- Search Facebook kufr: Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4) Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.'' [Al-Bukhari]. Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people. Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.'' [Al-Bukhari]. Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle. Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments. Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet. Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder. Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.'' [Al-Bukhari]. Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.'' [Ad-Daraqutni and others] Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox. According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter. `Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: 1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years. 2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again. 3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall. [5 Aktualisierungen]
- Search Facebook kufr: Shaykh Abdurrahman ibnu Hassan Aaluash-Shaykh sagte: „Die Gelehrten haben sich auf einem schnurgeraden Minhaj [=Methodik] bewegt. Sie haben Bücher unter der Überschrift „Hukm al-Murtad" geschrieben und haben in diesen niemals folgendes behauptet: ,Wer unwissend ein Wort oder eine Tat begeht, die der Shahadatayn [=La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah] widersprechen, so ist dieser entschuldigt und über ihn wird kein Takfir gemacht, aufgrund seiner Unwissenheit.' Ja niemals haben die Gelehrten so etwas in ihren Büchern behauptet. Ganz im Gegenteil. Allah hat in Seinem Buch berichtet, dass die Muschrikun andere nachmachen und unwissend sind. Er hat die Strafe über sie nicht weggenommen, obwohl der Grund für ihren Schirk, das nachmachen Anderer und die Unwissenheit ist." [Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (11/478-479)]--------------------------------Shaykh Abdullah ibnu Abdurrahman ibnu Abd al-Aziz Abu Batin sagte: „Shaykh Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte, dass diejenigen, anhand des Buches [=Qur'an], der Sunnah und des Konsenses Kafir und Muschrik sind, die von den Gräbern (und seinen Bewohnern) Hilfe erbitten und ihnen Akte der Anbetung entgegenbringen; und er fügte hinzu: ,Alle Gelehrten des Islam haben über solche Leute den Takfir gemacht und ihre Unwissenheit nicht als Entschuldigungsgrund akzeptiert.' Was die Behauptung mancher Abgeirrter anbelangt, die sagen: ,Sie sind aufgrund ihrer Unwissenheit entschuldigt', so ist dies die Reden über Allah (und Seinen Din) aus Unwissenheit!" [Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (10/404)]--------------------------------Shaykhu-l-Islam Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte: „Wenn du verstanden hast, dass der Mensch aufgrund des aussprechens eines Wortes (des Kufr) mit seiner Zunge ein Kafir werden kann, so sagt er es manchmal weil er ein Jahil ist, doch wird er nicht durch Unwissenheit entschuldigt; und manchmal sagt er es, während er denkt, dass es ihn näher zu Allah bringt; und vorallem wenn dich Allah verstehen lässt, was Er über die Leute von Musa offenbart hat und deren Fähigkeit und Wissen und dass sie zu ihm kamen und sagten: {mache uns einen Ilah, so wie sie Aliha haben!} [7:138], so wird deine Angst groß werden und dein Interesse wird wachsen (um Wissen zu erlangen), damit du dich vor dieser Art (des Kufr) schützt." [Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (1/71) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Martina Dostálková: chteli po tobe nekdy, pri boardingu v Praze, rezervaci zpatecni letenky? (ČSA) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Kızım kalıtenı soyle bana Bıt pazarında Calısıordun :D Smdı mesajlara cvb vermıorsn :D :D [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: MY LETTER TO THE COMMON MUSLIM WOMEN IN THE WORLDFirstly I call them to adhere with all the rules of Islam, for in it is the happiness of the world and the victory in the hereafter, specially adherence with Hijab, for it is the title of the Muslim woman whois obedient to her Lord, obedient to His orders. And in leaving it there is obedience to Satan, and asyou know O Muslim sisters, the campaign against the Hijab is from the fiercest wars between Islamand Kufr, for these criminal Kuffars want the woman yo get rid of her religion, and the first thingthat the woman leaves is her; outfit and cover, for if the woman left her outfit and cover, it isfollowed by leaving the rest of her religion.So the Muslim women should take care of this well, and as you know O Muslim sister that the Westdoes not want you except as a commodity to trade with, and to erase with you the poles of Islam,for Hijab is for the Muslim woman the first pole from the pillars of Islam, as in it is your sanctity andyour purity and cover.And the Western world does not want you to be adherent with hijab for the adherence of thewoman to Hijab depicts their lowness and the cheapness of their manners and their social habitat.The Kafir West trades with women, and considers woman a cheap commodity, for she is for themneither inviolable nor respected but she is for them a source from the sources of trade of evil andshamelessness, and refuge is with Allah from all this.But the Muslim veiled woman is inviolable and respected in her house and outside and she is theprecious jewel, and the expensive pearl. And as our Lord Almighty has said "O Prophet, tell yourwives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] oftheir outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever isAllah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab 59)". This is the saying of Allah the Almighty to hisprophet peace be upon him to address with it his wives and daughters and the women of Muslims.Therefore, we should, me dear sisters, adhere to the Shari Hijab, for that is better for us in the worldand hereafterSecondly, I advice my Muslim sisters to raise their sons on the obedience of Allah the Almighty andthe love of Jihad in His way, and persuade their brothers and husbands and sons to defend the landsof Muslims and their wealth, and to retrieve them from the occupiers, who have violated the landsof Muslims, and looted its riches, and to awaken the Ummah to acquit itself from those who want tocollaborate with the enemies and give up the lands of MuslimsAnd I also advice them to help the Mujahideen with prayers and money, and to help the families ofthe injured and the prisoners with money and donations to their children and women, for they are inthe greatest of need for support to face the difficulties of life.And I remind my sisters with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "Fasting isprotection and Sadaqah extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes fire" (Reported by Tirmidhi,and he classified it as Hasan Saheeh)And I also remind them with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "O the gatheringof women, give alms for I have seen you as the majority of the inhabitants of Hell fire" (Reported byBukhari)And I assure my Muslim sisters everywhere of the role of the Muslim woman in the Islamic world,for women are the siblings of men, so the Muslim women should work beside men to defend herreligion and land. Thus she should defend with herself and if she cannot then with her money and ifshe cannot then by calling in the way of her religion by inviting her Muslim sisters in the Masjids,schools, institutes and houses, and if she is incapable of that then through the internet, she shouldwrite her Daawah and spread it and spread the call of the Mujahideen and it will reach by the will ofAllah and she will find heedful ears and hearts. So I hope from you my dear sister that you do nottire or get bored , from aiding our religion in any way possible.And by the way, many questions have been raised concerning the role of the Muslim women in thecurrent Jihad, and I say, and from Allah is guidance: Jihad is Fard Ayn on every Muslim man andwoman, but the way of fighting is not easy for Muslim women for it requires a Mahram, as thewoman should have a Mahram with her in her going and coming, but we should aid our religion inseveral ways, and should keep our selves in the service of the Mujahideen, and we should fulfillwhatever they ask of us, may it be through monetary aid to them or any service or information orsuggestion or participation in fighting or even through a martyrdom operation, How many sistershave performed martyrdom operations in Palestine and Iraq and Chechnya, and vexed the enemy,and caused them a great defeat!!! We ask Allah to accept them and make us follow them ingoodness.But our basic role in which we hope Allah to accept from us, is to protect the Mujahideen in theirchildren and houses and secrets, and to help them by giving good upbringing to their children. YourMigrant sisters- and to Allah is all praise and thanks- are doing a great work in this field, and arepracticing great patience and steadfastness and bravery and abstinence from the world and love ofthe Hereafter and working for it, in spite of what they are facing of hardship in living, and losing oftheir husbands and children and fathers, and lack of stability, to the point that some of them havebeen put to trial through captivity, but your migrant sisters are patient and seeking the pleasure ofAllah, and to Allah is all praise and thanks.At the end of my statement I would like to remind my sisters that our end and sustenance arewritten with Allah, and Jihad does not bring hasten ones death, nor does it decrease sustenance, andthat Jihad today has become Fard Ayn, as the foreign Kafir enemy has occupied the lands of Muslimsand the three sacred sites are under its control and occupation and also the apostate puppet rulershave taken control over the Muslims, and the scholars have consensus on the necessity of theremoval of the apostate.And as the martyr of Islam –as we hold him – the Sheikh Abd Allah Azzam –May Allah have mercy onhim said– Jihad has become Fard Ayn on the Ummah since the fall of Andalus.As the commanders of the Mujahideen call the Ummah to leave to the battlefields of Jihad, weshould , my dear sisters, not abstain from this religious obligation and we should persuade others toit.And I give you glad tidings that Jihad is in victory and development, and the Western media in spiteof its acceptance of the losses of the Crusades and the Jews in many fields of Jihad, does not transferexcept a part of the truth, and hides most of it. So you should take by the Media of the Mujahideen,that transfers the reality from the battlefield, and depicts the fake of the Western media. And here,we stand in front of you as a living example of the incapability of the Crusaders, for after 8 yearsfrom the starting of the Crusades we are still – by the grace of Allah - carrying out Jihad fromChechnya to the Islamic Algeria, so have faith in the victory of Allah, who says in his Book "Thosewho believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fightagainst the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. (Surah An Nisa'a 76)"And I leave you in the protection of Allah and His careAnd our final call is praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and Peace and Blessings of Allah be uponMuhammad and his family and companionsWassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: THE THIRD KALIMAH-The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta'alah created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta'alah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah."The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Gibraeel A.S. There Gibraeel A.S. told Nabee S.A.W. the story and Nabee S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvationSurah Mulk from the punishment of the graveSurah Kausar from the enemity of the enemySurah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of deathSurah Ikhlaas from hypocrisySurah Falaq from calamities.Surah Naas from evil thoughtsShould someone become aware of the above from your message and read any of these surahs, u will also receive the sawaab for passing on the knowledge. So keep forwarding…….Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W (PBUH) says that"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).Third kalima being: " Subhaan Allah, WalHamdo Lillah, Wa La Illaha IlAllah, Wa Aallah o Akbar, Wa Lahoalwalla quwatta illa billah hil Ali al Azeem."3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites surah ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah build a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"and the last but not the least ALLAH says " spread the knowledge whatever u have …Its duty of each n every Muslim"May ALLAH accepts our good deeds…Ameen [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab sagte: "Oh du, dem Allah die Gabe des Islams verleihte und erkannte, dass es keine wahre Gottheit gibt, ausser Allah, meine nicht, dass wenn du sagst: 'Dies ist die Wahrheit und ich halte mich von allem ausser dieser Wahrheit fern, aber ich werde mich den Mushrikin weder entgegensetzen, noch werde ich irgendetwas über sie sprechen', glaube nicht dass du damit deinen Eintritt in den Islam erreichst. Im Gegenteil, der Hass gegen sie muss vorhanden sein und gegen jene, die sie lieben. Ihre Abwertung (muss vorhanden sein) und das Zeigen der Feindschaft ihnen gegenüber. So wie dein Vater Ibrahim, alaihi salam, und jene, die ihm folgten, sagten: 'Wir sind unschuldig an euch und an dem, was ihr anstelle Allahs dient. Wir verleugnen euch. Und zwischen uns und euch sind Feindschaft und Hass auf immer sichtbar geworden, bis ihr an Allah allein glaubt.' [Al-Mumtahina, 4]Oder als der Erhabene sagt: 'Wer Kufr in den Taghut macht (sich von ihm lossagt etc.) und an Allah Iman macht, hält sich an der festesten Handhabe' [Al-Baqarah, 256]Und Er sagt: 'Wir haben in jedem Volk einen Propheten entsandt (, der sagte): 'Dient Allah und meidet den Taghut!' [An-Nahl, 36]Wenn der Mensch sagen würde: 'Ich folge dem Gesandten, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, und er ist auf der Wahrheit, aber ich werde mich nicht Lat, Uzza, Abu Jahl und ihm ähnlichen entgegensetzen. Was habe ich schon mit ihnen zu tun?' Sein Islam wird nicht gültig sein."Ad-Durarus-Saniyya 2/109 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufr: *** The Story Behind Third Kalimah***The 3rd Kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah SWT created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The Angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip) The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La Illaha illalah."The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Jibraeel A.S. There Jibraeel A.S. told Nabi S.A.W. the story and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvationSurah Mulk from the punishment of the graveSurah Kausar from the enemity of the enemySurah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of deathSurah Ikhlaas from hypocrisySurah Falaq from calamities.Surah Naas from evil thoughtsProphet Muhammad (PBUH) says that,"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).Third kalima being: "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem"3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites Surah Ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah builds a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"Spread the Knowledge!! [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Search Facebook kufar: لڑکی مسلمان ہے لڑکا شیعہ ہے یا پھر لڑکا مسلمان ہے اور لڑکی شیعہ نکاح ہو سکتا ہے ؟؟؟ آج ایک میرے پیج ممبر نے مجھے مسیج کر کے پوچھا ، وہ صاحب کسی شیعہ لڑکی سے محبت کرتے ہیں اور اب زور لگا رہے کے کوئی طریقہ ہو شیعہ سے شادی کر لوں میرے جواب سے وہ ناراض ضرور ہوے ، لیکن سچ تو سچ ہے جواب کسی لڑکے کو لڑکی سے یا لڑکی کو لڑکے سے پیار ہو جانا کوئی بری بات نہیں ہے۔ یہ ایک فطری عمل ہے۔شادی بھی اسی طرح کرنی چاہیے جس سے پیار ہو۔قرآن مجید میں ہےفَانكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاءِ (النساء، 4 : 3)ان عورتوں سے نکاح کرو جو تمہارے لئے پسندیدہ اور حلال ہوںیاد رہے یہ پسند دونوں طرف سے ہونا ضروری ہے۔یہ آیت مبارکہ صرف مردوں کے لیے نہیں عورتوں کے لیے بھی برابر ہے۔ یعنی لڑکا لڑکی دونوں ایک دوسرے کو پسندکرتے ہوں۔ اس کے معنی یہ نہیں ہیں کہ راستے میں جاتے جاتےجو بھی اچھا لگے اس کو ہی اپنا Ideal بنا لیا جائے ۔ سب سے بہتر طریقہ تو یہ ہے کہ جس کو آپ پسند کرتے ہیںاس کے بارے میں پہلے اپنے والدین کو قائل کیا جائے۔ پھر دوسرے فریق کی طرف پیغام بھیجا جائے۔ خاص طور پرلڑکیوں کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ اپنے والدین کو اعتماد میں لیںتاکہ بعد میں خدانخواستہ کوئی مسئلہ بن جائے تو والدیناس کا ساتھ دیں گے۔اب سوال کے دوسرے حصہ کی طرف آتے ہیں۔ اس بات کی وضاحت تو ہو گئی کہ جس سے پیار ہو اسی سے شادی کرنی چاہیے لیکن اس سے بھی ضروری بات ہمارے لیے یہ ہے کہ ہم صحیح العقیدہ مسلمان ہونے کے ناطے قرآن وحدیث کی تعلیمات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے ہی کسی کو اپنا Ideal بنائیں۔اللہ تعالی اور اس کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی پسند ہی ہماری پسند ہونی چاہیے۔ اگر ہم کم علمی اور نادانی کی وجہ سے کسی غلط شخص سے پیار محبت رکھتے ہوں تو معلوم ہو جانے کے بعد ہمیں اللہ تعالی اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی محبت کو اپنے فیصلہ پر ترجیح دینی چاہیے۔ اس لیے جس کے عقائد درست ہوں اسی سے پیار محبت کرنا چاہیے اور اسی سے نکاح کرنا چاہیے۔ اس لیے لڑکا ہو یا لڑکی نکاح سے پہلے دوسرے فریق کے عقائد کی تصدیق ضرور کریں۔اگر کوئی شخص قرآن پاک میں تحریف کا قائل نہ ہو بلکہ قرآن کریم کو محفوظ اور خدا کا کلام مانتا ہو۔ صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اورازواج مطہرات کا گستاخ نہ ہو۔ حضرت عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنہا پر تہمت نہ لگاتا ہو۔امہات المؤمنین کو بھی اہل بیت میں شمار کرتا ہو۔چاروں خلفائے راشدین کو برحق مانتا ہو اور ان کے جنتی ہونے کا عقیدہ رکھتا ہو۔ حضرت علی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کو حضرت عثمان غنی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کے بعد چوتھا خلیفہ مانتا ہو۔حضرت امیر معاویہ رضی اللہ عنہ کو صحابی رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم مانتا ہو اور ان کو گالی گلوچ نہ کرتا ہو۔تو ایسے شخص سے مسلمان لڑکی نکاح کر سکتی ہے۔ یا ایسی لڑکی سے مسلمان مرد نکاح کر سکتا ہے اگر اس کے عقائد مذکورہ بالا عقائد کے برعکس ہوں تو وہ مسلمان کہلانے کا حق دار نہیں ہے بلکہ کافر ہیں اور مسلمان لڑکی یا لڑکےکا نکاح غیر مسلم سے نہیں ہو سکتامزید خبروں، پوسٹس اور حقائق جاننے کے لئے یہ پیج جوائن کریںاگر ھماری کوئی بھی پوسٹ آپ کو پسند نہ آئے تو آپ اپنی شکایات ھماری ھیلپ لائن پر درج کروا سکتے ھیں ھماری اسکائپ آئی ڈی نوٹ فرما لیں zulmkiinteha5700 [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Search Facebook kufar: আজকের ফাইনাল খেলায় কারা কারা বাজি ধরবেন ?? আমার সাথে ধরতে চাইলে কমেন্ট করুন । আমি কিন্তু স্পেনের পাগলা ফ্যান । স্পেন জিতবে ৫০০ টাকা :P ---Shofi--- [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: - Solution to the TTP issue = Declare them as "Kufar"! There is nothing to loose but do what would make them hurt the most. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kufar: Kinem Şafii u hanefi Maliki u hanbeliTew hewgirtine Bo ixtilaf nineİxtilafa van bo neritineDozame kuran Rabbe me rahman Rebere me canan Habibe rahman KinemBo xweda serhildanU bo xweda berxuwdanWan xarbiyan çaw berdan Ser oleme kır dakanMe xistin bin hestranMe xistin bin destan Kinem Şer dıkın bı çekHıldıkın tek tekŞiyar bun naha ,Rakırın Ve car Danin şere sarWan pisse kufar Ciwanan jehrdıkın İslame radıkın Xuwda nahelıneTırbe wan bıkolineKinemİslame jin bikinGele xwe jir bikin Doza xwe avabıkın Van pisse kuffarNew me der bıkın Nuxwazın berdın Bin deste kuffar Kuffare xunxarMe kır hevale Xwudaye kahharKineeeeeeeem [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook taghut: "Tanganmu sedang mengukir sebuah sejarah. Sejarah perjuanganumat, sejarah menegakkan cita-cita dan agama.Benang yang engkausumbangkan itu telah memperindahkan sulaman dari umat ini." -As SyahidImam Hassan Al BannaDan berjihadlah kamu di jalan Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya.Dia telah memilih kamu, dan Dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama. (Surah al-Hajj ayat 78)Maka,tetaplah dalam hati wahai Jundullah."Jari yang mengangkat tasyahud ini tidak akan tunduk pada taghut!"فتح من الله ونصر قريب [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook taghut: Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20] [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Irgendwie witzig, dass die einzigen radikalen Islamisten, die sich bei uns rumtreiben und ihre vergiftete Ideologie rum posaunen, immer nur Hizb ut-Tahrir-Anhänger sind... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook salafisten: Ok, schlechte Nachrichten!!Syrische Terroristen brachten Zivilen Hubschrauber zum Absturz!Wisst ihr mit welchen Waffen? Mit den Waffen die sie von der NATO geliefert bekommen!! NATO Danke für eure "Demokratie!"!!!Damaskus (SANA/IRIB) Die Terroristen in Syrien haben am Sonntag einen Hubschrauber in der Umgebung von Aleppo zum Absturz gebracht.Die Passagiere waren alle Beamten der Behörde für Bildung und wollten den Schülern der Städte Nabal und al-Zahra, die die Arbeit für die Schule nicht mitschreiben konnten, die Arbeitsblätter reichen. In der Stadt Nabal, in der Umgebung von Aleppo, wurde der Hubschrauber Zielscheibe der Schüsse und stürzte anschließend ab. Alle sieben Beamten samt Crew kamen ums Leben.Die zuständigen Beamten in den Städten Nabal und al-Zahra wurden nach einer Absprache mit dem Bildungsministerium dazu angewiesen, den Schülern die Prüfung zu ermöglichen. Damit wollte das Ministerium den Terroristen zeigen, dass es das Ziel erreicht habe, so ein Verantwortlicher des Bildungsministeriums.Quelle: Iran German Radio [1 Aktualisierung]
- Search Facebook kafir: Sa kapendaw'ah pidtalo na dkena langun a penda'wan nengka na maginugot aden anto madtalo na isa, eh si kwana penda'wah dn pedtandangna ika pay mga suldi nan, ikapa e kaluma nina, ikapan e mga wata nina ka dibun pagintulan sa agama, pegkakadaw bun, dibun pamedsambayang.So kapenda'wah nadkena ya kahanda e endo nengka makapawnut e taw ogaid na ya hikma na endo nengka makasampay so katigan a ebpun kanu Allah endo kanu Sugo Nin SAWS, diden makabago e aden kanu lusuda pamilya e dili maginuntolan ka so Nabie Lut AS na mismo a kaluma nin e dala pangimbenal, meto bun so Nabie Noah,kaluma nin bun endo wata nin, taman ko Nabie Muhammad SAWS na so mga baba nin e dala pamaginugot sa lekanin... So kapenda'wah na usto dEn e nakatapenay nengka ko lusuda walaytaman ko mga pagali na luden kanilan o palityala atawa dili tupan ka lyo kadEn banto kanu kanda'wah ogaid na dika temebped so unayan nu kabpagalya,ka inisapal nu Allahotaala sa apia kafir pan so lukes atawa pagali.. . Di makaludep sa surga so taw a temebped kanu unayanu kabpagaliya [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
Jun 30th 2013, 21:07
Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
Jun 30th 2013, 21:06
Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
Jun 30th 2013, 21:06
Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
Jun 30th 2013, 21:06
Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
Jun 30th 2013, 21:06
Ahadith about Dajjal and Portents of the Hour (Part 4)
Mirdas Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The pious men will depart one after another, the dregs of people, like the sediment of barley or dates will remain; Allah will not raise them in value and esteem.''
Commentary: The Hadith shows that the demise of the pious people is one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Resurrection. It also shows that during the last days near the Day of Resurrection, pious persons will not remain and only the wicked people will inhabit the earth and the Day of Judgement will dawn on such bad people.
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` Az-Zuraqi (May Allah be pleased with him) said: Jibril (Gabriel) came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "How do you estimate among you those who participated in the battle of Badr?'' He replied, "They were the best of Muslims'' (or he may have said something similar to that). Jibril said: "The same is the case with the angels who were at Badr.''
Commentary: The Hadith highlights the superiority of those Companions, as well those angels, who participated in the battle of Badr against the forces of Kufr. The Qur'an confirms the fact that the angels fought along with Muslims in this historic battle.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If Allah afflicts punishment upon a nation, it befalls the whole population indiscriminately and then they will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: When Allah's punishment comes to pass, it does not distinguish between the upright and the wicked. However, the pious people will be saved from punishment after their death while the wicked ones will be punished in the Hell. May Allah save us from all types of punishments.
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: There was a trunk of a date-palm tree upon which the Prophet (PBUH) used to recline while delivering Khutbah (sermon). When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel. the Prophet (PBUH) came down from the pulpit and put his hand on the trunk and it became quiet.
Another narration is: The Prophet (PBUH) used to stand by a tree or a date-palm on Friday (to give the Khutbah). Then an Ansari woman or man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall we make a pulpit for you?'' He replied, "If you wish.'' So they made a pulpit for him and when it was Friday, the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the pulpit [to deliver the Khutbah (sermon)] and the trunk of the date-palm on which he used to recline cried out as if it would split asunder.
Another narration is: It cried like a child and the Prophet (PBUH) descended (from the pulpit) and embraced it while it continued moaning like a child being quietened. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "It was crying for (missing) what it used to hear of Dhikr near it.''
Commentary: Ibn Hajar said that there is evidence in this Hadith that Allah can endow inanimate objects with a special sense or feeling like that of animals. The Hadith also shows one of the numerous miracles of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).
Abu Tha`labah Al-Khushani (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has laid down certain duties which you should not neglect, and has put certain limits which you should not transgress, and has kept silent about other matters out of mercy for you and not out of forgetfulness, so do not seek to investigate them.''
[Ad-Daraqutni and others]
Commentary: According to Sheikh Al-Albani there is a break in the chain of this narration. He has given the details about it in his book. But some other scholars have declared it in the category of Hasan narrations. Even Imam An-Nawawi has termed it as Hasan. For details refer to Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Vol. 4: P. 115; Majma` Az-Zawaid, Vol. 7: P.75; Tirmidhi: Chapter relating to Dress, No. 1726; Ibn Majah: Book of Food: Chapter: Eating of Cheese and Butter No:3367; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al Baihaqi: Book of Sacrifice, Chapter: What has been said about hyena and fox.
According to Imam As-Sam`ani, this Hadith is very important, as the details of important things have been given here. Whosoever leads his life accordingly, will surely succeed in this life and the Hereafter.
`Abdullah bin Abu `Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) said: We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in seven expeditions, and we ate locusts.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Locust is a type of insect that flies in huge groups, destroying all the plants and crops. This Hadith highlights the permissibility of eating locusts.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith makes it clear that if a Muslim faces a loss from some place, he should remain careful lest he may be deceived again and again.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There are three (types of) people with whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them (from sins) and there will be a painful chastisement for them: A person who has spare water in a desert and he refuses to give it to the traveller; a person who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon prayer and swears by Allah that he has bought it at such and such price, and the buyer pays him accordingly though in reality it was not true; and a person who pledges allegiance to an Imam (leader) just for some worldly benefit, and then if the Imam bestows on him (something out of that) he fulfills his allegiance, and if does not give him, he does not fulfill it.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Between the two Blowing of the Trumpet there will be an interval of forty.'' The people said, "O Abu Hurairah! Do you mean forty days?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty years?'' He said, "I cannot say anything.'' They said, "Do you mean forty months?'' He said, "I cannot say anything. The Prophet added: `Everything of the human body will perish except the last coccyx bone (end part of the spinal cord), and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body. Then Allah will send down water from the sky and people will grow like green vegetables'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
1. When Israfil blows the Trumpet the first time, by Allah's Leave, all those who are in the heavens and on earth will swoon away, except him whom Allah will. This will be the first Blowing. Then, it will be blown a second time, they will become alive and will emerge from their graves. These Blowings are known as the `Blowings of Fainting and Rising'. As regard the interval between these two Blowings, the narrator of the narration, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), could not say anything when he was asked about it; as he himself did not know it. But in other narrations the interval has been mentioned as forty years.
2. The earth eats away the whole body of humans except the bodies of the Prophets. However, only the end part of the spinal cord remains intact. How it remains intact is known to Allah, but from it mankind will be created again.
3. Bodies will rise from the earth as vegetation springs out from the earth after the rainfall.
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Shaykh Abdurrahman ibnu Hassan Aaluash-Shaykh sagte:
„Die Gelehrten haben sich auf einem schnurgeraden Minhaj [=Methodik] bewegt. Sie haben Bücher unter der Überschrift „Hukm al-Murtad" geschrieben und haben in diesen niemals folgendes behauptet: ,Wer unwissend ein Wort oder eine Tat begeht, die der Shahadatayn [=La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah] widersprechen, so ist dieser entschuldigt und über ihn wird kein Takfir gemacht, aufgrund seiner Unwissenheit.' Ja niemals haben die Gelehrten so etwas in ihren Büchern behauptet. Ganz im Gegenteil. Allah hat in Seinem Buch berichtet, dass die Muschrikun andere nachmachen und unwissend sind. Er hat die Strafe über sie nicht weggenommen, obwohl der Grund für ihren Schirk, das nachmachen Anderer und die Unwissenheit ist."
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (11/478-479)]
Shaykh Abdullah ibnu Abdurrahman ibnu Abd al-Aziz Abu Batin sagte:
„Shaykh Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte, dass diejenigen, anhand des Buches [=Qur'an], der Sunnah und des Konsenses Kafir und Muschrik sind, die von den Gräbern (und seinen Bewohnern) Hilfe erbitten und ihnen Akte der Anbetung entgegenbringen; und er fügte hinzu: ,Alle Gelehrten des Islam haben über solche Leute den Takfir gemacht und ihre Unwissenheit nicht als Entschuldigungsgrund akzeptiert.' Was die Behauptung mancher Abgeirrter anbelangt, die sagen: ,Sie sind aufgrund ihrer Unwissenheit entschuldigt', so ist dies die Reden über Allah (und Seinen Din) aus Unwissenheit!"
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (10/404)]
Shaykhu-l-Islam Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte:
„Wenn du verstanden hast, dass der Mensch aufgrund des aussprechens eines Wortes (des Kufr) mit seiner Zunge ein Kafir werden kann, so sagt er es manchmal weil er ein Jahil ist, doch wird er nicht durch Unwissenheit entschuldigt; und manchmal sagt er es, während er denkt, dass es ihn näher zu Allah bringt; und vorallem wenn dich Allah verstehen lässt, was Er über die Leute von Musa offenbart hat und deren Fähigkeit und Wissen und dass sie zu ihm kamen und sagten: {mache uns einen Ilah, so wie sie Aliha haben!} [7:138], so wird deine Angst groß werden und dein Interesse wird wachsen (um Wissen zu erlangen), damit du dich vor dieser Art (des Kufr) schützt."
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (1/71)
Jun 30th 2013, 21:10
Shaykh Abdurrahman ibnu Hassan Aaluash-Shaykh sagte:
„Die Gelehrten haben sich auf einem schnurgeraden Minhaj [=Methodik] bewegt. Sie haben Bücher unter der Überschrift „Hukm al-Murtad" geschrieben und haben in diesen niemals folgendes behauptet: ,Wer unwissend ein Wort oder eine Tat begeht, die der Shahadatayn [=La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah] widersprechen, so ist dieser entschuldigt und über ihn wird kein Takfir gemacht, aufgrund seiner Unwissenheit.' Ja niemals haben die Gelehrten so etwas in ihren Büchern behauptet. Ganz im Gegenteil. Allah hat in Seinem Buch berichtet, dass die Muschrikun andere nachmachen und unwissend sind. Er hat die Strafe über sie nicht weggenommen, obwohl der Grund für ihren Schirk, das nachmachen Anderer und die Unwissenheit ist."
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (11/478-479)]
Shaykh Abdullah ibnu Abdurrahman ibnu Abd al-Aziz Abu Batin sagte:
„Shaykh Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte, dass diejenigen, anhand des Buches [=Qur'an], der Sunnah und des Konsenses Kafir und Muschrik sind, die von den Gräbern (und seinen Bewohnern) Hilfe erbitten und ihnen Akte der Anbetung entgegenbringen; und er fügte hinzu: ,Alle Gelehrten des Islam haben über solche Leute den Takfir gemacht und ihre Unwissenheit nicht als Entschuldigungsgrund akzeptiert.' Was die Behauptung mancher Abgeirrter anbelangt, die sagen: ,Sie sind aufgrund ihrer Unwissenheit entschuldigt', so ist dies die Reden über Allah (und Seinen Din) aus Unwissenheit!"
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (10/404)]
Shaykhu-l-Islam Muhammad ibnu 'Abdu-l-Wahhab sagte:
„Wenn du verstanden hast, dass der Mensch aufgrund des aussprechens eines Wortes (des Kufr) mit seiner Zunge ein Kafir werden kann, so sagt er es manchmal weil er ein Jahil ist, doch wird er nicht durch Unwissenheit entschuldigt; und manchmal sagt er es, während er denkt, dass es ihn näher zu Allah bringt; und vorallem wenn dich Allah verstehen lässt, was Er über die Leute von Musa offenbart hat und deren Fähigkeit und Wissen und dass sie zu ihm kamen und sagten: {mache uns einen Ilah, so wie sie Aliha haben!} [7:138], so wird deine Angst groß werden und dein Interesse wird wachsen (um Wissen zu erlangen), damit du dich vor dieser Art (des Kufr) schützt."
[Ad-Durar us-Saniyyah (1/71)
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Martina Dostálková: chteli po tobe nekdy, pri boardingu v Praze, rezervaci zpatecni letenky? (ČSA)
Jun 30th 2013, 21:15
Martina Dostálková: chteli po tobe nekdy, pri boardingu v Praze, rezervaci zpatecni letenky? (ČSA)
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Kızım kalıtenı soyle bana
Bıt pazarında Calısıordun :D
Smdı mesajlara cvb vermıorsn :D :D
Jun 30th 2013, 21:16
Kızım kalıtenı soyle bana
Bıt pazarında Calısıordun :D
Smdı mesajlara cvb vermıorsn :D :D
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Firstly I call them to adhere with all the rules of Islam, for in it is the happiness of the world and the victory in the hereafter, specially adherence with Hijab, for it is the title of the Muslim woman who
is obedient to her Lord, obedient to His orders. And in leaving it there is obedience to Satan, and as
you know O Muslim sisters, the campaign against the Hijab is from the fiercest wars between Islam
and Kufr, for these criminal Kuffars want the woman yo get rid of her religion, and the first thing
that the woman leaves is her; outfit and cover, for if the woman left her outfit and cover, it is
followed by leaving the rest of her religion.
So the Muslim women should take care of this well, and as you know O Muslim sister that the West
does not want you except as a commodity to trade with, and to erase with you the poles of Islam,
for Hijab is for the Muslim woman the first pole from the pillars of Islam, as in it is your sanctity and
your purity and cover.
And the Western world does not want you to be adherent with hijab for the adherence of the
woman to Hijab depicts their lowness and the cheapness of their manners and their social habitat.
The Kafir West trades with women, and considers woman a cheap commodity, for she is for them
neither inviolable nor respected but she is for them a source from the sources of trade of evil and
shamelessness, and refuge is with Allah from all this.
But the Muslim veiled woman is inviolable and respected in her house and outside and she is the
precious jewel, and the expensive pearl. And as our Lord Almighty has said "O Prophet, tell your
wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of
their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is
Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab 59)". This is the saying of Allah the Almighty to his
prophet peace be upon him to address with it his wives and daughters and the women of Muslims.
Therefore, we should, me dear sisters, adhere to the Shari Hijab, for that is better for us in the world
and hereafter
Secondly, I advice my Muslim sisters to raise their sons on the obedience of Allah the Almighty and
the love of Jihad in His way, and persuade their brothers and husbands and sons to defend the lands
of Muslims and their wealth, and to retrieve them from the occupiers, who have violated the lands
of Muslims, and looted its riches, and to awaken the Ummah to acquit itself from those who want to
collaborate with the enemies and give up the lands of Muslims
And I also advice them to help the Mujahideen with prayers and money, and to help the families of
the injured and the prisoners with money and donations to their children and women, for they are in
the greatest of need for support to face the difficulties of life.
And I remind my sisters with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "Fasting is
protection and Sadaqah extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes fire" (Reported by Tirmidhi,
and he classified it as Hasan Saheeh)
And I also remind them with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "O the gathering
of women, give alms for I have seen you as the majority of the inhabitants of Hell fire" (Reported by
And I assure my Muslim sisters everywhere of the role of the Muslim woman in the Islamic world,
for women are the siblings of men, so the Muslim women should work beside men to defend her
religion and land. Thus she should defend with herself and if she cannot then with her money and if
she cannot then by calling in the way of her religion by inviting her Muslim sisters in the Masjids,
schools, institutes and houses, and if she is incapable of that then through the internet, she should
write her Daawah and spread it and spread the call of the Mujahideen and it will reach by the will of
Allah and she will find heedful ears and hearts. So I hope from you my dear sister that you do not
tire or get bored , from aiding our religion in any way possible.
And by the way, many questions have been raised concerning the role of the Muslim women in the
current Jihad, and I say, and from Allah is guidance: Jihad is Fard Ayn on every Muslim man and
woman, but the way of fighting is not easy for Muslim women for it requires a Mahram, as the
woman should have a Mahram with her in her going and coming, but we should aid our religion in
several ways, and should keep our selves in the service of the Mujahideen, and we should fulfill
whatever they ask of us, may it be through monetary aid to them or any service or information or
suggestion or participation in fighting or even through a martyrdom operation, How many sisters
have performed martyrdom operations in Palestine and Iraq and Chechnya, and vexed the enemy,
and caused them a great defeat!!! We ask Allah to accept them and make us follow them in
But our basic role in which we hope Allah to accept from us, is to protect the Mujahideen in their
children and houses and secrets, and to help them by giving good upbringing to their children. Your
Migrant sisters- and to Allah is all praise and thanks- are doing a great work in this field, and are
practicing great patience and steadfastness and bravery and abstinence from the world and love of
the Hereafter and working for it, in spite of what they are facing of hardship in living, and losing of
their husbands and children and fathers, and lack of stability, to the point that some of them have
been put to trial through captivity, but your migrant sisters are patient and seeking the pleasure of
Allah, and to Allah is all praise and thanks.
At the end of my statement I would like to remind my sisters that our end and sustenance are
written with Allah, and Jihad does not bring hasten ones death, nor does it decrease sustenance, and
that Jihad today has become Fard Ayn, as the foreign Kafir enemy has occupied the lands of Muslims
and the three sacred sites are under its control and occupation and also the apostate puppet rulers
have taken control over the Muslims, and the scholars have consensus on the necessity of the
removal of the apostate.
And as the martyr of Islam –as we hold him – the Sheikh Abd Allah Azzam –May Allah have mercy on
him said– Jihad has become Fard Ayn on the Ummah since the fall of Andalus.
As the commanders of the Mujahideen call the Ummah to leave to the battlefields of Jihad, we
should , my dear sisters, not abstain from this religious obligation and we should persuade others to
And I give you glad tidings that Jihad is in victory and development, and the Western media in spite
of its acceptance of the losses of the Crusades and the Jews in many fields of Jihad, does not transfer
except a part of the truth, and hides most of it. So you should take by the Media of the Mujahideen,
that transfers the reality from the battlefield, and depicts the fake of the Western media. And here,
we stand in front of you as a living example of the incapability of the Crusaders, for after 8 years
from the starting of the Crusades we are still – by the grace of Allah - carrying out Jihad from
Chechnya to the Islamic Algeria, so have faith in the victory of Allah, who says in his Book "Those
who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight
against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. (Surah An Nisa'a 76)"
And I leave you in the protection of Allah and His care
And our final call is praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon
Muhammad and his family and companions
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Jun 30th 2013, 21:16
Firstly I call them to adhere with all the rules of Islam, for in it is the happiness of the world and the victory in the hereafter, specially adherence with Hijab, for it is the title of the Muslim woman who
is obedient to her Lord, obedient to His orders. And in leaving it there is obedience to Satan, and as
you know O Muslim sisters, the campaign against the Hijab is from the fiercest wars between Islam
and Kufr, for these criminal Kuffars want the woman yo get rid of her religion, and the first thing
that the woman leaves is her; outfit and cover, for if the woman left her outfit and cover, it is
followed by leaving the rest of her religion.
So the Muslim women should take care of this well, and as you know O Muslim sister that the West
does not want you except as a commodity to trade with, and to erase with you the poles of Islam,
for Hijab is for the Muslim woman the first pole from the pillars of Islam, as in it is your sanctity and
your purity and cover.
And the Western world does not want you to be adherent with hijab for the adherence of the
woman to Hijab depicts their lowness and the cheapness of their manners and their social habitat.
The Kafir West trades with women, and considers woman a cheap commodity, for she is for them
neither inviolable nor respected but she is for them a source from the sources of trade of evil and
shamelessness, and refuge is with Allah from all this.
But the Muslim veiled woman is inviolable and respected in her house and outside and she is the
precious jewel, and the expensive pearl. And as our Lord Almighty has said "O Prophet, tell your
wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of
their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is
Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab 59)". This is the saying of Allah the Almighty to his
prophet peace be upon him to address with it his wives and daughters and the women of Muslims.
Therefore, we should, me dear sisters, adhere to the Shari Hijab, for that is better for us in the world
and hereafter
Secondly, I advice my Muslim sisters to raise their sons on the obedience of Allah the Almighty and
the love of Jihad in His way, and persuade their brothers and husbands and sons to defend the lands
of Muslims and their wealth, and to retrieve them from the occupiers, who have violated the lands
of Muslims, and looted its riches, and to awaken the Ummah to acquit itself from those who want to
collaborate with the enemies and give up the lands of Muslims
And I also advice them to help the Mujahideen with prayers and money, and to help the families of
the injured and the prisoners with money and donations to their children and women, for they are in
the greatest of need for support to face the difficulties of life.
And I remind my sisters with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "Fasting is
protection and Sadaqah extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes fire" (Reported by Tirmidhi,
and he classified it as Hasan Saheeh)
And I also remind them with the saying of Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) : "O the gathering
of women, give alms for I have seen you as the majority of the inhabitants of Hell fire" (Reported by
And I assure my Muslim sisters everywhere of the role of the Muslim woman in the Islamic world,
for women are the siblings of men, so the Muslim women should work beside men to defend her
religion and land. Thus she should defend with herself and if she cannot then with her money and if
she cannot then by calling in the way of her religion by inviting her Muslim sisters in the Masjids,
schools, institutes and houses, and if she is incapable of that then through the internet, she should
write her Daawah and spread it and spread the call of the Mujahideen and it will reach by the will of
Allah and she will find heedful ears and hearts. So I hope from you my dear sister that you do not
tire or get bored , from aiding our religion in any way possible.
And by the way, many questions have been raised concerning the role of the Muslim women in the
current Jihad, and I say, and from Allah is guidance: Jihad is Fard Ayn on every Muslim man and
woman, but the way of fighting is not easy for Muslim women for it requires a Mahram, as the
woman should have a Mahram with her in her going and coming, but we should aid our religion in
several ways, and should keep our selves in the service of the Mujahideen, and we should fulfill
whatever they ask of us, may it be through monetary aid to them or any service or information or
suggestion or participation in fighting or even through a martyrdom operation, How many sisters
have performed martyrdom operations in Palestine and Iraq and Chechnya, and vexed the enemy,
and caused them a great defeat!!! We ask Allah to accept them and make us follow them in
But our basic role in which we hope Allah to accept from us, is to protect the Mujahideen in their
children and houses and secrets, and to help them by giving good upbringing to their children. Your
Migrant sisters- and to Allah is all praise and thanks- are doing a great work in this field, and are
practicing great patience and steadfastness and bravery and abstinence from the world and love of
the Hereafter and working for it, in spite of what they are facing of hardship in living, and losing of
their husbands and children and fathers, and lack of stability, to the point that some of them have
been put to trial through captivity, but your migrant sisters are patient and seeking the pleasure of
Allah, and to Allah is all praise and thanks.
At the end of my statement I would like to remind my sisters that our end and sustenance are
written with Allah, and Jihad does not bring hasten ones death, nor does it decrease sustenance, and
that Jihad today has become Fard Ayn, as the foreign Kafir enemy has occupied the lands of Muslims
and the three sacred sites are under its control and occupation and also the apostate puppet rulers
have taken control over the Muslims, and the scholars have consensus on the necessity of the
removal of the apostate.
And as the martyr of Islam –as we hold him – the Sheikh Abd Allah Azzam –May Allah have mercy on
him said– Jihad has become Fard Ayn on the Ummah since the fall of Andalus.
As the commanders of the Mujahideen call the Ummah to leave to the battlefields of Jihad, we
should , my dear sisters, not abstain from this religious obligation and we should persuade others to
And I give you glad tidings that Jihad is in victory and development, and the Western media in spite
of its acceptance of the losses of the Crusades and the Jews in many fields of Jihad, does not transfer
except a part of the truth, and hides most of it. So you should take by the Media of the Mujahideen,
that transfers the reality from the battlefield, and depicts the fake of the Western media. And here,
we stand in front of you as a living example of the incapability of the Crusaders, for after 8 years
from the starting of the Crusades we are still – by the grace of Allah - carrying out Jihad from
Chechnya to the Islamic Algeria, so have faith in the victory of Allah, who says in his Book "Those
who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight
against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak. (Surah An Nisa'a 76)"
And I leave you in the protection of Allah and His care
And our final call is praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon
Muhammad and his family and companions
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
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The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta'alah created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta'alah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)
Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"
Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah."
The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."
More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Gibraeel A.S. There Gibraeel A.S. told Nabee S.A.W. the story and Nabee S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)
And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.
Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.
Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.
Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.
Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvation
Surah Mulk from the punishment of the grave
Surah Kausar from the enemity of the enemy
Surah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of death
Surah Ikhlaas from hypocrisy
Surah Falaq from calamities.
Surah Naas from evil thoughts
Should someone become aware of the above from your message and read any of these surahs, u will also receive the sawaab for passing on the knowledge. So keep forwarding…….
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W (PBUH) says that
"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"
2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).
Third kalima being: " Subhaan Allah, WalHamdo Lillah, Wa La Illaha IlAllah, Wa Aallah o Akbar, Wa Lahoalwalla quwatta illa billah hil Ali al Azeem."
3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites surah ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah build a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"
and the last but not the least ALLAH says " spread the knowledge whatever u have …Its duty of each n every Muslim"
May ALLAH accepts our good deeds…Ameen
Jun 30th 2013, 21:18
The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta'alah created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta'alah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)
Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"
Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah."
The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."
More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Gibraeel A.S. There Gibraeel A.S. told Nabee S.A.W. the story and Nabee S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)
And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.
Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.
Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.
Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.
Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvation
Surah Mulk from the punishment of the grave
Surah Kausar from the enemity of the enemy
Surah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of death
Surah Ikhlaas from hypocrisy
Surah Falaq from calamities.
Surah Naas from evil thoughts
Should someone become aware of the above from your message and read any of these surahs, u will also receive the sawaab for passing on the knowledge. So keep forwarding…….
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W (PBUH) says that
"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"
2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).
Third kalima being: " Subhaan Allah, WalHamdo Lillah, Wa La Illaha IlAllah, Wa Aallah o Akbar, Wa Lahoalwalla quwatta illa billah hil Ali al Azeem."
3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites surah ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah build a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"
and the last but not the least ALLAH says " spread the knowledge whatever u have …Its duty of each n every Muslim"
May ALLAH accepts our good deeds…Ameen
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab sagte: "Oh du, dem Allah die Gabe des Islams verleihte und erkannte, dass es keine wahre Gottheit gibt, ausser Allah, meine nicht, dass wenn du sagst: 'Dies ist die Wahrheit und ich halte mich von allem ausser dieser Wahrheit fern, aber ich werde mich den Mushrikin weder entgegensetzen, noch werde ich irgendetwas über sie sprechen', glaube nicht dass du damit deinen Eintritt in den Islam erreichst. Im Gegenteil, der Hass gegen sie muss vorhanden sein und gegen jene, die sie lieben. Ihre Abwertung (muss vorhanden sein) und das Zeigen der Feindschaft ihnen gegenüber. So wie dein Vater Ibrahim, alaihi salam, und jene, die ihm folgten, sagten:
'Wir sind unschuldig an euch und an dem, was ihr anstelle Allahs dient. Wir verleugnen euch. Und zwischen uns und euch sind Feindschaft und Hass auf immer sichtbar geworden, bis ihr an Allah allein glaubt.' [Al-Mumtahina, 4]
Oder als der Erhabene sagt: 'Wer Kufr in den Taghut macht (sich von ihm lossagt etc.) und an Allah Iman macht, hält sich an der festesten Handhabe' [Al-Baqarah, 256]
Und Er sagt: 'Wir haben in jedem Volk einen Propheten entsandt (, der sagte): 'Dient Allah und meidet den Taghut!' [An-Nahl, 36]
Wenn der Mensch sagen würde: 'Ich folge dem Gesandten, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, und er ist auf der Wahrheit, aber ich werde mich nicht Lat, Uzza, Abu Jahl und ihm ähnlichen entgegensetzen. Was habe ich schon mit ihnen zu tun?' Sein Islam wird nicht gültig sein."
Ad-Durarus-Saniyya 2/109
Jun 30th 2013, 21:19
Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab sagte: "Oh du, dem Allah die Gabe des Islams verleihte und erkannte, dass es keine wahre Gottheit gibt, ausser Allah, meine nicht, dass wenn du sagst: 'Dies ist die Wahrheit und ich halte mich von allem ausser dieser Wahrheit fern, aber ich werde mich den Mushrikin weder entgegensetzen, noch werde ich irgendetwas über sie sprechen', glaube nicht dass du damit deinen Eintritt in den Islam erreichst. Im Gegenteil, der Hass gegen sie muss vorhanden sein und gegen jene, die sie lieben. Ihre Abwertung (muss vorhanden sein) und das Zeigen der Feindschaft ihnen gegenüber. So wie dein Vater Ibrahim, alaihi salam, und jene, die ihm folgten, sagten:
'Wir sind unschuldig an euch und an dem, was ihr anstelle Allahs dient. Wir verleugnen euch. Und zwischen uns und euch sind Feindschaft und Hass auf immer sichtbar geworden, bis ihr an Allah allein glaubt.' [Al-Mumtahina, 4]
Oder als der Erhabene sagt: 'Wer Kufr in den Taghut macht (sich von ihm lossagt etc.) und an Allah Iman macht, hält sich an der festesten Handhabe' [Al-Baqarah, 256]
Und Er sagt: 'Wir haben in jedem Volk einen Propheten entsandt (, der sagte): 'Dient Allah und meidet den Taghut!' [An-Nahl, 36]
Wenn der Mensch sagen würde: 'Ich folge dem Gesandten, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, und er ist auf der Wahrheit, aber ich werde mich nicht Lat, Uzza, Abu Jahl und ihm ähnlichen entgegensetzen. Was habe ich schon mit ihnen zu tun?' Sein Islam wird nicht gültig sein."
Ad-Durarus-Saniyya 2/109
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:42PM +0100
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*** The Story Behind Third Kalimah***
The 3rd Kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah SWT created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)
Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The Angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"
Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip) The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La Illaha illalah."
The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."
More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Jibraeel A.S. There Jibraeel A.S. told Nabi S.A.W. the story and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)
And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.
Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.
Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.
Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.
Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvation
Surah Mulk from the punishment of the grave
Surah Kausar from the enemity of the enemy
Surah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of death
Surah Ikhlaas from hypocrisy
Surah Falaq from calamities.
Surah Naas from evil thoughts
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says that,"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"
2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).
Third kalima being: "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem"
3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites Surah Ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah builds a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"
Spread the Knowledge!!
Jun 30th 2013, 21:27
*** The Story Behind Third Kalimah***
The 3rd Kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah SWT created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah)
Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The Angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah"
Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip) The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La Illaha illalah."
The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar."
More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Jibraeel A.S. There Jibraeel A.S. told Nabi S.A.W. the story and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great)
And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah.
Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that is recited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima.
Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.
Surah Yaseen from the thirst of the Day of Judgement.
Sura Waaqiah from poverty and starvation
Surah Mulk from the punishment of the grave
Surah Kausar from the enemity of the enemy
Surah Kaafiroon from kufr at the time of death
Surah Ikhlaas from hypocrisy
Surah Falaq from calamities.
Surah Naas from evil thoughts
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says that,"If a person recites " Ayatal Kursi" after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except Death"
2) There is a Hadith that says "3rd kalima" is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is "Sorrow" (Gham).
Third kalima being: "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem"
3) Another Hadith says "if a person recites Surah Ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah builds a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah)"
Spread the Knowledge!!
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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Prabhjot Singh-
Jun 30th 2013, 16:59
देश का सबसे ज्यादा दौलतमंद मंदिर
तिरुपति बालाजीका मंदिर है इस मंदिर
की कुल
संपत्ति 5200 करोड़ रुपए है,
शिरडी साईं
बाबा का मंदिर आय के मामले में भारत
का दूसरा सबसे दौलतमंद मंदिर है, तीसरे
नंबर पर
माता वैष्णों देवी का मंदिर है
जिसकी सालाना आय
500 करोड़ रुपए है,
जबकि सिद्धि विनायक
को 46 करोड़ रुपए सालाना दान में
उत्तराखंड की भयानक त्रासदी के कई
भी किसी धर्मस्थल के
प्रबंधकों द्वारा पीड़ितों के
पुनर्वास के लिए किसी बड़े
सहायता कार्यक्रम
की शुरुआत नहीं की है. मंदिरों के पास
जो अकूत दौलत
है वो जनता की संपत्ति है. उसका जनहित
इस्तेमाल करना सबसे ज्यादा धार्मिक और
कर्म होगा आखिर धन के खजाने में पडे रहने
या उसका गलत इस्तेमाल करने को कैसे
किया जा सकता है जबकि लोग मर रहे हैं?
Pls share it dat everybdy
wl undrstand dat we r just wasting
our money....
Only S.G.P.C. From harimandir sahib, Amritsar, and some other gurdwara committies started 24 hour free langar and medical camp at uttrakhand. Hundreds of volunteer sikh doing seva at uttrakhand.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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لڑکی مسلمان ہے لڑکا شیعہ ہے یا پھر
لڑکا مسلمان ہے اور لڑکی شیعہ نکاح ہو سکتا ہے ؟؟؟
آج ایک میرے پیج ممبر نے مجھے مسیج کر کے پوچھا ، وہ صاحب کسی شیعہ لڑکی سے محبت کرتے ہیں اور اب زور لگا رہے کے کوئی طریقہ ہو شیعہ سے شادی کر لوں
میرے جواب سے وہ ناراض ضرور ہوے ، لیکن سچ تو سچ ہے
کسی لڑکے کو لڑکی سے یا لڑکی کو لڑکے سے
پیار ہو جانا کوئی بری بات نہیں ہے۔ یہ ایک فطری عمل ہے۔
شادی بھی اسی طرح کرنی چاہیے جس سے پیار ہو۔
قرآن مجید میں ہے
فَانكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاءِ (النساء، 4 : 3)
ان عورتوں سے نکاح کرو جو تمہارے لئے پسندیدہ اور حلال ہوں
یاد رہے یہ پسند دونوں طرف سے ہونا ضروری ہے۔
یہ آیت مبارکہ صرف مردوں کے لیے نہیں عورتوں کے لیے
بھی برابر ہے۔ یعنی لڑکا لڑکی دونوں ایک دوسرے کو پسند
کرتے ہوں۔ اس کے معنی یہ نہیں ہیں کہ راستے میں جاتے جاتے
جو بھی اچھا لگے اس کو ہی اپنا Ideal بنا لیا جائے ۔
سب سے بہتر طریقہ تو یہ ہے کہ جس کو آپ پسند کرتے ہیں
اس کے بارے میں پہلے اپنے والدین کو قائل کیا جائے۔
پھر دوسرے فریق کی طرف پیغام بھیجا جائے۔ خاص طور پر
لڑکیوں کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ اپنے والدین کو اعتماد میں لیں
تاکہ بعد میں خدانخواستہ کوئی مسئلہ بن جائے تو والدین
اس کا ساتھ دیں گے۔
اب سوال کے دوسرے حصہ کی طرف آتے ہیں۔ اس بات کی وضاحت تو ہو گئی کہ جس سے پیار ہو اسی سے شادی کرنی چاہیے لیکن اس سے بھی ضروری بات ہمارے لیے یہ ہے کہ ہم صحیح العقیدہ مسلمان ہونے کے ناطے قرآن وحدیث کی تعلیمات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے ہی کسی کو اپنا Ideal بنائیں۔
اللہ تعالی اور اس کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی پسند ہی ہماری پسند ہونی چاہیے۔ اگر ہم کم علمی اور نادانی کی وجہ سے کسی غلط شخص سے پیار محبت رکھتے ہوں تو معلوم ہو جانے کے بعد ہمیں اللہ تعالی اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی محبت کو اپنے فیصلہ پر ترجیح دینی چاہیے۔ اس لیے جس کے عقائد درست ہوں اسی سے پیار محبت کرنا چاہیے اور اسی سے نکاح کرنا چاہیے۔ اس لیے لڑکا ہو یا لڑکی نکاح سے پہلے دوسرے فریق کے عقائد کی تصدیق ضرور کریں۔
اگر کوئی شخص قرآن پاک میں تحریف کا قائل نہ ہو بلکہ قرآن کریم
کو محفوظ اور خدا کا کلام مانتا ہو۔ صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اور
ازواج مطہرات کا گستاخ نہ ہو۔
حضرت عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنہا پر تہمت نہ لگاتا ہو۔
امہات المؤمنین کو بھی اہل بیت میں شمار کرتا ہو۔
چاروں خلفائے راشدین کو برحق مانتا ہو اور ان کے جنتی ہونے کا عقیدہ رکھتا ہو۔
حضرت علی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کو حضرت عثمان غنی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کے بعد چوتھا خلیفہ مانتا ہو۔
حضرت امیر معاویہ رضی اللہ عنہ کو صحابی رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم مانتا ہو اور ان کو گالی گلوچ نہ کرتا ہو۔
تو ایسے شخص سے مسلمان لڑکی نکاح کر سکتی ہے۔ یا ایسی لڑکی سے مسلمان مرد نکاح کر سکتا ہے
اگر اس کے عقائد مذکورہ بالا عقائد کے برعکس ہوں تو وہ مسلمان کہلانے کا حق دار نہیں ہے بلکہ کافر ہیں اور مسلمان لڑکی یا لڑکے
کا نکاح غیر مسلم سے نہیں ہو سکتا
مزید خبروں، پوسٹس اور حقائق جاننے کے لئے یہ پیج جوائن کریں
اگر ھماری کوئی بھی پوسٹ آپ کو پسند نہ آئے تو آپ اپنی شکایات ھماری ھیلپ لائن پر درج کروا سکتے ھیں
ھماری اسکائپ آئی ڈی نوٹ فرما لیں zulmkiinteha5700
Jun 30th 2013, 17:37
لڑکی مسلمان ہے لڑکا شیعہ ہے یا پھر
لڑکا مسلمان ہے اور لڑکی شیعہ نکاح ہو سکتا ہے ؟؟؟
آج ایک میرے پیج ممبر نے مجھے مسیج کر کے پوچھا ، وہ صاحب کسی شیعہ لڑکی سے محبت کرتے ہیں اور اب زور لگا رہے کے کوئی طریقہ ہو شیعہ سے شادی کر لوں
میرے جواب سے وہ ناراض ضرور ہوے ، لیکن سچ تو سچ ہے
کسی لڑکے کو لڑکی سے یا لڑکی کو لڑکے سے
پیار ہو جانا کوئی بری بات نہیں ہے۔ یہ ایک فطری عمل ہے۔
شادی بھی اسی طرح کرنی چاہیے جس سے پیار ہو۔
قرآن مجید میں ہے
فَانكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاءِ (النساء، 4 : 3)
ان عورتوں سے نکاح کرو جو تمہارے لئے پسندیدہ اور حلال ہوں
یاد رہے یہ پسند دونوں طرف سے ہونا ضروری ہے۔
یہ آیت مبارکہ صرف مردوں کے لیے نہیں عورتوں کے لیے
بھی برابر ہے۔ یعنی لڑکا لڑکی دونوں ایک دوسرے کو پسند
کرتے ہوں۔ اس کے معنی یہ نہیں ہیں کہ راستے میں جاتے جاتے
جو بھی اچھا لگے اس کو ہی اپنا Ideal بنا لیا جائے ۔
سب سے بہتر طریقہ تو یہ ہے کہ جس کو آپ پسند کرتے ہیں
اس کے بارے میں پہلے اپنے والدین کو قائل کیا جائے۔
پھر دوسرے فریق کی طرف پیغام بھیجا جائے۔ خاص طور پر
لڑکیوں کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ اپنے والدین کو اعتماد میں لیں
تاکہ بعد میں خدانخواستہ کوئی مسئلہ بن جائے تو والدین
اس کا ساتھ دیں گے۔
اب سوال کے دوسرے حصہ کی طرف آتے ہیں۔ اس بات کی وضاحت تو ہو گئی کہ جس سے پیار ہو اسی سے شادی کرنی چاہیے لیکن اس سے بھی ضروری بات ہمارے لیے یہ ہے کہ ہم صحیح العقیدہ مسلمان ہونے کے ناطے قرآن وحدیث کی تعلیمات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے ہی کسی کو اپنا Ideal بنائیں۔
اللہ تعالی اور اس کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی پسند ہی ہماری پسند ہونی چاہیے۔ اگر ہم کم علمی اور نادانی کی وجہ سے کسی غلط شخص سے پیار محبت رکھتے ہوں تو معلوم ہو جانے کے بعد ہمیں اللہ تعالی اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی محبت کو اپنے فیصلہ پر ترجیح دینی چاہیے۔ اس لیے جس کے عقائد درست ہوں اسی سے پیار محبت کرنا چاہیے اور اسی سے نکاح کرنا چاہیے۔ اس لیے لڑکا ہو یا لڑکی نکاح سے پہلے دوسرے فریق کے عقائد کی تصدیق ضرور کریں۔
اگر کوئی شخص قرآن پاک میں تحریف کا قائل نہ ہو بلکہ قرآن کریم
کو محفوظ اور خدا کا کلام مانتا ہو۔ صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اور
ازواج مطہرات کا گستاخ نہ ہو۔
حضرت عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنہا پر تہمت نہ لگاتا ہو۔
امہات المؤمنین کو بھی اہل بیت میں شمار کرتا ہو۔
چاروں خلفائے راشدین کو برحق مانتا ہو اور ان کے جنتی ہونے کا عقیدہ رکھتا ہو۔
حضرت علی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کو حضرت عثمان غنی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کے بعد چوتھا خلیفہ مانتا ہو۔
حضرت امیر معاویہ رضی اللہ عنہ کو صحابی رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم مانتا ہو اور ان کو گالی گلوچ نہ کرتا ہو۔
تو ایسے شخص سے مسلمان لڑکی نکاح کر سکتی ہے۔ یا ایسی لڑکی سے مسلمان مرد نکاح کر سکتا ہے
اگر اس کے عقائد مذکورہ بالا عقائد کے برعکس ہوں تو وہ مسلمان کہلانے کا حق دار نہیں ہے بلکہ کافر ہیں اور مسلمان لڑکی یا لڑکے
کا نکاح غیر مسلم سے نہیں ہو سکتا
مزید خبروں، پوسٹس اور حقائق جاننے کے لئے یہ پیج جوائن کریں
اگر ھماری کوئی بھی پوسٹ آپ کو پسند نہ آئے تو آپ اپنی شکایات ھماری ھیلپ لائن پر درج کروا سکتے ھیں
ھماری اسکائپ آئی ڈی نوٹ فرما لیں zulmkiinteha5700
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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Happy sundey to lovely bro & sis love u all.
Jun 30th 2013, 19:40
Happy sundey to lovely bro & sis love u all.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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Timeline Photos-
Jun 30th 2013, 18:29
Azhar Ahmed shared Orya Maqbool Jan's photo.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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Mobile py Sub ko Tax Mubarik :@
Jun 30th 2013, 19:18
Mobile py Sub ko Tax Mubarik :@
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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আজকের ফাইনাল খেলায় কারা কারা বাজি ধরবেন ?? আমার সাথে ধরতে চাইলে কমেন্ট করুন । আমি কিন্তু স্পেনের পাগলা ফ্যান ।
স্পেন জিতবে ৫০০ টাকা :P
Jun 30th 2013, 19:25
আজকের ফাইনাল খেলায় কারা কারা বাজি ধরবেন ?? আমার সাথে ধরতে চাইলে কমেন্ট করুন । আমি কিন্তু স্পেনের পাগলা ফ্যান ।
স্পেন জিতবে ৫০০ টাকা :P
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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- Solution to the TTP issue = Declare them as "Kufar"! There is nothing to loose but do what would make them hurt the most.
Jun 30th 2013, 20:04
- Solution to the TTP issue = Declare them as "Kufar"! There is nothing to loose but do what would make them hurt the most.
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:31PM +0100
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Şafii u hanefi
Maliki u hanbeli
Tew hewgirtine
Bo ixtilaf nine
İxtilafa van bo neritine
Dozame kuran
Rabbe me rahman
Rebere me canan
Habibe rahman
Bo xweda serhildan
U bo xweda berxuwdan
Wan xarbiyan çaw berdan
Ser oleme kır dakan
Me xistin bin hestran
Me xistin bin destan
Şer dıkın bı çek
Hıldıkın tek tek
Şiyar bun naha ,
Rakırın Ve car
Danin şere sar
Wan pisse kufar
Ciwanan jehrdıkın
İslame radıkın
Xuwda nahelıne
Tırbe wan bıkoline
İslame jin bikin
Gele xwe jir bikin
Doza xwe avabıkın
Van pisse kuffar
New me der bıkın
Nuxwazın berdın
Bin deste kuffar
Kuffare xunxar
Me kır hevale
Xwudaye kahhar
Jun 30th 2013, 20:24
Şafii u hanefi
Maliki u hanbeli
Tew hewgirtine
Bo ixtilaf nine
İxtilafa van bo neritine
Dozame kuran
Rabbe me rahman
Rebere me canan
Habibe rahman
Bo xweda serhildan
U bo xweda berxuwdan
Wan xarbiyan çaw berdan
Ser oleme kır dakan
Me xistin bin hestran
Me xistin bin destan
Şer dıkın bı çek
Hıldıkın tek tek
Şiyar bun naha ,
Rakırın Ve car
Danin şere sar
Wan pisse kufar
Ciwanan jehrdıkın
İslame radıkın
Xuwda nahelıne
Tırbe wan bıkoline
İslame jin bikin
Gele xwe jir bikin
Doza xwe avabıkın
Van pisse kuffar
New me der bıkın
Nuxwazın berdın
Bin deste kuffar
Kuffare xunxar
Me kır hevale
Xwudaye kahhar
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:24PM +0100
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"Tanganmu sedang mengukir sebuah sejarah. Sejarah perjuangan
umat, sejarah menegakkan cita-cita dan agama.Benang yang engkau
sumbangkan itu telah memperindahkan sulaman dari umat ini." -As Syahid
Imam Hassan Al Banna
Dan berjihadlah kamu di jalan Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya.Dia telah memilih kamu, dan Dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama. (Surah al-Hajj ayat 78)
Maka,tetaplah dalam hati wahai Jundullah.
"Jari yang mengangkat tasyahud ini tidak akan tunduk pada taghut!"
فتح من الله ونصر قريب
Jun 30th 2013, 19:45
"Tanganmu sedang mengukir sebuah sejarah. Sejarah perjuangan
umat, sejarah menegakkan cita-cita dan agama.Benang yang engkau
sumbangkan itu telah memperindahkan sulaman dari umat ini." -As Syahid
Imam Hassan Al Banna
Dan berjihadlah kamu di jalan Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya.Dia telah memilih kamu, dan Dia tidak menjadikan kesukaran untukmu dalam agama. (Surah al-Hajj ayat 78)
Maka,tetaplah dalam hati wahai Jundullah.
"Jari yang mengangkat tasyahud ini tidak akan tunduk pada taghut!"
فتح من الله ونصر قريب
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:24PM +0100
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Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:
„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.
{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]
{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.
Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.
{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):
Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.
{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]
Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.
{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]
{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]
Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.
{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]
{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]
{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"
[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20]
Jun 30th 2013, 20:19
Shaykh 'Abdul-Hakam al-Qahtani sagte:
„Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer den großen Schirk begeht, ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, außer dem, der gezwungen ist, während sein Herz ruhig im Iman ist. Und wir machen keine Unterscheidung zwischen den Handlungen, wenn jemand den Schirk begeht. Und der Qur'an urteilt nicht mit den Namen (Muschrik, Kafir, Murtad…), mit Ausnahme wenn die Handlung vorkommt. Also der Qur'an verbindet das Urteil mit den Namen, wie Muschrik und Kafir, alleine auf Grund der Handlungen des Schirk und Kufr.
{und er stellt Allah andere als Seinesgleichen zur Seite, um (die Menschen) von Seinem Weg ab in die Irre zu führen. Sprich: „Genieße deinen Kufr ein wenig; du gehörst ja zu den Insassen des (Höllen)feuers."} [39:8]
{Und wer neben Allah einen anderen Angebeteten anruft, für den er keinen Beweis hat, dessen Abrechnung liegt nur bei seinem Herrn. Gewiss, den Kafirun wird es nicht wohl ergehen.} [23:117]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass es keine Entschuldigung durch Jahl [Unwissenheit], Ta'wil [falsche Interpretation], Ijtihad [Anstrengung ein Urteil zu fällen bzw. die Wahrheit zu finden] oder Taqlid [blindes Befolgen] gibt, wenn es zum Kufr im Asluddin und zum großen Schirk kommt. Und dies steht durch die Rechtleitung des Buches, die Sunnah, dem Konsens und der (einzig) richtigen Meinung fest.
Und dies ist im Bezug auf die Urteile der Dunya [Diesseits]. Aber was im Bezug auf die Bestrafung hinsichtlich der Akhirah [Jenseits] ist, darin mischen wir uns nicht ein, denn dies ist zwischen Allah und Seinem Diener. Um genau zu sein, haben wir Gewissheit, dass Allah niemanden bestrafen wird, solange die Hujjah [also die Argumente] der Risalah [Botschaft] nicht gegen ihn aufgestellt sind.
{Und Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben (mit der Botschaft).} [17:15]
Und wir haben Gewissheit, dass wer auch immer die Muschrikin mit irgendeinem dieser (vorher aufgezählten) Sachen entschuldigt, dass er ein Muschrik und Kafir ist, und dies aus folgenden (Gründen):
Erstens: Dass er keine Lossagung gegenüber dem Taghut vollzogen hat. Und gewiss, der Kufr gegen den Taghut beinhaltet den Takfir auf ihn und den Takfir auf seine Anhänger, die Muschrikin.
{Wer also dem Taghut Kufr entgegenbringt und an Allah Iman hat, so hat er den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend und Allwissend.} [2:256]
Zweitens: Dass er mit den Anhängern des Schirk unweigerlich in ein Bündnis (Loyalität) tritt, weil er über diese Muschrikin mit dem Iman urteilt, so hat er sich selber und andere dazu verpflichtet mit ihnen loyal zu sein.
{Und diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [8:73]
{Die gläubigen Männer und Frauen sind einer des anderen Awliyah.} [9:71]
Drittens: Dass er über Allah und Seinen Gesandten lügt, indem er für jemanden den Iman bezeugt, welchen der Qur'an zum Kafir erklärt hat.
{Doch, mit Sicherheit! Bereits kamen zu dir Meine Ayat [Zeichen und Beweise] dann hast du sie geleugnet, dich in Arroganz erhoben und warst von den Kafirin.} [39:59]
{Nur die Kafirun verleugnen Unsere Ayat.} [29:47]
{Und Unsere Ayat verleugnet nur jeder sehr Treulose und sehr Undankbare.} [31:32]"
[Hadha Dinuna, Seite 19-20]
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:23PM +0100
Search Facebook salafisten
Search Facebook salafisten
Irgendwie witzig, dass die einzigen radikalen Islamisten, die sich bei uns rumtreiben und ihre vergiftete Ideologie rum posaunen, immer nur Hizb ut-Tahrir-Anhänger sind...
Jun 30th 2013, 19:15
Irgendwie witzig, dass die einzigen radikalen Islamisten, die sich bei uns rumtreiben und ihre vergiftete Ideologie rum posaunen, immer nur Hizb ut-Tahrir-Anhänger sind...
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:23PM +0100
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Search Facebook salafisten
Ok, schlechte Nachrichten!!
Syrische Terroristen brachten Zivilen Hubschrauber zum Absturz!
Wisst ihr mit welchen Waffen? Mit den Waffen die sie von der NATO geliefert bekommen!! NATO Danke für eure "Demokratie!"!!!
Damaskus (SANA/IRIB) Die Terroristen in Syrien haben am Sonntag einen Hubschrauber in der Umgebung von Aleppo zum Absturz gebracht.
Die Passagiere waren alle Beamten der Behörde für Bildung und wollten den Schülern der Städte Nabal und al-Zahra, die die Arbeit für die Schule nicht mitschreiben konnten, die Arbeitsblätter reichen. In der Stadt Nabal, in der Umgebung von Aleppo, wurde der Hubschrauber Zielscheibe der Schüsse und stürzte anschließend ab. Alle sieben Beamten samt Crew kamen ums Leben.
Die zuständigen Beamten in den Städten Nabal und al-Zahra wurden nach einer Absprache mit dem Bildungsministerium dazu angewiesen, den Schülern die Prüfung zu ermöglichen. Damit wollte das Ministerium den Terroristen zeigen, dass es das Ziel erreicht habe, so ein Verantwortlicher des Bildungsministeriums.
Quelle: Iran German Radio
Jun 30th 2013, 20:07
Ok, schlechte Nachrichten!!
Syrische Terroristen brachten Zivilen Hubschrauber zum Absturz!
Wisst ihr mit welchen Waffen? Mit den Waffen die sie von der NATO geliefert bekommen!! NATO Danke für eure "Demokratie!"!!!
Damaskus (SANA/IRIB) Die Terroristen in Syrien haben am Sonntag einen Hubschrauber in der Umgebung von Aleppo zum Absturz gebracht.
Die Passagiere waren alle Beamten der Behörde für Bildung und wollten den Schülern der Städte Nabal und al-Zahra, die die Arbeit für die Schule nicht mitschreiben konnten, die Arbeitsblätter reichen. In der Stadt Nabal, in der Umgebung von Aleppo, wurde der Hubschrauber Zielscheibe der Schüsse und stürzte anschließend ab. Alle sieben Beamten samt Crew kamen ums Leben.
Die zuständigen Beamten in den Städten Nabal und al-Zahra wurden nach einer Absprache mit dem Bildungsministerium dazu angewiesen, den Schülern die Prüfung zu ermöglichen. Damit wollte das Ministerium den Terroristen zeigen, dass es das Ziel erreicht habe, so ein Verantwortlicher des Bildungsministeriums.
Quelle: Iran German Radio
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- Blogtrottr <> Jun 30 10:12PM +0100
Search Facebook kafir
Search Facebook kafir
Sa kapendaw'ah pidtalo na dkena langun a penda'wan nengka na maginugot aden anto madtalo na isa, eh si kwana penda'wah dn pedtandangna ika pay mga suldi nan, ikapa e kaluma nina, ikapan e mga wata nina ka dibun pagintulan sa agama, pegkakadaw bun, dibun pamedsambayang.So kapenda'wah nadkena ya kahanda e endo nengka makapawnut e taw ogaid na ya hikma na endo nengka makasampay so katigan a ebpun kanu Allah endo kanu Sugo Nin SAWS, diden makabago e aden kanu lusuda pamilya e dili maginuntolan ka so Nabie Lut AS na mismo a kaluma nin e dala pangimbenal, meto bun so Nabie Noah,kaluma nin bun endo wata nin, taman ko Nabie Muhammad SAWS na so mga baba nin e dala pamaginugot sa lekanin... So kapenda'wah na usto dEn e nakatapenay nengka ko lusuda walaytaman ko mga pagali na luden kanilan o palityala atawa dili tupan ka lyo kadEn banto kanu kanda'wah ogaid na dika temebped so unayan nu kabpagalya,ka inisapal nu Allahotaala sa apia kafir pan so lukes atawa pagali.. . Di makaludep sa surga so taw a temebped kanu unayanu kabpagaliya
Jun 30th 2013, 20:14
Sa kapendaw'ah pidtalo na dkena langun a penda'wan nengka na maginugot aden anto madtalo na isa, eh si kwana penda'wah dn pedtandangna ika pay mga suldi nan, ikapa e kaluma nina, ikapan e mga wata nina ka dibun pagintulan sa agama, pegkakadaw bun, dibun pamedsambayang.So kapenda'wah nadkena ya kahanda e endo nengka makapawnut e taw ogaid na ya hikma na endo nengka makasampay so katigan a ebpun kanu Allah endo kanu Sugo Nin SAWS, diden makabago e aden kanu lusuda pamilya e dili maginuntolan ka so Nabie Lut AS na mismo a kaluma nin e dala pangimbenal, meto bun so Nabie Noah,kaluma nin bun endo wata nin, taman ko Nabie Muhammad SAWS na so mga baba nin e dala pamaginugot sa lekanin... So kapenda'wah na usto dEn e nakatapenay nengka ko lusuda walaytaman ko mga pagali na luden kanilan o palityala atawa dili tupan ka lyo kadEn banto kanu kanda'wah ogaid na dika temebped so unayan nu kabpagalya,ka inisapal nu Allahotaala sa apia kafir pan so lukes atawa pagali.. . Di makaludep sa surga so taw a temebped kanu unayanu kabpagaliya
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