a Ramadhaan because our Qura'an has dust and is sitting o n a shelf.
    We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books of Sunnah.
    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't fast, and if we fast physically without food or drink, we don't fast with our eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering and our tongue by not lying and back-biting. We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
    We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.
    We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts about o ne another.
    We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to o ne another.
    We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting, there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.
    We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable, because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are diseases of the heart)
    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't believe in the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala, or if we do, we do not implement it.
    We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to change and become something better then we are now.
    We need a Ramadhaan because that is the o nly thing that is going to get us together…
    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't have unity, there's no brotherhood
    We need a Ramadhaan because there's no respect for elders
    We need a Ramadhaan because there's no real love between us
    We need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
    A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinic or a hospital, trying to solve our illnesses, trying to come out of there without the disease we came with, trying to be better than we went in with.
    We need a Ramadhaan. Look around you, look to your right, look to your left, look in front of you and look behind you and you'll say, "We need a Ramadhaan".
    The sisters aren't covering properly, we need a Ramadhaan. Brothers and sisters are mixing. We need a Ramadhaan. Talking o n phones and o n the internet, we need a Ramadhaan. This is a mess, we are in a fix, we are in a bind, and this is a problem… We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves together.
    We need a Ramadhaan, that we come in the Masjid and we face the Qiblah and we say "Allaahu Akbar" and we stand in qiyaamah a long time until those diseases, that filth, that sickness, that hardness the heart goes away.
    We need a Ramadhaan that reminds us of the Hell-fire. We need a Ramadhaan that tells us that we haven't been given a certificate that we are people of Jannah.
    We need a Ramadhaan that lets us known that we are servants of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
    And if we were to spend our whole life, from the time we were born until Yawm al Qiyaamah in Sajdaah, it would not be enough to thank Allaah for His Mercy, His Grace and His Blessings.
    We need a Ramadhaan and it is clear. If there is any fear of Allaah left in the hearts of ours and if there is any hope of Jannaah left in us, and if there is any desire to change and to be better and to be righteous and to come to the level of Ihsaan, to come to the level of a Mumim, to have taqwa, to fear Allaah … we need a Ramadhaan.
    We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Tawbaah.
    We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Maghfira.
    We need a Ramadhaan to correct our behaviour, to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy / jealousies in our relationship between o­ne another.
    We need a Ramadhaan to understand that we have been committing injustice to o ne another. And as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said : 'Az-Zulm (injustice) – "Zulumaat yawmal Qiyaamah" –we'll be changed physically into darkness o n the Day of Judgement.'
    We need a Ramadhaan to understand the Hadith : to fear the duaa of the o­ne to whom we have done injustice. For there is not between Allaah and the person making the invocation, the person making that supplication of the person to whom injustice has been done, there is no veil between that person and Allaah. That duaa is immediately accepted.
    The oppressor is the o ne for whom things are not going right; He is tripping into this and falling into that; He is Slipping there and sliding here. Why I can't get ahead? Why I can't progress in my Deen? Why I can't memorize this ayah? Why I can't understand this hadeeth? We may be living under the invocation, the answer for invocation for someone whom we abused or stepped over. You know you need a Ramadhaan. I know I need a Ramadhaan. We know we need a Ramadhaan. We need to get ourselves together. We've been running around in filth, we have been having our hearts around the low matters; We need our hearts to be around the thrones of Allaah; We need to think about the high matters, high goals; We need to think about Jannah; We need a hope for al-Jannah.
    You're planning for marriage, you're planning for education, you're planning for a job, but we need to plan for the Jannah. We need to prepare for the Jannah during the month of Ramadhaan.
    "'Nahnu be haajathin Ma'aasa fir Ramadhaan."
    We are in severe need for Ramadhaan, so that we come into Ramdhaan with repentance, we come into it with regret, we come into it realizing that we are weak, that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to correct us, realizing that we are wrong and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to place upon us that which is right, realizing that we are weak and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to grant us strength. We need a Ramadhaan. Oh Yes !! We need a Ramadhaan.
    We needs nights of Qiyaam, we need dua and sujood, we need nights of Ramadhaan to do thilawaah of Qura'an. We need to listen to Husri, or Sudays or Shurain, or Hudhaifi. We need a Ramadhaan to listen to the Qura'an. When was the last time that we listened to the Qura'an?? When was the last time we recited Qura'an? We need a Ramadhaan to study Qura'an, to implement the Qura'an, and this Ramadhaan may be our final Ramadhaan. As o ne brother spoke, I believe it is Abu Thasleem Hafidahullaah, where is the guarantee that this is not our final Ramadhaan? What is the guarantee that it is not our final Ramadhaan? We have to come into it seriously. And we want to come out of it much better than we came into it. We want to come out of Ramadhaan with Taqwa, because that was the main reason that it was legislated.
    "O you who believe fasting has been written upon you as it was written for those before you, so that you may gain Taqwa."
    Taqwa is fear of Allaah. If we had taqwa, our condition will be better than it is now. If we had taqwa our relationships would be smoother, if we had taqwa …father to son who is a Muslim, sister to brother who is Muslim, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew who is Muslim, husband and wife who are Muslims.. the relationships would be better if they are based upon Taqwa. And we can achieve Taqwa during the month of Ramadhaan. I don't believe that our hearts are that hard, I don't believe that we can't change, I don't believe that some of us who hold hatred for the last 10 years cannot learn to love, and because we have been taught deceit and deception now we can't learn to trust.
    I don't believe that those brothers who have left circumstances physically but have the teachings and the behaviours that they had while they were up there, that they can't change. The sisters who remove their bodies from the fitnah and physically remove their bodies from a mistake, physically remove their bodies from foolishness but their hearts have to follow. Be iznillaahi tha'aalah ! Their hearts have to follow.
    We need a Ramadhaan to be as the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was. That he was the most generous, he was generous in general and he was most generous in Ramadhaan. Like a wind … spending, giving to his right, giving to his left, giving in front of him, giving behind him, giving to anyone who came. He gave without them asking.
    We need a Ramadhaan to inculcate these qualities. We need to control our desires. We need to control our tongue. We need to control our limbs. We need to learn self-discipline. We need to control our anger. We must do things in Ramadhaan not out of habit, something that is just tradition., that we are more despicable when we went in. We have to change our condition. We have to change our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. For how light is the view of Allaah when they disobey Him. This is what was said by o ne of the sahabas when he had the crown of the Persian King in his hand.
    And the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, 'that he had been sent before the hour. And my provision has been provided for me under the shade of my spear and humiliation has been written against anyone who goes against my orders. Humiliation has been written upon anyone who goes against my orders. If we want to continue in the position of humiliation that we are in, then do not take the grand opportunity act like it doesn't exist, neglect and forget and be hard headed, be obstinate, follow your desires like you have been doing for the last 11 months and don't benefit from Ramadhaan. And when our circumstances doesn't change, when the Kuffar don't remove their spears from our necks, when our women are consistently raped and they are now these days in many parts of the world, when all of that happens, don't say "Why?" You know why. For we need a Ramadhaan and we have to correct ourselves in this Ramadhaan. And that you are a part of this Ummah and if you have an illness, and if you are a member of this ummah with a sickness, with filth, with crime, this affects the rest of the Ummah. It is like your body when you have an illness. It is like when you have hurt your finger or your toe, it affects the rest of the body. And it doesn't have to be said to you that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "the believers are like o ne body". If we want to correct the position of the Ummah, then we must first start by correcting ourselves. Don't worry about Ubyaid, Hassan and Musa, but worry about yourself. Be selfish this Ramadhaan. Not regarding giving sadaqa but where you are going to focus your rectification or how to rectify yourself. Your focus is going to be o n yourself. Not worrying about this person and that person's manhaj. Are you o n the correct Manhaj?? Not worrying about whether a particular brother is o n the bidah or the Sunnah. Are you upon the Sunnah? Have those brothers stopped committing their sins --- have you stopped committing that sin? Has the brother made tawbah ---- Have you made tawbah?? Has the brother corrected a situation ----- have you corrected your situation? Worry about yourself. Worry about yourself this Ramadhaan.
    Any other Ramadhaan do what you will. But my sincere advice to you is, this Ramadhaan worry about yourself. Am I backbiting? Am I slandering? Am I committing fahishah? Am I committing gheebah? Am I committing Nameemah (tale-carrying)? Do I have 'hasad'? Do I have pride (Kibr) ? Am I arrogant? Am I too harsh? Am I unkind? Am I not gentle enough? Am I gentle enough? Question yourself. Was my intention when I said what I said or did what I did for the pleasure of Allaah or to be noticed? When I spoke what I spoke was it for the pleasure of Allaah or to be seen or heard? Was I doing it "Haarisa min Qalbi'--- sincerely from my heart or I did it to be known? 'Khutbath Duroor' --- Loving to be known breaks it.
    Be Mukhlis. Be sincere. Be like that servant of Allaah like the Hadith that has been related in the Kitaab al tawheed of the soldier whose head is disheveled, who is bare-footed and dirty.. but he is sincere to Allaah. If he was placed at the rear of the army, he is pleased with that. And if he is placed in the front of the army he is displeased with that. His goal is Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. Not where I sit. Not us and them, Not you and I but his brothers and sisters ..its the servants of Allaah, it is the believers, it is the Muslim, the salafiyoon, it is Ahlul –athar, it is Ahlus-Sunnah, it is Ahlul-Hadith. No o ne' bigger and no o ne is smaller . No o ne wants to step o n anyone nor desire that. All of us should be working for the pleasure of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala. And if we don't we have an illness which is Riyaah --- doing things to be seen or Sum'aah --- doing things to be heard and we need a Ramadhaan to correct that behaviour.
    If we find that we talk to the sisters or brothers too much, we need a Ramadhaan to learn to stop talking to those who are not halaal for us to talk to. And if we find that we are mixing too much, we need a Ramadhaan to start mixing with those whom you are not supposed to mix with. We find that we have jealousy in our hearts, vengeance in our hearts, distrust in our hearts for other Muslims based upon nothing but Shaitaan whispers to us, we need a Ramadhaan.
    We get all the good in front of us when we have the Book of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala and the Sunnaah of the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the fahmas Salafus Saalih and the connection to the inheritors of the Prophet alaihissalaam – the Ulamaa – we got all the good in front of us but we are like that individual who has a disease and he has the prescription for the medicine in front of him but he refuses to open the package – let alone read it ----- let alone take it.
    We need a Ramadhaan, Our condition won't change. We'll continue to complain.
    We need a Ramadhaan or we'll forever be in pain. We need a Ramadhaan or we'll go insane.
    We need a Ramadhaan, you and I. Why can't we lift up, roll up our sleeves? Why do we have to beat the hands of o ne another? Why do we have to step o n somebody to get somewhere? Why do we have to step o n our brother – he wants to go to the same place where you want to go? The Jannah. Why can't we do it together? Why can't we be side by side? You roll up your sleeves and I'll roll up my sleeves, we'll get busy and we'll get help and support o ne another.

    Why can't we make excuses? Why can't we forgive? Why can't we forget? Why can't we let things go? Upon clarity, upon Haqq, knowing the Sunnah, knowing the Deen, connected to the scholars, not preceding them in any statement or action and if they make a statement, we make their statement (not add our own), This is important. We need a Ramadhaan.
    This blessed month where you can go in as the most despicable devil and come out like an angel. That blessed month when you can go in as a miser and come out as the generous … that blessed month where you can be o ne of those hard-hearted brothers – (everybody usually gives you a smile but you don't give anybody a smile) – and if you do it right, you'll come out of Ramadhaan giving smiles to those brothers , not in the faces


 Search Facebook kuffar: Sehelai Rambut Rasulullah SAWعَنْ ابْنِ سِيرِينَ، قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِعَبِيدَةَ، عِنْدَنَا، مِنْ شَعَرِ النَّبِيِّ، صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، أَصَبْنَاهُ، مِنْ قِبَلِ أَنَسٍ، أَوْ مِنْ قِبَلِ أَهْلِ أَنَسٍ فَقَالَ لَأَنْ تَكُونَ عِنْدِي شَعَرَةٌ مِنْهُ أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا(صحيح البخاري)Dari Ibn Siiriin (ra) berkata, kukatakan pada Ubaidah (ra) aku memiliki sehelai Rambut Nabi SAW, kudapatkan dari Anas (ra) atau dari keluarga Anas (ra), maka ia berkata (Ubaidah ra): Jika kumiliki sehelai Rambut beliau SAW lebih kusukai dari dunia dan segala isinya" (Shahih Bukhari)Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhحَمْدًا لِرَبٍّ خَصَّنَا بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَأَنْقَذَنَا مِنْ ظُلْمَةِ اْلجَهْلِ وَالدَّيَاجِرِ اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ الَّذِيْ هَدَانَا بِعَبْدِهِ اْلمُخْتَارِ مَنْ دَعَانَا إِلَيْهِ بِاْلإِذْنِ وَقَدْ نَادَانَا لَبَّيْكَ يَا مَنْ دَلَّنَا وَحَدَانَا صَلَّى اللهُ وَسَلَّمَ وَبـَارَكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ الَّذِي جَمَعَنَا فِي هَذَا الْمَجْمَعِ اْلكَرِيْمِ وَفِي هَذَا الشَّهْرِ اْلعَظِيْمِ وَفِي الْجَلْسَةِ الْعَظِيْمَةِ نَوَّرَ اللهُ قُلُوْبَنَا وَإِيَّاكُمْ بِنُوْرِ مَحَبَّةِ اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ وَخِدْمَةِ اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ وَاْلعَمَلِ بِشَرِيْعَةِ وَسُنَّةِ رَسُوْلِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وآلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ.Limpahan puji kehadirat Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Luhur, Yang Maha Melimpahkan kemuliaan dan rahmatNya di setiap waktu kepada hamba-hambaNya yang beriman atau yang tidak beriman, kepada hamba-hambaNya yang shalih ataupun yang tidak, bahkan kepada semua makhluk yang di muka bumi selain manusia seperti hewan dan tumbuhan, atau makhluk-makhluk yang tidak bergerak seperti bebatuan, atau debu dan lainnya, sehingga kesemua makhluk yang berada di langit dan di bumi mengagungkan nama Yang Maha Luhur dan Mulia, maka janganlah kita menganggap benda-benda mati yang ada di muka bumi ini hanya sekedar benda mati yang tidak bergerak, akan tetapi kesemuanya berdzikir, memuji dan mengagungkan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sebagaimana firman Allah subhanahu wata'ala :تُسَبِّحُ لَهُ السَّمَوَاتُ السَّبْعُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَإِنْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ إِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَلَكِنْ لَا تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حَلِيمًا غَفُورًا( الإسراء : 44 )"Langit yang tujuh, bumi dan semua yang ada di dalamnya bertasbih kepada Allah. Dan tidak ada sesuatu pun melainkan bertasbih dengan memuji-Nya, tetapi kalian tidak memahami tasbih mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Pengampun". ( QS.Al Israa: 44 )Dan hal tersebut, telah ditemukan oleh para Ilmuwan di zaman ini yang mengatakan bahwa semua benda memilki suara, baik itu adalah benda hidup atau pun benda mati seperti hewan, tumbuhan atau bebatuan dan lainnya, kesemuanya memiliki frekuensi suara masing-masing, dan kesemuanya memilki suara namun sebagian suara tersebut tidak difahami dan tidak terdengar oleh manusia, yang mana suara-suara tersebut adalah pujian terhadap keagungan nama Allah, kesemua benda atau sesuatu yang tidak terdengar oleh kita frekuensi suaranya termasuk sel tubuh kita, sesungguhnya kesemuanya itu selalu memanggil dan menyeru namaNya di setiap waktu dan kejap, sehingga tidak pernah terlepas dari dzikir kepada Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Akan tetapi banyak dari manusia yang kenyataannya mereka adalah makhluk hidup, justru mereka lalai dan lupa kepada Allah dikarenakan hati mereka yang mati, sehingga lebih mati dari benda-benda yang mati, karena benda-benda mati sebenarnya hidup dan senantiasa berdzikir dan memuji keagungan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Maka selayaknyalah kehidupan di dunia yang sementara ini tidak dilewatkan dalam kelalaian dari mengingat Allah subhanahu wata'ala, serta berhati-hatilah dalam menjalani kehidupan dunia ini, sebagaimana di dalamnya terdapat anugerah dan musibah yang pasti akan dihadapi oleh manusia. Tidak ada kehidupan tanpa anugerah atau permasalahan, sehingga Allah subhanahu wata'ala menciptakan siang dan malam sebagai pelajaran kepada manusia bahwa kehidupan di dunia ini akan selalu terdapat perubahan dalam setiap waktu dengan kehendak Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Mampu merubah segala sesuatu. Sebagaimana perubahan yang terjadi pada jasad manusia, dimana setiap sel-sel di tubuh manusia tumbuh dan berkembang dalam setiap detiknya. Manusia tidak akan mampu mengatur perubahan dalam tubuhnya, tidak mampu mengatur detak jantung, tidak mampu mengatur pertumbuhan sel-sel di dalam tubuhnya, tidak mampu mengatur setiap nafas dan lainnya, namun Allah subhanahu wata'ala dengan mudah mampu mengatur hal-hal tersebut. Maka dalam setiap nafasnya manusia selalu berada dalam asuhan kasih sayang Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sehingga Allah memberikan pengajaran kepada manusia dengan adanya alam dan segala yang ada di dalamnya serta sifat-sifatnya seperti air, tanah, api, udara, cahaya, kegelapan, serta sifat-sifat makhluk lain yang Allah ciptakan seperti malaikat, syaitan, binatang dan tumbuhan, Allah jadikan sifat-sifat tersebut ada dalam hati setiap manusia. Dan Allah subhanahu wata'ala berfirman dalam hadits qudsi :مَا وَسِعَنِيْ أَرْضِيْ وَلَا سَمَائِيْ وَلَكِنْ وَسِعَنِيْ قَلْبُ عَبْدِي الْمُؤْمِنِ" Tidak dapat menampung-Ku (rahasia keluhuran Allah) bumi-Ku atau langit-Ku, akan tetapi mampu menampung-Ku hati hamba-Ku yang beriman"Maka sanubari seorang yang beriman lebih luas dan kuat dari seluruh alam semesta, karena mampu menampung keluhuran dan cahaya keagungan Allah subhanahu wata'ala, yang mana tidak mampu ditampung oleh alam semesta, sebagaimana firman Allah subhanahu wata'ala :لَوْ أَنْزَلْنَا هَذَا الْقُرْآَنَ عَلَى جَبَلٍ لَرَأَيْتَهُ خَاشِعًا مُتَصَدِّعًا مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللَّهِ وَتِلْكَ الْأَمْثَالُ نَضْرِبُهَا لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ( الحشر : 21 )"Jika Kami menurunkan Al Qur'an ini kepada sebuah gunung, niscaya engkau akan melihatnya tunduk terpecah belah disebabkan takut kepada Allah. Dan perumpamaan-perumpamaan itu Kami buat untuk manusia supaya mereka berpikir". ( QS. Al Hasyr : 21 )Gunung akan hancur jika diturunkan kepadanya Al qur'an karena takut pada kewibawaan Allah subhanahu wata'ala, namun sanubari manusia yang beriman mampu menerima dan menampung kewibawaan Allah, kecintaan dan kasih sayang Allah, dan segala sifat keluhuran Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Sempurna dan Maha memilki segala kesempurnaan, Maha Memiliki segala sesuatu yang ada di alam semesta ini, akan tetapi waspadalah jangan sampai sanubari kita terbawa ke dalam sifat-sifat yang tidak baik dari mahkluk yang Allah ciptakan. Sebagaimana dalam setiap hati manusia terdapat sifat-sifat dari segala makhluk, seperti sifat pemarah, dimana sifat ini dikiaskan sebagai sifat seekor anjing, dan hawa nafsu atau syahwat dikiaskan sebagai sifat dari seekor babi, yang mana hewan-hewan tersebut dihukumi sebagai hewan yang najis, akan tetapi tidak satu pun dari hewan tersebut yang memprotes kepada Allah karena telah diciptakan sebagai hewan yang najis, padahal hewan-hewan tersebut senantiasa berdzikir dan mengagungkan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Tentunya hewan tidak lebih baik dari kita sebagai manusia, akan tetapi justru kita sering lalai dari mengingat Allah dan barangkali di dalam hati kita sering memprotes akan ketentuan-ketentuan yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada kita. Kelak di akhirat manusia akan muncul dalam wujud yang sesuai dengan keadaan sanubarinya hari-hari yang terlewatkan dalam kehidupannya di dunia, apakah muncul dalam bentuk hewan ataukah muncul dalam bentuk manusia yang bercahaya?!. Maka perhatikanlah waktu dan hari-hari yang kita lewatkan dalam kehidupan kita, apakah terlewatkan dalam keluhuran atau dalam kehinaan?!. Maka jadikanlah panutan kita adalah sayyidina Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, manusia yang paling ramah terhadap semua makhluk Allah subhanahu wata'ala, dimana segala tuntunan dari perbuatan dan perkataannya adalah bimbingan dari Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sebagaimana sabda beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam :أَدَّبَنِيْ رَبِّيْ فَأَحْسَنَ تَأْدِيْبِيْ"Tuhanku telah mendidikku dan Dia mendidikku dengan sebaik baik-baik pendidikan".Allah subhanahu wata'ala telah membimbing dan mengajari nabi Muhammad adab bahkan terhadap butiran tanah yang beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menginjakkan kaki diatasnya untuk berjalan perlahan-lahan dan tidak menghentakkan kaki di bumi, sebagaimana firmanNya subhanahu wata'ala :وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنًا( الفرقان : 63 )"Dan hamba-hamba Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang itu (adalah) orang-orang yang berjalan di atas bumi dengan rendah hati". ( QS. Al Furqan : 63 )Saat ini banyak ummat Islam di dunia yang dibuat murka akan perbuatan orang-orang yang menghina dan melecehkan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Tentunya kita semua mencintai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, akan tetapi jangan kita jadikan emosi kita ummat islam dikendalikan oleh mereka orang-orang yang tidak menyukai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga mereka dengan mudah dapat membuat ummat Islam marah atau tenang sesuai keinginan mereka, yang semestinya merekalah yang kita seru kepada kemuliaan bukan justru kita yang dikendalikan oleh mereka, dan hal itu pun (penghinaan terhadap nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) tidak akan terjadi kecuali dengan kehendak Allah subhanahu wata'ala, dan hal tersebut juga telah terjadi 14 abad yang silam di masa hidup beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Maka dalam menghadapi hal ini, kita jadikan nama beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasalam semakin menjadi harum dan indah dengan mengenalkan budi pekerti luhur beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam kepada keluarga, kerabat dan teman-teman kita. Jangan sampai kita yang semasa di dunia seakan-akan adalah orang yang paling mencintai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, justru lebih menghinakan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam daripada orang-orang yang tampaknya telah menghina nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, karena kita terpancing emosi dan kemarahan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan dan kehancuran disekitarnya. Dan hal ini kelak akan terungkap di hari kiamat, di saat kita dihisab oleh Allah dan disaksikan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, dan ketika nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ditanya oleh Allah apakah ummat beliau melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan tersebut (kerusakan dan kehancuran yang disebabkan kemarahan akan hinaan terhadap nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam), maka nabi Muhammad harus membenarkan setiap pertanyaan Allah akan perbuatan yang telah dilakukan ummatnya ketika di dunia. Maka perbuatan dosa tersebut kelak di hari kiamat akan mempermalukan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam di hadapan Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Maka kendalikanlah emosi dalam menghadapi peristiwa tersebut, dengan berfikir yang manakah perbuatan yang membawa manfaat atau keburukan. Dan hal tersebut Allah subhanahu wata'ala izinkan untuk terjadi?, karena ummat Islam banyak yang telah melupakan nabi mereka shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga kejadian tersebut membuat mereka ingin lebih mengetahui nabi mereka, betulkah nabi mereka seperti yang orang-orang tuduhkan kepada beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga dengan itu mereka akan lebih mempelajari sirah dan akhlak-akhlak nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, begitu juga orang-orang yang di luar Islam pun akan tertarik perhatian mereka untuk mengetahui apakah betul demikian sosok nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga mereka pun akan mencari tahu dan mempelajari tentang nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, yang mana dengan hal tersebut mereka akan mengenal dan mengetahui bahwa seorang (nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) yang dihina dan dilecehkan itu adalah sosok manusia yang paling baik, manusia yang paling ramah dan berlemah lembut kepada semua orang baik yang seagama dengannya atau pun orang yang berbeda agama dengannya, bahkan terhadap musuh-musuhnya sekalipun. Dan bulan Dzulqa'dah ini mengingatkan kita pada perjanjian Hudaibiyah yang terjadi di bulan Dzulqa'dah tahun 6H, dimana ketika itu 1500 muslimin menuju ke Makkah untuk melaksanakan ibadah umrah, namun dihalangi oleh orang kafir quraisy, padahal kaum muslimin disaat itu tidak ada yang membawa senjata apapun atau peralatan perang yang lainnya, karena mereka hanya ingin melakukan ibadah Umrah dan Haji, namun kuffar quraisy tetap tidak memberi izin untuk masuk ke Makkah, sehingga mereka membuat perjanjian yang menguntungkan fihak quraisy, yang mana diantara perjanjian tersebut adalah jika kaum muslimin yang di Makkah akan berangkat ke Madinah maka harus dengan seizin para pembesar quraisy, akan tetapi penduduk Madinah yang ingin ke Makkah dan masuk pada agama quraisy maka tidak boleh dihalangi dan dilarang. Adapun hikmah yang dapat kita ambil dari peristiwa tersebut adalah kesabaran Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam dan kaum muslimin akan tindakan kuffar quraisy terhadap mereka dalam perjanjian Hudaibiyah tersebut yang sangat menyakitkan kaum muslimin, sehingga 2 tahun setelahnya terjadilah fath Makkah di tahun 8 H, dan jumlah muslimin di saat itu adalah 10.000, sehingga dengan jumlah yang besar tersebut kaum kuffar quraisy tidak lagi mampu untuk menghalangi mereka ketika memasuki kota Makkah, dan ketika itu mereka juga tidak membawa senjata apa pun. Kemudian 2 tahun setelah kejadian Fath Makkah yaitu tahun 10 H Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam melaksanakan haji wada' (haji perpisahan) bersama 120.000 kaum muslimin. Demikian pesat perkembangan Islam sebab budi pekerti Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, Adapun riwayat yang tadi kita baca menunjukkan kemuliaan cinta para sahabat terhadap Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, dimana sayyidina Ubaidah merasa sangat cemburu terhadap Ibn Sirin yang memilki dan menyimpan sehelai rambut Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga baginya jika memilki sehelai rambut Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam maka itu lebih ia cintai dari dunia dan seisinya, sebab kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Dijelaskan oleh Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani dalam Fath Al Bari bisyarh Shahih Al Bukhari bahwa Ibn Sirin adalah putra Sirin yang ia adalah pembantu sayyidina Anas bin Malik Ra, dan sayyidina Anas bin Malik adalah pembantu Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang mana Rasulullah jadikan sebagai anak angkat beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Demikian kecintaan para sahabat kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga setelah Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam melakukan tahallul di saat Haji Wada' maka tidak sehelai pun dari rambut beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang terjatuh ke bumi, akan tetapi helaian rambut-rambut beliau terjatuh di tangan para sahabat Radhiyallahu 'anhum.Selanjutnya kita bermunajat kepada Allah subhanahu wata'ala, semoga Allah mengabulkan seluruh hajat kita, menghapus seluruh dosa-dosa kita, menjauhkan kita dari segala musibah dan permasalahan, serta mempermudah kita dalam mencapai keluhuran, kemuliaan, kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat.فَقُوْلُوْا جَمِيْعًاUcapkanlah bersama-samaيَا الله...يَا الله... ياَ الله.. ياَرَحْمَن يَارَحِيْم ...لاَإلهَ إلَّاالله...لاَ إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ اْلعَظِيْمُ الْحَلِيْمُ...لاَ إِلهَ إِلَّا الله رَبُّ اْلعَرْشِ اْلعَظِيْمِ...لاَ إِلهَ إلَّا اللهُ رَبُّ السَّموَاتِ وَرَبُّ الْأَرْضِ وَرَبُّ اْلعَرْشِ اْلكَرِيْمِ...مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ،كَلِمَةٌ حَقٌّ عَلَيْهَا نَحْيَا وَعَلَيْهَا نَمُوتُ وَعَلَيْهَا نُبْعَثُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَالَى مِنَ اْلأمِنِيْنَ
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Sehelai Rambut Rasulullah SAW
    عَنْ ابْنِ سِيرِينَ، قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِعَبِيدَةَ، عِنْدَنَا، مِنْ شَعَرِ النَّبِيِّ، صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، أَصَبْنَاهُ، مِنْ قِبَلِ أَنَسٍ، أَوْ مِنْ قِبَلِ أَهْلِ أَنَسٍ فَقَالَ لَأَنْ تَكُونَ عِنْدِي شَعَرَةٌ مِنْهُ أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا
    (صحيح البخاري)
    Dari Ibn Siiriin (ra) berkata, kukatakan pada Ubaidah (ra) aku memiliki sehelai Rambut Nabi SAW, kudapatkan dari Anas (ra) atau dari keluarga Anas (ra), maka ia berkata (Ubaidah ra): Jika kumiliki sehelai Rambut beliau SAW lebih kusukai dari dunia dan segala isinya" (Shahih Bukhari)
    Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    حَمْدًا لِرَبٍّ خَصَّنَا بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَأَنْقَذَنَا مِنْ ظُلْمَةِ اْلجَهْلِ وَالدَّيَاجِرِ اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ الَّذِيْ هَدَانَا بِعَبْدِهِ اْلمُخْتَارِ مَنْ دَعَانَا إِلَيْهِ بِاْلإِذْنِ وَقَدْ نَادَانَا لَبَّيْكَ يَا مَنْ دَلَّنَا وَحَدَانَا صَلَّى اللهُ وَسَلَّمَ وَبـَارَكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ الَّذِي جَمَعَنَا فِي هَذَا الْمَجْمَعِ اْلكَرِيْمِ وَفِي هَذَا الشَّهْرِ اْلعَظِيْمِ وَفِي الْجَلْسَةِ الْعَظِيْمَةِ نَوَّرَ اللهُ قُلُوْبَنَا وَإِيَّاكُمْ بِنُوْرِ مَحَبَّةِ اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ وَخِدْمَةِ اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ وَاْلعَمَلِ بِشَرِيْعَةِ وَسُنَّةِ رَسُوْلِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وآلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ.
    Limpahan puji kehadirat Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Luhur, Yang Maha Melimpahkan kemuliaan dan rahmatNya di setiap waktu kepada hamba-hambaNya yang beriman atau yang tidak beriman, kepada hamba-hambaNya yang shalih ataupun yang tidak, bahkan kepada semua makhluk yang di muka bumi selain manusia seperti hewan dan tumbuhan, atau makhluk-makhluk yang tidak bergerak seperti bebatuan, atau debu dan lainnya, sehingga kesemua makhluk yang berada di langit dan di bumi mengagungkan nama Yang Maha Luhur dan Mulia, maka janganlah kita menganggap benda-benda mati yang ada di muka bumi ini hanya sekedar benda mati yang tidak bergerak, akan tetapi kesemuanya berdzikir, memuji dan mengagungkan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sebagaimana firman Allah subhanahu wata'ala :
    تُسَبِّحُ لَهُ السَّمَوَاتُ السَّبْعُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَإِنْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ إِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَلَكِنْ لَا تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حَلِيمًا غَفُورًا
    ( الإسراء : 44 )
    "Langit yang tujuh, bumi dan semua yang ada di dalamnya bertasbih kepada Allah. Dan tidak ada sesuatu pun melainkan bertasbih dengan memuji-Nya, tetapi kalian tidak memahami tasbih mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Pengampun". ( QS.Al Israa: 44 )
    Dan hal tersebut, telah ditemukan oleh para Ilmuwan di zaman ini yang mengatakan bahwa semua benda memilki suara, baik itu adalah benda hidup atau pun benda mati seperti hewan, tumbuhan atau bebatuan dan lainnya, kesemuanya memiliki frekuensi suara masing-masing, dan kesemuanya memilki suara namun sebagian suara tersebut tidak difahami dan tidak terdengar oleh manusia, yang mana suara-suara tersebut adalah pujian terhadap keagungan nama Allah, kesemua benda atau sesuatu yang tidak terdengar oleh kita frekuensi suaranya termasuk sel tubuh kita, sesungguhnya kesemuanya itu selalu memanggil dan menyeru namaNya di setiap waktu dan kejap, sehingga tidak pernah terlepas dari dzikir kepada Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Akan tetapi banyak dari manusia yang kenyataannya mereka adalah makhluk hidup, justru mereka lalai dan lupa kepada Allah dikarenakan hati mereka yang mati, sehingga lebih mati dari benda-benda yang mati, karena benda-benda mati sebenarnya hidup dan senantiasa berdzikir dan memuji keagungan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Maka selayaknyalah kehidupan di dunia yang sementara ini tidak dilewatkan dalam kelalaian dari mengingat Allah subhanahu wata'ala, serta berhati-hatilah dalam menjalani kehidupan dunia ini, sebagaimana di dalamnya terdapat anugerah dan musibah yang pasti akan dihadapi oleh manusia. Tidak ada kehidupan tanpa anugerah atau permasalahan, sehingga Allah subhanahu wata'ala menciptakan siang dan malam sebagai pelajaran kepada manusia bahwa kehidupan di dunia ini akan selalu terdapat perubahan dalam setiap waktu dengan kehendak Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Mampu merubah segala sesuatu. Sebagaimana perubahan yang terjadi pada jasad manusia, dimana setiap sel-sel di tubuh manusia tumbuh dan berkembang dalam setiap detiknya. Manusia tidak akan mampu mengatur perubahan dalam tubuhnya, tidak mampu mengatur detak jantung, tidak mampu mengatur pertumbuhan sel-sel di dalam tubuhnya, tidak mampu mengatur setiap nafas dan lainnya, namun Allah subhanahu wata'ala dengan mudah mampu mengatur hal-hal tersebut. Maka dalam setiap nafasnya manusia selalu berada dalam asuhan kasih sayang Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sehingga Allah memberikan pengajaran kepada manusia dengan adanya alam dan segala yang ada di dalamnya serta sifat-sifatnya seperti air, tanah, api, udara, cahaya, kegelapan, serta sifat-sifat makhluk lain yang Allah ciptakan seperti malaikat, syaitan, binatang dan tumbuhan, Allah jadikan sifat-sifat tersebut ada dalam hati setiap manusia. Dan Allah subhanahu wata'ala berfirman dalam hadits qudsi :
    مَا وَسِعَنِيْ أَرْضِيْ وَلَا سَمَائِيْ وَلَكِنْ وَسِعَنِيْ قَلْبُ عَبْدِي الْمُؤْمِنِ
    " Tidak dapat menampung-Ku (rahasia keluhuran Allah) bumi-Ku atau langit-Ku, akan tetapi mampu menampung-Ku hati hamba-Ku yang beriman"
    Maka sanubari seorang yang beriman lebih luas dan kuat dari seluruh alam semesta, karena mampu menampung keluhuran dan cahaya keagungan Allah subhanahu wata'ala, yang mana tidak mampu ditampung oleh alam semesta, sebagaimana firman Allah subhanahu wata'ala :
    لَوْ أَنْزَلْنَا هَذَا الْقُرْآَنَ عَلَى جَبَلٍ لَرَأَيْتَهُ خَاشِعًا مُتَصَدِّعًا مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللَّهِ وَتِلْكَ الْأَمْثَالُ نَضْرِبُهَا لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
    ( الحشر : 21 )
    "Jika Kami menurunkan Al Qur'an ini kepada sebuah gunung, niscaya engkau akan melihatnya tunduk terpecah belah disebabkan takut kepada Allah. Dan perumpamaan-perumpamaan itu Kami buat untuk manusia supaya mereka berpikir". ( QS. Al Hasyr : 21 )
    Gunung akan hancur jika diturunkan kepadanya Al qur'an karena takut pada kewibawaan Allah subhanahu wata'ala, namun sanubari manusia yang beriman mampu menerima dan menampung kewibawaan Allah, kecintaan dan kasih sayang Allah, dan segala sifat keluhuran Allah subhanahu wata'ala Yang Maha Sempurna dan Maha memilki segala kesempurnaan, Maha Memiliki segala sesuatu yang ada di alam semesta ini, akan tetapi waspadalah jangan sampai sanubari kita terbawa ke dalam sifat-sifat yang tidak baik dari mahkluk yang Allah ciptakan. Sebagaimana dalam setiap hati manusia terdapat sifat-sifat dari segala makhluk, seperti sifat pemarah, dimana sifat ini dikiaskan sebagai sifat seekor anjing, dan hawa nafsu atau syahwat dikiaskan sebagai sifat dari seekor babi, yang mana hewan-hewan tersebut dihukumi sebagai hewan yang najis, akan tetapi tidak satu pun dari hewan tersebut yang memprotes kepada Allah karena telah diciptakan sebagai hewan yang najis, padahal hewan-hewan tersebut senantiasa berdzikir dan mengagungkan nama Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Tentunya hewan tidak lebih baik dari kita sebagai manusia, akan tetapi justru kita sering lalai dari mengingat Allah dan barangkali di dalam hati kita sering memprotes akan ketentuan-ketentuan yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada kita. Kelak di akhirat manusia akan muncul dalam wujud yang sesuai dengan keadaan sanubarinya hari-hari yang terlewatkan dalam kehidupannya di dunia, apakah muncul dalam bentuk hewan ataukah muncul dalam bentuk manusia yang bercahaya?!. Maka perhatikanlah waktu dan hari-hari yang kita lewatkan dalam kehidupan kita, apakah terlewatkan dalam keluhuran atau dalam kehinaan?!. Maka jadikanlah panutan kita adalah sayyidina Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, manusia yang paling ramah terhadap semua makhluk Allah subhanahu wata'ala, dimana segala tuntunan dari perbuatan dan perkataannya adalah bimbingan dari Allah subhanahu wata'ala, sebagaimana sabda beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam :
    أَدَّبَنِيْ رَبِّيْ فَأَحْسَنَ تَأْدِيْبِيْ
    "Tuhanku telah mendidikku dan Dia mendidikku dengan sebaik baik-baik pendidikan".
    Allah subhanahu wata'ala telah membimbing dan mengajari nabi Muhammad adab bahkan terhadap butiran tanah yang beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menginjakkan kaki diatasnya untuk berjalan perlahan-lahan dan tidak menghentakkan kaki di bumi, sebagaimana firmanNya subhanahu wata'ala :
    وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنًا
    ( الفرقان : 63 )
    "Dan hamba-hamba Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang itu (adalah) orang-orang yang berjalan di atas bumi dengan rendah hati". ( QS. Al Furqan : 63 )
    Saat ini banyak ummat Islam di dunia yang dibuat murka akan perbuatan orang-orang yang menghina dan melecehkan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Tentunya kita semua mencintai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, akan tetapi jangan kita jadikan emosi kita ummat islam dikendalikan oleh mereka orang-orang yang tidak menyukai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga mereka dengan mudah dapat membuat ummat Islam marah atau tenang sesuai keinginan mereka, yang semestinya merekalah yang kita seru kepada kemuliaan bukan justru kita yang dikendalikan oleh mereka, dan hal itu pun (penghinaan terhadap nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) tidak akan terjadi kecuali dengan kehendak Allah subhanahu wata'ala, dan hal tersebut juga telah terjadi 14 abad yang silam di masa hidup beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Maka dalam menghadapi hal ini, kita jadikan nama beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasalam semakin menjadi harum dan indah dengan mengenalkan budi pekerti luhur beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam kepada keluarga, kerabat dan teman-teman kita. Jangan sampai kita yang semasa di dunia seakan-akan adalah orang yang paling mencintai nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, justru lebih menghinakan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam daripada orang-orang yang tampaknya telah menghina nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, karena kita terpancing emosi dan kemarahan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan dan kehancuran disekitarnya. Dan hal ini kelak akan terungkap di hari kiamat, di saat kita dihisab oleh Allah dan disaksikan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, dan ketika nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ditanya oleh Allah apakah ummat beliau melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan tersebut (kerusakan dan kehancuran yang disebabkan kemarahan akan hinaan terhadap nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam), maka nabi Muhammad harus membenarkan setiap pertanyaan Allah akan perbuatan yang telah dilakukan ummatnya ketika di dunia. Maka perbuatan dosa tersebut kelak di hari kiamat akan mempermalukan nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam di hadapan Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Maka kendalikanlah emosi dalam menghadapi peristiwa tersebut, dengan berfikir yang manakah perbuatan yang membawa manfaat atau keburukan. Dan hal tersebut Allah subhanahu wata'ala izinkan untuk terjadi?, karena ummat Islam banyak yang telah melupakan nabi mereka shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga kejadian tersebut membuat mereka ingin lebih mengetahui nabi mereka, betulkah nabi mereka seperti yang orang-orang tuduhkan kepada beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga dengan itu mereka akan lebih mempelajari sirah dan akhlak-akhlak nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, begitu juga orang-orang yang di luar Islam pun akan tertarik perhatian mereka untuk mengetahui apakah betul demikian sosok nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga mereka pun akan mencari tahu dan mempelajari tentang nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, yang mana dengan hal tersebut mereka akan mengenal dan mengetahui bahwa seorang (nabi Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) yang dihina dan dilecehkan itu adalah sosok manusia yang paling baik, manusia yang paling ramah dan berlemah lembut kepada semua orang baik yang seagama dengannya atau pun orang yang berbeda agama dengannya, bahkan terhadap musuh-musuhnya sekalipun. Dan bulan Dzulqa'dah ini mengingatkan kita pada perjanjian Hudaibiyah yang terjadi di bulan Dzulqa'dah tahun 6H, dimana ketika itu 1500 muslimin menuju ke Makkah untuk melaksanakan ibadah umrah, namun dihalangi oleh orang kafir quraisy, padahal kaum muslimin disaat itu tidak ada yang membawa senjata apapun atau peralatan perang yang lainnya, karena mereka hanya ingin melakukan ibadah Umrah dan Haji, namun kuffar quraisy tetap tidak memberi izin untuk masuk ke Makkah, sehingga mereka membuat perjanjian yang menguntungkan fihak quraisy, yang mana diantara perjanjian tersebut adalah jika kaum muslimin yang di Makkah akan berangkat ke Madinah maka harus dengan seizin para pembesar quraisy, akan tetapi penduduk Madinah yang ingin ke Makkah dan masuk pada agama quraisy maka tidak boleh dihalangi dan dilarang. Adapun hikmah yang dapat kita ambil dari peristiwa tersebut adalah kesabaran Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam dan kaum muslimin akan tindakan kuffar quraisy terhadap mereka dalam perjanjian Hudaibiyah tersebut yang sangat menyakitkan kaum muslimin, sehingga 2 tahun setelahnya terjadilah fath Makkah di tahun 8 H, dan jumlah muslimin di saat itu adalah 10.000, sehingga dengan jumlah yang besar tersebut kaum kuffar quraisy tidak lagi mampu untuk menghalangi mereka ketika memasuki kota Makkah, dan ketika itu mereka juga tidak membawa senjata apa pun. Kemudian 2 tahun setelah kejadian Fath Makkah yaitu tahun 10 H Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam melaksanakan haji wada' (haji perpisahan) bersama 120.000 kaum muslimin. Demikian pesat perkembangan Islam sebab budi pekerti Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, Adapun riwayat yang tadi kita baca menunjukkan kemuliaan cinta para sahabat terhadap Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, dimana sayyidina Ubaidah merasa sangat cemburu terhadap Ibn Sirin yang memilki dan menyimpan sehelai rambut Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, sehingga baginya jika memilki sehelai rambut Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam maka itu lebih ia cintai dari dunia dan seisinya, sebab kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Dijelaskan oleh Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani dalam Fath Al Bari bisyarh Shahih Al Bukhari bahwa Ibn Sirin adalah putra Sirin yang ia adalah pembantu sayyidina Anas bin Malik Ra, dan sayyidina Anas bin Malik adalah pembantu Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang mana Rasulullah jadikan sebagai


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kuffar
    Search Facebook kuffar
    Ye Azmat-E-Baatil Dhoka Hai,
    Ye sarwat-E-Kaafir kuch B nhi
    Mitti k khilone hain saare,
    Ye kuffar k lashkar kuch bhi nhi
    AllAH sE Darny walon ko,
    Baatil sE Darana mushkil Hai
    Gar Khauf-E-Khuda Ho Dil mE Tu
    Taaghoot k paikar kuch bhi nhi
    Dastoor B Hai, Tanzeem B Hai,
    Tehzeeb B Hai Taleem B Hai
    Manshoor Jo apna Quraan Ho,
    Kisraa-O-Qaisar kuch B nhi
    Quraan agar Dastoor nhi,
    Islaam agr manzoor nhi
    Tu laanat is Azaadi per,
    Ye Mulk yE parcham kuch B nhi.
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:18
    Ye Azmat-E-Baatil Dhoka Hai,
    Ye sarwat-E-Kaafir kuch B nhi
    Mitti k khilone hain saare,
    Ye kuffar k lashkar kuch bhi nhi
    AllAH sE Darny walon ko,
    Baatil sE Darana mushkil Hai
    Gar Khauf-E-Khuda Ho Dil mE Tu
    Taaghoot k paikar kuch bhi nhi
    Dastoor B Hai, Tanzeem B Hai,
    Tehzeeb B Hai Taleem B Hai
    Manshoor Jo apna Quraan Ho,
    Kisraa-O-Qaisar kuch B nhi
    Quraan agar Dastoor nhi,
    Islaam agr manzoor nhi
    Tu laanat is Azaadi per,
    Ye Mulk yE parcham kuch B nhi.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    It is evident from the history, the rise of Islamic Civilization is rapid, but the decline is gradual. On the other hand, the rise of kuffar civilization occurs very slowly and it takes a very little time to decline.
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:19
    It is evident from the history, the rise of Islamic Civilization is rapid, but the decline is gradual. On the other hand, the rise of kuffar civilization occurs very slowly and it takes a very little time to decline.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Presiden Mesir Mursi tidak boleh menganggap enteng kaum sekuler yang berkolaborasi dengan Kuffar Nashrani dan Syi'ah yang ingin merongrong dan membuat makar terhadap kaum Islamis yang kini berkuasa. Dan pada demo Anti Mursi di tahrir Square kemaren para preman yang terlibat aksi tersebut begitu bejat kelakuannya sampai-sampai mereka berani memperkosa beramai-ramai seorang wartawati asal Belanda.
    Wal iyadzubillah..

    Jul 1st 2013, 07:20
    KIBLAT.NET, Kairo – Nasib naas dialami seorang wartawati asing asal Belanda, Yank Margen, saat meliput aksi demonstrasi menuntut pengunduran diri presiden Mesir, Muhammad Mursi, di Tahrir Square, pusat ibukota Kairo, Mesir. Ia diperkosa bergiliran oleh para demonstran yang sebagaian besar dari kalan...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Allahu akbar
    accrdng to etv news 1 mujahid got martyrdom and 4 indian kuffar forces killed
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:22
    Allahu akbar
    accrdng to etv news 1 mujahid got martyrdom and 4 indian kuffar forces killed
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Oh look cunts !!!! Ok for yu idiots to desecrate 'kuffar' graves hey ?!!!
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:30
    About 200 graves and a cross were damaged at the Benghazi British Military Cemetery in Libya in March 2012. As they rampage among the graves, Muslims repeate...
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Appeal to the Sagacious Islamic UmmahThe League of Muslim Scholars held a conference in Cairo on 13 June 2013 under the theme "The Stance of the Ummah's Scholars towards the Events in Syria". The conference attracted a large number of scholars and sheikhs who debated the Syrian revolution and the means to support it against the tyrant Bashar Assad. They also discussed the developments that occurred due to the open intervention of Hezbollah, the "military wing of Iran" according to the communiqué issued by the conference. Sheikh Mohammed Hassan read the closing statement of the conference that included a call for the Ummah to mobilise and fulfil the duty of Jihad in Syria with funds, troops and weapons and with all types of Jihad and support. In addition to the declaration of Jihad in Syria, Dr Safwat Hijazi, speaking on behalf of the other participants, called for the forming of battalions affiliated to the International Union of Muslim Scholars. For his part, and prior to the convening of the conference, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi had called for Jihad in Syria and declared that the "Shias" were infidels; he also exhorted the Sunnis to fight the "Shias", saying that 1.7 billion Sunnis should not be defeated by 100 million Shias.The call of those scholars for Jihad in Syria to fight the regime, its army and those who fight with them, and the calls that preceded it by chieftains and scholars of movements belonging to the Ja'afari school of thought to fight the Muslims alongside the Syrian regime, the last of which was the speech of Hassan Nasrullah the leader of Hezbollah on 14 June 2013, are all but calls for Muslims' infighting. The Syrian army and those who fight with it from among the Muslims are fighting and killing Muslims like them for the sake of defending a secular Baathist Kafir regime that has always been a pawn in the hands of America dedicated to serving the enemies of this Ummah, the Kuffar, who would mobilise it whenever necessary. In the past Hafez Assad sent his troops to partake in the war on Iraq under the leadership of America; he and his son Bashar, his successor, had always been claiming their antipathy towards the West and serving its interests in the lands of the Muslims; they had always been claiming to be the champions of resistance and yet, not one single bullet was fired across their borders with the Jewish entity in the past forty years. As for the rebels, they are fighting an army and few militias which are predominantly made up of Muslims. It is an army of a Muslim country on which billions have been spent. The Kuffar have always been instrumental in destroying every force the Muslims have had irrespective of its significance. They have been successful in destroying the forces of the Muslims one after the other to serve their interests and achieve their aims. After laying siege to Iraq for years, they pounced on its army, killing and destroying and then dissolving the remaining divisions and platoons to form a weak army to preserve the new conditions the West set up in the country. What occurred in Iraq is repeating itself today in Syria but this time, the Kuffar have neither shed one single drop of blood nor spent one single dollar.Dear MuslimsThe decisions that the League of Muslim Scholars has undertaken, and the statements of al-Qaradawi and al-Zawahiri have come to add fuel to the fire of Fitnah between the Muslims and to incite the Muslims to kill each other. If the scholars in the league have decided to organise the conference because they had been "moved by the horrific killing, torturing, besieging and displacing of the elderly, women, children and babies, in addition to the youth and men" according to their communiqué, where were they when America perpetrated her atrocities against the people of Iraq? Did some of them not issue fatwas prohibiting Jihad in Iraq? Why did al-Qaradawi call for a "Friday of Anger" in support of Gaza in 2009 and not for Jihad against the Jews?Where do they stand vis-à-vis what "Israel" has done to the people of Palestine time and time again? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the trials and tribulations of the Muslims in Burma who are being killed and burnt alive? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the Muslims in Nigeria, Mali and other parts of the Muslims' lands?The speech that Hassan Nasrullah delivered to mark "The Wounded Resistant's Day" does not differ in substance from the decisions of the League of Muslim Scholars held in Cairo; he still insists on fighting until the bitter end in support of the regime of the tyrant Bashar Assad under the pretext of resisting the American Zionist "Takfiri" project, according to him. He said he was averse to turning the confrontation into a doctrinal war and chose to forget that Bashar Assad and his father before him showed no mercy to the people of Syria; they were rather excessive in their oppression, killing and torturing without any restraint. Nasrullah chose to also forget that if Bashar Assad and his father had really been averse to what he described as the "dangerous American Zionist Takfiri project", they would have pointed those weapons and fired tens of thousands of tons of ammunition on the "Zionist" enemy instead of firing them on the "largest section of his subjects" from among those who oppose the regime of Bashar according to him. In fact, if Bashar Assad were a sincere political leader, he would embarrass his opponents by shifting the goalposts of his battle to target the "Zionists" and pound them with the missiles of his army instead of destroying his country over its people and inciting sectarian Fitnah in the country and the doctrinal conflict in the whole of the Islamic region.
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    Appeal to the Sagacious Islamic Ummah
    The League of Muslim Scholars held a conference in Cairo on 13 June 2013 under the theme "The Stance of the Ummah's Scholars towards the Events in Syria". The conference attracted a large number of scholars and sheikhs who debated the Syrian revolution and the means to support it against the tyrant Bashar Assad. They also discussed the developments that occurred due to the open intervention of Hezbollah, the "military wing of Iran" according to the communiqué issued by the conference. Sheikh Mohammed Hassan read the closing statement of the conference that included a call for the Ummah to mobilise and fulfil the duty of Jihad in Syria with funds, troops and weapons and with all types of Jihad and support. In addition to the declaration of Jihad in Syria, Dr Safwat Hijazi, speaking on behalf of the other participants, called for the forming of battalions affiliated to the International Union of Muslim Scholars. For his part, and prior to the convening of the conference, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi had called for Jihad in Syria and declared that the "Shias" were infidels; he also exhorted the Sunnis to fight the "Shias", saying that 1.7 billion Sunnis should not be defeated by 100 million Shias.
    The call of those scholars for Jihad in Syria to fight the regime, its army and those who fight with them, and the calls that preceded it by chieftains and scholars of movements belonging to the Ja'afari school of thought to fight the Muslims alongside the Syrian regime, the last of which was the speech of Hassan Nasrullah the leader of Hezbollah on 14 June 2013, are all but calls for Muslims' infighting. The Syrian army and those who fight with it from among the Muslims are fighting and killing Muslims like them for the sake of defending a secular Baathist Kafir regime that has always been a pawn in the hands of America dedicated to serving the enemies of this Ummah, the Kuffar, who would mobilise it whenever necessary. In the past Hafez Assad sent his troops to partake in the war on Iraq under the leadership of America; he and his son Bashar, his successor, had always been claiming their antipathy towards the West and serving its interests in the lands of the Muslims; they had always been claiming to be the champions of resistance and yet, not one single bullet was fired across their borders with the Jewish entity in the past forty years.
    As for the rebels, they are fighting an army and few militias which are predominantly made up of Muslims. It is an army of a Muslim country on which billions have been spent. The Kuffar have always been instrumental in destroying every force the Muslims have had irrespective of its significance. They have been successful in destroying the forces of the Muslims one after the other to serve their interests and achieve their aims. After laying siege to Iraq for years, they pounced on its army, killing and destroying and then dissolving the remaining divisions and platoons to form a weak army to preserve the new conditions the West set up in the country. What occurred in Iraq is repeating itself today in Syria but this time, the Kuffar have neither shed one single drop of blood nor spent one single dollar.
    Dear Muslims
    The decisions that the League of Muslim Scholars has undertaken, and the statements of al-Qaradawi and al-Zawahiri have come to add fuel to the fire of Fitnah between the Muslims and to incite the Muslims to kill each other. If the scholars in the league have decided to organise the conference because they had been "moved by the horrific killing, torturing, besieging and displacing of the elderly, women, children and babies, in addition to the youth and men" according to their communiqué, where were they when America perpetrated her atrocities against the people of Iraq? Did some of them not issue fatwas prohibiting Jihad in Iraq? Why did al-Qaradawi call for a "Friday of Anger" in support of Gaza in 2009 and not for Jihad against the Jews?
    Where do they stand vis-à-vis what "Israel" has done to the people of Palestine time and time again? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the trials and tribulations of the Muslims in Burma who are being killed and burnt alive? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the Muslims in Nigeria, Mali and other parts of the Muslims' lands?
    The speech that Hassan Nasrullah delivered to mark "The Wounded Resistant's Day" does not differ in substance from the decisions of the League of Muslim Scholars held in Cairo; he still insists on fighting until the bitter end in support of the regime of the tyrant Bashar Assad under the pretext of resisting the American Zionist "Takfiri" project, according to him. He said he was averse to turning the confrontation into a doctrinal war and chose to forget that Bashar Assad and his father before him showed no mercy to the people of Syria; they were rather excessive in their oppression, killing and torturing without any restraint. Nasrullah chose to also forget that if Bashar Assad and his father had really been averse to what he described as the "dangerous American Zionist Takfiri project", they would have pointed those weapons and fired tens of thousands of tons of ammunition on the "Zionist" enemy instead of firing them on the "largest section of his subjects" from among those who oppose the regime of Bashar according to him. In fact, if Bashar Assad were a sincere political leader, he would embarrass his opponents by shifting the goalposts of his battle to target the "Zionists" and pound them with the missiles of his army instead of destroying his country over its people and inciting sectarian Fitnah in the country and the doctrinal conflict in the whole of the Islamic region.
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:30
    Appeal to the Sagacious Islamic Ummah
    The League of Muslim Scholars held a conference in Cairo on 13 June 2013 under the theme "The Stance of the Ummah's Scholars towards the Events in Syria". The conference attracted a large number of scholars and sheikhs who debated the Syrian revolution and the means to support it against the tyrant Bashar Assad. They also discussed the developments that occurred due to the open intervention of Hezbollah, the "military wing of Iran" according to the communiqué issued by the conference. Sheikh Mohammed Hassan read the closing statement of the conference that included a call for the Ummah to mobilise and fulfil the duty of Jihad in Syria with funds, troops and weapons and with all types of Jihad and support. In addition to the declaration of Jihad in Syria, Dr Safwat Hijazi, speaking on behalf of the other participants, called for the forming of battalions affiliated to the International Union of Muslim Scholars. For his part, and prior to the convening of the conference, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi had called for Jihad in Syria and declared that the "Shias" were infidels; he also exhorted the Sunnis to fight the "Shias", saying that 1.7 billion Sunnis should not be defeated by 100 million Shias.
    The call of those scholars for Jihad in Syria to fight the regime, its army and those who fight with them, and the calls that preceded it by chieftains and scholars of movements belonging to the Ja'afari school of thought to fight the Muslims alongside the Syrian regime, the last of which was the speech of Hassan Nasrullah the leader of Hezbollah on 14 June 2013, are all but calls for Muslims' infighting. The Syrian army and those who fight with it from among the Muslims are fighting and killing Muslims like them for the sake of defending a secular Baathist Kafir regime that has always been a pawn in the hands of America dedicated to serving the enemies of this Ummah, the Kuffar, who would mobilise it whenever necessary. In the past Hafez Assad sent his troops to partake in the war on Iraq under the leadership of America; he and his son Bashar, his successor, had always been claiming their antipathy towards the West and serving its interests in the lands of the Muslims; they had always been claiming to be the champions of resistance and yet, not one single bullet was fired across their borders with the Jewish entity in the past forty years.
    As for the rebels, they are fighting an army and few militias which are predominantly made up of Muslims. It is an army of a Muslim country on which billions have been spent. The Kuffar have always been instrumental in destroying every force the Muslims have had irrespective of its significance. They have been successful in destroying the forces of the Muslims one after the other to serve their interests and achieve their aims. After laying siege to Iraq for years, they pounced on its army, killing and destroying and then dissolving the remaining divisions and platoons to form a weak army to preserve the new conditions the West set up in the country. What occurred in Iraq is repeating itself today in Syria but this time, the Kuffar have neither shed one single drop of blood nor spent one single dollar.
    Dear Muslims
    The decisions that the League of Muslim Scholars has undertaken, and the statements of al-Qaradawi and al-Zawahiri have come to add fuel to the fire of Fitnah between the Muslims and to incite the Muslims to kill each other. If the scholars in the league have decided to organise the conference because they had been "moved by the horrific killing, torturing, besieging and displacing of the elderly, women, children and babies, in addition to the youth and men" according to their communiqué, where were they when America perpetrated her atrocities against the people of Iraq? Did some of them not issue fatwas prohibiting Jihad in Iraq? Why did al-Qaradawi call for a "Friday of Anger" in support of Gaza in 2009 and not for Jihad against the Jews?
    Where do they stand vis-à-vis what "Israel" has done to the people of Palestine time and time again? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the trials and tribulations of the Muslims in Burma who are being killed and burnt alive? Where do they stand vis-à-vis the Muslims in Nigeria, Mali and other parts of the Muslims' lands?
    The speech that Hassan Nasrullah delivered to mark "The Wounded Resistant's Day" does not differ in substance from the decisions of the League of Muslim Scholars held in Cairo; he still insists on fighting until the bitter end in support of the regime of the tyrant Bashar Assad under the pretext of resisting the American Zionist "Takfiri" project, according to him. He said he was averse to turning the confrontation into a doctrinal war and chose to forget that Bashar Assad and his father before him showed no mercy to the people of Syria; they were rather excessive in their oppression, killing and torturing without any restraint. Nasrullah chose to also forget that if Bashar Assad and his father had really been averse to what he described as the "dangerous American Zionist Takfiri project", they would have pointed those weapons and fired tens of thousands of tons of ammunition on the "Zionist" enemy instead of firing them on the "largest section of his subjects" from among those who oppose the regime of Bashar according to him. In fact, if Bashar Assad were a sincere political leader, he would embarrass his opponents by shifting the goalposts of his battle to target the "Zionists" and pound them with the missiles of his army instead of destroying his country over its people and inciting sectarian Fitnah in the country and the doctrinal conflict in the whole of the Islamic region.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    kelakuan kaum kuffar laknatuLLAH!!
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:33
    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON -- Tokoh biksu ultranasionalis Myanmar, U Wirathu mendesak parlemen untuk menerima usulan Rancangan Undang-Undang soal perkawinan antar-agama di Myanmar. Dikutip dari, Undang-Undang tersebut bakal membatasi perkawinan antar-agama...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:04AM +0100  

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    kelakuan kaum kuffar laknatuLLAH!!
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:33
    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON -- Tokoh biksu ultranasionalis Myanmar, U Wirathu mendesak parlemen untuk menerima usulan Rancangan Undang-Undang soal perkawinan antar-agama di Myanmar. Dikutip dari, Undang-Undang tersebut bakal membatasi perkawinan antar-agama...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
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    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:44
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
    Jul 1st 2013, 07:11
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:35
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi | آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:41
    The main problem facing the Muslim world is Salafist Takfiris, who are dealing heavy blows to the pillars of Islam and the reputation and dignity of Muslims worldwide through their brutal actions. They introduce Islam, which is a religion of mercy and kindness, as a religion of violence, bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    The main problem facing the Muslim
    world is Salafist Takfiris, who are
    dealing heavy blows to the pillars of
    Islam and the reputation and dignity
    of Muslims worldwide through their
    brutal actions. They introduce Islam,
    which is a religion of mercy and
    kindness, as a religion of violence,
    bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:36
    The main problem facing the Muslim
    world is Salafist Takfiris, who are
    dealing heavy blows to the pillars of
    Islam and the reputation and dignity
    of Muslims worldwide through their
    brutal actions. They introduce Islam,
    which is a religion of mercy and
    kindness, as a religion of violence,
    bloodshed, cruelty and savagery.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

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    mmh. Egyptian Salafist mob kills Shia muslims while police look on
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:43
    Four Shia worshippers were killed in a village near Cairo, Egypt on 23 June when a Salafist mob stormed the house in which they were gathered. Citizen journa...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 09:03AM +0100  

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    Sinai police chief murdered in Sinai
    DEBKAfile June 29, 2013, 8:38 PM (GMT+02:00)
    Armed men ambushed Sinai police inspector Brig. Gen. Mohamed Hani and shot him dead with automatic fire as he was leaving home in El Arish in his car. The brigadier was the highest ranking Egyptian offier killed by armed Salafist Bedouin in Sinai. DEBKAfile: This was the first shot in the Sinai Islamist Bedouin assault in support of the uprising across Egypt against the Morsi presidency starting Sunday.
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:57
    Sinai police chief murdered in Sinai
    DEBKAfile June 29, 2013, 8:38 PM (GMT+02:00)
    Armed men ambushed Sinai police inspector Brig. Gen. Mohamed Hani and shot him dead with automatic fire as he was leaving home in El Arish in his car. The brigadier was the highest ranking Egyptian offier killed by armed Salafist Bedouin in Sinai. DEBKAfile: This was the first shot in the Sinai Islamist Bedouin assault in support of the uprising across Egypt against the Morsi presidency starting Sunday.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 08:41AM +0100  

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    Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
    "The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
    Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
    Jul 1st 2013, 06:41
    Buraidah رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰعنه narrates that Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said,
    "The difference between us and them (the hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non believer."
    Da'wah ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
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